#Rayllum Oneshot
thatartiststudios · 8 months
Here is said angsty oneshot that I was talking about, honestly it's not as bad as I made it sound, in my opinion
Here's my take on the prompt 14. "I still love you" for Rayllum
As soon as Rayla had left the throne room, she ran down the dimly lit halls, each echoing footstep a desperate attempt to outrun the haunting echoes of the council member’s words about her.
Running—she was good at that, wasn’t she? She had fled from Callum years ago, and here she was again, running. Yet, deep down, she understood that this time, he wouldn’t let her escape so easily.
“Rayla!” The urgency in his voice cut through the air, but she resolutely ignored him, her determination driving her towards the refuge of his High Mage’s office.
He pursued her, the echo of his footsteps mirroring her own, until they both found themselves within the sanctuary of the room. Still, she kept her back turned to him.
“Don’t listen to him, alright?” Callum implored, his voice laced with concern. “Lord Alistair is just stuck in his ways. He doesn’t know you yet.”
She remained silent, her hands braced on the cold window sill, bathed in the soft glow of the pale moonlight filtering through the glass.
Callum approached her, standing by her side, taking her hand, “Hey,” he murmured, his voice a gentle reassurance.
She still wouldn’t look at him, her conviction unwavering. “He’s right, I don’t belong here, I never did.”
Callum, refusing to let her withdraw, gently cupped her face with his hand, coaxing her to meet his gaze. “Hey, that’s not true; this is your home as much as it is his, okay? And honestly, he should be thanking you, for everything you’ve done.”
Despite his words, she continued to doubt herself, looking away again. “Nothing that deserves his thanks,” she muttered, her voice carrying a weight of self-disapproval.
Callum’s heart sank. “What do you mean? You helped us defeat Aaravos; you helped us save the world, Rayla. You’re a hero. You’re my hero,” he insisted, hoping to break through her inner turmoil.
Suddenly, she pulled her hand away, frustration folding her face. “Why do you keep treating me like this?” She faced him, and alarm gripped his chest as he noticed tears welling up. “Like I’m loveable?”
His eyes widened, and he reached for her hands, squeezing gently. “Oh, Rayla,” his voice cracked, “it’s because you are.” He rubbed his thumbs over her knuckles, trying to convey the depth of his feelings.
“I can’t be!” She cried, anguish echoing in her voice, “I just hurt everyone I love, I ruin everything, it’s who I am.”
Callum shook his head, determination in his eyes. “No, it’s not. You’re amazing, and strong, and beautiful, Rayla. That’s who you are.”
She still didn’t believe him, her doubt evident. “I don’t deserve your love, Callum, not anymore.”
His heart broke at her words. “And what makes you think that?”
“I left you, I abandoned you, I broke your heart, Callum. You deserve someone better than that.”
Despite it all, a soft smile graced his lips. “But I don’t want anyone else,” He pulled her closer by her hands, sincerity in his eyes. “I just want you.”
Confused by his unexpected gentleness, she asked, “You sure?”
“You’re the only one for me, Rayla. Two years, that doesn’t change anything. I still love you, Ray.” The endearment slipped out naturally, and he didn’t correct himself.
Her heart melted under his gaze. “Still?” she asked, still unsure.
Without saying a word, he released her hands, his fingers gently tracing her neck.
“Callum, what are you–”
He kissed her, a tender and long-awaited connection that cut off her words. It was the first time since before she left. Pulling back slightly, he looked at her, leaving Rayla breathless and uncertain.
“Callum,” she breathed.
He pulled her in for another kiss without a word, his lips just as soft. Her hands found their way to his shoulders before he gently pulled back.
“Oh, Callum,”
He smiled, a smile meant only for her, and she melted under his soft gaze.
“What do you want, Rayla?” He asked, his tone gentle yet persistent.
She tilted her head, avoiding his gaze. “That doesn’t matter,” she murmured, her voice barely audible.
