#Professor Henry Cavill
mattmurdock42 · 11 months
Henry Cavill X Female reader
Professor Cavill
Pov: Professor Cavill and student
+- 3.3k
You studied economics at Oxford. You were really fond of what you studied. However, you really liked to sneak into literature classes. It relaxed your head from all the terms and counts of your area.
It was a cold and raining friday, you had got out of your Companies´s class and were exausted, you hated three hours followed from the same class, with no little breaks. As it was 11:30, you went to take something to eat and went to a walk, suddenly, you remember that there was going to be a Shakespeare lecture at 12:30, so, you decided to go, to relax your brain a little, before having more classes in the afternoon. You have missed the first lecture, but you didn´t mind, you liked to hear things about writers. You got there and took a seat at the corner, waiting for the professor to arrive. While you were watching, you couldn´t decide what was catching more your attention, the lecture itself, or the hot, tall, beffy guy who was giving it. It ended at 13:30, you had 15 more minutes until your class started. Everybody was getting out of the class, but you were one of the last ones to go, because you kept watching the hot professor. As you got up to go, you bumps into someone, feeling hot coffe all over your sweater.
Y/N: Fuck!
Henry: i´m so sorry, are you ok?
Y/N: yes, it´s ok.
You say that as you take it off, staying only with you thermal blouse and a daredevil´s shirt. As you look to see who it was, you saw the familiar face who was giving the lecture.
Henry: I am really sorry,now you´re going to be cold.
Y/N: there is no problem, mister...?
Hernry: Cavill, Henry Cavill. And what is your name, miss?
Y/N: N, Y/N
Henry: well, sorry again, miss N.
Y/N: not a problem.
You say it smiling, as you head to a little walk before joining your next class: Holdings. In the end, you were going to the bathroom before your next one, when, you unexpectedly sees Mr. Cavill headind to you, holding something.
Henry: Hello, miss N.
Y/N: hi!
Henry: i wanted to give you this ( he hands you a dark blue sweater). i was feeling bad for you being cold because of me. So this is a reserve sweater that i keep. You can give me back anytime.
Y/N: you don´t need to.
Henry: it´s the least i can do.
You accepts it.
Y/N: thank you, then.
Henry: one more thing, miss. I searched your name on my students essays, so i could knew where to find you to give the sweater, but i didn´t find your name, so i searched on the system and i discovered that you are not from the language departament, nor the classics or the history one. You weren´t supposed to be attending my lecture. Be more carefull the next time.
He says it with a cute smile. You nod as he leaves. You go to the bathroom and put the sweater. It was to big for you, his shoulders were double yours. You folded the sleeves and put the bottom inside your trousers, with just a little out.
At the end of the day, you went to his office to give it back to him.
Henry: do you have any coat to replace it? there is almost a blizzard outside, you can give it back to me next monday.
So, you went home with his sweater. As soon as you arrived you washed it and set it close to your bag, so you wouldn´t forget it.
Monday arrived, your lectures were finished, so you headed to his office. You knocked, no answer, so you went to look for him somewhere else. You found him giving the third part of the lecture about Shakespeare, so you decided to stay and watch it, you´d give the sweater back to him in the end. The moment he saw you, he couldn´t contain a little grin. The lecture ended and you went to him.
Y/N: here, sir, thank you for lending me the other day.
Henry: my pleasure. So, did you enjoy the lecture, Buffett lady?
You chuckled about the nickname.
Y/N: yes, it was really amousing, it is nice to learn more about literature. But i didn´t catch the first class and the first part of this one, so i am not completaly involved with it.
Henry: tell me, why do you watch this kind of classes, if you study economics?
Y/N: it is like a hobby,i am usually tired after my lectures, so sometimes i watch this classes to distract my mind, to take it out of Holdings, Founds and this things, plus, i really enjoy it. So i got used to it.
Henry: do you like sheakspeare? Since you attended two of this classes?
Y/N: actually, it wasn´t intentional to watch it about the same author. However, yes, i like sheakspeare, but i´ve only read six of his plays.
Henry: that´s a lot. Which one is your favorite.
Y/N: i know it´s an ordinary opinion, but Hamlet. The exitencialism in that play seems to scream, and the relationship between Hamlet and his best friend was captivating.
He smiles, noticing you knew some things about literature too.
The time passed, and you always attended some of his classes. You two passed through Tolstoy, Dickens, Shelley, Poe, Byron, and much more. One day, he asks if you´d like to have coffe with him. You said yes, of course, you weren´t stupid to deny a coffe with those sparkling blue eyes looking at you.
The day come and you two met at the Monmouth. You sat at a corner table and the conversation starts. He asked you about your classes, saying how he didn´t have head for those kind of things. You asked him about his job and friends, receiveing the information that he´s being teaching for nine years, and was the youngest of the teachers, with the second being ten years older then him. After the coffe, at the door, you hugged him and went to your house. There, you couldn´t stop thinking about him, his teeths, his polished cheekbones, his body well builded (it was obvious that he spent more than a few hours in the gym), his fluffy hair, everything. The next time you attended one of his classes, he asks you out on a real date. You agreed, as you couldn´t stop your mind of having sick thoughts.
