#Raúl The Third
paigebraddock · 2 years
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TODAY: Opening reception for Resplendent, Identity and Visibility in Comics exhibit at Montserrat College of Art. 🌈✒️
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aengusnatureking · 1 year
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Frederick Chilton in Hannibal 3X12 part 2
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namnjj · 6 months
24 de Marzo de 1976
Today is an important day for my country and I wanted to talk here about it so more people know what happened and i'm gonna use the translator for this.
Argentina, on March 24, 1976 it suffered a civil-military coup d'état that lasted until 1983. Jorge Rafael Videla, Emilio Eduardo Massera, Orlando Ramón Agosti, Roberto Eduardo Viola, Leopoldo Galtieri and more kidnapped, tortured and killed more than 30 thousand people, they raped women and after they gave birth they took their children and gave them to other families.
On April 22, 1985, the trial against the Military Junta was held, by order of President Raúl Alfonsin a few days after recovering democracy. Only nine of the ten members of the first three Military Juntas were prosecuted: Jorge Rafael Videla, Orlando Ramón Agosti, Emilio Eduardo Massera, Roberto Eduardo Viola, Omar Graffigna, Armando Lambruschini, Leopoldo Fortunato Galtieri, Basilio Lami Dozo and Jorge Anaya. Despite being a member of the third board, Alfonsín excluded General Cristino Nicolaides from the accusation.
The court that prosecuted the boards was the National Chamber of Federal Criminal and Correctional Appeals of the Federal Capital, made up of judges Jorge Torlasco, Ricardo Gil Lavedra, León Carlos Arslanián, Jorge Valerga Araoz, Guillermo Ledesma and Andrés J. D. 'Alessio. The prosecutor was Julio César Strassera with whom the deputy prosecutor Luis Gabriel Moreno Ocampo collaborated.
The sentence handed down on December 9, 1985 convicted five of the accused soldiers and acquitted four. Videla and Massera were sentenced to life imprisonment with dismissal. Viola, to 17 years in prison, Lambruschini to 8 years in prison, and Agosti to 4 years and 6 months in prison; all with dismissal. Graffigna, Galtieri, Lami Dozo and Anaya were acquitted.
Maybe you know the movie called "Argentina 1985" (2022) that deals precisely with this trial and that won several awards and had an Oscar nomination for "International Feature Film" if you want to see it, it is on Prime Video.
I would like to end this post with a phrase that Attorney General Julio Strassera said at the trial, on June 9, 1985, in Spanish obviously.
"Quiero utilizar una frase que no me pertenece, porque pertenece ya a todo el pueblo Argentino. Señores jueces: 'Nunca Más'"
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why chilton?
AAALRIGHT im going to assume you're coming from my confession thing (chilton is the most reasonable character) so i'll answer that first.
(coming back up here after writing a bit, this is long and spoiler-y so i'm adding a read more. @ vic youre already up to season 3 just wait ok)
also a disclaimer: i'm writing all of this from memory while freezing in the wind at the bus stop. errors may follow
chilton may be a dumbass when it comes to his own actions BUT everyone is tbh so thats kinda just the baseline
however! he was one of the only people to believe will. he saw the evidence (albeit the little of it there was, since hannibal left very little) that pointed to hannibal, and he was able to put aside his positive associations and think critically about it
jack and alana both let their personal connection to hannibal cloud their judgement until it was too late. which is understandable! i love both of them as well. but out of those three people we see regularly interacting with hannibal personally, having dinner as friends (or more!), frederick is the only one who was willing to consider that hannibal was the ripper
of course beverly did as well, but she wasnt close with hannibal, and breaking into his house without telling anyone where she was going unfortunately docks some reasonable points. sorry bev </3
(and bedelia. but she didnt really try to do much about it except send smoke signals in the form of wine and truffles. i can understand that though. go get your europe holiday girl)
he was also the only one to see hannibal and will's fucked up relationship in season 3 ("with those two [disembowelling] is tantamount to flirtation" in aperitivo).
and now for more general 'why he's my favourite' stuff!
i really love his character arc - it's almost circular, and hes still recognisable as the frederick chilton we meet in entrée by the time the number of the beast is 666 rolls around, but he's taken his experiences in and grown as a person, imo. still confident, still egotistical, but still Changed.
and the fact that he's still the same by the end is really meaningful! because we all know that this man is a human punching bag - he went through so much over the course of the show, but he got back up every time. he's an incredibly strong person for that (and probably a little - or very - stubborn!), and it's very admirable. he held his head up and he faced abel gideon after he vivisected him (he stood right in front of him! the man who had broken out of restraints more than once!), he sat and ate with hannibal (more than once, we can assume) after he'd attacked him in his home and left three mutilated corpses for him and left him pretty much for dead
(im sure jack wouldve shot him if he hadnt surrendered and been someone familiar, and he wouldve likely been tried and if found guilty, executed much like hannibal should have been without frederick and alana saving his ass)
of course, this insistence on standing his ground led to his unfortunate fate in s3e12, but it's not his fault he didnt forsee a third attempt on his life. his strength is admirable nonetheless
i'd dock reasonable points for 'trusting will graham' but everyone did. that's another baseline. (aside from bedelia, i suppose. but her first impression of him was hannibal's pathetic little rambles in hannibal-mandated therapy)
also he's a funny little guy and has some of the best lines in the show. and he's played by raúl esparza who did so INCREDIBLY like holy shit
okay i think im out of stuff to say and i'm nearly at my stop thanks 4 reading
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eviltothecore13 · 2 years
@\anyone who still thinks "Luis Guzman is bad casting because previously Gomez was always 100% unambiguously a white Castilian Spanish guy and has always been played by white Hispanic guys, not Latino and definitely not a POC" (I saw someone getting angry because the 90s films version was included among "Latino characters" in a poll, even, they were yelling "he's Spanish!! 100% Spanish in every single version except Netflix!!"...)
Shut. Up.
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First, this is how Charles Addams drew Gomez. Not so "unambiguously 100% white".