His hands, still resting at the base of her neck, gently tilted her head up to meet his eyes. “Yes, it does, Rayla. What do you want?” He persisted, his gaze unwavering.
She hesitated, uncertainty clouding her expression, before leaning her head against his chest. “You,” she whispered longingly, as if she couldn’t quite believe she had the right to desire him.
“Then I’m yours, always,” he assured her, his voice filled with conviction.
Still confused and unsure, she protested, “It’s not that simple.”
He shrugged, lifting her head to meet his gaze. “Seems that way to me.”
Shaking her head, she murmured, “I don’t deserve you.”
Callum sighed, his thumb gently brushing against her cheek. “Rayla, this isn’t about what you think you deserve or not. This is about what you want, and I want to give you what you want.”
She stared at him, unable to believe his unwavering sincerity. To emphasize his point, he leaned in and kissed her again, his fingers caressing the back of her neck, pulling her closer. When he finally drew away, a flush spread across her cheeks, her breaths coming in shallow gasps as she tried to steady herself against the overwhelming rush of emotions.
“Oh, Callum,” she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur, her lips trembling with unspoken desire. “I want it, I really do,” her admission hung in the air, her eyes brimming with a mixture of longing and uncertainty.
His smile was soft, filled with understanding and unwavering determination. “Then you can have it. I’m yours,” he insisted, his words carrying the weight of a promise that echoed in the depths of his gaze.
She hesitated for a moment, the gravity of his declaration sinking in, before closing the distance between them once more.
Their lips met in a fervent kiss, each movement a silent affirmation of their shared desire and commitment. Callum’s response was immediate and eager, his heart soaring with the knowledge that she had chosen him. When she finally pulled back, a delicate smile graced her lips, a glimmer of uncertainty still lingering in her eyes.
“Forever?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, seeking reassurance in the depths of his gaze.
He nodded, his smile widening with a sense of certainty that transcended words. “Forever, Ray,” he vowed, sealing their promise with a tender kiss that spoke of a love destined to endure the test of time.
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zuppizup · 2 months
The Dance
Rayllum Month 2024
July 15th: Second First Kiss
Official high mage stuff is really the last thing Callum wants to be doing right now. He appreciates Janai introduced him to the Sunfire mages, of course, and its not like he particularly enjoys parties, but the formal part of the wedding has only just ended and music started up and from across the crowd Rayla caught his eye and smiled so prettily that all he wanted to do was push his way through the everyone between them and talk to her.
Maybe dance with her.
He is a clumsy dancer, despite his formal instruction, and she is always so graceful in how she moves, he can’t tell if the contrast will make him look worse or if she would somehow manage to compensate for his two left feet.
It isn’t like anyone would be looking at him anyway. Not with Rayla in that dress and with her hair half up and half down with stray wisps falling around her face and her amazing eyes softly illuminated by the morning sun-
He definitely wants to dance with her.
Read More on AO3: The Dance
Happy Birthday, best boi Callum! I was much nicer to you this year than on previous ones!
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raayllum · 2 months
Also spent like an hour today talking with my partner about post-canon court dynamics and what Rayla would do if she stayed at court beyond just being on the council and
I honestly think she'd be great at being a spider.
Rayla doesn't have the mind for strategy that Callum does, and I think he's grown to be more skeptical like her in arc 2 so that's not exclusive to her either, but the main areas we see Rayla be underhanded about is 1) her lying and 2) her ability to be stealthy, combining both beautifully in 2x03 with the illusion plan. (It still doesn't entirely go according to plan and Corvus has to bail them out, but I digress.)
