#Railway Bike Transport
carbikemovers-com · 8 days
Hassle Free Bike Carrier | Bike Transport Service | Railway Bike Transport – Carbikemovers.com
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Looking for hassle-free bike transport services? Carbikemovers.com offers reliable bike carrier and railway bike transport solutions across India. Ensure safe and timely delivery of your bike with expert handling and affordable pricing. Trust the professionals for a seamless bike shifting experience. Book now!
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packersandmovershhp · 7 months
Bike Transport Service Cost
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Experience hassle-free bike transport service with Carbikemovers. Discover affordable rates tailored to your needs. Our dedicated team ensures safe and timely delivery of your bike, nationwide. Say goodbye to worries about transport costs and hello to convenience. Trust Carbikemovers for cost-effective bike transport solutions that prioritize your satisfaction. https://tinyurl.com/3p3tzffk
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molybdic · 8 years
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The Hempstead Line toward Jamaica
I end up here at least once a season. A block away to the west, Superior Rd deadends into a bench and a tree and resumes on the other side of the tree.
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late-draft · 3 months
Hello! I just saw your posts about the Last Air Keyholder AU and—dear Agni!
Listen, this is beautiful. This is awestriking. This is *chef kiss*. I've always loved the initial sci-fi designs for ATLA, so it's incredible that someone's using them as a base/inspiration for an AU.
Also—your unapologetic, deliberate use of tropes? This is something extremely rare to see in narrative (tropes being intentionally used as a device) and I can't wait to see what shape they take here. Count me in!
I love this AU so far and have so many questions!
What is the vibe for the Fire Nation here? The vibe for the cities, the architecture, the worldbuilding, the culture—things like that. From the brief description we got, some parts of your world reminded me of Neo Tokyo from Akira, but maybe that's not what you're going for.
According to your previous sketch (and my inner romantic); is ZK going to happen in this AU? How do you see a possible relationship between them developing here?
Are you planning on adapting major canon plot points moving forward?
I have, like I said earlier, a lot of questions about this! But I don't want to smother you so this is all I'll ask for now. Can't wait to see what you show us next.
Have a nice day!
Hello! Thank you!! Yess a good usage of tropes is like running into a song you love that you heard many times, and still you crank the volume up! The fandom is like 20 years old, is it possible that not much stuff has been made for the sci-fi idea?
You're absolutely right, I gotta lean onto the king of megacities Neo Tokyo from Akira, but I wouldn't have the aesthetic be completely identical to it. There's mystical aspects in this AU too, and here's my initial attempt to throw together a fast vertical slice.
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Light conditions are really important in a setting and in this AU I'd have a lot of the runtime happening during dawn or sunset. There's an aura of orange light floating in but very rarely direct sun rays due to the high buildings. There should however, be lots of traffic lights of all kinds. I'm already immersed in quite a few projects that feature megacities, but each one has a different flavour and I'd be overjoyed if I manage to correctly convey each one. In this ATLA AU, there's no specific time period from IRL that would be used as a reference. All nations are grouped and mixed similar to Republic City from LoK, but this AU is noticeably way more sci-fi than the 1920s LoK. There's a large focus on all kinds of transportation and roads/railways that accompany them. Highrise buildings are specifically Fire Nation in design and ownership (usually). Lower levels have a mix of everything but they do use leftover materials and mostly cement and metal. Ground and below ground levels are brick and a maze of pipes, through which strange disused cables snake. Sometimes they tangle in great masses…
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I'm certain important characters from canon will appear, but I'm definitely not gonna follow the canon plotline strictly. Stuff like "Well there was a village being attacked by Hei Bai, so this AU has to have a village being attacked by Hei Bai…" nothing like that. I'm taking way more freedom in this AU to ensure that characters go through specific things that would be very useful to them and which allow the natural usage of respectively fitting tropes. But I'm not treating this AU as exclusively mine and nobody else's, so anyone can give suggestions! (please give suggestions!!)
Katara and Zuko first meet "racing on the opposite sides" of Aang. From starting out as Katara on her bike assisting the Avatar during chases while the banished prince is attempting to capture him, they sort of move into situations where they race each other. Zuko figures out that Katara is a major reason why all of his attempts thus far failed so he tries to change strategies and trip up Katara in whatever non-harmful way he can imagine. He's convinced, he must demonstrate, that her speed on a bike is not unreachable to him on his rollerblades. And if he shows off a couple of tricks along the way, so be it. :)
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More stuff coming up
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seat-safety-switch · 4 months
Near my place is a bit of disused rail line. I mention "disused" because that adjective is legally important: the local railroad asserts that they own it, they control it, and we must never, ever trespass upon it, in case they decide to start sending fully loaded freight trains down their 120-year-old train line through the middle of what is now a suburb without any prior notice.
What this means in practice is that, a couple times a summer, some teenager will come by with a truck to weed-whack all the grass grown around the rails. If they keep it maintained, then they still have a decent claim to it, I guess. They keep inventing little mini-projects like that, just to look busy and not abandoned. None of those legalities are fascinating to me. Only the truck is fascinating: it's a hi-rail.
In case you are unfamiliar with the concept of a hi-rail, it's a special pickup truck. Looks like a normal pickup truck, but they can flip down some little train wheels and drive it on the tracks. The regular rubber tires push, the little train wheels keep it from falling off. Genius stuff, really: it's a train until it doesn't need to be a train. The future of transport. So of course when these trucks get too old and are sent to auction, those greedy bastards at the railroad make sure to pull them off. They don't want anyone getting any ideas about driving on their tracks, you see.
