#Project S/VK
lunaremy · 7 months
fuck it. self indulgent oc crossover doodle
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kikidewynter · 11 months
what's kingdom come it sounds v interesting :}
HIIII it’s my sr prequel project (super early stages, just coming up with ideas n stuff). it’s set in stilwater in 1976. julius is the protagonist & the story follows him joining ben king, fighting the carnales, the eventual fallout, etc etc. unlike sr1 and 2 it would be told in chapters as a rich, linear story. it’s pretty influenced by some of my headcanons and preferences but i really care abt the overall story/message/the heart of it.
some info: jules is around 20, his birthday takes place during the story. angela is 23, ben 25. it opens with a similar cutscene to sr1’s, establishing sunnyvale and some of its characters. julius is caught up in some trouble with the carnales and ben king finds him, helps him up. there’ll be a lot of mirroring between ben and jules and playa from sr1 bc i feel like they’re all kind of trapped in this little cycle. jules meets younghwan kang, nickname: gat. johnny gat’s dad. he ends up supplying weapons for the vk. i’m going to introduce the stilwater triad, too (which will appear as a main gang later on in my version of sr2, but since the prequel comes first, you don’t really need to know all about that), since wong apparently has history with julius, and i like the idea that there’s always been this criminal element hidden in plain sight. there would be a romance between jules and angela, but later on, angela takes the fall for something the vks did and ends up getting sent to prison for life. this scares ben into his “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” kinda mentality. he wants to set up a business, sides with corrupt cops, etc. this really doesn’t sit well with julius who obviously loves angela and sees this as a betrayal, but also as a character who seems to have black panther influences in sr1. joining the enemy side is unimaginable to him. all throughout there’d be a gradual building of this distrust and hesitation, and julius would start to undermine ben. for example, alejandro lopez is pretty much the main antagonist, but jules lets him live bc a part of him knows it’s dangerous to give ben too much power. alejandro also asks julius, during their confrontation, to let him walk away. and this ability, for this powerful man to just drop everything he’s worked so hard for and built up to just walk away, really heavily influences julius’ mentality going forward.
um i could ramble about it for a while but this post would get rly long. but i do have a playlist that i imagine as being the soundtrack to the game. i hope it conveys the kinda vibes i’m going for: the relationship dynamics, stilwater, 70s, an era of great turmoil, but also freedom, excitement. it’s kind of a mess since i’ve just been dumping songs in there since i first shared it, so it’s better to listen to on shuffle!
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unrealityshift · 5 months
I forgot about Die's Nazi uniform! Didn't they also do overtly sexual borderline queer stuff in the early 2000's too? I vividly remember a picture of toshiya laying fully on Kaoru? I think it was and they're holding each other (teenage queer questioing me loved that picture), and there is that picture of Kaoru licking a papaya? Or some big fruit, implying he eats pussy and then kyo used to put his hands down his pants and simulate masterbaiting on stage.
As a teenager it really appealed to me, I loved that shock stuff, I was a total edge lord 😂 but as an adult looking back at how conservative Japan is even now, them doing that in the 90s and 00s was insane. I didn't appreciate the context of it as a teen in a very left leaning country like Canada.
Still I was glad to hear their controversies were being shocking or edgy and not sexual predators or terfs
i think we as a fandom like to try and collectively forget it bc it certainly was A Choice and not a good edgelord one to make lol. and oh hell yeah they did. part of it was fanservice typical of vk-leaning bands (toshiya licking kyo onstage, toshiya and shinya kissing in behind the scenes footage, general early 20s nonsense) and i also think part of it was being subversive, esp as a band that focused a lot on sex and (losing my words here in an adhd way so i don’t know what i’m trying to say) indecency i guess??
they do in general have a lot of sexually charged material/photoshoots (not even including kyo’s side projects that are extremely horny) and i know that as they’ve gotten older they’ve looped back around to being comfortable with their masculinity/identities, which is so nice to see!! toshiya wearing skirts and having an androgynous energy helped me come to terms with being trans, and to be honest, kyo gives me some mad trans vibes lately, but it’s not on me to force labels or speculate (but i wouldn’t be surprised if he was queer in some way!)
additionally, the band has also historically said that they do not care if fans produce art/works that are shippy of them like fanart or fanfiction, they just don’t care to see it which?? says a lot to me about their comfort with sexuality as well as being able to set boundaries that work and i respect them so much for that
but i see what you mean!! i grew up mostly in the states and im back living in canada now, and i’m fortunate to have a very worldly upbringing so i can certainly at least try to see things more in the context they were created in
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not-avril · 2 years
🦇 Hey! That’s @avrilen ‘s NSFW account!