The date would be at the Berner´s Tavern.He picked you up at 19 oclock. You had the most amazing dinner ever. In the end, when he left you at your apartament, he looked at you, and you understood the question. The answer was a soft kiss on his lips. He grinned at you and said good bye. The next week, you were the one who asked him out, picking him at his house. You went to another place this time. Again the dinner was great. As you left him at his house, you gave him a more passionate kiss, putting your hands behind his neck, and him putting his, gently, around your waist, afraid of that gesture being to much.
Dates and more dates passed, the kisses evolving until a burning one, with tongues dancing and hands on dangerous places. One day, after a class about French authors, he envited you for dinner at his house, you said yes. Actually you were a little scared, you never wen´t to a boys house before. As you got there, he invited you to come in and you went to the kitchen, the table as settled, he sat you and went to take the food, he made grilled chiken with rice, and for salad, carot with cucumber.
Henry: sorry if it is to simple, but that´s what you always order, so, this are the only foods i know you ate.
You blushed, noticing he repared at your food. You said it was amazing, the taste was explandit, and the food was not simple, but more than you could ask.
After dinner you went to the couch, to watch a movie. In the middle, you made a risk movement; you put your hand on his thigh, going up and down soflty. He notices, he gets your chin and turns your face to him, your eyebrows move. He understands and asks
Henry: are you sure?
Y/N: yes, it´s been so many dates since i was waiting for this.
He smiles and lifts you, placing you on his lap, each thigh at one side of his hips.
Henry: i´ve been waiting too, i couldn´t stop thinking about you since the day we met. When i got your eyes, furious and at the same time worried and apologetic about the coffe,my mind couldn´t do anything else besides thinking about that moment. But when you told me about Hamlet, then i knew i had fallen in love with you.
You blush, hidding your face on his chest, with your hands on it.
Henry: you are so cute when you blush! Do not hide your face.
You hugh him. Then, you look at his face.
Y/N: do not say those things in this kind of moments, it makes me shy. And i don´t want to be shy now.
Henry: noted.
You kiss him hard, putting your hands on his hair and pulling it. He put his hands on your waist and slide down to your ass, grabbing it strongly. You buckle your hips and he lifts you, you intertwining your legs around his waist. He takes you to his bedroom and lay you down on the bed. He goes on top of you, and you put your hands on his chest. He starts to go down to your thighs.
Y/N: take of your shirt.
He obeys.
Henry: take of yours.
You blush, slowly grabbing the bottom of your shirt. You take it of and try to cover yourself with your hands.
Henry: why are you covering yourself?
Y/N: this is the first time i stay only in a bra in front of a man.
Henry look at you confused.
Y/N: Henry, i´m a virgin.
He stopped imediatly. He looked at you with wide open eyes.
Henry: why didn´t you tell me? Are you ok? Was anything to much?
Y/N: yes, it´s ok. i´m just a little nervous.
Henry: you are so beautiful and intelligent, i can´t believe no one never showed interest in you.
Y/N: some did, but i never really liked then.
Henry: wow, it´s too much pressure now.
He says nervously smiling.
Y/N: it´s okay, just keep going.
Henry: if you let me, i can guide you.
Y/N: that would be nice, just, be gentle, please.
Henry: of course
He goes down the bed while you were still laying, he starts to kiss your thighs, then your inner thighs.
Henry: i´m gonna take of your panties now. Ok?
You nod.
Henry: now, if you don´t like anything, tell me.
He massages your vulva carefully, opening it to start to stimulate your clit. He notices a moan coming out of your lips and he smiles. He keeps doing it for a while, then he increases the pressure on it and put a finger inside of you. You moan heavily, he doesn´t stop. He puts another finger inside, knowing you could take it. He starts doing the movements of come and go with his fingers and you start to twitch. You feel something pass through your body, you could not control your moans.
Henry: that´s okay, Buffett, be as loud as you want.
He says when he sees you trying to contain your moans. Suddenly, it gets to intense and you cum.
Henry: did you not like anything, something i could do better?
You looke at him smiling.
Y/N: you are a god, mister. I only have one complain.
He looked at you seriously, intending to get what you didn´t like.
Y/N: i didn´t feel your cock.
He looked at you surprided. He wasn´t expecting that.
Henry: are you sure? i think it´s to soon.
Y/N: please, i wanna know how does it feel. I know in the begging hurts a little, but i wanna try.
He lowered his head.
Henry: as you wish.
He took of his pants, his cock was a little bigger then most of others. A little more thicker and longer. He opened your legs and put then over your head. He took a condom and put on his dick already hard. He massaged it a little and then asked.
Henry: you are already really wet, and the condom already has lubricant, but if you want more, let me know. I´m gonna put it now, ok?
You nod. You feel his dick gently coming, in and out, just a little part of it. Then, it went deeper. His eyes never leaving your face, to see if you were hurt or not. It was not confortable, but you could take it. After a while, you hear him moan, low, almost inaudible.
He leans over you, and you scratch his back , feeling him get even harder. Then, he cums. He lays on your side.
Henry: are you ok?
Y/N: yes, it was nice.
