#also this is me with cherry coke zero
thinmanolia · 3 months
My current diet
First off, everything I dont eat and why
No dairy
No eggs
No gluten
No starches (potatoes, rice, legumes, bananas, any and all flour products like breads and pastries even if they are gluten free)
No fruit juice
Tropical fruit
No pork
No condiments
No cacao powder or chocolate
No coffee
The first 6 inflame me and cause me acne. Pork doesn't taste good to me and gives me terrible body odor, so I just skip it. Condiments have always grossed me out. Ketchup, mayonnaise, you name it, I'll vomit just from the smell of it, so thx, no! I never developed a liking for the flavour of coffee, not so with natural unsweetened bitter cacao powder, though -> I love it, however, it also causes me acne.
What I do eat
Meat (chicken, beef, venison, etc.)
Fish (sardines & salmon are faves)
Fruit vegetables (tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, etc.)
Fruits (local and seasonal)
Coke Zero
Winter Veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, brussle sprouts, cabbage, pumpkin etc.)
Nuts, seeds, nut and seed butters
My meal structure is simple and I repeat it almost every day:
1) Protein source. I rotate between chicken, beef, and salmon. I usually buy 1 whole chicken, 2 pieces of salmon and 2 flank steak throughout the week and mix and match as I desire.
2) A salad. It's always a base of cherry tomatoes and carrot. Then some cucumber, some red bell pepper and whatever else might be in the fridge. I used to go heavy on the leafy greens too, but now they give me diarrhea if I overdo it, so I go slow on them. I dress my salad with balsamic vinegar and either some avocado or olive oil.
3) Carbs come last and as a treat. It's usually some dried fruit like prunes. If it's not dried fruit, it's usually something else that's currently in season and if it's a juicy fruit, I love to freeze it and have it cold (cherries, strawberries, etc.)
4) Snack... I dont snack. If I must, I have a protein bar and 1 tsp of nut butter to fix my bloodsugar and keep me full.
5) Sparkling Mineral Water is my go-to beverage.
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caitwritesao3 · 1 month
Was tagged by @deepwithintheabyss
I don’t wanna retag multiple people but I’ll answer these questions!
Favorite color: I wear a lot of black but I’ve always liked dark green.
Last song: Medicate Me: Rain City Drive ft Dayseeker
Currently Reading: Every Breath After part 1 by Jessie Walker. (It’s the third book in a series but can be read on its own.) It’s a very slow burn childhood friends to lovers (I don’t wanna spoil it.) I’m like 75% done and I’ve cried twice. Like full on ugly crying. I’m already begging for part two.
Currently watching: A show on Netflix called ‘Evil’ it’s about possessions and deals with religious themes. It’s semi interesting.
Currently craving: BBQ Doritos and a vanilla cherry Coke Zero from sonic.
Coffee or Tea: Iced tea, lemon or peach perfered.
Hobby to try: None, lol I’ve gotta stop picking up hobbies just to quit them. I’ll stick with writing fics.
Current au: Ummm still trying to figure out Jason’s backstory for the next part of the Military AU. Also have a rough idea of Tim being chased through the woods by Jason that’ll be a pwp.
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ft-rj · 2 months
coke zero my beloved
coke zero CHERRY my beloved loved.
also they began doing dr pepper zero and i had some and it just doesn't taste different to dr pepper. to me. don't know why. maybe my memory is cloudy. I would buy it even more but it's only in one shop I don't go in much
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apo1ogeticallymyself · 3 months
Food Log 10 (17/6)
Weight: 171 lbs 168 lbs
The plan is working
Conditional calories 2
Goal >1500 cals / 15+ miles exercise
Vegan Quesadilla + salad - 341 cal
Monster white - 11 cal
Raspberries 150g - 78 cal
Coke Zero cherry - 2 cal
Monster apple - 14 cal
Yogurt with berries+ applesauce - 152 cal
Coke Zero - 1 cal
Diet Coke - 1 cal
Hoisin no duck wrap - 381 cal
Strawberry Fruit slices - 162 cal
2 x Pepsi max mango - 4 cal
Total: 1147 calories
43,649 steps/ 20.25 miles
Fitbit Calories burnt: 4959
My estimate: 3775 *
(100 cal/ mile + BMR (1750))
(Fitbit) -3812 calories
(Estimate) - 2628 calories
Feeling like im faking, because I have a limit over 1000, but then I remember that I walked for over 6 hours today to justify being able to eat over a 1000 calories and it makes me feel a lot more secure in my unhealthy-ness
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This was really good I am an amazing chef.
