#Rahu in 10th house Effects
monkvyasaa · 2 years
Rahu in 10th House Meaning, Effects and Its Remedies
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In Vedic astrology, Rahu is the lord of the north node of the moon and is associated with worldly desires. The 10th house is associated with career, reputation, and social status. When Rahu is in the 10th house, it can bring mixed results. With the influence of Rahu in 10th house, one may not be able to achieve success in his career and life.
On one hand, it can give a person success and power. But on the other hand, it can also create problems in one’s career and social life.
There are some remedies that can be done to mitigate the negative effects of Rahu in 10th house. According to Hindu astrology, Rahu is a malefic planet and has an affinity with the 10th house.
Rahu in 10th house can give a person a good reputation but it can also give him a bad reputation. It all depends on how that person is perceived by society.
What is Rahu?
There are many planets in our solar system, each with its own unique role and influence. One of these planets is Rahu, which is known as the “head of the dragon” and is associated with the shadow side of things. Rahu is said to be a powerful planet that can bring both good and bad fortune. Those who have Rahu in their 10th house are said to be ambitious, creative, and magnetic people. However, they may also experience some challenges in life due to their shadow side.
Rahu is traditionally considered to be a malefic planet, but it can also bestow good fortune on those who have it well-placed in their charts. Those with Rahu in 10th house are said to be go-getters who always strive for success. They are likely to be involved in politics or some other type of career that allows them to take charge and lead others.
As a malefic planet, Rahu represents the side of you that is not necessarily pleasant. It is the part that wants to gain power and recognition, even if it means stepping on some toes in order to do so.
The 10th house is also known as the house of status, reputation, and honour.
What are the general effects of Rahu in 10th house?
Rahu in the tenth house of the horoscope is one of the most favourable positions for the planet as it bestows high professional status and social prestige. However, this condition also carries some problems that can range from health problems to relationship problems.
The tenth house represents our career, social status, and public image. So when Rahu is in the tenth house, it can create some obstacles in our professional life.
The main problem with Rahu in the tenth house is that it can make a person overly ambitious and motivated, neglecting his personal life. This can lead to strained relationships with family and friends. Another issue that may arise is that the restless energy of Rahu can make it difficult for a person to concentrate on a task or goal, leading to scattered energy and feelings of hopelessness.
Rahu in 10th house indicates that you have a strong desire to earn a lot of money and achieve high social status. You are ambitious, confident, and enterprising. You are a natural-born leader who likes challenges and risks. You have a strong desire to make your dreams come true.
Astrologers believe that a person can be highly successful as an entrepreneur when Rahu is in the 10th house and Mercury is in the 11th house
Remedies for Rahu in 10th house
If you have Rahu in the tenth house of your birth chart, there are some specific remedial measures that you can take to reduce its effects.
First and foremost avoid any kind of deception or fraud in your professional life.
Spend your time in the best places or donate money to worthy causes. By doing this you will help in removing some negative energy associated with Rahu.
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astrosolutions · 1 year
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Rahu is one of the nine planets in Vedic astrology, also known as the North Node of the Moon. When it is placed in the 10th house of a person’s birth chart, it can have a significant impact on their career and public image. The 10th house represents one’s profession, social status, and reputation in the world. Rahu is considered a malefic planet, and its placement in the 10th house can create a lot of confusion and uncertainty in one’s career. However, it can also bring opportunities for success and recognition, especially if it forms a favorable aspect with other planets in the chart. It is essential to understand the influence of Rahu in the 10th house to make informed decisions regarding career and professional growth.
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azure-cherie · 5 months
Some astro observations pt:4🧡
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It's been a year I have done an observations post ☠️ I hope you guys enjoy this one 💟
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🍊 Combust or retrograde Venus can be cured through worship of Devi , respecting women and general and treating yourself well . Whereas combust mercury can be cured through practicing mathematics. Combust Saturn through practicing more routines.
🍊 Rahu synastry makes you delusional true but ketu synastry is even more delusional you will feel a sense of familiarity with the person you have the synastry with but soon you will realise oh it was all play and eventually the ketu person will actually start hating the moon person .
🍊 I think purva bhadrapada is he sign of sati as when sati was born on earth to be wife of Shiva only the expansiveness of purva bhadrapada could make her realise her true potential as mahadevi herself how she's nature and everything that truly exists in the cosmos . Likewise purva bhadrapada expands their horizons to realise their true purpose . I found some purva bhadrapada prominence in her media depiction of sati as well .
🍊 Purva bhadrapada are also truly sweet and kind people who have so much intelligence but it stays hidden for the early part of their life .
🍊 Purva Ashadha as a young girl or a maiden is often envied by her peers for being pretty , use protective things as a means to protect from evil eye , PA is associated with liver and evil eye can cause bumps in the face or skin disease .
🍊 Shravana girls have the quite confidence, they're genuinely bubbly but it's hidden in the quite girl interior, they know who they are and are constantly working on themselves.
🍊 With pisces placements in a man's chart one can have a good balance between the masculine and the feminine energy, I have generally seen pisces creating a nice atmosphere for their wives or the girls they love . They enjoy cooking and also get a lot of girl friends around them who trust them .
🍊 Gemini guys in general are the most confused people though girls can be assertive or be quickly change the men are just diplomatic about everything.
🍊 Vishakha women have the tridosha of kapha , which makes them effective in transforming their body fast .
🍊 I've seen that you might attract the sign of your 7th house but mostly it doesn't work out 💀 rather the sign in your 12th house works better , the chemistry is unbeatable and they treat you so well . Even in my case Taurus is my 12th house 💀 Taurus men be spoiling me 👑
🍊 Sun moon synastry is so passive agressive
🍊 Your atmakaraka can provide you insights on which Devi you should worship , for example if mars go for some ugra Devi like Kali , Durga etc . They can prove to be your ishtha or kuldevi please note that to find one's ishtha /kuldevi more things are to be considered.
🍊 Sun in the 10th house gives one fame but makes one work hard asf , when you're at the verge of giving up that's when true fame comes in to save you being the house of Saturn .
🍊 Jupiter in 3rd makes one materialistic they were the kids that were obsessed with new toys and gadgets as it generally makes one fidgety, also they were fulfilled in their wants for toys .
🍊 Combust mars in a girls chart overworks themselves because they feel a lack of vitality, they don't know where to exactly put efforts or what to do to make themselves feel better. Combust mars in a man's chart has the delusion of being masculine when in turn they do nothing to nourish their essence , true help in this case can be attained through puja in Tuesdays of Mangal Dev or Hanuman .
🍊 Ketu and mars can give hidden anger issues and can cause anger outbursts like Taurus mars . One way to combat that is to donate blood .
🍊 Saturn in 1H should do atleast one thing they don't like to do but is Essential for them everyday as this position might show feeling inferior or uninterested in themselves the act of doing something for themselves makes them more confident.
🍊 Mercury in combust , 6th house gives skin problems .
