#should I tags this as original characters
butcher--bird · 1 day
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i hope you all can forgive me for the exceptionally edgy oc story-posting
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alieinthemorning · 2 days
How’s It Hanging, Beautiful? [Ace Trappola]
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Content: Fluff, Established Relationship, Reader-Insert
Pronouns: None
Remaster of: “You’re so beautiful.” | Ace Trappola [400 Follower Event]
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don’t forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work’s concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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Ace wouldn’t say that he wasn’t a morning person, but instead a deep sleeper. Usually, it’d take a lot to rouse him from sleep. However, there was one thing that could always get him up, no matter what. 
And that was the smell of Sunday morning breakfast. 
Saliva was pooled in his mouth before he even opened his eyes. He swallowed it as the rest of his body followed the lead of his taste buds. He stretched (carefully, he didn’t want to get a cramp), letting out a satisfying groan. Then he sat up, eyes finally opening to the dimly lit room. 
You were not there beside him or lingering in the room, but that made sense since you had to be the one cooking. What was odd was that Grim was nowhere to be found, but maybe today was his lucky day, and you’d give him some extras (when would he learn that he’d only get anything if he’d actually help). Shaking his head, he grabbed his phone, and headed for the bathroom. 
After fixing his rough bed head and rinsing his mouth out, Ace made his way downstairs to join you and Grim in the kitchen. You must have gotten up earlier than usual today because breakfast was almost done.
“Come on! Lemme just have a little—” Grim’s paw was reaching toward the bowl of strawberries, but you quickly swatted it. 
“Let it alone. Go take your seat.” You didn’t even bat an eye.
Grim huffed, hopped off the stool, and retreating to the dining room. 
Ace didn’t bother with teasing him, and instead honed in on you. 
“Morning.” His arms wrapped around your waist. 
You turned in his arms, “Morning, sleeping beauty.” You pecked the underside of his chin. 
He returned your kiss with one on your forehead. “You coulda woke me up, you know…” 
“Yeah, but I like watching you drool.” 
Ace pulled back, “I do not drool.” 
You simply smiled as you picked up the plate of pancakes. “Time to set the the table.” 
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Sundays were lazy days, most of the time the three of you would just stay huddled up in bed all day after breakfast. Today was no different, except for Grim leaving to follow the sun (he was an expert sunbather, after all).  
Ace was a deep sleeper, but for some reason something pulled him from his sleep. And he was forever thankful for it. 
You were turned toward him (you were facing away from him when you fell asleep, you’re such a wild sleeper), mouth slightly open (no drool, damn it), lashing gently resting against dark circles. His thumb brushed against your lower lid. He should talk to Crowley about lessening your load. 
“How’s it hanging, beautiful?” 
Ace jolted, not expecting you to speak, let alone be awake. 
But then he smiled, “Not much, what’s going on with you, beautiful?”
“Just admiring you.”
“Crazy, me too.” 
You both laughed at yourselves,
and the beauty of your relationship.
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Happy Birthday, Ace!
And now that I've said that, time for a serious end note lol
Sooooooo on the 9/1/24, I had emergency gallbladder surgery! And now I'm having an emergency hysterectomy (Tomorrow lol)! Originally, my appointment was in November, but after another trip to the ER they finally realized that bleeding for 6 months straight actually isn't normal, and something should be done about it!
So, yeah, I'm gonna be out of commission (again)! Which, I've barely been posting anyway, but I've also been in excruciating pain for the past six months, sooo yeah!
I'll see yeah when I see y'all!
Ko-Fi | Masterlist
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acourtofthought · 1 day
Following the Elain Archeron tag is painful. I love Elain and her character yet somehow when I want to see Elain content I'm constantly bombarded with the most insane takes.
Currently the tag consists of a post that claims Az and Gwyn can't end up together because Feyre hasn't met Gwyn.
............................................take your time to soak that one in.
