#Ravenclaw Headcanon
whitenight11007 · 2 years
Ravenclaw headcanons
late nights, EARLY mornings. Survives on coffee, tea, occasionally hot chocolate
the most dedicated readers ever! Will start five books series but knows what’s happening in every single one.
not necessarily great grade students. But tries as hard as heck and could get straight b’s. Loves one study over another, aka has favorites.
loves to stare out the owlery windows at sunrise and sunset. Enjoys the silent castle in the mornings and exploring the generally stayed away from halls.
the common room is definitely not gender ruled. Boys and girls will run in the other dormitories to yell their new idea or freak out about book characters. “We’re all claws, why does gender matter?” Yes obviously they won’t come in if you room says no visitors, they respect others.
I’ve seen a lot of sass talking the eagle knocker. Fully support this with the younger years looking at the older students in awe.
actually swearing a lot cause of where they picked it up in books.
tells slytherins their passwords bc the slytherins will come in for deep late night debates. It gets fierce. Others laughing because they’re debating rocking chairs over straight backed ones.
nyctophilias-huge lovers of the stars and the night sky. The house will all chart the moon and try to all sneak up to the astronomy tower on lunar eclipses.
bibliophiles-lovers of books. If you drop their book, run.
their aesthetic is the sun on a book, curling up in a chair with a friend and a mug of tea, adding notes on newts or owls to the bust of Rowena ravenclaw, laughing at two until your sides hurts, conjuring up a freakin piano to play when others are studying, gasping in complete awe when they see the stars at night, telling other weird random facts, taking pictures of the castle bc of course the ravenclaws have figured out how to get tech on the grounds. Catching the weasley twins in the middle of a prank then laughing and helping them to make it better.
if they dated….
a hufflepuff, it would be the most meaningful relationship ever. Small gifts to each other, friendly games of anything, sharing to each other the secrets of the soul and mind, stargazing with each other, the hufflepuff would help the claw with baking, bc claws are actually really bad at it. The ravens could help them with homework.
a Griffindor, it would be a very playful relationship. They would think up the best pranks together, and none of the teachers know who is responsible. The Griffindor would teach them quidditch and the ravenclaw could (try) to teach them patience. They would fall asleep together from pure exhaustion as they were having a very busy day together. They would eat together and sit together at class no matter house seating
a slytherin, it would be a very deep relationship. It would be talks about their problems at one, or sharing a coffee. They would scheme together and the Griffindors would never get them back. They would walk on the grounds, talking about the meaning of life. At first they were both very nervous around each other. For the ravenclaw, it was the only time life was a mystery. For the slytherin, they couldn’t play it cool and act smart, bc there’s no doubt that the ravenclaw was smarter then them.
being a ravenclaw at hogwarts……..
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ravenclaw-tower-pride · 10 months
Things Happening In The Ravenclaw Common Room Part 7
. A sonnet titled "Ode To The Stare Of A Bewildered Niffler (Dedicated To Herbert)" has just been completed.
. A very stressed 7th Year is chugging the Ravenclaw Study Special: coffee mixed with a concerning amount of Red Bull.
. A makeup-savvy student is trying to make it look like she has bowling alley carpet on her eyes. This is what she's got so far:
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. The Head Girl is enchanting mindfulness colouring books to move like the paintings so she can deposit them to exam taking students for some de-stress time.
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anothericarus1920 · 7 months
Hufflepuff Headcanons
As everyone knows, Hufflepuffs are great finders. No on ever says what they're finding, though. They're the ones you go to when you need dirt on someone. Alternatively, students also go to them when they want to find Muggle stuff like CDs and actual pens.
The Hifflepuffs use the Quidditch stands to host monthly gambling nights. They're hard workers, and some of them want to make some easy cash, so they came up with gambling night. They just lift up the tent fabric that covers the stands and host it beneath the seats.
An easy way to bribe the Hufflepuff prefects is to slip them their favorite food. It's almost guaranteed to convince them to let you sneak out after curfew.
The Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs have a joking rivalry going on at all times. Oh, the Ravenclaws came up with a new system for smuggling contraband? Well then the Hufflepuffs are going to make an even better one through sheer force of will. (And vice versa)
Because Slytherin and Griffyndor regularly take up so much of the staff's attention, this often leaves the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs to their own devices. They absolutely take advantage of this. Not maliciously, but they can commonly be found sneaking out, dealing contraband, or experimenting with new charms.
