#Post Season 8
bleepzip · 5 months
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photo booth date 🤍
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torveiglyart · 4 months
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A continuation of my post season 8 Black Paladin Lance AU. I’m trying to keep things close to canon with the other characters but am open to divergent suggestions.
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soulvtude · 4 months
keith and lance have a tradition where they give each other a bouquet with their favourite coloured flowers (red flowers for keith, blue flowers for lance) and then they swap one flower with each other and put it in the middle of their bouquets.
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desolate-room · 5 months
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the ending i always wanted them to have
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christinapotter09 · 1 year
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“My dear cousin is back, alive and well, the man who united us all before the Long Night.’ she added, reminding the truth to all those who had easily and conveniently forgotten… ‘Arya would have been so happy to see him back.’ she added, forcing even the few who couldn’t disguise their displeasure to finally nod their heads, even out of courtesy in this game she knew so well, even the ones who belonged in her council.
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destroyerofnations92 · 5 months
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amidst salt and smoke
It has been seven years since Bran the Broken was named Lord of the Six Kingdoms, and Tyrion Lannister has rebuilt the realm, bringing forth peace and change. However, tensions with the independent Kingdom of the North and the Lords Paramount endanger the prosperity created by the Lannister lord’s Handship, as does the Hand’s own instability—for he dreams of those he has lost. What is real and what is not?
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bluemantics · 2 years
New Klance Fic!!
a billion light years from here
T, ongoing
Keith and Lance reconnect over letters. Through their writing, Keith learns to open up, and Lance learns what a home is.
"For all the game I talked on the castleship about missing home, now that I’m back on my family farm, I kind of feel like there’s something missing. Like, even surrounded by all of the juniberry flowers Allura gave us, and even with my parents, I still feel lonely. Or restless."
Or: A post s-8 fix-it AU told entirely through letters between Lance and Keith, both sent and unsent.
Read the fic:
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lemonpi39 · 2 years
Chapter 3 is up!
I always feel terribly anxious before making a tumblr post and I don't know why. Do people post a link everytime they update or just when they post the first chapter? Am I exaggerating?
Anyway, I just thought that if you read the first chapter (and second, that took a thousand years to write) I would let you know chapter 3 is up.
Once again thank you everyone who reblogs, leave kudos, everything. I love you.
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Vld drunk HC
- So bc I don't condone and support underage drinking i will be opting out Pidge and focusing on the others post season 8 (and idk they're cannon ages but let's say Lance, Hunk, and Keith are either 21 or 21+)
- Light weight. As soon as alcohol hits his system he feels the heat on his face and he is fighting to stand straight
- no filter. This man will be rude af to you and not care
- fav drink is a fruity bubbly (is good trust me)
- Adam had to carry him home more times than he will say
- lightweight. Light. Weight.
- acts all tough around hard liquor but come on
- fav drink is a green tea shot (and pickle shot)
- he gets really good at flirting but falls asleep v quickly
- holds his liquor v well
- is a wine cannasseur
- nothing about his demeanor really changes but he gets more protective of people he cares about (keith)
- knows his limits unlike some other paladins
- fav drink is vodka soda
- not a big drinker but can handle anything you throw his way
- has a huge collection of hard liquor and doesn't even make a face when he takes a shot
- high tolerance but will fall quickly when he reaches it
- doesn't get drunk cause he chuggs that water and eats snacks as he drinks
- fav drink long Island iced tea
- straight bourbon and whiskey
- never had been drunk or hungover
- will drink a bar and be up at 6am the next day as if nothing happened
- fav drink brown sugar bourban shot
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Baby Blues
Part 1
Keith and Lance have gotten the sudden news of a baby available for their adoption. All the excitement of starting a new family has began to turn into an anxiety for Keith.
A/N: I really like writing soft, cute family stuff like this, it just brings my heart so much joy. This is entirely a fluff fic written for funsies please don’t be gross. Enjoy!!
Keith’s heart was hammering, He couldn’t calm down. The stress and anxiety he felt couldn’t be calmed. He bit down on his hand, nearly chipping his teeth on the blue wedding band that sat there. The events of the last night were swimming in his head.
They had been sitting at the kitchen table when the phone rang, a baby was available for adoption. The news had made Lance drop the mug he was holding out of excitement. Keith had all but jumped into his arms as they spun around, carefully avoiding the broken mug on the floor, full of joy at the knowledge that they would soon be a family. Just as soon as they had the mug shards cleaned and were in their good clothes the two of them hopped in the car and began to drive three states over. All the joy had began to swirl into pure dread.
