found this maker and got bored so I decided to try and make a pre-Nightkin Lily (Hope I did her justice also based on the modle found in the GECK for her pre-Nightkin version)
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nightingaelic · 3 years
New Vegas companions react to the Courier being approched by Vulpes Inculta on the Strip and receiving the Mark of Caesar.
The sun beat down over New Vegas and the gamblers milling around the Strip, and it temporarily blinded the courier and their companion as they stepped outside of the Tops. The glare of the Mojave afternoon obscured the man who approached them from where he had been waiting, and they were still blinking away spots when he took hold of their arm and pressed something into their hand. "The eyes of the mighty Caesar are upon you. He admires your accomplishments, and bestows upon you the exceptional gift of his Mark."
The courier squinted, first at him, then at the Legion Denarius with a hole punched in it and threaded into a necklace. "Come again?"
The man in the brown suit and fedora smiled. It was an innocent expression, but it had an unnerving edge to it that cut through the sunlight. "Any crimes you may have perpetrated against the Legion are hereby forgiven. Caesar will not extend this mercy a second time."
The courier clutched the coin hard, eyes widening. "Nipton. That voice... it's you."
Arcade Gannon: Arcade's eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms. "So Mr. House doesn't care that one of Caesar's most notorious Legion spies is walking around on the Strip," he said testily. "Either that or his Securitrons' AI is too primitive to recognize the threat. Neither answer is particularly comforting."
"I'm honored that you've heard of me," Vulpes Inculta replied, inclining his head as though accepting a compliment. "Though it does make me question my own effectiveness as an agent."
"If you're looking for career advice, then I'd suggest you retire," Arcade shot back. "Immediately. And leave the Mojave forever."
He glanced at the courier. "Are we giving this murderer the time of day, or should I meet you back at the fort?"
Craig Boone: Boone took the mysterious man in, looking him up and down from behind his sunglasses. The Legion agent's wicked smile widened, as if he was daring the NCR sniper to make a scene.
Well, Boone didn't back down from a challenge. He had his rifle up in a beat and the Mojave air cracked. The stranger's smile froze on his face, and he fell backward with a brand-new hole in his chest.
Screams erupted among the passersby, and men and women in uniforms, lingerie and their Sunday best ran every which way in the street. The courier, however, stayed put and stared at Boone as the Strip cleared around them.
Boone shrugged. "He got what was coming to him."
Lily Bowen: "A spy," Lily agreed immediately.
Vulpes Inculta looked taken aback. "Come again, mutant?"
The courier stepped in front of the nightkin defensively. "Her name is Lily. And she knows a spy when she sees one."
Lily nodded. "I got very good at spotting them for the Master. I was a spy, too."
Vulpes wrinkled up his nose in disgust. "Indeed. My Lord requires your presence at his camp, at Fortification Hill. His Mark will guarantee your safe-conduct through our lands."
"An invitation!" Lily said excitedly. "But from a spy. Be careful, pumpkin."
Raul Alfonso Tejada: Raul's eyebrows shot up. "El zorro. Where's your coyote head?"
"As the greatest of Caesar's Frumentarii, I am skilled in the art of avoiding notice," Vulpes Inculta answered, in a patient tone that was an inch away from becoming a sneer. "Bearing the uniform of a Vexillarius would attract unwanted attention to my mission today."
"On the Strip?" Raul glanced over at a group of Gomorrah strippers who were passing by, decked out in leather, feathered boots, and a few masks that looked like they had been unearthed in a pre-war Mardi Gras supplies store. "Neta?"
Vulpes gave him a withering look. "Verdad."
The courier elbowed Raul.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: Cass spit out the toothpick she'd been chewing on. "First Vegas, now NCR and Legion? You're being courted more than a Redding widow, Six."
"This is the guy," the courier answered nervously, slapping her arm repeatedly. "The one I told Ghost about. He burned Nipton down and was being super nonchalant about it."
"Oh, shit." Cass fumbled for the shotgun on her back. "You here to kill us?"
"We'll take a lot of you with us!" The courier added indignantly.
"The mighty Caesar has bestowed upon you his Mark and guaranteed safe-conduct," Vulpes replied, offended. "If he wanted you dead, you would be dead already."
Veronica Santangelo: Veronica eyed the man suspiciously for a beat before piping up. "Nope, still thinking about the rape, slavery and general marauding. I guess an outfit change doesn't really help the whole Legion image after all."
Vulpes Inculta ignored her. "My Lord requires your presence at his camp, at Fortification Hill. His Mark will guarantee your safe-conduct through our lands."
"Oh, right." Veronica snapped her fingers. "She's a woman, why bother listening? I get enough of this from my family, I really don't need it from sexually-repressed jerkwads, too."
That got the Frumentarius' attention. "Hold your tongue, Scribe."
Veronica stuck the offending appendage out at him. "Make me."
ED-E: The eyebot at the courier's side beeped a warning and bobbed anxiously against their shoulder. The courier looked up at it and nodded. "I know. Don't worry, I can handle him."
Rex: Rex growled and sniffed the man's legs over. To the courier's surprise, he came away without barking, but the growl persisted.
"He doesn't like your hat," the courier explained.
Vulpes Inculta bared his head. "My apologies."
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radroachmeat · 3 years
courier six: does not shower
boone: "i swam through lake mead two weeks ago that counts right"
arcade: showers
cass: does not shower (hates water)
raul: showers, though he doesn't need to since ghouls don't sweat, it's a pre-war habit
veronica: showers
lily: does not shower, nightkin don't sweat either
benny: is meticulously hygienic to the point of being stressed out by the bathing habits of the others
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bruderup · 3 years
Companions GECK ages:
Arcade Gannon: 26
Craig Boone: 15
Lily (Pre-Nightkin): 21 (She's in the old category)
Raul Tejada: 29
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: 26
Veronica Santangelo: 16
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dumbfuck-mojave · 5 years
Hazel and how her relationship is with all the companions from her game?
(This writing style is all over the place) 
~Main Game~
Arcade- Really good relationship.  Like what you think of a standard “best” friend thing, that’s them. They confide in each other and love each other in a platonic way but also call each other dumbass everyday you know. But, in relevance to Arcade’s story, Hazel was very much whatever about his Enclave relations and Arcade knows he now has an outlet to talk about that stuff without fear of scrutiny. Was worried about Arcade joining the battle for the Dam, but ultimately supported him doing it because you need to support your friends goals kids. 
Boone- Very close. Hazel knows Boone would probably be uncomfortable with her saying it, but she would do anything for him. She trusts him more than a lot of people. As their friendship grows, she helps Boone grow and he does the same in return for her, even if Boone was a little more unaware of it than Hazel was. Late in the game, the conversations they have can last a while and opening up about their problems really helps both of them. She can get him to smile (I don’t like this one because there’s so much I want to say but I can’t :(. Wth writer’s block.) 
Lily-  She grandma.
But seriously along with the above, Hazel wants to help her, you know, try to “process” her life before becoming a Nightkin (grandchildren) in some way and just have her live a nice life. So she would tell her to take full doses of medication, for she had a very big concern about her mental state off of it, but when Lily eventually casts the tape aside, Hazel would retrieve it, for maybe one day Lily could find that balance Hazel wants for her, remembrance of the past but also to move forward in the present. 
Raul- Raul is both a good friend and a fairly paternal figure to Hazel. She really likes hearing about the pre-world world from him and hearing about Raul’s past let’s her open up more about her past which she majorly blocks off from her daily life. But when they hang out on their downtime, it’s really chill. Sipping drinks and telling stories. But again, he is a father figure to her, so she would probably ask for his advice the most and like, dad things. 
Rose of Sharon Cassidy (Cass)- Hazel isn’t as close to her as the other companions like Arcade or Boone but they do care about each other a good deal. Do you guys have that family member you don’t see often but are still close too? That’s kind of their relationship. They probably aren’t closer because in my playthrough I didn’t travel with Cass a lot but like they still chill at the Lucky 38. Also: Are the friend duo you can count on to beat a bitch up if they’re bothering you. 
Veronica- Sister bond. I don’t know how more to explain it than that. They both care for each other and want what’s best for each other EVEN if that isn’t what the other person wants (Callout towards Hazel she makes stupid decisions on the daily). 
ED-E- Her first companion in the Mojave, Hazel loves ED-E and most of the time calls it “baby!” instead of it’s actual name. She absolutely one of the people to be really into robots and treats them like people, whether it be a floating orb like ED-E or a securitron. Will beat your ass if you insult her robot. She openly asks how ED-E’s day has been and nod along to it’s beeps. 
Rex- Dogs are man’s best friend and that is true to Hazel and Rex’s relationship. She doesn’t like seeing things suffering to survive, so was very conscious of Rex’s situation. Ultimately ended up giving him Lupa’s brain after she stormed the Fort because she thought it would be the easiest transition of memories for him over the other options, being a former legion dog himself. 
~Dead Money~
Dean-  “Oh no oh God why do I think he’s hot”. Thinks he’s a bitchass but also “Becky lemme smash”. Some semblance of friendship though if we’re being honest. 
Christine- Well, considering Christine’s the only “normal” non-asshole one out of the trio, her and Hazel work together most efficiently and hold no ill-will towards one another. Also respects Christine a great deal and is happy for her CHOOSING to stay in the casino. Hopes to see her again someday. Also, she lowkey figured out the relationship between Christine and Veronica but is still debating on how to bring it up to Veronica, along with the whole Father Elijah thing. 
Dog/God- She likes them. Obviously, has different ways of talking to both of them. With Dog she is more gentle and caring even when they’re about to fucking die and tries to do that with God but we all know God is just >:(. Calms Dog down enough in the Casino so he doesn’t hurt him or God (Because oof the first time I attempted talking to them they died and I about lost my shit) and convinces them to merge into one being. Bittersweet when the new one asked how he knew her. 
