#Rat Demon
the-monkey-ruler · 17 days
Can you tell us something about the white mouse? I was always curious about her poem, where he talked about a bridge and two lovers. Does she really love Sanzang?
Why did he once choose to call himself Half Guanyin? Do you think he was jealous of her?
I watched an episode of JTTW 2011 and I liked that they tried to explain that her obsession with Tripitaka was because he fed her when she was a mouse. But I know that was fiction.
For me, she is in love. But I would like to hear someone else's opinion.
Personally, I truly 100% believe she didn’t love him she wanted to have sex with him for immortality and tried to make it look like love. It looks like her goal was to be a golden immortal of Grand Monad by taking Sanzang... though her seduction static does say how she proclaimed love for him I highly doubt that she chose him because of his 'personality.' I think any kind of 'love' or 'romance' mention is more for the sake of showing how she is a picture of temptation that anyone would follow her willingly as opposed to the idea that she could rape a man to get her way.
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She was able to seduce at least 6 monks in the three days they were resting at the temple and ate them as well so she might not have been too hung up about Sanzang either.
I find one interesting where she was talking more about sex with Sanzang and trying to convince him to 'unify' their 'marriage' that Sanzang gave her a red peach and took a green peach from her. Red often being seen as a form of desire, not just lust but can be, and how Sanzang is letting go of desire itself rather than being consumed by desire himself.
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I found the poem you were talking about! (took me a while). I truly believe that this is more of her way of expressing her shock when Sanzang misled her under Wukong's instructions. Wukong just told Sanzang to talk her outside so he can get the upper hand and Sanzang had to play along for his own protection. We have seen this before with other antagonists, such as the Scorpion Demon and the Queen of Women's Country, where they are willing to hold Sanzang hostage but don't seem to be willing to take with without consent and therefore try to seduce him. As such it is framed as 'love' and 'romance' when really they are trying to act as if they aren't keeping him as a tool to be used. Lady Earth Flow thought she succeeded in seducing the monk when he gave her the peach but really it was a way for Wukong to get in her belly and nearly beat her to death.
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Before this, she was already calling him 'husband' and thus his 'betrayal' is more of her expressing shock that her tactics didn't work. She is referencing another tragic love story to describe her own despite that there weren't any mutual feelings. It does seem she is GENUINE in that she does want Sanzang to love her but I truly don't think that her love comes from a place of genuineness but more for the sake of her selfish desires.
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She is called Half Guanyin not because she is jealous but rather to show how much she wants to be an immortal and on par with the Buddha and Guanyin. She only calls herself that because she stole precious Candles from Vulture Peak showing she wants the same respect and yearning for the status of the Buddha and Guanyin.
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I can say in my own opinion that she was absolutely trying to use Sanzang since she has been luring other monks and murdering them as well. I will say that I think she was fond of him, for sure, but I feel that most of the female demons were similarly fond as they did not wish to harm the monk but also didn't give him a choice in saying no. Props to her for at least trying to give him a meal he would like and treating him well that is far better than the Spider Demon or the Scorpion Demon at least.
2011 is a fantastic show because they give their characters depth, and don’t have the yaoguai just as one-dimensional villains. Most of the demons in Xiyouji are flat characters as they make their goals clear from the start and are framed in a more monster-of-the-week format with few exceptions. I think 2011 was very clever in that they took Lady Earth Flow from the novel and saw how she does value loyalty (to her family Nezha and Li Jing) and how she tries to make Sanzang comfortable (vegan food and expressing the importance of love and human desire) and is able to frame her as a more round character with her own wants and desires outside of power. She is a love-sick and slightly obsessive woman who knows that she could never have a chance with Sanzang willingly as he is devoted to his mission but can't live with herself if she doesn't even try. It takes what is already there and expands on it to make her more sympathetic without excluding her actions from the book (though I'm not sure if the show has her killing those 6 monks).
I think she was infatuated with him in the book and maybe wanted to call it love but I don't think there is any real reason to think she fell for him if he didn't have that "become an immortal if you sleep with me" pass. And only trying to get with something for something so transactional doesn't seem to be 'love' in my eyes as more she would have tried this with any monk and just so happens that Sanzang is a handsome and kind man that she also was fond of and tried to be as polite as possible in her kidnapping.
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gr1nne · 2 years
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an oc idea! 
Still working on all the deets. 