It doesn't matter that Nesta (and Az) who took lead in the crossover (with Feyre nowhere to be found) is best friends with Gwyn.
It doesn't matter that Azriel himself knows Gwyn to the point that she now receives his looks of amusement and admiration.
It doesn't matter that Rhysand knows Gwyn.
But if Feyre hasn't met her yet? NOPE! She can never, ever meet her therefore she cannot have a relationship with Az. It's not like he or Nesta could introduce her to Feyre, can you imagine the insanity that would ensue?!
Because every character in this series MUST have a love interest who also knows Feyre regardless of the original characters well developed connection to her. Which means we're pulling from a very small pool here, lending the series to having a very incestuous vibe. Clearly Vassa is pre-approved for Lucien because she and Feyre met maaaaaybe twice? And Helion can resume his romance with the LoA because she once thanked Feyre for sparing Lucien's life and Feyre later burned her arm with her magic?
If Feyre hasn't already given her match making advice about a particular pairing then there's no hope. She is forever connected to the happiness of all future characters simply because it is necessary that she have an opinion on who they should be with.
I mean it's not as if Feyre was busy being pregnant and told to give Nesta space during her time at the HOW which is why she didn't meet Gwyn. Clearly, she should have shown up despite Cassian's insistence that the sisters keep their distance just so Sarah could write a scene where she and Gwyn become acquainted so she could become a realistic future love interest for Az. Or stepped away after almost dying so she could welcome the house guests drinking tea in her sitting room.
I guess that means the only people Mor can end up with is Vassa, one of the wraith twins or Ressina since Feyre hasn't met Emerie either.
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rocksibblingsau · 3 days
what’s something about the fic that you wanna share but don’t think you’ll get a chance too?
Some deleted/rewritten scenes!
One of the first scenes I envisioned was a scene of Barb singing Seven Nation Army (in regards to Branch having worries about Trolls not liking him and her reassuring him she'd fight anyone off who did), but I had Branch reveal his trauma pretty earlier on once I started writing and Barb choosing to sing a song would have been massively out of character.
The initial plan for Branch getting his headphones from Riff actually took place in the upper bowl, and would have also been when Branch met Sid, but I changed it to the coffee scene simply because it worked better.
An earlier concept of Chapter 8 had Barb gifting Branch Bobo, but to be honest Branch wouldn't have liked Bobo so he got a new plushie. I also briefly considered the idea of Branch accidentally ripping Bobo, but to be honest Bobo is so destroyed that how could you even tell if you did rip him.
There was a scrapped concept between chapters 9 and 10 that would have had him spending time and watching wrestling on TV, but that was reworked into him watching it live during their special day.
In chapters 11/12, I briefly considered Billy being the one to find Branch on behalf of Barb, but decided to have Barb find him, have a fight with him and then send Billy in.
The nickname 'Twigs' just randomly came to me and wasn't planned, but once I came up with it I wanted to make it their thing.
In chapter 14, I was torn between laser tag and bumper cars but settled on laser tag. I'm happy I did because I don't think bumper cars would have been as special or interesting, and now Branch has a thing he's good at. I also debated who the teams should have been for awhile.
In chapter 15 Branch wasn't originally going to break the CD player, and Demo would have checked over his work, but it felt more in character to me that Branch might have a more violent reaction.
In chapter 19 there was going to be a scene where a large spray of lava was going to hit Barb and Branch, and Barb would toss Branch to Sid to keep him from getting submerged. I realized half way through writing that scene that it was too close to Branch being pushed by his grandma and would more than likely have caused Branch a panic attack, and that chapter was meant to be cute so I cut the scene entirely.
Raff's personality was initially kinda different. She was a more anxious person, with a bit of a defeatist attitude. Canonically that's what she used to be like, before she got therapy.
Branch's revelation about Cooper at one point was planned for when he met Prince D, but I moved it to coming about thanks to therapy.
I cannot stress how last minute Dickory was. Part of why I added him is because Poppy's story was actually kind of depressing without him.
