#Rachel ^_^ heheh yay!
dawnlotus-draws · 1 year
Bitb spoilers, mild horror warning, slight potentially nauseating movement below.
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{a shifting reflection}
<something stares back at you>
non moshed no filters ver.
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deltastra · 2 months
My Thoughts on Tower of God Season 2 Episode 2
So, premiere was great! Now it's time for a slower episode!
Rating: 8/10
Summary: Music was great! Not much happened as it is meant to be the calm before the storm, but it was still enjoyable! I was a little disappointed over some of the scenes that were skipped but it's not a huge deal-breaker for me.
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Always loved Rachel's story to Bam. Because it shows how different they are. Bam finds the story sad, but Rachel sees it as a happy one.
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This scene was always so cute! Miseng giving the "monster" some chocolate, and the "monster" actually accepting it politely. But...i thought she gave chips in the webtoon??? I dont know. I wonder if Viole thought of Rak when he saw that chocolate bar.
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Oof I forgot that Prince was a jerk back then
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WELL PUT HIM IN THE RING WITH HATZ AGAIN I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THAT. Also it's so cool to see Hatz's name be held with such honour. Team Shibisu really made a name for themselves!
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THE GOAT IS HEREEEEEEEEE. Also perfect voice for him! Exactly how I pictured it!
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Man they nailed the feeling of dread they're all having over geting so low. I legit felt so sorry for them despite knowing what happens.
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Hehehe He loves his fried chicken!
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And its finally here! The OST was perfect for the build up. Viole just lightly touched it without making a sound and he instantly went to 1st place! Though, i remember Love doing the test as well and still scoring higher, showing that Rankers are still stronger than Viole and forshadowin of what's to come. I wish they kept that in.
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I felt a bit sad seeing some anime-onlies finding this scene cringe. But honestly? I love it. Because it shows how unlike most of them, Wagnan KNOWS he's weaker. He KNOWS he needs someone to help him. And he NEEDS to climb the tower no matter what. So he is going to try his absolute hardest to be picked, even if he has to humiliate himself. That's dedication. Usually other stories would show these types of people as pathetic so it makes sense that people found this scene pathetic as well. Just wanted to provide my thoughts on this scene and why I love it so much. Oh and I love how the only people that begged were the ones who NEEDS to climb the tower no matter what.
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:(((((((((((((((((((((( Poor Bam.
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No thoughts I just love every scene Yihwa is in
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BAHAHAHAHA IM SO GLAD THEY AT LEAST KEPT THIS SCENE IN IT WAS SO FUNNY!! (Also Yihwa's VA absolute kills this role I love her performance)
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Hmm they skipped the whole bath scene. Tragic but given the amount of episodes for this cour, makes sense.
Honestly looking back at this scene, I didn't realise that it also shows that Viole's doesn't care about eliminating Jahad and the Ten Great Families. If he did, Wagnan would've been so screwed. But he just got his ring back without any further questioning.
Okayyy so that's all I have to say about episode 2. Sorry that I don't have much thoughts about this episode. It was mostly talking. But now, I am caught up with the episodes I have already watched! Episode 3's post will be my most initial thoughts as I will be watching while writing my thoughts!
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crystallineirises · 9 months
Golden Globes Live Blog (SPOILERS)
Every single man speaking so far has been irrelevant
I am also *super* stoned right now let's get that out of the way
J. Smith Cameron looks so good first of all (shout out to the Slime Puppy discord for those early photos)
Danielle should take it for black people but I would not be mad for May/December lol
...YAY BLACK WOMEN GO SIS literally haven't heard of the Holdovers but I'm THRILLED and she got to meet Angela oh MAN
*may/december music* IDK anything about RDJ on to the nex
Lenny Kravitz looks HOT it transcends my lesbianism
is that Amanda?? She looks emaciated i hate that unless it's not her which is possible, i didn't unmute in time
Lol Rachel's selfie headshot
Can Ali win it for us YEAH SHE DID
Seventeen years away from the stage lol
Don't know these people on to the nex
wait is that the boy that was on This is Us? The Manny? What the hell is his name oh it doesn't matter
I feel like Jon might take it? Just sensing?
