#Rate my Mog
wundrousarts · 1 year
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toomanytookas · 4 months
The Gift
Dieter Bravo x f!afab!reader
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Rating: 18+ only please
Summary: Dieter designs a special room for you in the house that you are building together.
Important note: This is set in the world of @schnarfer’s If Wishes Came True trilogy. If you haven’t read it (where have you been? Go! Read it!!) you will likely be a bit lost.
Word count: ~3k
Content: Angst and fluff, the angst is pretty much all in the past but we do sit with it for a while here (this is dedicated to Al, after all), consumption of food and alcohol, references to/presence of drugs but they aren’t consumed on screen, oblique references to the reader and Dieter's sexual proclivities, blink and you’ll miss it moment of smutty touching, lots more sensual and casual touch as well as kissing, swearing, bathing, cats, I wrote this for one person but she’s invited you to the party
A/N: A version of this fic was gifted to my beloved @schnarfer on the occasion of her birthday last week. It would have never actually been possible for me to have the confidence to send it to her and not just throw it straight in the bin without the very gentle hand holding of @pascalssbabyy (Beth, you are an angel).
I say a version because after being the most gracious recipient of a fic of her fic (wtf was I thinking?), Al not only encouraged me to share it more widely but was willing to give it a beta and helped to refine my attempt at an ode to her style into the much punchier, emotionally charged (we do love torturing our boy a bit...) thing you now have the opportunity to read. This is absolutely the product of two minds and I could not have had more fun working with her to reach this final version. Any remaining errors and weird bits are my own, feel free to lmk if you see anything funky. I hope you like it!
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I don't know what it is about you that makes the bathwater blush, why I want to ask for your hand forever around my throat;
- Megan Falley, "Your Bathwater > Wine"
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When Dieter adopted Chairman Meow from the shelter, the sign on the tom’s cage said he had been wandering despondently around the property his last owner had vacated, unable to stray far from the place where he had last known a comfortable life. Abandonment issues, the profile warned. Looking for a home that will provide constant affection.
Having been driven to the cattery by a deep yearning to be the centre of someone’s world, Dieter thought he recognised a kindred spirit. I’ll be your friend, bud. He stuck a thick finger into the mog’s enclosure and wiggled it against the soft fur. When the cat had budged up even closer in response, he knew that it was love.
After you left, when he would wake to that furry face rubbing against his chin, a paw tapping his cheek to ask to be let in under the covers, Dieter was grateful that he had someone who understood why—despite Pete’s encouragement—he could never quite go through with leaving that fucking fishbowl of a house for good. Not when he no longer had you.
The wretched, destructive thing that lived inside him conjured constant reminders of how your brightness had seeped into the very walls of the house. It dangled flashes of your smile in his periphery when he made his morning coffee, replayed echoes of your laugh when he reached for you in the middle of the night. They were glimpses of lost happiness that in those brief moments still radiated joy. The glow sometimes burned like hot coals, but he gathered every memory of you tightly his chest. The searing ache was worth it. Staying put was worth it. How else would he remember so clearly how much you had made his world come alive? And how else would you know how to find him when you decided to come back?
But when you did return to him, when you came home, Dieter’s dedication to remaining in that bastard house until his end of days vanished. He was climbing the walls to be rid of it as fast as humanly possible. Why would he want to stay there when it was a constant reminder of the destruction he had wrought? Without you the house was a lifeline, but with you it was a curse. It could never be the home he wanted to give you now that he had a second chance. Despite what his trusted energy worker suggested, a ceremonial disposal of the bed and a few rounds of sage burning would not have been enough to fix it.
So he called his realtor. Sold the house. Said goodbye to all its awful energy. Hoped that maybe all the worst versions of Dieter Bravo managed to be left there, trapped behind the glass. Waiting to be discovered and dealt with by whichever sad fuck bought that Hollywood house of mirrors, blissfully unaware of the demons they were to inherit.
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The Dieter menagerie moved in to yours.
The Chairman and Dolly Purrton both quickly found their favourite new spots to snooze in puddles of sunshine, but as much as he longed to join them, Dieter could never quite settle.
The longer you shared the space and began to rebuild some of the trust and respect that needed to layer on top of your burning, incandescent love; the clearer it became that your house was also too haunted.
There was too bitter an aftertaste on both your tongues whenever you would pull into the drive, remembering the pleading eyes of past Dieters who had turned up unannounced at all hours of the night begging for forgiveness, desperate for a second chance. It was too jarring, the pangs of Dieter’s jealousy over plastic, perfect Brandon, who once upon a time happily wandered those halls, pressed you hungrily against those doorframes, laughed with you over a lovingly prepared dinner made in that kitchen. What a fucking prince.
The discomfort of it all, the continued haunting that he had thought escaping his former house would resolve, left Dieter lumbering through the house, wrapping himself in a moveable den of blankets and keeping a hand braced against his tummy or a cat cradled to his chest in an effort to soothe the roiling thoughts.
After he spent a full week between shoots wandering despondently from room to room, only able to feel grounded when you were somewhere in the house, you put your foot down.
This was meant to be a second chance, D. Not us climbing back into the coffin. This house was no longer your home, you told him, if it was responsible for the tension in his jaw and the ache you felt when either of you found reminders of all the past hurt.
And so Dieter set out to build you both a house. A home that would reverberate with the joys of love and the laughter of friends, and never, ever know the monster inside him that he was working so hard to put to rest. A sanctuary for the two of you, tucked against the hills in an area where the neighbours don’t care a single bit who either of you are, only that you look out for the community and pitch in a baked good or two for the annual block party.
It’s the house of your dreams because it represents your shared commitment to making a life together. It’s the house of his dreams because, somehow, you want to live there with him.
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Given a blank check, the architect and interior designer work with the two of you to identify the exact touches that will make you feel beyond comfortable. The kind of upgrades that aren’t flashy, but make enjoying the pleasurable things in life even easier.
