#Rebecca Saves the Day was peak
the-halfling-prince · 7 months
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My favorite little nyc gals, Rebecca and Claudie <3
16 notes · View notes
ktchie · 7 months
'Save a horse ride a cowboy'
Ted x reader
Fluff and smut
♡additional tags: smut, p in v, creampie, reader hates Halloween, Ted in a cowboy costume, a little daddy kink, She/her pronouns.
♤7.4k words
◇ she hates Halloween but maybe Ted can change that?
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Her dreaded day is fast approaching, the leaves scattered around the ground - brown and dry from the autumn.
A lone pumpkin, yellow and bright under the shying sun, glare at her from a stairwell of a random flat. Its triangle eyes, hollow from any emotion and sympathy seemingly bore into her as if telling her to submit to its command and the inevitable event that will happen 2 days from now.
She averted her eyes quickly, sweat dripped down her nape as she fasten her pace.
She hated Halloween more than any day there is, she would rather choose her family's dysfunctional Christmas dinner with 5 grown adults yelling at eachother and 3 crying children than be caught dead wearing a ridiculous costume that would tarnish her reputation and self image.
Contrary to Roy, she doesnt hate Halloween because of the loud children and their questionable attire that varies from appropriate character from a cartoon show or a superhero franchise and to some wierd and super inappropriate costume that would and will get a atleast 50 concern side eyes (like a nun smoking a tobacco or pope Francis with devil horns and blood pouring out of his mouth)
She hated Halloween because of her coworkers (mainly Rebecca, keeley and Higgins) and their insistent for her to wear a bloody costumes every damn year. Rebecca would email her and would ask her what she will be going as on the Halloween, the first few times it would only be an additional note, a passing normal interest at the month of October but as the day goes by and the 3rd week rolls around Rebecca's previous important email that is relevant to the well being of the club was replaced by a 5 to 10 sentence regarding the importance of Halloween and how essential it is, to both to yourself and to others, to wear a costume and to have fun. The email will come to her 2 times in one day, sometimes even 3 and in worst times even 5 (if Rebecca is really desperate or in a sour mood) which will automatically go into her spam folder.
And it is also widely known on Richmond that Keeley Jones goes a little unhinged whenever the month of October rolls by. Her energy seems to crank up to its highest peak when the autumn breeze finally grace her skin. So naturally, Halloween would be a BIG BIG deal for her. Massive deal. A deal the size of Asia and Europe combined. A deal that she, unfortunately, has to deal with too.
Keeley Jones, despite of having a own company of her to run, was quiet frequent on the Afc Richmond building. Always lurking on the hallway with her bright pink shoes and heart melting grin (in the normal month) however, when its October - Keleey's only destination is her own fucking office. She would burst in guns blazing and teeth bared with no knocking whatsoever and ask her (more like yelled at her) what her costume will be on Halloween, in which she would proceed to answer with 'none' which in return would make Keeley Jones fumed with anger and rant about her being no fun while calling her all kinds of creative names under the sun.
The two women was both amusing and irritating at the same time, she had to admit that their desperation to get her to celebrate the nonsense Holliday of the 31st of October was quiet funny in their own way. What is not funny however is Higgins..
Leslie Higgins, a man as gentle as a falling feather and whose laugh could light up the entire room, can actually turn into a 10feet tall demonic entity whenever he heard 'Halloween' and 'no costume' in one sentence. Maybe it has something to do with him being a father of 5 children, getting so used to dressing them up that it was downright ridiculous and criminal that she wouldn't. He would breath heavily like a bull whenever she say no and he would look at her in the eye and speak to her, though very calmly she could very well see the veins throbbing on his forehead, and would explain how important it is for her to dress up and to celebrate the day because if he wouldn't he would no longer talk to her and would rather die than be near her ever again (dramatic, but something tells her he wasn't lying)
So, in a desperate attempt to make him leave and calm down she had agreed, she told Leslie she's going to dress up and that he doesn't have to worry about anything else.
She's still deciding if she's lying or not.
She opened her front door with a sigh, the exhaustion visible on her tired eyes.
She had gone home more later than everyone else because of the heavy work load that she had let pile up over the last few weeks due to her avoidance to go to work and accidently bump into the monster trio.
She sat down on her couch before throwing her shoes somewhere in the room, groaning in pleasure as her back met the soft cushion.