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domibomz · 8 months
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" W H E R E I S A N A S T A S I A O F T H E N I N T H ? "
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jubilationsart · 9 months
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some more billys. idk if i ever posted these wee
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mrghostrat · 9 months
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"six teabags in a big cup" was the first and only thought in my head when i woke up this morning.
thank you everyone who came to the stream and made today so fun! if you missed out you can watch the vod here :)
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
Vaggie: "Charlie, babe? Can you come over here for a sec? I need help proving a point."
Charlie: "Okay!"
Charlie: (ZOOMS over)
Charlie: "I'm here." (cradling vaggie's hand tenderly) (beaming) "How can I help...?"
Vaggie: "You just did."
Angel Dust: "Fuckin' show off."
Vaggie: (at angel dust) (Smug) "Your turn."
Charlie: "? Are we playing a game??"
Vaggie: "No but it's still gonna be fun."
Angel Dust: "Shush. I'm tryin' focus here! Ah-HEM."
Angel Dust: "Ohhhhh Husky man~ Would ya come over here an' help me with somethin', mr. whiskers-"
Husk: "No."
Angel Dust: "Pweeease~?"
Husk: "Fuck off."
Vaggie: "And there we have it."
Angel Dust: "Bullshit! You're NOT more attractive than me, toots! Not even personality wise!"
Charlie: "Was that the point we're proving?"
Angel Dust: "NOTHIN'S PROVEN!"
Charlie: "Did it even need proving??? I mean, look at her."
Angel Dust: "I'm lookin'. It's a lesbian only her lover could love."
Charlie: "I DO really love her~"
Vaggie: "And I try hard every day- Angel shut up- to be a little bit worthy of that love. Case in point."
Charlie: "Wait, go back to the point about not feeling worth-"
Vaggie: "Old news babe. Hey Husk! C'mere for a moment!"
Charlie: "-she's dodging the question!"
Angel Dust: "She's bein' an annoying bitch of a friend."
Husk: (slouching over) "The fuck do you want."
Angel Dust: "Shut. UP."
Vaggie: "Nothing much. Didn't want you to miss out on Angel Dust pouting that's all."
Husk: "Yeah?"
Charlie: "Awww Vaggie, that's really thoughtful!"
Vaggie: "Just doing my lesbian duty."
Charlie: "Angel Dust is a guy though?"
Vaggie: "A gay guy. It's solidarity."
Angel Dust: "I hate you."
Husk: "Huh. Fake hating people looks good on you, looser." (smirk) "Cute pout."
Husk: (wanders off)
Angle Dust: "......."
Angel Dust: (grabbing vaggie and lifting her to eye level) "I love ya we're besties for life and if ya do this t' my heart again 'm shanking ya in the middle of the night with a shiv made from a sharpened yuri manga."
Vaggie: "And I've never wanted you more. As a friend."
Charlie: "Okay good great wonderful friendship moment everyone. Now!"
Charlie: (holding out arms)
Charlie: "I want MY girlfriend back." (pouting) "Please."
Angel Dust: "May the sapphic be with ya."
Angel Dust: (dumps vaggie in her arms)
Angel Dust: "Ohhhhh Husk....! Guess who's POUTIN' agai- Whiskers stop runnin' an' look at me!!!"
Husk: "Once was fucking enough."
Angel Dust: "Once is NEVER enough fucking with me~"
Charlie: "Wow. Husk sure can move when he wants to..."
Vaggie: "Meh, he's not even using his wings."
Charlie: "He's really not is he? Aww!"
Charlie: "...."
Charlie: "...Vaggie. Is my pout cute too?"
Vaggie: "The cutest, sweetie." (smooches pout) "And most bi-utiful."
Charlie: "HEHEH."
Niffty: (from above) "I bet she'd pout even HARDER if I dropped this DEAD RAT in her hair."
Charlie: "A WHAT!?"
Niffty: "Dead rat."
Vaggie: "Don't you dare-"
Niffty: "Whee! Here we go!"
Chaggie: (running and screaming)
Angel Dust: (distantly) (shrieking) "HUSK RAT HUSK HUSK HELP RAT DEAD RAT HELP HUSK HUUUUUSK!!!!"
Husk: "-oh shit hold still DON'T FLING IT AT ME ASSHOLE-"
Niffty: "Your welcome!"
Cherri Bomb: "How! HOW IS tHERE A RAT CORPSE! IN MY BRA!!!!"
Charlie: "Cherri run just run-!"
Cherri Bomb: "Already one dead rat boob surprise too late for that!"
Niffty: "Happy pride month everyone!"
Niffty: (GIGGLING)
Niffty: "I bleached and dyed each rat corpse a different rainbow color~"
Alastor: "...Hmm?"
