#Purple corn extract
newcellfend · 2 years
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Our capsules are made of glutinous rice starch, which is gluten free. The name “glutinous” is misleading, as it’s actually gluten free.The name simply comes from the consistency of the rice variety when cooked.
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lees-chaotic-brain · 2 months
hooray!! congrats on the good news, i hope the streak continues!
okay i'm glad you won't be uncomfortable with the stuff i interact with. i didn't bother with any warnings on my blog bc i'm mostly here to consume things and don't expect too many people to wander by lol. but! since i have been coming out of my lil lurker basement lately i finally at least added a color scheme to it so i look less like a bot.
oh man oh man where to start on tea and jackets? what are your go-to's for either? i'm kind of a tea purist-i prefer tea the east asian (chinese/japanese/korean) way, just pure tea leaves and occasional aromatics with no additional sugar or cream unless i'm specifically making a milk tea. i don't really like herbal teas. i want that camellia sinensis in my shit. my default tea rn is probably hojicha. i made a sunrise burnt basque hojicha cheesecake and though the layers didn't come out as cleanly as i wanted it tasted lovely. a tumblr friend on here inspired me to try out the burnt basque with a FANTASTIC green thai tea i have next! (if you're in the market for the green thai tea and are usa-based i cannot recommend it enough. it's so unique bc green thai is uncommon in the states already, and most of it comes from the powder packets but the one i have is all whole ingredients, no extracts or dye or flavor enhancements and it is DIVINE. sooo fragrant with pandan and vanilla and mint. i will scarf down anything with pandan in it but this is especially lovely)
i basically only own leather jackets or blazers, i have an embarassing amount of both. i did just do a closet purge with a friend's help though and i am proud of say i got rid of like, 16 college-era (p)leather jackets and blazers that had seen better days/are no longer in style
ty for sticking around for my D1 yapping!
dw abt it LMAO. it's not super apparent, but if you look close enough you can see my inner hoe poking through in my tags, so yes. i definitely consume smut and dark content and am looking forward to seeing your stuff on my dash 🤭
omg and for tea? i literally drink any and all kinds of tea. so again, if you've been on my blog long enough/look closely i'm pretty sure i've mentioned it before but i'm half korean, and i while i love all kinds of tea, the tea my mom made for me are nostalgic and bring me comfort. i almost always drink my teas plain (chai being the only exception) or with a little bit of honey.
i LOVE herbal teas. i can't really drink a ton of caffeine with my adhd meds or i genuinely start tweaking. like twitching and all that shit, so i normally drink other teas even though i really enjoy green and black teas :')
i'm a sucker for jackets and boots, and while i don't have too many, i definitely own a few, but i'll probably reblog this post and rant about them later lmao
if you're interested, here is a comprehensive list of my top ten favorite teas (in no particular order), how i drink them, and why. thank you for attending my lecture.
1. you are so right about hojicha. i love green tea, but my absolute favorite variation of green tea is nokcha. i love the extra flavor the brown rice brings to it. i normally drink it plain, but if i'm feeling fancy i'll steam a little milk and add a drizzle of honey
2. this definitely isn't korean, but when i was little my mom would make me this tea and it was so, so, so, good. it's basically just a stick of cinnamon, some apples slices up, orange and lemon peel, and a little bit of honey boiled together for like an hour. it's literally my favorite thing to drink in the fall bc it just warms me up from the inside
3. oksusu-cha. it's basically a korean tea made from roasted corn kernels and i really, really, like it. it's different from a lot of teas in the sense that it's almost savory, but its taste is very unique and almost earthy? idk how to describe it but i highly recommend trying it. i always drink it plain, but pouring it over heukmi bap (korean purple rice) and eating is also amazing
4. earl gray. i know this one is very british and different from the rest of the teas i drink, but i love having a cup of it once in a while! i drink it black sometimes, but i'll also drink it with either lemon and honey, or a little milk and honey
5. chamomile my love. i love love love a nice cup of chamomile before bed while i'm reading a book! i almost always drink it plain, but if i'm on my period i add a spoonful of honey
6. hibiscus tea. while this isn't necessarily my favorite taste wise, it brings back a lot of memories from when i was little and would go to a cafe with my mom. not to say i don't enjoy the flavor, it's just a little too sweet and a little too tart for me to drink a lot of
7. gyulpi cha. it's a korean citrus peel tea (not unlike #2) and it's really, really, good. i always drink it plain.
8. chai. this is the only type of tea i drink with a ton of stuff in it. i'm currently boycotting starbucks, but i love their iced chai latte with sweet cream foam. during fall i normally get it with some pumpkin flavoring lol. however i barely consider the drink tea at this point lmao
9. lavender tea. i absolutely love a cup of lavender tea before bed. i always drink it plain, and think the scent is so calming!
10. and finally lilac tea. i love lilacs. growing up we had a massive lilac bush and the smell always brings me back. i really enjoy its subtly sweet and floral flavor, and always drink it plain.
anyways, that's it for the tea lmao.
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Meet Ditza, the tiny alien :D
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Information under the cut
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Personality 👾
Ditza is a very gentle and loving lil Squisha, she cares for those around her and tries her best to help out despite her teeny stature. She is also very snuggly and warm. She also wants to protect those she loves.
Yes Ditza is gentle, but saying 'She wouldn't hurt a fly' is kinda a lie... she eats spiders and other bugs that dare cross her path.
