annikavelde · 1 year
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.:ANATOMY:. Head: LeLutka - Ceylon Body: Legacy Hair: Raven Bell - Lavender - Front Piece *NEW* @ Engine Room
.:CLOTHING:. Cloak: The Deadboy - Corvo Cloak *NEW* @ Engine Room Mask: Contraption - Highwayman's Shadow Mask Top: ERSCH - Alberta Blouse *NEW* @ Engine Room Skirt: ERSCH - Alberta Skirt *NEW* @ Engine Room Stockings: Violent Seduction - Drosera Stockings
.:SCENE:. Background: K&S - Last Hope Harbor *NEW* @ Engine Room Pose: SAPA - 172
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mesmermacabre · 2 years
Children of the Dark by Mesmer Macabre (Arkivet) Via Flickr: "We're nothing like you And all the rest We're nothing like you And you won't guess who we are, who we are In a land of hate and horror We set an exclamation mark So hail your kings and hail your queens We're rigid, we're the children of the dark" 
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saijito-sl · 1 year
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taken at Shobu
Legacy M
Rehead. Remod! 4.0 Roman by TBSheep
Heart eyes (pink) by NoRush
Lip Concealer by CAZIMI
Sleepless tintable BOM eyebags by Rotten Toe
Guyliner by Soka
Under Eye concealer (created by myself)
Graphic glass nails for legacy m by L'emporio&PL
Merilin by Vezzo Ink (inworld at the free dove)
Succubus Womb Tat by Moon Child
Basic Female Hairbase by Sweets!
Eyebrows Gift (genus) by Sap
Nova by eXxesS
Bento Braid by Ravenbell
[SB] Men's Skintone ~ Pale - BoM, Omega, CATWA by Skuzz Bucket
Monolids for catwa by DeetaleZ
Oujia Necklace by Poisoned Diamond
Geta by Gabriel
Takeo Robe by Caboodle
Open Collar Black leather buckle mesh by Shadowcry Designs
Embrace the Orient earrings by Cyber Gem Jewelry
Body Peircings (catwa daniel) by {-Maru Kado-}
Shaolin Concept side cutout pants by Meli Imako
Vendas 1 foot bandages by Feroz
Waist Bandage by thesanguinetree
0 notes
Raven: I know how to blow stuff up
Bellamy: you are so hot right now
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bellaarke · 4 years
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Through The Seasons: First & Last Scenes Bellamy & Raven (Season 1 - Season 7)
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applexscruff · 3 years
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SPONSORED BY: Neo Japan & [CerberusXing]
Find all things im wearing by clicking [x]
◉ Wearing
- Head
Lelutka - Kane Head [x]
Avarosa - Kiyori Skin [x]
Raven Bell - Luna Hair @ Neo Japan [x]
Rotten - Devilish Eyes & Fluffy Inu Brows [x]
Violetta - BYAKKO Makeup @ Neo Japan [x]
- Body / Clothes
[Somnium] - Haori Set & Sarashi Wraps @ Neo Japan [x]
Dappa - Jin Tattoo @ Neo Japan [x]
- Accessories
Ghoul - Shinigami Earrings [x]
Noir - Akira Hat @ Neo Japan [x]
+Sekai+ - Ninja Warrior Katana @ Neo Japan [x]
[CerberusXing] - Monstrum Kiseru [x]
- Backdrop
*Zeroichi* - Gokuraku Street @ Neo Japan [x]
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
May 22: Bellamy/Raven, Governor’s Ball
Some more of my Steampunk Braven ‘verse, from A Different Kind of Ghost, requested an age ago by @justbecauseyoubelievesomething. I didn’t forget. It just needed to marinate.
~750 words
They climb the staircase to the governor's mansion with a feigned, sedate grace, Raven's hand tucked in discreetly around Bellamy's arm. She seems almost a different person when viewed from the corner of his eye. Her face is set into a cool and impossibly graceful expression, her nose slightly upturned: a costume like everything else, equal parts disguise and ruse. Her other hand holds the sweeping length of her skirt up to her ankles, revealing the delicate shoes that he stole just for today.
Bellamy leans down, and from under the brim of his top hat, whispers like a secret: "Don't trip."
She scowls at him, the pretty, vapid mask briefly breaking. "Shut your mouth."
The shoes are too small and her feet look too small in them. Her hands encased in soft white gloves seem like someone else's hands. He's too used to the callouses on them now. He knows that he looks a fool, too, in his shining black shoes and his well-pressed trousers. Two fools hidden in a sea of fools, gliding up the sweeping, marble steps.
