#green bayard
torveiglyart · 4 months
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A continuation of my post season 8 Black Paladin Lance AU. I’m trying to keep things close to canon with the other characters but am open to divergent suggestions.
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askmeanjudge · 29 days
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alluraaaa · 5 months
question for all voltron likers because i’m curious
bonus question for the tags: what would ur bayard be
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mushed-kid · 19 days
i wanna hear about ur oc :3 for voltron :3 pls :3
yay okay! :- )
so i made him to fit in a story with some friends (@razatronz @gilyoungroach @seypia @nikogane) yippie i love having friends and i love voltron and i love having fun!!!
Marb so far:
- His actual name is Mypvsarbb (his parents might’ve hated him idk)🪪
- His younger brother Dazz (@razatronz’s oc) came up with the nickname Marb, and that’s what he goes by🧍‍♂️🧍
- He has a twin sister called Ari (a much normaler name, which supports the ‘his parents hated him’ theory)👯
- He’s altean, and his facemarks are green because of a rare genetic disorder ❇️
- He’s the yellow paladin of voltron🦁
- His bayard is claws (very violent tbh)💅
- He has a cat called Crystal, that he can communicate with (think allura and the mice)🐱
- He grew up with his family in an altean colony controlled by the galran empire. One day they manage to escape in a spaceship, and they travel around exploring different cultures and planets🛸
- One day the planet they’re on is attacked by the galra. Marb and Dazz managed to escape in a ship, but their parents and Ari are captured by the galra🪤
- His goal when he joins voltron is to get his family back, he believes they weren’t killed so he’s determined to save them⛓️‍💥
- He loves his brother a lot and he’s sorta freaking out because he’s older, and now without their parents around, he suddenly has to step up (he’s a teenager how is he supposed to protect his brother as they fight in a space war wtf) 😨
- uhh he’s kinda gay and weird🏳️‍🌈
- He’s like. has a small drinking problem but nothing serious🍾
- He has a permanent blush on his cheeks and ears okay that’s just how he looks 🤭
That’s about all i know about him now :- )
i like him. i think my favorite thing about him is that he’s Dazz’s brother tbh but i think that’s because i like raz. Oh wait, i like his bayard being claws, that’s cool.
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soulreapin · 7 months
Anyways, *points gun to Keith in Galra form* 🔫🔫 tell me your angsty Voltron Team headcanons or he gets sprayed. with water.
hm. hm. see i don’t actually think about keith angst that much despite championing ruining his life
he’s in a lot of pain. always. both mentally and physically because of how often he took beatings in the BoM and as the black paladin that never healed properly or healed at all.
keith hates to say it or even think about it but he can never look at shiro without first thinking this is not my brother and fight or flight grips him for a second until he pauses and actually looks and sees him.
nightmares are infrequent but insomnia and sleep paralysis are.
has horrible imposter syndrome all the way from becoming the red paladin to ending the war, and even after that. because why on gods green earth was it him, the minute he makes a mistake theyre going to realize he isnt cut out for this and they’ll boot him off to space.
permanent carpal tunnel from holding a blaster or bayard for hours on end. even the healing pods couldnt fix it.
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crystal-rebellion · 6 months
Shop Update!
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These two little standees have now popped in! (Someday I'll be able to take a level picture.)
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And these little guys are 1" pixel art bayard pins on black acrylic! All 7 Paladins, reporting for duty! (From left to right on the set of 7 at the top: Purple, Blue, Red, Black, Green, Yellow and Pink Bayard. Below is a close up of the Black Bayard)
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There's also still prints!
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Shop: ✨https://crystalrebellion.bigcartel.com/
(Also I have a website too now. I want more neocities friends!! https://crystalrebellion.neocities.org/)
(Thank you to everyone for all your kind words and support! 💖)
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murillo-enthusiast · 2 months
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This is becoming untenable.
Instead of replying individually to all the recent additions to this farce that I have become aware of, I shall document them here.
@trauma-and-truffles - look
@le-fils - he
@le-bayard-polonaise - hearts
@le-dieu-mars - up
@chicksncash - eat
@le-brave-des-braves - ravioli
My... thanks for informing me of the new additions.
Riddle observations: Red: Austrians, ass/Murat, go, hot, cracker, wife, yay, oysters, :), brainrot, cutting, eat, tub, shin,disgusting, burning paper... Green: I, ravioli, would(3/2?), eat, 32, admire, afar, hearts, everyone, look, when(?)/he, ever, up, in
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scattered-winter · 1 year
You know, another thing that always bugged me about VLD is the shape Keith’s Bayard takes.
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People always calls it a sword, but honestly it’s more similar to a katar, a type of Indian push dagger. Which is the same overall design as Pidge’s Bayard.
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It’s weird that Pidge and Keith both use the same weapon as the base for the form their Bayards take, but Pidge’s has a lot more utility with both its grappling hook and taser functions.