*May/December music*
This is bullshit lol
That deep breath J. took before they announced the winner I SAW THAT AND I FELT THAT
Hannah Waddingham's wink though
My mom "why is everyone's eyes red" LOL CAUSE THEY HIGH AS ME but seriously Ray
This show could be 1 hour without all this bullshit lol
Our other babies let's goooooo
Lol Lucas ain't here
Tom winning the show winning the company winning the Golden Globe
YES THEY LET KIERAN IN AND IS HE NEXT TO J wait no they didn't lol there's someone between them why can't we win
HERE WE GO this category is full of superstars it could go either way I am nervous
YES YES AND YES Jeremy is kinda fine with his lil v neck and his lil subtle chain
These intros are so fucking LONG I do not CARE
I need to smoke so more but I'm waiting until after Kieran's category lol
I love when a movie wins several things and I'm still like..that still looks boring
I can only hope that she just thanked Snoop Dogg lol
Women in comedy on tv let's get into it YUH
MANIFEST even though it's stacked
*May/December music*
Do you think that getting super high and watching the Super Mario movie would be fun yes or no
Yeah that makes sense
That love and support look WAS very loving and supportive though
I feel loved and supported
Hey Michelleeee
I like when women walk out holding hands
"and very MUSCULAR" is this gay is this gay
This is gay lol
*May/December music*
Everyone is happy for her like they're friends it's very cute lol
Also love that dress she looks adorable
"okay bye" she was real for that
This Oppenheimer sweep is boring to me but my mom says he's a good actor also this score sounds GOOD
Oh I see that win cause it sound GOOD
This boy looks like every experimental electronic music grad student we used to party with
LENNY still looking fine
Billie got this, right?
Yeaaaaahh boi
Otherwise Barbie wasn't gonna win shit but we like having fun lol
Okay smoked another bowl we BACK IN IT
it's getting SERIOUS
"it's so good it's so good. it's one of those shows you watch and while you're watching it it's like...it's so good". - crystallineirises on The Bear
the restaurant COMMUNITY *snap snap*
i'm so high bruh lol my mom keeps talking to me and i'm like *LOUDLY TALKS ABOUT SHOWS*
she talmbout drapes i do not care hehehe
Does she have a crush on DuLaPeep can she stop
I thought Kieran was gonna climb up there
I love that we're following her backstage lol
I hope they let all our babies go on stage I wanna see J. looking hot
WHAT A TIME THAT WAS (era of Succession Sunday)
J Move your way to our man please
Where he at
Alan Ruck is SMIZING
We do like Roman and Shiv reunited
Greg get outta here
lol TomGregs winning
The Morning Show girlies looking so goooooooood
Jeremy and his lady getting it ON who is that
I do like Kelly Clarkson's wayfair jumpsuit lol
I'm stoned enough that I'll let the commercials play without muting
*May/December music*
get it get it get it get get geti
this j. lo / ben / matt throuple energy is strong??
Wonka got a nomination what
Black man for the win i guess
Paul's alright, does he win stuff? Ah he's won things
Okay where are the afterparty photos THE AFTERPARTY PHOTOS
NICE. Kid graduated from college? NICE.
I love that Matt and Ben are just like we besties that make movies *kick legs in the air*
Also the choice to enter May/December as a comedy is outrageous
Bruce Springsteen is Joni Mitchell for white men and I love it
"Powerful old people" - crystallineiries after seeing Helen Mirren and Harrison Ford talking
"If it's Covid, Paxlovid. BARS!"
I've only seen Maestro so idk lol
I wanna see Leo cry I want single tear
Her beautiful mother *crying emoji*
The makeup and glasses and dress she's everything
I miss hearing her voice all the time
Maestro really was so good
A24 putting in work this year
Sweep SWEEP people like things that go boom
Like your fit Emma!
Meryl looks gorge as usual
It's after 8 can we wrap this shit up??
Thank you good night *peace sign emoji*
0 notes
apriumjam · 6 years
Satsuten Cafe Drama CD Script
Once again, @jae-ha sent me the audio from @sodawithcereal for the final Satsuriku no Tenshi drama CD, the cafe AU. Here is the script! Keep a look out for the video she’ll be posting!
E: Now then, we’re all here again as usual, but the café is closed. To tell the truth, today is our day off. That’s because it’s December 23rd. In other words – it’s Christmas tomorrow!
D: Mmhmm, that’s right, Eddie.
