#Punches the wall
citrus-c0la · 8 months
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Sorrows and Burdens
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hawkeyeslaughter · 9 months
i like you * tumblr posts your mash characters *
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cuppajj · 7 months
just Overlord holding Shadow Milk cookie as if they are some dynamic evil villain duo cross over
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you know how much i hate it here
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screams-in-writing · 5 months
This starts out reading as a more horror-esque story, before Mr. Puzzles is found to just be bad at personal space and that phasing into one’s home is frowned upon (I think this is even longer than the other one I posted. I am having fun).
Your roommates were at their respective family homes, which left you all alone during a raging thunderstorm.  A storm that lit the house with flashes of intermittent lightning, rain coming down like a deluge, as if threatening to flood the very streets around the home.
In addition, the power had gone out not ten minutes ago, leaving you in the dark to hold onto a flashlight one of your roommates had stored in a kitchen drawer. It wasn’t the brightest shine, either, the path of the beam flickering itself, as if the battery were close to dying out. The subsequent dark of the house following the power outage, despite the light said flashlight produced, made you become acutely away of the ambient noises around you.
The basement door was ignored; you’d seen enough horror movies and games to avoid going down there like the plague. Even if you were all alone in the house, you were not going to let your mind get away from you by going to check out the electrical panel.
There was a slight thumping sound from the dining room, like someone had tripped. 
You went in the opposite direction of the noise, and began to carefully go up the stairs, an unnerving feeling of being watched settling in.  The flashlight died not even three steps up. Propelled by spike of alarm that there could be someone behind you now that it was dark, you blindly raced up the stairs. Panic shot through you when you could have sworn you heard steps swiftly following up after you.
Nope. Nope nope nope.
The hallway wasn’t completely dark, thanks to a window from another room nearby that was open, allowing a vague outline to your closed bedroom door. 
Telling yourself you’d checked all the doors and windows before your roommates had left for the weekend, you slam your bedroom door open. Without missing a beat, you stumble to your bed and hid under the covers of the bed like you could keep yourself hidden from whatever you thought could have followed you upstairs. 
Creaking noises. 
Someone was walking?
No, that was just the siding of the house being hit with the sheets rain.
A shuffling noise.
Just the rain pelting the windows.
A thump sounded in the brief silence.
That…had came from underneath your bed.
You peer out from beneath the blanket to warily peer over the side of the bed. You were met with a sheepish expression with a multi-colored smile on a tv screen staring up at you.
“Hello, my-“
In a panic, because how could there be a television on under your bed, you abruptly tossed the blanket over the tv screen. In a burst of frenzied terror, you dropped down onto the tv on your knees with a thump, making a garbling noise emit from beneath you. Further terror seized you when a pair of arms reached out from beneath the bed to upend you. Scrambling to get to your feet, you are halted by a hand seizing one of your arms. With a scream of fear you’re pulled backward into a solid chest, arms around your waist as someone held you. 
A voice cut through the cacophony of rain and thunder, saying your name.
Confused, you still for just a moment, noticing the glow in the room that came from behind you. It illuminated a pair of legs on either side of you, which boxed in your upright if curled up form.  A pair of familiar legs in gray pants with puzzle patterns on it, ending with black and white dress shoes. Confusion rose as you glanced down and found arms covered in a white dress shirt, gloved hands twitching when your hands settled over them.
“Mr. Puzzles?”
“The one and only!” Said with gusto, if in an out of breath way.
You’d essentially landed your knees into his face, hard.
“Why are you in my house?” You felt Mr. Puzzles’ hands fidget under yours. 
“Would you believe it is because I have nowhere else to go, when I am not at work with you or our…co-workers?” It sounded like Mr. Puzzles still wasn’t married to the idea that he needed to work with a team to get a show up and running.  Possibly because it wasn’t the kind of show he was used to, in that it was  podcast being taped or just audio, depending on the current money situation.
“And this brings you into my house, how?”
“…I remember where it was because it was the first place I appeared? And I wasn’t sure if a hotel would…let me in? Or if I let myself in, someone might be…very, very confused.” Mr. Puzzles offered, almost sheepishly. “And so…i may be able to do an eensy-weeny little thing-”
“Which is?” You cut in, before the man could go off on a tangent.
