#Rain World Tarot Cards: Major Arcana
niftukkun · 6 months
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THE FOOL - commonly meaning new beginnings and foolish actions both; the perfect card to represent the reckless and foolish iterator that started it all.
[link to speedpaint here] [design notes under the cut]
this card is very pre-game -- pebbles had just recieved the Golden Pearl (<- this will be a recurring object) and started pulling more water than he needed. the fool himself is the main feature, reaching for the metaphorical cliff (the pearl) (a cliff to fall from like in the original fool card) as the consequences start to flicker into being under his feet, the sheer possibility writhing into reality as he barrels on without care to the consequences he will bring down to both himself and his sister. the start of it all, and the start of the end.
other design notes include: -the rot (this is the first time i've drawn it and i am very proud of it) (also proud at how it almost looks like a hologram, not quite real just yet) the fact that pebbles' arm comes from the same direction as the rot (the consequences. the cliff.) -the gold pearl shining like a star (i swear the original fool card was looking at a star but i guess it's not? something something the brilliance and beauty of the star blinds the fool to the consequences and danger) -the halo (if you look at the speedpaint i will upload (have uploaded?) you'll see that i wrote fool in morse over and over) (also the halo is meant to be split into five parts with the circles being the marker for where its split. cause yknow. five pebbles.) -and the outfit design (my own headcanon, its inspired by traditional filipino dress. in specific the top is a barong tagalog and the skirt was inspired by something i saw in the fabric part of the ayala museum. the sash was one, so there'd be something that trails cause that always looks nice in illustrations and two, to tie pebbles to moon (moon is wearing a filipiniana pre-collapse and those sometimes have sashes))
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asadlittlerat · 10 months
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*wakes up from my one thousand year slumber to bring you rain world tarot deck*
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luci-on-the-moon · 1 year
Buddy Daddies theory: The Major Arcana
Episode 10 had me thinking, the ferris wheel was a very prominent element in it, and we also see it twice in the opening, so the writers clearly meant for it to *mean* something.
Now, I love tarot cards and their symbolism/meanings, so ofc I thought of the "wheel of fortune" major arcana card.
Then it clicked.
The major arcana, also called "the fool's journey" each has major themes that (in my opinion) correlate to it's corresponding episode number.
– Episode 1: Piece of Cake/ the Magician, the 1st card
UPRIGHT: Manifestation, resourcefulness, power, inspired action
REVERSED: Manipulation, poor planning, untapped talents
How it relates: Kazuki's resourcefulness, and also his poor planning. Also I thought the whole Santa/Rei hiding in a box looked like a magic trick.
– Episode 2: Kiss of Death/ The High Priestess
UPRIGHT: Intuition, sacred knowledge, divine feminine, the subconscious mind
REVERSED: Secrets, disconnected from intuition, withdrawal and silence
How it relates: This card urges us to feel, rather than think. Also represents a secret (Miri)
– Episode 3: Spice of Life/ The Empress
UPRIGHT: Femininity, beauty, nature, nurturing, abundance
REVERSED: Creative block, dependence on others
How it relates: this is the episode where we meet Miri's mother, Misaki. The empress represents the maternal figure.
– Episode 4: What will be, Will be/ The Emperor
UPRIGHT: Authority, establishment, structure, a father figure
REVERSED: Domination, excessive control, lack of discipline, inflexibility
How it relates: This is the Episode where Kazuki forfeits documents to legally become Miri's guardian.
– Episode 5: Crunchtime/ The Hierophant (the Taurus card)
UPRIGHT: Spiritual wisdom, religious beliefs, conformity, tradition,institutions
REVERSED: Personal beliefs, freedom, challenging the status quo
How it relates: in this episode, Kazuki (a Taurus) worries about the family's finances. Taurus rules over the second house in astrology, which is the house of finances and material things.
In this episode we also see Kyu reminding them about their "tradition", their institution, the organization, and we also get a bit of a "wedding" imagery, whether they intended it or not.
– Episode 6: Love is Blind/ The Lovers
UPRIGHT: Love, harmony, relationships, values alignment, choices
REVERSED: Self-love, disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values
How it relates: "our genes!!" "Our *what*?"
Lol but really the whole episode is about love. Miri and Taiga, Kazuki and Rei, Miri's values being questioned.
– Episode 7: After Rain Comes Fair Weather/ The Chariot
UPRIGHT: Control, willpower, success, action, determination
REVERSED: Self-discipline, opposition, lack of direction
How it relates: this is Kazuki's backstory episode, very sad, his wife was killed bc of a car (two cars), and the chariot represents moving on forwards.
– Episode 8: Nothing seek, Nothing hide/ Strength (the Leo card)
UPRIGHT: Strength, courage, persuasion, influence, compassion
REVERSED: Inner strength, self-doubt, low energy, raw emotion
How it relates: well, it relates to Rei specifically, since it's his birthday, he's a Leo, and there's a lot of fighting, persuasion, self doubt and raw emotion.
– Episode 9: No Sweet without Sweat/ The Hermit
UPRIGHT: Soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance
REVERSED: Isolation, loneliness, withdrawal
How it relates: maybe it's bc Kazuki and Rei are isolated from their real world.
As The Hermit walks his path, the lamp lights his way – but it only illuminates his next few steps rather than the full journey. He must step forward to see where to go next, knowing that not everything will be revealed at once. In his left hand, the side of the subconscious mind, The Hermit holds a long staff (a sign of his power and authority), which he uses to guide and balance him.
This reminds me of when Kazu, Rei, and Miri all ran towards the end goal of the race, to win the gold medal. They do not know how the rest of the journey will go. Only the next few steps.
– Episode 10: Lost at Sea/ Wheel of Fortune, the 10th card
UPRIGHT: Good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point
REVERSED: Bad luck, resistance to change, breaking cycles
How it relates: the sudden turn of events. The ferris wheel. Leaving Miri to her destiny with her bio mother. Knowing that their destiny is to be alone, live in the shadows, and that they "weren't able to change"
Now what's left are three episodes, 11 (Justice), 12 (the Hanged Man), and 13 (Death, the Scorpio card, Miri's card)
Death doesn't need to mean actual death, it symbolizes change. If I'm gonna be optimistic, maybe they will be able to change by the end.
And if I'm gonna be really, REALLY optimistic, maybe last episode has an open end, and we'll have a second season, with ten episodes, to end the major arcana.
I guess I am done for tonight. Am I okay? No. Do I need help? Yes.
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devilshelter · 1 year
Heilo ladies and gentleladies
About me ✨
My name is Victor, DevilShelter (or just Shelter), HNwhoR (nee-hoo-ya) or Goner Hanged Man.
He/Him • Transmasc • Ace
I’m 21 y.o local artist who is dreaming about making an animated series one day. And also I’m making manga and other types of animation sometimes. And a little bit of games (not successful tho).
I’m from far far away lost and forgotten kingdom called ✨ Belarus ✨
Russian (native) • Belarussian (native) • English (A2) • Japanese (N3) • French (B1) (but didn’t practice in a long time)
Art status
General status: working on projects
Trades: no
Commissions: yep
About Rain World Tarot Cards
Status: in stock
Contain: 22 Major Arcana cards
Shipment: Worldwide
Price: $20 including shipping
Live photo (you can ask in dm for more)
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About “Project: LIKORIS” (War and Flowers TF2 AU)
Status: abandoned
Done: 4/7 (main story), 0/2 (expansion)
Start reading on tumblr (don’t forget to check disclaimer)
Start reading on google doc
Tags: #project: likoris #war and flowers AU
About other fan stuff
Industrial Sabotage AU: the DRG AU
Tags: #industrial sabotage AU
Call of the Void: the RW AU
Tags: #karma rot au
Metamorphosis: Slay The Princess HC
Tags: #stp metamorphosis
About other projects
Hatgins Family: working on trailer. Here a lot of stuff I made so far (not including comics). Tags: #hatgins family
Eternal Inferno: working on script. Tags: #eternal inferno
One Hours Before the Apocalypse: finished, not translated. Tags: #OHBtA
WIP: Five Past One (co-op comic), Miasma: The Toxic Witch (co-op comic)
Plans: Hide and Seek (manga), Perfect YOU (manga), Poker (game), Lumps of Thoughts (game), Stargazer (Rain World mod), Untitled (manga), Untitled (game)
About askbox
Status: OPEN
Doodle requests: NO
You can ask something about me or my characters
I will not answer at any provocation sentences. I don’t want to be involved in drama thank you
⚠️ My blog and any piece of media I make can contain triggers, blood, gore ⚠️
You can use my art as pfp
You can repost my arts with credit
You can repost and translate my comics and manga but PLEASE leave a link for original source
You can correct my grammar I don’t mind
You can DM me anytime
ANY adopt and character designs I was requested to make do not contain my watermark but watermark of owner
I do not save any commissions and adopts and do not track any new owners of my adopts
HF tag removed cuz I don’t want to accidentally trigger fandom with the same initials.
Last update: 3 june
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ceyrann · 2 years
Greetings. The 5th Pick-A-Card Mochi brings is a part of a series planned. They will be messages from the various persons/universe has for you.
The motifs for this series will be the Twelve Months in Japanese, split into four parts depicting the different seasons. The four seasons will represent the four different messages for you from people and things, and there will be three piles to pick from each season.
For this second part of the series, it would be Summer, bringing you the messages you need to hear from nature, what the sun wants to tell you; what the rain wants to tell you; what the breeze wants to tell you.
Remember, this is a general reading and I do not expect anyone to resonate with it completely. Take only whatever you need to hear, and leave the rest. Although I believe algorithms play a part in this, I also believe that if you feel a pull or a connection to this PAC, there may be a message in it for you. 
Ground yourself, take a few deep breaths, and pick your pile.
This Pick A Card is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it’s okay to just drop it. 
