#Rainbow Six x reader
m-beloved · 10 months
Rook, Vigil, Echo, Tachanka, Fuze, KapKan, Jäger and Grim from R6S are so hot I want to get them pregnant with at minimum ten kids EACH and make them all my housewives god why is this fandom so dead I wish more people wrote for them oh wait I can ahahahhahahah
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eldritcmor · 1 year
I like writing these.
Gaz: I feel like dying.
Storm: you'll have to go to the hangar then.
Gaz: why?
Ghost: eight to ten feet doesn't kill on impact.
Gaz: you've thought about this.
Storm and ghost: of course.
Price: why is Storm hanging from the ceiling?
Soap: I think they're trying to move their stash.
Price: Their stash?
Soap: if they don't want to bother anyone, they have stashes of food all over the base. They also have some really cozy spots tucked up in here.
Price: why?
Soap: they hide from people.
Graves: Hey doll.
Storm: Ever call me that again and I will knit a sweater from your nervous system.
Soap: Now that. That is a horrifying feeling.
Soap: what do we say when someone breaks our heart?
Storm: thank you for the trauma. I need it for my art.
Gaz: no.
Storm: uh I was never good enough to begin with.
Soap: NO!
Soap: So storm just walked into the infirmary. Uh willingly.
Gaz: well that's alarming.
Ghost: and concerning. Are you absolutely sure it was willingly?
Soap: no one was with them and they were not restrained in anyway.
Gaz: we should probably call Price, something is wrong with Storm.
Storm meeting up with their old squad
Spoon and fork: KNIVES!
Storm: where's Alex, rin, and lucid?
Gaz: why do you all call yourselves outside of missions?
Storm: easier to remember than our own names most of the time, also doesn't trigger the oh shit response.
Soap: the oh shit response?
Storm: John Mactsvish!
Soap: *freezes and ducks his head*
Storm: that response.
Ghost: that was rude, Sargeant.
Storm: *freezes and ducks their head* sorry sir.
Gaz: ha!
Alejandro: Price, come get your child! *A zoomed in picture of Storm in with a bunch of r6 operators.*
Price: how in the fuck? When did they get to Mexico!
Doc: *watching as Storm quietly and efficiently patches and stitches themselves back together.* Why?!
Storm: *shrugging as they tie off the last stitch* no point in goin' if I can do it myself. No need to bother the medics on a simple cut.
Doc: that is not how this relationship should work! At least let me do the bandages!
Storm: no, ya got other folks to tend to doc. Don' worry bout me.
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fandomnerd9602 · 4 months
May I request a rainbow six siege Hibana x Male wick reader plz🙏 (idk if you heard of the game before, no rush )
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Hibana: you got my back Y/N?
Y/N: I got all of you.
Hibana: so what’s your secondary weapon?
Y/N: pencil
Hibana: I would normally question that but knowing you and your family…good choice.
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rightshoeonleftfoot · 8 months
Mechanic!Jäger AU where Jäger became a mechanic instead of being in the BPOL - He's such a wet dog for reader I swear to GOD. A little pathetic methinks.
Jäger x GN!Reader
Warnings: Maybe a little bit of obsessed!Jäger? Apart from that it's all SFW.
Jäger runs a humble little garage two blocks down from your apartment building. The garage is a little dingy, requiring maintenance. A few lights are flickering, there are boxes scattered around the place, some filled with trash and other scrap materials, some empty, and a couple of cars getting tended to. The garage has a distinct gasoline smell, a strong, pungent smell that seeps into your clothes ensuring that you walk out smelling like gas. The whole place is almost unwelcoming, the broken garage door windows replaced by planks of wood and a man roughly cleaning a spill nearby.
The employees are barely sparing you a glance as you stand next to your car awkwardly. You'd called in advance, you had to in order to make an appointment, and the garage had good reviews. Yet, even though you had written the date and time down and had read through the reviews anxiously, you still felt the pressure of the atmosphere of the garage weighing down on you.
However, as though it was your lucky day, an employee finally approaches you. He was the complete opposite of the rest of the employees, he seemed happy to see a new customer. The man introduced himself as Marius, the owner of the garage. He apologized for his employees not tending to you, before asking for your car keys. Marius is wearing a dirty, oil stained hoodie, with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows as well as jeans, with a few rips and more stains. His hands are stained black with oil, and some of it rubbed off on your keys and fingers when you hand them to him and accidentally touched his hand. He's wearing a balaclava, so the only thing you can see are his brown eyes. He assured you that he'll take care of it and you don't have to worry about it, and you left, anxious at the thought of getting scammed.
You came back the next day, ready for the potentially high bill that would come with the small issue your car had. But when Marius handed you the bill himself, it's cheap. Way cheaper than it should be. He explained he took some liberties, changing the oil and refilling your windshield fluid. He even gave you a discount and his business card. He looked proud of himself. Way too proud of himself. You paid and thank him quietly, taking your keys back which were slightly covered in oil. You feel relief from the whole situation, happy you might've found a mechanic for life. If only you knew how true that would be. After all, he wouldn't purposely sabotage your car so you need to see him again, right?