E: So today we’re getting ready! It’s a bit troublesome, but we have to work hard this year too.
Z: And who the hell are ya talkin’ to, anyway?
E: Shut up, you savage! Eheheh. Have you gotten used to it, Rachel?
R: I’m…not really…
E: Oh, that’s right, that’s right. You just started working here. This is your first Christmas!
Z: Ah? Is the brat still yammerin’?
E: Hmph! Every Christmas, the café we work at, Angels of Death, hangs up many decorations and entertains the guests!
R: I see…
D: It’s a bit troublesome to us, but it’s the one special day of the year. We also end up having a lot of fun.
E: Every year, I make a special cake for Christmas. I have to show my skills as a genius patisserie!
Z: Oh, that’s right. The taste is good but the shape isn’t.
D: Hahah. Eddie’s cakes are always made to look like graves, after all. But I’m looking forward to it.
Z: Anyway, the old man ain’t here yet?
D: Come now, don’t call manager Gray an old man.
E: See, Rachel, every year Gray decides what the theme of the decorations and props will be. He said he would announce it today, but…
R: He might be later than usual.
D: Cathy isn’t here either, for some reason. I wonder what happened.
G: I’ve kept you waiting. My apologies.
R: Welcome back, manager Gray.
C: I’m here…
D: Welcome back. Oh my. What’s wrong, Cathy? You look quite down.
C: Doctor Danny, would you mind not bothering me?
D: Eh? What happened?
G: Ahem. Please listen.
E: You’re going to tell us about the decorations, right? Hey, hey, what sort of theme are we going with this time?
G: I’m sorry. I’ll make this short. This year’s Christmas celebration will be cancelled.
R: Cancelled…?
Z: Hah? Why, old man?
D: Hey, Zack. Manager Gray, what on earth does this mean?
G: Cathy.
C: Guh!
G: You take over from here.
C: Y-yes…I understand, manager.
G: Do you all remember the maid robot?
E: Oh, that piece of junk you brought in to the shop – it broke right away.
D: It was supposedly equipped with the latest AI technology. What about it?
G: Hmph. I knew nothing about this. So, Cathy, seeing as you ordered it, how about telling us how much it cost?
C: O-o-o…one…million yen...
E: EH?!
D: (coughing) Is that true, Cathy?
C: I wouldn’t lie about this right now.
Z: Uh…so how much is a million yen?
R: Zack-senpai, a million yen is a million yen.
G: I have no intention of critising Cathy any longer, but managing the café is a battle of money. It’s unfortunate, but it would appear we no longer have any left in the budget. In other words, we have nothing for the Christmas party.
E: How awful, Cathy! That robot ended up being completely useless!
C: Guh – ! How dare you! Be quiet, you brat. If I were to wash the dishes in winter, my hands would dry out! My beauty is what attracts customers to this shop in the first place – if my lovely hands got ruined, that would be even worse for the café.
Z: Who cares?! If yer not gonna move around, yer sleepin’ face is fine!
C: Excuse me?! Don’t screw with me, Zack! The robot broke because you kicked it around on the first day!
G: Come now, Cathy. How unsightly.
C: Ugh – I’m very sorry, manager Gray…
D: Well, it’s all in the past now. But Cathy…perhaps you should try to remedy your wasteful habits?
C: Guh…
E: Aww…I can’t make my new cake…
C: I’m sorry…
D: There’s nothing we can do. Let’s just operate the shop as normal this year.
R: Um, manager…
G: Hmm? What is it, Rachel?
R: Everyone was talking about Christmas. I think it’s definitely a very important day for everyone. I believe that we’re not the only ones who are looking forward to it – the customers are, too. So…
C: Rachel…
R: So…let’s try to do what we can, even without money.
E: Rachel!
D: That’s right. Yes, it’s as Rachel says.
Z: Hey, Ray. You’ve gotten pretty useful!
E: All right! Even with less money than normal, I’ll put all my feelings into my very own grave – I mean, cake, the only one in this world! Just watch, Rachel!
D: Yeah. I’ll do what I can, too. Eheheheh…Rachel…seeing those pretty eyes of yours…(creepy laughter) I feel myself getting inspired…(more creepy laughter)
C: I’ll try to get back that one million yen! And, Doctor Danny…please don’t show that face to the customers. It’s creepy.
