orororoo · 3 months
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And I found one cool band. Well, as I found it. I started listening in the spring. And I decided to sketch one of the most beloved participants. Your attention... El polo Diablo! Or just Lar. I was hooked by his acting skills and facial expressions. And the group itself burns brighter than the stars. Therefore, this is probably not their last arrival on the channel. He he
And I also have a couple of drawings. But I'm too lazy to post each one, so everything is here
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cheto-png · 4 months
carrot topp my beloved
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bro was a teenage werechicken!!!!
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yuckyicicles · 5 months
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Eh I’ll post it here too why not
To translate what it says
“Aw hell naw who left their kid out here”
I’m starting to think
Radioactive Chicken Heads = success
on my Instagram
And out of all of the RCH doodles I’ve drawn, these are my favorites
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Oh and bonus Ash doodles cause I can be nice
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tobyisave · 5 months
ask dump #3!
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Yes and no! Holetta Baby is a character song for a story I wrote in high school with some friends I've since fallen out of touch with --- because of that (esp. since some of the characters were based on ourselves), and because it's frankly bizarre, I don't know if I'll ever share too much about it.
All you really need to know is that it's from the perspective of a man whose wife flew away as he gradually realizes that she's never coming back. IIRC she was just fleeing for a while because their love was forbidden, hence "Loving you's so good I fear it's wrong." In reality, she got trapped on an island somewhere and he was too heartbroken to consider the possibility that she might need rescuing.
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Thank you!!! I really can't overstate how happy I am that Townsend resonates with other people who have intrusive thoughts. It's something I still have trouble talking about but she's been a good outlet for that. Also quite happy that the angst is hitting right ehehe
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Honestly no, I have so much trouble with that too OTL. Occasionally I use the warp tool on a sketch to help put an interesting line of action before I actually do lineart? I recently started experimenting with drawing in fisheye perspective too, and that definitely shakes things up.
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Thank you so much!!
I almost always draw in Procreate (with an iPad + apple pen). I have 2 sets of favorite brushes on there - these are what I usually use:
6B Pencil (found in the "sketching" category). I use this for EVERYTHING from lines to rendering.
Studio Pen ("inking")
Medium Hard Airbrush aka the most generic brush on earth
Inka ("inking")
Spectra ("painting") - annoying because it can alter colors by pressure though
Then I have this set I call 'ink kit' which I use when I want to change things up without actually switching mediums lol
Blackburn ("drawing") - Really thick brush that makes me think a little harder about lines. I also have a duplicate modified to make it a little smoother and smaller & I switch between those two when doing lineart on these pieces
Gesinski Ink ("inking") - one of those pens that's flat so it's really thin or wide depending on the angle
Oil Paint ("painting")
Watercolor ("painting") -- just for coloring stuff in when it doesn't have to be precise
Also these niche uses:
Driven Snow ("elements") for freckles
Nikko Rull ("painting") for skin texture
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It was just a fairly thick curling iron (curled upwards all over my head) and then a lot of hairspray. If I remember correctly, the first night it was done by our costume designer Hahnji Jang (@/hahnjij on insta!) and then I did it myself the rest of the nights. It was definitely their idea at least - my hair is naturally pretty flat and up til then I assumed Vincent's would be too, lol.
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No idea where the bag (or really any of it) is from, sorry. I really liked walking around in his swooshy jacket, and I ended up buying it afterwards. As far as normal people clothes I would actually wear, I really really liked his pants, which I was unfortunately not able to keep.
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There actually exists in my mind a completely different "biblically accurate Vincent," which is the Vincent I had been picturing all the way up until the actual performances. I always pictured him with long black hair and freckles, and I considered drawing on freckles for the show because of that.
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gayfraggle · 4 months
Did it!!
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cloudydays69 · 3 months
(wow I actually worked up the motivation to draw something AYEE!!)
I've got some silly RCH pride art for 2024!! This was a collaboration with the homie @gayfraggle HEHEH >:]
I drew Sgt. Psyclopps, R.R., Punky Rooster, Frankenchicken, Poultrygeist, and Nuke Boy
And they drew Bird Brain, Greasy Chicken, El Pollo Diablo, Carrot Topp, Wiccan Chicken and Pastafarian!!
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Note that the only canon couples here are Topp and Robbin! Everything else including flags and ships are headcanons! ^^
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cynopter · 11 months
Orange Peels on Fire: aka Townsend lore
because someone asked: here's a big dump of stuff about the story Townsend is from, i.e. the narrator of Choker!
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Major TW for suicide/hanging, and obviously OCD.
Also, heads up that it's a really silly, REALLY emo story about ghost hunting lol.
Townsend is the deuteragonist of a (really extremely unfinished) story I had, that was provisionally called Orange Peels on Fire (opof). I started working on it when I was watching a lot of Demon Slayer, and it was basically my attempt to create a cast of shounen anime characters who were all girls but look exactly like the typical shounen anime protagonists. (I mention Demon Slayer because I took a LOT of inspiration from that - at times I described it to people as a shitty lesbian Vietnamese Demon Slayer knockoff... wow it's like it was made for me!!!)