“…I used the old box tv still plugged into the basement and replaced it with myself before the power went out?”
So there was something to fear in the basement, though Mr. Puzzles was less terrifying than an actual burglar that might cause you harm. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t weird and rather intruding for this tv-headed man to just let himself into your and your roommates’ house.
“I take it that isn’t…done as much here, as where I’m from?” Mr. Puzzles asked into the silence, amid the storm raging on.
“No, it’s not.”
“I see.” 
An awkward silence reigned briefly.
“I could go to the basement and wait for the power to turn on, if my presence is truly troubling.” That sounded like it had come through gritted teeth; impressive, for someone with a screen for a face. Like he wanted to be in the company of someone but also acknowledging, reluctantly, that being in the home of an acquaintance-almost-friend without notice or approval wasn’t the best thing to happen.
“Why did you show up to begin with. Apart from not having a place to go?” You finally clue into leaning against the man and swiftly pull away, which Mr. Puzzles quickly allowed for as he rested against a nearby wall.
“Oh, right.” Gloved fingers fidget; Mr. Puzzles suddenly looked embarrassed, screen shifting as a frown appeared, droplets of sweat shown on one upper area of the screen. “I asked for everyone’s phone numbers, to stay in touch, you see. I must admit, I was so caught up in the idea of being involved in a show again-“ In a quieter, deeper grumbling tone, “Yet not even a host of it.” 
You stare at the man, who quickly ‘cleared’ his throat and continued on.
“Not that I’m not grateful for another chance.”Mr. Puzzles’ voice became clear and upbeat once more. “Why, the very thought held me in a chokehold of inspiration and it wasn’t until the end of the work day that I realized I’d forgotten to ask for your number.”
It was such an absurd thing that you had to laugh, which made Mr. Puzzles’ face shift to one as well as a laugh track mixed with his own.
“You do know you could have waited until tomorrow.” You said. “The storm is supposed to be gone by the morning.”
“You dont know why?” Mr. Puzzles reached out to grasp one of your hands.
Personal space, much?
“I wanted to thank my dear rescuer, who not only didn’t dump my prone head into a dumpster-“ Mr. Puzzles shuddered in apparent revulsion over the very idea. “But you also found me a place I could use a rather free rein of my creative expression at while getting back on my feet!”
“Free rein, meaning putting two of my arguing co-workers into your television head land or whatever while people thought they’d gone missing?” You ask dubiously as you take your hand back, though Mr. Puzzles had let go already to wave the hand dismissively.
“Schematics. One must make sacrifices for a good television show.”
“You sent one of them to therapy.” You deadpanned.
“To be fair, that fellow appeared to already be in need of such survives.” Mr. Puzzles shrugged in apparent indifference.
“Pot calling the kettle black.”
“I’m offended.” The man placed a hand over his chest, Mr. Puzzles’ screen face switching to a picture of a sat wet cat. “No one in this world could possibly handle the amount of therapy I would require, so I’m afraid coping will just have to be enough.”
“At least you’re honest about it.”
“I do try my best.” Cheerful and insincere. This man had a screw loose somewhere in that tv head of his.
A bright flash of lightning followed by a deafening rumble that shook the house.
You practically flung yourself at the nearest object for comfort, which happened to be Mr. Puzzles, who seemed confused by the sudden death-cling you held him in versus the conversation suddenly being interrupted.
“Not a fan of storms?” Mr. Puzzles asked eventually.
“What do you think?”
“…would you like me to play something for you?” Mr. Puzzles questioned in a softer tone than before.
“Like what?” You whispered.
“Well, that depends.” Mr. Puzzles tilted his head. “Would you want to watch or listen?”
“Listen.” You decided after a brief moment of thought.
“Any requests?”
Genuine. Curious.
“Nah, surprise me.”
A mistake, that.
If you hadn’t been in need of holding something alive and breathing for reassurance (how did Mr. Puzzles manage that, with his head being what it was) you might have tried to uselessly to smother the man with a pillow.