Z: Well, I’ll do my part too. Let’s work hard together, Ray.
R: Okay.
(overlaying voices)
E: Ah –
Z: Hey, brat, I definitely –
C: One million yen is –
G: Heheh. I never expected the newcomer would save us. Perhaps she’s grown up a bit.
R: Let’s work together –
G: This may wind up being an especially extraordinary Christmas.
C: I have some orders! Two cakes, and a milk tea with a melon float! Doctor Danny! I’ll leave those customers to you.
D: All right, Cathy. Ah, since opening today, we’ve had an enormous number of guests today…Welcome! Before you decide on your order…heh…we have some eyeball jelly on the house. Please feel free to partake. (creepy laughter)
C: Like I said, Doctor Danny, please stop making that face.
Customer: Um, the decorations this year are more lively than usual, aren’t they?
D: Oh…did you notice? This year we decided to use our own personal belongings as the ornaments.
Customer 2: Oh…is that red ribbon attached to a syringe?
D: Hmm? Oh, that’s right…ahahah…
Customer: It’s kind of cute!
Customer 2: Yeah! It feels very original!
D: I-I’m so glad it suits your tastes…hahahah…Well then, once you have decided what to order, please call me. …Cathy, you’re not doing anything at all, are you? Well, the customers seem happy, so…
C: Oh, my! Thank you so much! Eddie! How are the cakes?
E: Just about ready! Now, for the final touch, I’ll put this on like this…yup! They’re done! Rachel, I’ll leave these to you.
R: Ah, yes. Hmm? They have my name written on them.
E: Heheh it’s a grave – I mean, a cake for you! Do you like it?
R: But…the customer is going to eat it…
E: It’s thanks to you that the café is so lively today. So I put all my gratitude into these cakes!
R: I see…
Z: Hey, brat, stop standin’ around! More orders are coming in. Three cakes!
E: Shut up! They’re ready, so just take them!
Z: Hah? Graves again. It just looks like Ray’s grave.
E: Stop complaining about every single little thing! It’s fine, isn’t it?!
Z: Tch…normally, I’d hit you, but today’s a special day, so I’ll let ya off.
R: Zack-senpai, that’s unusual.
Z: Ah? Maybe. I’m in a good mood today. It’s because of you, Ray.
R: Eh?
C: Rachel, the cakes are for this table.
R: Oh, okay. Two cakes. Thank you for waiting.
Customer 1: Thank you.
Customer 2: Excuse me, miss waitress…is that a scythe? A scythe wrapped in bandages?
R: Oh, that’s…I heard that is a Christmas tree.
Customer 2: Heh…the café seems more fun this year than usual!
R: Yes. Thank you very much.
D: Rachel, I’ll leave these customers to you.
R: Okay.
Z: Hey, Ray.
R: I have to work hard…I have to be useful…
Z: Hey, Ray!
R: Ah, Zack-senpai!
Z: I prolly don’t got the right t’ say this, but aren’t ya a bit too awkward?
R: Awkward?
Z: You should be a bit more honest, rely on people more. I think things’ll be better if ya do. The world is full of things we don’t understand. I didn’t even know about Christmas until recently.
R: Oh…you noticed…
Z: Huh? What’s that? Were ya tryin’ t’ hide it?
R: Well…my mother and father didn’t really get along…we didn’t celebrate Christmas at home…
Z: Oh…yer the same as me.
R: But, I thought Christmas seemed nice. So…even though I said all that, I didn’t really know what to do.
Z: Till comin’ to this café, I just wandered around town, ‘n I always thought people smilin’ around like idiots were damn annoying. But after starting to work here, I realised…spending time with people special to you, on special days like this, ain’t that bad. Eating good food, exchanging presents – I’m pretty much satisfied even without doing those things.
R: Presents…
Z: Huh? Oh, that’s right, ya never got a present, did ya, Ray?
R: No…
Z: That so…
R: I never had anyone to get one from, or to give one to…
Z: Hmm…
D: So you two were hiding in this corner. The last guest just left. The café is closed. Good work.
C: Ahh…I’m tired…now then. What were you two talking about? Sorry for interrupting~.
Z: Ah? I dunno what yer talkin’ about, but ya ain’t interruptin’.
R: To tell the truth…to tell the truth, I never –
R: Eh? This is…
D: Oh, sorry. I suppose you got surprised.