Second, while the 60s show cast a white (and not even Hispanic) actor for Gomez, and establishes him as having spent the first 5 years of his life in Spain, there are also references to Latin America with him having spent time/possibly having family in Argentina, and in the Amazon rainforest and having a shrunken head and a blowgun as family heirlooms (could be interpreted as Indigenous ancestry). As well as hints of ancestry from several other cultures.
Third, the films don't state anything specific about Gomez's ancestry (they definitely don't explicitly say "only Spain!"), but if you are someone who can only picture Gomez as Raúl Juliá, and want his ancestry/ethnic background to be the same as his...then not only was Raúl Juliá of course Puerto Rican and not Spanish, but to be truly accurate, his grandmother should then be Black/mixed-race. (Her father was Dominican and listed as "mulatto" on the census, a term used at the time for someone with partial Black ancestry; can't find much information on her mother but she was from one of the US Virgin Islands that's 70% Black people.) Not exactly "100% Castilian and nothing else" there.
Fourth, in the musical he mentions ancestors of his coming to the Americans from Spain hundreds of years ago (rather than his family being purely from Spain/recent immigrants from Spain), and describes himself as "a Latin man".
Getting angry at a poll runner for considering him to be "Latino rep" is truly ridiculous. His ancestry in most versions is pretty ambiguous and all over the place, but it's never been 100% purely Spanish and there's been plenty of references to various Latin American cultures.
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beatleswings · 7 months
alright thats a big one, cardon has kids right? wanna give us some information about them? their bday, when theyre born, maybe who is their godparent(s) >:3
CarDon kiddos, you ask? Oooh this is gonna be a ride so get ready!! (Note: I have yet to draw them so....I'll be using the picrews I made of them for visuals).
So Don and Carmen do end up having kids, five to be exact! They wanted a big family.
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Their first born is a girl, Valentina Pilar Escamillo de la Rosa. She was born on February 16, just two days after Valentine's Day AKA Carmen's birthday hence her name. Pilar...was from one of the girl names they were going to give her, María de Pilar, before Don and Carmen were informed that she would be born on or around Valentine's Day, hence the love themed name. Had she been a boy, she would have been named Valentín or Amador ("lover" in Spanish) or both. She may not have been born on the 14th but the following day, Carmen started having contractions the night of February 15 and eventually went into labor and of course the 16th, the little one was born, at around 6am! Valentina resembles her mother but has most of her father's coloring such as his hair color and eye color. Her godparents are Narcis Prince and Aran Ryan. Don wasn't sure if Aran was "godfather" material but was somewhat relieved when he saw little Valentina giggling at Aran.
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Luis Martín Escamillo de la Rosa is Don and Carmen's second child, a son. He was born on February 26, three years and 10 days after his older sister. He is named after his maternal grandfather, Carmen's father Luis, and his second name, after Carmen's maternal grandfather (her mom's dad) Martín Álvarez. Like his mother, he is mostly referred to by his second name instead of his first. He resembles his father a lot, so much, he's like a clone of him but he does inherit some of his mother such as her hazel eyes. His godparents are Valeria and Masked Muscle.
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Nicolás Raúl Escamillo de la Rosa and Rosario Elisa Escamillo de la Rosa are Don and Carmen's third and fourth children, in other words...they're twins! They were born on March 19, three years after Martín, six years after Valentina and on the first day of Spring. The twins were born 5 minutes apart, first Nicolás and then Rosario. Despite it was twins, Carmen still went for a natural birth anyway.
Nicolás or Nico as he is called, got his names picked by Carmen. She liked the name Nicolás but his middle name Raúl, Carmen got that after the actor Raul Julia, the actor who played Gomez Addams in the 90s Addams Family movies. Carmen loved his portrayal of him. Rosario's names? Don picked them. He was going to name her Rosalina but Rosario is one that stuck to him. Elisa comes from his paternal grandmother (his dad's mom) Elisa. The twins resemble Don the most but have most of Carmen’s coloring such as her blonde hair and hazel eyes. I definitely see their godmother being Dolcita.
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Antonio Samuel Escamillo de la Rosa is Don and Carmen's fifth and youngest child. He was born on March 10, nine years after Valentina, six years after Martín and three years after Nicolás and Rosario. Unlike the previous births, Carmen had some complications and had to give birth to Antonio via C-section. Thankfully she and baby were okay. After the complications, Carmen and Don decided to stop having kids and plus, with five, the family feels complete now. :)
Don decided to give his second name Antonio to him and his middle name? That comes from Don's maternal grandfather Samuel Márquez. Little Antonio resembles Carmen a lot, her older siblings even point out how much it feels like they're seeing little Carm again, but he does have Don’s features like his brown eyes. I'm still deciding on a godparent or godparents for little Toño, once I think of one, I'll update this.
Aside from having their own aunts and uncles from each of their parents' sides, they also see their parents' friends as their aunts and uncles too and if their parents' friends had kids, they're honorary cousins.
As you can tell, all of Don and Carmen's kids are February and March babies, one is an Aquarius (Valentina) and the rest are Pisces. This idea, I was inspired by Paul and Linda McCartney. Their children together Mary, Stella and James are all Virgos and born on August 28, September 13 and September 12 respectively. Linda was also born on September (on the 24th) like Carmen was born on February just her two oldest. And Don and Paul were born in another month from their spouse and kids. August for Don and June for Paul. So far that's what I have on the kiddos.
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jgroffdaily · 1 year
In an alternate universe, there was a little more Looking.
For two seasons, fans of the HBO series watched Patrick (Jonathan Groff), Agustín (Frankie J. Alvarez), and Dom (Murray Bartlett) live their (often messy) lives in San Francisco. By the season 2 finale in 2015, Dom was mending his fractured friendship with Doris (Lauren Weedman), Agustín was happy with new love interest Eddie (Daniel Franzese), and Patrick ended his relationship with Kevin (Russell Tovey) only to end the finale in a chair at his ex Richie's (Raúl Castillo) barbershop.
The trio was starting to figure out what they wanted — or in Patrick's case, didn't want — before things were cut short. Instead of a season 3, HBO greenlit a movie to wrap it all up. In the end, Agustín married Eddie, Patrick reunited with Richie, and Dom's story ended a bit unfinished.