The new bed feels like you’re being cuddled by the softest clouds. You spend your free mornings tucked in under the covers together, letting him sneak peeks over your shoulder as you gleefully trade quips with your friends and read the naughtiest and most delicious smut before rising to start your day.
There’s a gas fireplace that can be lit at a moment’s notice when you want to curl up in one of the the divine plush chairs, which you picked out together after spending an afternoon in a high-end showroom, half focused on which were the most comfortable to read in, half on which could reliably sustain both of your weights in motion.
These are just a couple of your favourite things amidst a near embarrassment of riches. They make you feel as though you’ve won the lottery, and the lottery’s name was Dieter (just Dieter, your dear love Dieter, no Bravo in sight).
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Picking out features and facets for the house was so much a shared project between the two of you—the thing you could work on through trading pinterest boards and voice notes, even when projects kept you physically apart—that it was a bit of a surprise when Dieter informed you that there was a room he wanted to build that he wasn’t going to share the details of. Not until it was done.
He took infinite pleasure in making a big show of the secret, whipping out a blindfold that may or may not have originated from your toy chest when you were set to do walkthroughs during construction, curling his broad body around you and nudging you forward with one foot and then the other until the room was far enough away from view that he could restore your sight without worry of ruining the surprise.
It’s going to be magnificent, angel, he would breathe gleefully against your ear.
The contractors were always thankfully far enough ahead of you that you didn’t feel embarrassed by the heat that flooded your face at the tickle of his words and the firmness of his chest against your back.
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You had some sense of what the room might be. Dieter wouldn’t reject your idea for a vintage-inspired clawfoot tub in the master unless he was going to make it up to you somewhere else in the house. He knew how much of a comfort a soak in the bath was for you, there was no way he was going to deny you the luxury in your own home.
But what exactly this room looked like remained a mystery. Sometimes a package would arrive that he would eagerly squirrel away behind that closed door, disappearing for a while to set up whatever newest addition he had imagined on the road to perfection. Piece by piece, Dieter was building a dream, one that he specifically dreamed of for you.
In the meantime, the two of you moved into the house and set about truly making it your space, fit to burst with the vibrancy of your lives.
There was nothing like being able to wind down from the heights of the energy on set, the frenetic hustle that you loved so much but demanded that you be at a constant eleven.
Nothing like ending a chillier evening by the fire. Your feet tucked under the fluff of the Chairman’s rotund rump where it was perched on Dieter’s lap, your thumb idly tracing the drops of condensation on a bottle of cider.
Nothing like welcoming friends at the weekend for a hearty roast and glowing conversation, getting to show off the fruits of your beautiful gas range and indulge in the delight of warm bellies and full hearts.
Nothing like your Dieter, flush with a new aura of happiness and love and the therapy-influenced acceptance that he was allowed to have all of this, to have you, to know joy.
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On the night of your birthday, when your body and head already feel floaty from a delightful evening featuring a steady flow of cocktails and sushi, Dieter sneaks away as you are bidding goodbye to your final guests.
Once the last of your friends are out the door, he places a pair of oversized scissors in your hands and herds you like an eager collie over to the soon-to-no-longer-be-secret room. There’s a velvety ribbon across the door and he has you make the ceremonial opening cut before placing one of his warm palms over your eyes and the other at your sternum, holding you to his chest and guiding you both over the threshold.
You feel a wall of steam envelop your body and your heart leaps with anticipation. Your bathtub. You were right.
Dieter removes his hand, “Open your eyes, angel.”
Immediately, your vision is flooded with ochre and gold. Candles flicker playfully on almost every possible surface, their dancing light filling the room.
It is clear to you right away that this oasis will become a peaceful near holy space, a sanctuary that you can retreat to when you need to shut out the rest of the world. Despite the many, many acts of sin that are bound to occur inside these four walls, there is something bright and pure about the energy that Dieter has curated.
Lush ferns and orchids are mounted to the walls, bound to flourish in the tropical climate that the frequent steam will create for them.
There are massive geodes of your favourite crystals that sparkle on pedestals, radiating deep energy and glistening in the candlelight.
Two skylights open the room up so you can see the heavens, as though from your watery cocoon you might be able to ascend to the stars.
The bath itself is cavernous, currently filled nearly to the brim and softly crackling with lush bubbles that are being stirred by what you assume must be underwater jets.
On the far wall, Dieter has painted an abstract mural that makes you think of the moments of calm that you feel when he wraps you in his arms after a long day. Soft, warm, safe.
As he follows your gaze, eager to ingest your every reaction, he directs you to look at the title that he’s lettered just next to his signature.
Angel’s rest.
Your eyes are misty, “Oh, D. It’s magic.”
“Everything for my girl. Everything.”
His voice cracks slightly through the whisper, his hands come to your waist to turn you in his embrace, strong eye contact boring into your soul with the depth of how very much he means those words, beyond this gift, beyond this house.
You have to kiss him. Your heart can’t take not fusing your mouth to his in this moment.
It’s a soft kiss, a tender kiss, one you could bask in from now until the end of time. It makes you so bright with love.
You can’t help but let your lips curve into a grin. You think he must be able to feel your cheek muscles twitch from how widely you are smiling against his lips.
He breaks from you, but immediately returns once, twice, and then presses a quick and cheeky peck against your jawline.
“Come, angel. Before the water gets too cold.”
Slowly, reverently, he helps you slide your sparkling birthday dress over your shoulders and down to the floor. Pressing gentle, open mouthed kisses to your collarbone and lace-covered breasts as each inch of you is revealed.
He kneels before you to remove your panties. As soon as they are at your knees, he nuzzles his face against your mound, the tip of his nose nestling against your clit.