That said, most people aren't that observant. If you grab a white pickup truck from the auctions and are very careful about your steering, you can head all the way down the train tracks yourself. Other folks won't bother you as long as you're wearing a reflective safety vest, even those folks working for the railroad. All this is to explain why the disused rail line next to the bike path has the remnants of a freshly-harvested weed farm on it, along with some asshole's truck with a broken ball joint stuck across the tracks. Turns out the railway is going to get another mini-project to justify their existence after they figure out how to tow it out of there.
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drelldreams · 10 months
Mass Effect Lore: Common technologies in the 2180‘s (Part 2)
This post is both a collection of canon technologies in the Mass Effect universe, and personal headcanon which may be borrowing common concepts from sci fi.
Autonomous public transportation vessels of all sorts. As seen with the tram on Noveria. Trains, buses and cabs are also autonomous. Rude bus drivers, trains and buses being cancelled or too late are problems of the past.
Some of those buses and cabs drive on land; others are flying vessels that travel through the sky.
Trains travel at immense speed, with most trains being able to travel at least 1000km/h. Low pressure tunnels allow for this level of speed.
Suspension railways are a common means of public transportation and are widely featured all across the galaxy on various space station, colonies and in most Earth countries. This also includes maglevs (magnetic levitation trains).
Cities commonly not only feature terminals providing rentable e-bikes, e-scooters or even e-rollerblade, but also rent flying hoverboards.
Medicine & Health:
Needles have become obsolete. Technologies akin to Star Trek's hypospray have replaced them. (This contradicts with Mordin's line in ME3: „Fear of needles. Common phobia." I know.)
Genetic therapy has advanced so far as to being able to cure almost any genetic disease. (Book canon).
Cybernetics can fix deafness and blindness.
(Canon implied, I believe?)
Advancement in technology and medicine have slowed down human aging significantly. Women can have healthy children in their sixties. (Book canon). Anti aging therapies and cybernetics can allow humans to reach ages of up to 250 years.
Paper and pens being used in schools is a thing of the past. Students use tablets (which are made of ultra-light also foldable) with either keyboards or tablet pens for handwritten notes.
(Book canon implied - Gillian uses a computer to work on her assignments in Mass Effect:
Some teachers and students would prefer to have their textbooks in form of super light datapads (like e books) rather than have them all digitally stored on their computer.
Learning programs are highly advanced and VI‘s provide students with custom tailored, individualized exercises and study plans and games.
Liquid food drinks, nutrient pastes and bars that replace entire meals are available just about everywhere. With biotics burning huge amount of calories, the asari have perfected such products. Being cheaper than freshly cooked take out meals and coming in all sorts of flavors and textures, such nutrient pastes proved to be a saving grace for poorer individuals. Some poor people nearly only eat 3D printed nutrient paste, which does not have the same feeling as eating real meals, but nutrient paste in Mass Effect is of such high quality that it provides the body with all nutrients it needs while being free of unhealthy ingredients.
People-prepared foods (by humans/aliens) are still appreciated, but many foods available in grocery stores are 3D printed. Cafés tend to feature feature people-prepared foods. A café selling 3D printed cakes for instance would be looked down upon.
Synthetic flavors have been perfected. While technology has been advanced to the point where you could grow strawberries on Omega without issues (using environmental control systems in a hydroponic bay), the ultimate cheapest way to replicate the flavor is using synthetic ingredients. This way, you can find foods of any flavor, no matter what exotic fruit from Palaven or Khar'Shan it might be, anywhere.
Sugar free snacks and candy are as common as the sugar variants. Ice cream cates feature sugar free ice cream options. Sugar free chocolate or cookies are available at any grocery store.
Various synthetic ingredients are used to replace sugar.
Lab grown meat is incredibly common (canon) and meat from Earth animals found on space stations is grown from animal stem cells.
Significantly less time is spent on chores due to robots doing most of the work. With floor wiping and vacuum robots being affordable for middle class people in the 21st century, in the 22nd, the majority of cleaning is done by robots in a middle class household. Advanced kitchen aid machines are found in most households and make cooking less time consuming and complicated for most people.
Blinds, curtains, light, air filtration systems, thermal regulation systems (air conditioning or heating systems) and television are typically navigated via a voice command (for example, „Light on“ or „Television off).
Holographic home ambiences like in Cyberpunk 2077 are common. Windows can be made to look like they‘re displaying a galaxy full of stars via holographic projections. Some people use those home ambience holographs to create the appearance of a luxurious club lounge, or to project beautiful landscapes into a corner of their room.
Personal Care:
Like in Star Trek, sonic showers can be used to clean the body effectively. Ultrasonic vibrations remove dirt, bacteria, excess oil and dead skin cells without requiring soap or water. While more expensive than typical showers, the use of sonic showers saves water. This sort of technology is found within quarian environmental suits. Drell with Kepral's Syndrome generally use sonic showers rather than water showers.
In addition to having an inbuild shower function, quarian environmental suits are equipped with a dental hygiene program that cleans the teeth and mouth of the wearer effectively using ultrasonic vibrations.
Certain suit upgrades can even use nanobots to moisturize the body.
Toothbrushes are also generally sonic toothbrushes that use the same technology as showers do; ultrasonic vibrations.
Clothes are typically self-cleaning with nanoparticles that kill bacteria and prevent the build up of odor.
