#Really just love how much thought is put into self expression through clothing esp with Claudia
aleeyenn · 2 months
Hi i just wanted to say I love your works and profile sm, I love how you represent fireafy and coinpin and each of their respective characters, and I especially love how you represent Coiny. I feel like from what I've seen people don't see how Coiny really is, they usually just reduce him to a jerk or a firey slapper. But he's so much more and so different from that lke in canon he's so driven and serious but then fun and chill when needed, and how he can be fun and silly but then empathetic and sweet when given. and I feel like the way you represent him is so accurate and takes evey aspect of him in canon as well as headcanons that just FIT HIM SO WELL and idk it just makes me so happy. I also LOVE your headcanon of him being able to pull both masculinity and femininity, I love it so much it emulates the essence of him so well so be so comfortable in himself and not have a shred of toxic masculinity or anything like that. And I love how you make him adore pin like YES HE ADORE AND LOVES and does whatever pin wants it just makes me so happy esp with how gorgeous she is and as someone who is also plus sized and having issues with self image seeing coiny adore pin like that makes me believe in myself more idk how to explain it but YEA hahah just really like how you depict his charcater as a whole
I also love all your designs for every character
But ye I just want to say that hahah
i saw this when it was sent yesterday and i was in school and i was SOOO HAPPY i was telling all my friends with tears in my eyes and squealing over how sweet of a message i received LIKE I HAD TO FORCE MYSELF NOT TO CRY AND I KEPT GETTING UP AND PACING AAHH😭😭😭 i have waited for when i have free time where i’m not super tired to respond better than i would tired But! THANK YOU SOSOSOSO MUCH!!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THIS MEANS TO ME!!! YOU REALLY DONT!!! thank you thank you so much!!! i’ve been struggling with forming my thoughts and feelings into words recently so forgive me if this is a messy reply but AHH!!!
coiny is one of my favorite characters he’s sooOOO FUNNY AND CHARMING! i love expressing his silly side and how dumb he is sometimes so i do it in most of my work (because it’s lighthearted almost every time) and it makes me so happy to see him being so.. coiny! he is genuinely such an amazing character and the perfect balance of cool, kind, and idiotic(affectionately) he’s so nice and so compassionate and i appreciate that about him so much and I AM SO HAPPY THAT YOU CAN ENJOY MY PORTRAYAL OF HIM BECAUSE HE IS SO AWESOME! I LOVE EVERY PART OF HIM!!! and you like my headcanons!!! i forget what kind of coiny headcanons i have represented on this account but YESSS!!! COINY PULLING OFF FEMININE CLOTHES IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS TO THINK ABOUT! he is SO proud of it. he will put on a pink frilly dress and walk with confidence and feel as pretty as can be! i’ve been meaning to draw him in a dress for months actually (i have so much i want to draw all the time but i’m either really busy or i have zero motivation But this message gave me the motivation to actually try soon KEEP AN EYE OUT! maybe ill draw pin and coiny with their outfits swapped 🤫) he is one of the most positive and caring contestants on bfdi and he makes me so happy!!! he can wear both girly clothes and masculine clothes HE CAN WEAR WHATEVER HE WANTS and he will look TOTALLY AWESOME IN IT! and OMFGGG DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON HOW MUCH HE LOVES PINNN SHE IS HIS WHOLE WORLD AND COINY IS HERS AS WELL! coiny will do anything for her he loves her so bad… AND!!! AHHHH!!!! I AM SO SO SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY MY PIN HUMANIZATION MAKES YOU FEEL THAT WAY!!! BRINGING PEOPLE SELF-CONFIDENCE AND EMPOWERMENT THROUGH MY DESIGNS AND REPRESENTATION IS MY ABSOLUTE GOAL WITH WHAT I DO!!! it seriously means everything to me that i’ve Actually been able to achieve that and help people with how they feel about themselves indirectly. my eyes are watering while typing this ARGHH i really just want everyone to know how beautiful they are no matter what their size or weight or height or color or LITERALLY ANYTHING is. and as someone who also struggles with their self-image/esteem it means even More to me because i know how it feels!!! seeing yourself in a design of your favorite character or a character you enjoy in general feels SO GOOD so i strive to do that as much as i can. body diversity and diversity in all aspects is incredibly important to me and i want to sprinkle it everywhere in whatever i do!!! everyone is so beautiful and different and i think that is a blessing!!! whoever is reading this is beautiful and whoever in the WORLD is too just how they are now!!! EVERYONE IS GORGEOUS!!! it may take a while to feel it and that’s okay but just know that you are!!!
in short i am happy i was able to touch your heart and make you smile and give you at least a little bit more confidence in yourself. you are amazing and so kind for sharing this all with me!!! i think you can tell now how much this did for me by how much i wrote (SORRY ITS HUGE BLOCKS OF TEXT) and i can’t thank you enough for liking my work from characterization to design. every time i get a message like this i will not stop thinking about it and i hold it close to me every time i draw Like those other messages about my pin gijinka from months back I STILL GET SO EMOTIONAL OVER. i’m really glad i can make you feel that way and i hope i have made many others feel the same way too. THANK YOU!!!💖💖💖🫶🫶🫶
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raplinesmoon · 1 year
let’s talk about it: bts’ closets
It’s late lol and I was inspired by Sunny @minisugakoobies latest poll about borrowing BTS’s clothes, but it got me thinking hard about their actual style and how great it is!! I feel like they all have such distinct personalities that come through in the way they dress, and if I had all the money (and style sense) in the world, here are the outfits from each member I would want to steal:
BTW, I would love everyone else’s input on the outfits they would steal!! (drop me an ask)
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Can we just talk about the yellow daisy shirt? Because it’s literally fucking perfect. I think I love it almost as much as I love Namjoon, and I love that man. It’s the perfect piece that adds some interest without making too much of a statement, and it’d look so cute styled with so many other things. i love that he matched the shoes to it too. If I saw anyone wearing this, I would offer to wife myself immediately. The second outfit? I would steal it bc I literally have it. I have it and I wore this same combo - sneakers, plain shirt, grey long coat, and jeans to the art museum. So Namjoon is basically my boyfriend already you see.
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Lowkey, I feel like we don’t give Seokjin enough credit for his sweatshirt collection. He has one of the best sweatshirt collections among the members.  think it’s his staple piece, and it totally fits the cosy boyfriend vibe he exudes. Like what other man looks as equally adorable and hot wearing a fluffy bear on their shirt? Let me know. I like how he pairs them with both trousers and jeans depending on the mood of the outfit, esp as someone that loves sweatshirts too. Every once in a while though, he busts out a piece like the jacket in the second pic and I have to pick my jaw up off the floor bc I NEED IT.
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If there’s one word I’d use to describe Yoongi wearing anything, it’s effortless. He could be wearing a paper bag and look like he walked off a runway. I like how his casual sense of style really showcases how beautiful he actually is. Like the outfit in the first pic is so simple, but he’s literally glowing in it?! Proof that self-confidence goes a long way. Also we just need to talk about the LV sweatshirt bc he pulls it off even though it’s not his typical style, and I love the pop of color in an otherwise plain outfit (would I wear it on the first day of class if I was still in college? yes)
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No bc let’s actually talk about it: Hoseok is a fashion god. I’ve never come across anyone with a better eye for style than him. He’s bold, expressive, and not afraid to take risks and I love that. He can take the most cacophonous pieces and somehow make them work. Like if you step back and look at the first outfit - none of those pieces should work together. At all. But they do bc he knows how to blend patterns and colors. Also making a bold claim that this man knows his way around some denim bc it looks so good on him - the way he pairs navy on navy in the second fit without it looking like a Canadian tuxedo is beyond me (I NEED THOSE PANTS!).
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We can’t even talk about Jimin without talking about his iconic Chelsea boots and leather jackets. We love a man who knows the value and importance of styling outfits with statement pieces in mind. Also proof of how a well-made good quality garment can stretch a long way when it comes to style. But also?? Can we talk about his accessories?? Bc they’re wonderful. From the hat to the cute bag in the first fit - he really puts thought into the details and those little things are what pulls his outfit together.
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I know I said I’d steal Namjoon’s clothes, but these pics of Tae have me rethinking my vote entirely. Tae’s style is driven by such a strong creative vision - he knows the look he wants to execute and he delivers on theme every single time, despite how different the two outfits are. I’m in love with the patterned shirt from the first outfit that breaks up the blocks of color (thought out like a true artist Mr. Vantae). And then the paint splotches on the second outfit? Amazing. Also big ups to Tae bc he supports sweater vests and I am the number one sweater vest enthusiast (they make everybody look cute and cosy).