Before I made the plan for the haunted house to go poorly, Branch was going to go to the carnival where there would have been yet another Spider tease.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 days
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Series Synopsis: When your cousin goes missing right before he can challenge the Champion of your region, you must embark on a journey of your own in the hopes that one day, you might finally find him — wherever he may be.
Chapter Synopsis: Your cousin, Shoei, sets out on his journey, leaving you behind with a final gift as a farewell.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing(s): Nagi x Reader, Barou & Reader
Chapter Word Count: 2.5k
Content Warnings: pokémon au except i make the world emo and infest it with blue lockers, angst, character death, familial bonds, found families, male-female FRIENDSHIPS, a slow burn so insane the main love interest isn’t even in a solid amount of chapters, it’s my world i do what i want which means liberties are taken, near death experiences, this story is long bro literally everything happens in it the amount of arcs i have planned is insane, original characters because reader will NOT be the only girl i refuse to write in conditions like that
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A/N: this is SUCH a niche crossover i’m actually crying but ykw at least it’s different from the typical aus LMAOOO anyways um please be sure to read the warnings and if you enjoy this then like…reblog or comment or send me an ask or smth HAHA (only if you want though i can’t control you)
tag list (send an ask to be added): @sharkissm
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The last time you saw Shoei Barou, he was pressing a Pokéball in your hand. His backpack was slung over his shoulder, his typical scowl on his face, and his Houndour sat at his feet, wagging its tail at you. The surface of the Pokéball was glimmering, ruby on top and a pearly white on the bottom, and because you could not bear to look at him, you trained your gaze on the watery sunrise it reflected.
“She’s yours,” he said. “I registered her under your name.”
“Guess that makes me a trainer, too,” you said.
“Don’t start on your journey for a while,” he said. “Or else you’ll catch up to me. Wait until I’m good enough that I’m someone you want to chase after, and begin then.”
He was embarking on his journey later than usual, but you had no doubt that he’d quickly surpass those with five or even ten years of experience on him. Shoei was like that, and so was his Houndour. What they lacked in battle prowess, they made up for with dogged tenacity, and it was impossible to imagine either of the two struggling for any amount of time.
“I won’t,” you said.
“Good,” he said. “Look, she’ll probably be better off if you just leave her in her Pokéball until you start training seriously, so don’t worry about that.”
“Won’t she get bored?” you said. He shook his head.
“Being in the Pokéball is a kind of stasis for them. She’ll know the time has passed, but it won’t be the same as if she were actually living it. It’s better that way, trust me. She’s the destructive type, and I won’t be around to help you if she acts up,” he said.
“Ah,” you said. “I see. I’ll do as you recommend, then.”
He reached out and placed a hand atop your head. You swallowed, staring at the dirt path beneath your feet, the worn toes of your old sneakers, the frayed cuffs of your too-short jeans — anything but him. You couldn’t bear it if it was him.
“You’ll be okay,” he said. “Y/N.”
“Yes,” you sniffed, though you had sworn to him so many times that you wouldn’t cry.
“You’ll be okay,” he repeated. “I promise.”
“Yes,” you said again. His hand balled into a fist, and then he knocked it lightly against your brow. Unlike you, he was smiling, and you did your best to quell the trembling of your lower lip when you made eye contact with him.
“Hey, kid,” he said. “Enough with the bawling, okay? How am I supposed to call you my cousin when you’re like this? We can’t be related if you get so upset about every little thing. That’s not how it works.”
“I can’t help it,” you said, and then he sighed, hugging you tightly. His Houndour barked, rubbing his head against your calf, which was the only method the small Pokémon had of comforting you. “I can’t help it, I know I should be happy but—”
“Be happy,” he commanded you, letting you go and placing his hands on your shoulders. “Y/N L/N. Be happy. I’m going to be Champion one day, and that’s nothing to be sad about.”
“Will you come back home once you are?” you said.
