#Post partum feyre
shadowqueenjude · 9 months
So is Feyre just going to be completely chill after nearly dying giving birth to a baby and be ready to become a baby-making machine again or what?
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shallyne · 1 year
Feysand Week Day Four
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Feyre couldn't remember when she last felt so much happiness about feeling the sun on her face. It was Feyre, Nyx, and Rhys's first walk together as a family after Nyx's birth. They made small rounds through the garden for Feyre's sake because she couldn't sit still but this was their first real walk. Rhys pushed Nyx's stroller, Feyre walking, more like limping at this part of recovery, beside him and had one hand on the handle of the stroller. Nyx was sound asleep and tugged in. Even though Feyre had insisted she was ready for a walk, she got nervous when it was finally time. She fussed, made checklists to make sure Nyx had everything he needed and checked it three times while explaining to Rhys what was important and why it was important. He knew, of course he did after reading endless books throughout her pregnancy and asking the doctors a million question, but he still listened intently and nodded. He knew it would calm bet down and if he caught her at the wrong moment, she would bite his head off. Feyre had apologized countless of times after she snapped at him for changing his diaper wrong. It wasn't wrong but Feyre had to suffer from mood swings these days even more than during her pregnancy and her husband was so understanding. Sometimes she just wanted to kiss him breathless for it and sometimes she wished he would snap back when she was being especially moody but he wouldn't. He was with her through it all, drying her tears, giving her room when she was in a bad mood, laughing with her and standing at Nyx's crib for hours in the middle of the night, watching as their son slept. Feyre always watched him in wonder, barely believing that she had a son. That they had a son. They were parents. The second night after Nyx was born, Feyre cried silent tears as she caressed her son's chubby cheeks, promising him that she would never be like her mother. Nyx would always be loved, Nyx would always have a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear for his dreams and his fears. He would never be alone, Feyre promised.
She sighed, walking down the cobblestone streets with Rhys and then turning into a little street surrounded by trees. Her legs became tired already and she was still hurting. "Can we stop for a minute?" she asked, pointing to the wooden bench on the walkway.
"Of course," Rhys said softly, swiping with his sleeve over the bench before Feyre sat down, groaning. From there they could look at the Sidra, shimmering like a sapphire in the early spring sun. "Are you cold?" Rhys asked her.
Feyre shook her head, scooting a little forward to find a comfortable position. "This is nice," she said, turning her face towards the sun again.
Rhys agreed, checking if Nyx was alright in the stroller. He was still asleep. "Are you in pain?" he asked her, nodding to the hand Feyre rested on her stomach.
"No," she sighed. She did it subconsciously, resting her hand right above the scar on her stomach. It sometimes hurt but most of the time it was only an uncomfortable tug, an echo of the previous pain. She was on strict bedrest for the first few days after the birth, to heal. This was the reason she needed to go out today, she went mad inside the house for too long. Just a little walk with her family.
She extended her hand for Rhys to take it. He did, planting a kiss on all her fingers and the back of her hand. She wanted to rest her head on his shoulder but the strain of that movement would hurt so she kept back, watching their surroundings. Snow had already melted and the world seemed to come back to life after winter, just in time to greet her son into the world.
Yes, Feyre felt like a mess but she would do it all again to hold Nyx into her arms.
Feysand Taglist:
@captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @edgyellie @starfall-spirit @rhysiedarling @corcracrow @sydney-fae25 @tothestarsandwhateverend @aayo-whatt @dreamlandreader @officialfeysandweek2023
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daycourtofficial · 4 months
i think she gets attachment issues so bad after they both get kidnapped like she really struggles to let him out of her arms- let alone sight, Eris the sweetheart asks his mom to talk to her because he starts getting really worried when she almost has a panic attack because he crawled around the corner and she couldn’t see him😭
Dare I say I think Feyre would be the most helpful person in this regard for her. I think Feyre would be like “you’re hovering an awful lot like Rhys” and that snaps her a bit out of it.
I do think she’d have post partum anxiety after the kidnapping and she has to work really hard against it bc she freaks out over things she shouldn’t and she has crippling separation anxiety for a while
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i work best when failure means disappointing strangers on the internet, so which would you prefer i complete writing and release into the world:
both agree it's the last time (but out of your arms, i'm out of my mind): a 5+1, feycien oneshot, non-linear timeline, containing infidelity (inspired by this amazing feycien fic, heaven can't help me now)
and she lays down on her bedroom floor: the aftermath of feyre's traumatic birth, containing ptsd, post-partum anxiety/depression, suicidal ideation, contemplation of infanticide
@fenrysmoonbeamswife @blueinkn @anna-maries-posts @bookishfeylin i await the council's decision
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Assuming Emorie happens, how do you think Emerie would react to how Mor treated Nesta?
HAH! Break from prompts for T H I S ! ! !