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As someone who wears scrubs most of the day, I really support Jungkook’s mission to be as comfortable as possible at all times. Who said looking good has to be uncomfortable? I’ve been freaking out over the jeans in the first pic ever since I found out Jeon Jungkook existed - they elevate the outfit while still keeping the look very boyfriend bc of the stripes on the side (as the proud owner of some two-toned denim myself). And then the hanbok!! Jungkook predicted how matching sets would be all the rage a few years before it happened! A lowkey trendsetter >>>
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haknew · 3 years
pls talk about your thoughts about chanhee and also the other concepts!! I always have such a hard time interpreting music and videos but i love to read about it
“bestie pls share ur thoughts on make your own concepts specifically chanhee’s but any others that are ur fave too 🎤- mar”
omg mar thank you for enabling me all day today 😭🥺🧡 thenks bestie ily :,)) and thank you too anon ! i should preface that T-T i have not read any other theories or analyses so these are just my opinions / impressions but i hope it’s entertaining to read about haha :p ! (feel free @ anyone to add on or share your thoughts too ! :,))
HYUNJAE - okay so audio cues... if you listen to the beginning there’s a sound of a bomb going off before the music starts ? and that ties into the dystopian / cyborg aesthetics that jump out at me of course, but what i immediately thought of was their no air perfo ? like we know hyunjae in the no air mv got that shot where he’s laying in the bathtub filled with water but also their kingdom performance with it also had those underwater shots ! so i think it ties into that... i feel like we saw in gen z, he’s a very straightforward person he says things on his mind which can come off as blunt but he thinks it’s better than not saying it ? which is interesting bc i think that speaks to his self- determined personality, he’s much more inclined to do whatever it takes to get something done, which i think falls perfectly in line with the “make your own air” phrase that he gets, if it’s something he needs he makes it himself, in a situational sense methinks u.u 
 JUYEON - JUYEON’S DJSKHDG i’m waiting for dri’s essay but in essence we see the gen z “juyeon is not such a good boy” shot and these text bubbles that pop up that say “sexy” “you so hot” “such a bad boy” and tbh i like this ‘concept’ ? for him better than his gen z one ? it’s not bc of the concept itself but i like the idea that he can “make your own character” as in he has the capability and power to be whoever he wants to ! you see him throwing white paint at the gen z canvas and i think ?! that’s symbolic of like a fresh canvas ! of remaking himself to whatever he wants bc the canvas is now blank again thanks to the white paint and flowers usually indicate spring ? so renewal and stuff like that ! i really like his, it’s also fun word play on “character” which has been juyeon’s intro in tbz (bc his name sounds like main character in korean) but yea :o ! i really love his the idea he can just repaint / paint over a literal image of him gives it the possibility of becoming smth new and that’s so so cool
CHANGMIN - SCREEEEECH okie um oh boy um *windows shutting down noises* this was so so so very different from his gen z stuff but i actually think BOTH are equally perfect for him ? the way that he set up the sparklers and neon lights on this very obviously trashy and kind of rundown rooftop with the cityline behind him is so ?!?!? LITERALLY making his own stage as his tagline goes, sort of like how the physical stage itself does not matter but rather it’s changmin himself that makes the stage special ! i talked about this in gabi’s set that i rbed ;-;/ but changmin puts a lot A LOT of stake in his position as a dancer it means almost everything to him as a form of expression from what i can see ? so he’s always trying his best to put forward the best performance possible and seeing this segment makes me feel like he’s doing just that ! pouring himself into it to make his stage pls i care him 
HAKNYEON - god i’m a jusadan but just u.u rest in peace me, i’ll ... T_T be kind of honest this one confuses me a little ? i have assumptions and i feel like i know ... quite a bit about haknyeon (LMAO) my best guess is it has smth to do with self assurance ...? the way he’s framed and the fact that he’s sitting on a bed in the middle of a church surrounded by candles gives me christ figure symbolism (where my ap english takers at :/) and the light that perfectly frames him in a halo gives me angel vibes too, but the tagline of “make your own romance” paired with him kissing his reflection makes me think it’s about self love ;;;; from what i can tell haknyeon has always been someone who really likes feeling validated and praised for the stuff he does well, which he does for himself a lot of the times too ! but sometimes i think the self assurances he compliments himself with is more for reassuring himself rather than bragging (which i think people misinterpret) so it’s more about becoming the person he wants to fully love and being happie with himself which *tears* i might be reading too much into who knows i just love him ok ... U.U 
KEBINNN - i know !!! dri mentioned this in my gifset tags but ! kev on kpop daebak (? was it) or smth mentioned how he strives to keep a childlike wonderment for the world around him, which is a reason why i think he loves drawing and sound / music production, he talked in a fancafe post once about an artist who turned mediocre everyday objects into art and he said he really loves that sense of wonderment so peter pan who “never grows up” is actually perfect for his worldview ahhhh T^T also kev really likes disney lmao, the way he’s doing this outside in this “neverland” garden on a balcony which is a part of this very typical apartment backed by a typical city bg also i believe ties into this turning a mediocre everyday thing into smth wonderful through his sense of childlike wonderment and his tagline of “make your own fantasy” (i also care him a lot this concept >>>>>>) and keeps to his referencing movie plotlines like he did in gen z jddkfj
SUNWOO - i also mentioned this in my tags on sunu’s set but this gives me 100 degrees vibes which i still to this day think is one of the most “sunwoo” vibe things ever, it’s a lot of him having fun and doing his own thing, and mixes both more mature and youthful aspects together in a way that i’d only ever describe as sunwoo vibes LMAO like the roller skating around and all the soap bubbles ! cute and youthful ! the crop top and celine wasitband (don’t laugh at me we all noticed) more mature and a callback to his gen z look methinks U.u, think sunwoo has always been a more go-with-the-flow or do whatever he feels like doing sort of person and so “make your own vibe” fits well with him in that sense to me 
SANGYEON - .... *silence* *more windows shutting down noises* *jess.exe has stopped working* OKAY i feel like ! sangyeon’s is also more self explanatory :p i love the juxtaposition of boxing AND the arcade type fighter games ?? like both require very different sets of skills i feel like one is more physical the other is more mental ? but both require adapting to changes whether in the game or the boxing ring which as leader sangyeon would know a lot about, esp being flexible and quick to respond to different situations, and the “make your own glory” i feel is maybe more on the nose, but tbz are this man’s pride and joy you can see it literally anywhere and for him, as leader, to have made it this far with tbz, winning rtk and building their popularity through their hard work and efforts really is building his own glory and i just HHHHHHHHHH
YES EYYSFDHSHF CHANHEE YES - i said it in the tags of my srb before deleting it so i’ll just repeat it here but CHOI CHANHEE !!!!! this detail i didn’t quite process first watch was the continuous flashing of lights in all his scenes, like ... from the shots and the set it looks REALLY empty ?? but the flashing seems to indicate cameras and photos being taken of him despite there being no people we can really see in any of the shots ? WHICH IS SO COOL i think the implication is like “all eyes on him” type which SO TRU i love that idea, like i said the walking past the wedding dresses ? v heavily implies fashion designer which i think you mentioned mar :o ! and i see it in the sense of his tagline “make your own stereotype” bc white wedding dresses are the very traditional / typical choice and obviously feminine in stereotypes, whereas chanhee is wearing a SUIT which is all black in a very clean b/w set with no color which i feel is very stereotypically MASCULINE and the glasses too, it’s such an interesting contrast of his “stereotypically feminine” features (in my view) with very masculine symbols, like glasses we usually associate with more soft hearted / meek stereotypes ? but the geometric shape of the windows and again his suit seems to indicate the very opposite ? it’s a mixing of stereotypes which i think is the point, by putting those together he quite literally makes his own stereotype and puts on the crown while the cameras continue flashing while pointed at him AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
YOUNGHOON - okie might have less to say about this one :o i feel like both hak’s and younghoon’s i don’t see the connections quite as readily but ! i think it’s interesting that his tagline is “make your own classic” but then in the scenes itself he has a flip phone ??? with an antenna (okay boomer /j JDHFKFG JK PLS) and a teddy bear while in PERIOD stylized clothing and setting where those two things are more modern / contemporary in origin (but also not modern enough bc ,,, it’s a flip phone LOL) like 90s kid vibes ? you know but as an emperor in the joseon era haha :p while eating shrimp chips and reading a (comic ?) book, like idk too much of what it means but it’s a cool dichotomy LOL, think it might also tie into actor ! hoon bc it’s make your own classic and i think acting has become a very important aspect to him :o after seeing what he’s capable of in love revolution and his atbz video so it’s interesting u.u (need help w/ this one)
JACOB - think my explanation in han’s set’s tags didn’t really make sense so lemme ... reexplain LOL,,, so ! similar to his gen z video ? like he’s talked about how difficult it is to open up about his own feelings etc. and he said it’s less bc he realizes he needs to but rather just to make other people feel more comfortable when it comes to understanding him, and like the whole breaking the mirror with his reflection in the wanna be angry jacob, it’s about freeing himself to the point he can express the emotions he wants to ! in gen z it was about being able to be angry when he felt that way instead of being tied by his image of being just nice ? and in the video with his pilot uniform not only does he control the ride but he also rides on it himself ! quite literally making his own freedom (symbolically), a sort of realizing he can free himself ? from what’s been tying him down and i think the really big smile he has while riding it just comes to show how he wants to feel :,))) (jacob bae i care you) 
ERIC - last one :p AHHH this is one of my favs too, the quite literal “make your own pride” I LOVE IT ! sooo i think the biggest takeaway i got was that of course in this video his “pride” is symbolized by the hot pink car (that he’s going to pick up his christmassy date in of course u.u if he has a license which he does n- his driver’s license in this was literally his aaa / boy version of reveal photo which in no dmv anywhere would a license picture be allowed to look that good-) and LITERALLY when he finished and takes it for a joy ride while sitting on the roof he’s STILL covered in the dirt and grime stains ! from working on it ! which i think is so symbolic ! it’s my favorite detail actually, he literally put sweat into this car which is his pride and now that he’s finally riding around in it, it feels accomplishing ! his pride ! love that, also when he’s grabbing a stub from that flyer i noticed he chose “youth” over the others (which was like .... ca$h, beauty, ice cream, hamburger...) which i think also just indicates that despite all this hard work he put in he still cherishes his youth and still lets that be a huge part of who he is (i mean pink car so of course) so idk i think it’s very neat go bestie mwah
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teawiththegods · 4 years
Hi love, I hope you are doing well! ☺️ I am going through a rough time and the situation has me thinking I need to step up for myself. I want to be really honest and do things I want to do, and ignore others' opinions because life's short. But at the same time I am terrified for no good reason. I don't have the courage to wear the clothes I want and pursue a career different from my current prospects. Do you have any tips on how to, well, not give a f**k and just live your best life? Thank you ❤
Hello, beautiful!! 
