#Quantum Cryptography
tundraglitch · 9 months
Free Courses on IBM Quantum Learning
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IBM has launched a series of free course for learning the basics of quantum computing and how to use the IBM Quantum services (here the link).
At the moment I’m writing there are four courses:
Basics of quantum information
First unit in the series, the course explains the basis of quantum computing at a detailed mathematical level, it requires knowing a bit of linear algebra, but also fascinating subjects like: quantum teleportation (no, sadly it’s not like Star Trek) and superdense coding.
Fundamentals of quantum algorithms
This second unit explores the advantages of quantum computers over classical computers
Variational algorithm design
This course teaches how to write variational algorithms and how to use Qiskit, the IBM API for quantum computing.
Practical introduction to quantum-safe cryptography Quantum computers can do what a classical computer can’t: use brute force and be quick, so they can break common cryptography. This course teaches how to use encryption that cannot be break so easily.
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iwebtechways · 2 months
Quantum Cryptography: The Future of Super Secure Encryption
In the battle to keep our information safe from hackers, encryption plays a vital role. But with the arrival of quantum computers, traditional encryption methods are at risk. Quantum cryptography offers a new kind of protection, using the strange rules of quantum physics. This article explores how quantum cryptography could change the way we keep our data safe online.Understanding Quantum…
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kaustubhbhandari · 2 months
Quantum Cryptography
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etibarn · 3 months
The Quantum Enigma: How Unbreakable Code and Lightning Speed Will Change Everything
The Quantum Enigma: How Unbreakable Code and Lightning Speed Will Change Everything #quantumcomputing #dataencryption #dataprocessing #technology #science #quantumsupremacy #quantumcryptography #QKD #cybersecurity #futureofcomputing
Introduction Imagine a world where the locks on your most sensitive data – bank records, medical histories, even government secrets – could crumble in minutes. That’s the potential danger of quantum computing, but it’s also where the promise of an unprecedented technological revolution lies. The world of computing is on the brink of this seismic shift, fueled by the emergence of quantum…
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sageuniversitybpl · 6 months
Mathematics in Cryptography: Securing the Digital World
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aishavass · 6 months
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reallytoosublime · 8 months
With the power to create unbreakable encryption, supercharge the development of AI, and radically expedite the development of drug treatments, quantum technology will revolutionize our world. In this video, we're diving deep into the world of the power of quantum encryption.
Quantum encryption, a groundbreaking advancement in the realm of cryptography and data security, has unveiled a new era of impregnable communication and data protection. This revolutionary technology harnesses the bewildering principles of quantum mechanics to enable the creation of unbreakable codes and shield sensitive information from the ever-looming threats of cyberattacks and surveillance.
Traditional encryption methods rely on complex mathematical algorithms to encode data, requiring vast computational power to crack these codes. In contrast, quantum encryption leverages the peculiar properties of quantum particles, such as photons, to establish an unbreakable link between the sender and the receiver. This link, often referred to as a quantum key distribution, is based on the principle of quantum entanglement, where the states of two particles become intertwined in such a way that any change in one particle instantaneously affects the other, regardless of the distance separating them.
The emergence of quantum encryption marks a watershed moment in the ongoing battle between information security and cyber threats. By harnessing the mystifying behaviors of quantum particles, this technology promises an era where sensitive data can be communicated and stored with unprecedented levels of security. As researchers continue to refine its implementation and address its challenges, quantum encryption holds the potential to revolutionize the way we safeguard our digital world.
The Mind-Blowing Power of Quantum Encryption Revealed
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youtubemarketing1234 · 8 months
With the power to create unbreakable encryption, supercharge the development of AI, and radically expedite the development of drug treatments, quantum technology will revolutionize our world. In this video, we're diving deep into the world of the power of quantum encryption.
Quantum encryption, a groundbreaking advancement in the realm of cryptography and data security, has unveiled a new era of impregnable communication and data protection. This revolutionary technology harnesses the bewildering principles of quantum mechanics to enable the creation of unbreakable codes and shield sensitive information from the ever-looming threats of cyberattacks and surveillance.