Don't make her angry. Not for your sake but for hers. If shes angry enough she'll try to attack you.. but she won't do any damage, it just feels like someone is semi-roughly tapping you with two fingers. Just please make sure she doesn't hurt herself.
Ditza mostly speaks Japanese for that's where she planned to land, but her sense of direction is a bit off so she ended up in america instead.
Appearance 👾
Ditza in a way resembles the stereotypical image of aliens humans came up with, but there are different aspects about her.
For one, there's her size and figure, rather than large and skinny, she stands at about 5 inches tall and has an extremely chubby figure. She also has short fur covering her being, it being the longest at the ends of her stubby antennae.
Her eyes are large and purple, having no pupils, but multiple highlights and some lashes.
Hobbies and likes 👾
Ditza loves to watch Invader Zim, her favorite characters are Dib and Gaz.
She enjoys music and often finds herself singing along to Kikuo, Mafumafu, Hachi, and Insane Clown Posse
She loves big dogs, to be more specific, her human friend's Pitbull Boxer mix. He's very gentle with her and they love to play together.
She enjoys human treats like Caramel corn, Girlscout cookies, and those mini donut bags you get at gas stations.
She likes to draw on stickynotes, preferably white ones so the colors are accurate.
Ditza, as kind as she is, was alone on her home planet. Nobody liked her and they bullied and ridiculed her for her small stature and extra chub. They were absolute jerks to her. :(
One day she decided to go somewhere else and start anew, and hopefully make some friends. So Ditza got into her ship and blasted off into space, a few hours later she came across earth.
She stayed in orbit and did research on the cultures and landscapes. She then chose Japan as her landing destination. After that, she studied the Japanese language and learned to speak it. After 2 years, she was ready to land!
Ditza didn't realize her map was upside down as she read it, and accidentally landed in america instead where she met her human friend, Eruka.
Eruka is a famous VTuber and artist, shes also a huge flippin weeb.
Eruka was confused at first when Ditza introduced herself, but when she recognized the language as Japanese (Eruka knows Japanese because she wanted to sing Vocaloid songs, so she learned it), she put the peices together and quickly made friends with Ditza.
Unfortunately though, the american government and its unhealthy obsession with capturing and dissecting aliens, tracked the signal of Ditza's ship and knew that she was with Eruka.
After the two of them found out the government was after them, Eruka sold her house and furniture (except for her plushies, merch, and figures) and bought an RV.
After loading her dog, Míké, and the rest of what they needed, they headed to the bank where Eruka extracted all of her savings and deleted her account. After of which she put it all in a safe under her bed.
They were then (kinda) off the grid besides from Eruka's phone which she used to keep in touch with her family. Now not only was Ditza safe, She and Eruka can now travel and see the world together! And so they do, Eruka being able to travel, sell her art, and interact with her fans, and Ditza being able to live a happy life with her best friends.
Trivia and Facts 👾
Ditza will cry if she learns about sad historic events and disasters.
Ditza's tears are gelatinous and acidic to non-living things.
Eruka is a big weeb and loves watching anime and cartoons with Ditza. If there's anime she will NEVER watch with Ditza though, its Foodwars, and Highschool DXD.. or anything CLOSE to hentai. (PROTECT THE ALIEN SCRINKLE)
Ditza learned how to sew and likes to make little dresses for herself out of cozy fabrics she finds at Walmart, she also makes hairties for Eruka and collars for Míké.
Eruka's dog is named after Killua Zoldyk's dog from 'Hunter x Hunter'.
Míké is very gentle with Ditza and treats her very gently, even when he plays with her.
Eruka is of scottish descent and is a big fan of putting her hair up in the traditional braided hairstyles. Not box braids though, she knows not to cross that line. And that's out of actual respect, not just a fear of getting cancelled on the internet.
Ditza's favorite Kikuo song is 'Knife Knife Knife', lil squisha loves the melody and sound.
Speaking of Kikuo, yall know how he makes Miku sound high pitched and it gives this kinda cute but eerie vibe? Thats basically Ditza's voice. Like for real, she sounds exactly like that. Not normal Miku, high pitched Miku.
Ditza rolls. Just curls up in a ball and rolls around. She accidentally did a somersault one day and she liked it so she did it again and again and again, and boom! She learned how to roll. Shes not fast though lol.
Míké gently uses Ditza as a squeaky toy. She laughs SO hard. Its like when you play towel peekaboo with a baby.
Ditza floats in water and loves swimming.
Eruka, while on the road in the RV, at one point stopped by a pet store and bought a beta fish. Its name is Seili, its still alive and well despite the turbulence of the roads.
Speaking of turbulence, Ditza loves big hills and roads full of potholes. She finds the bumps and altitude changes fun.
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Thanks for Reading!
Hope yall like her!!👾💚
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dowordsmatter · 10 months
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Ube-Macapuno Cake Filipino ube cake is made with purple yams, filled with macapuno coconut preserves, and frosted with sweet buttercream for a gorgeous 3-layer cake. 1 cup white sugar, 7 egg whites, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1 drop violet food coloring, 7 egg yolks lightly beaten, 1/2 cup corn syrup, 1 cup evaporated milk chilled, 2.5 cups cake flour, 1 jar macapuno, 1 teaspoon cream of tartar, 1 cup butter softened, 6 drops red food color, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 3/4 cup white sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup vegetable oil, 6 drops blue food coloring, 1 cup ube cooked and finely grated, 3/4 cup milk
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molianno · 1 year
Follow These Three Steps and Look 10 Years Younger!
