#Preschool Interior Design
charlesve · 11 months
🌟 Embracing the Magic: The Heart of Childcare Renovation and Interior Design 🌈
In the captivating world of childcare centers, we create enchanting spaces that nurture young minds. ✨ Childcare renovation and interior design go beyond aesthetics – they embrace a thoughtful approach to cater to children, parents, and staff alike. Let's explore the key aspects that make childcare renovation a specialized art in the interior design industry. 🎨
Putting Children First: 🧒👧
Child-centric designs take center stage in childcare centers. With vibrant colors, playful patterns, and interactive elements, we kindle children's imagination and creativity. 🎨🌈 Age-appropriate furniture, safe play zones, and easy navigation cater to the varying needs of children at different stages of development. 🪁🛤️
Balancing Safety and Style: 🛡️💫
Safety is paramount when renovating childcare spaces. We comply with strict safety regulations without sacrificing aesthetics. Non-toxic materials, rounded edges, and secure fixtures create a nurturing environment where kids can explore fearlessly. 🧸🌿
Inviting Spaces for Parents: 👨‍👩‍👦🏠
Childcare centers aren't just for kids – they need to welcome parents too. Thoughtful waiting areas, cozy corners, and observation spaces assure parents that their little ones are well taken care of. Fostering trust and strong parent-child-caregiver relationships is key. ❤️🏠
Maximizing Functionality: 📏🧩
Efficient space usage is crucial in childcare centers. We know how to optimize floor plans, storage, and traffic flow for seamless daily operations. Smart spatial planning ensures every inch serves a purpose. 🏢🔄
Emphasizing Play and Learning: 🎲📚
Childhood is all about exploring and discovering. Childcare renovation incorporates dedicated learning and play areas. These corners encourage curiosity and physical development while fostering social interaction. 🤹‍♀️🧠
Embrace the magic of childcare renovation and interior design, where creativity, practicality, and safety come together to shape nurturing havens for the future generation. 🏆🌟
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glitterykisses · 1 year
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Willow Creek Daycare WIP
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decorationinside · 3 months
Sweeten Up Your Celebration: Candy Land Birthday Party Decorations
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medhajalan · 1 year
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From learning walls to storage and flexible tables, We specialize in creating functional learning classrooms and play spaces for children.
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astrobiscuits · 4 months
Astrocartography notes
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🌍 Do you want to study abroad? Work abroad? Your MC lines show what domain to pursue:
Sun MC: photographer, actor; check the planet ruling your Sun's zodiac sign for more details
Moon MC: nurse, preschool/elementary teacher, childcare worker/nanny, doula, housekeeper
Mercury MC: librarian, language teacher, speech language pathologist, translator, working in academia, journalist, PR agent, receptionist, secretary, architect, economist, comedian
Venus MC: modelling, artist, fashion designer, hairstylist, makeup artist, art director, interior designer, garden designer, florist, wedding planner
Mars MC: surgeon, firefighter, working at the police, sportsman (the type of sport depends on the zodiac sign Mars is in your birth chart, for ex. Mars in Pisces = football, swimming; Mars in Libra = gymnastics); fitness instructor
Jupiter MC: international driver (driving to your Jupiter MC line brings bonusess💰💰), flight attendant, hotel manager, tour guide, philosopher
Saturn MC: general practitioner, dentist, law, working in the Parliament, working in public institutions, business (CEO), historian, construction worker
Uranus MC: STEM (engineering, ecology sciences, biology), electrician, weather presenter, astronomer/astrophysicist, astrologer, sociology, social worker, advocate for human rights/activist
Neptune MC: choreographer, scenographer, film/theater director, actor, ballet dancer, music composer, rehabilitation worker, bartender, yoga instructor, meditation teacher, reiki practitioner
Pluto MC: adult actor, therapist, psychiatrist, any job regarding forensics (detective, toxicologist, forensic accountant etc.), embalmer, funeral director, loan officer, research analyst
🌍 If you have no astrocartography lines passing through the country you lived for most of your life, you probably don't feel at home in that country and have always wanted to relocate to another country
🌍 When you have atleast 2 lines "conjuncting" each other through a certain country, the planet that is more dominant in your birth chart will have a higher effect in astrocartography
🌍 Mercury IC line can show where one of your siblings or cousins relocate at some point during their life
🌍 If you're a girl and you have daddy issues (hey, we don't judge here!!), travelling to Saturn DSC line will likely bring you lots of opportunities of meeting your perfect partner, but also harsh lessons regarding control in a relationship (this is a good line for you to heal your daddy issues)
🌍 If you want to meet your future spouse and you (personally) find international guys attractive, travelling to Jupiter DSC line is a very good idea. Your future spouse might also be a foreigner in that country, just like you :)
🌍 Sun ASC line shows you where you can find your life's purpose. Also your depression:📉📉 0%, while your happiness:📈📈 100% (unless your Sun is in your 8th or 12th house, then the mental health effect is the complete opposite)
🌍 You could give birth on your Moon IC line😳 or your mom could have given birth to you on that line
🌍 Venus ASC line shows you where you could take lots of pictures (of yourself, of the sightseeings). Also, where you could get diabetes where you will want to try every type of sweets you find there
🌍 You will either get very drunk, consume drugs or smoke some weird shit on your Neptune ASC line (pls take care of your health)
🌍 You could randomly meet an ex or someone who resembles your ex while travelling to your Chiron DSC line
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insanelyadd · 1 year
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Designed the Archivists. Mainly so I had faces to punch in my mind. But anyways, Penumbra is the eldest, her color scheme was inspired by some pictures of The Pillars of Creation, Crescent is the second oldest, the outside of the cloak is based on. Well you know. And the interior clothes colors are based off of sunsets. Satellite and Solari are fraternal twins and teens* (for their species *This has since been retconned, they are adults CURRENTLY, but were teens during the war against the Titans). Neither it older than the other because these are cosmic entities and I say it can work that way. Their color schemes aren't actually based on anything in particular but after I chose them and laid out the colors I was like "Wow they look like characters on a preschool show that teach you about space" which is sort of ironic.
More info on them under the cut, lil spoiler alert! They are not nice. They are bad in fact.
Penumbra is the one who came up with the idea to send the Collector to the Titan Planet, mainly to see if he was ready to do the work they were all expected to do, partially so they'd all get a break from them. She is also the one who noticed Collector magic doesn't work on Titans. She got along fine with the Collector when she was teaching him things but would get annoyed very easily when he wanted attention in literally any other situation, so she'd send them to play with Satellite and Solari since they were the closest in age to him. She uses she/her but in a nonbinary way, in that I HC all Collectors are cosmic beings outside our scope of understanding of things like sex and gender.
Crescent actually got along the best with The Collector. He would frequently be gone to do things since she is the most active in exploring planets and acquiring specimens, but when he was home she'd love playing with them. He's probably the most outwardly friendly of the Archivists, which you'd need to be when you're constantly interacting with mortals. She's the one who got the idea to get the mortal witches of the planet to kill Titans, using them as easily sacrificed pawns and tools for removing the "threat". He is the one referred to as the Grand Huntsman. You can tell she's fucked up and evil because he wears socks with sandals. (Yeah I double checked the episode with the Titan Trappers and they never once refer to the Grand Huntsman as anything other than that title or "our god" so I'm using she/he pronouns)
Satellite liked playing with the Collector occasionally as they also are easily bored, but Penumbra sending him to always play with them and Solari easily wore their patience thin, so they'd disappear to do "errands" or "chores" or because they were "tired" when it was really just an excuse to leave him with Solari. If they were forced to interact they would easily lose their cool and yell, at the Collector (initially) or in general (after getting in trouble for yelling at him too much), until he was allowed to leave. Despite their surface affect of cool apathy, they're a hot head. Satellite was the one who got to tell the Collector that he should go play with the Titans.
Solari very actively didn't like being around the Collector. Her brand of being "nice" for his sake would be a constant stream of passive-aggression and cold sarcasm, sending them to do pointless chores or activities, scavenger hunts, etc, anything to get him away from them. If they had to interact for some reason, she would do things like play a game called "shooting star" where she would pick him up and magically throw them as far away as possible into space. She's gotten in trouble for it before when they launched him so far they weren't able to return for nearly an hour (after which everyone had to go out looking for him). The Collector did enjoy this game, because little kids just like being thrown around in general, except for the time everyone had to go looking for him because he was launched too far and couldn't figure out where to go to get home.