While the 2016 film provided some closure, it left fans wondering what would've happened if there had been a third season instead. Here Looking creator Michael Lannan shares some of his team's original plans — and some additional unused ideas, like an alternate plan for the season two premiere.
Looking explored relationships outside of traditional monogamy through couples like Agustín and Frank (O-T Fagbenle) and Dom and Lynn (Scott Bakula) — and Patrick would have followed suit in season 3 after breaking up with Kevin. "Patrick has this standard love triangle, and it felt like it was time to shatter that trope," Lannan says. One potential was Patrick entering into a relationship with someone very comfortable with who they are and whose sexuality was more fluid, which would have contrasted starkly with often rigid Patrick. "In the best case scenario, I think Patrick was going to learn to take himself a little less seriously through this relationship, while also feeling more confident in his own identity," Lannan explains. Another idea was Patrick entering a throuple, giving him some perspective on his views on relationships.
The episodes that almost were
"We almost did a Burning Man episode, we actually got all the clearances for it. We were one of the first shows to ever get permission to shoot at Burning Man," Lannan recalls of what they'd planned for the season 2 premiere before going in another direction. There was also discussion of the characters participating in the AIDS/LifeCycle (an annual bike-ride fundraiser that goes from San Francisco to Los Angeles) — and an earthquake episode.
The Patrick-Dom of it All
Looking often referenced the almost hookup that blossomed into Dom and Patrick's friendship, but the pals almost actually went through with it: "We had an idea that Dom and Patrick were going to go out one night looking for hookups and then they go home with another couple that wants to have a foursome. They end up doing it, which is fun, hot, surprising, and weird for them," reveals Lannon, who also considered having the two move in together.
Is more Looking coming?
"We would absolutely bring people back together," says the creator. He's confident about everyone's participation, they just need the right story to reunite the characters. A Christmas special is one idea that has been thrown around, so put that on your wish list.
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waru-chan8 · 9 months
Would you rather MotoGP Edition!
Okay this is a little game of would you rather... between the MotoGP (and others) series. Please feel free to add your own if your want (but please no F1-related) and share if you want. This is just for fun.
🎵 Would you rather let rather learn how to play piano with Pol, bass with Joe Roberts or guitar with Zarco?
💍 Would you rather let Luca organize your wedding (traditional/fairy tale) or Álex Rins (Party theme)?
🍴 Would you rather have a BBQ with the Binder brothers or Paella with the Márquez?
🏆 Would you rather third wheel a podium between Fermín&Alonso or Joan&Álex back in their Suzuki era?
🏄 Would you rather have surf lessons with Joe Roberts or windsurf with Dani Pedrosa?
🔄 Would you rather learn have a cooking class form Arón or a cross-snitch one from Pol?
💇 Would you rather learn Enea's or Bezz routine to keep their curls?
🏅 Would you rather learn martial arts with Raúl or learn sailing with Luca?
🛵 Would you rather train for a whole day with the VR46 Academy at the ranch or with Maverick (and Dani)'s band of misfits at the Rocco's ranch?
🎧 Would you rather let Bezz, Fabio or Jorge Martín DJ at your party?
👅 Would you rather learn languages with Dani (Spanish, Catalan, English, Italian, French and some Japanese) or with Miguel (Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French and English)? (I know there's a Moto3 rider that speaks up to 8 languages so if anyone knows who he is, I'll include it).
🛍️ Would you rather let go shopping for clothes with Taka or Dovi?
👗 Would you rather lend a dress to Rins, Bezz or Canet?
🐉 Would you rather let Fabio or Arón desing a tattoo for you?
🖼️ Would you rather let Vale, Marc or Aleix design a helmet for you?
🧨 Would you rather participate in a Estrella Galicia challenge with Joan Mir or in a Red Bull Jorge Martín?
⛷️ Would you rather go skiing/snowboarding with the KTM/Ajo Squat/Tech3 team or with the VR46 Academy?
🏖️ Would you rather go on family vacation with the Academy at Ibiza or with Aleix, Jorge M. and Fermín in Bali?
🏍️ Would you rather ride for an historic team (Honda, Yamaha or Aprilia) or for a new one (KTM)?
🐼 Would you rather use a shark or a bunny as your animal/brand?
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thecomicsnexus · 10 months
Shiny and Chrome
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October 2023
By Erik Burnham, Sarah Myer, Luis Antonio Delgado, Ed Dukeshire, Jack Lawrence, and Raúl Angulo.
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When Chrome Dome runs for Mayor, the turtles will need to figure out his intentions... and a way to stop him.
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Say what you will about killer robots... but at least they are more predictable than politicians. Or are they?
This was another classic example of how long the stories should be for this book. It had enough space to develop a third act (using a shortcut here and there).
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This story also continues the events of "Night of the Rogues", explaining that Chrome Dome's pieces went to TCRI.
I also need to talk about Sarah Myer's art. While it's less loyal to the cartoon, it is cute and cartoonish enough to be in the same book as Lattie and Schoening. But her art also shows a great amount of dynamism that is usually very important in comic-books. In a way, it looks more dynamic than what Schoening usually does (I love them both, though).
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la9unas · 7 months
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is   that   PEDRO   PASCAL ?   oh,   no,   that’s   MAXIMILIANO   ESQUIVEL   -   ISIDORA,   a   FORTY-SIX   year   old   OWNER   OF   ISIDORA   WINERY . . .