Traditional encryption methods rely on complex mathematical algorithms to encode data, requiring vast computational power to crack these codes. In contrast, quantum encryption leverages the peculiar properties of quantum particles, such as photons, to establish an unbreakable link between the sender and the receiver. This link, often referred to as a quantum key distribution, is based on the principle of quantum entanglement, where the states of two particles become intertwined in such a way that any change in one particle instantaneously affects the other, regardless of the distance separating them.
This phenomenon guarantees the security of the communication channel, as any attempt to intercept or eavesdrop on the transmitted quantum information would disrupt the delicate entanglement, leaving clear traces of tampering. This fundamental principle, known as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, dictates that any observation of a quantum system alters its state, making surreptitious decryption impossible without alerting the parties involved.
The mind-bending implications of quantum encryption extend beyond secure communication channels. It has the potential to fundamentally transform industries reliant on data privacy, including finance, healthcare, government, and defense. Financial transactions, medical records, and classified government communications—all stand to benefit from the ironclad protection offered by quantum encryption.
However, the practical implementation of quantum encryption is not without challenges. Quantum systems are exquisitely delicate and susceptible to disturbances from their environment, which can lead to errors in transmission. Researchers have been diligently working to develop error correction techniques and robust quantum hardware to overcome these hurdles and make quantum encryption a viable reality.
The emergence of quantum encryption marks a watershed moment in the ongoing battle between information security and cyber threats. By harnessing the mystifying behaviors of quantum particles, this technology promises an era where sensitive data can be communicated and stored with unprecedented levels of security. As researchers continue to refine its implementation and address its challenges, quantum encryption holds the potential to revolutionize the way we safeguard our digital world.
The Mind-Blowing Power of Quantum Encryption Revealed
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soibhandoyle · 8 months
How to Navigate the Quantum Frontier: A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction: Unveiling the Quantum Frontier
Welcome to the quantum revolution, a realm where the rules of classical computing are rewritten. Navigating the quantum frontier can be both exciting and challenging. In this comprehensive guide, we'll equip you with the knowledge and tools to embark on this extraordinary journey.
Chapter 1: Understanding the Basics
1.1 Quantum Computing Demystified
Learn the fundamental principles behind quantum computing, including qubits, superposition, and quantum entanglement.
1.2 Quantum vs. Classical Computing
Discover the key differences that set quantum computing apart from traditional computing paradigms.
Chapter 2: Quantum Algorithms and Applications
2.1 Shor's Algorithm: Breaking the Unbreakable
Explore Shor's algorithm and its implications for cryptography and data security.
2.2 Grover's Algorithm: The Quantum Search Engine
Understand Grover's algorithm and how it revolutionizes search and optimization tasks.
2.3 Quantum Machine Learning
Delve into the intersection of quantum computing and machine learning, opening doors to new possibilities in AI.
Chapter 3: Building Quantum Computers
3.1 Quantum Hardware Essentials
Discover the components that make up quantum computers, from qubits to quantum gates.
3.2 Quantum Computing Architectures
Explore different approaches to quantum computing, including gate-based, adiabatic, and annealing methods.
3.3 Quantum Software and Programming
Get hands-on with quantum programming languages and understand how to develop quantum algorithms.
Chapter 4: Real-World Quantum Applications
4.1 Quantum Computing in Chemistry
Learn how quantum computers are revolutionizing drug discovery and materials science.
4.2 Quantum Computing in Finance
Explore the impact of quantum algorithms on portfolio optimization and financial modeling.
4.3 Quantum Computing in Healthcare
Discover the transformative potential of quantum computing in medical research and genetic analysis.
4.4 Quantum Optimization in Everyday Life
See how quantum algorithms can streamline supply chain management and traffic optimization.
Chapter 5: Overcoming Challenges and Embracing the Future
5.1 Quantum Error Correction
Understand the importance of error correction in quantum computing and ongoing developments.
5.2 Scaling Quantum Computers
Explore the challenges of scaling up quantum machines while maintaining qubit coherence.
5.3 Quantum Supremacy
Delve into the concept of quantum supremacy and its significance in the world of computing.
5.4 Post-Quantum Cryptography
Learn about the quest to develop encryption methods resistant to quantum attacks.
