#Purple-eyed Chiss
gahmah-raan · 6 months
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Tried playing with some new hardware and software, specifically a Wacom tablet and Clip Studio Paint.
As a test, I decided to draw Grein again for the first time in 9 years. Sorry if it looks a little rough, as this method is new to me.
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confettininjabean · 24 days
Microstory Prompt: defy
Wellllllll hello there! lol its been about 3 years since you sent this but hey....i finally started a thing again.
this is for my new Chiss OC, Tiriza. She goes smuggler sometime after the JK storyline and she had a bit to do as an Imp Agent (that overlapped both storylines) (i mess with stories for reasons i also didn't want to make 2 additional new ocs lol!)
This is set during her undercover years sorta, ambiguous really. ill make atimeline eventually lol. Under the cut for length!
“You dare to defy me?” Came the deep voice modulated with the mask the Sith wore. He was posturing, almost comically like a propaganda comic though he was clearly trying to intimidate her. This tactic might have worked back when she was a young eager Jedi…
Not anymore.
Tiriza was currently restrained to a medbed contraption. She lifted her head just enough to place a blazing red-eyed glare at the Sith.
“Stupid question, next?” She said, contempt lacing her voice.
Pain wracked her body as the perterbed Sith sent purple lightning dancing over her body and the med bed. His attack sent sparks flying out of a panel on the bed. He didn’t seem to notice, or didn’t realize what that meant. Too wrapped up in his own indignation that an “alien” would speak to him in such a way when she was supposed to obey every command.
Idiot fried the power supply, she thought, keeping her own emotions tight around her.
“Ono-mono-phobia…” The Sith breathed, sounding as if he was smirking behind the mask.
She never broke eye-contact, she only gave the sith a crooked smirk before sending a blast of force energy exploding outward. The restraints shattered, the bed and its stand shuddered under the force.
The Sith was shocked, stumbled backwards to the wall. “Impossible!”
“Yeah thats what they wanted you to believe,” She said, now standing, the broken medbed next to her. She kept watching the sith as the medbed came apart, the pieces of it hovering in the air.
The wave of anger and hatred from the Sith flooded the room once more as he gathered himself. With a single thought, Tiriza sent the medbed pieces flying, pushing the Sith against the wall and wrapping around him.
“Sorry about having to leave so soon, Sparky,” She said, straightening out her ripped tunic. “But I really do need to be going.” With that, she threw him a charming smile and left the room.
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danger-xylophones · 1 year
When you get the time, could you do some more thrass x reader? I loved how you wrote him.
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warnings: she/her pronouns, reader referred to as a woman, chiss reader
masterlist | chiss
also if you're ever in need of Thrass content - I highly suggest checking out @handbaskethell's fic "An Officer and a Syndic". It's been such a blast to read and may or may not have made me rethink the way I write Thrass.
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The Mitth homestead was odd compared to the Irizi. Grand arches reached up to the ceiling, colored a soft gold and bleeding into the deep burgundy overhead.
It was simultaneously more and less extravagant than the irizi - more in the sense that the colors were bolder and more eye catching, making all the patterns carved into the walls and along the pillars pop. Less is the sense that the color palette was simpler sticking to burgundy, gold, and a dark gray to balance it.
Odd. But beautiful. And as you trailed along behind the local patriel you became increasingly aware of just how out of place you looked in your soft violet colored garb you'd donned today.
"Are you sure about this?" The voice of the patriel startled you out of your passive observance of the architecture. She waited for you to look at her before continuing. "I mean, there's still time to back out."
You could feel your lower eyelid twitch - you were an Irizi syndic, you never backed down, especially when you wanted something. "I appreciate your concern, Patriel Zienna," you began with a calm voice, "But, I am a woman of my word and I intend to go through with this."
Zienna frowned, an expression that must have been ingrained into her face based on how defined her wrinkles were, "I can respect that, Syndic. But no one is forcing you to marry him."
"Exactly, Patriel." You shot back as the two of you came to a stop beneath a landscape painting of Avidich. "I want to marry him." Zienna's lips drew into a thin line and she had the distinctive look of someone who wanted to say something nasty. But she never got the chance. The door to the reception area opened and in walked the man of the hour. An immediate grin broke out over your face as you turned to fully face Thrass as he approached.
"Syndic Mitth'ras'safis?" Patriel Zienna called in her grumpy voice before you could greet him.
"I am he." He replied with a gentle smile as he came to a stop right before you. "Patriel Irizi'enn'amar?" He held out his arm for the customary greeting.
"I am she." Zienna bowed her head.
Beaming, Thrass pivoted his body towards you. "I hope the journey here wasn't too rough?"
"Not at all," you managed to jump in before Zienna, "it was actually rather pleasant. Avidich is beautiful." You wanted to say more but propriety and the haughty sneer from Zienna made you hold back.
"Indeed it is," Thrass simpered, eyes glittering as he quickly raked them up and down your form. You could feel yourself flush purple. He laughed under his breath before turning back to Zienna. "I thank you, Patriel, for escorting my betrothed here early. I understand it is not traditional but I desperately needed her help finalizing a few details."
Zienna eyed him in a contemptuous way. "Of course, Syndic Thrass. Far be it from the Irizi to let one of their own suffer through such an embarrassing affair as a poorly planned party."
Thrass's relaxed smile didn't slip but you didn't miss the way his bottom lip tensed. "Thank you, Patriel." He spoke in as even of a voice he could muster. He took a deep breath. "If you wish to stay until the ceremony, we have a room available to you. I would be happy to escort you-"
Zienna cut him off, "That will be quite alright, Syndic," a hiss underscored her words, "I would much rather return to my work."
You bit the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from snapping at the irate patriel.
"I understand, Patriel. Would you at least like me to walk you to your transport?" Thrass asked in a softer voice, meant to be disarming.
But it didn't work, "No thank you," Zienna huffed, turning her nose up at him, "I can manage on my own."
Thrass bowed his head. "Very well, good day, Patriel Zienna."
"Good day, syndics." Zienna snorted and, casting one final almost-disgusted look at you, stalked back the way the two of you had come.
Both of you watched her go until she rounded a corner and vanished from sight. "Well," you started, clapping your hands in front of you, "that could have gone worse." You turned to Thrass.
