#Rango answers
den-ai-d · 1 year
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Rattlesnakes are cool🐍💥💥💥
Fan art for @/Max_Draws_Stuff dilfy snake gijinka on twitter. Keep reading for the original tweet the design comes from!
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aron-q · 9 months
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కᩏꫀ᭙ꪖꪹᡶ: Not at the moment...
Topper: Never have, never will.
𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒐: I've been in a couple relationships in the past.
▀▄▀▄ 𝑶𝒌, 𝒔𝒐 𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝑰 𝒔𝒂𝒊𝒅 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒐-𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕........ 𝑩𝒖𝒖𝒖𝒖𝒕-▄▀▄▀
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(*(Yeah I changed my mind)*)
𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒕: Actually, yes! I'm currently in a relationship with my girlfriend, Vivian, though I haven't been in any relationships besides my current one :3
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neo-kajatrash · 5 months
So, I was going through the Rango tag (as you do) because I saw the movie for the first time and fircking loved it, and I came across your art. Now, I might be two years late, but - the fangs? the stance and the bandoliers and the little tightness around his eyes that screams SNAKE - it's beautiful. And speaking of eyes, Rango's have the little cricklies that easily track his chameleon eyes without being too distracting. Also Rango's "ohnono don't" expression is phenomenal. Fantastic work.
Hello! This is incredibly late, I'm so sorry. I've just been absent from tumblr for a long time and I didn't notice this until I came back recently.
I actually completely forgot about that sketch, omg--but thank you so much for saying all those nice things, I'm so happy you liked it!! It almost makes me want to do a redraw, lol... Anyway this was so sweet of you to say, I hope you can forgive me for being 3 years late. Thank you so much!!
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rangoatemybabynsfw · 5 months
When you write long projects, do you plan them all out or work as you go?
I used to kinda just work as I went (which is probably why I have a lot of unfinished fics haha) But lately, I like writing out the entire outline/plot before really starting, that way I know it'll actually have an ending I like instead of a rushed one because the pressure got to be too much.
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koopalings4life · 1 year
Opinions on the Broodals? :3
Only just getting round to answering stuff, so sorry to keep you waiting! I didn’t like the Broodals at first, but they’re grown on me now. My favourites are Rango and Spewart, and since they have all the personality of cardboard in Odyssey, I like to give them my own. They’ll never replace the Koopalings in my eyes, but I still like them now. They have some serious potential as enemies as well, but I think Nintendo will just (sadly) discard them after Odyssey.
In short, I like them! They’re a solid 8/10 in my books!
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pcrfumebcttles · 9 months
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@pxppinmolly asked: “Could a girl really be a prince?” Revolutionary Lover
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"Girls can be whatever the hell they wanna be. Trust me. I've met my fair share of girl that more of a prince than any man I've ever met in my life."
One who's affections she almost threw away like a fool.
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sphnyspinspin · 6 months
Hey, do you know what the trope is when men, specifically in the cartoon medium, wear a red Hawaiian shirt with white flowers on it?
The only men that come to mind are Denny from Robots In Disguise 2015, Rango from Rango, and Master Fu from Miraculous.
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I know for a fact that there are more but I just can’t remember any at the moment.
Is it, like, a reference to a really old trope in Hollywood?
Is it secretly symbolic in western animation, specifically geared towards the male demographic?
Do artists just like to draw it because men’s fashion is simply boring and they steal that one character design aspect from previous characters that they drew inspo from in the first place?
Am I reading too much into this?
Tagging y’all in case you know something I don’t:
@novafire-is-thinking @autistic-fool-with-ideas @celestite-caroline @frosty-tian @viewer-of-many @gelu-the-babosa-multiversal @luciolefire @mysticfoxdesigns
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konjkitkatty · 2 months
Ive never seen rango
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Rango is perfectly fine just the way he is. An absolutely BEAUTIFUL rabbit. Could not POSSIBLY look cuter. *Gives him a cookie and a pat on the head*
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saltoftheearth5x2 · 3 months
What's it like?
Some find this question drifting through their mind when they see a Bible. Or perhaps curious minds can't help but look with wonder when they pass a church. What's it like turning to Christ?
Jesus often taught his lessons through stories, and perhaps this one will help you.
