#RC Speed Run
nvisionrc · 6 months
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cvakviigmohns · 1 year
dare I manifest a reverse 2020 for us this year
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sonic-adventure-3 · 2 years
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thecrenellations · 3 months
Top 5 Lymond ships?
I’m going to keep this to romantic* ships, but my list of top 5 Lymond relationships of any kind definitely includes some platonic and family ones (and is even more difficult to confine to 5).
*other or additional adjectives may certainly apply…
click below for spoilers and because my answers got long. Augh, these characters!
Francis/Will - The nicknames! The fights! The stars! Strip tarocco and its narrative implications! Then the wedding day sheep battle, the tactical cross-dressing, “everything there was to know about Lymond’s way with women” ?!?!, the ring, the way Will is there at Midculter when Francis comes home in DK… They’re such a disaster, in hilarious and serious ways, but they make it through to real trust and friendship in the end, and I just love them.
Francis/Philippa - Their relationship is always important and telling and entertaining, and after a certain point but before the suffering sets in, they just keep making each other smile and laugh, by accident and on purpose. Reading their scenes in RC is like genuinely being in the room with them, with banter and chemistry that is PALPABLE and makes me into a third wheel, but as a reader I also have insights that they don’t, so I’m in on it too? Or something. They love each other so much! And after everything, they get to be together. Francis, you fool, this is what you should be!
Francis/Jerott - if you’d told me when I was in the middle of reading the series that they’d be on this list, I’d be like, “Uh, ok, sure. Dorothy Dunnett has changed my opinion about characters before.” If you'd told me when I had just finished the series, I’d go, “Huh??” But here I am. There is so much wrong with both of them, and we know it all too well, but they are so important to each other, and Jerott is one of the characters closest to the story's heart. Getting Jerott safely out of the disaster that is DK is one of the things Francis promises himself, and he’s so glad when Jerott decides to stay. Their relationship, especially in PiF, becomes deeply devoted and strange and delicate and absolutely full of self-deception on both sides. But Francis never stops trusting him, even when he’s busy running away from all of his own feelings with increasing speed, even when Jerott is being awful to him. And all the desperate conflict within Jerott distills to the essential element of being there for Francis, every time it comes down to it. Also, the way Jerott calls him his first name more than anyone else (on-page, in the series’ scope) messes me up.
Marthe/Güzel - I REALLY wish we’d gotten to see more of them. For Marthe, PiF is (among many other things) this long, agonizing breakup, but we only get a few clear glimpses of it. That scene between them in Djerba! Marthe plays a song wishing misfortune on the brother she knows her girlfriend is zeroing in on, and she cries because Güzel has happiness (does she though 😬) and she has none! And I cry too! And the whole mess that web of relationships becomes is fascinating (and one of the clearest examples of how queer these books are, yay), and there's also the parallels with Francis and Margaret, to consider? Anyway, to quote @sophosthewisebunny, Marthe deserves better than the shadiest bitch in the Mediterranean/someone who would leave her for her brother, but their relationship is very interesting.
Francis/Güzel - Rereading RC, every scene between them made me feel dead inside, while also making me want to run around screaming and then return to my book to savor every word. There’s so much going on with them, hardly any of it good, and since I was just thinking about the previous ship on the list, I have to wonder how their relationships to Marthe affect how they relate to each other, because that’s an interesting question, too.
honorable mention to Francis/Míkál, entirely because of this, and Francis -ahem- Lymond/Richard Chancellor, because another thing that happened as I was rereading RC was that I realized just how much I’d missed about how important they are to each other, in such a rare and needed way (the first time, I was busy losing it about the brother prophecy and yelling at Francis to be friends with Adam and Alec again).
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7er1ch0 · 4 months
So i finally watched all the transformers bay movies and Id like to share my ranking of the movies and thoughts.
1 - Age of extinction
The lack of everyman character Sam Witwicky and the fact that up until now they forgot that the transformers were actual characters and not just weapons and source of all explosions, so everyone was actually interacting with each other and had a fucking personality, that and dinosaurs make it the least worst out of all of these.
2 - The last knight
One of my friends called this the dumbest transformers movie and he wasn't wrong. from the 15 minute speed run of the last of us, the uninteresting romance plot, to the fact that they made my boy Hot Rod French. The only thing that made this movie enjoyable was cogsman.
side note, I now have to rewrite the premise of the movie for a transformers ttrpg.