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jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
Her | First Dance
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bestfriend!jungkook, tattooartist!jungkook, F2L, fluff, smut
Word Count - 5k
Jungkook has other ideas for your first dance. Warnings: swearing, lots and lots of tooth rotting fluff. I cried writing this
Two whole years of dating Jungkook have flown by in a romantic blur. Your best friend and fiancé treats you with nothing but respect and love, every day you wake up and count your blessings that he’s yours. Especially when he tugs you into a tight embrace and tells you he loves you. Every morning. Without fail.
On your one year anniversary you moved in together into a large beautiful house just outside the city. Surrounded by fields and farm animals, chic interior and cosiness. It’s perfect. The open fireplace, the wooden beams adding a dash of character to the high ceilings. Thankfully you and Kook have mostly similar taste and agreed on pretty much everything in your home. Although he did get his own way with one element, the huge photo wall on the staircase, filled with pictures of you both together throughout the years. Turns out his emotional hoarding came in handy for interior design if nothing else.
Living in the middle of nowhere comes with it’s ups and downs. Jungkook had to chase a family of foxes out of your garden three months ago when he discovered they were the culprits behind his cabbages never growing. Yeah, cabbages. Your fiancé has turned into quite the farmer these days which is something you still can’t quite wrap your head around. Giving his huge, manly, heavily tattooed beefy body that does not resemble a farmer’s whatsoever.
But there he was in the middle of the night, wearing absolutely nothing to hide any shred of dignity he had left. Holding a rake he got excited about buying in Target one time. Chasing foxes in the fields. Completely naked. It's a good job you don't have neighbours.
Sometimes you struggle to get signal on your phone which isn’t ideal, especially at a time like this. You’re in bed alone, your girl-friend’s and family taking up all the spare rooms the luxurious cottage-style house has to offer. It’s almost midnight. It’s the night before your wedding, a wedding that you and Kook managed to plan in just under eight months because you just want to be married already.
Tomorrow is the big day and the nerves have kicked in.
You’re really doing this. You’re really marrying Jeon Jungkook. Your best friend.
He proposed to you in the sandpit of your old preschool one night, the playground filled with rose petals and candles and he even rented an ice cream truck for affect which both your parents hid inside, secretly filming your reaction.
You can still remember the way he looked up at you so hopeful, with doe-eyes swimming with adoration and relief when you said yes. How could you say anything else? You love him. You love him more than you thought would ever be possible, and here you are, less than twenty four hours away from being the one thing Jungkook promised himself you would be thirty years ago.
Mrs Jeon.
The lack of phone signal is proving to be a real pain in the ass, you want to message Jungkook and make sure he still wants to go ahead with tomorrow. Despite the fact you already know he wants nothing less. You’re nervous, excited, a little overwhelmed and you can’t physically get comfortable in bed without him here. The sheets are drowning you without him being hellbent on stealing them. You sigh.
You just want to talk to your best friend one last time before he becomes your husband. He’s at his parents’ house for the night, the whole wedding party is going straight to the venue tomorrow morning at seven am to begin getting ready. Or should you say seven am today, because according to your phone it’s now 00:02AM.
“Rapunzel, Rapunzel!” You hear it before you see it, the sound of stones hitting your bedroom window a little too hard for your liking. “Let down your hair! Julieeeeet! Come down! Romeo is here! Princess Fiona?! Wait no maybe not her, would that make me donkey or shrek? I don't really wanna be shrek I'm way hotter...” You hear him mutter to himself and you snort in bed, throwing your head back into the pillows.
You’d recognise that voice anywhere.
You’re giggling like a school girl when you head over to the window, feigning annoyance when you open it and glare down at the huge grassy garden and the man standing in it. As expected, it’s your fiancé.
Jungkook laughs brightly when he catches sight of you folding your arms over your chest with raised brows. He's shuffling his weight awkwardly between his thick legs, extending his arm up to wave at you. It’s like something from a movie, your fiancé pelting stones at your window the night before your wedding in grey sweatpants and an oversized black t shirt.
He definitely snuck out to do this, the idea alone makes you chortle aloud. A thirty two year old man, sneaking out of his parents house essentially just to go home.
“What are you doing here?” You whisper, face already aching from smiling.
Jungkook’s clutching his hand to his chest now, offended, eyes narrow and tinted with mischief, “I live here?”
You nod slowly, glancing round at the near pitch black atmosphere surrounding him. “Do you have any idea what time it is?”
“Do you? I’ve tried calling you but your phones switched off—”
“No signal.” You offer an apologetic smile and low chuckle, he wanted to talk to you too? Apparently you’re more alike than you realise, “Why’d you try to call me?”
Kook shrugs, burying his fists into his pockets with the phoniest frown you've ever seen him wear, “I wanted to make sure those foxes didn’t come back and eat everybody, dangerous creatures foxes yknow—”
“Jungkook.” You try to warn him, but you look less than threatening in your silk white ‘Bride To Be’ pyjama short sets. The fact you’re giggling doesn’t go in your favour either, it’s obvious you’re not really mad that he’s here. You could never be mad at him, point proven by your childlike grin. “Why are you really here?”
He’s gazing up at the bedroom window with a fond smile, sparkly eyes and a tiny sigh of defeat. “Okay fine, I wanted to see you. Come on I need to show you something.”
“It’s midnight you know!” You snort, playfully rolling your eyes, “I can’t come out at this time, it’s the day before my wedding!”
“Yes you can!” He frantically nods, mirroring your joyful expression, “I did! Please? Climb down the drain pipe—”
“I am not climbing down the drain pipe.” You scoff, kicking your head back with genuine laughter. “I’ll use the front door like a normal person, but give me ten minutes I need to get changed first.”
“No you don’t need to get changed! Y/N wait—" He shouts, but you close the window with a sigh of disbelief and head over to your closet. He really is something else, and you have a whole lifetime of this shit ahead of you.
But you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Jungkook is mindlessly kicking stones under his feet when you step outside into the garden, thankful that nobody in the house seems to be awake right now. When his eyes find yours they light up with a smile that hasn’t even tugged the corners of his lips yet. He holds out his hand for you to take and you do, your own hand is a lot heavier than it used to be with the addition of your engagement ring. A custom made diamond ring he spent way too much money on, just to have sand from the sandpit you first met in melted into the white gold band.
Further proving that Jungkook is the most romantic person you’ve ever known.
“Where are your bride to be pyjamas?” He quirks a brow, tugging you along to his car in hurried steps after giving your new outfit of blue jeans and one of his hoodies a second look. “You looked cute in them.”
“I wasn’t going to sneak out in pyjamas. Where are we going?” You laugh, messily attempting to keep up his fast pace down the driveway.
“It’s not sneaking out, we’re in our thirties.” He snorts, “I’ve just had the same conversation with my mom you can’t physically sneak out when you’re thirty two. I’m an adult and I’m capable of making my own decisions.” You finally reach his car and he slows down, turning round to face you with an unreadable expression.
Your brows raise expectantly when you let go of his hand, “Kook where are we going? This is kidnapping.”
“You came willingly so don’t even try that.” He grins, stepping closer and taking your face between his inked hands, pulling you into a gentle kiss that makes you weak at the knees. “Come on I don’t want to get stuck in traffic.”
Glancing round at the empty road ahead you can’t help but giggle, jokingly shoving him away with one hand. “It’s so dark I can barely see. Who’s crazy enough to be driving round at this hour?”
“We are. Come on let’s go.”
He kisses you again, teeth nearly clinking against your own because you’re both smiling so damn much. There’s no doubt about it, you’re crazy over your best friend. And tomorrow you’re going to be his wife. Finally.
The car journey takes around twenty minutes, you note you’re heading further into the city from all the buildings and street lights you recognise. The atmosphere feels…familiar, in a way. You’d grown up in the city, as did Jungkook, so you both know the area pretty well. When the car comes to a stop you glance around again, surprised when you register your old ballet building, which just so happens to be Jungkook’s old Taekwondo building too.
“Why are we at the sport centre?” Your brow quirks as you step out of the car, smiling contently when Kook drapes a strong arm over your shoulder.
“You’ll see.” He chuckles mostly to himself, planting a chaste kiss to your temple as you walk up to the main entrance. “All this time and you still don’t trust me. Kinda hurts.” He jokes, shaking his head.
After playfully pushing him away you sigh, “Is it even open?”
“Check for yourself.” He grins, tattooed arms folded over his strong chest, gesturing for you to open the door with his chin.