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cazzyf1 · 3 months
My favourite and interesting quotes from the book 'Challenge me the race' by Mike Hawthorn
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We played football, hockey and cricket, but my cricket career was soon cut short. One Saturday afternoon, I went in as wicket-keeper, and while the batsmen were putting their pads on, the bowler sent down a practise ball, which thumped me hard on the nose - p15
When I was about thirteen, I went off into the woods with another boy to shoot rabbits; he had an air rifle, and I had an air pistol. He was leading the way, swinging the rifle backwards and forwards; as he swung it outward, I took aim at the butt to give him a bit of a surprise, but there must have been something wrong with the sights; the pellet went into his leg. We were not far from a church, so I whipped him into the churchyard and bathed his leg with the water from a flower vase. Eventually, I managed to squeeze the pellet out, and we both went home. Of course, his leg turned septic, but he talked his way out of it and his family never knew what happened. - p15
I always had a feeling I would like to play the trumpet, and after breaking-in as a bugler, I have since brought a trumpet. I doubt I shall cause Eddie Calvert any sleepless nights unless he happens to be in the next room while I am practising, and I do not aspire to emulate Johnny Cales, who was popular both a racing driver and a dance-band leader, but if the race-driving and the motor trade fail, I may still be able to make an honest coin - p15/16
While I was still an apprentice, my parents concluded that daily use of a motor-bike on the road would have to stop if I was to stay in this world - p17
I did not realise at the time but I took an awful shaking at Dundrod. I did not feel too bad at the time, but the next evening, I suddenly passed out and had to go to bed with whiskey and hot milk. My interior organs were in revolt against being thrown about like a stone bouncing down a tin roof, and this may have been the first sign of troubles for which I later had to have extensive repairs on the operating table - p25
I caught sight of Rodney and Mike Oliver, the Connaught development engineer, standing at Madgwick Corner, and I thought that on the next time around I would really show them what I could do. I did. When the car stopped spinning round and round, I realised that any hopes of driving a Connaught would have to be postponed for the time being. - p26
He produced a bottle of alcohol and started to swab it off with that. I nearly went straight through the ceiling with alcohol on a sort of raw wound. "We'll leave it alone, shall we?" I said eventually. - p47
After I had been in bed for a couple of days, everyone came to see me, Lance Macklin, John, and Laurel Heath, and a lot of Italians came to see me - one or two of them had been prisoners of war in England - and altogether everyone was very kind - p48
"There are two ways of getting rid of it: we can either leave it and let it go on its own accord; or we can stick a needle in you and drain it off." I said: "Thanks very much, I'll leave it and let it go away on its own." So they said: "Fair enough." - p48
I tried some ski-ing, but found it - and I did not reckon this at all - most dangerous, I thought, "No, this isn't for you, Hawthorn, leave it alone." I kept falling, and I could feel the bones of my leg bending; I did not fancy it at all. - p49
I hated the idea of being driven for long distances by other people, so I announced that I was going to drive and anyone who wished could sit in the back. The announcement did nothing to further amicable Anglo-American relations, but to my relief, the others did not argue the point - p72
Some time later, I emerged onto a deserted circuit, whence driver mechanics, spectators and officials had fled long since, and then I remembered that I had no transport. Our crippled race cars had been taken away in the vans, and my own car was at that moment standing outside the Le Mans railway station, as I had lent it to Farina, who had wanted to catch a train before the race ended. There was nothing for it but to start walking. After about a mile, I heard an old 2-litre Lagonda hurtling up the road behind me, so I thumbed a lift. The car screeched to abrupt stop, and I got in gratefully. By way of conversation, I said: "My father used to have one of these cars. They're jolly good, aren't they?" It was a mistake; thus encouraged, the driver tried to demonstrate that what I had said was indeed true and went weaving in and out of the traffic at a furious pace. We went hurtling up to the backs of trucks, braking late, with all wheels locked, and it dawned on me that he too had been celebrating-and rather too well. Sweating with fear, I frantically tried to keep the conversation going in the hope it would slow him down "Jaguars did a good job, winning at that speed," I said. "Yes, old boy," he replied, snatching another gear. "Drove those damned Ferraris right into the ground. Showed 'em how to drive." I had struck the right note and for the rest of the way into Le Mans he told me with much elaboration and adjective and expletive how a Jaguars had ground the pride of the Italians and their drivers into the dust. He got so interested in this that he forgot to drive so fast, which made me very happy, and I kept on agreeing with everything he said. He was kind enough to take me back to my hotel and as I staggered out of the car, surprised but happy at having arrived one piece, he said: "Hope we meet again some time. We might have a drink." "Yes," I said. "We might. Remember the name, it's Mike Hawthorn." The effect was wonderful. His face seemed to subside like a load of cement sliding out of a wheelbarrow. Oddly enough we did meet again that same night and we had several drinks together. P74
I think it was called Punta del Este - the hotel kept a line of horses for the use of guests. Maglioli and I decided to risk a trip on a couple one day; he selected a low-built job which kept his feet near to the ground, but I had a normal job. We went off into the woods, but after a while, I missed him and found that his steed had taken him up the drive of a private house to the front door. The owners did not seem to find it funny, but Maglioli knew a little Spanish and talked his way out of it. I was roaring with laughter, but in the middle of it, my mount started walking backwards - and kept on, no matter what I did. In the end, I had to jump off and stop it and get it started the normal way. - p100
I followed on a horse; it went lame fairly soon, and I had to take a stone out of it's hoof, after which it refused to do anything but take me back to the hotel. I tried tempting it with bits of sugar, but it simply stretched out its neck for the sugar and then doubled back every time, so after a lot of pulling and tugging, I gave up and asked for another horse, which would really take me where I wanted. They gave me another, something quite different. No sooner had I set foot in that stirrup than it was off, and nothing I could do would slow it down. Down the road we went, thundering past a Ford and a Jeep, with me, very frightened, holding on like grim death. It only slowed down when it got tired. I tested it - and myself - and then tried to start back for the hotel. It soon began to accelerate again, so I jumped off and led it the rest of the way, which must have been a couple of miles. That was the last time I rode a horse - p100/101