Like imagine visiting diplomats trying to strong arm Ezran into some kind of trade deal scuffle by citing 'bad weather' as an excuse, and both Callum and Rayla want to make sure it's True, so Rayla spies on them from the rafters / other locations in the castle, collecting gossip and schemes as she goes. Then she reports back to Callum, firstly, who sometimes steps in to threaten them handle it himself directly, and/or to Ezran when it's a more neutral matter, and it Freaks People out because how did they know?? It pays to have a Moonshadow elf on your side is all
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blehblarghblah · 7 months
Magic Between the Moon & Sky: Rayllum Oneshot Series - A 5 Year Anniversary
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Today marks the five year anniversary of MBTMS’ release. (Technically it’s tomorrow for Ao3, but FFN I posted there first). A oneshot collection that is yet to be finished, I know, but one that I treasure deeply. I may have fallen out of my love for TDP in certain elements, but the writing and what I started with in regards to Rayllum was something else.
I don’t mean to be all, “I was there when it was written” but I joined this fandom in its season one days, when it was REAL small here on Tumblr. Which meant smaller ship circles too. I’m glad to have witnessed the fandom blossom and grow, and by that extension, Rayllum itself too.
I know many of my readers probably assume I won’t be returning to MBTMS, but you’re kinda wrong. I swear I’m not one of those 100 oneshot fics that stop halfway (no fault to them of course, sometimes passion runs out)! I legitimately have more than a dozen oneshots planned out. But, I’m also biding my time. I’ve learned with fic writing, that writing what I love is just as crucial as being passionate about it. I'm not currently into TDP but I still enjoy the oneshot concepts i thought up for my fics, so I'll probably only work from those.
I mean, I can probably just grind out the last oneshots and meet the 100 quota, but they wouldn’t be good. Or maybe, they would be to some of you, but they wouldn’t be something I could be proud of. Least of all, I wouldn’t have fun writing it. So yeah, I do believe I know my limits and the extent of my creativity.
But the main reason at the end of the day, as to why I won’t drop this fic, is because it has quite literally spawned some of my best writing. “Loyalty & Light”, “The Most Undoing Thing”, my Taang oneshots, “Legends of Avatar: The Untold Story”, they’ve all had great prose that I’m proud of. Some not so much, but that’s growth.
“Magic Between the Moon & Sky” houses many different styles and concepts I could never explore with most of my fandoms. I’ve written a modern college AU grounded in the slowest of burns, I’ve written childhood AUs diving into the naivety and hilariousness of a kid's mind, and I’ve written an emotionally powerful (as readers have said) Soulmate AU even though I don’t like Soulmate AUs. And I have many more mind, but I’ve also managed to explore the canon and interpret my own ideas from before we learned anything of the lore.
Some were at the requests of fans, others were because I wanted to try and get my feet wet. Much like Callum and Rayla themselves, this fic was a great avenue for me to explore my abilities as a writer and try new things. And in the end, I’m proud of that. And I cannot wait to see what I do next.
Thank you all, for an amazing five years of patience and love. Again, no idea when I'll return to this fic but I'll get around to it.
Until next post,
- Bleh
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mo-nmage · 11 months
“See? The inn looks cozy and warm!” Callum pointed to the inn near them, Rayla glared at him and groaned in annoyance as she kept moving towards the small building. “Callum, I still believe this is a distraction-”
“You keep insisting that it's a distraction yet you continue to move towards the inn… you're giving me mixed signals here, Rayla” he teased as he continued moving forward. Callum being a few feet ahead of Rayla made him miss the small smile that formed on her lips as he teased her.
“sparks fly” on ao3 <3
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illustrator-dani · 2 years
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Can you imagine a rayllum child sitting on their fathers lap while helping their daddy with work? Now I can’t unsee but I don’t regret it.
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Pick-Up Lines
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Story Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Rayla goes to the bar with her friends, but cannot stand the bar scene. Too many bad pick-up lines... flirting is just so awkward. At least she finds somebody who feels the same way. (yes it's Callum!)
Excerpt - Read it here!
So, what about you?” he laughed with her, “What has just made your skin crawl?”
She cleared her throat and tried to talk in a deeper voice, “Hey baby, have you got a mirror in your pants? ‘Cause I can see myself in them.”