Decks used: Linestrider Tarot Deck, Luna Cat Tarot Deck (Major Arcana), Flower Petals Oracle Deck, Sweet Dreams Oracle Deck.
The piles go from left to right.
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Found your pile? Let’s go!
Pile 1: Satsuki
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Satsuki, or also known as Sanaetsuki, is the month of early-rice planting. I would like to associate this month as a month of growth, a month where you plant your seeds and work hard with the aim and goal of a bountiful harvest in the end. 
The flower for this month is the wisteria flower. It bears different meanings according to its colour and culture, but generally it represents love, fertility, beauty, creativity. Lavender coloured wisteria could also mean delicateness, refinement, grace, and most of all, royalty.
For some reason, I’m reminded of the wisteria flower in Kimetsu-no-Yaiba (The Demon Slayer) anime. The wisteria flower is known to be poisonous to the demons, but bears no harm to humans. With this, it could also mean some form of purity and strength to some other people. 
This was the first art I worked on and I had fun but also there’s some form of pain in it as well. Honestly speaking, all art in this series has driven me up the wall at some point, but this was probably the easiest to work with. It’s probably of the colours. 
First of all, I’d like to address the fear y’all have been feeling, the sense of vulnerability y’all have been hiding and ignoring. No, ignoring them doesn’t change the fact that they’re still there. It’s alright to feel weak and afraid, it’s alright to search and ask for help. It sure isn’t easy to step out to ask for help when you’re so used to hiding in your own shell and pretending things are alright, but the warmth of someone else’s hands are strong and gentle to be able to guide you out from the conflict you have in your head. Your vulnerability is not your weakness, but your strength. By allowing yourself to be vulnerable, you possess a greater strength than many could imagine, and by doing so, you allow yourself to be exposed to the wisdom and beauty of the world, as well as honouring your inner grace.
The scales are not balanced, so it’s time for you to check if you’re doing yourself justice. Check if you’ve been spending too much time on other people and have been ignoring yourself. For some reason, the thought of you spending time on your crush or a very close friend, and ending up ignoring yourself appeared in my head. If this is you, you may need to take some time back and work yourself a little before you continue spending your energy on another person. Remember, you are your own priority, and no one else out there should be feeding on your energy.
When you think Fate is not on your side, remember it’s you who needs to turn the wheels and head towards the direction you want to go. You are your own Captain, you decide where you wanna go, may it be the nearest port or wanting to stay the night in the middle of the sea. 
Now the next message may sound conflicting but I feel it’s necessary. Some of you may have been the authoritative Captain, or the Captain that has been taken advantage of. Either of it will still put a huge burden on you and will make you crumble, questioning yourself and your position. You are called to listen with care and speak with kindness. When it’s time for you to take pride in your works, take pride in them; when it’s time for you to step back; then take a step back. Being mature and reasonable is not easy, but this is a lesson you’ll need to learn. Your past and current friendships may have taught you this and you need to take them in. 
By growing, only then you’ll be able to welcome abundance into your life, only then you’ll be able to challenge life again, because you have accepted the vulnerability as part of yourself, you have opened your heart to your faults and mistakes, and have learnt to grow. Your fears won’t disappear overnight, but that’s when the healing process starts and you’re more comfortable in letting your intentions be known to the people you care about.
Song recommendation: Turbulence by ATEEZ. This song came up when I was typing and I really had to pause typing things out cuz I felt this connection between this pile and the song. 
Pile 2: Minazuki
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Minazuki, the month of water, is the sixth month in the Japanese calendar. Water is usually needed for the rice fields, for the rice to grow well and feed the people. A month that makes me feel comfortable.
This pile gives me the feeling of dreams, sun, warmth and growth. There are three cards with Nine, and this itself already tells me that you’re on your way, close to achieving something already. It’s a time where you’re not thinking where to go, but how you wanna reach the path you’ve set. 
You’ve been going through a lot of challenges. Somehow, for no reason, you find yourself being someone’s… Imaginative rival. It’s like someone doesn’t like you and often compares themselves to you, always wanting to win you in every possible manner and field. (I am hella close to saying that they’re kiasu af.) You tend to push them aside, as they definitely do not align with your values and purpose. But oftentimes, you continue to struggle. You are determined to not let them mess with you and your head, but there are times you will definitely feel overwhelmed, and of course, get defensive. Though I don’t see this defensive side of you in the open. It’s probably you ranting to your friends, or bottling them in you, or writing them down. In case no one has told you, remember that failure is not fatal. If anything, I think it’s telling you to take this time and retreat, check in on your own alignment, to cut away what’s not needed, clear out the weeds that are blocking your heart. Focus on wholeness, above and below. And in this case, focus on getting yourself whole again. You matter.
Hope is coming. Whenever shit gets bad, do be reminded that hope is there and things will get better. Sure, it can be difficult to believe that things will turn better when you’re deep in grief and pain, but hope will definitely shine on you. Do not let your fears eat you up, trust that things will be better and that there’s always a silver lining there. Manifesting would be a theme. Care for you now, care for you tomorrow, and life will present its gifts to you. Recognize your self worth and know that you’re doing well enough. And when an opportunity presents itself to you, go for it. Take that chance, take that jump. Remember that you manifest that chance, so go for it. That’s what you’ve been working and grinding for the entire while, so why pass it up? Once again, do not let your fears eat you up. Sure, the opportunity given to you may require you to do a bunch of changes and you’ll wonder if you can make it. And when that happens, remember that you came across this Pick A Pile and this pile is telling you that you’re good enough for whatever that’s offered to you. You can do it.
You’re a bright ray of sunshine, and sometimes you don’t see it yourself when you’re clouded by your own thoughts. Know that the rainy clouds are there only for a certain time, and you will dry up the tears of your beloved, giving them the hope and care they need. I wanna specifically mention that The Sun and The Star appeared. The sun’s also a star, since it shines on its own, so they can bear a similar energy. Just that one is visible during the day and one’s visible during the night. However, remember that they both are always existing to shine on Earth. This is you, your presence constantly lights up people’s lives. You may think you’ve not talked to a person for a long time and they may have forgotten about you, but no. You’re still on their minds. They may suddenly be reminded of something fun you said, or something warm you did. This, is you. You’re the sun, and it’s always brighter to have you there. Do not sell yourself short. Let go of self-criticism and the self-deprecating thoughts of yourself, be kind to yourself.
Dream. Dream big, dream wild. Life presents you opportunities via dreams at times, and use it to learn. Go to the places your dreams bring you, experience the wonders and the joys, relish and be delighted in it. You’ve been down for quite some time so let yourself lose, allow yourself to dream, and go on to tackle real life by making changes. 
Pile 3: Fumizuki
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Fumizuki is the month of erudition, great knowledge. And kikyo, Japanese bellflower generally means unchanging love, honesty and obedience. I’d like to see this love directed towards oneself, living a life obedient to their true hearts and remaining honest to themselves.
I felt cold and a bit lost when I started to shuffle for this pile, where I immediately turned on another smol light on my table (even when the lights in my room were enough). I could feel a gust of cold wind blowing towards me and when the cards fell out, I immediately went “Ah, that’s why.”
There’s a sense of stagnancy, it’s like you’re supposed to be on a journey, or you’re ALREADY on a journey. And yet, you have not really taken up the chance to do self-exploration. It’s like… You’re covering your eyes, unwilling to see the various possibilities and strength you have around you. The wind is gushing you, trying to blow away the blindfold covering your eyes. It’s urging you to see, urging you to set yourself free from the various self-limiting thoughts and beliefs, and to step out to go on the journey you’re supposed to go. 
You may think that you’ve rested enough and should get moving. But the thing is, you’re not really well rested. Because of that, you’re still feeling sluggish and find it very difficult to start doing things. Breathe in, breathe out. Sleep, and allow yourself to transition the old you into the new life you’re supposed to go. You need to be well rested, only then you’ll have the strength, both physically and mentally, maybe even emotionally and spiritually too. Slowly, take a step, two steps, and get moving. The wind is your strength, your compass. It is blowing towards the direction you need to head, so go. 
Sometimes you may feel that the world is against you, you think you’re still unfit for a lot of things, believing that people around you are delusional and are having unrealistic expectations for you. Treat yourself with kindness, listen to your heart, be reminded that you have what it takes. 
Take that step with courage. You’re not alone. Be ready, know that the best is on its way. I know that many people around you have already said so, but you just… Find it difficult to convince yourself. You’re wishful, wanting and hoping something good will be coming to you. Take this reading as a sign. I’m telling you, that something much better than the “good” you hope for will be coming. Stay strong as you ride through the waves. I’m here for you. Do remember to drop by and let us know once the best have arrived, okay? Let us all be happy for you.
I have a feeling that relationships play a huge part for the people who chose this pile, may it be friendship, romantic relationship, familial relationships, corporate relationships, etc. I’m feeling more of romantic relationships and friendships. It’s most probably family may have disappointed you in some way or another, and that you find solace in friendship, thinking you’re unworthy of romantic relationships. Just to share a phrase I saw from one of my favourite web-novel, “Become a better person, improve yourself, and you’ll be surrounded by people who are equally excellent.” You’ll attract people who are as excellent as you, no worries! You’ve learnt the lessons life has taught you, so it’s great that you’re looking at opportunities, and that abundance will come to you.
Are you treating yourself right? Are the scales in your heart and mind balanced? For some reason, I believe this pile calls out to those who are very obviously not balanced, mind and heart. I have a feeling that your brain and heart have been fighting for a very long time. Probably something like a tug-a-war, where both sides fight to see who’s the strongest, but in the end, both end up tired and lethargic, and neither was cared for. It would be great if they can take turns to work things together, instead of both the heart and mind ended up being battered and couldn’t deal with anything anymore. 
