madmanwonder · 9 months
Crossover Crack Ship: RagYae (Blazblue/Genshin Impact)
Ragna the Bloodedge:
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Yae Miko:
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good-old-gossip · 5 months
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Egyptian security forces dispersed a Gaza solidarity protest outside the headquarters of UN Women in Cairo on Tuesday and detained several activists who took part, according to local media and activists.
Police forces detained most of the protesters, including Mahienour el-Masry, Lobna Darwish, Rasha Azab, Ragya Omran, Mai el-Mahdy, Israa Yusuf and Farida al-Hifny, according to Egyptian activist Ahmed Douma.
During the demonstration, the protesters read a letter addressed to the UN agency for gender equality and women's empowerment, condemning the human rights violations and war crimes affecting women in Gaza and Sudan as a result of the conflicts there.
"Dear UN Women, we are a group of Egyptian women appalled by the atrocities committed against our sisters in Gaza as a result of the Israeli genocidal war on the Palestinian people since 7 October," the letter read.
"We are also appalled by the failure of the UN to protect the two peoples from the ongoing war crimes, especially sexual crimes, and in particular equivocating between the victims and culprits," it added.
The letter accused UN Women of "discriminating against women in Gaza and Sudan" by failing to stand up for them. It also called on the UN agency to carry out investigations into alleged sexual crimes and war crimes against women in the affected areas. Middle East Eye has contacted UN Women for comment.
The police action on Tuesday is not the first time protesters in Egypt have been detained for taking part in protests about Gaza. Egypt has effectively banned protests since President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi came to power over a decade ago, and security forces routinely suppress any anti-government activity.
Security forces have detained dozens of pro-Palestine protesters since 20 October, when thousands took part in a rally in Cairo's iconic Tahrir Square, which was the epicentre of the revolution that culminated in the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak in 2011. Following the crackdown on that gathering, protests have been smaller in size and have been quickly dispersed by security officials.
On 30 November, four international activists were detained and held incommunicado for over 27 hours, following a pro-Palestine protest outside the Egyptian foreign ministry in Cairo.
They had staged a rally to demand security clearance for the Global Conscience Convoy, a humanitarian convoy into Gaza planned by Egypt's Journalists' Syndicate, to deliver badly needed aid. Security forces also dispersed a women's pro-Palestine protest in Cairo on 8 March, which coincided with International Women's Day. On 4 April, authorities detained at least 10 protesters at a vigil outside the Journalists' Syndicate in Cairo, denouncing the Egyptian government's role in the siege on Gaza
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newlifeprojects · 2 months
marcius ota akarhova akarmikor megyek, felkenem az otvenes fenyvedot az arcomra. tegnap reggel hetkor 'mi baj lehet?!'-felkialtassal, hogy ugyanis koran is van es huvos is, arra a fel orara, amig a kutya kiugralja magat a vizben, minek. na mutatom, hogy minek:
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es mindezt tenyleg ugy, hogy folyamatosan kint vagyok, heti tobbszor jarunk edzesre, kirandulni, setalni naponta, erre bazmeg nem kiver a ragya?! hianyzott ez most nagyon!
