#Professor Andrew Hunt
sincericida · 2 months
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on the set of "After the Hunt" in the historic university city of Cambridge.
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dsco-kjs · 2 months
"Now that I think about it, this demon reminds me of a puzzle!"
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Centuries ago, demons have simply been a popular myth or something to believe in, their legends depend on where they have been seen and their actions.
These beings had many names, types and identities, however, none failed to convey terror in the streets when they left their homeland to spread to other parts of the world.
These demons terrorized people for centuries, consuming them and feeding their evil, forgetting the humanity they were born with.
That was, until thanks to a powerful swordsman a powerful and unique legacy was made for humans.
The demon slayers...
These slayers were in charge of eliminating these demons for generations, an organization that spread in the same way as the demons, with a technique called "Breathings".
Being a silent war that sought either eternity or peace.
On the streets of London, their situation was no different. Plunged into terror in the face of terrible and horrible murders, disappearances of people loved or hated, with no murderers to blame. No matter how hard Scotland Yard tried, there was nothing they could do to solve the cases, however, a man always appeared to answer these mysteries, without knowing that this same man belonged to the demon slayers. And that man with the top hat would hunt and find every demon until he knew…Who was responsible for their miserable existence.
Greetings to this little introduction of an AU that occurred to me, a combination between Demon Slayer and Professor Layton! I had fun making this, I hope you like it !
Here are some additional data from the AU:
London was invaded by demons when one was transported on a cargo ship from Japan
Each country has its own organization allied with the original one,the Ubuyashiki family. This organization is not supported by the government or recognized but is financed by the Delmona family.
The London organization has the same type of rank as that of Japan, meaning that it has its hashiras/pillars. (I won't say who they are for now, but who do you think they are?)
Hershel finds Flora long before he meets Emmy or Luke. Taking her as his student
Luke is not interested in being a slayer but he wants to continue learning from Hershel to be an excellent gentleman.
The breath that Hershel and Flora use is called "Insight." A breath inherited by former professor and former hashira, Andrew Schrader
Insight breathing has 7 postures.
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girl-named-matty · 12 days
𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 & 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
A masterlist for all of my headcanons and fanfictions that I've written. Please let me know if some of the links aren't working! And buckle up because this is long! 🤍
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𝑭𝒖𝒍𝒍 𝑭𝒊𝒄𝒔
● Passion || Sebastian Sallow (wattpad & ao3) synopsis: It has been six years since Astoria and Sebastian broke up. Both of them are living their best lives away from each other. But when Sebastian finds out that Rookwood is still alive and hunting Astoria down, he leaves his life behind to find her. ● In the Shadow of Her || Sebastian Sallow (wattpad & ao3) synopsis: Matty Ambrose is a simple Muggleborn girl living in London. After the arrival of Professor Fig informing her that she was a witch, she knew Hogwarts was going to be much different than anything she could've ever experienced before and she didn't know what to expect. With friends, rivals, and enemies around every corner, her time at Hogwarts already beginning to be epic. Join Matty as she navigates her way through her 5th year at Hogwarts-will she rise to the occasion, or will the dark secrets of the school and the ancient magic she possesses lead her astray? ● In the Shadow of Love || Sebastian Sallow (wattpad & ao3) synopsis: Matty is returning to Hogwarts for her sixth year at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry although things are quite different this time around. With no guidance from Professor Fig and the Wizarding world not being in constant peril, Matty has to learn what it's like to be a normal student. On this path, Matty finds herself deeply in love with a fellow classmate, strengthens and finds new friendships, and possible betrayal by the ones she trusts. Join Matty in her sixth year and see the story of love, friendship, action, and betrayal. ● In the Shadow of Magic || Sebastian Sallow (wattpad & ao3) synopsis: After two whirlwind years, Matty was returning to Hogwarts for her final year but this time would be different. She was fighting to maintain control of herself, as she felt the lure of the unknown, the magic, calling her. It tempted her and drew her deeper with each spell cast, each experiment taken a step further from the norm. But she was not alone in fighting for control. Join Matty on her journey through her seventh year with enemies around every corner and view the slow grip of reality loosen as time goes on. (terribly sorry for using the "in the shadow of" trope. hope its not too confusing).
𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔 - 𝑺𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔
quick a/n: These are all from over a year ago (I think) and I am lowkey embarrassed about the writing. They're still enjoyable but apologies in advance for how sloppy some of it might be. 😅🤍
Sebastian Sallow ● Sebastian Headcanons | pt.1 | pt.2 | pt.3 | pt.4 | ● Sebastian's Boggart + His reaction to MC's Boggart ● Sebastian x Tall!FMC ● Sebastian x Short!FMC ● Sharing a bed with Sebastian
Ominis Gaunt ● Ominis Headcanons ● Ominis x Tall!FMC ● Ominis x Short!FMC ● Sharing a bed with Ominis
Garreth Weasley ● Garreth Headcanons ● Sharing a bed with Garreth
Leander Prewett ● Sharing a bed with Leander
Amit Thakkar ● Sharing a bed with Amit
Andrew Larson ● Sharing a bed with Andrew
Imelda Reyes ● Imelda headcanons
Poppy Sweeting ● Poppy Headcanons.
𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔 - ��𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒔
Eleazar Fig ● Professor Fig Headcanons
Aesop Sharp ● Professor Sharp Headcanons
Dinah Hecat ● Professor Hecat Headcanons. pt.1 | pt.2 |
Matilda Weasley ● Professor Weasley Headcanons.
I will write for pretty much any HL character but these are just the ones I have written for before! More to be added. Hope you enjoy 🤍
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des2dream · 2 months
This Might Be A Risky Random Thought, But I'm Saying It!
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This post is very random! I just wanted to be a little chaotic!
Hi, everyone!💗💕💗I hope you are all doing lovely in the Interwebs!💖💞💖How's your day going? Did you pet your cats today? Your dogs? Hamsters? Bunnies? Tend to your garden? Watched anything interesting? Told anyone you love them? Okay.....let's cut to the chase! We all don't know where Andrew's twin brother is, right? The fact that even with the main story being over and the OVAs here and there gave no confirmation where he is. He was fed up with his home life (which is understandable) and just up and left! The fan speculations regarding this specific unseen (or in this case, UNHEARD) character has been GREAT! He could be in a gang, he could be working in a Jollibee, he could be hunting supernaturals, he could be homeless, he could be living a secret life, he could be starring in a damn SITCOM in another country for all we know! I think I speak for some when we believe that Strict Professor, Andrew, or Guppy (if you know, you know) what have you will rekindle his relationship with his twin and that would be that. I will admit that it's a cute thought. After all the mystery, speculations, and everything I wouldn't be surprised that he might actually be.....pushing up daisies in The Great Beyond! I also do have to admit that even though he never made any appearances, he still gained fans which is pretty fantastic! It benefits from good storytelling! With all that said......it's just a random thought.
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echo-goes-mmm · 11 months
Hoarding Behavior #1 (Intro)
Warnings: implied consumption of human flesh (dragon)
The village was growing, and there was a problem. Nestled between the mountains and surrounded by forest, Rolling Hill’s population was soaring. That meant more farms, more houses, and more land to clear.
That wasn’t the issue. There was plenty of space to go around, and the business would be good for everyone.
The dragon was the issue.
It lived at the base of the mountain, half a day's travel on foot and a few minutes flight for the beast. It slumbered there when the village was first settled, and the founders hadn’t realized what they’d done until it was too late.
The dragon ate off the forest, and they had to be careful not to hunt too much. Its sights might turn towards their cattle or worse if the deer population got too thin. 
The small council worried. The more people in Rolling Hills, the smaller the forest got. And the risk of driving the dragon to hunger rose every time a new family came to tend the land and feed themselves.
They couldn’t stop new people from moving in. It just wasn’t feasible, and the existing residents had growing families anyway. How could they possibly ask people to stop having children? Refusing newcomers would only push the issue further down the line. 
The small council sent a letter to Kings University asking for an expert on dragons. Surely there was something they could do.
“Well, you definitely have a dragon problem,” said the professor. Curt rolled his eyes. They were not far into the wood, staring at the vicious claw marks in the trees that signaled the beast’s territory.
“We know. That’s why we sent the letter in the first place.”
The professor didn’t seem to hear him. The council sent Curt to escort the professor of dragonology (he was certain that wasn’t a word), and Curt was pretty sure it was a useless endeavor.
“Do you have any useful advice, or should we send you home?”
“Yes, definitely a dragon. How fortunate! I’ve never gotten to study one up close of course.” Curt groaned.
“We’re not out here to study it, we’re here to avoid getting it mad!”
“Do you know if it’s a male or female?” 
“Who can tell? Should I check underneath its tail?” he asked sarcastically.
“Well, the females are bigger. Does it sleep during the winter?” Finally, a reasonable question.
“No, it never hibernates.”
“Male, then.” The professor wandered past the treeline.
“Wait, where are you going?” Curt jogged to his side.
“I need to see the cave, of course.”
“Absolutely not.”
The professor pulled up short. “It’s essential for the investigation! If you’re going to negotiate with him, you need to see his cave, or at least the entrance.”
“Negotiate? Are you insane?” he hissed. 
The professor adjusted his glasses. “Dragons are sentient creatures, Curt. More than mere animals. They can have conversations as well as you and I. And unless you have an army, I suggest negotiating. Frankly, I’m surprised you don’t already have a treaty with him.”
Curt thought about it. 
“Okay. Tell you what, we’ll go back and get another man. We’re just going to see the cave. We’re not going to go in, and we’re not going to talk to it. Yet. Got it?”
“That seems reasonable to me.”
Andrew also thought they were insane, and Curt couldn’t blame him. The trek to the cave was quiet, and they had to keep reminding the professor to stay on track. He kept getting distracted from the more threatening claw marks in the stone and stray dragon footprints. They came across the charred corpse of a bear and wasn’t that comforting. Even the exposed bones had crumbled to ash from the heat of dragon fire.