🍊 Rohini isn't materialistic for money but for comfort .
Thank you so much for reading, have a great day/night 🧡
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bouquetface · 7 days
Navamsa/D9 Observations 3
Accuracy influenced by ENTIRE chart. Looking at one placement will only provide general information.
This is a general post - not taking into consideration any aspects, or signs, or or ruler placement.
Sun in First House
The person prioritizes superficial traits - their appearance/body, their career, their family status, etc. This isn’t a criticism. Often these people have reached a good amount of status themselves or/& take care of their body/appearance - they want someone to do the same.
They want a powerful spouse, however in marriage they can want authority over spouse. They don’t want the spouse to accidentally embrasas them as these people are often popular/well known later in life. A possible problem that could arise with this placement: Both partners desire authority, they refuse balance, they fight a lot.
You can develop a competitive nature after marriage and/or later in life. Due to this you will likely create a lot of enemies. You may find later in life, you are aware of many people who begin to oppose you.
After marriage and/or later in life, you can gain status and attention with this placement. This can manifest in different ways - ex: You start your own business so many people in the community know you.
Accuracy depends on entire chart. This does not take into consideration aspects, other signs, and other planets.
Jupiter in First House
This almost always guarantees the person will get married. I know many with this placement that did not believe in marriage in their younger years, but still got married.
This is a good placement for marriage too. Any issues that arise in marriage and life, these people will know how to handle the situation. They can see the bigger picture, they truly understand their spouse, they know what to do and say.
You will have enough of everything you need to have a nice + calm life.
The spouse and/or children will look to you for advice. You are seen as intelligent. You can be good at debate, having effective communication. Reasonable person.
Rahu in 4th House
This person can desire a big home with many features - pool, basketball court, garden, theatre room, etc.
These people can wish to live further away from the place they lived before marriage and/or birth city. However, this is not promised. They will desire it. If not, they will own foreign things in the home - ex: cooking foods from different places, owning furniture from a different country, etc. They will remain curious about foreign places and things.
These people can make up lack of fulfillment in other areas through the home. Buying many expensive things, buying an expensive home, throwing big parties in the home to show off wealth.
Rahu is never satisfied. In the 4th, there is always a desire for more reagrding home. You want to move, you want a new place, you want renovations, you want to change the decor or paint, etc.
There can be a paranoia too about the home. You can have a lot of security cameras inside and out.
Ketu in 10th House
You can become disinterested in society and reputation. This can make people view you as outcast. You may not even do something mean on purpose, however your lack of social etiquette can make people think you are mean/rude.
Accuracy depends on entire chart. It is important to look at sign and aspects, where 10th house ruler is.
Mercury in 5th House
If well placed, this can give children who become highly skilled. They can do very well in their careers. They may even be a prodigy.
However, if afflicted communication can be difficult with children and/or spouse.
You can enjoy travel with this placement. You are curious about new experiences.
You can make a lot of money through communication - written or speaking.
Ketu in 3rd House
When communicating with the spouse, you or them will interrupt and always want to push your opinions on the other. This doesn't mean the marriage will be bad. Simply, you can talk over each other at times when passionate about the conversation topic.
You may talk less or lose contact with siblings. This could be due to many reasons. You could go through a period later in life where you are fighting with one another. In this fight, past resentments may come to light.
The entire chart would have to be taken into consideration for accuracy. This is simply a general post - not taking into consideration any aspects, or signs, or or ruler placement.
Ketu in 8th House
This can go 2 ways depending on entire chart: One is close to their in-laws. You truly consider them family. This is more likely is Venus is well placed and if 8th H Ruler is well placed.
Or you are not close to them. This doesn't always indicate there are issues. One simply may not care enough to have gotten close with them. This is detachment is more likely is there is Mars, Saturn or Rahu in 4th House. In this case, it is likely you will live far from in-laws. However, you must take into consideration the entire chart - signs, aspects, ruling planets.
This is one indicator for having a child or being pregnant before marriage/wedding. If this is the case, you are likely to keep this secret from most people. This is not always the case, only one indicator.
The wedding will likely not be a big ceremony. This can be due to many reasons. One possible example is the spouse may have a small family. Or you may together decide not to spend too much on a wedding.
This is an indicator that you bring more money and assets into the marriage. You may have separate finances as well with this placement.
Accuracy is dependent on entire natal/langa and d9 chart. Reading for only one placement will only give general info.
Rahu in 11th House
You can make a lot of wealth with this placement. Your wealth will be connected to your ability to gain a huge social network, clients and possibly followers.
It is possible with this placement you can gain by manipulating/putting on a mask. However, it is just as likely someone or many will be fake to you. This is someone you will not realize are fake until after marriage and/or later in life.
You could be friends with many people who are different from you. They are of a different country, race, religion.
If placed in Leo, you can desire status and authority over your social network. You want them to have high status or treat you like a King or Queen.
For further insight, you should check the sign of 11th H, aspects and where 11th Ruler is located. This and the natal will influence accuracy.
Saturn in 8th House
I have seen this placement in so many charts. I feel this is the BIGGEST indicator of a strained relationship with the in-laws. There can be conflict that occurs after marriage and/or later in life. This conflict will limit your access to the spouse's resources and vice versa.
This isn't an indicator of a bad marriage as long as the person with this placement did not intend to use the spouse for their resources. Sometimes the manifestation isn't the spouse & you refusing to join assets. Instead, it can be the spouse family cutting them off or decreasing/limiting the resources. Other times I have seen it as the couple being unable to save money in their younger years together.
On the bright side, saturn is a slow and steady planet. If you put in the work and have patience, financial issues, in-law issues, any issues at all can be resolved. If saturn is well placed, it is more likely you will resolve any issues and accumulate good shared resources.
Another thing about this placement is the married couple will experience a bad reputation at some point. This doesn’t mean the marriage is bad - sometimes the couple is a target of bullying/hate. This can be due to many reasons - possible examples I have observed to give you an idea:
- One couple had a period of time where they struggled financially. The husband lost his job, the wife had to go back to work as a result everyone knew they were struggling. Some were sympathetic, others were being judgemental a-holes. It seems this brought them closer together. Their marriage did not suffer due to the judgement they received amongst family + friends + colleagues.
- Another example: The husband got very drunk at a wedding. This lead to many rumours that he was an alcoholic. This bothered the couple but there was nothing they could do to stop people from talking/believing what they want.
- Third example: This woman has a feminine husband. This has led others to speculate that he is gay or bi. I am close friends with this woman, I know none of this true. However, that does not stop others from spreading false info/"jokes" about them.
- Fourth example: This woman’s mother would not stop gossiping about her spouse. She would criticize him unfairly. The mother’s side was believed by a lot on the woman’s side of the family. As a result, the entire family was mean & passive aggressive with the spouse. They never tried to get to know the spouse/see his side of things. It was disgusting, the family bonded over bullying her & her spouse.