~Honest Hearts~
Follows-Chalk- Also a sort of familial relationship. You know how Follows-Chalk wants to leave the canyon and see the Mojave, Hazel is the big sister that says “Maybe that isn’t the best idea”. She appreciates his enthusiasm but everyone is an asshole in the Mojave so like, chill out for awhile. Lack of exposure to the world can do some shit to you and Hazel doesn’t want him, or anyone she cares about for that matter, to get damaged by it like she feels she was. So yeah, she likes him. 
Waking Cloud- It’s kind of the same with her as it is with Christine. Is friendly with her and holds a lot of respect for her. Likes to listen to her tell more about the Canyon, thinks she has a nice voice. With the respect she has for her, she didn’t hide her husband’s death to her. Told her because she deserved to know. Waking-Cloud is a strong woman, final words on this one. 
Joshua- It’s…. Tense. Hazel was/is friendly with Joshua and tries to believe he is actually changing and doing good but she also believes she may have encouraged his more “violent” actions against the White Legs. She’s not good at making decisions, especially decisions where one party will always be dissatisfied. The thought of Joshua always carries the argument with herself over whether or not the Sorrows should have fought for their home or not and considering the whole trip back home thing turned out to be a huge fight over the canyon she tries to just ignore it. Also, religion is a sore subject for her in the past but at that point in her life she just accepted it and moved on. 
~Old World Blues~ 
Roxie- Man’s best friend, like I already said. Hazel doesn’t even consider Rex her dog, he’s The King’s dog, but with Roxie it’s HER dog so there’s some difference in that. She also fucking sobbed when she first saw Roxie die, her mental state was the worst in Old World Blues, so when she found out she could bring Roxie back nearly passed out from freaking out. Whenever she visits Big Mountain now, she makes sure Roxie is chilling in the X-8 facility, brings her teddy bears to play with and meat and what not. Would be very excited when Roxie came to the Mojave (an ending you can get for OWB if anyone is confused. Baby puppies for everyone) 
 ~Lonesome Road~
ED-E- Same as Mojave ED-E except Hazel really sympathizes with this ED-E I would say a bit more than the original. A Courier gets shot just trying to do their job, sound familiar? Finds its whole backstory sad and was big sad when it got sacrificed at the end of Lonesome Road to stop the nukes. RIP tiny buddy. 
(This really revealed some of my decisions in-game huh). 
Thank you for requesting
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osseincactus · 5 years
tagged by @mojave-musing thank you <3 
1. Choose an OC.
2. Answer them as that OC.
3. Tag 5 people to do the same.
I’m gonna do Lynn because of course I am dghadugh 
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1. What is your name?
Lynn Elizabeth Chelsea!! 
2. How old are you?
I’m 26!! My birthday is in May! 
3. What do you look like?
Elegant, Beautiful, Perfect, the Peak of Old World Glamour! Nah I’m kidding.. sorta..  
4. Where are you from? Where do you live now?
Well, I was born ‘n Texas, though I only spent a couple years there then dad took me back here! “Here” as in the Mojave oops... 
5. What was your childhood like?
Hmm don’t remember a lot before I was in the Mojave, dad doesn’t like to talk about it and I’m never sure what’s a memory and what ‘m just imagining. Mojave is nice though! 
6. What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions?
Like to think most everyone! People in freeside are pretty nice, I know the ncr likes me! Though... sometimes people in westside give me weird looks ‘n mutter stuff at me...
7. Tell me about your best friend.
 Oh!! Arcade has been my closest friend for the longest time! Boone’s a close second but uhhh ‘Cade knew me when I was still lernin’ to read so he gets first place... though there’s not much to say about him... 
8. Do you have a family? Tell me about them!
Never knew my mom, and dad doesn’t like to tell me what happened to her... and my biological dad is uhh... ya know lets not talk about that! But my dad dad is the best!! I don’t trust anyone like i trust him!! Plus dad part 2 is a colonel so that’s fun!!!
9. What about a partner or partners?
Hehe well I have Boone! He’s great! He listens when I talk even if I’m not talking about anythin’ he cares about ‘n he doesn’t mind that ‘m so clingy ‘n that sometimes i bring home random animals ‘n... also legion kids i stole... OH AND he lets me cuddle even if he’s not tired ‘n it’s like he’s always there when i need help or if ‘m in trouble! He’s great idk what I would do without him! (she could keep talking but i doubt you wanna hear her keep talking)
10. Who are your enemies, and why?
Man ‘enemies’ is such a harsh word... too bad ‘s not harsh enough for how i feel ‘bout raiders.
11. Have you ever heard of The Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them?
Most everyone is the ncr says they’re bad ‘n need to be eliminated.. but Veronica has never been anything but kind to me so they can’t be too bad I guess. 
12. What about The Enclave?
Hmm yeah I’ve uhhh I’ve heard about them...
13. How do you feel about Super Mutants?
The big angry guys? I like ‘em! Some of them can be a little mean but dad used to take me to Jacobstown a lot and Marcus and Lily are both super sweet!! Some of the nightkin can be a little grouchy but I think it’s best if I just stay away and let them be mad away from me.
14. What’s the craziest fight you’ve ever been in?
OH!! I’ve been in lots of crazy fights!!! Killing Caesar was fun! So was Lanius! Gettin’ my burn sucked but at least I gotta kill the raiders! All the bounties that Dhatri told me not to go after that I did anyway! I’ve had lots of good times!
15. Have you ever fought a Deathclaw?
Yep!! It’s wild they’re so much bigger up close!!! 
16. Do you like fighting?
Depends on who it is and why I’m fightin’ I guess!! 
17. What’s your weapon of choice?
Golf clubs!! Or machetes or bats or anythin’ kinda heavy I can hit people with!!! Guns are a no go... they hurt my lip.. 
18. How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?)
I like to think I’ve very charismatic! But i know for sure I’m strong! I know most people don’t believe me but I’d say I’m fairly smart as well! I was almost a doctor!!
19. Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think about them?
The only vaults I’ve been to are the broken ones... they’re spooky... plus I hate the elevators
20. How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you?
Well usually I just don’t go near super irradiated places! Sometimes I have to so I make sure i have lots of meds and the right gear!
21. What’s your favorite wasteland critter?
Nightstalkers are fun!!! I have a little one I got from that place that took my brain! 
22. What’s your least favorite wasteland critter?
That’s kinda mean don’t ya think??
23. How do you feel about robots?
Robots are fun!!! One did save me after all. 
24. How many caps do you have on you right now?
A couple thousand. Nothin’ too much right now. 
25. Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla?
Sarsaparilla tastes better but Nuka has a lot of fun flavors! 
26. Do you do chems?
Julie makes me take these meds every so often cuz she says it’ll help my head, but nothin’ beyond that.
27. Do you ever think about the Pre-War world?
Only all the time!!! I love those old pin ups and all the clothes!! Those ladies were all so pretty!!!
28. What’s your deepest regret? What would you do differently?
I don’t really wanna talk about that... 
29. What’s your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve?
I’m pretty happy with the things I’ve been able to do with the ncr and the folks around the Mojave!
30. What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world?
I wanna be able to have a quiet happy life with a family! It’s fun having everyone know you but it gets tiring to be worried about how people see me... 
I’m tagging @mgmsx @radregeneration @kourumi and anyone else that wants to!!
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nightingaelic · 3 years
Companions react to the Courier saying "shit, I think I left the Lightwave Dynamics Research Center running!" and teleporting to Big Mountain in front of them, then teleworking back a little later.
"Oh, shit."
The courier, who had been reading the map on their Pip-Boy to locate the best route over Mount Charleston, stopped in their tracks. "Maybe I...? No, I didn't. Ah, fuck it."
They fished some kind of energy pistol that was throwing off a dangerous blue light out of their pack and looked up at their companion. "I think I left the Lightwave Dynamics Research center running. Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back."
And with that, they vanished in a crack of lightning.
Arcade Gannon: "But we- Six!" Arcade stared at the spot where they had vanished. A hazy blue negative of their silhouette was burned into his retinas, and he took his glasses off to rub his eyes until it faded.
When the courier didn't reappear within a few minutes, Arcade sighed and sat down on the nearest large rock. His irritated expression, crossed arms and tousled blonde hair were the first things the courier saw when they finally flashed back onto the mountain.
"You'll be 'right back?'" Arcade asked, using his fingers to make air quotations.
"It was only 36 minutes," the courier said with a sheepish look. "I forgot Lightwave Dynamics was all the way across the crater, and I had to sneak around to avoid getting eaten by some night stalkers."
"I could've been eaten by some night stalkers!" Arcade argued. "Next time, you're taking me with you. I don't care if the Think Tank tries to turn me into a lobotomite, I'd prefer that to running afoul of a yao guai while you're skipping around the Big Empty like a brahmin calf!"
Craig Boone: Boone grumbled a bit, then scanned the area to look for cover. He found it in a nearby cluster of bushes, which he climbed inside and laid down his pack to sit on. He took his beret off and stowed it out of sight, then began inspecting his rifle to pass the time. He cleaned the scope out and listened for any snapping twigs or rustling leaves outside in the forest. Nothing moved though, and Boone nodded, pleased.
When the flash reappeared and the courier stumbled into the woods again, Boone whistled. They whipped their head around until they found the source of the signal and started toward it.
"Sorry," they said when they located him inside the brush. "That took longer than I thought it would."
Boone shrugged and stood up. "It's okay. Snipers and spotters aren't strangers to staying put."
