nidhi-writes · 1 year
Chinnanjiru Nilave - Part 2
Lamp lit the whole room with a dull glow, thin air rounds the square room in a silent melody. In the middle of the room, a small figure is laying down and currently in a sleeping state. The Siddha is currently trying to analyze the situation that happened before a few hours.
Normally he doesn't expect nor had the situation to attend someone who the crown prince himself took in and asked him to look after. He is not sure why he was chosen instead of the raja Vaidya who worked for the royal court. But as it's his duty, he couldn't question the crown prince.
But as the Siddha examined the young girl who would be around 17 he finds it oddly weird to see her clothing style and her skin tone. As it shouts loudly that she is not from Chola Desam nor does her style of clothing define she is from here.
As of now Chola prince left him to examine her and went back to the palace and will be returning later the day. The young girl whose name still is Mystery is currently resting she doesn't have any major injury and only seems that she was in shock to faint like that.
As Siddha waited for a few more minutes, he then went outside to get some herbs from his garden so he can make a drink which he thinks would be great to cure any concussion once she woke up.
Nila POV
Hmmm, I feel so comfy, what a great sleep it was. But as soon I realized that I didn't fall asleep nor it was bedtime I abruptly got up only to get whiplash-like ache. Gosh my head, but my lips were sealed once I took in the surroundings, what the hell? where am I?
Currently, I am inside a hut that looks old and the only source of light is a lamp, that too oil-based. Did I got kidnapped? All the memories of the handsome young man who I punched and in return how I fainted by seeing the blood came rushing to me. Did he bring me here? Who the F he is? Is he a psycho who lives in some secret place and brings in victims to torture? like in Ratchasan movie. Oh no, I don't want to die. I tip-toed out of the wire bed mostly likely to be made of bamboo. And I tried to look for my bag, cause it does have my phone. I could able to call the police.
I am not sure whether it's my lack but I found my bag just right opposite to where I am standing. I hurriedly yet sneaky, But then my phone is not inside the bag, the light bulb lit and then I remembered it was in my hand! gosh did he have it!
ok let him have it, I am leaving this bloody place! I slowly tiptoed and tried to open the door, And I smiled as it just led me outdoors. If he is really a serial killer then he is doing a whack job, I said but being a person with no luck my dancing anklets got stuck in the wooden door and I tried to pry it out, as I concentrate a figure walked in I didn't see who it was but I shouted and forced my foot out of the anklets and run, only to hear someone shouting at me.
What weird place is this, I run past the farms and straight into the woods that I see. I should find my way back, I have seen many documentaries so I didn't stop, I didn't look back. I am not sure how long but I can say that no one is following me, so I stopped to catch my breath. God, I never ran like that before, As I look up it's alright getting dark and I am not sure where I am.
As I aimlessly walked deeper into the woods and cursed myself for being an idiot. I saw a torch of light flashing and I ran towards it.
'Help! Help me' I shouted and prayed to god that someone I know is coming to get me. And it is, it is our neighbor's uncle and he looked shocked and smiled but the shock.
'Nila! Amma! Where have you been?!' He hurried to me and took my hand.
'We were so worried and have been searching for days! come let's first go and see your Thatha' He said and I started to follow him, As he mentioned Thatha my mind didn't hear anything else. Oh, I hope he is ok.
As my house view come into the view, I ran to it only to find people are there. What happened, I squeezed in to find my annoyed brother who is looking angry at the sight of me.
'Here she is! finally! odugali enga di ponna' His harsh words made me gasp but Ramu's uncle came and directed me to my Thatha's room.
Oh no, what happened? 'Thatha, Nila vanthuruken' I said to him softly as he is lying cold in his bed. With tears in my eyes, I don't know what happened.
'Kanna, Vanthutiya. Thatha vitu enn da poona(Kanna, you came? Where did you went)' He asked as tears fell down from his eyes and mine too.
'Thatha engala thedunen theriyuma, Oru varama unn apakama, Anna thitnana ma, athan kochikitiya(Why did you leave me ma. Is it because of your brother? Do you know how I felt not seeing for one week?)' I shook my head but stopped at his words, one week? It can't be.