I’m Avril, a queer artist and game developer. I mostly make make 2D illustrations/cartoons and 3D characters/props.
I’m constantly switching between different projects in different genres and styles, but mostly remain on cartoony side 😵‍💫
Inst | Vk | Twitter | Tumblr | Youtube
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wfs-of · 1 year
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Grettings! We - WFS Team, and we work on "White From sburb". It`s a comic in homestuck setting. On this current moment we work on comic itself and English translation. We working very hard, so that act 1 will be released and you have been able to read it (Hope that MSPFA will be fine). If you can speak Russian language, we have a group in "VK" and channel in "Telegram" where you can find news about project. We also have a "YouTube" channel, where we will be releasing some podcasts and other stuff. In "Subscribed" list of this channel, you can find members of out team, which you can contact. If you want to contact Main Author, you can direct message! We hope you as a readers soon, thank you!
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sorrowfulsoul · 1 year
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hydralisk98 · 2 years
LEARNBLR #2, Weekend-mode engaged
New hexadecimal number system based around Latin/Cyrrilic/Greek letters so around (A,B,C,D,E,F,K,M,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z)
12x12 pixel cells & ~12x12 cells grid
TIS-100 low-power as low as possible tech-level requirements
Microsoft BOB's Chaos as virtual assistant analogy
Free and Open Source Software community
Nomad48 color palette
Tumblr 'WIN3D' theme custom overhaul
Hypermedia with static HTML/CSS pages
Analog and home video rental store analogies
Lisp family structural and symbolic meta-programming similarities
Swift programming language
Fish shell
ZealC easy low-level access, full transparency and in-line multimedia editing
Esolangs site's deque, mysticism and analogical turing tarpit assomptions
Wax cylinders -> 45rpm autoplay small-size vinyls -> large Laserdiscs -> middle-sized optical symbolic disks
Cassettes -> Datasettes -> MiniDiscs -> SD cards
JVM & bytecode compiler/interpreter
Minitel, Prestel, Alex & Bulletin Board Systems, SAM Coupe, Armstrad CPC, Commodore 64, CBM II, SEGA Computer 3000,
Ural computer, MIR-1, MIR-2, russian ALGOL variants, Akademset, OGAS, Soviet Electronic Data Processing, Soviet Unit Record Equipment, BK-0010, AGAT, Law on Cooperatives, Runet, Yandex, OK, VK, EVM, SM EVM, Robotron, Hungarians' TPA, fifth generation computers initative up to 2010 from Japan & Bulgaria, Didaktik, Z9001, K-202, Galaksija, Rapira, Superplan, ALGOL68 with ALGOL W elements, Karel, SAKO, AGAT Schoolgirl's Robic, Perl, Rak...
NOOR, Teuton, BASICOIS, Smalltalk, Lusus, LOGO, FOCAL, Scratch, UTF-8,
Digital Equipment Corporation's COS-310, DIBOL, DECmate III(+?) & OpenVMS
Sun Microsystems' Voyager & misc. hardware
Konrad Zuse's KG
Wolfenstein The New Order's Pflaumen brand, Arya and Tekla
Computer job ladies from all times in history
Microsoft F# & F*
OpenXanadu project
Xerox Alto
SEGA Dreamcast hardware first edition
Olivetti Programma 101
Elektronika MK-52
Transmuters from Atari
PLATO V system's TUTOR language
Pixar early CGI renders
Pouet.net and all the demoscene world
Keypad-based I/O controls?
Cyberware augmentations?
First Tier aka playable Civs: Shoshones, Morocco, Assyrians as Inuits, Mayas Civ, Portugal, Polynesia...
Second Tier aka non-playable Civs: Poland, Songhay, Persia, Carthage, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Sweden, Iroquois as Hurons, Austria, Brazil, Incas, Ottomans, Netherlands, Venice.