“No,” he said. “No, of course not. I’ll be busy with the duties of the role. Have you seen how many television appearances Mr. Mikage does? But I’ll bring you there with me, you and your parents and mine, and all of us can live there together. Is that enough of a consolation?”
“Okay,” you said, even though it really wasn’t. But it’d be a cruelty to stop Barou, akin to clipping the wings of a Pidgeot and telling it to fly. He was as restless as his Houndour, who even now sat and stared out at the horizon instead of the home it was leaving behind. The both of them were turbulent, impossible to cage, and if one tried to hold them back, then they were little more than a brazen fool.
“I’ll see you later, Y/N,” he said. “Try not to be to sad without me, alright?”
The Pokéball was cold and heavy in your hands as you watched him and Houndour walk off. Neither of them turned back, not for a moment, and then they were over the crest of the shallow hill in the road which led to the nearby cliffs, disappearing from your line of sight for good.
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“Y/N!” It was the same boy again. He had been bothering you since you both had entered secondary school, mostly because that was around the time that Shoei had begun his league challenge. Of course, he had obtained all of the gym badges in quick succession, but conferences were only held every four years, and so he had had to wait until the next one before he could attempt to storm through it and reach the Elite Four, hence the delayed interest in his talent.
“Hello,” you said. He had never bothered introducing himself to you, and you were at the point now where it would be awkward for you to ask, so you generally pretended like you recognized him and hoped your conversations never grew to be too long.
“Did you hear the news? I mean, he’s your cousin, so of course you did, but still, still, can you believe it?” he said.
“What are you talking about?” you said.
“Barou!” he said. At the mention of Shoei, your Pokéball grew warm against your hip, and your left hand instinctively flew to the thin chain around your neck. “He’s actually done it — he beat Noel Noa!”
“Noel Noa…the last Elite Four member, right?” you said. The boy nodded at you. He was grinning as hard as if it were his own cousin who had mastered the league, or indeed as if he were the victor, but the truth was that besides you, there were very few in the entire city who could claim to know Shoei, so his pride was unwarranted.
“Yup! No one’s ever beaten him but Mr. Mikage,” he said.
“Well, Mr. Mikage is the champion,” you said. “So what’s next? Does he battle Mr. Mikage?”
“Pretty much,” the boy said. “Although he’s allowed to take his time in between and train his team. The conference win and Elite Four victories are only prerequisites, but it’s not like you have to do it all at once. In fact, hardly anyone ever does. Your team needs to rest in between battles, and besides, challenges to the Champion position are so rare that they need time to set it all up.”
“What do you mean, ‘set it all up?’” you said, sitting down at your desk at the back of the classroom. The boy didn’t usually sit with you, but today he was too excited, so he collapsed rather awkwardly in the chair at your side, leaning over with his elbows digging into his thighs.
“Didn’t you know? All Champion matches are televised!” he said. “The entire region will be able to see him battling. He’s amazing, you know.”
“Of course he is,” you said matter-of-factly. “That’s good that it’ll be filmed. It’s impossible to get tickets unless you’re a league official or have more money than you know what to do with.”
The boy coughed, his face turning red. Your eyes flicked to his belt, which was conspicuously devoid of any Pokéballs, just like the rest of your classmates, and then you curled inwards when you once again recalled that amongst your peers, it was only you who required the league-issued stipend for trainers to afford your tuition.
“Anyways,” he said, pursing his lips — a reminder to you that he had sat in the stands of the last league conference and was in fact one of those such types that you had been referring to earlier, “I’ve heard they’re thinking of moving towards broadcasting the entire conference andany Elite Four challenges instead of just the Champion matches.”
“Really?” you said, eager to change the subject. He nodded.
“Yup, it’s the case. The TV studios and news stations have been pushing for it. As long as they can throw in some advertisements and sponsorships between the battles themselves, their profits will shoot up like crazy,” he said.