Remember to tune in to your emotions and intuitions, to not let your anger consume you. For some reason, some of you may have anger issues, and have sometimes been acting authoritarian. I have a feeling that y’all may have recognized that trait in you and yet y’all decided to not do anything about it. Remember to put in effort in acknowledging your emotions, to face them and do something about them if they affect your daily life. 
For some unknown reason, I feel that… If you’re single, a person may come to you when you’re down? Yeah I’m having this feeling… Hmmm we’ll see.
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atmymercy · 2 years
I’ve arrived here at the ghoulish Halloween tarot event!
Here’s my burning question:
“How do I defeat my enemies once and for all?”
Happy Halloween and thx for the read
hello mother! aww thank you! and omg your question made me giggle! i cannot wait to see what this answer is going to be! lol
for you, i got the hermit, the tower & the world.
interesting. interesting. all major arcana cards. all separated by exactly 5-7 cards between them and they are in order of their arcana as well... ho ho ho! you are so freaking due for a change! omg! like you are just going to have the most life changing moment and it is going to freaking tell you. practically whisper it in your ear kind of moment on how to defeat your enemies once and for all and it's literally going to be this beautiful moment for you! like a moment of pure zen and the rain is coming down and omg you just can't believe it and yet you do. because it's just going to make sense. like the completion of a circle in your eyes, just fixing itself in this moment for you that is going to feel like pure brilliance! lol omg! have fun! you are going to have such a great time, even though it may come out in a time you are not expecting it but that's okay! you can't help when brilliance literally strikes! you star you!
hope you enjoyed it! please give feedback or buy me a coffee when you can! if you want to explore this further, please consider a private read as well. also thank you for sharing with me!♡
love & light!
as always, my rules & info are in my pinned post if you're interested in a reading of your own!
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fox-daddy · 8 months
Tarot but DND
I'm working on adding tarot to dnd. The way it will work is I'll have 4 piles Swords, Cups, Wands, and Penticals. Each pile will have 5 major arcana mixed in with the fool and world being added to a randomly chosen set before being shuffled. At the start of a player's turn, they can announce they want to pull a card and from which pile. Effects happen immediately, the player can pull a card out of combat.
These are the effects I have for the Wands suit, the tarot set I'll be using is the same as in the arcana so Wands is dragon-themed.
1 Ace of swords; As you pull the card for a moment you can hear a god speaking to you. (you may ask the DM one question about the current situation, but their allowed to lie.)
2 of swords; Picking up the card the room is overwhelmed with a calming sensation, everyone must make a charisma or Wisdom saving throw with a disadvantage. (If failed, until attacked or an ally is attacked you cannot attack anything within the card's effect range. 30ft sphere around the player that pulled it.)
3 of swords; As you pull this card you’re struck with this feeling of heartache and loss. The deep-seated sadness clenches at your heart like being stabbed by three ice daggers. (For this turn and your next you have a disadvantage on attack and saving throws. This does not affect death-saving throws.)
4 of swords; Looking at the figure you could swear you saw it wink at you. (roll 4 d4 temporary HP)
5 of swords; As soon as you so much as touch this card let alone pull it you’re overwhelmed by the sensation to kill the nearest thing to you. Conflict calls to you. (you can either go into a rage and blindly attack the nearest person npc or player or make a Wisdom saving throw that has to beat a 15)
6 of swords; picking it up a random uncommon magical item appears in your backpack however, all your money is now gone.
7 of swords; As soon as you see the fiery background an illusion appears of whatever small to medium thing you were thinking of while drawing the card. 
8 of swords; the tranquil colors of the card wash over you as you gain immunity from all damage until the start of your next turn.
9 of swords; Looking at the swords pointed at the head of the dragon you’re overwhelmed by all your nightmares and anxieties. Trying to shove it to the back of your mind you left with a soft sense of dread. (You have a disadvantage on Wisdom saving throw until the next short/long rest.)
10 of swords; (DM picks up to 10 random people to make a Dexterity saving throw, with the minimum of 4 creatures targeted. 1 = 10dc, 2 = 12 dc, etc 1d8 stabbing per sword if failed) Looking down at the figure impaled by swords on all sides you have mear moments to react as ten swords appear and stab into the ground. Disappearing a few moments later.
Page of swords; a determined dragon stars back at you wielding a sword. Moments later you sense something land right behind you. The silver Wyrmling that is shown on your card has arrived. (The Page of Swords is ambitious and restless, eager to take on new projects with enthusiasm.) LG
Knight of swords; A large black dragon takes flight mid-breath attack as swords rain down behind it. You can already sense the power from the card as wham a young black dragon charges up next to you careful not to necessarily hurt you or anyone as it looks around for combat and bloodshed. (The Knight of Swords cuts through all opposition, striking fast to the heart of the matter.) CE
Queen of swords; a pristine white dragon lays on the card carefully looking over her sword as the air grows colder. It starts with a shadow and before anyone can react a large adult white dragon lands nearby quietly looking down at the party, like you’re some annoying ants at her picnic but makes no move to attack. (The Queen of Swords carefully orchestrates her plans, taking every variable into account.) CE
King of swords; even just looking at the card you can sense the electric energy coming from it. Pulsating with raw power. Make a Dex saving throw with advantage (dc 5) as a giant ancient blue dragon lands nearby, his wings spread out in a show of just how big he is. Lighting crackles harmlessly around his scales as he lets out a deep growl looking over the situation, but makes no other move to attack. (The King of Swords holds complete authority over the mind, using logic to accomplish his goals.) LE
Important note the Page - King will NOT attack the players unless provoked.
The page being rash and hasty will rush into combat against whoever is attacking the party or will look around keeping an eye out if outside of combat.
The knight craves combat and will rush in guns blazing. If there is no combat they will attack anyone nearby, a city, village, that NPC the party is supposed to be protecting. The knight only cares for combat and violence.
The queen is cold and calculated. If she doesn't think she can win or theirs no combat she'll leave. Unless specifically asked to help with something in which case she will think about it. Probably good to offer her something in exchange.
The king takes no bull when summoned. If you're in combat he'll help if he can win or not. However, if you're by a village or city he might try and take over it for his own domain as long as it's not claimed by a dragon already.
If attacked the Page is the most forgiving the other three will immediately become hostile to whatever tries to hit them. Even if they did 0 damage.
They'll leave either after combat or if out of combat in 2 d20 minutes.
As for the Major Arcana so far I only have the fool and the magician but for the major Arcana, the player has to roll a d20. 1-10 reversed and only bad things will happen, 11-20 pass and only good things will happen.
The fool;
Upright - You feel magic pulsing through your very being like you have the power to be anything to do anything, you just need to say the word. (You’ve gained a wish)
Reversed - You can feel yourself begin being absorbed by the card. Throwing it away quickly you’ve gained -1 to three abilities of your choice
The magician;
Upright - a rare magic item of your choice appears on top of the card you’re holding.
Reversed - No matter your class until your next long rest any spell has the chance to become wild. (1-9 the spell goes wild)
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infjtarot · 2 years
Queen of Cups ~ Deck of the Bastard Tarot
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. Deck of the Bastard Tarot The most successful and balanced of the Cups, in some ways of all the Minor cards, the Queen is almost a mundane version of the World Dancer. Coming between the outer responsibility of the King and the passiveness of the Knight, she shows the possibility of blending imagination and action, creativity and social usefulness. Her throne, decorated with cherubic mermaids, sits on land, indicating her vital connection to the outer world and to other people, at connection more real than the King's. At the same time the water flows over her feet and merges with her dress, signifying the unity of self with emotion and imagination. The water suggests also unconscious forces – the underlying spiritual patterns shown in the Major Arcana – nourishing conscious life. The unity of water, land, and the Queen implies that we do not feed the imagination by giving it complete freedom to wander where it will, but rather by directing it into valuable activity, an idea that most artists would endorse. This idea appears even more strongly in the Nine of Pentacles, emblem of creative discipline. Waite describes the cup she holds as her own creation. It is the most elaborate of the Cups (whatever we may think about its style!) and symbolizes the achievement brought about through using the imagination. Notice its church-like shape. Until the modern age (and still in more archaic cultures) all art expressed and glorified spiritual experience. The Queen stares at the cup intently, showing the strong will that directs and moulds creative force without suppressing it. At the same time her look suggests that the creative person derives inspiration for future activity from her or his past achievements. Compare her fierce gaze with the dreaminess of the Knight, or the cloudy fantasies of the Seven. Willpower alone will not unite imagination and action. Only love can give meaning to her actions, and realize her goals. These goals are not simply creative in the narrow sense of art, but in the wider sense of making something whole and alive out of the opportunities and elements given by life. They can include emotional goals, especially family, for while the King symbolizes society, the Queen symbolizes the family, for men as well as women. What is most important is that she joins consciousness to feeling. She knows what she wants and will take the steps necessary to get it. Yet she acts always with an awareness of love. Waite says ‘loving intelligence and hence the gift of vision’, terms suggesting that a vision of life as joyful can only come as a gift, but love can open us to receiving such a gift, to recognizing that it exists. With intelligence joined to love we return the gift by taking that vision and making something real and lasting from it. Rachel Pollock. 78 Degrees of Wisdom The Queen of Cups is another “perfect” court card. She is Water of Water, exemplifying the breadth and openness of this element. A body of water can receive rain and snow and mist; it can incorporate minerals and microorganisms, absorbing whatever comes yet remaining one ocean, river, lake. At the same time, although water flows as one body, it invariably encompasses countless currents and eddies. Thus we talk about exploring “the waters” (plural) of a given ocean or diving into “the deeps” (again, plural). In Hebrew, the word for water is always implicitly plural: mayim. We understand this Queen better when we realize that she too is always at least implicitly more than herself, more than just one person. Just as water is always “the waters,” so does she embody the heart of a whole community. In short, she bears a boundless heart of gratitude. “Gratitude is confidence in life itself,” writes Jack Kornfield. “Gratitude receives in wonder the myriad offerings of rain and sunlight, the care that supports every single life.” 82 Water of Water, the Queen of Cups lives a life of gratitude. She is open and clear and startlingly present. Her confidence makes her fierce in love because she knows nothing will be lost if she gives her heart. And if sometimes she seems a bit quiet, it’s only because she is waiting for you to speak. She knows how to take her turn, and how to encourage you to live your truth. She brings out the best in others. Yet sometimes she does so to her own or the community’s detriment. Her clear waters run deep, and her gifts are often exactly what the moment requires. Don’t mistake her silence for fear or shyness. Ask her what she thinks, and prepare to listen. Lisa Freinkel Tishman. Mindful Tarot.