C: How stand-offish. You should have just discussed the Christmas preparations with us.
E: Sorry for not telling you. While we were making everything ready, we figured out that you didn’t know much about Christmas. So…eheheh…we made a party in secret! And of course, it’s for you!
Z: Well then, let’s have yer first Christmas!
R: I’m sorry I didn’t help with the party.
Z: This was supposed t’ surprise ya, there’d be no point if ya helped.
(everyone laughs)
G: Good job, everyone. Thanks to all your efforts, today was a good day. Now then, how about we start Rachel Gardner’s party?
E: Yay!
R: Today was kind of fun. Coming home and thinking back on it makes it all seem like a dream. Everyone was smiling. Sometimes Danny-senpai’s smile was a little scary; and Eddie-senpai and Zack-senpai fought; and Cathy-san drank too much sake; and manager Gray’s speech was a little difficult, so I couldn’t understand all of it…but it was kind of fun spending time with everyone during the party. I took a shower, so I guess it’s time to sleep.
(time skip)
R: Christmas…it was too fun. I feel like I’ve just woken up. I don’t think I can sleep. Eh?
Z: Tch…what is it with this window? Why’s it so hard?
R: Is that…? Oh, no!
(window smash!)
Z: It finally opened. Tch. Where’s Ray’s sleeping? Oh, she really is asleep. ‘Cause yer not supposed t’ see Santa or somethin’, right? I’m kinda worried she didn’t wake up, ‘cause I made such a loud sound…Well, here. I’ll leave the present here. (yawns) Ah? It’s kinda late, I’m sleepy. I’ve got work at the café tomorrow, too. Guess I’ll go home’n’sleep.
R: I think he left. That’s no good, Zack-senpai. Santa Claus wouldn’t break a window with something like that. I wonder what’s inside. A Christmas present…I’m kind of happy. Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow.
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c-atm · 6 years
Shift in the Paradigm chapter 4 (Part A)
“We’re starting, ok...Did you ever have problems with the potential partners I introduced you to?”
“Mmm...Barring Jeff...Yes at first. I wasn't on board with you dating, let alone dating some random person.”
“It seemed sudden...It didn't  seem like you were really into them. There was a lack of excitement when you spoke about your dates.”
“So you think I was only playing around?”
“I didn't say that. It just felt like you was forcing yourself. You've never been a romantic nor spoke of having any type of crush.You were also very reserved when it came to them and you can be playful when you're comfortable enough...Borderline flirty, if they person is close enough. ”
“...That’s….A half truth.”
“You know you’re the only one I ‘flirt’ with.
“Jeff and Peedee.”
Connie arched an eyebrow before crossing her arms over mid-section, a sultry smirk on her face. “You really gonna compare my sibling like teasing with Jeff, and my verbal back and forth with Peedee...To how WE act with each other.”
Steven shrugged slightly in light defeat. “True enough but that proves my point.” He looked at her with a cool smile.” When you your comfortable with someone you’re polite but you’d engage harmless teasing.  For what I seen, from what I was told as well; there was none with the those you ‘dated’. That, coupled with how disinterested you seemed to be over your breakups...it started to feel like they were a flavor of the month or so.”
“I didn’t think you thought of it that way. Why didn’t you say anything?”
“It never seemed like you was putting yourself in danger and honestly I felt I had no say in it. The people you brought to meet and hang with us never seemed like bad, you have a good judge of character; at the same time, it was quite obvious that they wasn’t going to be around long.“
“Ugh...That sound So..bad every time I hear it. So flighty.”
“Hehe. Come on, we’re teens. I know how you pride yourself on being ‘objective’, ‘aware’ ; and ‘knowing what you want’, but you’re allow to be a bit skittish; even about dating and relationships… When you do find that one, you’ll know.”
“ Stars, you and your damned high EQ”
“Hey, you have an IQ that rivals Pearls and Peri’s, let me have this. So is there more to this or are you gonna tell me what up?”
“...Did It hurt you? To know I was dating others.
“MMM...That’s kind of a silly question. You have every right to date whoever you want, so would it matter in the long run?”
“It does to me.”
“...No. You living your life never hurt me and even if it did it would be on my head. That being said, are you sure that what you want to ask me?”
“What do you mean?”