This placement can indicate problems with your own family after marriage and/or later in life. You may have to distance yourself from your own family instead of the in-laws. This rarely means you will mever speak to either your own family or in-laws. It can be a one time situation the couple must deal with at some point. EX: At a dinner, your brother insults the spouse's job. You defend the spouse and leave the dinner early. A few weeks later all is forgiven and basically forgotten.
Accuracy will depend on entire d9 AND NATAL chart.
Sun in 5th
You are likely to be an educated & opinionated person later in life and/or after marriage. You may develop interest in politics & history. You can become fixed on your beliefs - refusing to be open minded to any other beliefs.
You can refuse to have a spouse who does not have similar beliefs. You can raise the children to be proud - ex: proud of their history/heritage, the family, or families beliefs/religion. You want confident children.
This placement is an indicator for having children late. It is an indicator of having less children - choosing to only have one child is a possibility. However, this is just one indicator. Sign, and aspects especially to Jupiter will change accuracy.
Ego can be a problem in the marriage. You or the spouse can have a tough time admitting you’re wrong. You or the spouse can desire authority & final say on decisions. This doesn’t mean the marriage will be miserable. You will just have to deal with a clashing of ego at some point in life. It can even be a small issue such as how the house will be decorated, public or private school for kids, where to go to eat, etc.
It’s also noticed with this placement, the person received recognition in career in their mid 40-50s. You can see promotions and rewards. You can retire well respected in your industry or company.
Mars in 8th
This is a malefic planet & it is mars nature to “cut”. This can be literal as in surgery or metaphorical. Often, I see this placement (unless positively placed) can cut ties with in-laws. This doesn’t always mean you will get into a fight and never speak. There may be a few years you go without speaking.
If positively placed by let’s say Jupiter, your spouse could have a big family. They argue and bicker but it is in fun and rarely serious arguments. If exalted in cap, the spouse’s family can be very hardworking & devoted to their family - which would include you after marriage.
The spouse and you are not the type to hold back their true feelings/thoughts in marriage. You can bicker over small things. This placement brings strong attraction to one another too. You can sometimes enjoy fighting as it builds passion. If well placed, this can be in a funny old couple teasing each other kind of way.
It is believed this placement holds a lot of karma. Your spouse will treat you how you treated a spouse in a past life. I know not everyone believes in past lives & I am not fully convinced myself but I think it’s an interesting belief to mention.
Later in life, you can be in conflict with a sibling especially a brother. Why will depend on entire chart.
Due to mars nature, these fights with your spouse, your family and/or in-laws occur quickly. EX: Everything can be fine for years & one day you or they have said something very insulting. Quickly, this causes conflict.
Depending on entire chart, (aspects, 8th H Ruler placement & signs) these fights can be resolved just as quick as they started.
For ex: Mars in sag - you will be angered very fast, express it but see the bigger picture & choose family.
Mars in Cancer or Libra - you will be angered, you could struggle to express it. You or they may be passive aggressive. This can lead to a lifetime of unacknowledged issues.
Mars in scorpio or taurus - you hold a grudge over what was said or done. Even if you decide to resolve issues, you can still hold resentment.
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kleopatra45 · 2 months
Rahu/North Node in the Houses
Rahu, or the North Node, signifies our karmic path and life's purpose. It represents areas where we are meant to grow, embrace new experiences, and develop skills. Rahu's influence encourages stepping out of comfort zones, facing challenges, and pursuing the unfamiliar to achieve spiritual evolution.
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Rahu/North Node in the 1st House
Rahu in the 1st House emphasizes personal development and self-discovery. There is a strong drive to assert individuality and forge a unique identity. This placement challenges individuals to focus on their own needs and desires, learning to balance self-interest with relationships.
Rahu/North Node in the 2nd House
In the 2nd House, Rahu focuses on material security, values, and self-worth. There is a drive to acquire wealth and possessions. This placement encourages individuals to develop a healthy sense of self-esteem and learn the value of resources, both material and personal.
Rahu/North Node in the 3rd House
Rahu in the 3rd House emphasizes communication, learning, and social interactions. There is a strong desire to express oneself and connect with others. This placement challenges individuals to develop effective communication skills, embrace new ideas, and expand their intellectual horizons.
Rahu/North Node in the 4th House
In the 4th House, Rahu focuses on home, family, and emotional foundations. There is a drive to create a secure and nurturing environment. This placement encourages individuals to explore their roots, heal family dynamics, and develop inner emotional stability.
Rahu/North Node in the 5th House
Rahu in the 5th House emphasizes creativity, self-expression, and romance. There is a strong desire to shine and be recognized for one's talents. This placement challenges individuals to embrace their creative potential, pursue passions, and find joy in self-expression and love.
Rahu/North Node in the 6th House
In the 6th House, Rahu focuses on work, health, and service. There is a drive to excel in daily tasks and contribute meaningfully. This placement encourages individuals to develop discipline, improve health routines, and find fulfillment in serving others and mastering practical skills.
Rahu/North Node in the 7th House
Rahu in the 7th House emphasizes partnerships, relationships, and collaboration. There is a strong desire to connect deeply with others. This placement challenges individuals to develop harmonious relationships, learn cooperation, and balance personal needs with the needs of others.
Rahu/North Node in the 8th House
In the 8th House, Rahu focuses on transformation, shared resources, and the occult. There is a drive to explore deep, hidden aspects of life. This placement encourages individuals to embrace change, understand power dynamics, and develop a profound sense of resilience and regeneration.
Rahu/North Node in the 9th House
Rahu in the 9th House emphasizes higher learning, philosophy, and travel. There is a strong desire to expand one's horizons and seek truth. This placement challenges individuals to pursue education, explore different cultures, and develop a broad, open-minded perspective on life.
Rahu/North Node in the 10th House
In the 10th House, Rahu focuses on career, public image, and achievements. There is a drive to attain recognition and success in the professional realm. This placement encourages individuals to develop leadership skills, strive for excellence, and make a significant impact in their chosen field.
Rahu/North Node in the 11th House
Rahu in the 11th House emphasizes social networks, aspirations, and collective goals. There is a strong desire to connect with like-minded individuals and work towards common objectives. This placement challenges individuals to embrace community involvement, foster friendships, and pursue innovative ideas for the greater good.
Rahu/North Node in the 12th House
In the 12th House, Rahu focuses on spirituality, isolation, and the subconscious. There is a drive to explore the inner self and transcend material concerns. This placement encourages individuals to develop spiritual practices, understand their subconscious patterns, and find peace in solitude and introspection.
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ezekiel-krishna · 5 months
🧙🏻 Master List 🌌
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1st & 2nd 3rd , 4th , 5th , 6th & 7th 8th , 9th , 10th , 11th & 12th
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1st , 2nd , 3rd & 4th 5th , 6th & 7th 8th , 9th , 10th , 11th & 12th
9th House Ruler in Different Houses
1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 5th , 6th & 7th 8th , 9th , 10th , 11th & 12th
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horizonaarc1726 · 8 months
What are the influences of Rahu in each house?