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‼ Skin Aging and Oxidation are Closely Related
It has been proven that skin aging is closely related to the oxidation process in our skin. Oxidation can lead to a lack of elasticity, dryness, and the appearance of wrinkles.
❓ What is Skin Oxidation?
Skin oxidation occurs when there is an excessive amount of free radicals in our bodies. Excessive free radicals can intensify the cross-linking of collagen proteins, accelerate the degradation of elastic fibers, and result in decreased skin tension, loss of elasticity and suppleness, as well as the appearance of wrinkles, dryness, and roughness.
‼ Antioxidant Ingredients
✔ Vitamin C: A potent antioxidant with strong reducing properties.
✔ EOPE: Enhances the skin's oxygen absorption capacity, absorbs reactive oxygen species, reduces the generation of free radicals, and prevents oxidation.
✔ Astaxanthin: Constitutes an antioxidant system in the body that protects against free radical attacks.
✔ Resveratrol: Effectively clears and inhibits free radicals, achieving antioxidant and brightening effects.
✔ Retinol: Promotes normal keratinocyte turnover, reduces wrinkles, and fades fine lines.
✔ Lutein: Prevents cellular and body aging, and prevents oxidative damage from oxygen free radicals.
❓ How to Fight Oxidation
✔ Internal Regulation
Consciously increase the intake of protein and dietary fiber (tofu, eggs, chicken breast, fish, and shrimp). Limit the consumption of processed and high-sugar foods. Foods like rice, bread, and noodles contain a high amount of sugar, so I reduce their intake and opt for black rice, purple sweet potatoes, and corn instead.
✔ Skincare
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It is essential to choose antioxidant skincare products, especially antioxidant face creams and eye creams. I am currently using the VIIcode T2 O2.5 Oxygen Eye Cream, which is formulated with plant extracts, specifically EOPE, to enhance the skin's oxygen absorption capacity and provide antioxidant benefits. I really love this eye cream as it has helped maintain the condition around my eyes. The texture of the eye cream is lightweight, easy to apply, and has a subtle fragrance that is quite pleasant.
✔ Lifestyle Habits
Engage in regular exercise and avoid prolonged sitting. Let physical activity help us metabolize excess sugar in our bodies. Maintain a good sleep schedule, as proper rest also promotes our body's metabolism.
To be honest, if you want to maintain a radiant and flawless complexion, following these three steps I mentioned will be more effective than spending money on various complicated and expensive skincare products. Moreover, they are gentle and completely risk-free.
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foodandbeverages · 1 year
Dietary Fibres Market | Country Level Analysis, Current Trade Size And Future Prospective 2022 to 2032
The global dietary fibers market was worth US$ 8.8 Billion in the year 2022 and is expected to reach US$ 18.6 Billion by the year 2032 at a staggering CAGR of 10.6% between 2022 and 2032.
The ongoing trend is that of a paradigm shift, i.e. from pharmaceuticals to nutraceuticals. Plus, there is an increase in HQ (Health Quotient) amongst the populace. These trends are expected to take the dietary fibers market by storm in the upcoming period. The other advantage is that of need to exercise control over diabetes, hypertension, and heart-related ailments.
Get Sample Copy@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-3376
Dietary fibers get extracted from diverse sources through dry processing, wet processing, gravimetric, chemical, enzymatic, physical, and microbial methods.
As per the National Institutes of Health, over 60-70 Million Americans do experience various digestive health issues. Moreover, as per Harward School of Public Health, children and adults require atleast 20-30 grams of dietary fibers every single day. Constipation could also be controlled through dietary fibers.
With growing production of grains & cereals like whole wheat, oats, corn, rye, barley, popcorn, wild rice, brown rice, triticale, buckwheat, millet, and bulgur, the global dietary fibers market is likely to grow on a remarkable note in the near future. However, it’s pretty challenging to use dietary fibers as components in food and beverage applications as they are immune to hydrolysis.
Whole grains like rye, wheat, and barley contain pentose, beta-glucan, and arabinoxylans; wheat bran, maize, and rice contain helicelluloses, cellulose, and lignin; whereas fruits like figs, avocado, orange, Metamucil, and purple passion fruit and vegetables like turnip and potatoes contain fibers.
Legumes contain 3 forms of dietary fibers inclusive of resistant starch, soluble fiber, and insoluble fiber. These days, legumes are being increasingly adopted in nutrition bars, snacks, and bakeries.
Future Market Insights has walked through these facts with future perspectives in its latest market study entitled ‘Dietary Fibers Market’. The team of analysts and consultants is there to execute through its bottom-up approach in primary, secondary, and tertiary modes of research.
“With growing concerns about increase in cholesterol, the global dietary fibers market is expected to grow on an irresistible note in the near future”, says and analyst from Future Market Insights.
Talk to Our Analyst@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/ask-question/rep-gb-3376
Key Takeaways from Dietary Fibers Market
The     Asia-Pacific holds more than 30% of the market share with Japan,     Indonesia, and China leading from the front. It’s interesting to learn     that Chinese end-customers are into following the global food trends owing     to exposure to the worldwide food products.
North     America holds a significant market share with the US witnessing an upsurge     in intake of dietary fibers in daily foods along with increase in     production of functional food.
Europe     is expected to grow on the back of Italy due to rising demand for     nutrient-fortified foods.
LATAM     is driven by Brazil with increased efforts on the part of supplementation     and fortification; which do stimulate usage of dietary fibers amongst     every age group. These fibers are added to higher-value items such as     flakes, puffs, and crisps. The locally-available sources include     asparagus, chicory root, Jerusalem artichoke, leeks, jicama, and whole     grains.