You hear him exhale happily when your stance softens, hands ghosting up and down your thighs, but instead of taking his first taste of your cunt for the evening, he draws back and tips his head toward the bath.
Pouting, you nod and let him help you out of your slippers, large hand cupping each ankle in turn. When your bare feet touch the floor, you can tell that there is some sort of heating system beneath the tile. It’s heaven.
You grasp his forearm for balance as you ascend the steps and then slide into the steaming hot water of the bath. You let your grip linger, playing with the flexing muscle that you feel ripple as he wiggles his fingers playfully. He knows you're a bit loony for the feel of his powerful arms.
Then he's pulling away from you again.
Despite the near-trance the water and this moment is sending you into, you let out a soft squawk of disapproval.
"Just for a minute, angel. I want to go get your present."
More gifts? Well, an indulgent Dieter is often the happiest Dieter and it is your birthday. And Dieter firmly believes that birthday girls deserve to have some lovely treats.
You let yourself doze, still tipsy and buzzing from the joys of the night, cradled by the bubbles and the soothing warmth of the water. The next thing you know, gentle but thick fingertips are lightly dragging their way from your knee to your hip and then up the flesh of your stomach, a mild and delicious friction. Before those fingers can reach the swell of your breast, your hands come up to halt their journey. Intertwining your fingers with his, you bring Dieter’s now somewhat bubble-covered hand up for a kiss, avoiding the worst of the soapy aftertaste by pressing your lips high on his pulse point.
When you make eye contact, his gaze still looks wild with love.
"Relaxed, angel?"
"Ever so."
You look over at him and find he's set a tray down on a bar cart that has appeared from somewhere in the room. On it, a box of four pralines from your favourite chocolatier, a chilled bottle of champagne, and a joint resting on the edge of a beautiful glass ashtray. It must be new because its colours are too perfect to not have been picked out lovingly by Dieter to match the room.
You sit up slightly. Happy birthday to you, indeed.
"May I join you?" The reverence in his voice feels it’s been magnified by the room.
"We've talked about this, baby. Water makes for horrible lube."
"I just want to cuddle with my birthday girl."
This Dieter, so tender, so vulnerably in love in a way that he never let himself be before you. You sense in this moment that he truly feels he needs permission to be allowed to just be in your space for a while, a hesitance fueled by past regrets and insecurities that even the promise and protection of this new house have not fully squashed. No matter. You are more than happy to affirm just how welcome in your arms he will always be.
You smile, nodding sleepily, and he sheds his clothing. You're so relaxed, so enveloped in warmth, that you almost forget to admire his bare body as he climbs in to join you. Almost. Thank goodness the part of your brain that always wants him, is always drawn to his form, isn't actually taking a holiday so you can admire.
When he's settled with his back against the side of the bath, Dieter pulls the cart over so that everything is in reach. He pops the champagne, handing you a glass, then brings one of the chocolates to his mouth, holding it in his teeth and wriggling his eyebrows playfully in a suggestion for you to take it from him.
You giggle and indulge him, using your hands to grip the edge tub on either side of his body and pull yourself through the water until you are practically chest to chest, nose to nose. Too close for true eye contact, but you can't help but pick one of his eyes to focus on, letting yourself go a bit crosseyed to try and send him every wonderful thing you have been feeling this evening directly through your gaze.
Slowly, gently, you close the remaining distance and bite the praline in half, letting your lips drag against his as the chocolate begins to melt on your tongue. It's perfectly bitter and smooth.
Dieter consumes the rest.
"Mmm. A not too sweet for my not too sweet."
The snort that leaves your body firmly disrupts the headiness of the moment, the exhalation forming a crater in the bubbles and making you further devolve into giggles when you have to bring a hand up to brush away a clump of the soapy fuzz that sticks to his cheek.
You press your forehead against Dieter's damp shoulder and feel the rise and fall of it as he joins you in mirth, arm coming up around you so you don't slide away from him as you once again relax into the water.
As the wave of laughter subsides, your breathing synchronizes with his and you let yourself soak in the quiet. A perfect christening of this tub. He presses a kiss to the side of your head.
"I love you, angel. Happy birthday."
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Writing Commissions!
Hi everyone! I am officially opening writing commissions. I will have three writing slots open unless otherwise stated, and the amount of slots I have open or if I decide to close commissions for whatever reason will be in this post as well as my pinned post! All commissions will be posted to Tumblr only (as it goes against AO3's rules to post commissioned work there) and you will receive a google doc link or PDF depending on your preferences. If you do not want your commissioned work posted on Tumblr that is fine as well, you just need to let me know! If you are interested, you can shoot me a message here or on discord (my user is storytellerofuntoldlegends) so we can talk about details!
My AO3, so you can take a look at what I've written!
Commission Status: OPEN [1/3 slots taken]
500 words = $10
1,000 words = $20
1,500 words = $30
2,000 words = $40
2,500 words = $50
3,000 words = $60
3,500 words = $70
4,000 words = $80
4,500 words = $90
5,000 words = $100
The minimum amount I am willing to write is 500 words, while the highest is 5,000. Pricing is $1 per 50 words. If I get inspired and go over your requested word count/payment amount, you will not be charged extra.
Will Write:
Ships, found family, AUs, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, whump/sickfics, mild violence
Listed below are the MCYT series and characters I am most confident/comfortable writing. Crossovers between the below series are welcome! With characters, if it is someone who interacts with one of my "will write" characters frequently, I am willing to write them, but keep in mind it will likely be more focused on the character I feel the most confident in writing. (For example, I would be fine writing a fic about Grian that includes Mumbo and/or Scar, but I do not feel confident enough in my ability to write Mumbo or Scar on their own.)
