#Promoting the values of sports in children
David Badash at NCRM:
The Republican National Committee’s draft 2024 platform, which reportedly is a “scaled-down” version of the last one it published, in 2016, has been approved by Donald Trump and includes strong stances against support for transgender people, while paving the road for so-called fetal personhood and reportedly “softening” the party’s position on abortion. “The primary goal is a ‘short form’ 2024 document that is a pledge of allegiance to former President Donald J. Trump rather than the statement of party values the platform has traditionally been, according to interviews with a dozen platform representatives and other Republicans,” The New York Times reports, calling it “A Republican Platform That Could Read Like a Trump Rally.” The platform, which will be voted on later this week, “stops short of explicitly calling for a constitutional amendment to give embryos or fetuses constitutional rights and does not call for any national bans on abortion, confirming the concerns of antiabortion activists,” The Washington Post reports. Trump has called for “punishment” of women who obtain abortions, which he did in 2016, and recently said states have the right to punish the doctors who perform them. The ex-president has repeatedly bragged about taking away the constitutional right to abortion, saying in May, “I was able to kill Roe v. Wade.” Just four weeks ago Trump urged a Christian organization that opposes all abortion, for any reason, to stand up for “innocent life,” as The Associated Press reports.
The draft language on abortion in the RNC platform reads: “We proudly stand for families and life. We believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied life or liberty without due process and that the states are, therefore, free to pass laws protecting those rights. After 51 years, because of us, that power has been given to the states and to a vote of the people. We will oppose late term abortion while supporting mothers and policies that advance prenatal care, access to birth control, and IVF (fertility treatments).”
[...] The draft language also attacks the rights of transgender people. While it “stops short of seeking to bar parents from seeking medical treatment for minor children,” The Post reports, it “condemn[s] any taxpayer funding of such procedures.” “We will keep men out of women’s sports, ban taxpayer funding for sex change surgeries, and stop taxpayer-funded schools from promoting gender transition, reverse Biden’s radical rewrite of Title IX education regulations, and restore protections for women and girls,” it says. It also removes language on same-sex marriage, which the RNC has officially opposed.
The RNC’s draft platform is just as extreme on abortion, as it is a backdoor to an abortion ban while purportedly claiming to support IVF and birth control access.
On LGBTQ+ issues, the draft platform de facto calls for a gender-affirming care ban.
See Also:
Abortion, Every Day: Don't Fall for the GOP's Platform Lie
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majycka · 1 year
Hello op! I am one of those people who actually like Utahime as characters, my initial reason was her character design and name (I still think she has the best design among the female cast in jjk, maki and yuki aside). Her CT made me love her more, cause that differentiates her from other jujutsu sorcerers, where selfishness and greed is required to become ones absolute best self, Utahime’s CT does the opposite though, she as a human and also by the virtue of her CT can never really be selfish in a way. She literally powers up others (and herself), and her major strength lies in connections (again completely different from what is expected of sorcerers). If we break down her CT, she is the strongest version of herself (since her CT also powers herself) when she is with others helping them to be even stronger, almost exactly opposite of what gojo, the pinnacle of what jujutsu society represents.
I am also someone whose perception of her don't align with that of her majority fandom, I think you are one of those people, too. I would love to know your thoughts on how you personally perceive her and why your point of view is different. Cause there are times I wanna discuss something about her with my irl mutual, but then again, it never goes well. They are too deep in fanon stuff. I am someone who generally likes to keep my headcanon toned down and mostly stick to canon. I really wanted a pov of someone who actually likes her but also respects canon quite equally.
I honestly would have loved to see her more. This is not even something i am saying a fan, but even as a minor character, what she represents is just so different from everything we have been told (even her students defy that).
I hope I didn't bother you a lot with my ramblings 🙏
Nah you're all good anon! I love it when I get to ramble with other ppl about my faves and I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments of Utahime! I'll proceed to just dump all my thoughts about her as well and discuss what fandom thinks of her from what I've seen.
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One thing that I've picked up from fanon of view of Utahime (in some of the fics I've read) is she's SOLELY this strict teacher all about respecting tradition/authority when it's not and it reduces her to that "respect your seniors!" dialogue. In fact, I can even argue that Gojo represents more of JJK traditional view in valuing individual strength even how much he says he's being progressive. His view of dividing people between strength vs weak screams kinda the same as those traditional clans valuing cursed techniques above anything else. Meanwhile, Utahime's value of teamwork challenges this traditional view of individual strength when like Gojo said, the pinnacle of jujutsu, all sorcerers die alone even how much allies you have 'cause the jjk world is an individual sport.
But let's break down this a bit and see what Gojo mean by jjk being an individual sport. We have seen so far that people who usually ascend the ranks are pretty selfish. Mei Mei who cites herself having a pretty weak technique, optimized her CT by using her brother. Kusakabe who doesn't have a proper CT was able to be a grade one rank because he, at the beginning of the Shibuya arc, wants to save his own skin and would rather stay behind in fighting (but dude later on helped in pulling out the kyoto kids from the Kenjaku attack, still dude can be selfish). The big clan families will kill each other over cursed techniques. Gojo himself advised Megumi to be more selfish and greedy in power when they were training together. Of course, there are outliers such as a strong sorcerers like Nanami, who cares for children, but boom ended up getting killed right at the very end while Mei Mei was able to go to her Malaysia trip. It paints this image that selfishness is a needed trait to survive the jujutsu world and rise to power.
However by Utahime promoting teamwork shown through her kids, teamwork can give up the idea of selfishness because we learn when to trust others and work together for a common goal. It can save people especially in a world where being "weak" is a disadvantage. An excellent example of teamwork from Kyoto Tech is shown through that one scene in jjk 0 how each kid has a role in their group attacks which optimizes their cursed technique no matter how VARIED their ranks/skills are. Momo usually surveys the area, communicates to others, and is like the oversees everything in a big picture. Kamo acts as the leader, looks out for everyone and keeps them in task. Mai is the long range shooter and can back people up. Mechamaru constantly backs others up like Miwa. Meanwhile, of course, there's our fun outlier, Todo.