Lily Bowen: "Pumpkin?" Lily looked around, but the courier was nowhere to be seen. "Pumpkin, did you go off to your make-believe world again like Leo?"
When no answer came back to her, Lily settled in on an overturned log with her hands on her knees. She hummed to herself, songs she had heard on the radio and songs that reminded her of a pretty hole in the ground that she wasn't sure was real anymore.
The grandmotherly nightkin was singing "Heartaches by the Number" when the courier reappeared as violently as they had vanished. They waited politely for her to finish the verse before offering her their hand. "Sorry, Lily. Should we keep going?"
Lily stood up and brushed herself off. "Of course, dearie."
Raul Alfonso Tejada: The old ghoul shook his head, then turned and kept going up the road. Jacobstown was only a mile away, and a light dusting of snow was beginning to fall by the time he made his way through the gates of the super mutant town and inside the old ski resort. Raul settled in at the bar, joining Calamity and Doc Henry for their mid-day meal.
When the courier finally pushed their way through the front doors of the lodge, Raul raised his bottle of beer to them. "Qué onda, Six? About time you showed up."
The courier looked madder than a deathclaw. "What the fuck, Raul?!? I thought you'd died out there in the woods, I was about ready to call for back-up!"
"I told you," Raul replied with a grin, "Next time you did that to me, I'd keep walking."
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Oh, fucking hell." Cass looked around the immediate vicinity with mild trepidation rising in her chest. She didn't know the area well, and forests were great hiding spots for critters that meant harm. If she'd been in the middle of the desert flats, she would've felt much more at home: At least out there, you could see anything that intended to disembowel you coming from miles away.
Cass eyed one of the sturdier nearby trees suspiciously, debating whether climbing it was worth the effort. She was halfway up the trunk, grunting with the effort, when the courier reappeared in another flash and startled her into a state of imbalance.
"Cass!" The courier dropped their transportalponder and rushed to stand beneath her, arms out.
"You gonna catch me?" Cass asked with a nervous giggle, wobbling on a thin branch that was dangerously close to snapping.
"I can try. Jump!"
Cass obliged, just as the branch beneath her cracked. She and the courier tumbled to the needle-covered ground. The two lay still for a moment, inspecting their new bruises. Cass picked up her hat and jammed it back onto her head. "Don't even ask, Six."
Veronica Santangelo: But Veronica was ready this time. As soon as the courier had retrieved the transportalponder from their pack, she had inched nonchalantly closer, taking advantage of their distraction. Her arm flashed out and grabbed the courier's elbow just as they pressed the device's trigger, and the whoosh of the teleportation process was almost loud enough to drown out their surprised yelp.
It felt like only a millisecond had passed when the beam of light dissipated, and Veronica blinked in wonder. Gone were the trees of Mount Charleston, replaced by a wide-open sky over a jagged edge of rock that encircled a cluster of pre-war concrete buildings. Lights blinked and emanated from their doors and windows, distorted somewhat by the glowing force field that encircled the balcony that Veronica and the courier were standing on.
"Goddammit, Veronica," the courier said, putting their head in their hand. "I told you, I didn't know whether it could sustain two passengers or not! You could've disintegrated or something!"
"Well, that's one hypothesis tested." Veronica tentatively reached a hand out to feel the warmth of the force field. "It's beautiful."
ED-E: The eyebot bobbed in place, running systems checks and diagnostic repairs under the conifers until the electric pulse delivered the courier back into the forest. ED-E beeped its satisfaction, then followed it up with a questioning series of tones.
"Holograms," the courier answered, straightening out their coat. "At least, I think that's all they did there, but I'm not sure. I made the mistake of touching this huge beam of light in the middle of the place once and it knocked me out. Lost about half a day, and I still don't know what it's for."
Rex: The smell of ozone filled Rex's nostrils. He sneezed a few times to clear it out, then began sniffing the area the courier had disappeared from. No amount of whining brought them back though, so he stamped a hollow out in the crook of some tree roots and settled in among the fallen pine needles.
When the scent of ozone and the courier returned, Rex's eyes flew open. There was another scent accompanying them, a familiar amalgamation: Fur, cybernetics, warm blood.
The courier looked down fondly at the new cyberdog, who was regarding Rex with sweet, brown eyes and a nose just as keen as his. "Rex, meet Roxie."
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nightingaelic · 3 years
Companions react to a courier who, like the mandolorian never takes their helmet off, to the point where the only people who have seen their face are doc mitchel, Benny, and the khans with him
Big fan of my boy Mando, let's go
It had been a few days and nights now, and the nameless courier had kept the repurposed Desert Ranger combat helmet on throughout. Its low-light optic lenses glowed as red as the bighorner chips that fed the fire between the two. They shifted at their companion's obvious curiosity, uncomfortable in their own answer. "No one. Not since that chiseler from The Tops and his pack of ten-cent Khans left a bullet in my head, and then Doc Mitchell when he did his best to fish it out. Victor too, I guess, but I'm not sure he counts. Before that... I don't remember."
Arcade Gannon: "Yeah, sometimes I feel like doing that, too," Arcade admitted, tossing the reed of dry grass he'd been fiddling with into the fire. "I mean, not to that degree, but there have been days. Mostly the ones where Julie's mad that I'm blowing my deadlines or using up the supplies, and the Kings are stirring up trouble with the NCR so the fort's crowded, and... I don't need to be telling you this."
"Nope," the courier agreed. "But you seem like you want to."
"I've... just been stressed, lately." Arcade sighed. "But who hasn't been? Hell, if anyone should get to complain about being stressed out, it's you. But the helmet? Doesn't bother me."
Craig Boone: "Mmm." Boone tugged at his sunglasses, perhaps a little self-consciously. "There's something to be said about remaining unseen."
The courier nodded, unsure where to take the discussion next. Boone didn't give them any kind of direction, seeing as he wasn't looking for a heart-to-heart. Still, he relaxed his shoulders and started to take apart his gun to clean it, signaling his own ease with the situation. Eventually, the courier relaxed too.
Later, while running a check of the perimeter, Boone caught the courier unlatching their helmet's strap in the distance through his scope. He bit his lip, squashed the curious feeling down as hard as he could, and looked away.
Lily Bowen: "I understand, pumpkin." Lily tore into the coyote leg she had been roasting and chewed thoughtfully. "Sometimes nightkin don't want to be seen, either. It makes them feel... strange. Like Keene. But Keene is always causing trouble."
She shook her head. "Maybe Keene would settle down if he wore a helmet and forgot about Stealth Boys. Then Doctor Henry could do his work in peace. I'm sure he appreciates everything you've done so far. Grandma is proud of you."
The courier nodded, and though Lily couldn't tell through the helmet's faceplate, the relaxed angle of their shoulders made her pretty sure they were smiling.
Raul Alfonso Tejada: "Is it a religious thing?" Raul put his chin in his hand and looked the courier over, analyzing them. "Used to be somewhat of a practice pre-war, but groups like that now are few and far between. There used to be a convent outside Mexico City that Rafaela and I would trade at for purified water, and las hermanas kept their heads covered. Don't know what happened to them."
"Eh, not exactly." The courier bobbed their head noncommittally. "It's just a 'me' thing. I think. Like I said, I don't really know, but something in me... knows. Comprende?"
"Maybe. Nah, not really." Raul smiled. "But, long as you can see well enough to shoot through that skid lid, I've got no problem with it."
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Hm." Cass twisted her mouth up in sympathy, but she still didn't quite understand. "I don't know. Mom always said not to trust a thing that doesn't show its face to the world outright. Comes in handy around these parts, when you've got securitrons running the place and the guy on the radio is someone that's never been seen. But you and me... I'd like to think we understand each other enough to get past all that."
"Does it bother you?" the courier asked, clearly tense.
"Pssh." Cass waved them off. "You ain't shot me in the back yet. Figured you'd've done it by now if you were going to, and that's good enough for me. I'm used to running in circles that are short on trust, anyhow."
Veronica Santangelo: "Well, I guess it's not a whole lot different from when the Knights and Paladins are out and about in the wasteland," Veronica admitted. "They never want to get out of their power armor until they're absolutely sure there isn't a sniper over the hill, waiting for the opportunity to make an omelet of brains and .308s."
The Scribe caught her faux pas immediately and cringed. "Oh. Sorry. Um, probably shouldn't be bringing up bullets, and... brains... I should, um, I should stop talking now. Yep. Good job, me."
The courier's shoulders started shaking, and for one horrible instant, Veronica was positive that she'd made them cry. When they threw their head back and laughed, deeply and sincerely, her own giggles started primarily from a place of relief, but quickly grew into earnest wheezing at her own conversational clumsiness.
ED-E: ED-E let out a few sympathetic beeps. Having taken some bullets to the dome itself, the eyebot could relate to the experience. It floated around the courier's head, searching for any signs of remaining damage. There wasn't so much as a crack in the combat helmet, though the optic lenses followed its trajectory. Satisfied, the robot blipped and came to a stop, bobbing gently up and down at the courier's side. They stared into the fire together, silent once again, and ED-E privately speculated that something more abstract than the courier's circuitry had been exposed during their encounter with the man in the checkered suit.
Rex: The cyberdog panted and cocked his head to the side, studying the courier. Though he'd been wary of this person upon first meeting, now he barely associated the helmet with other head coverings. It was part of them, the same way his metal legs and brain dome were part of him. Besides, there were other, better ways for a dog to know a person: The shape of their coat as it billowed in the desert wind, the scent of their fear when they sighted a band of Vipers approaching in the distance, and the feel of their hand caressing the ruff of his neck as he bedded down for the night at their feet.
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nightingaelic · 3 years
Fallout New Vegas companions react to taking the Courier's place in Dead Money.