MCYT Series: Empires SMP, Traffic Series, Hermitcraft, Afterlife SMP, New Life SMP, SOS SMP, Witchcraft SMP, Rats SMP, Pirates SMP, Origins SMP
MCYT Characters: Scott, Jimmy, Joel, Martyn, Impulse, Skizz, Grian, Mog, Owen, Tubbo, Philza, Sneegsnag, CaptainSparklez, Bek, Eloise, Shelby, Katherine, Gem, Pearl, Lizzie, LaurenZSide, Cleo
OC's, particularly if folks want to commission me to write their D&D characters. I am open to writing just general OCs though!
Won't Write:
NSFW (including anything that would require a Mature or Explicit rating on AO3- I'm certainly no stranger to writing adult content, but I am not sure if it is something I would want to be paid for.)
RPF (I'm not opposed to writing RPF, but again I would feel a little odd getting paid for it.)
sexuality bending of canonically queer characters (i.e. writing a gay man to be with a woman)
extreme gore
If something comes up in your request that I am not comfortable with writing, I reserve the right to say no. I am comfortable with a lot of things, and I tried my best to put down the main concepts that I would absolutely refuse to write. However it is entirely possible that I may have forgotten something in my list. If you're unsure if I would be willing to write it or not, don't be afraid to ask! It's always possible that some kind of compromise could be reached as well.
My Ko-Fi:
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kikisqueaks · 19 days
FFXIV Write 2024 Masterpost
This'll be my first year actively taking part, so I'm not gonna put any pressure on myself. I'm just gonna do the ones that speak to me.
---> FFXIV Write 2024 Carrd <---
Day 1 : Steer • A Reflection On Direction • [AO3] [Tumblr]
Day 2 : Horizon • Everyday's An Adventure • [AO3] [Tumblr]
Day 3 : Tempest
Day 4 : Reticent • A Secret She Keeps • [AO3] [Tumblr]
Day 5 : Stamp • Post For The Post Mog • [AO3] [Tumblr]
Day 6 : Halcyon • Memories Of Midsummer • [AO3] [Tumblr]
Day 7 : Morsel
Day 8 : (Extra Credit/Make-Up Day)
Day 9 : Lend An Ear
Day 10 : Stable
Day 11 : Surrogate
Day 12 : Quarry
Day 13 : Butte
Day 14 : Telling
Day 15 : (Extra Credit/Make-Up Day)
Day 16 : Third-Rate
Day 17 : Sally
Day 18 : Hackneyed
Day 19 :
Day 20 :
Day 21 :
Day 22 :
Day 23 :
Day 24 :
Day 25 :
Day 26 :
Day 27 :
Day 28 :
Day 29 :
Day 30 :
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anthuan0 · 2 months
Final Fantasy VI time!
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I actually had a pretty rough relationship with this game. Even though I recognized WHY people would like it so much, it just personally never hit me. I stopped in the middle for about 6 months. But, after going to couples therapy (watching videos of people who loved the game) It ended up clicking, and I finished the game.
I wasn't really the craziest about the game play. I love the active time battle system, and I'm surprised more games don't use it. But it really only shined during boss fights, which it gave a sense of urgency to, but the moment to moment game play was a bit dull. I did, however, love each characters unique gimmick. Putting in fighting game inputs for Sabin, or just straight-up busting out the slot machine for Setzer was really fun even if, in the latter's case, it never did anything haha.
Also the encounter rate is the worst thing about the game oh my god.
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I actually got really attached to the characters and I could ramble about the characters for like half an hour but I'll give my highlights.
I loved how Celes and Terra mirrored each other. I liked how Terra was someone who had no purpose to begin with due to being a slave her whole life and eventually discovering who she is while Celes thought she had a purpose, serving the empire, realizing she was wrong and now she has to figure what she really wants. I found it very compelling.
I loved the genuine bond between Sabin and Edgar. Edgar using a double-sided coin to trick Sabin into accepting his freedom was amazing. And I found Edgar genuinely funny (except for that one scene with Relm) And Sabin is such a bro I love it.
Cyan was my favorite character for a while. Going into his mind to fight his trauma was really cool. But that scene on the ghost train where he has to watch his family get away while his powerless to stop it. Chills.
Shadow, I don't even know what to say about Shadow. The way they did his story by slowly showing you the nightmares he has every time you use and inn was genuinely creative. And you can really tell he's wracked by grief and regret. And his ending on Kefkas tower. Woah
And those were some of my hilights for the character’s I have more to say. But I'll save that for later.
The story was a lot more clever than I gave it credit for originally. I have to give it credit for how honestly well it handled its ensemble I'm retrospect. Yes some characters got lost in the sauce like Relm and Strago, but I still felt like I knew them fully by the end. Also it going from a linear "defeat the evil empire plot". To exploring the hopeless post apocalypse while slowly gathering up your power to defeat a sick, pathetic man turned God was so cool. And the world truly feels so hopeless. That scene with Celes on the little island where she has the last shred of hope she has left be torn away from her, was genuinely one of the most well-done tragic scenes I've seen in any RPG I've played.
I genuinely feel stupid for not initially getting this game. Finding it underwhelming. I realize now just how influential it was, and why it's so important to so many people.
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salanaii · 2 months
Learn Korean with me - Week 30
Day 1 - 3: Let's Speak Korean Ch 9 - Taxi (36 - 71)
** Don't forget your journals and of course Netflix.
Mog jeog ji ga ba ggwi eoss eo yo
The destination has been changed.
Tong yeog eur bu tag haeb ni da
I’d like a translator, please.
Yeong su jeung eur ju se yo
Please give me the receipt.
Sin go har geo ye yo
I’m going to report you.
Teu reong keu jom yeor eo ju se yo
Please open the trunk for me?
Teu reong keu e jim jom neoh eur ge yo
I’m going to put some baggage in the trunk.
Yo geum I Jeong hae jyeo iss nay o
(Literal) Is the fare fixed/pre-determined? = Is it a flat rate?
Mi teo gi ro gab ni da
(Literal) It goes by the taxi meter. = It’s charged by the taxi meter.
