recreationalfanfics · 11 months
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Psycho Analysis: Roman Sionis
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
Birds of Prey is a fun, silly movie. So you’d expect a fun, silly villain for such a film, right? Well, we sort of get that… but this is an R-rated fun, silly movie, so the villain is going to cuss a lot and peel people’s faces off and be a raging psychopathic manchild. Roman Sionis, everybody!
Good old Roman Sionis, known to comic fans as Black Mask (he isn’t ever called that by anyone except Harley during his introduction, and he doesn’t even wear his mask until the end), is just an absolute raging lunatic. He gets mad at the drop of a hat, is creepily posessive of Dinah Lance, has a very close relationship with his murderous second-in-command Zsasz, and is just generally unpleasant to every single person who crosses his path.
But that’s par for the course for Roman Sionis, who is never really EVER portrayed as a charming, likable guy. The real question here is, is he an entertaining villain? Well he’s played by Ewan McGregor, what do YOU think?
Motivation/Goals: Roman is a relatively simple villain, but I think this works in his favor. You see, a big issue with Harley’s previous outing, Suicide Squad, is that the mission was way too high stakes despite the cast featuring a group of people who didn’t really have any powers beyond “fighting really good.” or “has weapon skills.” You’re telling me you’re gonna put Harley Quinn, Deadshot, and Captain Boomerang up against Enchantress and her army of ancient Aztec super-zombies? WHAT? Here, we have a street-level threat much more suited to Harley’s capabilities: Roman is just a very powerful gangster, and his goal in this movie is the simple “get this diamond that was stolen back to me so I can make fat stacks of cash.” That’s really all their needs to be here, a simple MacGuffin to drive along the plot to its various setpieces.
Performance: I love Ewan McGregor, so, really, he didn’t have to do much with the role of Roman Sionis to make him great. Still, this man went above and beyond despite having comparatively little screentime to Harley. Roman seems incapable of going a single sentence without cursing up a storm and is the epitome of a psychopathic manchild, tormenting people for the slightest of reasons. He forces a woman to strip and dance on one of his tables because she was laughing too loud when he was upset, and decides not to spare a girl’s life because she had a gross snot bubble on her face from sobbing while he had his crony Zsasz peel off her parents’ faces. As funny and hammy as he gets, the dude is a stone-cold ruthless bastard who has no line he won’t cross to get what he wants.
Final Fate: Cass hides a grenade on him and steals the ring, and then Harley kicks him off the pier while he panics. Before he even hits the water, BOOM! Never would I have expected to laugh out loud at the sight of Ewan McGregor being blown into bits, but this movie was just full of surprises.
Best Scene: I think that the honor has to go to his establishing character moment with Zsasz, as they cut off the faces of a family who crossed Roman, and then when Roman decides to spare the daughter, he notices snot on her face, says “Ew” like a petulant child, and has Zsasz cut her face off anyway. It’s a great way to establish that Roman is an awful human being no matter how you slice it, and firmly establishes that while, yes, he is a misogynist villain in a female-led blockbuster, his misogyny is just a tiny facet of how unabashedly terrible Roman is.
Final Thoughts & Score: So, this is gonna sound weird, but… Roman kinda reminded me of Justin Hammer. Hammer is a villain who I have greatly warmed to over time (mostly thanks to Nando V Movies on YouTube), to the point where I think he’s actually pretty funny but is held back from true greatness by the sloppy nature of Iron Man 2. The film was big, bloated, and didn’t know what to do with itself. And this film is KIND OF like that… but it knows what to do with Roman.
The movie has an undercurrent of female empowerment, so why not make the villain emblematic of things women have to overcome? Roman is creepy, misogynistic, and even a bit racist especially with his condescending actions towards Dinah. And he even throws a fit when she “betrays” him and decides to murder her. But the movie is smart so as to not make this hamfisted; the movie makes it entirely clear that even if you take away his misogynistic elements, Roman Sionis is just an utterly disgusting human being. Everything about him is just so hilariously vulgar and repulsive, but the way he’s performed helps lighten it and help keep him within the tone of the movie. He’s just dark enough and just hammy enough to work.
My big issues with Roman are mostly due to his utilization and the wasted potential, which is a problem that really hits a lot of stuff in Birds of Prey. He is great every time he’s onscreen, but his screentime is fairly limited, and then he dies at the end which robs him of any chance of coming back in the future as an antagonist. He actually functions great as a more grounded threat rather than some larger-than-life end of the world threat, but the fact he dies horribly – before even having his mask burned onto his face, even! - just kind of feels like a waste of a character. To be fair, Black Mask is not the best or most interesting Batman villain crime lord; we have the Penguin for that. But when you cast  someone like Ewan McGregor and he’s clearly having a blast, it’s hard not to feel at least slightly bitter when he gets hilariously gibbed at the end.
Still, I can’t let Justin Hammer’s sacrifice go in vain; he walked so Roman could run, and Roman ran so that perhaps someday Hammer could sprint. Roman gets a nice, fat 8/10, which he definitely earns with the heaping helpings of ham he brings to the table, though he is held back at least a little by the wasted potential of his character.
But hey, if you want to talk about wasted potential…
Psycho Analysis: Victor Zsasz
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I really like Victor Zsasz in this film. I really do. The angle they went with, the implied homosexuality, the actor… it’s all good stuff that helps make a disturbing character like Zsasz easier to swallow. But he gets hit with wasted potential harder than even Roman does.
Motivation/Goals: He’s Roman’s right-hand man, so basically his motivation is to do whatever Roman wants him to do. However, there is a bit of an implied thing between his boss and him; Zsasz seems undeniably irritated with the attention he lavishes on Dinah, and is very hands-on and affectionate with his boss. A lot of his later actions in the film and his cruelty towards Dinah does seem to stem from some place of anger towards her for taking Roman’s attention away from him.
Performance: I have to say, Chris Messina does a stellar job at portraying Zsasz as creepy and obsessive, and certainly showcases the fanatical loyalty he has towards Roman, making him something of a dark mirror to Harley’s former relationship with the Joker. I also appreciate that, despite not going with Zsasz’s original psychotic serial killer angle, they still made him a bloodthirsty psycho with a sort of nihilistic edge to him. Frankly, this might be the best possible take on a live-action Zsasz without things getting intensely uncomfortable.
Final Fate: This is probably the worst element of Zsasz: his death. Right before the climax he gets shot out of the blue by Huntress and then Harley just repeatedly stabs him with the arrow. And I have to make it clear here – Zsasz barely got to do anything. He never really poses any sort of physical threats to the heroines, never gets into a fight, and is never mentioned again after his death despite being very close to Roman (to the point where the two may have been lovers).