"I suppose," he sighed, closing his eyes. He shook his head once as if to clear his thoughts. You watched in real time as his expression relaxed, the tension fled from his shoulders and left him standing in a way you were more familiar with. His eyes opened and he immediately reached for you. "My darling," Thrass hummed as he secured his arms around you, "I've missed you terribly."
You bit your lip as if that would stop the smile stretching across your face as your own arms looped around to pull him close. "As have I missed you." Your pressed into him, head laying on his shoulder. "The complex is not the same knowing you aren't simply a short walk away." Thrass's head rested on yours, one of his arms snuck up higher to wrap around your upper back - the other stayed around your hips to practically mold you against him. A contented hum slipped from you, your eyes sliding shut, as you found yourself enveloped in his warmth.
You held each other for a few moments more, delighting in the embrace of the other. But, at length, you forced yourself to step back - recognizing that had you been allowed to remain you would have fallen asleep on Thrass's shoulder. Lifting a hand, you cupped Thrass's jaw and maneuvered his face towards you to place a peck to the corner of his mouth.
Thrass blinked at you in confusion. "You missed?" He chuckled, a dopey grin on his face.
You shook your head and gave his jaw a soft squeeze. "We are still in public, Thrass." Retreating your hand, you retracted your other arm to settle both hands on his chest. "And technically, this type of contact isn't allowed until after our families have met." It was a reminder neither of you wanted.
"Whoever came up with the tradition of separation was simply a prude." Thrass muttered, bowing his head to dust a flurry of kisses across your cheeks.
A snort like laugh left you - both at his comment and the ticklish feeling of the feather-light kisses which only encouraged him to keep going. "I believe," you choked out between stifled giggles, "it was - stop - a Mitth that started it." At the mention of the Mitth, you took one hand away to poke Thrass in the belly - right where he was rather ticklish himself.
Reflexively, he jumped back - releasing you from his hold and stopping him from kissing you for the time being. "Of course it was." Thrass groused. Then, as if just realizing what had happened, he started to reach for you again.
You playfully batted his hands away, making him pout at you like a kicked growzer pup. "Stop looking at me like that, love." You chided. He didn't, and instead somehow made his expression more pathetic. You broke and stepped closer, taking his face in your hands. "I love you but we have things to do and images to keep." He pouted at you again. "You're adorable." You kissed his cheek. "Later, alright?"
"Very well," Thrass sighed, mock-dejected, pressing his own kiss to your wrist, "but I'll hold you to that."
You smirked, "Hold me however you like, Thrass, but after we get everything done." You retracted your hands and gave the chiss man a moment to process what you'd said. The moment he did, a pretty violet blush appeared, overtaking his face and bleeding down his neck. Your smirk turned self-satisfied when he struggled to come up with a reply but after forcing him to endure your light teasing, you decided to be merciful and forge ahead, "now then, you mentioned you needed help with the seating chart?"
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kyberconfessions · 3 years
Omega Squadron - Clones
Please don't use them. These are mine and I created them and I love them.
Do not steal. Thank you.
Delta - Commander CC -7767
Stoic, kind, quiet, always has his arms crossed. Completely and utterly in love with his General. But knows she loves another. Still loves her. Will still give his life for her. Will follow his general to the ends of the earth. Protective of his team and family. Fuck you, you're not Omega. Really, really loves tea and meditation. Will meditate long into the day with Chidori and Maul. He doesn't have the connection to the force they have, but being able to clear his mind and have a moment of silence is more than enough. Best friends with Captain Rex of the 501st and Commander Cody of the 212nd. Will frequent 79s with them when they're all planetside and complain, er discuss, about their Generals and the crazy situations they put themselves into.
Has military cropped hair with one side shaved and the GAR symbol tattoo'd. Small smattering of grey at his temples. Not a fan of it, but his General said it made him look distinguished, so he kept it. Has one line on his chest and neck for each member of his squad in their company purple.
large scar across the bridge of his nose. Not from the war, but from breaking up a fight in 79s and getting a glass slammed into his face.
Jedi symbol tattood on inside of left wrist, keeps it hidden.
Donner - Communications CT - 4459
Prankster, always cracking jokes, knows that making someone laugh can usually help alleviate the pain they're feeling. Enjoys fried foods, thinks of others, always has the biggest and most genuine smile. Really loves those scented oils he got from naboo, especially the cardamom.
Long hair on top, undercut buzzed on bottom. Wears hair in topknot. Two tattooed rectangles under right eye, three lines shaved into left eyebrow, black out tattoo on entire right arm. May or may not have been involved in the '79s Incident'.
Niner - sniper CT-9999
Gentle. The most gentle man in the entire GAR. so very kind. Will give all of his food rations away to street urchins, just so they know someone cares for them. Has tried to adopt lothcats multiple times, but a stern glare from Delta usually has him putting it back.
Amazing shot. Will be the first to volunteer for whatever mission his General has. Always tries to talk down situations. Prefers to use his words over his fists. But will finish fights if he has too. Heart is to big for war, will sit and let you cry on his shoulder if its needed. Gives the best hugs. Best friends with Donner.
Regular military issued hair cut, nothing fancy, no facial tattoos, has the republic gear on his entire left shoulder, chest, deltoid, trapezius, and into his back. Still sees everything with wonder and big eyes.
Bama - Medic CT-3524
No nonsense guy, will call you out for making stupid mistakes. Dry bedside manner. Oh? You've got a hunk of shrapnel lodged in your side? Here, let him rip it out if you all the while telling you how stupid you were for standing to close to a bomb. Can and will drug Delta if he thinks he's not sleeping enough.
Had to learn a lot about Zabrak anatomy when Maul was added to the team.
'Two hearts! Why the kriff does he have two hearts?!'
Will drink everyone under the table. Once ran into a dangerous warzone to grab a kid who had wandered from the alleys.
Shaved head, sometimes sports a few days old shadow, but likes to keep it clean. Black out tattoos on both arms, completely covered. Wears a necklace with the Republic Gear. Has heteochromia from an injury sustained on Geonosis. Basically one normal colored eye and one almost completely black eye (can still see fine and doesn't want a stupid kriffing implant.)
Familial grump.