First year Hufflepuffs have to pass an initiation rite where they have to stick an uplifting note on another student's back without getting caught.
Contrary to popular belief, Hufflepuffs are entirely willing to engage in physical violence. In fact, they're more likely to use their fists than their wands in an average fight. Their intense loyalty to those they love leads them to jump to their defense without hesitation. This has caught many a student off guard.
Sometimes Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs will switch robes just to see who notices.
A Hufflepuff fifth year came up with a hex to make people clumsy for a few hours. All you have to do is point your wand at the target's shoes and mutter 'Bumble'. The target will be tripping over themselves for the rest of the day. The fifth year passed it down and now every Hufflepuff learns it in their first year.
Hufflepuffs only work hard on things they're interested in. This leads to many of them failing classes for a while because they put so much effort into the classes they actually like that they forgot to work on everything else.
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spaceunicorndemon · 1 year
Ravenclaw things (also probably some hc)
- still needing sleep after sleeping 8 hours
- or not needing any sleep and collapsing after three days
- probably somehow have working WIFI in the tower, the staff doesn't know about it tho
- who needs ink when you have pencils for better accuracy and less smearing? => huge point loss cuz ur not using the right materials
- unintentional meme factories
- they are on ALL the social medias to constantly stay up to date on whatever interests them
- meals are either sacred or not really important, depends on the moment
- Just telling/sending/texting you whatever they just discovered/thought of/heard/read/saw cuz they want you to take part in their mind and they value you. Happens anywhere, at any time of the day or night. You can't escape it.
- Rambling
- they appreciate if you don't judge and are just supportive
- mostly cats, a bunch of owls and some toads/snakes/other amphibias or reptiles
- trying to research magic with scientific methods
- time doesn't exist and rules can't stop us (same with the other houses)
- respecting and always being polite to Helena
- very loud music at any given time
- everyone is just so diverse with their interests
- either pros at focusing or not, motivation is not always in their favor
- high intelligence, low/moderate wisdom
- or the other way around, just never together
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lightwing-s · 1 year
hogwarts houses as western girl groups
slytherin: the pussycat dolls. one main bitch overshadowing all others with her sense of superiority? definitely a slytherin. queens ♕
gryffindor: destiny's child. powerful group and they give "I'll fight you" energy,
hufflepuff: spice girls. people that don't like spice girls and/or hufflepuffs should not be trusted.
ravenclaw: little mix. talented. talented. talented. beautiful. talented.
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chaoticclumsygirl · 2 years
Ravenclaw Headcanon:
- they think that chess is so important that they are training for it every day and at the end of the year they are having competition in the common room by themselves
- probably sneaking out at night to get into the library and read
- they are ALWAYS bringing coffee with them
- muggle borns are smuggling in muggle science books and having debates about them with pure-bloods
- forgotten necklaces, bracelets, etc. in most random places
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littlered454 · 1 year
Ok so i feel like the house cup rankings are prettty much always
gryffindor because harry made his bed or whatever
slytherin because draco tied his shoe
4. Hufflepuff because no teachers favor them
And yes i do know i skipped ravenclaw
ravenclaw gets 3rd because no teachers favor them BUT they're actually smart enough to figure out that prefects can give house points and they have an unspoken agreement that prefects do not take away points
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kkangkkangie · 2 years
Golden Trio Era/Orwell Chess: Ravenclaw Edition
Penelope Clearwater: ISTJ-A/Virgo/1987-1994/Half-Blood
The youngest sibling of the Clearwater family. Fifth-Year & Sixth-Year Prefect, Head Girl. Her favorite subjects were DADA and Potions. She was naturally observant, immediately able to tell if someone was lying to her. Ciel Phantomhive took this as a challenge and tried his best to confuse her—it did not work. 
Roger Davis: ESFJ-A/Capricorn/1988-1995/Half-Blood
The older sibling of the Davis family. Ravenclaw Chaser (Fourth-Year to Seventh-Year), Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain. His favorite subjects were Charms & Flying. He had a natural charisma to him that made Luciel Phantomhive wonder if there was any Veela blood in him—he also attempted to ask Elizabeth Midford to the Yule Ball, only to be rejected by Ciel Phantomhive.