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I added some Vanilla extract and shredded carrots to the yogurt and it tasted like a carrot cake. Was really good.
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Also those fruit slices were not vegan, should’ve checked before hand.
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I'm less sick today, so that's cool! Anyway, time for
The Outsiders Reread : Chapter Two Notes
I could read a whole book of no plot, just them dicking around at the drugstore and gossiping with random people they knew. They mention that it happens, but there's zero detail
Slice of life Outsiders, please???? For me?????
I just want more details on everything. "[Whoever] cussed him out" "Dallas was talking dirty" etc. I want QUOTES. I want to hear someone call someone every name in the book, I want to know how nasty the sexual harassment got. (I lowkey want to know if it's worth being impressed over or if I could outdo them)
I know, I know, leave shit to the imagination and less is more. Shut up, I want it SPELLED OUT for me.
I want it in the pov of someone shittier. Also. Like, glad Ponyboy is like "that kind of kicks just doesn't appeal to me." (in reference to harassing women), but C'MON, I read for ENTERTAINMENT VALUE, give me something to be shocked by!!! Entertain me!!!!
"It's a shame you can't ride bull half as good as you can talk it." I love Cherry. I know I've called her boring before (she is, I think she's a boring character, sorry), but that's a line. Respect, ig. That's, like, the best she's got, so I'll mention it. As well as the throwing that Coke in Dally's face, obviously.
Modern!Cherry DEFINITELY strapped w that stun gun, tell me I'm lying, bitch would not hesitate.
Marcia is autistic because I'm autistic and I said so, btw. Not sorry.
Also, to all yall making headcanons that Dally would treat a CurtisSister!Reader like he does Cherry, "When Steve's cousin from Kansas came down, Dally was decent to her and watched his swearing. We all did around nice girls who were the cousinly type." He would be base-level respectful (I still don't think he'd be great, but--) and if he knew them better he'd be more friendly, stop writing them to harass them, bro. Some dirty comments, probably when they're closer, but straight harassment is probably a no.
Why do people even glance at Cherry when Marcia is RIGHT THERE?? My girl, is SWEAR TO GOD.
I headcanon/interpret all of her lines in a dry deadpan. Like, she says these funny-ass jokes monotone as hell and it's hit or miss with whether people get it. Not even sarcasm (in tone, it's objectively sarcastic comments), just dead toned witty humor. Serious as can be, saying the craziest things, and most people just don't get that she's kidding but goofyass Two-Bit does and obviously so digs it.
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The great regular sleep experiment of 2024 part "I think I'm fucked"
Well, I went to be around 8pm, slept what felt like a decent 4 hours, started having weird vivid dreams that happen when I'm done getting restful sleep, and then when I got up and looked at the clock it was only 11:30, after laying around in bed for a while trying to go back to sleep.
So one REM cycle... 2 hours -ish
The weird things are that:
It did actually feel like restful sleep, even if my body is sore
I feel perfectly alert
If I was hyperthyroid enough to cause this level of insomnia, I'd be having extreme cardiac symptoms all day even before what covid did to my heart and that isn't happening [not that I am getting zero chest pains]. I'm running a little hot and hungry but not even problematically asides from it contributing maybe to not sleeping.
I'm not having to force myself awake anymore except occasionally just after 5 am during grocery time
I am not getting the extra *symptoms* insomnia usually comes with anymore, I would actually not realize I wasn't sleeping if I wasn't paying attention to the clock, currently [and maybe the sleep headache thing].