'Oru varama? Illa thatha unna thedithan na katukulla ponnen. Seri vidu athan naa vanthutenla, innime po matten(one week? No Thatha i went in to search you. Its ok I am here now and will not leave leave you)' I said and hugged him. As I made sure he is ok, I came out and turned to Ramu's uncle.
'Uncle, inniku enna day(Uncle what day is today?)' I asked hoping that my grandpa was just mistakenly said I am missing for one week.
'It's Thursday ma' HIs answer shook me to my core. What in the name of the magic is this? It's Friday as I had my dance class and I went in to search for my Grandpa, I am sure I was not sleep that long.
'Ok, Uncle, you can go now and rest I will take care here. Thank you' I said but he said he will help around, but this man has already done everything, And last he mentioned that they have filed a police complaint about my missing and they might come tomorrow. He so wants to know where I went but how could I able to explain to him? So as of now, I said I am too tired to talk so bid him goodnight.
But the awkwardness with my brother is what makes it worse, I can literally feel the anger he has against me is so much evident. I went and sat next to my Thatha as slept, tear rolled down from my eyes and I feel exhausted. I kissed his forehead and laid my head next to his hands and sleep took over me like a blanket.
Next day
Sunbeam peaked through the window and I jerk back out from my sleep, I checked the time to see its 6:00 AMD, gosh I slept the whole night. As I went to prepare tea and have some snacks and also needs to give Thatha some along with his morning medication, As I prepared the breakfast I thought did my brother gave Thatha his medication for the days I am not here, they mentioned it has been a week and I hope they have not missed much.
I laid down the plate and collected the juice and some tea along with some sandwiches I made. I went to the cabinet to take out Thathas medicine and I can see that it is the same as before I left.
'Thatha, Enthiri. Saptu mathra potutu padu(Thatha, wake up. Have some food and then go back to sleep)' I said and set the food next to him and opened the drapes to let the sunshine. But little did I know that no amount of sunshine would have my Thatha to woken up from his slumber. Yes the man who found me, the man who protected me all my life was gone.
And to the horror, my brother just shun me away to not participate in my Thatha last ritual and nobody stood by me.
As I sat in his room and looked aimlessly at the wall before me, I am not sure what happened the day I met that mystery man, how can I be gone for weeks when I just felt a few hours, how was my Thatha now dead, he had so much to live with me, I always thought how he will be with me and enjoy our lives once I get a proper job after college.
Here I am sitting in his room after three days after his demise, And as I cleaned it out I found something I never thought I would find,  its my Thathas diary and it mentioned to me. I sat down and opened it, to find the first few pages are filled with my baby pics, I laughed at how he saved them like they are so precious to him.
It contains the art I did when I was 3 and much more. As I flip the pages it reads a letter.
I opened the envelope to see what it says.
My dear Nila,
If you are reading this then there is a possibility that I am not around anymore, well physically. Or you became so mischievous that you found this while your old man sleeping loudly and found this. I have kept this with me for the past many years since I have found you. Many people called me crazy even my own did at one point but you know who made me believe that what I am looking for is real? You!. We just told you how I found you, but I have not revealed to anyone what happened after I found you. My dear in here you will know what.
After I found it in the forest it was the day I always cherish, looking at your moon-like eyes I found my purpose. I thought that gods have given you to us, and asked me to take care of you. I owed to do that and I hope I did make sure of that until my last breath.
But it was after three years you came into our lives, as any day I was walking in the woods and always visited where I found you, just to see if anyone waiting for you. But it was that day I saw a beautiful woman who looked like an enchantress sadly looking at the ground from where I found you once, but as she heard me walking near her, she got scared but I made sure to not scare her more. And at that moment I realized that all the tales which was passed down were real, and Megapunal holds the secret way to merge different worlds without even the people knowing about it.
I would never forget that face and she somewhat understands me, and even realized that I got her baby. She is happy and I was kinda sad that we need to give you back but she stopped me and asked me to take good care of you and She even gave me a scroll that contains your birth info. I made a promise to give it to you once you are 18.