But the funny thing is despite Todo usually going off his own, breaking the "yay teamwork!" streak of Kyoto tech, his character brings up another essential point about teamwork: connecting with others. If it weren't for Todo showing up in helping Yuuji against Mahito, then Yuuji wouldn't be able to defeat him right after seeing Nobara blown up. Todo works best/fights best with his besto friendo. Todo is the same dude who said being sorcerers means always honoring their allies/friends because they keep us going. It's still very much in line in the spirit of Kyoto kids' teamwork and also their connection with others. Muta and Miwa. Mai and Maki. Momo and her bond with Mai and Miwa. Kamo and his mom. There's also their teacher Utahime who is close friends with Shoko, and she probably influenced these kids to get along with each other and foster that teamwork skills (you know like the MANY MAANNNYYY times Uta keeps on saying that the kyoto-tokyo kids should get along during the goodwill event). I'm not saying Tokyo kids can't get along, but it's not as the same degree as Kyoto's. I think what Kyoto's dynamic different is how they can be vulnerable with others and open about their problems/feelings which helps in these kids growing closer. For example, Momo is well aware of Mai's situation and will defend her. Miwa, who's well aware that growing closer will only end up hurting them because of the inevitable death in jjk, still chose to connect with her peers, and that lead to Muta even falling in love with her. For Tokyo, let's take an example of how the first years reacted to Yuuji's "death." Both Megumi and Nobara definitely tried hard to keep that stoic front. Nobara said how she can't cry on some guy she just knew for a few months when in fact Nobara is clearly affected. In the earlier arcs, Megumi and Yuuji were keeping secrets from each other about the whole "eating the Sukuna finger actually made things worse by awakening other fingers and kills more people everyday." The second years became close because of Yuta's nature who constantly reach out to everyone and not under Gojo's influence.
Moreover, I don't think I've seen this much group cohesion like Kyoto’s compared to Tokyo because it stuck to me how in Shibuya arc, the Tokyo kids are just constantly going off their own to prove their strength like Maki and Nobara which yes is a bit understandable cuz these kids are strong, but would it be so much stronger if they work together? But Gojo, their teacher, has established that he does not really advocate teamwork (even if he did for other’s help like Nanami and Utahime, he still ended up doing things alone). If Gojo's students are all strong individually because he's very particular in choosing his kids(aka choosing them for their potential/strength), then Utahime's student's are weak individually HOWEVER more stronger as a group. No wonder she is adored by everyone. No wonder that when Miwa was at her lowest during Muta's death, Kyoto tech was there for her.
However, there are times too when Utahime is carried away by the system and her students fell victims to it too(like the time she didn't know her student were targeting Yuuji, how Mai and Muta died in cruel way) because as the opposite of Gojo, she isn't traditionally strong who has the power to defy authority. She's more subtle about it because she works around the system (shown in investigating that haunted mansion from gojo's past arc and working to find the mole within the ranks and students) and doesn't easily power through them like how Gojo destroyed the mansion and can do whatever he wants cuz of his "strongest" title. That's why Gojo asked her help because she could investigate within the system and he couldn't do something like that when he's all about being loud and throwing around his weight. There are pros/con to her subtle nature, but since the JJK world favors the strong, then she gets stuff unchecked. So, NO, I don't think she's all that "strictly respect traditions/authority" type of person. She just knows how to play politics especially in a world where they will hammer down who is weak against the system, and yet, despite that, she's able to influence her kids to do something that sorcerers struggle with.
This is why her CT is beautiful too because literally and thematically anyone who gets into her "zone" will be strengthened by her. I've seen complaints about Utahime's CT in being merely a support/buffer type. Some people had been expecting that it could be something powerful and not just buffing people up. I’m guessing that its the girlboss belief that fans can latch onto. I mean most of the jjk girls are tough as nails that the fans like which yes is understandable! But I’ve seen this happen way too many time in shonen spaces where at times the considered “weak” or "support-type" fem characters are easily non favorable for fans. I think such thing doesn’t help people actually analyze the text and for me, if such character is written well then I’m 100% in (like c’mon, Miwa’s a “weak” character and yet she’s compelling not just her fun personality, but how she struggles with grief and a world where she gets her ass kicked for being weak). As for Utahime’s case, I love it! Because the whole point of the cursed techniques is it reflects a lot like of its user’s psyche and the series establishes that Utahime values teamwork and her connections with others which is anomaly in the jjk world, and it makes her CT badass in that way. That’s why it’s no wonder she’s a natural in supporting others! It 👏makes 👏sense👏!
My next fanon and canon comparison is more within the gjhm fandom which will be a bit controversial. Like I'm a gjhm shipper myself but there are times I have some issues in how they deal with Utahime. I think at times Utahime's spunk gets taken away just so she could coddle Gojo and easily ship them together fast. Like yall Utahime actually has some genuine reasons why she hates him not just 'cause of his annoying ass but cuz of his "weak" mockery to her. And I find it very much so amazing that Utahime's doesn't take his shit and will retaliate. I think it's Utahime wanting Gojo to be accountable on shit he does (like dang man this dude been getting away from shit) 'cause Gojo does perceive people in the traditional fashion of strong vs weak lenses. I keep on saying strong vs weak lenses because how Gojo nitpicks people he wants to "save" and that's usually people with "potential." Is it altogether bad wanting kids/students that have the drive to be stronger? Well, not exactly, no but when he started spouting how he wants to raise a generation way better than the higher ups, then why doesn't he include ALL of generation whether the kids start of strong or weak. Why didn't he pull out both Maki AND Mai from their Zenin situation? Don't give me the bullshit of "I can't save everyone who doesn't want to be saved" because especially if this is kids put in a dangerous environment, then it would be the job of adults to be responsible for them.
This is where the comparison of Utahime can show up again. Even how much different her kids are, personality and sorcery skill wise (llike Mai, Momo's fiery personalities way different from Miwa's, Kyoto being quite annoyed by Kamo's leader attitude), they obviously still make their group attacks work whether one is disadvantage in some skill or not. Utahime again and again is shown to care for her students whether not they're strong or weak. She prioritize their safety when that attack from goodwill arc showed up, and she went to the frontlines during the Kyoto-Kenjaku attack back in Shibuya.
I think, just personally, the fanon of Utahime coddling Gojo is ain't it for me when in many ways, Utahime can point out the flaws of Gojo's teaching that he needs. I'm not saying Utahime doesn't have her flaws either because she's weak to a whole system against her and there are times she couldn't be there for her students.
But yeah, that's about it for my Utahime thoughts and fanon discussion. Anon, if you have any fanon interpretation that you've encounter or more Utahime thoughts and wanna share then please feel free to drop an ask! ;)
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chaos0pikachu · 5 months
Hi Pika, I don't know if you've been following gmmtv's take over of wabi sabi, I just want to ask you: given that so many companies are part of TBLC which is like a Thai BL content association, do you have any idea why gmmtv isn't a part of it? BOC, DMD, Star Hunter, Copy A Bangkok, Channel 3 are all part of it, I'm just wondering why gmmtv isn't even thought it's the biggest bl company? Wabi Sabi was/is a part of it. (idk exactly)
I can't emphasize enough that I am NOT an expert on this snaps lmao so anything I say that isn't like a direct link to an article or further reading source is speculation on my part. You're a sweetheart Anon but I just wanna let you know that like if you wanna know about the American publishing or entertainment industry but I don't wanna present myself as like ~an expert~ when my ass ain't ya know?