Callum’s upper lip curled, and he straighten his back, “See, that’s the kind of stuff that makes my skin crawl. Or vomit. It’s definitely got the whole,” he waved his hand in the air and in circles, “conquer vibe.”
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numptypylon · 1 year
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She should leave. Stop staring at him, back away, close the door so quietly he would never know she had been in here at all, had heard and seen him-
But that somehow didn’t seem fair, to ogle him like this and then not even let him know or apologize, taking advantage of how all-or-nothing she well knew his focus was. No, she should… apologize for the intrusion on his private bathtub love poetry time, then leave.
“Sorry, Cal-“
“AARGH!” He jumped, and there was a splash of water as the tub overflowed with the motion and then-
Well, she wasn’t quite sure, only that she was… lying down, she thought? And his beautiful face, all frowny and pretty, hovered right in front of her, beautiful, green eyes wide, water dripping from the tips of his beautiful hair and running down his-
His everything.
Read the rest of this rayllum oneshot based on that one S5E1 end credit sketch, Everything on Ao3 (2K, rated T)
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i <3 writing oneshots im writing a short rayllum cafe au oneshot and the whole time im just giggling like you dont understand how obsessed with them i am
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blutopaz15 · 1 year
📚(I feel like I've read ALL rayllum fics i'm starving)
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
omg, SO many. seriously...I need to limit myself XD Linking ao3 profiles and then a couple of fave fics for each author below...also these are mostly fics written in hiatus...idk if that's helpful in your particular search for fic but since I joined the fandom during hiatus, these are the fics that stick out to me!
@numptypylon - downtime in wartime series & cottage cuddles au are amazing <3 love lots of numpty's oneshots on ao3 too!
@zuppizup - purgatory is a fave of mine (tho I am admittedly behind in my reading) & how can I not mention zoom-mates ?? again, lots more excellent stuff on zuppi's ao3 profile
@raayllum - this fic was one I read when I was brand new to the fandom and has stuck with me ever since & their post-ttm reunion fic is excellent too (SO much more to read too of course-> wordswithdragons on ao3)
fanfic writer ask game
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thosefiveadoraburrs · 2 years
i could dive so deep i never come out
Summary: Callum and Rayla talk (and possibly makeout) on a boat. Speculative S5 oneshot written with @raayllum
Rating: T
a/n: title taken from an amazing song called "impossible" by nothing but thieves (for which a rayllum amv on youtube may already exist ooh~)
She still got seasick.
She hid it a little better now, but Callum could still catch that telltale green, pallid hue to her face, one arm over her stomach as the other clutched the railing. He wondered how often she’d had to travel by boat on her own, if at all, as she took slow, shaky breaths through her nose.
“Hey.” He sidled up to her, placing a careful hand on her back. 
Her shoulders raised, startled slightly—she likely hadn’t expected anyone else to be up on deck at night, especially not when they were moored near the fringe of the Sea of the Castout—before she relaxed. “Hey.” Rayla tried for a smile. “What are you doing up?”
“Couldn’t sleep.”
“Oh.” She glanced at him, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Do you want to talk—I mean, is it—”
“Not about us,” he clarified. “Just... what’s coming.”
“Oh. Yeah.” She took another deep breath, trying to straighten. They’d talked, of course, now that he was willing, but there were still so many things they hadn’t said. Big feelings he didn’t know how to describe yet. He was still trying to figure out if the loneliness he’d felt in her absence would ever totally leave him. And while she’d been putting his feelings first, he knew there were things that had happened during her absence she wasn’t divulging yet, either. “Why are you up?” Callum inquired. “Just your stomach?”
She nodded faintly. “Easier to deal with up here than belowdecks,” she said, her smile just a little pained. “Least this is a bit more fresh water. I think salt makes it worse.”