Cho Chang: ENFJ-T/Scorpio/1990-1997/Pure-Blood
The only child of an influential magic family—she had a choice to attend a magic school in Shanghai, but her father wanted Hogwarts. Ravenclaw Seeker (Second-Year to Sixth-Year). Her favorite subjects were Transfiguration and DADA. She joined in the recruiting campaign that Celaena had created, easily swaying the Ravenclaw students to fight on Harry’s side. 
Padma Patil: INTP-T/Scorpio/1991-1998/Pure-Blood
The older twin between the Patil twins. Fifth-Year to Seventh-Year Prefect. Her favorite classes were Charms and Potions, making her adept at Healing Spells. She was at the SWW at Hogwarts, tending to everyone in the Great Hall that was safe by Dean Thomas’ runes. 
Anthony Goldstein: ESTP-A/Libra/1991-1998/Half-Blood
An only child with a natural talent for Legilimency (from Queenie Goldstein no less). Fifth-Year to Seventh-Year Prefect. His favorite class was Charms and DADA. According to Celaena, he had great skill in being able to penetrate someone else’s mind but was also unable to shield his thoughts, making him rather vulnerable. He put it to good use in the recruitment campaign, helping Cho. 
Terrence (Terry) Boot: ENTP-T/Virgo/1991-1998/Pure-Blood
Also, an only child within the Boot family. Ravenclaw Chaser (Third-Year onward). His favorite classes were Transfiguration and Charms, enjoying his obvious progress in his spell casting. He has a competitive streak, often competing with Hermione and even Draco within every class he could. It was amusing when they would be in a study group together either ending in efficient teamwork or chaos incarnate.
Michael Corner: ESFJ-A/Aries/1991-1998/Half-Blood
Only child who grew up under a single parent. His favorite classes were DADA and Potions, which helped immensely in the SWW. He actually broke into the Restricted Section many times during his Sixth and Seventh-Years, trying to concoct as many potions to help the cause. Celaena often turned a blind eye, assisting him as much as she could. 
Sue Li: ENTJ-A/Virgo/1991-1998/Half-Blood
The eldest sibling of the Li family; her younger sister never attending Hogwarts. Her favorite subject was Astronomy and Arithmancy, figuring out patterns between the planetary movements and numbers. She aided within the Ministry reconstruction campaign, bringing outside perspective sorely needed. Her defensive spells were top-notch, nearly impenetrable with the exception of Celaena’s & Theodore Nott’s created spells.
Luna Lovegood: INFP-A/Aquarius/1992-1999/Pure-Blood
An only child of the editor of the Quibbler and a spell-developer. Her favorite subjects were Care of Magical Creatures and Potions (much to Celaena’s amusement). Her mother was actually developing a spell to destroy horcruxes that ultimately killed her, but Luna and Celaena were able to figure it out in 1995 together. Luna was a natural Occulmens, hiding her real thoughts under a layer of insanity—even Celaena had a hard time navigating through it.
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as a ravenclaw myself, I love the idea that the lights are always on. However for people like me who have a light sensitivity, it wouldn't be too great.
THEREFOR, I believe that past ravenclaws (also with sensitivities) made pieces of jewelry that adjust the wearers eyesight to the level of light in the room.
They are similar to sunglasses but they don't fall off your face when you look down. And they don't impact the way people see you.
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welovelouisandbucky · 5 months
My two favorite Slytherin boys headcanons bc why not?
T/w: few swear words, my writing, and some out of character stuff because im delusional, little suggestive if you can call it that, and yes aside from that if you find any pls let me know:) also my writing
A/n: hi y'all, I just want to say pls be kind as this is my first time writing for these characters so if there's any mistakes pls overlook them thank you! Also I tried my best to keep this GN so everyone can read and enjoy this and yeah that's it, have great day!!!
S/n: requests are open so feel free to send in ideas, I'll love to write what you guys suggest. Also feel free to ask for more Slytherin or any Harry Potter characters you want headcanons/blurbs about, I'll love to write and add more🤗
Mattheo Riddle
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(gifs credits to the rightful owner)
Also this one's long as you can see I got carried away😁
Mattheo who always looks forward to see your face after the end of the day
Mattheo who will fight any one who looks at you funny or talks shits about you
Mattheo who glares at every single person but the seconds he spots you his eyes softens up in millisecond in adoration
Mattheo who holds your books or bag everywhere you guys go, because God forbid if his princess/prince ever has to worry about those things when he's there to do them for you
Mattheo who waits after you when the class is over so he can walk you to other class while he pulls you as closer to him as possible
Mattheo who searches for you before every Quidditch game so he can have his good luck charm kiss from you
Mattheo who pretends to hate and act tough when you baby him while secretly melting into a puddle inside every time you call him sweet names. ( He absolutely loses his shit when you call him baby but shush it's a secret 😌)
Mattheo who has probably drawn you only few hundreds of times in his super, super duper, very classified sketchbook that no one knows of.