Final Thoughts & Score: As far as henchmen go, Zsasz is pretty solid conceptually. He’s established early on as a psychopathic enforcer of Roman’s gang, he has an eerie air to him, and he has a lot of elements from the comics you rarely see on Zsasz in other media, such as being blonde. Messina does a fantastic job at making the character seem like a competent killer in the employ of Roman.
But the key word is “seem,” because Zsasz frankly never lives up to his hype. Despite being introduced peeling the faces off of a family, he is just never utilized to his fullest extent. He’s kind of just there in a lot of scenes, and while he isn’t unmemorable or anything he never really does anything that makes him into a worthwhile addition to the franchise. He’s honestly just a glorified mook with a few interesting gimmicks to help set him apart.
I’ve gotta give him a 6/10. While he’s definitely a step above average, he’s really not anything amazing, mostly because the movie refuses to allow him to reach his full potential. He doesn’t have any great quotes, his most memorable scene really serves more to establish Roman than anything, and he is dumped and quickly forgotten right before the climax. He would easily be a 7 or 8 if the story treated him with a little more weight or respect, but he just ends up underwhelming despite having so much going for him, and it’s frankly a bit depressing. It’s just a very sad state of affairs for the character, especially when he managed to be more intimidating in the Arkham games despite the fact that he posed even less of a physical threat than he does here.
Well, while we’re here, let’s go over THAT Zsasz briefly.
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Portrayed in the games by Danny Jacobs (who you may know as Sacha Baron Cohen's stand in on The Penguins of Madagascar. Yes, Zsasz and King Julien had the same voice actor.), Zsasz is never really a major antagonist and is, in all honesty, a pretty weak fighter; you can always take him down in one punch. The thing with Zsasz in the games, though, is that it’s always tricky to get to him, because he usually has hostages of some kind. In Arkham Asylum, he appears twice, and you need to use stealth to take him out before he kills his hostages. In City, he gets a much longer sidequest where he requires you to pick up ringing telephones and then glide to another one across the city within a time limit. Once you’ve listened to all of his messages, Batman finds out where his lair is, sneaks through it, and whoops his ass.
I certainly can’t say he’s the best villain in either game he appears in, but he’s definitely scary. His messages and game over screens are really freaky and unnerving, and the Riddler even requires you to find some of Zsasz’s work as parts of riddles… and by “work” I am of course referring to corpses posed in life-like positions. There’s also the horrifying little tidbit that in City, Zsasz actually does kill one of his hostages and there’s nothing that can be done about it; if you switch to detective mode in his lair, you can see a corpse at the bottom of the water in the room.
I think how creepy and intense he is really helps make him stand out among the more colorful characters in those games like Joker, Clayface, and Riddler, so I think giving him a nice 8/10 for his appearances is well-earned. I feel like Birds of Prey could have learned a few lessons from this portrayal; if they wanted to make him more creepy than physically intimidating, that could have worked well and it would have made his anti-climactic defeat a bit more plausible. Instead, they kind of tried this middle ground where he’s creepy enough and intimidating enough physically that it just feels like a letdown when he’s offed.
Oh yeah, did you know he appeared in Batman Begins? He had a brief cameo and didn’t do anything significant and looked like this:
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Pretty sure he’d get a low score if he wasn’t just a quick little reference.
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acrobaticcatfeline · 5 years
Logan and His Little Bumble Bee (Single Dads AU) Chapter 2!!!
Word Count: 5924
TW: Ok geez, so Logan outright hates his ex, hes pan, abuse, cheating, drugs, abandonment, smoking, mental disorder, neglect, swearing, uhhhh I think that’s all. Let me know if I missed something!
Notes: First chapter here!!! I’m so tired guys. I’m so tired of everything and this was the best de-stress I’ve had in forever. I’m glad to be done with this part, I probably wont have time to write for real until summer. I have like 6 more weeks of school then comic con and then I go to my moms so I’ll probably write while I’m there. I love these boys and I’m glad you all enjoyed it, and I hope you enjoy this part just as much!!!
Pairings: logicality, past Logan and OC (her name Mercedes and I hate her a lot), familial logince, familial moxiety, platonic prinxiety
Summary: “DAD!!! VIRGIL WANTS TO HANG OUT AT THE PARK CAN WE GO???” It’s been 9 years. Yeah yeah what a time skip!!! It’s Roman’s 11th birthday, and he has to have dinner with his mother. We already know he has a large distaste for his mother. Logan is weighing the pros and cons of trying to keep his ex in their life, neither of them like her but it’s healthy for Roman to have her around isn’t it? He makes a big decisions and mistakes, but you know, it ends well in the end doesn’t it. I mean, this is a fluffy fic.
Logan sanders was tired. Yes still, we haven’t jumped that far yet! His son Roman, 11 years old today was as talkative as ever. He was in 5th grade now and he had made more friends and proved to learn words very quickly. In fact, Roman had been put into the honor program at his school and was excelling in all his classes, and to Logan’s surprise and delight, he enjoyed them all too. Roman would come home from school and do his math and science homework and would do his English homework with Logan when he had the time. Logan would have to hold his tongue when Roman told him about what he learned in history, he wouldn’t tell him just how horribly biased the information he was getting was until he was older. He still stayed friends with Virgil, as they went to the same school, but that also meant Logan has had to continue to keep his cool around Patton, who has only gotten more attractive in the past 9 years. And yes, he still hasn’t said anything about his affections, listen, he’s nervous and what if he says no it would ruin their relationship and then Roman would hate him for making him not able to spend time with his best friend and he can’t do it. I mean Roman already had trust issues with his mother he couldn’t do that to him.
Speaking of his mother…
“sure Ro, but remember your mom wants to come over and celebrate your birthday ok? We can’t be out too long, she’ll be here by 8 and its 4 right now. Grab your phone and we’ll go ok?”
“oh yeah. I guess… yeah I’ll be right back.”
Logan hated how deflated Roman got whenever his mom was brought up. He had tried, he tried so desperately to repair what she had broken with him, but he had no clue what had happened and as such couldn’t even begin. His ex had started making an effort supposedly, almost immediately making an appearance to attempt to fix what was broken.