So unless I slept from 8pm on the 10th until past 11 on the 11th without noticing... I am getting what feels like actually restful sleep for at least 2 REM cycles per day, one in the morning, and one at night... But ONLY that much. And my morning shift is fucked up now too when it was stable.
The 6th weird thing is while I am sore in a way I would compare to doing crossfit face-first... I am not nearly as sore and not at all sleepy, compare to what I should be for sleeping less than 4 hours per day.
Usually this level of mental alertness on this little sleep is what happens when I take certain anti-depression meds and metabolize them weird. And -regardless of how it's happened- usually comes with something akin to mania, that has had me misdiagnosed as bipolar or manic depressive before [before they acknowledged the upswings were too slow, stable, and lasted months at a time and were my thyroid]. But like, I do not feel manic, or like I am acting or communicating in a way people would describe that way, and I always could before, I could feel it happening to me, feel the nervous energy and how fast I was talking etc...
Like I managed to make myself do chores almost every day without it being a struggle like usual to get started. Sometimes it doesn't even feel like I am forcing myself to do them.
And you might be thinking "well maybe it's the extra caffeine from the coke you've been drinking" NO! I ran out of the cherry cola 10 days after I did groceries!
The only thing from them that could still be in my system is phosphorus from the phosphoric acid. [coke brand cola is actually the cheapest way for me to even get bio-available phosphorus in my diet, so I am hopping we don't need another boycott, because supplements do not work the same way, and they and pork are expensive AF]
And as much as I have been trying to add a second cup of tea to my day I keep forgetting about it long enough that I am averaging closer to 1.2 bags of tea per day.
Which leads me to the only convincing theory, to me, right now, that I was low key "treating" insomnia by being at least somewhat phosphorus deficient most of the time, and that's why drinking coke would have me feeling more energetic for days at a time after the caffeine should have worn off [but ONLY coke brand coke], and this might only be possible because -in theory- part of my chronic fatigue could be that I'm one of the people who has a really hard time making Adenosine back into ATP, and needs extra phosphorus to make sure I am doing it as best I can.
The only hiccup in that theory is i think you mostly convert Adenosine back into ATP in your sleep, but I am getting 4 hours that feel actually restful for once, and I am unclear on whether your body also does this at a certain level of rest, even while awake.
This *could**** mean that drinking cola more regularly would mean having the energy to at least keep on top of housework without feeling like I have to force myself to do it every day. This sleep experiment may have inadvertently confirmed THAT suspicion beyond a doubt. It would of course be super helpful to have a doctor willing to IMMEDIATELY check my thyroid and ATP levels on request the moment I request it, so I can confirm things like this.
And I do think eating more ground beef is helping my iron levels.
But the problem is I need to sleep more than this. If I was feeling awake and alert off 8 hours I wouldn't question it... But this is 2 hours at a time twice a day at best. I'm not having terrors, or sleep adjacent hallucinations at present or "mis-seeing" things out of the corner of my eyes or anything... Which is great, because usually those symptoms would be more... Insistent for a lot longer... but I HAVE to doubt my judgement and ability to form memories properly on less than 4 hours of sleep per day, and I am starting to get a persistent headache threatening to be a migraine -and fairly constant tinnitus- that haven't been even this bad since I was last employed.
The fact that -at present- I mostly just feel pain/ache in my face and muscles as the only symptom of sleep deprivation doesn't mean I am not sleep deprived, and this isn't sustainable for someone with CFS... Usually any time this has carried on for any reason, there's a crash at some point and it's nasty.
In the meantime I AM going to be using this as best I can to get on top of housework and settling in, and getting things arranged and out of boxes... Because taking advantage of these upswings was how I was managing that kind of "catching up" for years before I stopped getting them. Is that ADVISABLE? WHO KNOWS!
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My calorie tracker
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Will be updating daily on how many calories I've had! Idm if you want to ask me any questions and I'm looking for people who can relate to my situation and wont shame me either! 💕🌹
4/2/24 - 300 cal!