After hours of walking and following the gradually increasing marks, they came to a giant hole in the mountainside. The stone had been carved into by something massive, and strange smooth parts of it looked like calcified drops of water. Curt knew vaguely that dragonfire could melt stone, but seeing the evidence was a whole different matter.
“Holy shit,” said Andrew.
Holy shit indeed. The professor walked close to the entrance. He bent down to examine the ground. Were they really doing this? They glanced at each other, shrugged, and followed the professor.
The professor picked up something rusty. It was a piece of armor. Curt glanced around the surrounding ground. Shards of bones were everywhere. He’d brushed them off as white stones, but they were really standing on crushed bodies. 
“Uh, Curt?” Andrew toed at something ten feet off. Curt came over, and nearly threw up.
“Oh, god.” 
It was a skeleton. Charred and crumbling from heat.
“Hey, professor,” he called over his shoulder. “Do dragons eat people?”
“Eh,” shrugged the professor, “sometimes. If they’re very hungry, or have developed a taste for it.”
This dragon had certainly developed a taste. 
“We should leave. Right now.”
taglist: @paintedpigeon1
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oc-tournaments · 3 months
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DALO: @genericswordsmaiden
ANDREW MCCARTHY/HERO: @the-real-uranus
Propaganda Content Warnings: Suicide, assault, internalised homophobia, animal death, dismemberment, alcoholism for DALO. Parental death for ANDREW. Please read with care.
PROPAGANDA: Dalo is a ghost, she died by suicide at the age of 27, and in the world of the dead where she now resides, which is actually a purgatory of sorts, she has to endure loneliness because suicides can get corrupted - change form and become aggressive spirits - and are therefore ostracized by other ghosts. Born in an abusive family, starved during her childhood and bullied at school, Dalo develops trust issues growing up, her only friend being a pen pal, Luka, and her mentor, a man whom she only remembers as Professor. Dalo is not her real name, but a nickname that eventually erased her original name. At age 16, she gets physically assaulted by a group of guys and survives, but gets big ugly scars on her back that she tries to hide in every way she can. When she gets the chance, she travels to the city of Providence, renting an apartment with Luka.
They form a band with two other characters, Mary and Sam, but soon tensions arise, mainly because they all love Sam in some way, and this puts Dalo in an uncomfortable situation because she doesn't really know how to deal with feelings. She ultimately decides to put them aside and think about how to help Luka deal with his homosexuality instead. In this period of time, which lasts about three months, another tragedy occurs: Dalo and Luka's cat, whom they treated as a son, is found killed one evening. This brings the two even closer, grief shutting them out of the world for a while. As if that wasn't enough, Sam, thinking that Luka and Dalo became a couple, marries Mary instead, breaking two hearts at once. Just when it seems like everything is slowly flowing normally again, Luka has a breakdown and asks Dalo if God can accept him as he is. The choice of words in her answer to such a cryptic question is crucial and will forever change her life, as well as ultimately end his, since he goes missing from that evening, until his body is found in a bag a week later, chopped up into pieces.
The weight of the event is too much for her to bear, the guilt and pain make her turn to alcoholism. Her last choice was cold and calculated, she saw no value in a life like hers, so after months of suffering she took her own life. As a ghost, this choice hunts her, also because it made her directly linked to the main antagonist of the book, but this is a lore-heavy detail and I don't really want to delve into it. Her other big character trait is the fact that, with a life like that, she has tons of repressed anger, which all comes crashing out of her (literally) at some point in the story. Her power as a ghost is summoning chains, which symbolise both her guilt and the desperate need to be "chained to someone", to have some kind of bond with another person.
PROPAGANDA: When he was just eight years old, he witnessed his parents being brutally beaten to death by a vigilante. His parents were thieves, and he knew this, but he was shocked that it caused a vigilante to kill them. He began to cry, but people would only apologise because 'they must've been horrible to you!' From then on, Drew decided to become the one to wipe out all vigilantes and self-proclaimed heroes, he was going to rid this world of the murder of those who don't deserve it, he was going to the the one true HERO. When he turned eighteen, he snuck into a laboratory and injected himself with chemicals that gave him superhuman abilities.
He was bribed into joining a criminal organisation with the promise that it'd attract vigilantes for him to kill and is made to kidnap, torture and sometimes kill innocent citizens.
Nobody seems to understand his hatred for vigilantes. Nobody understands him, anyway.
Also, not a "god's favourite punching bag" thing, but I wanna share this because it makes me happy, he's autistic like me and his special interest is street magic!
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jcmarchi · 9 months
Tilted Orbits: How Orbital Inclinations of Brown Dwarfs Reveal Clues About Their Formation - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/tilted-orbits-how-orbital-inclinations-of-brown-dwarfs-reveal-clues-about-their-formation-technology-org/
Tilted Orbits: How Orbital Inclinations of Brown Dwarfs Reveal Clues About Their Formation - Technology Org
Within the family of celestial orbs in the universe, brown dwarfs are somewhat like misfits. They are less massive and cooler than stars but are 10 to 80 times more massive than Jupiter. Brown dwarfs are sometimes called “failed stars,” because they lack the mass to ignite nuclear fusion and shine with starlight.