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Learn with me! 📖Major Arcana - XIV The Temperance (Witches Tarot)
“The Greek Goddess of the rainbow - Iris, faces forward and stands at the edge of the water, her golden wings outstreched. Her sheer white gown has a golden triangle on the bodice, which signifies balance and creativity. Her gwn flows softly around her, and one of Iris’s feet is on land while the other dips in the water, Neither on shore nor in the water, she is in an enchanted location where she is in both worlds - an inbetween place. “
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This Major Arcana represents the blending of different mystical elements to create something new, just as rain and sun make a rainbow. The Temperance also represents the personal alchemy of spiritual transformation. Now is the time to focus on healing your spiritual self. This is the perfect opportunity to find the right balance or “flow” in your magic and life. Observe the messages from the gods.
The Temperance card is connected to flow states, where time seems to extend or stand still. It’s a sensation of everything feeling easy and effortless. Those who engage in creative activities such as painting, drawing, or dancing often experience states of flow. It can also occur when you embrace your natural working pace and rhythm. Part of the creative process requires you to figure things out as you go. Have faith in yourself and your abilities. You don’t have to know everything right now. Trust that you can get the knowledge you need as you go. Things don’t have to be perfect right now for you to start.
Temperance Witches Tarot is a card about balance, in many forms, and about all types of relationships – friendship, family, love, and colleagues, all your concern needs. This is also a card about special powers (alchemy) or mix and match. You may have to try several different approaches to things before you find what works for you.
+alchemy, moderation, restraint, find your balance, look for divine messages, spiritual healing and transformation, flow, harmony.
-addiction, out of balance, unruly
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niftukkun · 6 months
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THE MAGICIAN - i've always taken this card to mean that you already have everything you need, it is just up to you to actually do something; in the same vein, you have everything you need at the start of rain world. unlike a metroidvania, there are no upgrades earned mid-campaign. it's just you, and eight buttons.
[design notes under the cut]
this card is meant to look like survivor at the very start of their campaign, with all the main things needed to progress and survive in rain world - food (batfly and bluefruit, the most common foods found in campaigns) and weapons/defence (rubbish and a spear). again its meant to convey that 'everything you need is within you' energy (<- reference to the minecraft end poem) and the idea that despite its similarities to metroidvania games its really not one (metroidvanias are largely defined by the 'get movement/ability upgrade, kill boss' style gameplay loop. in contrast in rain world('s base game) upgrades are either visiting echoes or visiting pebbles and have nothing to do with ability or movement upgrades unless you count the campaigns itself and their difference in slugcats.)
other design notes: -ive finally figured out scug anatomy! i dont know why it took me so long to finally settle on how slugcat anatomy works but i did in this piece. -the rubble was intentionally chosen those three are my favorite rubble types hell yeah brick :DD -again the background is survivor (and monks) starting room in outskirts. to reference its in outskirts (and to reference that one map in the miraheze wiki that puts all the region maps together) i put a slight tealish green blue gradient over the whole piece. -it wasnt intentional totally intentional but the spear is referencing the actual magician tarot card which always seems to hold either a candle or some other manner of stick -very intentionally does not have the survivor sigil on top. this is to reference the fact that number one you do not have it at the start and number two the like. forty cycles it took for me to get it the first time i played rain world (im pretty sure i only got it after receiving the pebbles karma upgrade)
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
Hiiiii it’s your favorite stalk- I mean person! I hope I’m doing this right, may I please request a general tarot reading for success? Sometimes I feel like my dreams are too big and I’m too old to start out
ksfhsjdskd hi darl!! Hope this helps!
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tarot cards: ace of pentacles, ace of swords, the world, seven of wands, eight of cups, king of swords, nine of pentacles, six of pentacles, knight of pentacles, the star. 
Okay lets get into it. 
You said in your ask that sometimes it feels like your dreams are too big to go after and that you’re too old to start. Well, I think these first two cards - the ace of pentacles and the 8 of cups - are talking about that exact sentiment.  The ace of pentacles is a great card to start with. The aces represent the beginning of something and pentacles are the suit mostly closely connected with finances, careers, all that sort of tangible down to earth stuff. But it’s being clarified by the 8 of cups which symbolises walking away from something. These cards are the temptation to give up before you’ve really begun. 
But, beside them we have the ace of swords clarified by the king of swords and the knight of pentacles. Another ace, another opportunity. As a suit swords are related to the mind and what it can do. The ace of swords is the “breakthrough” card. It’s saying you still have a chance to make whatever your dream is happen. The Kings are the oldest of the court cards and the king of swords specifically is symbolic of authority, truth, and clear thinking. This card is a reminder that age and experience aren’t bad things. In fact they can be very useful things. The king of swords uses his head over his heart. He deals in facts not feelings. However you might feel about the situation, this king is a reminder that you don’t need to let your age or anything else hold you back from embracing the opportunity the ace indicates. And the knight of pentacles...like most of the pentacles cards he revolves around work, effort and responsibility. He’s patient and hard working and dutiful and that is the energy you need to bring to this opportunity. You will not reach your goals overnight but the knight of pentacles is here to tell you that any progress is good progress, no matter how small it may seem. If you have a chance to start on the road towards achieving your goal (as the ace of swords indicates you will) then you should grab it by both hands. Go after it with the confidence of the king and with the hard working ethos of the knight and you’ll be well on your way to making it happen. 
Next we have The World and the nine of pentacles. I can sum up both of these cards in one word: Achievement. The World is the last of the major arcana cards and as such represents completion, fulfilment and achievement. The nine of pentacles is about the fruits of your labour, rewards and success. You’ve been through the ups and downs of the journey described in the tarot cards, you’ve put in the time and effort and now it’s paying off. This is the success you’re aiming for. This is the outcome of going after what you want and taking every opportunity you can. 
So those three sets of cards seem to be describing the past/present/future (or thereabouts) of your story of success. But what of the last three cards? What of the seven of wands, six of pentacles, and The Star? I think these cards are sort of general advice. Things to remember on your journey. 
The seven of wands is a card of conflict. Traditionally it depicts a man holding a staff, fighting off 6 other staffs pointing at him from below. It represents perseverance, defensiveness and maintaining your position. This isn’t conflict related to starting a project or beginning something new. This is the sort of conflict that happens as you work towards completion. It could come in the form of other people encouraging you to give up or being in competition with you or just making things harder for you, it could also be setbacks you experience or moments when you don’t feel you can keep going. But the seven of wands is an encouragement to stand your ground and remain dedicated to your goal so you can overcome whatever challenges you face. 
The six of pentacles is about generosity, charity and sharing. It’s a reminder to be generous in both times of prosperity and hardship. This can be generosity in a financial sense - donating money or material possessions to someone - or generosity of spirit, mind, time, etc etc etc. It could also be an indication that someone will be generous to you - perhaps someone in a position of power will offer you help or guidance, or maybe it’s that you’ll have a friend on a similar path you can share resources or knowledge with. 
And finally, The Star. This is a card of hope. It’s a promising sign of great opportunities approaching. It’s also about keeping the faith. Even if things seems hopeless or unachievable, this card says that as long as you believe and are willing to try, success will be possible. 
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I also pulled a few oracle cards. 
From the Artists Oracle: Buckminster Fuller. The cards in this deck give the querent 3 pieces of advice for three aspects of life - Life, Work and Inspiration. I’ll type out all three but it may be that not all of them relate to the situation, so take what resonates for you and ignore what doesn’t. 
So, Buckminster Fuller - an architect, inventor, author, and designer - says: Live to serve, serve to solve. / Invent the words by which to live your life. / Great heights are best seen from your lowest point.  To me, just from the cards I’ve pulled, that last one seems to fit quite closely with the messages we’ve been getting. Now is the time to start working towards your goals. Right now when it doesn’t feel possible.
From the Spellcasting deck: Confidence. A lack of confidence will keep you from living your life to the full. Trust in your own gifts and abilities, turn away from your inner critic, and stop comparing yourself or your progress to that of others. You can do it! 
From the Green Witch oracle: Tomato (Love) and Thyme (Courage). I think courage speaks for itself really - It connects with the confident and courageous energy of that king of swords. Love on the other hand seemed a little out of place, so I looked it up in the guide book that came with the deck and I found something interesting. First of all it says “Tomatoes will inspire and ignite love into your life of all types and on all levels. Alignment is signified, as are chances for an increase in assets. Plans are liable to change, and you should be ready for adaptation in this and other areas. Be careful to communicate effectively with your partner and close friends.” So i think the ~plans are liable to change~ part ties in with that 7 of wands/6 of pentacles/the star energy which talked about standing your ground and holding onto hope and being generous/kind even when you feel like things arent going great. The guidebook also says that the magical uses of tomatoes are related to love, protection and prosperity, so it definitely fits more with your question that I initially thought BUT the other interesting part is that each plant in the guidebook has a magic spell you can cast using that plant. And the one for tomato is this:
Attract money into your home or business with this simple spell. 
Place a perfect green tomato in a green bowl and set it on a shelf. Shower it gently with gold coins and say, “Money, rain upon us now.” Set a green candle on either side of the bowel and light them. Leave the candles until they burn out and eat the tomato when it is ripe. 
