#Ray is best boy
hay1ock · 1 year
Another week, another took-a-long-time-to-process-so-now-going-to-ramble Only Friends post. I have no idea where I want to start as there were so many entanglements, emotions, moments for the characters, both separately and together.
Firstly, once again, got to praise the show for looking good. Loved some of the shots, one particular one was the continuous shot of Sand following Ray into his den/music room, and also Nick and Boston beneath those antlers - was as if Nick was being consumed by a beast (how very Hannibal lol)
So, thoughts on the characters and relationships. I guess we’ll start with Top and Mew as they kicked the episode off.
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Top - honestly, I’m so conflicted over him. One minute I’m like, okay I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and the next I’m all hell no, shoo *waves him away*. He certainly earned some ‘bodacious side-eyes’ this week.
1. His glance at Boston after asking Mew to be his boyfriend. He looked so smug.
2. The way he ‘claimed’ Mew in front of Ray saying they had a date and taking his hand. Does he already feel threatened by Ray?
3. The way he spoke to Ray when Cheum hurt her ankle. (I’m not a doctor but I didn’t see Ray’s idea to raise a swollen ankle as a bad thing. He clearly wasn’t looking to hurt his friend). It just felt like Top was exerting dominance again. BUT maybe with the backstory we saw he now needs to control situations and jumped in without watching his tone.
4. Him and Boston in the shower (obviously lol)👀. I couldn’t get a read what he was thinking. He said stop but then let Boston get right back to it. His expression bounced around from into it to annoyed to… I don’t know what. BUT that isn’t the way to get into Mew’s good books lol.
Then on the other hand we have the backstory and his fear of sleeping alone. He seemed genuine about his past and can certainly see his sleeping around rooted in that. In episode 1, he could have just left, maybe even still had time to find someone else if it was just sex he wanted, but he asked to stay over, even if just to cuddle and sleep beside Mew. So until I’m shown otherwise I believe him. Curious if he’s abusing the sleeping tablets though (based on bits they showed in both trailers).
Mew - just because he’s a glasses wearing virgin doesn’t mean he’s naive, I mean… have you seen his friends? Lol. I do think he’s ticking things off a little too easily, but Top does make his heart tremble so there are feelings there already and he’s maybe looking for reasons for Top to meet his list. It no way excuses the Top and Boston encounter, but I do wonder how far Mew will push his No Sex rule with Top and this whole reset and then his cookie kiss teasing and if that’ll blow up in his face? (I see you car in the preview). But like I get it. If Top cares for him he should be willing to wait until Mew is ready, build trust and get to know each other properly. Plus you know, Top has his hand and a healthy imagination, he’ll be fine lol.
Boston - or rather…BOSTON! I love him but hate him lol. Bold move with Top in the shower. I’m not really sure why he’s so bothered. Like seriously how good was the sex? Has he caught feelings? Or is it just about one-upping Mew, is there more to their ‘friendship’? Jealousy? A one-sided rivalry of some kind? The fact he’s looking to use Ray and Mew’s friendship to get Top is a scummy move. And then there’s his relationship with Nick.
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After Ray, Nick is my second precious, please-protect-him-from-everything-as-well-as-himself baby. He looked so tiny with his knees up to his chest, and soft and vulnerable lying in bed for the photos. Boston has made it clear-ish what their status is so Nick should be aware falling for him is a fruitless endeavour. BUT. The ish is because like Nick I’m getting mixed signals when he’s calling him his favourite, calling him cute, giving him little kisses and confidence boosts. The first sex scene between them this episode is more how I view Boston, flipping Nick over, pushing him down, no need to see his face. He just wants sex, not a connection with Nick. Argh, Nick’s attached and it’s gonna hurt. God, everybody’s so messy lol.
And then we’re round to my best boy, Ray. God I love seeing Khaotung like this. Anyway, yes he’s a danger to himself and others when drunk, not saying he’s an angel, but as Mew said he can’t be stopped, not unless he’s ready to admit he has a problem and get help. Struggling characters speak to me lol.
I loved his scene with Mew near the start. Sure he’s jealous, probably more so when drunk, but this episode he came across as supportive. Worried but supportive nonetheless. He’s probably met some Top’s before so is rightly concerned about Mew jumping in when their might be someone nice down the line (and I’m convinced he wasn’t talking about himself here - there’s no way he sees himself as anywhere near good enough for Mew). I felt like his glances at Top both by the pool and then the outdoor activity were, yes there’s still some jealousy but also as if they were out of concern/viewing how Top is acting - to me, he seemed surprised/wary at Top coming over as controlling and jumping in about the date and taking hold of Mew, and then at the activities it felt like he was observing/considering the genuineness of Top’s calls of support (vs Boston’s done with them eye roll).