Soup - 196 cal (400ml)
Cereal (no milk) - 104 (30g)
5/2/24 - 200 cal!
Soup (a literal go-to it tastes so good and fills you up with few calories) - 196 cal (400ml)
Green tea (rlly good hunger suppressant, gives so much flavour for so few cal) - ~4 cal (400ml)
Also I love the way that all the cals perfectly adds up to a multiple of ten and it makes me ana brain happy for some reason
6/2/24 - 0 cal!!
7/2/24- 254 cal
I was planning on fasting today but I have an important science test tomorrow and I dont want to faint during it. I did manage 48 hours and 15 minutes!! I'll post proof pics if anyone wants it
Soup - 196 (400ml)
Green tea + honey - 58 (400ml + 15g honey) (ik it's a lot of cal but it prevented a binge I still feel guilty but i was craving sweets and this prevented it + made my mum less suspicious of me)
8/2/24 - 260 cal
Soup - 188 (400ml) (found some lower cal soup in the cupboard. Istg my mum is always trying to shove the highest cal food down my throat I'm just glad she gives up after a while)
Apple - 72 (137g)
9/2/24 - 95 cal
Carrots + hummus
Carrots - 43 (147g)
Hummus - 48 (20g)
Green tea - ~4 (400ml)
10/2/24 - 403 cal
Felt like I ate a bunch today and I hate it, it's still under my limit I just feel so fat. Istg my OMAD mindset leaves my body on the weekend
Soup - 188 (400ml)
Bread + hummus
Bread - 130
Hummus - 24 (10g)
Green tea - ~4 (400ml)
Cherry coke zero - 2 (500ml)
Yoghurt pot - 55 (115g)
11/2/24 - 273 cal!
Protein yoghurt - 140 (200g)
Eggs and cracker thin thing (I cant be bothered to check what they were called rn but they were really good!!)
Egg white - 35 (66g)
Cracker thin - 38 (1 thin)
Yoghurt pot - 55 (115g)
12/2/24 - 272 cal
Hummus + bread
Hummus - 12 (5g)
Bread - 260 (2 slices)
13/2/24 - 282 cal
Rice crackers + hummus
2x rice crackers - 58
Hummus - 24 (10g)
Protein yoghurt- 142 (200g)
Strawberries + rice cracker
Rice cracker - 29
Strawberries - 29 (91g)
14/2/24 - 142 cal!!
Bread + soft cheese spread
Bread - 128 (2x slices)
Soft cheese - 14 (10g)
15/2/24 - 335 cal
Bread + soft cheese spread
Bread - 64 (1x slice)
Soft cheese - 15 (10g)
Bread + wholegrain mustard
Bread - 113 (1 and 3/4 slices)
Wholegrain mustard - 7 (3.75g)
Yoghurt pot - 56
Corn wrap - 53 cal (1 wrap)
Vegan ham - 13 (1 slice)
Chilli hummus- 14 (5g)
16/2/24 - 250 cal!
Seeded bagel thin - 154
Wholegrain mustard - 10 (5g)
Vegan ham - 13 (1 slice)
Rice crackers + soft cheese
Rice cracker - 58 (2x crackers)
Soft cheese - 15 (10g)
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deadweight-at7am · 2 years
Has anyone had a chance to try this yet?
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Tell me now! I love a good Dr. Pepper but I hate the calorie content. It's literally the only soda I can drink full sugar besides root beer. Regular Coca Cola makes me want to vom. I never drink soda except for a once in a while treat but if this tastes good I'm getting some.
Also, another elite zero cal sodies is Diet Coke Cherry Vanilla
Edited to add: I can't find it!! The zero sugar option is in none of my local stores.
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edoro · 2 years
The Hunger has certainly come for me so i’ve been trying to load up on low-carb high-protein or high-fiber snacks like nuts, yogurt, certain fruit (blueberries, apples, etc)
and the thing is that there are 2 grocery stores within walking distance. one of them is a drug store and one of them is a fancy rich people store.