In Uruguay, we spent most of our time on the beach or in the casino, where I lost money regularly, but we made an interesting excursion to an island just off the coast which was absolutely covered in seals. In small numbers, seals are amusing creatures, but amongst this vast mass - it was the mating season, and fantastic battles were going on amongst the males, with bodies of former losers lying rotting on the beach and creating an appalling stench - we quickly lost our enthusiasm for nature study - p101
Like most fair-haired people, I get sunburnt very easily and surgery agonies from blisters, so I used these weeks in the sun to try and build up a resistance to it, gradually lengthening the exposure. I put up with weeks of pain and eventually acquired a dirty colour, which I hoped was the foundation of a handsome tan, but it all disappeared on the plane coming back to Europe and by the time I reached Italy, I was my normal pink self - p101
Stirling Moss had a room in a motel with a spare bed, so I moved in with him for the night, but we had an unhappy time as the sanitary system gave off a vile chemical smell - p102
Just before the race, there had been a lot of excitement in the papers about a statuette of the Madonna in a working man's home which was supposed to be weeping, and I had been taken along to see it on the exhibition in one of the public squares. There was an old woman there selling white flowers, and she had presented me with a sprig, saying, "Carry thus with you while you are racing." I put it in my breast pocket, and when I survived the crash, word got around that I was because of a flower. People came streaming into the hospital to see me. No one stopped them, and whole families crowded into the room, father, mother, and the children, just standing there silently gazing at me. I was finding it rather a trial. - p106
As I got stronger, I was given a pair of crutches so that I could hobble about a bit, but the pain under my armpits was excruciating, so I had a wheelchair instead. I soon worked out a few circuits round the corridor of the hospital and started timing myself round them with my wrist stopwatch, but it was decided that I was a menace to hospital staff, who might be carrying bottles or bed-pans, so the wheelchair was taken away, and I had to persever with crutches - p107
My face had been scorched by the flames, and I had grown a beard and moustache, but they were not very successful, so I shaved them off when I was fit enough to move about again - p108
Jenny lent me a Guzzi motor scooter, which enabled me to get around and see a number of people I knew, but after one late party with Captain Johnny Johnson of B.O.A.C. and some other airline pilots, I found I was not nearly as strong as I thought and had some explaining to do to the doctor next day - p108
The girl behind the bar said that Reuters had been trying to find me. They soon came through again and asked if I was going to England to see my father. "Why should I be going?" I asked, "Don't you know?" They replied, "He's had an accident." It was obviously pretty bad, so I got through to the garage at Farnham and learned from one of the girls in the office that my father had had a car crash the night before; there was not much hope for him. The planes to England that night were fully booked out, but Bernard Cahier, the journalist, got me first refusal on the last plane of the day, and I rang Farnham to say I hoped to arrive that night. They told me that my father had died a few minutes before. - p109
I knew perfectly well that, having just lost my father, she (Mike's mother) would have liked nothing better than to see me give up racing immediately, especially knowing how badly she was affected when she saw me in hospital in Rome, and I shall always admire the courage with which she faced up to that difficult decision - p111
The woods are barred to the public during the race, and the Swiss police use fierce Alsatian dogs to enforce the ban. One of them went for me, snarling and snapping, and it took the policeman in charge of it some time to calm it down. Life as a professional racing driver has lots of risks which have nothing to do with motor cars. P122
On the last day of practise, Collins, cornering fast on the Vanwall, was caught out by oversteer, slid into a sandbank and flipped over. A few minutes later, Moss came in with the back end of his Maserati crumpled. I laughed at the two of them, saying, "You simply shouldn't do that sort of thing." I then went out to try and do a fast lap in the Squalo, lost it on a corner at the top of the hill and spun backwards into the straw bales, smashing up the tail end. - p128
Ever since I was seventeen, I had suffered intermittent pain in my back and I mentioned it to my doctor when I got back to England after recovering from the Syracuse burns, and he sent me to a specialist who diagnosed kidney trouble and said I would have an operation in the end of the racing season - p130
I staggered from the pit, saying I was finished with racing and was not going to get in the car again. I suppose I was near hysteria as a result of shock; coming on top of the concentrated nerve strain of the previous two hours, I was led away by Duncan Hamilton and his wife Angela, who took me to their caravan, sat me down and put a drink in my hand while Duncan talked to me like a father, trying to calm me down. When he had seen all the team cars refuelled, Lofty England came over to see how I was, and I again said that I was not going to drive again, but Lofty said quite firmly, "Oh yes you are! You're going to go out there and finish the race. It's the only thing you can possibly do!" - p152
I knew I must break free before it landed again, or I should be finished. Suddenly, there was a feeling of utter relief. I had broken free and was alone in mid-air. It was quiet, and I seemed to be floating in space, defying the law of gravity. Then, the bone-jarring shock as I hit the ground. - p173
I was taken to a doctor in Towncester who proposed to stich up the wound on my face. I said: "No you don't" - p175
Why Klemantski (photographer) was not run down by my Cooper-Bristol we shall never know - p177
I was being hustled from all sides, so I retaliated and shunted somebody off the course; it turned out to be Ivor, who had lent me his car, and he gave me a very old-fashioned look afterwards - p192
It would be idle to pretend that racing drivers are always perfect guests from the hotelier's point of view, and that night, the hotels' magnificent fire precautions, consisting of highly polished devices like stirrup pumps in gleaming copper-bound tubs, provided an irresistible temptation. A hosepipe battle developed in which a good deal of water fell wide of the primary objectives. At breakfast next morning, one of the race officials appeared and obviously had a problem on his mind. It was obvious what the problem was, so after an exchange of pleasantries, we said: "Well, how much is it?" He was immensely relieved and said: "Thank you, gentlemen! If you wouldn't mind leaving a little something at the desk when you go, the bill will be sent later," we did, and a mutually acceptable figure was ultimately agreed upon - p193/194