A lot of lore is super wishy-washy because I did like the OG concept art in 2021, then I just kinda fucked around until 2022 when I revamped it for a screenwriting class. I don't really consider either version more canon, but I did a lot more work on the screenwriting version so I'll just describe that :P
It's set in post-apocalyptic US (either Virginia or like California but I couldn't commit because I've never seen California). A lot of the human population is gone - old civilization is being reclaimed by nature and the surplus oxygen means that there are also giant bugs now who take a lot of the niches previously held by mammals (like mice, dogs, deer etc). The oxygen is also how I campily explain away people being able to do epic anime jumps and stuff lmao. This, plus global warming, also means that the middle of North America now has a sort of tropical climate.
The part that actually matters is everyone in the US lives in tiny villages created out of suburban neighborhoods, and they're constantly having Ghost and Monster Problems of some nature because society has forgotten how to properly bury the dead --- and also because that apocalyptic event 100-or-so years ago caused so many ghosts to be created.
Phượng Lê
The protagonist is Phượng Lê, an 18 year old girl who can see ghosts. She's a triplet, with a living brother (Thanh) and a stillborn sister (the titular Cam / "Orange") who she's always seen as just a normal sister because she's a ghost that lives with them.
(All three of these characters are from a depressing realistic fiction short story I wrote, which I personally consider to be their "true" versions, but I imported them into this because I thought it'd be stupid and funny to turn a story like that into a shounen anime lol)
This is what Phượng looks like! (modern on left, old on right)
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She's struggled with depression her whole life, partially because everyone thinks she's a sad and delusional pyromaniac for acting like she has a living sister (whose bones she keeps in a box) and for burning stuff to send it to her. Because of that she puts a LOT of stock in Cam's happiness because keeping Cam's ghost kind of cost her everything (including her parents abandoning them etc).
Cam's remains get stolen one day and long story short, Phượng and Thanh end up traveling around the country trying to solve ghost problems, scooby-doo style, in pursuit of the person who stole them. There's like a different category of ghost every time, based on Vietnamese folklore. (And if you're wondering, Cam's bones are valuable because stillborn baby remains can be used for evil magic, which is of course what the evil people in this story want to do).
That finally brings us to...
Townsend! (aka May Hoàng)
Townsend has pretty different lore between 2021 and 2022, but again I'm going with the latter because I've spent more time on that.
In the story:
She's a self-proclaimed "evil ghost" who haunts a tree at the edge of town. Phuong comes to her to ask if she's seen Cam; Townsend is surprised to meet a human who's friendly to ghosts.
She lightly antagonizes P & Th (in what is later revealed to be an attempted suicide-by-cop type thing) and runs away from them a few times before finally deciding to join their team. (In some versions she has to pretend to be human to deceive Irene, the secretly evil lady helping P & Th out).
Originally I had her birth name as Townsend - in the most recent iteration, this is a nickname Phượng gives her through this miscommunication:
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She's the only member of the team who can actually, you know, touch ghosts? (Except when Phuong goes all danny phantom on their asses but I don't need to get into that).
Despite this, and despite the fact that she constantly threatens to kill people*, she basically bursts into tears at the thought of enacting violence on people/ghosts, so she ends up just serving as their strategist **(as the only one who isn't kind of dumb lol).
* Her catch phrase is basically "Don't touch me, i'll kill you." This is really emo lol, but what you find out eventually is this is actually a warning and not a threat.
**Specifically, because Thanh is the only one with absolutely no ghost powers, he has to use weapons made by Phuong, and because Phuong is like the main character, Townsend and Thanh have to work together to strategize & fight in the background. That's a whole arc because Townsend is a coward who doesn't want to be in fights, and Thanh doesn't trust Townsend because she constantly threatens to kill him and Phuong. Fair, I guess.
Townsend's backstory:
She's supposed to be this fundamentally irrational character, who eventually becomes a love interest of Phượng (they're both lesbians) but still never brings herself to stop antagonizing her whenever they get too close. After months and months of working together, Phượng finally gets Townsend's backstory:
She was originally a 17-year-old girl named May Hoàng, who lived in a town next to Phượng's. She suffered from something that we would in modern times describe as OCD, but had since been forgotten by society because of the apocalypse (rip). Her family was Catholic, and they didn't think much of her earlier obsessions (except that she was being annoying), but when she confided in them about her newest obsession about dropping and strangling her baby brother, Meri, they confided in the church - and eventually all the townsfolk came to believe she was being influenced by the devil.
May's parents kept trying to work with her, but eventually she ran away to hang herself.* In some versions, instead of going through with that, she conveniently gets attacked by a hangman ghost (which is how I really loosely translated ma thần vòng) right before that, who strangles her and she still dies. Fun!