His husband reached out a hand to his. Turning to look at him with those calm blue eyes he knew so well. “It’s okay to be nervous.” Lance whispered. Keith looked down. “I know- I just” He stopped himself for a second out of fear of crying “I just don’t want to mess it all up”
He felt Lance’s hand caress his face “We’re not going to, You’re not going to”
Keith did all he could to hold back tears, “What if I’m just like my mom—”
“Badass and hot? You already got that down pat.”
“No- what. Lance gross. I mean jumping ship when things get tough and leaving you and the child alone.”
“Babe, these feelings are valid. But may I remind you, your mom didn’t leave you because things got though or stressful. She left to protect you. She did the hardest thing imaginable out of love. She was able to come back into your life wasn’t she? Give Kerolia a little credit” Lance started
Keith ducked down further “I know but- what if that urge strikes me?”
Lance leaned into kiss Keith gently, “Well, you are not your mother. You’re Keith Kogane, a man who saved the universe. You can handle being a father. I believe in you. You’re one of the most competent men I know.”
Keith blushed, the flattery was nice. Although he still was super skeptical.
Lance continued “Plus you’re literally amazing with my sister’s kids. Like c’mon Silvio basically warships you and you didn’t even have to TRY. So please give yourself a little credit and believe that you might be good at this. For me?”
Keith nestled his neck into Lance’s shoulder. “How are you so calm about this.” He asked “This is probably one of the biggest things that can ever happen to us.”
Lance sighed and smoothed over Keith’s hair.
“I’m not. I’m terrified to tell you the truth. But there’s two of us and we’ll try our very best.” He smiled “Do you think we’re going to be any good at this?”
Keith leaned in closer. “I have no idea” he sighed “but we’ll figure it out.”
“That’s the man I married” Lance said with a contented smile, he gave Keith a kiss on the forehead “Now let’s go, we’re already late.”
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xxlittle0birdxx · 1 year
Arya took a sip of water, and settled on one of the stone benches that ringed the yard. ‘Where’s Gendry?’ she asked quietly. ‘All the other Stormlands lords are here, but not him. Did he throw it all away after all?’
‘No.’ Brienne dropped next to Arya, and stretched her feet out in front of them. Her thoughts drifted toward Storm's End and its lord. The last time she'd seen him, he'd barely been able to form answers of more than one word, and even that proved challenging. ‘The past few months have been difficult,’ she allowed.
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bleepzip · 5 months
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bellemorte79 · 1 month
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Tyrion Lannister/Sansa Stark Characters: Tyrion Lannister, Sansa Stark Additional Tags: Ficlet Summary:
Light and playful fluff that takes place in a Post Season 8 world where Tyrion is in the North on a "diplomatic" visit.
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kamryn1963 · 2 months
Summary: Kim knew if anyone understood what she was going through it was Al.
I'm taking a couple day break from my current WIP (So Long, London) but I got this idea last night and had to write it.
Set sometime in season 9 after the events of 8x16 and Kim being shot.
TW: Past suicide attempt is talked about in detail
Kim couldn’t sleep, couldn’t calm her racing mind, couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened or the bandages on her abdomen. She didn’t remember doing it but soon she was getting out of bed, leaving a note for Adam and driving to Al’s apartment. Now she was sitting on his couch at midnight as he made them both coffee. 
“I’m sorry for just showing up like this”. Kim apologized as Al came back into the room and handed her one of the coffee mugs as he sat down on the couch next to her with his own mug. 
“It’s okay. Clearly I wasn’t sleeping”. Al replied as he gestured to the paused movie on the TV and his journal out on the table. 
“Yeah but it’s midnight. Not the time I should just be showing up on people's doorsteps with my problems”. Kim said bitterly.
Kim hated that everyone was constantly worrying about her but she knew showing up at Al’s place at midnight was just going to cause people to worry about her more instead of less like she wanted. 
“Burgess, I don’t mind at all. If I didn’t want you here I wouldn’t have let you in”. Al responded as he turned to look at her. He took in the dark bags under her eyes and the exhaustion etched into her features. It was like looking in a mirror. 
Kim laughed but it sounded fake even to her own ears. She knew why she was here, Al would understand what was going through her mind, the trauma she experienced better than anyone in this unit. Kim didn’t know how to say that. Didn’t want to make Al relive his own trauma for her. 
“Can I ask why you're here though?” Al asked after almost ten minutes of silence. He didn’t want to push her but he wanted to make sure nobody was in serious danger or something. 
Kim hesitated but she knew that after showing up here suddenly, the least she could do was tell him why. 
“I thought you’d understand. How I feel. Adam and Kevin are trying to help and I know they mean well that they’ve had their lives in danger before. But they can’t fully understand. Can’t understand how it feels to lay there and wait to die”. 
“But I do.” Al filled in what she didn’t say. The part that was implied. 
“But you do”. Kim agreed. 