So the two things that have helped me a lot with not giving a fuck about what others think is 
Figuring out why I cared so much about the opinions over others esp over my own opinion and desires
Realizing that people don’t always know better than me and also they have their own shadow shit that clouds their own perception. 
Doing my own shadow work and healing work allowed me to realize that part of the reason I looked so much to others for direction, advice, and approval instead of looking to myself was because i was basically raised to ALWAYS doubt myself. I was constantly gaslit whenever i tried to express my feelings so now I struggle greatly with trusting myself and my own perception of things. I was taught to believe others over myself. Also I come from a family that chooses to mock, ridicule, and make fun of anything they don’t understand or doesn’t fit their own world view so at a young age I learned that’s better to blend in so that you didn't get torn apart by your own family. And if your own family wasn’t going to support who you were then how could you ever expect the rest of the world to?? So yeah realizing that I was pretty much conditioned at a young age to care heavily what others thought and to not trust myself really helped me. I was not only able to work on healing from my past which of course helps with being a more secure, confident, and self loving adult, but it was validating for me to see that there was a reason for my behavior. It allowed me to have more compassion for myself and what I went through and currently going through. I looked at myself less as an enemy and more as a teammate. 
The second part of this is realizing that we all are trying to figure shit out. No one has all the answers especially not ones that are going to work specifically for you. We all are just doing the best we can so to put others on a high pedestal that they automatically know better than you do, especially about your own happiness and your own life is just absurd. Also unfortunately a lot of people have their own baggage and shadow that they are not dealing with and people who aren’t self aware and who aren’t actively trying to heal themselves tend to project their shit onto others. So people who mock those who choose to express themselves in unique ways as opposed to falling in line with what is deemed as “socially acceptable” tend to do so because there is a desire in them to go against the grain but for their own reasons they don’t. So instead of working through their own shadow they instead take out their resentment, jealousy, and/or hatred out on the person living their truth. So basically what people think of you says less about you and more about them and the shit they have to work on. Honestly I can tell you that understanding human beings as a species and looking at us like a nature documentary looks at penguins has helped me a lot with not absorbing the negativity of others. 
I hope that helped!!
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zepdeans · 5 years
there’s not a lot I can say about s3 that hasn’t already been said (and articulated 200x better) but! here are some of my (albeit dumb) thoughts :~)
ep1 -isak leaning against the bathroom wall gets me EVERY time its such a powerful scene esp introducing you to s3 and tarjei..... spare some talent for the rest of us please -LiTeN gUtTeN fRa StRaNgEr tHiNgS -isak rly ties his pants w a shoelace...... -isak noticing even for the first time bc of his laugh.. whew.... also. i love this intro SOOO much bc its so non-monumental? theres no dramatic music or whatever but its not subtle.... like you know right away o shit love interest!! hello sir!! bc isak’s expression watching him :’) i could go on -isak is a bad liar HOWEVER this only applies to stupid nontrivial things e.g. the black sweatshirt. but when you look at him lying about like, his sexuality, he hides that shit well -”c00l” isak. i hate u so much -honestly all u have to do is look at even for .2 seconds and u can tell this boy has had a crush for a solid month bc he just looks awestruck (HOWEVER henrik’s acting is *chef’s kiss* bc its subtle enough to go undetected b4 you actually know eVEN SAW HIM ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL) -even isak and emma all sitting on the bench together is funny enough on its on but then a song called threeway comes on and like. julie sdshjsfdjfkjskd ep2 -there’s something so endearing about even’s handwriting idek what -i LOVE even’s video w mikael it reveals so much about him to us- how weird (ok we saw how weird he was w the paper towel thing but) and dorky he is? and his love of film! his view on love stories and how he sees the world :( but it also shows a lot abt isak because he saw even making stupid jokes about vladimir putin and was like yeah we about to fall in LOVE love -isak not using headphones to watch even’s video or r+j?? bde or general incompetence what’s the verdict guys -the isak watching r+j scene hits so hard like yall ever think about isak lying in bed at 3am staring at the ceiling probably thinking about how he’s never gonna get a beautiful world-shattering romance like that like ..... also him changing positions skam get out of my life go away ur too realistic -not to make this even more self-projection-y but isak simultaneously being the least emotionally vulnerable person ever but crying during r+j > -i made a post abt this already but even’s INTENSE staring vs isak’s “i have never looked anyone in the eye in my life” gets me it says so much about their characters -even said i see your bde move (asking me to buy you beer) and i raise u with my own (inviting you to my house after faking not having my id) -”if you listen to music” even is such a dick fsdjhsdff -when the message comes on...... i rlly do owe julie my life huh -”have you heard about my rapping?” “I have actually” have we talked about this enough????? 1. isak finally feels comfortable enough w even to flirt and his first move is to RAP for him jesus christ. keep in mind this is the same man who pulled that smooth af ibuprofen line w emma like...... 2. even has heard about isak’s rapping. either this means im-not-on-social-media even went out of his way to go thru homeboy’s instagram OR isak’s rapping is actually talked about. i- -the group chat messages. cant believe i forgot about the 2016 clown epidemic
ep3  -mahdi is a good friend and i love him. thank u -even wearing isak’s cap until he chucks it at him sjksfjsdjsd -how much yall wanna bet isak’s been listening to illmatic on repeat since last friday thinking abt even (even tho meeting sonja shattered his heart a lil) [also kinda an aside but i think a lot about how isak n even bonded over rap and how some homophobic lyrics in 90s etc rap might have impacted them? or how that little detail ties into julie’s story? e.g. halftime by nas, which is on illmatic] -whats worse. even staring into isaks soul wearing a size xs see-through white t shirt or isak staring at even for five (5) seconds before chugging his beer and immediately making out w emma. OR even crashing that party before it can start “i think you guys are bonding too much” cheesy ass shjhfsdhskdf -yall act like evak didnt invent hands. did even shaking isak’s shoulder telling him his apartment is nice mean nothing to u -im convinced robyn wrote call your girlfriend for this scene specifically bc how could anything fit so perfectly by coincidence -is anything better than egging isak on- even bech naesheim (2016) -idk if yall have read the scripts but i love the sock thing so much bc its soo true to how isak thinks and it makes everything so much more interesting and !!!