3 - The first one
sheer nostalgia will go along way.
4 - Dark of the moon
i was trying to think about something that I liked about this movie, and aside from Shockwaves worm, its only better then the second one simply because the second one was so fucking boring.
5 - Revenge of the fallen
this was written during a writers strike and it shows. it was so fucking boring that its the only movie i didn't finish with my friends. I finished it by myself and i had to do it in sittings. plus the little rc car humping the woman's leg and the main character was almost sa'd by a fucking robot and it was treated like a joke really made it hard to watch.
it must be known that while these movies objectively suck i still love them. Except you revenge of the fallen.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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The list of the fastest and the highest known flights ever recorded by the Lockheed Blackbird family
By Dario Leone
May 2 2021
Which member of the Blackbird family was the faster and which one reached the highest altitude?
The iconic SR-71 Blackbird spy plane is known for being the official record holder for the fastest jet-powered, piloted aircraft of all time.
The SR-71 was based on another Mach 3, high altitude reconnaissance aircraft, the A-12 Oxcart.
Another Blackbird, the YF-12 high-altitude, Mach 3 interceptor was developed from the A-12 to defend against supersonic bombers. The YF-12 was never adopted by the military as an operational aircraft. The YF-12 too was, however, a precursor to the SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance plane.
At this point, one might ask which member of the Blackbird family was the faster and which one reached the highest altitude.
How U.S. secretly tested the A-12 RCS during the Cuban Missile Crisis
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Linda Sheffield Miller (Col Richard (Butch) Sheffield’s daughter, Col. Sheffield was an SR-71 Reconnaissance Systems Officer), who runs Habubrats Facebook page, may have some answers.
She explained to The Aviation Geek Club:
“The A-12, also known as Oxcart, altitude and speed are unofficial because the A-12 remained top-secret until 1982. Ken Collins, A-12 pilot and SR -71 pilot [who also flew with Col. Sheffield] has revealed an altitude of 94,000 feet!
“The maximum design cruise speed was Mach 3.2. The speed was limited by structural temperature restrictions.
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“The SR-71 flew faster than the rotation of the earth.”
She also listed the fastest known flights:
YF-12A (60-6936) – Mach 3.14 (2,070 mph), USAF, official, 1 May 1965
SR-71B (61-7956) – Mach 3.27 (2,158 mph), NASA, unofficial, 14 December 1995 and 4 March 1997
A-12 (60-6928) – Mach 3.29 (2,171 mph), CIA, unofficial, 8 May 1965
SR-71A (61-7972) – Mach 3.32 (2,193 mph), USAF, official, 27 July 1976.”
How high could the Blackbirds fly?
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Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird model
This model is available in multiple sizes from AirModels – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS.
“The Blackbirds were designed to fly as high as 90,000 feet, but typically operated between 70,000 and 85,000 feet,” says Linda.
Highest known flights:
YF-12A (60-6936) – 80,257 feet, USAF, official, 1 May 1965
SR-71B (61-7956) – 84,700 feet, NASA, unofficial, 18 October 1994
SR-71A (61-7962) – 85,068 feet, USAF, official, 28 July 1976
SR-71A (61-7953) – 86,700 feet, USAF, unofficial, circa 1968
A-12 (60-6932) – 90,000 feet, CIA, unofficial, 14 August 1965
Actually the Blackbird’s incredible speed enabled it to gather intelligence in a matter of a few seconds while streaking across unfriendly skies. Thanks to these astonishing flight characteristics, the Blackbirds have set numerous speed and altitude records during their career.
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sylvanus-cypher · 7 months
Okay I'm going batshit insane with Celestial Bodies builds and I'm about to make it everyone's problem. Watch out followers because I'm gonna be on this bullshit for a while, and if you don't understand what madness I'm spouting, check out Celestial Bodies here. They've got a bunch of free copies to go around, and I didn't specifically buy the tier that adds three copies to the community pool for nothing; go read it! I'm certain you Lancer fans would enjoy it
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This is the layout L//F model of frame, a quick and quirky little guy notable for having all the HP of a tuberculosis-ridden Victorian child and the speed of a cat on crack. That Streamlined trait that doubles its movement? We're gonna be abusing the hell out of that to run loop-de-loops around bitches. This build will require exactly four components:
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First, we'll need an ultra thruster in square configuration on the far left of the build. Normally, this oversized thruster would make us move 5 units per move, but Streamlined lets us move 10. For context, the furthest-reaching weapon in the game is range 6, and average unmoddified mech speed is 2.
