#Power Loader: NO!
by Krzysztof Domaradzki
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delaware-lemme-smash · 9 months
Could we have some hcs of reader referring to some of the older MHA men (coughAizawacough) as "beekeeping age" and then they make her explain it? LMAO.
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For those who don’t spend all their time on TikTok like I do, ‘beekeeping age’ refers to an attractive older man, usually in 40s/50s. Some of these guys technically don’t apply but we’re putting them in anyway!
Characters: Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori/All Might, Maijima Higari/Power Loader, Sasaki Mirai/Sir Nighteye
Contents: The existential struggle of trying to explain a meme to people who aren't chronically online.
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Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
Age: 31
Yes, he’s only in his thirties, but Aizawa has the vibe of a retiree. He looks like someone who should be muttering “I’m too old for this shit” at any minor inconvenience. In fact, he often does. He’s said it several times today. 
Most especially when you looked over at him and told him that he looks like he’s ‘beekeeping age’. Now, as a teacher, Aizawa isn’t as out of step with popular culture as he might like you to think he is. Even if he doesn’t really bother with social media himself, he has twenty students who are all hooked to their phones like it’s a dialysis machine. He picks stuff up just by proximity, and it’s not the first time he’s heard the phrase ‘beekeeping age’. And while he might have a vague idea of what it means, he’s not just going to let you get away with calling him that. 
He looks straight at you, lifts an eyebrow and asks, “What does that mean?”
Which leaves you floundering a little, because you have to explain to Aizawa that it means you think of him as an attractive ‘older’ man. 
While he’s the furthest thing from vain, he finds himself a little bit offended.
“What the hell do you mean ‘older’? I’m thirty-one.”
“You have to admit, Shouta, you do give off the vibe of a grizzled older man.”
“I’m too old for this shit.”
Yagi Toshinori/All Might
Age: 55+
Toshinori’s the only one who really qualifies for this trope, and naturally, he has absolutely no idea what you’re referring to when you tell him that he’s beekeeping age. He grins uncertainly at you.
“I’m…not sure if that’s a compliment or not, but I’ve always thought that beekeeping looks like a relaxing hobby! As long as you’re not allergic!”
Of course, you take a little pity on him and explain that it means he’s a hot older guy. 
“Oh, are you referring to a DILF?”
Once you’re done spraying your coffee or whatever you were drinking everywhere, you demand to know where Toshinori heard that word and if he knows what it means. Let’s be real, Toshinori doesn’t run his own social media and doesn’t know squat about memes.
“Oh, a charming young lady walked up to me at a signing once and informed me I am what the young people call a DILF. Still can’t get anyone to tell me what it means! Slang these days! Ha!”
I dare you to try and get Toshinori to refer to himself as a DILF in front of Aizawa. Just for the hell of it. 
Maijima Higari/Power Loader
Age: 41
Higari can’t catch a break. Not only is he very short and look a couple decades younger than he actually is, leading to a lot of unfortunate misunderstandings, now he has some whippersnapper calling telling him to go start a beehive. 
He’s probably the only one on this list that actually knows what it means. I feel like because he’s so in line with cutting edge technology that he’s pretty on top of social media as well? He doesn’t seem like the type to lose step with the rest of the world when it comes to these things. So you don’t even have to explain what you mean when you tell him he’s beekeeping age. 
“Buzz off.” 
Sasaki Mirai/Sir Nighteye
Age: 38 
At first Sir Nighteye thinks you’re making some kind of joke. He stares you down, looking rather menacing even while his mind is turning over the phrase ‘beekeeping age’, looking for the pun or the play on words. When he can’t find it, he finally has to admit defeat and ask you gravely: 
“What does that mean?”
Sir Nighteye’s a little put out when you tell him it’s about good looking older men, because he doesn’t consider himself particularly old. Pacify him by telling him that he just gives off the dignified air of a mature man. He might scoff, but he’ll be somewhat more mollified. 
“I suppose I can accept that as a compliment. Although I think you ought to come up with better jokes. That one didn’t even contain a pun.”
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cat-cosplay · 1 month
I've been told we don't promote our Patreon enough. Help keep the cats in Costumes!