“You want to know if I was jealous.”
“Would you answer honestly?”
“1000 percent right, Berry?”
“..Were you?”
“Admittedly..Yeah a bit. I said earlier that I wasn’t thrilled about the prospects  of you dating strangers and that I did show off abit when we had a group thing...that..was out of jealousy..”
“Cause you felt I was replacing you.”
“Well, that and you forcing yourself too, but as the root of my jealousy...Yeah, the replacement thing as discussed before.”
“Can’t say you wasn't right in a way...I did feel a bit lonely at times admittedly, since our time was fleeting. Hanging with the gems and the others are fine, but it not a replacement for…’US’.  Part of the reason why I tried to date..not to replace you but to fill that place of loneliness, didn't work.”
“I can relate, it wasn’t easy having such little time to spend with you,Nini.”
“Yeah, but you were outer space with a bevy of cute and energetic space gems.”
“More like exhausting and attention craving gems...Pink court give their regards by the way. Blue and Yellow diamonds as well.”
“Aww, that’s sweet of them, though kind of surprising of Yellow.”
“She doesn't like being shown up, though she does genuinely respect you.”
“Of course, classic Yellow” .
“Hehe. I supposed it is.”
Steven’s chuckle was a bit mirthless, Connie noted yet his smile was that of someone in blis; it made her a bit bashful under his gaze and a harder to keep the blush off her face as it was caressed in the light of the setting sun, as she was about to speak her phone ranged, causing her to reach into the pocket of her navy blue pleated skirt. On the phone was the name “Mom”, with  her index finger up she signaled Steven that their conversation was on hold as she began talking to Priyanka.
Steven on the other hand was just content watching his Connie in the evening light, explain quite simply that she and Steven was taking a detour and will be at Sadies’ soon. The way her nose scrunched up at the apparent teasing that must be happening.  The relaxed smugness that Connie in her voice when she countered her teasing. The Maheswaran women relationship was more jovial after everything was said in done. Having not only earn the complete trust and pride of her parents and vice versa, but also the fact that the Maheswarans has a nearly familial relationship the Universes and the gems; really helped evolve the relations within the less strict and more loving household. That and that Priyanka and Doug were made parents again to a pair of twins also had to be factored in and given the million watt smile on Connie, she currently speaking the aptly dubbed ‘Mini Maheswarens.’
“Yes, I’ll tell Steven you said hello, Raj….and Rache as well.  We’ll both see you two tomorrow when we we pick you up from the house...Yes we’ll bring lion…..I don’t know gotta ask pearl about the strawberry fields….You’re too young to handle swords, stay with your stick...Yes Sissy loves you too and I will call you two before bed for a story…Will Steven be there?”
“Tell them I said yeah.”
“He’ll be there for the story...Rache wanna know where my laptop at? It’s on my desk, but my room is locked so…..She got it!?”
“Ha! Little genius!”
Connie looked at Steven with a small glare before turning back to the phone. “Put her on..She said she busy, call back later?...BOY! Put her on....Good man”
Connie gave Steven an exasperated yet prideful look as she waited for her mischievous lil sister to come on, who just shrug with a smirk. That when a little feminine  voice came on the phone.
“ Sissy You’s there !”
Connie put the phone before responding with a slightly rough tone.
“Who told you to go in my room and how did you even get in?”
"I used a butter knife to turn the lock. I didn’t break anything...I just wanted to play a game.“
“Rachel! You can’t just  enter my or anyone room whenever you feel, especially when it locked, you understand?!”
“...I’m sorry...Can I still use your laptop, though?”
“Just be careful..and no downloading from sites, and put it on the charger when you’re done.”
“Yay! Thank you, Sissy! Good luck on getting kissy kissy with Steven!”
“Rach, Really?”
“Hehehe! I’m gonna go now bye-bye!”
“Love you Rach.”
”Muah! Love you more Sissy!”
With that Connie hanged up the phone and placed back into her pocket. She looked at Steven who was abit too cocky in the face for her liking.  She placed her hands on hip and arched an eyebrow.
“What with the look Steven?”
She shrugged with eyes slightly closed as let out a small sigh.
“You heard that, kids right? They say the darnest things.”
“Is it really unbelievable?.”
“ You having feelings for me.”
Connie eyes widen slowly at the statement. She was prepared to tell him...not this though.