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*   ◟   : 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚃𝙸𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙲𝚂 ﹗
FULL NAME: maximiliano raúl esquivel isidora NICKNAMES / ALIAS: max, maxi, maxito AGE: forty six GENDER / PRONOUNS: cis man / he/him SEXUALITY: pansexual ZODIAC: cancer sun , capricorn moon BIRTHDATE & BIRTHPLACE: july 14th 1977 & casablanca, valparaíso region, chile CURRENT RESIDENCE: his private estate on the isidora vineyard property EDUCATION: master's in oenology & agronomic engineering @ the university of chile SPOKEN LANGUAGES: spanish & english OCCUPATION: owner & winemaker of isidora winery
*   ◟   : 𝙱𝙰𝙲𝙺𝚂𝚃𝙾𝚁𝚈 ﹗
the   isidora   family   has   been   present   in   valparaíso   region   ever   since   they   established   their   presence   in   the   casablanca   valley   over   150   years   ago,   becoming   one   of   the   most   influential   families   within   her   region   that   established   one   of   the   first   wineries   in   the   country   (   they   Rich   Rich   ).   the   isidora   family   is   not   a   selfish   one   …   their   wealth   has   funded   the   beauty   and   prosperous   aspect   of   what   is   the   valley   today   and   they   keep   on   giving   !
maximiliano   is   the   second   oldest   of   five   children.   his   mother,   carmen   isidora,   and   his   uncle,   manuel,   were   co-owners   (   and   the   ones   that   were   fully   committed   to   the   making   sure   things   remained   organic   on   their   vineyards   and   the   best   at   making   biodynamic   wines   )   of   the   winery   until   maximilano   and   his   eldest   sister   were   old   enough   to   take   on   the   mantle.   his   sister   travels   across   the   americas,   doing   business   with   various   companies   throughout   the   continents,   while   max   remains   in   chile   to   be   more   hands-on   with   the   winemaking   process   and   overseeing   the   property   and   its   happenings.   his   father   and   carmen’s   third   husband,   martín   esquivel,   happily   lived   as   a   trophy   husband   for   his   wife   he   loves   v   much   JSKLDJS   he   comes   from   a   wealthy   family   in   finances   &   investments,   spent   a   lot   of   time   painting   with   oils   and   watercolor   that   are   displayed   throughout   the   buildings   
ANYWAY   !   maximilano   has   lived   a   pretty   privileged   life   …   attended   a   catholic   private   school,   went   on   fancy   yacht   trips   &   vacations   across   the   globe,   u   know   the   gist   
but   tbh   …   he   was   (   still   Is   )   a   bad   boy.   max   often   got   in   trouble   despite   being   quite   nonchalant   and   reserved   at   first   glance.   more   often   than   not   max   was   sitting   in   the   principal’s   office   or   the   family   lawyer   had   bailed   him   out   of   jail   in   santiago   for   a   bar   fight   .   hey,   he   never   starts   fights   …   just   finishes   them   !!   
if   there   is   one   thing   max   has   that   many   trust   fund   babies   lack   these   days,   it’s   ~PASSION~!   ever   since   he   was   a   little   boy,   he   was   often   wandering   the   property,   helping   the   workers   of   the   winery   or   his   mother   while   bugging   them   with   82930   questions.   so   he’s   always   known   he’d   be   taking   over   the   family   business   just   …   he   just   wanted   to   commit   at   his   own   pace,   y’know?   :P
eventually   after   a   stern   talking   to   by   the   elderly   patriach   of   the   isidora   family   who   was   approaching   his   finals   years   on   this   earth,   max   goes   to   college   and   receives   an   education   in   the   science   of   winemaking   and   engineering   of   agronomics,   and   also   some   environmental   studies.   don’t   be   fooled   by   his   Rich   Party   Boy   facade   he’s   an   ORGANIC   FARMER   NERD   !!!!   fully   committed   on   making   isidora   wines   innovative   and   sustainable   😤
maximilano   is   a   bit   of   a   celebrity   across   the   valaparíso   region,   but   doesn’t   let   it   get   to   his   head   (   unlike   some   of   his   younger   siblings   who   idek   are   doing   these   days   ).   at   the   same   time   u   can   see   him   working   his   butt   off   under   the   chilean   sun,   making   sure   his   property   is   taken   care   of.  maybe   nick   parker   from   the   parent   trap   vibes ?? u know what i mean ??
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bobendsneyder64 · 9 months
Something went wrong with the ask I just posted, so just for the time being i answer it this way
Would you rather... MotoGP edition
So anyway, thank you so much @42bakery for the ask!! 💚
🏆 Would you rather third wheel a podium between Fermín&Alonso or Joan&Álex back in their Suzuki era?
Definitely the Joan and Alex podium! I loved Suzuki and their blue suits and I wouldn't mind being on the podium with them. I also think they would be very nice and chill to talk with before or after the podium ceremony
🔄 Would you rather learn have a cooking class form Arón or a cross-snitch one from Pol?
Cooking from Arón. I'm really bad at cooking so I could use classes. Also don't like it, but maybe that changes if I have a fun teacher who shows me that it can be fun too
🏅 Would you rather learn martial arts with Raúl or learn sailing with Luca?
Oooh I really can't choose. These are both things i would like to learn so I just would choose them both 😅😊
🛵 Would you rather train for a whole day with the VR46 Academy at the ranch or with Maverick (and Dani)'s band of misfits at the Rocco's ranch?
Definitely the VR46 ranch. I l've always wanted to see Vale in real life and maybe get an autograph, so this is an opportunity I can't pass on. It would also be really nice to see all the other VR46 members and spend the day with them, cause I can imagine that it will feel like one big family. And these kind of things make me really happy
👅 Would you rather learn languages with Dani (Spanish, Catalan, English, Italian, French and some Japanese) or with Miguel (Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French and English)? (I know there's a Moto3 rider that speaks up to 8 languages so if anyone knows who he is, I'll include it).
With Dani!
🖼️ Would you rather let Vale, Marc or Aleix design a helmet for you?
Valentino. I loved the colourful desings he has had
⛷️ Would you rather go skiing/snowboarding with the KTM/Ajo Squat/Tech3 team or with the VR46 Academy?
Then I would choose the Vr46 academy again 🙈
🐼 Would you rather use a shark or a bunny as your animal/brand?
I think a bunny
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k-ky · 1 year
Do you have any Guti + Raul headcannon? If so could u share some of ur favs :D
OK HI so Raul first ever, and only game ban, came during his youth days in Atletico as a preteen, when he fist fought an opponent boy on the ground during the game. It was said the boy was actually Guti from the Real Madrid side. (I LOST THE SOURCE BUT I DESPERATELY WANT TO BELIEVE THIS THE BEST MEET CUTE EVER)
Anyways as history had it, a more grown up teenage Raul joined the youth RM team, which he was NOT initially welcomed by Guti, who tackled him during training and then told him to apparently "fuck off back to Atletico". Idk what happened but I guess they made up and became friends somewhere along the way hehe.
