#putins speech
workersolidarity · 2 years
Presidential Address to Federal Assembly • President of Russia
Instead of letting our lying Mainstream media tell you how Putin plans to take over the world, here is Putin's speech today on the anniversary of the beginning of the SMO in Ukraine.
Whatever your opinion of Putin, the Russian State, the Russian people, it's always worth skipping the propagandists and read for yourself what Putin himself has to say about Ukraine, the Russian economy, Western Imperialism and more.
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lilithism1848 · 8 months
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agentfascinateur · 1 month
Somewhere there's a hauntingly beautiful symphony where Pavel Kushnir belongs.
Rest in peace 🕊️
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Kushnir was born in Tambov, central Russia, where his father Mikhail was a pianist and educator, and his mother a music school teacher. He started playing piano at the age of two and, at just 17, gave a remarkable two-and-a-half-hour concert featuring the 24 preludes and fugues by composer Dmitri Shostakovich. Later that year, he was admitted to the Moscow Conservatory, where classmate Julia Wertman says he cultivated a “dissident image”, often wearing a shabby coat and black clothes, with a half-litre bottle of vodka sticking out of a pocket. Asked in a 2005 interview what composition he would never perform, he replied: "The Russian national anthem."
Arrested for 4 social media posts objecting to the war in Ukraine. Died from a hunger strike in protest. 💜
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galerymod · 3 months
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Just imagine for a moment that we could all enjoy such a beautiful habitat that provides us with all the resources we need! Unfortunately, there are some people who stand in the way of this wonderful possibility. These individuals have big ambitions and an addiction to meaningless big-manism. But we can overcome them!
What is noteworthy is the tendency to focus on past experiences in a world facing future challenges that can only be addressed collectively.
The increasing nationalism is a clear sign that humanity is ready to not learn from history! It's time to make sure we don't end up in the next catastrophe for humanity.
Please don't say you didn't know or see it – it was right in front of you and you're ready to make a change!
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amanda35alice · 3 months
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tomorrowusa · 9 months
Trump is trying to normalize his fascist rantings by just repeating them a lot. That way they are no longer considered news and subject to outrage. But it still allows him to fire up his unhinged and violent base.
Donald Trump, just weeks after using the fascist terminology “vermin” to describe sections of American society he dislikes, again declared at a New Hampshire rally that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country”. [ ... ] “They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done,” Trump told the crowd. “They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America … but all over the world. “They’re coming into our country, from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.” It is the second time Trump has used the poisoned blood phrase, which has been widely condemned for echoing white supremacist rhetoric. The first time he did so, in October, Joe Biden said the former president, who faces 91 criminal charges, was starting to use language heard in Nazi Germany.
Donald Trump is the true poisoner of public discourse in the United States. Things were notably nicer before 2015.
Trump probably is a cinch for the GOP nomination. Even if Nikki Haley does surprisingly well in New Hampshire, that will have little impact on Republican primaries in places like Texas, Tennessee, or Missouri. Trump's rhetoric is focused on the general election.
Mehdi Hasan describes Trump's strategy for fascist normalization.
The broadcaster Mehdi Hasan said on Saturday: “Classic Trump: say something crazy outrageous, neo-Nazi-like and it gets headlines, creates outrage. “So wait a little. Then say it again, no one notices, no coverage, and it gets normalized and mainstreamed. “Let’s be clear: migrants ‘poisoning the blood’ is Hitler rhetoric.”
In this rally Trump was quoting Vladimir Putin. That should give us some idea of whose best interests would be served by a Trump victory. Putin and Trump are certainly on the same page regarding hating liberal democracy.
Trump quotes Putin condemning American democracy, praises autocrat Orban
“Donald Trump sees American democracy as a sham and he wants to convince his followers to see it that way too,” said Jennifer Mercieca, a professor at Texas A&M University who researches democracy and rhetoric. “Putin hates western values like democracy and the rule of law, so does Trump.” Trump quoted Putin, the dictatorial Russia president who invaded neighboring Ukraine, criticizing the criminal charges against Trump, who is accused in four separate cases of falsifying business records in a hush money scheme, mishandling classified documents, and trying to overturn the 2020 election results. In the quotation, Putin agreed with Trump’s own attempts to portray the prosecutions as politically motivated. [ ... ] He went on to align himself with Orban, the Hungarian prime minister who has amassed functionally autocratic power through controlling the media and changing the country’s constitution. Orban has presented his leadership as a model of an “illiberal” state and has opposed immigration for leading to “mixed race” Europeans. Democratic world leaders have sought to isolate Orban for eroding civil liberties and bolstering ties with Putin. [ ... ] In the speech, Trump also repeated his own inflammatory language against undocumented immigrants, by accusing them of “poisoning the blood of our country” — a phrase that immigrant groups and civil rights advocates have condemned as reminiscent as Hitler in his book “Mein Kampf,” in which he told Germans to “care for the purity of their own blood” by eliminating Jews.
Calling out Trump and pointing out his dictator comments will have no effect on his hardcore MAGA fanatics. But the more wishy-washy Trump-curious voters might be a bit more open to well targeted criticisms – as long as we don't use the same type of rhetoric that liberals are usually associated with. In close elections, small groups of voters count a lot.
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nerdykeith · 2 years
This is a dark moment for human rights, Russia has approved so called “LGBTQ Propaganda” nationwide.
This totalitarian attitude towards the LGBTQ is a pure denial of freedom of speech, a denial of one’s freedom to express oneself and a total discrimination against LGBTQ. Life really is bleak for LGBTQ Russians.
Quite rightfully this law is being criticised by many human rights organisations. Calling it “absurd” and an attack on anything the Russian government deems to be too western and progressive.