I struggled convulsively and then must have been knocked out, for I remember no more until I heard someone moaning and groaning. I wondered who it might be until it dawned on me that I was the person making all the fuss. Spectators rushed up, and one started trying to comfort me, saying over and over: "It's all right, Mike, you're all right." "How the devil does he know?" I asked myself - p194
I sent Ferrari a telegram saying: "I am interested if you are," to which he replied saying he was interested - p197
I gave myself a bad fright through over-estimating my powers of seamanship while returning from a party late one stormy night in a borrowed cabin cruiser - p201
After that, I went back to flying and took von Trips up in a Piper Cub to get some ciné pictures. He wanted to shoot some scenes of the river and the yachts, so I took him down low and was just thinking that this would be an awful place to have to make a forced landing, when the engine cut. Below us was nothing but water and semi-jungle; not a possible landing place for miles. I was just debating the chances of survival in a ditching when I glanced down and saw that the throttle had shut. The machine had dual control, and von Trips had caught his elbow against the lever as he leaned out of the window with his camera - p201
I did not think I could possibly last through the second heat, but I got someone to drill a lot of holes into my crash helmet, swallowed some salt tablets, and put on a light sleeveless pullover. Musso had fallen ill with the stomach trouble, which was to keep him out of racing for some time to come, so Peter took his car, and Masten Gregory moved into Peter's car. I again made the silly gear change mistake, and so did Peter and some of the others...I was so exhausted by the heat that I slowed down and was passed by Fangio, Behra and Peter Collins. I would gladly have signed an undertaking never to go motor racing again and at the end of the race was practically prostrate. Yet Peter was as lively as a cricket. I said: "That was a pretty good effort Pete." "Yes," he replied. "Weren't those pills wonderful?" "What pills?" said I, and then I learned that while I had been monopolising the shower, a doctor had been round distributing heat pills which had made everyone but me more or less immune to the heat - p202
Before the race, Peter and I had arranged, we would put on a bit of a show for the crowd, and he said: "I'm happy if we go over the line side by side; if you have the lead, you win, and I will come in second because I won at Syracuse." I thought this was a very fair thing to say, and we took it in turns to take the lead and were pushing each other fairly hard - p209
I left Modena with Trintignant, and he drove me up in his Renault Dauphine. The road from Genoa to Monaco is very difficult and twisty, but these Renaults are fantastic little motor cars, and he drove it flat out the whole time. Knowing that I am a very nervous passenger, he did the usual trick, waiting until I was just dozing off and then suddenly putting the brakes hard on, which scared the daylights out of me as I thought we were about to hit something. I did wake up once to see the back of a large lorry looming in front of my face, but that was the only time we ever seemed to be in any real danger of hitting anything. - p212
I hit the pole barricade running along the edge of the quary, and the car rode up high, then crashed down on top of Peter's car, where my wrecked front suspension missed his head by inches. Peter leapt out, running like a deer across the road, and I followed while the tail-end cars went whizzing by. I was so relieved to find no one hurt that I burst out laughing, but it was no laughing matter. - p214
There was no time to see if the Maserati had been rolled over or not, and I was very worried about Stirling until I saw next lap that the car was intact except for the missing wheel - p217
I dropped in at Deauville, where there was an air rally, and I was faced with the problem of finding a dinner-jacket for a party on the Sunday night. One of the people at the hotel gave me the address of some people who would hire me a suit. This turned out to be a laundry and dry cleaners. We ran through what seemed to be the customers' clothes until we found a jacket and a separate pair of trousers which fitted me approximately. The trousers were too long even for me, so the legs were turned up, and someone lent me a tie. That left me with the problem of shoes so I took my racing shoes, which were an oil-soaked brown, had then blacked and turned up the picture of the elegant man about town - p222
I motioned to Peter to come alongside and pointed behind us with thumb down to indicate that Fangio seemed to be in trouble. He nodded, put his thumb up, then pointed to me with one finger and back to himself with two. He wanted me to win and was prepared to come second himself, which I thought was a very sporting gesture - p227
Peter and his wife left their car at Colouge and flew with me in the Gull. We stayed one night in Hamburg and took off the next morning, but we had only got to about 2,000 feet when the engine cut dead. We looked at each other, rather worried, for below us were water and docks and steamers. Louise, who was sitting in the back reading a book, buried herself in that and refused to look out. Fortunately we had sufficient height to turn, and I decided to try and guide back to the aerodrome. As I did so, the engine began firing again on three cylinders, and I picked the longest runway for the forced landing. - p229
Bernard Cahier, the journalist and photographer who usually manages to be present with his camera when racing incidents take place, had faithfully recorded his 1956 excursion into the cornfield and boasted that he would get some more pictures if I repeated the performance this year. Unfortunately, I did run off there quite early when the breaks started fading away, and he got the picture. Well, I did it again later in the race I was relieved to see there was no photographer in sight, but Cahier had got it again...from a helicopter - p231
Our team consisted of Collins and myself, Musso and von Trips, the latter now wearing an imposing beard - p232
The prospects looked grim as the island contained nothing but the airfield, a few houses and a single-storey hotel with camp beds and very simple furniture. But a film show was put on for us - with very old films, but perhaps no older than we get on television - and in the evening, a Spanish girl came along to entertain us with songs and dances, so thay we had quite the merry party - p240
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georgefairbrother · 2 years
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Towards the end of March 1963, Dr Richard Beeching presented his controversial report on the future of Britain’s railways. British Railways (soon to be renamed British Rail) was at that time losing 140 million pounds each year, and Board Chairman, Dr Beeching, was determined to ‘make the railways pay’.