ep4  -i will never get over even sending isak bad seinfeld memes -even smacking open isak’s locker. first of all whew second of all u think as soon as he got into the stairwell he lowkey cried bc ow -parallel of isak saying “it’s 2016, why are you religious?” to sana vs. emma’s “it’s 2016, get out of the closet” to isak anyone :( -”takk sanasol!!!!” thank u isak for my life -I wanted to be with you aloneeeee -even’s face when he sees the pool like we get it youre a director -how many times do i need to say even is such a dick sjkfsd “does it look like i care about my hair?” “usually but not right now” like this would only work on isak i love soulmates!! -even just.. fully choking isak out ssdhgfd got em -when the first notes of im kissing you start ooh boy -even going in for the kill kiss and isak going from huh to oooo shit and pushing his lips out at the last minute. phenomenal 
ep5 -ngl as soon as im not in love comes on my heart goes uwu bc like!!!! that song the meaNING.... them......... i jus love this scene sm like theyre in their own little bubble and they both feel so comfortable and at peace :((  -even leaving isak comics about an inside joke of theirs like yall mind if i scream -isak feeling left out from the conversation and his friends whew i felt that... and having them talk about how gross it is to makeout with a girl w facial hair?? blease :( -taking stock of isak’s nicknames: issy k, isabell, izzy, baby jesus, -im not even gonna bother trying to articulate thoughts on Pause bc it’s a literal masterpiece. thank u tarjei henrik and julie for inventing television with this one  -MAGNUS SDFKJSDFJKDSHK "oooh my name is Jonas and I love idealism and reading klassekampen and I don’t like plastic and I skate on a skateboard made of sustainable wood and wear old clothes because new clothes are bad for the environment and I only drink recycled water” screAMMM -what i said abt pause also applies to pride ugh its such a powerful scene and!! the beginning of kicks to isaks stomach. honestly what i fucking love about this episode is how it goes from hell yea best day w even ever to crying in the street within one week (s3 had the best balance of angst and payoff thanks) -even’s Soft Party Flannel... forever tainted by this scene rip -not knowing why even kissed sonja keeps me up at night -speaking of. how used and stupid isak must’ve felt when he saw even completely unbothered, hooking up w his ex at this party?? whew :( -bros is one of my all time favourite clips solely bc of the music?? lift me up gives me chills and when hold my liquor starts i LOSE it -ep5 and 6 remind me of that quote “to see what your characters are really made of you have to break them” because julie rlly goes all in and god it hurts so good
ep6 -never have i ever seen insomnia portrayed as accurately as tarjei did here and i remember when i first watched the cantina scene i was like. winded bc its SO true to sleep deprivation whew -i really like that isak wasnt together with even when he reached out for help and came out to jonas. bc it was him, on his own, being strong enough to talk to his friends and then eventually he was confident and secure enough in himself to be in a good place when even started reaching back out!! -i have no idea what its like to come out to someone, to be afraid of your friends rejecting you, everything isak went through. but tarjei’s acting of when, like, you have something you KNOW you have to tell someone, and youve put yourself in the position where youre going to have to tell them, but youre terrified and eventually just force yourself SAY the words??  -and isak’s smile when he realizes jonas is gonna be his bro no matter what :’)))
ep7 -weirdly one of my favourite isak looks (black t-shirt grey snapback c-c-c-combo) -”what’s your name again?” have i mentioned i love sana and isak bc i love sana and isak -jonas truly is the best friend oh man. perceptive, thoughtful, loving, laidback, a friggen BRO. tbh i was wary of him in s1 and thought he didn’t treat eva well (tho I recognized he loved her a lot, he was just bad at being a boyfriend) but jonas in s3?? just goes to show how powerful your perspective of someone can change viewing them in a different role!! because while jonas was a crappy bf, he literally is SUCH an incredible friend and his actions and words and just! him! in s3 completely redeemed any illwill I had towards him :’) -maybe im a little gay (up there with other s3 comedy classics such as “thats a boys name”) -mahdi season WHEN ugh a legend -’when someone asks isak if hes going to a family party’ literally what other reason for living do i have if not to read the boy squad text convos -isaks locker finally opening and his smile at evens drawing whewwwwwww!! also even rlly is that guy who wont text you back but will leave hand written love letters in ur locker -also. another stellar look from valtersen -slutt a meld meg is a whole masterpiece like what other piece of media has the RANGE -eskild: play hard to get. jonas: no smiley!!! isak: nah fam im good B)
ep8 -this episode is BEAUTIFUL bc you feel practically euphoric?? like hell yeah theyre finally together!! isak is out and accepted and even is done with sonja! but theres also this unsettling undercurrent of worry bc you know deep down something isnt right? why is sonja calling isak? why is even acting kinda strange? whats going on? yknow?? -literally never going to get over 5 fine frokner :~) even is such a goddamn nerd and he’s the man of isak’s dreams can u believe!!  -sana’s little speech is SO important in so many ways ooo i love her so much -also have we discussed eskild making evak do a photoshoot for him. highkey those are my favourite pictures of ALL time u can tell even was like hm strange but im down while isak was more omg guys stop🙄 omg haha eskild i cant believe youre making me cuddle with even for a photo🙄 i cant believe ur making me snuggle this dude for a pic!!!! definitely would not have done this otherwise!!! -magnus only realizing it’s THAT even after seeing how isak looks at him. whew -isak is so brave i rlly love that kid! his text to his mamma <3 -no r*make will EVER nail text conversations like mari/julie did w evak’s this week thanks for coming to my ted talk. i'd quote the best ones but it would literally double the length of this post (ok ill cave. “hahaha shut up❤️” GETS me) -you dont know whats in store but you know what youre here for. hallo -isak running around oslo with even’s clothes looking for him :( his heart is so big he cares about even so so much -when Part II (on the run) comes on in the credits its like a kick in the teeth honestly
ep9 -ive already screamed enough about cherry wine but god it fucks me up -cannot put into words how much I love eskild and how good of a person he is, he just has so much love in his heart  -”wait they have waffles here? see ya” -this convo is why i love skam so much!!!! magnus giving insight and good thoughtful advice to isak was such a brilliant move by julie (also truLy heartwarming) bc like. magnus is a flawed layered character! he’s dumb and ignorant and not very careful with his words BUT hes also such a sweet guy. i genuinely dont think he would hurt a fly and him talking about vilde (in ep10) is ;-; bc he really likes her and respects her and wants to be a gentleman! hes so loving and just. yeah. also i wonder if isak and magnus (and vilde) ever talked about having mentally ill parents and lent on each other for support bc like....<3 [sidenote- this is why i HATE b***** like they absolutely massacred magnus’s character and magnus did not deserve that!] -det er bare slutt........ very cool of tarjei to invent acting here. also the character development makes me WEEP like at first isak lied and told his pappa it was over bc its easier to brush stuff off and say you were joking than be vulnerable especially about 1. having a boyfriend and 2. saying youve already broken up?? but then isak was like hey im done with lying about who i am bc i want my life to be REAL and he told his dad the truth even if it was hard and even if he was trying rlly hard not to cry  -isak reaching out to even<3 standing up for even<3 -o helga natt. another scene i genuinely cannot comment on bc u cant really put into any written language how magical and breathtaking and heartbreaking and powerful and brilliant this scene is. so. -jk. obvs i cant say anything intelligent enough to give this scene justice but probably the most stunning piece of television i have ever had the privilege of watching. even’s text breaks my heart every gd time (esp since we never really see this side of him before finding out he’s bipolar? his guilt, insecurity, feeling like a burden, being scared of losing everyone in his life because he thinks he’ll hurt them). the music is SO beautiful i cry real tears as soon as the strings start. also the brilliance of JUST o helga natt playing and no dialogue except for isaks one line? isak’s realization when he sees the cross. him RUNNING across oslo to go to even. the FLASHBACKS all going backwards in chronological order until them smoking on the bench. isak looking at the bench and not seeing even and u can feel his heart breaking and urs breaks too! but then he remembers the bathroom and he turns and theres even and whewwww. du er ikke alene<3
ep10 -minutt for minutt is THE most healing clip im telling u. and like.. seeing even depressed really is hard and as someone who was very very depressed for 4-ish yrs of their life it rlly hits me? like when youre in an especially bad funk and you cant get out of bed and youre just numb and exhausted and feel so shitty and u want to be alone but you really dont???? could go on but literally i owe henrik holm my life for his portrayal of even  -not to be a soft bitch on main but when isak tucks the blanket over even and it keeps getting pulled off his back so isak just. covers that spot with himself? -i do love that call between sonja and isak bc once again! a flawed (realistic) human being -and isak thinking its his fault even is depressed? it means a lot that sonja told him its no ones fault, even is just bipolar. and i wonder if isak felt that way about his mamma as well, guilty for her being ill, and if what sonja said made him feel better about that situation too :( -lowkey random but when isak is rambling really fast and he goes “maybe we’ll get bombed tomorrow and talking about all this is a waste of time” it continually punches me in the throat bc that is /exactly/ how i ramble and think like tarjei........ pls -like eskild said. there really is so much love in isak’s little grumpy teenage body<3 -isak no longer just passively accepting life as its given to him, now he fights for him and even!!!!!  -isak is such a forgiving person and seeing him able to just accept things and move on? incredible -i remember when i first watched ep1 i was like oooo even and isak are gonna be kosegruppa partners and thats when theyll first get together, cooking food or smth!! but lmfao after episode 3? kosegruppa whomst???? also hilarious vilde thought isak of all people would willingly sign up for kosegruppa just to go to revue parties -even and linn friendship!!!! -cannot articulate how mf heartwarming it is to see even smiling and being more himself after being depressed (also thank u julie for having ups and downs coming out of his depression- its so true to life having one day when youre feeling awesome and then the next you feel awful again for no reason and its SO frustrating) -I had to stop watching passe pa meg cause it made me toooooo crazy! it would just be like: “I like seeing you laugh” and I was like: *SCREAMS* -im the fucking master of lying 😤 -literally don’t know why isak and even ragging on kosegruppa is so funny but “did you think I joined to have fun” gets me every time -I SAW YOU THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL -also even literally radiating love @ isak watching get snarky w vilde on the phone bc it reminded him of the first time he saw him! even rly is that boyfriend who thinks isak being pissy is the Best Thing he has Ever seen -halla boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz -literally the glo up of isak telling his friends the order in which he’d bang them -No filter! wow I love symbolism -so nice to see the girls together for a lil bit :) -the boys hyping up mags while also telling him to be respectful awwwwww -take desperate to a whole new level- Confucius  -who’s going to show isak how to properly hold a beer can -literally evak banter gets me thru the day. thank u tarjei and henrik for having phenomenal chemistry + improvisation skills + making isak and even the dumbest nerdiest boys i have ever seen -biology partner. and friend. ;-; -even literally is the biggest stoner blease -isak’s talk with eva is just sooooo<3 and not to be emo on main but every single word of the last few sentences he says hit me so gd hard because i feel the exact same way in my BONES -livet er nå 💛
final thoughts :( <3 -this season is so special. it feels like one really long oscar-worthy movie or smth?? i cant even exblain, its just magical. ALSO very dear to my heart. -julie really said you guys have seen isak sad and alone and repressed for the past two seasons so heres him falling in love with the best person in the world and coming to terms with who he is and being brave and opening up and finally being happy and living a real life -this season definitely feels different from s1/2/4 to me editing or production or music smth wise? as in, its got a lot fewer aesthetic shots and the cinematography seems a bit different if that makes any sense???? I also think this is the season most focused just on the main (i.e. not many- if any? sideplots going on) -literally will never get over the thought, love, and detail put into this season. when i say there is literally nothing i would change about it, i mean it and coming from my nitpicky ass??? means a lot lmfao. the acting, directing, music choices, symbolism...... sublime -s3′s cold rainy autumn aesthetic makes me ACHE for fall and also nostalgic for a highschool experience I never had lmao?? also. all the nighttime clips >>> -don’t know what else to say except thank u skam for my life
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peachyrm · 5 years
i feel like a lot of ppl on this site see a callout post for BTS, look at all of the problematic things they did in the past, and immediately ‘cancel’ them or see that as a valid reason to finally hate them or kpop in general, without considering the context of the situations or how the kpop industry works.