She failed. Roman refused to visit her alone, he wouldn’t stay at her place for a weekend, he would almost go into a panic attack if Logan had asked her to babysit, causing him to find a way to cancel it every time. He hated that his ex had ruined her relationship with him so badly. He was desperate to give Roman a good family, but he constantly wanted to strangle her. She was just… so insensitive! He would get things for Roman that Roman hated, or something that Logan expressly said Roman wasn’t allowed to have, and directly going against his wishes as his caretaker. She would bring noisemakers, leading Roman to be infinitely noisier, and what person gifts a kazoo to a 10-year-old whose dad still got little to no sleep? Either way, it would be… cruel, to keep Roman’s mother from seeing him on his birthday, especially since she had put forth the effort. So here he was, forcing himself and his son to go through the interaction. At least he would be able to commiserate with Patton. That would give him the energy to get through dinner with her. Roman ran around the corner in his star fire teen titan’s black t-shirt and jeans.
Logan smiled at his son and ruffled his hair as they headed out to the park. He was especially proud of himself for raising his son without the idiotic idea of gender roles. Sure, Roman loved iron man and captain America, but his favorite superheroes had been wonder woman and star fire ever since he had started watching tv or reading comics. When Roman took a liking to star fire from the teen titans’ cartoon, Logan had taken him to the local comic book store and had bought the first 5 issues of the new teen titans comics, having done the research to ensure he got the right thing.
They walked to the park, and as soon as they got within distance, Roman took off running, already seeing Virgil. Logan chuckled, and continued walking. When he caught up Roman was clinging to Virgil who was laughing loudly. He approached Patton with a smile, and Patton held up a bag with a gentle smile.
“Virge said it was Ro’s birthday, so we got him a little something. I imagine once he can stop laughing, he’ll tell him. How are things lo?”
“oh geez, you didn’t have to, he’s spoiled rotten by you guys enough on every normal day.”
“heh, anyways, things are… tense. Mercedes wanted to come over and celebrate Roman’s birthday, and Roman is… less than excited to say the least.”
“oh gosh, that sounds like a time. Hopefully things are ok?”
“hopefully. I have a strong feeling she’s going to start an argument with me about how she should have custody if I’m not in a relationship because its detrimental or something idiotic, which you know I think is funny considering that Roman literally gains symptoms of anxiety and ptsd when around her, as well as the fact that I am a medical professional who works with children in actual detriment for half of my work days. Besides, even if Roman did want to live with her I wouldn’t be able to let him be there with her new boyfriend. I’m at least 70% sure that on top of his addiction to cigarettes he’s a drug addict, and I’m not putting my son in that situation. Oh, sorry that was, word vomit I apologize.”
“no no don’t worry about it, you have valid concerns and emotions. Its better for you to talk about it now instead of blowing up at her, if not for your sake, for Roman’s.”
Logan smiled and nodded. He often forgot that Patton was a therapist and had similar training in psychology. He looked over to see Virgil and Roman running over, Roman directly at him, and steadied himself for the incoming impact. Roman launched himself at him and Logan caught him and dispersed the energy towards him by spinning the boy in a circle. He lifted him higher with a smile.
“is this my little bumble bee? Hmm, I don’t know, my bumble bee giggles when I do… this!”
Logan flipped the boy upside down and Roman squealed with laughter. He put him back down and Roman surged forward again to give him a hug. Roman looked up at him with a big toothy grin and if there had been a piece of his heart that hadn’t yet melted from that little smile, it didn’t survive much longer. He smiled back and nodded his head in the direction of Patton and Virgil.
“I hear vee and pat got you a birthday present, you wanna go thank them and open it?”
Roman’s face lit up brightly and he nodded. He thanked the other two profusely and gave them big hugs and went to open the gift. He gasped loudly and showed Logan the contents, being a video camera, a set of big headphones and an adult coloring book, one of the few Roman hadn’t gotten yet. Logan smiled gently and silently thanked Patton for the gift, Roman had a tendency to break earbuds quickly, and would play his music on his phone very loudly. It was a much-needed expense that Logan hadn’t been able to get yet.
“you remember the rules with that right bee?”
Logan doesn’t have to elaborate, Roman nods firmly, pulling the red beatz headphones out and putting them on. He smiles even wider than before and launches into a hug for Virgil and Patton. Logan grabs the book and camera and smile at the 3. What he wouldn’t give for this picture to be a constant, where the 4 were simply happy in each other’s presence.
“remember Ro, we only have a few hours, we need to make the house presentable.”
There was tenseness in Roman’s shoulders at the reminder, and god he wished he could cancel, could tell her off, could keep her away from Roman but he had no proof, no evidence, that anything had ever happened, only the few things Roman had told him which essentially added up to ‘moms not here’ and while that could be from neglect or trauma, it could also just be that he was stating the fact of the moment. He had no way of knowing and Roman may not even have those memories stored. Regardless, they had to meet her, or she would try to press charges. And even if he would win, he didn’t have the time or money to deal with it.
Roman and Virgil played for hours, and Logan just talked with Patton until they had to leave. Roma was immediately uncomfortable as soon as they started walking home, and Logan hated it passionately. They cleaned a bit and Roman insisted he had to change. He came back down in a black long sleeve shirt and a white avengers t-shirt over it. He didn’t look comfortable, actively making himself look small, and he looked unhappy. Oh geez, how could he let this happen to him? He had a right to tell his ex off, to keep her from seeing him, she had formally signed over full custody when she first dropped Roman off, he had the right to keeping her out of his sons’ life, especially when her presence caused the poor boy so much stress.
That’s it. This is the last time. If Roman ever wants to spend time with her he will let him of course, but at the moment she was damaging Roman just by being brought up. He would tell her after Roman went to bed. If she had a problem, she could figure it out. She was… as Roman had put it years ago, bad. Plus, she had been a huge drain on his life as well. If he never saw her again it would be too soon…
Knock knock
Speak of the devil and she shall appear…
“hello Mercy, please come in!”
Please leave and never come back you spineless wretched bi-
“why thank you Logan! Roman!!! I’m glad I get to see you again!!! Happy birthday kiddo, I have a gift for you!!!”
I bet it’s a gift card to an adult shop, you have no tact you wicked monstrous ba-
“oh! Um, yay! Dad made dinner, do you want some pasta Mercy?”
And there was a look shared between the adults, an accusing one that made him out to be a tactless a- uh, jerk… who never referred to her as Roman’s mother as if that was the case… how dare she imply, assume that he would stoop to her standards.
“oh yes please Ro! I would love some!”
Roman gave Logan a look and Logan gave a small nod before Roman dashed into the kitchen. Mercy gave Logan another angry look as Roman rounded the corner, speaking in a hushed tone.
“so, I see you truly haven’t taught him to respect his mom?”
“I do my best to keep my disdain for you under wraps, so he doesn’t see it. Either way I rarely refer to you as anything other than his mom regardless of how little you deserve to be referred to as such.”