Second, an ultralight reactor. Now, you might point out that this means exactly one lucky hit will instantly kill our mech. I would point out that I'm no coward and I can handle a little death every now and again.
Next, a recoil compensation processor. This crucial piece of equipment will prevent us from pissing in the wind with our main method of attack, God's Favourite Weapon:
The Big Fucking Gun[tm]. To prevent lighter builds from abusing this bastard, it specifically causes increased inaccuracy when fielded to anything smaller than a heavy build. Unfortunately for anyone on the business end of this thing, that's Not Fucking Enough, especially since one (1) RC processor gets us back to standard.
Since you get 3 actions per turn, the plan is comically simple: Zoom in with that 10 speed (1); introduce your target to the BFG (2); zoom tf out (3). With 10 entire movement speed, this means you can reliably go toe-to-toe with ultra mechs and swooce right out before they can so much as target you. You'll be reliably out of range of basically anything, and even if by some miracle you do end up in range the 20 movement you make gives you 6 entire evasion which makes you functionally immortal to anything with less than 4 full-auto attacks or explosives. You can straight-up outrun missiles.
Everyone else is playing Battletech while you're playing Project Wingman.
Anyways check out Celestial Bodies and maybe give them some support, the system they've crafted is really cool!
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ccoocckk · 14 days
Here’s my recipe to maintaining a somewhat toned somewhat slim somewhat average body year round with not too much effort:
• it helps to have a daily stimulant prescription for appetite suppression, but you can try other things like cigarettes or caffeine, or just any illegal stim or RC should work just fine
• listen to high BPM music (ideally 160+) and mixes from the moment you wake up till you go to sleep and dance through the day
• go to the gym once a month to work major movements (push, pull, legs) each once and lift heavy
• if you want to do cardio, do a mix of 50% walking at high incline on a treadmill, like 13-15% at 3-4mph and sprinting at high incline, like 5-10%. For like twenty minutes or half an hour. It should be hard but you won’t lose lean muscle compared to running on a flat road and you won’t be as hungry. Also avoid the sun!
• do pull ups halfway seriously three times a week on a door pull up bar
• walk to run most errands (grocery shopping, picking furniture off the street, meeting friends)
• try to catch the bus you might miss and run to it with enough speed so you have some time to spare
• fuck daily, ideally twice a day and get that heart racing
• perfect a recipe you like that’s not boring (no chicken and rice and veggies) that takes like 15 minutes to prepare during meal time that has a good balance of protein, fat, and carbs. I make a Shakshuka with four eggs and meatless meatballs and sometimes three slices of sourdough bread
• drink water when you’re high and get your mind off food and don’t keep snacks around. The munchies will stop bothering you when you ignore the craving and have no place to get food, so get some practice in a few times
• have fun and don’t feel miserable in your diet or workout routine, because then you’ll try to do something drastic that you’ll regret or won’t be able to sustain
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When It Rains It Pours
It was the middle of June 2023. Me and prospect Cam were gearing up for an 800+km day of riding in our beautiful province of Nova Scotia. The weather was cloudy, warm, and humid but we knew by the time we got home (which would be late into the night) that it would be raining. So, we packed all the appropriate riding gear. I was riding my 2012 Victory Highball, Cam on his 2022 El Diablo.
I met up with Cam, and a handful of the brothers from the Dartmouth charter at the Mt. Uniacke Pub just outside of the city. Freedom RC was putting on their Ride for Fred, a memorial run for one of its member’s fathers, who had passed away a few years back. It was a smaller group ride with about 35 bikes. Freedom RC led the way, and we all headed down towards Hubbard’s; snaking along the road that follows the Atlantic coastline of Nova Scotia. From there we headed back up Highway 14 towards Windsor. We made a few stops along the way for gas, snacks, smokes, and to just hangout. On the last stretch of the ride, confidence levels were high, everyone was feeling great on their bikes carving some nice twisty’s along Highway 1. Just in front of me, Eric of Freedom RC, was on his cholo style bike. These style bikes have very little lean angle, they do not corner well. He was using the whole road to make the tight corners at these speeds. Suddenly, on one tight corner, he high sided on his fishtail pipes, sliding across the road until the bike met the shoulder. When the bike hit the shoulder, it dug into the gravel and started to violently roll. Eric was thrown off the bike down into the ditch. A few others and I went into the other lane to avoid the flipping motorcycle and parts flying everywhere. Luckily there were no vehicles coming. By the time I got my bike parked, Cam and the others were already down in the ditch with Eric. He was alert and responding. A group of us picked his bike up and moved it off the road. The ambulance and first responders showed up quickly so most decided to continue the ride to a Freedom RC members house. There, family and friends who didn’t ride had the BBQ fired up and lots of food ready for us when we arrived. Eric also had his snack truck set up as well. We all grabbed a bite to eat. While we were eating, we received the bad news that Eric had to be air lifted from the crash site to the QE2 hospital in Halifax.