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There was a lot of stuff brought up for Ray this episode. Him and Sand was just amazing. From following Sand as what probably started out as a nice distraction, to hiring him as a drinking buddy, to genuinely bonding and smiling, to, well, that last sequence - god dang he was oozing with charm and his lustful gaze and… Why does smoking always look so hot? It really isn’t but damn does it look all cinematic and sexy. But yeah, it was great not to have to listen to him throw up this week. The flashback to his mum though. It seemed she died with a drink in her hand. Whether it was straight up from the alcohol, or maybe it caused other health problems? Was it just alcohol or was she washing down pills or something? Did she drunkenly fall and hit her head? *squints at the blurry scene* It’s certainly a trauma that is part of why he drinks, exacerbated by his loneliness and now the fear of losing Mew and that friendship as him and Top get closer. I’m also scared Ray is drinking himself stupid as a way to follow her.
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Sand. The goodest boy (shhh pretend he’s not selling moonshine). I loved him so much when he tried to cheer Ray up after asking questions about his mum’s death. It was clear Ray was upset and down and it was lovely seeing him make Ray smile. Also, the way he was staring at Ray in these scenes. Gah. He’s so interested in him. I found it funny him turning away the girl, when Ray had suggested the three of them hang out. At least he got Ray looking very pleased with himself when it was just the two of them. There’s not much else to dive into with him at the moment. That talk to the camera thing at the end. Boy already looks like he knows he fucked up. Playing with fire indeed. Nothing else to say right… okay maybe one thing. Tattoo *kicks feet*
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Random things.
1. Cheum and April. Wasn’t much of them but they were cute.
2. Sorry Top but that dive into the water. I kind of like it in that it shows he isn’t perfect. And apparently this isn’t Baywatch lol.
3. Tattoo.
4. I wonder if there was more than that one shot of Nick that Boston took? Hoping there’s nothing that can be used against Nick in the future.
5. TaTtOo.
6. The way Sand broke the kiss by pulling Ray away *melts*
7. Sand and Nick becoming roomies. They can bitch about their emotionally unavailable men over some plum wine lol. Wonder if Boston and Ray will end up there at the same time?
8. Ray’s face when Mew said Top had ticked the get along with friends box on his list.
9. Fluffy haired Ray at the outdoor activities.
11. I kinda wanna go to a laser quest again. Like, are they still a thing? Time to relive my youth lol.
12. Took me a minute but realised those ‘talk to the camera’ interviews reminded me of the first episode of Queer As Folk (at least the UK version) where they had a similar thing. Vince was my baby. What do you mean I have a thing for guys who have a crush on their best friend? Lol
13. I can’t help it. I’m sorry. BUT Ray in that black fluffy cardigan outfit. It was his episode, at least for me.
14. Ray’s little face when he put him mum’s record on. Everybody shush. I love him okay.
15. I know you probably didn’t want him in your bed again since the reset, but Mew, cuddling on the couch did not look comfy.
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16. So, if Nick works at a family business I shall switch my guess at Papang being something to do with uni and his course.
17. Title, where you at.
18. Ohhhhh. Yo and unnamed dude (please be called Lo) are together.
And I’ll shut up now. We’re down to hours until the next episode. Exciting.
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ionomycin · 2 years
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The wizard and the dark knight
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strawglicks · 3 months
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sometimes i just gotta write/draw them arguing it keeps me going
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chidoroki · 8 months
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January 15th - Happy Birthday Ray - ft: his tvtropes
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twistedappletree · 1 year
You cannot tell me that when Lan Sizhui improves his guqin language, he wouldn’t be out using inquiry every damn day to talk to spirits and make little ghost friends.
The minute that boy knows how to have full conversations via guqin, he’s gonna know every spirit in Gusu on a personal level and casually bring them up in conversation with the other juniors.
LJY: “These loquats are sooooo goooood!”
LSZ: “Right? Reminds me of A-Liu, he loves loquats”
LJY: “….Who the hell is A-Liu?”
LSZ: “Hm? Oh, he’s the spirit who likes to visit the cold springs.”