City-States: [to be written]
Barbarians, Rebels, Observers and more: [to be written]
Constructed world considerations such as 12-bit tribbles as smallest data unit, multilingual coding paradigm, alternate history of media formats, 16^3 (so 3 elements of 16 unique possible sub-glyph each) ideogrammic dictionary, synthetic android machines of the Stellaris' Rogue Servitor vibe, no Wilsonism or at least way less of such, electricity cars are way ahead, harmonious collaboration on technologies, more variety in ways of thinking aka spirituality and rationalism coexist better, Panian grammars strongly credited link to Turing+Church thesis, less spatial exploration, even less extroverts success compared to introverts, smaller world, more isolation in between social spheres so less harmonious as of the last few decades, less biological matters understanding, medical technologies somewhat behind by two decades, cross-dimensional idiosyncratic imports, synthetic developments ahead by ~20-40 years, free high education similar to Soviet Union / Russia's, much wild-west style software piracy space on the sidelines, many super advanced free software resources to levels like Habrahabr and beyond, synthetic service grids outpacing human agencies' controls yet keeping a neutral attitude towards humans, many disperate computer networks instead of the world wide web we know, lesser adoption of such hyperTech by the laymen as non-enthusiasts went back to some sort of early 20th century-style primitivisms, some sort of aesthetic subculture tribe diversification developments growing real strong as of the last two decades, earlier global pandemic around 1996-2000, advanced nuclear energy abundance, more cross-national collaboration + harmony, sapient-kinds inclusivity as early as the last century or the last half-millenia, longer historical record going back more than ~2000 further into their past (so like 3000 BC instead of 1000 BC here)...
So I want to make a general-purpose (if I had to choose one topic, it would be to describe symbolic computation ala 'TuringTarpit' around video rental store deque operations) programming language 'Servitor' with specific analogical media and low-tech [any medieval scroll vellum media included] constraints in mind.
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kmp78 · 28 days
´´ She'll dig out the saddest songs she knows... 😭´´
And don t forget she said he s going to come with his friends in Myanmar.. 🫣🫣
My god i can t believe she said that and all her shows with her stories and music🤦🏻‍♀️.
She learned 🤷‍♀️
But she s going to like again and again JL’s posts and perhaps go to a show in UK with her friend. 🙄.
She obsessed by JL (by JL’s money, JL’s vacancy, JL’s 🐛, JL’s house, JL’s celebrity)
I wonder if either JL or GTGT ever had the idea that she could maybe be a solid VK replacement... 🤔
Well GTGT no doubt did have big dreams of walking arm in arm and getting a 💍 at some point (and of course taking him home to 🇲🇲 to meet the fam... 😂), but I do wonder if JL ever seriously pondered the possibility that he might have found his pet project for the next decade or was this just a passing fancy from Day 1. 🤔
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undead-trickster · 2 months
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hello! welcome to my lair ✶ you can call me undead, asphodel or just del. ꒰ vtuber ; vampire boi ; ru/eng ꒱ i enjoy drawing, game design, video editing, writing and animation. i'm also (very slowly) working on my own original world & video game → link to project's tumblr page
꒰ 🔪 ꒱ - do not repost w/o credit - do not use my works for commercial purposes/ai training - do not crop/edit my drawings
l i n k s boosty → exclusive content & support telegram ( eng ) | youtube | gamejolt | itch ru platforms → vk | telegram
art commissions status: ( ✗ — c l o s e d ) ✉️ business inquiries → [email protected]
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mariacallous · 1 year
Russia’s wartime casualties in Ukraine include a large class of personnel who are missing. Most of these troops have likely been killed, but their families can neither get ahold of their bodies nor file for the compensation promised by the state. Often, they try to find their loved ones through dedicated social media groups, and by querying hospitals, morgues, and the Defense Ministry. Novaya Gazeta Europe has analyzed 9,905 posts on the popular social network VKontakte (VK), discovering references to 1,365 Russian troops whose relatives are fruitlessly trying to locate them. Although this is only a fraction of all the missing army personnel, this limited data points to systemic problems in Russia’s military record-keeping.
In the absence of an official figure, experts can only estimate the total number of troops “missing in action” in Ukraine. Sergey Krivenko, head of the human-rights advocacy organization Citizen. Army. Law. believes that the actual total number of missing troops must be around 24,000. “Casualties classified as ‘MIA’ are mostly people who have been killed, but whose bodies could not be recovered. As of this moment, we know about 12,000 verified killed troops. The total number of troops missing is likely about twice that number.”
Krivenko’s estimate may be a reference to the statistics compiled by BBC News Russian jointly with Mediazona and a group of volunteers. By late January 2023, they had confirmed around 12,000 war dead, based on open sources. The project’s most recent data, however, speaks of 15,000 war dead. Based on Krivenko’s own formula, this might bump his estimate all the way up to 30,000 missing combatants.