“I’m not going in there!” You scoff when you point to the door handle, a wide open smile tugging your mouth, “Is this some kind of set up? You get me to set the alarm off and then I get arrested and you get to eat the wedding cake all to yourself and—”
“Oh my god,” He groans with eyes squeezed shut, not so successfully stifling a loud laugh. “You’re soooo dramatic, move out the way.” His hip bumps yours with some force, almost knocking you over when he pushes the entrance open.
Candles. Rose petals. Music.
“Kook… What is all this?” You whisper, curious gaze flickering down the hallway, following a perfect trail of romance into the main sports hall where you’d both taken many lessons as children.
He’s smiling down at you, watching the way your eyes light up in awe at his creation with a fond hum of approval. “I had to pull some strings but, I think it’ll be worth it. Come on.” He extends his arm, and you happily take it.
The two of you walk in comfortable silence, your head resting on his shoulder as you drink in your surroundings. When you make it to the main hall you’re even more blown away, the room glows golden in the candlelight. Not a single corner, or space has been missed. There are pillar candles everywhere, crimson red rose petals scattered on the floor and the faintest sound of love songs softly thicken the air. The centre of the room is completely empty in a perfect circle, and that’s exactly where Jungkook takes you.
“You know… I already said yes to your proposal, you don’t need to do it again.” You whisper, turning to kiss his bicep gently as you walk.
“I know…” He hums, once you’re centred in the room he adjusts himself until he’s standing in front of you, large palms loosely gripping the bend of your waist. Instinctively your arms drape around his shoulders and he chuckles. “But I wanted to have one selfish moment with you before tomorrow, everybody’s going to be there and fighting for your attention all day. I mean why wouldn’t they?” His grin widens when he begins to sway his body from left to right, “You’re amazing.”
“Jungkook...” You sigh, gnawing your lip to suppress the biggest smile humanly possible. “Tomorrow is our day, not just mine.” You sway with him, blood rushing to your cheeks when Jungkook shouts from out of nowhere, glancing behind you.
“Alexa! Play Can’t Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley!”
The song you’ve picked out for your first dance tomorrow.
When the intro to the song plays he moves with more purpose, dipping his head to your cheek where he kisses it sweetly. “Tomorrow is about you Y/N, every day has always been about you… and now everybody else gets to celebrate you the way I always have.” He pulls back to look down at you, his doe-eyes swimming with adoration and sincerity. “And the way I always will, for the rest of my life. So for me this is our first dance, nobody else, just you and me.”
Your heart bursts inside your chest, head nuzzling into his neck to hide your glassy eyes. Meeting Jungkook was the best thing that ever happened to you, he’s not only your best friend but the love of your life. Every day you love him more and more, and he never fails to surprise you or sweep you off your feet.
“I love you Kook.” You sniffle, overcome with emotions.
“I love you too baby, so damn much.” His grip tightens as the two of you dance in the centre of the sports hall, when a sudden memory flash back comes to mind.
You peel away from him, peppering his sharp jawline with dainty kisses, whispering, “Wasn’t our first kiss in here? At your first Taekwondo tournament?”
At this he laughs, a genuine sound that’s like music to your ears, “Mmm. Except a certain somebody said it wasn’t a proper kiss.”
“You know what I mean...” You tut, jokingly rolling your eyes, “It wasn’t a real kiss and I stand by that. But it was the first time our mouths connected.”
“I still count that as our first kiss,” He hums with a soft smile, continuing to sway with you in his hold, “Since you ruined me for all other women that day.”
“Who's being dramatic now? We were nine.” You snort.
“And I was madly in love with you even then. Fuck, I wish I could go back and tell baby Jungkook that he’s actually going to marry you one day. I almost gave up hoping for it a few times yknow? But luckily for me I didn’t.” He kisses your temple.
“Mmm.” You agree, tip toeing until your nose ghosts his, “Lucky me too.” Your lips meet in a gentle yet open-mouthed kiss that oozes love and sheer joy, your shadows becoming one in the candlelight. “I can’t wait to marry you tomorrow.” You sigh.
At this he fully envelops you in his arms, squeezing you tight, “Me too. Speaking of, I have something else for you. For tomorrow.” He clicks his tongue to the roof of his mouth, finding the strength to let you go and dig deep into his pocket. “Here. Your something old.”
You’re giggling nervously, head cocked to one side when you realise what he’s showing you. The neon pink and orange friendship bracelet you made him in elementary school, the one he hasn’t taken off since that very day. You take it from his grip curiously, opening your mouth but not knowing the right thing to say.
“But you never take this off…?” You remind him with an amused puff of air from your nostrils, brows furrowed.
His grin is bright and knowing when he shakes his head, “I can't now.” And he lifts up his arm.
Tattooed pink and orange beads decorate his wrist in the space between his favourite black snake artwork on his arm and the ones dotted about on his hand. The bracelet looks freshly done, shiny and dark. Your jaw is on the ground, eyes wide and in disbelief.
“Kook… What… You’ve…” You’re truly at a loss for words, overwhelmed by the gesture of him permanently marking his body with something of yours. Despite the fact he has hundreds of tattoos and they’ve never phased you, this one feels different. Sentimental.
“When I’m old and dying and you’ve shipped me off to a retirement home because you’re finally done with my shit…” He chuckles, pulling you back into his embrace, cupping your cheek with one hand, “And I forget everything about my senile self, I never want to forget that sweet girl who made me that bracelet. From tomorrow you might be my wife, but you’ll never stop being my best friend first. Not to me.”
It's a good job he didn’t spring this onto you at the wedding because you’re a goner, tears cascading down your cheeks and these aren’t even his vows. He’s so romantic, the most genuine and sincere person you’ve ever known. And he’s yours.
“I-, You’re my best friend too Jungkook.” You giggle through the cries, snaking your arms around him when you squeeze him as though your life depended on it, burying your face to his chest.
“I was going to get your name but I figured you’d probably call me an idiot.” He snorts, reassuringly rubbing the spans of your back with a large palm.
You nod with a wide grin he can’t see, “Yeah, probably...”
This is it. The moment Jungkook has spent every day since he was three years old thinking about. He’s standing at the top of the alter with a small yet excited smile, dressed in an all-white suit, the fabric contrasting against his tan dewy skin. Almost everybody he’s ever loved is in the room with him, his parents, your mother, friends and other family members. They’re all here, save for you and your father who are due to arrive any minute now, ready to celebrate the event everybody but you knew was coming one day.
“You good?” His older brother and best man asks with a pat on his back and Kook turns to face him.
He nods once, smile growing, “I’m great.”
“Ladies and gentleman will you please stand for the bride.”
The announcement has nothing but ecstasy coursing Jungkook’s veins, his heart hammering inside his chest as it always does when he knows he’s about to see you. This is it. This is everything he’s ever wanted, everything he ever dreamed about and it’s all happening right now.
The bridesmaids and groomsmen come first, holding onto large lilac and white bouquets, all wearing the same teary-eyed smile and pale purple floor length dresses. Your coordination is impeccable he notes, though he expected nothing less. He knows most of the girls are ex-ballet dancer friends of yours and judging by the low, barely audible whistle his brother makes they look good. But honestly? He’s not even looking at them. He’s looking past them, waiting for what feels like a life time.
And then the double doors open, and Jungkook struggles to catch his breath.
“Are you ready?” Your dad asks you with puffy features, he’s been crying all morning much like the rest of your bridal party. You nod, blinking back your own tears that threaten to ruin your makeup.
“I’m ready.” You breathe out, closing your eyes.
Your dad links your arm, noting the bracelet you’re wearing isn’t exactly on theme for your aesthetically pleasing wedding. His brow quirks, smile growing, “Isn’t that the bracelet you made for Jungkook?”
“Something old.” You chuckle, and your father releases a sound that sounds like ‘ahhh’ right before the doors finally open, and all eyes are on you. But there’s only one pair you’re drawn to, the same big brown doe-eyes that hold your heart standing at the top of the alter.
Jungkook takes one look at you and starts sobbing, which almost sets you off as you slowly walk towards him. His sharp chin quivers when he sucks in a breath, his pierced lip tucked between his teeth but somehow he’s still smiling through it. He’s blinking through the tears, stare not faltering from yours, not even for a split second. He looks awestricken, mesmerised, so overwhelmed by emotions that you feel too. You know everyone is gazing at you, but you can’t physically look anywhere else but him. He looks so... Happy. Before you know it the walk is over and you’re standing in front of the love of your life, your dad having just peeled back your veil and given you away.