You say as you massage his scalp, thinking about the first orgasm you had in your life.
Y/N: we should do this more times.
Henry: i agree.
He says with a chuckle.
The next week, you two were even closer; him going to your building to give you his sweaters, so it would smell like you. And you going to his house, to have sex and judge his bookshelfs. He loved to hear your opinion, good or bad, about his books. You always teasing him to let you know who would be the next author he would teach, and him never letting it. He would always say how smart you are, when seeing you studying your field, thinking how smart his grilfriend was.
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buckyshusband0 · 1 year
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pairing; DarkProfessor!August Walker x M!Reader
☬— nsfw content. dark themes. body worship. degrading/praising. jealous themes. mentions of past trauma. rough sex. descriptions of violence/murder. daddy kink. knife play. verbal insults.
summary; After having a first glance at you, professor August knew he wanted to make you his. The only thing stopping him was that you were a forbidden obsession. Not only an obsession, but you were his student.
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THE brightness of the sun seeped through the jet-black curtains as the morning day came to a beginning for August Walker. A slight groan escaped his lips as he pushed himself up and leaned his muscular back against the dark bed frame.
His hooded eyes looked around the bedroom as a — quiet but still audible — sigh left his mouth. His hand gestured over his beard as he got up from his bed to get ready for the day.
Once he was ready, he made his way into his jet-black car with a black hot coffee in his hand. After a 10-minute drive towards the university, August slammed his car door shut and marched his six-foot frame towards his classroom.
Attending a university when your professor is August Walker, of course, he would get all the lust-filled eyes from the girls as he walked through the halls with his slightly unbuttoned shirt and his sleeves rolled up on his muscular arms.
Why wouldn't he?
He walked around the place like he owned it. He knew he had this hold of power over everyone in the university, and he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it. The girls worshipped the ground he walked upon, wanting every but of him. But he didn't care for them.
But August only cared for one person. A person who was so naive as to not even recognize the thoughtful acts he would do for him every day. Someone he would secretly protect without his knowledge.
That person was you...
His beautiful sweet angel. You looked shy when you were not with the right people, but when you were, a beautiful smile would break out on your face. As soon as he saw you enter his classroom, August lost his breath as he knew you were going to cause him problems. He was clear that you caused him to have an obsession with wanting you.
They say "love at first sight" doesn't exist, but with August, he felt that love for you blossom out of his stone-cold heart. You were like a plague, something which invaded his mind 24/7.
He couldn't stop thinking about you.. he felt compelled to have you underneath him, to feel your soft skin under his touch. To hear your sweet moans as he gave you the pleasure you most desired. August needed you...
As time goes by, the hallway that was once flooded by people begins to become empty from people going to their lectures. Your soft lips pressed against Zayn, your boyfriend as he forcefully kissed you hard. His hands went to your arms—where bruises covered—and let his mouth form into a smirk.
Zayn was your boyfriend of 2 years.
He wasn't always like this, he was once a loving man. But something inside of him switched. Something to cause you harm. You were too naïve to notice any of his wrongs.
"We're going out tonight, baby," Zayn ordered. He never asked you, just ordered. He never asked why you would cry yourself to sleep, why you would feel like something was holding you down. Your heart clenched and your eyes would cry until they couldn't no more from the way Zayn wouldn't even reassure you.
Reassurance was all you needed...
As he spoke, you nodded before walking away to enter your lecture. When you walked into the room, your professor, August Walker, was talking to a student until his words came to a stop. Without your knowledge, your presence made August happier.
One thing ran through his wretched mind the whole time he taught everyone who stayed sat the whole time, paying attention to the words that flowed out of his mouth. You...
August couldn't help himself but picture what your beautiful body would look like under his. Your sweet angelic moans would escape your lips from the pleasure that he knew you desired — That he desired. He wanted you and only you.
The sinful thoughts that would pop up in his mind caused him to stutter while he was teaching the class that you were sitting in. How could he not? Your (e/c) eyes connected with his every time he would talk, and just by making eye contact with you, his pants tightened.
August knew that he couldn't breathe without you… You were the main cause of his morning awakening. He was aware that this forbidden obsession with you would get him into trouble, yet he didn't care. He was only aware that you were going to be his.
No matter what.
✰ -- --- --- -- ✰
The terrible smell of alcohol reeked through the club.
August felt the — almost silent — wooden floor creak under his heavy feet as he entered the place. The sight of people letting their bodies lose to the music and chugging alcohol into their system made August grimace with a scowl on his face the whole time.
He walked over to the bar — which was crowded with many slouchy men— with his broad shoulders and towering stance. He gives a sharp nod to the bartender whose eyes were glued onto him, waiting for his order and hurried to get a beer at his command.
The sound of unfunny jokes could be heard being thrown around from man to man as August's blue eyes observed the crowded place. He was here for one thing only—well someone...
August knew you would be here.
That is what he loves to believe—that he wasn't stalking or following you. He wasn't, He was protecting you. Protecting you in any way from the risks that this world might pose to you. He was aware that he had to keep his beautiful angel safe from harm.
Because if something were to happen to you at the hands of someone else, they would have seen the devil himself, only God knows. August would happily cover his hands in the blood of the person who had the audacity to harm what was rightfully his with a smile on his damn face.