The report found that only one half of the network’s services were financially viable, and accounted for 98 % of total passenger numbers. One quarter of the total traffic began at just 34 stations out of a total of 7 000.
The Beeching report argued that approximately 2 000 unviable stations should close immediately, and 250 train services cease running. Some stations were on small branch lines, but others identified for closure were in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Liverpool. The report called for major reductions in services to the Scottish Highlands, Wales, and the West of England. Dr Beeching told reporters that he anticipated the first closures would take place within months, that 70 000 jobs would be lost, and metropolitan fares in London would jump by at least 10 %.
Officially, the Conservative government welcomed the report, but not everyone was happy. Mark Woodnutt, Conservative MP for the Isle of Wight, threatened to resign over the proposed loss of the island’s railway.
The chairman of the National Council on Inland Transport, Labour Peer Baron Stonham, said;
“…Far from gearing the railways to the needs of the 1960s, it will in some areas reduce public transport to a lower level than in the horse age…”
There was a change in government in 1964, with Labour coming to power for the first time since 1951. After producing a second report in 1965, Beeching resigned over differences with the new Wilson government. Despite widespread protests against line and station closures, and hopes that the new government might see things differently, cuts outlined in Beeching’s original report were enacted. According to the BBC, a total of 2128 stations were closed, and 67 700 jobs were lost.
In the mid-1990s, David Croft produced and co-wrote a sitcom set in a small village station facing closure under the 'Beeching Axe', featuring Paul Shane, Su Pollard, Jeffrey Holland, several more familiar faces from You Rang M'Lord, and Stephen Lewis as the unsmiling signalman. The theme, sung by Su Pollard, adapted lyrics from Will Hay's Oh, Mr Porter!, previously a music hall standard.
Oh, Dr Beeching what have you done? There once were lots of trains to catch, but soon there will be none, I'll have to buy a bike, 'cos I can't afford a car, Oh, Dr Beeching what a naughty man you are!
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thedreamytrek · 3 months
Must Know Before Going to Amsterdam: Essential Tips and Insights
🔹Cycling Rules
Respect the Bike Lanes: Amsterdam is a city of cyclists. Always stick to designated bike lanes, follow traffic rules, and use hand signals.
One of the Safest Cities: Amsterdam is considered one of the safest cities in Europe. However, always be cautious of your belongings, especially in crowded areas, to avoid pickpocketing.
Public Transit Cards: Use an OV-chipkaart for all public transportation, including trams, buses, and metros.
🔹Cash and Card Usage
Card Payments Preferred: Most places in
Amsterdam accept credit and debit cards. However, it's good to carry a small amount of cash for local markets or smaller establishments.
🔹Water Safety
Drinkable Tap Water: The tap water in
Amsterdam is of high quality and safe to drink.
🔹Tipping Etiquette
Tipping Not Required: Tipping is appreciated but not mandatory in Amsterdam. A 5-10% tip for good service is sufficient.
🔹Airport Transfers
Affordable Airport Transit: To get from Schiphol it to the city center, take the train for around , which takes about 14-17 minutes. This is cheaper than a taxi, which can cost €45-55.
Apps You Need Before You Go:
1. 9292: Dutch public transport route planner.
2. GVB: Amsterdam's public transit service.
3. NS Reisplanner: Dutch railway travel app.
4. Schiphol Airport: Major Dutch international airport.
5. Buienradar: Real-time Dutch weather radar.
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carbikemovers-com · 1 month
Best Bike carrier price | Bike Transport Service near me | Bike Transport by Train
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Find the best bike carrier price and reliable “bike transport service near me”. Whether you're looking for bike transport by train or other methods, ensure safe and affordable delivery of your bike. Choose a trusted provider for hassle-free and secure bike transportation at competitive rates.
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saiakv · 6 months
do they use public transports? if so, do they like using them?do they like going on trains?do they like going on boats or ships?do they like going on airplanes?
headcanon prompt : accepting
Back in his hometown, Suguru mostly got everywhere by bike or on foot. He had used the railway system before getting scouted and would initially enjoy the opportunity to stare out the window and relax with good music. Coming to live in Tokyo was a big change for him in terms of the population, mostly. Everything was suddenly very cramped and separated by long distances. The tram train was not nearly as enjoyable and the long rides left him bored and frustrated with the noise. But he kept it up for ethical reasons as well, supporting them as a better alternative for the environment.
Especially after Riko's death, Suguru often had ugly intrusive thoughts on public transport and it became impossible to focus on a book or on music. Needless to say commuting daily in this way begun to weigh on his psyche, alongside the nature of his job. The people smell, being touched and pushed around, obnoxious crying babies, people who lacked manners — all those little disappointments of daily life only served to steer him further into his misanthropic mindset.