Arcade Gannon: Following the obligatory panic attack and subsequent state of dejection, Arcade would suck it up and start trying to get the heist done with as quickly as possible. He’d roll his eyes at Dean Domino, set aside Dog and God’s identity crisis for later and check Christine over for basic first aid purposes before trudging along toward the various goals set by Elijah. I think he’d opt for stealth over combat when encountering the ghost people out of a sense of self-preservation, but he would probably pocket some clothing and blood samples from any that Dog took down along the way to the casino. The story of the Sierra Madre would fascinate him, particularly the bits and pieces left behind by jaded treasure hunters and Elijah’s previous teams of victims. Arcade would see it as a microcosm of what’s happening in the wider world, a stellar example of partners turning on each other in pursuit of some perceived bright future attached to the hidden treasures of the old world. Vera’s desperate graffiti in her hotel room would speak to him most powerfully: LET GO. He would probably try to argue with Elijah about the viability of the former Brotherhood Elder’s plans, throwing some Latin phrasing in for good measure. No matter his level of success in this, Arcade would stow away as many gold bars as he could to lug home and use to sparingly and anonymously fund the efforts of the Followers of the Apocalypse. 
Craig Boone: During his first encounter with one of the ghost people popping up again after being downed by his sniper rifle, Boone would grunt in annoyance, swap his ammo for hollow points and switch from aiming at chests to aiming at heads. Ghost people bob and weave admirably, but Boone has a gift, and up until he actually got inside the casino, his main obstacle would be avoiding the noxious cloud. The holograms, on the other hand, would probably strike some fear into his heart. After all, how do you destroy something that bullets can’t touch? I don’t think he would put two and two together about the emitters until Christine or Dean pointed them out: From there, it just becomes a scavenger hunt to find the next piece of wall-mounted tech to shoot. Dean, Dog and God would annoy him, but he’d find a kindred spirit in Christine, and would appreciate her ability to convey meaning without words. Hell, he’s pretty good at that himself. Upon finding Elijah, Boone would immediately put a bullet in his head, look at the pile of gold for a few seconds, then walk away and out of the Sierra Madre without looking back. He’d never breathe a word of the place to anyone, but he’d track down all of the Sierra Madre broadcast systems one by one and destroy them, letting the desert swallow the place and its dangers for good. 
Lily Bowen: Grandma Lily wouldn’t understand why the angry man was so desperate to get inside the casino, but she’s more than familiar with being a forced follower of doomed causes. As such, she would be kind to her fellow captives, assuring Christine that she would be able to talk “when she’s ready,” admonishing Dean for his rude behavior and telling Elijah that he would catch more cazadores with honey mesquite than with vinegar. A trail of wrecked ghost people would follow her to the casino itself, but dealing with the holograms would be beyond her expertise: That part would have to be left to Christine or Dean. Elijah would receive a lecture once she made it into the vault, but she would probably let him live unless he attacked first. Dog and God, however, would earn the most care and compassion and even cause some introspection. Ultimately, I think she would help the two become one through intense conversation and shared understanding about what it means to be nightkin with no master, and once freed, she would take him to find a home in Jacobstown. 
Raul Alfonso Tejada: Upon waking up from being kidnapped by Dog on Elijah's behalf, Raul's immediate reaction would be something like "Again?" followed by "Carajo." Elijah’s insistence on pulling off the heist would annoy him, but Raul is constantly looking for something to occupy his unnaturally-long time on earth, and what is the Sierra Madre if not the Mojave’s most deadly time-waster? He would be sarcastic and exasperated for his entire time wearing the bomb collar, but would find ways to be tender and understanding with Christine, and patient and supportive with Dog and God - after all, he knows what it’s like to struggle with two sides of yourself. Dean, on the other hand, would vex him. Here’s another pre-war ghoul hung up on the promises and mistakes of the past, driven to the point of obsession where he can’t break himself out of the cycle. He can’t let go, and I think that doomed state of being would speak to Raul personally. I don’t think he and Dean would get along, but I don’t think they would have a final showdown in the Tampico either. Instead, I think Dean would watch Raul exit the vault’s elevator, flip one souvenir gold bar in his hand with a wry smile, then pocket it before walking out into the wastes, and the pre-war lounge singer would feel a twinge of kindred sadness before going back to rummaging through the casino’s secrets. 
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: Following a tense standoff with Elijah while refusing to do as he says, Cass would eventually relent and start dragging her feet around the villa to assemble the ragtag heist crew. She’d hold each of them at a distance, intent on getting herself out alive and refusing to be responsible for anyone else. Nods of sympathy for Christine, dry comebacks for Dean and a quizzical comment or two for Dog and God would be her limit, at least until they all encountered their turning points inside the casino. Each of them would grow her disdain for Elijah and his methods, but, like Raul, I think she would be most personally affected by Dean’s story. She might find herself arguing with him like the courier did with her, about moving on from failed pasts and striking out into something new. I don’t think she’d take the time to argue with Elijah, though, and would take the first chance she got to lock him in the vault forever. She’d make off with as much gold as she could, of course. 
Veronica Santangelo: The Sierra Madre would make Veronica's head explode, though whether or not Elijah could stand her mouth going a million miles a minute once she wakes up would determine whether that would happen literally or figuratively. Tons and tons of pre-war tech lying around! But it's all under a haze of collapsed support beams, toxic gas and ghost people that can jump around like grasshoppers. Father Elijah is alive! But he's trying to break into a casino to build an army of holograms, and he imprisoned Christine. Christine is here! But she's been maimed and abused horribly, and is trying to kill Elijah. I think Elijah would try reasoning with Veronica before threatening her into obeying him - though she would probably figure out how to get the collar off or render it useless within the first 24 hours in the Sierra Madre - but I don’t think he would be able to convince her that his plan to get inside the casino’s vault would benefit the Brotherhood of Steel. The revelations that Christine would bring - the Circle of Steel’s orders, Elijah’s crimes against travelers and treasure hunters, his orchestration of their breakup in order to bring Veronica to the Mojave with him - would probably leave her feeling confused and empty about the man she considers a grandfather figure. She would probably do her best to free Elijah from the casino, but would offer him a choice if she succeeded: Leave the treasures of the Sierra Madre behind and walk away from his accursed quest for power, or remain trapped with what he’d sought. Whatever path he’d choose, Veronica would part ways with him once the vault’s elevator ascended. She’d bundle up Vera’s dress, sigh heavily, then take Christine’s hand and walk away from the Sierra Madre forever. 
ED-E: Ironically, I think ED-E would be a good pick for Elijah to use as a pawn in his heist game, though it would be kind of hard for Dog to hook a collar onto the little robot. If Ulysses can speak to the courier through an eyebot’s speakers, then Elijah can probably do the same to his already-assembled team. ED-E doesn’t have a whole lot of personal motivation, so I think the bot would just beep and go along with whatever it was ordered to do. Christine or Dean would probably take the lead, and ED-E would zoom around the villa, dodging throwing knife spears and trumpeting his location without a care. Once inside the casino, ED-E would again defer to his leader’s orders, with the added benefit of being a robot keeping him from the holograms’ notice. If allowed into the vault, ED-E would diligently pick up exactly six of the gold bars and carry them home to the Mojave, where he would deposit them at the bewildered courier’s feet with a triumphant beep. 
Rex: While much easier to slap a collar on than ED-E, I don't think Rex would fare better than the little robot in terms of leadership abilities. As an ally to whoever gets put in charge, though, he would also be invaluable at sneaking around the Sierra Madre’s various threats, particularly the ghost people. He would take a special shine to Christine and God, who would recognize the canine as a fellow being exploited by powers out of his control. Rex would absolutely hate the holograms, who smell of nothing, and Elijah, who smells of desperation and indifference. He would completely ignore the gold bars. Once freed, he would whine and beg and nudge Christine until she relented and left the city of the dead, leading her home to the New Vegas strip and another woman whose scent told him of metal bunkers and longing. 
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nightingaelic · 3 years
One I've always been infuriated by: you can't take a companion to Honest Hearts because the caravan is at capacity, but you can get Ricky kicked out. So New Vegas companions follow the Courier to Zion: what hilarity ensues?
Arcade Gannon: While Arcade is absolutely not a fan of Caesar's Legion, he's reserved enough not to shoot the Burned Man as soon as he appears, and he may even test the former Malpais Legate's philosophy and convictions in some sparring of wits once he feels comfortable enough [Speech 75]. Arcade thinks that Graham has replaced Caesar in his life with God, switching out a human tyrant for a nebulous deity: Graham argues that Arcade's desire for a wishfully-thought, balanced world springs out of an unsatisfied need for internal harmony, one he might find through spirituality. The courier can only stand an hour or so of this back-and forth before giving up and leaving Angel Cave to go find some geckos to hunt. Follows-Chalk amuses Arcade, and he encourages the young scout's desire to explore pre-war ruins: After all, there's always something to be learned by studying who and what came before you. Waking Cloud earns Arcade's utmost respect with her knowledge of medicine and of the canyon's natural order, but he would likely be disappointed with Daniel's and Graham's encroaching influence on the Sorrows' faith.
Craig Boone: Fight on sight with Joshua Graham, which leaves the Burned Man's bandages a little bloodier than normal but is ultimately broken up by the courier before any real harm is done. A shouting match ensues in the middle of the Dead Horses' camp, with Boone airing all of Graham's atrocities at maximum volume and the courier admitting skepticism of the man's change of heart, but still wanting to give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe Boone wins and the Dead Horses must be convinced of Graham's crimes in the wider world [Speech 100], or the New Vegas visitors beat a hasty retreat from Zion [Speech 85/100]. Maybe the courier wins and Boone realizes that the Burned Man already lives a life wreathed in the pain he inflicted during his decades of Legion service and the eternal mark of Caesar's fury. Either way, Boone is on edge for the remainder of the time in Zion Canyon, and doesn't make too many friends. Follows-Chalk takes a shine to him though, and Boone admits that the scout makes for a decent spotter. I don't think Boone would form a strong connection with Zion until encountering the diaries of Randall Dean Clark, and realizing that the people the courier was trying to save were the chosen loved ones of a man not unlike himself.