Ares - Weapons Specialist ARC-8599
CONTRABAND EXTRAORDINAIRE. You want something, he can get it! Correlian wine? Easy. Sabaac game from the Palace of Naboo? Childs play. Religious regalia from the Chiss? Please, find me something hard.
loves his gun. Named it Mesh'la. Yeah its Mando'a. Fuck off. can and will shoot every weapon in the GAR. Usually is the one laying down heavy fire so his brothers can maneuver or escape. Can curse you out in 6 different languages. Was the first to accept Maul into their ranks.
'So what if he was a sith? We've all done stuff we're not proud of. Who are we to judge? The General trusts him and thats all that matters to me.'
loves working out. Will workout every chance he gets. "Mesh'la isn't the only big gun I've got! BAM!" MASSIVE FLIRT.
Has a more stylized version of the military cut, bottom fades into the top with a longer section on top towards the front. Two red bands on upper right arm, Omega symbol branded into chest. Not tattoo'd, branded. Bama had a field day cursing him out in Mando'a and applying bacta patches.
Nero - pilot CT-1966
Great pilot, best pilot, can fly around the best of those clankers. Not very smart. Look, don't expect him to be able to recite Alderaani Poetry, but has read every manual for every cruiser this side of the galaxy. Really wants to do the Kessel run, Delta told him no. Rrreeeaaallly wants to though. Donner and Ares may sneak him off with one of the y wings, see if they can do some damage. Has a crush on the Civilian Auxiliary that helps fuel their ship. Stumbles over words, very shy, turns hot faced and wide eyed when Ares flirts for him. Boy is pretty and has a good heart, but definitely will not become a Senator any time soon. Everyone thinks he and Maul are best friends, when really he's absolutely terrified of the red and black Zabrak and can't physically speak when he's around. Maul on the other hand finds Nero's silence and calm demeanor relaxing and enjoys watching space go by, so he will sit with Nero as they go through hyperspace. So Maul sits up with him in copilot chair and Nero sweats bullets and internally screams the entire time.
Buzzcut and intricate pattern shaved in, swears its a map into Wild Space, Bama told him it looks like he list a fight with his clippers.
Soul patch and checkerboard diamond tattoos on left forearm GAR symbol on left calf.
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thedistantstorm · 4 years
Project Compass 19
Read along on AO3 Here
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This time: Ezra tries to navigate the fallout.
Next time: Un’hee recognizes something from her past.
One step forward, two steps back.
The Chiss didn’t have a literal translation for this phrase, but that didn’t exactly matter. It still counted. Ivant had taught Un’hee the meaning of this phrase some time ago, when she’d heard him mutter it under his breath and not understood what the strange sounds were that made up his peoples’ Basic.
Un’hee had known something was wrong the moment Eli had called her into his office. She’d also known that her being called upon had nothing to do with the first part. Though, she had to give it to him. He played it well. She wouldn’t have known anything had happened, if she hadn’t crossed Commander Mitth’raw’nuruodo on her way to see him. Vah’nya eyed her strangely from the corner of the room.
“You did well, Un’hee. Better than the rest of the Navigators,” Ivant informed her.
“Even better than Vah’nya?”
Vah’nya smiled into the mug of tea she cradled between her hands. “Yes, Un’hee,” She said. “And Bridger, too, though we can hardly consider a first-timer decent competition.”
Ivant was quick to defend his fellow human. “He fell within the limits. He also did a damn good job of getting us back considering he’d never had to navigate a ship this way before.”
“I didn’t have to take the reins, not even once,” Vah’nya considered. "I was surprised."
“So why am I here?” Un’hee asked. “And why is Thrawn-”
“Ah,” Ivant scratched the back of his head. “You ran into him, didn’t you?”
“He was projecting again, Eli,” Un’hee frowned, accusing, “You’re hurting him.”
“Commander Mitth’raw’nuruodo is hurting himself,” Vah’nya defended, instead. “He makes his own choices.”
When both girls fixed each other with glares, Vanto held his hands out in a pacifying gesture. “Both of you need to stop,” He said gravely. “Whatever is happening between me and Thrawn is our business.”
“Right,” Un’hee said, displeased. “No offense,” She continued, playing with the end of her singular braid, “But I know there’s all sorts of ‘need to know’ things happening around here, and this is going to become one of them quicker than you think.”
Vah’nya and Eli shared a look, both showing some array of worry and panic. “Un’hee,” The Senior Navigator began patiently, “Why do you say that?”
The girl shrugged, leaving them in suspense for a moment. Then, “I talked to Ezra last night,” She admitted. “He told me that Thrawn is worried because of what happened on the bridge yesterday.”
“He told you? You haven’t been near him,” Ivant said pointedly.
“I have a datapad,” Un’hee rolled her eyes. “And we’re friends. And,” She emphasized, “Vah’nya wasn’t around to talk to. Ezra actually messaged me because he couldn’t get a hold of you,” She pointed at Vah’nya. “He was worried.”
Vah’nya tilted her head. “I was occupied,” She answered.
“Yeah, I know.” She crossed her arms. “We all know what happened. You had a vision.”
“You all?”
“We’re not stupid,” Un’hee rolled her eyes. “You didn’t cut our numbers back because we’re the weakest of the bunch. I noticed it first, but I wasn’t the only one.”
“You’re getting awful mouthy, Navigator,” Ivant said, his tone not quite stern, but the undercut of a warning lingered all the same. He evaluated her silently, and she squirmed under the scrutiny.
“I just don’t think that pushing him away is smart,” The younger navigator admitted. “I feel like that’s a bad idea.”
Ivant sighed, rubbing at his temples before speaking. The first bit sounded almost like an admission. “I don’t like it either, Un’hee, but it’s not about what I like or don’t like. Those orders came from Admiral Ar’alani. And, regardless of how I feel, it’s the smartest choice. The more he knows about the project, the more danger he’s in, and by extension, you and your sisters.”
She looked down and away, halfway between disappointed and ashamed. “We aren’t going to let the Grysk have him, or any of us,” She urged, looking to him for confirmation. “Right?”
“Not if we can help it,” Ivant assured her. “But I won’t lie to you, Un’hee. I can’t tell you it would never happen.”
Nodding the girl rose to her feet, pressing both hands down on his desk. “I know. I’m just worried,” She inhaled deeply, nostrils flaring as she reigned in the sharpness of her feelings.
“I’m worried too,” He said. She didn’t need him to tell her that, she could see it in the crinkling lines on his forehead, the way he pursed his lips. “I wish there was another way.”