Novaya Gazeta Europe has identified 1,365 Russian troops, based on close to 10,000 posts in dedicated VKontakte groups. Fifty of those servicemen, writes the publication, disappeared during the siege of Mariupol back in spring 2022. Another 40 stopped returning phone calls the following summer, during combat operations in the Luhansk region. In September, the number of casualties spiked to 170: most of them went MIA in the Donetsk region (where the hotspot of Bakhmut is located) or near Kharkiv (the location of Ukraine’s successful counteroffensive that month).
Another spike in disappearances was connected to Ukraine’s New Year’s Eve strike on the Russian military quarters in Makiivka. Shortly after the New Year, 18 different missing servicemen were mentioned in queries posted on VKontakte.
About half of the 1,365 people identified on VK last called their families from the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine, and another 125 called from the Kharkiv area. VK queries mention 93 contract servicemen, 92 members the “DNR” and “LNR” militias, and 89 volunteer conscripts. Draftees (40) and convicts recruited to go to war (28) are not as common among the VK sample.
Families often spend months trying to find their missing loved ones. In January, the same study points out, 850 notices about losing contact with deployed relatives were posted on VK. Every seventh post was about people who had been missing since the previous spring or summer. On average, missing servicemen from the VK sample spent 60 days at the front before their families lost contact with them.
Some Russians who vanished in combat are not even officially considered missing. A military spouse wrote, for example, about her husband, who had been wounded near Svatove and evacuated unconscious and without an ID badge or personal documents. She couldn’t get any information about him from the Defense Ministry hotline. He doesn’t figure in any lists. “He doesn’t pick up the phone, it’s impossible to reach his unit, and the draft office has offered no assistance,” she says. “We called all the hospitals, but there’s no one in their records by that name.”
Although the state pays a compensation of 12.5 million rubles (or about $166,500) to families whose members have been killed, people whose loved ones are MIA get neither compensation nor any official assistance in their search. Official MIA status, meanwhile, requires families to wait for two years after the end of the war before the missing family member can be declared dead, making the family eligible for compensation.
Military expert Kirill Mikhailov says that problems with military record-keeping have to do with staffing shortages. “While the Russian army grew bigger in size after mobilization, the size of its bureaucracy has remained the same.”
The human rights advocate Sergey Krivenko points out that in peacetime, military commanders have a duty to notify families about their casualties. But while in the combat zone, they cannot fulfill those duties, and no alternative notification method has been set up.
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jakez19 · 1 year
, human meat project
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letsgofoletsgo · 2 years
Are you still doing this? Bc I’d like to ask Jay 1, 2, & 10 🥰 I miss talking w you two about our lives in Auradon! Harry says hi btw 👋🏼👋🏼
Hi Emily! We miss you guys too! Don’t worry, Jay’s still around.
That I am! Glad to hear from you Em. (And Harry too, I guess. Just keep him in line for me, ok?)
1.Give us a rundown of s/i! Who even are they? How are they doing?
Well, Zales is my partner in crime, in more ways than one, heheh. Though most of our major thieving days are behind us, we can wrap together a solid scheme if need be. For now though, xyr doing fine for xemself helping out Evie with her fashion business. Ever since we’ve made our peace with the AKs and VKs, I’ve noticed xyr calmer, more upbeat than when we we’re on the isle. It makes me happy to see xem doin’ better these days, even if he spends his time in a fancy lookin’ button up; which he looks hella handsome in, by the way.
2. What have you been up to with s/i lately? Did anything fun happen in the last couple days?
As I said, Zale’s been busy with Evie these days, got some big projects to work on. But xe still came out to see our latest Tourney game, one of the final of the season. We wiped the field with the other team, of course, and that meant celebration. The core and I had a little shindig with our friends, was a bang up time. Zales and I snuck out a couple hours later for some one-on-one, as much as I like basking in my glory, I can’t stay away from em for too long, you know?
10. What’s your favorite thing about s/i? Like in general?
Well, when I first met xem, Zales just… Always seemed to know what xe was doing. He was resourceful, always able to get xemself out of a sticky situation. But after I spent time with xem, after they became part of the core, I learned how loyal xe is. Xe never turned xyr back on us, even if it could have benefited xem. Don’t tell anyone I said this, but I guess Auradon can bring out the best in even the sharpest of VKs, heh.
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sludgefreestyle · 2 years
after discovering this work at the end of last term i haven't been able to shake it from my minds eye. blurb below courtesy of the tate website.