On the street below them, the lamplighters are bringing the streetlamps to life. From their apartment on the fourth floor, in the dingy, loud factory district, they watch sometimes from the window as the lights flick on, one by one, according to a tradition so carefully wrought that it feels like a dance. One light and then the next and the next, piercing the gloom, the heavy clouds of steam from the factories that rise up above the living quarters and block out wide swaths of the sun. In the distance, they can make out massive airships floating ghost-like through the clouds, shifting in and out of view. The narrow streets below them are crowded in the mornings, when work starts, and in the evenings, when work ends, but sometimes in the soft and pliant middle of the day are so deserted that Bellamy and Raven feel they are like ghosts themselves.
Here, the streets are wider and ladies and gentlemen glide along the sidewalks, immune to the clatter of carriage wheels and the clack of horses' hooves, the occasional honking of horns from the handful of new cars. Dusk is deepening the soft gray of the sky, with shots of orange sunset down along the horizon, and beneath the smell of the pavement in summer and the distant factory steam, Bellamy discerns the hint of fresh, dew-bright grass from the Governor's Park. He and Raven sat by the fountain in the center of the park, all afternoon, holding hands like young lovers do and quietly plotting, their voices drowned out by the splashing of the water at their backs.
As they reach the top of the steps, he glances up. Two small airships, of the kind he's only ever see in the cities, are floating overhead. He watches their propellers cutting through the swirls of gray, how they waft along carelessly above the confusion of people in the streets.
Raven's grip tightens around his arm. She doesn't say a word, but he looks down at her, and she narrows her eyes at him in warning.
Inside, he takes off his hat, and she unwinds the shawl from around her shoulders. Servants so unobtrusive they might not even be human lead them to a ballroom that shimmers and glows in the shine of countless golden lights. All around them, a swirl of skirts as the ladies dance in the arms of gentlemen, like Bellamy will never be. The floor is patterned with a dizzy overlay of brow and gray circles, the entrances and exits marked with fine-wrought metal arches. Two massive grandfather clocks stand at the far end of the room, their insides exposed. Each second is formed by the whir and click of the gears. The miracle of human invention, of time.  
The governor is nowhere to be found.
Not yet. According to their source, he only makes an appearance at the most frenzied hour of the night.
So he and Raven still have time. They're only thieves after all, thieves and cheats and rescuers and finders of the lost, destroyers, creators. For tonight, they are a gentleman and a lady. Maybe they are two people in love.
He holds out his hand to her. "May I have this dance?”
The song ends with a flourish and another begins. Raven slips her hand, palm to palm, into his hand, and he believes the arched and cunning smile on her face is genuine. "Of course," she answers, "you may."
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ravenbell-exchange · 4 years
Ravenbell New Year Fanfiction Exchange
Welcome to our Ravenbell New Year Fanfiction Exchange!
You asked, we deliver – let’s have a New Year Bellamy/Raven Exchange! The rules are shamelessly lifted from No White Saviors Allowed Exchange that took over this blog many years ago.
Now, just to be sure we’re all on the same page: an exchange is a challenge in which you list a few prompts for fanworks you’d like someone to write or make for you, and also agree to fulfill at least one prompt from someone else. The mods will choose for whom you’re writing, based on the prompts and all the additional information we ask for in your sign-up sheet. This is how exchanges usually work, but in this one, there is a catch. Each of you will have two assignments: one will be sent by the mods, the other you’ll pick yourself. In order to complete the challenge, you need to submit them both! Minimum length requirement is 500 words for each piece, so you’ll be writing at least 1000 words in total.
1. Schedule
Sign-ups start: November 2nd
Sign-ups end: November 16th
Assignments sent: November 23rd
Posting: December 28th
2. Sign-ups
In order to sign up, you have to submit [this form] In the form you have to give us: your email address*, 3-5 prompts you’d like filled for you, a list of things you really don’t want to find in the fanfic you receive, and a list of things you’re not willing to do in the fanfic you write.
All stories you prompt need to be focused on Bellamy and Raven – together or separately. We are keeping things simple. You can have stories about just Bellamy, just Raven, Bellamy and Raven as a couple, or Bellamy and Raven in a polyamorous relationship with other people involved as well. You can’t have stories in which Bellamy and Raven are involved with other people but not each other.
Please try keeping your prompts as varied as possible to give the mods some wriggle room – as much as possible when we’re all writing the same ship…
*Your email address will not be published anywhere; we just want to have a way to contact everyone in case someone inevitably changes their url in the middle of the challenge.