Callum pursed his lips and then held up a hand. “I might have a spell that can help.”
read the rest on AO3
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thatartiststudios · 7 months
It feels like ages since I've posted any of my writing but I finally finished a Valentine's Day themed Rayllum oneshots, a day late, but here it is! Enjoy!
Rayla’s nerves fluttered in her chest, a familiar sensation with a newfound apprehension. Tonight’s celebration held a weightier significance, surrounded by nobles and esteemed guests, each sure to be eyeing her with varying degrees of curiosity and judgment. Among them would undoubtedly be suitors who believed they were more deserving of her hand than she, a commoner, betrothed to the prince.
But Callum’s comforting words from the previous evening echoed in her mind, a soothing balm to her anxious thoughts. His kisses had chased away her worries, assuring her that she needn’t conform to the expectations of others. She could attend the celebration as herself, without the facade of extravagant dresses or elaborate finery.
Dresses and fancy clothes had never been Rayla’s thing, and Callum respected that. While he ensured she always had attire befitting her role, he never pushed her to conform to the lavish standards of the court. To him, she was radiant in her simplicity, her inner beauty shining brighter than any gemstone or silk garment.
In their room within the castle’s walls, Rayla stood behind Callum, fastening the vibrant red and gold mantle to the shoulders of his jacket. With a gentle touch, she pressed a kiss to the back of his neck once she was finished, coaxing a soft smile from him as he turned to face her.
“How do I look?” Callum inquired, his eyes alight with anticipation as he awaited her verdict.
Rayla returned his smile, her fingers trailing through his hair affectionately. “Handsome, as always,” she complimented, leaning in to press a playful kiss to his cheek. “And to think I have you all to myself.”
Callum chuckled, “I don’t know, Ezran might want to share,” he teased in return.
Rayla responded by kissing him gently, “Do I have to?” she whispered against his lips.
His smile widened, unable to resist her charms. “I mean, I could be persuaded,” he admitted, returning her kiss with equal fervor. They lingered in the moment, lost in the warmth of each other’s embrace, until Callum reluctantly pulled back.
“Although, he will be wondering where we are,” Callum remarked with a grin, breaking the spell of their intimacy. “Guess we’ll have to save these kisses for the party, huh? Make sure everyone knows you’re mine.”
Rayla rolled her eyes in mock exasperation, though her fondness for him was evident in her expression. “You are shameless,” she scolded him playfully, though her lips curved into a smile.
Callum seized the opportunity for one final kiss before leading her out of the room and down the hall, their fingers intertwined as they ventured towards the festivities awaiting them.
As they strolled down the castle’s hallway, Rayla’s free hand instinctively fidgeted with a loose strand of her hair. With each step, her nerves heightened, the upcoming celebration looming larger in her mind. She mentally listed the familiar faces she expected to encounter—friends, allies, and those who had become a part of their shared journey.
Ezran and Ellis, Soren and Corvus would be there with their girlfriends, Enya and Ella, Opeli and the council members; Barius overseeing the culinary arrangements—all familiar and comforting.
However, the prospect of encountering dozens and dozens of other attendees, some likely harboring negative sentiments, dampened her anticipation. Unpleasant individuals who questioned whether she truly deserved the love of the crown Prince of Katolis, and to add to that, the first human Primal mage.
A gentle squeeze of her hand accompanied by a tender kiss to her temple pulled her back from the edge of her thoughts.
“Hey, you okay?” Callum’s concerned voice broke through her internal turmoil.
Rayla looked up at him, a smile forming on her lips. “Yeah, I’m okay,” she reassured, grounding herself in his reassuring presence.
As they reached one of the entrances to the lavishly decorated ballroom, adorned in Katolian red and gold with vibrant red and white roses, Callum released her hand and extended his arm like a true gentleman.
“Shall we?” he asked, a soft smile directed at her. Rayla reciprocated his smile, taking his offered arm.
“We shall,” she replied, offering a quick kiss on his cheek before they stepped into the grandeur of the celebration.