"First I filmed a man who was dancing naked in his bedroom, to the rhythm of very fast techno-jungle music. Then I took away the music and projected the film in slow motion. While I was filming, his movements became almost alien, they made no sense, he went through all these motions and they ended up seeming clumsy. In slow-motion they became very beautiful, but totally ungainly. Then I changed the music and introduced Samuel Barber’s Adagio for Strings, a melancholy excerpt … it became a eulogy to living, even if the person seems to be doing a dance of death, because it is so fragile, delicate and vulnerable." (Taylor-Wood quoted in Celant, p.192)
Naked and alone in his bedroom, the dancer is performing an activity which usually takes place in a public space and which mixes acting with self-expression. By projecting the dance in slow-motion, Taylor-Wood has broken it down into a series of poses. The dancer appears to be lost in his own private ritual and oblivious to the camera’s eye, and thus becomes an object of voyeurism, exposed in a state of extreme vulnerability. The chasm separating him from the viewer is extended by the poignancy of Barber’s Adagio of 1936, which was used by the directors Oliver Stone in Platoon 1986 and David Lynch in Elephant Man 1980, two films which address male heroism and deformity. Moving between almost neo-classical heroic elegance and beauty, awkwardness, pathos and sheer ridiculousness, Brontosaurus covers a range of contradictory but co-existing human states and feelings. The archeological or primal nature of these is suggested by the title, which is the name of a dinosaur. This is comically referred to by a pink stuffed dinosaur visible in a corner of the room.
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eternalpassions · 2 years
Do you have any good fanfic on Yume ?
First of all, I’d like to say I am so sorry for my delay in answering asks lol. I hope you haven’t given up on me cuz I’m going to answer asks I haven’t gotten to (I’ll try to lmao)
This one is my fav: it’s called The Secretary. It fulfills the rich man CEO fantasy and it has comedic moments too. I read this one a while ago so my memory is a bit foggy but I remember it was my fav yume fanfic
Another one I like is: Royal Affair
Again my memory is as foggy as human Yuuki’s was but I remember this one had my attention! Gives off historical drama vibes.
Another one: Divorce Papers. Cuz I’m a sucker for fanfics where Yuuki is Kaname’s wife lol
The other ones I didn’t save so ye 🥲 okay I’m gonna do some shameless self promo.. I wrote a vk ending yume AU lol. It’s not the best written but I tried to make it an ending that’s fits with the canon but filling in the gaps Hino failed to cover lol. I’ll go back to this ask to update with an Ai and Kaname Drabble I made lol
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ibrithir-was-here · 3 years
Canon Descendants Masterlist Part 2!
Ok! Here's the second part of my Masterlist of links to my Canon Descendants project, where I take the Descendants kids and reinagine them in their parents original Disney film!
The majority of them are in the first part of the Masterlist #CanonDescendantsMasterlist1
Since it will only let me do so many links per post and I don't know how to do the small ones
But here we go!
Side Character HKs and VKs
Princess and the Frog (first one I ever did so the art is really old)
Hypothetical Descendants (OCs not actually in the franchise)
And that's all I have for now! I'll update the list (or add a third part depending on what Tumblr males easier) as I make more Canon Descendants stories! Hope you all enjoy!
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gracemyheart · 3 years
Okay, so I watched act 1 of the new Sailor Moon Musical "Kaguya Hime no Koibito" and spoiler: it felt like wasted time. Even NewMyu is more exciting to watch and I say that as an official NewMyu-hater-disliker...
You can watch the musical full for free on vk.
I included screenshots to make my little notes a bit more exciting. Disclaimer again: I am and will forever be honest with my opinions. If I think something sucks, I'll say that it sucks. (Spoiler: This was even too boring to suck lmao). Tbh. I have no idea how the manga handeled this story so I will make references from the S-movie.
- The musical starts with the song "You are my universe" and I have to say, it reminds me strongly of Tsukiiro no Chainon. That is not particularly a good thing because those random J-Pop songs these days have a bad thing in common: There is not really a melody in them? Like it feels too mechanical and not like music anymore. I couldn't really follow the melody because it was actually not existing. A good thing is that every Senshi has some solo lines in the song but that doesn't make it better. I am for example not sure if I could sing it with that lack of melody and rhythm.
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- Next thing is the costumes. Was there really not enough money to make them look not THAT cheap? Also, Chibimoon's costume looks so baggy? And her wig looks, I quote @vampiru-chan "like a burst sofa cushion" xD.
- What annoys me too is that we got those no-name background-dancer demons again. SO boring like wtf finally get something interesting like in Banitimes again!