After the standard wedding speeches and legalities are over it’s time for vows, and you clear your throat having asked if you could go first. Knowing whatever your almost husband has to say is going to make you cry. It always does.
“Jungkook…” You sigh lovingly, looking up at him through long eyelashes, feeling lightheaded as you forgot how good he looks with his hair pushed back. His smile is closed but wide, sincere as he listens to what you’ve prepared with his hands closed together in front of him.
“If someone had told me three years ago that I’d be standing here marrying you today I would’ve simply rolled my eyes and added them to the long list of people who already said that. You were my best friend, you’ve always been my best friend and for a long time that’s all I wanted you to be. But the night you told me you loved me that all changed, I started to see you in a different light, started to admire you in ways I never expected to. To this day you never fail to surprise me, you constantly and consistently show me that true love is real, and that it’s ours. I fell in love with my best friend when I least expected it, and I fell hard.”
Kook stifles a laugh at the way you add weight to your words, his eyes sparkly and his smile broadening with each passing word. Everybody else chuckles along, but the sound is nothing more than white noise in your ears.
“I promise to always be your best friend. To be there for you, to be with you, and to love you for the rest of our lives. I promise to be patient with you, to never go to bed angry with you, to hold and comfort you and live my life unapologetically with you. I can’t put into words what you mean to me, I’ve known you for almost thirty years and in my own way I’ve loved you for every single one. But now, standing here in front of you on our wedding day, I promise to love you the same way you’ve always loved me, thank you for being so patient with me. It may have taken a while to realise—”
“Twenty seven years.” Jungkook mouths with a smirk and raised brows and you giggle.
“But I’m here now, and I’m so grateful for how things have worked out. I love you so much Jungkookie. I’m proud to be your wife.” The return of your childhood nickname for him wins a collective ‘awww’ from the crowd, and Kook’s eyes squeeze shut in feigned annoyance but he soon gets over it.
“Y/N.” He’s grinning, doe-eyes swimming in adoration and tears that threaten to cascade down his cheeks at any given moment. He clears his throat, nodding to himself a few times before he carries on.
“When I say I’ve loved you my whole life, I mean it. Not a single day has gone by where you haven’t been at the forefront of my mind. Even though I was three years old when we met, the second I saw you sitting in the sandpit wearing that pink dress with sunflowers on the skirt I knew you were the one. It sounds impossible but believe me when I say I have adored you since day one. You make me the best version of myself, you lift me up, you challenge me, you call me out on my bullshit-, shit sorry! No I mean just sorry!” He stutters, eyes wide with panic when he turns to the vicar standing between you. You laugh, as does everybody else and he cocks his head to a side swiftly, briefly closing his eyes with a nervous sigh.
“Where was I? Oh! You complete me. When I’m with you I’m in utopia, and I don’t know about you but utopia seems like a pretty good place to spend the rest of our lives to me. All I’ve ever wanted was to spend my life with you, you are my life. My home. The only place I ever want to be is by your side. I promise to support you, to care for you, to always agree with you even when you’re wrong.”
You can’t help but playfully roll your eyes, and you’re pretty sure you hear your dad snort from the seat closest to you.
“But most importantly I promise to keep loving you with everything I have, to keep surprising you, to fight for you, to share everything I have with you. I’ve chosen you every day for my entire life and I promise to keep choosing you, to honour that choice. You’re my best friend. All my favourite memories are shared with you and I promise to keep making more of them, to fill more photo albums and cover the staircase walls with more hideous pictures that don't match your decor.” He grins, “I love you so much Y/N. Thank you for always being there for me when I needed you, best friend or otherwise. Thank you for making me the happiest man on earth and saying I do.”
You’re crying, but your smile remains bright and wide, mirroring his own.
“Do you Y/N Y/L/N take Jeon Jungkook to be your lawful wedded husband?”
You nod, brows pinching slightly with excitement when he slides the ring on your finger. “I do.” You exhale.
“Do you, Jeon Jungkook take Y/N Y/L/N to be your lawfully wedding wife?”
The vicar is old and looks equal parts glad this is over and so utterly done with Jungkook’s shit right now, he did just swear in a place of worship you guess. You’re trying your absolute best not to laugh at the elder man’s attempt of hiding a scowl, but Kook doesn’t even seem to notice. He's only looking at you.
“I do.” He chews his lip, sighing contently when you slip the white gold band onto his finger.
“I now pronounce you… Husband, and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
And he does.
When the sea of loved ones quickly gather round the white dancefloor adorned with lilac strobe lights to watch your first dance later that evening, you and Jungkook share a knowing smile. Both of you melting beneath the others touch while you sway to the lyrics that resonate more with you today than they did yesterday.
You couldn’t help falling in love with him, but you did, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Kook hums contently, one hand on your waist the other holding yours close to his shoulder as you slow dance, “I love you so much Mrs Jeon.” He kisses your temple, keeping his head resting atop of your own with a proud closed smile.
“I love you too Mr Jeon.” You sigh, feeling the happiest you’ve ever felt in your whole entire life.
All because of your best friend.
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avatar-anna · 2 years
Love your writing!! Can you write something with a sick Harry? Maybe he starts feeling unwell after a show, not thinking much of it thinking he’s dehydrated and hungry but after hanging with the band and you for a while he asks if you guys can leave and he ends up throwing up throughout the night having caught some sort of bug? Lots of fluff and comfort for Harry! Ah I would love
ok, so i kinda cheated on this one. this is from a series of one shots that i made for one of my fics on my wattpad. it's really similar to your request and very sweet. enjoy!
You walked in the door of yours and Harry’s house after dropping your daughter off at preschool. Setting your keys down in the little bowl on the kitchen counter, you fixed a cup of hot tea and brought it upstairs. 
It was quiet in the house, the sounds of early morning cartoons and your daughter singing along now gone. You picked up toys and stray shoes as you made your way down the hall toward the master bedroom, quickly tossing everything into your daughter's bedroom, which was floor to ceiling lavender and white, and closed the door behind her.
When they put together the room, you didn’t think of yourself or Harry as interior designers, but your husband apparently had a whole plan in his head of how he wanted his daughter’s bedroom to look. You let Harry have his fun, too excited for the baby to finally arrive to pay attention to the steadily increasing budget. You would lecture him on it later when you realized how much he spent, but it turned out great in the end, and your daughter loved it, and that’s all that really mattered to you in the end.
“Knock, knock,” you said quietly, knocking on the bedroom door. Hearing a grumble from the other side of the door, you opened it and sat down on Harry’s side of the bed. You couldn’t even see him, just a mess of pillows, blankets, and a small tuft of hair poking out underneath it all. “How are you feeling, baby?”
Harry groaned again, but there was movement underneath the pillow pile. His head poked out, and you leaned over to kiss his forehead. His nose was red and his eyes watery, small beads of sweat dotting his hairline. “I’m okay,” he croaked.
“Oh, babe,” you cooed, resting your hand against his forehead to check his temperature. 
Harry woke up early this morning in a cold sweat, his shivering and coughing waking you up as well. He was supposed to take your daughter to school, but you told him to stay in bed and rest. Harry was too tired to protest, pulling the extra blanket you had laid on the bed up to his chin and falling back asleep almost immediately.
You had started to notice that Harry always got like this right after he came home from tour, all the traveling and long nights performing onstage finally catching up to him. Anticipating this, you took the next couple days off of work so you could take care of him; you would never tell him, but Harry could be a very needy sick person, shuffling around in his robe and asking if you could stay in bed with him just a little bit longer. It was very different to how you were when you got sick, but you were happy to take care of him and get him back on his feet, at the very least so that you didn’t have to follow him around and pick up the trail of tissues he usually left behind.
“Here,” you said when Harry finally sat up. “I still can’t quite get it like your mom’s, but I think I got pretty close this time.”
You handed over the mug you’d brought upstairs, and Harry took it from you, whispering his thanks as he blew the steam away. You stood up from where you were sitting to go do some chores around the house, maybe make some soup for Harry while he fell back asleep. As you shifted on the bed, though, Harry grabbed ahold of her hand, warm from holding the mug of tea in it.
“Stay? I know you work in a little bit, but just for a few minutes?” 
It was a sight for sore eyes. Harry’s hair was mussed and splayed messily across his forehead, his tired eyes rimmed with red as he tried to give you his most convincing pout.