Mattheo who always encourages you to do things you want to do but are too scared to actually do it.
Mattheo who always supports your decisions, even if they are stupid
Mattheo who appropriates your little hobbies and interests even if they are weird, he just wants to you to feel safe and heard around him
Mattheo who's always there for you whenever you need him, always there to hold you close on bad days because he knows how it feels when you are at your worst and there's no one to comfort you (thankfully he doesn't have to worry about being alone now that you are here as well as his friends)
Mattheo who struggles with expressing his emotions and feelings but still tries his hardest to show them to you because he wants you to know how much you mean to him.
Mattheo who's not that good at comforting but still pulls you to him because he can't stand seeing you cry and not do anything about it.
Mattheo who willingly listens to you rant about everything and anything because he loves hearing your voice (even if half of the things you said are going above his head but hey at least he's trying! ☺️)
Mattheo who hates not knowing what's happening around him because it makes him feel helpless and he hates feeling weak. That's why he always, and I mean always knows what's going on everywhere
Mattheo who's touch starved (bc yk all that being dark Lord's son and growing up with death eaters and all) and craves your touch. He's always in any way touching you, whether holding hands, or a hand on your thigh or waist just any kind of physical touch because he wants to be as close to you as possible.
Mattheo who loves loves cuddles, doesn't matter who's spooning who as long as you guys are in each other's arms.
Mattheo who loves you so much that it physically hurts him, and there's nothing he wouldn't do you
Mattheo who will always protect you no matter what
Theodore Nott
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Theo who loves to tease you throughout the whole day just so he can see you all worked up for him
Theo who looks forward to your quick comebacks every time he comments on something he knows he will get reaction out of you and absolutely loses his shit when you roast the shit out of him for it
Theo who calls you sweet endearments in Italian because he loves to see your confused smile, contemplating whether he roasted you or called you something sweet in foreign language
Theo who keeps you company while you finish your homework in library
Theo who loves spending time with you on Astronomy tower (he just in general loves spending time with you but astronomy tower is more special to him) while you are snuggled up against his side as you guys look at stars.
Theo who will read with you, doesn't matter what kind of books you guys are reading as long as both of you are together.
Theo who prefers reading classic novels but will happily read cheesy rom-com books with you because you said so (secretly he enjoys them too but hush🙈)
Theo who actually enjoys reading poetry, and sometimes when you guys are alone he'll read few to you
Theo who's always there to comfort you whenever you have problems with your family because he knows how it feels.
Theo who's always there to stand up for you in any situation
Theo who starts to smoke less around you if it bothers you, but if you smoke too then both of you guys will smoke together at the Astronomy tower
Theo who loves silence and doesn't enjoy talking much but is always ready to listen to you talk for hours, you are the only person he can talk and listen to for eternity without ever getting sick of it.
Theo who loves when you wear his clothes
Theo who said I love you first time when he saw you curse someone out because they said some shit about him, he doesn't really care whatever shit they were saying but seeing you stand up for him made him feel emotions he never felt before.
Theo who just absolutely loves you and wants to spend entirety of his life with you
Thank you so much for reading, likes and comments are very much appreciated. As well as positive criticism, pls don't hate this is a safe place for everyone!! Bye bye have great day!!!
Enzo's headcanon!
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radical-ghostface · 11 months
His hair is a little messy today.
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Ravenclaws Are...(Part 6)
Watching in-depth video essays on games you've never heard of, spending hours making up stories about constellations, Brian David Gilbert in general and Unravelled in particular, overly competitive Scrabble games, making the most bizarre and incomprehensible memes possible, doing overly intricate hair and makeup for fun, Letterboxd lists
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apparentlytheproblem · 10 months
s w e a t e r w e a t h e r
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- Draco Malfoy
a/n: so this one is based on a situation I've been in which had me bawling, crying and literally dying. I also saw something similar on Pinterest and I thought why not? requests are always open, love, teddy
requested- yes
warnings- none i hope
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You found yourself in the edge of the black lake sprawled on a fuzzy blanket with all sorts of delights, giggling and laughing with a blonde Slytherin over something absolutley preposterous, the idea or to be more specific, the rumors between you and a Malfoy.