“oh yeah well it seems you’ve failed. I was so much more successful taking care of him you really should relinquish custody to me”
“listen if you want to have this pointless conversation again it can wait until Roman goes to sleep. I would prefer not screaming at you while my son is just around the corner.”
“oh woe, however could you let MY son see you being the truest form of you! A vicious monster who hates all women!”
“keep your voice down Merce. None of what happened more than a decade ago matters right now. I’m not vicious and I certainly don’t hate women. I just hate you.”
“why I outta-”
Roman bounded the corner with three bowls of pasta and a content smile on his face. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his parents glaring at one another. Logan turned towards him and the scowl faded into a grin. Mercy also fixed her posture and made her face neutral. She turned and smiled at Roman sweetly, and it made Roman’s skin crawl. Nevertheless, he smiled back and set down their bowls. He couldn’t wait for dinner to be over, then he could go take a shower and go to bed. He just had to make it through dinner…
“thank you, Ro, I made some veggies too, I’ll go make us some plates of that. Why don’t you unwrap your gift Roman?”
Roman nodded and mercy smirked as she handed him a bag. As he walked into the kitchen, he heard the bag open and a small gasp. When he returned, he saw a t-shirt on the table and a plush captain America plushie in his hands. He slowly brings it into a hug and thanks mercy. Logan put down the plates and signals to start eating. Halfway through dinner, mercy asks the question he knew was coming.
“so, what did you get him Logan?”
He refrained from cackling and backed up to grab Roman’s gifts. He set down two boxes and Roman looked at him with stars in his eyes. He opens the top one first, revealing a rotating constellation lamp. He smiled widely and wiggled happily in his seat. Mercy’s face was already less proud and conceited. Then Roman opened the next one, causing him to squeal and tackle hug Logan.
“I really really wanted a ukulele!!!!! Thank you so much dad I can’t believe you actually got one!!!”
He smiled softly as he hugged the boy. He looked up at mercy and felt his smile widen at the distaste on her face. He coaxed Roman to sit back down and finish eating, and he gave mercy the smallest hug afterwards and then Roman went upstairs to get ready for bed. Now he and mercy were in a free for all. No holding back. Logan could already hear the shower upstairs running, nothing here was sacred. Mercy could and would play dirty now. And Logan wasn’t about to back down. They were both ridiculously stubborn and absolutely hated each other and thus why their breakup was particularly ugly.
“you outdo me every time. You know you don’t need to buy his love? You can just try to be a halfway decent father.”
Oh ok. No build up this time, straight to the arteries.
“listen mercy I know you’re narcissistic, but I didn’t realize you projected so hard! If I had realized I would have therapized you sooner! Please, tell me how your home life was like?”
“oh, ha ha! You need to give me custody of him Logan. He needs a stable REAL family and a constant mother figure. Its mentally damaging to him-”
“oh? Oh really? Really please do tell me, a mental health doctor, how it is mentally damaging for him to have a single parent? Please bestow your wisdom on me high and mighty waitress from Denny’s without a college degree!!!”
“listen jackass its been scientifically proven that it causes mental disorders!”
“by fucking who??? Freud??? Because if you listened to anyone ever in your high school years instead of fucking a grand total of 9 guys at once maybe you’d know that Freud is full of shit!”
“its not my fault you’re shit at relationships lo”
“yeah well its also not MY fault that you cheated on me with 8 OTHER GOD DAMN GUYS!!! Its also not my fault that your boyfriend is a fucking druggie!!! Of all the guys you’ve fucking dated I think I’m the only one who doesn’t do drugs, and you know I don’t feel comfortable letting my son that you DROPPED ON MY DOORSTEP and handed full custody of over after 2 years live in a coke den. Don’t particularly want him to get second hand smoke either. I’m not giving you custody. If you wanted fucking custody you would have fucking raised him. You know I’ve taken him to therapy, and I’ve figured something out. Apparently, he likely has DSED. But you don’t know what that means do you? Its disinhibited social engagement disorder. It’s a trauma disorder that has to be related to a traumatic series of events from before the age of 5. Seeing as some of Roman’s first words were ‘mom bad mom not here’ I have reason to believe that you have neglected and abused him and then handed him over to me so you couldn’t be held responsible. Now you want him back so you can claim its my god damn fault well its too fucking late Merce. I’m giving you a choice Mercedes. Either you walk away and keep out of Roman’s life unless he requests you, or I will file a restraining order. Your choice.”
“…you never change do you Logan. I hope you grow up some day. I truly do. I guess this is goodbye.”
“sayonara Mercedes. If I never see you again it will be too fucking soon.”
And she left. She’s gone. He’s never going to have to do this again, and neither is Roman. He lays against the front door once she’s gone and calls Patton.
“hello? Logan its pretty late for you, you don’t usually call this late, is something wrong?”
“no. no something is wonderfully great Patton I’m free. Roman is free, I finally gathered the nerve. She’s never coming back Patton. She’s gone, she’s out of our lives no more whispered arguments just out of hearing range, no more cursing yelling matches while Roman goes to sleep, no more pretending I can stand her for Roman’s sake, its done, its over good god I haven’t felt this happy since Roman spoke his first words.”
There was silence on the line for a minute. Then a chuckle.
“I’m so happy for you L!!! I’m so glad you don’t have to put yourself in that situation anymore! I’m so proud of you!!!”
Logan held the phone with both hands, feeling like a teenage girl in a love song video. He smiled wide and nodded before remembering that he wasn’t on video call.
“thank you, Patton. I’ll let you get some sleep. Good night pat.”
“night L”
He hangs up and make his way upstairs. Roman is sat in his bed patiently waiting for Logan. He dives under his covers when he sees him. Logan sits on the side of his bed with a smile.
“hey kiddo. Guess what?”
You don’t have to see your mom ever again if you don’t want to. Any meetings will be completely your choice.”
Roman’s eyes widened and his smile grew.
“you really mean it?”
Roman gave Logan a huge hug yet again, and Logan stroked his hair. He was finally able to protect his baby boy. When Roman let go, Logan walked to the wall and pulled out a bag and handed it to Roman. Roman looked at Logan and began ripping the bag apart at the nod Logan gave. He opened it to see statuettes of wonder woman, star fire, and Harley Quinn, his favorite superheroes, and villain, ever. He let out a gasp and tackled Logan in a hug for a third time in the last hour. He sets the half foot tall statues on the nightstand next to his bed.
“do you want me to set up your constellation lamp?”