Each year passed and I never saw her again. But to my surprise, I saw her face in you as you grow up. You my Nila are an exceptional human being, you are not from this time nor from this era. You are born for greater things, you are from history that we learn. Everyone thought I was being a selfish cause of not selling the land. I have not kept the land just for the history but I kept it so that one day if you want to return from where came you can. It's for you my dear, everything I did is for you. Hope you forgive your old man for not enclosing this info in person but as I am getting older I am not sure how far I can travel with you and for how many days. So until then, I want you to be with us.
Everything you want to know is in the box under my table. Make sure no one knows about this as this may put you in serious trouble.
Always loving you,
your Thatha.
Tears roll down and I am literally shaking as I closed the letter, I am not sure how to take all the info I just read. I went in and took the box out. I so want to see what is all the history behind my life. As I was about to open I heard my brother calling for me to come.
I wiped my tears and placed the box in my bag along with my other things. I exhaled and went outside.
'Yes, Akilan. Why do you call me' I ask him in a flat tone. His eyes on me made my skin crawl and I gritted my teeth.
'Well, are you blind? My friends are in the hall. Go and serve them food' He said and spit out the gum on the ground in front of me.
I silently went in to see around five men who I had never seen in my life and all of them are drinking and I could tell Akilan is already drunk. I started feeling disgusted by their habits and smell. This is our home.
'What are you guys doing? Akilan! this is our home! and this is how you treat it!' I shouted but I was not expecting what happened next. Akilan literally slapped me right in the face. Say I am shocked don't even comprehend my thoughts at the time.
'You bloody orphan. How dare your question me! This is my home and you are just a mere servant' He said and I flinched as he worded orphan.
'Oh Akil, why you are hurting such a beautiful girl? Is she your sister' A boy around Akilan's age asked and I flinched back to his closeness.
'Sister? absolutely not! She is just a servant' He said and smirked. Tears fell down as I stood there getting all the ill-treatment from him.
'I have never seen such a beautiful servant girl before. Would you mind if I had some fun with her' The boy asked to which my so-called brother smirked and he neared me like a lion would do a deer.
My eyes widen and I started shaking. Akilan held my face roughly and bring it close to his face. I can smell alcohol strongly from his breath and I closed my eyes.
'Do you want me to let them have their way with you?' he asked and his lips are just above mine and I was shaking as a leaf. I shook my head and whimpered silently asking him to let go.
'Are you going to be a good girl and behave from now? Or you are going to be a slut like you have been'  His words made me cringe and made me cry out.
'ANSWER ME' He raised his voice and I opened my mouth to say those words with eyes full of tears. 'I'll behave' I said and let me go from there.
I am traumatized and I hurriedly went into my Thathas room, I didn't waste any time as I am sure that my time here had come to an end and took my bag. I silently stuffed some of my clothes along with some memorable items. But as I looked around my Thathas room how am I going to go from here? Where would I be going? I looked at the woods from the window and I nodded my head. I grabbed everything I needed and jumped out of the window. As I run I never turned back as I am scared that Akilan will be after me. As I run my feet started feeling sour and my head spinning. I want to reach the place where I met a boy before. But as I run I felt like someone is squeezing my heart and I couldn't breathe.
And I fell down holding my chest, praying the above that someone other than my brother would find me. Or if I am dead then let nature take care of me. But as I was about to close my eyes I saw a girl around my age who is currently running towards me and shouting for something. I closed my eyes hoping that I reached where I wanted to be and felt I am being carried away. With relief I let the darkness consume me
Wattpad URL: https://www.wattpad.com/story/340742700-chinnanjiru-nilave-little-moon-ponniyin-selvan
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spdharshini · 4 years
Watch "Ratsasan Movie Theme Piano Cover in Keyboard By Prem Anand | Free MIDI File" on YouTube
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tamilsnow · 4 years
ராட்சசன் 2 தயாராகிறதா? இயக்குனர் ராம்குமார் விளக்கம்
ராட்சசன் 2 தயாராகிறதா? இயக்குனர் ராம்குமார் விளக்கம்
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ராம்குமார் இயக்கத்தில் விஷ்ணு விஷால் ஹீரோவாக நடித்த திரைப்படம் ராட்சசன். இதில் ராட்சசன் படத்தின் கதையை முதலில் கிட்டத்தட்ட தமிழ் சினிமாவில் உள்ள பல முன்னணி நடிகர்களுடன் சேர்ந்து 17 ஹீரோக்களுக்கு அந்த கதையை கூறியுள்ளார் ராம்குமார். 18 ஆவதாக விஷ்ணு விஷால் நடிப்பில் பிளாக்பஸ்டர் ஹிட்டடித்த திரைப்படம்.