In Vedic astrology, Rahu is one of the lunar nodes, and its influence is considered significant in a birth chart. Rahu is known as the North Node of the Moon, and its influence can be both positive and challenging, depending on its placement in different houses of the birth chart. The effects of Rahu in each house can vary based on its sign placement, aspects, conjunctions, and the overall planetary configuration. Here's a brief overview of the general influences of Rahu in each house:
Rahu in the 1st House: Positive: Ambitious, strong desire for success, charismatic.Challenges: May bring obsession with self-image, identity crises.
Rahu in the 2nd House: Positive: Strong desire for wealth and material success, good speaking abilities.Challenges: Tendency towards exaggeration, potential financial fluctuations.
Rahu in the 3rd House: Positive: Ambitious, good communication skills, adventurous.Challenges: Restlessness, potential for conflicts with siblings.
Rahu in the 4th House: Positive: Strong desire for home and security, interest in real estate.Challenges: Unusual family dynamics, possible disruptions in domestic life.
Rahu in the 5th House: Positive: Creativity, desire for fame, interest in speculative activities.Challenges: Impulsive behavior, issues related to children.
Rahu in the 6th House: Positive: Good for overcoming enemies, strong desire for service.Challenges: Health-related issues, conflicts at the workplace.
Rahu in the 7th House: Positive: Desire for partnerships, intense relationships, business acumen.Challenges: Unpredictable relationships, potential for deceit.
Rahu in the 8th House:Positive: Interest in occult and mysticism, potential for sudden gains.Challenges: Fear of the unknown, potential for accidents or health issues.
Rahu in the 9th House:Positive: Interest in philosophy, spirituality, and higher learning.Challenges: Tendency towards fanaticism, potential conflicts with father.
Rahu in the 10th House: Positive: Ambitious, desire for success in career, public recognition.Challenges: Unconventional career path, potential for public scandals.
Rahu in the 11th House: Positive: Strong desire for social connections, networking skills.Challenges: Tendency towards materialism, potential for conflicts with friends.
Rahu in the 12th House: Positive: Interest in spiritual pursuits, imagination, and creativity.Challenges: Possible issues related to isolation, hidden enemies.
It is important to note that the influence of Rahu may vary depending on its conjunction and aspects with other planets, the signs it occupies and the overall strength of the birth chart. For a more accurate understanding of the influence of Rahu in a person's horoscope, one can understand it with the help of Kundli Chakra 2022 Professional software.
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Astrology Beauty Observations #2
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The actor Chris Noth who played Mr. Big from “Sex & The City” is one of those men from the entertainment industry who became the muse or ideal of many women back when they were at the top of series, movies, etc. They are the IT boys/men who trigger even the most stoic women with their looks and personality.
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I know most of you who have seen the series or not are probably wondering "What is it that these men have?"
The answer is both easy and complex at the same time. First, we have Libra stellium yelling at our faces. Venusian men are charming, well spoken, well dressed, socially smart, and understand how women function better than most signs. This is not just those who are Taurus or Libra, but also Venus nakshatras, and Venus in the 1st/7th/10th house. They are lovers of beauty in all of its forms, and this of course causes a lot of trouble.
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We have to remember that Venus/Aphrodite and all other similar personifications are well known for enjoying the attention of many suitors. They are always used to being on the receiving end simply for existing, and are not always the ones initiating interactions. These men are aware of their looks and know how to use it to their advantage.
On top of that, Chris has his ASC in Purva Phalguni which is a Venus nakshatra. They are known for loving arts, being elegant, classy, and the real hedonists of the zodiac. Even in the series he always enjoyed going to luxurious parties and spending as much time as possible in bed. They tend to have a beautiful and attractive appearance with “big hair”, be it because they have a lot or they style it with lots of volume.
Pluto being on his 1st house also gives him a dark and seductive allure. The stereotype of a bad boy who is used to breaking hearts, not because he doesn’t have one, but because the scars of the past run deep. His Sun conjunct Lilith is also fitting to the same description, but with a twist of dealing with negative attention or judgment being thrown his way specially from women. He is painted to be way worst than what he actually is, and this is a very Lilith/Pluto/Libra/Scorpio experience overall.
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This man also takes smooth talking to a whole different level with Mercury conjunct Neptune. He tell’s pretty lies and makes them sound amazing. The thing about Neptune is that it throws a smoke curtain over anything its close to or wherever its sitting. He’s probably very intuitive and spiritually connected, but this can also be used to gain an upper hand over others as well. Their way of speaking is alluring, soothing, and almost like a siren call.
Think we’re over? Almost
His Mars is exalted and for a man that means his masculine energy sits very strongly and comfortably. He has a really good balance between feminine and masculine energy within his chart, and that makes anyone very attractive in general. Hence why Venus-Mars conjunction natives also carry this same sexy balance, even if Venus is technically afflicted by Mars it doesn’t take away the sex appeal.
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One of the last observations that I’d like to make in here is Ketu conjunct his Moon in Gemini. The nodes have this super effective way of attracting people, and in complete opposite ways. Usually when its Rahu their eccentricity, uniqueness, and loud energy keeps people fully pulled in, specially when its women who have Rahu-Moon. The yin energy is really strong within these natives, and everything works well as long as they maintain the illusion of the persona others construct of them.
Now, Ketu attracts people almost by pushing them away or keeping a certain distance. They feel like a walking enigma to others, and this is exactly what pulls others to them. You just want to know Ketu-Moon better, but paradoxically the closer you get the further from them you actually feel.
A never ending cat and mouse game that ends once they lose interest and disappear from the face of earth. A good reminder that Ketu is co-lord of Scorpio, so this would also apply to those who might have their Moon in this sign as well.
We could go a lot farther into his chart just on beauty and appearance alone, but for now, these are the most obvious observations to mention. Hope y’ll enjoyed it 💜
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libbee · 1 year
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Scorpio is known for sex but I think it is the earth signs that are actually sensual. Earth signs such as Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn deal with senses and are the most stimulated by touch, visuals, taste, voice, beauty, pleasures of the senses. They are not intuitive but rather sensual, materialistic and interact with what is tangible, seen, physical. While Scorpio is intuitive and deals with intangible, unseen and spiritual.
Then why is Scorpio linked to sex? It is not about sexual pleasure and more about craving rebirth. Fact with Scorpios is that they discover a layer of themselves everyday going through life. Their identity, personality, beliefs need evolving and they need to die to be reborn. That intense sex is them tuning to their intuition and when they orgasm something in them dies. Since it is intuitive, each Scorpio will know what has died but it is not possible to tell it in words because it is a symbolic death. Sex to them is like a ritual, a sacred practice that assists them in passing from one stage to the next.
The force of 8th house is against will power. At best I read on a social media forum it being described like "Plutonic force is like your head being shaved against your will power, no matter how much you resist, it will happen".