So my short answer is fuck if I know lol I hadn't even heard of the TBLC till this ask
For folks interested in it, here's the livestream they hosted for it (it's 45ish minutes) and it doesn't have subs though. But it seems to be connected to Thailand's soft power committee, here's an article on that:
Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin, who chairs the committee, tasked deputy chairwoman Paetongtarn Shinawatra with leading two national initiatives: One Family One Soft Power (OFOS) and the Thailand Creative Content Agency (THACCA). The goal of the initiatives is skills training to create 20 million jobs that will generate annual income of 4 trillion baht. OFOS and THACCA will be implemented in three phases: First, to boost human resources, 20 million children, adults, and seniors in under village and community funds will get free training in fields such as food, Muay Thai, arts, performance, singing, design, fashion, e-sports, and more, free of charge.
For folks who may not know, soft power is a term coined by political scientist Joseph S. Nye Jr. in his article Soft Power published by Foreign Policy magazine.
"In the 1980s, political scientist Joseph Nye Jr. coined the term soft power, defining it as a country’s ability to influence others without resorting to coercive pressure. In practice, that process entails countries projecting their values, ideals, and culture across borders to foster goodwill and strengthen partnerships." (source)
Soft power is a form of governmental influence internationally, and works conjunction with "hard power".
Examples of "soft power" are the American space program, athletes performing at the Olympics, and on the media side, military propaganda films like Captain Marvel, (yes I consider Captain Marvel a military propaganda film the film opens with a freaking air force ad lmao).
You see other countries using similar tactics as well, for every Top Gun there's China's Wolf Warrior 2 or Hidden Blade. For South Korea, BTS and k-pop is most definitely used as a source of soft power. This is just something governments do.
Okay so like, gmmtv and BL we've been hearing for a minute now that BL and GL are part of the Thai governments plans for soft power.
Mile and Apo have spoken about this specifically when promoting Man Suang and here's a recent video of them working in conjunction with the government on Shine:
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Even Mew's talked about Thailand's soft power in interviews before (context, Mew was the first Thai musician to break into the American Billboard charts):
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It's not just BL either, Idol Factory's Freen and Becky of The Gap fame got in on this too:
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So like, it sounds like this meeting/committee in general is just an extension of the Thai governments plans for expanding their soft power which includes how to better support this now highly in demand industry (BL/GL shows) b/c the government sees its international value.
I can only assume that like, gmmtv feels it doesn't need~ government support as a production company? They're the biggest BL studio in the game and have an annoying stranglehold on territories like America and Latin America already. It doesn't really matter what the quality of the shows even are, gmmtv have that sweet parasocial grip on audiences.
[my forever frustrations with gmmtv and how they sell idols and parasocial relationships not BL/GL shows is a totally different post so lemme stop]
Other companies don't really have that same hold on international audiences. At least not consistently? And the biggest concern is funding.
I think anyone with eyeballs can see Kinnporsche is the best well produced BL that's come out of Thailand (argue with the wall) in terms of overall technical quality. But that level of quality is expensive, the CGI in The Sign is freaking expensive, The Next Prince's pilot is so obviously pricey as all fuck you can tell the studio is banking on it selling.
Which is why studios like Idol Factory, Domandi or BOC only come out with a one or two shows a year in comparison to gmmtv's like 16. They need funding, not just for filming the show but also marketing. Filmmaking is hella expensive.
[I'm not talking about whether y'all liked this show or that show, I'm talking about technical quality, shows like Kinnporsche, The Sign, Pit Babe are all better on a technical level than stuff like 1000 Stars, Only Friends or Cooking Crush.]
Why didn't gmmtv attend the event or participate, baby I legit do not know. I can't answer that with any sort of certainty only their execs could answer that, I can only guess.
And my best guess is b/c the company feels confident they're fine on their own. They don't need funding assistance, nor assistance reaching an international market (tho maybe some assistance in getting their contracts straight hope Ossan's Love doesn't face the same distribution issues as Cherry Magic lmao).
For more information on the event itself I really liked this post on reddit that I felt broke everything down very well.
Anyway sorry this got so long Anon but I hope it at least provided some interesting information!
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canadianabroadvery · 1 year
" ... “See You at the Library,” the Brave Books campaign was aimed to promote children’s books with conservative values under the guise of protecting free speech. More than three dozen events of varying sizes were organized by local sponsors across the state of Texas. The largest of the gatherings occurred at Taylor Public Library in Williamson County, where they were sponsored by the Williamson County chapter of Citizens Defending Freedom, a national group that is simultaneously pushing to ban books elsewhere in Texas. State Representative Caroline Harris, a supporter of the recently passed bill banning transgender athletes in college sports, attended the event in Taylor. ..."
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vaibhav1907 · 2 months
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Godrej Yeshwanthpur is a prestigious residential project located in the bustling area of Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore. Developed by Godrej Properties, this project is designed to offer a blend of modern living with the charm of a well-established neighborhood. Here are some unique aspects of Godrej Yeshwanthpur:
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rishikul-123 · 3 months
Why Rishikul Vidyapeeth is the Best Boys Boarding School Near Delhi
Introduction: Finding the right boarding school for your child is a crucial decision that impacts their academic and personal development. If you're searching for a boys boarding school near Delhi, look no further than Rishikul Vidyapeeth. Known for its excellent academic standards, state-of-the-art facilities, and holistic approach to education, Rishikul Vidyapeeth stands out as a premier choice for parents. In this blog, we'll explore what makes Rishikul Vidyapeeth the ideal boys boarding school near Delhi. Academic Excellence Rigorous Curriculum Rishikul Vidyapeeth offers a rigorous curriculum designed to challenge and inspire students. The school follows a blend of traditional and modern teaching methodologies, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education. From science and mathematics to humanities and arts, the curriculum covers all essential subjects, preparing students for future academic endeavors. Experienced Faculty The faculty at Rishikul Vidyapeeth comprises experienced and dedicated educators who are passionate about teaching. They provide personalized attention to each student, fostering a supportive and nurturing learning environment. With their guidance, students are encouraged to excel academically and develop a love for lifelong learning. Holistic Development Extracurricular Activities At Rishikul Vidyapeeth, education goes beyond the classroom. The school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, music, and drama. These activities help in the overall development of students, promoting physical fitness, creativity, and teamwork. By participating in various clubs and societies, students can explore their interests and talents. Leadership and Character Building Rishikul Vidyapeeth emphasizes character building and leadership development. The school organizes workshops, seminars, and leadership camps to instill values such as integrity, responsibility, and empathy. Through these programs, students learn to become confident and compassionate leaders, ready to take on challenges and contribute positively to society. State-of-the-Art Facilities Modern Infrastructure Rishikul Vidyapeeth boasts a modern and well-maintained campus with state-of-the-art facilities. The school provides spacious and well-equipped classrooms, science and computer labs, a well-stocked library, and advanced sports facilities. The comfortable and secure boarding houses ensure that students feel at home while being away from home. Safe and Nurturing Environment Safety is a top priority at Rishikul Vidyapeeth. The school has stringent security measures in place, including CCTV surveillance and round-the-clock security personnel. The caring and attentive staff ensures that students are well looked after, providing a nurturing environment where they can thrive academically and personally. Strategic Location Proximity to Delhi Located near Delhi, Rishikul Vidyapeeth offers the perfect blend of accessibility and tranquility. The school's proximity to the capital city makes it convenient for parents to visit their children while providing students with a peaceful and focused environment away from the hustle and bustle of urban life. Cultural and Educational Opportunities Being close to Delhi also provides students with numerous cultural and educational opportunities. The school organizes regular educational trips and excursions to museums, historical sites, and cultural events, enriching the students' learning experience and broadening their horizons. Testimonials and Success Stories Alumni Achievements Rishikul Vidyapeeth takes pride in its accomplished alumni who have excelled in various fields. From successful entrepreneurs and professionals to renowned artists and sportsmen, the school's alumni network is a testament to the quality education and holistic development provided by the institution.