YEAHHH I've noticed how keith's bayard is a katar (ancient weaponry autism go brrrr) and I actually think that works really, really, really well for him. (I'm drawing from Autism Research that I did several years ago so I may be misremembering in which case I'm sorry </3) but iirc, a katar has a lot of power in the forward thrust (because the blade is lined up with the user's arm, so he can put his whole weight into a thrust) but they can also be used for swinging/slashing which is generally what keith's fighting style tends to lean toward. additionally, because traditional katar don't really have a lot of blocking protection on the hilt (unlike a zweihander, for example, which has a pretty useful crossguard) for someone to use a katar they have to be pretty quick and light on their feet to compensate for not having as many defensible qualities. which sounds a lot like keith's fighting style to me. katar are pretty versatile and rely on the intensity and power of their design/technique to punch through an opponent's armor and take them down as efficiently as possible, which just fits keith soooooooo well imo
and for pidge, I also really like her bayard because it reflects her personality and fighting style incredibly well, too. it's probably one of the most versatile weapons used in the entire show with its grappling hook, and the taser adds another range of uses (there's the obvious shocking, but I also remember seeing her use it to cut through hulls and things like that) and for a green paladin who thinks outside the box, a weapon that can be used in so many ways works so well. to address the similarities between pidge's and keith's, I actually think it might just be because of the shape of the bayards themselves. the only other two bayards we see take gun forms, so pidge and keith are the only ones with melee weapons which makes it hard to really tell if that handle shape is the norm for bayards or if it's just their unique personalities. but regardless, the H-shaped handle (the main characteristic in katar) is what all the bayards have in their dormant forms, so it might just be a matter of functionality that the handles for keith and pidge's weapons are also H-shaped
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the-weirdos-mind · 7 months
The Old Paladins
The former Paladins of the Lions. They were a strong group of people who fought against many enemies. Sadly many of them met their demise against Chernabog.
Black: Sora
Bayard Weapon: Keyblade
The former Paladin of the Black Lion was a leader with a strong and caring heart. He was a good friend to Donald and Goofy and continued being their friend after being chosen by Black. As a leader, he heard out everyone’s opinions and did what was best for the team. At times he could get impatient in battle. He was betrayed by the Red Paladin and fought him after Yellow was killed. Before dying he uttered that he forgives them.
Red: Dante Grimore
Bayard Weapon: Twin Daggers
The former Paladin of the Red Lion is a force to be reckoned with in battle. He showed little to no mercy against his foes, while his leader would. He was enthusiastic and genuinely cared about the universe as his role at first but it became dull. He got orders from his father, Chernabog to kill them or do what was best. He decided to betray them. He and Sora fought hard but eventually he killed him, and turned his Lion over to his father with his own.
Green: Max Goof
Bayard Weapon: Rifle
The former Paladin the Green Lion was the only son of Goofy. His father would gladly pronounce how proud he was of his son, making him incredibly embarrassed. He was taking risks in battle while keeping a calm head. His tactics had proven to safe his comrades lives time and time again. Unfortunately he was killed by Dante’s betrayal. He was stabbed in the chest by one of his daggers as he was running to his Lion to save everyone. Before he died, he told Green to flee, and that’s what they did.
Yellow: Kairi
Bayard Weapon: Bow and Arrow
The former Paladin of the Yellow Lion was the sweetest girl around. She was always telling her fellow Paladins to get rest when needed and befriending the locals on the planets they visited. Everyone could see there was something between her and Sora. When in battle, she would do anything she could do to protect her friends. Sadly she met a horrible end by Dante’s hand. She was shot by a Demon soldier in front of Sora. He held her as she died a slow and painful death.
Blue: Darling Crowley
Bayard Weapon: Swords
The former Paladin of the Blue Lion is a cunning and caring girl. She worked hard as her role of Paladin. Her father Dire, was extremely proud of his daughter. When it came to battle, she was good at it. When Dante betrayed the others, she was quick to escape in Blue after seeing her comrades die. She fled to Earth and hid Blue in a spot she deemed secure. She disguised herself as a human and left clues, puzzles and scrambles for the rest of the universe to find her location. She got a job as a pilot team at Black Pearl and taught the cadets how to fly spacecraft. Thirty years after her disappearance she was discovered by the new Paladins and teaches them.
Dante belongs to @writing-heiress
Darling belongs to @marrondrawsalot
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @anxious-twisted-vampire @abyssthing198
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torveiglyart · 3 months
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I had this idea that when the paladins are really connected to their lions and they’re in mortal danger or something, the lion can actually take over the paladin. This would only be in dire situations as the rush of quintessence from the lion would do irreversible damage to the paladin, but would save them (or someone else) from certain death. Of course I used Lance as a basis for this, because he’s the paladin I know how to draw best, and the Red-Blue double channeling looks cool. Being a puppet for two lions at the same time would probably kill him though. I also couldn’t decide on the regular white armor or a blackout version.
I was thinking something like this:
The paladins are infiltrating an Empire land base and got split up. Lance and Allura got caught up with a ton of sentries but were able to destroy them and are headed back to the Green Lions as per pidge’s instruction, when out of a corner comes (Insert Galra character). They are forced to fight more, but are already exhausted from the dozens of sentries prior. During the fight, Allura gets harmed enough to be down for the count, leaving an angry Lance to deal with their opponent. In his desperation, exhaustion, and rage, the Red Lion takes over. The next thing Lance knows is that he’s waking up from a pod and falling into Hunk’s arms. The team congrats him on his bayard upgrade, but Lance has no idea what they’re talking about. They claim he was shifting his bayard fluidly mid fight and was able to use their bayard forms as well. Lance denies it, saying at one moment he was fighting with his broadsword, the next he was waking up in a pod. They spend the next few quintants trying to figure out what happened, why Lance’s armor is now red and blue tie-dye (But normal white with no stars), and why Lance has burned-in lines under his skin.