im definitely not here to defend the things they said or did, because it WAS gross. but those things are also from 3-5 years ago, have apologized for or had no control over whether it happened or not.
this post serves as a ‘clearing their name’ type of post, and will actually take a look into the problematic things theyve done and how they dealt with it, along with all the positive things they have done in the past few years. it will be pretty lengthy and will have lots of sources/screenshots. before i get into this though, i want to say that no one is obligated to like BTS, or forgive them for what they/their label did. you reserve the right to feel the way you feel, however that may be. that being said, this post is for people who never saw the apologies, who vaguely know who BTS are and saw only bad things about them, who want to get into BTS but aren’t sure if they’re extremely problematic, and more.
starting off, i want to explain the context behind the links of this post. i would link the original, but op has deleted it. so, obviously, yes bts did do all of the above. but like i said before, it was 3-5 (now, technically 6) years ago. when BTS debuted in 2013, they were all 21 or under. 15-16 year old Jungkook being the youngest, and Seokjin being the oldest at 21. they were merely teenagers and on top of this, had no or very little control of their self image. the hairstyles & photoshoots, the boys had no control over. bighit and bts’ stylists are in charge of these things. if you want someone to be angry at, be angry at bighit, bts’ label company. this includes RM’s hairstyle back in the ‘No More Dream’ era / early debut days, Suga’s dreads, and any other hairstyle, clothing, or photoshoot that caused controversy. (in case anyone, who isn’t familiar with kpop, is confused; kpop label companies usually control everything their idols do. from what they wear, to what their songs are about, to if they’re even allowed to date. it’s a very disgusting industry that has a history of abuse, but that’s an entirely different subject i could get into.)
here is an article where BigHit apologizes for the antisemitism + the ‘bombing’ shirt Jimin wore, and they explicitly state that “the band members were ‘in no way responsible’ for the controversy.” which further proves my point that the boys had no control over what they wore/how they looked.
here is a thread about RM’s racist behavior in the past, and admitting + apologizing for what he did, including how he has changed certain lyrics of songs because they could be seen as (or were) misogynist. to this day, RM hates and regrets how his hair looked at the time.
in case anyone doesn’t want to read the entire thread, RM says this: “As I went through the year 2016 I came to think about that. My words or behaviors, regardless of my intentions, could cause troubles or hurt others feelings. In the process, I thought I need to hold responsibility for that and I need to think about such things. What I said or did would not be undone. I thought so. Then I learned how to admit myself. [...] Anyways, to become a better person, I need to hold responsibility for what I do. I need to change my mindset. I need to change my way of thinking if it’s wrong. I learned I need to hear from many people. I mean, I came to think like that. Now when I do something, I think, ‘how would people feel about my act?’” 
again, this is not excuses for what they did, but rather how/why it happened or how they had no choice in the matter & what they had to say about it afterwards. BTS are living, growing people who have acknowledged their mistakes and apologized. in RM’s speech at the U.N. he says this: “Maybe I made a mistake yesterday, but yesterday’s me is still me. I am who I am today, with all my faults. Tomorrow I might be a tiny bit wiser, and that’s me, too. These faults and mistakes are what I am, making up the brightest stars in the constellation of my life. I have come to love myself for who I was, who I am, and who I hope to become.”
since the apology part of this post is mostly over, i wanted to talk about the good things that bts has done in the past few years. things like their continuous support of the LGBT community, the powerful messages in their music, the bending of the ‘typical kpop style’, etc.
over the years and as their popularity grew, BTS have actually managed to seemingly take more control over what they stand for and how they present themselves and their music. since around 2017, BTS have made a very impactful social stance with their string of albums & their concept: “Love Yourself”. for people who don’t know, this concept consists of three albums over the course of 2016-2018 and are in order as follows: LOVE YOURSELF 承 'Her', LOVE YOURSELF 轉 'Tear' LOVE YOURSELF 結 'Answer'
the summarized version of the stories are love at first sight, the failing/one-sided-ness of said love, and then learning how to love and accept yourself before you are fully able to love others. along with this concept came the partnership with the anti-violence campaign, UNICEF, who work to protect young people from all over the world. the entire album concept consistently promotes self-love and acceptance, something that is not very explored in kpop or even western pop music in general. while some of the songs in “LY: Her” use female pronouns, almost all the rest of them across all the albums use gender neutral or no pronouns. this was done intentionally by RM (who writes/produces a majority of their songs), as he believes “feelings/love transcend genders, cultures, and barriers between people.” the title song of “LY: Her”, “DNA”, (as stated in the screenshot) further expresses this idea with the lyrics: “None of this is a coincidence Because we’re the two who found our destiny - I only focus on you You steer me a little harder The DNA of the genesis wants you This is inevitable, I love us We are the only true lovers”
and in “Serendipity”, as well:
“The universe has moved for us Without missing a single thing Our happiness was meant to be Cuz you love me, and I love you”
while, obviously, there is one ‘her’ pronoun in the song, most of it expresses what RM says. and bighit being bighit, im sure they had some say in how the lyrics were presented, esp since it was the title song. what i’m trying to say is that i truly believe BTS are doing their best to support the lgbt community, even with the tight restrictions that their label and the kpop genre puts on them. being on the topic of LGBT+ and support of the community, here is suga pretty much saying he’s bi. + and of course, his iconic lyrics in “Cypher Pt.3″
here is the bisexual flag colors in j-hope’s music video for his song “Daydream”.
RM saying he liked “Same Love” twice as much after reading about the lyrics, and Suga outright saying “Nothing is wrong. Everyone is equal.” in the first screenshot.
Jungkook’s love and support for troye sivan + Jimin wearing jeans with lyrics of troye sivan’s “Youth” on them
bts defying gender norms over and over and over.
fondness & friendship with/of multiple lgbt artists
RM referencing the film “Moonlight” in the song “4 O’Clock”
RM wrote the lyrics for GLAM’s song “XXO”,  that say “Are you a boy? Girl? I don’t care, passion is the key”
Jungkook and Jimin covering the song “We Don’t Talk Anymore” and not changing the pronouns.
an excerpt from RM’s speech at the U.N. ;  “Tell me your story. I want to hear your voice, and I want to hear your conviction. No matter who you are, where you’re from, your skin color, gender identity: speak yourself.” + full transcript here.
and these are just things i can think of off the top of my head. as for their political stance and social messages in their music, & talking about other things considered taboo in kpop (such as mental health/illness), here you go:
suga talking about (his) mental health and struggles in various songs on his mixtape.
their ENTIRE “IDOL” music video is basically a response to how people stereotype them/the kpop genre & have said that they are “too westernized”. the song includes a “traditional African-Korean sound”, the boys wearing hanboks/traditional korean clothing, on top of lots of korean history references & symbolism, and how they take pride in what they do. here is a really good video analyzing & explaining the mv. heres 3 more posts explaining why it sounds/looks the way it does, and how BTS did it intentionally. in case nobody has seen/heard the song, here is the first verse: “You can call me artist (artist) You can call me idol (idol) No matter what you call me I don’t care I’m proud of it”
the song “Epiphany” on “LY: Answer”, is (as you can imagine) a song about having an epiphany about loving yourself. the lyrics are pretty self-explanatory. the chorus: “I’m the one I should love in this world Shining me, precious soul of mine I finally realized so I love me Not so perfect but so beautiful I’m the one I should love”
RM talking about his mental health/depression in “Forever Rain” on his mixtape “mono.” + as well as in “Reflection.” the outro of the song which i wanted to add, is just a repeated “I wish I could love myself.”
the lyrics to the song “I’m Fine” on LY: Answer express being able to love yourself without relying on somebody to fix you or make you happier, because only you can complete yourself.
the outro to the album, “Answer: Love Myself” concludes the Love Yourself album series, and has extremely beautiful lyrics. the full translation here, if anyone wants to read all of them. it’s about, as im sure you can guess, loving yourself even with all your flaws and mistakes & striving to be a better person each day.