His hand gestured gently to his pocket to feel for the pocket knife he always carried with him just in case someone ever tried anything with you. He knew no one would try to attack him because of his threatening build and hovering height.
And then, his eyes connected to your figure.
He felt a muscle in his jaw ticks from the scene that was happening in front of him. You were—drunkenly dancing—with another student of his from another class, Zayn.
August couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing. His face turned into a dark red and his knuckles turned white. The sudden sound of glass breaking caused him to step out of his trance and look down at his bloodied hand.
"Fuck." August whispers as his vision darkened at the sight of seeing the—used to be fixed—beer bottle now broken into little pieces in his hand. But, he could care less about his wound. What he really cared about was the anger that he had never felt when he watched you grind onto another man.
Another man who isn't him...
Jealousy hasn't been so clear before, but it was painted like a perfect picture on a canvas on August's face. His brows furrow when he could see Zayn forcefully pull you into a hallway where no one was in and that makes him stand up harshly.
He steps into the — lightly dimmed — hallway and hides behind a wall to observe what is happening. His nostrils flare with anger and envy coursing through his veins from the thought of you being with someone else. Someone who isn't him...
"C'mon, baby... stop being scared and let me touch you..." Zayn whispered drunkenly into your ear as his hands caressed your body. He had you pushed against the wall and even though you were drunk, you clearly didn't want this.
"Zayn, I-I don't want this." You muttered under your breath as you felt his slimy hands make their way under your shirt. You felt an uneasy feeling in your stomach from his touch.
You didn't like it.
You wanted this to stop. "Baby quit bitching and let your boyfriend fuck you," Zayn said with anger and impatience as you didn't let him touch you the way he wanted to. He could see that you were uncomfortable, but he didn't care.
Zayn always loved that feeling he had with you. The feeling of power. He had knowledge about how you're childhood was and why you're this naïve now — which is why he loves to take advantage of you. He loves having a sense of power over you.
But you were done with it.
"I said, stop!" You shout and roughly push Zayn off to get him far away as possible and march your way out of the exit with tears trying to fight their way to escape your eyes.
August's eyebrows lower as he sees you walk out and debates whether or not he should follow you, but he can't just let Zayn walk away feeling happy with himself. He couldn't let Zayn walk away freely after hurting his angel mentally and physically.
And with that, August steps out from behind the wall and marches his heavy feet towards Zayn whose brows furrow from seeing his professor. "Professor Walk-" His words are cut off when a straight punch connects to his jaw, sending him to the rough ground.
His face starts to get covered in crimson-red blood as August continues laying punch after punch onto this fuckers face for touching and disrespecting his sweet angel.
He was going to pay for what he did...
"If I ever hear you talk to y/n or touch him like that again, I will not hesitate to hurt you again. And so God help me, if I find out you were to hurt him again—" August lets out a low evil chuckle and lays another punch onto his broken rib. "I'll kill you with a smile on my face." He seethes through his teeth as he starts to stand up.
"F-Fuck you man!" Blood covers his ugly teeth and a smirk makes its way onto August face as Zayn coughed up more blood.
"Just know this, Zayn, and hear me clearly..." August reaches for the knife in his pocket and retracts it. He roughly injects the cold metal blade into Zayn's stomach and leans in toward his ear. He licked his soft pink lips before speaking.
"He's mine."
Zayn's brown eyes widen from the blood that was rushing out of his body. His skin turning pale, and his eyes fighting to stay open. His vision slowly turning black as the last thing he saw was August's dark shadow walk away from him. He was left there to die. Left alone.
✰ -- --- --- -- ✰
Darkness was all you could see.
The sound of crickets could be heard as you walked on the rough concrete with your arms crossed. The chilling breeze caused your body to shiver and bumps to grow on your skin.
Your thoughts were running wild as you walked to get back home. You couldn't believe what just happened. You actually stood up for yourself... sort of. The sudden sound of a loud honk and beaming lights came behind you and you started walking faster.
"No, no, no, no."
You whispered under your breath hoping the person in the jet-black car would just surpass you and not think to look back. That was until it stopped right by your side and the window rolled down and you felt your eyes widen from who you saw.
"Professor August?" You questioned the knowing face. Worry covered your professor's face as he observed the unsafe environment that you and he were currently in.
"y/n? What are you doing out here walking alone at this time? It's not safe." August said sternly with concern laced in his husky deep voice. You frown not wanting to tell him what happen, but he already knew. Hell.. he even dealt with the problem.
August could still see the way how your body didn't stand up straight, so he knew you were still drunk. "Get in, I'm taking you to my place." You were too drunk to even comprehend what he was really saying, so with that you got into his car and felt how soft the passenger seat was. His face was lightly lit up from the street lights and you couldn't help yourself but think how attractive August is. You feel your body grow with heat and your eyes widen slightly with the sinful forbidden thoughts that rush through your mind. 'Stop it y/n... he's your professor.' You thought to yourself as he drove to his apartment.
Now you were sitting on the end of his bed waiting for him to come back with a glass of water he said he would get. August let a gentle smile come onto his face at the thought of him taking care of you.