Idk how into witchcraft/spellwork you are but if that is your jam this could be of use! I’m not sure if that was a misprint or something because it was labelled a love spell but there we have it! Very interesting! 
Next we have a card from the Prism oracle: Abundance. Green cards in this deck signify an opportunity for renewal, be it through gratitude for abundance, movement on a new project, or rest. The abundance card specifically asks you to recognise and celebrate the abundance in your life. It also says that while the card depicts coins, it doesn’t have to mean financial abundance. It could relate to love, friendship, career, or in your case, success. It’s definitely a good sign that things can go the way you hope! 
And last but not least I also pulled a card from the Making Magik deck. Each of these cards depicts a magic symbol or sygil and you got the Triple Moon - Embracing all aspects of yourself; the divine and the earthly. 
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ivythewitch · 6 years
Resource Pages MASTERPOST
My resource page is LIVE again! Which means, lots of fun info for everyone! I gathered my favorite bits of information from all over the internet, Tumblr, and more, and compiled it into a post as well as a page on my main blog. Enjoy! 
 Please have a look around and please let me know if you encounter any broken links!
      FAVORITE Websites:
Discount New Age Books -Small business, great prices, SALES all the time.
Amazon- Everything under the sun but they have great prices on a lot of books, and free kindle books are great too!
Thoughtco- Wonderful information from all areas!
Sacred Texts- A wonderful listing of freely available books, documents, Prayers and more from many different faiths of the world!
Patheos-Pagan Blogs and News
Witches Voice (Witchvox)- an International database of Witches and weekly articles, stories and more!
WitchesandPagans- a Pagan magazine
Pantheon.org- Online Encyclopedia of Mythology
Greek Mythology Index
Godchecker.com-Index of Deities from many paths
Sacred Texts:
These are texts that a lot of Wiccans use in their practice, not all of these are inherently Wiccan in nature and can be applied to any practice.
The 13 principles of wiccan belief
The charge of the Crone
The charge of the God
Charge of the Goddess
The law of power
The wiccan 10 commandments
The witches creed
Thirteen goals of a witch
The Wiccan Rede
The Witches Pyramid
Witches Code of Chivalry
Resource Pages from other Tumblr Users!
Witchcraft 101
Beginner Pagans
Elemental Correspondences
Herbal Substitutions for when you just don’t have something!
Correspondence Masterpost
Scent Correspondence
Candle Color (2)
Herbal Correspondence
Metal Correspondence
Poison Herbs
Incense Correspondence
Essential Oils
Moon Phases
Online Books and PDFs
“The Secret Teachings of All Ages” By Manly P Hall
“High Magic’s Aide” By Gerald B Gardner
Gardnerian Book of Shadows
“Practical Sigil Magic” by Frater U.D.
Ritual Creation Sheet
Mastering Witchcraft by Paul Hudson
Blank Herbal Notebook Pages (HIGHLY RECOMMEND)
Witch’s Master Grimoire by Lady Sabrina
Witchcraft Resources
Old Craft Words Glossary
Witchy Herb Names
Charging Sigils
Beginning Witchcraft
Twisted Rope Self-Care Tag
Uses for Rain and Storm Water
Shadow Work
Deity Resources
Creature, Deity, Being Mythology MASTERPOST
Miscellaneous Resources
Handfastings: Pagan Wedding Ceremony
Wiccan Sabbat Ideas
The Wheel of the Year
Using a Mortar and Pestle
Clearing your mind for Meditation
Tips for Covens
Pagan Primer
Organizing hack for a Journal or BOS
“Witchy” alphabets
Offering Ideas
Teaching Children about Witchcraft
Faery Offerings
Incense Tips
Wiccan Five Fold Kiss Ritual
Please notify me of broken links
Getting Started
Building a Practice
30 Day Challenge
Witchcraft Research Tips
Welcome to Witchcraft
Witchcraft 101 by Gardenofthequeen
Witchcraft 101 by Magicusersresource
Don’t be a Douche Witch
Beginner Witchcraft Masterpost
General Studies
Casting a spell
Charm Placement
Witch Jars
Directing Energy
Crash Course in Warding
Spell Writing Tips
Other Tumblr-user Masterposts
Reading Lists:
Natural Magic’s
Old Mother Redcap
Specific Types of Witchcraft
Finding your Witchcraft
Green Witchcraft.
Storm Witchery
Weather Magic
Shadow Work  (2)
Candle Magic
Basic Cleansing
Item Cleansing
Smokeless Cleansing
Sigil Crafting
Beginners Guide to Sigilcraft
Activating Sigils
Outdoor Sigils
Magic Circle Sigils
Sigil craft master post
Arcane Mysteries Tarot
Tarot Masterpost
Pendulums (Wiccan heavy website)
Tea Leaves (Caution, Autoplay Music)
100 3 card spreads
Tarot Major Arcana
Tarot Minor Arcana
Candle Wax Scrying
Herbs and their Uses
Herbal Notebook PDF
Herbal Remedies CAUTION Always know medical guidelines when using herbs.
Tropical Plant correspondences
Gems and Stones
Crystal Lore (Caution, Autoplay music)
Crystal Grids
Crystal Cleansing Methods
Spotting Fake Stones
How to Clean and Charge
Beginner stones
Miscellaneous Resources
“Witchy” Websites
Knot Magic (2)
Energy Work Terminology
Correspondence Aid
Moon Phases
Spirit Work Red Flags
Giant Glossary of Terms
Self Care
Witchy Bathtime
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hillbillyoracle · 6 years
Divination with DnD Dice
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There seemed to be enough interest in the DnD Dice Divination system that I decided to go ahead and write it up. I couldn’t fit it all on here though so I might be making more posts in the future about it. I’ve included the most important stuff here to get started. 
I’ve included a zine to download and print off if you want to take it with you. I actually recommend the zine, it’s a better format than what tumblr would let me put together. 
Please consider tipping me and definitely credit me where you can. 
I know there are other systems out there and I don’t have a monopoly on dice divination but this guide did take a lot of time to put together and is built on my own collection of frameworks, meanings. 
Dice sets can be picked up for cheaper than most basic tarot decks making the barrier to entry lower. My goal was to create a system that could get a similar level of complexity of information to tarot and oracle cards. I found in test readings, I could get roughly the same as I would get from a four card reading. So it’s a good start! 
It’s my mission to make divination more accessible, tipping me helps me devote more time to this.
Zine: https://www.scribd.com/document/380692727/Divination-With-DnD-Dice
If Scribd gives you trouble try here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/21613135
Read description for printing directions or it might not come out right. 
If you can’t print it off, the same information is included below the cut.  
Hope someone finds this useful! 
D4 - Element
1 - Air - Mental, Academic, Communication, Anxiety
2 - Fire - Spirituality, Passion, Ideals, Anger
3 - Water - Emotional, Romantic, Connection, Depression/Sadness
4 - Earth - Physical, Material, Home, Emotional Block
I use the Element dice to give an indication for the area of life the reading pertains the most too. I look for indications with other dice as to what the element dice might be speaking to more specifically, but it gives me a place to start.
 D6 - Problem
1 - Plot - drama, conflict, things outside of your control, change
2 - Character - another person is blocking/causing problems, fixation on a person, possibly even loss of a person
3 - Thought - paradigms getting in the way, not in touch with reality, judgmental, fear/anxiety, getting stuck in your head
4 - Diction - how a person talks is causing problems, speaking too much/too little, passive aggression, divisive or hateful language
5 - Song - Harmony with another, being out of sync with oneself or another, learning to join the choir/group, teamwork
6 - Spectacle - Things seem worse than they actually are, petty fights, aesthetic/surface level changes, playing with how things are perceived to achieve an outcome
The Problem dice is based on Aristotle's Six Elements of Tragedy, a dramatic and literary analytical framework. I use this to see what might be the at the crux of the problem in the area the Element dice indicated. The Action Needed dice can also refine the Problem.
 D8 - Action Needed
1 - Right View - seeing the situation for what it truly is, actions have consequences, material reality, paradigm shift
2 - Right Resolve - being intentional, recommitting, choosing what is right, dedication and ambition
3 - Right Speech - be honest/don't lie, don't be passive aggressive/be forthright, speak compassionately and for the benefit of others.
4 - Right Action -  don't harm others, act compassionately and for the benefit of others, take positive action
5 - Right Livelihood - don't profit from harming others, long term commitment to benefiting others, take only what you need and give what you do not, ethical employment
6 - Right Effort - Exert influence on your environment to cultivate a better internal world, set strong boundaries, avoid negative influences and seek out positive ones, "just do the thing"
7 - Right Mindfulness - Don't make things out to be more than they are, see them for what they are, know life is in transition, don't define the self by these external transitory states
8 - Right Concentration - unification of the mind/body, unlocking higher levels of thinking and feeling and operating, don't let desire for what might be get in the way of what is, healthy detachment
The Action Needed dice is based on the Eightfold Path of Buddhism. While the particulars of the path vary by the different schools/traditions, these seem to be the most common English translations. This dice is usually pretty straight forward, especially when taken in consideration with the rest of the dice.
 2D10 - Difficulty
Pretty self-explanatory. The higher the difficulty, the longer the process will take. Gives an indication about how important or long term the reading will be.
 D12 - Time
The number can refer to a month of the year which you may have your own associations you can pull from or classify into a season and pull meanings from that. I use the seasonal method most often.
Winter - focus on the self, rest, restore yourself, weather the storm, be the light the world isn't giving you, inner strength
Spring - new beginnings, plant seeds, the rain and the storms lead to new growth
Summer -  wait to harvest, find shade, relax
Fall - harvest, make preparations for winter, celebrate accomplishments.
You can also think of what sabbat is in that month and the lessons inherent in that holiday. It can also be time of day.