An artist’s concept of a “Hot Jupiter” extrasolar planet. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
One mystery that surrounds these oddballs is how they formed: Some theories propose that they form like stars do, out of collapsing clouds of material, while others suggest they form like planets, taking shape within rotating dusty disks that circle young stars. It is also possible, scientists propose, that brown dwarfs may form both like stars and planets.
Steven Giacalone, a National Science Foundation (NSF) Postdoctoral Scholar Fellowship Trainee in Astronomy at Caltech, and his colleagues are addressing the mystery by studying the orbital tilts of brown dwarfs that circle very closely around companion stars.
Brown dwarfs, as well as some other exoplanets, can have orbits that are tilted to varying degrees relative to the rotational direction of their host stars.
If a brown dwarf has an orbital tilt, then it is out of whack with its partner star: the brown dwarf will loop above and below a plane that aligns with the star’s equator. This is unlike the planets in our own solar system that orbit in a plane that aligns with the Sun’s rotational direction.
This illustration shows a brown dwarf with no orbital tilt (above), versus one with a high orbital tilt (below). Astronomers think that brown dwarfs with no, or low, tilts likely formed like planets, while those with high tilts formed like stars. Image credit: Caltech/S. Giacalone
Using the Keck Planet Finder (KPF), a new planet-hunting instrument at the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaiʻi, Giacalone and his colleagues wanted to assess whether a brown dwarf named GPX-1b has an orbital tilt. They say that a tilt would indicate that the object probably formed like a star and not like a planet.
“For a brown dwarf to have made its way into a tilted close-in orbit, it would have had to have been knocked around by a larger planetary body or captured by the star as the brown dwarf passed by,” explains Giacalone, who works in the group of Andrew Howard, a professor of astronomy at Caltech and the principal investigator of KPF. “That would mean it started out like a star.”
On the other hand, if the brown dwarf has an orbit aligned with the equatorial plane of its central star, then “it most likely migrated inward similar to planets via interactions with the disk in which it formed,” Giacalone says.
The results revealed GPX-1b is not tilted in its orbit, but that it circles in a plane that aligns with the host star’s equator.
“This is only one data point, and preliminary, but it suggests that the brown dwarf migrated close to its companion star in a similar manner to planets,” says Giacalone, who presented the results at the 243rd meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) in New Orleans on January 10, 2024. “Theory has predicted that brown dwarfs should be able to form like planets, but observational evidence is only just beginning to be gathered to support that idea.”
The result contrasts with what is known about brown dwarfs with wide separations from their companion stars. “The wide-separation brown dwarfs are known to have high orbital tilts and do not form in a disk, but rather, like stars,” Giacalone says. “The short-separation ones like GPX-1b, on the other hand, probably do form in the disk if they have low orbital tilts, meaning they form like planets. In other words, we think brown dwarfs can form either like stars or planets.”
KPF, a high-precision spectrograph, was able to determine the orbital inclination of the object by watching it pass in front of, or transit, its star. The brown dwarf was discovered by NASA’s TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) mission and the Galactic Plane eXoplanet Survey (GPX) in 2021. It is one of a small number of brown dwarfs known to pass in front of, or transit, its host star.
The researchers hope to use KPF to study the orbital inclinations of more brown dwarfs in the future. “We have demonstrated the power of KPF for studying these systems,” Giacalone says. “Because close-in brown dwarfs are so rare, they are mostly found around relatively faint and distant stars. That means we need large telescopes like Keck and advanced instruments like KPF to study them accurately.”
Written by Whitney Clavin
Source: Caltech
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laresearchette · 1 year
Saturday, July 08, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
I'm Back!
WIMBLEDON TENNIS (TSN3) 6:00am: Early Round Coverage - Day #6 (TSN4) 1:00pm: Early Round Coverage - Day #6 (TSN4) 9:00pm: Primetime
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 1:00pm: Jays vs. Tigers (SN/SN Now) 4:00pm: A’s vs. Red Sox (SN/SN Now) 7:00pm: Atlanta vs. Rays (SN Now) 9:00pm: Angels vs. Dodgers (SN) 10:00pm: Diamondbacks vs. Angels
NBA SUMMER LEAGUE (SN Now) 3:00pm: Miami vs. Boston (SN Now) 10:00pm: LA Clippers vs. Utah
US WOMEN'S OPEN (TSN) 3:00pm: Third Round
CALGARY STAMPEDE (SN1) 3:30pm: Calgary Stampede: Rodeo - Day 2 (SN/SN1) 10:30pm: Calgary Stampede: Rangeland Derby - Day 2
PACIFIC 4 NATIONS RUGBY (TSN4) 6:55pm: Canada vs. New Zealand
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN3) 7:00pm: Redblacks vs. Ti-Cats
ABSOLUTELY CANADIAN (CBC) 8:00pm: Toronto Stories: Ethiopian Musicians and Winston LaRose includes two short documentaries, "Tizita" and "Mr. Jane and Finch."