So here’s the thing. I know Emorie is happening. SJM gives approx 1 second of thought to LGBTQIA+ characters. If she can’t put her personal post partum or horniness onto them then she’s like yeah sure these 2 both like women. Match made in heaven.
So, how do I THINK Emerie will react to how Mor treated Nesta? I don’t. I don’t think she will. I think they will fall in love conveniently enough to tick a box and it will be made out that Emerie feels she doesn’t deserve Mor because she is so *beautiful* I think they will have sexy training eyes and then just be together.
How would I LIKE Emerie to react?
“Nesta told me you hate her,” Emerie narrowed her brows.
Mor waved a hand though the air, casually, lightly, the way she brushed everything aside. Early trauma teaching her that nothing but life and death had any bearing on the world. “I didn’t like her before she and Cassian mated, but I don’t feel that way anymore.”
“Why didn’t you like her before?”
“You know why,” Mor rolled her eyes, trying to pull Emerie’s into bed. The warrior stood her ground. “Nesta let Feyre-”
“I let my dad kill my mom.” Emerie stared into Mor’s brown eyes, shoulders set and heart in her throat. It was the same thing she said to Nesta when her sister had bared why she had fallen so low. Why the High Lord had cast her aside.
“That isn’t the same.” Mor’s fierce protectiveness flared up. “That wasn’t your job. You were just a kid and he was-”
“I was 19.” Emerie swallowed. “And it wasn’t my fault. It was my father’s fault.”
“What is your point?”
“Feyre was a child,” Emerie said slowly. Mor nodded. “And so was Elain.” Mor nodded again. “And so was Nesta.” Mor’s eyebrows shot up. “Just because she was the oldest doesn’t mean she wasn’t still a child.”
“I don’t have a problem with Nesta now,” Mor tried to placate.
“No. But you and Rhys act like your acceptance is a gift. Like she doesn’t deserve it.”
“It isn’t about age,” Mor sighed. “She let Feyre sacrifice for her.”
“Nesta took Hybern’s head while I was safe in Illyria. She saved Feyre’s life and preserved the hierarchy of Night form falling to your father while I was recovering from the same thing she had just gone through.”
Mor blinked.
“So I guess I just want the truth. Do you not like her because she is morally flawed in your mind, and you can’t respect her… or do you not like her because she isn’t always nice? I need you to pick one because if you don’t respect her then you don’t respect me. And I won’t be with someone who doesn’t respect me.”
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cauldrcnblessed · 3 years
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                           introducing ,   𝐅𝐄𝐘𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍 !
is the ALYCIA DEBNAM-CAREY? oh, of course not. this is FEYRE ARCHERON of the NIGHT COURT. the CIS FEMALE is a HIGH FAE and known to be COMPASSIONATE & STUBBORN. SHE was gifted by the cauldron WINNOWING AND A FRACTION OF POWER FROM ALL SEVEN HIGH LORDS. || mate to rhysand, high lady of the night court.
i. stats
full name: feyre archeron
age: seventy-two
ethnicity: white
gender: cis woman
pronouns: she / her
birthday: december 21st 
zodiac: sagittarius
place of birth: mortal lands
marital status: married and mated to rhysand
title: high lady of the night court
powers: winnowing, glamouring, daemati abilities, darkness manipulation, ice manipulation, water manipulation, air manipulation, fire manipulation, light generation, shapeshifting ( wings which allow her to fly ), healing and high fae abilities such as enhanced healing and hearing. 
ii. bio
under construction.
iii. headcanons 
As time has passed and her family has gotten older, she makes it a priority to spend more time with the children who come to her art studio. Feyre still finds herself getting lost in her art, not knowing when to come up for air. There has been many occasions when one of the inner circle has had to drag her away for a meeting as she has lost track of time. One of her past students, a young fae man, began his art journey with her as a young boy. As he got older his talent became apparent and he now works in the art studio full time. He helps organise and set up the schedule for the classes so that even when Feyre can’t be there, the kids still can. 
( TW: POST PARTUM DEPRESSION ) The birth of her first son was extremely traumatising for Feyre. She knew from the moment she began labouring that there was a high possibility it would end in death for her family. It took her months to recover emotionally and physically. The changes to her body took time to settle and it was months before she even considered training or doing anything physical, but it was her mental health that needed the most time to heal. She fell into a constant state of worry about her newborn baby and felt inadequate. With the help of Madja and her family, she began to come around and settle into her new life. ( TW: END )
In order to help herself heal from her past with the High Court of Spring, Feyre realises it may be in her interest to help him regain a claim over his court. Her reasons for doing it are entirely selfish and self serving. While she wished happiness for him, forgiveness does not come as easily. 