தமிழ் சினிமாவில் இன்றளவும் ஒரு நல்ல கிரைம் திரில்லர் படம் உருவாகாமல் தத்தளித்து வருகிறது. அந்த…
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karthi-chidambaram · 3 years
 Love the Wife short film is a storyline that reflects how the angry young man happily changed his mind after a conversation with an old man at a meeting in the park one fine morning.
 Film actor Pasupathi raj sir done a lead role in this short film, he has done various character roles in many films in kollywood , especially in Ratchasan movie , he made this short film more emotional by his acting and face expressions and  Serial artist Mrs.sivagami Madam  acted as a wife of Pasupathi raj sir in this film. Along with this artist's actor Karthi Chidambaram has done a supporting role in this film . All these artist's made this short film more emotional and heart touching. 
 Story and dialogues of this short film written by Mr. Deepak Radharajan, he is very much passionate about script writing and this is the first script he wrote for Kathai Karu Channel. Kathai Karu team always thankful for his dedication and effort.          
  This emotional short film "Love The Wife" Directed by Mr. Md Imran, he has worked as a associate director in many films in kollywood and he has participated in Nallaya Eyyakunar Show too in Kalaignar TV channel .He directed various short films with minimum budget. Md Imran short films uploaded in many YouTube channels. Kathai Karu team is more glad that  he is  being a part of Kathai Karu channel. 
             Location of this film is  madhavaram Botanical Garden after got the official permission, We have Completed the over all film with in half day. Post production have  took more than one week for us to complete this film. Editing ,Dubbing ,color grading, we have completed in following studios respectively Cut Copy Paste Studio, ECHT Recording Dubbing Studio, Deen Studio.            Cinematography plays a vital role in this film , all the credits goes to Mr. Siva. We took the camera Canon 5d mark 4 and various lenses as a rental from him with minimum budget.
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tamilmemestroll · 4 years
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Ratchasan 🔥 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3hKJPmT
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the-black-engine · 4 years
model : Resistor x2, capacitor x1, 555 ic x1 & Breadboard Dop @the_black_engine @dmc_artmedia Copyright © 2020 DMC ARTMEDIA. Dm for free photoshots* only for kottayam models ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⏬⏫⏬⏫⏬⏫⏬⏫⏬⏫⏬⏫⏬⏫⏬⏫⏬⏫ 👉👉🖤 @kottayam_freak_achayathi 🖤👈👈 🖤👉👉@dmc_artmedia Follow and Support ⤴️⤴️ New page 🔰 🖤👉👉@dmc_shootout ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ ⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫ 🖤👉👉#kottayam_freak_achayathi #dmc_artmedia #dmc_shootout #achayathi #picture #photography📷 #modeling #ente_kottayam #kL_05_kottayamkari #horror #ratchasan #dog #criket #wolf #fire #resistor #capacitor #555ic #lockdown2020 (at Kottayam) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-xBr_SDCxn/?igshid=18dew0nfgxqcw
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Ratchasan - the piano is ‘key’
Indian movies that explore the serial killer genre are few and far between. The last one i saw was Raman raghav 2.0 which, though brilliantly made, was indulgent towards being as twisted and neurotic as possible. Hence, it was a pleasant surprise to finally catch up with Ratchasan, a movie i would call the best in this genre over the last decade or so, without any hesitation. Ratchasan focuses on the procedural of the serial killer and the methodical unraveling of the quirks by a cop who has a burning desire to direct a gripping thriller movie (a superbly effective vishnu vishal). 