Lily Bowen: Having Lily along on the trip to Zion might give some of the other caravan members a chance of surviving, as I don't think the White Legs are used to encountering super mutants and would probably falter anyway at a courier backed up by a giant nightkin grandmother swinging around a vertibird blade [Terrifying Presence]. The Burned Man's appearance in the canyon doesn't bother or even interest her, but she loudly laments the Dead Horses' practice of hunting bighorners rather than taming them. In contrast, Lily loves the Sorrows' treatment of Zion's wildlife, particularly their domestication of geckos. The tame geckos are terrified of her. Of all the inhabitants of Zion, Lily would best relate to Waking Cloud, finding common ground with the tribal midwife on topics like motherhood, the uprooting of a happy life and respect for nature. I think the courier would recognize this bond and even give Lily the chance to complete White Bird's rite of passage herself, defeating the Ghost of She with the courier and Waking Cloud's help. Lily would be most likely to leave Zion with more friends and family than when she entered it.
Raul Alfonso Tejada: Apart from being somewhat of a living ghost himself, I don't think Raul would have much in common with Joshua Graham. While they're both trying to atone for mistakes they've made, their respective mistakes are in completely different time zones. Plus, I don't think Graham talks to ghouls much, thanks to his history with the Legion. Maybe Raul would share a tip with the Burned Man about .45 maintenance, maybe some helpful info about caring for damaged skin if he's feeling generous, but their relationship wouldn't go far beyond that. Like Boone, the story of the Father in the Cave strikes a chord with the old ghoul, and he might seek out Clark's final resting place with the courier to give the man a proper send-off and burial. Similarly, I think he would sympathize with Daniel and his attempts to help the Sorrows, and what bond he might have built with Graham would instead grow with the Mormon missionary. On the side, though, I think he might teach some Sorrows a few phrases in Spanish to heckle the man with, just for fun [Wild Wasteland].
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: Convincing Cass to accompany the courier to Zion in the first place would probably be a feat in and of itself [Barter 62], and once the White Legs appear over the horizon and start assaulting the caravan, Cass might just admit out loud that she and any crew she travels with are cursed. From there, every new piece of the story would entertain her to no end. The most wanted man in Caesar's Legion is just hiding out in a canyon in Utah. The remnants of Vault 22's inhabitants are scattered all over the landscape, meaning Ricky would've eventually been caught in his lie if he'd actually made it to Zion. The Mormons are here, and they're arguably more enthusiastic about proselytizing the tribes than they are about helping them escape and defend themselves. I think Cass would be the most angry and vocal about that last part, and might even wind up arguing with Graham and Daniel about how the only part of their faith they should be spreading right now is the belief in making amends for their actions: Namely, leading the White Legs to Zion in the first place. She would probably be the only one of the companions to propose going to Salt-Upon-Wounds and discovering the tribe's motivations and the manipulations of Ulysses and Caesar, and maybe convincing the war chief that he is being used [Speech 100].
Veronica Santangelo: The Brotherhood Scribe finds a kindred spirit in Follows-Chalk, and the two quickly become fast friends. The young scout happily shares the history and practices of the Dead Horses with her, and in return, Veronica tells stories about the wonders of New Vegas that she has seen while traveling the Mojave with the courier. Joshua Graham creeps Veronica out though, but her own curiosity leads her to prod the courier into interrogating the Malpais Legate by proxy. Like Cass, Veronica would be annoyed with the Mormons' roles among the tribes, but unlike Cass, she lacks the knowledge and context needed to convince them to take some steps back. She is, however, good at tracking down evidence to back up her suspicions, and she and the courier might be able to find evidence of the Legion's influence on the White Legs by poking around their camps [Sneak 73]. Veronica is also in awe of Waking Cloud, particularly of her skill with the yao guai gauntlet. Once she's picked her jaw up off the floor, the Scribe asks the midwife to show her some techniques and help her affix some yao guai claws to her own power fist [Unstoppable Force].
ED-E: The little robot is a huge novelty in the Zion Canyon, and ED-E hams it up for every curious individual that approaches it in the Dead Horses camp and the Narrows. The courier can't help but smile with every quizzical beep, bounce and zoom around the members of the tribes, but they keep the robot closer in Zion to protect against White Legs storm drums and tomahawks. ED-E enjoys spotting trail markings for Follows-Chalk and tracking animals with Waking Cloud. The robot doesn't understand who Daniel is, but knows from reading his body language that he is sad. Not as sad as the man in Angel Cave, though.
Rex: As soon as Rex sets foot in the Zion Canyon, he hears danger on the wind and warns the courier. The caravan is therefore on edge before the inevitable attack, and less likely to perish in the ensuing battle. Like ED-E, Rex doesn't know who Joshua Graham is, but he knows he doesn't trust him: He smells like a wildfire, inside and out. Neither the Dead Horses nor the Sorrows keep dogs, and some members of the tribe are actively afraid of Rex, associating him with the mongrels that run ahead of White Legs raiding parties. The Sorrows are more forgiving, and Rex shows them their trust is well-placed by allowing them to pet him and inspect his mechanical parts when he lies before the campfires to rest at the courier's feet.
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nightingaelic · 3 years
Companions (DLC included) respond to the Courier getting drunk at their wedding.
Arcade Gannon: "What is wrong with you? You couldn't pick any other day to act like a brahmin who got into the broc patch?"
Super apologetic toward his new husband, he should've known the courier was going to make a scene, honestly, it's about the only thing they're good at, and gets so flustered he starts blushing and his newly-minted spouse has to reassure him that the courier isn't even the most inebriated person there. That award goes to Cass, who is pickling herself in a mixture of wedding joy and despair that the nerdy gay scientist of the friend group found love before she did. Arcade stops the courier from being a bad influence and forbids the bartender from pouring the pair of them any more shots. Will not hold the courier's hair if they throw up, but will slip them some Rebound for the inevitable hangover.
Craig Boone: "Take it easy. Here, I'll finish that one for you."
Ignores the courier's antics completely until they make their way up to congratulate him and his new partner personally, at which point his usual stony façade will crack a bit. He's well-acquainted with the courier's drunk personality by now, but hasn't let himself loosen up out of a strong sense of duty. Now, on this happy day, he's willing to relax an inch and share some extra drinks with them and the rest of the Lucky 38 crew. This is the one time the courier will be able to steal his beret and be able to hang onto it until after the festivities.
Lily Bowen: "Go sit in the corner until you can behave yourself, dearie!"
Embarrassed by her surrogate grandchild's actions, Lily would attempt to scold the courier back into sobriety. Eventually she would realize her efforts are fruitless and take a few minutes to sulk, before the whirlwind happiness of the day and the flounce of her dress win out and she lets her spouse, the courier and her Lucky 38 and Jacobstown friends lead her out to the middle of the dance floor. After that, well, there aren't many spectacles that can top seeing a bunch of super mutants dancing.
Raul Alfonso Tejada: "Hey, hey, slow down boss! Tenemos muchos años más to act like fools together, eh?"
As soon as the courier jumps up on a table to give an impromptu toast, Raul will unleash his best grito and toast them back with the nearest bottle of tequila. Once deep enough into the alcohol himself, Raul would get a little weepy and start thanking them profusely for their role in his recent years of life, leaning on them as much as they're leaning on him. Largely forgiving of messes caused by clumsiness or turned stomachs, unless any of them threaten to ruin his suit or his partner's outfit.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Well if this ain't an excuse to get wasted in the wastes, I don't know what is."
Cass lives up to her nickname "Whiskey Rose" and is probably just as deep into her cups as the courier. Through the laughter, stumbles, bumps and curse words, however, Cass is careful not to go past her point of no return, and cuts the courier off before they also slip over the edge. She's spent much of her later life trying to get blackout drunk, but today is not a day she wants either of them to forget. As such, she has a low tolerance for anyone who messes up something important in her eyes, and will toss them out on their ass. God help anyone who rips her dress.
Veronica Santangelo: "That's the first time I've seen anyone mix Jake Juice and ant nectar together. This should be interesting."
Rather than confront a drunken courier about their bad behavior, Veronica settles for blushing deeper and deeper shades of pink, until her new wife tells her to go outside and get some air. Like Cass, she is very protective of her dress, but mostly because she loves wearing it in general and wants to feel like a princess for as long as she can. Will definitely get lost in the bathroom with Cass and the courier at some point, complimenting everyone who walks in. Will hold the courier's hair back if they throw up.
Dean Domino: "Don't leave me out if you have plans for some grand finale. Marriage might've caught me, but this snake can still rattle."
As long as the courier doesn't start singing, Dean regards their drunken stunts with a charming smile and a wink or two. If the courier tries to start some impromptu karaoke, however, Dean will start heckling them and get the rest of the guests to join in. This is less about being offended by their singing and more about putting himself back in the center of the spotlight. If the song is a duet, though, he'll probably join in on the second part with some pre-war choreography.
Christine Royce: [scowls]
The Brotherhood assassin is quite good at piercing glares, which is exactly what the courier will get if they don't put the centerpiece down and melt back into the crowd around the bar. Christine is also unafraid of a confrontation, and if the courier's behavior doesn't improve after their first warning, they'll be kicked to the outskirts of the reception, or kicked out altogether. Veronica will take pity on them if this happens and sneak them some food, but Christine doesn't let her guard down easily anymore and removal from the party is permanent.