(there’s a decently cheap chain store that is, depending on how much walking i feel like doing in the first place, either a short 5min bus ride + 10min walk to the bus stop OR approximately an hour long ride but i get picked up right outside my apartment building, and then a Walmart that’s 10min bus stop walk, 10min bus ride, and 5min walk to the pickup stop + 10min walk home, but if i don’t want to get on the bus or spend the money on a bus ticket then i can either go to the drug store or the rich people store)
so anyway a lot of times i end up going and blowing ridiculous amounts of food stamps money on rich people groceries, mostly for stuff the other stores don’t have like sugar free soda that isn’t coke zero (i like virgil’s black cherry and cream sodas) or my tasty sweet potato hash brown snacks etc
ANYWAY last time i was there i needed more peanut butter so i got a jar of the store brand, which is like, six dollars lmao, BUT it’s also Very Fancy. barrel-roasted in small batches and then ground, it’s just got peanuts without any filler oils, etc etc, and guys... guys it might be worth it. guys it tastes so good?
it’s got this very delicious smoky nutty flavor that can best be described as How Coffee Beans Smell, with a nice specifically peanutty after/overtaste, and the texture is very smooth but also full of nice crunchy bits (i like crunchy nut butter, sue me)
anyway i hate finding out that paying more money means better food. absolutely ridiculous. but it’s SO good.
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phoenixrising0308 · 2 years
Wacky Drabbles: FMO Keeping up with Jessica Garcia
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Books: The Royal Romance Books all of them
Rating: M (18+) Sexual situation and adult themes.
Trigger Warnings in this chapter: 
Pairing: Liam x Jessica Garcia (MC)
Wacky Drabble A/U: This story exists on its own and may or may not be a part of their journey together. Traits, personalities, and characters are all the same. Some canon characters may appear but in a different manifestation and by no means exist in that form in Agent Phoenix A/U this is not meant to be anything other than an A/U onto itself. Catch up with wacky drabbles here
This week’s wackydrabbles dribble challenge: What wacky habit, hobby, or interest does your MC or favorite character have? You have 500 words to tell us about it!
Chapter Summary: I think the title speaks for its self but what if Liam got a little case of FOMO because his favorite duchess is hiding something from him.
A/N: time zones I was so over trying to figure it out so I'm waving the fandom magical wand on this.
A/N2: JLI short hand for Jessica and Liam in the drabble verse
Song inspiration:  Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful
Word count: 495
Average reading time: 8 minutes
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JLI Quarters
Liam woke up with his favorite duchess at his side. Her face was covered in chocolate, so were his silk bedsheets. In her hand the weapon… a melted bar of Hershey. Retirement was rough and sleep eating was something she did when she was troubled, along with talking to herself. He asked her for weeks what was troubling her and a typical response would be “Baby, you just don’t get it.” Deep down inside he was hurt this was the woman he nearly died for believed he was incapable of understanding what she was going through or worse that she couldn’t confide in him. Liam needed to know why she was always on edge on Thursday and devastated on Friday. Liam was desperate for answers and he turned to the men in her life that raised her he started off with Adam Garcia he was sympathetic but had nothing to offer other than to say “I’m not a fucken social worker ask her. I’m trying to hook up with her friend I can’t get involved brother.” Then he moved on to the man that attempted to taser him in the dick Mateo Garcia who greeted him with the usual “Que pasa Cabrón (What’s up dumbass)” and then he was offered a tip. The NYPD Captain told him it was simple to come home at 1:15 pm to see what she was up to. Liam did just that.
At 1:15 pm he abruptly entered the home they shared and saw Jessica hysterically crying into a bag of Doritos with a few empty cans of Coke Zero Cherry. He sat next to the love of his life and held her into his arms and asked “Love, is this why you’ve been so upset every week?”
“See, I told you you wouldn’t understand.”
“So explain it to me.”
“The media ruins everything. They were in love they have kids together and now she cant finish law school remember I couldn’t finish school? Remember I wanted a career but I couldn’t have one here?”