LJY: “The… the cold springs? How often is he there?”
LSZ: “Um, I don’t know? A lot? Whenever he wants to be there, I guess”
LJY: *panicked* “Was he there last night?!”
LSZ: “…..How would I kno—“
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sosaysdean · 5 months
I am just a freak
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ray935sworld · 1 month
Okay serious question, how do I keep a friend away who I stopped seeing as a friend due to dismiss and ignoring of my feeling and he has romantic feelings and asked me out multiple times/ made hints about a what could have been despite knowing I'm not into men?
Edit: Okay! He is blocked now and yes I had a ray that's not normal moment
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rayofmisfortune · 8 months
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2003daredevil · 3 months
"Fox X-Men (2000) was bad"
Wrong. This was the first modern superhero movie and it was going off of basically NOTHING and it was Good. The pacing is good. Every scene takes it's time and we still end up where we need to be within a timely manner.
It starts with the scene of Erik's backstory in order to ground the audience in a sense that this world is real and much like ours by using a major historical event and only towards the end having things take a turn for the fantastic. It also establishes the ethical debate at the core of XMen as a series, about discrimination and how best to avoid the worst case scenario of genocide. It shows what Magneto sees for our future, why he is willing to go as far as he does and what is really at stake in the Charles/Erik chess game.
Then we move on to Rogue who's introduction to the world of mutants and connection with Wolverine is the emotional heart of the story. Logan ALSO gets a great introductory scene that tells us about who he is, a fighter, a shit talker, a wild thing that has up until now been on his own. They bring them together, the old outcast and the new one FIRST so that we as an audience have an area of focus in a series with so many characters. The bond they share and the safety they find in eachother mirror the bond that links all of the X-Men.
It's got humor that isnt just pop culture references, it's got the beginings of relationship dynamics (Logan/Marie paternal, Logan/Jean/Scott romantic, Scott/Charles leadership, Charles/Erik friendly rivals) it's got themes about the struggle of social minorities, balance between practocal effects and cgi, REAL BUILT SETS, even a villain gets a character arc.
Literally X-Men was the blueprint. I don't care that you think their leather costumes are dumb it was the fucking 90's and directors had to fight to get superheroes in costumes at ALL. I don't care if you think the cgi aged poorly. It was a quarter century ago and it does NOT look THAT bad. Today's bells and whistles are nice but the absence of them does not make X-Men a bad film. Put some fuckindhhs respect on her name!
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goldiipond · 9 months
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i'm legally required to dedicate my first art of the year to them
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dropthedemiurge · 1 year
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– утешение –
I will hold you while you mourn your broken heart until you feel alive again
// More Only Friends fanart //
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fyodcrs · 2 years
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Nakahara Chuuya ✰ BSD Wan!
Happy birthday, Ray! @nightrayv ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧˚ ♡♡♡♡
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harmonytheme · 3 months
Dillon stood up to Misbah for love the way she encouraged him to stand up against his mom. The very things she pushed him to fight for is the thing that annoys her so much now. This is good!
The talk between Misbah and Dillon was done so well. Misbah needed someone to tell her the truth to her face without sugarcoating it—ironically what she thinks she's been doing for Dillon all this time.
And Dillon was right, what else did she expect him to do? Just go along with whatever she wants because she's his guardian figure? His relationship with his mum ended because she was trying to control him. Telling him how he should dress, how he should act, who he should fall in love with. Just because he's living with Misbah that doesn't automatically mean she knows what's best for him. Yeah, she's looking out for his safety, but forcing him into moving away and breaking up with his boyfriend (who he loves) is only going to make him feel like he's being controlled. Again. No wonder he was in tears. This thing with Misbah must have brought back a lot of uncomfortable feelings for him.
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catrollsdice · 2 years
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“I’m just gonna scooch in here…”
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innytoes · 5 months
🐝: Odd Eye
Odd Eye
After a few too many glasses of wine, Victoria may or may not have signed her brother-in-law up for Queer Eye. Which would be great! Ray deserves some pampering, pep talks, a closet renewal, and for someone to teach him to cook something else than Sad Spaghetti.
It's just a bit hard to hide the fact that he's harbouring three teen ghosts in his garage, though.
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frnkiebby · 11 months
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just gotta say to those who reblog my posts, you guys fucking kill me. some of the tags you put make my day. like when i see a notification for a reblog come across my phone i immediately open it so i can read them. fucking unhinged and it’s like a little reward.~🎃
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