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muslimconnect · 4 months
A Journey Through Muslim Traditions And Activities
Islamic commercial enterprise is an idea that emphasizes the values and concepts taught by way of Islam in carrying out commercial enterprise activities. Islam teaches a complete concept of enterprise that consists of principles and ethics. The commercial enterprise idea in Islam the goal international is intended for income handiest and is not only one of the branches to earn a living, however, it's far one of the branches of faith that a trader can draw in the direction of God Almighty.
For more details information you can read our latest article named Muslim Owned Business
What Is Muslim Summer Camp?
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) turned into the authentic “2d messenger” to be determined. Its formation is promoted by employing adenylyl cyclase activation after ligation of G protein-coupled receptors through ligands which include hormones, autocoids, prostaglandins, and pharmacologic agents.
A summer season camp is a teenager's development business enterprise, supervised by way of professional adults, that strives to foster a private boom for youngsters by offering them a laugh, secure instructional and leisure programs, door experiences, and group sports at the same time as far from home all through the summer season months.
A summer season camp is a place in the United States of America where dads and moms can pay to send their children at some stage in the college summer season vacation.
For more details information you can read our latest article named Muslim Summer Camp
Muslim Nursing Home
Delivering outstanding care to Muslim sufferers consists of recognition of the implications of the Islamic faith and ideals. Nurses have to recognize the inferences of nonsecular and cultural values for clinical practices. They must be privy to the need for modesty and privateness.
In Islam, nurses offer healthcare offerings to sufferers, households, and groups as a manifestation of love for Allah and Muhammad. The nursing profession isn't always new to Islam. Islamic traditions include sympathy for and duty towards the ones in need.
However, even most orthodox Muslims recognize that during a scientific emergency, saving an affected person's existence takes priority over locating a lady or male expert and that having a male issuer treat a female patient or a lady issuer treat a male affected person is suitable in an emergency.
For more details information you can read our latest article named Muslim Nursing Home
Mouthwatering Muslim Biryani
Biryani is derived from the Persian phrase Birian, which means 'fried before cooking', and Birinj, the Persian word for rice. While there is more than one theory about how biryani made its way to India, it is usually time-honored that it originated in West Asia.
Chicken biryani is so famous due to the different flavors and the substances it consists of and the nostalgia it conjures up as a royal and iconic dish. One of the maximum not unusual approaches to preparing chook biryani is to layer spiced birds followed by rice, fried onions, and ghee.
For more updates, you can read our latest blog post Muslim Biryani House. 
Benefits Of Muslim Divorce Lawyer
As in step with Islamic laws, a pair can gain a divorce from each other either through the technique of 'Talaq' or 'Khula'. However, these are two exclusive tactics. 'Khula' refers back to the right of a Muslim lady to give a divorce to her husband unilaterally, in keeping with reports.
The two types of divorce by way of mutual consent commonplace below Islamic regulation are khula and Mubarak. In khula, the preference for divorce comes from the wife returning the dower that she received from her husband, while Mubarak is the dissolution of marriage with the aid of mutual consent.
The Qur'an promotes reconciliation, via negotiated settlements among the spouses themselves or the usage of arbitrators from their families. However, when “mutual exact treatment” isn't always feasible, there needs to be an amicable parting. Thus, the Qur'an treats divorce as something authorized but now not laudable.
For more details information you can read our latest article named Muslim Divorce Lawyer
What Is the Muslim Community Called?
The phrases Muslim international and Islamic world typically consult with the Islamic community, which is likewise referred to as the Ummah. This includes all those who adhere to the spiritual beliefs, politics, and laws of Islam or to societies in which Islam is practiced.
Although the means of the ummah starts virtually with a preferred application of the word, it step by step develops to reference a trendy spiritual community and then evolves to mainly discuss with the Muslim nation.
The term Ummah designates the Islamic holy community, i.e., the nonsecular community. This, the major meaning of the term, is found inside the Qur'an however simplest in a constrained number of instances.
For more details information you can read our latest article named Muslim Community Center
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phlve · 1 year
Psychosophy Descriptions — LFEV
A person of this type is thoughtful, hardworking, unemotional, delicate, peaceful, reasonable, and prone to logical and philosophical understanding of the world. The thirst for intellectual knowledge is one of the main features of his character, and he pays special attention to the knowledge of everything new and systemic. He is a good consultant and strategist, craftsman and host.
His inner attitude is as follows: the world is systemic, thought can explain a lot, the world is open for research, everything is predetermined and not accidental, everything has a deep meaning mediated by cause-and-effect relationships. Dispassion and stability in the manifestation of emotions is a way of life; the manifestation of strong feelings and emotions, open demonstration in public of deeply seething spiritual states (love, hatred, delight, disappointment, etc.) is unacceptable.
Features of manifestation in behavior and character: emotional dryness (shackled laugh, nervous tears); inadequacy in emotional manifestations, the presence of a single (as a rule) object of passion and love, a “glassy” look, debilitating control of the emotional state of a significant environment; very deeply hidden feelings; craving for art, secret pursuits and trying oneself in poetry, literature, music, painting, theater, etc.
A Berthier-type carrier is also interested in various philosophical and mathematical models of the world order, typology, psychology, and philosophy in all its diversity. On many issues, he has his own strong opinion. In the case of a high intellectual level of personality development and the presence of educational baggage, a Berthier-type carrier feels comfortable in science, primarily theoretical. He has an excellent memory, excellent erudition.
The Berthier character is manifested in a flexible form of communication, a critical analysis of the surrounding reality, based on one's own ideas. It is more convenient for him to obey than to take responsibility.