This is how it should be...
Him making sure you're safe, well-fed, cleaned, and loved. He needed to love on you like no one else could. He wanted to be yours as much as he wanted you to be his. He couldn't help the feeling of butterflies crawling their way into his stomach at the thought.
He brings the glass of water and lays it down gently on the desk. "Are you okay, angel?" August asked with a soft tone he would only use with you. You are so special to him and you don't even realize... Too blind to see the acts he has act upon for you to notice him.
He let out a soft breath as he looked down at you and saw an unfamiliar look in your (e/c) eyes. "Angel are you-" August's words were cut off when he felt a pair of lips connect with his. A bright pink shade reached his cheeks as you kissed him, and God did he love the feeling. The feeling of your soft lips on his...
He soon returned the passionate kiss and felt the butterflies he once felt, come rushing back in. Fuck he needed you so bad... Your tongues soon started to dance with each other—fighting for dominance. He backed away from the kiss to connect his lips to the soft skin of your body and gestured over every mark on your body.
"You're so beautiful..."
His tall muscular body leans in towards your ear, his hot breath exhaled towards your (s/c) skin which made unwanted goosebumps arrive. His next words left you to let out a soft whine escape your lips.
"I'm gonna fucking ruin you angel.."
August's words made a smile reach onto your face as you leaned back onto the silky sheets of the bed and reached your hands out for him to take. He threads his rough fingers into your soft-like ones and puts them over your head. He leans in for another kiss until you have to pull away—which causes a string of salvia to form—to catch the loss of breath.
Your body was in bliss as you felt nervous under his touch. His blue dilated eyes held nothing but lust and love. As you feel his hands gesture over your thighs, you look away but instantly feel a finger under your chin to reconnect your hungry gaze to his.
"Look me in my eyes as I fuck you, angel."
You swallow a growing lump in your throat and nod to the six-foot man's order. Without warning, you felt a soft pair of plump lips against your hole and your eyes widen from the euphoric feeling that made its way towards your stomach.
It was all happening so fast. Soft moans escape from your lips and your eyes roll to the back of your head as your toes curl. Your fingers thread through August's brown hair and you pull at it roughly which causes a muffled grunt to leave him.
The eye contact August was making was so real. His eyes filled with—nothing but lust and love— never stopped looking at you as he ate you out like you were his last meal. "Fuck, that feels so good!" You moaned out loud, not holding back any noises. Your body jolts up when you feel three fingers curl up inside of you and penetrate your hole roughly. Your cock leaking as you felt your orgasm rushing in already.
"Shit, I'm so close, keep going-" Your words were cut off when he yanks his fingers away from you to your wet tongue, leading them. As he forces you to suck on the fingers that are already within you, he inserts another finger. He moves them into scissor motions as he removes them from your lips to show how wet they have become.
"You're not gonna fucking cum till I say so, understand?" August growled out and all you could do was nod until you felt his thick cock push itself into you. Your eyes widen from the size of it and sweet moans escaped your lips.
"A-August..." You mumble a whisper as he thrusts deep inside of you over and over. You couldn't believe what was happening. This felt so... so real. August hands caressed your body, worshipping every part of it. Like the beauty you are. Your touch, your moans, your fucking sweet scent. August couldn't hold back any longer. He felt his cock twitch inside your pulsing hole—which signaled he was about to cum.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum! Cum with me, angel... cum with me like the good boy you are." He moaned out. The scratches that you caused on his back start to turn a dark shade of red and his eyes roll to the back of his head as he felt his sticky, white cum paint the inside of your walls— like a blank canvas waiting for its artist to perfect a masterpiece.
A masterpiece is what you are...
Letting out a huge sigh of relief, August pulls out of you and falls down onto the soft sheets. You fall onto his chest and lay a gentle kiss on his chest as you look up at him. His arms wrapped around you, holding you tight, as if you could disappear at any second.
He couldn't let that happen.
You were finally in his arms, exactly where he wanted you. The butterflies started to flutter once more as soon as he felt your presence next to him. You were, after all, his to hold, feed, care for, and protect—his beautiful forbidden obsession.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───  
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nouearth · 5 months
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fallenangelkitten · 1 year
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Synopsis: After finally getting the object of Professor Walker’s desires, he has her warm him under his desk.
Warnings: au August Walker, Professor!August, oral, cock warming, exhibition/public, StudentxProfessor, choking, presumed age gap, August’s pov
Note: This is part two to Examination and I highly recommend reading it first!!
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The sounds of keys clicking echoed throughout the auditorium. It was the day of a major exam; one that took up a large percentage of my students' final grade for my class. I expected excellence out of them. Nothing less than perfection.
A soft slurp filled my ears.
That wouldn’t do.
I gave a quick tug on the belt in my left fist, pulling her forward and forcing even more of my cock past her lush lips.
My beautiful little angel.
Her bright eyes held mine as I cocked a brow. I felt myself twitch against the back of her throat. The feel of her was euphoric, but she had one job. One measly little task.
After months of watching her, cumming to the images of her in my brain, I finally had her. She was still so innocent. I was going to claim that- in every way. Starting with putting her beneath my desk, my dick down her throat and belt squeezing against her neck.