The comfort of her own home enveloping her suddenly, all the tension gone from her shoulder and all the worrying thoughts of her work vanish from her head.
Then her phone rang,
"Goddammit.." she mumbled with a frown, head thrown back and eyes closed. She let it rung for a few second before reaching for it.
"Hello?" Her voice was groggy, a clear indication she was tired.
"Yellow!" Ted's voice were loud on the other side of the phone, awfully cheery despite it being late in the evening. "You takin' a nap? You sounds a lil' raspy, oh no I didnt wake ya up did i?"
A soft smile made its way on her lips, a smile only Ted could make. "Uh no, I was about to though. I just got back from work"
"You just got back?! Don't office hours end at 5?!"
"Got alot of work that held me back, I don't want to let it keep piling up on my desk like a leaning tower of Pisa"
"Darn, you must have a heck of a day" she hummed in confirmation before closing her eyes again. "Have you even had lunch yet? Ya didnt came in the locker room earlier, thought ya had lunch on your own but now I have a suspicion that you didnt eat at all"
She took her time to answer, Ted's voice bringing her comfort and making her a little drowsy. "Didnt eat lunch, im planning to order a pizza later for dinner"
"You sounds really tired, darlin' and listen, I know I ain't exactly the proper man to tell ya this but pizza ain't good for ya" Ted had replied, a hint of worry on his voice. "Pizza is a-okay once a week, but you been eatin' it nonstop these days, im gettin' a lil worried"
"Im not going to suddenly drop dead because of pizza, that will be a humiliating way to go out" she replied with a sigh, scratching her eye. "But sure whatever, ill have a cup of tea instead"
"I still can't believe y'all drink that sewer water willingly, you better eat something good with that garbage drink"
"I don't know what else to eat beside pizza if I'm being honest and I'm too fucking tired to cook anything else" she groaned and adjust herself on the coach. "I'll just have a big breakfast tomorrow"
"Are you tellin' me that tea is only thing you'll be having tonight?" he had stated, putting a harsh emphasis on the word 'tea' as if it was someone he wanted to kill.
"Am I hearin' you right, hun? Not only did you not eat lunch but you are willingly, without a gun to your pretty little head, going to drink that poop water and nothin' else?"
She laugh lightly and she desperately try to ignore the sick sick part of her brain that is telling her she looks like a giggling love sick school girl talking to her crush. "Yes Ted, im going to drink tea and only tea and head to bed. If you and a perfectly fine beverage have some beef going on, leave me out of it. I can't let you persuade me on hating our national drink and risk the Queen catching a whiff of my traitorous blood and shoot me in the head"
"She would do that?" Ted asked, genuinely afraid.
She chuckled "no, Ted. I'm fucking with you" she settled deep on the cushions, fully laying herself down.
"She'll hire a few men to raid my house and make my death look like a suicide"
"Oh well thats smart, but I prefer if you're alive and well"
She laugh a little "do you need something, Ted? Its quiet late, shouldn't you be watching some trashy reality show right now?"
"Oh it can wait, I can have coach beard summarize the love island for me tomorrow" he cheerily replied and some part of her are envious of him being so happy in such a tiring night. "I called ya because I wanna know what you'll be wearin' on Halloween night"
A glass shattered on the background and the small smile plastered on her lips fell as quickly as she can blink.
"Jesus christ, not you too" she groaned lowly, eyes closing not in exhaustion but in irritation.
"What? Just askin' cause im gosh darn curious! I asked boss what you'll be goin' as but she pulled a funny face and told me to ask you myself!"
She cursed Rebecca in her brain.
"What brought this on anyway?" She wiped her face with her hand with a sighed.
"Oh well our resident genius Nathan Shelby told me that Rebecca host the best Halloween party every year and it got me all kinds of exicted! 'Been awhile since I went to one of those, in college I always go to parties y'know? Even nonsense ones, I mostly went for the booze and the free food cause I was hella broke and I ain't got no money to even feed myself" Ted voice went down a little at the end, as if reminiscing the time where he couldn't even find a single nickle on his wallet. "So it got me thinkin' that I should really go all out this year, don't ya think so? My first party ever since I turned 30, I don't even know If I can still chug an entire jug of beer but we'll see"
"Jesus Ted, you sounds like frat boy" she grimaced lightly but a pleasant image of Ted wearing a backwards cup and a stupid grin on his baby face got her all giggly.