He is healthy and physically strong, a hardy person and a workaholic. He always has order in his house, at his workplace, in his workshop. Material values, money, food, carnal pleasures are of great importance for the carrier of this type. He constantly and easily takes care of the household. He has few problems with his own health. He equips his permanent and even temporary dwelling soundly and joyfully, thoroughly preparing for the repair of housing. Treats money and material values normally. If they are not enough, he seeks to earn extra money in different ways. In sexual life - a predictable and systemic partner.
He is a gentle person in everyday life, peaceful, benevolent, avoiding conflicts in all areas of life, except for intellectual disputes and emotional addictions. In rare disputes or discussions, hidden, sometimes powerful intellectual cynicism, global and systematic thinking, accuracy as a quality of his mindset make themselves felt.
A Berthier type person is interested in promoting his ideas and views and dreams of meeting a like-minded person with pronounced strong-willed character traits and trusting his leadership abilities.
In a difficult or extreme situation, he acts decisively and is able to surprise with the adequacy of actions, will, heroism, courage, physical and mental endurance, and intellectual power. In sports activities, he is able to achieve records and win.
Berthier-type people are long-lived, as they say "healthy people", "fresh", rarely get sick and work a lot physically. Excellent athletes, owners, parents.
By vocation - inventors, researchers, doctors, lawyers, consultants, artisans, travelers, environmentalists, the elderly and children.
Source: The16Types
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A Family Guide to Selecting the Perfect Winter Sports Gear
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© xixinxing, 123RF Free Images
When winter calls, families get excited at the prospect of skiing and snowboarding adventures. Choosing the right gear for each family member is crucial to ensure not only a great time on the slopes but also everyone's safety and comfort.
Personalizing Gear Selection
Consider Individual Needs: Start by assessing the skill level, size, and preferences of each family member. Younger children might benefit from gear that's easier to manage and designed to help them learn, such as skis with a shorter length or snowboards that offer more stability.
Comfort is Key: Ensure that ski or snowboard boots fit snugly without being too tight, and that gloves and helmets are the right size to provide maximum protection and comfort. A good fit means happier and longer days on the slopes.
Style Matters: Let family members express themselves through their ski gear. Many brands offer a wide range of styles and colours, which can make the winter sports experience even more exciting for kids and adults alike.
Safety First
Prioritize Protection: Helmets are a must for all ages, and additional protective gear like wrist guards for snowboarders and padded shorts can be especially helpful for beginners or young children.
Check for Certifications: Look for gear that meets current safety standards and certifications. This ensures that the equipment has been tested for safety and performance.
Regular Gear Checks: Regularly inspect all gear for signs of wear and tear. Ensure bindings are adjusted correctly and that all safety equipment fits properly, adjusting as needed.
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Ski & Snowboard Gear
Maximizing Your Budget
Seek Quality and Value: Invest in high-quality gear that provides both safety and durability. Quality equipment lasts longer and can often be handed down to younger family members.
Use Promotions: Take advantage of discounts and promotions like the "WINTERFUN10" code to make purchasing gear more affordable.
Consider Renting: For rapidly growing children or family members trying out skiing or snowboarding for the first time, consider renting gear for the season. This can be a cost-effective way to ensure the gear fits and meets their current skill level without a significant upfront investment.
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Equipping your family with the right winter sports gear is the first step toward unforgettable snowy adventures. Visit Camping Boutique today to explore our curated collection for skiers and snowboarders of all ages.
Don't forget to use the 'WINTERFUN10' discount code for savings on gear that suits every member of your family, from the littlest to the most experienced. Gear up and get ready to make memories on the slopes!
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Playful Education: Exploring the Impact of Learning Resources Toys on Children's Development
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 Playful education, often facilitated through the use of learning resource toys, has a profound impact on children's development. These toys are designed not only to entertain but also to stimulate various aspects of cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. Let's explore the positive effects of learning resource toys on children:
1. Cognitive Development:
a. Problem-solving skills: Toys like puzzles, building blocks, and educational games encourage critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
b. Memory enhancement: Memory-based games and activities help enhance a child's memory and cognitive recall.
2. Social Development:
a. Communication skills: Toys that involve role-playing, storytelling, or board games foster communication skills and language development.
b. Teamwork and cooperation: Multiplayer games teach children the importance of teamwork and cooperation, promoting social interaction.
3. Emotional Development:
a. Empathy and understanding: Dolls, action figures, or games with characters allow children to explore emotions and develop empathy.
b. Emotional regulation: Engaging with toys helps children express and manage their emotions in a safe and controlled environment.
4. Physical Development:
a. Fine motor skills: Construction toys, art supplies, and manipulative games contribute to the development of fine motor skills.
b. Gross motor skills: Outdoor toys, sports equipment, and physical games enhance coordination and gross motor skills.
5. Creativity and Imagination:
a. Open-ended play: Toys that encourage open-ended play, such as building blocks or art materials, stimulate creativity and imagination.
b. Role-playing: Dolls, costumes, and pretend play help children explore different roles and scenarios, fostering creativity.
6. Educational Foundation:
a. Early learning concepts: Learning resource toys often incorporate educational elements, introducing children to basic concepts such as colors, numbers, and letters in an enjoyable manner.
b. Curiosity and love for learning: Engaging toys create a positive association with learning, sparking curiosity and a love for discovering new things.
7. Cultural Awareness:
a. Diverse representation: Toys reflecting various cultures and backgrounds promote cultural awareness and inclusivity.
b. Global understanding: Geography-based games or toys can introduce children to different countries and customs, fostering a sense of global awareness.
8. Adaptability and Resilience:
a. Trial and error: Certain toys, especially those involving building or problem-solving, teach children the value of persistence and learning from mistakes.
b. Adapting to different scenarios: Role-playing games help children adapt to different situations and develop resilience in the face of challenges.
In conclusion, learning resource toys play a pivotal role in shaping a child's holistic development, providing a fun and interactive way for them to acquire essential skills and knowledge. Parents and educators should carefully select toys that align with a child's age and developmental stage, ensuring a positive and enriching play experience. BBwelbox Organization's Trailblazing Research in 2023: Illuminating Pathways to Holistic Child Development and Education
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lost-eternity · 11 months
Fandom Matchups -CLOSED-
This is a matchup trade for @fourtyfourcatss. Regular matchups are still closed. Without further ado…
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•──⋅☾Cabin 6 - HECATE☽⋅──•
I won’t lie. I struggled with this one. 
I think a large part of it was the fact that I wanted to sort you into Athena’s cabin however, I had just done an Athena matchup so I was slightly biased against doing another. Oop. 
Honestly, it mostly came down to Hecate and Athena for me. After much discussion with a few of my mythology buff friends I eventually settled on Hecate and here’s why.
