#Randy West
pierppasolini · 2 months
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Sunny (1979) // dir. Shaun Costello
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roughridingrednecks · 8 months
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Randy West
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anthonysperkins · 1 year
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Mark West and Randy Mixer Posing Strap (1994) dir. Chi Chi LaRue
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babygirl-beatdown · 1 year
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greetings-inferiors · 3 months
I was working at a local fair, setting up fences (because the people they paid to set up fences didn’t show up) and I was assigned someone to help me, I taught him what to do( they of him how best to go about doing it, etc., and just assumed he was around my age, slightly younger, 16/17/18. While working someone came up to him asking how his honeymoon was. Turns out he’s in his mid to late twenties, ie married, and works as a councillor at the local council. Damn I completely misread it.
Anyway later when we were packing up I was told to help someone out putting away tables and the fences I spent all day putting up (one must imagine Sisyphus happy). I assumed he was early twenties, then he went up to a young woman and she gave him a fiver, a kiss on the forehead, and she told him to buy himself an ice cream. Turns out that’s his mother, and he’s 15.
In other words, age is an enigma and you could genuinely go up to me and say you were any age from 15 to 40 and I’d believe you. God knows I’ve been more wrong before.
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To be honest, I really wanted to know the other ninjas other than First Ninja, McAntfee, Kronk, and Randy. I really wanted to see eif there's a victorian-styled Ninja or a Ninja of the wild West. That could go well, don't you think?
HII, okay this ask took me a while to get through because I began having a lot of thoughts and tried my hand at both of the Ninjas- not just one.
The Victorian Ninja is going to be the current subject because it's just the first one I started working on!
Victorian Ninja Infodump
Something to sort of keep in mind about my own personal ‘canon’ is that Norrisville appears where it needs to be. Hence why it was in feudal Japan, and now appears to gobsmack in Oklahoma (at least in my ‘lore’! I like to think that it wasn’t necessarily at Victorian era United Kingdom, but certainly something adjacent- as obviously, Norrisville exists in its own weird bubble of time and space
As for our Ninja (or as I will call them the ‘Victorian Ninja’), I like to think that a lot of them had to stand out a little from the rest- in this case of this particular bearer of the mantle, I think they would’ve been a girl… and that leads me to my next point: she was an activist. She was the kind of teenager who got brought up in a world that was still evolving, and who’s beliefs likely rivaled theirs. In short words, she defied societal norms and would have to go against some of their expectations in order to become the Ninja
I also think she had an exceptional amount of grace- even for the Ninja, who had to face on monsters, the Victorian Ninja carries her tasks with dignity. To put it in much simpler words, she had a formidable strength in mind and tried to minimize as much damage as she could
Now obviously, McFist Industries didn’t exist back then and I like to think she mostly dealt with the Sorcerer’s shenanigans- unless there was an adjacent group that she also needed to worry about. Though that can be covered in a separate post!
The Victorian Ninja, however, likely worked alone- as it was probably hard to find someone who held the same kind of views as she did. This definitely would’ve made her somewhat of a social outcast, and had to figure out everything on her own. I think she might’ve had a couple friends but how deep that went? That’s the question
Here comes my favorite part!
Another part of my ‘canon’ - or rather headcanons, whichever way you want to look at it - is that each Ninja has their own range of weapons and abilities. Much like we see with the First Ninja’s “dragon fist”, something Randy doesn’t use, the same would be said about the Victorian Ninja- I like to think her element was strongly tied to either water or earth though I can’t quite figure out what ‘signature move’ she would’ve had. Personally, she likely utilized weapons such as the expandable baton (bo staff) and, well, her sword of course!
I like to envision that if she had a signature move connected to air, it could be a symbolization - indirectly, of course! - of freedom and it’s started living rent-free in my mind. I also just think it’s an underrated ability and figured someone had to use it
As a civilian, the Victorian Ninja has to be someone who’s an advocate- believing in progressive movements, such as women’s rights. Since Ninjas are known for being pure of heart, and brave in the face of their adversaries, I thought this would be a unique and interesting twist to the storyline. She also likely understood the lessons of the NinjaNomicon a little better, but their ‘bond’ - so to speak - likely wasn’t as deep as it could be (unlike my headcanons for Randy and his connection to the book, but that’s not what this is about)
I’m working on an original character for this idea, so if there’s more you might want to know about- you can definitely read about her later down the line!