Dog/God: "Hrrrrrrn..."
Watching the courier overindulge is too much for the nightkin, who is painfully reminded of his own split personality. Still too polite to ask the courier to tone it down or leave though, he instead disappears until the courier leaves or until someone else deals with them.
Follows-Chalk: "Let's share a cup or two, then get back to things, neh?"
Though he's personally fine with the courier's lack of decorum, Follows-Chalk meets the disapproving glances from the rest of the Dead Horses with sheepish grins and hustles them to the back of the celebration if they get too loud. He'll share a few drinks with them though, and the alcohol will warm him up significantly toward letting them back into the center of things. Ultimately, he and the courier will wind up swaying together over a bonfire, singing songs off-key and reminiscing about their time together in Zion.
Waking Cloud: "Muddy your water if you must, but do not forget to let it run clean beneath the morning."
The tall, stately bride is polite and tolerant of the courier's drunken outbursts, but chooses not to partake herself when offered drinks. The Sorrows view mind-altering substances as something for serious, sacred purposes, and weddings are focused on celebration rather than ritual. Still, Waking Cloud can't help but smile when the courier tries their hand at the intricate, unending dances on the banks of the Virgin River. They might look foolish, and watching members of the tribe might wince, but the smile on their face is pure ecstasy.
Joshua Graham: "There is a fire that burns within the righteous, but that fire cannot prosper if you insist on quenching it."
As a Mormon, Joshua Graham doesn't drink, and he's very judgmental of those who overindulge. Seeing as it's the courier, his disdain is tempered into something more akin to disappointment, but he'll still take every opportunity to pull them aside and try to explain their faux pas in between their hiccups. Most likely to have a dry wedding in the first place, but we all know the courier has a trusty Vault 13 canteen and is great at breaking the rules.
Ulysses: "The Twin Mothers knew how to cure a wound with bitters, one drink at a time... some wounds need more. More bitters, and more drinks. There's enough bitterness already in our history."
Ulysses also doesn't drink, but he knows better than to try to separate the courier from a good time. He'll simply avoid them until they simmer down, grabbing his partner and ducking out of conversations right before the courier crashes them. He's so successful in this that the courier might start loudly complaining about how they "didn't know we were back in the Divide," and enlist ED-E to bob around the party in pursuit.
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nightingaelic · 3 years
Fallout new vegas companions taking the courier's place in lonesome road (+ cut companions if that's cool with u) (thanks!!)
The problem with trying to adapt Lonesome Road to another character's experience is that so much of its story hinges on the courier's missing past and the former Frumentarius' struggle to make them understand what happened, why it caused a shockwave across multiple lives, locations and generations, and whether to avenge or let go of the harm that was unknowingly done to the Divide. So if you bring the companions into the mix instead of Courier Six, you either have a long-running story of mistaken identity (a hilarious concept, Ulysses being absolutely positive that the companion is the one who wrecked his dream home while they have no idea who this angry, verbose man is), or a drastically different history for the companions themselves. I say let's give that second option a shot, it seems fun and headcanon-y.
Arcade Gannon: While I don't think Arcade would be directly responsible for the destruction of the Divide, I think he would pale at hearing Ulysses' message searching for Enclave agents and would set out to confront the angry courier on behalf of his hidden family. The Enclave remnants are already hunted by the NCR and the Brotherhood of Steel, and the last thing they need is to be chased out of yet another home over something they didn't personally do. He'd accept ED-E's help wholeheartedly and consider turning back every time he ran into marked men or tunnelers, but his own resolve to save his loved ones would urge him to persevere. I think his determination would intrigue Ulysses, enough to engage the young research scientist in conversation if he arrived at the end of the road in one piece, and the courier might even let go of his vendetta if Arcade revealed that he was doing this out of the goodness of his heart rather than a sense of duty. Arcade would cancel the nuke launch, but would seriously consider blowing up the Legion.
Craig Boone: We know the NCR and Legion were fighting over the Divide before the ICBMs leveled the area. But what if that was by design, rather than by accident? Maybe Boone has more skeletons in his closet than just Bitter Springs, and he was part of a strike team that used old Enclave technology to surprise the Legion forces and seal off an access route, a decision based on math and made by men who had never met the people of Hopeville and Ashton that they sentenced to death. It's yet another weight on the sniper's conscience, and yet another debt he feels obligated to pay, so when Ulysses' call goes out, he answers. The usual dangers of the Divide wouldn't slow him down, but the turbulent weather would irritate him to no end. Upon arrival at the temple, Boone wouldn't mince words because he already knows he's guilty of the charge and he knows Ulysses used to walk for the Legion. If he survived the encounter, Boone would take the opportunity to rain the same destruction down on Caesar's troops.
Lily Bowen: There are about 119 years of Lily's life as a super mutant that are unaccounted-for, and we know she suffers from schizophrenia like many other nightkin. Perhaps it was Lily who discovered the Enclave package and unwittingly left it in the home of America's missiles: Perhaps it was Leo. I'm inclined to think it was Leo, who was probably searching for a cache of Stealth Boys in the old military installations across the desert, and who simply didn't care when a new hole in the earth opened up behind him. Lily, on the other hand, cares deeply, and would set out after Ulysses in the interest of making amends where she could. More so than any other companion, I think Lily would be disturbed by the tunnelers and would go out of her way to crush them wherever they popped up. The marked men would earn her sympathy and she would do her best to knock them out without killing them. After doing the same to Ulysses, Lily would cancel the launch and weep over the subsequent loss of ED-E. She would likely bring the little eyebot back to the Mojave and search for a way to fix it.
Raul Alfonso Tejada: We already know that Raul goes to extreme lengths to avenge the people he cares about, so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to mix his backstory into the story of the Divide. Following the murder of Claudia in Tucson/Two Sun, Raul chased Dirty Dave and his brothers across Arizona and into the town of Ashton before killing them. Unbeknownst to him, Dirty Dave had a package with him that could speak to the nuclear missile silos hidden in the Divide, and the earth crumbled behind the vaquero as he made his way back home. Though he'd heard of the devastation, Raul didn't put two and two together until Ulysses sent out his summons, and because he didn't have anything planned that week, the old mechanic decided to answer the call. He would put up with Ulysses' messages like a good sport until he encountered the man in the temple, where he would refuse to fight until the two talked things out like civil people. I think Ulysses would be surprised at the revelation that the ghoul he had cast as a villain was following his own quest for vengeance and unaware of the package, and would come away somewhat amused by the situation. They would most likely team up to fight off the marked men, and Raul would cancel the launch and take a wrench to the machines to prevent any more "misunderstandings."
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: Let's say one of Cass' caravans delivered a package back in the day. Let's say that package accidentally buried the caravan crew and an entire community along with it. Let's say Cass knows, and that's one of the reasons she drinks. While Courier Six walks the Divide out of curiosity about their missing past, I think Cass would do it as a form of penance in and of itself, with a little desire for self-destruction thrown into the mix. The journey would start out as a bender fueled by self-loathing and the fanciful notion of giving her missing caravan a proper funeral, and by the time Cass runs out of whiskey she's already halfway through the Cave of the Abaddon and punching holes through the tunnelers with her shotgun. She would largely ignore Ulysses' cryptic messages and holotapes, but she'd grow fond of the little eyebot that took a shine to her and would tear after it once the mysterious courier repossessed it. Following the final battle, Cass would cancel the launch, but only at the very last second, just to revel in the fleeting feeling of control.
Veronica Santangelo: I just can't see Veronica knowingly or unknowingly waking up a nuclear arsenal with a careless application of tech, but I can totally see her stumbling upon the aftermath of something her old mentor is responsible for. Father Elijah already has a tenuous grasp on the consequences of his own actions, and we know that the prototype tech that controls the Divide's weather is a Big MT project. Maybe Elijah paid Hopeville a visit to check it out and took his investigation a little too far when he discovered the nukes. This would explain Ulysses' directions to the old man to find the Sierra Madre, sealing his doom inside the casino. But where does that leave Ulysses? Along comes Veronica, following her mentor's trail of destruction, and the courier can't help but guide her along the path, show her the meaning of the wreckage and the danger of pre-war technology when left to the discretion of those with old-world values, like the Brotherhood. Along that line, I think Ulysses would try to test her like he does Courier Six, and would schedule a launch to see what she does. Veronica would cancel the launch and resolve to never tell her brothers and sisters in Steel about the secrets of the Divide. She might dump some water on the consoles for good measure. More importantly, I think she might finally realize that the unchanging family she clings to can only die out, or go down the same path that Elijah did.
ED-E: Given that ED-E is a robot, I think Ulysses would be hell-bent on finding whoever sent the little guy rather than consider that the eyebot saw a package with Enclave markings on it, picked it up of its own accord, and deposited it wherever it next encountered old American symbols. Through its communication with the other eyebots in the Divide, I think ED-E would get the picture about the courier's quest for the responsible party and play dumb for as long as possible. The other ED-E would help conceal the mistake to save its new friend, but Ulysses isn't stupid and would eventually figure it out. But how do you effectively punish a robot? Maybe he would set the nukes to target the Divide again, to send any remaining eyebots to the scrapyard for good, but it's a long shot. If he did, ED-E would cancel the launch, but would join its override system capabilities to its counterpart's and use the combined decryption power to ensure that both eyebots make it through the ordeal unharmed.