Al didn’t say anything for a moment, just sipped his coffee and stared off into space. Kim could see the emotions in his eyes. The tears that filled his eyes but before she could speak, tell him it was okay and he didn’t need to say anything, Al spoke again his voice quiet and distant. Haunted. 
“Do you know I tried to kill myself after I was stabbed? It was about a week after I got out of the hospital”. Al asked but it was a rhetorical question. There was no way Kim could’ve known. The only people that knew were Hank, Trudy and his therapist. 
“You what? Al..” Kim didn’t know what she expected Al to say. But it wasn’t that. She didn’t know that, didn’t even suspect things had been that bad for her partner back then. Sure Kim knew he hadn’t been doing well mentally or physically, but never did she think that. 
“Yeah. Hank and Trudy found me on the roof of the district. I was drunk but it was pretty clear what I was going to do intoxicated or not. I wrote the notes sober”. Al responded, his voice still distant and Kim saw the first tear fall. 
“They stopped me obviously. Talking didn’t work, and I had a foot off the ledge when Hank pulled me back. I was fighting him though, fighting Trudy, and Hank had to use his handcuffs to just get me to stop fighting. I ended up passing out at some point on the walk back to the car”. Al continued. He was crying more now. 
“I woke up In Hank’s spare room handcuffed to the bedframe with Trudy next to me watching me like a hawk. Hank had me on suicide watch for the next week and got me in with a therapist two days later. Let me tell you, suicide watch with Hank and Trudy was not a fun time at all. I do not recommend it”. Al trailed off again and Kim could see more and more tears streaming down his face. She was crying too. 
“It was bad Kim. I wasn’t doing well at all.. The nights were always the worst. I couldn’t sleep. I just laid awake replaying that day in my mind over and over again. Being arrested, being stabbed, thinking that was the end. But I woke up again and was thrown back into my life like I should be able to just live again after everything that happened”. Al took a deep breath as he wiped furiously at the tears on his face and turned back to face her. 
“It feels like everyones moved on and I’m stuck here unable to move because I can’t get past that day”. Kim said and Al nodded as he grabbed her hand in his. 
“It did for me too. And I know you’ve heard it before, but it does get better. You get past that day. It takes time and effort and it’s hell, but you live again”. Al responded and for the first time since she was shot and fought to survive, Kim actually believed that it might get better. 
“I don’t know if I’m ready for the fight ahead. I want to get better, I do. For Makayla and Adam and you and maybe even myself. But I’m so tired”. Kim was crying more now and Al pulled her into a hug as she cried. 
“I wasn’t either. On the second day I woke up after my attempt in Hank’s house, I overheard Hank and Trudy talking about me downstairs and all I really heard was the fear and worry in their voices as they talked about finding me and what I tried to do. That and knowing I couldn’t abandon Michelle so soon after finding her, made me do it, made me fight. It wasn’t for me until later, when I realized maybe I wanted to live. And now I have a wonderful granddaughter I wouldn’t have met if I didn’t fight”. 
Kim pulled away a little with a small smile as she thought about Mak and how much Mak had saved her. Kim wanted to see her grow up knowing that, similar to Al, she couldn’t abandon Makayla. Couldn’t make her lose another mom. 
“You're doing okay now, right?” Kim asked suddenly as she looked at Al. hearing about his suicide attempt had caused more worried and concerns in her mind. 
“I am. I’m still in therapy weekly and it helps a lot. Not just dealing with the stabbing but all the other shit I’ve seen and done but never worked through. It might be too soon for you right now, Kim, but therapy is available whenever you're ready”. Al said. He knew he wouldn’t have gotten therapy if Hank and Trudy hadn’t forced him. Al’s choices had been he got a therapist or they took him to the hospital so Al didn’t have much of a choice. 
“I’ll definitely look into it. And thank you, Al for listening”. Kim said sincerely. This helped more than she could put into words. 
“I’m pretty sure I just burdened you with my trauma more than I offered advice”. Al remarked which got him a swat on the shoulder. 
“You helped me. Hearing your experience helped”. Kim responded and Al chuckled as he raised his hands in surrender. 
“I’m glad to hear that”. Al said with a smile.
 Silence came back over the room but neither of them broke it. Kim was glad she came here. She hoped this helped Al some too. Because it had definitely helped Kim. She knew he’d understand.
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moonylouwho · 3 months
eddie diaz count your fucking days
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christinapotter09 · 1 year
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‘Why are you here, Jon?’ She had been open with him, he had learnt from her lips all that he should have known in the past year through letters, all that could have been avoided if he had returned on time. He pushed the guilt aside, the worry and the fury for what he had learnt, the pain for what he had done to her and the pain for what she had done to him, nothing mattered anymore. 
'You,' Jon replied gently. 'I am here for you.' he added, looking deep into Sansa’s eyes.
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