Deciding it would be a nice surprise for him to wake up and still find himself wrapped up in her arms, you simply nodded and took off your shoes before climbing back into bed. Harry immediately curled into you, his arms finding purchase around your waist and his face hiding from the rest of the world into the crook of your neck. You never believed him, but Harry always swore that whenever he was sick like this, being cuddled up to you, was the best medicine anyone could ask for, even going as far as saying it made him feel better physically when he got to hold you like this.
You rested your chin on top of Harry’s head and started to scratch up and down his back and through the knots in his hair with your fingers, and you swore you heard him purr when your fingers ran delicately across his scalp. Harry fell in and out of sleep for the next couple hours, getting up once or twice to go to the restroom, but he was pretty much in a sick-induced haze the whole time. 
In between bouts of sleep, you got up occasionally—to grab your phone, to change out blankets, and to rest a cold towel on Harry’s forehead when you thought his fever was spiking a little too much for your taste. But you mostly stayed in bed with Harry, smiling faintly whenever his hands subconsciously reached for you, pulling you close whenever they latched onto your shirt or hand, or whatever part of you he could grab.
The last time Harry stirred, he seemed more aware of his surroundings. He blinked his eyes open, widening them slightly when he realized you were actually in bed with him and that he wasn’t still dreaming. “What are you still doing here?”
Harry’s voice was low and scratchy, from disuse and whatever bug he’d caught. You cupped his cheek in your hand and rubbed your thumb across his skin, still warm, but not as feverish as before. “I took the day off. Figured I would try my hand at nursing for the next couple days.”
He smiled at you, and it was dopey with sleep. Bringing his hand out of his mountain of blankets, he pinched your nose affectionately. “You didn’t have to do that, but I’m glad you did,” he whispered to you, and you had to fight the urge to smile. No, you didn’t have to stay home, but you were pretty sure Harry would be worse off if you hadn’t. And you’d missed him too. It wasn’t easy being away from him for so long.
You recognized the look that passed over Harry’s face, but as much as you loved him, you were not about to risk getting sick by giving him a kiss. You sat up and started putting your shoes on. Turning towards Harry, you kissed his cheek, and you felt his face break out into a small grin against your lips. “I’m going to pick up our beautiful baby girl and then go to the store to grab some stuff for you. I’ll make dinner when I get home, okay?”
“Can’t I just have one?” Harry asked, his voice sounding like a whine at the end. You stood at the foot of the bed, contemplating whether you should oblige him or not. He won you over when he jutted out his bottom lip and said, “Please?”
“Alright, but just one. The last thing we need is for whatever you have spread to me and our daughter.” You leaned in, planning on just pecking Harry on the lips and going on your way. Harry had other plans on his mind, though, and cupped the back of your neck and held you there longer, savoring the taste of your lips on his after being away from home for so much time.
“Satisfied?” you asked when you stood back up, but Harry’s lazy grin told you everything you needed to know. 
“Mm, yes. I’m feeling better already.”
You playfully rolled your eyes and walked towards the door of their bedroom. Before you left, you turned around and blew him one final kiss before you left. Harry caught it and pressed it to his chest, then closed his eyes to go back to sleep again.
When you picked up your daughter at the curb of her preschool, she animatedly chatted your ear off about everything she did today. You listened dutifully, chiming in where you were supposed to, but she mostly liked to ramble about random things until she tired herself out and fell asleep in the backseat of the car. Before your daughter could actually sleep this time, you pulled up to the store by their house and walked in with their hands clasped together.
“I wanna shop with you, Mami,” she said to you when you started pushing a plastic red cart around. 
You couldn’t quite remember how this little tradition started, but nearly every time your daughter went with you or Harry to the grocery store, she perused the aisles on either of her parents’ backs. Apparently it was the only way she thought grocery shopping was acceptable.
“Sure, bug, hop on,” you told her, bending down for your daughter. 
You walked through the various aisles, picking up stuff you remembered you needed at home as you made your way to the pharmacy section, occasionally putting back the things your daughter tried to sneak into the cart without you noticing.
“Pleaaaseee,” she asked when you put back a bag of chocolates. It appeared your daughter and your husband both had a sweet tooth. You eventually let her, figuring Harry would be the one to eat most of them anyway.
As you and your daughter shopped together, you could feel the stares on the two of you, the recognition that came with marrying a famous musician and having his kid like a blanket over your shoulders. Your daughter had seen Harry’s fans at the few concerts you had taken her to, and any interactions they had with them together were great, each fan they met totally friendly and respectful of any boundaries set up between them and your daughter. But you weren’t at a concert right now, and it was important to you and Harry that your daughter had as normal an upbringing as possible, and meeting fans while you were buying groceries and Harry was waiting for them at home sick wasn’t necessarily what either of you would consider normal.
While you were aware of the few teenage girls in the produce aisle with their phones subtly pointed in your and your daughter’s direction, she remained blissfully unaware as she played with strands of your hair that was tied up in a ponytail. You waved and gave the fans a small smile before turning and heading towards the pharmacy section with your daughter humming on her back. You never wanted to be rude to Harry’s fans, not ever wanting to make him look bad, and it just wasn’t who you were, but they had places they needed to be today.
When you had everything you needed, you checked out and drove home. On the way back, your daughter asked you to play her Papá’s music, a staple for her anytime she was in the car and going somewhere. You obliged, playing all of your daughter’s favorites and signing along as you weaved in and out of  traffic. When they got home, you went upstairs to check on Harry, your daughter and trailing behind. He was still asleep, but when you checked his temperature again, it had gone down. 
Harry, who wasn’t as fast asleep as you initially thought, blinked his eyes open to find his daughter peering closely at his face. He gave her a tired half-smile and opened his blankets for her to cuddle into. She grinned and got under the covers with Harry, settling against his chest. Modern medicine be damned, he thought. Spending time with his two most favorite girls in the whole world was better than anything you brought home from the store just now.
“Hey bug, why don’t you grab that book we bought the other day and you can read with your Papá,” you told her as you cleared off some of the tissues and vitamin-C packets on Harry’s bedside table.
“Will that make you feel better?” she asked Harry, and he brushed the pad of his thumb across her cheek, a warm smile on his face. 
“I have no doubt in my mind it will. Reading with you is my favorite thing to do in the whole wide world.”
“I thought you loved singing the most,” your daughter said curiously, her head tilting to the side.
Harry sat up against the headboard and pulled his daughter into his lap. “You’re right, but I love you more.”
You knew that, but it warmed your heart to hear him say it. You moved to leave your and Harry’s bedroom to get started on making the three of you dinner, but Harry took your hand before you could make it very far. “I love you too,” he said, that same look as before gracing his features once again.
Oh, what the hell, you thought. You leaned over and kissed him, only this time it didn’t last as long because your daughter was there to separate them. She and Harry, but mostly Harry, managed to convince you to just order in tonight so you could all spend time together cuddling up on the bed and reading your daughter's favorite picture books, Harry regaling his two girls with tales of life on the road every now and then. By the time you’d eaten, watched a movie, and read half of the books on your daughter’s bookshelf, the sun had set and it was time for their day to end, and you told her that it was time to get ready for bed, in her bed. 
“Why can’t I stay here, Mami?” she asked, clinging to her father. 
You looked to Harry for help, but you quickly realized that he was not going to be on your side on this one. He got like this when he’d been away from home for a while. You understood that he wanted to make up for lost time, but he was sick, and they really didn’t need a sick four year old on their hands as well. 
“Papá is sick, love bug, so he needs lots of rest so he can feel better.”
“But he said I make him feel better,” she argued, not making a move to leave her father’s side.
You sighed and shot a look at Harry, to which he only gave a sheepish smile in response. “She does,” he said, his voice not as scratchy as it was earlier today. “She really, really does.”
You knew you had been beat, trying to get in between daddy-daughter time proving to be nearly impossible. “Okay, little lady. But we still have to brush our teeth and get into our pj’s, so come on.”
She reached up, letting you carry her away to get ready for bed. You couldn’t quite believe the amount of gift-giving that happened when the world found out that you and Harry had a child together. And for the first couple weeks that they had brought her home, gifts from friends, family, people that Harry had worked with in the past, people you didn’t even know, were sending all sorts of stuff, but mostly designer clothes. Even four years later, she was still receiving package after package.
“What is a four year old supposed to do with custom Gucci?” you had asked Harry when you opened a package from his favorite designer. “I mean, she’s going to grow out of this in a few months.”