SO TLDR; BTS absolutely have made mistakes, like every person does, but have apologized and learned from those mistakes. they have moved on, and have done more good in this world than bad. they have grown over the past 6 years and continue to grow every single day. as a young gay fan, their message and their presence means a lot to me. that fact that they’re so popular and use that power to spread kindness & self-acceptance (no matter Who you are), is really important especially in today’s society. doubly to youth who, themselves, struggle with mental illness and family issues, school/education, and any typical problem young people face in their lives. i have struggled with self-hate, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, trauma, the whole ordeal. their songs have helped me heal, even if only a little. and they give me another reason to keep going everyday. even if you don’t like their music or the boys themselves, there is no denying the positive impact they’ve made on millions of people, adults and children alike. BTS are absolutely not perfect, but they acknowledge this and do their best to BE the best they can be.
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juunshua · 6 years
Fashion anon again thanks for answering, I know that was a lot! It's exactly as you say, anything you owned came with a place in the hierarchy. But you only actually had to worry if you wanted to be part of the in-crowd. If not, there was judgment and derisiveness but not outright bullying. It was safer not to be cool, less pressure in the long run. (cont.)
You are right about Hao. He IS a rebel in the sense that it's easy to be laughed at if you slip with your choices, especially in Korea where they tend to play it very safe and classic. The stage is one thing, but street fashion is different especially for men. So even if he wears trendy labeled things, he is being gutsy in even choosing to stray from a certain line, he could become a fashion victim (GD anyone?) but he wears things with conviction because he has faith in his own vision.I agree about Gyuhao! What I see from Gyu is that while Hao cares more about self-expression through getting a certain look/making a style statement, he wants to be aesthetic himself, his goal is looking and feeling good, so in doubt less is more. Hao would make sure you got a stunning dress that was very you, and Gyu would prioritize you feeling stunning in the dress, so yes, they balance each other since Hao deals in the fantasy and Gyu in the concrete and practicalities.Investment pieces in fashion are typically things that are high quality, versatile, and "timeless" classics , so they will keep their value or even augment it with time. The kind of thing you pass down to your kids, or resell well if in good condition. Different brands (esp. Big-name) have different specialties. Chanel is iconic for quilted bags and tweed jackets, Burberry for Trench coats etc. Or as you said, Rolex for watches. Gyu's Hermes belt is not a BIG investment piece, but it's a start.I think my favorite style is Vernon's not because I find it pretty itself or flattering, but for how "him" it is and because I love his use of color and accessories, however jarring it may be sometimes.( Like seriously, he sometimes looks like a stoner hobo who had an accident in a paint shop😅😂) Whose style is your fave? :) (and sorry for the rant again)
response under the cut! sorry that this is super late!
hmmm...i don’t know if it was safer to be not cool...it could result in stuff that could affect you for the rest of your life. esp when you’re a kid and you don’t necessarily know that its okay to not be cool? yeah as you get older and you realize ‘oh i don’t have to do everything society tells me to,’ that can put less stress on yourself but to me, thats a different story. as a child you don’t really know that. i think judgment and derisiveness can be bullying too ahaha...but maybe im getting a bit too personal and projecting haos ‘faith in his own vision’ is really such a central aspect in his artistic life i think thats one of the things that i really respect about him, even if i dont necessarily sometimes agree with some of his artistic choices, just him going out there and pulling it off with such confidence is always super respectable to me i dont think ive paid attention to mingyus fashion choices past its general simplicity. i think its interesting that you find that his priority is making himself an aesthetic so his goal is looking and feeling good? it may not be an easy question, but what about his fashion makes you think that? but wowowow!! you put it to words! “Hao deals in the fantasy and Gyu in the concrete and practicalities.” yesyesyesyes!!! exactly that! and i even think i mentioned in my tags of some post that i always felt like if gyuhao were to design clothes, mingyu could be the fundamental layer and lay the foundations, while hao would take on the more creative expression aspect of it, which is, i think, in essence what you yourself said as well!ooh thank you for the definition!vernooonnn omgggg yes his use of colors is really something else! hes not shy at all with them either, often opting for the lighter or more neon shades of them, instead of the darker, more muted ones (though he does have his muted fashion style as well, i believe). hmm its a bit difficult for me to answer that question because i dont really pay attention to fashion all that much, but i do have some commentary on some of the members (basically recurring thoughts when i see the members im about to talk about). my current fashion is woozi, the person id prefer to dress me up if i had to dress up nicely to go somewhere would be mingyu, i realllyyyy love how clothes fit hoshis body, i love how rebellious minghao gets with his fashion, and finally seungkwan has had some amazing looks and i will never shut up about how good he looks in a simple white t shirt and jeans but i also love his overall style just in general? its hard for me to pinpoint a favorite style specifically i think but minghao might win, just because its always so refreshing to look at his outfits. i feel that because fashions do have their ‘ins’ and ‘outs, ‘ a lot of outfits end up looking similar or have similarly derived themes, at least to the untrained eye ahah, like when i go out in public i feel like i see everyone wearing the same style of clothes more or less? just variations on a theme tbh. but for hao, those themes are either used as loosely tied in inspiration or not even present in his choice of clothes. you dont know what hes going to wear ever but when he wears it, you always think ‘yup this is minghao.’ i think i find his fashion the most exciting, aesthetically pleasing, and unpredictable  
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taetortotss · 7 years
gone → min yoongi (1)
helloooo i’m back with another angst (why do i put myself through this i always cry) and i really hope you enjoy this as i put my entire heart in this :’)
also congratulations to bts!!! so proud of my boys <33333 they deserve everything and the world
request for a part two? 
also, i highly recommend listening to halsey’s room 93/hopeless fountain kingdom aka my inspiration/playlist in writing this (esp sorry UGH MY HEART)
anyways, that’s all from me! <3
gone → min yoongi ANGST w abit of fluff he was your best friend. at least you thought he was. (SLIGHT OOC WARNING)
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From the moment you met him, you somehow knew that Min Yoongi was going to be your best friend “4 lyfe”. Well, that was your mentality as a child.
The two of you were six when you met each other. His family moved into your neighbourhood and lived right across you and your family. When your mother heard of their moving in, she cooked up her special tuna casserole as a welcome gift and brought you along to deliver the dish.
Yoongi’s mother answered the door, with Yoongi hiding behind her, his small arms hugging her leg. He seemed to be the shy type, his head peeking out in a cautiously curious manner.
Not to be judgemental, but your first impression and probably the first thought that crossed your mind was, “Oh, hey, this boy’s only 1cm taller than me. Sweet!”
The two mothers seemed to instantly clicked, and they introduced their children to each other before engaging in a conversation.
“This is my son, Yoongi. He’s quite shy to new people,” Mrs Min gave his son a tiny push forward.
“This is Y/N, she’s quite the bubbly one,” you gave a tiny wave to Yoongi, who responded by flashing a quarter of a smile and running away. You watched his tiny figure run up the stairs, probably to his room.
And something started to bubble in you. Determination.
Your six year old self was determined to make Yoongi your friend.
It wasn’t easy at all. Yoongi was willing to be your play date, lunch date, but he wasn’t willing to talk. He hasn’t muttered any word besides “hello”, “excuse me” or “goodbye”. It seemed like he doesn’t want you to know you better and he doesn’t want you to know him better.
You, on the other hand, were a chatterbox. You filled in the empty gaps and you just talked about anything and everything under the sun. It didn’t seem like it but Yoongi was actually listening, reveling in every word you said.
This continued on for a few weeks, Yoongi showing little interest in maintaining a friendship and your endless chatter. Until one day, you somehow managed Yoongi to accompany you to the nearby woods for an “adventure”.
Unknown to you, amidst Yoongi’s cold demeanor, he has grown pretty fond of you. He was a good listener; he knew your favourite colour, your birthday, the fact that you were afraid of cockroaches, your silly talents.
You were rambling on about your stuffed toys and how you play with them, when you missed your footing and fell down a tiny hole that your eye didn’t seem to capture. Besides being extremely talkative, you were also quite the klutz.
“Y..yoongi!” you started to cry, feeling the pain of your grazed leg. The impact of your fall has caused you to crash land onto a few rocks in the hole and a puddle of mud and dirty water.
You heard a sigh come from Yoongi’s part before he crouched down and helped you up. He slung your arm over his shoulder (completely disregarding the fact that your clothes were soiled and dirty), and helped you walk.
“Why am I always the one looking out for you?” he whispered, but your ears managed to catch it and your sad frown contorted to a smile.
“Because I’m your greatest friend?” you poked out your tongue.
Yoongi didn’t deny it.  
Before you knew it, the 1cm difference between you and Yoongi increased and he was now a lot taller than you. The two of you practically grew up with each other, and now you two have entered a new phase in your lives.
The Teenage Years™.
Six years have gone past really really quickly. And you and Yoongi have grown up alot. But some things just don’t change - for instance, your amazing ability to be a klutz and Yoongi’s inclination towards roasting and criticising things he doesn’t like. You remember how he wrote a haiku on how this boy pushed him once and how he utterly despised him.
Your relationship has also grew. Yoongi pretty much grew on you, and the two of you were the ‘bestest of the best’ friends. He would wait for you at school just so the two of you could walk home together, he would share his lunch with you, he would help you with your homework, et cetera.
Sleepovers were also a constant, with the two of you living really close to each other. You’d play video games [to which you were (surprisingly) better in], read comic books, play cards but you two would usually fall asleep on each other to which the mothers always found adorable.