NATION UNTAMED (APTN) 8:00pm: Sam and Chuck journey to Canada's arctic, gaining a new appreciation for the far North and the people who live there; they experience a landscape and a traditional hunt unlike any they have witnessed before.
BACK TO ROOTS (APTN) 8:30pm: Matricia describes the versatility and benefits of wild blueberries, then bakes wild blueberry muffins over an open fire and makes a wild blueberry mocktail; she plays her drum and sings a song called "Mother Mother."
DEATH OF A LADIES' MAN (CBC) 9:00pm: A carousing college professor's life takes a series of unimaginable twists when he begins to have surreal hallucinations. Inspired by the songs of Leonard Cohen.
BARB & STAR GO TO VISTA DEL MAR (CTV Life) 9:00pm: Lifelong friends Barb and Star embark on the adventure of a lifetime when they decide to leave their small Midwestern town for the first time ever.
HALLOWEEN ENDS (Crave) 9:00pm: Four years after her last encounter with Michael Myers, Laurie Strode finally decides to liberate herself and embrace life. However, a local murder unleashes a cascade of violence and terror, forcing her to confront the evil she can't control.
HOW TO PLEASE A WOMAN (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm: Inspired by a birthday surprise from her friends, a 50-year-old woman has a business idea to launch an all-male house-cleaning service.
MLS SOCCER (TSN/TSN5) 10:30pm: Vancouver vs. Seattle
THE AMITYVILLE CURSE (Crave) 10:55pm: Friends intend to flip the Amityville house but find a paranormal presence.
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kwebtv · 1 year
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Julian Richard Morley Sands (January 4, 1958 – c. January 13, 2023) Film and television actor.
In television work, he voiced Valmont in seasons 1 and 2 of Jackie Chan Adventures, before being replaced by Andrew Ableson and Greg Ellis in the remaining seasons. He played the Doci of the Ori in two episodes of Stargate SG-1—in its ninth and tenth seasons (a role he reprised in the film, Stargate: the Ark of Truth). He played a college professor in a Season One episode of The L Word. In 2002, he starred in Stephen King's Rose Red. Sands portrayed Austrian ambassador Klemens von Metternich in the 2002 miniseries Napoléon. In the 2006 season of 24, he played terrorist Vladimir Bierko
Sands played Jor-El, Superman's biological father, on Smallville, and reprised the role in the series' final (tenth) season. In 2009, he played Reg Hunt in Bollywood Hero. In 2012, he played Alistair Wesley in the seventh episode of the second season of Person of Interest.
 Sands appeared as Miles Castner, a wealthy international businessman, during the eighth season of Dexter. (Wikipedia)
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The Importance of Understanding Energy Conservation in a Transforming AI Economy.
Written by: Neoneela Boevets
JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! This topic has been on my mind a lot lately… Not only because I have been on the job hunt, but because the job market is shifting at a catalytic rate. In the age of automation, robotics, AI, climate change, and government policies being implemented- it leaves us wondering what the future holds for us. What does the job market look like in 30 years? Or 50 years? 100 years?
“Machines could take 50% of jobs in the next 30 years”
-Moshe Vardi, CS Professor, Rice University
The new industrial revolution will set new grounds of what our values are and what value can humans provide. Do you remember when travel agencies were a relevant service when booking a vacation? They were certainly a higher demand then compared to now. Do you remember Blockbuster? What happened to all those jobs? They shifted, zero marginal cost businesses such as Netflix and TripAdvisor replaced them.
In the article, “You Will Lose Your Job to a Robot—and Sooner Than You Think”, Kevin Drum argues that the post golden age will create an even wider economic gap for the rich, and that there will be little to no jobs left for humans. Because of this, It is up to our government to ensure that social welfare and environmental regulations should take place in order for us to be ready for the future of AI, and unfortunately this is not what’s happening, the article discusses that our government is not prioritizing the future of AI, stating that: “They refuse to see that global warming is behind changing weather patterns because dealing with climate change requires environmental regulations that are bad for business and bad for the rich. Likewise, dealing with an AI Revolution will require new ways of distributing wealth. In the long run this will be good even for the rich, but in the short term it’s a pretty scary prospect for those with money—and one they’ll fight zealously. Until they have no choice left, conservatives are simply not going to admit this is happening, let alone think about how to address it. It’s not in their DNA.” This cannot be said better, we are too ignorant to shift the tectonics of macroeconomy as the digital minds of the future. 
A UBI (Universal Basic Income) system will be needed in case of emergency for sure. This is actually one of Andrew Yang’s central missions in his political campaign. And he's not wrong. UBI will be basic minimum food and a place to live, basic necessities. It's not supposed to be luxurious. Not every American will need it. Jeff Bezos will be okay without it.