There is a dog named Hopper. He sits alone in his kennel in an adoption center. He has been there a while, sadly looking on as the people pass by him. No one ever really spared him a glance. He was a limping dog, with only three of his four legs working properly due to an incident in his pup life. Though he had a slight gimp, he could still get around. So why hasn't anyone adopted him yet? Will no one be able to care for a broken dog?
But before all hope was lost, he got adopted by a wonderful, loving family. They treated him with love and care, unlike the other people who had taken care of him before.
With the help of his new family, he became a whole new dog - donning a new name Rango, as a reminder that he has a new life now. He is no longer the sad pup that wasted away in a cage. He can now see the world through opened eyes, with his owner guiding him along the way.
But life isn't all happy endings. There are ups and downs along the way.
Rango is part herding dog, and though his new owners don't live on a farm with livestock, that doesn't stop his herding tendencies. Side-by-sides and vehicles became his livestock.
He got so occupied with herding the vehicles, that he forgot what is important: following the commands of his master. His owner tried many things to get him to stop, but he just couldn't help it sometimes. He'd get so focused on the wrong things, and his owner would get frustrated.
But once the vehicle was parked, and his focus was broken, Rango realized his faults. He showed that he was sorry for his actions, and asked to be forgiven. But he was unsure if he would be forgiven. In the past, his caretakers would be so mad whenever he misbehaved. Would the same happen here?
His new owner was different than the rest. He saw that Rango was truly trying to be different, and he forgave the dog. From then on, he started to strive to break his old habits.
This is what it's like when you've turned to God. You may be broken, feeling useless, unwanted, and alone, but God still loves you and wants you to come to him. He'll drag you out of your dark path, and lead you to His path. You'll become a new person, bathed in his light, living differently than you used to. But the changes are always for the better.
And though this new life is wonderful, it's never easy. Sometimes, you may be pulled back to your old ways because it's so much easier! But inside, you know it's wrong. Your old ways don't fulfill you, and you can feel guilt start to creep its way back into you. So you step off of your path, and go back to His. You repent, and sincerely apologize for your actions, and God will forgive you. Then you continue your walk with your hand in His.
"Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord," - Acts 3:19 (NIV)
If you have any questions regarding the Christian faith, please ask me in my ask box. I am not a perfect person, but I will try and answer your questions as best as I can. We all have much more to learn, myself included. So please, do not be shy.
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rangoatemybabynsfw · 4 months
Are there any special interests you like that you'd love to shoe-horn into writing?
I love horror survival games, stories, movies. So one day I'd like to write a really good horror fic (with good tasty smut of course). Because there's something really intimate about surviving TOGETHER. The 'I need you and you need me, so lets get through this' and the familiarity that builds over time as they save each other's lives. Mmmm. Good shit.
I also love to sew and crochet and such, so it'd be fun to write something about that haha. Something cute like a craft group meet cute. :D
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sweet-child · 4 months
Situated in the west, or directed toward or facing west
Living or originating from the West, in particular Europe or the United States
My sweet dill pickle’s aesthetic <33 
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
In which a group of visitors stumble into a welcoming saloon
Pairing - n/a
Word Count - 1013
A/n - this is dedicated to my sweet bundle of sunflowers @rumble-aint-a-rumble-without-me <33 (im tempted to turn this into a series over the summer)
"Dang, it sure is hot out there. You want some sweet tea or lemonade?"
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
The sun rises in the East, and sets in the West; but the sun always rises the next day, so the sun never truly sets in the West. The town life continued on, day after day. Sheriff Rango sleeping in his favorite rocking chair in front of the small wooden county jail, Dillo making drinks in their saloon, and Ash always flirting’ up a storm with the aforementioned bartender. Life in Cape Lesnil was never really changing, it was peaceful and calm. Yes, Tim and Curly stirred up some trouble here and there, but it was all in good fun.  
The town never got many visitors, but everytime they did the visitors were welcomed with open arms. It was the same when a group of 8 boys rode in; dirty, sunburnt, and sweaty. The grease and sweat in their hair and the dirt in their face told anyone that they have been on the road for a while. The town felt majorly empty, but quite beautiful around the town square (due to Angela’s creative ability, and Ash’s gardening). After hopping off their horses, the group of boys walked into town. They looked around, and heard the familiar strum of a guitar coming from the saloon followed by a fit of laughter and singing. 