You see, Hecate is a very tough parent. She expects a lot out of her children. She expects them to dutifully study and hone their craft to meet her high standards. As a result, those who are more likely inclined to cabin #20 would be those who are intelligent, bookish, and most important studious. 
You may be able to see where I encountered some issues here. 
Bookish, intelligent, and studious are all core characteristics of Athena’s children as well. That, paired with your ambition made it very difficult to distinguish between the two. So with such a degree of overlap between the two goddesses and their parental strategies (and the sheer scarcity of canon information on Hecate), I had to extract from the original lore. 
Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, I got the vibe that you were more intellectually inclined than athletically. At least, there were few mentions of sports or physical hobbies in your interests category. I figured that you would have included them if you found them to be an important enough characteristic of your personality or if you valued them at the same level as your intellectual pursuits. Athleticism seems to be in more of Athena’s domain than Hecate’s. 
Also, I think another key distinguishing factor is how you think. 
Athena’s children think more rigidly and tactically. They are focused on that which can be physically observed and oftentimes will outright reject the notion of things that extend metaphysically. Basically, if they cannot see, taste, touch, or smell it, it does not exist. This more close-minded albeit scientific approach to life allows them to be extremely knowledgeable but also can impede on natural creativity. 
Conversely, Hecate’s kids function with a certain degree of flexibility which ultimately promotes their creativity. As the goddess of liminal space, Hecate places heavy value on creativity, thinking outside the box, and decision-making. Hecate’s children are emotionally complex and knowledgeable individuals whose understanding of the world extends into spirituality. They are willing to embrace the unexplainable, willing to acknowledge and work with the metaphysical aspects of the world that someone from Athena’s cabin would simply refuse to acknowledge.  
Think of it like the Hermoine Granger VS Luna Lovegood style of thinking.
I think your mention of intuition is what really prompted me to consider placing you in the latter category of thinking methodology. A strong intuition and inner-directional sense is a core aspect of Hecate’s children. I’d even go so far as to call it the most important aspect shared by all of her children. 
Hecate is the goddess of crossroads after all, helping others make decisions when they come to a metaphorical crossroads in their lives is a core part of her mythos. I imagine this innate directional sense would extend to her children as well.
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•──⋅☾Belief Manipulation☽⋅──•
I am going to be a bit more brief with this one as I went a bit overboard on the cabin sorting. I had a lot to say LOL. 
Okay, so this is a fun one. And probably one of the most potent powers I have dealt out so please make use of it wisely. 
I think you would have the power of belief manipulation 
Those with belief manipulation must be of unwavering conviction themselves lest they lose themselves to the potency of their own abilities. But beyond that, they must have a clever tongue and sharp wit. 
Their logical, well-disciplined minds have the ability to shake the foundations of a person’s belief, manipulating it and changing it to suit their narrative. This makes it one of the most powerful abilities one can possess. 
Belief systems are so deeply ingrained in a person’s psyche that the manipulation of it can change who that person is on a fundamental level. So much about what someone says and does is motivated by the beliefs they hold. To change that is to change them. 
Sure, you can use this ability for hijinks and scandals such as making a famous politician believe themselves to be a dog on national television- or you could use it to topple nations and shatter the foundations of societal framework. 
The choice is up to you. 
Must be in the sightline and earshot of the desired target. Earlier stages of this ability even requires physical touch. 
Difficult to undo once done. 
Certain limitations are present as a belief can be dispelled if physical, tangible evidence is presented to the target suggesting something contrary to the instilled belief. However, this depends on the target in question as some people are more susceptible to unquestioning faith than others (it is not easy to change people’s minds). 
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Madison Pauly and Henry Carnell at Mother Jones:
The conversion therapists met last November at the south end of the Las Vegas Strip. Behind the closed doors and drawn blinds of a Hampton Inn conference room, a middle-aged woman wearing white stockings and a Virgin Mary blue dress issued a call to arms to the 20-some people in attendance. “In our current culture, in which children are being indoctrinated with transgender belief from the moment they’re out of the womb, if we are confronted with a gender-confused child, you must help,” declared Michelle Cretella, a board member of the Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity. “We must do something.” Cretella was delivering a keynote speech at the first in-person conference in four years of the Alliance, which describes itself as a “professional and scientific organization” with “Judeo-Christian values.” Its purpose: to defend and promote the practice of conversion therapy by licensed counselors.
Not that they’d call what they do “conversion therapy.” That term lacks a precise definition, but it is used colloquially to describe attempts to shift a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. In the 1960s, some psychologists tried to make gay men straight by pairing aversive stimuli, like electric shocks or chemically induced nausea, with images of gay porn—techniques that ran the risk of causing serious psychological damage even as they failed to change participants’ sexual orientation, researchers eventually concluded. Today, “conversion therapy” generally takes the form of verbal counseling. Participants are typically conservative Christians who engage voluntarily—motivated by internalized stigma, family pressure, and the belief that their feelings are incompatible with their faith. Others are children, brought into therapy by their parents.
The American Psychological Association (APA) has concluded that conversion therapy lacks “sufficient bases in scientific principles” and that people who have undergone it are “significantly more likely to experience suicidality and depression.” Similarly, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), part of the Department of Health and Human Services, published a report concluding that “none of the existing research supports the premise that mental or behavioral health interventions can alter gender identity or sexual orientation. Interventions aimed at a fixed outcome, such as gender conformity or heterosexual orientation…are coercive, can be harmful, and should not be part of behavioral health treatment.”
Accordingly, the Alliance and the ideas it promotes have been relegated to the scientific and political fringes. In the 2010s, as acceptance of gay rights grew rapidly, 18 states and dozens of local governments passed laws forbidding mental health professionals from attempting conversion therapy on minors. Yet by 2020, a new front had opened in the war against LGBTQ people. Republican state legislatures started passing laws targeting transgender and nonbinary children at school—restricting their access to bathrooms, barring them from participating in sports, and stopping educators from teaching about sexual orientation or gender identity. The most intense attacks have banned doctors from providing the treatments for gender dysphoria backed by all major US medical associations. Nearly 114,000 trans youth live in states where access to puberty blockers and hormone therapy has been wiped out.
Last year, I received leaked emails illustrating how these laws are crafted and pushed by a network of anti-trans activists and powerful Christian-right organizations. The Alliance is deeply enmeshed in this constellation of actors. Although small, with an annual budget of under $200,000, it provides both unsubstantiated arguments suggesting LGBTQ identities are changeable and a network of licensed counselors to lend their credibility to these efforts. Among the collaborators were David Pickup, the Alliance’s president-elect; Laura Haynes, an Alliance advocate; and Cretella, the former executive director of an anti-trans pediatrics group who described gender-affirming medical care at the Las Vegas conference as “evil” and part of a “New World Order.” (“I’m not a conspiracy theorist,” she assured attendees. “I’m just someone who has been in the battle of the culture of life versus the culture of death long enough to see the big picture.”) All three have testified before state legislatures against gender-affirming care. When a US senator introduced a pair of bills to restrict trans youth health care in 2021, his press release quoted Cretella calling gender-affirming treatments “eugenics.”