Yeor sig ga ji do chag sui ss eur gga yo
Can we arrive by 10 o’clock?
Go sog do ro reur ta ju se yo
Please ride (=take) the highway.
Chu ga yo geum I iss seub ni da
There is an additional charge.
Chang mun jom yeor eo ju se yo
Please open the window (for me).
Chang mun jom dad a ju se yo
Please close the window (for me).
Jan don eun goaen chanh seub ni da
Don’t worry about the change. = Keep the change.
Yeo gi eon jjog / o reun jjog
(on the) left/right here.
Nae rir ge yo
Let me get off.
Taeg si jom bur reo ju se yo
Please call a taxi for me.
I ju so ro ga ju se yo
Please go to this address (for me).
Teu reong keu e ga bang jum neoh eo ju se yo
Please put the bag in the trunk (for me).
I tae won gga ji neun eor ma na or gga yo
How much would it cost (to get) to Itaewon?
Jom ba bbeub ni da
I am in a bit of a hurry.
Taeg si neu neo di e seo ta nay o
Where can I get a taxi?
Taeg si beon ho reur ga ji go gye se yo
Do you have the taxi number?
Da wass nay o
(Literal) Have we come fully? = Are we there?
I tae won eu ro de ri reo or sui ss nay o
Can you come it Itaewon to pick me up?
Ga neun jung ib ni da
(Literal) I’m in the middle (of) going. = I’m on my way.
Yeo gi seo gi da ryeoju sir sui ss nay o
Can you wait for me (from) here, please.
Mi teo gi ga jag dong ha go iss nay o
Is the taxi meter working?
Mi  teo gi reur kyeo ju se yo
Please turn on the taxi meter.
Cheon cheon hi mar hae ju se yo
Please speak slowly.
Baeg hwa jeom e seo naeryeo ju se yo
Please drop me off at the department store.
Cheon cheon hi ga ju se yo
Please go (=drive) slowly.
E eo keon eur kyeo ju se yo/ggeo ju se yo
Please turn on/off the A/C.
Bang hyang eur jeo jjog eu ro ba ggwo ju se yo
Please change the direction to that way.
Pyeon ui jeom e deur reoss da ga gar ge yo
(Literal) I’ll go after stopping by the convenient store.
Ga da ga ir haeng eur tae u go ga yah ab ni da
(Literal) I need to go after picking up a companion on the way.
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rate my gen alpha speak
"i skibidi rizzlered that ohio fanum tax and looksmaxxed so hard i mogged and became the 50k to their verbalase before gta 6"
(i dont mean any of this and i dont remember what half this means i just have a gen alpha sibling)
You sound like my brother
10/10 gen alpha speak (please never say any of those words again /silly)
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kinamysa · 1 year
rate/roast my mog
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Alright since I've been told this mog is hella garbo by most of my friends (they haven't a clue what they're tawking about), I suppose I shall ask you guys! How swaggin' is this mog?
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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This is Round Two of the Artist Claims for the 2023 round of WIPBB. You may claim up to three fics this round. If you want only one fic, please fill out the form once with your top choices. If you want two fics, fill out the form twice with your first choice in the first form submission with one unique ID and the second choice in another submission with a different unique ID.
The synopses are located at https://wipbigbang.dreamwidth.org/172201.html
The form is located at https://forms.gle/ES2D3d2mTG1nU4Pk6.
Round two of the art claims will go on until July 1st.
Final Fantasy
Title: Glitch in the System
Pairing/Characters: No Pairings
Rating nan
Warnings/Tags: None
Summary: After breaking an enemies materia during a fight Cloud gets thrown backwards in time. Only he doesn't appear quite right.
Title: Magical Girl Rydia - Summon the Four Warriors of Light!
Pairing/Characters: Rydia of Mist/Yuna, Eiko Carol, Mog (FFIX)
Rating General | G
Warnings/Tags: Mild fantasy violence, including done to monsters that resemble real-life animals, in case animal violence disturbs you. Other content tags: College AU, Magical Girl AU, Fight Scenes, Humor, Female Friendships, Summoners, Boss Battles, Espers, Eidolons
Summary: Rydia is just an ordinary young woman studying chemistry at the University of Mysidia with a bit of a crush on her gorgeous biology lab TA, Yuna. But one day, when she's walking back to her apartment, an attack by a supernatural creature leads Rydia to discover she has magical powers. Before long, Rydia has been pulled into the urgent task of protecting some mystical crystals from sinister agents who have designs on them. Will she be able to save the crystals? Will she ace her biology class? And can she work up the courage to ask her TA and magical girl mentor out?!
This is a Magical Girl AU Final Fantasy crossover, vaguely inspired by the game World of Final Fantasy. The story is written to have an anime vibe, heavily influenced by Sailor Moon and other color-coded five-man bands of my youth. Lots of fight scenes, Final Fantasy cameos/references, woman-heavy cast, with some light F/F romance on the side.
Title: Once Upon a Profile Page
Pairing/Characters: Zack Fair/Cloud Strife
Rating nan
Warnings/Tags: None
Summary: When Cloud is a child he tells himself that when he's old enough he'll seek out the person who's mark matches his. He holds onto this promise even as computers make it easier to find one soulmate. He holds onto it until his mother gets sick and Cloud gets desperate for help paying her medical bills.
Title: Wheel and Burn
Pairing/Characters: No Pairings
Rating nan
Warnings/Tags: None
Summary: Genesis's nights have been trouble dreams he can't remember plaguing his sleep like half forgotten memories. Things don't improve after that disastrous spar with Sephiroth. In fact they just get weirder when Genesis wakes one morning to an uninjured shoulder.
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Free Relic Draws
In the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, we sometimes get free draws. This post is a list of the results of some of these free pulls.
One of these draws gave me a 7-star, fist-type weapon.