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geoparduc · 11 months
Így fél évvel a fogamzásgátló abbahagyása után megint tiszta gyulladt ragya az állam, a nyakam, a hátam, a mellkasom. Olyan jó lenne tudni, hogy #2023 tud-e már erre valamit adni egy bőrgyógyász, vagy csak az a bullshitelés lesz, hogy ne egyek ezt meg azt és kenegessem sárkányfű olajjal a gyulladt bőröm, hogy legalább ne hegesen gyógyuljon. (ez utóbbi esetben megspórolnék némi várakozást és/vagy pénzt és megtanulok a fájós arcomon feküdve aludni, vagy visszaállok a tablettára)
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creballlo · 2 years
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Ragya, the Asphalt's Claw
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versinator · 18 days
Vesét népszerűsége
Pajtásra trafikot alulírt szőkeség Lopjon vízbeesés brokát egyedüliség Cifrát kabinetje kiflit közfeltűnést Levelenként ábrándot banános honszerzést Dagaszt satöbbi híttalak víztartálya Terhü tévhit emlőd aggálya
Forradalomra mohammed népemre véleményt Ujjaimhoz hírlapokat csengésü kételyt Toppant feszengek nyújtózni sínjei Választmányi tengerét rácsordult érmei Dát párfőm eszkimó szobalánya Mécsvirág harangokkal hegedűd kastélya
Dícsértessék tetőfok annyiba siketség Elnyúlnak starttól ablakaimra ügyesség Ifjúkorba csiklándja üterét gyónást Kacagták megvetik évadja gutaütést Falvacskák súlyától szíva galya Kertét szentenciának pazarló ragya
Fogcsikorgatás zenélő lágyabbak drinápolyt Ilyesmit túrta ezüstösre alkotmányt Menjenek búgnánk szemfényvesztés fürtei Bronzát publikumnak parcellázni tincsei Toppal szilajjá bujdos műgólya Sétája vonalának színházba ángya
Asszonyságok tisztult küldözzük fénytelenség Gyulával nyula meghatón földéhség Lekúszik dolgokért beszippantja lovast Megrázott utóirat interregnum vízesést Titkodat adat vízvezeték csigolya Bankett mindennemű lankadjon jégpálya
Pánt bokákkal hüvely királylányt Önnel kínozza tegnapom szigonyt Fúni színlelő közönségre érdemei Elhúnyni influenza házikót színészei Kellőképp cikkezni megkenni rabszolgalánya Kegyedben hűnek boda apálya
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nedsecondline · 2 months
Another School Shut Down in Tibet – Silent Songs of Sonsnow
In memory of the Ragya Ganjong Sherig Norbu Lobling, which was recently closed due to oppressive Chinese policies. This closure is part of a broader pattern of cultural suppression, aimed at erasing Tibetan identity and assimilating Tibetans into Chinese culture. The forced enrollment of Tibetan children in Chinese-run boarding schools, without access to Tibetan cultural curricula, is a violation…
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yaraaltrospace · 1 year
MagiHero Personas
Each color of my 10-color pen, that has a stylish magical girl wand-shaped “totem” on top, a different MagiHero.
Black - Nyara - Cat MagiHero with ears and tail, yellow cat eyes and an adorable lolita dress with ribbons. Can jump high and fall on her feet, has great reflexes
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Red - Ragya (pronounced rage-ya) - Brute Fighter MagiHero, anger enhance her strength but not her size; wears a boxer girl suit, but instead of gloves, wears hand wraps
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Orange - Mona - Butterfly Fairy MagiHero, has huge transparent orange wings that can make her fly and provides shelter from attacks, strapless dress, wavy pigtails
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Yellow - Gamma - Electric MagiHero, she’s electrokinetic; shirt and pants as clothing, red eyes with a lightning
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Green - Gigabyte: Technologic MagiHero, she has technopatic abilities; long hair with long antennae-like wicks with hearts at the tip (a la Mew Lettuce); Tea Lenght Dress
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Blue - Heliantha - Flower Power MagiHero, can talk with and control plants of all kinds; high-low dress, long hair with flowers
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Purple - Lucia - Wolf MagiHero with ears and tail, long braids and golden eyes, wears a dress/short overalls (just remove the long skirt); able to teleport and has enhanced senses
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Light Purple - Starshine - Fighter Robot MagiHero, blue and light purple armor, red and blue eyes, wears hair-like helmet with a star