I have way too much time on my hands but I hope you all enjoy it 😂. I’ll probably draw the side effects next week because I’m going on vacation this weekend. It’s my sister’s birthday and we’re going to Disney to meet her and spend it with her. I’m so excited! I’ve been to Disney A TON but I could never get tired of it. One time in September 2020, y’know, covid, my dad got us a week stay at one of the resorts and my brother and I did our online school from the hotel rooms. Even though we didn’t do any parks, it was still a great ‘stay-cation’. Disney holds a lot of nostalgia for me and my family, so every trip is another addition to the memory book. Okay, okay, I’ll stop with the Disney stuff now. Hope you all liked my idea!
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justmultifandom · 9 months
Kidge winter event
Day 3: Christmas gifts
Keith had lived in the desert his whole life, the only people he knew were his teachers or classmates before Shiro, so being welcomed and immersed in what they called Christmas cheer was strange to him. Living in the desert meant no snow, no Christmas tree, no presents after his father's death and very small, inexpensive things before that. That's why when Lance, after looking at the space calendar created by Pidge and Hunk, jumped on the spot noticing that we were close to Christmas, he certainly didn't waste time explaining everything to Coran and Allura. Both were very excited about the idea of celebrating an important Earth custom like that, in fact they immediately ran to the space mall to get some things.
“Okay guys! I want you with bags full of decorations and gifts!”: Lance had said, and in fact that's what Keith did. He had bought, well… stolen inexpensive items that he was sure would like, yet he felt ashamed when he saw others with two or three bags full of food, objects or decorations, when everything he had taken he had hidden in his large trouser pockets .
He watched the rest of the progress from afar, leaning against the wall or training. Sometimes he caught Hunk in the kitchen trying to create some space variation similar to Earth's Christmas desserts, other times he saw Pidge intent on genetically modifying some space plant in order to create a real Christmas tree, not to mention the fact that he often met in the corridors with Lance while he tried to hang something similar to mistletoe on the ceiling…
All of this was so damn strange to him and… he felt somehow left out. Sure, the paladins were his family now, even if in Lance's case he had preferred they weren't, but in that moment everything and everyone seemed so distant. Sometimes Shiro would give him a quick check-up to see if he was okay, but each time it happened less and less, perhaps Lance was dragging him into the Christmas cheer that everyone was used to. Everyone except him.
Many times Keith had wondered that if his father hadn't thrown himself into that fire many years earlier, perhaps he would be different than he is now, or perhaps not. After all, with or without his father, he had grown up alone in the desert.
When he arrived that day, for a moment he felt like a ghost. Everyone got up with joy and started the celebrations right from breakfast. He sat on the other side of the table silently eating the strange sticky substance while on the other side laughter and the sound of tearing paper filled his silence. He got up immediately afterwards and headed towards the training room. He discovered that fighting made him feel good in a certain way: he felt alive and relaxed, perhaps this also had to do with the symbol on his mother's knife. The Altean gladiator descended from the ceiling and began deftly swinging its spear as he made the bayard appear in his hand, ready to dodge, defend or strike.
They didn't stop even when the door to the training room opened and a figure entered and then sat down on the cold floor near the wall.
“What do you want, Pidge?”: Keith asked annoyed, giving the robot another blow with his sword.
“I'm just here to give you something, you ran away before I could…”: she replied, showing a small red package in her hands.
He didn't respond, continuing to fight and then stepping back to keep his distance and give himself a few seconds' break.
“I'm pretty busy right now…”: he growled, lunging forward at the robot.
“Don't worry, I can wait”: she replied with a shrug, watching the whole fight with interest.
Keith turned his gaze momentarily to look at her, and for a moment he wondered what was so interesting about a stupid fight. Well, obviously, Pidge was the green paladin, the most logical, curious and courageous: everything he saw, for her was a source of inspiration, a teaching and there was nothing that her sharp eyes couldn't perceive. That's why he was so attracted to her. Her decision-making ability, physical and mental strength, intelligence and tenacity made her an excellent companion in battle and a strong warrior.
When Keith finally brought the robot down with one last blow, he sat down next to her and she handed him the towel.
“Thank you”: he said, wiping his sweaty face.
“You're welcome”: she smiled, then handing him the gift when he had finished: “For you…”
“Oh… thank you…”: he took it carefully, delicately tearing the decorated red paper with which the gift had been carefully packaged.
“I also wanted to tell you that you are not the only one…”: she looked into his eyes for a moment. He raised an eyebrow.
"Lance organized everything...": Pidge continued: "In my family we celebrate a different Christmas than the American one with huge parties, decorations everywhere, mistletoe..."
“Oh, I see…”: he replied, focusing again on the package. When he removed the red paper, he slowly lifted the lid of the box and was surprised to see a knife carefully placed on a black pad. It was certainly made of a very precious and expensive metal and the hilt was made of leather and metal decorated with sumptuous floral embroidery.
“Wow…”: he admitted, taking it in his hand and checking the sharpness of the tip.