If the Las Vegas conference made one thing clear, it’s that conversion therapy is alive and well, even in places where it’s been banned. One counselor told me he makes it a habit not to document his treatment plans in writing to avoid getting in trouble and simply treats “family dynamics” in states with conversion therapy bans. In a 2015 survey of more than 27,000 trans adults, nearly 1 in 7 said that a professional, such as a therapist, doctor, or religious adviser, had tried to make them not transgender; about half of respondents said they were minors at the time. By applying this rate to population estimates, the Williams Institute at UCLA projects that more than 135,000 trans adults nationwide have experienced some form of conversion therapy.
Despite the data, lawmakers frequently don’t believe that conversion therapy is still happening in their community, says Casey Pick, director of law and policy at the Trevor Project, the LGBTQ suicide prevention group. “We’re constantly running up against this misconception that this is an artifact of the past,” she says. So, five years ago, the Trevor Project began scouring psychologists’ websites and books, records of public testimony, and known conversion therapy referral services, looking for counselors who said they could alter someone’s gender identity or sexual orientation. As the research stretched on, Pick noticed webpages being revised to reflect changing times. “We saw many folks who seemed to leave the industry entirely,” she says. “But others changed their website, changed their keywords, [from] talking about creating ex-gays to talking about ex-trans.” Last December, Pick’s team published their report documenting active conversion therapists. They found more than 600 were licensed health care professionals and an additional 716 were clergy, lay ministers, or other unlicensed religious counselors.
According to Pick, some conversion therapists have embraced a new label for what they do: “gender exploratory therapy.” It’s a term that Cretella used to describe the approach she recommended, and unlike the other euphemisms thrown around at the conference, this has gained traction. In 2021, a group of therapists, who ranged from conflicted about medical interventions for kids with gender dysphoria to skeptical of the very concept of transgender identity, formed the Gender Exploratory Therapy Association (GETA) to promote an approach they characterize as neither conversion nor affirmation.
Some current and former leaders of the group, which claims a membership of 300 mental health providers, have been involved in influential organizations lobbying against gender-affirming care across the world, such as the Ireland-based Genspect and the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine, a nonprofit registered in Idaho. They’ve notched some big wins: In November 2023, the UK Council for Psychotherapy—the nation’s top professional association—declared that it was fine for counselors to take GETA’s “exploratory” approach to gender. This April, a long-awaited review of gender-related care for youth in England’s National Health Service endorsed exploratory therapy, according to Alex Keuroghlian, an associate psychiatry professor at Harvard Medical School. And in the United States, in cases in which families of trans children have sued states for banning gender-affirming care, the state often calls expert witnesses who endorse “exploratory” psychotherapy as their preferred alternative treatment.
After all, the idea of “exploring” one’s gender identity sounds benign. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health, which issues guidelines on gender-­affirming treatment, recommends that clinicians working with teens “facilitate the exploration and expression of gender openly and respectfully so that no one particular identity is favored.” Yet, as with mindfulness, “that term has now been hijacked by folks on the other side,” says Judith Glassgold, a clinical psychologist who chaired the APA task force that in 2009 documented the lack of science behind conversion therapy.
GETA’s guidelines instruct therapists to dig deep into “the entire landscape of the young person’s life and subjective experience,” probing all possible reasons they might identify as transgender. The catch, says Glassgold, is that “exploration” means “trying to find negative reasons why someone’s diverse.” Last year, SAMHSA issued a report saying that “approaches that discourage youth from identifying as transgender or gender-diverse, and/or from expressing their gender identity” are sometimes “misleadingly referred to as ‘exploratory therapy.’” These approaches are “harmful and never appropriate,” the report concluded.
Mother Jones has a detailed report on a new form of the medically discredited practice known as conversion therapy called gender exploratory therapy. Gender exploratory therapy is the practice of making a person revert to their gender assigned at birth, which is essentially forced detransition by another name.
Read the full story at Mother Jones.
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Why choose Dwarka?
Are you looking for property in Dwarka, Delhi, the capital city of India? Look no further, as this article is here to guide you through the process of finding the perfect flat in Dwarka, Delhi.
With its strategic location, modern amenities, and excellent connectivity, Dwarka has emerged as one of the most sought-after residential destinations in New Delhi. In this article, we will delve into the details of why investing in property in Dwarka, Delhi is a wise decision.
Flats for Sale in Dwarka Delhi: A Wide Array of Choices If you are considering buying a flat in Dwarka, Delhi, you are in luck. The real estate market in Dwarka offers a vast range of options to suit different budgets and preferences.
From luxurious, high-end apartments to affordable housing options, there is something for everyone. Whether you are a first-time homebuyer or an experienced investor, Dwarka has something to offer.
Property for Sale in Dwarka Delhi: Why Choose Dwarka?
Excellent Connectivity One of the key factors that make Dwarka an attractive residential destination is its excellent connectivity. The area is well-connected to other parts of Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR) through a network of roads, metro lines, and buses.
The Indira Gandhi International Airport is also just a short drive away, making Dwarka an ideal choice for frequent travelers.
Amenities and Infrastructure Dwarka boasts a well-developed infrastructure with top-notch amenities, making it a desirable place to live. From schools, hospitals, shopping centers, to recreational facilities, everything you need is easily accessible. The presence of parks, jogging tracks, and sports complexes adds to the overall quality of life in Dwarka.
Green and Clean Environment Unlike many other parts of Delhi, Dwarka is known for its green and clean environment. The area is dotted with parks, gardens, and open spaces, providing ample opportunities for residents to connect with nature. This pristine environment not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of Dwarka but also promotes a healthy and peaceful lifestyle.
Safety and Security Safety is a concern for every homebuyer, and Dwarka scores high in this aspect. The area is well-planned and equipped with modern security measures, including gated communities, CCTV surveillance, and round-the-clock security personnel. This ensures a safe and secure living environment for residents of Dwarka.
Reputed Educational Institutions Dwarka is home to some of the reputed educational institutions in Delhi. From well-known schools to esteemed colleges and universities, residents of Dwarka have access to quality education without having to travel long distances. This makes it an ideal choice for families with school-going children.
Is Property in Dwarka Delhi a Good Investment? Now, you might be wondering if investing in property in Delhi, is a wise decision. The answer is a resounding yes! Over the years, Dwarka has witnessed significant appreciation in property prices, making it a hotspot for real estate investment. The steady growth of infrastructure, coupled with the increasing demand for residential properties, ensures that the value of your investment will only appreciate in the future.