When she began training again, Feyre began to pick up her bow and arrow more and more. While she is highly skilled in combat, her old go-to weapon has become the thing she favours most. Every time picks it up she remembers how far she has come but also that she cannot be tamed.
more to come.
( template credit ! )
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shallyne · 1 year
The Prince of Night and the City of Starlight
And here is the Feysandnyx fluff I promised y'all. Canon compliant, newborn Nyx. Enjoy!
Words: 1,293
TW: mention of traumatizing birth, recovery of birth post partum
Feyre and Rhys are introducing Nyx to Velaris.
It was a beautiful day in Velaris. The sun was shining, the sky was blue with only a few single clouds in sight and the birds were chirping. The temperatures were mild, perfect for a walk with baby Nyx. Feyre had planned to take him out with her earlier but the day before it was too cold for her liking and the day before that it was raining. Okay, fine, it was more of a drizzle. She knew that she was too anxious but she couldn't put it off, she wouldn't make her son uncomfortable by any means. In the four weeks that they had their son, Feyre had caught herself correcting Rhys a bunch of times when he changed diapers, bathed him or just how he held Nyx. Fortunately her mate took it personally, it was instincts that made her act that way and they knew. Especially because she had witnessed Rhys himself getting anxious when someone held Nyx for too long, or slightly slumping in relief when Feyre told him that the weather was too bad to take Nyx for a walk. In theory, they were prepared for their parental instincts, they read books after books and asked Madja endless questions on their appointments and they already had felt these instincts bubbling up during the pregnancy but oh boy, that was just a wisp of the force that hit them like a punch in the just. Holding Nyx for the first time, she knew that she would die for this little babe in her arms but more importantly, she would live for him. She would protect him and love him and give him the beautiful life he deserved.
"Stop fussing, you mother hen. I'm not incompetent, you one?" Feyre told her mate.
A corner of his mouth tugged up as he tightened the baby carrier on Feyre, "I know you're not incompetent, Feyre darling, but would you just let me help for once without complaining?"
She rolled her eyes, putting her hands on his shoulders as he tightened another strap but they both knew she was thankful for him. Nyx's birth was complicated and it took Feyre much longer to heal than it would have taken if it had been a natural birth. She still wasn't fully recovered, even with her healing powers she inherited from the High Lord of the Dawn Court, although it was mostly soreness that plagued her these days.
Rhys tugged on the bindings and then smiled satisfied, "That should do, it's perfect." he took her face in his hands, "Are you ready for Velaris to meet our little boy?"
Nervously, she wiped her hands on her pants, "As ready as I can be." she told him, pressing a light kiss on his lips.
He slid an arm around her and darkness gathered around them, "Don't worry, Mor and I will be with you the whole time." he whispered in her ear, then winnowed them downstairs where said blonde waited for them, holding Nyx. He already started to get restless, which wasn't something new. Feyre knew that exact same restlessness, that type that she got when she was separated from her son for too long. It was only a matter of a few minutes that it took Nyx from being restless to screaming his lungs out until Feyre picked him up and carried him around. They had asked Madja if it was normal, who had told him that Feyre and Nyx had a strong bond and that this could be the result from the complications at birth.
"Hi baby," she cooed at him as she took Nyx out of Mor's arms and Rhys helped them get him into the carrier, careful with his still delicate wings. Feyre pressed a soft kiss on his dark hair as he settled. "Are you ready to explore Velaris?" she asked him in a baby voice. She could have sworn that Nyx smiled at her voice but the healer had told them that wasn't possible at that age but Feyre was so sure that he was smiling. She looked up at Mor and Rhys, her hand supporting Nyx's head. "Let's go then." she nodded to the front door.
It didn't take them long until the first people came closer, staying away a healthy distance. If they didn't know that they should stop a few feet away, they would see it at the way Rhys stiffened, the way Feyre was flanked by Rhys and Mor and how slightly forward, ready to protect Nyx and Feyre if necessary. As the residents, two shop owners Feyre recognized and a younger Fae, presumably pre-teen, congratulated Feyre she felt pride blooming in her chest. Her son, she thought as she stroked her thumb over Nyx's head. His blue-gray eyes, so similar to hers, took in their surroundings. He found it especially interesting when a wind breeze rustled the leaves of a tree.
Her hand always supporting Nyx's head, she linked her other hand with Rhys's, stepping towards the rainbow.
It was Rhys's idea that they walked through the rainbow first. Not only because it was colorful, they had realized that Nyx was very fond of colorful things, but also because it calmed Feyre down.
"I think he likes it." Feyre said softly.
Rhys squeezed her hand, smiling at Feyre. He looked so happy as they walked there, that her breath hitched. She let the walls of her mental shields down a bit, feeling the wave of pure love, so much stronger than with her shields up. He opened his mouth, but Mor already cooed in a high pitched voice, "Of course Nyxie does! That's Velaris, right, Nyxie? Pretty Velaris! Pretty!" she booped his little nose, which in return he gripped her finger. "Look how strong you are!" Feyre giggled which made Mor grin at her, "Don't let Cassian know how strong he is, he will already make training plans."