While you had had your reservations, Harry was like a kid on Christmas, opening each package with a steadily growing grin on his face. “I don’t know, but aren’t these the cutest shoes you’ve ever seen?”
Of course it was all adorable, and your daughter looked absolutely to die for in all of it. You thought some of it was a little over the top, like the monogrammed Chanel and Versace tracksuits, but you figured it would make good sleepwear and cozy clothes for her daughter. 
You both came back into your room. You were still worried about all of you sleeping in the same bed when Harry had been so sick this morning, but he seemed to be doing better than when he initially woke up. 
“How are you feeling?” you asked him, trying to give him a once over.
Harry had moved to the center of the bed so that you and your daughter could be on either side of him. As you settled into bed, he pressed tiny kisses into your skin. “Better.” You opened your mouth, but Harry beat you to the punch, knowing exactly what you were going to say next. “And I’m not just saying that. I’m feeling better, and I’ve missed my girls. So come here and kiss me. Please.”
You rolled your eyes, but rested against your husband anyway, pecking him on the lips. Wanting his attention, your daughter climbed over Harry and in between the two of you. “See? I made him feel better.”
“You sure did,” you agreed, kissing your daughter’s temple. “Now get some sleep. You have school tomorrow.”
She eventually did fall asleep wedged between her parents, but you and Harry stayed up, Harry having found some newfound energy after napping almost all day. 
You and Harry went downstairs to spend some time alone together on the couch. He pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder as she fired up the TV. 
“Did you ever think we’d actually be here when we first started dating? Married? A kid? Me wiping your nose with a tissue without so much as a flinch?”
He laughed lightly, his fingers brushing across the ring on your left hand. “Yes, yes, and most definitely yes.”
“Oh come on, be serious,” you said, shoving his knee. It wasn’t something you thought about often, but now that you asked it, part of you did wonder. None of his answers would change what you already had, either, you just liked to see Harry squirm every once in a while.
“Well, we had decided to take things slow,” Harry started, and you nodded along as if you could picture their first date as if it was yesterday. “But I really, really, really, really liked you.”
Harry emphasized each “really” with a kiss to your skin, making you blush and trying to shift out of his lap, but it only made him hold on to you tighter. While you could picture the earlier days of your relationship with clarity, it still felt like lightyears away from where you were now. Sometimes it surprised you how far the two of you had come, but nothing about how you felt for Harry, how you managed to love him more and more every day since their first few dates caught you by surprise. It just made sense.
After a few more minutes of reminiscing, you put on a movie like you and Harry had originally planned. Harry didn’t care what you put on, he was just happy to be with you after months of touring around the world and only seeing you through a phone or computer screen. He had more than watching a movie on the brain too, but he had a feeling you wouldn’t be in the mood while he was still sick. He settled for laying down on the couch with you, pressing lazy kisses wherever he could and letting his hands travel along the skin under your sleep shirt. 
You knew Harry was trying to start something, but you had been in this position before. He would be sick, sleep it off all day, and bring you downstairs while your daughter slept soundly in their bed. What he never seemed to remember was that like clockwork, Harry’s small bout of energy fizzled out halfway through the movie until he ultimately fell back asleep; he didn’t even realize you put on the same movie every time he came home from tour.
When you heard Harry’s soft snores over the sound of a movie you now pretty much knew by heart, you checked her phone. He lasted a little longer this time, you mused.
Turning off the TV, you nudged Harry’s shoulder; he often carried you up the stairs if you fell asleep, but you definitely couldn’t return the same courtesy. You nudged him a little harder, whispering his name until he finally opened his eyes. 
“What happened?” Harry asked, his voice sounding like he was still asleep.
“You fell asleep,” you whispered, helping him up and holding his hand as they walked back upstairs.
Harry trudged behind you, feeling like he had reverted back to where he was this morning, a headache starting to form and his body beginning to ache again. Rubbing his eyes and sniffling, he got back into bed.
“I’m sorry we didn’t get to finish the movie. I know how much you like that one,” he said, his words slurred from tiredness and the medicine you made him take before he got under the covers with you and your daughter. He could say that they cured his ailments all he wanted, but you still believed in the power of ibuprofen and NyQuil.
“That’s okay. Some other time,” you told him, fighting your knowing smile. The only reason he thought it was your favorite was because they watched it every time he came home from tour.
Harry heard an inflection in your voice, but he was too tired to make any sense of it. Turning the light off on his bedside table, he settled against his pillow, your daughter already curled into your side. He kissed the top of her head, then yours, then turned around and went to sleep.
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stargazer-sims · 4 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore 💜
Thank you @rebelangelsims !
I'm going to do Fox & Takahiro this time =)
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Fox Abbottsford
Fox is a registered social worker. He's a longtime government employee in the Department of Community Services, and started his career working in the area of child protection. He switched over to working with social assistance benefits recipients for a few years, but his passion is in working with children, so he switched back. He's currently a supervisor in his department.
He's an artist, or as a handful of media outlets have described him, "a talented local artist". He's had a few gallery shows in Willow Creek and Newcrest over the years, and he's illustrated three children's books so far, with a fourth in the works.
He's a type 1 diabetic and has been since the age of six. He fervently hoped he wouldn't pass on that gene to any of his kids, but both Forest and Camellia are also diabetic.
He loves the water. When he and Takahiro were designing their house, one of Fox's requirements was that it had to have a pool so he could go swimming whenever he wanted. He's always found the water calming.
He used to have a pet fox named Ruby. People often remarked on the irony of a guy named Fox having a pet fox, and it became one of the weird things he was known for when he was younger.
Takahiro Suzuki
Taka is originally from Japan. He followed Fox to Canada after their whirlwind romance, and never really looked back. Although he’s travelled to Japan to visit his family many times, he’s never once regretted his choice to immigrate. He loves Fox and he loves his life in Canada. This year, he plans to stop procrastinating and finally apply for Canadian citizenship.
When he first came to Canada, he found a lot of people seemed to struggle to pronounce his name. In light of that, he decided to choose a “Canadian name” for himself. He picked David, but it never stuck, mostly because David Suzuki is the name of someone famous in Canada, and no one could quite keep a straight face when Taka would introduce himself as “David Suzuki”. These days, he’s less worried about people messing up his name and is fine with whatever people can manage.
He’s an early childhood educator and worked for several years in a local preschool. However, his dream was always to own and work in his own daycare center. Twelve years ago, he started Hands Around The World Childcare, and he’s never been happier. He didn’t initially plan it to be an international daycare, but the name seemed to attract a lot of newcomers to Canada, and now it has a reputation as a multicultural and multilingual enrichment place for kids.
Taka is musically talented. He can sing reasonably well but his real gift is playing the piano. He likes to get together with his friend Yuri to play piano & violin duets.
His favourite colour is yellow. When they were doing the interior design for their house, Fox made sure to include lots of yellow elements, just for him.
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blondmattel · 2 years
canon list of barbie’s occupations:
art / entertainment.   actor.  artist.  ballerina / dancer ( including cabaret, which i don’t know how they got away with ).  baker / cake decorator.  chef.  circus performer.  fashion designer, fashion editor, and model.  film director / producer.  floral designer and florist.  game show host.  interior designer.  make up artist.  musician and music producer.  photographer.  photojournalist ( for national geographic ).
business.   business exec.  candy / ice cream parlor clerk.  cashier ( gerocery shops / fast food ).  chief sustainability officer.  barista.  farmer.  hair stylist.  pet boutique owner and groomer.  secretary.  waitress.
education.   teacher ( art, ballet, cooking, english language, music, elementary, preschool, sign language, spanish, yoga, swimming ).
medicine.   veterinarian. dentist. doctor (surgeon, optometrist, pediatrician ). nurse. paramedic.
military.   army medic.  paratrooper.  united states air force pilot.  united states air force thunderbirds pilot.  united states army officer.  desert storm.  united states marine corps sergeant.  united states navy petty officer.
politics.   campaign fundraiser.  political campaign manager.  unicef ambassador.  united states presidential candidate.  vice presidential candidate.
public service.   detective.  firefighter.  judge.  lifeguard.  park ranger.  
science / engineering.   architect.  astronaut.  astrophysicist.  chemist.  computer engineer.  conversation scientist.  entomologist.  marine biologist.  microbiologist.  robotics engineer.  paleontologist.  wildlife conservationist.  zoologist.
sports / athletics.   aerobics instructor.  baseball player.  bowler.  boxer.  cheerleader.  figure skater and coach.  golfer.  gymnast and coach.  hockey player.  martial artist.  olympic athlete ( figure skater, climber, gymnast, karate, skateboarder, skier, softball, swimmer, and surfer ).  scuba diver.  snowboarder.  tennis player and coach.  track and field runner.  volleyball player and coach.
transportation.  aircraft engineer.  flight attendant.  pilot.  racecar driver for nascar.  tour guide. train conductor and host.
other.   bee keeper.  cat burglar / thief.  construction worker.  cowgirl.  dolphin trainer.  magician.  maid.  spy.  superhero.  treasure hunter.  zookeeper.