He pulled her into his arms, kissed her, and said “I see”
Jessica took a shaky breath and said, “I just want Kim to be happy she has been through so much. Kimye’s marriage was a timeless love story like ours. Look at what the tabloids did to us. They ruined everything.”
Liam sighed and said, “I know love. But out of all the love stories ever written, or produced ours is the best. We will stand the test of time. You are my happy beginning and ending. I can’t even begin to express how much you mean to me. Also, I have been following along Leo watches this and you know what I want Scott to get back with Kourtney myself.” He kissed her on the forehead and they watched the show in silence. And at the end, of the show they Kim K ugly-cried together while holding each other.
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justhere4kpop · 1 year
Tag game: 5 drinks to get to know me!
Tagged by: @legohwas and @hwaightme (besties before the resties?? Not really tho I have a lot of amazing friends here) I should probably sleep instead of doing this but oh well!!!
1) Water, honestly used to hate it....somedays its harder to drink to drink than others because I want the taste of something but hey... I've gotten pretty good at downing a liter a day or close to it. I'm very particular about water unfortunately, I like bottled and certain brands of bottled and the Starbucks water...
2) Soda. Of any kind really, I usually have two kinds with me/at my house, one with caffeine and one without. Recently tried Chilsung Cider.... seriously worth it. I love Sprite and Cherry Cola (right now its either Zero Sugar Cherry Coke or Wild Cherry Pepsi). I go through big Mtn Dew phases too especially their Rapsberry Lemonade flavor. High key really miss the Orange Vanilla Coca-Cola flavor. Will also demolish bottle of Ramune!ラムネ大好き.
3) Soju! I love a good bottle of Soju, specifically the Peach and Green Grape Flavor, or the cocktails you get at Korean BBQ, had a Mango one recently that was great and a Strawberry cocktail at Stray Kids. I don't drink often but when I do I'm picking up soju.
4) Juice/Mogu Mogu. I drink juice of almost any kind except like Vegetable Juice. I'm a huge child and love Sunny D (which is a sugary version of Orange Juice for kids.) And I LOVE Mogu Mogu, its like having Boba but I don't worry about it sticking to my braces and ripping them off somehow.
5) Coffee. I do work at Starbucks so probably have to include this somewhere. I'm not the biggest coffee drinker and in fact recently it hasn't been agreeing with me but I do drink it sometimes still when I need a caffeine drink and I'm at work. I get it with my friends a lot and its just one of those have a good day drinks for me.
@hanniiesuckle17, @shadowynn, @starillusion13, @byuntrash101
Also feel free to do it too! Its fun and interesting to think about.
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Movie Review | Sex Hunter (Ikeda, 1980)
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The back cover and the liner notes included in my DVD copy compare this to Suspiria. Now, both movies certainly take place in a strangely inviting ballet school permeated with a sense of threat. But in Suspiria, the ballet school gains its atmosphere from the full force of Dario Argento's visual style and the immaculately crafted mise-en-scene. It's inviting in spite of the threat it poses to the movie's heroine. Here, the kinky sex that takes place in this ballet school, as orchestrated by the beautiful yet sinister headmistress, attracts the heroine because of the arguable sense of danger that it comes with. It's inviting because of the threat it poses to its heroine. So there is an idea here, equating eroticism with danger and conflating the resulting combination with the location in which the action transpires, that I found pretty intriguing.
I was less moved by the film's tenuous grasp of character arcs. The heroine is supposedly a submissive, and indeed we see her partaking in submissive, degrading acts and enjoying it, but there's a leap in her characterization from blank slate to confident sub that the movie doesn't try to sketch out. I am a relative novice in the pinku genre, and perhaps this is an established enough trope that more seasoned viewers will take this for granted, but if I compare this to Debauchery, one of the few entries in the genre I've seen, I appreciated how that movie used the Belle de Jour plot to build an actual arc around its heroine's entry into prostitution and kink for self actualization. The heroine here is arguably something of an audience surrogate, and certainly the headmistress has her seductive qualities, but as a viewer I never felt convincingly seduced. Arc-wise, the movie also struggles with the headmistress' disabled brother, who only figures into the proceedings prominently at around the halfway point, and has an attachment to the heroine we're never really sold on.