9-5 - Work related, stress, out of your control
5-12 -  Free time, friends and family, hobbies
12-9 - rest, dream, restore yourself
AM if there are more even than odd numbers and PM if there more odd than even. You can also take the month and the time to be literal if the reading calls for it.
 D20 - Lesson
1 - The Magician - jack of all trades, master of none, experiment, unfocused, learning, skilled but unrefined, beginning
2 - The High Priestess - balance, intuition, insight, between worlds, lessons learned while solitary
3 - The Empress - growing, flowering, creativity, taking what you have and making it thrive, thriving where you're planted
4 - The Emperor - expand, leader, confidence, step up and create the life you want/need, protect what/who you have
5 - The Hierophant - balance between material and spiritual, lessons learned from teachers, benevolence, structure
6 - The Lovers - connection, union, positive outlook, nostalgia, romanticism, love given freely
7 - The Chariot - power, confidence, leadership through passion/emotional intelligence, decisive action
8 - Strength - rely on internal direction/sense of self, internal strength and peace, resilience
9 - The Hermit - internal knowledge and discovery, minimalism, truth is inside you, you are capable on your own
10 - The Wheel of Fortune - things are outside of your control, this too shall pass, ebb and flow of fortune, reversal of luck
11 - Justice - objective truth, standing by/doing what is right, lawful good, cutting ties with deceivers, protect the community
12 - The Hanged Man - Insight, understanding impermanence, sudden realization, enlightenment, major paradigm shift
13 - Death - the old makes way for the new, the cycle of life, we all die in the end, reinvention
14 - Temperance - spiritual balance, abstaining from negative influences, taking responsibility for one's internal well being
15 - The Devil - materialism as bondage, enjoy pleasure without becoming victim to it, pleasure seeking as escapism
16 - The Tower - being shaken to the core, foundations pulled up, self of self overturned, ego shaken
17 - The Star - uneasy hope, possibilities, leaving and traveling, opportunities somewhere else, dare to dream
18 - The Moon - deception, things aren't always what they appear, intentions and actions do not line up, reflect, see the true nature of things
19 - The Sun - relax and enjoy your accomplishments, celebrate with friends and family, share your abundance, revel in joy
20 - Judgment - shine a light on everything, be honest, be critical and fair, lay firm boundaries, take up the old and make it new
The lesson dice is there to indicate what can be learned from the situation. Every situation is an opportunity to grow and evolve. It's based on the framework of the Major Arcana as teachers and posits that every situation can likewise be a teacher to us all. This dice can help refine the problem dice as well. It can be hard to keep this dice from getting preachy so make sure to be honest about what this dice is saying but temper it so as not to be patronizing.
 Putting the Reading Together
Like all divination, the goal is to look for patterns and craft those patterns into coherent themes. Like reading a novel, you’re reading between the lines to make the reading more useable than the raw info the dice turn up. An example of my notes for a reading are:
D4 - Element: 2 - Fire
D6 - Problem: 3 - Thought
D8 - Action Needed: 3 - Right Speech
D10 - Importance: 51 - Middle
D12 - Time: Evening/Summer
D20 - Lesson: 8 – Strength
This is the reading I gave:
“The reading suggests there’s some conflict stemming from letting passion overtake reason in your interactions with others. You believe very passionately in your ideals, but how you talk about them to others looks like it’s causing tension. This seems like it will be of moderate difficulty to grapple with, not easy but by far not the hardest thing you’ve dealt with. The reading suggests being mindful of your words and advises to concentrate on your inner power rather than seeking validation for your ideas from others. “
When pulling together a reading you want to look for conflict, strengths, and resolution.
There was a lot of fire (passion) and air (communication) in this reading, while they work great in harmony, they can really hurt the user when out of balance so that was the conflict. Passion is a beautiful thing even when it’s not in alignment and I didn’t want the reader to think their ideals were the problem since the rest of the reading pointed out their words so their passion was their strength. The resolution lay in relying on their own internal strength for validation rather than others, that that would lead to better communication and less conflict overall.
I’m still learning myself. It takes practice so don’t give up!
I hope this was helpful! Please let me know how this works for you. I’m totally open to people changing it to fit them better but I wanted to provide a model for how this could be done. I also got some really solid readings out of it. So it definitely has potential. 
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fyaokaga · 3 years
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- Master post & Guidelines
AOKAGA MONTH PROMPTS 2021 (thanks to @ruluxe​ )
Day 1: Firsts
   First Love/Heartbreak
   First Names
   First Date/Kiss
Day 2: Kagami Special
   Meteor shower
Day 3: Rivals
Day 4: Canon/Offical
   Official Art/Merch
   Drama CDs/Chara Songs
   Favourite AoKa Moment
Day 5: Aomine Special
   Body/Skill Worship
   5 + 1 things/times (Aomine)
Day 6: Hurt & Comfort
   Long distance
Day 7: At Sea
   Treasure/Scavenger Hunt
   Traveling the world
Day 8: Au: Fantasy
Day 9: Clothes
   Dress up/Dress down
   Canon collections
   Clothes Swap
Day 10: Kagami Special
   Body/Skill Worship
   10 + 1 things/times (Kagami)
Day 11: Family
   Found Family
   AoKa + Kids
   AoKa + Meet the Parents
Day 12: Touch
   Kissing/Hand Holding
   Skin to Skin
Day 13: Outdoors
   Road Trip
Day 14: Domestic
   Living/Moving in together
   Shopping together
Day 15: Basketball
   Pre-Game Jitters
   Pre-game Rituals
   In the Stands
Day 16: Switch
   Body/Mind Swap
   Team/School/Job Swap
Day 17: Weather
   Kissing in the Rain
Day 18: AU: Free
   Tattoo/Flower Shop
Day 19: Hiding
Day 20: Holiday/Celebration
   New Years
   Valentine’s Day
Day 21: Horror
   Scary Movies/Stories
Day 22: Intoxication
Day 23: Accidents
   Fake/Bad Dates
   1 Bed/Neighbors
Day 24: Zodiac/Tarot Cards
   Oha Asa
   Major Arcana Mashup
Day 25: Basketball
   One on One
   Double Aces
   On the Court
   The Zone
Day 26: Apocalypse
   Survival Guide
   Stuck with You
Day 27: Things You Said
   “You saved me.”
   “I thought you knew.”
   “Let me go.”
   “It’s always been you.”
   “This seat taken?”
Day 28: Fate/Destiny
   Red String
   Lost and Found
   Across Time/Space
Day 29: Feelings
Day 30: Future
   Post Canon
Day 31: Aomine Special
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infjtarot · 3 years
Temperance  ~ Wheel of Change Tarot
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  Water and Fire, Rain and Sun, Blood and Milk Are Brought Together Temperance is a card of magic. In the Thoth Tarot (Aleister Crowley’s deck) this card was renamed Art, to clarify this meaning and to separate it from the commonplace meaning of the word temperance. The magic the card speaks of is the simple magic of everyday life that we perform in every action. It is the magic of combining two opposite materials in order to create something new. When we eat we combine the food with our bodies through the action of eating. When we read we integrate the information in the written word with our mind. When we converse with our friends our lives are entwined through our emotional understanding. In the card this combining of opposites is shown in many ways. First, the opposing fire and water are poured from the hands of the Goddess and intermingle under her feet. It is the relationship between the fiery sun and the watery earth that creates the life of the planet. Water, usually associated with the moon, here flows from a bowl made from the sun’s metal, gold. The solar fire drops also from its bowl of silver, the moon’s metal. In itself, this represents the combining of opposites and symbolizes the magical properties of containment. Containment provides us the opportunity to recognize something as unique and to separate it from its surroundings, making it available for practical use. Once in a bowl, a material may again be combined—through magic—with other things, and we can make more magic—bread, cookies, clay, whatever. From the breasts of the Goddess flow the fluids of life: blood and milk. Their combination in the large vessel symbolizes the greatest creation we participate in: the making of a new life. In the sexual act, as the woman and the man come together with the essence of the magic of opposites, his part and hers are merged. Then the magical recombinant DNA goes to work inside the woman, to be nourished first with her blood and then with her milk, as a new and separate life grows free and learns to make its own independent decisions and in turn its own magic. The vessel is the physical representation of the magical containment of the elements that allow us to act upon them, permitting growth and change, as the womb protects and contains the fetus as it grows and the bowl allows the bread dough to rise. The circle in which the Temperance goddess stands illustrates the special place where the magic of the natural world is visible. The intermingling of the elements of sun and rainwater create the magic of the rainbow, present only when the two elements are actually observed together. Even when they are not seen together, their interplay over time provides the nourishment that supports the grass and trees whose growth is the action that combines the sun and rain, made visible on the material plane. The mystical meaning of the Temperance card is contained in the simple magic of action. The card symbolizes the apex of the Magical Triangle, a precept in most mystical texts, which represents the combination of two things, represented by the two bottom points of the triangle, while at the apex is the action that mixes them (see the appendix). Of course, the real magic is the result of the action, symbolized by a dot or arrow emanating from the center of the triangle. Temperance, however, symbolizes the active part of the triangular relationship. It is one of two cards that represent the Magical Triangle; the other card, which represents the bottom points of the triangle, is the Lovers. Aleister Crowley, in his book on the Tarot, says, “This card [Art] is the complement and fulfillment of Atu IV, Gemini [The Lovers].” He also states that these two cards are the “most obscure and difficult” of the Major Arcana.32 The difficulty they represent is the most fundamental teaching of magic, which is that the world and all we know and see is governed by the relationships expressed in the Magical Triangle. What develops from this knowledge is the certainty that all things are linked together in a series of these symbolic triangles and that this is the fabric of the world. If we are all linked in such a way, then it follows that any notion of god as ultimately separate and distant from us must be a symptom of our dualistic notions of the world, and that any true God must be one with us and within all of us. Δ When Temperance appears in a reading, it is a symbol of the magic you experience in your life. Temperance is a card of integration; it points to the action required to actually create something new. You must be willing to stand like the goddess in this card, who physically combines the opposites, and like her you must take action. This action will place you in direct relationship with what has appeared to be separate and outside of you until now. Through the action of this important card you will find yourself involved in the dynamic part of this new relationship. The other important symbol of the Temperance card is the vessel where the combining takes place. Part of your job is to create a symbolic bowl, a space, so that the action you must take will be nurtured and will create the desired result—the point inside the triangle—just as a pregnant woman must clean her body by eating healthy food and must stop drinking or smoking in order for the child to grow in health. This is a magical and special card; it is—as Crowley says—a card of great power and importance, for the ability to act in the world is the essential quality of life. Alexandra Genetti. The Wheel of Change Tarot.  