The evening was crisp already, the last of sunset just a fading pale stripe in the sky. Evening shadows deepened into blue and purple. the wind was icy and withering, it sent chills down your back.
"c'mon, its almost time for bed luv"
love. love? did he just call me love? am I okay?
"yeah, let's head back" you assented.
a cold wind swept past the both of you, Draco's eyes bumped together in a scowl and his nystagmic eyes hadn't missed anything. All he was waiting for was an ask and maybe a pretty please too.
"would it be alright if i borrow your sweater?"
their eyes my god, as if I'd say no, fuckin damn
"it would be more than alright sweetheart"
fuck. sweetheart? is he tryna kill me? what does he want? oh god
His fingers gripped the ends of the sweater covering his abdomen and quickly pulled his sweater of green and silver and handed it to her.
it was loose to say the least, but you loved it almost as much as he loved seeing you in it. it smelt of mahogany apples which he loved so much.
Draco towered over, trying to roll the sleeves for you, and grabbed your palm and began to walk as if he wasn't absolutley panicking inside.
"it smells like you"
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doremimosasol · 6 months
𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 - 𝐇𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐟𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ✧
Ravenclaw!reader here
Slytherin!reader here
Gryffindor!reader here
warnings: none
word count: 1,2 k
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he was never interested in the Hufflepuffs
he saw them as stuck-up people
people pleasers
and he thought they were absolute goody two shoes little did he know about the Hufflepuff parties they kept a secret from the rest of the houses
they were everything he didn’t like
they were also too nice for his liking
but even for their friendly nature, most of them didn’t like Mattheo after all
most of them actually hated him, and held grudges against the boy for whatever reason
no one except his closest friends liked him and the ones who seemingly did, just put on an act
or they just were too scared to go against the son of the Dark Lord
it made him feel extremely powerful, on top of the world
not being liked, not even by the kindest house in the school
except for you
it drove him absolutely insane, he was hated by all except for you?
at first, he even thought it was fake but you were actually being genuine
you always smiled at him when you crossed each other’s paths in the hallways
you voluntarily sat next to him in class when people would rather sit on the other side of the classroom, as far away from him as possible
you never distanced yourself when you two accidentally stood a little too close
you were comfortable around him?
it threw him off completely
ever since first year he tried everything to make you hate him too, like everyone else does
you were that one loose end
that one loose he’d so desperately try to get rid of
he’d throw insults and you’d just laugh it off
he’d make you trip and you’d apologize for walking in his way (really?)
he’d write scribbles on your paper and you’d laugh at the cute gesture
he even once locked you up in a classroom all alone and even then you forgave him
nothing worked, you’d never hate him
you’d never fear him
after 7 years he eventually gave up, as school was almost finished he didn’t see the use anymore
he’d just let you be
let you be kind
that’s where everything went downhill for him though
when he started to let you be, he started to look past his goal of trying to make you dislike him
he actually finally acknowledged your sweet heart, the absolute kindest student in the whole school
no one was like you
he grew a small soft spot for you, and at that moment he knew he had to protect you at all costs
he knew he fucked up by admitting to these feelings to himself but something about it made him feel warm
it melted the cold layer around his heart, which was never meant to be melted
he’d notice all the little things you did
you’d regularly help first years around school
you’d help around in the Three Broomsticks when it was busy on weekends, sacrificing your precious free time
you’d even help Hagrid with his odd creatures
feeding them almost daily; even when it rained, when it was early in the morning, and during dinner
you’d rather spend time with the creatures than eating together with your friends
it wasn’t that you didn’t have any friends though, you were one of the most popular Hufflepuffs
but was it due to your kindness or did people just take advantage of it?
you were too blind to see through people’s acts though
but Mattheo saw how people put on a nice facade in front of you to get something out of you
it was always when they needed something for themselves
you gave and gave and gave but never received anything
when he noticed this he wanted to do anything to make you feel appreciated for all the giving you did
that’s when you frequently started to receive anonymous gifts
you’d find notes in between the pages of your books, just a few kind words
you’d find roses in front of your door, never a bouquet, always one
one single red rose
it kept going for months, never knowing the real sender
it put a smile on you every single day, and Mattheo loved to see you smile
every time he left one of those roses at your door, he made sure to figure out your schedule to pass by you in the hallways and see that smile of yours
because it also made his day every single time
you appreciated the gesture so much
it made you feel all warm and fussy
you dried all the roses he got you and put the leaves in a special box
there was not one you threw away, always keeping them
as the months progressed he started to leave small notes with the roses too, signed as “MR”
you never tried to figure out who it was, liking the mysteriousness of it
though, the initials could obviously only belong to one person
one specific Slytherin
on the day before graduation you finally got more than initials: “Meet me where the earth swallows the sun.”