But this is when I have to introduce third wheel/love triangle/ prettiest friend Alvaro Benito.
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He, Guti and Raul were a trio of besties and APPARTENTLY had amazing set pieces together in the youth team. Quoting, (and badly translating) Alvaro in this interview: With Raúl and Guti. We were very close friends and also three complementary lefties in different positions of the field. Guti fed me, and I fed Raul. Guti was very good in kicking balls with depth, where I could take advantage of my speed and me getting them to Raúl to score.
ONCE YOU RECOGNISE THIS GUY, you will see him EVERYWHERE in most photos of young Guti and Raul. They were rly besties (threesome)
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Raul was the first of them to get promoted from the youth team, followed by Alvaro, and then lastly Guti (who was still benched most of the time while Alvaro and Raul was mostly starting 11 from the get go.) Bet your ass Guti was bitter af abt that knowing him, since he was with Real Madrid the longest. Unfortunately, a bad tackling during the youth national games to Alvaro left knee ended his career very early on, like within two years of Alvaro joining the main team. He had like EIGHT surgeries, one even in the USA, and then got into a CAR ACCIDENT, he was never the same since and couldn't play again. He still hangs out with Guti and Raul TO THIS DAY and sometimes play in charity matches with them, you can see Guti still pass to him and he tries to score (he seems rly good) but he seems to be really careful with his knee :(((
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ANYWAYS back to Raul and Guti:
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I find that the Spanish media POV of Raul is very different to the fandom (who isn't 100% spanish) POV because Raul seemed very political and temperamental IRL. He is constantly stirring up discourse and unrest in the team if he doesn't agree with the higher ups (re: his time in the Spain NT), giving the media sullen cold shoulders (he deadass sat there and glared at them in silence, his horoscope Cancer is showing) and literally got managers FIRED bc this guy will directly complain to Perez if he disagreed with you. THIS MAN IS A MENACE. Compared to Guti who literally just wanted to party and black out, and sometimes lost his cool on the pitch, Guti is considered the more laid back between the two for REAL.
Additionally, ofc them being co captains, (I'm convinced Guti disinterest in company politics was there to balance out Raul's rumored hunger for power), the fact Guti wanted to leave RM in the later years because of the Galaticos causing him to be benched alot, (other teams were trying to get him such as like Man Utd) and his waning motivation; but he stayed because Raul is here (HE SAID THIS IN AN INTERVIEW). And THAT MOMENT when Guti announced he was leaving RM, ONE DAY AFTER Raul said he was leaving. BC I GUESS IF RAUL ISNT HERE HE CANT BE ASSED????
And APPARENTLY Raul was crying watching Guti's farewell on TV (Guti didnt even cry lol) and he called him right after. And they still kept in touch after moving to Germany and Turkey respectively, because in an interview in Germany he said he was enjoying it there immensely "while my friend Guti does not like Turkey". (Ok visit him then.)
I think there are more but i cant rmb more rn i might rmb it after sajkdfhajksdfh anyways uh the families hang out tgt too Guti's son Aitor was at Raul's son Jorge's birthday party
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Here’s Alvaro and Guti being 100% smashed and extremely sus tgt
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I have so many photos of them I might do a picspam or smth tumblr has a limit of 10 photos lol
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dulcetpill · 2 years
hiya! for the beyond evil ask thing 🎵
Thank youuu for interacting, you lovely person with a very good name<3
🎵 What five songs do you associate with Beyond Evil?
 I realized I don’t have that many song associations in general, especially if not counting those that are caused by fandom video edits. Quite often, listening to a song and hearing an exceptionally good line, I get a moment of association (“oooh, this is so jwds-core!!”), but the song as a whole doesn’t make me think about Beyond Evil (or any other media for that matter). But I’ll try to scrounge up some good ones and not cheat with easy fandom-edit picks :P
Дарья Виардо — Возвращайся домой Daria Viardo — Come Back Home
A gentle, sorrowful song in Russian about dealing with loss, pointlessly hoping that your loved one will come back home just like usual, as if returning from a very long walk.
“But I wait on the porch I’m covered in mold But I wait on the porch In the hope of saying “hello” once more.”
It’s so Dongsik-about-Yuyeon… I even contemplated making an edit with this song, but I don’t have the will to cut all of the appropriate footage for it, and not many people would be able to appreciate it fully anyway. But the song is still wonderful. A real tearjerker.
“And even if I know There won’t be a miraculous day The sky won’t give you back And the door lock won’t click… You won’t come back home Won’t come back home You’ll never come back home. But I still feel like…”
Nothing But Thieves — Your Blood
Listen. LISTEN. Your Blood is basically Han Juwon (Daddy Issues Edition): The Song.
“You know it's your blood that I bleed Tell me that there's some way that I'll get through the night. I carry your moral disease I don't wanna be something I'm not to stay alive.”
I literally spent a whole night writing a cheesy twitter thread about Juwon while listening to nothing but this song, even though it’s much more somber than the feeling I was trying to invoke. Because it’s just. So. Juwon. Ugh. Listening to this makes me really want to play some golf. At night. In the rain. You know the feeling.
“Oh no, there's no escape No matter how I try Now I'm stuck on one day For the rest of my life.”
Stephen Sondheim Company OST — Being Alive (by Raúl Esparza)
And this version. THE jwds song, I'm not joking. From Juwon’s POV, because he’s such a miserable flop (I love him so much).
“Someone to hold you too close Someone to hurt you too deep Someone to sit in your chair To ruin your sleep Someone to need you too much Someone to know you too well Someone to pull you up short To put you through hell.”
Even trying to quote it feels silly, because every single line is just IT. Such a powerful, beautiful song, really.
“Make me confused Mock me with praise Let me be used Vary my days.”