Un’hee wanted to tell him there was, that surely Thrawn could help them, and they could figure it all out together, but she didn’t know what the Grysks were planning. She didn’t want to know. But something told her she’d be finding it out regardless. She turned to look at Vah’nya, but Vah’nya looked down into her mug with blank, expressionless eyes.
Un’hee resisted the urge to shudder. Something bad was coming, and she was pretty sure Vah’nya had already seen it.
Ezra usually gave Thrawn a wide berth when he was like this. The man was not above the occasional bout of cathartic destruction to release energy, but after about an hour of miscellaneous growling and banging and muttering, the Jedi very carefully knocked on his roommate's door and stepped back, waiting.
"What." Thrawn looked put together, but then again, he always did. His eyes were definitely scary though. Very Grand Admiral Thrawn of him, Ezra thought. And it made sense now, looking back. After all, at the end, the Grand Admiral had been out of control. He pushed the thought away, along with all of his thoughts about how if Thrawn snapped, he'd be in big trouble.
"Firing sims." Ezra indicated the weapons belt slung over his shoulder. He didn't waste words, already aware he was poking the beast on this one. "Wanna join?"
Thrawn eyed him, and Ezra saw the faintest indication of a snarl on his lips that came and went almost imperceptibly. "I do not want your pity."
"Pity?" Ezra shook his head. "Look, I don't know what happened, I-" Well, that wasn't quite true. He knew something had happened, he just didn't know the details. Except that Thrawn was clearly reeling from some emotional blow Ivant had dealt him, and everything he'd been talking to Vah'nya about had unironically come true.
"And there it is," The Chiss hissed, reading Ezra's face. "I wish to be alone," He snapped, already toggling the door controls.
Ezra caught it with a hand, reversing the hydraulic mechanism with the Force before Thrawn could turn away.
"Look, I don't pity you,” The Jedi began sharply. “I'm your friend, and I care." He sighed. "If you want to continue slamming things around alone, fine. But you could go shoot something in the sim rooms and that's got to be way more satisfying with a lot less consequence."
"Is that what you do when you are distressed about this sort of thing?"
Ezra's eyebrows went up. "Listen, my teenage years were one big 'ol nightmare, in case you forgot. The girl I liked had just discovered she wasn't into guys." He finished with an innocent shrug.
"Sabine Wren," Thrawn said.
"Yeah, yeah, I know," Ezra waved Thrawn's words away like they were a bad joke. "It was obvious to everybody but me. You probably saw it in her art."
"The colors she used in her later pieces were more indicative of self discovery," Thrawn mused, but the human didn't take offense.
Ezra laughed. "Well, if you ever want to hear a hilarious story about your ex-enemy's colossal failure at romance, you let me know." He stepped back, and angled his hands down, indicative that he wouldn't try to stop Thrawn this time if that's what he chose.
Thrawn eyed him carefully for a brief moment, considering. Then, his shoulders relaxed infinitesimally. Ezra considered it a victory. "The sims on the lower levels will be unoccupied at this part of the shift."
"Sounds good to me," Ezra said. He didn't look over Thrawn's shoulder at the chaos that had befallen his belongings, politely ignoring the wreckage the Chiss would have to set to rights later on. He couldn’t, however, help but notice the cracked screen of the datapad on the ground in the doorway, beside Thrawn's left foot. "Do we need to stop at the quartermaster on the way back?"
"My datapad is fine, Bridger."
"Right." He seemed less than convinced, but didn't argue. "Well, if it's not, I think I have an extra one."
Before he took a step, Thrawn glanced down at it. With a nudge of his foot, it skittered to the side. The screen flickered pitifully. "Perhaps,” He relented, “We should visit the quartermaster afterall."
Ezra cracked a smile. "Probably wouldn't hurt."
It had been a moment of miscalculation. At least, that's what Thrawn told himself. After all, what else could it be? It was as if he had been speaking Galactic Basic and Vanto had been speaking Sy Bisti. The translations were similar, but not equal, not entirely. Each language had its own nuances, own minute, tiny discrepancies. Undercurrents. Hidden meanings.
And, most importantly, to his shame, they had been on the bridge, of all places. Otherwise devoid of crew or not, the entire situation had been so vastly inappropriate. If a subordinate had approached him in this manner, he wouldn't have been half as kind. Or kind at all, really. The thought of it brought a rare heat to his cheeks.
Thankfully, his only company at the present was one very overprotective human Jedi who could not see the subtle glow in infrared, and was too distracted by his current simulation to note the mildest purple tint to Thrawn's cheeks, to see the evidence of his shame manifest.
What had come over him? It was not as though he were a fool. He understood desire, though he had not felt it in a long, long time. He would not have acted, he knows, if he did not think his feelings - feelings he was only just understanding the depths of, himself - were reciprocated.
But they were not.
Frankly, he should not feel as surprised as he did to find it so. It was one thing to be forgiven for his transgressions. Returning his feelings was something… other. Something more than Thrawn deserved. After all, Eli might be grateful for the end results of his manipulation, but it was manipulation all the same. As such, Thrawn could hardly blame the younger man for not being similarly interested in him, considering.
But he had cared for Vanto for a long time. Perhaps loved him for nearly as long, too. Hindsight was a valuable tool, but feelings were intricate, crystalline and fragile. And now, in his position, Vanto had to put his command, his duty first. Thrawn understood that as well.
He raised his weapon and unloaded an obscene amount of plasma upon the targets as they appeared. The smell of ozone, the smoky aftertaste of violent discharge did help.
It didn't change the way his chest felt heavy, or the way his mind seemed to cycle through possibilities, producing increasingly infuriating irrationalities, though, and after a third, flawless run of the console's most difficult offering he growled, holstering his weapon.
At this, Ezra stopped. He stepped back, then turned to look at Thrawn. "The Jedi part of me is supposed to give you some sage life advice, I'm sure," He said carefully. "But I've gotta be honest with you. There's nothing I can say to make it better. It just karking sucks."
"I have never-" Thrawn shook his head, as if surprised to find himself in this moment, as if waking up from a dream. Of all the individuals to have this conversation with, he thought sardonically. At least the Jedi was well-intending. Having this conversation with his brother, for instance, would have been far more mortifying. "I do not make these sort of… miscalculations," He said, scathingly.
"You're not perfect, Thrawn. I know that might be surprising to you, but you're not. And that's not a bad thing."