Maybe he'll let her do a body shot on him, lick the fucking salt on his neck and take him home to her flat the next minute.
"Oh I was a frat boy, alright! Got nothin' better to do in college than cause trouble and play football - y'know the one with a brown ball that looks like a wallnut? That football - though i didn't get to play much, coach said i was too giddy and too happy, that instead of making the other team annoyed i cheer them up, its crazy even Beardo said so. Speaking of Beard he was a beast back then! You should've seen him! You'll love him, he's always laughing and always loud, got in all kinds of bad troubles but he set himself straight in the end. I'm very proud of him"
She heard their story before from beard, or willis (he had revealed his name after weeks of nonstop questioning and obnoxious teasing) she had learned how they came to be Ted and Beard, how insufferable they were like two giggling school girls that had known eachother since birth. How beard became beard and how much an asshole (his own words, not hers) he was to Ted back then. He had told her the time he was sleeping on his couch, how his back felt funny and ache weirdly every morning, how he could map out Ted's house with his eyes closed and ears shut because of how much time he spent in there. How Henry felt so much like his kid, how he watch him grew up and how he had been there when the kid lost his first tooth or rode his own bike.
He owes Ted alot, he had told her. Said he would lay his down his life for him with no question ask and no hesitation on his mind. That Ted is kindest man he had ever met, that he see no wrong in someone even when its staring at him right in the face, even when his own friend stole the car he had been saving for since high-school and almost wreck it.
"Im sure you are, Ted" she replied, picking a piece of loose thread on her couch pillow. "I uh, I don't think I'll attend the party"
She quickly pull the phone away from her ear with a grimaced."Yeahhhh, I just don't really like partying"
"Ted im really tired-"
"And I'll make you more tired, don't you dare lock your door or I'll break it in I swear to god-"
She laughed lightly "are you actually going to come over? This is crazy Ted, and for what? Because I'm not coming to that stupid party?"
"IT AINT STUPID, YOU WATCH YOUR MOUTH!" He breathed heavily and she hear a clang of keys followed by a loud thump and a whisper of curse. "-shit, bump my darn knee on the table. This is your fault"
"Im not even there, Ted. That's all on you"
"Yeah but you got me all panicky and annoyed, im comin' over there I'm bringing my left over pasta so you could put a decent meal on your tummy"
God she's so stupidly inlove with him. "Is it your famous spaghetti that you have been bragging about these past few weeks? I heard its good, keleey said its to die for"
"Quit being sweet to me, missy. I'm still annoyed and I'm still comin' over and once I get there we're goin' to eat my pasta and talk about your bad decision okay? Like a proper talk, like a therapy session Dr. Sharon and I been doin' these past few weeks"
"Do I have to cry and tell you my childhood problems and let you figure out how it connects to my annoyance on Halloween?"
"See? Youre already pro at this, just sit pretty and wait for me"
She chuckled lightly and stretched, yawning. "Are you really going to come over?" She had asked "Cause I think I'm about to fall asleep now"
"Ya can fall asleep once I get there and after we ate my pasta, m'kay?" Ted replied followed by a front door closing and being locked.
She blink sleepy as she listen to him "alright, ill wait for you"
"Atta girl" he whispered and she tried to ignore the heat on her stomach as he did so.
Ted arrived with a loud bang, her door hitting the wall so hard she thought it would bust a hole in.
"What the hell?!" She lightly yelled before laughing, watching as Ted pant with a Tupperware of spaghetti on his left hand.
"Sorry, god, wait gotta catch my breath first" he hit his chest a couple of times and cough a little. "Okay, sorry, got excited. But I brought my spaghetti!" He raised it with a large grin, dimple and teeth out and oh she wish  she could kiss him right there.
"I see that you did" she leaned on the marble bar of her kitchen as she watched him walked over to her, eyes ranking up and down.
God he looks good, how dare he?
"And I see that you're still sleepy" he grinned and put the tupper wear down beside her, looking down to meet her eyes.
"Gonna put you to bed, after our talk m'kay?"
"That a promise?" She blinked at him flirty, a sweet smirk playing on her lips.
"N-not that kind of put to bed" Ted looks panicky, flushing pink on her gaze.
"Bummer" she mumbled with a pout before straightening her posture. "Come help me with plates, let's talk while we eat yeah?"