Rex: This good boy would never even consider entering the Divide. Seriously, what dog in their right mind would go in there? What cyberdog? No thank you. Still, the idea of a dog being responsible for the nukes and Ulysses continuing to hold a grudge is beyond funny. Maybe Rex was part of a mission for the Legion when he still belonged to Caesar, part of the group that leveled the Divide on behalf of the Bull. Maybe that's why Antony says he was "lost in battle," and maybe he's the only surviving member of that squad. I don't see why Ulysses would hang around the Divide waiting for the dog to look upon the hell he'd wrought, and he would more than likely seek the canine out himself as soon as he heard about the King's new pet. From there, the story turns into Courier Six investigating an assassination attempt on a goddamned dog, and the events of Lonesome Road play out pretty much the same way they were written - plus plenty of asides about how Ulysses is going to way too much effort over a creature that can't comprehend what nukes are.
Benny Gecko: Few people know that Yes Man was actually one of two securitrons that Benny managed to incapacitate and reprogram, and while the head of the Chairmen hid his favorite in the Tops for safekeeping, he sent the other out into the world for some recon and experimentation. Imagine his surprise when Yes Man was able to remotely hack into a nuclear missile silo and wipe out a budding trade community. And who would've thought that test run was going to come back to bite him in the ass, right after he was sprung from the Legion camp? I think Benny would do everything in his power to avoid entering the Divide, but I also think Ulysses would have little patience for him and would actively force the disgraced city boy into walking the Courier's Mile by blocking any other path out of the Mojave. Benny would form an attachment to ED-E, similar to Yes Man, but would complain the whole way and confront his tormenter with little remorse. He would also nuke both the NCR and the Legion if he came away alive, probably with some snarky one-liner about "letting the chips fall where they may."
Vulpes Inculta: Vulpes already has a few scorched-earth badges on his Pioneer Scouts belt (Nipton, Camp Searchlight, etc.), so eliminating the Divide is just another tactic in the grand strategy playing out between the Bull and the Bear. All he needed to do was leave a certain package in town, and the problem basically solved itself. Unfortunately, that deserter of his wasn't buried under the wreckage, and now Caesar has ordered him to assassinate the renegade. The fool keeps announcing his whereabouts every few hours or so, making tracking an easy task, but by the third time he feels eyes on the back of his neck and turns to find nothing there, Vulpes can't help but wonder whether the student has surpassed the teacher. The final showdown of Frumentarii would be something for the ages, a clash of philosophies and loyalties with plenty of verbal sparring between the bullets. If he survived the encounter with Ulysses, Vulpes would definitely nuke the NCR.
Ulysses: This cut companion can't very well face off against himself, can he? Unless... he was the courier who accidentally brought the Enclave detonator that sealed the Divide's doom. Given the weight of this grief, I think Ulysses would similarly force himself to walk the length of the Divide, take in the utter destruction that his own actions had wrought, and reflect on the meaning of one man changing the course of history. When it came down to the final room, the final decision, our disillusioned courier would activate the launch as a way of testing himself, testing his own resolve. Like Cass, he would stare at the machines shuddering to life around him until the very last moment, before shutting the system down for good, smiling under his breathing mask and walking away forever.
Victor: The robot cowboy doesn't really know what the angry man on the eyebot keeps talking about. He certainly doesn't remember delivering a package to a place called Hopeville or Ashton. Why would he? Mr. House is very good about covering his tracks, particularly when it comes to eliminating business rivals. Really, it could have been any old securitron. Nevertheless, Victor rolls merrily along in search of the courier who summoned his master, letting his own optics passively take in the devastated wasteland left behind by bombs that launched 200 years too late. Because of his robotic nature, I think it'd be a lot easier for Ulysses to get the drop on Victor and disable him at the temple, then wait until House sent another envoy or came himself. House would probably lose interest as soon as he got his data, which I don't think would stall Ulysses much: Once he figured out the Strip's owner isn't coming, he'd find some way to get inside the Lucky 38. If, however, Victor prevailed in the final struggle, he would nuke both the NCR and the Legion on behalf of Mr. House.
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nightingaelic · 3 years
Curious but, perhaps new Vegas Companions reacting to The courier and their “attempts for the blue star treasure” as the courier call it but no it’s obviously an addition to the sodas in the wasteland.
The courier popped the cap off the bottle, flicked it aside with their finger and drank deeply, finishing the swallow off with a theatrical sigh. "So there I am in Primm, and I've just finished breaking Deputy Beagle out of his bind with the convicts in the Bison Steve Hotel, and he insists on throwing a party at the Vikki & Vance to celebrate. Ruby, gem that she is, hands me a bottle of this stuff and plays it coy about the taste, so I crack it open and there's a blue star underneath the cap. Never seen that before, or at least I don't remember seeing it before, but this guy next to us at the bar gets all excited. Says his name is Malcolm, used to collect the caps with stars, something about a secret, pre-war treasure... sounded like a lure for suckers, but then I come across these two dead travelers outside Nipton that look like they died in a scuffle over the damn things."
They gestured at the full crate of Sunset Sarsaparilla on the counter of the 188 Slop & Shop, which they had just shelled out 100 caps for. "Anyways, now I pick it up whenever I run into it. The Sierra Madre might be a myth, but with stuff like this, you never know. Right?"
Arcade Gannon: Arcade rolled his eyes. "Just what we need. Another reason for someone to track us down and try to kill us."
"Would I ever put you in danger?" the courier asked, rather facetiously.
Arcade pinched the bridge of his nose. "Just promise me we aren't going to get shot over collectibles, and I won't say another word."
"I... cannot promise that."
"Okay." Arcade plucked a bottle of sarsaparilla from the crate and scanned its label. "Carbonated water... well, not anymore... pure cane sugar, of course... yadda yadda yadda... oh, and criminal amounts of safrole. You should not be drinking this."
The courier shrugged. "I've had worse."
Arcade shook the bottle at them. "This will give you cancer."
"Arcade, I've been shot in the head."
"Which explains why you're still drinking it." Arcade tried to grab the open sarsaparilla away from the courier, but they pulled back out of his reach and playfully squared up. "Fine!" he said, throwing his hands up and walking away from the bar.
Craig Boone: Boone watched the courier for a minute, observing the way they were drinking the soda with excessive relish. Finally, he eased a bottle out of the crate and held it up to the sunlight. The courier eyed him suspiciously as he examined it, and they made a small noise of reproach when he twisted its top off.
"No star," he said, holding the cap up so they could see.
As he had expected, the courier barely glanced at the bottlecap and instead focused on the soda itself, which was fizzing slightly. Boone tilted the bottle to and fro, watching with amusement as their eyes followed its path.
When he finally took a sip, the courier groaned and went back to their own bottle.
Lily Bowen: "But dearie, that much soda will rot your teeth!" Lily protested. "Grandma hasn't been able to find you a new toothbrush yet. Why not take the soda home and save it for a special occasion?"
The courier held their bottle of sarsaparilla up in a toast. "Lily, with you, every occasion is special."
"Aww, pumpkin." Lily blushed and squeezed herself onto a stool. "That's very sweet of you. But only two bottles before we move on, okay? We take the rest home."
In response, the courier pulled another bottle out of the crate and slid it over to the super mutant. "Make it three, and you can have this one."
"Dearie, you know I'm watching my figure!"
The courier laughed. "I know, I know. We'll work it off. Go on, all yours."
"Hmmph." Lily picked up the bottle and turned it around, examining the label. "Like nightkin and Stealth Boys, you are."
She twisted the top off, and the two made noises of pleasant surprise at the discovery of a blue star on the bottom of the cap.
Raul Alfonso Tejada: "You've got to be careful with that stuff, boss," Raul opined, sliding onto an empty stool and eyeing the crate suspiciously.
"What, because of the treasure hunters?"
"Ay, no." The ghoul shook his head. "El refresco. Don't know what they put in it, but half the continent used to drink it. That stuff spread faster than Nuka-Cola, and Nuka-Cola knew it. Tried to buy Sunset, then when that didn't work, they tried to make their own version."
The courier perked up at that. "Nuka-Cola made sarsaparilla? I've never seen it."
"Me neither, but I've heard tell it's out there." Raul sighed and leaned over the counter, arms crossed. "Nuka-Buzz, or something? No, no, it'll come to me... Wild. Nuka-Cola Wild."
"Huh." The courier took another swig of the soda, clearly trying to cover up their sudden interest. "Know where I might get some?"
"Nah." Raul looked at them sideways. "But you're not gonna find any star caps on them anyway, right?"
"Oh yeah. Right."
"Híjole, Six. You've got a problem."
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Uh, no? No, I know exactly what's up with stuff like this." Cass put her hands on her hips and glared at the courier. "Sam and Michelle just took you for a ride on those things, that's what's up. How many're in there, 24 bottles? Fewer at the rate you're suckin' 'em down, but 100 caps for 24 bottles is downright criminal. Over four caps per head, and you're not even getting a decent return of 24 caps if you're saving the ones with little blue stars on them! But let's be honest here, Six."
The courier threw a hand out in defensive exasperation. "I am being honest, Cass! It's for a-"
"Mmm, uh-uh." Cass shook her head violently and crossed her arms. "You're not that stupid, you have decent enough business sense from what I've seen. What you've got going is the same song and dance I do when the bartender's pouring generous rounds. Just own it, Six."
"Oh come on, that's not the same-"
"I don't wanna hear it." Cass hopped onto a stool and shoved the crate of soda as far away from her as she could get it. "Sam, get back here and bring me a glass of something that'll put me in a more forgiving mood. On their tab."
Veronica Santangelo: "Wrong." Veronica sighed and sat down next to the courier. "You know how far we are from the Strip?"
"Not really?"
"Give or take a few, 26 miles." The Scribe frowned. "Meaning, if you want to drag that crate home with you, we have to carry it 26 miles through the desert, protecting it from cazadores, coyotes, Fiends, and if your story's at all true, rabid treasure hunters. I don't know about you, but I'm not about to risk my life for a box of flat sarsaparilla."