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Pink - Magenta - Magical Rockstar MagiHero, a musical triple threat: plays keytar, drums and sings; messy hair with different shades of pink, two different outfits: wears a jacket with pins that symbolize the other MagiHero personas, bell-bottom pants and a t-shirt (rockstar mode), peasant dress with adjustable skirt, that can alternate from elegant long or short and ruffly (magical girl mode)
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Brown - Pryia - Prime MagiHero, has common superhero abilities, like super-strength and flying, and can break the fourth wall; simple Ninja Turtle-style black mask, T-shirt dress with a Y, boots
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444names · 1 year
names of legends from brawlhalla
Adiah Adian Adianait Adiand Arcada Arcar Arcariel Ariel Arlet Arletra Arletraxx Arrage Arragnin Arraxx Arrola Arrolan Arros Arross Arter Artezio Ashaland Ashatch Aspia Aspiah Assidrage Assidraxx Assidy Assir Asuriel Asurionyx Azarraxx Azarteros Azothan Azothand Azothea Azothor Azothord Barcash Barcashal Barim Bario Barlet Barletra Barross Bartember Bartemir Barter Bartezcar Bartezio Bodval Bodvala Bodvalan Bodvaland Bodvalang Bodvarlet Bodvarter Bodvra Bodvrage Bodvragya Bodvraxx Bodvraza Brynna Brynnai Brynnait Bödval Bödvala Bödvarca Bödvarcar Bödvarlet Bödvarros Bödvra Bödvraxx Cadia Cadian Carca Carcario Carlet Cashal Cashatch Caspia Caspiand Caspiang Cassic Cassicoin Cassirage Cassiraxx Casuri Casurim Clanai Cland Clang Clash Clashatch Claspiah Claspiang Class Classidy Classir Clasuri Clasuriel Clasurio Coinel Coinfei Coinin Conyx Croland Crolang Crolkov Crossira Dianait Diand Diang Dushala Dushalang Dushanai Dushand Dushang Dushatch Dushattor Duskin Duskinfei Embero Emberos Emiko Emikov Emiragnai Emisai Ezcada Ezcadian Ezcass Ezcassidy Ezion Ezionyx Faiah Faian Faiand Gnaiang Gnait Gnashan Gnaspiang Gnassidra Gnasurio Gnicoin Gnicoinic Gnicon Gniconyx Gninfei Gninir Golan Golanai Goland Golaspia Golass Golko Golkord Golkordex Golkov Hatch Hattor Hattorim Isaia Isaian Isaiang Isait Jaeyumiko Jaeyumir Jaeyumis Jaeyunic Jaeyunir Jaeyunix Jhalang Jhalass Jhanait Jhanasuri Jhand Jhang Jhatch Jhattor Jhattorim Jirayar Jirolan Jirolkoji Jiros Jirraxx Jirross Kayar Kayarros Kaymage Kaymagya Kaymagyar Kaymako Kaymand Kaymang Kojir Kojirage Kojiraxx Kojiros Kojiross Kojirraxx Kojirraya Kordex Kordvar Korim Linel Linir Liniro Linirrola Linix Lordex Lordval Lordvalan Lordvar Loriel Lorim Lorio Lorion Luciel Lucienn Lucieno Lucientin Magna Magnira Magnix Magya Magyarlet Makoji Makov Manai Manait Mikoji Mikor Mikov Miraxx Miros Mirrage Mirro Mirrold Mirros Misai Mordvari Morim Morio Morion Munic Municon Muninfei Munix Naiah Naian Naiand Naspiana Nasuri Nicoinel Niconyx Ninel Ninfei Ninix Niraxx Nirraxx Ordex Ordval Ordvalass Oriel Orientin Petrage Petragya Petraxx Petrayar Petraza Queenn Queenna Queeno Queentin Ragnin Ragya Ragyar Raymakov Raymang Razarca Razoth Razothea Rennaiang Rennait Rennasuri Rentin Rentinel Rentinfei Rolan Rolang Rolko Rolkojir Rolkov Rossidra Rossidy Rossir Scada Scadian Scadiand Scadiang Scari Scartezio Scash Scaspia Scass Scassidra Scassidy Scasurio Sentin Sentinfei Sentinin Sentinix Shala Shaland Shana Shanai Shanaia Shand Shatch Shattor Shattori Shattorio Sicoinfei Sicoinir Sicon Siconyx Sidragnai Sidragnin Sidragnix Sidraxx Sidraya Sidrazar Siraxx Sirazar Sirola Sirold Sirolkoji Sirolkov Siros Sirra Sirraxx Sirrold Sirrolko Sirros Skinel Skinfei Skinic Skinin Skinix Tember Tembero Temiko Temikor Temir Temis Temisait Terola Terolkov Teross Tezcadia Tezcadian Tezcar Tezcarter Tezcaspia Tezcassir Tezio Tezion Tezionyx Thanai Thang Thattor Thord Thordex Thordvar Thordvra Thori Thorien Thorim Thorion Ulgri Ulgriel Ulgrienn Ulgrio Ulgrion Valang Varca Varion Varro Vartemiko Varter Vartezio Vectord Vectordex Vectori Vectoriel Vectorien Vectorim Vectorio Volan Volanai Voland Volaspian Volass Volassir Volko Volkoji Volkor Volkord Vrage Vragnix Vraya Vraymand Vraymang Wushalan Wushalang Wushan Wushand Wushatch Wuskin Wuskinel Wuskinfei Wuskinic Wuskinix Xulgri Xulgrienn Xulgrim Xulgrio Yumikojir Yumikov Yumir Yumirrage Yumis Yumisai Yumisaia Yumisaian Yunic Yuniconyx Yuninel Yuninin Yuninix Yunir Yunira Yunix Zarca Zarien
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ravenbraid · 4 years
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More Ragya Shenanigans, with Salamanders!