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sarahmcmenomy · 5 years
Tarot Reflections Playlist
I’ve been working on this for longer than I should probably admit, but I finally finished my complete Tarot Playlist! I’ve chosen one song for each card of the 78-card RWS Tarot deck. In the spirit of the little white book, I have excerpted a line or two from each song to justify its association with its chosen card. Each suit has its own musical themes, and some of the songs were chosen to invoke the elemental association of the suit. The Court Cards get their own playlist because it can double as an astrological playlist. There are also a few sillier songs picked primarily for humor value (though hopefully still in keeping with the theme of the song). What follows is a complete index, so you can easily listen to whichever parts of the playlist you want to or browse the whole thing.
Entire Playlist
Major Arcana
Court Cards
Major Arcana
0. The Fool: “The Wanderer” by U2, The Edge, and Johnny Cash
“I went out there in search of experience, to taste and to touch and to feel as much as a man can before he repents.”
1. The Magician: “I am the Mercury” by Jimmie Spheeris
“For I am the mercury, the light of the morning, looking for shelter in this thunder and this rain. And you, like some windmill, weave light where it's storming, and love, like a potion for the hunger and the pain. Let it rain...”
2. The High Priestess: “Witch” by The Bird and the Bee
“Yes, I am a carnival, a house of mirrors... and I will con you. And all my tricks and all my magic will keep you dizzy with desire...”
3. The Empress: “Suddenly I See” by KT Tunstall
“Her face is a map of the world, is a map of the world... You can see she's a beautiful girl, she's a beautiful girl... And everything around her is a silver pool of light; The people who surround her feel the benefit of it... It makes you calm.”
4. The Emperor: “Viva la Vida” by Coldplay
“I used to rule the world; seas would rise when I gave the word. Now in the morning, I sleep alone, sweep the streets I used to own. I used to roll the dice, feel the fear in my enemy's eyes, listen as the crowd would sing... Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!“
5. The Hierophant: “The Gambler” by Kenny Rogers
“He said, ‘Son, I've made a life out of readin’ people's faces, knowin’ what the cards were by the way they held their eyes. So if you don't mind me sayin’, I can see you’re out of aces. For a taste of your whiskey, I’ll give you some advice.’” 
6. The Lovers: “Dance Me to the End of Love” by Leonard Cohen
“Dance me to the wedding now, dance me on and on; dance me very tenderly and dance me very long. We're both of us beneath our love, we're both of us above... dance me to the end of love.”
7. The Chariot: “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen
“I'm a shooting star, leaping through the sky! Like a tiger defying the laws of gravity. I'm a racing car, passing by like Lady Godiva, I'm gonna go, go, go! There's no stopping me!”  
8. Strength: “Roar” by Katy Perry
“I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire, 'cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar, louder, louder than a lion, 'cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar!” 
9. The Hermit: “Building a Mystery” by Sarah McLachlan
“You live in a church where you sleep with voodoo dolls, and you won't give up the search for the ghosts in the halls... You wear sandals in the snow, and a smile that won't wash away. Can you look out the window without your shadow getting in the way?”
10. The Wheel of Fortune: “Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is a Season)” by the Byrds
“To everything (turn, turn, turn) there is a season (turn, turn, turn) and a time to every purpose, under heaven...”
11. Justice: “Botched Execution” by Shovels and Rope
“I gotta find a friend, someone to tell I didn't do it, but my picture's in the paper and there's no way that I can prove it... and the body's in the closet 'cause I never got to move it... Now the neighbor's kids are talking sayin' everybody knew it... All my little seeds have grown... Sooner, later, come back home...”
12. The Hanged Man: “Philosophy” by Ben Folds Five
“Won't you look up at the skyline, at the mortar, block, and glass, and check out the reflections in my eyes. See they always used to be there, even when this all was grass, and I sang and danced about a high-rise. And you were laughing at my helmet hat... Laughing at my torch...”
13. Death: “End of the Line” by The Traveling Wilburys
“Well it's all right, even when push comes to shove. Well it's all right, if you got someone to love. Well it's all right, everything'll work out fine. Well it's all right, we're going to the end of the line.” 
14. Temperance: “Under Pressure” by Queen
“Turned away from it all like a blind man. Sat on a fence, but it don't work. Keep coming up with love but it's so slashed and torn... Why, why, why? Love, love, love, love, love... Insanity laughs, under pressure we're breaking.”
15. The Devil: “Sympathy for the Devil” by the Rolling Stones
“Just as every cop is a criminal, and all the sinners saints, as heads is tails... Just call me Lucifer, 'cause I'm in need of some restraint.”
16. The Tower: “The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning” by the Smashing Pumpkins
“The sewers belch me up; the heavens spit me out. From Ether's tragic I am born again, and now I'm with you now, inside your world of wow, to move in desires made of deadly pretense, ‘til the end times begin.”  
17. The Star: “You Gotta Be” by Des’ree
“Listen as your day unfolds, challenge what the future holds. Try and keep your head up to the sky.”
18. The Moon: “Hope Eyrie” by Leslie Fish
“But we who feel the weight of the wheel, when winter falls over our world, can hope for tomorrow and raise our eyes to a silver moon in the open skies and a single flag unfurled. For the Eagle has landed; tell your children when. Time won't drive us down to dust again.”
19. The Sun: “Sunshine of Your Love” by Cream
“I'm with you my love, the light's shining through on you. Yes, I'm with you my love, it's the morning and just we two. I'll stay with you darling now, I'll stay with you till my seas are dried up... I've been waiting so long, to be where I'm going, in the sunshine of your love.”
20. Judgement: “Ring the Bells” by James
“Ring, ring the bells! Wake the town! Everyone is sleeping. Shout at the crowd! Wake them up! This anger's deeper than sleep! Got to keep awake to what is happening, I can't see a thing through my ambition, I no longer feel my God is watching over me. Got to tell the world we've all been dreaming, this is not the end, a new beginning... I no longer feel my God is watching over me.”
21. The World: “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong
“The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky, are also on the faces of people going by. I see friends shaking hands, saying, ‘how do you do.’ They're really saying, ‘I love you.’ I hear babies crying, I watch them grow... they'll learn much more than I'll ever know. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.”
1. The Ace of Wands: ���Spark” by the Bird and the Bee
“Tell me a tale, something with fire, to break from the sorrows. To break through the dirt, piles of earth, to see where the sun goes... What if I stopped just for a while to see if I'm closer? Still half the night, just for a while to see where the sun goes, oh, oh, oh...”
2. The Two of Wands: "First We Take Manhattan” by Leonard Cohen
“I'm guided by a signal in the heavens. I'm guided by this birthmark on my skin. I'm guided by the beauty of our weapons... First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin.”
3. The Three of Wands: “Billionaire” by Travie McCoy ft. Bruno Mars
“Oh every time I close my eyes... I see my name in shining lights... Yeah, a different city every night, oh right, I swear, the world better prepare for when I'm a billionaire.” 
4. The Four of Wands: “Eternal Flame” by The Bangles
“Say my name, sun shines through the rain... A whole life so lonely, and then you come and ease the pain. I don't want to lose this feeling, oh... Close your eyes, give me your hand. Do you feel my heart beating? Do you understand? Do you feel the same? Am I only dreaming? Or is this burning an eternal flame?“
5. The Five of Wands: “The Ultimate Showdown” by Lemon Demon
“This is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny: good guys, bad guys, and explosions as far as the eye can see... and only one will survive: I wonder who it will be? This is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny.”
6. The Six of Wands: “We are the Champions” by Queen
“We are the champions, my friends, and we'll keep on fighting 'til the end! We are the champions! We are the champions! No time for losers, 'cause we are the champions of the world!”
7. The Seven of Wands: “Uprising” by Muse
“Rise up and take the power back. It's time that the fat cats had a heart attack, you know that their time is coming to an end. We have to unify and watch our flag ascend.”
8. The Eight of Wands: “Fast as you Can” by Fiona Apple
“I let the beast in and then I even tried forgiving him, but it's too soon. So I'll fight again, again, again, again, again and for a little while more, I'll soar the uneven wind, complain and blame the sterile land.”
9. The Nine of Wands: “Conquest of Spaces” by Woodkid
“I'm ready to start the conquest of spaces expanding between you and me... Come with the night, the science of fighting, the forces of gravity...”
10. The Ten of Wands: “Running up that Hill” by Kate Bush
“And if I only could, I'd make a deal with God, and I'd get him to swap our places, be running up that road, be running up that hill, be running up that building...”
1. The Ace of Cups: “Quiet” by Milck
“But no one knows me, no one ever will, if I don't say something, if I just lie still. Would I be that monster, scare them all away, if I let them hear what I have to say? I can't keep quiet.”
2. The Two of Cups: “Bus Stop” by The Hollies
“Every morning I would see her waiting at the stop. Sometimes she'd shop, and she would show me what she'd bought. Other people stared as if we were both quite insane... Someday my name and hers are going to be the same.”
3. The Three of Cups: “The Cult of Dionysus” by The Orion Experience
“I'm feeling devious, you're looking glamorous... let's get mischievous... and polyamorous. Wine and women and wonderful vices... Welcome to the cult of Dionysus!”