The Chiss looked away from the Jedi's clear blue gaze and ignored his comments entirely. "You clearly got over your previous… infatuation," He said, uncomfortably. "How?"
Ezra looked more uncomfortable than gloating. "Have you never-"
"Of course I have," Thrawn snapped. This entire situation was absurd. And yet, this was the only human for… well, aside from Eli, he might be one of fewer than a hundred in the Unknown Regions, not to mention the only other one within the Ascendancy's ranks of (reasonable trustworthiness), at that. He was a resource, as loathe as Thrawn was to admit he needed the assistance. "But not," He sighed. "Nothing like this."
"Okay. Well, I don't know how Chiss do it, but I kind of let it out…” As if realizing exactly what kind of admission he’s about to lay before Thrawn, he flushes. “I, uh, I don't think - if you'd want me to explain to you now teenage humans do things-"
"I get the idea," Thrawn gestured, leaning back towards the side of absurdity. He could be this brat's parent, he thought, swearing mentally. Jedi wisdom be damned.
"W-well, okay. Look. It sucks. I'm guessing it's worse since you're always right and this time you weren't-" He ducked his head at Thrawn's very displeased glare. "I'm also guessing anyone else you ever saw was either some military fling to blow off steam, no strings attached, or someone who liked you and you got bored quickly." Ezra looked expectant.
"The Force told you that?"
"Nah. We're both warm blooded. Besides, you can't be that old."
Thrawn's eyebrows went up in a sinister arch. "Remind me again how we've gone this long without killing each other?"
Ezra's shrug was over the top. "I'd say it's because we needed each other to survive, but you keep me around for the comedy."
"Right," Thrawn growled, not willing to argue that ridiculous point. "Your point, Bridger?"
"My point is that it sucks for now, sure, but it'll fade. Sabine and I worked through it. Now she's like a sister to me. Maybe Vanto could be like a brother to you."
Thrawn clenched his fists.
"Or," Ezra said carefully, recognizing the sharp snap of the Chiss’s frustration, his miserable anger, "He could come around. I mean, you were on the bridge."
"While I realize you're trying to soften the blow, I do not believe either outcome to be remotely achievable."
"Well," The Jedi shrugged. "If you want, I can talk to my sources and see what they think."
"Absolutely not," Thrawn said. "If it does not happen of his own volition, I'll not have it happen at all. Perhaps in this instance it is best I come to terms with swift and utter defeat."
Ezra tried to argue, but it was clear that Thrawn was finished listening.
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reyloforcebalance · 5 years
Bonded Chapter 36: Chainbreaker
The newest chapter to my Reylo fanfic (rated T). If you want to check out the previous chapters, here’s the link to AO3!
“Oh Elias…” The woman coos. “You can’t be serious.”
“But I am,” the man intones. “You’ve always said wanted children, have you not?”
“But…” The woman’s breath is faintly audible through the static. “Is it even possible? I mean, for us to…”
“Well, dear.” The man’s voice seems to get closer. “There’s only one way to find out.”
“Turn that shit off!”
A hulking man emerges from the forest, stalking to the campfire.
The men around it at glance at each other, kissing sounds wafting through the receiver.
“If that isn’t off by the time I get there…” The giant picks up his pace.
A young red-haired man leaps up, scurrying to the subspace radio and flipping a switch.
Suddenly it’s quiet, the fire crackling softly, insects chirping in the distance.
The giant shakes his head as he approaches. He’s nearly seven feet tall and well-muscled, a gold ring piercing the center of his nose.
“I leave for ten minutes…” He kicks a Shistavanen sleeping by a log.
The wolfman flies up, eyes wide.
“Where’s the trouble?” He grabs his blaster.
“The trouble…” The giant fumes. “Is that you’re sleeping when you should be guarding the damn shipment.” He points a transport in the center of the clearing.
“Oh.” He sets down the blaster. “Right.” He lies back on the ground.
“GET UP!” The giant roars.
The wolfman snaps up along with several others dozing around the fire.
The men straighten, half of them bleary-eyed, trying to shake themselves awake.
There are sixteen of them, some perched on logs, others lying in the grass. All of them are equipped with blasters, a few with more colorful weapons— carbine rifles, flame throwers.
“Idiots.” The giant saunters to a log. “Pathetic.” He takes a seat. “Raiden’ll hear about this. You can be sure of that.”
“But…” The red-haired man sits up. “Not all of us were sleeping. I was awake the whole time. So was Insen.” He nods to the man beside him. “And Nex.” He nods to another. “And—”
“Shut it, Toad.” The giant points at him. “You sat there and watched them sleep, didn’t you?”
Toad opens his mouth to protest but catches himself. He crosses arms, sulking.
“We’d have an easier time staying awake if we had some entertainment,” he mutters.
“Oh, you want entertainment?” The giant perks up. “I’ll give you entertainment.” He puts a hand on his blade. “Let’s have a little sparring match, just you and me.”
Toad gulps.
“Knock it off, Rafe.” The wolfman stands, making his way to a log. “We’re out of bacta bandages, and I don’t wanna clean up your mess.”
The giant removes his hand from the blade but keeps his eyes on Toad.
“Raiden’s gonna have your ass.” He smirks. “All of you’ll be doing time in the tunnels after we get back.”
Several of the men cringe.
“When is that exactly?” A clawdite yawns, reptilian skin stretching over his face.  
Rafe pushes out an exhale.
“I told you those blue bastards are bringing the shadow moss at dawn. Then, we’re outta here”
One of the men wrinkles his nose.
“I hate that stuff.” He shudders. “Makes me feel like my head’s gonna explode.”
“It’s not so bad if you cut it with snuff.” His friend nudges him. “You should try it—”
“No one’s trying anything with the boss’s shipment, you hear me?” Rafe points at the man. “We’re here to guard and deliver. That’s it.”
“Yeah.” The wolfman grunts. “All sixteen of us.”
“Hey!” The giant snaps. “Do you have any idea how much that’s worth?” He points to the transport. “Billions. Billions of credits worth of spice and drugs, more than you’ll hope to make in a lifetime. Raiden’s not taking any chances with—”
Suddenly, he stops, knitting his eyebrows. He’s looking at Toad across from him.
The young man’s face is white. He’s trembling, eyes wide.