As they mingled in the opulent ballroom, the anticipation of dancing later allowed them to gracefully greet their friends. Rayla took advantage of this time to acclimate herself to the expansive room and its multitude of guests. Despite having to navigate through the occasional stuffy nobles, the experience remained enjoyable.
An air of protectiveness emanated from Callum as he cast discerning glares at those who dared to cast judgment. If looks could kill, the unfortunate nobles would have been vanquished in an instant under the weight of Callum’s disapproval.
Sensing his tension, Rayla rubbed her free hand up his arm and to his shoulder. “It’s okay, love,” she whispered reassuringly.
He turned to her, his gaze softening at her touch. “They don’t get to talk about you like that, like you’re not special,” he declared, gently tucking away a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “No one does, okay?”
Rayla nodded, her heart warmed by his protective gesture.
He smiled again, planting a quick kiss on her forehead. “Good,” he affirmed, the assurance resonating in his words.
As the moment for couples to dance arrived, Enya and Ella enthusiastically led their boyfriends to the dance floor, Soren and Corvus still donned in their Crownguard uniforms. Ezran approached Ellis, asking for a dance, and she happily accepted. Even some of the guards, still clad in armor, guided their girlfriends and wives to join the dance. The nobles, too, seized the opportunity to take their partners to the floor.
Callum turned to Rayla, wearing a handsome smirk, and extended his hand. “May I have this dance?” he asked with a touch of formality.
She smiled, offering her hand in response. “You may,” she replied. Callum brought her knuckles to his lips, bestowing a gentle kiss before leading her to an empty spot amidst the other couples.
With one hand on her waist and the other holding hers, they swayed to the music along with the other dancing pairs. The ballroom became a symphony of graceful movements, except for a few onlookers who chose to remain on the sidelines.
As they gracefully drifted around the room, Callum and Rayla found themselves at the edge of the crowd, near a group of elegantly dressed women, likely of noble backgrounds from various kingdoms. Unbeknownst to them, their hushed conversation about Rayla’s past unfolded within earshot.
“Didn’t she leave him for two years?” asked one woman.
“Yeah, and now they’re engaged, can you believe it?” scoffed another.
“It’s ridiculous. If she’s left him once, she’ll do it again. He should just pick someone else, someone more worthwhile,” murmured a girl in a long blue dress.
“If he was going to marry an elf, he could’ve been more diplomatic about it, maybe a noble, not some commoner,” sneered another discreetly.
Callum, aware of the conversation and the impact it had on Rayla, glared at the group. Once they noticed his disapproval, they averted their gaze. Callum redirected their path back into the heart of the crowd, guiding Rayla away from the group of judgmental nobles. Despite his attempts to comfort her, she still refrained from meeting his eyes.
“Hey,” he noticed a single tear on Rayla’s cheek, wiping it away gently. “Look at me,” he urged, tilting her chin upward to ensure their gazes met. “Don’t listen to them, okay? They’re wrong to say any of that,” he murmured with soothing reassurance.
Rayla nodded, her voice barely audible.
He tenderly kissed her forehead, reiterating, “I mean it, you’re mine, okay? Don’t let anyone tell you any different.”
A subtle smile graced her lips as she softly affirmed, “Just yours.”
As they continued to sway to the gentle rhythm of the music, Callum’s content smile deepened.
Rayla couldn’t help but notice the look in his eyes and asked, “What’s that look for?”
“I just love you,” he confessed, the warmth in his smile spreading. She mirrored his expression, tilting her head in the opposite direction.
His infectious smile played on her lips as she said, “I love you, too.”
Callum began to lean in for a kiss, but Rayla seized the moment, kissing him first. They lingered in the embrace, parting briefly before Callum reciprocated. Each pause was a sweet interlude, their smiles growing with each exchange. Whether they were the center of attention or unnoticed in the crowd, it didn't matter—they only had eyes for each other.