Roman nodded excitedly. Logan hooked up the lamp and calibrated it with the date, so it showed tonight’s stars. He fixed a few other things in Roman’s room, cleaning up his laundry corner, rearranging his book shelf, and putting the last few toys away in his toy box. He hung up the new shirt Roman got and tucked the captain America plushie in with him. He set the new ukulele in a stand on Roman’s shelf. Finally, he unhooked Roman’s dream catcher from the string that hung above his head. He took it to the window and blew on it. He hung it back up and walked right next to Roman’s bed. He began to tuck the boy into bed.
“you want a lullaby Ro? And would you like me to plug in your night light as well as your lamp?”
“yes, and yes please dad?”
“of course, Roman”
Little child, be not afraid the rain pounds harsh against the glass Like an unwanted stranger There is no danger I am here tonight
Little child Be not afraid Though thunder explodes, and lightning flash Illuminates your tear-stained face I am here tonight
And someday you’ll know That nature is so This same rain that draws you near me Falls on rivers and land on forests and sand Makes the beautiful world that you see in the morning
By the time he reached that point in the song Roman was completely passed out. He smiled fondly on him and kissed his forehead before lighting the night light, a bumble bee on a lily, and the constellation lamp and leaving.
He went about his own routine until he laid in bed. He looked at the clock next to his bed. It read 10:03. He impulsively picked up his phone and dialed Patton.
“…uhh, Logan? What’s up? I was just settling down for bed…”
“um, sorry I just uh…”
“out with-it L, I’m too tired to understand your silliness.”
“…I’m in love with you. Have been for a long time now but I just um, I just had a burst of confidence and that confidence is abandoning me so I’m sorry, this is stupid, I’m stupid, ignore this I’m sorry I’ll go, sleep well Patton good night”
“wait what?! Logan wait hold on-”
Oh good. He’s going to have to own up to that in the morning. Maybe he should go have a drink? No no, much too late for that. He’d just sleep it off. Yeah that’ll work.
When he woke up the next morning his phone was blown up with missed calls, voicemails, and texts from Patton, which makes tons of sense in hindsight, but you know the saying, hindsight is 20/20, and his normal vision is significantly less. Either way, he hesitantly listened to the voicemails, after ensuring that Patton wouldn’t see that he did. There were varying levels of distress in each.
“Logan! Its Patton, please pick up? I need to talk to you about this. Are you ok?”
“Logan!!! Its Patton I swear its not what you think, please just pick up and talk to me!”
“Logan? Its Patton. I don’t know if you’re ignoring me or if you’re just asleep, but I… I need to tell you something too. Call me back when you get the chance.”
Logan felt awful. He already felt awful, but now he felt even worse. Look what he’d done! God he was a mess and he had the gall to drag poor Patton into it. God why did he do it, why didn’t he think it through? Imagine what Roman would think of him now!!! God, he messed up so badly. He grabbed his phone and walked downstairs to get hugged by Roman as he met the bottom.
“dad dad dad! Virgil asked if he and pat could come over, can they can they can they???”
Of course. He should have prepared for this. Its Sunday, the only time he and Patton’s work schedules coincided the whole day. Patton worked evenings on Saturday and Logan worked mornings on Friday and it was always Roman and Virgil’s favorite thing to do to come over to their house for breakfast then play all day. The two were never bored of each other. And it just meant Logan would get his just desserts sooner than he intended. Patton lived about a 10-minute drive away and that gave him very little time to look presentable.
“yes of course ro. In that case, I’m going to fix myself up, and when I’m done, how’s about we make some blueberry pancakes?”
Roman squealed and jumped up and down, before running to his phone. Logan made his way back upstairs. He brushed his hair, his teeth, and he got dressed. He put on blue jeans that he liked, a black t-shirt, and a soft light blue hoodie with a heart on it. It was a birthday gift from Patton from he thinks about 3 years ago. He had treasured it, even though it wasn’t much his style, it was something that felt inherently Patton to him and as mentioned a multitude of times before, he is really really gay. He fixed himself a gaze in his full-length mirror, checking to see that he was truly presentable. He saw the faintest of bags under his eyes, but those were probably from ro. He gave himself a silent pep talk before going to the kitchen. He saw Ro had already gathered all the ingredients and utensils they needed. He smiled and ruffled Roman’s hair. He rolled up his sleeves and put his hands on his hips.
“you ready to get cooking Ro?”
They had made the mix, and a few pancakes when the doorbell rang. Logan set the scoop down in the bowl and pushed his hair back. He smiled at Roman and asked him to get the door. The second Roman rounded the corner his façade fell. He was lost and scared and had no easy escape from the conversation he knew would happen as soon as the boys went off to play. He wasn’t ready. Not at all, but he had no choice anymore. He’d have to face it sooner or later.
“hi pat!!! HI VERGE!!!!! Come in, dads making pancakes!!!”
“oh, does he need any help?”
He heard Patton ask and he really hoped Roman would cover for him. He needed a bit more time before he had to be alone with him.
“oh no, he’s got this, he’s the most epic master chef to chef the seven stoves!!!”
Oh, thank god. He chuckled at Roman’s antics, always amused at how ridiculous he could be. He finished the last of the pancake mix and brought out 2 plates staked high with pancakes. He set them down with a smile and retreated again to grab sugar, butter, and syrup. He set them down and invited them to seat themselves. He had sat next to his son, and of course Virgil sat next to Roman, leading Patton to sit next to him. He did his best to just… eat and listen to Roman talk about this newest obsession, but his gaze kept wandering towards Patton, and it seemed that every time he glanced at him, Patton was doing the same. It wasn’t long at all before Roman and Virgil were finished and racing each other upstairs. He quickly made himself busy with gathering the dishes, his included, and bringing them to the sink to get rinsed off. He bounded the corner again, seeing Patton still making his way through a pancake on his plate.
“that the last pancake you want?”
“uh yeah, sorry I’m taking so long today, I’m still a bit tired.”
Logan felt himself twitch at that. Had he kept Patton up with worry? Nope nope not yet, not ready yet. He grabbed the extra pancakes and packed them in a bag. He rounded the corner yet again, seeing Patton finish his pancake. He stood with the plate and Logan grabbed it out of his hands. He smiled gentle at Patton, and he could have sworn he’d seen a blush on Patton’s face, but he was sure he was imagining. While rinsed the plate he started his coffee maker.
“you want coffee pat?”
He looked at Patton and Patton shook himself out of some sort of trance before making a sound of affirmation. A few minutes later he poured them both mugs of coffee, pulling out his creamer and sugar for himself and Patton to choose from. After they finished mixing it up, he saw Patton start to think of something to say, and he interrupted. He’d already had one argument in that room, he didn’t need the possibility of another one.