I want(ed) to make an edit with this one, too, but I couldn’t even decide on which version to choose… Maybe there's someone more capable than me who'll actually do it one day.
“Somebody crowd me with love Somebody force me to care Somebody let me come through I'll always be there As frightened as you To help us survive Being alive.”
Tamino — Indigo Night
It’s a perfect fit for Juwon, I’m a little insane about it. (Please do not notice that this is my third Juwon association, please do not perceive me.)
“He says, “I, I have seen the world's most beautiful places Still I feel, as If I'm a walking machine Watching it all through a screen There is nothing in between to me This might as well not be real.”
It’s a song about Juwon being his miserable self (though not as self-aware), and Manyang gang teaching him how to finally not be a flop who thinks having no friends is a flex, basically.
“And he cries, “Why can't I sing along with some feeling, or some meaning? It feels like I've always been blind I don't know why you girls are so kind For there are so many in line Whose lives aren't as lost as mine.”
Think of Juwon obsessing over that one stalker photo of Manyang gang gathered at Jaeyi’s, eating and having fun, so full of life and joy. And Juwon being anything but. Until he actually meets Dongsik and the rest and learns how to eat soup with the love of his life staring at him across the table so lovingly. Yeah.
“’Cause he's never been More alive.”
Florence + The Machine — No Choir
Beyond Evil finale from Dongsik’s POV. And post-canon, too. Dongsik and Juwon, Dongsik and his Manyang gang. Just eating well, sleeping well, having people you love around is enough to be happy—and to just be.
“And it's hard to write about being happy 'Cause, the older I get I find that happiness is an extremely uneventful subject. And there will be no grand choirs to sing No chorus could come in About two people sitting doing nothing.”
The song fits with the feeling of the show’s ending so well. It’s so… mellow, yet melancholic, yet light and soothing.
“But I must confess I did it all for myself I gathered you here to hide from some vast unnameable fear But the loneliness never left me I always took it with me But I can put it down in the pleasure of your company.”
To some people the ending was too soft or too open-ended, rather unsatisfying, not dramatic enough. But that’s what made it so perfect in my eyes. The mystery is solved, the chase is over, all that is left is the unspoken words, the smiles, the silent promises, all of the implied in-betweens… The show’s over, practically dead, yet, to me, the characters couldn’t be more alive, continuing on with their quiet lives filled with quiet love. I hope they’re pooping well, too.
“And there will be no grand choirs to sing No chorus will come in No ballad will be written This will be entirely forgotten.”
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beatleswings · 11 months
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I did Don and Carmen on this picrew along with my fankids for them. Yes, I made fankids for them! So I do see Don and Carmen in the future settling down with five kids. Yes, five. They wanted a huge family. So here is the little Flamencos. Their oldest is named Valentina Pilar. She was born two days after Valentine's Day which also happens to be Carmen's birthday hence why she got the name Valentina. Valentina resembles Carmen but has Don's coloring. Their second child is a son, Luis Martín. Mainly referred to by his second name like his mother is referred to by her second name. He resembles his father a lot, but inherits Carmen's hazel eyes. Their third and fourth child, twins. Nicolás Raúl and Rosario Elisa. They were born 5 minutes apart. Despite it was twins, Carmen went for a natural birth anyway. The twins resemble Don the most but have most of Carmen's coloring such as her blonde hair and hazel eyes. Their last child, a son, Antonio Samuel. Antonio being Don's second name and since he loved the name, he and Carmen gave him the name. This one, unlike the previous births, Carmen had via c-section. Thankfully she and baby were ok. He resembles Carmen a lot but has Don's brown eyes. Each babies are three years apart, apart from the twins who are only 5 minutes apart. :p I will draw them myself and together the whole family soon!
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Below I'll detail all 18 songs that'll compete to represent Spain in Eurovision 2023 next January at Benidorm. I'll also add some tidbits that they said in the presentation they did this morning, and they'll go in the order they used for said presentation as well cause it makes it easier for me.
Everything will be below the cut as I'll be linking the youtube videos to the songs (if there is one) and I don't want to take much unwanted space on your dashes. Here is the official spotify playlist btw, you'll be able to listen to all songs there if you prefer it.
I'll be completely impartial here, if you want more insight into my own reactions to each songs, you can search the tag 'benivivi23' in my blog <3
Finally, throughout these weeks I'll be posting the translated lyrics of the 18 songs here, in case you don't want to miss them I'll use that same tag 'benivivi23', to have everything organized (i'll also use the tags i'll use here tho so there shouldn't be any problems)
Anyways, let's start :)
Sharonne (1976, Sabadell) is a drag queen known for winning the second season of Drag Race España. It's her second time entering the preselection for Eurovision, as she participated in the 2001 preselection within the group Trans-X. Right now she's one of the protagonists of the national tour of the drag show Gran Hotel de las Reinas.
Aire [Air] was composed by herself, Iván Torrent, and Alejandro Barroso. The song talks about liberating oneself, about taking a deep breath and continuing on. In the presentation, she said that the song was composed with the Benidorm Fest in mind, and that she was inspired by all the people that had reached out to her in social media talking about how seeing her and other drag queens thriving had helped them; it's her way of thanking them.
Megara (born in Madrid in 2015) is a self-proclaimed 'fuchsia rock' group with an aesthetic that combines dark undertones with cotton candy. They have a total of three albums and two other EPs.
Arcadia is a reference to the idea of Arcadia Felix, a Heaven on Earth. In the song, Megara makes Arcadia a virtual world where two girls fall in love and live their particular Arcadia. It was composed by Megara members Sara Jiménez Moral and Roberto La Lueta Ruiz, and their producer, Israel Dante Ramos. In the presentation, they talk about how their dream was getting into the Benidorm Fest so they've already achieved their dream, but they'll fight to go to Eurovision as well. They're also very honored to represent rock for the first time in Benidorm Fest.
Alfred García (1997, El Prat de Llobregat) was first known as a contestant in Operación Triunfo 2017, where he ended up fourth [imo his best performance there was Maldita Dulzura]. Afterwards, he was selected to go to Eurovision 2018 with Amaia, where they sung Tu Canción. Since then, he has released 2 albums.
