#Psalm 37:4
dwuerch-blog · 10 months
Connecting the Dots
I have learned to connect the dots on so many levels. God helps me with that. Daily. If I don’t have enough time to work out, rather than stress about it, I chill. No sense making an ado about nothing. Connect the dots of “chilling” on this day. Maybe my body needs a rest day. Yikes! I have a husband now! That means my morning routine has changed. I don’t have enough time to write two blogs –…
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touchofgoddotworld · 3 months
Don't Let Your Faith Become an Unused Gift (236) - March 9 2024
Play on other Podcast Apps James 2:14 What is the use (profit), my brethren, for anyone to profess to have faith if he has no [good] works [to show for it]? Can [such] faith save [his soul]? What is the point of God giving us faith if we never use it for good works that He has predestined for us to walk in (Ephesians 2:10)? God only gives us what we need, so let us use what He has given us, for…
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tiand · 5 months
Take Delight In The Lord (Psalm 37:4)
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tom4jc · 7 months
November 8, 2023 Promise Of God
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sweet-euphoric · 1 year
Today I'm sitting here thinking how I can better myself. I keep being drawn to surrendering my thoughts, ideas and plans in the hands of God.
I keep saying to myself "If I want to improve myself why not start with the very God that nows me inside and out, the one who created me."
He knows you and I, by every strand of hair on our heads to the desires we have.
God put the desire in our hearts to be filled up with His Holy Spirit, to walk along the plan He has for both you and I.
It is so freeing when I feel myself let go and let God.
He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them. Psalm 145:19
To fear God is to obey Him. He is the Holy of Holies. The one who created everything, the maker of the stars and galaxies. He is the only reason why you are still breathing because he gives you breath.
To fear is to have understanding how powerful our God truly He is, "Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart." - Psalm 37:4
To get to God is through His one and only beloved son Jesus Christ who died an agonizing death on the cross for the sins of all. To have your sins wiped cleaned all you have to do is, "Call on the name of the Lord and you will be saved," - Romans 10:13
Its as easy as ABC
Admit you're a sinner- Romans 3:23 " for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"
Believe Jesus is Lord- John 14:6 " Jesus said, " I am the way , the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
Call upon His name- Romans 10:13 " Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."
Jesus please forgive me of my sins, I have done wrong against you. I now know you are my Lord and saviour. I now accept you into my life and now surrender my life to you. Lead me as I walk with you and build my relationship with you as a reborn believer in Christ.
In Jesus name amen
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tinamhunt · 2 years
Hopeful or Hope-filled
And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love (Romans 5:5, NLT) Yesterday began the new litergical Church year and the observance of Advent in preparation for Christmas. Around the world pastors went to before their congregations with a message of hope. My pastor was among them. The…
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vickihinze · 2 years
Lazarus and the Tooth by Julie Arduini
Lazarus and the Tooth by Julie Arduini
Our daughter has had the same set of braces for four years and counting. The orthodontist has tried to make light of our long term relationship by joking he will most likely be in Hannah’s future wedding because they have known each other so long. As you can imagine, we aren’t ready to laugh just yet. I knew the process would take longer than most because of what I’ve read about hypothyroidism…
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walkswithmyfather · 11 months
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Psalm 37:4-7 (NASB 1995). “Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light And your judgment as the noonday. Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes.”
“The Bigger Picture” By In Touch Ministries:
“To avoid error and understand the truth of Scripture, we must read verses in context.”
“When studying a Bible verse, it’s important to consider the surrounding scriptures. Without understanding the context, we might get the wrong idea.
Psalm 37 is a great example. In verse 4, David writes that God “will give you the desires of your heart.” By itself, this phrase makes the Lord sound like a genie. The full verse, however, reveals that our desires are met when we delight ourselves in the Lord. What this means is, when we take pleasure in spending time with the Father—learning what pleases Him and praying for discernment—our heart aligns with His.
In verse 5 of the same psalm, we’re promised the desires of our heart again when we commit our way to the Lord. Then in verse 7, David writes, “Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.” The kind of desires David is referring to come from a heart committed to God and His perfect timing. Jesus confirmed this truth when He promised, “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you” (Matthew 6:33).
In the broader context, we see that God is not a source of instant gratification, but instead—and even better—He is a wise and loving Father. The full, true picture of Scripture is always the best one.”
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tinav73 · 5 months
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granonine · 9 months
Peace! Be Still!
Psalm 89:9. Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise,Thou stillest them. (I have the PC for a while this morning! I didn’t expect to have it, but here goes} One of my all-time favorite stories from the New Testament is this one–Jesus calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee. This was a landlocked sea, situated in a kind of bowl. Such storms result from differences in…
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dwuerch-blog · 12 days
Our Hotline to God
I well remember when the U.S. and the Soviet Union created a hotline between President John Kennedy and Russia’s Premier Nikita Khrushchev. It was in October 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis. It made sure that both countries’ leaders could have a chat before things escalated. Imagine that — a red phone with a direct line to avoid World War III! When we were docked at Bar Harbor, Maine, Carl…
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Delight yourself in the Lord, And He will give you the desires and petitions of your heart.
Psalms 37:4 AMP
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touchofgoddotworld · 1 year
What Do You Believe During Your Time in the Wilderness? (192) - May 6 2023
LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST Pastor Catrice speaks on this week’s topic about the heart of the Christian when finding themselves in a Wilderness. Moses sent out scouts to report back what they found in Canaan, the land which God had given His children. However, some of them brought back an evil report because they were afraid by what they saw and didn’t acknowledge the Lord and believe He would give…
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amylinneaposts · 1 year
Fret Not
Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil. Psalm 37:8 Would you agree anger is usually a result of not being in control? Your spouse’s actions, your child’s reaction, someone bumps your car on the road. When we are not in control, we tend to get angry. And when we are angry, we become anxious. And when we are anxious, we sin, which is evil. That’s what Psalm…
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