After eating, Cam and I decided to push on and hit the road. We were traveling to the Highlanders Antigonish annual bike draw in Havre Boucher. We grabbed a few snacks from Erics truck and off we went. After a quick stop for fuel in New Glasgow we got off the highway in Sutherlands River and headed up a beautiful section of the sunrise trail (Route 245) towards Cape George, pushing the limits, riding hard, and having a blast. We decided to stop at the Cape George lighthouse for a little snack, and to take in the scenery. While sitting at the picnic table we opened our phones and read the tragic news about Eric. He had not made it. He passed away on the way to the hospital. With a lot of riding left to do ourselves before we made it home that night, it was a difficult thing to process right then and there. It takes time for this kind of news to sink in. We hopped back on our bikes with heavy hearts and lighter hands for the last stretch of the run to Highlanders. When we arrived, we found that the news had beat us there. News travels fast. We stayed for a while, chatting with some friends as they drew numbers for the bike draw. We enjoyed some more BBQ and cold beverages. Bikers love BBQ (Good Thing).
The sun went down, slowly sinking behind the tree line. The rain still had not started. I checked the radar and seen that it was indeed coming, but we could get to our first fuel stop outside New Glasgow before we had to suit up in rain gear.
The ride back was all highway. The newly twinned section had just been completed a few weeks before between Antigonish and New Glasgow. The fresh pavement was smooth, obscuring the sense of speed as we rode. We arrived at a 24-hour Irving outside New Glasgow just before midnight. The guy inside working was resting his eyes, so we had to wake him up to turn on the fuel pump. Before we left, we suited up in our rain gear. As we rode down the highway towards Truro, we crested Mt. Thom. As the whole sky came into view again, we got an amazing sight and surprise. Lightning was lighting up the sky ahead. As we rode closer to Truro the lightning was getting closer and brighter. What an amazing experience. I looked to the left across the town of Truro towards highway 102 and all I could see was a wall of water. We rode straight into it. The rain was torrential, coming down so hard you could not see. The road turns into a lake, your helmet fogs up, and the rain starts to find its way into your suit. All you can do is try to stay loose and have a laugh. Most people hate riding in the rain, especially that kind of rain. I love it, it’s a hell of a thrill. We pushed on, passing a cop car that was going about 50km/hr with the 4 ways on. They couldn’t have caught up to us if they wanted to, bikes are much better in the rain then vehicles.
The torrential rain pounded down for 30 minutes before it lightened to a steady rain just as I pulled off my exit, and into my driveway. Happy to be home, I parked the bike and stripped off my rain gear. I headed inside, physically, and mentally exhausted after a full day on the road.
In Memory of Eric Alexander – Freedom RC – Gone But Not Forgotten
-Travis Darksiders Dartmouth
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warsofasoiaf · 1 year
What do you make of US commanders assessment of Ukraine's upcoming counteroffensive, along with Ukraine's depleting air defense munitions which has led to the US to speed up it's delivery of a $2.6 billion worth of air defense systems?
And what do you make of the leaked documents analysis of Russia's own military weaknesses?
I think it's probably a safe bet that dislodging Russia from Ukraine militarily will require multiple offensive campaigns. I think the overall strategy is to make gains, along with repulsing Russia's clumsy attacks in Vuheldar, Bakhmut, and Avdiivka, that Ukraine is hoping to stymie Russian war aims and cement the idea that war gains in battle are impossible, to make fear of mobilization cause domestic pressure, and cause Russia to fall inward.
Given that most of Ukraine's air defenses are S-300 and Buks, it's unsurprising that they're running low - NATO countries largely don't produce them because they have more effective AD systems. It's a known factor that the West largely has manufacturing shortfalls for defense production, this is something that should have been addressed long before. There's a demand for military hardware, both to supply Ukraine and to refurbish militaries in other nations so that they can establish a greater deterrent power, and that fear isn't going away any time soon.