“Well, that makes sense,” you said. “Why hadn’t they implemented it earlier?”
“They’ve been trying, but supposedly, there’s been a lot of pushback from some of the league officials. They think they’ll lose money if people can just watch battles online, since there’ll be less of an incentive to buy tickets to watch them in person,” he said.
“Ah. So what changed their minds? Aren’t the league officials notoriously stubborn?” you said. He snorted.
“That’s what my dad says. He’d rather deal with a Slaking than any of them,” he said. You couldn’t quite remember what his father did for a living, but if you had to guess, it was something financial-related, given the boy’s unnatural interest in the field. “Apparently, they tried it out in Johto to great effect, so they plan to give it a go here in Kalos as well.”
“Interesting,” you said. “I guess it doesn’t mean much to me now, since Shoei’s already through, but I’m sure it’ll be helpful to someone or another in the future.”
“Maybe we’ll see you onscreen next, eh, Miss Trainer?” he said. You rolled your eyes at the nickname; coming from him, it wasn’t so horrible, but it wasn’t always like that. Most of the time, you hated when the others brought up your trainer status, because it only set you further and further apart from the rest.
Of course, almost everyone had a Pokémon or two as a companion or to make the activities of their daily living that much easier, but there was a difference between a Pokémon owner and a Pokémon trainer. Trainers were the ones who were registered with the government, who were sent a monthly stipend by the league to pay for their and their Pokemon’s upkeep, and who made a career out of the sport. At least, that was what they were supposed to be, but nowadays, genuine trainers were few and far between; more often than not, those with the distinction were like you, with a single Pokémon that had never known the heat of battle and a desperate need for the extra income that their status, passive though it might’ve been, brought them.
The school-issued Gogoat that was designated to escort you home trotted along beside you, its tail bouncing with the gaiety of its pace, its ears perked against the wind as you went along. You sometimes wondered if the Pokémon you supposedly owned was anything like that, but based on Shoei’s description, you had mostly decided it wasn’t.
“Thanks for taking me back, Gogoat,” you said, patting it on the forehead when you reached your doorstep. It bleated at you, nuzzling you happily and then bounding away. You watched it go with a smile, incredibly fond of it though you knew it wasn’t actually yours — just a vehicle assigned to you because the school knew that most of its students weren’t proper trainers. The institute didn’t want to be held liable in case there was some kind of an attack, so the Gogoats had been trained to accompany students to and from their classes as well as to protect them as best as they could.
Supposedly it was a common practice, one that had been invented in Aquacorde Town, but there they used Arcanines instead of Gogoats, so privately you thought that those of you in Coumarine City got the better deal.
“Mother?” you said, peering into the kitchen, smiling when you saw her there, stirring a pot of something that smelled delicious. “I’m home.”
“Y/N!” she said. “How was school today?”
“It was fine,” you said, self-consciously drumming your nails against your Pokéball. “This guy told me that Shoei’s going to challenge the Champion soon. Mr. Mikage. They’re going to film it and everything. We should ask Uncle and Auntie if they want to come over and watch with us.”
“That sounds like a good idea,” she said. Shoei’s father, your uncle, was her brother, and they had remained so close throughout their adulthood that it felt at times like Shoei was less your cousin and more a genuine brother of your own who occasionally slept in another house. “Imagine if he can become Champion!”
“He will,” you said, unclipping your Pokéball from your belt and setting it on the table, where your mother’s Espurr was sleeping. At the movement, she sat up, giving the unassuming ball a disgusted look and climbing to the top of a shelf where she could continue to nap. “All everyone talks about is how strong he is. There’s no way he’s losing, especially if he beat Noel Noa.”
“It’ll be great for the family,” she said.
“Yes,” you said. “And for him.”
“Do you know when the match is scheduled for?” she said. You shook your head.
“No, I don’t. The guy said people usually take a break in between defeating the Elite Four and challenging the Champion, so that their teams can rest and all. I’m sure it’ll be announced well in advance, though. It’s not everyday that somebody fights Mr. Mikage himself,” you said.
