#President Putin
deadpresidents · 25 days
can you recommend any bios on putin?
Sure. I haven't read a ton of books about Putin/Russia, but there are four books in particular that I have and felt were really good.
•Putin by Philip Short (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) This 2022 title is the most recent book I can personally recommend and the only one published since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine began. Short also wrote two other great books on autocrats that I'd suggest checking out -- Pol Pot: Anatomy of a Nightmare, and Mao: The Man Who Made China.
•The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin by Steven Lee Myers (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) Myers, who has been reporting from around the world for decades for the New York Times, published this book in 2015 and it reveals a closer and more-detailed look at Putin the person than outsiders have ever had before.
•The Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin by Masha Gessen (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) Born in Russia and now an American citizen, Gessen, who is now known as M. Gessen is a prominent critic of Putin's rule. They examine how a relatively low-level, seemingly unimpressive KGB operative somehow rose to become Boris Yeltsin's hand-picked successor and one of the most powerful people of the 21st century.
•Kremlin Rising: Vladimir Putin's Russia and the End of Revolution by Peter Baker and Susan Glasser (BOOK | KINDLE) I make a point of getting every book written by Peter Baker and Susan Glasser, whether it's something the married couple has written together or the many books they've written on their own. Published in 2007, after Baker and Glasser finished serving as chiefs of the Washington Post's Moscow bureau in the early years of Putin's first stretch in the Russian Presidency, this book focuses on how Putin impacted a Russia that was rapidly undergoing drastic changes in the 15 years since the Soviet Union collapsed and the backsliding from the delicate form of democracy that Boris Yeltsin had attempted to implement after the end of the Cold War.
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workersolidarity · 9 months
[Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks about Ukrainian attacks on civilians in Donetsk City and Bolgorod city-center on New Year's Eve and Day.]
🇷🇺⚔️🇺🇦 🚨
Russian President Vladimir Putin responded to Ukraine's New Year's Day strikes targeting Donetsk City while visiting the Vishnevsky Military hospital and speaking with soldiers wounded in the Special Military Operation in Ukraine.
While making rounds speaking with soldiers and answering questions from reporters, President Putin broached the topic of Ukraine's recent missile strikes targeting the city center of Bolgorod and then again in Donetsk City overnight on New Year's Day.
“What just happened in Belgorod is, of course, a terrorist act. Why? Because, under the cover of two Vilkha missiles they fired from multiple launch rocket systems, right in the center of the city, where people are walking in front of for the New year," President Putin said.
“Should we respond in this way? Of course, we can hit squares in Kiev or any other city. There are children walking, mothers with strollers. I understand, everything is boiling inside me."
Pointing to the terrorist nature of the attack, Putin added, "I want to ask you: Do we need to do such things? Hit city-center squares?"
President Putin, emphasizing that Russian Forces focus on military targets rather than civilian ones, added, “And that’s what we do. We strike with high-precision weapons at places where [military] decisions are made, at places where military personnel, mercenaries gather, at other centers of this kind, at military facilities, first of all. And they are quite sensitive, these strikes."
Putin added that in launching these terroristic strikes aimed at civilians, the Kiev regime is trying to intimidate Moscow, and induce fear and uncertainty in the Russian population.
“We, for our part, will increase the strikes that I mentioned. Not a single crime of this kind - and this is, of course, a crime against the civilian population - will go unpunished, one hundred percent, there can be no doubt,” Putin assured.
Pointing to Western assistance to Ukraine, Putin added "The point is not that they help our enemy, but they are our enemy. They solve their own problems with [Ukrainian] hands, that’s what it’s all about."
Putin emphasized that ordinary Ukrainians were not their enemies, but that the collective West wants to destroy Russian sovereignty and to inflict a strategic defeat on the Russian Federation, and pointed out that Western elites have wanted to split the Federation into five parts for many years.
“That’s why they nurtured the so-called Kiev regime for quite a long time. It was precisely in order to create this conflict. Unfortunately for us, they achieved this, they created this conflict and are trying to solve their problem with the help of Ukrainians, namely the task of fighting Russia," the Russian Commander-in-Chief said.
Though, according to President Putin, the situation on the ground is gradually improving, with the enemy slowly losing ground, and pointed to the ammunition shortage the Ukrainian Armed Forces are suffering from at the moment, with Ukrainian Forces firing more munitions than the collective West can produce.
“And we are increasing and will continue to increase [production], and in multiples. They were supplied with more than 400 tanks - 450 or whatever it is - and in a year we will produce and overhaul 1,600. This is not a state secret, in fact, there will probably be more," the Russian President said.
"And this is true for almost every position. Therefore, despite the fact that from time immemorial they have set such a task, - to [destroy] Russia, we ourselves will [destroy] them faster, it seems."