As this war has made apparent, Russian conventional military power has been overstated. Even in small post-Soviet conflicts, the Russian military's activity have been clumsy - large casualty counts even for small engagements, a lack of land-air integration, indiscriminate fire, and brutality toward civilian populations. Their military industrial base produces small numbers of showpiece technology which are unreliable, and Russia is incapable of producing any in mass quantities, whether that be the Ratnik-2 body armor (which has largely been a no-show), the T-14 Armata (which broke down in its only demonstration in a parade), or the Su-57 (which has a RCS of 0.1-1m², making it worthless as a stealth aircraft). Then you factor in a culture of corruption that hollows out the army, a poor economy that struggles to pay its soldiers, brutality that demoralize the infantry, and senior leadership that celebrate war crimes, and it's hardly surprising that you have an incompetent, unprofessional, unhinged military.
Thanks for the question, Bruin. Hopefully I'm wrong, and the Russian military collapses.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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lunarsilkscreen · 8 months
Iron Dome
I was challenged to figure out how hummus learned to circumvent the "Iron Dome". To which I respond: "That system has been in operation for over a decade."
I'm trying not to be condescending. Take a look at how video games have evolved from 2011 till now. Take a look at how the Iron Dome has evolved between then and now.
Disco era tech might be powerful tech, but it's still Disco era.
I say this because the IDF already knows how. They have the specifications, which means they know its total capabilities. On top of that, there is a margin of error of 10%
The very simple math is that
1) the world armies and Israel enemy combatants have been monitoring this tech since it's been in operation.
2) hummus, specifically, has had a decade to shoot dummy rockets and ballons at it, just to see how it would react.
3) that's it, that's how you figure it out. I would be surprised if every country in the world didn't have a solution, just in case they need to go up against it.
Egg-heads are starting to realize how, but everybody else is saying "proof it", honestly. I don't really want to. But since I'm bored;
We start with how missile interception works:
- detect an incoming missile
- verification that incoming missile is, in fact, a missile
- trajectory and vector analysis of incoming missile
- interception vector math
If you're a game dev, you already understand this to be parabolic arcs and ray tracing. Or, according to an old official AF training video on missile guidance systems you can find on YouTube "The missile knows where it's going because it knows where it's been and where its target is" (paraphrased, that video sucks.)
Ergo, the missile guidance system knows where the missile is going because it knows where it's been.
So how can it be defeated? You trick it.
By simply faking the initial thrust of a rocket, (the exact same way passenger jetplanes control thrust in the air) you make it appear to be going faster or slower than it will be in the future. (Average rockets have a set speed and run out of fuel, so it's easy to gauge. But then you add a thrust control mechanism, and then it's not so easy to gauge.)
Alternatively, you fake it out with a curve ball. (It's target isn't the one it looks like it's going to hit.)
Finally, Wikipedia says it can only target two incoming missiles simultaneously, which implies you can probably get through it with enough ballistics.
Then, you just wait until the system is about to intercept, and change the thrust. What makes it insidious, is that you can wait until it's too late for the interception system to readjust.
Video Games nerds have been using these exact tactics since the 70s.
So have RC-Car enthusiasts, and most recently, consumer grade drone operators.
The better question is; how did Israel figure it out and not fix it already? They have the budget to do so. And they've been in defensive posture this whole time, haven't they?
(But Melin, how *do* you fix it?)
Negotiate a peace treaty before escalation happens again. I'm tired of wars in the middle east, so is literally everybody else in the world.
Of course there's a formulaic solution for it already, but war should not be extended indefinitely.
That is no solution. Because it'll just create an arms race, like always.
Honestly, they probably got the idea from watching American movies, where the solution is ALWAYS to hit the breaks at the last second and watch as the enemies run into each other.
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lt-natrace · 1 year
I had a very sick Rhett thought based off of a tik tok I saw earlier, keep reading if you want to be hurt but also healed
As a kid, Rhett's family never did a lot for Christmas and every single year he asked for the same gift but never got it, whether it was too expensive or whatever the reason it. I'm imagining a super nice pair of boots or one of those RC cars.
The two of you are sitting on the couch on Christmas Eve with a fire going and the glow of the tree lighting up the room. You have plans to spend all of Christmas at his Mom's and are too excited for him to open one of the gifts you got him so you force him to open it.