“I saw how fond you are of your knife, so I thought I'd give you another one…”: she said: “I know it's maybe not what you imagined, but you're always so introverted and it seemed difficult to find something suitable for you…”
"Are you joking? It's perfect!”: He smiled. One of those few sweet and rare smiles.
“I'm glad I made the right choice, it was quite difficult to steal it…”: she sighed: “That Unilu was so careful about everything!”
“I have something for you too, Pidge”: he laughed, taking a small USB stick out of his pocket and handing it to her. Her eyes lit up as soon as she saw it.
“But this is-?”: She exclaimed, stealing it from his hands: “I can't believe it! A USB stick! And it's a terrestrial model!!! Thanks Keith!”
She hugged him.
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aspenmissing · 1 year
𝙲𝚛𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝚅𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚖 (𝙿𝚝 𝟸)
Shiro is in the detainment room interrogating Sendak, who is still asleep in his pod.
"What was the first rank you held in Zarkon's army? Where did you find the Red Lion? What is the Zarkon's greatnes weakness?" Shiro hears Sendak's voice, becoming startled.
"What makes you think you can possibly defeat him?" Sendak's mouth isn't moving and he remains alseep.
"If you were to attack Zarkon, where would you strike?"
"Why strike at all when you can join him?" Shiro sees an image of Sendak awake, but the commander is still alseep.
Pidge and Hunk are in the Green Lion's hanger.
"I bet if we can modulate the dynamics of this crystal, we'll be able to reverse engineer a lot of Galra tech. Don't you think" Pidge doesn't get an answer and turns to see Hunk looking somewhere else "Hunk? Hunk, are you paying attention?"
"What?" Hunk turns around "No, I'm sorry. That whole food goo ambush really set me on edge, Pidge" Pidge walks over to the Crystal "If we can't trust food, we are lost as a culture"
"Relax. I'm sure the Castle's just glitchy. It's 10,000 years old"
"Yeah, it does seem like the ship is not currently trying to kill us.
"Okay, so, all the sensors are on the crystal. Hit the switch" Hunk goes over to the switch and before he can press anything, everything begins floating, including Hunk and Pidge "Hunk, did you accidentally hit the anti-gravity switch?"
"Uh, no. There's no anti-gravity switch. Uh, is there?" Hunk asks. Pidge tries to reach for the crystal before giving up "Curse my short arms.
"Oh, I hate those little things! All right, forget it, Pidge. I'm going to swim towards you. Just hand on!" Hunk begins to 'swim' towards Hunk, but he doesn't move "That's it. I'm all out of moves" Hunk's stomach rumbles "Oh, I'm hungry again. I hope some food goo comes oozing out of these walls"
Lance is banging on the door to the airlock.
"Help! Help! Help!"
"....12,11,10..." Keith runs around the corner, bayard in hand as the Gladiator robot is still after him "...9,8,7..." Keith is kicked back to the door.
"Keith!" Lance shouts, as Keith stands up.
"What are you doing in there?" Keith asks. Lance points the Gladiator robot that swings at Keith, who dodges.
"I need help! Because if you don't get me out of here right now, I'm going to be sucked out into space!"
"Doors opening" The Airlock doors open and Lance holds on tight.
"I'm getting sucked out into space" Keith fights the Gladiator before turning his gaze to the button for the airlock. He pushes the Gladiator back as he pushes the button with his bayard. The door opens and the Gladiator is pulled into space "Keith! Keith, come on!" Keith grabs Lance's hand and pulls him to safety, before closing the door. They sit down, breathing heavily.
"What were you doing out there?"
"Who was that guy?"
"He was trying to kill me!"
"Well, is he the Castle? Because that's who's trying to kill me!" They then hear a noise and turns to look, getting ready to attack. As it comes around the corner they go to attack, before seeing that it's Soul.
"Huh, Soul?" Keith asks, he puts his bayard away "What are you doing here? Where's Y/N?" Soul starts acting out what's happening to Y/N, but they don't get it.
"What? Has something happened to Y/N" Soul nods "What! Where?!" Soul runs away, and the two follow.
Y/N is now touching the ceiling as the water is up to her neck.
"This is how I'm gonna die! In a freaking bathroom!" Y/N hears footsteps, then banging on the door.
"You in there!"
"Lance! Keith! Oh thank god! Guys I'm stuck, and the rooms about to be filled with water!"
"Okay, hang on, we'll get you out of there" Lance starts banging on the door, trying to break it down. Y/N takes a deep breath before the water fills the whole room. She looks around the room to find anything to help breath with.
"Y/N!" Lance shouts, he gets no answer "Y/N!" Y/N begins to lose consciousness. Keith gets his bayard out.
"Stand back" Keith slashes the door with his bayard and the water pours out, as well as a soaking Y/N. She lays still as they turn her onto her back. Soul goes next to her head and pushes her head to the side, which stays.
"Y/N...?" They wait a second before Y/N starts coughing up water. Lance and Keith share a look of relief, before helping her sit up. Lance takes off his coat and puts it around Y/N.
"What the hell happened" Keith asks.
"The d-door just locked and the pipes burst...God, I nearly died in a bathroom" Soul jumps into Y/N lap and Y/N pets her head "If it wasn't for her, I would have been dead" Y/N looks at Lance and Keith "This may sound stupid, but I think the Castle's haunted"
"Ya think!" Lance says. They stand up and begins to walk away.