President Putin also spoke about the importance of the consolidation of Russian society, and fulfilling the task set for the Russian Armed Forces. He mentioned the changing rhetoric of the West as evidence of the progress of Russian goals, pointing to Western leaders who are already talking about how to quickly end the conflict. However, President Putin emphasized that the Special Military Operation would only end on Russia's own terms.
Speaking of the progress by Russian Forces, Vladimir Putin stated, “Firstly, we have weapons that no army in the world has. And secondly, the ability to use everything that [is produced]. Thirdly, what [is produced, is produced] quickly enough.”
The Russian Head-of-State also discussed the situation with regards to military production and supply-lines, saying that the effectiveness of the armed struggle is determined by how quickly an army can isolate what it needs at any given moment and respond to it from a production point-of-view, implementing plans as quickly as possible during combat operations.
“We are doing this better and better, and probably better than anywhere else. And this is a very huge advantage that our armed forces have,” Putin added and recalled that although he wouldn't give themselves the highest evaluation, he assesses the progress of the SMO as "satisfactory".
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girlactionfigure · 10 months
◼️PM Netanyahu and President Putin spoke for 50 minutes, his office says.  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin about the war against Hamas and the situation in the region. The PM expressed his dissatisfaction with the positions expressed against Israel by Russian representatives at the UN and in other forums. PM Netanyahu expressed sharp criticism of the dangerous cooperation between Russia and Iran. The PM emphasized that any country that had been struck with a criminal terrorist assault such as Israel experienced would have reacted with no less force than Israel is using. Prime Minister Netanyahu expressed his appreciation of the Russian effort to release an Israeli citizen with Russian citizenship and said that Israel would use all means, diplomatic and military alike, to free all of our hostages. The Prime Minister also requested that Russia apply pressure on the Red Cross regarding visits and the delivery of medicines for our hostages.
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ucedv7nzm5blvlt · 2 years
#Putin Vs #Ucrania y el Oeste. ¿Quienes son #Culpables de esta #guerra y...
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democratic-cool · 2 years
Anybody opposed to Putin is a foreign agent. Yes, that is indeed the name of a new law in Russia.
#putin #russia #dictator #russian #repression
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go-sbrankos · 2 years
Putin jokes with Europe:
Son: Dad, why is it so cold. Dad: Because Russia attacked Ukraine
Son: What does it have to do with us? Dad: so we sanctioned the Russians
Son: Why Dad? Dad: To feel they bad
Son: Are we then Russians?
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head-post · 21 days
Unhindered mining, top birth rate, energy development: key points of Putin’s speech at Eastern Economic Forum
Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech at the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) in Vladivostok, according to Russian media.
During the forum, Putin discussed key factors in developing the Russian economy, why the Israel-Hamas war continues, and spoke about national development projects for the Russian economy and demography.
Putin promised to allocate an additional 100 billion roubles ($1,125 billion, €1,019 billion) for the development of Far Eastern cities. He announced a project to build nuclear power plants in eastern Russia and to deploy mining of titanium, lithium, rare earth metals, and other resources.
Answering a question about Nord Stream, he called Germany‘s reluctance to use the working branch of the pipeline “nonsense and schizophrenia.”
Germany can receive [gas] through the territory of Ukraine, receive it through Turkish Stream, but it can’t receive it through the string that runs along the bottom of the Baltic Sea. In my opinion, this is some kind of professional deformation, schizophrenia, some kind of nonsense.
The president said that Germany could have received 27.5 billion cubic metres of gas through the Nord Stream pipeline if it had agreed with Russia to switch on the pipeline. He also stated that Russia had always been willing to cooperate.
He also addressed the emerging field of cryptocurrency mining.
Russia is already one of the world leaders in mining, this is due to the surplus of energy capacity in Siberia. But there are certain issues here that have arisen recently (…) This energy resource surplus should not turn into a deficit that would be a deterrent to the development of Siberian regions.
Israel-Hamas war
Commenting on the protracted war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, Putin pointed to the unresolved two-state solution as the basis for the worsening conflict.
We will do everything that depends on us to contribute to the resolution of this long-standing and very grave crisis.
He said the conflict had dragged on largely because of the actions of the United States, which was trying to play a decisive role in resolving the war and achieving a ceasefire.
Earlier, Putin met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Moscow to discuss the war in the Middle East.
Domestic reforms
Responding to Russia’s internal challenges, the president said it was necessary to create conditions for increasing the birth rate in the Far East.
We need to create the conditions that we have talked about so much today, so that the birth rate increases and people, primarily young people, have the desire to come there.
According to Putin, in Primorsky Krai (the Far Eastern Federal District) families with three children are entitled to an increased payment of 1 million roubles (about $1,250 or €10,200) for mortgage repayments from 2023.
We have agreed that a payment in a similar amount, i.e. 1 million roubles, should be introduced for large families in all Far Eastern regions where the birth rate is below the average for the federal district.