the Black Lake…
it was the perfect time
the last day of school ever
the last day before graduation, leaving your second home behind after all
he wouldn’t have to explain his actions ever
because after this day he’d leave school behind, which meant also leaving you behind forever
excited but a little skeptical you approached the Black Lake at sunset, seeing the back of a well-known Slytherin boy
the one you could never hate
Mattheo Riddle
he turned around to meet your eyes, with no emotion to reveal his true intentions
he called you closer to him and when you stood in front of him, he put your hair behind your back
not without softly stroking your cheek, making it look accidental
you froze at that moment, completely lost in his warm brown eyes
you wondered how people could hate him when his eyes told a whole story
it was like coming home to a fireplace after a day in the snow
the browns hugging you like the warmth of fresh warm chocolate in your hands
he took something out of his pocket, hiding it in his hand
“Close your eyes”
you didn’t immediately comply, unsure of what his intentions were
“Trust me…”
you closed your eyes and you felt his fingers slightly grazing your neck when you heard a click behind it
he stood behind you, brushing your hair to the side for his lips to meet the back of your neck
the softness staying there for a few seconds
you felt his breath on your ear when he pulled away for a moment, his lips grazing your lobe
“Thank you, y/n…”
the whispering and his deep voice echoing in your ear
just when you decided to open your eyes, the touch disappeared
you turned around and he was gone…
around your neck was now a silver necklace with a beautiful silver rose hanging as a pendant
though you never gave him anything, you finally received something
but to him, you gave him everything…
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artsymushu · 2 years
Things guys normally do that look terribly hot when Fred does them
It's canon, he told me himself.
Leaning on the door frame while talking to you
Running the hands through his hair subconsciously, when he's thinking or when he's sweaty after quidditch practice
Stretching, just that. When he's tired in the mornings, or even if he's trying to reach something that's really high and his shirt lifts a little
Helping younger students. no explanation needed here, it's just hot when he helps kids
Being protective, not in a possessive way but in a hold my hand I don't wanna loose you way
Rolling up his shirt sleeves, does this need an explanation too or...?
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writing-wh0re · 3 months
“Read it to me, darling.”
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♥ pairing: george weasley x fem!reader
♥ summary: Based on this ask “you're reading a book and its so good, you dont notice george back from pratice. So he wants to test how much you love the book. ”
♥ warnings: smut 18+, oral, male performing oral, smut book (?), fingering, pussy eating, smut with little to zero plot.
♥ wc: 1090
♥ masterlist & taglist
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You were surprised how quickly you were getting through this book. Determined and excited to start the third instalment in the series. 
George had been out for hours, you had noticed the rain softly washing against the window, wondering when he would pop back in to see you again. Although it wouldn’t surprise you if he kept practising in the rain. 
You eyes skim over the words, a small smile on your face as Archer and Astrid, the two main characters finally shared their first kiss. You continue to read ahead, pulling the strawberry lollipop from your lips as you turn the page, excitement filling your body. You place the sweet back in your mouth, sinking down into the bed a little bit more, knowing your coming up to the juicy part of the novel. Small butterflies fill your stomach as Archer and Astrid pine over each other, both taking their relationship to the next level, solidifying their love. 
Your book falls into your lap, your face a slight tint of pink, eyes adjusting to the man in front of you. Slightly wet with rain and sweat, his shirt off and on the end of the bed. Your eyes rake over his body, your mind wandering back to your book as you rub your thighs together, which doesn’t go as unnoticed as you thought. 
“Sorry.” You shake your head, pulling the blanket up your body, feeling a slight shame for being caught with smut. 
George smirks, taking the lollipop from between your lips, slightly glossy with sticky strawberry residue and spit. He places the sweet in his mouth, his hand under your chin. Tilting your face to look up at him. 
“Love, don't tell me I’m losing you to your book boyfriend.” 