She was to only take me deep and keep still. Couldn’t have an auditorium full of hundreds of students hearing the suction of her cheeks or the dirty little moans she makes when my tip continually hits the back of her throat. She had to follow my orders.
Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as I stroked her hair. She was doing so well for me. I stroked her cheek and brought my thumb down to the side of her mouth, catching the drool that inevitably began to pool. As discreetly as I could, I brought my thumb to my lips, savoring the sweet taste of her.
I resumed grading the exams that had already been submitted, bringing my attention back up to my students. All of their heads were down, none the wiser. I couldn’t help the smirk of satisfaction I wore.
Her tongue gently moved on the underside of my cock, causing me to halt and take in a sharp breath. I looked down to see her pleading eyes, head trying to pull away. I slowly pulled on the belt, bringing her lips back up my length. I needed the warmth of her mouth.
A ring of pink lipgloss stained the base, little flecks of glitter shining up at me. Fuck, she was so cute. I’d make her wear it everytime.
Be a good little girl, I mouthed to her.
I didn’t dignify her with my attention for the rest of the allotted exam period. Not a glance. Just a tight hold on the belt that pressed against her lovely throat. I looked over to the seat she usually occupied, now left empty.
Now that I had my angel, I was not letting her go.
Fuck that. And fuck the consequences.
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littlefreya · 9 months
You're my most favorite author in tumblr. Can you write a fic about yandere proffesor august?? 😳🖤🖤
Thank you so much, glad to be your fave! I don’t do requests but I do have an AU professor story. You can always read and reblog if you love my stories :)
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persephone411 · 1 year
I don’t know how many of you already know that but we will get a rom-con with Henry Cavill as the main lead. He will play a college professor and the movie will be based on the book ,,the Rosie Project“
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athenepromachos · 2 years
On seeing this....
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It just happens.....
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Just. Too. Much. 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
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ladykardasi · 2 years
Men/images that make me go... Oh yesss!!!
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Art of Snape by @thetalesofprince
I'd have liked to add Jason Momoa/Ronon Dex, Aquaman or Kal Drogo and Marko Hietala from Nightwish.... Spock/Leonard Nimoy, Colonel Jack O"Neill/Richard Dean Anderson, Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks, Jim Ellison/Richard Burgi...
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f10werfae · 2 years
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quackstr · 2 months
twitter links • rpf
featuring: henry cavill, chris evans, tom welling, alan ritchson, tom hardy, aaron taylor johnson, david corenswet, tom holland, zane philips
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male reader
henry cavill forcing you to service his cock.
henry cavill fucking you so good your eyes roll back into your head.
henry cavill making a f@g out of you.
professor!chris evans breeding you.
taking chris evans in the back seat.
coach!chris evans taking you under the cover of night.
tom welling loves how well you take his cock.
alan ritchson having his way with you.
jerking alan ritchson off.
tom hardy destroying your guts.
riding aaron taylor johnson.
tom holland using your throat.
zane philips giving you a creampie.
getting spitroasted by tom holland and chris evans.
chris evans and henry cavill sharing your hole.
stuffed by henry cavill and alan ritchson’s cocks.
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female reader
henry cavill mercilessly pounding into you.
you and henry cavill on park date.
henry cavill is too big for you.
chris evans choking and enjoying you as he likes.
chris evans fucking the shit out of your hole on the couch.
tom welling breeds you.
fratboy!tom welling is too much for you.
riding tom welling in his room.
alan ritchson loves destroying your pussy from behind.
tom hardy’s cock is massive.
aaron taylor johnson pounding your pussy.
david corenswet’s dick is too good.
david corenswet eating you out.
giving tom holland head in car.
tom holland breaking you.
taking tom holland doggystyle.
tom holland can’t get enough of your pussy.
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henry cavill using a fleshlight and thinking of you.
the type of videos chris evans sends you when he’s away for work.
alan ritchson rubs one out.
david corenswet jerking off to thoughts of you.
what roommate!tom holland gets up to when you finally fall asleep.
zane philips needs your hole so soon.
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nouearth · 1 month
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fallenangelkitten · 1 year
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Synopsis: Professor Walker fantasizes about one of his students.
Warnings: au Professeur!August, August’s pov, mentions of oral, restraints, and penetration, presumed age gap, kind of stalker vibes?
Note: Read part two Obedience now :)
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The auditorium was large and always seemed so hollow until the university’s students filled the seats. I was leaning against my broad desk, arms crossed over my chest as I watched them file into the room. I took a mental note of everyone who showed up while I waited for them to prepare for the lecture.
As I waited for her to stroll through the door.
I couldn’t help but wet my bottom lip as she made her way to her usual place; just to the right of my workspace, three rows up.
I pried my gaze from her and cleared my throat.
“Please turn your attention to the screen above,” I instructed before turning off most of the lights.
I dimmed them just enough for the students to still write notes on the documentary.
And for me to see her.
The glow of the film illuminated her pure little face. Her eyes so bright as she stared at the screen- so full of life I wanted so desperately to help her explore.