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charlesve · 10 months
🌈 Unveiling the Impact: How Preschool Interior Colors Shape Learning 🎨
Beyond textbooks and lessons, the spaces where education unfolds wield profound influence. For preschools, crafting environments that kindle growth and curiosity goes hand in hand with understanding the science of interior colors—a vital factor that shapes behavior, cognition, and emotional development. 🏫🌱
The Science Behind the Shades
Colors transcend aesthetics, stirring emotions and shaping psychology. When wielded with purpose, they paint a backdrop for enriched learning experiences. 🎨🧠
Strategic Color Play
Serenity in Soft Hues: Gentle blues, greens, and lavenders usher in calmness, nurturing a stress-free environment that invites exploration. 💙🌿🌸
Vibrant Sparks: Primary reds, blues, and yellows ignite cognitive activity and imagination, perfect for play and interactive zones. 🔴🔵🌞
Nature's Whispers: Earthy tones establish a connection to nature, inspiring wonder and curiosity in young minds. 🌍🍃🌼
Neutral Foundations: Beiges, grays, and whites create balance, allowing other colors and design elements to shine. ⚪️🌟🌆
Energetic Bursts: Lively purples, fiery oranges, and vivid greens inject enthusiasm and active participation. 🟣🔥🟢
Cognition and Color
Science confirms colors' impact on memory, attention, and problem-solving. The right color palette supports cognitive growth and nurtures learning. 📚🔍🧩
Designing for Development
Color choices intertwine with spatial layout and lighting, tailored to meet developmental needs. 📏💡🧒
Holistic Collaboration
Educators, psychologists, designers, and parents collaborate to ensure color choices align with learning goals. 👥📝👩‍🏫
A Spectrum of Potential
Preschool interior colors are tools for unlocking potential. By understanding color psychology, these spaces cultivate creativity, foster cognitive growth, and lay the foundation for a lifelong passion for learning. 🌈🎓✨
In this vibrant journey, walls and floors are more than surfaces; they're canvases painting a brighter future—a world colored with knowledge, exploration, and boundless imagination. 🌍🎨🚀
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h3preschool · 15 days
How to open a Preschool in Gujarat? Start a Playschool in your city
Gujarat's growing educational landscape presents a fantastic opportunity to open a preschool in Gujarat. H3 Preschools can be your partner in this rewarding journey.
Through this blog you can understand the essential steps involved in opening a preschool in Gujarat. You will also gain insights on preschool requirements in India, and understand why a preschool franchise with H3 preschools is the perfect option for any individual looking to start a business in this field.
Define your Vision
Before you begin the logistical planning, define your vision. What USPs do you want your preschool to have? What methodology do you plan on adopting – such as Montessori or Play-based learning. What are the needs of the target audience in Gujarat and how can you cater to them? Research best preschool in Ahmedabad or your chosen city to understand the existing landscape.
Planning and Regulations
Creating a holistic business plan is crucial when it comes to beginning your preschool. Outline your target age group, curriculum, staff requirements and finance. Research preschool requirements in India to ensure that you comply with legal and safety regulations for this venture. Partnering with H3 Preschools provides you with the necessary guidance to navigate these aspects.
Finding the right location
The right location is very important for a preschool. Try to look for a safe and secure space with sufficient natural light and ventilation. Consider accessibility, parking and ease of reaching and finding for parents and ensure the area meets the necessary fire safety and hygiene standards.
Learning Through Play
A well-equipped preschool is a hub for learning. Invest in age-appropriate toys, puzzles, learning materials, and furniture that promotes learning, creativity and exploration. Create specific areas for various activities like reading, art, and block play. Invest in interior designers that specialise in such spaces to make an attractive place that caters to the needs and wants of the target age group.
Caring and Experienced Staff
Your teachers and care providers are the heart of your preschool.  Look for passionate and qualified educationists and teachers who understand early childhood development. Conducting background checks and finding relevant certifications are essential. H3 Preschools offer handholding support in the staff recruitment and training process.
The H3 Advantage
Opening a preschool franchise in Gujarat with H3 Preschools offers a multitude of advantages.  H3 provides a proven curriculum, operational guidance, marketing support, and access to a network of experienced professionals. We incorporate the Anand Niketan Schools learning methodology which is renowned in Ahmedabad. Opening a franchise with H3 means always having full support throughout the process, making this a very risk free business opportunity for you. This allows you as an investor to focus on your goal - what matters most – nurturing young minds.
With careful planning, a clear and well defined vision, and the support of our H3 Preschools team, you can create a holistic learning environment where children learn, play, and thrive. Contact H3 Preschools today to begin this journey of shaping young minds!
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bluebalcony01 · 2 months
Exploring the Top Three Kids Moon Chairs
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Kids moon chairs are specially crafted seating options designed with keeping children in mind. They typically consist of a sturdy metal or plastic frame that forms the crescent moon shape, which is then padded and upholstered with soft fabric or cushioning material to create a comfortable seat. The backrest is curved to provide ergonomic support, ensuring that children can sit comfortably for extended periods.
These chairs are meticulously crafted with durability and safety as top priorities, boasting materials that are easy to clean and resistant to wear and tear. Many kids' moon chairs also incorporate safety features such as non-slip feet or locking mechanisms to prevent accidental tipping, making them ideal additions to luxurious nursery furniture collections in Delhi.
There are several reasons why someone might choose to purchase a kids moon chair:
Comfort: Kids moon chairs offer a cozy and inviting seating option for children to relax, play, or read in. The cushioned seat and supportive backrest provide comfort and ergonomic support, promoting good posture and reducing fatigue. This makes them an excellent choice for Kids Furniture in Delhi, ensuring little ones can unwind in comfort after a busy day of play and learning.
Space-saving: The compact size of kids moon chairs makes them ideal for smaller spaces such as playrooms, bedrooms, or even living rooms. They can be easily moved around or folded up for storage when not in use, making them a versatile seating solution for busy households.
Safety: Kids moon chairs are designed with safety features such as non-slip feet or locking mechanisms to prevent accidents and ensure stability while children are seated. These safety measures make them an ideal choice for Kindergarten furniture, providing parents with peace of mind knowing their little ones are seated securely.
Style: With a variety of colors, patterns, and designs available, kids moon chairs add a fun and playful touch to any room decor. They can be personalized to match a child's interests or personality, making them a stylish addition to children's spaces. This versatility makes them a sought-after option for Luxurious Nursery Furniture in Delhi, adding charm and character to learning environments.
Mustard Moon Chair 
Mustard Moon Chair for kids! This vibrant and cozy seating option is perfect for adding a splash of color and comfort to any child's playroom or bedroom. With its round, cushioned design, the Mustard Moon Chair offers a fun and inviting space for kids to relax, read, or play. Designed with durability and safety in mind, it's the ideal spot for little ones to unwind and enjoy their favorite activities.
Style: The bold mustard color adds a pop of personality and warmth to any room decor. The unique crescent moon shape makes it a stylish and eye-catching addition to both modern and eclectic interiors, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of luxurious nursery spaces in Delhi.
Comfort: The Mustard Moon Chair offers a cozy and inviting seating option for relaxation, reading, or socializing. The cushioned seat and supportive backrest provide comfort and ergonomic support, ensuring a comfortable experience for extended periods of sitting, ideal for parents and children alike in Delhi's luxurious nursery settings.
Versatility: The Mustard Moon Chair is a versatile piece of furniture that can be used in various settings, including living rooms, bedrooms, home offices, or even outdoor spaces. Its compact size and lightweight construction make it easy to move around and adapt to different environments, offering flexibility and convenience in Preschool furniture arrangements in Delhi.
Personalization: With its vibrant color and unique design, the Mustard Moon Chair can be personalized to match individual preferences and decor styles. It can be paired with complementary furnishings or used as a statement piece to elevate the overall aesthetic of a room.