- However, the choreography wasn't as bad as it usually is in NewMyu and with that I mean they were not swinging their arms like crazy while running and walking from on end to the other end of the stage. So I grant a bonus point for the choreography.
- Yuuka-Saturn NAILED her solo-line. Good girl.
- I am still annoyed, that we got that all-female cast again! It might be rare, but I am still a straight girl in this fandom and I need real men again xD And I think all the lovely gay fanboys in the fandom agree xP.
- After the dance-fight-song-scene we see how Kakeru finds Snow Princess Kaguya's ice crystal as he does in the movie and then we get to know that it is winter and the Senshi will celebrate Mako's, Mina's and Setsuna's birthdays all together. And I have to say, she doesn't do ANYTHING, she is only a side character and simply...well there - BUT I LOVE Shinjyu-Haruka so much, omg. Finally a good Uranus! Her face reminds me of Asako but she is stronger and her male-like acting does not feel that forced. Too bad she was in a musical that was not about the Senshi at all :(
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- Again I have to say, WHO, WHO thought it was a good idea to cast a Sailor Moon with that kind of face? Like, literally wtf. Tbh I would sue the surgeon who is responsible for this.
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- Okay, now we found out why the costumes are so cheap: The whole budget was spent on the civilian outfits. They are so sweet and so pretty, omg. I want to have them all!
- But because all the money was spent on the outfits, there was no budget left for Artemis >:( He is only mentioned.
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- Then lemme ask why our Usagi-chan is so bitchy here? She pushed Minako to the side in a very-not-Usagi-like style??
- Okay, birthday goes on and we get a birthday song and then some kind of idol-song by Mina and Mako. And the songs are not memorable at all :(
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- What I liked was this little scene between Rei and Usagi. Looks like a reference to the anime where both quarrel a lot and it feld refreshing.
- And I have to say, that the lovely voice of Kisara-Mako/Jupiter reminds me SO MUCH of my friend's voice @missemperor you gotta cover her, nobody would notice the difference lol.
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- Okay, now Himeko sings a song of how Kakeru developed as a professor or something and it makes no sense because Himeko is just so unimportant. Oh, yes and I never liked her in the movie because she was such a fkn bitch to Luna? I mean, I don't like Luna either but stop bullying the cat, bitch.
- as I mentioned in my last post about KaguMyu - we do not have a real setting again :/ But they tried to compensate that with heavy projections even from thought bubbles. I'd liked it better if there had actually been a setting but okay, we live in the century of technology and not of proper requisites.
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- I also wonder why Michiru always has such a cute voice in Nelke productions? Ever watched the anime? She has a normal adult voice which sounds very elegant but not cute. But besides being a side character, Ayana plays a decent Neptune/Michiru.
- The rest of the musical is basically Luna and Kakeru doing stuff? But it feels like nothing happens T_T. Btw. the actress of Kakeru reminds me STRONGLY of a Zuka actress too. Apropos Takarazuka: Riku Sorahana is a cool Mamoru. Maybe a bit too cool for Mamoru but I like her.
- Another thing I noticed: The birthday scene, in the beginning, was just to show that this musical actually has the Senshi in it. Because after that scene... they are gone. There is that one scene with Usagi and Luna à la how does a kiss taste and then Chibiusa sings (very badly, omg. Why not casting a child that can sing?) a very annoying song, of how Luna is in love.
- It was so boring. Literally, nothing happened. It felt like wasted time and yes, I know that the story is mainly about Luna but....geez no. I had a bit of hope that this musical might be better than the last ones but I have to say out of the new musicals - NogiMyu stays the best.
- Those songs were really not good and not memorable at all. They feel like the typical mass-production these days. Maybe BaniMyu was so good because back then it was a rare thing for anime/manga to turn into stage plays? I mean, today almost every anime/manga which is a bit popular gets a musical. Plus BaniMyu had Akiko Kosaka for the songs (and Queen Ado for the choreo <3).
- Funny thing: Usually in the new musicals it is that the first act is rather good or at least ok while the second one is boring af - but in this case, I doubt that this can get even more boring - maybe act 2 will be good then? Ewwww, we'll see but I do not have big hopes, tbh.
- If I had to rate it with points while 10 points would be super good and 0 points super bad, I'd give it so far 2 points. (LR, PE and UNV would even get 3 to 4 points, wtf it's really so bad xD. Okay, no they'd get at least 3 but still xD).
Today I'll watch the second act but I doubt it will get any better... :(
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