As he unwraps the paper his face drops as he realizes what it is and you worry you crossed a line but when he looks up and you can see the tears in his eyes, you know it was the right move. He immediately rips the rest of the paper off and damn near jumps you to hug you.
"I told you about this ONE time, how did you remember?"
He runs to the kitchen to get scissors to open the box and batteries for the remote and sits on the ground assembling it. His face grows even brighter when he realizes it's an exact match of the truck he has now. He forces you to put your jacket and shoes on so he can do it full speed outside. You watch from the front porch with a small smile as he stays outside until late into the night seeing how fast it can go through the snow. You can see his inner child being healed with every turn he does.
this can also be applied for bob bye i'm logging off now
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gglasco · 2 days
FREEWING VULCAN 6S 70MM SPEED RUN! by FGFRC #rc #aviation #freewing  Great speed run!
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rchobbyproducts · 4 days
A Buyer’s Guide on Selecting the Right RC Drift Cars
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Imagine standing at the edge of an expensive racetrack. The smell of burnt rubber lingers in the air as sleek, miniature cars zip past you, and you drift effortlessly around the corners with precision and style. Well, that’s what the world of RC drift carslooks like. In the past few years, remote-controlled drift cars have gained immense popularity among hobbyists and enthusiasts alike because these miniature replicas of real drift cars offer a life-like thrilling experience where operators can showcase the vehicle’s drift and maneuvering skills while being in control.
Want to buydrift cars, but don’t know what’s best for your taste? Well, here are some tips you can follow!
#1 Are you a Pro or Beginner
Before you get an RC drift car, ensure to assess your skill level. RC drift cars come in various configurations suited for beginners, intermediate, and advanced users. While newbies prefer ready-to-run (RTR) models with more simple controls, seasoned RC drifters might opt for kits that require assembly and customization for a more profound impact. Besides, if you want power and are speed racing, does your model allow multiple RC cars to run together with least signal interference to each other with 2.4 GHZ less interference technology? When you are selecting an RC drift car, where does your expertise lie on the bar of 0 to 10?
#2 Superior Build
When you are buying a drift car, there are chances that you might be into speed racing. If you want your car to withstand the rugged terrains and the test of time, go for models made using high-quality materials, so your car can stand after crashes on the track. In fact, some cars also come with two different drifting tires and on/off non-proportional throttle control for better control and bright head lights that shine up and give you a real-world impact.
Source: https://www.exhobby.com/products/racent-1-14-4wd-high-speed-car-drifting-with-racing-tires
#3 Suspension and Handling
Opt for models with a great suspension system and features like adjustable shocks, sway bars, and camber angles that allow operators to fine-tune their car’s suspension to suit different track conditions and driving styles. In addition, when you are buying an RC drift car, prefer models with strong rubber off-road tires, with reliable road holding, which helps the RC car/truck run in high speed without flipping over. Some models also have front car bumpers for better suspension, and shock absorber structure on each wheel to keep the drift car running in a safe protection.
Source: https://www.exhobby.com/products/stemtron-1-16-scale-all-terrain-remote-control-rock-crawler-desert-racer
#4 Battery and Power Source
RC drift cars are powered by rechargeable batteries, typically lithium-polymer (LiPo) Consider the battery capacity and runtime to ensure uninterrupted drifting sessions, and don’t forget the charging time and compatibility of the cars with different chargers to avoid inconvenience. Or, you can just opt for the EXHOBBY advantage and go for models that offer about 40 minutes play time with dual powered rechargeable Lithium batteries.
Source: https://www.exhobby.com/products/stemtron-1-16-scale-all-terrain-remote-control-rock-crawler-desert-racer
The Bottom Line
The realm of RC drift cars is as exciting as it can be. Every turn, every drift is at your command, and if you are looking for the best RC drift cars to suit your skills and preferences, you can always dive through the selection at EXHOBBY. With different options for different skill levels, they have all the models that can help you conquer the track with edgy drifts. Looking for drift cars that can make you a racing pro? Check out their website today!
Blog Source: https://rchobbyproducts.wordpress.com/2024/06/13/a-buyers-guide-on-selecting-the-right-rc-drift-cars/
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campbelltownhobbies · 18 days
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Affordable High-Speed Fun: Best Budget Electric RC Cars
Introduction to Fast Electric Remote Control Cars
When choosing the ideal RC car for your needs, there are various key factors to take into account. These include the power source, size, construction quality, and brand reliability. Additionally, keep in mind that the intended use of the car - whether for on-road or off-road racing - greatly affects its overall speed and maneuverability.