Competitive Dietary Fibers
Cargill,     Inc., in October 2019, did invest US$ 35 Million for expanding its line of     starches, sweeteners, and texturizers for including dietary fibers. This     project is the organization’s very first step toward soluble dietary     fibers all across Europe.
Batory     Foods, in September 2020, inked an agreement with BioHarvest Sciences, Inc     for making an entry into the US nutraceuticals and edible CBD market.
What does the Report say?
The     research study is based on type (soluble (inulin, polydextrose, dietary     fibers, beta-glucan) and insoluble (cellulose, hemicellulose, chitosan,     chitin, lignin, and resistant starch)), by source (cereals & grains     (wheat, rice, bran, and others), fruits & vegetables (apples and     others), and others), and by application (functional food & beverages,     animal feed, pet food, and pharmaceuticals).
With     realization that dietary fibers help the body in eliminating waste,     maintaining weight, and preventing diabetes and cardiac ailments by     curtailing cholesterol and blood sugar levels, the global dietary fibers     market is bound to grow voraciously in the near future.
Get Special pricing with flat 20% Discount on the purchase of this report@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/checkout/3376
Dietary Fibres Market Segmentation
By Type:
 Dietary      Fibres
 Resistant      Starch
By Source:
By Application:
Functional     Food & Beverages
Animal     Feed
Pet     Food
Information Source: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/dietary-fibres-market
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bonnie645 · 2 years
TrueMed Healthy Hair Nail and Skin Support: Women’s Beauty dietary supplement is made with Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Biotin, Garcinia Cambogia Fruit extract with 60% Hydroxycitric acid, Organic Maca powder from the root, Organic Camu Powder from flowers, Organic Purple Corn Powder, and Taurine. 100% Natural Beauty: Women’s Beauty contains completely natural and organic ingredients. These dietary supplements contain no added color, preservative, or artificial flavors. Daily usage: Take 2 capsules a day with a meal for best performance Made with Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, among other specialized ingredients, Truemed Beauty may offer: Support for healthy hair, nails, & skin Support for anti-aging Enhancement in desire and libido Support for the immune system Support for weight loss Anti-oxidation
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chrome-birb · 2 years
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Purple Stuff™ (a.k.a. corn cob anthocyanin extract)
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newcellfend · 2 years
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leolcann · 2 years
Making the perfect AVOCADO-BLUEBERRY MUFFINS (Sponsored) should only take approximately 55 min . Below are the ingredients and directions for you to easily follow. The AVOCADO-BLUEBERRY MUFFINS (Sponsored) recipe can feed your family for 12 Muffins.
There are many different ways to make this AVOCADO-BLUEBERRY MUFFINS (Sponsored) recipe. Once you’re familiar with our recommended ingredients and directions, you can add your own twist to this recipe to make it your own! We’ve also listed potential Cookware items below that might be necessary for this AVOCADO-BLUEBERRY MUFFINS (Sponsored) recipe.
AVOCADO-BLUEBERRY MUFFINS (Sponsored) Popular Ingredients
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 ripe, Fresh California Avocado, seeded and peeled
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup plain yogurt
6 oz. (1 1/4 cup) fresh Naturipe® blueberries
Streusel Topping (recipe follows)
1/4 cup flour
1/3 cup sugar
3 tbsp. butter, softened
1 tsp. cinnamon
Steps for making AVOCADO-BLUEBERRY MUFFINS (Sponsored)
Streusel Topping:
1.Whisk together the flour, sugar, and cinnamon. Add the butter, and mix in using your fingers to rub the butter into the dry ingredients. Set aside.
2.Preheat oven to 375°F. Line a muffin tin with 12 paper liners.
3.In a medium bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
4.Spoon avocado into a stand mixer and beat until almost smooth. Add sugar and beat until well blended.
5.Add the egg, beating until completely combined. Add the vanilla and the yogurt and mix well.
6.Put the flour mixture into a sifter and sift half of the mixture into the batter and mix until just combined. Sift in the remaining flour and mix until just blended. Gently fold in the blueberries.
7.Using a spoon or an ice cream scoop, divide the batter among the 12 cups. Sprinkle the streusel topping over the batter in the 12 cups, dividing evenly.
8.Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until a wooden tester comes out clean. Let cool in the pan on a rack for 5 minutes before removing.
9.Serve warm or at room temperature.
Serving Suggestion: Serve warm with a little butter or your favorite jam.
Popular Categories for this Recipe
Muffin – A muffin is an individually portioned baked product, however the term can refer to one of two distinct items: a part-raised flatbread (like a crumpet) that is baked and then cooked on a griddle (typically unsweetened), or an (often sweetened) quickbread (like a cupcake) that is chemically leavened and then baked in a mold. While quickbread “American” muffins are often sweetened, there are savory varieties made with ingredients such as corn and cheese, and less sweet varieties like traditional bran muffins. The flatbread “English” variety is of British or other European derivation, and dates from at least the early 18th century, while the quickbread originated in North America during the 19th century. Both types are common worldwide today.