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It’s been a really long while though so I can’t quite remember the reason for this particular free pull. I’d say the only reason why I even bothered to take note of this was because I actually ended up getting a Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB).
This is currently one of the best kinds of Soul Breaks in FFRK so of course, it’s pretty hard to get, especially since the rates here are utter trash and there’s no pity system like in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game.
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The Sync that I got belongs to Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII (#ad). This deals physical earth elemental damage.
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This pull also gave me a new 5-star Legend Materia Relic (LMR) for a Final Fantasy XII char and a new Overstrike Soul Break (OSB) for a Final Fantasy VII char.
Pretty sure that OSB belongs to Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII, judging from the fact that the weapon in question is a greatsword and it’s called Ragnarok (VII). It also looks kinda, sorta similar to the Buster Sword.
Black Friday Free Relic Draw Banner
Just like with the aforementioned free relic draw, the only reason why I bothered to take note of this one was because I got a new Sync.
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At least I know this came from the Black Friday event.
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The Sync I got belongs to Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI. This deals physical ice elemental damage.
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Other than Celes’s Sync, this draw didn’t give me anything else that could be of use to me.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Special Banner Free Relic Draws Results
I think these free relic draws are from the Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary special banner though I’m not entirely sure.
Anyway, I was pretty hyped when Dr. Mog showed up on this particular draw.
I was hoping to get a Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), preferably one that I don’t have yet (I don’t have a lot yet so this isn’t that much of a tall order), but instead I got Agrias Oaks’s (from Final Fantasy Tactics) Limit Break Overstrike (LBO).
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LBOs aren’t that good, especially if it’s the only relic you have for a char. Syncs are way better.
As you can guess, I don’t have a single decent relic for Agrias so this thing is just gonna be rotting in my inventory for now.
As if this draw wasn’t meh enough as it was, the only other gold relic I got was nothing more than a dupe of a char’s Ultra Soul Break (USB). The relic says it’s from Final Fantasy VII, and I’m pretty sure this Ultra belongs to Reno.
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Dr. Mog also showed up for another one of my free relic draws. I tried not to be too hopeful since I might just end up getting another LBO again, but that was easier said than done. When I saw the gun-type weapon, I was already prepared to be disappointed.
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Because I thought for sure that I was gonna be getting the Limit Break Overstrike of Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII. Again.
Thankfully, that wasn’t the case at all. The game has finally decided to give me a Synchro Arcane Soul Break. Yeah, just got Vincent’s Sync, and it’s new. Color me surprised. Really super pleased about this.
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Also, come to think of it, do I even have Vincent’s Limit Break Overstrike on my Final Fantasy Record Keeper English game account?
I know for sure that I have it on my Japanese FFRK account and, AFAIK, I must have gotten it like twice already or something, so I’m really sick of seeing it there. But now I can’t remember for sure if I have this on my English account or not.
I do know that I have a lot more of Vincent’s relics on this account so acquiring his Sync here just makes him more usable, and I wouldn’t say no to getting his Limit Break Overstrike as well.
On the other hand, I think I only have his LBO on my Japanese account, which was why he isn’t part of any of my teams there.
So, what about you? What did you get from pulling on these banners? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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jimmycarterghostland · 8 months
The thing I loved the most about the Lorien Legacies series: The entertainment it provided. No matter what, these books were never boring. Sure, it had a bunch of flaws, but I was addicted to the LL series. I definitely don't like them as much as I did before, and I criticize them a lot. But they were so unique, had great heartwarming moments, an alien war, etc.
The thing I hated the most: Six and Marina letting their Mogadorian enemy Phiri Dun-ra live. Twice in two different books! They even refused to torture her. I will never understand that one. She was a sadistic, evil Mog, too. It makes no sense for them to have so much sympathy for her, especially when Six is supposed to be a Mog-hating ruthless warrior. And Marina is supposed to be in angry mode. Them not killing Phiri even got Dust killed! There are a lot of out of character moments that ended up being in the later books, actually. Like Nine being okay with Adam, even though Nine despises Mogs more than any other character. That was weird.
My favorite character: Five. I'm still annoyed that he wasn't the blonde girl everyone believed Five would be before The Fall of Five came out. I was disappointed when I found out he was a guy, especially considering Adam's first novella mentioned a second blonde girl who wasn't One. Five was supposed to be a girl. He was an interesting, tough character, though. I loved him.
My favorite Lorien Legacies book: The Power of Six. It had the perfect balance of action and "quiet" scenes. Plus, Crayton was awesome in this novel(and still alive). Olivia the Chimera was a cool, Mogadorian-killing beast. And the fights in this book were so great. Especially John and Sam fighting in the Mogadorian mountain base, and the fight in Spain. Nine, Crayton, and Ella were great additions to this series. I think The Rise of Nine was objectively the best book in the series, though. I just prefer The Power of Six more.
My least favorite Lorien Legacies book: I Am Number Four. It's not as good as the books that came after it.
Why you should read the series: It uses the Found Family trope well. You can tell the characters love each other as if they were family. There are great, unique fights. The plot is unique as well.
Why you shouldn't read the series: Many plot holes, inconsistencies, out of character moments, and some plot twists that should have been foreshadowed earlier but didn't get foreshadowed early enough. Another issue is that all the characters sound the same in their introspection. As in, this is a multiple POV book series, and every character uses the same vocabulary and has the same personality in their inner monologues. You don't get a good feel of how the narrators view things, unlike the A Song of Ice and Fire series, which has characters with unique voices, narrators who are distinct from other narrators in the series, with their own personalities and vocabulary. Also, the plot twists in these books are so freaking obvious. Some of them aren't foreshadowed early enough, though, and actually don't make sense. Like Henri saying in his letter that there was a Number Ten, referring to Ella, but in later books, Ella is revealed to not be a Number at all. This irritated me. You can tell the authors added this plot twist in without realizing that would screw up the established facts in the series. That happens a lot in these LL books. Also, the prose is bland and there are no amazing dialogue lines or any non-dialogue lines in this series. Nothing that might make you go "Wow, that's deep."