Although he'd aspired to eventually buy his own bike, he never got to that point as shortly after the Star Plasma incident he wasn't functional enough to go through with it. So, for the most part Suguru moved around using public transport or carpools provided by the school.
He has been on smaller boats but never on a big ship; him and some of his classmates had a running joke about boarding a big cruise after their graduation and leaving a prank note to Yaga-sensei that they weren't coming back.
Suguru has only been on a plane a couple of times and all of them were mission related. At the time he'd spend the trip listening to music and reading a book, so he recalls it as a pleasant experience. However later on in life, a plane is a cramped, monkey-infested tube if you think about it, so there was no way he would lock himself in there with them.
After dropping out, Suguru begins to detach from monkey society and lives reclusively in the Time Vessel Association structures. Even though his cult makes him plenty of revenue, he doesn't care to invest in mundane means of transport anymore. Instead, Suguru begins to use curses to move around, primarily equipping those with an ability to fly.
AS FOR KENJAKU, they proceed to use public transport as needed, as using Geto's cursed technique would leave his residuals. Kenjaku can drive pretty much any vehicle without issue, however most of the time they prioritize keeping a low profile and move through forsaken catacomb systems, sewers, cabs or the tram.
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abbiistabbii · 2 years
Know what pisses me off? eScooters should be legal on roads and bikepaths and treated like electric bikes, but they're not. In fact the fact Electric Bikes are perfectly legal but eScooters are not is, to be frank, an act of class warfare. An electric bike is around £1,000+. The cheapest Halfords Adult eScooter is £529, only one eBike is cheaper than that at Halfords, the rest go for £1,000+. They are literally locking out poorer people from something that would allow them to not need to drive everywhere.
An eScooter is not merely cheaper than an eBike but also gets the job done for small to medium distance Journeys. Every eBike on the road is a car off the road, freeing up roadspace and thus reducing traffic. On top of this, they can be used on bike lanes and bike paths. Those segregated bikelanes are perfect for eScooters, as are those old railway lines they turned into bike paths. Oh, did I mention they fold up, meaning that not only can you have one in a flat or a house in your hallway but you can also take them on a train or a tram, or on a metro and take up even less space than a bike or even a Brompton. eScooters have the potential to free people from needing to rely so much on the car and the fact that eBikes are legal while the cheaper, more convienient eScooter is not is not merely an act of class warfare but is literally holding back a mobility revolution that could increase public transportation use, reduce car traffic, and make life better for those who cannot afford a car or who are on lower incomes.
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molybdic · 8 years
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Bellerose Station on a Saturday afternoon
I should have waited to see the next train.
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queenofcandynsoda · 2 years
Dystopian Omegaverse AU: Transportation
Transportation is regulated by the Ministry of Transportation, led by Senator Harvey Harrison. He limited the amount of cars on the road to reduce traffic and put emphasis on public transport for the lower ranks, excluding Omegas. 
Cars are divided into eight categories divided by color. The cars with a black license plate are government officials, from the Council to the Senate. The red ones are Omegas, usually traveling with their pups or minders. The blue ones are the clergy. The white ones are conglomerates, corporate executives, and other high-ranking businessmen. The green ones are military officials, either Alpha, Delta, or Beta Plus. The gray ones are young unmarried Alphas or Alpha pups. The purple ones are doctors, surgeons, and medical specialists. Private taxis can be used by Deltas, Gamma Pluses, Beta Pluses, and Titanium visitors. They have a yellow license plate. 
Public transportation is only available to Beta Neutral, Minuses, and Gamma Minuses. Their trains, buses, trams, trolleys, and ferries are colored based on their rank, such as teal, indigo, and dark purple. There is always a Gamma Minus operating them. Minuses from Betas and Gammas can ride bikes when they need to. They can not have their own private cars or call in taxis. 
Railway service is divided into six. “Whitehaven Train Line” is for Alphas and Omegas. “Marble Coast Line” is for Delta and Gamma Pluses. “Silver Wall Branch Line” is for Delta Minuses and Beta Pluses. “Hope Meadows Line” is for Beta Neutrals. “Flower Gardens Line” is for Beta Minuses and Gamma Minuses. “Golden Palace Branch Line” is for tourists. 
The bus and train stations are decorated with flowers and murals depicting propaganda art. Bus stops are full of PSAs, propaganda, announcements from the Ministry of Transportation, news, maps, commercials, and information regarding festivals or visits.
Sol Fertilis has two airlines. One is called “Aeris Solaris Airways”, mainly used for Alphas, Omegas, their households, Delta Pluses, and Gamma Pluses. The other is called “Nexum Airlines”, mainly used by Delta Minuses, Beta Pluses, Neutrals, Minuses, and Gamma Minuses. Also, Aeris Solaris Airways can be available to Diamond and Titanium visitors as Nexum Airlines are available to Silver and Gold visitors.
Deltas, Beta Pluses, and Neutrals can have their own cars. 
Omegas are not allowed to take public transport, drive cars, walk on their own, or ride bicycles. They can only go in chauffeured cars, luxury sleeper train cars, and first class sections of Tranquility Airways. Whenever they need to walk, they must walk with their Maid and/or Companion or, if they are unmated, with another unmarried Omega. It’s recommended that they do this five times weekly. 
These forms of transportation are used for the transport of Droughters, Omegas, tourists, pups, and doctors with nurses.