“Well...Wouldn’t it be?”
“Why would it?”
“Because it’s me and you. We dated other people, and I’ve never had a long relationship or any good at romance.”
“I don’t think one can be ‘good’ at romance, it’s not a skill you know despite what everyone says….”
“Easy for you to say, how many outings have you planned for us that were basically a date.”
“I mean...We never called them dates, it was just the two of us hanging out. I wasn’t trying to be romantic.”
“See! You don’t have to work at it. It came naturally to you.”
“Like I said, never really noticed. Every time we go out the only thing on my mind was to forget the problems we were going through and give you something memorable. If that resulted in adventures, jams, snacks, or snuggling up together while looking out at beach city from the hillside or any other stuff... then all the better...even more than that, I’m happiest when I’m with you. You‘re my home away from home.”
Connie smiled confidently as she felt her chest warmed. She took his hands and kissed his knuckles gently, feeling the blush warmed her face. She looked up at him with stars in her visible right eye; the fall placed her hair in away that it gave her a eye covering bang on her left side, causing Steven to redden in embarrassment and admiration; feeling the same wave of emotions he felt  when he saw her a few years back at Kevins’ party.
“I feel the same about you, for a long time… I love you…That what I omitted from before
“I love you too Connie.  You’re my Jam bud after all..”
Connie shook her head at his statement. She knew him well enough to figure out that he was baiting her to confess her true feeling clearly. “Yes, we are and it’s something that means so much more than it used to…’Jam buds’  encloses everything about you and I..Our adventures, battles, conflicts, Stevonnie, hell even times when we aren’t on speaking terms.”
“I agree. It’s the ‘flavorful’ history of us, our sweetest moments to our sourest spots. I wonder where this is leading to, though i’m a sure where you going with this.”
“ I cherish being jam buds with you Steven, thoughts of our history helped me through some of my worst spots,  but it doesn't encompass everything.”
The shades of the orange sunset enhancing his mischievous smirk made her throat dry and sent a shiver down her spy “Really now, Nini?”
Connie nodded as she massage the back of his hands with her thumbs, opting to hang her head lower and avoid looking up at him to further sheepishness. “ It doesn't include all I feel for you.. what I feel now.... Even back then when you gave yourself up. It’s a different feeling, stronger and a bit consuming. I tried to hide, ignore; smother it and move on. No use.“
“Doesn't seem like something you would do Berry, you’re usually so fierce when facing a problem.”
“External problems are easier than those of the heart. Going against monsters, tyrants; and the maniacal are a breeze compared to inner conflicts with oneself.”
“Preaching to the choir Connie, but that why I am glad to have you. It help to talk it out and comes to terms with it, you gave me an ear to do just that. Sometimes even a lap to rest my head. So let me be that for you, what the worst that could happen, huh?
“I could lose you, jam bud..or  make things awkward between us.”
“You’d never lose me, you know that. We have a lot more in store for us. Even if we have a few awkward spots, they can still be either sweet or sour flavors in our history.”
“You’re right...I have already decided to face the truth….Steven, while you’re not the naive pacifist you use to be... you still love everybody, or at least you CAN love every and anybody,. You’re willing to put so much on the line for those who are precious and it’s inspiring. You’d even try to reach an understanding with enemies, buts it’s unfair. You give so much of your love yet the amount you recieve doesn’t compare. So let me do it. Let me love you more than you love both gemkind and humanity, because as much as I tried not to..I already do…I love you Steven, not just as my best friend, liege; fusion partner; or even jam bud, but...I can’t say...”
Steven eyes widen at the bold confession and pause absorbing it all in  as he looked at the girl on his lap, he felt her tears roll down and fall on his hands. He lift his hands to wipe the tears gently before  pulling her in close to him in gentle and secure hold The smell of her chai and cinnamon shampoo, her natural scent of oranges and lavender overwhelmed him and lit a small urge. Before she and him knew what was going on, he kissed the crook of her neck, her  tear stained cheeks, but she beat him to the lips, which he melted into. It wasn’t like in the movies or novels. It was a held peck in comparison to the slick healing french from earlier..but they still felt a glow and heat around them. When they finally opened their eyes they each saw  something different.