Blueberry – See textBlueberries are a widely distributed and widespread group of perennial flowering plants with blue or purple berries. They are classified in the section Cyanococcus within the genus Vaccinium. Vaccinium also includes cranberries, bilberries, huckleberries and Madeira blueberries. Commercial blueberries—both wild (lowbush) and cultivated (highbush)—are all native to North America. The highbush varieties were introduced into Europe during the 1930s.Blueberries are usually prostrate shrubs that can vary in size from 10 centimeters (4 inches) to 4 meters (13 feet) in height. In commercial production of blueberries, the species with small, pea-size berries growing on low-level bushes are known as “lowbush blueberries” (synonymous with “wild”), while the species with larger berries growing on taller, cultivated bushes are known as “highbush blueberries”. Canada is the leading producer of lowbush blueberries, while the United States produces some 40% of the world supply of highbush blueberries.
Fruit – In botany, a fruit is the seed-bearing structure in flowering plants that is formed from the ovary after flowering.Fruits are the means by which flowering plants (also known as angiosperms) disseminate their seeds. Edible fruits in particular have long propagated using the movements of humans and animals in a symbiotic relationship that is the means for seed dispersal for the one group and nutrition for the other; in fact, humans and many animals have become dependent on fruits as a source of food. Consequently, fruits account for a substantial fraction of the world’s agricultural output, and some (such as the apple and the pomegranate) have acquired extensive cultural and symbolic meanings.In common language usage, “fruit” normally means the fleshy seed-associated structures (or produce) of plants that typically are sweet or sour and edible in the raw state, such as apples, bananas, grapes, lemons, oranges, and strawberries. In botanical usage, the term “fruit” also includes many structures that are not commonly called “fruits”, such as nuts, bean pods, corn kernels, tomatoes, and wheat grains.
Avocado – The avocado (Persea americana), a tree likely originating from south-central Mexico, is classified as a member of the flowering plant family Lauraceae. The fruit of the plant, also called an avocado (or avocado pear or alligator pear), is botanically a large berry containing a single large seed. Avocado trees are partially self-pollinating, and are often propagated through grafting to maintain predictable fruit quality and quantity.Avocados are cultivated in tropical and Mediterranean climates of many countries, with Mexico as the leading producer of avocados in 2019, supplying 32% of the world total.The fruit of domestic varieties has a buttery flesh when ripe. Depending on the variety, avocados have green, brown, purplish, or black skin when ripe, and may be pear-shaped, egg-shaped, or spherical. Commercially, the fruits are picked while immature, and ripened after harvesting.
Breakfast – Breakfast is the first meal of the day eaten after waking from the night’s sleep, in the morning. The word in English refers to breaking the fasting period of the previous night. There is a strong likelihood for one or more “typical”, or “traditional”, breakfast menus to exist in most places, but their composition varies widely from place to place, and has varied over time, so that globally a very wide range of preparations and ingredients are now associated with breakfast.
You might need the following Cookware
In this section we’ve listed Cookware items that might be helpful to make this AVOCADO-BLUEBERRY MUFFINS (Sponsored) recipe (or similar recipes). If certain tools or utensils are not applicable, then ignore and choose relevant items.
Cooking pots
Frying pan
Cutting board
Measuring cups
Wooden Spoon
via https://underspicycrab.com/general-recipes/avocado-blueberry-muffins-sponsored-recipe/
from Chef Clemenza - Blog https://chefclemenza.weebly.com/blog/recipe-for-avocado-blueberry-muffins-sponsored
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chefclemenza · 2 years
Making the perfect AVOCADO-BLUEBERRY MUFFINS (Sponsored) should only take approximately 55 min . Below are the ingredients and directions for you to easily follow. The AVOCADO-BLUEBERRY MUFFINS (Sponsored) recipe can feed your family for 12 Muffins.
There are many different ways to make this AVOCADO-BLUEBERRY MUFFINS (Sponsored) recipe. Once you’re familiar with our recommended ingredients and directions, you can add your own twist to this recipe to make it your own! We’ve also listed potential Cookware items below that might be necessary for this AVOCADO-BLUEBERRY MUFFINS (Sponsored) recipe.
AVOCADO-BLUEBERRY MUFFINS (Sponsored) Popular Ingredients
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 ripe, Fresh California Avocado, seeded and peeled
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup plain yogurt
6 oz. (1 1/4 cup) fresh Naturipe® blueberries
Streusel Topping (recipe follows)
1/4 cup flour
1/3 cup sugar
3 tbsp. butter, softened
1 tsp. cinnamon
Steps for making AVOCADO-BLUEBERRY MUFFINS (Sponsored)
Streusel Topping:
1.Whisk together the flour, sugar, and cinnamon. Add the butter, and mix in using your fingers to rub the butter into the dry ingredients. Set aside.
2.Preheat oven to 375°F. Line a muffin tin with 12 paper liners.
3.In a medium bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
4.Spoon avocado into a stand mixer and beat until almost smooth. Add sugar and beat until well blended.
5.Add the egg, beating until completely combined. Add the vanilla and the yogurt and mix well.
6.Put the flour mixture into a sifter and sift half of the mixture into the batter and mix until just combined. Sift in the remaining flour and mix until just blended. Gently fold in the blueberries.
7.Using a spoon or an ice cream scoop, divide the batter among the 12 cups. Sprinkle the streusel topping over the batter in the 12 cups, dividing evenly.
8.Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until a wooden tester comes out clean. Let cool in the pan on a rack for 5 minutes before removing.
9.Serve warm or at room temperature.
Serving Suggestion: Serve warm with a little butter or your favorite jam.