Yoongi was your listening ear and you were his comforter and pretty much vice versa.
But everything changed, when the two of you turned 16.
Typical 16 year olds worry about their puppy loves, their relationships that last for a few weeks or months or days, if they fit in at school or about their grades and future.
But when Yoongi was 16, he worried about something completely different.
A month or so ago, his mother broke the news that they were going to move out of Daegu as their father had found a new job out of state. And they were leaving in around a month’s time.
Yoongi didn’t know how to break the news to you.
How could he leave you, the person who never fails to put a smile on his face, the person who has stood by him, for another state?
So, for the month, he tried his best to see you more often. He was at your house a lot, he brought you out more often. He couldn’t believe that he had to leave you, his best friend of oh, so many years. His mother also couldn’t foretell if they were ever coming back and couldn’t promise that they would be coming back.
Yoongi tried to leave the topic at the back of his mind, but as the days dwindled, he couldn’t avoid it any longer. He could run away from it, but he has to face it at some point.
Before he knew it, there was only a week left.
On the night of your birthday, he would break the heart-wrenching news to you. There was no running from this.
As Yoongi was preparing himself to come clean to you, he realised one thing.
Seems like 16 year old Min Yoongi did face a worry some typical 16 year olds face.
He has fallen in love with you.
“Y/N,” he started, his heart palpitating.
The two of you were laying next to each other in his backyard, staring at the stars, hands slightly touching, your head on his shoulder.
Yoongi took in a deep breath. He could do this.
“My dad got an offer to work at Seoul, and the thing is, we’re all moving away with him.”  
Pin drop silence. You removed your head from his shoulder and sat up and turned away from Yoongi. Thank the heavens the night shadowed your teary eyes.
“Oh. When?” Any more words and you’ll probably break. How could he keep this from you?
“In a few days, Y/N, please don’t cry,” he reached for your hand.
He knows you so well.
You turned back to him, tears freely falling from your eyes. The sight of you crying caused a tear in his heart. You cried a lot, due to your clumsy nature, but Yoongi couldn’t handle it if he was the cause of your cries.
“Hey,” he proceeded to engulf you in a soul crushing hug, “It’ll be alright. We can always video call, text, visit. Heck, if I could fly back to you, I would.”
“Do you promise to come back?” you cried on his shoulder, your heart couldn’t handle this pain. This was possibly the worst heartbreak you ever felt and you’ve never gotten your heart broken.
Yoongi couldn’t promise anything, but for your sake,
“I promise.”
And the two of you stayed in an embrace under the stars.
You didn’t want to let go.
The days seemed to pass by so quickly. It was like a snap of the fingers and your family was in the airport, about to send the Min family off. You weren’t the only one heartbroken by their departure. The mothers aka the two best friends were crying to each other, the fathers giving each other firm handshakes and bro hugs.
You, were just holding Yoongi’s hand, engulfed in a comfortable, heartbreaking silence. For once, you were at a loss for words. You didn’t know what to say, and you could feel the tears coming again.
The two of you were just sitting in silence, until Mrs Min called for Yoongi. It was time to go. You quickly tightened your grip on Yoongi’s hand, not wanting to let go as you knew the moment you let go, Yoongi would be gone. Your best friend, would be in another city, probably find and replace you in a zap.
The night before, you and Yoongi promised not to say a word to each other before he left for Seoul. You held onto him so tightly, that you could barely sleep a wink.
“Yoongi, it’s time to go.”
You closed your eyes as you loosened your grip on Yoongi’s hand, before he entrapped you in another bear hug that might very likely be your last hug.
And before you knew it, Yoongi was gone.
A few moments later, you were still unmoved from your position, your face maintaining a poker face expression, you heard your name being called.
This time, you couldn’t control the waterfall from falling from your eyes.
“Screw the stupid promise, I can’t leave without telling you this. Y/N Y/L/N, I am deeply in love with you. From the roots of your hair to your toes, I am in crazily in love with you. I love the way you always apologise to an object after tripping over it, I love the way you laugh, the way you always engage everyone in a deep conversation. I love you. And moving to Seoul will not change the way I feel about you.”
You could barely react before you realised that your lips were the one reacting. You stood on your tippy toes and pressed a kiss to Yoongi’s lips. Your lips were coated with your salty tears and you could feel that Yoongi was crying as well.
It was a messy kiss, with the both of you bawling, and the people all around you just walking and doing their own thing. It was also one of desperation, the two of you trying to cling to each other with the limited time the two of you had left with each other.
When you pulled away, Yoongi had to leave almost immediately and you opened your mouth to say three words that could have or not made all the difference.
But he was gone. Lost in the crowd of people.
You didn’t even get to say it back. You’ve always felt something different for Yoongi, besides the admiration and fondness but your innocence prevented you from completely figuring it out. Your mother has always warned you about best friends who felt infatuated to the other, but her words fell on deaf ears.
But Yoongi’s confession was like an eye opener.
You were in love with him too.
But you didn’t get to say it back. You don’t even know if you will ever get the chance to ever say it back in real life.
Because Yoongi is gone.
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
I really don't understand why Om fans are so desperate for Gauri to become educated and groomed?? I mean, if they so badly wanted an educated and 'polished' lead for Om, then Riddhima was good enough. I'm tired of how they still feel Gauri is not good enough for their dear Omkara. When actually its the other way round. Can you explain this phenomenon TT? Do you think it's time I left IF?
Anon 2 said: 
Its funny how Anika who is the wife of SSO, a top businessman, and has been in media eye a couple of times, never had to change/groom herself, but Gauri who is (apparently) the wife of a reclusive artist is taunted for her lack of English skills and (from the spoilers) it seems has to groom herself to become good enough for Om. Like really? What is this track? Why do GulNeet always heap rubbish on Rikara? What do you make of all of this, TT?
Anon 3 said: 
I don’t understand this random English BS track they’ve introduced for Rikara. A/c to spoilers, Shivaay helps Gauri get educated in English. This makes absolutely no sense. Gauri has always believed in her self-worth. And Om doesn’t even care about English and stuff. This track is just going to butcher Gauri’s character, nothing else. I’d take dangal over this any day. What do you think?
Anon 4 said:
*Spoiler* After today’s episode, I want Rikara’s ship to sink. Let Gauri stay on as Shivaay and Anika’s sister. Om can do whatever the fuck he wants to with his life. He is so unworthy of Gauri. I’m so ready to see ShivRi, AniRi, and RuRi, but if Om comes anywhere near Gauri, imma going to blast. Sorry, this is the one of the few places left to rant, considering there are still fans defending Om and saying that he deserves a better FL. What do you think of today’s epi.?
Hello all the anons! First off, anyone who says Om deserves better than Gauri is certainly entitled to their opinion, but I don’t agree. Forget Om (who is relatively the best of the lot), no 4 Lions man is worthy of ANY of the women they have managed to land. None. Not Shivaay, not Rudra, Arnav, Advay, Asad, Tej etc. And I’m including some interim gfs in that list, like Lavanya, Tia, Saumya, and Svetlana etc. Yeah okay, all these men eventually go on and redeem themselves, but it’s after a hella lotta mistreatment and BS that no woman should have to put up with IN THE FIRST PLACE. All of these men got these women through sheer luck and by the virtue of endless patience and forgiveness on the part of the female characters. Anyone who thinks that these men “deserve better” is operating under a bias of internalized misogyny, elitism, and classism (for characters like Khushi and Gauri.)I wouldn’t put Riddhima under the category of the above women though. She was always a shady pseudo, using Om’s name for ulterior motives. Sure, I don’t doubt that some part of her did love him, and she did genuinely believe that she was working for Om’s benefit when she teamed up with Tej, but as his gf of 2+ years, she fully knew what kinda relationship Om and Tej shared. She shouldn’t have fucked him (and Shivaay!) over like that. A relationship based on such duplicitousness was never meant to last and at that point of time, Om did deserve better. He was right to break up with her. The Om post-DBO seems to understand the value of lying to ultimately achieve what you want though (since he was so comfortable doing it to screw Svetlana over), so maybe she would be a better fit for who he is right now.