The Eastern Economic Forum takes place on 3-6 September at the Far Eastern Federal University campus in Vladivostok. More than 1,000 agreements worth over 10.5 trillion rubles ($118 billion, €107 billion) were signed at the last three EEFs.
Read more HERE
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rightnewshindi · 25 days
नहीं रही रूस की जासूस व्हेल ह्वाल्डिमिर, नॉर्वे में तट पर मरी हुई मिली; राष्ट्रपति पुतिन की थी बहुत प्यारी
Detective Whale Hvaldimir Died: रूस की जासूस व्हेल ह्वाल्डिमिर नॉर्वे के तट के करीब मरी हुई मिली है। इस व्हेल ने 2019 में पूरी दुनिया का ध्यान खींचा था। 14 फुट लंबी और 2,700 पाउंड वजनी इस व्हेल को पांच साल पहले कैमरे के लिए डिजाइन किए गए हार्नेस के साथ देखा गया था। इस व्हेल के हार्नेस पर सेंट पीटर्सबर्ग के उपकरण का निशान बना हुआ था। इसके बाद सोशल मीडिया पर उसे ह्वाल्डिमिर जासूस व्हेल के नाम से…
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ellenhenryart · 3 months
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(via "Ladies and Gentlemen President Putin says Joe Biden" Magnet for Sale by ellenhenry)
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thegentlemansmagazine · 3 months
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usafirstpatriot · 4 months
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workersolidarity · 9 months
🇷🇺 🎆 🎉 🚨
📹 Official video from Russian State-News Agency Ria Novosti, subtitled with generator, and the official transcript from the Office of the President of the Russian Federation.
Full official transcript:
We are bidding farewell to 2023. Very soon it will become part of history and we will have to move forward, create the future.
We have worked very hard and accomplished a lot over the past year. We were proud of our common achievements and happy about our successes. And we were firm, protecting the national interests, our freedom and security, and our values which continue to provide us with an unshakeable foundation.
And the main thing which has united us is the destiny of the Motherland. There is a deep understanding of the utmost importance of the historic period which Russia is going through, those large-scale objectives which society is facing and the colossal responsibility for the Motherland which every one of us feels.
We are acutely and clearly aware of how much depends on us during this period, on our positive attitude, and our aspiration to support each other in word and deed.
Work for the collective good has united society. We are united in our thoughts, tasks and in combat, whether at work or on days off, displaying the main traits of the Russian people – solidarity, mercy and firmness.
I would like to address our military personnel – everyone who is on duty, who is on the front lines fighting for truth and justice. You are our heroes. Our hearts are with you. We are proud of you and we admire your courage.
I am well aware that now you feel the love of those nearest and dearest to you, the powerful, sincere support of millions of Russian citizens, the support of the entire people.
We have proved over and over again that we are able to tackle the most difficult tasks and we will never back down as there is no force that can divide us, make us forget the memory and the faith of our fathers, or stop our development.
At all times, the New Year celebrations have been associated with bright hopes and the sincerest wish to bring joy to loved ones.
The upcoming year of 2024 has been declared the Year of the Family in our country. And a truly big family is definitely a family where children grow up, where parents are given attention, and treated with warm-heartedness and care, and where everyone loves and respects each other.
Devotion to the Motherland is nurtured via such kinship of all generations, love of home.
I would like to convey my very best wishes for the new year to all Russian families. After all, the history of our huge, wonderful and beloved Motherland is shaped by the history of each family. We – the multinational people of Russia – decide and create its fate.
We are one country, one big family. We will ensure the steady development of the Motherland, the well-being of our citizens, and we will become even stronger.
We are together. And this is the most reliable guarantee of the future of Russia.
Happy New Year, friends! Happy 2024!
- Russian President Vladimir Putin, Jan. 1st 2024.
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anthonymhowellblog · 7 months
x Aged eleven, I was sent to meet Putin’s daughter. She was a year or so younger. Smiling, she invited me To go out for a ride with her. Two white horses were provided. She of course rode brilliantly, but I was pretty good And we had an exhilarating ride. Passionate at that age, I fell in love with her, as Dante did when he set eyes on Beatrice, As when as a dancer, I fell in love with Russians…
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hellojustussando · 7 months
Watch "President Vladimir Putin" on YouTube
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democratic-cool · 2 years
Howdy, guys! My name is Mikhail. I'm from Russia. Yes, I'm Russian. I'm a programmer. I'm a PHP web developer. I take a great risk when I speak publicly. I just can't keep quiet. Russia's soldiers are criminals. Their crimes occur in front of your eyes. At the moment, Russia is annexed by Putin, just like Crimea is annexed by Russia. The majority of the Russian people were brainwashed through propaganda. But it seems. I hope. The Russians are very kind.
We can help them figure out their crimes when the situation and the war are over. Russia and the Russians are waiting for the world to free us from the occupation of these demons, the occupation of Putin.
#putin #war #warinukraine #nowar #nowarinukraine #russia #russian
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