Rahu can be such a fake, illusion maker and a mirage. Wherever it is placed in the natal chart can show what area of life is shown as the "ideal, picture perfect, larger than life, wow factor" but it is actually just empty behind the screen. If Rahu is in 1st house, native appears to be this dashing, grand, all-rounder person but actually nobody knows if they are actually that person or not, nobody seen them doing what they claim to do, it is just the image. If Rahu is in 10th house, they have this mirage illusion of being hard working, leader, planner, entrepreneur but they are not actually all that. If Rahu is in 7th house, they have this image of ideal partner, picture perfect couple, dream partner but actually it is just a mirage. It is the social perception that is ideal/mirage but in private something entirely different happens. For eg, they gift 100 roses to their loved one in office. Wow! How lucky, how romantic. Yet at home, they are like the partner does not even exist, totally different.
8th house moons can be hypersensitive to their mom's voice. It is as if they grow up and suddenly they are super reactive to their mom. If she says anything, 8H moon screams. "Be quiet!", "Change your tone of voice", they complain their mom irritates them which can be actually repressed memories of childhood being triggered every time mom says something. In the worst cases, they can even abuse their moms which is called "reactive abuse" where the party can no longer tolerate the abuser and explodes in anger.
Fire sign risings surely give the PERCEPTION of confidence, self assurance, burning hot even if they are extremely insecure inside, it would not appear in their persona. It is the rising sign that is how others see us and how we show ourselves to others, it is autonomous, spontaneous and unchangeable for this lifetime. Fire signs can be going through failures but not show in their faces.
Planets in 1st house emit the energy of themselves. But beware! 1st house is just the persona and your impression on others - not the actual person behind the mask. So Sun in 1st house = public perception is they are so confident and self secure. Mercury = they are so intelligent and cheerful. Jupiter = they are so wise and guide. Even if native is not these things, people are somehow convinced that they are those qualities just because of their facial expressions + language + vibes.
It is very important for 8th housers to be discerning in choosing their company/partner/friends. 8th housers are prone to feeling negative emotional hurts because they have survived extreme emotional situations in childhood, the side effects of which will last a lifetime. I also think that these natives inherit emotional wounds from their ancestors that makes them carry so much burden on their shoulders. So, they should choose such people who are empathetic, emotionally intelligent, know some psychology and know that "the wounds of swords and gun can heal but not that of the tongue". An unhealed 8th houser is like an open invitation to the world "come use me" and when the native has had enough of betrayals and shocks, they turn inwards to start doing self introspection, analysis of human nature and undergo drastic transformation.
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kiddotarot · 4 months
Sun : Effects and Remedies part - 1
The Sun provides good results if placed in houses 1 to 5,8,9,11 and 12. The 6th, 7th, and 10th are bad houses for the Sun. The Moon, the Jupiter and the Mars are the planets friendly to the Sun, where the Saturn, Venus, Rahu and Ketu are enemies. The first is the Puccka Ghar, the permanent house and the house of exaltation of the Sun, whereas the 7th house is in the house of debilitation.
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The Mars in the 6th and Ketu in the Ist house make the Sun produce results of an exalted planet. If the Sun is exalted or placed in an auspicious house of a person’s horoscope he is bound to rise higher and higher in power and position. If obstacles are created against him by a person that person is bound to meet his doom. Much better results are proposed if the Sun is in conjunction with Mercury. The Sun gives adverse effects on the things associated with the house in which he is placed. Conse- quently in the Ist house he will create health problems for the native. In the 2nd house he will affect the family and its comforts absolutely adversely.
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The sun in the 6th house will not prove good for the sisters and daughters of the native. In the 7th he will face obstacles in the comforts of the wife. The Sun of the 8th house will saue the native from death in critical situations. The sun of the 9th house will destroy the comforts of the forefathers and perhaps deprive the native of their properties. In the 10th, the sun will affect the father adversely. The sun in the 11th increases and multiplies the income of the native manifold, if he does not augment the power of Saturn by cosumption of liquor, meat and eggs.
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The Sun in the 12th house destroys the comforts of the night hour sleep of the native. The Sun will not be able to harm Venus when sun is being aspected by Saturn because Saturn and Venus are great friends. On the contrary, if Saturn is being aspected by Sun, then the Sun will not be afraid of Saturn and he will destroy the Venus as both are natural enemies in the house where he is placed.
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13lunarstar · 2 months
Planetary aspects in Vedic Astrology
In Vedic astrology (Jyotish), there is a term called "Drishti", or planetary aspects, which are important in determining how planets influence different houses and each other within a birth chart.
Drishti means "sight" or "gaze" (sans.)
Drishti represents the way a planet radiates its influence on certain parts of the horoscope. The effect can be benefic (positive) or malefic (negative), depending on the nature and placement of the planet casting the aspect.
Types of Drishti:
Full (primary) aspects:
All planets make an aspect on the 7th house from their position in a natal chart
Special Aspects (Bhava Drishti):
Some planets have additional special aspects that extend beyond solely the 7th house.
Planetary Aspects:
Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus + Rahu (lunar node)
Note: Ketu being a "tail of a demon" doesn't make any aspects.
7th House Aspect: These planets (and nodes) only aspect the house directly opposite them (7th house from their position)
Mars in addition to the 7th house (full aspect), aspects:
The 4th house from its position
The 8th house from its position
Jupiter in addition to the 7th house (full aspect), aspects:
The 5th house from its position
The 9th house from its position
Saturn in addition to the 7th house (full aspect), aspects:
The 3rd house from its position
The 10th house from its position
Note: some Jyotish schools and traditions (e.g., Southern tradition) accept additional aspects of Rahu to:
The 5th house from its position
The 9th house from its position
Effects of Aspects:
Benefic Planets: Benefic planets like Jupiter and Venus usually have positive influences on the houses they aspect, promoting growth, harmony, and fortune. Note: benefic planets making an aspect on a malefic planet can mitigate full negative effects coming from a malefic planet in a birth chart.
Malefic Planets: Malefic planets like Mars and Saturn + lunar nodes typically exert challenging influences, indicating obstacles, discipline, detachments, obsessions and generally transformative experiences.
Additional Considerations:
Functional Nature: Depending on the ascendant, planets may act as functional benefics or malefics. This affects how their aspects are interpreted.
Aspects in Divisional Charts: Aspects in divisional charts (Vargas) like Navamsa (D9), Dasamsa (D10) or any other varga offer deeper insights into specific life areas.
Conjunctions: When planets are in the same house, they conjoin, and their combined energy influences the house and its signification.
Examples of Aspects:
Mars in the 1st House:
4th House Aspect: Mars impacts home life, relationship with a homeland, mother, sense of inner happiness and satisfaction. Mars impacts real estate and maternal relationships.
7th House Aspect: Mars affects partnerships, marriage, public and business interactions.
8th House Aspect: Mars influences transformations, occult matters, and joint finances.