So, to the first anon; yes, if you find yourself disagreeing with majority of the views being expressed on it, and you’re spending a lot of time alternately screaming in frustration and rolling your eyes as you angrily close the tab, you *should* leave IF. The forum template means you have no control over whose posts you see. Why spend your time reading infuriating codswallop that ruins your enjoyment of the show? Like, if you’re a sane human being who values human rights and not being an asshole, you wouldn’t spend time watching Fox News and reading Breitbart. Similarly, stop consuming the poorly articulated mind-vomit that is so prevalent on the hellsite that is IF. Secondly, I wouldn’t compare Anika’s issues to Gauri’s. Anika’s issue was the lack of Naam, Khoon, Khaandaan. She could speak English like the Queen herself and be groomed to the seventh heaven, but that would have made no difference to Shivaay and Pinky. (Like it didn’t in the case of Dev Chhabra, who was from Canada or California or some shit iirc, and was plenty rich.) Anika’s lacking was not something she COULD change, no matter how much she wished to. The change in that aspect of the relationship always had to come from Shivaay. If Anika had to change anything about herself, it’s in putting more trust in Shivaay and her value in his life, and that’s an ongoing process, because Shivaay is bad at articulating his feelings, leading to her feeling insecure and like she’s always the one more invested in the relationship than he is. Lastly, I choose to look at this learning English situation a little differently. I don’t think that by Gauri choosing to learn English, or Shivaay by encouraging her to, is purely or as simple as Gauri “modifying” herself to fit into Om’s world and nothing else. I would have been hella mad if the track is something puerile like Gauri getting a makeover clothes-wise or going to those snooty finishing classes or some such superficial garbage in order to transform herself into a society wife. But here she’s choosing to educate herself. Education is a good thing, and no matter what the reason it’s being undertaken is, it should be encouraged. No one has ever not benefited from learning and expanding their skill set. Yes, the stupidass incident in the gallery was a catalyst, and Gauri is under the misunderstanding that Om cares about her English skills when he doesn’t; I also agree that she’s badass and amazing and surviving and navigating life just fine the way she is right now and doesn’t NEED to change, but what she’s doing is ultimately just going to empower her in life, whether she chooses to continue her relationship with Omkara or not. If this is something she feels insecure about (yes, she *shouldn’t*, but aren’t all of us insecure about something or the other that others don’t think need changing in us? Our faces, our bodies, the tone of our voice, and a multitude of other silly things that’s not an issue except in our own minds…) isn’t it a good thing that she’s being proactive and working on herself, as opposed to just wallowing in “not being good enough”? Also, note how happy and cheered up she was when Shivaay told her that not just Om, everyone who ever thought less of her would have to eat humble pie in underestimating her value. If this exercise increases her confidence in herself and results in her becoming even more badass and unstoppable (esp. in the face of characters like Pinky and Ragini and those assholes at the gallery), then I am all for this. No one has ever LOST anything or REGRETTED learning something.But yes, this doesn’t negate the issue that all this is purely because these two aren’t fucking communicating. Both are laboring under some major misapprehensions regarding the other person and their expectations from their relationship. But I’ll elaborate re: that further in yet another ask that I’ve received.
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dancekickboxcardio · 5 years
Yeah, I forget sometimes. When you are in a certain milestone 🛣 in your life and you are like a psych graduate 🎓 and good at handling the difficult, well, it’s negligible even if to someone on another ends or the crowd really gets swept 🧹 by the tide 🌊. What is life anyway when you don’t know what it’s like to feel and be your total self and put your hopes, your dreams, your life on someone. Even I admit, I have a hard time in that regard. But I have strengthen resolve over the years. What’s worst is I have learned to be steely impenetrable. To remind me,
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This is like the bomb for this holiday 🎄 season. I know you might find it disconcerting that there is a psychiatric nursing moment 👩🏼‍⚕️ here actually. Well in a sense. When I was in the criminal ward, those who cannot control their impulses have bracelets like rubber to put their tension when for example they feel like doing self-harm. In a more less severe and nonclinical setting like ordinary everyday relations, we get upset 😢, we feel down, we needs to be reminded, we need to represent what feel. A large gamut of expression. I have Lululemon hair ties to remind me not of high end work out 💪🏾 🏃🏼‍♀️ stuff but what wellness means. I really like reading the affirmations that reminds us that life is more than the demands socially impinge on us.
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I actually want that too. Eighteen bucks is reasonable. But the business in me quoting the materials and labor. I go, they are making so much money �� on mark up and packaging. What I am trying to say is these trinkets reminded me of my life. They are selling an entire collection in Nordstrom which is reasonable at 20 bucks again to me the cost of goods manufactured versus 🆚retail. It is a lifestyle object. At anycase, these bracelets reminds you of you in all respects, what you want to be, what you are, what you are working on, what you forget, what others look 👀 over, what you hold dear etc. They totally should make lunch 🍴 boxes with affirmations. Just don’t sell them for $40.
I need my antioxidants 💊. I came across the tune 🎶 when I was making my espresso drink ☕️ in the kitchen. I am out of Nesquick. The recipe does taste 🥄 like a Christmasy 🎄 but not overpoweringly so.
I am out of nutmeg and I am eager to see the ads to plan for my fuel 🥘. I made so much food yesterday mosty veggie 🥦🥑🍆🍅🥒🥬🌶🌽🥕🍠🥔 servings really. However that is for another day. This was Sunday which I called an on because I missed Saturday and I need to make full use of my membership like I don’t get the most from my $80 membership plus magazine. Ugh 😑, Experience Life is like want to enhance your life esp on everything related to athleticism 🎽, they have the answers. What was I trying to say, ah, it never fails. I was sickly again come afternoon Monday and I had to drink two Advil doses. I feel better now. I slept 🛏 at 1100p last night 🌃 because I had to paint 💅🏾 but I didn’t set an alarm ⏰ and stayed in bed 🛌 for as long as I can. Actually, I didn’t want to get up. Except my stopwatch ⏱ beeped and I knew it was another hour. I just went to the bathroom like half an hour ago at 930p. So we have an idea 💡 what time it was.
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Sunday was actually a great day. I feel that I took less than the minutes I said it would take me. It was chill and I was able to take my time picking out the stuff that I really need. In my contentment 😃 I forgot to put my beanie back on which means, my head is exposed to the cold 🥶 . I should make my antioxidants for the day as what we call prophylactic.
My glitters also known as sweat 💦 sparklies were not perfect yet I was in a hurry and accepted it as it is. They have new set on Sephora 🛍🤦🏼‍♀️. I am make up 💄 crazed although I already planned my expenditure in the next couple of months 📆 and guess what there is wiggle room to change ups yet mostly I covered everything that I shall need not like splurge on Zella’s 👖. Ban.do is like making me a loyal customer. It looks 👀 as if I might drop a small amount of $80. They sell clothing. But I am mostly interested in health, novelty self-care and girl boss items like planners. What was I talking about? I talk to much. Ah, I was dressed 👗 for the 🎊.
I have not touched the protein bar it’s in my yoga 🧘🏼‍♀️ bag although I drank the C4 energy drink in sips through out after Kelli’s dance 💃🏼 birthday 🎂 party 🎈 to Surrender 🙆🏼‍♀️ to sauna 🧖🏼‍♀️. The birthday 🍰 gal was dressed for a festival and I was like for the football 🏈 stadium 🏟. I also made it like a tail gater thang too. I was so happy 😀 I was in for the festivities 🥳. It was a 1.5 hours Zumba 🕺🏽HipHop with assists from Janice and Melissa. I was disappointed that they didn’t maximize the hours. Vie, the other members are tired 😓. We get it. I also think 🤔 they were making sure they have enough time when they send us off with treats from the café. I enjoyed 😊. There were Cleveland folks. I am not sure what you are talking about, we are all from Cleveland. There were peeps from the Westside and dancer 🕴🏻on the 1100 studio 2 class. I spend the minutes before making sure my back muscles are limber. I am always pressed for time in my head. I don’t want to be late. With that thought 💭 always running on my mind as if beating the timer ⏱ I am in a hurry—slow down—. I actually had enough time and more. I should have put the mat. The only thing is you have to disinfect it too. I discovered 🔎 that 10 minutes is enough 60 seconds repeat 10x. Some of the moves 👣 where something we know. I got to feel and be the music 🎼. Then, at times you get lost at the quick changing non repetitive dance steps. Some of them are familiar. Others are like a throw off. So you just have fun as the instructor emphasized. Melissa K was great. I love 💗 her. They are all super. However, even in her small segments you realize what a consummate dancer she is. Am I like in So You Think You Can Dance? Not to mention the music 🎵. Most of all, we are actually more than grooving, we are targeting muscles 💪🏾 like what I read yesterday in a low impact isometric way. It was awesome 👏🏾. They also put the blinders so everybody were not so conscious that we were being watch. Where the lights 💡 on? You betcha. Speaking of which, they have glow in the dark Sally Hansen polish. I think 🧐 I am going to have so much fun 🎉.
After we took a group picture 📸 and fuel ⛽️ and hydration 💧 was distributed I scanned the room if some of my acquaintances where there. I knew people and they were talking in a group but I didn’t see those that I actually have a conversation 🗣. At any rate, I freshened up for yoga 🧘🏼‍♀️. I had some large time like around 30 minutes so I did exercises on the floor literally. This time when doing the leg 🦵🏾 drop I felt the small sharp pains on my low back. I finished my set. I read from the mag that you should stop 🛑. I’ll mentally note 📝 that.
I should shower 🚿 in a minute. Stephanie’s class was spectacular. We worked on our hips flexors a lot and I was so happy 😀. There were new poses. I loved ❤️ it. A big gift 🎁 of attending the class even for one day in a week is the instructor arms you with the stuff you can do on your own. Oh, Vie, only the self-starter you. She was very good in educating us. I mean you get confused 🤷🏼‍♀️ in how the stretches are to be held but the benefits of doing it is there. I was being idiotic and airhead and I think 💭 I saw my trainer Lindsey with a friend. Stephanie taught us concretely by grounding, knowing and finding for ourselves if the 5 minute yoga moves change our physiology. I say mmmmhm. My right side is lose. My left side is stiff after pidgeon. She also gave the new policy on bodily adjustments citing the New York Times article that I didn’t read but saw. I should get ready 🎒.
My shows 📺 :
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