Desde Que Tú Estás [Since You Are Here] is a song dedicated to a person that made him rediscover and feel again things he hadn't felt in a while. The lyrics were composed by him and the music is by Raúl Gómez. In the presentation, he says that it is one of the best songs he has ever composed, and that he was inspired by love as something revolutionary.
Blanca Paloma (1989, Elx) is the only returning artist to the Benidorm Fest, as she participated in the last edition with Secreto de Agua. Eaea is only her third single.
Eaea was composed by herself and José Pablo Polo, and it is a flamenco-sounding song made as a tribute to her roots and ancestors through lullabies, a sorrt of remembrance of where she came from to know where to go to. In the presentation, she said it is a tribute to her grandma, Carmen (the woman in the cover of the single).
Aritz Grau Sueira (1992, València), his stage name being Aritz Aren, is mainly known as a dancer, as his leap to fame was the dancing TV show Fama ¡A Bailar!, where he ended up as the runner up. Since then he has gained a large following on Tik Tok, and has worked in Madrid and Shanghai. In this last place, he coreographed the productions of Fame and World of Dance. Finally, he has taught dance classes at one of the best studios in Tokyo, Dance Studio.
Flamenco was composed by Carlos Marco, Frida Amundsen, Kaci Brown, Sam Gray, and Tonino Speciale. It is a song that fuses urban and latin sounds with autochtonous Spanish elements. In the presentation, he says that for him the song means the unrestraining oneself and letting yourself just feel at the beginning of a relationship. He is very happy singing it and he feels it matches quite well with him. He is also already working in the staging, and he told the interviewer that there'll be dancing in it.
José Otero (1990, Telde) became known after participating in The Voice México in 2019. Since then, he has published a number of singles and collaborations with artists like Karen Méndez.
Inviernos en Marte [Winters in Mars] is a power ballad composed by himself, Manu Chalud, Gabi Ore, Kenia Saiz, and Karen Méndez. It talks about impossible love and giving up once you realise you have lost someone you love. In the presentation he said it is a song composed to be sung live, and that the lyrics talk about vulnerability in oposition with lost. He was inspired by his father's death last year.
Famous Oberogo (Amsterdam, 1999, raised in Bormujos) was first known as the winner of Operación Triunfo 2018 [I think we can all agree his best performance was Uptown Funk], where he participated in the preselection process for Eurovision 2019 and manifested his love for Eurovision and his wish to go someday, he even got to sing with Cesár Sampson. Since then, he has been preparing his first album with a few singles already out, and is currently playing Rafiki in the Spanish production of The Lion King, in Madrid.
La Lola [The Lola] was composed by Adrián Ghiardo, Andrés Sebastián Ramírez and Jorge de la Cruz, and talks about that feminine side everyone has, dubbed Lola in this song. In the presentation he says that Lola is fierce and fun, and that with this song he wants to start up a party and wants people to have a fun time and enjoy it. He also said that there's gonna be dancing in the staging as well as interesting 'vocal stuff'.
Miriam Nares Signes (1996, Gandia), best known as Fusa Nocta, rose to fame in 2019, when she was a viral contestant in the Spanish X Factor. She's been writing poetry since she was 15, and she only recently started doing music as well. She has participated in many festivals like Madcool, Puro Latino, or Arenal Sound.
Mi Familia [My Family] fuses different sounds to explore her own family, talking about both the prettiest and the darkest parts of it. She composed the song alongside Ignacio Moreno González and Carlos Padilla Linares. In the presentation she was overwhelmed as she didn't expect so many support after the song released, and revealed that the little girl who talks at the beginning and the end of the song is her baby cousin. She goes a bit more in depth about the song, saying it talks about the advice her grandmas have given her, and about how much family really means for her. She also wanted to include the crudest parts of family.
Victoria Ribo (1996, Barcelona), best known as Vicco, has been playing the piano since she was 9, and shortly after she started writing her own music. She started her first band, Carpanta, with her own sisters, and when she was 19 she opened for Alejandro Sanz. She has since released an album, a few singles, and has composed for a multitude of artists, like Mireya Bravo, Flori, María Escarmiento, or Edurne.
Nochentera [a portmanteau of both 'noche entera' (full night, in the context it's more like 'all night'), and 'noche ochentera' (80's night)] talks about that moment when you like a person and want to do anything to see them, and so you throw up a party to be able to bump into them and dance together. It is a hymn to happiness and good vibes, it was made to feel like a party itself. In the presentation she said that a lot of stuff will be going on in stage, and that it will be lot's of fun. She also said that there's a lot of good songs in the preselection, so it's gonna be complicated to win.
Meler (formed in Madrid in 2020) is a band formed by Loren, Javi and Jonathan that started playing in the London underground and Madrid metro until the pandemic, when they were forced to look for alternate ways of doing music and created Meler. Now they have a couple singles out and have opened for Taburete.
No Nos Moverán [We Will Not Be Moved] is an energetic song made to dance, sing, and jump. It talks about that moment when you wish you could stop time to stay like that forever. It was composed by Jonathan Geraint Burt, Francisco Javier Pagalday González, Natalia Neva Martín, Oliver García Cerón, and José Héctor Portilla Rodríguez. In the presentation they said that they're working hard on the staging because it is very different to what they're used to do. They also said that the song was made with Eurovision and Europe in mind. Finally, they commented about how there's hints on how the staging will be in the music video.
(aparently you can only put ten videos per post so i'll link the rest of the videos in the titles of each song)
Siderland (formed in Barcelona in 2018) is a band formed by Uri Plana (voice and guitar), Albert Sort (bass), and Andreu Manyós (drums). They defined their sound as 'night pop', and since their debut they have played in multitude of venues in Barcelona.
Que Esclati Tot [Let Everything Explode, this might not be 100% accurate as I don't know Catalan] was composed by Siderland in collaboration with Roger Argemí. It has the typical sound of the band, and it tells the story of two lovers who react differently to a world that is collapsing; one accepts destiny and prepares themselves for whatever may happen, while the other refuses to do so and ends up alone. In the presentation they talked about how they tried to get into Benidorm Fest last year, and about how the staging is going to be explosive. This is the first song in Catalan in Benidorm Fest.