My rating: Two out of five stars. The books are entertaining. Unfortunately, they don't age well. They're badly written. The numerous inconsistencies are irritating and make it impossible to predict plot twists, because so much gets retconned(like the brown-haired Five being a guy when all signs pointed to him being a blonde girl). There is no beauty or deepness found in the prose. All the different narrators sound alike. Like, if all the narrators' names were removed from the pages, you wouldn't be able to find out which character is narrating the chapter, because their mindsets and vocabulary are all the same. There is no distinct character voice. If you want to know what I mean by that, I'll give an example. Picture a novel with two different narrators. An old man and a five-year-old boy. A good writer would make the 5yo use simpler words in his narration. Like mentioning a building he's walking past as "big" instead of "huge". Or maybe he sees dogs mating and thinks they're wrestling, while the old man narrator would know the dogs are mating, and maybe he refers to the building as "huge" instead of big. Stuff like that is what I mean by distinct character voice. The Lorien Legacies series doesn't have that. All the narrators have the same lexicon in their prose. Same vocabulary. And they view the world in the same way the other narrators do, which is a problem when you're writing a multiple point of view novel. I don't recommend anyone reads the Lorien Legacies series.
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scorbleeo · 1 year
Book Review: The Fate of Ten
Lorien Legacies (Book 6) by Pittacus Lore
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Source: Amazon
For years the Garde have fought the Mogadorians in secret, but now the invasion has begun. If the Garde can't find a way to stop the Mogs, humanity will suffer the same fate as the Lorien: annihilation.
When the Elders sent the Garde to Earth, they had a plan-one which the Garde are finally starting to understand. A group of the Garde travelled to an ancient pyramid in Mexico where they awoke a power that had been hidden for generations. Now this power can save the world or destroy it. It will all depend on who wields it.
ISBN: 9780718178383 (2015) | Source: Goodreads
Neither Good Nor Bad But At Least It Was Not Boring
I honestly was a little flabbergasted when, upon finishing The Fate of Ten, I realised this book literally penned down the happenings of two days. The good thing was, there was a lot of action, so much so that I really did not have room to complain it was boring because at least there was action to read. However, there really wasn't much going on in the book. You would think that considering we're already on the sixth book, we would have learnt everything we needed about all-things-Lorien but this book came and suddenly it was an information dump.
The biggest issue I have with this series is the amount of stories you have to get through before reaching the last book, I'm including the novellas and short stories. Of course, hand in hand with that issue is the planning and dividing of the books. With what I've read, this could easily have been a lesser books, lesser novellas series. Unfortunately, because there are so many instalments, sometimes it feels like a waste of time.
Didn't help that every time I got to read (who is my favourite Garde) Six's POV in The Fate of Ten, Marina was there too. Her identity or moral crisis was so annoying and very unneeded. Which brings me back to, waste of time.
Truth to be told, the only reason I am still going through this entire series is because of characters that are rarely highlighted in the books or are simply, side characters. First being Adam, I loved him since his first appearance but he's always the "side character" when the Garde is involved. I truly miss his novellas. Next, Mark James, his character development helped me decide to not give up on this series after that whole Five fiasco. And though this character does not appear in this book, I have to, I just have to bring more spotlight on Rex. Going through the Lorien Legacies series, I have come to a realisation I love the villains-turned-allies characters. Except Five, though I liked him a lot more than Marina in The Fate of Ten.
Oh well, I cannot believe I rambled so much. Regardless, I am absolutely delighted that the next book is the last book in this series.
Rating: ★★★☆☆ (3.5/5)
More on the Lorien Legacies series: I Am Number Four (#1) | The Power of Six (#2)
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absolute-zero-11 · 3 years
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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The final round of art claims is open at @wipbigbang! We have all sorts of great stories left in multiple fandoms, and we'd love any type of fanart for them: traditional art, digital art, fanmixes, moodboards, fic covers/chapter headers...any kind of art you can imagine!
The synopses are located at https://wipbigbang.dreamwidth.org/173272.html
The form is located at https://forms.gle/yyxkCxyXJopMTyUs8.
Final Fantasy
Title: Magical Girl Rydia - Summon the Four Warriors of Light!
Pairing/Characters: Rydia of Mist/Yuna, Eiko Carol, Mog (FFIX)
Rating General | G
Warnings/Tags: No Warnings apply
Mild fantasy violence, including done to monsters that resemble real-life animals, in case animal violence disturbs you. Other content tags: College AU, Magical Girl AU, Fight Scenes, Humor, Female Friendships, Summoners, Boss Battles, Espers, Eidolons
Summary: Rydia is just an ordinary young woman studying chemistry at the University of Mysidia with a bit of a crush on her gorgeous biology lab TA, Yuna. But one day, when she's walking back to her apartment, an attack by a supernatural creature leads Rydia to discover she has magical powers. Before long, Rydia has been pulled into the urgent task of protecting some mystical crystals from sinister agents who have designs on them. Will she be able to save the crystals? Will she ace her biology class? And can she work up the courage to ask her TA and magical girl mentor out?!
This is a Magical Girl AU Final Fantasy crossover, vaguely inspired by the game World of Final Fantasy. The story is written to have an anime vibe, heavily influenced by Sailor Moon and other color-coded five-man bands of my youth. Lots of fight scenes, Final Fantasy cameos/references, woman-heavy cast, with some light F/F romance on the side.
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Realm and Elemental Relic Draw Banners Part 7
Every 15 days that players log on to the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, they get 1 Realm/Elemental x 11 ticket.