Popular Categories for this Recipe
Muffin – A muffin is an individually portioned baked product, however the term can refer to one of two distinct items: a part-raised flatbread (like a crumpet) that is baked and then cooked on a griddle (typically unsweetened), or an (often sweetened) quickbread (like a cupcake) that is chemically leavened and then baked in a mold. While quickbread “American” muffins are often sweetened, there are savory varieties made with ingredients such as corn and cheese, and less sweet varieties like traditional bran muffins. The flatbread “English” variety is of British or other European derivation, and dates from at least the early 18th century, while the quickbread originated in North America during the 19th century. Both types are common worldwide today.
Blueberry – See textBlueberries are a widely distributed and widespread group of perennial flowering plants with blue or purple berries. They are classified in the section Cyanococcus within the genus Vaccinium. Vaccinium also includes cranberries, bilberries, huckleberries and Madeira blueberries. Commercial blueberries—both wild (lowbush) and cultivated (highbush)—are all native to North America. The highbush varieties were introduced into Europe during the 1930s.Blueberries are usually prostrate shrubs that can vary in size from 10 centimeters (4 inches) to 4 meters (13 feet) in height. In commercial production of blueberries, the species with small, pea-size berries growing on low-level bushes are known as “lowbush blueberries” (synonymous with “wild”), while the species with larger berries growing on taller, cultivated bushes are known as “highbush blueberries”. Canada is the leading producer of lowbush blueberries, while the United States produces some 40% of the world supply of highbush blueberries.
Fruit – In botany, a fruit is the seed-bearing structure in flowering plants that is formed from the ovary after flowering.Fruits are the means by which flowering plants (also known as angiosperms) disseminate their seeds. Edible fruits in particular have long propagated using the movements of humans and animals in a symbiotic relationship that is the means for seed dispersal for the one group and nutrition for the other; in fact, humans and many animals have become dependent on fruits as a source of food. Consequently, fruits account for a substantial fraction of the world’s agricultural output, and some (such as the apple and the pomegranate) have acquired extensive cultural and symbolic meanings.In common language usage, “fruit” normally means the fleshy seed-associated structures (or produce) of plants that typically are sweet or sour and edible in the raw state, such as apples, bananas, grapes, lemons, oranges, and strawberries. In botanical usage, the term “fruit” also includes many structures that are not commonly called “fruits”, such as nuts, bean pods, corn kernels, tomatoes, and wheat grains.
Avocado – The avocado (Persea americana), a tree likely originating from south-central Mexico, is classified as a member of the flowering plant family Lauraceae. The fruit of the plant, also called an avocado (or avocado pear or alligator pear), is botanically a large berry containing a single large seed. Avocado trees are partially self-pollinating, and are often propagated through grafting to maintain predictable fruit quality and quantity.Avocados are cultivated in tropical and Mediterranean climates of many countries, with Mexico as the leading producer of avocados in 2019, supplying 32% of the world total.The fruit of domestic varieties has a buttery flesh when ripe. Depending on the variety, avocados have green, brown, purplish, or black skin when ripe, and may be pear-shaped, egg-shaped, or spherical. Commercially, the fruits are picked while immature, and ripened after harvesting.
Breakfast – Breakfast is the first meal of the day eaten after waking from the night’s sleep, in the morning. The word in English refers to breaking the fasting period of the previous night. There is a strong likelihood for one or more “typical”, or “traditional”, breakfast menus to exist in most places, but their composition varies widely from place to place, and has varied over time, so that globally a very wide range of preparations and ingredients are now associated with breakfast.
You might need the following Cookware
In this section we’ve listed Cookware items that might be helpful to make this AVOCADO-BLUEBERRY MUFFINS (Sponsored) recipe (or similar recipes). If certain tools or utensils are not applicable, then ignore and choose relevant items.
Cooking pots
Frying pan
Cutting board
Measuring cups
Wooden Spoon
from Chef Clemenza – Crabbie Recipes https://underspicycrab.com/general-recipes/avocado-blueberry-muffins-sponsored-recipe/
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ashok92 · 2 years
The Uses of Sweet Potato Starch
With the improvement of society, individuals’ expectations for everyday comforts are continually getting to the next level. An ever-increasing number of individuals move yam to the table by its own stores of rich dietary benefits. However, a solitary utilization of yams can not meet the different necessities of individuals on food. Consequently, the handling of yam starch has become one of the irreplaceable food in individuals’ day-to-day routines.
The utilization of yam starch is summarized fundamentally in the accompanying regions:
1. The utilization of yam food handling: organic product, purple yam, yam, yam prepared yam, yam tip petiole, vermicelli, vermicelli, potato, French fries, potato cake, protected potatoes, purple yam.
2. The use of biodiesel oil from potato starch processing. In 2007 the World League prohibited the utilization of rice, wheat, and corn as the fundamental grain of biodiesel unrefined components, biodiesel innovative work of all turned yam starch. This piece of the market potential is gigantic.
3. Usage of yam starch handling: food bundling paper, clothing material, regular lead-free fabric and so forth.
4. Use of yam starch in drug handling: Western medication tablet 85% is starch, monosodium glutamate, a human amino corrosive, a creature with amino corrosive, deformity of starch (extraction of carotene, sugar syrup), food shading, and so forth.
5. Green food, natural food handling, and usage of unrefined components.
The worth of starch is grateful, to adjust to advertise request, the starch makers should pick Gelong’s Sweet Starch Creation Line, the motorized creation cycle of sweet starch is Transport — cleaning — breaking — screening — eliminating sand precipitation (or fixation)- dewatering-dry-air cooling bundle. we guarantee the nourishment of starch can not lose. This line is completely programmed working, high limit, all tempered steel 304 cover satisfies to GMP guideline.