Pidge and Hunk are still floating around in the Green Lion's hangar.
"Wait. Wait, wait. I have an idea" Pidge holds out her hand "Grab on!" They both reach for each others hand before they grab on.
"Yeah! We did it! Now, what?" Hunk asks.
"Now, kick me as hard as you can!"
"What? No, we're friends"
"No, no. Kick me so I can fly across the room and get to the control panel"
"Oh...oh, oh!" Hunk kicks Pidge and she goes towards the control pannel, but misses it "No, no, no!" The door then opens, making Hunk and Pidge fall to the ground. Lance, Y/N, Soul , Coran and Keith enter.
"How can you guys be taking a nap while this castle is trying to kill us?" Lance asks.
"Taking a nap! We've been floating around in Zero G? You know how scary that is?"
"That's not scary! That's fun! I was almost ejected into space!"
"I got attacked by killed food, and that's the most horrifying thing you can imagine! The stuff of nightmares! It'll haunt me to my grave!"
"Well, I had a robot trying to kill me!"
"And I nearly drowned, in a bathroom! I mean, ironic much!" Lance looks to Coran.
"I don't care what you say, Coran. This castle has gone apple and bananas!" Coran groans.
"Perhaps the infection from Sendak's Galra crystal is worse than we thought"
"Well, let's get rid of it" Hunk says.
"It's too late. When Sendak plugged it into the ship, it corrupted the entire system"
"Sendak?" Keith asks.
"Wait" Y/N says "Has anyone seen Shiro?"
Shiro is still staring at Sendak.
"We're connected, you and me. Both part of the Galra Empire"
"No! I'm not like you"
"You've been broken and reformed. Just look at your hand" Shiro does so.
"That's not me!"
"It's the strongest part of you. Embrace it. The others don't know what you are. They haven't seen what you've seen. Face it. You'll never beat Zarkon. He's already defeated you"
"I'm not listening to you!" Shiro covers his ears.
"Do you really think a monster like you could be a Voltron Paladin? Even your own sister is disgusted in you"
"Stop it!" Shiro punches the Pod, cracking it. Sendak's eyes open and smiles evily at Shiro, making him panic and push a buttom to send Sendak out. Alarms start blaring. Shiro bends down, breathing heavily. Later, the Paladins, Soul and Coran enter the containment room to see Shiro holding his head.
"Shiro, are you okay?" Y/N asks, touching his arm. He flinches away and she looks at him saddened.
"Where's Sendak?" Keith asks.
"I...I had to get him out of here. I was hearing his voice. He...He can't be trusted on this ship"
"It is the ship! I got stick in a cryo-pod, then, in an airock. Keith got attacked by a robot. Y/N nearly drowned, and Hunk and Pidge got attacked by food. It's been a weird morning" Computes begin beeping as a hologram of the ship appears/
"What? How is that possible?"
"What is it?" Keith asks.
"The ship is starting a wormhole jump!"
The Paladins, Coran and Soul enter the main deck to see Allura at the center.
"Allura, what's going on?" Shiro asks.
"We're going to Altea" Alura turns her head to face them "We're going home. My father is taking us" They rush forwards before King Alfor face appears on the screens. (Red-Bad King Alfor. Blue - Good King Alfor)
"Stay away from my daughter!"
"Allura, wake up!" Y/N shouts.
"The crystal must have corrupted King Alfor's artificial intelligence. It's taking over!" King Alfor appears next to Allura. They reach their destination, staring in horror.
"We're heading straight for a star and it's about to explode!"
"Father, I can see Altea" Coran goes to the barrier, and puts his hand on it.
"Allura! Allura, wake up! What you're seeing isn't real" Allura turns her head to face Coran before seeing some creatures fly past her. She smiles before seeing a meadown filled with flowers.
"The juniberried, the most exquisite flower of all" Allura picks one up.
"Allura, please!" A hologram of Coran appears "You've got to listen to me!"
"Is this real?" Allura asks.
"Of course it is real, Daughter. That flower you're touching is real"
"But where is the fragrance of the sweet juniberries?" Coran says, making Allura sniffs the flower again before coming back to reality.
"Huh? That's not Altea"
"When that star goes supernova, it will destroy the entire system. Allura, you must reset the course and get us out of here" Pidge says and Allura goes to the controls but is electrocuted back out of the barrier, caught by Shiro. King Alfor appears.
"Father, please, I beg you to turn this ship around. If we don't do it soon, we will all perish!"
"I know. That is my intention"
"What? Why?"
Don't you see, dear daughter? Zarkon can never be defeated. He's been ruling for ten thousand years"
"But we must continue to fight!"
"Fight for what? It is all over for Altea. You don't have to live a lifetime of war. You can be with me and the rest of your people"
"Father, please! The paladins and I can still stop Zarkon! Somewhere in there, you must want that to happen"
"Allura, my A.I. has been corrupted. You must disconnect my power source" It flickers back "We can stroll across the Blossom Canyon every morning, just like we used to. Remember how much you loved that?"
"I remember. I'll see you soon, Father" Allura turns around "I've got to get into the A.I. chamber to disconnect my father's power source manually"
"But that means losing King Alfor forever!"