The Droughter buses are orange prison buses, meant to take them from the Drought Lands to either the Savage Zoos or the Menegerie. 
The van that are used to transport “rescued” untamed Omegas are known as the “Wine Van”. It usually have Tamers with Omegas from the Drought Lands or had disguised as Gamma Minuses. They are usually drugged inside as the van drives to the Pink Center.
Unmated Omegas would travel in red vans, with the Omega symbol on it.
Tourists would travel in yellow tour buses with a Beta Minus tour guide and a Gamma Minus driver. 
Pups from the Centers would travel in coach buses, each divided by color and rank. 
Ambulances would be brightly colored with blue and purple. They are further divided to emergency, non-emergency, buses, psychiatric, and birthing. The birthing ambulances would be in front of households or birthing places in case there is a need of urgent care for either the parent or the newborn.
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itineraryblog · 2 hours
How to Reach Snowdonia Wales National Park
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Snowdonia National Park, one of the most stunning landscapes in the UK, is a must-visit for nature lovers, hikers, and adventure seekers. Located in northwest Wales, Snowdonia offers breathtaking views, dramatic mountain ranges, serene lakes, and picturesque villages. Whether you’re planning a hike up the famous Mount Snowdon or simply exploring the scenic beauty of the park, reaching Snowdonia is easy with a bit of planning. Here’s a guide on how to get there by various means of transport.
1. By Car
Driving is perhaps the most convenient way to reach Snowdonia National Park, giving you the flexibility to explore the park at your own pace.
From London
Route: The drive from London takes about 4–5 hours. Take the M1 or M40 to Birmingham, then follow the M54 and A5, which will lead you to Betws-y-Coed, one of the park’s main gateway towns.
Distance: Approximately 230–260 miles, depending on your starting point.
Pro Tip: Plan breaks along the way. Shrewsbury or Chester make for excellent stopovers with historic sights and charming eateries.
From Manchester and Liverpool
Route: Both Manchester and Liverpool are roughly 2–2.5 hours away from Snowdonia. Take the M56 west towards Chester and then follow the A55 along the North Wales coast, which will bring you close to the park’s northern entrance.
Distance: Around 80–100 miles.
Once you’re in the park, parking is available at many of the trailheads and visitor centers. Popular spots like Llanberis, Pen-y-Pass, and Betws-y-Coed offer parking, but spaces can fill up quickly during peak seasons, so arrive early.
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2. By Train
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Main Stations Near Snowdonia
Bangor: Located to the north of the park, Bangor is the main railway hub and is well-connected to major cities. From Bangor, you can catch a bus or taxi to popular destinations in the park.
Llandudno Junction: Another nearby station, Llandudno Junction offers rail connections to London, Manchester, and other cities. From here, buses run into the heart of Snowdonia.
From London
Take a train from London Euston to Llandudno Junction or Bangor. The journey takes about 3–4 hours with a change in Chester. From Bangor or Llandudno Junction, you can easily hop on local buses to reach Snowdonia.
From Manchester and Liverpool
Direct trains from Manchester Piccadilly and Liverpool Lime Street to Llandudno Junction take about 2 hours. From here, buses can take you into the park.
National Botanic Garden of Wales
3. By Bus
If you’re looking for an affordable travel option, consider taking a bus to Snowdonia.
National Express
National Express buses run from major UK cities to nearby towns such as Bangor, Betws-y-Coed, and Caernarfon. From there, local bus services such as Arriva Bus Wales can get you deeper into the park.
From London: The bus journey takes around 8–9 hours.
From Manchester and Liverpool: Travel times vary but typically take about 4–5 hours.
Snowdon Sherpa Bus
Once you’re in the area, the Snowdon Sherpa bus service is a fantastic way to get around the park without a car. The Sherpa buses link popular hiking spots like Llanberis, Pen-y-Pass, and Betws-y-Coed, making it easy to explore the region and tackle hiking trails.
4. By Plane
If you’re flying into the UK from abroad, the nearest major airports are Manchester Airport and Liverpool John Lennon Airport. Both airports offer direct flights to a range of European destinations and are around 2–2.5 hours’ drive or train ride from Snowdonia.
Getting from the Airport to Snowdonia
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From Manchester Airport: You can either rent a car and drive or take a train from the airport to Llandudno Junction or Bangor.
From Liverpool Airport: Take a bus or train into Liverpool city center, then transfer to a direct train to Llandudno Junction.
5. By Bike
For those seeking an adventurous and eco-friendly way to reach Snowdonia, cycling is a unique option. There are several scenic cycling routes leading into the park, especially along the North Wales coast. While challenging, it’s an incredible way to take in the landscape at a slower pace. Make sure to research local bike-friendly roads and plan overnight stops if necessary.
Local Tips
Best Time to Visit: The summer months (June to August) are ideal for hiking and outdoor activities, though Snowdonia can be busy during this period. If you prefer a quieter visit, consider traveling in spring or autumn.
Weather Considerations: Snowdonia is known for its unpredictable weather. Even in summer, it’s best to pack for all conditions, including rain and cooler temperatures.
Language: Welsh is widely spoken in Snowdonia, especially in the rural areas. While everyone also speaks English, learning a few Welsh phrases can be a fun way to connect with locals.
Final Thoughts
Reaching Snowdonia National Park is straightforward, whether you’re driving, taking a train, or traveling by bus. Once you arrive, you’ll be greeted by some of the most spectacular landscapes in Wales. Whether you’re embarking on an adventure up Mount Snowdon, enjoying a peaceful retreat, or exploring charming Welsh villages, the journey is part of the experience.
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