"He can try, I'll kick his ass." Feyre murmured. Rhys chuckled, "I'd love to see that."
"Me too," Mor said, "Careful! Step!"
They were stopped a few times as they walked through the rainbow. They held conversations, introduced their son, and repeated as they walked past musicians and art shops. They took a breather, walking along the Sidra, when Nyx started to get fussy and Feyre knew from the way he mewled.
Rhys winnowed them both home after they said goodbye to Mor. She only managed to get out of her shoes before he started crying.
"Just a moment, my little star," she said softly, lifting him out of the carrier. Rhys already undid the binds before she could ask him two and soon Feyre was perched against the headboard, feeding him. Just then she felt the exhaustion crashing in.leaning her he'd back, she sighed and watched Nyx.
"How are you?" Rhys asked, slipping out from the bathroom where he went a few minutes prior.
Feyre half-smiled and shrugged. "I'm tired."
"Of course you are," he replied softly, perching on the bed beside her, "Today was draining."
"We went on a walk," she retorted, keeping her voice down for Nyx.
Rhys sighed, stroking circles on her thigh with his thumb, "You're recovering, Feyre. Magnificently, if I may add, but it's still a recovery and it will still take some time." He brushed a Strand of her hair out of her face, "And we were walking through the rainbow for hours. That's longer than usual. Of course you're tired."
She smiled, gesturing for him to lean forward so she could kiss him. "I love you,"
"Of course you do." he said. Feyre narrowed her eyes at him which made him chuckle. "I love you, too." he looked at Nyx. "Both of you. More than anything in the world."
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Feysand Taglist:
@captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @edgyellie @starfall-spirit @rhysiedarling @corcracrow @sydney-fae25 @tothestarsandwhateverend @aayo-whatt @disturbingly-silent
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🧙‍♂️🪄✨✨✨ You’ve been visited by the Wip Wizard! If you feel comfortable, gush a little about the three wips you’re most excited to work on! Then send this to another inbox to keep the magic going!
wip #1: as she lays down on her bedroom floor
it came to my mind because i was thinking abt that stupid plot again and realized how heavily traumatized feyre would be, like she almost died and her child was the source of that. mentally, it's reasonable that she may associate nyx with death and might honestly resent/be scared of him a little, but then there would be crushing guilt because like that's a child, her child. and i just know miss janet would never discuss the post partum depression and anxiety feyre would have (or if she does, it would be horribly handled). overall tho, i'm just channeling all the sadness i felt for feyre in acosf into this.
wip #2: summer lovin'
an acomaf au where feyre tells tarquin about the book of breathings. there are several instances where feyre wanted to tell tarquin, so i was just like, what if she did? it started forming in my mind after an interaction on tiktok where i started gushing about the squandered potential of feyquin and just snowballed from there.
wip #3: the moon for a kiss
a feycien one-shot set in some vague au where they end up together. it's feyre's birthday and lucien puts his money where his mouth is and gifts feyre a moon pendant imbued with magic that makes the pendant always match the real moon (the moon on a string). feyre remembers what he said and kisses him, they end up doing the devil's tango
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shallyne · 2 years
People mention a post partum Feyre, but with her being immortal I guess I assumed that though Feyre had a baby and she may have gotten curvier, she probably snapped right back. C section and all, and she didn’t push him out so she’s the same down there too. Maybe a slight scar from the cut? Idk I wouldn’t think fae females who heal right away and who have eternal beauty would have many changes to their body after pregnancy aside from weight gain to their body and their chest included with all the breast milk. Rarely do people do her justice and I’ve always found it strange.
I mean I get how you would assume that but Fae pregnancies are also riskier and longer than mortal pregnancies. On top of that, Feyre didn't have a normal c-section scar because c-sections don't exist in Prythian. I never had or watched a c-section but I'd say if you know what you do, it's a lot more precise than what Madja did. And I can see Feyre even bearing that scar forever, or at least a very long time, after that shitshow. They all don't just heal clean, they all have scars somewhere.
On top of that pregnancies are a lot more than just the body. I assume you know that, I just want to talk about it. There is a baby just out of your body, the organs have to find their right places again and post partum is very hormonal. It's not just gone after pregnancy, there's a lot of hormones that you have to deal with after giving birth and Feyre also had a very traumatic birth that she has to deal with in the aftermath.
AND (I could be very wrong about that so don't take my word for it) I think Feyre mentioned once that it's easier to gain weight as Fae. I think that was connected to her training with Cassian.
So Feyre being curvier than before after her pregnancy is not far from possible. And I am kinda sad that we don't get to see Feyre working with her struggles in her pov.
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