The group looked at eachother, shrugged, and decided to follow the music. After tying their horses to the fencepost, all 8 entered Dillo’s Saloon. Ash, in her flowy sundress and sunflower boots, was making up lyrics to a local guitarmans songs, swaying to the beat and laughing at every wrong sounding word. Dillo made small talk with a newly wedded couple, wishing them better times together while wiping clean a mug. The door swung open and shut with a gentle thud, and the bartender looked up from the newly wedded couple. 
“Welcome in, gentleman! What can I get ya?” Dillo asked, setting down the rag and cup, a smile on their face. 
“4 beers, 1 glass of milk, and 2 water, please.” The presumed leader, with sweat dripping down their fore-head and who was about 6 feet tall with dark brown hair and a cowlick, answered. 
Dillo gave a soft smile and a nod, starting to fix the drinks. The broad-shouldered leader sat down on a barstool, looking around and admiring the place. Ash left the guitarman alone, letting him strum out a tune, and decided to make conversation with the strangers. Looking around the room, she decided on the smaller group of 3; A man with sideburns, a wide grin, and gray eyes (who at that moment grabbed a deck of cards and pocketed them) who she thought looked mighty fine in the brown cowboy hat he was wearing, a boy who seemed timid, with dark brown eyes and a nasty scar, and a boy with light brown hair, green eyes, and a purple bandana that was stained by red dirt. 
“No, Two, dont do that! Youll get us caught and kicked out.”
“Oh shut it Johnny cakes, dont worry your head off…” The man with sideburns looked past the second boy, seeing Ash who started walking toward the group. “Now shut your trap, I'm about to score a broad.”
The boy with the purple bandana rolled his eyes and shook his head as the girl walked over. 
“I’m Ash, its nice to meet you.” She spoke gently, holding out her hand. 
“Johnny,” The timid one said, shaking her hand gently. He reminded the brunette haired girl of a puppy whos been kicked around many times. 
“Ponyboy,” the one with green eyes shook her hand
“And I'm Two-bit, but you can call me your future husband.” He said, taking her hand and gently kissing it. 
“You're gonna have to try harder than that if you think that's gonna happen,” She let out a giggle and shook her head, changing the conversation. “So what brings you into town?”
“We’re just passing through,” The handsome one answered
“That's a shame! Why don't y’all stay a while! We have a summer festival coming up! There's a rodeo and a beer drinking competition. You boys look like you do rodeos.”
“Johnny and Pone don't do rodeos, but the rest of us do.” He said, taking off his brown cowboy hat and running a hand through his hair. 
“So you’ll stay?”
“Oh no.  We can’t stay. We should be on the road by tomorrow.” Pony spoke up, before Two could be suckered in.
“Awe, c’mon. Let me talk to the head honcho, I'm sure I can convince him for you all to stay awhile.” 
“Miss, I wouldn't talk to Darry. He’d tell you the same things we are, just in an unkind way.”
“Darry? Hm..” 
Dillo, who was fixing drinks, was talking to the man with broad shoulders, who he learned was Darry. Apparently the boys were looking for a place to rest for the night, since they’d be continuing on their travels tomorrow. 
“Well, why don't ya just stay here for a few days? We have the festival coming up, with a rodeo nd everything.” 
“Shucks, we would but we don't want to bother. Most towns we visit don't take to outsiders very well..” Darry shook his head. 
“You wouldn't be a bother, not at all. In fact, we don't get visitors often, and it's a nice opportunity to swap stories.” 
Dillo stated matter of factly as he served up the drinks. A boy with brown eyes and shaggy brown hair took a beer and sat down in the corner. Another brown-headed boy with a chipped tooth and a tattoo grabbed a beer and started sipping on it, talking to the movie-star type handsome man whose choice of beverage was apparently milk. 
“We got plenty of spare rooms here, and it’ll give your boys a break.” He nodded to the group of 4, who were now sitting. Ash and Two talking up a storm, and the other two resting their heads on the table. “Plus, what's the harm of having fun sometimes? Your friends seem like hard workers, they deserve the break.” 