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writingmydelusions · 4 months
Flirting with Gustave “Doc” Kateb
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-He’s not thrown off or flustered by your random acts of kindness, it seemed like. But he was willing to spend more time with you, viewing you as a trustworthy person.
-Over time, you ask for permission to touch him on the shoulder, arm, you ask to hold his hand..
-This would require some patience on your part.
-You do this more and more often. Eventually, he has to ask you why exactly you liked touching him so much and what you saw in him.
-You reply by kissing his cheek. It takes a while for him to realize what this meant and blush hard at your kiss.
-you weren’t expecting much in return. You were an lovebug who freely gave out affection to anyone you liked.
-You end up hugging.
-He falls asleep in your office not long after, having slumped into your arms after a long day and a nice kiss.
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garfields-nutz · 2 years
I’m a Rainbow 6 Siege fan so here are my fave memes (i made the last 5)
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darlingdarkly · 5 months
Fates Worse Than Death Part 5
Deimos x f!reader noncon! Enemies to Lovers
2.9k words
CW: noncon elements, dubcon elements, angst, mentions of character death, game spoilers
Parts: 1, 4, 6
Routine has a way of cutting our lives into neat little boxes. The same thing in and out quickly blankets over any obscenities or anomalies until you’re numb to what made them absurd in the first place, completely draining any context or substance they may have held. They become unreal to you, just a fact of life. Like morticians or executioners when you do the same, at first glance, abhorrent tasks day in and out it starts to become ordinary, just part of the mundane, as vexing as brushing your teeth or fetching the mail.
The days began to bleed together. The pair of you fell into a regular schedule, one where there was never a moment you were apart and for better or for worse you began to get comfortable, complacent in your unusual relationship. You slipped into the regularity of routine, waking up, sharing breakfast, doing desk work in the mornings and then sharing lunch, odd menial things in the afternoon before sharing dinner and then bed. You didn’t even notice the slip, drifting effortlessly into place next to him, becoming relaxed around him. He became a statue, a steady faucet, always there.
There was even training, every day you and him would start with stretches before a run and then light sparring where more often than not you found yourself face first into the mat but it was exertion and that suited you just fine. It was during one of these training sessions where the inevitable finally happened. He wondered how long it was going to take for you to become comfortable enough to bring it up. He should have known, but he had let himself become comfortable too and maybe that’s why it caught him half by surprise as it did.
You had only been sparring for about a week, moved up from the basics to being confident enough in your abilities for wooden trainers to be added to the mix. He threw one at you and you caught it with ease, examining the crudely carved knife and testing its grip in your palm. It had been too long for your liking since you’d gripped a knife, even a fake one and it felt like slipping back into an old sweater.
You both stood opposite each other on the mat with a trainer in hand and he allowed you to make the first move, jabbing inward towards him with an intended blow to his right side, a move he saw coming and sidestepped, bringing his own knife up for a slash to your neck.
You pulled your head back and away just in time before ducking down and pushing your blade up into his armpit where it ultimately would drive between his ribs and into his lung. He stepped back with the bout over and stood before you impressed. He came at you first the next time, feigning a go for your soft neck but redirecting at the last moment and dipping around behind you when you moved to evade and capturing you in a headlock, he smiled as you swore and tapped him with the handle of your trainer on the back of his arm as a surrender.
He went again, pulling a similar move and found himself impressed as you predicted it and put distance between you, adapting quickly and learning as you went. He found himself wondering just how trained you were, the thoughts spilling into one another as he assessed your skills up close and personally.
The bouts went on, each of you trading blows and working up a sweat until he held up a hand to signal a break. Your shoulders dropped and you stepped back until the backs of your knees hit the bench and you dropped down on it to recover. He stood where he was as he addressed you.
“When are you going to tell me your ability?” You froze like a deer in the headlights. Of all the questions he could have asked he picked the one you couldn’t answer. You don’t even have an excuse prepared, completely blindsided. You knew it was going to happen eventually but you had assumed it would come later, always later.
“I’m not.” You hope you can be cheeky and skate.
“Why?” God he’s persistent. It’s like he had a sixth sense for when you were trying to avoid a subject. Prodding you for discomfort and pushing on the spots that made you wince.
“Because.. I don’t want to.” Your answers not good enough, his head tilt says it all.
“Sugar cane..” he won’t let you keep getting away with half truths and run arounds, you have to give him something and the first thing you come up with is what you feed him, you hope he can’t taste the deceit in it.
“It’s still in development.” Which is true, you have a few ideas but haven’t set down anything concrete yet. You have some plans worked up but they’ll have to go through Mira for approval and probably be reworked for flaws or additions depending on her judgment but there was still a long way to go even before that step. You hope to god he’ll just let it go.