Jupiter in the 5th House:
9th House Aspect: Jupiter promotes and fosters higher learning, spirituality, fortune and long-distance travels.
11th House Aspect: Jupiter enhances social circles, friendships, and gains from large networks.
1st House Aspect: Jupiter positively influences personality, health, and overall life.
Impact on Houses:
Aspect on the 1st House (Lagna): Influences self-image, health, and overall personality.
Aspect on the 4th House: Affects home environment, mother, and domestic comfort.
Aspect on the 7th House: Impacts marriage, partnerships, and public life.
Aspect on the 10th House: Influences career, social status, and public reputation.
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moonastrogirl · 1 year
Rahu and Ketu
Credit @moonastrogirl
Rahu and Ketu come both from the same body. Rahu is the dragon’s head and Ketu is the dragon’s body (especially the tail). They are both shadow planets so they BOTH have negative effects no matter the narrative on Rahu being more harmful than Ketu.
If they are in negative houses such as 6th house, 8th house (this house gives mix results, check out comment’s section for more on this house) and 12th house, their energy can be quite useful. Especially if Rahu is in 6th house and Ketu is in 12th house and vice-versa. Those placements give more excellent results than bad ones.
Rahu is about action, Rahu is about heaven, bringing awareness and fighting for what’s right. Rahu has an unstoppable energy. But it has a crazy hunger. It wants more and more each time. And brings changes for the sake of it sometimes. 6th house is daily tasks, daily life, work and enemies. It gives Rahu the perfect playground to make things happen and win against enemies and opponents. Rahu works well also in 1st, 3rd, 10th and 12th house.
Ketu is down to earth, unsatisfied with material things and wants to attain spiritual enlightenment. Ketu is also blind so it cannot see but thanks to its spiritual work and gifts it can see thinks everyone cannot. That’s why 12th house is perfect for it, Ketu gets spiritual enlightenment there and gets strength. Ketu works well too in 3rd, 6th and 9th house.
Ketu ruled people are calm, detached and collected. They have a natural charisma that bring people to them thanks to their calm nature. They have easy access to money and possessions but they are unsatisfied with what they have. They do things with the purpose to get something but they don’t know what. They usually have little energy but they have great business skills and can get wealth easily. They are even like bored with people most of the time. They want what it’s not seen. Been enlightened through spirituality.
Those people make also excellent politicians (Barack Obama, Donald Trump) well known public figures (for humanitarian organisations) or gurus/religious leaders because they are easily loved by the masses. But the negative effect is those people are more than likely overly religious or so worried with spiritual matters to the point it can enslave them and their followers/voters. So even if their intentions can be good they can end up creating issues making people not trust them at the end. They can also feel so numb that they will do anything to feel something : excessive sexual activities, drugs, manipulative tendencies to see how far someone can actually be their follower or puppet. This is the low vibrational energy of Ketu.
Rahu ruled people are the activists (Martin Luther King), innovators (Elon Musk) influencers (Keith Lee) celebrities (Saweetie, Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande) cause Rahu rules technology, internet and fame. The head of the dragon see things. It can see what is happening on earth. It has also an endless hunger. Rahu’s energy is electrifying. These people can gather masses and crowds like no one. They can become internet famous overnight or they often go viral for almost anything. Most of the time their vision is so peculiar and they are really innovative people no matter the field they are in.
Most innovators and activists want change for the greater good but they are met with many opposition. It’s not easy for Rahu’s ruled people to have a solid following except if they are entertainers only then yes they will receive plenty of followers fast and easily. The solution for activists/innovators is to only work for the greater good and have pure intentions only. (Keith Lee is the perfect example of this). Plus they can also become the activists/innovators turning their energy into bad deeds. Becoming a criminal or too greedy that their actions don’t align no more with the greater good. (Aka Elon Musk). This is the low vibrational energy of Rahu.
They both need to mature and evolve to tap into their true potential.
Both Rahu and Ketu can have high qualities and very low tendencies. But their energy is nothing more than pure karma in action. They are the yin and the yang. They both need each other.
Rahu is the crown chakra and Ketu is the root chakra. So if you are Rahu ruled, work on your root chakra, it’s probably weak. And if you are Ketu ruled, work on your crown chakra, it’s probably weak too.
2023 is a Ketu ruled year. It’s a 7 year in numerology which is the number of Ketu so it’s best for each and everyone to work on their spirituality and their belief system. But without falling in the low vibrational energy of Ketu. This year also started with a death sort of energy in astrology and now it’s the rebirth period. So it’s time for everybody to grow into the best version of themselves while having faith in what is meant and waiting for them.
Thank you for reading me and if you enjoyed my post, like it, leave a comment or reblog it. It will mean a lot for me and show me what I do it’s actually helpful to you 💜
Credit @moonastrogirl
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Making Spirituality Real Vedic Astrology Community Questions Masterpost
This is a Link Resource for all the Vedic Astrology Community Questions I answered throughout the years, that have collective informative value. Look for your Chart placements or potential questions on this list before asking me further.
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Return to General Masterpost Here.
Software for getting your Vedic Chart, including Divisional Charts
The Vedic Ayanamsa I use For Most Accurate Calculations
Aries Lagna
Atmakaraka influenced by Venus/Libra
Atmakaraka in 6th house
Atmakaraka and Darakaraka in Synastry
Benefic Planets in Malefic Houses
Benefits of Challenging Nakshatra Placements
Bhava Chalit vs D1
Cancer Lagna
Connections Between Ketu and Venus rules Nakshatras
D60 Chart Interpretation
Dasha Period Compatibility
Debilitated Atmakaraka
Effects of Ketu Mahadasha
Finding Dispositors in Your Vedic Chart
Fulfilling Your Atmakaraka
Getting a Tattoo Based on Your Chart
How Does Nodal Obsession Manifest?
How Ketu Detaches but gives to Others
How Ketu’s “Detachment” Works
How to Calculate a Vedic Synastry Chart?
How to Do Chart Rectification?
How to Handle Debilitated Planets?
How to Interpret D9 with D1
How to Judge the Influence of a Nakshatra Conjunction?
How to Learn Astrology?
Impact of Rahu/Ketu strong aspects on physical health
Interpreting D9/Navamsa in context of D1/Rasi/Main Chart
Interpreting Dasha Periods for D1 chart with help of D9 chart
Interpreting the Rahu/Ketu Axis of D1 chart with help of D9 chart
Is Darakaraka Important?