I also think she would’ve followed the rules of the NinjaNomicon to a certain extent, but like any teenager- she wanted to simply be able to do her own thing every now and again
Ninja of the Wild West Infodump
I also got to thinking about the second Ninja you had suggested, and decided to just challenge myself a little!
So, for the Ninja of the Wild West (we’ll just call them ‘West’ for short-)- I like to think he was a bit more mature than the others! He was a little bit older for a freshman, and likely followed the rules to a “T” as he feared the mantle being taken away from him. He definitely gives the impression of a stickler to the rules
I think his parents would’ve been the strict type, brought up on the norm of ‘respecting his elders’ and let that influence his actions. However due to what the Ninja represents, he also saw to it that he protected those who needed it- regardless of who it was- and had rescued even the people who bullied others (albeit a little reluctantly-)
As the Ninja, this particular bearer had a strong connection to the element of either earth or fire- I like to think they used the worm from the earth technique like Randy had, and accidentally caused problems but it did get resolved in the end. Also because that move was so underrated too, let’s be honest
West also used more ‘offensive’ weapons- meaning sword, the chain-sickle, the rings. They wanted to prove their worth and thought if their strength stood out, they would be marked as a proper Ninja. Unlike the Victorian Ninja, however, West took a bit longer to understand certain lessons but he managed himself fairly well
I think they would’ve had an older mentor- (not sure about necessarily a former Ninja, but someone who saw this kid as more than what his parents thought of him-) and it led to him being someone of a courageous heart, but he struggled with his own self worth, attempting to break generational trauma. Of course, this wasn’t something that truly reached breakthrough until he got closer to eighteen
As a civilian, I think West was the type to attempt to blend in with the crowd and follow the rules, but the Messenger saw potential in him- that West would go out of his way to tutor younger kids and had a kinder heart than he let on, and thus he was selected to be the Ninja. Due to a lot of my personal headcanons, i don’t think the Ninjas are always chosen for obvious reasons but they have specific qualities they grow into- something in their chi that sets them apart from the crowd
I also plan on making an original character for this because the ideas simply would not leave me alone, holy shit but! I had some last-minute additional thoughts to include
For one, I thought it would be interesting if they had a specific signature item/weapon that matched the Wild West which is what to something adjacent to a lasso! As well as their scarf hahah, and the lasso was kept hooked to the Ninja suit by the power of magic
On the other- West likely would’ve struggled to give up the mantle and pass through the Ultimate Lesson, but at the same time, he accepts what he needs to do. He knows better than to fall victim to his own selfish desires
I really hope you enjoyed this! I certainly had a blast coming up with the characters and feel free to come up with your own thoughts and whatnot, but the OC’s will be my own characters with additional quirks. I definitely plan on revisiting this idea hahaha
Have a great day, anon!
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mantequitas · 2 months
randy and sharons marriage would do so much better with you in it 😔
im saying likeee!!!!
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cinemabuffoon · 3 months
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on a more serious note: I thought about cowboys like once and got hit by the BEAMS. heres a BUNCH of cowboys.
and i wanted a highland cow guy ok . highland cows are the best
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jasvvy · 2 years
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pierppasolini · 2 months
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That Lucky $tiff (1980) // dir. Chuck Vincent
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wildepotato · 10 months
Dr. Hill plays Short People by Randy Newman on repeat after one day dealing with Herbert.
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fiyrball6063 · 1 year
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(Randy, right, belongs to @/blecbleh)
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scenesandscreens · 1 year
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The Expendables 2 (2012)
Director - Simon West, Cinematography - Shelly Johnson
"Why is it that one of us who wants to live the most, who deserves to live the most dies, and the ones that deserve to die keep on living? What's the message in that?"
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antimnemonic · 5 months
dating a nervous noodley miskatonic grad type all fun and games until they flop around and blow away in the wind
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random-ramblin · 5 months
I'm thinking about what happened to YJ Wally, and I'm sad.
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