“What rank are you?” You looked up, trying to get a read on him. Why was he asking questions he already had the answers to. Why was he pressing so hard? Digging deep to the heart of the issue. “You know what my rank is. It’s in my file.”
“I have your medical file, not your dossier.” You weren’t sure where he was going with this. But if he didn’t accept this then your back was against the wall and you’d have to tell him the truth. “Well before Rainbow I-“
“Not before. You and I both know nothing before Rainbow matters.” And there it was, the unavoidable question. It was a trap, one you could see but had no choice but to walk into, you could lie but he’d find out one way or another. He’d done it once before.
“Recruit.” You’d whispered it but he heard it clear as a bell and you wondered again if any of the intel on him was correct, he was almost supernatural in his abilities for a 51 year old.
“A recruit!?! Are you telling me they haven’t promoted you? You’re not even a full blown operator yet and they sent you out here for me?” You mentally flinch a little at the jest, you know it wasn’t meant to be hurtful but it stung all the same. Your first instinct is to try and defend yourself and Rainbow for that matter.
“I was close. This mission, had it been successful, was going to push me the last of the way, I was sure of it.” You were going to say more but he cut you off.
“You don’t even know? How long have you been at Rainbow?” And the follow up question drops. The answer automatically rolling to the front of your mind like a steel ball and thudding against the pan of your brain, it hurt.
“Two years.” He’s silent and somehow that’s worse because you can’t even imagine what’s going on in his head.
“Sugar cane, that’s ridiculous. You know that, right? Do you not realize the potential you’ve shown me in the last month alone? Do you not see they are squandering your talent? You shouldn’t be sat out on the sidelines. You’re ready, you’ve been ready.”
The heat of his praise never fails to warm you and you still find you don’t know what to do with it but as rewarding as it is you still find yourself jumping to defend the organization. “That’s not my decision to make.”
“It used to really be something, an organization made up of the world's elites. A force that brought justice to looming evil, a tactile resolution to the previously untouchable. We kept it in check.” You hadn’t expected this, you never thought you’d hear him talk about his time at Rainbow.
It was by no means a secret, every new batch of recruits huddled together after dark in the barracks or around the fire camping out during orienteering training heard the tale of one of Rainbow’s fiercest enemies.
So feared not only because of his ruthless reputation and terrifying ability that was impossible to evade but because he used to be one of us.
“Rainbow used to mean something. We used to mean something.” And his gaze fell from you as he relived some vivid memory as he spoke. “We were a force. Striking fear into the hearts of our enemies, saving hundreds of thousands of lives.”
“What happened?” You stared up at him, training long forgotten in lieu of hearing him lay it all out for you, whether you liked what you heard or not. This is the part of the story no one knew. “They ruined it, tarnished our name and reputation. Dissected Rainbow and ripped out its spine, let it get all soft and mushy. It’s the same reason you’re still a recruit and not out there in it. Now it’s not even a shell of the beast it used to be.”
“A group of us ultimately defected, unwilling to bend the knee. Got labeled as traitors and terrorists, sought out to be destroyed by what he had helped build. The only answer was to cut off the head of the snake.” Your blood ran cold as you realized what he was referring to and as instantly as it chilled it began to heat.
“We were a covert unit of apex killers and he turned it into the fucking escapades. Harry was a fucking louse.
He disgraced my unit and if no one else would step up and hold the gun then so be it.” It was only when he looked back up at you did he realize his mistake.
You weren’t the only one settling into complacency. He hadn’t realized how comfortable he’d gotten, the noose settling around his neck without so much as a flinch. He had been trying so hard to coax you from your defensive shell he’d never realized how vulnerable he was making himself in the process and he had never meant to open up to you quite this much, cut himself open as he had, but it had been so long since he had shared like this and the flow of it took him and made him bleed more than he had intended, but he realized it just a bit too late.
“What the fuck do you know about Harry?” He could feel the heat coming off you in waves. He hadn’t realized you were close with Harry, there was no way he could have really known, but fuck it. It was time you learned the truth.
“Did I strike a nerve, sugar cane?” You glared him down.
“You don’t know a damn thing. Whatever happened to you it wasn’t that. You’re wrong. We’re not soft. And I don’t believe you.” The ‘we’ struck a chord in him, one that stung a bit but he couldn't let it show.
“Of course you don’t, God you’re loyal to a fault you know that?” You want to shove the wooden trainer down his throat, can see yourself doing it in your mind even as you know it’d never play out that way.
You couldn’t sit still any longer and rose up off the bench, undeterred as the image of your leader and mentor filled your mind and the anger that sapped from it you harbored to coat your words until they were gorged with poison. “Killing Harry meant nothing. You think it’ll change Rainbow? Somehow magically restore your perfect fucking unit? You’re living in the past, Deimos. Grow up.”