Alastor: (oozing out of shadows)
Alastor: "And no rat for me, my dear? No pride for poor old Alastor?"
Niffty: "For youuu? Iridescent cockroach!"
Niffty: (impales one on his antlers)
Alastor: "Oh I AM touched! ...Might I ask why the change in vermin, however?"
Niffty: "Irony!!" (CACKLES)
Alastor: (confused) (still touched) "Ah."
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toxooz · 9 months
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finished a page early so im allowed to finish one (1) Ollie wip as a treat
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static-scribblez · 2 months
That one meme I did back in November, except this time it’s with my main playlist and not just ww music
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spitinsideme · 7 months
besides biting and that does pomni have any other demon/possums like behaviors? Also how is the war with the ally of racoons in the back of the church going?
yesss !!! she has so roden behabiours she is very rodent to me
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she grinds her teeth when shes like sad or anxious or any negative emotion, (very audible) and when shes happy or excited or any positive emotions she does like chattrring sounds ? do you understand .. maybe look it up like happy chattrring sounds (alos bruxing, she does that when shes happy !)
zhe likes burrpwong ! by this i mean if she is out she WILL dig a hige fucking hole and stixk her head in there but also just at home she likes to take all the blanlets possible and burrow inside them
she is alsk very flexible and agile !! she likes to climb things and shes very good at it whe likes feeling up high (this is inspired by migas post, she also sometimes falls asleep in very odd positions whikst climbing or beong up higj somehwre and she uses her tail for support)
her eyes glow in the dark like any other mammal (demon ragathas eyes also fo this !) but demon pomni also has her littl3 cheek markings glow also
she can fill up her cheeks ! like a hamster, so she can just shove a lot of things in there and then she will usually hoard it sormwhere and save it for later (she has a lot of moldy expored food because of this becaude she doesnr understand tjat food goes bad because she is wuote literally able to eat anything and be fine, nun ragatha has totell her because she gets very worried that she may get sick)
i havent drawn this but she limes to play fight, its just sowmthing she does to show affection and everyrhinf (she does this with demon ragatha because demon ragatha also enjlys play fighting, but whilst one is more prey .. inspired ? (demon pomni) the orher is mlre predator inspired (demon ragatha)
her teeth are alwyas growing, whofh is why shes really into biting (they keeo her teeth a short length, otherwide if they grow too long they start to curve and she finds it hard to close her mouth) ragatha also has claws/nails that grow too long (which is why shes more into scratching things (poor nun pomni 💔)) but she is unfortunately wuote scared of cutting them so nun pomni has to like bribe her with kisses to keep them an okay length
also, the war continues ... nun ragatha is the only thing keeping the raccon community alove and safe
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sinkwater-rat · 4 months
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It’s Pri(de Mon)th! Happy pride :3! Take some Beetlejuices
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the-monkey-ruler · 18 days
My friend said Wukong was flirted at once but didn't returned it in jttw but we couldn't find that anywhere do you perhaps remember something like that?
Hmmm I can't say that I really do with any demon flirting with Wukong straight out.
However, they could be talking about when Wukong disguised himself as a handsome young monk to lure out a demon to kill her. She was trying to seduce him all the while he was just playing along to get her alone so he could finish her off.
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I will say that she was able to get a kiss in but I'm not sure if that was on a cheek kiss or a lip kiss hard to say.
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He did give her a surprise turning back into her old self. Not sure if she would have still flirted with him in that case XD but he was still flirted WITH at least!
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bleaksqueak · 11 months
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... I told myself I wasn't going to post this version, but I'm weak and about to head off of the computer for the night, so here. the Black & White + strong bronze/green pop version.
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darkopsiian · 6 months
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fuck it- the chances of me doing an irl face reveal any time soon is highly unlikely, but i will draw myself on occasion.
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my hair is actually that fucking fluffy i'm not exaggerating.. idk i reached 1k subs here and 15k on youtube, so this is the best you're gonna get.
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magicratfingers · 8 months
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am enjoying v much
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nullusreimorio · 4 months
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In Raven's world, there is love for everyone.
Kylar finally found someone to pour all his love and obsession into, someone who dragged him to the tattoo parlor to have permanent rings.
Astra is going to work hard to be accepted by his parents
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mrghostrat · 11 months
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it's chemical warfare, red lips and television eye wear raspberry soda hair, in the pool in a blow up gummy bear
it's only november and it feels like summer already. paintin crowleys to cope 💧 (speedpaint on patreon tomorrow!)
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