"Paladins, get to your Lions! I need you to slow the Castle's descent into the star"
"I can try to override the sytem to open the hangars" Allura and the Paladins leave the control room, leaving Coran and Soul. The Lions comes out of the hangars and push against the ship, using their thrusters. 
Allura makes it to the A.I room and goes to the center.
"Don't do this!" King Alfor says.
"You must"
"All my memories, all my knowlegde will be lost forever!"
"Do it, Allura. If you are to live, we must say goodbye"
"I'm sorry about this, Father" Allura goes to touch the container but everything blackens. "Huh?"
"Oh, my dear daughter..." Allura hears laughter and looks over at a memory of her and her father.
"Father..." She looks around to see memories of her and her father, young. Her childhood memories.
"This is not real. This is all in the past" Allura runs through the memories till she stares at the one of her father holding her when she was a baby, her baby laughter filling her ears. She begins crying. King Alfor appears.
"You don't have to fight, Allura. You don't have to make this sacrifice" Allura rushes forward and hugs her father, surprising him.
"Goodbye, Father" King Alfor smiles softly.
"Goodbye Allura" The glass container smashes, as all of King Alfor's memories fade away. Soul, who found her way to the room, goes next to Allura, placing her paw onto her leg. Allura looks to the creature and picks her up, hugging Soul while crying.
"She did it" Coran says, seeing the barrier go away. Alarms start blaring. and the Paladins are still pushing the ship back when Allura's face appears on their screens.
"Paladins, get to your hangars. We're getting out of here" They return to their hangars and they escape through the wormhole just as the star explode. Later, they are all in the control room. Allies is sat down, Coran and Shiro on either side as the Paladins are in front of her
"I'm so sorry about your father, Princess" Shiro says.
"We all are" Y/N adds.
"I'm so sorry about your father Princess"
"Thank you. But that was not my father" Allura stands up "The real King Alfor was a great man and a great father. He may not be here with is anymore, but his dream lives on through all of us, and his legacy is Voltron"
Hours later, when everyone has went to bed. Shiro is in the control room, looking into space. He the sound of the door opening, but doesn't turns around.
"What are you doing up so late?" A voice says. They sit next to him and he turns his head to see Y/N.
"Thinking. You?"
"Soul may be small but she's a loud snorer" Shiro chuckles "So watcha thinking about?" Shiro sighs, looking back into Space.
"Just what Sendak said" Y/N looks at him with a frown.
"What did he say?" Shiro's eyes tear up, but he refuses to cry "Shiro? Hey, it's okay-"
"He called me a monster...that I shouldn't be leader of Voltron" Shiro says "He said that even you're disgusted in me" Y/N's smiles softly.
"And you shouldn't believe that for one second" Shiro looks to her and goes to talk but Y/N stops him "I don't care what you look like Shiro, you are my brother. That piece of metal doesn't make me think of you any less" Shiro looks down at his arm.
"But I killed people..."
"You killed them so that you could survive" Y/N sighs "Do you trust me?" Shiro looks at Y/N with confusion.
"Do you trust me?"
"Yes" Y/N takes Shiro's metal hand and places it around her neck "What, what are you doing?!"
"Squeeze" She states. Shiro looks at her in horror "Squeeze as hard as you can" Shiro pulls his hand away quickly, staring at her hard.
"Why did you do that for? I could have hurt you?"
"If you really are a monster, then you would have squeezed my neck, I gave you an easy chance and a monster would have took it, no hesitation" Shiro looks at her "Your not a monster, Shiro. Your just a man who's been broken... and needs someone to help fix him" Y/N says "You may be a pain in my butt sometimes, but your my brother. And I wouldn't change you for the universe" Y/N is suddenly hugged by a teary Shiro.
"I love you" Shiro says, hugging her tight. Y/N hugs back, smiling softly.
"I love you, too" The siblings watch the stars, knowing that as long as they are together, nothing will happen.
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recurringwriter · 1 year
FE OC Week Introductions:
Bayard Rodrigue's right hand man. He's a Great Knight with an autistic stare and long dark hair. A few years older than Rodrigue and sworn to protect him. He's quiet and steadfast and thoughtful, but isn't afraid to speak up when his liege has allowed the worry to set in. If Rodrigue says 'let's ride to Fhirdiad to steal Areadbhar from under Cornelia's nose' then Bayard is all in.
Leal Rodrigue's left hand man. Another Great Knight who is all smiles and has light brown curls. He's the red cavalier to Bayard's green. Close in age to his counterpart and dedicated to a fault. Makes excuses for people, but also puts his allies at ease. If Rodrigue says 'let's keep looking for Dimitri because I think he's still alive based on a hunch' then Leal is right there with him.
Raissa This is Boreas' right hand [wo]man. She is an aroace bow knight who understands her liege implicitly. They are like a single unit in combat. She's fierce and continues to serve the Fraldarius family even after Boreas' death. Amazing shot with a bow and has never hesitated once--if Boreas wants something shot, then she will shoot it.
Ernesta Thierry A Knight of Seiros from Itha. I'm discovering that she's aromantic and allosexual. She went to the Officer's Academy in the same year as Lambert and Rodrigue and was a friend of theirs, though not extremely close. She likes to show off and has an easy kind of confidence that makes her a great ally. She leaves the Knights of Seiros to become a member of the Royal Ithan Guard after winding up with a Blaiddyd Bastard, so that she can be closer to her family.