“That’s true,” she said. “In the meantime, how’s this for dinner?”
“Looks good,” you said, though it was out of distraction, not approval. Your mind was racing as you tried to picture how the battle between Shoei and the Champion might go. Would he look different? Of course, he would have to, it had been a while since you had seen him last, and it might be a while more until you saw him next, depending on how long he took to put in the formal request to battle. Two weeks, or maybe even three.
Yet weeks turned into months, which turned into years, and still he did not appear to face Mr. Mikage. Eventually the excitement faded into a distant memory, and soon, if his name was brought up at all, it was as nothing but the Never-Champion, the one who was too frightened to fight against the undefeated head of the league and the Mikage Corporation alike.
At first you weren’t worried, but as time stretched on, you resorted to begging the police, the local Gym Leader, anyone who would listen, just for a chance at finding him. Yet one by one, they each refused. After all, what could be done? He was a top trainer, they worked in mysterious ways, everyone knew that. Any day now, he would reappear and that long-awaited battle between himself and the Champion might finally happen. Nothing about the situation was abnormal in the slightest. Maybe the cowardice was a bit uncharacteristic, but otherwise? There wasn’t any cause for stress.
And so, for that reason, nobody but you ever thought of actually looking for him — they never even knew that they had to.
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mizithejellyfish · 2 days
🪼 Hiii !!! 🪼
I'm Mizi ! You probably heard of me from Alien Stage. I'm going to be one of the newest contestants in Season 50 ! I'm super excited to compete. Guardian Shine let me make this account so I can meet you all ! Plus it'll help up my popularity a bit before the season kicks off . Plus, you guys get to ask me whatever you want!
But anyway, I think I should set some ground rules before you ask me stuff;
☆ No weird or NSFW asks, please ! Those make me really uncomfortable...
☆ One ask per asker at a time, please !! I know it sounds weird, but it makes things a LOT easier to keep track of !
☆ I know you there's always a lot of idol rumors going around about romance between my friends and stuff, but please don't harass me about it... you can do some playful shoving and nudges towards stuff, that's perfectly fine and fun! But don't yell at me about it. Unless it's jokingly, of course.
☆ My pronouns are she/her ( ^ω^ ) !! Someone else helps me run this blog ((OOC: That's me, the Mod!)) , and their pronouns are anything; they don't mind what they're called.
🪼TAGS !🪼
#MiziAnswers (my answers to most asks!)
#MiziFaves (Reblogs of cool stuff!)
#MiziPosts (My original stuff!)
#MiziOffline ((OOC: Mod posts. Not Mizi.))
🪼A Few Special People (Claimed Anons!) 🪼
None so far! We just got started.
🪼 Okay! That's all I gotta say! Hope to meet you guys soon ~ (*^▽^*) 🪼
((MOD DISCLAIMER! I am in no way affiliated with Vivinos or QMENG or anything official to do with Alien Stage. This blog is just for fun and I do not claim Mizi or any of the Alien Stage characters as my own! ))
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sqebu · 2 years
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flame2ashes · 3 years
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There’s something hilarious about how these mods were made by the same user
EDIT: If you’re going to reblog this post you might as well reblog this version lol
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hlkproductions · 2 years
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some character designs based on a dream i had that i forgot to post here lmao Dee Darling gets thrown into a world unlike anything she's ever seen after she loses control over her bike off a bridge on her way home from classes. Neverland, a place her great grandmother passed down the story about, has lost it's whimsical fantasy and is now a neon infused Cyberpunk metropolis where fairies run the realm in a corporate hellscape, and the air is polluted by dust. When she's unceremoniously dropped into the lap of the (former) Captain James Hook she finds herself caught in the crossfire between a band of street pirates and the Lost Boys--a collective of elite killers that are led by Pan, who once killed Hook after the man learned the truth behind the fairy empire's plans for pixie dust. Unfortunately, death just won't stick to a man like Hook, and thus his vendetta has labeled him the perfect candidate to lead a rebellion effort against the capitalist regime.