The article fails to mention new jobs that will also occur as automation and AI use increases. Humans will shift towards new jobs or no job at all which may require the government to create a universal stipend. We cannot imagine yet how humanity will keep itself busy in the AI world. A caveman would have no concept of being a web developer, so same goes with humans of 2023 trying to grasp the future of AI.  We will have jobs. I know that there are plenty of opportunities for people to be able to make the standard of living they want under the circumstances that we are in - if they want more than the standard of living. Just take a look at social media influencers as an example…will we shift to jobs that are more creative & fun?! There is always something to hustle from. But making sure UBI is set in stone, is always a good back up plan to have, again not knowing what the future holds in regard to the job market. 
*This is a similar argument of Americans living on welfare, they want to make more too and be a part of a working-class society. Will there be a better standard of living with the age of automation Hopefully, yes. But a UBI system will be needed just in case.
** Here's more on "Debunking the myth of the Lazy Welfare Recipient" Debunking the myth of the lazy welfare recipient | Harvard Kennedy School
On the flipside (yay! positivity!), we also have a culture that is becoming more environmentally conscious and finding ways to minimize resources- making it a cheaper standard of living. We got the tiny home movement, van life, etc. There are all sorts of innovations happening right now! Not to say that's practical for everyone- especially with big families- but could be one day, with the inclusion of a sustainable system. 
The biggest point that the article makes is that the government has failed us in preparing us for the AI revolution. The party system inherits “short term thinkers” which is why environmental problems are not prioritized when they should be, the article states,” renewable energy already gets plenty of attention, even if half the country still denies that we really need it. It’s time for the end of work to start getting the same attention. “With that being said, there needs to be more governmental involvement in the future- as we do not have a choice, in universal income, the age of AI, and climate change- we need a proper leadership and direction. In my work, I can vouch that politics, robotics, and environmental problems are VERY interconnected. 
Which leads to the next topic… Energy! 
In regard to energy conservation, it is important to take into consideration the goal of having a cleaner environment. This is vital for a president in having a non- partisan diplomacy in understanding climate change and all science practices. Key decisions revolve around technology. Stay skeptical, promote energy efficiency, have a diverse set of sustainable energy practices. People in higher levels need to be educated in the application of physics in technology. Heat is a transfer of energy and the ability to do work. Nobody can create nor destroy energy. This is an important concept to learn how to control energy. We need to challenge how we utilize energy today. For example, car engines use 10-30 percent of energy from gas alone. Most of the energy is lost! How do we save more energy? We must look for other sources that utilize most of the energy produced efficiently or even look at sources from the past like radial engines (might be a landslide), not only newer technologies. Utilizing energy is what makes the world go round especially with the huge surges of population growing at an extreme rate. 
Energy conservation is a vital concept in the manufacturing, industrial worlds, and everyday life! 
This leads us to a more efficient economy and environment, a decrease in overtime relative costs, which is hopefully what the many goals are for presidents to engage in. If a president does not understand the importance of these concepts, they would not know how to keep up with the developing world.” As a solution, citizens need to care more about politics, vote, be more educated and involved in order to have a better government. FUND EDUCATION, OUR FUTURE! What makes it hard is the how. To point out the obvious- it would be so much more productive for our society if all people cared to make a difference, and all cared about this problem. We need to make environmental products profitable; everyone likes money. I am hopeful that we can get there; it has to happen pretty soon though. Science will play a role in finding solutions. And we need elect people who inherit long-term thinking to help us towards these goals.
If you are interested in this discussion and would like to dive more into this topic, here's a good book to read: https://www.oecd.org/futures/35391210.pdf
Drum, Kevin. “You Will Lose Your Job to a Robot-and Sooner than You Think.” Mother Jones, 26 Oct. 2017, 
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sincericida · 2 months
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Judging you.
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hazyaltcare · 2 years
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Carrying the Torch: a playlist for Jean Descole (Professor Layton) with moody and dramatic music, and themes of revenge and sorrow.
Warning: suicide, death, violence
Andrew Hale - L.A. Noire Main Theme
Billie Eilish - No Time to Die
Billie Holiday - Gloomy Sunday
Frank Sinatra - Where Do You Go?
David Davidson - Speak Softly, Love
Regina Spektor - Lady
AURORA - Hunting Shadows
Globus - Save Me
Les Friction - Dark Matter
Sam Tinnesz - Bloody City
Kovacs - When Your Lady's Hurt
Abel Korzeniowski - Satin Birds
Click here to listen to your playlist!
