nkhr0401 · 2 years
対象の性別を限定しない、性中立的な言葉の覚書。見た目等で他者の性別を勝手に判断しないこと。誰かを排除していないか考えること。自戒を込めて。 ※私による造語は「*」を付している
-さん 性中立的な敬称接尾辞。
-ちゃん/-くん 性中立的な敬称接尾辞として使用することもでき、必ずしも対象の性別を限定しない。親しみを込めて呼ぶときに用いる。 ※相手の承諾を得てから使うこと。
かのと【彼人】 性中立的な三人称代名詞。RPGゲーム『Ikenfell』において ze/zim の訳語として「彼人(かのと)」が使われている。
かのひと【彼人】 性中立的な三人称代名詞。翻訳者の木原善彦氏が単数 they の訳語として「彼人」を提案している。 ※性中立的な三人称代名詞「彼人」は2010年代前半に同時多発的に造語されたと考えられるが、「かの-ひと」というコロケーションは古くから存在する。
かれ【彼】 性中立的な代名詞として「彼」を使用する例がある。現代では男性の代名詞として主に使われるが、代名詞「彼女」の登場以前は女性にも用いられていた。 ※男性性を表現する代名詞「彼男」が提唱されている。
かれ【渠】 代名詞「彼女」の登場以前に、文学作品などで性中立的な三人称代名詞として使用されていた。
えんくる・おんくる*【遠來】 性中立的な叔母/叔父/伯母/伯父の言い方。英語の auncle の音写。
しぶ*【枝分】 性中立的な姉/兄/妹/弟の言い方。英語の sib の音写。
しぶりん*【枝分隣】 性中立的な兄弟姉妹の言い方。英語の sibling の音写。
クワモア*[quoimour] かけがえのない存在であるが交際関係にない相手。何(quoi)+愛(amour)の造語。 ※「かけがえのない」にはクワロマンティック(quoieomantic)的な含意があり、相手に恋愛的な惹かれを抱いている必要はない
パラモア*[palamour] かけがえのない存在であり交際関係にないが継続して性的関係にある相手。親友(pal)+愛(amour)の造語。 ※「かけがえのない」の含意については「クワモア」に同じ
NL[Non-binary Love] ノンバイナリーラブ。性別二元論を前提としない親密な関係性、またはその作品やジャンルの総称。 ※GL/BLに対応する異性愛作品やジャンルの総称として「NL」が使われているが、これは「ノーマルラブ」の略称であり、同性愛をアブノーマルなものと位置づけてしまう問題がある。 ※人口に膾炙した「NL」とは異なる意味であるため、草創期である現在は「NL」と「NbiL」の併記を提案する。
ReSo 既存のカップリング概念にあてはまらない関係性(ポリアモラスな関係性や恋愛・性愛を含まない関係性)、またはその作品やカテゴリーの総称。人間関係(rerationship)+解像度(res.=resolution)の造語。「レゾ」と読む。ReSo愛好家をReSoner(レゾナー)と称す。 ※概説記事はこちら。タグ使用の際は必読のこと。
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divorce-enjoyer · 5 months
put those big brown eyes away dude now is NOT the time
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christadeguchi · 2 months
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make men slutty again.
HEAT STROKE | GQ CHINA Photographer: Wintam; Editor & Image: Shawn Gao Ding; Makeup: Lucas; Hair: Tao Liu; Art: Grade 2 & Lei Min; Art Assistant: Jiang Mi; Models: Kim; Ye Hao, Yu Hang, Ho Jun; Fashion Assistant: Yiyi, Coco; Photography Assistant: Li Zhenxi; Song Luanyi
bonus as rightfully added by @polyabathtub:
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stuckinapril · 3 months
Honestly it boils down to reparenting yourself & rewiring your own neuronal pathways & telling yourself a firm “stop” when you notice your mind slipping down negative loopholes & being present in the moment & enjoying being mid task rather than waiting for it to end & not thinking of inertia as your baseline and natural way of living
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neoflect · 2 months
i am pro-copyright infringement. anybody who does fanfiction or fanart or anything should be pro-copyright infringement and obviously we are on the Fanart Website. why this is not a more popular stance among people who spend all their time doing transformative works is beyond me
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bananonbinary · 9 months
also worth noting that "abusive" doesn't actually mean "irredeemable" either.
there's a lot of people that have done things in the past that were bad, because they weren't taught any better, or they were in an overall toxic situation where EVERYONE was shitty (like a cult), or they were just at an especially low point and hurt others for it.
you don't have to forgive them. you don't have to ever speak to them again. you can be angry with them until you die if you want.
but society cannot function if we don't allow them to move on. to change their behavior and fuck off somewhere else and build meaningful relationships without bothering you again. we need a path for people to change, or nothing ever will.
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
I think we should have a turn of phrase for "I'm not in the right, but I AM annoyed with this situation, so I just need to go bitch to a friend about this before I suck it up and go do the right thing" because more and more I'm finding this is a critical element of functional adulthood.
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spankerella · 4 months
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Happy Lizard Fashion Day to those who celebrate.
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therealraeweber · 5 months
Guys. I can feel it already. THIS is the year. This is the year that Jonathan Harker will go on his business trip with no issue. Just a lovely train ride through Europe where he collects paprika recipies for Mina, meets some friendly, living people looking to buy properties in England, and then returns home safely.
Free him from the time loop.
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sapphire-weapon · 8 months
Other Voice Actors: hey guys here's my obligatory social media presence (:
Other Voice Actors: thanks for supporting my project (:
Other Voice Actors: I'm going to pretend like the fandom doesn't exist for my own sanity (:
Cody Christian, the voice of Cloud Strife:
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Homie showed up to the ship wars with a bat and is just taking out kneecaps.
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snailspng · 1 month
I want to put your pngs into one of these bad boys:
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Please do!!!
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metanarrates · 5 months
honestly you all are so annoying because motherhood IS interesting but fandom people are simultaneously obsessed with deciding that every woman has motherly qualities and completely disinterested in actually exploring motherhood as a role that informs a character. I do think exploring a character being a mother can be wildly interesting if they are canonically one, but because of misogyny, people just view motherhood as a totally unremarkable naturalized state that all women must inhabit!
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christadeguchi · 8 months
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what if i risked my life and put up (affectionate) with your unhinged monsterfucker brother to save you. and then revealed i was an expert in illegal black magic just so i could resurrect you from a pile of bones. and what if i later explored your body in the bath. and you laced our fingers together and offered to share your energy with me. and what if after all that… there was only one bed. what then.
update: it's been ANIMATED. gifs here
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totallyoli · 3 months
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laois when the dungeon meshis or something
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soup-mother · 5 months
having to tap the "if an australian place name sounds strange to you please google it and make sure you're not just mocking indigenous languages" sign again
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emotional-moss · 2 months
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sorry for resorting to a meme about this but people are making me mad 👍
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