I could already picture her kneeling before me, those innocent eyes begging for me to allow her a taste. I wanted to run my thumb across her cheek and grasp her chin as she would take me into her lush mouth.
It took everything in me to stifle the groan emerging in my throat.
I ran a hand over my face, my mustache scratching my palm, and attempted to grade some past assignments. I tried to plan for future lectures. Fuck, I even tired watching the damn documentary myself.
But my attention always landed on her.
I took in how she wrote on that cute pink notebook of hers. The way her elegant wrist moved with each stroke of the pen she wielded.
I could practically feel the roughness of my favorite red rope in my hands. I wanted to fasten her wrists together in knots as beautiful as the skin they strained against.
My cock twitched against the now tight fabric of my trousers.
I wanted to secure them to- god, to anything while I devoured her body and soul. To taste her in every fucking way possible.
My heart skipped a beat when her eyes flicked over to mine. To feign disinterest took every ounce of my focus.
Even when my now throbbing length begged to feel her clench around me. To brush away that stray piece of hair that now fell over her eyes, only to grip it all into my fist while I fucked her.
Suddenly it was too quiet.
It wasn’t the first time I’d spent the entirety of the class gawking at her. I’m sure it wouldn’t be the last.
I cleared my throat again to get their attention.
“Please fill out the questionnaire online,” I ordered while turning the auditorium lights back on.
She looked like an angel as they shown down on her.
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littlefreya · 2 years
Oh godddd. Professor!Henry, paired with the song “teachers pet” by Melanie Martinez… my mind is going to dark, dirty places.
I know right ;)
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athenepromachos · 2 years
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Henners embracing the mad professor look 👀👀👀👀😃😃😃
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venussaidso · 9 months
Vedic Astrology Observation (based on shows/films part 4)
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I'm watching the series Archer and I guessed three main nakshatra archetypes correct! This includes Uttarabhadrapada, which is so potent in the two of the most prominent female characters in the main character's life.
First of all, this series is about espionage. So immediately, I know there are moon nakshatras. The main character, Sterling Archer, embodies lunar qualities: being a secret agent, going undercover, using disguises/aliases, trickery etc. etc.
Another hint that supported my theory of the character being lunar is how the fandom literally compare his character design to Henry Cavill who is a Shravana Moon.
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As Henry Cavill is also famous for being in the espionage, spy film The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
Another hint is Archer being a huge fanboy for Burt Reynolds who he inspires after or quotes during his epic, spy missions. And Burt Reynolds is a Hasta Moon, Rohini Ascendant.
Burt Reynolds even guest starred in an episode as himself and we see our main character fanboying throughout.
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Burt Reynolds is famous for his spy film Operation CIA in which he plays a CIA agent who is undercover as a university professor.
The character Sterling Archer has to be voiced by a moon nakshatra native, right?
Finally, I went out to find the voice actor and calculated his vedic chart. Thank goodness the guy has his birthtime available; and accurate, at that. And I guessed right!!! 😭👇🏼
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Just like Henry Cavill, also Shravana, who was a highly voted candidate in the fandom to play the live-action version.
But, in the very beginning of watching this series, the character Sterling immediately struck me as a Sun nakshatra native. His inability to commit to a relationship or anything; having zero devotion to anything.
He improvises everything; not much of a planner which makes him come off more carefree. He is missing this cold, lunar quality to him of being a strategist or even just being highly intelligent. I've always believed that Sun men are quite... bimbos, to say the least. Claire Nakti explored this in her Sun dominant men video more articulately and respectfully; and Archer embodies this energy too.
So, in the beginning episodes of the series, I believed he was mainly Sun dominant before witnessing other aspects of the character expanding.
I also noticed that he is emotionally volatile and loud and extremely comedic, which is not really Solar or Lunar, but Rahuvian. And guess what? The voice actor is an Ardra Moon, which makes a lot of sense.
But, I was right, again, to assume him being a Sun nakshatra. Because the voice actor also has Krittika Sun. Ha!
The reason why his Sun nakshatra was more blatantly obvious in the beginning for me was because of his relationship with his ex girlfriend, Lana!
Lana, whose character design is quite literally inspired by Rihanna's physique.
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Rihanna, who I personally believe is an Uttarabhadrapada Ascendant, as her birthtime is rated C (unlikely to be accurate). And even if you don't think she's Uttarabhadrapada, fine, but the character Lana is.
She is the Saturn nakshatra archetype.
She's very kickass, warrior-like and has a masculine edge— which are the type of characters usually played by Saturnians/Uttarabhadrapadas.
I immediately noticed with how she butts heads with Archer. Uttarabhadrapada is a nakshatra in which its women are known for emasculating other male archetypes/even going head to head with men ruled by fiery-hot planets such as the Sun. Their chemistry in the series is the epitome of the Saturn woman x Sun man pairing.
Sun and Saturn are literally mortal enemies.
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But people with this planetary rulership tend to be intrigued by each other. It seems to be very similar to having an intense square synastry with someone, in my opinion, which might add sexual/romantic tension more often than not.
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Archer's mother is another important female figure in his life who is also Uttarabhadrapada.