Thank you for your request! We love these kinds of songs a lot, so it was a lot of fun to make. It's heavier on "sorrow" than on "revenge", but we hope it is okay, regardless :D
Mod Vintage (♒ and 🌌)
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sa7abnews · 2 months
Tim Walz is dressing the part &ampmdash; and it's exactly what Harris needs
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/11/tim-walz-is-dressing-the-part-ampmdash-and-its-exactly-what-harris-needs-2/
Tim Walz is dressing the part &ampmdash; and it's exactly what Harris needs
Tim Walz speaking at a campaign event in Detroit on Wednesday with Kamala Harris. Andrew Harnik/Getty ImagesIn work boots or a rumpled suit, Tim Walz has won some fans with his folksy fashion sense.Experts told BI his authenticity targets the very voters Harris needs.The Trump-Vance ticket is telegraphing more traditional power aesthetics, they said.In his video introduction to the world as Kamala Harris' running mate, Tim Walz wore white sneakers, khaki pants, a black T-shirt, and, of course, a signature camo cap.The now-viral video cuts between Walz, holding his phone on a chair, and Harris, sitting in an office. Immediately, their sartorial differences were stark, with a polished Harris wearing in a muted blouse and navy blazer.In the days since, Walz's style has graced headlines for achieving what is so often elusive in politics: a real sense of authenticity. Moreover, it's an aesthetic that could squarely appeal to the very voters Harris needs, experts told Business Insider.The Minnesota governor's closet consists of Carhartt jackets, LL Bean barn coats, well-worn Red Wing boots, and hunting camo — all clothing that connotes his blue-collar, rural background, says Derek Guy, a menswear writer known for his popular X account.Walz in a Minnesota high school auditorium ahead of his State of the State address in March.Star Tribune via Getty ImagesBut the VP candidate has a rare ability, Guy said."Tim Walz is one of the few politicians who looks good in casual wear and also looks natural in it," Guy told Business Insider.When other politicians try to craft a working-class image — like when Donald Trump Jr. wore un-creased hiking boots — they can risk looking phony, but Walz doesn't face the same dilemma given his background.And even when he's dressed up in a suit, Walz is dressed down, said Anne Higonnet, an art history professor at Barnard College who teaches a class on clothing and political power. She called Walz "more rumply" than the average politician.Walz prepared to board a bus for a House Democrats retreat in 2015.Tom Williams"When he does the folksy thing, he's actually at the upper bound of folksy, and when he's in a suit he's in the lower bound of suit," Higonnet said. "So he's got two registers that are very close together. Being so close to each other, they legitimate each other, because they're not so divergent."The Harris-Walz campaign did not immediately respond to Business Insider's request for comment.A perfect foil to Harris' polishThe Harris campaign is counting on Walz to court voters associated with the clothing he wears, particularly those hailing from the Blue Wall states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.In a wrinkled suit or T-shirt, Higonnet said Walz appears to straddle class boundaries and could appeal to the blue-collar voters that Harris, with her San Francisco upbringing, risks alienating."Clothing-wise, what they're doing is a perfect expression of the tactical thinking behind the choice of Walz," she said.That said, Guy noted Harris likely wouldn't be universally applauded for the same casual aesthetic, given a "gender imbalance" that necessitates female politicians dress more formally in order to command respect.Walz attended The Multicultural Fiesta in Minnesota in 2018 while running for governor.Tom WilliamsIn addition to potentially resonating with swing state constituents who wore Carhartt before it became trendy, Walz's clothing has also proven popular with the Gen Z crowd that Harris' campaign is targeting, Guy said."It's not that he wears it in the way the guy in New York or San Francisco wears it, but he wears it in a more authentic way," Guy said. "He is the reference point for the looks that those guys in San Francisco and New York are copying."Case in point: Campaign merch fashioned after a campaign camo cap sold out in 24 hours, Time reported.Two distinct tickets, two distinct stylesWhile the Harris-Walz ticket is challenging traditional images of power in terms of both gender and class, Donald Trump and JD Vance are doing "the absolute traditional version," Higonnet said — in the MAGA vein of a 1980s power silhouette and red tie."The first two people who are in [the presidential race] are dressing in a more conservative image of authority and then the people who have suddenly come into the race are actually dressing 'change,' 'the possibility of change,'" she added.Walz and his wife, Gwen, walked a signed budget law to the office of the Secretary of State in 2021.Star Tribune via Getty ImagesWhile both Walz and Vance hail from rural middle America, Vance has also relied on a beard and careful tailoring to make himself look more authoritative, Guy said.Accordingly, Walz has already started knocking his opponent for his perceived elitism, including jabs at Vance for attending Yale Law School and working as a venture capitalist.Walz's class messages are as straightforward as his clothing — and now, that folksy appeal has been stitched into the presidential race.
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beautifulballad · 3 months
Production Begins on 'After the Hunt' starring Julia Roberts, Ayo Edebiri, Andrew Garfield, & More
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ayo Edebiri (@ayoedebiri) Ayo Edebiri has shared the first look as production begins on her new film, After the Hunt. Directed by Luca Guadagnino, the photo feature Edebiri with her costars including Julia Roberts, Andrew Garfield, and Chloë Sevigny. In the film, a college professor (Roberts) finds herself at a personal and professional crossroads…
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free-for-all-fics · 3 months
on the subject of dilfs oh my god i need my head examined fathers, let’s pour one out for job skeffington
he’s such a precious little guy that i need carnally deserves me the best
he’s such a girl dad, ugh 😩
unrelated, but are there any Claude characters that you see as girl dads or boy dads? 🥺👉👈
Job is such a sweetheart! I love him so much. 💜 Oh! Good question, Nonnie! Okay so here’s my opinion just off the top of my head based on first impressions/vibes.