Agoney Hernández (1995, Adeje) was first known as one of the contestants of Operación Triunfo 2017, ending up in 6th place [his best performance is undoubtably Eloise]. Since then he's released an album, and he's currently staring in the music contest Dúos Increíbles alongside legendary singer Ana Belén [they recently sang Eloise together!].
Quiero Arder [I Want to Burn] is an explosive song composed by Agoney himself where he gets to do complicated vocal work, as he's known for. In the presentation he threatened to burn Benidorm to the ground, and he said that he needed to made that song when he composed it, and that at first it wasn't gonna be the song he was going to present to the Benidorm Fest, but he got an impulse to do so and he went against the advice of the discography.
Carmen Toledo (Bogarra, Albacete), better known as Karmento, first started her musical career in 2012, when she moved to Malta. She made her first album there, and then came back to her homeland to release her second one. She self-defines herself as a 'singer-songwriter, sexologist, and lover of emotional communication', and her sound as 'neofolklore', combining the folklore of her land, La Mancha, with more modern sounds.
Quiero y Duelo [I Want and I Mourn] is a local expression of La Mancha that expresses the feeling of wanting something and battling with the pains and difficulties of trying to achieve it. She talks about her own quiero y duelo with music and also about all of those who had to abandon their roots in order to have a better life. In the presentation she said that last year watching Benidorm Fest she was impressed by the acts and wanted to send something to the contest this year because of it.
Twin Melody is a group formed by the twin sisters Paula and Aitana Etxeberria (1999, Ordizia), known in all Spain thanks to their large following in Tik Tok (more than 18 million followers). They currently study Education in university and are regular guests in the late show El Hormiguero. This year they debuted in music with Ciao, a collab with Emma Muscat.
Sayonara was composed by Twin Melody, Jonathan Geraint Burt, and Natalia, and it is an empowering song about self love and leaving behind things that harm us or don't show our true selves. In the presentation they said that the song is in French, Spanish, English, and Basque, because those are the languages Twin Melody speak and they wanted to make the song as genuine as possible. They talked about how they are already preparing themselves for the staging and how they have filmed the music video. They want to combine song and dance.
Raquel García Cabrerizo (1995, Granada), better known as Rakky Ripper, was one of the pioneers of Spanish hyperpop in 2019 alongside PUTOCHINOMARICÓN. Praised by artists such as Charli XCX or Dorian Electra, she was named one of the VOGUE Hot Talents 2021. She has published an EP and been in dozens of music festivals such as Sónar, ValleEléctrico, Covaleda, BIME, WarmUp, or SXSW.
Tracción [Traction] was composed by Rakky Ripper alongside Kickybombo, and it is a song with a sound that mixes hardcore, drum&bass, and techno. It talks about when you like someone but you are incapable of telling them so you just fantasize about them and the sexual tension and the fear of rejection just get entangled in all of that. In the presentation she says how Benidorm Fest is going to be a crucial point in her career, as well as a personal challenge cause he wants to give the best show ever.
Sofía Martín (1996, Alicante) is a Hispano-German artist who uses her multicultural background to fuse different music styles and write in three languages. She has a few singles out of the dance and latin dance genres.
Tuki [aparently it's a Venezuelan word that means 'young punk', kinda like chavs in England or canis / chonis in Spain] was composed by Sofía, Freddy Rochow and Claudio Maselli, and it is a combination of Spanish and Latin rythms with European beats from dance and electronic music. It talks about being able to achieve your dreams no matter how or where you came from; tuki is that feeling when you finally achieve your goal after a long time working on it. In the presentation she says that she doesn't have any expectation in regards to Benidorm Fest, that she goes with the flow.
E'FEMME (formed in 2019) is a girlband inspired by K-Pop groups and sounds, and formed by Sandy (1997, Pamplona), Melania (1998, Santa Cruz de Tenerife), BUBU (1999, Madrid), and Lottie (2000, Madrid). They want to combine all visual arts in their projects.
Uff! is a song composed by E'FEMME alongside Antonio Escobar and Barei. It is an empowering song about getting one's inside strength outside to stand your own ground. In the presentation they said that the song perfectly reflects their energy.
Alicia Climent Barriuso (1998, Madrid), best known as Alice Wonder, is currently one of the most known artists in the Spanish indie scene. In 2017 she released her first EP, and has since released a full album and multiple collaborations with artists such as Javiera Mena.
Yo Quisiera [I Would Want] was composed by herself, and talks about the storm brewing inside someone who stops trying to understand the world and simply lives in it. Alice says that even if it seems like a pessimistic song, it is really positive, as it talks about having faith despite life's inconsistencies. In the presentation she talks about how the song was born from an improvisation in her mum's piano in a moment of shock. She also says that she really doesn't know why she's there, in the Benidorm Fest, and how all of it is really out of her comfort zone.
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ejbarnes · 1 year
This Wednesday, 2 August, I'll have a table at Radio Boston Presents: Comics Culture. To whet your appetite for FanExpo Boston 4--6 August, WBUR, Boston's NPR station, features Boston University's chair of their Department of Visual Narrative Joel Christian Gill leading a panel of local comics creators, including Colleen AF Venable, Raúl The Third, Dan Mazur, and Dave Ortega. The panel begins at 6:30 PM. Doors open at 5:30, whereupon you will find in the lobby myself as Drowned Town Press, as well as Sam Cleggett, Zach Clemente, Ansis Puriņš, and Catalina Rufín. The program runs until 8 PM. Ticket prices are $15 General Seating, $25 Premiere seating, and $5 for students. You can pre-purchase tickets here. WBUR CitySpace at Lavine Broadcast Center is at 890 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA, in the middle of the campus. While there are several parking lots nearby (some of which may only be for BU affiliates), you can also get there on the MBTA Green Line B branch (closest stop Babcock Street) and via MBTA buses #57, #47, and CT2. (Please note that the Green Line currently has service advisories of delays due to current speed restrictions.)
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