Chapter 6: Initiating Your Quantum Journey
6.1 Learning Quantum Computing
Discover resources, courses, and books to kickstart your quantum learning journey.
6.2 Quantum Simulators
Experiment with quantum algorithms using simulators before working with actual quantum hardware.
6.3 Joining the Quantum Community
Connect with fellow enthusiasts, researchers, and professionals in online forums, groups, and conferences.
Conclusion: Embarking on the Quantum Frontier
The quantum frontier beckons with boundless opportunities. Armed with this comprehensive guide, you're prepared to navigate the quantum landscape, contribute to its growth, and witness the transformative power of quantum computing. Step into the future and embrace the quantum revolution!
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adroit--2022 · 11 months
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the-outside-scoop · 1 year
Unveiling the Quantum Computing Breakthroughs Shaping the Future
Quantum computing, a revolutionary field at the intersection of physics, mathematics, and computer science, is rapidly progressing and offering unprecedented computational power. With its potential to solve complex problems that traditional computers cannot, quantum computing breakthroughs are paving the way for transformative advancements across various industries. Quantum Supremacy: In 2019,…
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tundraglitch · 9 months
Totally Random: Why Nobody Understands Quantum Mechanics (A Serious Comic on Entanglement) – Book Review
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The title of this book, as you can see above, is long as a chapter itself, so I’ll refer to it in this review more shortly as “Totally Random”. “Totally Random” has the ambitious intent of making Quantum Entanglement clear for everyone.
But what is Quantum Entanglement? If I can explain it without errors, you’ll have the proof the book works, so I’ll try my best.
Some quantum particles (photons or electron for example) can be induced in a state called “entanglement” in which their behavior is striclty correlated, they become like a single particle.
If you call your particles Alice and Bob, whatever thing Alice does, Bob seems to know instantly, even if they are separeted in space and cannot comunicate by any known mean, so if Alice and Bob were real people and not particles, if Alice is having tea for breakfast on Earth, then Bob is having tea for breakfast wherever he is, even on Jupiter. If Alice wakes up and wants an espresso with cocoa, well Bob wants the same (no matter if Bob prefers tea), and viceversa. The point is: if you observe Alice doing something, whenever you observe Bob you get the same result. Bob and Alice can also decide to do always the opposite thing of the other one, but the point is: they follow a pattern, they seem to communicate faster than light, but you all know that nothing in this universe can travel faster than light which is strictly equivalent to say “Nobody puts Einstein in a corner”.
Fundamentally quantum entanglement is simply the most puzzling thing in all quantum mechanics, the more exciting, the more promising and sometimes it seems really like magic. Many phyiscs have been fashinated by this phenomenon and the most important ones and their theories are illustrated in the book. The authors of “Totally Random” are father and child, namely Jeffrey Bub (a professor at the University of Maryland who studied physics with Bohm and philosophy with Popper) and Tanya Bub who got a degree in philosopy and studied art and had the courage to coauthor a book with her father (I suppose it isn’t easy to get the last word in such a scenario). The comic has a simple style, functional to the argument, so no fancy scenes Marvel-style with maybe a superhero Schrödinger and his loyal cat in a cape fighting with some kind of enemy, but the most important scientists of the field appear in the book, illustrating their different point of views about entanglement ( and yes, Schrödinger and his cat appear in the book, but not with a cape). The books tries to explain also important possible applications of entanglement like quantum teleportation or quantum cryptography. The most of the book is dedicated to explain Bell’s inequality: a mathematical theorem that shows that entanglement cannot be caused by any kind of rigging of the experiments and I think the authors do really a good job about it, explaining the correlation between quantum particles as the toss of Quoins, special coins correalted through a machine called Super Quantum Entangler PR01. The book is a very likeble read, but despite being funny, it has a very serious long list of references at the end, including the source of all the phrases attributed to scientists. I really enjoyed this reading: I saw a video about quantum entanglement and I got mesmerized by the idea of mysterious communication faster than light, and searched for list of books about it, one of which listed many university books and this comic. As any serious person raised with bread and comics would do, I choose the comic book as first read about the argument and I think I did well.