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justmehernthemoon · 3 years
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i made a coconut heart shaped cake :-)
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love-takes-work · 4 years
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These are the recipes that I had to invent something weird, come up with a bizarre solution, or go to unusual lengths to make a Steven Universe dish. Photo evidence of kitchen weirdness after the jump. List of recipes:
Three-Way Sub from “Say Uncle”
Clams, Peanut Butter, and a Side of Fresh-Cut Grass from “Bluebird”
Crystal Lizards from “Lion 2: The Movie”
Donut Box from “Sadie Killer”
Everything Pizza from “What’s Your Problem”
Pizza Bagel & Fantastic Fries from “Restaurant Wars”
Gem Harvest from “Gem Harvest,” including 3-tier Wedding Cake
Off Colors Graduation Cake from “Little Graduation”
Alien Thorax from “Jungle Moon”
Jungle Moon Fruit from “Jungle Moon”
Korean Lunch from “Steven’s Dream”
Pizza Burrito from “Bismuth”
Cool Kids Potluck from “The Good Lars”
Giant Strawberry from the strawberry battlefields seen in “Serious Steven”
Together Forever cake from “Together Forever”
Zoo Fruit from “The Zoo”
Three-Way Sub from “Say Uncle”: I baked an actual three-prong bread that didn’t even properly fit in my oven. It is all one piece and homemade from yeast rise to egg wash.
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Clams, Peanut Butter, and a Side of Fresh-Cut Grass from “Bluebird”: I don’t eat clams (or any seafood) so I made clam-shaped CANDY. The shells are banded white chocolate painted on the inside with white chocolate, made from a mold, and the insides are homemade vanilla cremes. I also bought edible easter grass. (It exists.)
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Crystal Lizards from “Lion 2: The Movie”: These are homemade from scratch white chocolate lizards dusted with sprinkles and green rock candy for the crystals!
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Donut Box for the Cool Kids from “Sadie Killer”: Yes, I made multiple different donut recipes (plus jelly donuts) and even a Dog-Nut to put this box together. Donuts are from scratch, all of them.
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Everything Pizza from “What’s Your Problem”: Since (again) I don’t eat fish, I made a fish out of BREAD in a special fish-shaped pan and also made fake sardines and fake shrimp from tofu cut into shapes, in addition to all those other ridiculous toppings. The pizza is also made from scratch--the dough is homemade.
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Restaurant Wars food from “Restaurant Wars”: Yes, I got ketchup inside the fries. Yes, it was super messy. No, I don’t recommend it.
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The entire Gem Harvest from “Gem Harvest”: My friends helped me make the whole feast, and it’s a homemade chicken, corn on the cob, homemade mashed potatoes, homemade bean casserole, homemade yeast rolls from scratch, and I made an entire three-tier wedding cake from scratch including frosting and white chocolate spouses, because of course I did. The cake was chocolate on the bottom tier, lemon in the middle, vanilla on the top.
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Four-tier Graduation Cake from “Little Graduation”: Yep, four chocolate cakes with three layers and three kinds of homemade frosting, plus fondant models I made of the Off Colors and cake accents made of fondant or specialty paper.
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Alien Thorax from “Jungle Moon”: Made of a Tofurky Roast and legs made of plantains, with a pretty disgusting purple gravy.
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Jungle Moon Fruit from “Jungle Moon”: This giant pear thing is a complicated cake flavored with ube flavoring and sugar plum extract. I made it in a sports ball cake pan and created my own vegetarian mirror glaze for the frosting. The stem is a stick of licorice candy.
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Korean Lunch from “Steven’s Dream”: This consisted of Korean sushi (gimbap), noodle soup (naengmyeon), dumplings (mandu), and pickled radish (danmuji). I made the gimbap from scratch and bought all the ingredients from a local Asian market, but I must admit the naengmyeon was from a noodle pack (which I added my own ingredients to, like the egg, the fake bacon for beef, and the korean pear), and the dumplings were frozen and steamed to softness.
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Pizza Burrito from “Bismuth”: Pizza was made from scratch, and burrito was added with potato chips sprinkled on top. Rolled into large burrito and later eaten in slices because I cannot eat it baby bird style like Amethyst.
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Cool Kids Potluck from “The Good Lars”: I made the Snack Sushi (avocado and cheese puff sushi), which itself was an endeavor, and then on top of that I customized my soda, made Fish Stew Pizza boxes for pizza (I used frozen pizza this time), and managed to gather the exotic fruit--no small task considering one of them was the famously smelly durian. (The others are a pineapple and a dragonfruit.) The episode does not include them actually preparing and eating the fruit but I did that too.
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Giant Strawberry from “Serious Steven” and others: I made a strawberry cake from real strawberries and made it look like a giant strawberry from the fields. The frosting and the chocolate seeds were all homemade too, with mint leaves grown in my kitchen.
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Together Forever cake from “Together Forever”: Made with real strawberry batter swirled into vanilla batter, and homemade frosting in three colors. I’m not very good at piping so this was a big deal for me to make a replica of Steven’s ill-fated proposal cake.
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Zoo Fruit from “The Zoo”: This is a vegetarian recipe that isn’t jello. Made with agar-agar, water, and juice, they turn firm after several hours of refrigeration.