“would you like to step outside?”
Patton, who was staring firmly at his mug, looked up suddenly with an odd look on his face. He nodded quickly and followed Logan out onto the patio. Logan stood next to the fence around the deck, leaning on it and looking out on the little empty field that was behind his house. He had spent so much time there with Roman, he could barely remember a time before he had the kid. He heard soft footsteps approach the railing and smiled down into his coffee, hating the show of emotion and weakness he was having. He heard Patton take a deep breath and he nearly laughed at the situation he was in.
He heard Patton turn around, his back now against the railing. He hated this. He couldn’t stand this he didn’t want to have this conversation, he wanted to go back to sleep.
“so um, what you said on the phone last night… was-was that true?”
“heh, yeah. All of it, I’m-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have bothered you with that. Especially not as late as it was.”
He felt Patton’s gaze fall on him and he was harshly reminded how much he h a t e d this. He looked like a moron, can’t the time just reverse so he can choose not to decide to ruin his and Roman’s lives. God why did he fuck this up so bad-
“yeah no, if you had told me that literal years ago it would have saved us both some turmoil lo.”
Logan stood straight up and finally really looked at Patton. He had a gentle smile and soft eyes and god he never thought he would see that perfectly gorgeous look directed at anyone other than Virgil, let alone him. That was the look Patton gave Virgil constantly. It was a look of adoration and affection and love and god that was directed at Logan and he didn’t think he would be able to keep his composure if he kept looking at those beautiful blue eyes that were peering into his soul.
“I-I didn’t think-I mean you were just-god how oblivious am I?”
“only a lot when it comes to emotions. I mean, it’s not like I knew ether, and I literally talk people through their emotions daily for pay, so you know I think its pretty even there. You know you look really nice in that hoodie. I almost forgot I got that for you, I hadn’t seen you wear it in a good long while. I had thought you had gotten rid of it.”
“what? No, I would never! It’s the most comfortable thing I own honestly, and um, I was certain I was going to need comfort for this conversation but I… guess I was wrong.”
“Logan what did you think was gonna happen? That I would reject you and hate you or something?”
“uh, yeah? Well my worst-case scenario was that you would slap me for even thinking about it and then you would cut yourself and Virgil out of my life and then Roman would hate me as much as his mother, but you know its just how it goes I guess.”
“…Logan for such a smart man you can be exceptionally stupid sometimes.”
“I’ve heard that regularly, and I’m pretty sure my ex said something to that effect yesterday, so I mean you’re probably not wrong.”
Patton giggled softly. He continued to just gaze at Logan before stepping closer and placing a hand on Logan’s cheek.
“I really want to kiss you right now.”
“I-um, I uh me-me too-”
“may I?”
Logan nodded. Patton leaned in slowly, and Logan being who he is, impatiently closed the gap. It was… soft. It was soft and warm and everything Logan had imagined. However, cliché it may be, as Logan closed his eyes, he swore he could see fireworks. It felt like his own personal Disney happy ending that Roman loved so much. He was close enough to smell Patton’s hair, like a forest of olive trees and strawberries and happiness and love. Logan had never really been one for dramatics, but at the moment, he felt more at home than he had ever been before. He felt happy and he felt calm and he felt Patton’s arms snake their way around his hips and he wrapped his around Patton’s neck and god he was at peace.
Well there goes the moment. Patton quickly broke the kiss and turned to see Virgil covering his eyes and hopping on his feet. He saw Roman run the corner and there were stars in his eyes. He covered his mouth and squealed while hopping around.
“is Patton gonna be my dad too???”
Logan couldn’t help but hide his face in Patton’s neck.
“maybe? We don’t know yet Ro, we’ll need a bit more time to figure that out.”
Logan was eternally grateful at Patton’s talent for answering children while also not revealing everything. He mumbled a small ‘I hope so’ into Patton’s neck and Patton giggled. He whispered back a ‘me too’ and Logan could swear he felt his heart swell in his chest. Virgil uncovered his eyes and looked at Patton with awe.
“wait… does that mean me, and Ro will be brothers??? We’ll be eternal playmates!!! Ro we’ll get to play together for forever this is so cool!!!”
“YEAH!!! I went from having one parent to two and a brother!!! YAY!!!!!!”
“oh gosh they’re excited”
Logan turned his head, now laying on Patton’s chest and looking at the kids.
“you two are so silly. You go back to playing unless you needed something”
“well uh we wanted to ask if you would play with us?”
“yeah!!! We wanted to play princes and villains, but neither of us wanna be villains. Could you please play with us?”
Logan leaned back and looked at Patton who had a bright smile on his face.
“why not? I’m actually already hungry again. I think some little princes would be delicious!”
The boys squealed and ran away, and the two adults gave themselves a moment, as well as the boys a head start.
“you know as over used as it is, I really am glad I get to be with you now. You have been my dream guy for years and now its not a dream anymore. Now I don’t know about you, but I have an appointment with some princes.”
“you know, so do I. how about it then? Ready to go?”
Patton gave a toothy grin and placed a small kiss on Logan’s cheek. He chuckled at the blush that grew on his face before releasing him. He held out his hand to Logan.
“as I’ll ever be! Let’s go!”
Logan grabbed his hand and two rushed upstairs. The two were so completely utterly in love. For once in their life they had another person by their side who they could hold close and trust aside from their kids. It was nice. It was really nice.
Taglist: @fivebyfive-finebyfive @tacohippy56900 @analogical-mess @crookedlyoptimisticdestiny @angels-and-dreams @asleepybisexual @starbucks-remy @idioticsky @ijustreallylovesanderssides @superwholocked-for-life @band-be-boss-blog @llamaly @logicality-trash @fiive-second-cookies @whats-going-on-kiddos @snowshoe-main-blog @007ardra @internetwhy @musikasworld
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Thank you for reading I will see you later ladies lords and nonbinary royalty!!!
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Sonic Prompt: Arabian Knights Prologue
World: Sonic and the Secret of the Rings (Game)
Couple/Premise?: greenyvertkins: I’m just curious as to how my idea would be approached if someone else used it as inspiration to write their own interpretation. Basically, its a prologue to Secret Rings, how Sonic comes into possession of the Arabian Nights storybook - Amy bumps into Tails in Station Square and not seeing Sonic with him, inquires about where he is only to learn that hes sick and back at the workshop in the mystic ruins resting. So Amy visits the antique shop near city hall and knowing that Sonic likes to read, buys the Arabian Nights book which she finds inside the shop. Theres a prompt for you :)
Dedicated to:  @greenyvertekins​
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Amy is looking around in different shops and thrift stores, poking her head around decorations to see if anything catches her eye.