Here are a few other aspects to keep in mind.
Although the excitement of racing RC cars at high speeds is unquestionable, prioritising safety should always be a priority.
It is important to carefully select designated areas for operating these cars, keeping them away from crowded places to avoid potential accidents.
Additionally, ensuring that your RC car receives regular maintenance and inspections is crucial in guaranteeing safe and enjoyable use. By routinely cleaning, lubricating, and inspecting your car, you can prolong its lifespan and improve its performance.
Upgrading key components such as the motor, battery, and tires can also enhance its speed and overall functionality, maximizing the value of your investment.
Consider installing a more powerful motor, adjusting the gearing ratio, and opting for high-capacity batteries. Additionally, upgrading the tires and suspension can enhance the car’s grip and stability, leading to improved speed and performance.
It’s essential to note that while modifications can enhance performance, they may also increase wear and tear on the vehicle. Therefore, regular maintenance and careful tuning are crucial to ensure both speed and longevity.
Top Brands and Models in the Fast Electric RC Car Market
The ARRMA Infraction 6S BLX Brushless 1/7 RTR Electric 4WD Street Bash Truck is capable of a top speed of 80+ mph.
The LOST RC Car has a top speed of 52 kph or 32.3 mph.
The Redcat Racing Lightning EPX Drift Car can reach speeds around 10-15 mph.
The Arrma Infraction 1/7 scale can reach speeds up to 130 kph or 80.7 mph.
The Traxxas Bandit VXL can reach top speeds of 70+ mph.
The Team Associated RC10 B74 can reach top speeds of around 40+ mph.
The Losi DBXL-E 2.0 can reach top speeds of up to 50+ mph.
The Traxxas X-Maxx Monster Truck can hit top speeds of up to 45+ mph.
The Kyosho Inferno GT2 can hit top speeds of up to 50+ mph.
The Maisto Rock Crawler can reach top speeds around 10-15 mph.
The ARRMA SENTON 4X4 3S BLX Brushless 1/10 RTR Short Course Truck has a top speed of 50+ mph.
The WLtoys 14401 RC car can reach speeds up to 60 kph or 37.2 mph.
The Redcat Volcano EPX can reach top speeds of 20+ mph.
Maintenance and Care for High-Speed RC Vehicles
Regular maintenance and servicing are essential for maintaining optimal performance of any RC car.
Despite their sturdy design, proper upkeep is necessary for these cars. This includes basic tasks such as cleaning, checking screws and bearings, greasing them, and replacing worn out parts.
After driving, it is crucial to clean the car thoroughly. For dusty conditions, compressed air or a soft brush and damp cloth can be used. Extra care should be taken when cleaning around the bearings to prevent faster wear and tear caused by dirt and dust.
Please note: Do not clean the car with running water. Once finished, be sure to inspect all components for any looseness, particularly the screws on the servo arm, steering linkage, lower shock absorbers, suspension arms, and upper links.
These screws are subject to movement while driving and may become loose. Gently tighten them using the appropriate tool - over-tightening can cause damage to the threads.
After inspecting the bearings, it is important to also check their condition. Pay attention to any excess play in the wheel bearings, as this can cause the tires to wobble.
If you notice an increase in play after driving, it may be a sign of wear and tear on the bearings. This can lead to decreased spinning of the wheels and put strain on the motor.
To prolong the life of your bearings, make sure to regularly clean and lubricate them, especially after wet driving conditions. A few drops of oil is all that is needed for proper greasing. Keep in mind that outer bearings tend to wear out quickly and should be replaced promptly when necessary.
Additionally, you can test the drive train bearings by gently wiggling the outdrive and observing any play between them. Rolling the chassis on a desk should also be smooth and quiet without any resistance or noise.
Superficial cleaning and inspection are enough with the electric components. It’s good to check that the speed controller’s fan works and can spin freely. Also check that all the components are not coming loose. Check that all the wires are undamaged and that they’re not getting in the way of the drivetrain.
At Campbelltown Hobbies, we're passionate about bringing you the thrill of high-speed electric RC cars without breaking the bank. Our curated selection of budget-friendly models ensures you get the best performance and value for your money. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned racer, our expert team is here to help you find the perfect RC car to suit your needs. Visit us today and discover the joy of affordable high-speed fun!