“He was running Rainbow into the ground. Why do you think it’s deteriorating from the inside out? Ghost Eyes? Red Hammer? You really think Rainbow breaking into factions makes you stronger? You’re wrong. It’s weakening you. Don’t even get me started on Nighthaven. Inviting them in so freely. Didn’t even realize they were there to poach your technology and operators until it was too late. Rainbow is crumbling and Harry was holding the hammer.”
“You’re wrong!” But he’s not. It’s no secret things have been going wrong for a long time now, even Rainbow’s enemies were privy to the internal struggles, poising to strike while it was weak. They hadn’t ever suspected it to come from one of their own.
“There is none so blind as those who refuse to see, sweetheart.” Your temper reached its fever pitch and you could feel the air around you stilling, the calm before the storm, the static it resonated undeniable.
“You’re wrong. And if you think you’ve got your hands around our throat I suggest you think again. You’re underestimating us and it’ll be your downfall.” You stand opposite each other and it’s clear while he’d made the fatal slip it was you who came out the most upheaved by it. Your chest rises and falls rapidly as your temper threatens to claim your better judgment. You find you can’t stand to look at him a moment longer, uncertain of what you’ll do if you have to.
You storm out and it only adds fuel to your flames when he doesn’t bother following you, like he’s secure enough in recapturing you had you tried to escape that it didn’t matter. You kept your head down as you passed groups of unfriendly faces, lost in your own mental quarrels you wished one would try something, give you an outlet to lash out against but they all seemed to know better. You made it out of the building and headed east. There was only one thing right now that could ease your ill mood, you were happy to find it unlocked.
The noise greets you like an old friend and they’ve grown accustomed to you enough to anticipate your arrival each time. They welcome you in with the same mix of barks and whimpers and you find the sound wraps around you like a warm hug. You greet them back one by one, stopping and giving each a thorough pat down through the gates. You’d grown to love them all but Clover cemented her place in your heart as your favorite.
You pulled open the door to her pen and stepped inside carefully as she attempted to wrap herself around your legs, beating you up with her tail in the process. Your mind eases and you start to forget a little. You spend the rest of the day there, cleaning up their enclosures before playing with each in turn, tug of war with an old piece of rope you’d found and bringing them out of their pens one at the time for a few rounds of fetch.
It’s odd, this stretch of alone time. After a solid month of being with him constantly this step back was both jarring and full of clarity. It’d been a long time since you’d done a mental inventory and you didn’t care for what you found once you did. You were upset with him but the reasoning behind it made you uncomfortable. It wasn’t Harry’s death, that was only the spark that had ignited the flame. You’d mourned him already, the initial stages of grief long past.
This felt like a different kind of upset, its flavor twinged with disappointment, but why? Why would you expect anything else from him? He was your enemy, you knew that. You hate your enemies, you strive to watch them exhale their last breath, actively plot their demise. But running those things back with him in mind didn’t feel right, they made you a bit queasy. You refused to acknowledge the implications of it, no matter how undeniable they appeared to be. Nothing had changed. But you couldn’t shake the feeling that everything he’d said to you rang of truth while you were only lying to yourself.
You’d just finished feeding them when he stepped in. “Thought I’d find you here.” The pang of emotion that washed over you at the sound of his voice made you uncomfortable but you fought down any kind of reaction it threatened to bring to the surface and didn’t even turn to acknowledge him. But you weren’t expecting the accompanying sting when he didn’t even try to smooth any of it over, choosing instead to change the subject and drive head on to whatever point he came to make.
“I just got some news.” You turn to face him then, the possibilities of what he was going to say next had no end and you were all ears. “I have to leave again, tomorrow morning.”
He continues. “I didn’t want to but after learning the nature of the situation I can’t send anyone in my place and there’s no other alternatives.” Another escape attempt jumps to the forefront of your mind, it’s reactionary but even as the thought forms it dies. You’d have to have some kind of a leg up, a new plan and you have yet to find a new chink in their armor, but maybe while he’s gone you can come up with something for another time.
“It’s gonna be at least a week or so, the trip will take half a day alone but we’ll manage it.” Your ears prick up. Did he just say we? He can tell by the expression on your face that you’ve picked up on the catch.
“Wait, you don’t mean?…”
“Pack your bags, sugar cane. We’re going on a trip.”
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melodygatesauthor · 2 years
The Spetsnaz with a Breeding Kink
Spetz Boys X f!Reader
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I just couldn't help myself with this one y'all. I had to do it.
Summary: Headcanons for the Spetz boys and they want to put a baby in you...BAD.
Tags/Warnings: NSFW, breeding kink, reader is not on birth control, Spetz boys do not care and will not be using condoms, p in v creampie, rough sex, cum as lube, pregnancy, reader is smol, lactation kink (minor mention)
Word Count: 1.1k
Russian Terms Used:
Printsessa = Princess
Krasivaya = Beautiful
Shuhrat "Fuze" Kessikbayev
Shuhrat is on the quieter side, so the way he enjoys this kink is a bit more subtle than others.