She's a hardened woman who is in charge of a spy agency, a masculine job, and she acts or looks very similar to characters such as 1996's Cruella Deville or Miranda Priestly (both also played by Saturn nakshatras; both characters' hair are pale white).
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Malory Archer quite literally ruined her son's life since he was born; always emasculating him even in his adult life. She's had a very cold, (Saturn) oppressive nature towards him since he was young. Saturn nakshatras are either known to humiliate its natives, or natives under this nakshatra lord will further humiliate/abuse others into their cold grip.
A trope I've seen often with this nakshatra, which makes sense if you think of them being the literal ice dragon.
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I immediately noticed that she is Uttarabhadrapada not just from her masculine, commanding role in the series— but from the outfits she wears in every episode. She's always wearing cold colours, especially powder blue.
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Uttarabhadrapada characters almost always have something significant that is coloured blue, which you'll always associate with the character; as Claire Nakti brilliantly pointed out in her Uttarabhadrapada video. And that's how I knew.
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And her relationship with Lana, who is also very Uttarabhadrapada coded, is interesting. The same way Sun men tend to respect each other and always find each other from across the room, Saturn women always have a quiet air of respect for each other's strength.
The first time Malory met Lana, she pointed a gun to her head and Lana stubbornly stood her ground. It was like Malory immediately recognized herself in Lana. She was so impressed by her that she hired her to work at her agency as a top spy, just like that.
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I was so certain that they were Uttarabhadrapadas and finally had the courage to check their charts AND I WAS RIGHT! Both voice actors are Uttarabhadrapadas!!
Their dynamic features this very Ascendant-Moon synastry — I definitely couldn't have guessed that one. This synastry quite literally demonstrates seeing yourself (Moon) in someone else (the Ascendent person). I've been very into studying synastries lately and it's always interesting how it plays out.
Anyway, now it makes sense why Sterling has a connection with Lana. Even though Lana isn't half as worse as Malory, I've always noticed their similarities. Like Lana, Malory used to be a kickass, spy lady before Sterling was born. They both have very sharp, stern personalities and are frequently annoyed by Sterling's existence. And in Sterling's case, it is true that you'll subconsciously seek out traits in a partner that are similar to your parent's.
Also, Sterling's unhealthy relationship with women & sex (unsuccessfully) fills up the empty hole inside of him that was supposed to be nourished by his mother's love as a child. This makes him fearful of intimacy and closeness, which is common with Sun nakshatra natives.
Malory's neglect is still a running gag in the series — she's emotionally hardened which is a prominent theme for Uttarabhadrapada (especially for the female natives). Being the middle nakshatra in the Pisces segment, it truly is the only Pisces that can struggle with intimacy, vulnerability or melancholic fluff. Which makes sense as Saturn is there. Luckily in Revati, there is more freedom and unrestrained expansion. There is a reason why Venus exalts in 27° of Pisces, where Revati lies. Revati is everything love and philosophical. Uttarabhadrapada isn't always comfortable expressing sentimentality, as they tend to be very self-restraint or outwardly hardened.
Anyway. I'm not done with the characters. I'll make a part 2 once I have the energy.
Ugh I'm sooo good at guessing nakshatras! LMAOO 😭
Especially moon nakshatras. I'm still so intrigued by moon men.
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I think I need a fanfiction where Jaskier is like 30 and an established professor (traveling bard career didnt pan out as planned. He’s an excellent teacher but does still travel some) at Oxenfurt and meets a fresh out of Kaer Morhen 17ish year old Geralt.
And baby Geralt sees this very attractive older man who is nice to him and buys him a drink. Discovers he’s a bard with no self defense training, and takes it upon himself to make sure this very kind very pretty human doesn’t die. Jaskier thinks it’s adorable that Geralt follows him around like a lost puppy. (Young Henry Cavil levels of adorable here)
Young Gerlat who hasn’t had all his hope and sense of being a hero kicked out of him yet having Jaskier “I will stab you if you insult my Witcher” the Bard as a travel companion within months of leaving the keep.
Young Geralt actually openly loving the professor’s songs.
Jaskier practicing lectures he’s planning on Geralt as they travel and Geralt gets the best education as a result.
Jaskier holding Geralt as he cries after not being able to save a child for the first time.
Jaskier being the one with the power that naturally comes with being older and more experienced.
Geralt being a big puppy dog and eagerly trying to get Jaskier’s approval and being very helpful and talking more as a result.
The two idiots falling in love and Jaskier being conflicted about it at first because “you’re just a kid!” “Jaskier, I’m 29.” “A BABY!!”
Geralt having “toss a coin” to help his reputation from day fucking 1.
Jaskier being there to help Geralt deal with the mess that was Renfri in a way that DOESNT result in “Butcher of Blavakin” happening.
Jaskier being Geralt’s first love
Geralt spending his winters trying to figure out how to give Jaskier immortality only to discover he’s already immortal because “wait, you don’t look 60.” “Well you don’t look 50 either! I moisturize. Back off!”
Geralt thinking Jaskier is the most brilliant man he’s ever met when they first meet instead of thinking he’s an idiot.
Jaskier helping Geralt grieve his brothers after the attack. Helping him grieve when he lost his first Roach. Teaching him healthy coping mechanisms and emotion management.
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