Ezran and Ellis, along with their friends, took a break from dancing and joined Opeli and Barius at the food table. Ezran couldn’t help but smile at his brother and his soon-to-be sister-in-law.
Soren voiced a sentiment, “You know, I don’t normally like all their mushiness, but after everything? They deserve it.”
Enya playfully teased Soren, leaning her head on his shoulder, “Aw, am I making you go soft?”
“Go soft?” Corvus chuckled, “He’s been soft.”
As the banter continued, Ezran’s gaze remained fixed on Callum and Rayla, in the middle of the crowd, sometimes kissing, sometimes whispering sweet words to each other, or sometimes saying nothing at all, simply enjoying each other’s company in silence. It warmed Ezran’s heart to witness their happiness, realizing that two years of separation now seemed like nothing compared to the years they had spent together.
Looking at them, he saw not only their joy but also his own happiness reflected in theirs—a happiness that would extend into the many more years after they got married.
After the dance, Callum and Rayla slipped away from the lively celebration. Ezran watched them go, allowing them their precious time alone. The couple found their way to one of the moonlit balconies, basking in the tranquility of each other’s company. They stood by the railing, hands entwined, savoring the quietude.
Breaking the silence, Callum asked, “You had a good time?”
Rayla turned to him, a smile playing on her lips, “I did.”
Still concerned, Callum pressed, “You shouldn’t pay those nobles any mind, it’s not worth it.”
Rayla reassured him, “It’s fine, love.”
Callum, persistent, argued softly, “It’s not fine for anyone to say those things. You don’t need to act like it is.”
However, to Callum’s surprise and slight confusion, Rayla offered a tiny smile. Her hands found their way to his shoulders, “I know it’s fine, because there was never anyone else for either of us and never will be. I don’t belong with anyone else.” Before Callum could respond, she leaned in, capturing his lips in a lingering kiss, her fingers tugging on the collar of his jacket.
They parted for a moment, and Callum mirrored her smile, “That’s not what I was expecting,” repeating his words from the first time she ever kissed him.
“I’ll never be boring,” she teased.
His smile widened, “No, just mine.”
He placed his hands on her waist, drawing her in again. One of her hands rested on his chest, while the other ventured into his hair, running her fingers through it, deepening the kiss.
Lost in the moment, they remained locked in the embrace, the soft glow of the moon added a magical touch to the scene. For a brief moment, it felt like time stood still, and there was nothing in the world except them, wrapped up in their love for each other. Eventually, they pulled back, their foreheads resting against each other as they caught their breath.
Rayla chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with affection. “I could get used to this,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
Callum smiled, his gaze filled with adoration. “Me too,” he replied, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “I love you, Rayla.”
“I love you too, Callum,” she whispered, her heart overflowing with happiness.
In each other’s arms, they stood on the balcony, savoring the moment and the love they shared, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would always have each other.
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zuppizup · 2 months
Summary: Runaan happens upon Rayla and the human boy as they argue over something important.
Pairing: Rayla/Callum
Rating: General Audiences
AO3 Link: Rush
They seem to be arguing when he sees them next.
After so long in the dark, so long confined and hemmed in, he wanted to be in nature, to feel the breeze on his skin, which is how he comes upon them. He’s making his way to the caldera lake when the boy rushes past him, Rayla immediately behind.
Something has gone badly wrong in the boy, Callum’s home, but Lujanne ushered him away before he could get the full extent of it. Or perhaps his mind was still too hazy. Regardless, he doesn’t truly understand what is wrong, though he can tell from both of their demeanours that something does seem to be terribly wrong.
They pay him no mind, too wrapped up in each other to notice him it would seem.
“You’ve been up all night, Callum. You should rest-”
Runaan still finds it jarring to look at Rayla, the sudden changes from his perspective disorienting. He understands that two years have passed, that she’s grown and matured, but it feels so very sudden. She no longer looks like a child, but she’s not quite a woman yet either. He still feels guilt and disgust twist his stomach when he looks at her, his throat constricting when he tries to swallow.