At first he just likes to think about what it would be like to have you carrying his baby, but he won't talk about it yet, he doesn't want to scare you away
When you start having sex, he isn't pushy, but he won't hesitate to fuck you when you even so much as mention it.
He loves to be able to see your face while he does it. He wants to see your eyes roll back and your lips parted in breathy moans while your cunt gushes over his cock.
Even more, he wants to look at you while he comes.
He's frozen when his cock is buried completely to the hilt, shooting hot ropes into you, pumping you full with every drop until he's completely drained.
He wants to make sure his dick is in as far as it can go so you don't lose a single drop.
"Look at how well you take me," he says while he thrusts up into you some more, pushing his seed further inside.
He won't pull out of you until he's fully soft and has no choice. He revels in the way you look on your back with cum dripping out of your pussy.
"I can't wait to see what you look like with a big pregnant belly." He'd say in a low tone, touching your abdomen with a large hand.
He's not done either, he's going to fuck you every night for several nights until you get a positive test, and then he isn't going to stop telling you how happy he is to know you're carrying his child.
Alexsandr "Tachanka" Senaviev
Alexsandr is a big man, and he's always loved the idea of fucking into your small frame and breeding you with his babies. When the time finally came, he was not shy about it.
His favorite way to take you is bent over, face in the mattress, with his cock buried deep inside your soaked cunt. You cried the first time, but told him to keep going anyway. Secretly he was glad you cried...he kinda liked the way it sounded.
He enjoys looking down and seeing your pussy split over his dick while he pushes in deeper and harder.
When he comes, filling you to the brim with his white heat, he loves the wet sound it makes when he fucks it into you the second he gets hard again, using it instead of lube.
It takes several hours of breeding you until he's satisfied, and you're nearly passed out from exhaustion and overstimulation.
He knows it's not likely to happen, but he's secretly hoping you'll be pregnant with quadruplets. He wants you to be as big and round as possible.
He also cannot wait for you to start lactating. The idea of replacing the crap at the store with your breast milk is what gives Alexsandr life these days.
When you do get pregnant, he's on his knees worshipping the ground you walk on, and he tells you constantly how beautiful you look all big and round with his baby in you.
Timur "Glaz" Glazkov
Timur is anything but a selfish lover, but when the thought of you carrying his child enters his mind, he can't stop thinking about it, and all the things he wants to do to you to make it happen.
It becomes almost an obsession for him, he's painting it, drawing it, it's always running through his thoughts. So when he finally gets to fuck you, you can imagine it's messy.
His mouth is all over you while he stuffs you with his cock. He's kissing you, sucking on your neck, and nipping at each breast until you're whining through each orgasm.
"I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk, printsessa." He would say with his face buried in your neck.
He meant what he said, and he would fuck you relentlessly, taking his usually selfless nature out of the equation. He wants you good and used up, pussy dripping with excess cum.
When he's finished inside of you for the third time, and is frustrated, unable to get himself hard again, he demands that you stay on your back while he draws you like that.
"You look so good, do not move." He'll say. "Keep it inside, don't let anymore fall out."
As he draws you, he gets hard again, but won't fuck you until he's done with his work.
Maxim "Kapkan" Basuda
The usual quiet, calm, and collected Maxim goes completely feral at the thought of breeding you. The moment you mention wanting to have a kid, he's already thinking about all the ways he wants to split you open.
He always wanted to be a dad, and thinking about how good you'll look carrying his child...oh he can hardly stand it.
Like an animal in the wild he's mounting you, face down into the bed. He likes the way you sound whimpering underneath him.
When he's done bending you over every surface in your house, he then likes to take his fingers and shove the cum back into you. Any bit that's dribbled down your thighs is getting stuffed back in there.
"You have such a cute little pussy, krasivaya, so good at taking my cum." He'd tell you while pumping his thick digits in and out of you.
He's also going to have you naked as much as possible, so he can take you any time he's good and ready. You spend most of your time at home either filled with Maxim's cock, or filled with his spend.
When you are pregnant, his hands are on you almost at all times. If he can touch you, then he can protect you. He becomes very overprotective, to a point that drives you a little crazy.
He also can't stop fucking you while you're pregnant though. The feeling of sucking on your swollen tits while your cunt crushes his cock in orgasm has no comparison.
Don't know what came over me with this one. Just had to get it out of my system. Let me know if you want me to do the other groups! I don't mind writing m!Reader if one of the groups has a woman in it (GSG9 for instance)
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god-complex-12 · 9 months
Could you do Fluff of Valkyrie from Rainbow 6 Siege with a civilian reader?
— Paring; Meghan “Valkyrie” Castellano x male reader. Fandom; Rainbow Six Siege
Eunoia: (n.) beautiful thinking; a well mind.
Quote; “I’ve missed you.”