For Connie it was brown diamond shaped eyes that sparkled like a supernova despite being gazed over a bit, with a pink glow coming from below. For Steven, he saw the galaxy in her very partial pinkish black eyes and  felt a comforting warmth from pink her arm. Both of them knew what this feeling was: Stevonnie. The feeling of trust, serenity; and love that empowers Stevonnie brings but without forming, something that they were fine with as they still needed to talk.
“So...Is it safe to say your feelings are romantic?”
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roserecaps · 7 years
Week Five (Part Two)
The mismatch of the century continues on the second straight night of drawn out drama. While Rach is off leaning up against a log being “confused”, the roid rage is picking up down by the water. 
Kenny: “Hahaha, hehehe, who who who” 
This guy is gearing up for the mental breakdown of the.... *Rachel walks in*
Kenny: “Oh hey Rach.” 
Rachel tells Lee that she can’t trust his snaky ass and he needs to leave, but Kenny still has a night to prove himself. As the two are about to get into the helicopter and take off, Kenny HAD to run back to tell Lee he was a piece of shit four or five more times. 
Rachel is just sitting in the helicopter waiting like...
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Kenny quit while you’re ahead big man, but the dude figured a way out of it and came back to the room with the rose. 
K calls his daughter to brag about how cool her future stepmom is and bursts out into tears... Daughter: “Get it the fuck together dad, you are on national TV and my friends watch this shit.”
They make the guys walk into the rose ceremony through the woods, holding lanterns like they are hunting Frankenstein. 
Josiah: “I can’t wait for this rose.”
Rachel is whipping through the roses...
Josiah: “I feel bad for all these lame fucks that aren’t getting a rose.”
Rachel gives the final rose to this Matt character, who we are pretty much just realizing is on the show...
Josiah: “Who are these guys, there isn’t a single person in this house that thought I wasn’t getting a rose. I love all these guys, but they all suck.”
Ummm... Bye Jo. 
Time to get high as shit so we can get through the next hour of this show. 
This dude is coming out the gate with N-R-G
“Sailors used to live in these houses by the water!” - Rachel was bringing the heat with the epic tour...
There are just random tubs of hot water in the middle of the sidewalk and the two decide to hop right in. As they are cuddling in their shit water, a fatty in the tub next to them jumps up and whips his wang in their face... If you already weren’t skeptical of the public bathwater you were sitting in, now might be the time. 
Not gunna lie, home boy crushed that date. 
They get to be vikings... yay. 
Viking Fighting Instructor: “My name is Chum (Tom) and I am a Wiking (viking) fighting instructor.” 
If I have to listen to this fat elf say “wiking” one more time, I am going to scream. 
What better way for Rachel to find her future husband than to put 7 guys in a rope circle, wearing Uggs and chest bumping. Can someone put a ring on it now or what?
WE HAVE BLOOD! All is fun and games until someone hits themselves with a prop shield while taking a viking game way too serious... 
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Rachel: “Peter is someone that sparked my vagina interest as soon as he got out of the limo.” 
These two have been so close to penetration throughout this season that we might as well skip to the Fantasy Suites now. 
Kenny is starting to feel the home sickness, he took the high road and dumps Rachel’s ass. Dump her, before she dumps you... Guy stuff. 
Just a casual boat from Denmark to Sweden. 
Rach and Will sit down in a coffee only to have an elderly couple interrupt their date and rub in their face how in love they are with each other. 
*Old people kiss* Rachel: “Will... Kiss me!”
He don’t get it...
All the guys that Rachel has prepared to clip have admitted that they have never had a better date in their life than the date that they are currently on... I don’t know what kinda dates they have been on, but these dates have been rough. 
If Rachel was dependent on Will to save himself tonight:
Rachel: “Tell me about yourself” Will: “I don’t traditionally date black women” 
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Will, this ain’t gonna work out. AND another one bites the dust. 
R Baby has been bouncing these bros left and right and we are about to go into our second rose ceremony of the episode. Can you just cut some of these no namers so I can move on with my life. 
The girl gets emotional as she pulls a Shakespeare quote out of her ass, there is no way it is this hard to send stitchy-eye packing. You have barely shook the dudes hand. 
ADAM GOT A ROSE? That is what we call a pity rose so he won’t sue the producers when he loses his eye, but now we have to worry about Alex bringing his hate for Americans back to the mother land. 
See you next week as Rachel cries more.   
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