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(Some not-pictured honorable mentions that were weird and required creativity but weren’t particularly difficult or impressive include Guacola from “Drop Beat Dad,” birthday cakes and a pie for the Gems from “So Many Birthdays,” the pizzas Bixbite prepared in “Guidance,” homemade cereal I created for cereal dust in “Greg the Babysitter” and fruit loops in “In Dreams,” homemade Chaaaaps from “Monster Buddies,” a cloud made of meringues because Amethyst ate some cloud in “Steven the Sword Fighter,” good old Cookie Cats from “Gem Glow,” corndogs from “Too Short to Ride,” marshmallows from several episodes, durian juice, Fish Stew Pizza, the breadsticks and shrimp appetizer from “Fusion Cuisine,” Lion Lickers, mooncakes mentioned in “Little Graduation,” homemade onion rings from “Garnet’s Universe,” homemade oyster crackers for Sadie, Amethyst’s pile of food from “Reformed,” protein bars and pine tea from “Gem Hunt,” pumpkin bread shaped like a pumpkin and the ube roll from “The Good Lars,” and Amethyst’s gross tuna burrito from “So Many Birthdays.”)
This kind of crap is why no one can think of something I haven’t made
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The more colorful a food, the more nutritious it probably is. For example, purple corn contains compounds associated with a reduced risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. The cobs contain the same compounds but are typically thrown out. Now, researchers report a step-wise biorefinery approach in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering that uses the whole cob, producing a dye and a possible nutraceutical with the pigments, and an animal litter with the left-overs.
Eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables provides a variety of health benefits, with vitamins and nutrients stored within the plant's color-producing compounds. One group of compounds contributing distinct hues to food are anthocyanins -- vibrant pigments desired as natural dyes that also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Anthocyanins are found in purple corn's kernels and the corncobs, which are typically discarded. Past attempts at repurposing cobs have involved harmful and expensive solvents to extract compounds. Water could be used as an eco-friendly and cost-effective agent for this process, but it is not very efficient. And then the insoluble cob material is still left over as waste. So, Fabrizio Adani, Roberto Pilu, Patrizia De Nisi and colleagues wanted to extract beneficial pigments from purple corncobs with a multi-step approach to make many value-added products, while also closing the loop with zero waste at the end.
Read more.
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pineaberry · 4 years
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Kaasi Wasp Pie
4 oz Cream Cheese
245g Puff Pastry
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/2 cup fig jam
1 tsp Vanilla extract
1/2 tsp Powdered Cinnamon
1/4 tsp Powdered Ginger
6 figs sliced thinly
1 egg
1) Sweeten the Cream Cheese with about 1/4 cup of fig jam. Add vanilla extract. Mix until smooth.
2) Mix the chopped walnuts with cinnamon, ginger, and remaining fig jam until all the pieces are coated.
3) Roll out puff pastry to a 9″x9″ square. Cut into 3″x3″ pieces.
4) Add a dollop of cream cheese to each square. Top with walnuts and fig slices.
5) Arrange in rosettes, mini turnovers, or rolls. Brush the tops with egg wash.
6) Preheat Oven to 400° F. Bake in a parchment lined sheet for 15 minutes or until golden and crispy.
STORY TIME (see SWTOR HCs below the cut):
It’s started. I’m literally baking headcanons!
This started when I stared at an old jar of fig jam I had in the fridge and thought: “Huh. That’s probably something you’d find in a humid tropical planet like Dromund Kaas.” It then morphed into: “I can make something delicious with this.”
Per @sith-shenanigans inside every fig is a dead wasp (although not really). Therefore, these are called: Wasp Pies.
If Mince Meat Pies don’t have to have meat in them, then Wasp Pies don’t have to contain wasps!
Now for the HC:
Wasp Pies are a pastry made of various combinations of fruit preserves and nuts. While every family has their own preferred recipe, it invariably includes some form of spreadable cheese, walnuts, Kaasi figs and puff pastry. Wasp pies are particularly popular in winter around Life Day or the Imperial Holidays. Despite their name, they contain no wasps and come in pie form or a variety of shapes and sizes.
Darth Vowrawn is said to order over five thousand Wasp Pies from Kaasi bakers for his Life Day parties.
While there are an assortment of party foods associated with Imperial Celebrations, Wasp Pies are considered traditional in Dromund Kaas and they are often given as gifts or treats for children.
Defectors in the Republic often find it difficult to replicate the pastry due the lack of Kaasian figs at their disposal. Substitutions abound, utilizing various fruit preserves instead of Kaasi fig jam. While tasty, none of these are considered true Wasp pies but are instead named for different vespiform insects: Bee Pie (Honey), Bumble Pie (various fruit preserves), Killik Pie (dust-corn syrup), Colicoid pie (Sugar syrup).
Expensive purple skinned figs were shipped in from  Ecclessis to any ex-imperial with enough credits to afford them. However, even these were considered too sweet and had to be diluted in order to approximate the delicate flavor of a Kaasian fig. As a result the closest thing to a Wasp Pie available to a Republic citizen was a Hornet Pie made with Ecclessis figs.
Wasp Pie bars are also a popular dessert option in Imperial premium ration packs. Republic rations have something resembling a Fig Newton which they alternatively label as a “Wasp Bar” much to the chagrin of any Kaasian who has the misfortune of encountering one.
Imperials who join the Alliance enjoy trolling Republic soldiers and Jedi by claiming that powdered wasps are essential for the Wasp Pie to have that “crunchy zing”. More than one Padawan has ended up in the infirmary because they attempted to “harvest wasps for pie since the Imperials are so stingy with theirs”.
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