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kuwkedits · 3 months
HELLO FRIENDS!! It’s ur bestie speaking did u forget about me be honest 😟 I will apologize for going mia however it will happen again especially bc a whole bunch of shit happened I quit my p.o.s job a couple of my friends got weird ny grandpa died and I’m moving so lots of shit going on but I bring gifts bc I miss all of u 🥹
Flirty yn I was trying to do pick up lines pt 3 but the og plot left me um pls enjoy
ALSO I rebranded?? How we feel about the new name and lay out? It’s cute right 🥰
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Merry Christmas with the UA family (+ Eri)
Warm and cozy vibes where everyone is happy and <33
[link to the pro hero one]
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nelc · 8 months
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sassypantsjaxon · 10 months
Fuck it. UA instructors as...things the staff from my college have done, I guess?
Because it's been three and a half years since I graduated and I miss that place every single day
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Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu has everybody's names, faces, and quirks memorized before the first day of school. This is never acknowledged.
(Recovery Girl also learns everybody pretty much right away, but she interacts with them a bit more directly than Nezu, so it doesn't seem quite as weird)
Somehow Nezu manages to both be so chill and yet have no chill.
Nezu once texted Mic to ask if he was available for a call about some program at school and when Mic didn't answer within 15 minutes because he was DRIVING Nezu just called him anyway and was like "is this a bad time? I can call you back :)" Like, no,no, We're both here now, let's have this conversation now. Go ahead
One time Nezu pulled the Big Three out of their classes and brought them into his office to sit them down like he was about to have a Big Serious Conversation, and then he just says "Do you think...it would be possible for you to visit the first year hero classes...and tell them about your experiences? :)" Mirio and Nejire are both going "yeah, sure", while thinking why did we have to get pulled out of class like this was something really important? Amajiki is hyperventilating.
Power loader
Power Loader is like some kind of cryptid.
He just shows up when things need to be fixed, fixes them, and then disappears again. He never says a word. Don't question it, just be grateful and let him stay in his hiding place
Random knowledge. Whenever the rest of the staff has some random question that no one else can answer. Ask Power Loader. He knows. He always know. Don't question that either, he's just one of those kind of people
Power loader and All Might are the only two teachers who were asked to come to UA instead of having to apply
Actually 13 falls somewhere inbetween applying and being asked to join the staff, because she kind of created her own job.
She just had a meeting with Nezu one day to be like "Your students need an Unforeseen Simulation Joint! Here's what that means and why you need it" And Nezu went "... :) You're hired!"
All Might
Toughest person anybody knows. Can not handle spicy food.
Everybody loves him. Anybody who doesn't isn't cut out for hero school. This is not bragging, it just happens to be true.
All Might once listed one of his credentials as BAMF. (Izuku absolutely lost it that day)
While discussing I Island with Izuku, All Might very casually stated "My ex husband lives there" as if that isn't an Absolute Bombshell to drop You can't just Say That and NOT ELABORATE WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE AN EXHUSBAND!?!!???? (Izuku lost it even more that day)
Present Mic
Mic has a bad habit of talking a little too fast. Nobody's ever 100% sure what he said.
Also he swears. Like. A lot. Like, he would get in trouble as a student for swearing.
There is a drawer on Mic's desk that's labeled 'Present Mic's Top Secret Hiding Place' and anybody who notices it is just like ??? because it's clearly labeled and Not a Secret. But Mic is very scatter brained and will lose anything as soon as it leaves his eyesight. Having a specific place to put things help with that.
Married. But they don't really talk about it, and they don't act married in front of the students, so a lot of them don't realize it
It's actually surprising because they have pictures of them and their kids on their desks. All you have to do is go to the teacher's office. It's not a secret. It's right there.
There's a class for the second years on like, heroism and personal lives or something. Eraser and Mic get to teach part of that unit because they have experience being married heroes.
One year when Aizawa says that he's married to Mic one of the students asks him why
That same year, when Aizawa reveals that there is one teacher he will never be friends with (like, even more than all the other teachers), just because they have nothing in common other than working at UA, and the same student asks him if it's Mic
People assume Mic gets special treatment as Aizawa's husband. This is not true. If anything, he's more likely to get the short end of the stick and be asked to cover for Aizawa.