Rochefort A knight in the Royal Ithan Guard. Older than Glenn and company but younger than Rodrigue. He's in part 2 of my ongoing divorce au series Wildfire, because I needed a character to fill a gap. He goes by Roch but also Roach (because he just won't die). Redhead. Bescuffly. Paladin.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 7 months
I know you're a voltron lover ny friend so which fox would be which paladin and why?
okay so i got this ask like as soon as i woke up and i was like HUH bc i forgot about last night :'))
after some consideration, of the monsters:
Kevin would be Shiro, Neil would be Keith, Nicky would be Lance, Andrew would be Hunk, and Aaron would be Pidge. (none of these assignments has anything to do with shipping purposes. like i'm not saying neil and nicky would be klance? i just wanna make that clear?)
Anyhow you can think otherwise, i don't mind! But to me, these just make sense.... I will explain myself below.
long, sort of insane ramble under the cut. you have been warned.
Kevin is the slightly older mentor to Neil (the shiro to neil's keith) who is very traumatized by his time with a Bunch of Evil Shits and has gray hair and had his hand (arm) ruined by the enemy! He learns and grows and tries to make his team the best it can be. He never wants to stop until the ravens (galra) are defeated! He's scared bc he's far from home but he's brave as hell anyway! Braver than he should have to be, he's just in his 20s. PLEASE GIVE THIS MAN A BREAK (and also he's separated from his bf. ik kevjean isn't canon but let me make this connection anyway bc they're canon to me)
Neil is the hotheaded asshole who actually sorta wants to be friends with people but has the social skills of a raccoon who was shoved into a trash can and shaken around for, oh, ten years or so. He looks up to Kevin, wants to be like him, but knows he could NEVER fill his shoes! And he doesn't want to! He wants to help Kevin, not be Kevin. (getting the quote wrong for sure but the 'one of us should make it and i want it to be you' kinda mindset is so keith? keith literally almost died to KEEP EVERYONE SAFE!!!! LIKE NEIL'S STUPID MARTYR ASS)
Nicky is the sweet, funny one who cares deeply about everyone and who gets the least consideration from the rest no matter how he tries? (the man willingly moved away from his family (ERIK) to take care of people who don't give a shit about him (supposedly), like lance who was taken from his family to fight to save the world? like... come on.) he's unapologetic about who he is and tries to get along with everyone, for the most part. but he has no problem biting back one someone starts smth. (ie. his beef with Seth and Allison) He is misunderstood, bc while he's outgoing and friendly he also has another side that's just straight-up Traumatized. Like... he's not all jokes. He's just hiding behind them.
Andrew is is strong and is largely a Protector. People misunderstand him because of things outside of his control, by this I mean Andrew is 'evil and crazy,' but it's because of the drugs that he's on bc he was fiercely protective of his cousin. He cares about his people and wants to protect them. (Like Hunk is rightly scared and Andrew acts apathetic, but they do care. That's the important part.) I'm not saying Andrew has a secret heart of gold and he's a Sweet Lil Cinnamon Roll or all the shit people used to say about Hunk (bc let's be honest, making the fat brown character into a uwu baby is rage inducing) but he cares. OH ALSO THEY BOTH HAVE A FEAR OF HEIGHTS!!!! (or hunk did at the beginning anyhow!) Also this is unrelated but I think Andrew would enjoy having a bayard. It could turn into lots of different knives? sign him up : )
Aaron is green. (i was gonna leave it at that to be funny but that would be mean to aaron) So... Aaron is Andrew's everyone's annoying sibling who's actually really smart but also is a dumbass at the same time. He's got ulterior motives to be there. (Aaron plays exy to get his education, Pidge is part of voltron to find her dad and brother.) And Aaron is going into the medical field which is science related, thusly... assigned green paladin by Moi.
Anyway, it just fits. I could probably go into even more detail but I'd rather be dead than discuss this show at length bc I'm not a really voltron fan. I love the characters and the first three seasons. that's where it stops for me. the rest of the show makes me wanna die. lol i couldn't even tell you what happens after s3. i've blocked it all of that shit from my memory. :')
ahhh sorry for this novel. i just apparently had a lot of thoughts. i was gonna go and do the upperclassmen as well but... this is too long and they're not my Pookies so.
(ps: sorry this is so badly formatted. i didn't feel like making it look nice :'))
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youcalledmebabe · 1 month
Rules: Answer and tag people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with! 
tagged by @babe-heffron thank you!!
favourite colour: pink! but green is a very close runner up; it’s the color scheme for my apartment and I find it very soothing.
last song: Tim McGraw by Maggie Rogers (love taylor down but… maggie ate her cover)
last movie: little black book for Ron Livingston summer. it was absolutely crazy and he was barely in it but definitely worth a watch. brittany murphy was such a charming actress :(
currently reading: jackie and me by louis bayard because my kennedy brainrot is crazy. also have to start 28 summers for my book club soon.
currently watching: on the world’s slowest watch of ER and MASH
currently craving: it’s breakfast time so I’d looove to be eating chocolate chip pancakes right now instead of drinking my protein shake
tea or coffee: not a huge fan of either but I do love a chai so tea!
tagging @webgottism @lesbiandarvey @g1n0b1
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bestiarium · 2 years
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The Horse of Malegijs [Dutch/Flemish folktales]
Malegijs, often called Maugris in English, is a character from medieval sagas, who supposedly lived in the 8th century. He was a wizard or sorcerer and played a somewhat important role in Dutch and Belgian folktales because he freed the mythical horse Bayard.