The director, Ramkumar, sets up scenes with spectacular atmosphere where he is more than aided by Ghibran's brooding background score. In fact the piano, which forms itself into the title of the movie, adds lot of key elements that come together in a breathtaking manner as the story progresses. Ghibran uses strings to chilling effect and would probably deserve a major portion of the raving reviews that Ratchasan got. Ramkumar also comes up aces with respect to the design of the serial killer's looks. The final minutes involving the reveal and subsequent cat-and-mouse between the killer and vishnu vishal literally sent chills down my spine. There is lot of visual poetry involved, especially when ramkumar uses duality, wherein two parallel sequences play out. There were a few sequences that did feel unnecessary, but the framing and direction of even these sequences (the one involving the abusive school teacher, even though unnecessary, was superbly shot) compensates for their seeming detachment from the core plot. 
That this movie went on to become one of the biggest commercial successes of 2018, did not surprise me. What did surprise me was the fact that the director who made a frothy but rooted comedy like Mundasuppatti has gone on to make a sophomore that contrasts his debut in every way possible. And the very fact that he has achieved this by retaining the core cast of his first film speaks volumes about his ability as a director and also the range of performance that this core acting team can deliver (’Munishkanth’ Ramadoss is spectacular in a stretch that is high on emotions while ‘Kaali’ Venkat delivers a solid, understated performance). This only makes my wait for his next all the more eager. 
Ratchasan, like any movie, starts with a title card that says the producer "proudly presents". 
For once, that statement is every bit justified by the movie.
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galattamedia-blog · 6 years
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da360 · 3 years
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Tamil films have been awarded for many unique plots for more than a decades.
The talent on putting the social issue across table explaining how a thriller film should carry has got into trend.
With many legendary, Tamil actors in Kollywood, every release travels to various corners of the country. 
And the film industry has delivered some marvellous thriller movies. 
Post lockdown in effect, here is an opportunity to watch these below Tamil thriller movies on your OTT platforms that are more interesting and entertaining for your leisure weekend.
1. Ratchasan
2. Andhaghaaram
3.  Vikram Vedha
4. Dhuruvangal pathinaaru
5. 8 thotaakal
6. Kaithi
7. Game over
8. U turn
9. Otha serupu
10. Aaranya kaandam
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dailyanjal · 4 years
'ராட்சசன்' ஏ, பி, சி என அனைத்து சென்டர்களிலும் வெற்றி பெற்றது எப்படி?- விஷ்ணு விஷால் பகிர்வு | vishnu vishal interview about ratchasan
‘ராட்சசன்’ ஏ, பி, சி என அனைத்து சென்டர்களிலும் வெற்றி பெற்றது எப்படி?- விஷ்ணு விஷால் பகிர்வு | vishnu vishal interview about ratchasan
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‘ராட்சசன்’ படத்துக்கான மெனக்கிடல், கற்றுக் கொண்ட பாடல் குறித்து விஷ்ணு விஷால் தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.
கரோனா அச்சுறுத்தலால் பிரபலங்கள் அனைவருமே சமூக வலைதளங்கள் மூலமாகத்தான் தங்களுடைய கருத்துகளை வெளிப்படுத்தி வருகிறார்கள். மேலும், அவ்வப்போது தங்களுடைய பணி தவிர்த்து இதர திறமைகளையும் வெளிப்படுத்தி வருகிறார்கள்.