Disclaimer; Meghan coming home, mentions of hardships, she’s a lovey-dover (which I wouldn’t usually write her like that ((I say that as if I write her a lot)).), kissing, mentions of the movie Dune, short story.
Word Count: 0.5k
A/N: I had to re-write this so many times, you have no idea. Wish I had a gif..
Meghan always felt a sense of both relief and melancholy when returning home. She was glad to be away from the violence and with her husband, but now she actually has time to think about all the hardships she just faced. She hoped that Y/N would do what he always did best and distract her from them.
Meghan opened the door to her home, dropping the duffle bag of equipment by the door and looking around for Y/N. Her mud coated boots make hard thuds against the hardwood floor. They would have been heavier if she was in uniform.
At the sound of someone entering, Y/N looks behind him from where he was seated. “Meghan?” He called out, his tone filled with hope. Hope because he wanted to see his wife, and hope because he didn’t know if he could take on a rober.
She smiled and rounded the corner. “How’d you know?” She asked sarcastically. She walked over to him, giving him a kiss. “How have you been?” She leaned on the back of the couch and wrapped her around his neck for a quick hug.
Y/N smiled widely at her, grabbing her and forcing her to lay on the couch with him. “Better now that you’re home.” He kissed her again. “I’ve missed you.” He muttered softly.
“I know,” she said confidently, which easily melted to match his tone. “I’ve missed you too.” Meghan laid on top of him with a dramatic sigh, looking at the TV. “What are you watching?”
“Dune,” he said, hugging her tight.
“Mm..” She hummed. “We’ve watched this movie a lot.”
“Like I said, ‘I missed you’.”
Meghan made a rare giddy smile, taking in her husband’s warmth. “God, some things you do are just adorable.” She laid her head down on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and watching the movie. She started to feel the exhaustion of traveling take over her. Her eyes drooped and within about twenty minutes, she was out
Y/N gently ran his hand through her hair, brushing back the part above her ear. He knew she was asleep when he heard a sudden one-time snore. He kissed the top of her head, happy she was home and even more happy she was alive. Meghan wasn’t a clingy person by any means, but it was always the night when she came back or the night when she would leave when she would not let go.
Y/N watched his movie, listening to her steady breathing and the television, and soon he too fell asleep, hugging Meghan tight.
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rekas-writes · 2 years
Kinktober Day 1: Claiming
Pair: James “Smoke” Porter/GN! Reader Source: Rainbow Six Siege
Type: One-shot -  1485 words Genre: Non-graphic Smut/18+ Perspective: Second-Person (You/Your)
Summary: Separated from your team during training, you find yourself cornered by the ruthless Smoke. Only, he seems very intrigued by your precarious position stuck between him and a brick wall (Set before his move to Nighthaven!)
TW: Steamy but no actual sex, just a lot of grinding, making out and biting. There’s a few swear words and he lovingly calls you a whore. As always, this is 18+ only!
A/N: I feel like I’ve been neglecting the other categories of my blog so I’ll be doing my best to touch every base haha. I made Smoke kinda mean + I kinda ran rogue with this and forgot the word counter- Enjoy!
Nothing could’ve prepared you for your impending fate when simulated rubble blocked your path. Your breath hitches as you call to your team, reassuring them that you’d make your way back to them somehow. Ash nods an affirmative but there’s a concerned look that crosses your close friend’s face… But there’s not much you can do with the amount of bits and pieces in the way.
Quick and eager to regroup due to your nervousness on your own, you cautiously clear your way through some rooms, prepared to fight at any moment. You end up in a rather quiet area, far from the objective as you try and make your way back to your squad. There’s a certain looseness, feeling confident that most of them were at the firefight; covered in powder and aching from plastic blanks. 
Though, it would seem you were rather too loose and didn’t look too closely at one corner as you felt the harness of your uniform get grabbed harshly- knocking you off kilter. The surprise left you open and easy to defend against, and much harder for you to fight back. You stumble and flail, cursing your lack of flashbangs while trying to shove your gun behind you to hit your attacker better than shooting blindly and possibly hitting yourself with the spray. There’s a pained grunt signifying success before you yelp, hand flexing at the twist of your wrist before you hear your weapon clatter uselessly to the ground. You’re spun- back shoved against the unyielding wall and your hands pinned in an iron grip above your reeling head. Determined, you struggle again but nothing gives in enough for you to break free, especially with your entire lower body trapped, making you sigh, ready to announce an embarrassing surrender before you hear a familiar chuckle,
“Nice try, love,” you can hear the smile in a certain chemist’s rough voice as he leans in close, his free hand unmasking himself to help calm you down from your adrenaline- showing himself as a vulnerable friendly rather than a pretend-enemy,  “Pay more attention next time. Don’t let your guard down; no matter how quiet it is there could always be someone lurkin',” Smoke chides sternly, “Your real enemy ain't gonna hold you close like this either, and they certainly won’t be as drop-dead handsome,” he breaks into a grin, already dismissing the scolding tone in his naturally husky voice and you roll your eyes, almost so hard they strain. 