Jupiter in the 12th House
Karmic Relief Through D10 Chart
Ketu in the 6th House
Ketu in the 8th House
Ketu in the 8th House and Relationship Life
Krittika Lagna
Learn about Your Partnerships through your D9 Chart
Lunar Nodes in Jaimini Astrology
Magha Nakshatra
Mars Darakaraka
Mercury Ruled Nakshatras
Moon Dominant Men
Moon in Jyeshta and the Gandanta Point
Mrigashira Nakshatra
Nakshatra Dominance
Opposing Energies in D1 and D9 Charts
Planetary Dominance Archetypes
Planetary Strength in a Stellium
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Rahu and Ketu and Physical Health
Rahu in the 2nd house
Rahu in the 2nd House and Self Worth
Rahu in the 5th House
Rahu in the 6th house Dasha
Recognising Nakshatra Traits in People
Rising Modality in D10 Chart
Saturn as Karaka of D10 chart
Saturn in the 4th house in D9 Chart
Saturn Ketu Aspect in D9 Chart
Saturn in the 7th in D9 / explained again
Saturn in the 10th House
Saturn ruled Nakshatras
Sign Vs House Vargottama
Sun Conjunct Rahu
Taurus and Libra Lagna
Taurus Krittika Nakshatra Lagna
The 7th House in Synastry
The Power of Saturn ruled Nakshatras
The relationship between Mahadasha and Antardasha
Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Vedic Remediation
Venus Dominant Man
Venus in Uttara Ashadha
Venus is Judgment
Venus Ketu Aspects
Venus/Libra in D10 Chart
Venus in Hasta
Venus in Mrigashira
Weak Sun in A Vedic Chart
What if two Mahadasha Lords are Conjunct?
What is Arudha Lagna?
What is Bhrigu Bindu/Destiny Point?
What is Shadbala Scoring?
Why Darakaraka is NOT your Profession
Why is Uttara Ashadha without a Consort?
Why is Venus the Natural Darakaraka
Yogas - Overrated in Vedic Astrology
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kerena · 2 years
ASTRO OBSERVATIONS 2 :(𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒍𝒖𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑽𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒄)
𝑹𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 : I’m not an astrologer, is just my observations so they’re not necessarily accurate.
Don’t copy.❕
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💫 Mars nakshatra in the big 3 (especially in ascendant or moon) tend to have a natural athletic body or have a beautiful proportion. They can have little curvy hips. (Vedic)
Nakshatra of Mars :
Mrighashira -> 23,20° in Taurus to 6,40° in Gemini.
Chitra -> 23,20° in Virgo to 6,40° in Libra.
Dhanishtha -> 23,20° in Capricorn to 6,40° in Aquarius.
💫 I see a lot of ketu peoples with dark complexion, features or intense gaze/eyes. I find that they have common things. Jung kook of BTS : Magha moon. Olivia Rodrigo : Mula ascendant. And if Taehyung of BTS have a Ashwini moon it makes senses. Moon conjunct ketu can give same effects. (Vedic)
Nakshatra of ketu :
Ashwini -> 00° to 13,20° in Aries.
Magha -> 00° to 13,20° in Leo.
Mula -> 00° to 13,20° in Sagittarius.
💫 It’s a fact that a lot of peoples with Neptune conjunct ascendant or in 1st house may have complexes about their appearance and may had surgery because that. Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Ariana Grande, (apparently Marilyn Monroe too). Warning : it’s not bad, it’s just a observations because they are very popular and famous.
💫 The difference between Uranus conjunct ascendant in 1st and 12th house is that in 1st house people can more daring in on random things like tattoo, new hair colours, they can be more original and assume their “differences”. Uranus in 12th tend to “hide” their “differences” or/don’t dare to new change in their look/hair so the uranus’s themes can be not really important or even present. So it’s pretty true that a conjunction in 1st is different than a conjunction in 12th house.
𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 : the tighter the orb is of your planet in conjunction with your ascendant from the 12th house (that is to say that this planet is placed behind your ascendant) more this planet will capture the energy of the first house.
💫 Pluto in harsh aspects with sun/mercury/ascendant when they have their opinions they can’t tolerate an another or they can be too intense and have a black or white mentality. They can be really authoritarian and sometimes peoples can be quite “scared”/don’t want to express their opinion to them. This people can be very thoroughgoing and retain a lot in them.
💫 Juno in 10th can attract in their life a partner that have work linked with government or political field.
💫 Sun square Uranus can like to be different, I know that sometimes people interpret this aspects of someone that hide their differences but i think that this people can don’t have any problems to express their “differences” big or not. Like they don’t care about the opinion of others, for example if they like this shoes is their opinion and not the your etc..
💫 1st ruler in 5th can be funny, sociable and have good relationships with children.
💫 2nd house lord in 9th can have values associated with religion, they can be really religious and grow up in a religious family or a family member close to them can be religious. (Vedic)
💫 9th or 12th lord in 1st can according importance to religion and spirituality too. (Vedic)
💫 Moon/venus conjunct rahu (a malefic) in Scorpio in their d9 chart (navamsa) can have difficult emotional connection with spouse/problems with romantic things or the spouse can cheating to them. (Vedic)
💫 Moon in 8th can make a person suspicious, paranoid or with intense emotions. They can also be good at knowing the intentions of a person. They can be vengeful or/and very resentful. Moon conjunct Pluto can give same effects.
💫 Sun/mercury/Saturn or stellium in 6th house doesn’t like when people are disorganised.
💫 Mercury/Sun conjunct Saturn can make a person realistic, critical & mature. They can also be really patient.
💫 Stellium in cancer can have clear and smooth skin and they don’t have to necessarily wear intense makeup. Natural makeup look pretty good on them.
𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 : a stellium 𝗂𝗌 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 three planets or more 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝖼𝖾𝖽 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝖺𝗆𝖾 𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗌𝖾 (𝗈𝗋 𝗌𝗂𝗀𝗇). The themes of the house 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗅𝗅𝗂𝗎𝗆 𝗐𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝖻𝖾 very important 𝗂𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾. It possible that your birth chart does not have a stellium!.
𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜.
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galaxyastrology1726 · 5 months
What happens when Rahu and Mars are placed in the 10th house?
In Vedic astrology, the placement of Rahu and Mars in the 10th house can have several interpretations and effects on a person's life:
Ambition and Drive: Mars in the 10th house signifies strong ambition, determination, and a drive for success in career matters. This placement can make the individual highly motivated and competitive, striving to achieve their goals with energy and enthusiasm.
Career Challenges: Rahu's influence in the 10th house can bring unconventional career paths or sudden changes in profession. It may also indicate challenges or obstacles in career advancement, especially if Rahu and Mars are afflicted by malefic influences.
Risk-taking: Both Rahu and Mars are associated with risk-taking tendencies. Their placement in the 10th house can make the individual inclined towards taking bold initiatives in their career but may also lead to impulsive decisions that need careful consideration.
Innovative Approach: Rahu's influence can bring innovation and a unique approach to the individual's professional life. They may excel in fields related to technology, research, or areas that involve unconventional methods.
Conflict and Controversy: Mars can bring confrontational tendencies, and when placed with Rahu, it can exacerbate this trait. The individual may face conflicts with authority figures or experience controversies in their career due to their assertive nature or unconventional beliefs.
Public Image: The 10th house represents public image and reputation. Rahu's influence here can make the individual's public image enigmatic or controversial. They may attract attention, both positive and negative, in their professional endeavors.