“Ch-” He lifts a finger. “Ch- Ch-” He’s pointing at something in the distance. “Chainbreaker!”
Rafe shoots to his feet, whipping around.
But he stops at the sound of snickering.
He turns to find Toad covering his mouth.
“You…” He tries to contain his laughter. “You should’ve seen your face…” He bowls over, unable to contain himself.
“That’s not funny.” The giant seethes, retaking his seat. “You shouldn’t joke about that.”
“It’s not like she’ll be coming around here.” The clawdite throws a branch on the fire. “There’s no live cargo.” He points to the transport.
“You know, Jac was there when she raided the farms on Chrona.” Toad nudges the man beside him. “She blew through the overseers like they were nothing, took a hundred of the hands with her.”
“I know someone who was there when she raided Kessel.” The Clawdite lowers to his seat. “Said they had her in a corner, blasters pointed right at her, then...” He flicks his fingers. “She was gone. Just like that. Popped up from behind and started railing on ‘em.”
“That’s nothing.” Another man leans forward. “I know a guy who was there when she raided Pasher, said she waved a hand and smashed all their weapons against the wall like that.”
“She’s a witch.”
“I heard she was a Jedi.”
“She’s not a Jedi,” one of the men spits. “There are no Jedi anymore, dingbat.”
“I heard she’s from Dathomir.” Toad looks around. “Descended from one of the nightsisters.”
“No, she’s from the unknown regions,” a man corrects him. “Grew up with the Chiss.”
“It doesn’t matter where she’s from.” Rafe slips a long blade from the sheath at his side. “All that matters…” He looks up. “Is that if I ever run into that bitch, I’m gonna slice her to pieces.”
Several of them men raise their eyebrows.
“Yeah, you do that.” The wolfman blinks. “Everyone else she’s run into crawls away, licking their wounds, but I’m sure you’re the one who can—”
Suddenly, he stiffens, pointed ears shooting up.
“What?” Toad leans in. “Hear somethi—”
The wolfman shushes him, rising.
Rafe stands too, a hand on his blaster.
The wolfman glances at him, pointing to the forest.
The giant nods, then motions to the men.
In an instant, they’re all on their feet, readying their weapons.
Rafe and the wolfman stalk to the trees, swift and silent.
The rest of them make a perimeter around the transport, blasters pointed at the forest.
Toad keeps close to the fire, keen on staying in the light. He’s shaking, his weapon rattling in his hands.
He snaps to Nex.
“Don’t worry,” his friend whispers. “It’s probably just the Narqs with the moss.”
Toad nods, trembling. He glances at Rafe and Vik.
They’re near the edge of the clearing now, moving quietly. The wolfman’s ears are erect, taking in every sound. His eyes are glued to the forest, branches and brush barely visible in the dark.
There’s something in there. He can smell it as well as he hears it. It smells like—
Suddenly, a purple blade cuts through the blackness.
The men pelt the forest with plasma shots, ripping up the trees.
But some of the shots bounce back, the blade whipping around with an electric whine. The wolfman howls, grabbing his shoulder.
The purple light charges, flying up and overhead.  
Rafe swings around, firing his blaster.
But their attacker is on the other end of the clearing.
Wasn’t he just behind him…?
He roars, charging into the fray.
The men are in chaos now, running and screaming.
“Right! To the right!”
“No, left damn it, left!”
The purple blade is everywhere, swinging up and down, filling the air with an electric hum. The men can barely see who’s wielding it before it swoops overhead or flickers from one spot to another like it’s teleporting.  
“There’s more than one! There’s more than one!” Toad fires at the purple light.
Suddenly, his blaster rips out of his hands and he gasps, helpless as he watches it fly into the forest.
He hits the ground, crawling to the trees, trying to yank his dagger from its sheath. He glances at their attacker across the way.
It’s a blur of limbs, small and humanoid. It looks like a girl…
“Light her up, damn it! Light her up!”
Men with flamethrowers charge at the girl from both sides, bursts of fire shooting out.
But she disappears before flames hit.
Toad gapes.
What the…?
He curls into a ball, squeezing his eyes shut.
This isn’t real. This isn’t real. It’s just a dream. He’s gonna wake up any second now…
There’s screaming and blaster fire all around, electric whining moving from one side then the other.
Toad squeals when something large and heavy lands on top of him. He flails wildly, pushing it off. He opens his eyes to find Rafe unconscious on the ground.
Suddenly, it’s quiet.
No blasters. No screaming. No electric hum. Just grunting and moaning and the soft crackle of the fire.
Toad looks right, then left, noting the bodies sprawled all over the clearing, half of them crawling to the forest.
He starts to sit up.
But he freezes when an electric blade shoots by his ear. He can feel the heat, purple crackling by his face.
He hears footsteps behind him and the blade moves, circling to the front. He keeps still, eyes forward.
“Is this your leader?”
He glances up.
He can’t help but gape at the figure above.
It’s a girl alright. Human. Pretty. And young, younger than he is by the looks of it.
She nods to Rafe beside him.
For a moment, Toad just stares.
Then, he nods.
In an instant, the blade disappears, and the girl crouches, leaning over Rafe to pat around his belt. Two figures burst from the forest, one stopping by the transport, the other running to the girl.
She takes the remote to the ship from Rafe’s belt, then rises.
A tall figure approaches quickly. The girl lifts a hand and the man takes the remote, turning to the transport without a word.
A second later, it opens with a low clang.
Toad gasps, scrambling up.
But he’s stopped by a purple blade shooting in front of his face.  
He freezes.
“Do you know who I am?”
He keeps his eyes on the blade.
“Y-you…” He croaks. “You’re the Chainbreaker.”
“That’s right.” She crouches, the blade disappearing. “I’m the Chainbreaker.”
She’s right in front of him now, the glow of the fire behind her. She looks relaxed, an arm draped over her knee.
He stares at her, transfixed.
“I need you to do something for me.” Her eyes are soft and steady. “I need you to get a message to your boss. Can you do that?”
He nods.
“Tell him I’m taking his shipment.” She sticks a thumb to the transport. “I’m keeping it safe and intact. He’ll get all of it back…” She leans in. “When he shuts down his slave markets.”
Toad widens his eyes.
But a second later, he nods.
“Good boy.” She stands.  
Toad snaps to the transport when he hears the engines power on.
He looks back at the girl.