Eraser Head
Aizawa forgot that there was supposed to be a chaperone for the remedial licensing training and said he would probably be the one doing it. He was not. He sent Mic. Thus proving the previous statement true.
Bad at interpersonal relationships
Has a bad habit of mumbling. Students are never 100% sure what he said
At some point, the people around him start referring to doing anything overly rational as 'pulling an Aizawa'. Yeah. ...yeah...
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cosmicseaslugs · 2 years
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Piece I made for the @aizawasoulmatezine a while back :)
I liked the idea of platonic soulmates and everyone at UA being destined to meet and work together in any setting or AU
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gameraboy2 · 6 months
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1993 Aliens models ad
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mikiusol · 6 months
Rescue bots.... Rescue bots save me...............
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everypanelofizuku · 24 days
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Chapter 101 - The Girl Called Mei Hatsume
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hollersparrow · 28 days
why the fuck was all might allowed to be a teacher. he's teaching at what is widely regarded as the best school in the country, particularly for heroes, but also just in general from what i understand. there is no way in HELL that a school like that would let a person who is uncertified and has no higher education to teach, regardless of how famous they are or how much pressure the hpsc put on the school or even how eclectic and eccentric the school/its teaching styles are. there is simply no fucking way.
at most he'd be allowed to be a guest in some of the hero classes to provide additional feedback, etc etc. he probably couldn't even do administrative work as that generally requires either ample teaching experience or some level of training/school to do as a job.
also, i don't care how much nedzu loves chaos, he also loves his job and wants to protect/care for his students. he would not just skip over all might's lack of ability for this, no way no how; he would expect him to follow the rules set up to ensure that the teachers are equipped to handle the position and to teach the students
semi-related to the above, it is a personal headcanon of mine that many of the UA teachers are not as popular or as widely regarded as other heroes BECAUSE THEY HAD TO GET A TEACHING DEGREE. many of them worked as heroes or sidekicks to gain field experience but did so while also attending university to get an undergraduate degree AT THE LEAST. then, depending on the person, they either went straight into a teaching assistantship or continued working as a hero for a few more years to get more experience. however, many of them weren't able to reach higher levels of notoriety simply because they didn't have the time or the energy to market themselves and they ALSO didn't have a need to, as they were working towards a different goal.
for some, especially those in the support course (i'm thinking powerloader but i'm sure there's others), i could see there being waivers like many schools offer for folks teaching a trade (at least in the US). if you've worked in a trade for long enough, you might only need to get your teaching license which is usually not as long as getting a degree since your work experience shows that you know what you're doing. so i could see some of the teachers for support courses or even business courses being hired through a similar process.
i also think that most of the teachers don't work as heroes during the school year. i think that they keep active hero licenses and are able to be called on at any time (i could also see staff wide training/sparring being a part of this), but that they generally are taken off the roster. there are definitely some exceptions to this, like aizawa who's quirk is super valuable and who is also insanely willing to sacrifice himself and his health to help others (he needs therapy and some sessions on how to set boundaries). i think yamada is also an outlier with his radio show, although i think that started while he was getting his teaching degree and was working for the university's radio channel and he just decided to keep up with it. however, everyone else just teaches and then picks up freelance work during the summers (also see them only being on 10 month contracts or an equivalent type of work schedule).
i also know next to nothing about the requirements for teaching in japan, so take most of this with a grain of salt. but, at the same time, i think bits and pieces of this are probably universal.
it should probably also be mentioned that i really like bnha for the potential and the amount of room left for fanfic and the fandom to play around in the sandbox that is the world that Horikoshi Kōhei has created but i literally can not finish the manga or the anime. i have tried. multiple times. and i can't get past the sports festival for either of them. so maybe this gets better explained or something or maybe my standpoints on the characters are a little off.
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underratedmhapoll · 1 year
Bonus Poll! - UA Teacher of the Year
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asperok · 14 days
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kinda tired
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kuwkedits · 7 days
☁️Comfy Cozy Monday☁️
Why hire movers when all ur friends r big beefy and rich?
Tags: c.c.m☁️
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Here, Fantasy AU :)
Their paths will all connect to ultimately the same goal, but first, they have their own little journeys to get through.
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