At a time when most of the world isn’t looking too fondly at the Russian state, this only adds more fuel to the fire. At this point it is difficult to say what can be done to tackle this outrageous attack on LGBTQ persons in Russia. I just hope human rights organisations can put some sort of pressure on the state to respect all their citizens.
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amerasdreams · 1 year
my 12 year old niece said that they don't allow kids to speak about Putin, Hitler, or Kim Jong Un at school. If this is true, this is limiting free speech (they are kids and they need more limits, but this just doesn't make sense).
simply speaking about something doesn't mean glorifying it! Kids shouldn't have whole subjects cut out of discussion -- that's not how you learn to find the truth.
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jbfly46 · 1 year
“The West ... began its colonial policy back in the Middle Ages, and then followed the slave trade, the genocide of Indian tribes in America, the plunder of India, of Africa, the wars of England and France against China ...
"What they did was hooking entire nations on drugs, deliberately exterminate entire ethnic groups. For the sake of land and resources they hunted people like animals. This is contrary to the very nature of man, truth, freedom and justice.”
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workersolidarity · 9 months
🇷🇺 🎆 🎉 🚨
📹 Official video from Russian State-News Agency Ria Novosti, subtitled with generator, and the official transcript from the Office of the President of the Russian Federation.
Full official transcript:
We are bidding farewell to 2023. Very soon it will become part of history and we will have to move forward, create the future.
We have worked very hard and accomplished a lot over the past year. We were proud of our common achievements and happy about our successes. And we were firm, protecting the national interests, our freedom and security, and our values which continue to provide us with an unshakeable foundation.
And the main thing which has united us is the destiny of the Motherland. There is a deep understanding of the utmost importance of the historic period which Russia is going through, those large-scale objectives which society is facing and the colossal responsibility for the Motherland which every one of us feels.
We are acutely and clearly aware of how much depends on us during this period, on our positive attitude, and our aspiration to support each other in word and deed.
Work for the collective good has united society. We are united in our thoughts, tasks and in combat, whether at work or on days off, displaying the main traits of the Russian people – solidarity, mercy and firmness.
I would like to address our military personnel – everyone who is on duty, who is on the front lines fighting for truth and justice. You are our heroes. Our hearts are with you. We are proud of you and we admire your courage.
I am well aware that now you feel the love of those nearest and dearest to you, the powerful, sincere support of millions of Russian citizens, the support of the entire people.
We have proved over and over again that we are able to tackle the most difficult tasks and we will never back down as there is no force that can divide us, make us forget the memory and the faith of our fathers, or stop our development.
At all times, the New Year celebrations have been associated with bright hopes and the sincerest wish to bring joy to loved ones.
The upcoming year of 2024 has been declared the Year of the Family in our country. And a truly big family is definitely a family where children grow up, where parents are given attention, and treated with warm-heartedness and care, and where everyone loves and respects each other.
Devotion to the Motherland is nurtured via such kinship of all generations, love of home.
I would like to convey my very best wishes for the new year to all Russian families. After all, the history of our huge, wonderful and beloved Motherland is shaped by the history of each family. We – the multinational people of Russia – decide and create its fate.
We are one country, one big family. We will ensure the steady development of the Motherland, the well-being of our citizens, and we will become even stronger.
We are together. And this is the most reliable guarantee of the future of Russia.
Happy New Year, friends! Happy 2024!
- Russian President Vladimir Putin, Jan. 1st 2024.
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themthistles · 1 year
i understand that people generally don't mean for it to come off this way but it always peeves me when ameribrits and co talk about the state of lgbtqa+ rights in other counties as if homophobia and transphobia present there are a virus or some boogeyman that is going to breach containment and come for them. like oh what's this??? here comes christianity with a steel chair!! guess what our bigotry is your bigotry buddy. it always has been
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ms-cellanies · 2 years
Putin gave a 4 hour speech today.  Nicole Wallace on MSNBC played a portion of his speech.  This was part of what she showed & below is from the NYT article:   https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/10/27/world/russia-ukraine-war-news.
Many of the themes of the Russian leader’s speech were familiar, but they took on particular resonance given the coming midterm elections in the United States and growing discontent in Europe over the costs of the war.
“There are at least two Wests,” Mr. Putin said.
One, he said, is a West of “traditional, mainly Christian values” with which Russians feel kinship. But, he said, “there’s another West — aggressive, cosmopolitan, neocolonial, acting as the weapon of the neoliberal elite,” and trying to impose its “pretty strange” values on the rest of the world.
CHRISTIAN VALUES jumped out at me.  The Russian military have beaten, tortured, castrated & murdered many Ukrainian men.  They also beat, raped & killed civilians, both men & women as well as torturing, beating, raping & killing Ukrainian military women.  The Russians have also RAPED CHILDREN & BABIES.  Tell me how any of those actions are CHRISTIAN VALUES.  Also explain to me why so many Christian Americans are pro-Putin.  
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ivovynckier · 2 years
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galerymod · 7 months
The Communist Party and its functionaries dominate political life at all levels of the highly centralised "party state". Political opposition movements are suppressed and their representatives prosecuted. Meanwhile, the power of President Xi Jinping, which is accompanied by a heightened cult of personality, has reached a new high.
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Well, that would be something for the misanthropic ex-president of the disunited states of america. he as the great leader of the nation with a parliamentary yes-man system.
This would seal the usa's decline as a superpower and make the rise of the XI unstoppable.
First, XI grabs Taiwan while trump professes in his infinite ignorance of history that the welfare of XI is his right and does not affect the economic interests of America.
Thank you for being a friend!
The man who understands dictators and their leaders. What's all this nonsense about discussing culture in democracies when you can do everything better for yourself and the people around you.
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