3. Assignments
3.1. The one from the mods
On November 23rd (or maybe a little earlier), you’ll get an email with the details of the fanfic you will be writing. In the email, you’ll find the name of your prompter, a list of 3-5 prompts (choose at least one!), and a list of things your prompter doesn’t want you to include in the story (please respect them all). We’ll ask you to confirm that you’ve received the email. From that moment, you’ll have a month to work on your prompts.
3.2. The one from the list
On the same day assignments are sent, we’ll post a full list of prompts submitted to the challenge. As your second assignment, you can choose anything from the list, apart from your own prompts. You have free reign, no matter what you said in the sign-up. Your second assignment can be a fanfic, but it doesn’t have to. Feel free to go into graphic, gifset, meta, podfic, fanart, fanmix – anything you like. All we ask is that you provide captions if you produce any fanwork that includes images.
THIS IS A SECRET EXCHANGE, SO WE ASK YOU NOT TO TELL ANYONE WHAT YOU’RE MAKING. We want everyone to have a surprise. Well, apart from the beta reader. You can tell your beta reader. Which brings us to:
4. Beta readers
You can have a beta reader to help you work on your fic. In fact, we encourage you to find one. It can be anyone you want. If you have trouble finding a beta reader, please feel free to advertise by making a text post titled “beta reader wanted” and tagging it “ravenbell exchange”. If this doesn’t work, please send us a message. We’ll help.
5. Posting
You post your work in our dedicated collection on AO3 (there will be a separate post about this in December). We then encourage you to post a link to it on tumblr and tag “ravenbell exchange”, but if you can’t (because, for example, you don’t use tumblr), that’s fine as well. What’s most important is that everything is in the AO3 collection. If you don’t have an AO3 account, we can help you register for one. All stories have to be rated and contain warnings (if applicable).
If, for your second assignment, you chose something that doesn’t fit comfortably on AO3 (for example a gifset), it is, of course, okay to only post it on tumblr.
All works have to be posted on December 28th – not a day sooner or later. To make everyone’s life easier, we’re accepting a very simple rule: if it’s December 28th anywhere in the world, you are free to post.
6. Treats
Treats are additional fanworks you can create once you’re done with your two assignments. You can post them any time you wish, starting from December 29th, following all the posting rules from point 5. You can use the same list of prompts you’ll be using to pick your second assignment.
7. “Dear Author” letter
Aka something you don’t have to do, but you totally can. A “Dear Author” letter is a tumblr text post titled “Dear Ravenbell Exchange Author” and tagged “ravenbell exchange”, in which you can say all the things you want your assigned writer to know about you or your prompts (think: general likes and dislikes, favorite things in fanworks, a few sentences about each prompt etc). It can also include a list of additional crossover prompts (for details about this, see point 8) You can post a “Dear Author” letter at any moment between now and November 9th. If you’re not sure how to write a “Dear Author” letter, please try looking at how they’re done in popular multifandom exchanges (for example Yuletide, Rare Pair etc), or in previous challenges hosted on this blog.
8. Crossovers
As a rule, we don’t allow crossovers, because matching crossover prompts for an exchange is hell on wheels. However, there is a way to get one. In your “Dear Author letter (see above), you can include a section titled “Crossover Options”, and make a list of as many crossover prompts as you please. If your assigned writer decides that they like your crossover prompts better than your regular prompts they found in their assignment, they can opt to write you a crossover instead. However, that’s absolutely up to them, and you’re taking a chance here. Your crossover prompts will also be up for grabs for people writing their second assignment.
9. Questions
If you have any questions, please message @ravenbells (of course messaging @ravenbell-exchange is also fine). Yes, even if they’re stupid questions. Yes, even if it feels like you’re asking about something you should know. I was a teacher for 10 years, you can’t wear me down with questions. Feel free to try.