These tickets can be used on Realm and Elemental banners for a 10 +1 pull that guarantees at least 1 relic that’s of 5-star or higher rarity. These tickets can also be obtained as special rewards from campaigns and limited events and the like.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper End of Service Announcement
Just before the Summer Sun 2022 Festival event was set to begin, an in-game message appeared, saying that Final Fantasy Record Keeper was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022.
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Unexpected and unpleasant surprise doesn’t begin to cover this. I talk more about that in another post.
But I really wish that this didn’t have to happen. Don’t want to say goodbye to FFRK yet. There’s still so much that I want to do in this game. Sigh.
Anyway, I’ve already used up all of the Realm/Elemental x11 tickets that I had on hand since there was no longer any reason to save these. I talk about the results of my pulls using those tickets in another post.
It really sucks that the game didn’t even bother to update and refresh these banners.
And it would have been really nice if they’d adjusted the rates and/or made it so that players were guaranteed to get at least 1 6-star or 1 7-star relic from these banners. I mean, why not, right? After all, the game is ending already.
I’m trying to finish as much of FFRK’s content as I can before the end. I talk more about this in another post.
Some of the quests I’ve been able to clear include 1 Realm/Elemental x11 ticket as part of the rewards. Also got some tickets from clearing some of the missions in the Books of Trials.
Here are the results of my draws using those tickets:
Final Fantasy XIII Realm Banner
This draw gave me 2 6-stars. Then Dr. Mog appeared and turned 1 of them into a 7-star.
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The 6-star I got turned out to be a dupe of 1 of the Awakened Arcane Soul Breaks (AASBs) of Noel Kreiss from Final Fantasy XIII (#ad). Was really annoyed when I saw the Soul Break Rank Up! screen. Noel’s AASB went from Rank 1 of 15 to Rank 3 of 15.
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The 7-star I got was this boomerang.
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This turned out to be the Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) of Hope Estheim from Final Fantasy XIII.
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It’s new and I actually have 2 of Hope’s AASBs so I’m really pleased to see this. Hope’s part of my magical and mind-based holy elemental team and my Final Fantasy 13 realm team so getting his Sync just made him even better as a DPS. IIRC, also have his holy Chain Soul Break (CSB).
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Was really looking forward to being able to try out Hope in battle with his Sync but unfortunately, I ran out of time. Never got to use Hope’s Sync before the game ended.
Final Fantasy XII Realm Banner
This draw gave me my first copy of the Glint+ Soul Break (G+) of Penelo from Final Fantasy XII.
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It’s new but not really pleased to see this because I’m pretty sure this is actually Lensable. Also can’t remember for sure now but I don’t think I even have a single BDL relic for Penelo or maybe I only have her AASB and 1 of her Ultra Soul Breaks (USB).
Either way, she’s definitely not one of my go-to healers. And now that the game is over, I’ll never get the chance to try out Penelo in battle.
Final Fantasy VIII Realm Banner
This draw gave me 2 6-stars. Then Dr. Mog appeared and turned one of them into a 7-star.
Was pleased when I saw Dr. Mog but that quickly turned into disappointment when the 7-star I got turned out to be a dupe of the Limit Break Overstrike (LBO) or Limit Break Over Flow (LBOF) of Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII.
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Rinoa’s LBO, Angel Wing Permafrost, went from Rank 1 of 5 to Rank 3 of 5. Meh.
The 6-star I got was new but wasn’t really pleased to see it either since it was just a Glint+ Soul Break for a Final Fantasy 8 char.
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Was so disappointed that I didn’t even bother taking note of who it belonged to. Since it’s a fist-type weapon though, this G+ most likely belongs to Zell Dincht from Final Fantasy VIII.
Final Fantasy VI Realm Banner
This draw gave me 1 5-star and 1 6-star. The 5-star turned out to be a dupe Burst Soul Break (BSB) for a Final Fantasy VI char. Since it’s a fist-type weapon, this probably belongs to Gau from Final Fantasy VI.
At least the 6-star I got was new. It turned out to be the AASB of Shadow from Final Fantasy VI.
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Was really pleased to see this because I already have a few of Shadow’s relics. Have his Sync and his dark Chain Soul Break so getting his AASB just made him even better.
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He’s part of my physical dark elemental team and my Final Fantasy VI realm team.
Pleased that I was able to use Shadow a bit more before FFRK ended although it wasn’t as much as I wanted. He was my dark Chain holder but with his Sync and AASB, I found that he can actually deal pretty decent damage.
Water Elemental Banner
This draw gave me 1 5-star and 1 6-star. The 5-star turned out to be my first copy of a Final Fantasy X char’s Legend Materia Relic (LMR).
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LMRs have their uses but most, if not all, of them are already Lensable so meh. Wish I got something else from this pull.
The 7-star I got was the AASB of Arc from Final Fantasy III. Nice.
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It’s new and pretty sure I already have Arc’s other Awakening plus a few of his other relics as well. Don’t have his Sync or Dual though.
Was planning to make use of Arc to help me with the Final Fantasy III Dragonking Dungeon quest. But I ran out of time so was never able to try out said quest before FFRK ended.
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Also never got the chance to try out Arc in battle with the Awakening that I just got for him.
Ahh, really wish Final Fantasy Record Keeper didn’t have to end, at least not anytime soon. There’s still so much that I want to do in the game. And now I’ll never be able to do any of those things because it’s all over now. Sigh.
So what about you? Which banners did you use your Realm/Elemental x11 tickets on? How did your pulls go? What do you think about the rates on FFRK? What do you think about the fact that Final Fantasy Record Keeper is all over now? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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goffikkgurl666 · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Nevermoor - Fandom Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Morrigan & ornella crow Characters: Morrigan Crow, Ornella Crow, Corvus Crow, Ivy Crow Additional Tags: blood mention, Trichotillomania Series: Part 1 of Nevermoor wunshots Summary:
Me self projecting onto mog bc my face is bald
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