The asshole was playing a recording of the fitness gram pacer test, apparently quite happy to return the hug, as touch-starved and friendless as Mr. Puzzles made himself appear. But Mr. Puzzles redeemed himself some time later when he eventually switched over to a channel playing orchestral music that was loud enough that it dulled the noise of the storm, but not loud enough that you missed sound of something else. 
With your head leaning against his chest, you heard the thumping of a heart. This man’s body was a confusing mess; a tv for a head, yet his body gave in the way a human’s did, but at times, you wondered if he was robotic.  And if that was the case, were you hearing an actual heartbeat, or just the sound of one to make this impromptu holding one another for comfort in the dark less unnerving?
A thought to pursue another day.
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solivagantingrebel · 10 months
I hate writing through my phone :/
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stropharian-world · 3 months
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WIP for next week, since I only have time to draw in the weekends *sheds tear*
Still trying to figure out a schedule to get at least 1h to draw without giving up too much of my sleeping hours. Yeah work-life (un)balance is fun.
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penguin--person · 2 months
waiter waiter more games please!!!
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waitineedaname · 1 year
something I find interesting about Scar is that he's not like. needlessly cruel. Sure, he's on this revenge quest and killing state alchemists, but he's very focused on that quest and doesn't go out of his way to kill unrelated people. He kills people who get directly in his way, but most civilians are left alone. I always think about him agreeing to spare Al when Ed begs him to, or how even when Winry is pointing a gun at him he says he understands her motivations and won't consider her an enemy until she shoots him. His complexity is what's so interesting to me, and this element of him executing violent revenge while also demonstrating these moments of compassion is so good
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gracebethartacc · 8 months
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twirls hair. Guess who figured out how they wanted Wishing Star aging system to function in their au
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darknoverse · 2 months
Do y'all enjoy otters btw
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I still gotta finalize her design but her name is opal btw :3
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hawkeyeslaughter · 7 months
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hawkeye and trapper // “ funeral song “ , phoebe bridgers
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kyorru · 28 days
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yay kirara’s boyfriend isn’t dead 😒😒
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ghastigiggles · 1 month
ohhh god no wait i might actually have to write a fic bc a few scenes came to me in a vision looking at one of these prompts...
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screams-in-writing · 5 months
Mr. Puzzles and the Reader, standing in front of a floor-length mirror while wearing new outfits be like:
“Would you look at those clothes with that gorgeous face!” Mr. Puzzles exclaimed as he casually draped an arm over your shoulders to hold you closer to his side. “What a spectacular transformation! I never thought it would be possible!”
“It’s just a different outfit; I look exactly the same.” You watched as Mr. Puzzles’ expression shifted to something much more devious as he met your gaze in the mirror.
“You look very nice too, my dear!” Mr. Puzzles wryly said as he lightly squeezed your shoulder. “You clean up well!”
It took you a moment, and when it hit you, you rolled your eyes.
“You such a bast-“ A gloved finger pressed over your lips to silence you as Mr. Puzzles leaned over, his other arm helping him in his endevour to press the line of his body into yours while he affectionately leant his boxy head carefully against yours.
“I must insist that no bad words be used.” Mr. Puzzles murmured. “We wouldn’t want any bad ratings to come of such things.”
“…we are literally standing in front of a mirror in a department store. What do you-“ You frowned then gasped. “Are you recording our outing?!”
“Is that not something I should do?” Mr. Puzzles sounded serious at that. “I want to have this ‘outing’ when I want to reminisce about it in the future. Don’t worry. Any personal talk won’t be out to the public. I’m trying a different format of a show and-.”
(Mr. Puzzles does not have a good rest of the day as he learns of more boundaries that he needs to respect)
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lumimis · 2 months
it's way too close to my birthday i do not like this
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roetrolls · 6 months
So who's gonna tell Zerkev that Harlan sicked the twins on Mallum
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"Harlan did that, did he? Poor dear."
> This interception isn't for narrative reasons, for the record.
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"What a dreadful fright that must have been.".
> Harlan just really wanted to gloat.
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