His daughter…
She’s reaching for the boy, trying to slow him down or soothe him but he resists, focused and determined.
Read More On AO3 – Rush
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raayllum · 7 months
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—Micah Nemerever, "These Violent Delights"
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blehblarghblah · 1 year
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I am proud to announce that "Loyalty & Light" now has a date of return! Yeaaaah! That's right, we're back in business... soon. heh. Hopefully, now having a date will tide you all over.
Meanwhile, “The Most Undoing Thing” is well on its way and will follow a more sporadic update format. Meaning, it probably won’t be as frequent as y’all would like. If you still haven’t heard, TMUT is going to 20 chapters so we’ve got three left! Wooo!
But now, it's time to promote what else I got in the works:
Arcane/Legends of Runeterra, Mama Jinx future AU, multi-chapter story (Title: “The Most Undoing Thing”). Returns August 9th, uploads (somewhat) monthly basis.
The Owl House, Lealtad Noceda big sister/beta sister AU, multi-chapter story (Title: “Loyalty & Light”). Returns August 2nd, uploads biweekly basis.
The Owl House & The Ghost and Molly McGee crossover, crossover AU, multi-chapter story (Title: “The Light and Molly McGee”). Work in Progress. (not coming anytime soon).
The Walking Dead (TV series) & Telltale's The Walking Dead (game) crossover, crossover AU, Violetine, Rick meets Clem, multi-chapter story (Title: "The After"). Work in Progress (not coming anytime soon).
The Dragon Prince, Rayllum oneshot collection, multi-AU & canon compliant stories (Title: “Magic Between the Moon & Sky”). Still on hiatus! I've yet to actually even watch season 4! But it'll be back eventually!
Halloween Fics! It's early to promote now, but by October I have three oneshots of three different fandoms planned! All Halloween themed and with ships!
So yeah, we getting busy folks! I would like to lead with that though there are schedules in place, these are subject to change in events of burnout, personal matters, or just inconveniences like tech issues. Or there may be random fics that pop up that weren't listed but I just made for the Hell of it. Keeping up with the fic tags---which is usually the fic name plus "update" at the end---is the best way to stay up to date on my fic series/multi-chapter stories.
I should state for the record, I will be returning to university this coming Fall and working part-time more. I'm going to be more busy of course, but I swear I’m doing my best to make sure I'm not overwhelmed! ᕦ( ò_ó)ᕤ
As always, if you're curious about these WIP fics I have in store, don't be afraid to ask about 'em! I'm always down to answer asks ( ^‿^).
Also, here is my ko-fi. I stated this before, but there is no pressure or need to donate (especially since I haven't been posting as much 😅). Fanfiction is a fun hobby and practice for me, but it's also out of my own free time and effort. So if you want to show your appreciation you can buy me a Coffee but the easy way would be sending me a comment on my stories or simply sharing my works. At the end of the day, I do this to spread my passion but also to entertain others.
By the way, tags with “bleh update” keep track of all incoming fic posts! And check out my Fandom Masterlist to see what I'm into! Also Here’s all my Fanfics!
That's all for now. Stay safe and take care all!
Until next post,
- Bleh
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mo-nmage · 11 months
In the midst of his panic, his eyes landed on hers and he couldn't help but notice the way life left her eyes little by little. In those nearly lifeless eyes he could see different emotions such as pain, sadness and an unexplainable look that he has seen a few times since he'd met her but he could recognize easily, too easily.
Her eyes were glistening with unshed tears as she stared at him, the only time she ever lost eye contact with him was when she started blinking rapidly to stop the tears from falling.
Callum could tell she was trying her best to not show fear, but there was something about the way her eyes didn't leave his body that he wasn't able to ignore, she wasn't afraid of what was happening to her, but afraid of him.
Posted a new oneshot titled “nocturne” on ao3!
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