Though, you are grateful for him taking it slightly easy on you, he could’ve just shot and tagged you out of the round. Plus, it was a good lesson better served here than in real battle. You were so close to being a proper operator, this simulated training match with and against proper, experienced operators being used to provide more realistic combat/ on the field experience as well as acting as a final test of sorts for each recruit on the cusp of being an official Rainbow Six Operator. It was a high honour you wanted more than anything with how much you dedicated to this path.
A large part of you felt so disappointed at being caught out so soon however, even if it was by your boyfriend, but it was soon replaced by a surprised gasp and hiss. He’d bitten your damn neck! James gives you a cheeky smile with a not so innocent tilt of his head, “Sorry,” he really wasn’t sorry. His hands wrapped around your wrists loosen, a quiet way to let you go if you wanted. You stay put, coy as you rub a thigh between his legs- pleased at the noise you pulled from his lips. There’s a glint in the SAS officer's eyes as he holds you firmly, biting again with a slight bit more force in rebuttal, making you whine and squirm in his grasp, “You just look so good in your new uniform, sweetheart,” he purrs lowly, the deep, more seductive tone replacing his playful one making you squirm a little more at the warmth that simmered beneath your skin. 
You’d received your very own specialised uniform a few days before the skirmish, and you’d be a fool if you didn’t notice the way Smoke stared at the way you filled out the new gear. It was rather tight in certain areas, leaving little to the imagination, and he’d taken great notice given the way he squeezed your thigh with his free hand- appreciating the raw strength and muscle you’d built over your training, “And with the way you’re pinned and moaning so nicely for me… I don’t think I can resist claiming you,” he almost growls, and you have to stop yourself from so eagerly nodding your head,
“You want that, huh? Make you mine right here, right now? Want the others to hear you be a whore for me during training?” and you’re pleading with the way you grind so adorably against the thigh he so kindly shoved between your legs. His ego is instantly inflated at how needy you were for him already, biting his bottom lip as the edges of his lips turn up into a cruel smirk, “Or do you want me to leave you here? You look desperate enough to let anyone try to satisfy you,” he laughs under his breath at how quickly you shake your head, making barely quiet, little noises of protest- your mind still well aware of the danger of someone walking in, “Ah, ah, use your words, sweetheart,” he tutts with feign-disappointment,
“N-No! Mmn, ah, no, o-only you, p-please... Oh...! Only you c-can,” you cry and plead, rewarded generously with a hard yet sweet kiss and more appreciative squeezes and grabs to your form as you rock back and forth on his thigh. Smoke's hand strokes your inner thigh, so close yet so far from where you wanted him, your needy hips grinding the best you can against the sweet relief he offered so graciously. You don’t have it in you to argue with where his hand is, not when he had taken control of your mouth already- tongue curling expertly against yours. He tilts his head, letting every whine and moan fall into his own experienced lips. When he finally parts, there’s a string still connecting you and your eyes are half-lidded and hazy with desire. You crave more, need more with all your heart and soul. It isn’t enough, but you know you shouldn’t keep going if you want to keep your dignity.
Smoke bites a little harder when his lips trail from your own pair back to your already reddened neck, licking soothingly over the abused flesh. He kisses trail after trail to different spots, sucking and biting at each new patch of heated skin. You swear you almost hear a "mine" muttered under his breath at every angry, red mark. Each feeling of his teeth against your very pulse, of his warm tongue laving against every loving, deliciously sore bruise, of his soft lips against every inch of his canvas made you keen and arch into his embrace- dizzy with growing thirst and need. His insistent, thorough ritual of making sure every visible piece of you was noticeably his made your legs jelly and the throbbing between your legs intense. Yet relief was seldom as you could only sob at the lack of direct friction and touch. 
Your mind was fuzzy; positively lost in your own yearning and his grip as the chemist’s hands travelled and grasped every sensitive, erogenous zone of your body- harsh enough to surely form bruises beneath your uniform. Your wrists kept themselves against the wall, unwilling to move and displease your boyfriend as he rewarded you with such pleasurable pain. James pulls back, a proud smile on his lips as he admires his handiwork: Your heaving chest as you panted through swollen lips. Your exposed neck littered with his hickeys with tired, red wrists hanging uselessly above you. Your unfocused, lust-clouded eyes and make-out-ruffled uniform ties the whole masterpiece together for him. His wonderful masterpiece. 