4. The Four of Cups: “High by the Beach” by Lana del Rey
“I don't wanna do this anymore, it's so surreal. I can't survive if this is all that's real... All I wanna do is get high by the beach, get high by the beach, get high...”
5. The Five of Cups: “What Have I Done to Deserve This?” by The Pet Shop Boys
“I bought you drinks, I brought you flowers. I read you books and talked for hours... Every day, so many drinks, such pretty flowers. So tell me, what have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?”
6. The Six of Cups: “In My Life” by The Beatles
“There are places I'll remember, all my life, though some have changed... Some forever, not for better. Some have gone and some remain...”
7. The Seven of Cups: “Which Will” by Nick Drake
“Which do you dance for? Which makes you shine? Which will you choose now, if you won't choose mine?”
8. The Eight of Cups: “Go West” by The Pet Shop Boys
“(Go West) Life is peaceful there, (go West!) in the open air, (go West!) where the skies are blue... (go West!) This is what we're gonna do.”
9. The Nine of Cups: “No Surprises” by Radiohead
“Such a pretty house... and such a pretty garden... No alarms and no surprises, no alarms and no surprises, no alarms and no surprises, please...”
10. The Ten of Cups: “Rainbow Connection” by Kermit the Frog
“Someday we'll find it, the Rainbow Connection... the lovers, the dreamers and me.”
1. The Ace of Swords: “One” by U2
“You say love is a temple, love is a higher law... Love is a temple, love is a higher law. You ask me of me to enter, but then you make me crawl, and I can't keep holding on to what you got, 'cause all you got is hurt.”
2. The Two of Swords: “I Can’t Decide” by The Scissor Sisters
“I can't decide whether you should live or die... Oh, you'll probably go to heaven; please don't hang your head and cry...”
3. The Three of Swords: “The Killing Type” by Amanda Palmer
"I would kill to make you feel. I don't mean kill someone for real. I couldn't do that, it is wrong... But I can say it in a song.”
4. The Four of Swords: “Take it Easy” by The Eagles
“Take it easy, take it easy. Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy. Lighten up while you still can, don't even try to understand, just find a place make your stand. Take it easy.”
5. The Five of Swords: “Young Men Dead” by the Black Angels
“Run for the hills, pick up your feet and let's go. We did our jobs, pick up speed now, let’s move. The trees can't grow without the sun in their eyes, and we can't live if we're too afraid to die.”
6. The Six of Swords: “I Will Survive” by Cake
“At first I was afraid, I was petrified. I kept thinking I could never live without you by my side. But then I spent so many nights just thinking how you'd done me wrong. I grew strong; I learned how to get along.”
7. The Seven of Swords: “Sabotage” by The Beastie Boys
“I can't stand it, I know you planned it! I'mma set it straight, this Watergate. I can't stand rockin' when I'm in here, 'cause your crystal ball ain't so crystal clear. So while you sit back and wonder why I got this fuckin' thorn in my side, oh my god, it's a mirage! I'm tellin' y'all, it's sabotage.”
8. The Eight of Swords: “Whipping Post” by the Allman Brothers Band
“Sometimes I feel, sometimes I feel, like I been tied to the whippin' post, tied to the whippin' post, tied to the whippin' post. Good Lord, I feel like I'm dyin'.”
9. The Nine of Swords: “Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums” by A Perfect Circle
“Don't fret, precious, I'm here. Step away from the window, and go back to sleep... safe from pain, and truth, and choice... and other poison devils. See, they don't give a fuck about you, like I do. Count lies like sheep, like sheep, like sheep, like sheep, like sheep, like sheep...”
10. The Ten of Swords: “Hurt” by Johnny Cash
“I hurt myself today to see if I still feel. I focus on the pain, the only thing that's real. The needle tears a hole, the old familiar sting. Try to kill it all away, but I remember everything. What have I become, my sweetest friend? Everyone I know goes away in the end.”
1. The Ace of Pentacles: “Dime” by Cake
“I'm a dime, I'm fine, and I shine. I'm freshly minted. I am determined not to be dented by a car or by a plane or anything not yet invented...”
2. The Two of Pentacles: “Down to Earth” by Peter Gabriel
“Did you think that your feet had been bound by what gravity brings to the ground? Did you feel you were tricked by the future you picked? Well, come on down. All these rules don't apply when you're high in the sky, so come on down, come on down.”
3. The Three of Pentacles: “With a Little Help from My Friends” by Joe Cocker
“What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song, I will try not to sing out of key.”
4. The Four of Pentacles: “This is the Life” by “Weird Al” Yankovic
“They say that money corrupts you, but I can't really tell... I got the whole world at my feet, and I think it's pretty swell.”
5. The Five of Pentacles: “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” by The Rolling Stones
“No, you can't always get what you want... You can't always get what you want... You can't always get what you want... But if you try sometimes, you find, you get what you need.”
6. The Six of Pentacles: “Rent” by The Pet Shop Boys
“We never ever argue, we never calculate the currency we've spent... I love you, you pay my rent “
7. The Seven of Pentacles: “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac
“I took my love, I took it down, climbed a mountain and I turned around. And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills ‘til the landslide brought me down.” 
8. The Eight of Pentacles: “The Weaver” by Steeleye Span
“The loom goes click and the loom goes clack; the shuttle flies forward and then flies back. The weaver's so bent that he's like to crack... such a wearisome trade is the weaver.” 
9. The Nine of Pentacles: “My Way” by Frank Sinatra
“I've loved, I've laughed and cried. I've had my fill, my share of losing. And now, as tears subside, I find it all, all so amusing... To think I did all that, and may I say, not in a shy way... oh no, no, not me. I did it my way.” 
10. The Ten of Pentacles: “Monument” by Röyskopp and Robyn
“This will be my monument. This will be a beacon when I'm gone, gone, gone... When I'm gone, gone, gone... When I'm gone... So that when that moment comes, I can say I did it all with love, love, love... All with love, love, love... All with love.”
Court Cards
1. The Page of Wands: “The Arsonist’s Lullaby” by Hozier
“All you have is your fire, and the place you need to reach. Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash.”
2. The Knight of Wands (Sagittarius, the Archer): “Portrait of the Knight of Wands” by Suzanne Vega
“His mood was melancholy, his attitude severe. His inner burden weighed upon him mightily.” 
3. The Queen of Wands (Aries, the Ram): “The Queen of Hollywood” by the Corrs
“She's never gonna be like the one before. She read it in her stars that there's something more. No matter what it takes, no matter how she breaks...”
4. The King of Wands (Leo, the Lion): “King and Lionheart” by Of Monsters and Men
“And as the world comes to an end, I'll be here to hold your hand, 'cause you're my king and I'm your lion-heart.”
1. The Page of Cups: “The Salmon Dance” by The Chemical Brothers
“Hello, boys and girls, my name is Fat Lip, and this is my friend, Sammy the Salmon! Today we're gonna teach you some fun facts about salmon and a brand new dance.”
2. The Knight of Cups (Pisces, the Fishes): “Knight of Noir” by Susanne Sundfor
“I can't go back again and lock the door. In the dead of night I hear her call out for more. I want to be stung by the stars, I gave her my soul and my heart, and now I am a slave.”
3. The Queen of Cups (Cancer, the Crab): “The Queen and I” by Gym Class Heroes
“I love it how she breaths booze in the morning... and it’s so sexy how she can't remember last night... I made the fatal mistake of letting her drink again. But who the hell am I to tell her how to live her life?”
4. The King of Cups (Scorpio, the Scorpion): “Sea King” by Eisley 
“Sea King, Sea king, can't you see that you're so silly? Sea King, I know things, and without love you won't get far...”
[Honorable mention: Franz Schubert’s rendition of Goethe’s “Der Koenig in Thule” is probably the ultimate King of Cups song, but it felt too different in musical style -- and language -- to include in this playlist. Still, it’s gorgeous, and the lyrics are perfect.]
1. The Page of Swords: “The Sword and the Pen” by Regina Spektor
“What if the sword kills the pen? What if the god kills the man? And if he does it with love, well then, it's death from above, and death from above is still a death...”
2. The Knight of Swords (Gemini, the Twins): “Knights of Cydonia” by Muse
“No one's going to take me alive. Time has come to make things right. You and I must fight for our rights. You and I must fight to survive.”
3. The Queen of Swords (Libra, the Scales): “My Snow White Queen” by Evanescence
“You belong to me, my snow white queen... There's nowhere to run, so let's just get it over.”
4. The King of Swords (Aquarius, the Water Bearer): “The Idiot Kings” by Soul Coughing
“Batting in the light, my reptile-lidded eyes. And all this strung end to end, is wider than the mind.”
1. The Page of Pentacles: “Sweet Child” by Pentangle
“You've been working so hard all day, won't you take your rest? You've been driving my blues away, now it is my turn. Come fly beneath my wings, sweet child it may not be for long.”
2. The Knight of Pentacles (Virgo, the Virgin): “Knights of Malta” by Smashing Pumpkins
“Where omens scar your door... Like a harvest we're bound and set for war... But no soldier comes...”
3. The Queen of Pentacles (Capricorn, the Goat): "Dreaming of the Queen” by The Pet Shop Boys
“Then carriages arrived... We stood and said goodbye. Diana dried her eyes and looked surprised, for I was in the nude. The old Queen disapproved, but people laughed and asked for autographs.”
4. The King of Pentacles (Taurus, the Bull): “A Farewell to Kings” by Rush
“Cities full of hatred, fear and lies, withered hearts, and cruel, tormented eyes... Scheming demons dressed in kingly guise, beating down the multitude, and scoffing at the wise. Whoa, can't we raise our eyes and make a start? Can't we find the minds to lead us closer to the heart?”
Giant shout-out to the Tarot Nerds Facebook Group for inspiring me. You are the best.
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