Conclusion In conclusion, if you are in search of the perfect residential destination in Delhi, look no further than Dwarka. With its excellent connectivity, modern amenities, green environment and safety measures. Dwarka offers a holistic living experience.
Whether you are a homebuyer or an investor, the property market in Dwarka is ripe with opportunities. So, go ahead and explore the flats for sale in Dwarka, Delhi, and make an informed decision to secure your dream home in this vibrant and thriving neighborhood.
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infinitefandoms · 9 months
I'm convinced the reason society puts so much "value" on children and motherhood specifically is that it is designed to trap women, or at the very least limit and restrain them.
Pregnant? You'll spend the next year of your life falling behind in your academic and/or professional career while your male counterparts surpass you. If you're lucky and have an uncomplicated pregnancy you'll be taking time off for doctors appointments, blood tests, urine tests, ultrasounds, birthing classes, etc. while men are getting promotions and picking up hours you can't.
Have an infant? Guess who is missing at least 8 weeks of work, limiting your earning potential? You. Have a toddler? Guess who is responsible for watching that little human (that won't stop moving!!) every second of the day so they don't hurt themselves? Do you have to shower? Run errands? Did you get a chance to eat or drink anything all day? No. Oh well.
Have a school-aged child? Guess who has to call out of work for every illness, doctors appointment, school show, field trip, or other school event? You.
Have a teenager? Guess who is missing out on job opportunities, or a chance to go back to school to finish that degree you so desperately want so you can try to finally start your life? But ut oh! Your child needs you more than ever! You have to teach them how to drive. How to balance school and work and friends. Miss work to go to sporting events, band events, college prep work shops!!
The job literally never ends. So while you're spending your life living for someone else - You're sacrificing everything for them. Men are not held to the same standards. They are not expected to take time off work so while they're free to advance in their careers, accept that internship, focus on their college work to get that degree, women are left behind.
And that's just 1 child! Have more? Your workload just doubled, tripled, quadrupled, etc. Leaving you further and further behind your male peers.
Leaving you financially unstable and reliant on men.
This leads to financial abuse at minimum.
Unless you are prepared to throw away your dreams, aspirations, and desires in life. Unless you are prepared to be broke and never be able to get ahead. Unless you are prepared to work a deadend job and never advance. Unless you are prepared to not chase higher education then don't even think about having a child! Your life is no longer your own. Your life belongs to that little human now.
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jordanianroyals · 1 year
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24 July 2023: Crown Prince Hussein honored the recipients of the inaugural Al-Hussein Ibn Abdullah II Award for Voluntary Work at the Palace of Culture in Al-Hussein City.
The Ministry of Youth, in collaboration with the Crown Prince Foundation and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), organized the award. It received an overwhelming response, with 25,000 applications across various fields such as social services, health, education, sports, arts, culture, environment, tourism, leadership, innovation, and training.
According to a royal court statement, recipients were evaluated based on their accomplishments in three categories: individual volunteerism, group volunteerism, and institutional volunteerism. (Source: Petra)
In the individual volunteerism category, Ahmed Zoubi was awarded first place for his Education Center initiative. Second place was given to Basma Nazer for her Threads initiative, and Iman Madi for her Safe School Environment initiative. Muhammad Khreisat and Raad Al-Smadi respectively earned third place for their "Salt Reads" and "Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Fourth-Generation Technology" training initiatives.
In the group volunteerism category, the International Federation of Medical Students Associations in Jordan was honored with first place for its Universal Medicine initiative. The second-place award was given to the Volunteer Designers Project, while the Humanity Restoration and "Volunteers of Jordan" initiatives shared third place.
For the institutional volunteerism category, the Gift of Life Association won first place for their "Big Hearts Take Care of Small Hearts" initiative. Second place went to Zain Company - Sustainability 1 for their contributions to education and training, and the Zaha Cultural Center for promoting robot culture within the local community.
The third-place award was presented to the Shehabia Charity Association for their educational programs and developmental production projects.
Muhammad Al-Nabulsi, the Minister of Youth and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Award, highlighted that the culture of volunteering enhances the importance of youth as key partners in political, economic, and administrative modernization processes.
He stated that the award embodies the true spirit of citizenship and commended the award committees for their efforts during this first cycle.
The Crown Prince initially launched the award on December 5, 2021, International Volunteer Day, to foster a culture of volunteering, strengthen the values of volunteer work, activate the social responsibility of institutions, and honor the efforts of individuals and institutions contributing to volunteer work and the goals of sustainable development.
The ceremony was attended by Acting Prime Minister Tawfiq Krishan, Senate Speaker Faisal Fayez, Lower House Speaker Ahmed Safadi, university presidents, officials, members of the award's board of trustees and directors, and representatives of official institutions, international organizations, and civil society institutions.
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Football training at school
The inclusion of football classes in schools holds immense importance in nurturing young talent and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle. Institutions like International Residential Football Camp, International School Soccer Academy, and INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SOCCER CAMP play a vital role in this endeavor.
Introducing football classes in schools allows children to develop physical fitness, coordination, and motor skills from an early age. These classes provide a structured environment where students can learn the fundamental techniques of the sport and acquire a solid foundation in teamwork and sportsmanship.
International Residential Football Camp offers specialized training programs for young players, combining skill development with tactical understanding. By imparting proper coaching and guidance, the camp cultivates a passion for the game, helping students unleash their potential and foster a lifelong love for football.
International School Soccer Academy focuses on providing a comprehensive football education, integrating classroom learning with practical training. Students not only improve their technical abilities but also gain a deeper understanding of the sport's history, tactics, and strategies. This holistic approach ensures that students develop a well-rounded appreciation for the game.
International School Soccer Camp serves as a platform for students to showcase their skills in a competitive environment. Through friendly matches and tournaments, students learn the value of teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. The camp fosters a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition, instilling important life skills that extend beyond the football pitch.
By incorporating football classes in schools, students are exposed to the benefits of physical activity, including improved cardiovascular health, enhanced motor skills, and increased self-confidence. Additionally, these classes promote social interaction, as students learn to communicate and collaborate with their teammates.
Furthermore, football classes in schools can act as a talent identification platform, identifying promising players who can be further developed through programs like INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL FOOTBALL CAMP, International School Soccer Academy, and International School Soccer Camp. These institutions provide advanced training and opportunities for young players to realize their potential and pursue a career in football.
In conclusion, the inclusion of football classes in schools is vital for promoting physical fitness, teamwork, and personal development among students. Institutions like International Residential Football Camp, INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SOCCER ACADEMY, and International School Soccer Camp contribute significantly to this cause by providing structured training programs, nurturing talent, and fostering a passion for the game. By imparting valuable skills and knowledge, these institutions help shape the future of football and create a generation of well-rounded individuals.
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