The book has page dedicated with extra material:
and a page on the publisher website:
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virallymedia · 1 year
The Potential of Quantum Cryptography: Unbreakable Security for the Digital Age
In the digital age, information security is more important than ever. With the increasing amount of data being transferred electronically, it is essential to protect that data from interception and unauthorized access. Traditional cryptographic methods have been used for decades to protect electronic information, but these methods may not be sufficient in the face of modern computing power.…
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bloggerthrive · 2 years
Quantum cryptography uses quantum mechanics principles to encrypt the plaintext
Quantum cryptography, according to the definition, uses quantum mechanics and quantum algorithms to make it technically unhackable. Consider a data transfer between two parties, sender and receiver. The key used to cypher the plaintext in quantum cryptography is known as quantum key distribution (QKD), which is a sequence of photons used to transmit data over an optical fibre cable. The parties involved will be able to determine what the key is and whether it has been compromised by a third party by comparing measurements of the properties of these photons.
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geeknik · 6 months
Bitcoin in a Post Quantum Cryptographic World
Quantum computing, once a theoretical concept, is now an impending reality. The development of quantum computers poses significant threats to the security of many cryptographic systems, including Bitcoin. Cryptographic algorithms currently used in Bitcoin and similar systems may become vulnerable to quantum computing attacks, leading to potential disruptions in the blockchain ecosystem. The question arises: What will be the fate of Bitcoin in a post-quantum cryptographic world?
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Bitcoin relies on two cryptographic principles: the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) and the SHA-256 hashing function. The ECDSA is used for signing transactions, which verifies the rightful owner of the Bitcoin. On the other hand, the SHA-256 hashing function is used for proof-of-work mechanism, which prevents double-spending. Both principles are expected to become vulnerable in the face of powerful quantum computers.
Quantum Threat to Bitcoin
Quantum computers, due to their inherent nature of superposition and entanglement, can process information on a scale far beyond the capability of classical computers. Shor's Algorithm, a quantum algorithm for factoring integers, could potentially break the ECDSA by deriving the private key from the public key, something that is computationally infeasible with current computing technology. Grover's Algorithm, another quantum algorithm, can significantly speed up the process of finding a nonce, thus jeopardizing the proof-of-work mechanism.
Post-Quantum Cryptography
In a post-quantum world, Bitcoin and similar systems must adapt to maintain their security. This is where post-quantum cryptography (PQC) enters the scene. PQC refers to cryptographic algorithms (usually public-key algorithms) that are thought to be secure against an attack by a quantum computer. These algorithms provide a promising direction for securing Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies against the quantum threat.
Bitcoin in the Post Quantum World
Adopting a quantum-resistant algorithm is a potential solution to the quantum threat. Bitcoin could potentially transition to a quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithm via a hard fork, a radical change to the blockchain protocol that makes previously invalid blocks/transactions valid (or vice-versa). Such a transition would require a complete consensus in the Bitcoin community, a notoriously difficult achievement given the decentralized nature of the platform.
Moreover, the Bitcoin protocol can be updated with quantum-resistant signature schemes like the Lattice-based, Code-based, Multivariate polynomial, or Hash-based cryptography. These cryptosystems are believed to withstand quantum attacks even with the implementation of Shor's Algorithm.
Additionally, Bitcoin could integrate quantum key distribution (QKD), a secure communication method using a cryptographic protocol involving components of quantum mechanics. It enables two parties to produce a shared random secret key known only to them, which can be used to encrypt and decrypt messages.
In conclusion, the advent of quantum computers does indeed pose a threat to Bitcoin's security. However, with the development of post-quantum cryptography, there are potential solutions to this problem. The future of Bitcoin in a post-quantum world is likely to depend on how quickly and effectively these new cryptographic methods can be implemented. The key is to be prepared and proactive to ensure the longevity of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in the face of this new quantum era.
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While the quantum threat may seem daunting, it also presents an opportunity - an opportunity to improve, to innovate, and to adapt. After all, the essence of survival lies in the ability to adapt to change. In the end, Bitcoin, like life, will find a way.
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aishavass · 8 months
The growing adoption of digital technologies to operate and conduct financial transactions brings opportunities for the quantum cryptography market growth...
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