Girl Dads (Including dads that thought they wanted sons but have their world changed by their girls instead): Job Skeffington, Paul Ward, Adam Lemp, Alexander Hollenius, Fred Martingale, Art Harper, Howard Justin, Louis Renault, Andrew Thurgood, Jack Griffin, John Stevenson, Captain Freycinet, Henry Halevy, Erique Claudin.
Boy Dads (including dads that have daughters but wanted sons instead): Jim Masters, Sir John Talbot, Mayor of Hamelin, Leonard Eldridge, Professor George Edward Challenger, Edward Seymour, Marquis Don Luis, Dr. Alexander Tower, John Jasper, Don José Álvarez, Ambrose Pomfret.
Dads who wouldn’t have a preference: Chris Farris, Mr. Jordan, Nick, Maximus, Dr. Jaquith, Kees Popinga, Nutsy.
Characters that probably wouldn’t be dads: Victor Grandison, Alexander Sebastian, Aristides Mavros, Professor Benson, Elisha Hunt, Father Amion, John Fabian, Lee Gentry, Frederick Lannington, Charles Gresham, Prince John, Stefan Orloff, Paul DeLambre.
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jcmarchi · 8 months
Earth-Sized Planet Discovered in ‘Our Solar Backyard’ - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/earth-sized-planet-discovered-in-our-solar-backyard-technology-org/
Earth-Sized Planet Discovered in ‘Our Solar Backyard’ - Technology Org
A team of astronomers have discovered a planet closer and younger than any other Earth-sized world yet identified. It’s a remarkably hot world whose proximity to our own planet and to a star like our sun mark it as a unique opportunity to study how planets evolve.
Young, hot, Earth-sized planet HD 63433d sits close to its star in the constellation Ursa Major, while two neighboring, mini-Neptune-sized planets — identified in 2020 — orbit farther out. Illustration by Alyssa Jankowski, UW–Madison
The new planet was described in a new study published by The Astronomical Journal. Melinda Soares-Furtado, a NASA Hubble Fellow at the University of Wisconsin–Madison who will begin work as an astronomy professor at the university in the fall, and recent UW–Madison graduate Benjamin Capistrant, now a graduate student at the University of Florida, co-led the study with co-authors from around the world.
“It’s a useful planet because it may be like an early Earth,” says Soares-Furtado.
Here is what scientists know about the planet:
The planet is known as HD 63433d and it’s the third planet found in orbit around a star called HD 63433.
HD 63433d is so close to its star, it completes a trip all the way around every 4.2 days.
“Even though it’s really close-orbiting, we can use follow-up data to search for evidence of outgassing and atmospheric loss that could be important constraints on how terrestrial worlds evolve,” Soares-Furtado says. “But that’s where the similarities end — and end dramatically.”
Based on its orbit, the astronomers are relatively certain HD 63433d is tidally locked, which means one side is perpetually facing its star.
That side can reach a brutal 2,300 degrees Fahrenheit and may flow with lava, while the opposite side is forever dark.
What you should know about the planet’s star:
HD 63433 is roughly the same size and star type as our sun, but (at about 400 million years old) it’s not even one-tenth our sun’s age.
The star is about 73 light years away from our own sun and part of the group of stars moving together that make up the constellation Ursa Major, which includes the Big Dipper.
“On a dark night in Madison,” Soares-Furtado says, “you could see [HD 63433] through a good pair of binoculars.”
How the scientists found the planet:
The study’s authors are collaborating on a planet-hunting project called THYME. In 2020, they used data from NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite to identify two mini-Neptune-sized planets orbiting HD 63433.
Since then, TESS took four more looks at the star, compiling enough data for the researchers to detect HD 63433d crossing between the star and the satellite.
What comes next:
The researchers, including UW–Madison study co-authors graduate student Andrew C. Nine, undergraduate Alyssa Jankowski and Juliette Becker, a UW–Madison astronomy professor, think there is plenty to learn from HD 63433d.
The planet is uniquely situated for further study. Its peppy young star is visible from both the Northern and Southern hemispheres, increasing the number of instruments, like the South African Large Telescope or WIYN Observatory in Arizona (both of which UW–Madison helped design and build) that can be trained on the system.
And the star is orders of magnitude closer than many Soares-Furtado has studied, possibly affording opportunities to develop new methods to study gasses escaping from the planet’s interior or measure its magnetic field.
“This is our solar backyard, and that’s kind of exciting,” Soares-Furtado says. “What sort of information can a star this close, with such a crowded system around it, give away? How will it help us as we move on to look for planets among the maybe 100 other, similar stars in this young group it’s part of?”
Source: University of Wisconsin-Madison
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