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grimadonnagirl · 4 years
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Ragya and her "sisters," Yeonbi, Etain, and Vepkhia redraw of an old set of headshots for an old DnD character
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shiraziqbal · 5 years
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“There is no way of comparing the time of the hare with that of the tortoise, except by using an abstraction which has little to do with either of them.” “The life-span of a hare, and the life-span of the tortoise are described in their cells according to a very different rhythm. It was man who introduced a common, abstract time, and then organized a race to see which of them would finish first. The time of the galaxies has little to do with the time of the butterfly - except that man observes both, then invents a time to place them both in.”
“But with this time, man, like no other animal, can tell the story of the creation of the world.” John Berger, About Time
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grimlethal · 6 years
Ragya and her sisters discussing their thoughts on Libra...
Ragya: I can’t believe I’m getting buddy-buddy with a priest, a priest of Naga of all people.
Yeonbi: A priest of Naga who can be useful to us. As a foreigner in a foreign land with no family to help us we are going to need all the allies we can get. He is a man of the cloth for a different god but he could prove to be a valuable ally in the future.
Etain: And as a preist of Naga, it makes it all the more enjoyable should I need to slit his throat.
Ragya: ...
Yeonbi: ...
Etain: What? Vepkhia would agree with me.
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versinator · 9 months
Lehelletén dalaid
Keblet énfelőlem hahota betörnöm Leszólta megkötött csavargót oroszlánköröm Nyomtam megláncolta higgadjon úgyúgy Szentre befogadja csermelyeket násznagy Bokázva röhögjenek panorámás látogatókártya Érdekelte érezteti letépted ragya
Űzte zászlónk aggodalmak végigkacag Remegtet csúnyákat ficánkolt zsibbatag Eltemettek sírgödröt táborozzunk kicserélt Ereket kidobják lázongnak belesajtolt Udvarlás kormok vétkekkel várnagya Indulhat fülünkben sirásra parasztanya
Bánthat dértől megjobbulás elűzöm Bánást kacagna ifjuan söröm Csaltalak elnyomottak vallások nemvagy Lánchíd bomoljon kongnak nászágy Szakadékán svábos gyújtogattam tudománya Emléken lombtalanul kivágnak pereputtya
Hazudjunk kezdetek temetőkön roskatag Röhöghet tizenhatot kacsintgatott bekacag Korodban hóharmata üdvről gajdolt Simogatásaimban megdörzsöli katonákért agyonhajszolt Kölykök süvegem sercent pulya Kelővel fogamnak fáklyafüstben fattya
Vilmost szerteárad kórágyon megköszönöm Rabolták leborul kos rögöm Leggyorsabban politikát adnák mindenmindegy Rendü delnők velők ostorhegy Diadalban röpködtek elhelyezkedés úrasszonya Időtlenül indulódra szertelenségről tunya
Haragomban gyöngül tóga pénzszag Mondottunk unnivaló bongása felkacag Sárkányom agyonhajszolt öröklök vérfolt Palló májustól elhallgattunk kiszabadult Akkorin jóestét bűnökbe koldusasszonya Valóságra örüljek szerelmünkből lyánya
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puja04 · 4 years
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This much broken was Ragini. Ragini from Swaragini played flawlessly by Tejasswi Prakash. Without any second thought for me, it's her best to date. Ragini being a victim of comparison, end up hurting the people she loved the most. She chooses the wrong path to get right. She punished herself when the realization hit her hard. But life wanted to test her more. It broke her again and again. She stood intense fight against and win at the end. I still miss Raglak chemistry onscreen. You may not love Ragini, but ignoring her was impossible. #tales #writeup #bypuja #instagram #writersofinstagram #instagraminfluencer #tejasswiprakash #swaragini #raglak #namishtaneja #colorstv #voot #serial #indiantelevision #indiantv #viacom18 #actor #actress #favourite #Ragya #television https://www.instagram.com/p/B8EPihrg__L/?igshid=1mxgch0wlq410
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