“One more thing.” She attaches a metal hilt to her belt. “Tell Raiden that if he or one of his friends lays a finger on one of my allies or their property…” She leans down. “I’ll have a little bonfire.” Her eyes flicker. “And he’ll never see his shipment again.”
Toad tries to croak a response, but it gets caught in his throat.
The girl straightens.
“Have a good night.” She turns, heading for the transport.
Toad watches her go, unmoving, hardly aware of his own body.
The girl ascends into the transport, and it closes behind her. A minute later, it lifts, hovering a few feet above the clearing. Then it rises, higher and higher until it’s above the trees.
Finally, it shoots forward, disappearing into the night sky.
Read the rest on Ao3!
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pomrania · 7 years
What Species To Choose For Your Star Wars OC: Volume 2 (text only)
Text-only version of the Star Wars OC species selector (volume two) by @thefoodwiththedood
Answer the first question, then follow the number at the end of your selection to your next question; keep doing that, until you get a species. For more information on a given species, check the original post for links, or just search Wookieepedia.
0. Alright, first question: How Human do you want your OC to be?
Almost entirely human, save for some minor differences with their biology or appearance; I don't want to get too crazy with this, after all! (1)
Mostly human, but with some other features being prevalent; something with a human face, but distinctly alien (2)
Somewhat human, but with an alien face, features, and anatomy -- like an alien with human proportions (3)
Only human as far as their humanoid body shape (head, arms, and legs on a central torso) ; something almost entirely alien (4)
I want something weird and crazy, with hardly any human features -- humans are overrated, anyways (5)
1. Alright! Now, a common thread between these species are tattoos connected to their cultures; what are your thoughts on those?
Eh, they're not my thing (6)
I think they're cool! (7)
2. Awesome! So, a common thread between species like this is things growing out of their heads; which sounds coolest to you?
Nothing (8)
Horns (9)
Head-tails (lekku) (10)
Tentacles (11)
Facial tendrils and bone spurs: SITH PUREBLOOD
3. Alright, cool! So, biologically speaking, what do you want your OC to be like?
Aquatic (12)
Mammalian (13)
Reptilian (14)
Insectoid: GAND
4. Okay, cool! So, relative to a Human, how big do you see them being?
Big (15)
Normal (16)
Small (17)
5. Excellent choice! Now, with species like this, there's a possibility that some might not have a definite body shape -- how's that sound?
Sounds cool! (18)
Eh, that sounds a little too crazy, even for me (19)
6. Fair enough! Now then, what skin tone do you see for your character?
Normal human skin tones (20)
A shade of white, grey, or black (21)
A shade of red, blue, or purple (22)
Something with an unknown skin tone (23)
7. I agree! So, what skin tone do you see for them?
Red (24)
Normal human skin tones (25)
Grey (26)
8. So if nothing sprouts out of their head, should their head at least be weirdly-shaped?
Yes (27)
No (28)
9. How many horns were you thinking?
Two (29)
Four (30)
Eight or more (31)
10. How many lekku were you thinking?
Six to eight: THOLOTHIAN
More than eight: MIKKIAN
11. Do telepathic abilities sound cool?
12. Would you want something fish-like? Or something more amphibian?
Amphibian (32)
Fish-like (33)
13. So, on a scale of one to three, how much hair would they have?
Little, if any at all (34)
An average amount (35)
A whole lot (36)
14. On a scale of one to three, how reptilian should they be?
Straight-up scaly lizard man (37)
Still scaly, but not exactly lizard-like (38)
Really only reptilian as far as their physiology (39)
15. What sort of body covering should they have?
Bare skin (40)
Fur (41)
Feathers: SATHARIN
16. What body covering should they have?
Fur (42)
Bare skin (43)
Exoskeleton (44)
Feathers (45)
Scales: PYKE
17. How cute would you want them to be?
Not that cute at all (46)
Sorta cute (47)
Not just cute, but fuzzy too (48)
18. I agree! Now, what do you see their body being made of?
Nerves and muscles: GEN'DAI
Bark and leaves: NETI
Nuts and bolts: DROID
Stardust or whatever: STARWEIRD
19. Okay, fair enough! So, what do you see them using for locomotion?
Tentacles: GREE
Hands: DUG
Nothing; they'd levitate (49)
Tail (50)
Feet (51)
20. So do you want something that looks exactly like a Human? Or something different?
Just like a Human (52)
Slightly different (53)
21. What shade of grey were you thinking?
Pure white: ECHANI
Light grey: NAGAI
Medium grey: UMBARAN
Pitch black: SAKIYAN
22. On a scale of blue to red, what colour would they be?
Bluish-purple: OMWATI
Reddish-purple: SEPHI
23. Would you prefer something high-tech or low-tech?
High-tech: GANK
24. Can they sometimes be blue?
25. Do psychometric abilities sound cool?
26. Okay, so besides their skin tone, what other distinguishing feature(s) do you see for them?
Facial jewellery: RATTATAKI
Glowing eyes: KAGE
27. But should they still have a normal face?
28. Should they have rough/weirdly-textured skin?
Yes (54)
No (55)
29. Which way would those horns be pointing?
30. Should they have hair?
31. Should they have tattoos?
32. Would you want them to have fins/ webbed appendages?
Yes (56)
No (57)
33. Should they have fins or tentacles?
Tentacles (58)
34. Would you want them to have horns?
Yes (59)
No (60)
35. Okay, so what distinguishing feature(s) seems coolest for them?
Extra arms: BESALISK
Cranial horns: TARNAB
Chin tusks and big ears: KALEESH
A majestic beard: TARSUNT
36. What colour would their hair be?
Tan and brown earthy tones (61)
White: TALZ
Purple: LASAT
37. So, besides their lizard-like appearance, what other defining feature(s) sound cool?
Facial crests: GORMAK
Cranial horns: TRANDOSHAN
A short but muscular build: NOGHRI
38. What colour should their scales be?
Green (62)
Tan/red (63)
39. What kind of eyes should they have?
Red and pupilless: DUROS
Black and marble-like (64)