A spooky looking old library is looming like an antique near the center of some of her favorite small stores, but it looks more like a worn out, roman pillared building than a library...
She gave it a funny look, trying to look inside, but the hallow wind that passed gave it an old, ghostly sound as if time itself had stopped there.
She shivered in fright and realized the lights were off. Probably not open.
She continued on.
As she did so, she saw Tails walking about, something that was unusual most of the time, and happily dashed over to him.
“Tails!” she swung her arms out to greet him, passing small street over to him, as he turned to look to her.
‘If there’s Tails, then there’s a Sonic!’ she excited leaped into his arms, and looked around over his shoulder, before pulling him away and patting his shoulder.
“How are you!? It’s been too long!”
“H-h-hiya, Amy.” Tails was being pushed back with each hit, but kept his feet at their post, before shaking his head out of the dizziness from being pushed back and forth.
He then smiled weakly, his head down slightly, being submissive to her usually very direct and overbearing personality. “I’ve been alright. How about you?”
“Great!” she opened her mouth to show a huge grin, before then turning serious and looking behind him, squinting her eyes to narrow her focus and looked around the range behind Tails, then turned to glance behind her. “...Is Sonic with you, today?”
He rolled his eyes, typical Amy.
“Not today. He’s kinda sick, actually.” he scratched the back of his head.
She gasped, turning to him and blinking in surprise. “Sick!? Oh no! My poor Sonikku!” she put her hands in fists up to her face, her eyes sparkling and growing big with concern and love.
“Yeah. He’s okay though. Recovering well.” he fanned lightly his hands out in front of him, before gesturing as he spoke on to comfort and then explain. “He just showed up out of the blue one stormy night. And you know how I am with storms... HeeEEhhhh..” he squirmed, having a dislike for lightning and thunder.
“I opened the door after a few knocks that weren’t from any hammer of mine... and then I saw Sonic, shivering a smile, raising a shaky and cold thumbs up, and then sneezing. Drenched. He looked awful but he tried to play it cool. Slept for hours. He’s doing better though, no need to worry.” Tails sweat dropped, seeing Amy’s concern grow as she leaned forward, picturing the horrible scene.
“So... He’s all better now?”
“Yep! He’s just taking his time looking over my library.”
“Hey! A few stacked bookshelves is TOO a library!”
“N-no, not that. Though we could argue on that definition but... anyway! Sonic reads books?” she shook her head, not going to contemplate on ‘unimportant opinions’ when it came to some new information on Sonic!
“H-huh? Well, yeah! You didn’t know?” He placed a foot forward, his hands on his hips, and leaned toward her. He innocently looked up to her, smiling.
“I know something you don’t about Sonic? That’s refreshing to hear! I-I-I mean! N-not that I supposed you thought you knew everything or whatnot..”
His save was badly timed, as she gave him a slightly irritated look, but it was more comical than intimidating.
Which was nice, can she can be intimidating when she’s mad...
“Heh...Heh..” he shyly straightened up and stepped back, giving her space. “Anyway,” he gestured his hands out again. “He’s been flying through most of my adventure series. It’s pretty amazing! Not only is his mind sharp, and his feet fast... but his eyes are like scanners from another world!” he laughed, pointing to his eyes. “He flips through pages like his finger’s a race car! I once tried to see if he even comprehended what he read. He’s actually pretty insightful too...”
Amy was trailing off in thought.
This new information could be key to her!
So, boohoo, she missed her chance to nurse Sonic back to health.
But now~ She could enter Sonic’s life more with a love for reading! She could read to him, or him to her, and maybe they could even start a 2-person only book club! Ah!
“I love it!” Amy exclaimed, jumping to one foot.
“...You what?” Tails looked confused.
She twirled and blew a kiss up to the sky, “Thank you, Cupid!~ I have my answer!” she then waved cutely to Tails, “Gotta go! I have to find Sonic the perfect story! One where it’ll entrap him in love for me by his love of the story~ Then we can talk about it for hours!” she ran across the street, as cars honked and slammed to break for her.
“A-Amy!” Tails outstretched a hand to her, but then quietly withdrew it and shook his head, scratching his head. “Sonic’s right. It’s hard to keep on track with her thinking, sometimes...” he continued to shake his head, sighing slightly to himself, and walked on.
He pouted a moment as he did so, “She didn’t even ask what I was doing out here... hmph.”
Tails turned to look across the street.
Amy waved again, holding her arm up high, “Good luck buying new gadgets and doohickeys for the x-tornado!” she then took off down to the creepy, old library.
Tails paused a moment, but smiled. A pleasant surprise.
“Eh, maybe she knows more than just Sonic.” Tails nodded forward, then looked up to the sky. “But hush up, Cupid! We don’t need her getting any more ideas...” he joked, and continued on down the lane... before...
“Ahh!” he gripped his head. “I’m the one that gave her an idea!”
Amy slowed her pace by the library, getting an odd feeling of eeriness from it. She frowned, before looking inside.
She was surprised to see lights sudden... were those... lanterns?
“Book people sure can be weird with their tastes.” she commented and shrugged, going in and hearing the bell echo through the large, marble building.
She looked around, before a figure in a cloak, their face hidden, saw her and put the book they were taking back down, and walked over to her.
“...Tarot master... you dabble?” The woman gestured a long sleeve out to reveal her hand, pointing to Amy.
“Y..Yes? Well, kinda. Used to. Wait, how does that-?”
“This is a special library. One that reveals identities and secrets.”
“Ohh... this is one of those ‘specially themed’ places.” Amy used the bunny ears, and then looked around, trying to be polite about people’s interests and nodded. She put her hands up in front of her and ignored the previous weirdness.
“You come searching for an adventure?”
“Yeah! For my hero~” she swooned, cupping her hands together and holding them up by the side of her face.
The woman looked down.
“...What color is this... hero?”
“Blue? What of it?” Amy furrowed her brow to the woman, before putting her hands on her hips. “Look, Lady. I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but you sure get nosy with your fortune tellings.” she pouted. In her studies, she had learned to be more show-oriented than this woman was letting slide.
The woman looked away to the side, “Forgive me. I’m out of practice with...” she looked up to Amy. “...Customers.” she then turned around and grabbed a lamp, walking onward.
Amy leaned up, and just shrugged, walking on after her.
The woman seemed to hunch, before Amy saw a book, and stopped to pull it out. “King Arthur? Hmm... okay!” she pulled it out.
“Come this way.” the woman called, looking back for her.