அந்த வரிசையில் இந்திய கிரிக்கெட் அணியின் நட்சத்திர வீரர் அஸ்வின் பல்வேறு நபர்களைப்…
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linamaharani · 4 years
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°All of us are in transit° Beberapa bulan belakangan, hidup kita tidak bisa dikatakan baik² saja. Semuanya berubah, beralih hingga berhenti. Mengerikan. Semuanya berjuang dlm diam & riuhnya masing². Beberapa dari kita mulai merindukan hal² yang biasa & sederhana. Beberapa di antaranya bahkan tidak ada bedanya. Mulai merasakan betapa pertanyaan 'kamu sehat² kan?' bukan lagi basa basi. Mengkhawatirkan. Percakapan² kita pun berganti, sementara tak ada janji² bertemu bahkan utk sekedar ngobrol atau mengganggu hari sunyi seseorang. Berganti dgn obrolan/pertemuan virtual yang justru bikin makin sedih. Obrolan² basa basi kini sdh ganti update kondisi diri, memantau kebutuhan pokok, hingga bertukar cerita² luar biasa seperti halnya berapa banyak episode drama yg di tamat kan, polah anak² yg makin ajaib, menjadi artisan tempe non-kedelai, tips memilih nastar enak scr online atau sekedar ajak teman berpikir dgn mengirim buku² hingga diskusi² receh agar otak tidak beku selama #dirumahaja kali ini. Mengupayakan diri. Masa ini masa transit, sebelum nantinya kita menuju ke arah yang lebih baik, apapun itu. Semoga kita bisa ketemu lagi, bertukar sapa hingga kudapan bersama, jalan bersama melihat hal² baru lagi, menertawai kelucuan² spontan yang kadang gak lucu lagi kalo harus dijelaskan. Untuk mu di seberang sana, baik-baik ya. Jaga kesehatan. 「Ratchasan, 2019年」 #IndochineTrip #Thailand #latepost (at ห้องนอนอิ๊หมูน้อยย'ย) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAHQC72gJNW/?igshid=42zciggx9le1
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ezhomelive · 4 years
അയ്യപ്പനും കോശിയും കിടുക്കിയെന്ന് വിഷ്ണു…ആശംസകൾക്ക് നന്ദിയുമായി പൃഥ്വിരാജ്
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പൃഥ്വിരാജ് ബിജുമേനോൻ എന്നിവർ കേന്ദ്രകഥാപാത്രങ്ങളെ അവതരിപ്പിച്ച മലയാളം ഇൻഡസ്ട്രിയിൽ വൻവിജയമായി തീർന്ന ചിത്രമായിരുന്നു അയ്യപ്പനും കോശിയും. സച്ചിയാണ് ചിത്രത്തിന്റെ സംവിധായകൻ. അനാർക്കലി എന്ന ചിത്രത്തിനുശേഷം പൃഥ്വിരാജും ബിജു മേനോനും സച്ചിയും ഒന്നിക്കുന്ന ചിത്രം കൂടിയാണിത്. അട്ടപ്പാടിയുടെ പശ്ചാത്തലത്തിലൊരുങ്ങുന്ന ചിത്രത്തില്‍ 17 വര്‍ഷം സേവനമനുഷ്ഠിച്ച ഒരു റിട്ടയര്‍ഡ് ഹവില്‍ദാറായി പൃഥ്വിരാജ് വേഷമിടുമ്പോൾ, ബിജു മേനോന്‍ നാട്ടിലേക്ക് സ്ഥലം മാറ്റം ലഭിച്ചെത്തുന്ന വിരമിയ്ക്കാറായ പൊലീസ് കോണ്‍സ്റ്റബിളായി വേഷമിടുന്നു.ഇരുവരും തമ്മിലുള്ള ഈഗോയുടെ കഥയാണ് ചിത്രം കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യുന്നത്.
ചിത്രത്തിന് അഭിനന്ദനങ്ങൾ രേഖപ്പെടുത്തി രംഗത്ത് എത്തിയിരിക്കുകയാണ് തമിഴ് നടൻ വിഷ്ണു ഇപ്പോൾ. രാക്ഷസൻ എന്ന സിനിമയിലൂടെ മലയാളികൾക്കും പ്രിയപ്പെട്ട നടനാണ് വിഷ്ണു. ”ഹായ് പൃഥ്വിരാജ് സര്‍, അയ്യപ്പനും കോശിയും സത്യസന്ധയുടെയും നേരിന്റെയും ഉത്തമ ഉദാഹരണമാണ്…നിങ്ങളോടും ടീമിനോടും സ്‌നേഹം അറിയിക്കുന്നു. എവിടെയാണോ നിങ്ങള്‍ ഉള്ളത് അവിടെ നിന്നും ഉറപ്പായും തിരിച്ചെത്തും…ഒരു ആരാധകനും ഒരു അഭ്യുദയകാംക്ഷിയും എന്ന നിലയില്‍…ദെവം അനുഗ്രഹിക്കട്ടെ…” എന്നാണ് വിഷ്ണുവിന്റെ ട്വീറ്റ്.