Like tiny galaxies: RODIAN
Human-like eyes: SKRILLING
40. What distinguishing feature(s) sound coolest?
Chin horns: DOWUTIN
An elephant-like appearance: CRAGMOLOID
Oral tusks: ZEXX
41. Would you prefer something beastly? Or more sleek and weasel-like?
Beast boi: YUZZEM
Weasel boi: SELONIAN
42. What colour should their fur be?
Brown (65)
43. Would you prefer something high-tech or low-tech?
High-tech: SKAKOAN
Low-tech: ITHORIAN
44. Would they be more of a crustacean or an insect?
Crustacean: KREVAAKI
45. Colourful feathers?
46. So what would you want their face to look like?
A grumpy little muppet: YODA'S SPECIES
Snaggle-toothed and bug-eyed: TOYDARIAN
A little blue elephant: ORTOLAN
Hardly even a face: KALLIDAHIN
47. Biologically speaking, what sort of appearance would you prefer?
Reptilian: ALEENA
Mammalian: TALPINI
48. What animal sounds cutest to you?
Bear cubs: EWOK
Hamsters: DRALL
49. Do you want them to have eyes?
50. What kind of tail?
Mermaid: MELODIE
Slug: HUTT
Snake (66)
51. How many feet would they have?
Two (67)
Four: SUGI
52. Okay, so what distinguishing feature(s) would they have then?
None (68)
An extra-long lifespan: MORELLIAN
An extra-flexible body: VAHLA
Basically they're a Neanderthal: DANTARI
53. So what feature(s) would make them different from a Human?
Antennae: BALOSAR
White hair and eyes: ARKANIAN
Plantlike physiology: ZELOSIAN
Healing factor: FIRRERREO
54. What sort of skin texture should they have?
Ridged: PAU'AN
55. What skin tone should they have?
Normal human skin tones (69)
Glowing white: DIATHIM/ANGELS
Greyish-purple: RYN
Blue (70)
56. What skin tone would they have?
Green: RYBET
57. Would they be able to breathe oxygen?
58. Where on their body?
Their face: QUARREN
Their head: NAUTOLAN
59. Do you like pirates?
60. Okay, so what skin tone do you see for them?
61. How long/thick is their hair?
Sorta short: CATHAR
A bit longer: BOTHAN
Fairly fuzzy: IAKARU
Really fuzzy: GOTAL
Literally a walking carpet: WOOKIEE
62. Is it alright if they can't breathe oxygen?
63. Can they sometimes be green?
64. Should they be especially musical?
65. Are you afraid of spiders?
Yes (71)
66. How many arms do you see them having?
Four (72)
67. Relative to a human, how big do you see them being?
Normal: CHEVIN
Small (73)
68. So you just want a normal Human?
Not exactly; I want a Human, but one with a jetpack and a cool helmet: MANDALORIAN
69. Do you mind a shorter stature for your OC?
No: (74)
70: What should their most distinguishing feature(s) be?
None, really; they're just blue: BRITARRO
Patches of scales: ICARII
71. Are you on Team Jacob or Team Edward?
Who cares about Twilight anymore? WHIPHID
72. Do you see them having hair?
73. How small?
Sorta smol: NEELABI
Tol, but still smol: XEXTO
74. What should their most distinguishing feature(s) be?
A pig nose: UGNAUGHT
Big ears: LANNIK
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gahmah-raan · 2 years
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Cross-guard Continuity Crossover
This was a reactionary sketch to the first teaser for The Force Awakens, in which Grein, one of my OCs on the right, meets Kylo Ren on the left. The perspective doesn’t make it obvious, but Grein’s saber has four quillions. If you thought Kylo’s saber was ridiculous, I drew Grein’s well before TFA went into production.
As for why Kylo doens’t look totally accurate, again, this was drawn before we got more detailed photos of him.
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gahmah-raan · 2 years
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Profile: Ze'emilin'asana Codename: Mortaqa Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa Species: Chiss (endangered purple-eyed sub-species) Gender: Female Age: 3500+ years Weapon: Lightsaber (formerly), Lightscythe Affiliation: Old Jedi Order, Valkoran Empire, Forceless Collective (unconsentingly) The younger sister of Ze'grein'aradi (or Grein as most call her), Emilin has been through many lifetimes' worth of pain and suffering. She was born on Nar Shaddaa after her mother and sister fled from the Chiss homeworld of Csilla to escape a series of ethnic cleansing on accusations of 'witchcraft'. Eventually both she and her sister were discovered by the Jedi Order and accepted for training (although at the time, nobody knew what species they were). Following the end of the Mandalorian Wars, she, Grein and several others followed Jedi Knight Seferin Vaelor - Grein's betrothed and later her husband - to the Unknown Regions planet Ockla Prime after he was exiled, met the enigmatic character Valkor and created an empire consisting of many people disillusioned with their own governments, whether from the Republic or the Sith Empire. Unfortunately, the Valkoran Empire wouldn't be the utopia it seemed to be on the surface. After the clinically insane outcast Sith Lord Masochus came along with his emotionally tormented apprentice, Balos Oiren (who would later be known as Armogeist), Emperor Valkor's plans for galactic conquest via a group known as the Forceless Collective started to surface. She and Grein learned of this, but Emilin was caught by Masochus and Valkor while Grein was forced to flee. She was then possessed by the Forceless Archfiend, Facadma. She was officially listed as having been killed in an accident, when truth, she spent centuries in isolation being physically and psychologically tortured by Valkor, Facadma and Masochus. In addition to being consciously aware of her possession and unable to speak out (even via telepathy), forms of torment included distorting her visual perception (by making her see the world through the perspective of a three-eyed mask), taunting her with the idea that her sister won't come back to save her and cutting her breasts off while she was still conscious. But none of these compared to Facadma combining her powers to make her harvest the living Force from creatures on a planetary scale every so often, as she was often forced to endure the torment of other beings denied the opportunity to become one with the Force. She eventually got her release more than 3,500 years later near the end of the war between the Valkoran Empire and the Galactic Alliance, liberated from Facadma by her distant nephew, Zolph Vaelor (who was almost purely human due to the Chiss genes being thinned out from generations of human breeding) and working alongside her sister Grein, who cheated death and persevered through the regret of abandoning her just to see to it that she was eventually freed and the Forceless Collective defeated. Facadma's death at the hands of both Zolph and her brother-in-law, Seferin (AKA Maesterus) then followed after hers.
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gahmah-raan · 2 years
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Star Wars: Paranormalities: Episode I - Chapter 5: The Contact cover art - Grein - Forceless Slayer
Included both logoed and un-logoed versions for archival purposes.
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