*This is what's described in the beginning of Choker. In the original version, she runs away on the back of a giant-giant american millipede, as depicted on the cover, and that becomes kind of a faithful steed that they can all ride around on later.
Either way, what she didn't realize (I guess because she's Catholic) is that if you hang yourself and nobody finds your body, you turn into a hangman ghost, and can only pass on if you strangle a living person to take your place.
So..... obviously that's not going to happen.
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Phượng & Townsend
May died about a year before the story starts. She was kind of hoping Phượng could just exorcize her, but because it takes about 3 seconds to realize May isn't actually a threat, Phượng refuses to do that.
Instead they kind of fall in love (shipname Phuongsend if you're wondering lol), and they eventually figure out she's just mentally ill and reinvent ERT or something.
Meanwhile, because of both Cam and May, the whole team is looking for a way to turn ghosts back into living people. I never decided if they actually succeed, but honestly I don't think they ever will. May committed suicide and that's just not something you can undo.
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As foils
They both care a lot about each other, but that's despite (or maybe because of?) some very conflicting values. There's a little undercurrent of each trying to change the other's morals.
Phượng's mother abandoned her and Thanh because of her obsession with her sister, Cam, who was stillborn and never even got a chance at life. She's only leaving home now to find that sister and maybe even bring her back to life.
From Phượng's perspective, May HAD a shot at life, and somehow thinks she has the right to get it back even after squandering it. May also loves her baby sibling to death, but her idea of protecting him was to run away forever --- and to Phuong, that's just about the worst thing you can do to someone you love.
They were both treated as heretics, but Phượng reacted by getting a superiority complex and starting to hate everyone, while May still thinks everyone is fundamentally good, except herself. Phượng is (technically) a younger sister and constantly pushes back against Thanh's overprotectiveness, something May sees as disrespectful and scary, as an older sister who spent years obsessing over Meri's safety. Finally, Phượng's violent tendencies/occasional anger issues are something May sees as a big moral problem.
And.... that was a LOT. I'm not sure if I'll keep this post up honestly because there's still like a TINY chance I'll adapt this into something. But for now enjoy the lore dump :P
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Interior of a Buddhist monastery in Rạch Giá, Vietnam
French vintage postcard
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supervettesixpack · 4 months
trust me broski
There are other rch fans on here (and i am one), you thankfully aren't alone <3
Also! You're a really cool artist, and even though I already posted this, I still just wanna show you it :]
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oughuhg tjank you and this drawing is so awesome sauce
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fredtherat123 · 7 months
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ivaverseblog · 9 months
my first draw for 2024
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Meija and her little tongue peeks to say Hullo!
am still learning how to draw with my pentel fude (gotta be light-handed); my mech pencil is pilot eno 0.7 (pink). Meija is a character in my (currently rebooting comic) RCH, formerly Sakuraday. I'll be sharing more about it sometime this year, hopefully. that and posting more art will be on my list of NY resolutions.
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ink and sketch (i got excited to ink the sketch but ohwell). images have adjustments on contrast & brightness for presentation's sake. note to self: draw better arms next time =_=)...
Happy New Year folks!
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melbmemories · 2 years
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Nurses at the newly opened Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne in 1963.
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yourclownpal · 4 months
omg, gay chickens
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holy carp! gay chickens!!!!!!!!
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i have this doodle !! : -D not gay chickens exactly
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tobyisave · 7 months
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Hi! It is indeed pretty personal so I won't talk too much about this, but basically it’s about the year I tried to make myself cis, at the end of which I realized I couldn’t keep living like that. So in crude terms, the titular angels are truly happy trans people; I had convinced myself that that kind of beauty didn't really exist, or that it could only be achieved by destroying your life. These are also the events I was referring to in The Pure One with “I’ll be the self I’m supposed to be” and “I’m the part of me that has been fired.”
A funner fact: I write instrumentals before lyrics, so most of my songs have nonsensical beta titles. The original title of Angel was "emo kid."
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gayfraggle · 4 months
rch doodles because this band is my new hyper-fixation
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cloudydays69 · 4 months
lgbtia+ hcs for rch's members!!
Carrot Topp: bi and trans, t4t (he/him)
Rockin Robin: heteromantic/ace trans woman (she/her)
Wiccan Chicken: lesbian demigirl (she/they)
Greasy Chicken: Pansexual (he/him)
Bird Brain: bisexual (he/him)
El Pollo Diablo: gay af (He/him)
Sgt. Cyclopps: gay (he/him)
Pastafarian: unlabeled but primarily likes men (he/him)
Nuke Boy: definitely bisexual (he/him)
Frankenchicken: questioning (he/they)
Poultrygeist: unlabeled amab enby (they/them)
If I forgor any then you can tell me <3
YOOO HOLD UP- THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING GUH BUH (man I will always LOVE and adore the T4T topp and robin headcanons)
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Yeah that's us frfr
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