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sloshed-cinema · 5 months
Rango (2011)
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Las Vegas was a mistake. Where films like Chinatown or Who Framed Roger Rabbit tackle the dark side of the development of Los Angeles in some form or other, Rango is in a way a similar approach to the monument of hubris and human folly in the desert that is Sin City. When would-be thespian and all-around chameleon out of his habitat Rango stumbles into a frontier town called Dirt, he quickly learns they’ve got a water crisis. And as is tradition with this sort of matter, of course the politicians are never the true controlling or corrupting hand in the mix. Never! There are plenty of colorful characters and Wild West archetypes to explore, from the feisty gunslinging love interest holding out on selling one final land deed to the mayor to the gaggle of saloon ne’er-do-wells to the old dude with the bristly mustache who sounds like a rusty door hinge. As a chameleon, if you will, Rango slips effortfully between various Wild West caricatures himself as the need fits him, easily digging his own grave deeper and deeper only to escape at the last second. Similarly, a heavy leaning on the visual stylings of John Ford Westerns makes for fun action set pieces where the filmmakers combine gambits we’re familiar with and this specific world. An endless pursuit of stolen water is replete with low-horizon images of our heroes on roadrunner-back as they traverse Monument Valley. Bats with Gatling guns and musical accompaniment dive-bomb our fleeing caravan after a bottle of water has been retrieved, and make airplane noises when they crash and explode. This race to and from becomes, if you will, Mad Max: Furry Road.
The approach to character design in this is equal parts clever and gleefully horrifying. The bristle-mustached feller is an owl, so his pointed nose is his upper beak, but his lower beak? What happened to it? Where did it go? Why does that bar wench frog lady have giant frog tits? Why does the mayor’s turtle face remind me so much of the bad guy from A Bug’s Life? There’s also a very perplexing Goofy and Pluto situation. Most bird characters in the film are sapient, and yet they ride roadrunners because it’s a fun gag. Our villain predators—Rattlesnake Jake and the hawk—are both more animalistic in form, but only one of the two speaks. Interestingly, both have fun metal mods: the hawk has a metallic beak tip, and Rattlesnake Jake’s tail is a Gatling gun. Why are some insects actual insects, and others part of this town? The answer is “because a character designer thought of a sick-ass way to make a snaggle-toothed scorpion dude for one scene so it made the cut” and fuck it, that’s FINE.
In a year when meta is so exhaustingly oversaturated (oh boy, I can't wait for more Deadpool killmenow), it’s wild to see something so self-aware in an earlier form. Opening with commentary from our adorable narrator mariachi burrowing owls who ferry us through the film, the story wastes no time in letting us know it knows what it is. Rango literally breathes condensation on the fourth wall to draw a rectangle and put himself in a frame, which is both the screen and the glass of his habitat from which he is about to escape. He will break the fourth wall, if you will. Along the way he encounters briefly “himself” in a nod to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and the Spirit of the West is a gruff Clint Eastwood type who also draws that same rectangle. I mean, it’s no Ryan Reynolds making asinine pop culture references which will be irrelevant 15 seconds after release, but it’s something.
Someone says 'quest' or 'water'.
The mariachi owls show up in a scene.
Direct camera address.
Isla Fisher's "Western" accent gets very dicey.
Humans appear in a scene.
Someone gets pricked by cactus thorns.
The hawk shows up.
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skratchytheclown · 5 months
What do you think Rango would've done if he survived the fire? Like, would he be super excited, feeling blessed, "I'm the luckiest man on earth," orrr more like, "... Eh." Not care. Or perhaps realized that he'd been taking his life for granted and take it more seriously?
Also, what ever happened to the place he worked at anyway...?
He would be shocked. Not just because he went through a near-death experience, but because he would be surprised that he survived. Something like "Woah. I can't believe that just happened. How did I survive?" That sort of confusion would last a while. I feel like because his life was so easy before this (and the wedding failure), he would gain a new appreciation for life. It wouldn't be a big change, but I imagine he would put a bit more effort in his daily tasks. I'm also pretty sure Stewart would be very happy to see him return home alive.
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The place he worked at was destroyed, and the fire spread to other parts of the kingdom. Fortunately, people were able to take care of it before the fire destroyed other areas (but not before those areas were damaged). The worst part about it (other than the casualties, I guess), was the fact that Rango worked at a storage facility, which meant a lot of tools, materials, and even weapons were lost in the fire. It took a long time for that area of the kingdom to recover from that (lots of shipping and trading had to take place). Now, the materials have been mostly replaced and the building has been rebuilt. It's a bit more bare than before the fire, but it's still something, right?
(sorry this took so long to answer, by the way. I just had to think of this one for a while lol [and I was busy])
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