Pink Moon Chair
The Pink Moon Chair is a delightful seating option characterized by its soft pink color and crescent moon shape. Crafted with both comfort and durability in mind, Pink Moon Chairs feature a cushioned seat and curved backrest, providing ergonomic support for extended periods of sitting. These chairs are ideal additions to Kindergarten furniture in Delhi.
There are several compelling reasons why someone might consider purchasing a Pink Moon Chair:
Style: The soft pink color adds a touch of charm and elegance to any room decor, creating a soothing and inviting atmosphere. The unique crescent moon shape adds a whimsical and playful element to the space, making it a visually appealing addition to bedrooms, living rooms, or cozy reading corners in  Kindergarten and Playschool furniture in Delhi.
Comfort: Pink Moon Chairs offer a cozy and comfortable seating option for lounging, reading, or relaxing. The cushioned seat and supportive backrest provide optimal comfort, allowing users to unwind and destress in style, making them perfect for providing a comfortable and inviting environment for children in educational settings in Delhi.
versatile pieces of furniture that can be used in various settings, from bedrooms and living rooms to offices and dorm rooms. Their compact size and lightweight design make them easy to move around and adapt to different spaces and occasions.
4. Personalization: With their soft pink hue and distinctive design, Pink Moon Chairs can be personalized to suit individual tastes and preferences. They can be paired with complementary furnishings or used as standalone statement pieces to add a touch of personality to any room.
Snow Moon Chair
The Snow Moon Chair is an elegant seating option featuring a pristine white color and a crescent moon shape. Constructed with both comfort and durability in mind, Snow Moon Chairs boast a cushioned seat and curved backrest, providing ergonomic support for extended periods of sitting. 
There are several reasons why someone might choose to purchase a Snow Moon Chair:
1. Elegance: The pristine white color of Snow Moon Chairs adds a touch of sophistication and purity to any room decor, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere. The unique crescent moon shape adds a sense of whimsy and charm, making it a visually striking addition to bedrooms, living rooms, or relaxation spaces.
2. Comfort: Snow Moon Chairs offer a cozy and comfortable seating option for lounging, reading, or unwinding. The cushioned seat and supportive backrest provide optimal comfort, allowing users to relax and rejuvenate in style.
3. Versatility: Snow Moon Chairs are versatile pieces of furniture that can be used in various settings, from modern minimalist interiors to classic and traditional spaces. Their compact size and lightweight design make them easy to move around and adapt to different rooms and occasions.
4. Tranquility: With their crisp white hue and elegant design, Snow Moon Chairs evoke a sense of tranquility and calmness, making them an ideal choice for creating a peaceful sanctuary in any home.
Kids Moon Chairs are specially designed seating options crafted with children's comfort and enjoyment in mind, resembling the shape of a crescent moon. These chairs are popular choices for Preschool furniture in Delhi, offering a comfy and cozy seating option for young learners. Kids love them because they're easy to move around and perfect for various activities such as reading, watching TV, or just chilling out. Moon chairs come in lots of colors and designs, allowing you to pick one that matches the preschool's decor while providing a fun and inviting atmosphere for children to relax and have fun.
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[ad_1] Associated Firms is launching gross sales of its deliberate waterfront Shorecrest condos in West Palm Seashore. The developer, led by billionaire founder and Chairman Steve Ross, plans to construct the 26-story, 140-unit tower on the present website of Temple Israel at 1901 North Flagler Drive. The tower will embody a 21,500-square-foot home of worship and preschool. The launch comes three months after New York Metropolis-based Associated kicked off gross sales for an additional West Palm Seashore luxurious rental undertaking, South Flagler Home. Associated tapped Roger Ferris + Companions, a Connecticut-based agency, to design Shorecrest. Rottet Studios, a design agency with workplaces in New York Metropolis, Los Angeles and Houston, is dealing with interiors for the undertaking, and Boca Raton-based DSBoca will deal with panorama design, in accordance with a press launch. Models within the constructing will embody one-, two-, three- and four-bedroom ground plans, with costs starting from $1.3 million to $9 million, in accordance with the discharge. Corcoran Sunshine is main gross sales for the undertaking. Facilities within the constructing will embody a rooftop pool, health middle, yoga room, spa services, a screening room, recreation room and a digital actuality room. The tower can even have a cocktail lounge, cafe, personal eating room, a coworking lounge and assembly area, the discharge reveals. The undertaking is focusing on a variety of patrons, together with present Palm Seashore residents and out-of-state patrons from the Northeast, stated Bryan Cho, an govt vice chairman with Associated. Extremely, Associated can be seeing curiosity from Miami residents, he stated. “[They] are actually West Palm Seashore as an excellent different to Miami,” he stated. West Palm Seashore has much less visitors and “a extra approachable streetscape,” in accordance with Cho. West Palm Seashore you've seen a flood of residential improvement and deliberate initiatives within the wake of a pandemic-fueled growth. Earlier this month, developer Al Adelson and the Morrison household's Sympatico Actual Property proposed a 25-story, 191-unit condominium overlooking Clearwater Lake. New York Metropolis-based Savanna, which is creating the waterfront Olara condominium, proposed a 369-unit condo constructing in January. Billionaire Jeff Greene is advancing plans for a 152-unit rental undertaking close to West Palm Seashore's Currie Park. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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thenewsart · 6 months
Working parents scramble for child care as schools go on holiday break
Just looking at the winter calendar sends Michelle Homme into a panic. Monday marks the start of 2½ weeks with no child care, when her 3-year-old son’s Pacific Palisades preschool shuts down for the holidays. For Homme, a single mother and self-employed interior designer, that means 18 days of almost no time to earn the money she needs to support her family. “You cannot work with a preschooler at…
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kaischool · 7 months
Setting the Standard as the Best Preschool in Whitefield
In the vibrant suburb of Whitefield in Bangalore, where families seek the perfect foundation for their children's educational journey, one institution shines as the epitome of excellence – Kaiearlyyears. Revered as the best preschool in Whitefield, Kaiearlyyears has established itself as a beacon of early childhood education, combining innovation, nurturing care, and a commitment to holistic development.
At the heart of Kaiearlyyears' success is its distinctive approach to preschool education. The school places a strong emphasis on the formative years, recognizing them as a critical period in a child's development. The curriculum is meticulously crafted to blend academic learning with play-based activities, ensuring that children not only absorb fundamental concepts but also develop crucial life skills through hands-on exploration and creativity.
One of the key factors that set Kaiearlyyears apart is its dedication to personalized learning. The Preschool In Whitefield Bangalore acknowledges and celebrates the individuality of each child, tailoring its teaching methods to accommodate various learning styles and paces. This personalized approach ensures that every child receives the attention they need to thrive academically and socially, laying the foundation for a lifelong love of learning.
Kaiearlyyears takes great pride in its modern and child-friendly infrastructure, providing a safe and stimulating environment for young minds to flourish. The school's classrooms are designed to inspire curiosity, with spacious interiors and interactive learning spaces that cater to the developmental needs of preschoolers. The emphasis on creating an inviting atmosphere fosters a sense of security, encouraging children to explore, discover, and express themselves freely.
The school's faculty is a vital component of its success, comprising experienced educators and caregivers who are passionate about early childhood development. Trained to understand the unique needs of preschoolers, Kaiearlyyears' teachers serve as mentors, guiding children through their initial educational experiences with patience and expertise. The school recognizes the importance of a strong partnership between teachers and parents, fostering open communication and collaboration to ensure the best outcomes for each child.
Kaiearlyyears integrates cutting-edge teaching methodologies with traditional values, instilling a sense of character and values alongside academic excellence. The Top Preschools In Whitefield Bangalore commitment to nurturing qualities such as empathy, responsibility, and respect sets the stage for children to grow into compassionate and well-rounded individuals.
In addition to its academic prowess, Kaiearlyyears places a strong emphasis on extracurricular activities. The school believes in the power of a well-rounded education, encouraging preschoolers to explore their interests beyond the classroom. Through sports, arts, and cultural activities, Kaiearlyyears provides a platform for children to discover and hone their talents, fostering a diverse skill set from an early age.
As the best preschool in Whitefield, Kaiearlyyears stands as a testament to educational excellence. With its innovative curriculum, dedicated faculty, and commitment to holistic development, the school has earned its reputation as a trusted institution for families seeking the ideal start to their children's educational journey in the dynamic suburb of Whitefield, creating a lasting impact on the early years of countless young minds.
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