Happy racing! 🏎️💨
For more information, check out our website or visit our store. At Campbelltown Hobbies, your next adventure is just a drive away.
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lipobatteryofficial · 19 days
Unleashing Power: A Guide to 3s Lipo Batteries
The world of RC hobbies and electronics thrives on powerful, efficient batteries. Among the various options, 3s lipo batteries stand out for their ability to deliver exceptional performance in a compact package. This guide dives deep into the world of 3s lipo batteries, exploring their technical specifications, ideal applications, and essential care tips.
Lipo Battery, your go-to ecommerce website for high-quality Lipo batteries in India. Our wide selection of batteries includes various sizes and capacities to suit all your needs.
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Decoding the 3s Lipo Battery
But what exactly does "3s lipo battery" mean? Let's break it down:
Lipo: Short for Lithium Polymer battery, signifying the core technology behind the battery's operation. Lipo batteries utilize a lightweight polymer electrolyte instead of a liquid one, enabling a more flexible design.
3s: This refers to the number of cells connected in series within the battery pack. A single cell in a lipo battery typically provides a nominal voltage of 3.7 volts. By connecting three cells in series, a 3s lipo battery achieves a nominal voltage of 3.7 volts/cell x 3 cells = 11.1 volts.
In essence, a 3s lipo battery offers a higher voltage output compared to single-cell or 2s lipo batteries, making it suitable for powering applications that demand more power.
Applications for the Potent 3s Lipo Battery
The increased voltage and power delivery of 3s lipo batteries make them perfect for various RC hobbies and electronics:
RC Cars and Trucks: From high-speed racing models to powerful rock crawlers, 3s lipo batteries provide the necessary punch for exhilarating acceleration and extended run times.
RC Airplanes and Drones: The lightweight design and high energy density of 3s lipo batteries make them ideal for powering RC airplanes and drones, enabling longer flight times and improved maneuverability.
Radio Control Tools: Professional-grade RC tools often utilize 3s lipo batteries for cordless operation and extended use on a single charge.
Beyond RC hobbies, 3s lipo batteries can be found in:
Some High-End Electronics: Certain laptops, cameras, and even smartphones might incorporate 3s lipo batteries for their slim profile and ability to deliver extended battery life.
Choosing the Right 3s Lipo Battery
Selecting the perfect 3s lipo battery requires considering two key factors:
Battery Capacity (mAh): Measured in milliamp-hours (mAh), the capacity indicates the total amount of electrical charge a battery can store. Higher mAh translates to longer run times for your RC models or drones.
Discharge Rate (C): This rating specifies the maximum current a battery can safely deliver continuously. A higher C-rating signifies the battery's ability to handle bursts of power, crucial for applications requiring quick acceleration or demanding maneuvers.
For instance, a 2200mAh 30C 3s lipo battery offers a capacity of 2200mAh and can deliver a continuous current of 2200mAh x 30C = 66 Amps. This battery would be suitable for RC applications that require a balance of good run time and moderate power output.
Remember, consulting the manufacturer's recommendations for your specific RC model or device is crucial to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.
Essential Care for Long-Lasting 3s Lipo Battery Performance
Just like any other battery, proper care is essential to maximize the lifespan and safety of your 3s lipo battery:
Utilize a Lipo-Specific Charger: Always use a charger specifically designed for lipo batteries. These chargers provide the correct voltage and current to safely charge your battery without the risk of overcharging.
Maintain Proper Storage: When not in use, store your 3s lipo batteries in a cool, dry place with a charge level between 30% and 50%. Extreme temperatures can significantly degrade the battery's performance and lifespan.
Regular Inspections: Regularly inspect your 3s lipo batteries for any signs of damage, such as bloating, punctures, or leaking electrolyte. Damaged batteries pose safety risks and should be properly disposed of.
Invest in a Lipo Bag: For added safety during charging or storage, consider using a fireproof lipo bag. This provides an extra layer of protection in case of unexpected malfunctions.
By following these practices, you can ensure the safe and reliable operation of your 3s lipo battery for years to come.
3s lipo battery offer a compelling combination of power, efficiency, and compact size, making them a popular choice for RC enthusiasts and those seeking high-performance batteries for various electronic devices. With proper care and handling, 3s lipo batteries can be a reliable and long-lasting power source for your needs.
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