All that being said, I see this is directed by Toshiharu Ikeda of Evil Dead Trap fame, and at the risk of making generalizations about cultures and genres I have a great deal of ignorance about, I do think this also has some authoritarian subtext, particularly in the way the headmistress attempts to exert control on the other characters. And I think this gives added resonance to the escalating duel of perversions and role reversals that lead this movie to its conclusion, even when it strains psychological plausibility. That resonance is probably just a cherry on top if you happen to find this arousing, and while I won't disclose exactly how much was my cup of tea (let's say somewhere between zero and a hundred percent, not inclusive), I must report that the sexual activity in this movie is imaginatively staged and energetically depicted. (I won't reveal any of the gory details, but I would strongly advise against sipping a Coke during your viewing, especially from a glass bottle.) And it gains added charge from the dissonance between the intensity of the acts and the stylish handsome cinematography used to capture them, and the postcard-like exterior shots of the school and the depravity contained therein.
I must however note that, while it would be unreasonable for me to expect this genre to be politically correct or for an '80s pinku movie from Japan to share modern North American cultural sensitivities, I was bothered by the movie's suggestion that sex with a black man was somehow an escalation in depravity. I think some of the other events in the movie are easier to excuse within the context of the genre, but this I found especially ugly.
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w0nd3rb0ii · 2 years
bruh im like living off of diet soda rn. like this morning i had a diet coke and rn i just bought like a mango pepsi zero (6/10, kinda weird, if u want flavors go for cherry, also its pepsi bc my school doesnt have coke) and like im kinda grossed out w myself bc it feels like im having cals but im not??? but im scared its making me gain weight.
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larrietinder · 2 years
Prefer to be called: Nikee (beelou)
Age: 26
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: straight? Bi? Who knows? Not me!
Timezone: EST
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Relationship Status: Single
Favorite Member of 1D: Harryandlouis
What are you looking for? Relationship? Casual? Friends? Friends! I love friends and who knows what will happen 👀
Favorite Color: purple
Favorite Food: chicken
Favorite Beverage: cherry coke zero
Favorite Season: spring
Least Favorite Color: brown
Least Favorite Food: seafood
Least Favorite Beverage: tea (I'm so sorry I try to like it I just can't lol)
Least Favorite Season: winter
What is attractive to you in a person?
Humor, ability to hold a conversation beyond the small talk
What immediately turns you off of a person?
Chewing with your mouth open. Gross
What are your red flags that you're guilty of?
I don't usually message first, I'll think you don't want to talk to me and I won't talk at all. Also not a great conversationalist. I really have trouble thinking of what to talk about
What red flags make you immediately run?
Rudeness, just overall not nice. Talking about people behind their backs, making fun of them, etc
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starkissedblade · 3 months
🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 my T prescription??? my state signed a thing that bans places that take medicaid from gender affirming care, and all i heard was abt minors, but it also includes adults ig & ig my dr in the next few days will get back to me abt guidelines thru the change or something so ig I’ll find out??? i do informed consent cuz medicaid ALREADY didnt cover gender affirming care lol 😀😀😀😀 the dr that messaged me back (i was asking for new round of T prescription & they did it for me + a referral for a blood test for t) said my dr will be back at work tomorrow so and said they hope the law wont be implemented/will be struck down shortly 😀 trying to find inner peace at the moment w a coke zero cherry 🍒 😭 i**** sucks 😭😭😭
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The can vs bottle thing is so real!! But also I feel like it’s different for each variety, like regular coke needs to come from a can but cherry coke has to be in a bottle (in my professional opinion)
i definitely get the canned regular coke, bottled regular coke is the milk from satan's breast and nobody wants that
lol ive actually never had regular cherry coke, only cherry coke zero so i must stand by your professional opinion anon
also in my humble, professional opinion, the spiced coke is just raspberry coke, it feels to me like it's WASP-level of spice
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