Hii @PrithviOfficial sir..#ayppanumkoshanayum is a superb example of being honest and and straight forward… In luv with u and ur team.. Am sure u wil b bak from wher u r.. As a fan and a well wisher… God bless…
Vishnu vishal
— VISHNU VISHAL – stay home stay safe (@TheVishnuVishal) May 2, 2020
ആശംസകൾക്ക് നന്ദിയുമായി പൃഥ്വിരാജും ഇപ്പോൾ രംഗത്ത് എത്തിയിട്ടുണ്ട്. “നന്ദി വിഷ്ണു.രാക്ഷസൻ ഇഷ്ടമായി… ഇനിയും ഇതുപോലെ മികച്ച ചിത്രങ്ങൾ തേടി എത്തട്ടെ. ” പൃഥ്വിരാജ് കുറിച്ചു.
Thank you Vishnu! Loved #Ratchasan Looking forward to seeing more great work from you!
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— Prithviraj Sukumaran (@PrithviOfficial) May 2, 2020
from Blogger http://www.ezhomelive.com/2020/05/blog-post_3.html
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Ammu Abhirami (Ratsasan) Wiki, Biography, Age, Movies, Family, HD Wallpapers, Photos, Latest Images
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Ammu Abhirami is a Young Indian Actress, Who mostly acts in the Tamil Movie. Actually, Ammu has acted in the Two movies namely, Ratsasan and Theeran Adhigaram Ondru. Both of the Movies are a Blockbuster in Tamilnadu.
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Ammu Abhirami Wiki However, Ammu plays a Small role in the movies even though she attracts the people with her acting. Ammu Abhirami role in Ratsasan has been a tremendous output which gave her a huge chance of acting in her next movies. Let's See About the Ammu Abhirami Wiki, Biography, Age, School, College, Personal Life, images, Latest Photos, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.
Ammu Abhirami Biography/Ammu Abhirami Wiki
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Ammu Abhirami AGE Facebook Ammu Abhirami: https://facebook.com/ammu.abhirami.92 The Ammu Abhirami Twitter: https://twitter.com/ammu_abhirami/ Instagram of Ammu Abhirami: https://instagram.com/abhirami_official/ Also Read: Gouri G Kishan, Irra Mor Wiki, Biography, Age, Movies, Family, Latest Photos & Images.
Images of Ammu Abhirami
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Ammu Abhirami Ratchasan Also Read: Vishagan Vanangamudi, Shruti Marathe Wiki, Biography, Age, Movies, Latest Images & Photos.
Upcoming Movies
Thuppaki MunaiYaarivargal
RatsasanTheeran Adhigaram Ondru
Physical Stats of Ammu
Height: 5'4" Weight: 51 Also Read: Sanchita Shetty, Vidya Pradeep Wiki, Biography, Age, Movies, Latest Images & Photos.
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Images of Ammu Abhirami
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Ammu Abhirami in saree
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Ammu Abhirami AGE
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Photos of Ammu Abhirami in saree
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Ammu Abhirami Wiki
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Ammu Abhirami ratchasan
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Latest Images of Ammu Abhirami
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Ammu Abhirami Theeran Athigaram Ondru
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Ammu Abhirami ratsasan
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Images of Ammu Abhirami
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Ammu Abhirami latest Photoshoot
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Cute Ammu Abhirami
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Ammu Abhirami
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Homely Photos of Ammu Abhirami
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Ammu Abhirami
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Photos of Ammu Abhirami
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Ammu Abhirami Ratchasan Read the full article
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