"But it's not flat." The courier handed her their drink to inspect. "Not completely. I don't know where Michelle dug it up, but she found a good batch."
"I don't know," Veronica replied, peering down the bottle's neck. "Can't really tell without getting a better look. What if I..."
She made as if to pour the soda out onto the ground, and the courier squeaked and tried to grab it back. Veronica held it out of their reach and smirked. "So it's not really about the caps, is it? Because if it was, we could just empty these all and save ourselves the trouble of hauling it."
"Veronica, please."
"Fine." Veronica handed the drink back. "But I want three bottles for myself. You can keep the caps."
ED-E: ED-E beeped in general agreement with the courier's story and accepted the new load, lowering itself slightly so they could pack up the bottles. By the time the courier was done, the bottle they had been drinking was empty. With a shrug, the courier pocketed the cap- starless, ED-E noted- and plucked another from the crate, causing the eyebot to bob and adjust.
Rex: The cyberdog sniffed the bottle the courier offered them and sneezed, narrowly missing the contents. They snatched it back with a chuckle and went on drinking. Rex curled up at the base of their stool, yawned, and went to sleep. By the time he woke up again, the crate was down to 20 full bottles, and the courier was giggly from the pre-war sugar.
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nightingaelic · 3 years
Fallout 4 companions respond to getting captured by Super Mutants (for optional added angst, maybe even getting turned into a super mutant). Strong not included for obvious reasons.
Ada: "Be advised: My guardian has equipped me with a tracking device in the event of my capture. You lack the privileges necessary to access their estimated time of arrival."
Ada is always matter-of-fact about her situation, even if her legs aren't functioning and she's squashed between two bags of body parts on the floor of an abandoned hospital. She's also patient, and content to wait until the sole survivor comes to retrieve her. In the meantime, she'll run escape scenario algorithms to determine the best way out of the building. Not affected by FEV for obvious reasons.
Cait: "Are you f***ing serious?! I'll tear your ears off with my bare hands and string them on a necklace! You don't know who you're messin' with, you green bastards!"
No one can match Cait in sheer viciousness when fighting to free themselves, but even she has her limits. The sole survivor would likely find her in a cage, hyperventilating and on the verge of tears. If the super mutants made the mistake of exposing her to FEV, she would tear the nest apart herself. Mutation would be another internal struggle for Cait, but I think she could successfully make peace with her new state of being if given enough time. A makeshift, giant baseball bat might help.
Codsworth: "Unhand me, you brutes! By God, the class of people I'm forced to associate with these days just keeps falling!"
Pre-war Codsworth is constantly offended by the super mutants' behavior, particularly their lack of housekeeping. He can't help bemoaning his situation for all to hear, something that would probably annoy the super mutants enough to bonk him on the dome until he shuts down. Some assembly required once the sole survivor catches up with him. Not affected by FEV for obvious reasons.
Curie: "While we are waiting, would any of you mind answering some questions for me about how you came to exist in this state? Ça vous dit?"
With a wide new world of oddities to study, Curie takes her abduction as yet another opportunity to learn. If nothing else, she can observe super mutants in their natural- or at least chosen- habitat. Prior to her synth transition, not affected by FEV for obvious reasons. Post-synth transition, however, I think Curie would take the mutation as an opportunity to study the effects that turn a person into a super mutant. I don't think she would lose her bubbly personality, similar to the way Lily the nightkin retained some of her old sense of self.
Danse: "You may have the upper hand today, but you and the other freaks of nature are fighting a losing battle." [spits]
Having lost the most to super mutants in the past, Danse fights his captors until he is completely spent. In fact, the sole survivor would have to practically carry the man home for a lengthy recovery, something his suit of power armor would definitely help with. Mutation into a super mutant is one of Danse's worst nightmares, and if exposed to FEV, he would beg the sole survivor to show him the same mercy he once showed Cutler.
Deacon: "Oh yeah, this reminds me of that summer I spent camping out on the National Mall. You even look familiar. Know anyone by the name of Uncle Leo?"
Like in every tight spot he's ever been in, Deacon masks his stress level with quick wits and quicker retorts. Most likely to slip his confines, let the sole survivor fight their way to the heart of the nest, then reveal he was free the whole time and they needn't have bothered. If exposed to FEV, Deacon would probably panic and enlist the sole survivor's help in searching for a cure, positive that a mutated countenance would irreparably damage his ability to help the Railroad. Then again, he might see it as a "new look" and use it to his advantage for a bit.
Dogmeat: [snarling]
Any super mutants that get their hands on Dogmeat are highly likely to lose fingers. Still, there's not much the canine can do if he's put in a cage, other than bark and wait for rescue. While FEV leaves many dogs as aggressive shells of their former selves, I think Dogmeat would be largely okay with his new green-and-bulky form and would still happily guard settlements and follow the sole survivor around, not unlike Gracie from Far Harbor.
Hancock: "Whoa, whoa relax. I've got time to hang out for a bit, no need to get all worked up. Don't stain the coat, I doubt you can cough up the caps to get it cleaned."
Of all the companions, Hancock is the most unbothered by becoming a super mutant captive. It's just another wasteland adventure, albeit one where the opposing cast of characters are all at least two feet taller than him. He might earn some bumps and bruises for being unable to keep his smart mouth shut, but he'll just bide his time until he spots an opening to wreak havoc and escape, or until the sole survivor comes along to wiggle him out. Not affected by FEV for obvious reasons.
MacCready: "You know, I'm getting real sick of you green lunatics. Spent almost a decade living next door to some of your cousins, and they knew enough not to mess with me."
Upon capture, MacCready would roll his eyes and accept that he's going to have to wait for some help. He'd get more desperate the longer his wait went on though, envisioning a world where Duncan lost his dad without getting to say goodbye. Mutation wouldn't necessarily dampen his spirits at first: After all, if anyone can find a cure, it's the sole survivor.
Valentine: "Not exactly a group of masterminds, are you?"
At this point, Nick is used to getting abducted and locked up by just about every group in the Commonwealth. He knows super mutants well enough to know they don't listen to reason, but he can't resist getting in a jab or two about how he's far from edible. Not affected by FEV for obvious reasons.
Piper: "So, uh, what's say I write up a column about how super mutants are seriously misunderstood creatures and we'll call it even? No?"
Piper might have similar levels of confidence as Deacon, but hers are much more likely to waver when faced with possible death by ingestion. Her quips would be fewer and more nervous until the sole survivor arrived, at which point she would put her game face back on and cheer her rescuer along. If exposed to FEV, she would beg the sole survivor to help her find a cure for Nat's sake, and eventually weasel the information about Virgil out of them.
Preston: "I didn't need to get up close to know why you're called 'uglies,' but here we are."
While terrified at what the super mutants might do to him, Preston is the most level-headed when captured. He's already great under pressure in battle, and he's used to setting his own fears aside to find solutions for his woes. Most likely to have more people coming to his rescue than the sole survivor alone, due to his role with the Minutemen. If exposed to FEV, Preston would likely accept his fate with dignity, and make the sole survivor promise to dispatch him if he turns violent. I don't think he would, though, and the Minutemen would probably be more accepting of a super mutant officer than most.
X6-88: "I can afford to wait for field assistance, mutant. They will not make the mistakes I did."
X6-88 accepts his predicament calmly, like he accepts everything that happens to him. If unable to free himself, he will patiently wait for the Institute help he knows is coming, even if it's just the sole survivor with a pipe pistol. Regarding FEV mutation, turning into a super mutant might be the straw that breaks the camel's back for X6-88. In the Institute's eyes, the Courser is now hideous and no longer viable in the field: In X6-88's opinion, though, he is even stronger and more dangerous than he was before. I could see him finally choosing to desert his post out of a growing sense of self-preservation once transformed.
Gage: "Well look who's suffering from delusions of adequacy! I'd call you f***ers dumb as rocks, but at least a rock can hold a door open."
Porter Gage is great at heckling, and just good enough that he toes the line right up to where super mutants would start to understand he's insulting them. The sole survivor would likely find a gaggle of them around his confinement space, convinced he's complimenting them when he's actually being very rude. Breaking him out gives him the biggest smile. Becoming mutated himself might actually benefit Gage in the long run, as the raiders he used to be wary of would instead find themselves newly-wary of the Overboss' right-hand man.
Longfellow: "Too bad you aren't one of the more reasonable ones. Might've saved your skin."
Longfellow treats his own capture with a sense of humor, acknowledging that he's not as young as he once was and might need help now and then. Chuckles the whole time the sole survivor is fighting their way to him, and grateful upon release. If turned into a super mutant, he'd shrug, accept his fate, and ask to be escorted to live with his friend Erickson up near Far Harbor.
Maxson: "I welcome the day you and your kind meet total destruction."
If Danse is angry about being captured by his sworn enemies, Maxson is seething. Kidnapping a Brotherhood Elder is something that shouldn't even be possible in his eyes, let alone by super mutants. Once freed, he would do his best to erase the nest from the earth: Fire, missiles, tactical nukes if necessary. Also like Danse, Maxson would order the sole survivor to mercifully dispatch him if he were mutated. Additionally, he'd have them destroy any evidence of his exposure to FEV, and simply turn in his holotags with the news that he had perished in the line of duty.
Desdemona: [livid silence]
Plunks herself down, lights a cigarette if her hands are free, and waits. Eventually, the sole survivor or Glory will turn up, and she'll give them one, lingering look of disappointment before vanishing into the Commonwealth ruins. Least likely to get captured in the first place. If mutated, she would reassume her job as leader of the Railroad with no comment, and everyone else would know better than to ask.
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