You pout slightly, before you can speak the lollipop is back against your lips. You frown, swirling your tongue around the sweet, watching George’s eyes lock onto your actions as the bed dips under his weight, him resting on his knees in front of you. 
“Please keep reading.” He insists, a swift wink sent your way. Moving the blanket off your legs. 
A gasp falls past your lips, your fingers gripping the stem of the lollipop to ensure its safety. 
“George, I don’t-”
He places his hand around your throat, his face inches from yours, the sweet smell of strawberry wafting between you. 
“Shh, darling, I simply can’t take you away from this book, I’ll occupy myself.” 
George grabs the book from your lap, his eyes quickly skimming the words, a small smirk on his lips. He tuts, shaking his head before, his fingers tracing down the top of your thighs, slipping between your legs, tracing the outside of your panties. 
“Ah, no wonder your panties are wet.” 
Blush creeps across your face, your eyes slightly wide as the embarrassment of him reading the smut washes over you. You bury your head in the book, wishing it would swallow you and help you escape this shame. 
George chuckles, laying down on his stomach, his lips kissing up your thighs, biting the soft skin with every second kiss. 
“I want to know who you prefer by the end.”
His fingers hook inside your panties, pulling them down your legs. 
“Me or your fictional man.” 
You roll your eyes, your heart hammering in your chest. 
“Don’t be like that.” You mumble, his warm breath fanning against your folds. 
“If you stop, I stop.” His tongue softly licks up and down your slit, an eruption of butterflies soars through your stomach. 
“George.” You whisper moan, heat filling your body. 
“Don’t stop love, I'm enjoying this.” 
You sigh, picking the book up and resuming where you left off. George kisses your folds, his tongue slipping back between them, circling your clit while you re-read the same sentence. 
Fuck, this is harder than it seems. 
“Yes.” You moan, your grip on the book tightening, your hips rocking slightly. 
“Read it to me, darling.” 
“Uh.” The sound falls from your lips as his wraps around your clit, sucking on the sensitive bud. Your eyes lock with his as he softly drags his tongue up your slit. 
“Enlighten me, I won’t ask again.” 
You nod, quickly picking the book back up and finding where you left off while George continues to play with your pussy. You clear your throat before reading aloud to him. 
“Archer gripped Astrid's hair, his hand pulling the strands around his palm. He liked the contrast between her red locks and his skin. He continued to thrust into her with heated passion- Fuck George uh.”
George chuckles against your clit, his fingers now slowly pulling in and out of you. 
“Astrid moaned something that caused Archer to slow his thrusts, wanting to hear- fuck just like that - wanting to hear more of what she could offer him. He knew if he kept it at this pace she would beg, a situation Archer only dreamt of. Astrid rocked her hips back, Archer's grip tightening on the strands of hair, pulling her back against his chest, his hands falling from her fiery red locks and groping - George Oh- her bo- Yes, Yes, uhh - her boobs.” 
Your head tilts back, George's pace picking up both his fingers and his tongue. The book falls on your chest, your finger tangling in his hair, chasing your hair. You rock your hips against his lips, his hands slipping under you and squeezing your ass, helping to support your slightly elevated angle. 
“I’m close.” 
George simply responds by humming against your clit, his fingers curling inside of you. Your back arches off the bed, your book falling off your chest and onto the floor with a small thud. 
“C-cumming” You moan, your vision blurry as you squeeze your eyes shut.Your teeth biting against the strawberry lollipop as it shatters in your mouth. George slows his actions, small aftershocks shooting through your body, your legs twitching. You release a deep sigh as George pulls his fingers out of your pussy, his lips glistening with a mix of your wetness and cum. 
He reaches for the lollipop stick between your teeth. You simply open your mouth showing him the shattered remnants as he smirks, leaning forward and capturing your tongue in his mouth. Intertwining his with yours and savouring the strawberry flavour before pulling away with a lick of his lips. 
“You should read to me more often.” 
You simply blush, hiding your face in your hands and pulling the blanket back up over your legs. 
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Taglist: @horrorxweasley @maybesandohnos @skarlettmikaelson @mathletemadison @wahooyahoo17 @zagreusdaughter @alina02 @addymartinsstuff @rebeldotty88 @peterpan-neverfails @thehumanistsdiary @anonreaderas @i-love-scott-mccall @sunshinemunchkin @themoonis-beautiful-tonight @veryspookybatbabe @uwiuwi @anythingandeverything97 @fckve @darling2800
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