“Yes, Ma’am!” Amy quickly followed her, as the woman slowly hovered up to a taller shelf, and pulled a book from it.
Amy’s mouth turned into an amazed ‘o’ and she looked excited. “Now that’s a show!” she gave an open-grin to the woman, as she hovered down, and handed Amy the book.
“This... is the story of which your hero was destined to-”
“Let’s see!”
Amy snatched the book right out of the woman’s hands, not hesitating for theatrics and turning the pages open, flipping through and then reading the title.
“Ah..!” the woman reached forward, as if afraid of Amy opening the book.
“...Arabian...Nights? This is some kind of foreign tale?” Amy looked to the back of the book. “OOoooh! Is it an adventure/romance!?!?” she got all pumped up, looking pretty sold on it if it was.
“U-umm...” the woman was hesitant, not used to Amy’s blunt speech.
“Ah, doesn’t matter. I’m sure if he’s ‘destined’ it’s all pointing to me being the perfect girl for him, right? Haha! Tarot cards! You can really trust those things. Better than a silly horoscope. Although, those don’t get half the recognition they deserve.” she hurriedly put the book with the other one, then pointed a finger up to the woman as if stating her facts and started walking away, humming a bit as she went to the counter.
The robed woman looked a bit unused to Amy’s antics, especially her quick nature, and sighed.
She unhooded herself.
“Destiny has a way of preparing us all for the future... May the Blue hero be swift in saving our stories... Be back soon. Messenger Rose.” she bowed, showing a beautiful ordainment on her head, some jewels of Arabian decent, and some medieval symbols along the designs of her head-wear.
Rushing back to Tails’s place, Amy burst open the door, “Heelllo~” ‘For the money I spent on these relics, he better not just leave them on Tails’s shelf to dust over again!’ Amy hid her anger at the ridiculous pricing of the books, but strode in as Tails sweat dropped, seeing her suddenly make an entrance.
“Hello, Amy.” he spoke out, but it seemed he was a little nervous to have her. He smiled to Sonic, who just smiled back to him, and looked over to Amy.
“I heard from Tails you have something for me?”
Sonic was lounging on the couch, as Amy rushed over, happy to see he looked fine.
“You look great!”
“Thanks! Tails really fixed me up. Seems he’s more than just good with tiding up planes.” he looked to Tails, who smiled at the praise, and bowed dramatically.
“I’m only as good as my tools. And in this case, my medicine cabinet.” he joked, and walked back into his open kitchen.
Amy nodded and turned to Sonic, holding out the bag she had.
His eyes widened and he blinked them a moment, before seeming kinda curious and taking them from her.
“What’s this?”
“You know! If Tails told you I was coming, he must of also mentioned telling me about your love of books!” she put her hands behind her back, leaning a few times on one outstretched leg as she looked away, blushing lightly while he rummaged through the bag.
“Huh? Some more adventures?” he took out the two books, and looked at their covers.
“Em-hmm!” Amy nodded, growing excited to see him looking more and more giddy towards them.
“Thanks, Amy!” he looked up, winking to her. “I appreciate it!”
She squee’d slightly, before rushing to the couch to sit next to him.
“Now, remember! You can’t stand me up just to finish reading them, okay?!” She puffed up a cheek, making sure he knew how upset she would be if he did so.
He laughed, and scratched a hand behind his head, “Don’t worry, Amy. I understand the cost.” the nodded to her then, reassuringly, before setting the books aside.
“So... you’re really feeling better, right?” Amy looked much more concerned now.
He smiled back to her, kicking a leg over his other one and leaning back, getting more relaxed and just chilling.
He raised a hand up as he spoke, “You bet! I may need to crash a little while longer though. Just until the mildew dries up.”
“Hahahaha!” Tails suddenly started laughing, hitting the counter.
Sonic looked away, embarrassed a bit as he sweat dropped and tried to avoid Amy’s question and Tails’s mocking.
“Wh...What’s so funny?” Amy blinked her eyes.
“Sonic thinks he might be allergic to mildew!”
“I am not!”
“You very well could be!”
“I was cold! I was wet! It was clearly nothing but bad timing!”
“Hahaha! You were sneezing and having a fit like a drama king! If this happens everytime it rains, you should be more careful about it.”
“Emm...” he folded his arms, looking away and seeming annoyed. “Never bothered me before...”
Amy smiled with a slight giggle.
It was good to be with her old friends again.
They always made life so much more interesting! and fun, too!
Sonic found there was one more thing in the back, poking him from the side, and so he reached in, before pulling out a strange looking ring.
“Huh? What’s this?”
“Oh! That.” Amy looked a little apologetic at him seeing it.
“They called it a ‘bonus’ for purchasing two books. I hope you don’t mind. It’s a little tacky...” she sweat dropped, looking to him with closed eyes.
He looked fascinated by it, and looked it over.
“Sonic and rings? I think he’ll be just fine with it.” Tails joked, as Sonic smiled to him and then looked to Amy.
“Is that all?”
She nodded, “I promise, no other rings.”
He looked back at the ring and then suddenly started to laugh.
“What’s the matter? Is it really that odd looking?”
“Oh no! I’m just glad this wasn’t what I thought it was, haha!” Sonic joked too, as Amy caught on and rose up, looking upset.
“Well, that’s good.” Tails covered his mouth, snickering too. “Did you.. Pfft... Did you purposefully avoid taking it out of the bag, Sonic?”
Sonic smacked his knee, and nodded to his friend, as if not able to speak from his laughter right now.
Embarrassed by their sudden burst of laughter, she flushed red in anger and stormed out. “You two are both unbelievable! Hmph! I’m leaving!”
She slammed the door behind her, as Tails and Sonic watched before looking back at each other.
“You’ll have to thank her and make up for that.” He commented.
“Yeah... I wonder if she’d be okay with chilidogs?” Sonic leaned back, and exaimed the ring more closely... carefully... before starting to get sleepy.
“Maybe one of these book before I nap again.”
He lazily reached for one.
Tails nodded and walked off. “I’ll be in the other room if you need anything.”
“Right.” Sonic opened Arabian Nights and set the ring down next to the clock. “Let’s see.. a story that doesn’t start with ‘once upon a time’? Amy really did step it up for me. Heh.” he grinned, a signature smile now.
Eh. He’ll thank her later~
He fanned his hand as he thought about how to make it up to her, before leaning back and across the couch, starting the new storybook adventure!
(I enjoyed this very much XD thanks for the prompt! and thanks for helping me out Green! :Db I combined the adventures a little, did you notice that? xD lead it right into the game for ya :) )
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