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earthenterran · 4 years
imagine raven, thinking bell is gone for good, never getting to say goodbye
imagine bellamy, returning, and she sees him and cant believe it
shes falls down in shock reaching for him
he catches her
theyre hugging, cradling one another
‘you’re okay?’ raven asks, checking him over. bellamy nods into her. ‘you?’ he asks back, doing the same
they breathe each other in
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annikavelde · 2 years
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.:ANATOMY:. Head: LeLutka - Kaya Body: Ebody - Reborn Hair w/ Collar: CX & Raven Bell - Spellbound Horns: TeaBunny - Simple Teeny Horns no longer available Tail: Plastik - Araxxis Tail RARE
.:CLOTHING:. Cardigan: MIWAS - Yerin Jacket  Bodysuit: Salem - Ayame Swimsuit *NEW* @ Ota-Con Stockings: CryBunBun - Squishiness Stockings
.:SCENE:. Background: Anxiety - Edgy Art Project - Arthouse2 RARE no longer available Pose: FOXCITY - Sweet Pea
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mesmermacabre · 2 years
Always by Mesmer Macabre (Arkivet) Via Flickr: "Will you spill the wine To summon the divine? I'm with you always Always" 
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ichabodcranemills · 4 years
@ravenbell-exchange had a New Year’s exchange even, I got inspired by some of the prompts, so I’ll be writing ficlets based on them. 1st chapter is up!
Prompt from autobot: Delinquent Winter: It’s snowing, so the delinquents decide to start a snowball fight. Raven and Bellamy really go at each other. Bellamy ends up getting a cut on his lip from an icy snowball, and Raven decides to remedy that with a kiss.
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originalghoulwaifu · 11 months
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Beautiful sexy underboob Top with hentai print comes with Shirt in 3 Sizes and is completely HUD-Driven.
Sizes. Legacy, Perky and Ebody Reborn Colors: 13 colors to choose from ( and to mix'n'match via HUD )
The HUD offers your to choose between Latex or glittery long sleeves, allows you to make them sheer or opaque, and give your control over the shirt sleeve detail to make the lettering sheer or opaque. The Long sleeves can be turned off and on and the shirt print can be with a bumpy material or simply a shiny look ( in advanced lighting).
MATERIAL ENABLED and modify so you can adjust the shine to your liking in edit mode ( after rezzing the top on the ground )
Hair: Beusy+Doux+Yomi and Ravenbell Panties: Muse Ears: Lelutka EVO X taisl: Sweet thing
Shown in HOLO and SNOW
Twitter: twitter.com/ghoulcultist
0 notes
saijito-sl · 1 year
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taken at Shobu
Legacy M
Rehead. Remod! 4.0 Roman by TBSheep
Heart eyes (pink) by NoRush
Lip Concealer by CAZIMI
Sleepless tintable BOM eyebags by Rotten Toe
Guyliner by Soka
Under Eye concealer (created by myself)
Graphic glass nails for legacy m by L'emporio&PL
Merilin by Vezzo Ink (inworld at the free dove)
Succubus Womb Tat by Moon Child
Basic Female Hairbase by Sweets!
Eyebrows Gift (genus) by Sap
Nova by eXxesS
Bento Braid by Ravenbell
[SB] Men's Skintone ~ Pale - BoM, Omega, CATWA by Skuzz Bucket
Monolids for catwa by DeetaleZ
Oujia Necklace by Poisoned Diamond
Geta by Gabriel
Takeo Robe by Caboodle
Open Collar Black leather buckle mesh by Shadowcry Designs
Embrace the Orient earrings by Cyber Gem Jewelry
Body Peircings (catwa daniel) by {-Maru Kado-}
Shaolin Concept side cutout pants by Meli Imako
Vendas 1 foot bandages by Feroz
Waist Bandage by thesanguinetree
0 notes
The best episode of the 100 is season 1, episode 11 and it’s for plot reasons 100% not cuz Raven and Bellamy fucked and I’m bisexual
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applexscruff · 4 years
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Claire De Lune
SPONSORED BY: CerberusXing & Midnight Order
Find all things im wearing by clicking [x]
◉ Wearing
- Head
Lelutka - Ryn Head [x]
Human Glitch - FLVCKYSK Skin [x]
Sweet Thing - Nahri Ears [x]
Raven Bell - Celeste Hair @ Midnight Order [x]
Ghoul - Dabi Tattoo [x]
- Body / Clothes
Toksik - Descent Dress @ Midnight Order [x]
CerberusXing x Bueno - Welded Eye Rings [x] 
The White Crow - Undead Tattoo @ Midnight Order [x]
- Accesories
Human Glitch - RDQVEN / Crown [x]
Koii - Persona Earrings @ Midnight Order [x]
Cinphul - Spider Lily (Hairstick w/ Ribbons) @ Midnight Order [x]
Cureless - Lepidoptera Mesh Butterflies [x]
- Pose
Insomnia Angel - Fingerplay pose @ The Warehouse Sale [x]
- Decoration
Quills & Curiosities - Den of Inquiry @ Midnight Order [x]
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