You blink, disorientated and breath very much stolen as he simply straightens himself out- a simple brush of his hand fixing up his assault vest that was only slightly askew. The innocent, confused frown on your face at his departure makes him chuckle, smirking, 
“I do believe we have a straggler left untagged in this round,” he reminds you of your current training with a wink, granting you a second chance at the fight, before leaning in once more and whispering into your ear, “If I were them, I wouldn’t let myself get caught,” Smoke flashes you a wolfish smile when he faces you fully once more, before clasping his mask back over his flushed face. It almost feels like he’s warning you about himself, more so than his teammates. You attempt to lean up slowly from the wall as you try and recollect your bearings, until you start hearing rogue footsteps nearing you rather quickly. Shit. 
You take off with a wobbly sprint, shaky legs and clumsy feet trying to find purchase on the cement as you scramble off. James has to stop himself from laughing at the very awkward dash as he grabs and adjusts his weapon to make it look less like he just let you go. His other hand rests on an obstacle in front of him as he looks in the direction you’d fled, panting softly to feign catching his breath. Thank the gods for his baggy uniform pants, he was unbelievably hard after that.
It didn’t matter. He was going to catch you tonight, no matter where you ran. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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reblogsandweebstuff · 6 months
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Rainbow Six (Self-Insert) Siege: Patriots - orphan_account - Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own]
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m-beloved · 10 months
Me and my pookie talk about some R6s characters. Sorry this isn't a writing post, I really should start working on my requests
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I want Tachanka to crush my head with any part of his body. Preferable his arms, but anywhere else will be fine
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eldritcmor · 2 years
☀︎ ☽ Eld's MasterList ☾ ☀︎
☀︎ ☽ Oneshots ☾ ☀︎
-Cats and Dreams-
-Bar Scene-
☀︎ ☽ Incorrect Quotes ☾ ☀︎
-Incorrect Quotes-
-More Incorrect Quotes-
-I like Writing These-
-Seriously These are Fun and Possibly Canon-
☀︎ ☽ Blurbs ☾ ☀︎
-Various Little Blurbs-
-More Blurbs-
-Even More Blurbs (Not necessarily Cod related) -
-Stay Down-
-Fast Convos-
-Leave Us-
☀︎ ☽ Series ☾ ☀︎
-Jason Todd Their Ass-On Hiatus-
Clue 1 -(draft)-
Clue 2
-Demigods and Modern Warfare-
Ideas 2
ideas 3
Right of Passage
Demigods and Moster!141 -Rainbow Six Siege and Modern Warfare-
Tournament of champions
☀︎ ☽ Storm Au ☾ ☀︎
-The callsign-
-You knew it was coming-
-A Grave Mistake (TBRW)-
-An Off Day-
-Training (Rewritten)-
-An Old Friend-
-Independent Sources (TBRW)-
-Snippet #1-
-Snippet #2-
-Jade Incident Ask-
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fandomnerd9602 · 4 months
May I request another rainbow six siege fic. This time with a Bo “Ram” Choi x male wick reader plz🙏
Choi provides cover fire for Y/N…
Choi: you’re good Wick but we all need help every now and then
Y/N: that’s why I got you
Y/N shotgun blasts another bad guy…
Y/N: could really use the Ram right now
Choi: I’ll give you the Ram
Choi sends out her little mini tank and blasts several more guys away…
Choi: C’mere
Choi pulls Y/N into a kiss as explosions ring out around them…
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rightshoeonleftfoot · 7 months
Guys... What do I write?
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writingmydelusions · 4 months
Flirting with Montagne (Female Reader! X Gilles “Montagne” Toures)
CW:Femdom-ish, Teasing, Flirting
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-He’s not entirely sure how to react when you complement him. You two at this point are as good as acquainted, but something tells him you’re quite sincere about it.
-You tell him he’s quite beautiful whenever you can. The more you do it, the more flustered he gets. There’s this one time that you compliment him as you pass by him on a stairway for no good reason. He avoided your gaze, feeling as he needed to hide his blush from your piercing eyes.
-Gilles hasn’t got too much experience with women. Maybe a couple failed situationships here and there. He thinks he’s grown too old for games of love.
-He feels his heart flutter whenever you smile at him. It makes him feel very fuzzy and warm inside.
-There does come a point where you sincerely tell him how much you like him without you expecting too much in return. You just go up to him one night and confess your genuine admiration.
-Lion laughs as you walk away, unable to contain his amusement as he watches Gilles blush as he takes in your words.
-He wonders and questions if you’ve charmed other men like you charmed him. If you’ve whispered those sweet words to other men like you did to him. The truth is, he’s the only man you’ve verbally confessed your infatuation/admiration to.
-He catches up with you one day and asks if you meant all the sweet compliments and words you said. You blush, affirming his questions as you shyly ask if you could kiss his hand.
-He stammers out a “of course.” You kiss his knuckles and press his palm to your face. His heart rate speeds up as you lean in to press a sweet kiss to his cheek before work calls and you have to scamper away.
-he gets riled up enough that the next time you see him he swoops you into his arms and kisses you desperately. He flushes as he draws back for air and apologizes softly to you. You laugh, amused you run your hands through his hair and say all the right things to make him melt into your arms right then and there.
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