Interestingly, there is also a folktale about another horse which appears at first glance to be entirely unconnected, yet is referred to as either ‘the horse Malegijs’ or ‘the horse of Malegijs’. I suspect the name ‘Malegijs’ was eventually used to refer to wizards or supernatural things in general.
Anyway, the story goes like this: in 1521, three young girls from Ieper (pronounced ‘Ee-pur’) returned from a trip to the local fair. Their names were Maxima Vanden Driessche, Magdalena Ghijselin and Lucia Larmeson. They were neighbours. On the way home, the three girls found a small horse of exceptional beauty. It had smooth white skin with almost no fur, its torso was decorated with flowers, its tail had a beautiful golden colour and on its sides were decorations that resembled green parrots. It was wearing a saddle made from pink damask. An unassuming servant came running and claimed to be the owner of the animal. He asked whether the girls had ever seen anything like it, which they had not, and claimed that the horse was from Japan. According to the servant, the horse would never let itself be ridden by a man but would exclusively carry women. A charming and smooth talker, he eventually managed to convince the three curious girls to ride the horse. Magdalena, the bravest of the three, sat in front. But they soon discovered that they had been tricked, for the horse did not walk at a slow pace like the servant had promised, but ran away at a dizzying speed.
After nightfall, the horse suddenly stopped in front of a large and mysterious castle. Through its windows shone a weirdly bright light and joyous music could be heard from within. The horse – still carrying its frightened riders – entered through the gate, accompanied by the servant who had somehow arrived at the castle. The gates closed behind them. Within the castle, they were greeted by a lord with expensive and exotic clothes, and his entourage of noble ladies. The lord wore a Turkish hat (with a little mirror on it and gemstones at the side) and was dressed in clothes made from damask. He politely invited the three bewildered girls to eat dinner with him.
Afterwards, the girls wanted to return to their homes, for they had travelled a very long distance and it would take a long time to walk back. But the castle lord demanded that they join him in a game of ‘pand’. I do not know what kind of game this was, and I can not find information about it, but we can assume it was some form of gambling game as the girls lost almost all of their belongings to the mysterious man. Clad in their underwear and having lost their jewelry, they were thoroughly humiliated and wished to leave. The man said “now, let us toast to the horse Malegijs, which has brought these three ladies to our castle in such a wondrous manner”. Immediately after speaking these words, the eyes of the castle’s ladies suddenly flashed with a supernatural light. They were each given a glass with an unknown beverage, but only managed to drink a few drops before they suddenly awoke from what appeared to be a dream.
But when they got up and looked around, the three girls found themselves in a hole in the ground, atop the Kemmelberg (a hill in West-Vlaanderen, which is a decent distance from Ieper). Curiously, they were still half naked. And so they wandered around until they found a poor farmer’s house. It was still night but they woke the man and told him their story and asked for clothes and transport. The man believed them, claiming that the Kemmelberg was haunted by a group of witches. Sometimes he could hear their music and see flashing lights. But his wife disagreed: she claimed that these strange girls from Ieper, who showed up in their underwear at night and told such strange tales, were clearly witches themselves and should be burned alive. Her husband tried to grab the girls but they managed to flee.
The girls came upon an inn and told the owner that they were robbed by bandits (they didn’t want to tell the truth, lest the innkeeper accuse them of witchcraft like the farmer had done). The man took pity on them and offered to clothe them and bring them home. As luck would have it, the man was a close friend of Magdalena’s father. He ordered a servant to prepare his carriage and so they left.
But the innkeeper lost his way, which he assumed to be because of witchcraft, as he had travelled that road many times before and knew the roads like the back of his hand. A black shade appeared and floated over the horses, and they ran through fields, rivers and forests without breaking a sweat. But the sun came up and the shadow disappeared, for it had no power during the day.
It was a long way home, but eventually the three girls arrived at their destination.
The moral of this story is clear: girls shouldn’t travel with strange men. But I don’t think this was a very widespread tale since all sources are nearly identical, down to the grammar of the sentences. Thus, I suspect they were all derived from Wodana 1843 (a 1967 magazine about Flemish folklore and mythology) which is cited by my second source here. It was written by professor Karel Peeters, who is also the author of my first source. I am uncertain how old this tale is, but I doubt it’s a medieval story. If I had to guess, I’d say the story was first told in the 19th or 20th century. 
Sources: Peeters, K. C., 1979, Vlaams Sagenboek, Davidsfonds, Leuven. https://www.dekroniekenvandewesthoek.be/malegijs-paardje/ https://www.volksverhalen.be/Ieper_PaardjevanMalegijs https://middelkerke.bibliotheek.be/en/catalog/karel-c-peeters/wodana-1843/book/wise-westvlaanderen_3093016?branch=Middelkerke%2FWestende (image: statuette made by Adhémar Vandroemme)
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