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batshaped · 3 years
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corruption arc
originally posted to twitter. the dogy in question is from my comic HELLO FROM HALO HEAD.
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drlany0n · 2 years
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dammarchy211 · 2 years
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THE POLLS HAVE SPOKENon my instastory. Here’s Dex’s family under the cut😎
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Okay so! For his parents I believe I mentioned in the archetype post that despite not really being openly anti-psychic, they still undermine and dismiss him for being so, since as magicians they think being psychic and a magician is “cheating” (which I imagine is a common opinion in the pn universe). Like, it’s not a magic “show” if there’s no show and everyone knows how you did it. Because of this and in conjunction with their parenting style just generally causing Dex to act more defiant, they kind of dump him on his grandpa. Whose death is the catalyst for Dex joining CRIME!
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This relationship with his sister is kinda difficult, at the time being they do not get along, just an unfortunate outcome of their upbringing. They’re meant to mirror Frazie and Raz, but instead of their shared psychics (and one wanting to be open about it w/ the other hiding it) bringing them together, it divides them. I think Dex especially resents her on account of how much shit she simply didn’t have to deal with by hiding her psychics because like, HE didn’t know the amount of shit it would get him in if his parents knew, how is that fair? Also the fact she can and totally does get away with a tone of shit simply by blaming it on Dex since he’s the family scapegoat and she’s very much the golden child. I think as she grows up, she’d start tobecome a magician like her parents, but eventually decides to become a psychonaut instead, probably going by her mother’s maiden name since Fahrenheit would be more associated with a villain at this point lol. She would definitely turn out to be a normal and level headed person (w/ therapy), and I really do believe her and Dex would reconcile but like! As adults and when their brains aren’t stupid kid teen brains lol. I don’t really think she would keep in touch with her parents as an adult either, which is probably one of the reasons for her career change but I do like to think she would still put on magic acts at the Aquatodome in her free time. OH AND! She’s good friends w/ Sam! Since both of their grandpas were/are psychonauts n they were both in the motherlobe a lot, by default Dex has to hang out with Dogen bc their sisters are friends but they do actually like es other it’s not like forced or anything (tho I imagine Dex might make Dogen a lil nervous). Also Dex would have to go to whispering rock when he was way younger until he probably got grounded from it.
I know Franke is the name of a pre-existing character, but to be fair psychonauts canon has a Bob, Bobby, and Bobbie (background character). BUT I am thinking about changing it anyway? I might not bc I do love Frankie but here’s the other options
Taffy, Billie, Max/Maxine/Maxie, Eden, and maaaybbeee Agnes or Clara
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rcrisdraws · 2 years
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 “   She went to work on the laceration cutting through my upper arm and I found myself thoroughly fascinated with watching her work. Her eyes were so focused, making sure every stitch was up to her standard. The way her brows kept knitting in concentration, her glasses resting on the bridge of her nose, replaced my heart with a pair of fluttering wings. I could stare at her for hours. 
   Nadya finally glanced up at me while she was wrapping my arm up. This time, her blush was entirely noticeable. “What?”
   The question made me realize I had been smiling. I quickly looked away, though I couldn’t fully wipe the expression from my face. “Nothing.” “
- paragraph from the awesome @werewolfdays that you can read in full here. This was one fantastic commission to work on and I’m so so happy to have had the opportunity to work on!!
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bardsansa · 3 years
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so yeah, i may be obsessed with her headpiece upgrade. might’ve started planning this immediately after i saw the pics. dauterman, you madman.
here’s the photo i used as reference, from mihaela drăgan’s ig!
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heistttyyy · 2 years
Sorry for not posting homestuck have this guy instead for now.. ^_^
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084392 · 2 years
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rogue tooth fairy who got a little bored just collecting teeth...
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