Success Through Persistence: Despite challenges, this placement can indicate success through persistence and hard work. The individual may need to channel Mars' energy constructively and navigate Rahu's influence wisely to achieve their career objectives.
It is important to consider the overall chart dynamics, including the aspects, conjunctions, and strengths of Rahu and Mars, to provide a more accurate analysis of the impact of their position in the 10th house. For which you can use Kundli Chakra 2022 Professional Software. Which can give you accurate information.
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ezekiel-krishna · 5 months
Jupiter in Taurus ♉ Transit 2024 (Part 2)
💰💎Luck ,Abundance ,Fortune & Spirituality
{Vedic Astrology}[From May 2024 - May 2025]
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⇝ Your Guide to Check Your Rising Sign > Refer Here
Leo ♌
Leo Ascendants, the transit of Jupiter into your 10th house will have a significant impact on your life. Not only will it aspect your sixth, fourth, and second houses, but it also rules your fifth and eighth houses. The fifth house governs areas such as children, love life, education, creativity, and the ability to take risks and have fun. On the other hand, the eighth house represents transformation and unexpected events.
During this one-year transit, the focus will be on your career and profession. As a result, many of you may experience job changes during this period. These changes could occur suddenly, such as losing your job, or they may involve making sudden adjustments. However, there is a high likelihood of quickly finding another job, so there is no need to worry.
I understand that many of you have been feeling stressed lately due to the presence of Rahu (north node) in the eighth house. However, during this time, you should not worry about your job security or career-related insecurities. Thanks to Jupiter's grace, there is a strong possibility of experiencing significant financial gains. Additionally, you will develop a mature approach towards your career and job.This transit will also provide you with wisdom on how to effectively manage your relationships with your co-workers and achieve a healthy work-life balance. You will be able to handle all your responsibilities, including taking care of your home.
Regardless of the changes you make in your career, whether they happen suddenly or not, rest assured that the decisions you make will ultimately benefit you. Spending quality time with your family will bring positivity into your life, and any disputes within family relationships may be resolved amicably. Your positive communication skills will leave those around you satisfied during this period.
Your wise advice may lead others to see you as a counselor, earning you respect within your family. Celebrations and auspicious events may take place in your home, and some of you may choose to redecorate with religious or spiritual items. Bringing health-improving elements into your home is also a possibility, but most importantly, you will find mental peace and domestic happiness during this one-year Transit.
Virgo ♍
Jupiter's transit through your ninth house is bringing positive energy to your life. It will aspect your Fifth, Third, and first house, bringing luck, wisdom, and stability. This is a fortunate time for you, especially after the stress of the previous year.
Prosperity and financial gains are on the horizon, and your father may also experience luck in financial matters. You will feel happier, calmer, and more respected by others. Your wisdom will increase, and you will feel more grounded.
This transit will activate the travel houses, focusing on religious or spiritual journeys. Your marriage and partnerships will also benefit from this positive energy. Single Virgos may find love, and those looking to start a family will have a positive time ahead.
If you are in fields like education, teaching, coaching, religion, sports, social media, or the arts, expect exceptional growth during this time. Jupiter's influence in the ninth house is truly bringing you the best results.
If you are a student aspiring to study abroad or pursue higher education in a foreign country, now is an opportune time for you. However, it is important to note that the main focus of this Transit is spirituality and Dharma, which means you may find yourself drawn towards exploring spirituality and religion. You might feel inclined to seek a guru or immerse yourself in reading books on these subjects, sparking a deep curiosity within you.
While there are various resources available, such as YouTube and social media, to learn about spirituality, I would advise you to stay connected to your Divine. By staying close to your faith, you will activate the positive energies of good luck and fortune in your life during this Transit.
Libra ♎
Jupiter's presence in your eighth house and its influence on your fourth, second, and twelfth houses will have a significant impact on your life, especially for those born under the sign of Libra. As the ruler of the sixth house, Jupiter governs your health, debts, loans, and competition. It also rules your second house, which is associated with your finances, family, the food you consume, and your speech.
During this transit, you can expect a transformation in various aspects of your life. Your mindset and approach to life will undergo a complete 180-degree shift. You will find yourself becoming slightly obsessed with how you handle your financial matters. This may lead you to research stocks, speculation, and investment opportunities in order to increase your financial gains.
Be prepared for potential high expenses, particularly in investments or home-related expenses. Additionally, you will start focusing on your health and may make significant changes to your lifestyle, including a complete overhaul of your diet, food choices, and habits. If you are prone to diseases such as diabetes, asthma, or thyroid issues, it is advisable to stay away from sugary sweet foods, despite an increased desire for them during this time.
You will also feel a strong attraction towards spirituality, and your intuition will be heightened. Pay close attention to any special dreams you have during this period, as they may hold valuable messages or guidance for your path ahead.
In terms of your family and relationships, it is crucial to approach any changes with a high level of maturity. Strive to gain the love and respect of your extended family members. Your speech and communication style will become calmer, wiser, and less sarcastic and critical. Overall, you can expect to experience domestic happiness and mental peace.
There may also be opportunities for significant financial gains, such as through inheritance or insurance settlements, especially if you have been waiting for such matters to be resolved. However, it is important to exercise caution when engaging in speculative activities, as losses are also possible during this period. Take this time to navigate these changes with care and mindfulness, and you will emerge with a newfound sense of stability and growth.
Scorpio ♏
During this transit, Jupiter will be moving through your 7th house and forming aspects with your 3rd, 11th, and 1st house. This means that your partnerships, such as marriage or business relationships, will come into focus. You will gain wisdom and insight into the nature of your relationships, including your spouse. This may lead you to make wise choices, such as breaking away from a relationship or disengaging from your partner.
If your birth chart shows any negative influences on your 7th house, there is a possibility of separation from your partner. On the other hand, if you are single, there is a high chance of marriage or the entrance of a new person into your life. This person may possess qualities of wisdom and purity. However, it's important to consider other planetary placements and influences on your 7th house, as they can alter the effects of Jupiter's transit.
During this time, you will receive a lot of respect from others. In your workplace, people may approach you for guidance or advice. There is also a possibility of financial rewards, and you may be tempted to start your own business or receive new opportunities.
This is the period a great opportunity to explore a new Business Partnership if that's something you're interested in. You have the drive and energy to kickstart new ventures, making it an ideal time to dive into the business world. If you're currently employed, expect financial rewards, recognition, and even promotions. Your personal growth shines through, impressing others with your mature mindset, problem-solving skills, and wisdom.
Your social circle will expand as you leave a positive impact on those around you. Your bond with siblings will strengthen as you find peaceful resolutions to any conflicts. Just remember to prioritize your health, especially with a tendency to gain weight due to unhealthy eating habits. Be cautious of indulging in sugary and fatty foods to avoid potential health issues related to Jupiter, such as diabetes, asthma, or thyroid problems.
Remember This is a General Analysis , Whole Chart is to be Considered for Accurate Personalized Predictions.
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