Okay, maybe her drowsiness is making her a little more bolder, more braver, more yearnful for what she wants. Makes her want to capture his very being on her palm and not let go until the sky fall from above.
She wouldn't flirt with him on a good day, wouldn't even smirk at him if she can help it. He's a recently divorced man who has eyes as sad as whimpering puppy, looking anything and anywhere with a kind of desperation you would only find on someone so despondent and so so alone. He wasn't available on the public market, wasn't meant to be courted when she knows his heart still depict someone's else image, she knows he loves Michelle, miss her everyday, and she knows deep on her bones she could not barge in roses in her mouth and poems on her hand and offer to take him out on a date he would never forget.
"Why is the spaghetti cold?" She asked with a frown as she took a bite, water on her side instead of wine because Ted insisted that she should drink something normal for once.
"Spgahti ish dbest win clmpd" she frowned and watched him hold a finger up before swallowing his food. "Sorry. i said spaghetti is the best when its cold"
"Well its not bad" she shrugged as she ate it. "So how's your day? Heard Roy got mad on Jaime again, per usual of course, but this time he was about to tear his throat out"
Ted nod his head "yes, yes, ill tell ya all 'bout it later but first were gotta talk about the Halloween party"
She groaned loudly, throwing her head back. "Must we do this? Really?"
"Yes, really" he wiped his mouth with a napkin before taking a sip on his water, she could not help but feel like he was about to question her every actions and decision as if she was placed under government surveillance.
"Its really not a big deal, teddy. I just don't like going to parties"
"No, no, I heard ya' goin' to bunch of parties before, specially new-year. You're lyin' to me"
"Fine" she raised her hand in defense, tired. "Seems like I can't lie my way around here so ill give it to you straight.." she took a deep breath, dreading it. Ted watched her closely, brown eyes boaring into her own and if she wasn't sleepy and wasn't bothered by the topic she would mention how beautiful they are.
"I don't like dressing up"
He slam his fork down. "THATS ABSURD!"
"Wow I didnt expect that big of a reaction at all"
"You tellin' me, someone, someone I gosh darn know! Dont like wearin' costume on Halloween? Thats like- thats like worse than murder!"
Her eyes widen "okay thats a little-"
Ted nod calming down a little "yeah yeah, I know, a little dramatic. It ain't worse than murder at all, I was just-" he poke his heart. "Just lost in the moment AND ITS YOUR FAULT!" he pointed at her
She laughed lightly.
"It wasn't even that bad! I just don't like doing it, its perfectly fine"
"No it ain't! I have never met someone like ya before! People always like dressing up, doesn't matter how bad it looks, Halloween is for everyone, its the only day its legal to pretend you're someone else" he's slowly losing his mind.
"I get that and I fully support that but its just not for me" she explained, finally finished with her spaghetti and she had to admit it was pretty fucking good. "I have to say, you're a good cook i didnt expect-"
"Youre goin' to the party even if i have to drag your bum in there"
She whistled, eyebrows up and eyes a little wide. "Oh my, I didnt know you're into that"
"Shut it" he stated but the blush on his cheeks are apprent.
"Youre goin' that's final, wrapped your self in a toilet paper if ya don't got any costume, you just have to be there"
"You literally cannot make me" she shrugged, leaning on the chair with arms crossed. "Im not going to that party even if you have to put a gun to my head, I don't like Halloween, I don't like costumes and I dojt like candies"
"YOU DONT LIKE CANDIES-" he stop himself before taking a deep breath, controlling his emotions. "Its like, its like I don't know you at all"
"Ted we've been friends for like 2 years, of course you don't"
Ted shook his head, distraught. As if the revelation of her dislike for the holiday might send him spiral to a pit of hopelessness. "If you ain't goin, im not goin'"
Her eyes widen. "What the hell are you on about?"
He looked up to her, eyes hard, determined. Like a soldier off to war.
'This is ridiculous' she had thought
"I said, im not goin if ya ain't goin"
"Y-you can't do that! The others would kill me!" She yelled, panic settling deep on her guts. Rebecca would literally drag her corpse on the road, yelling shame! Shame! Shame! While the folks of richmond would throw shit at her face. "Ted, they'll do worse than kill me. Keleey would use my skin to make herself a new bag, you can't do this to me"
"Oh I will" he pointed, shoulder squared. "I will blame it all on ya', if they ask why I ain't goin' ill tell them it was you"
"This is crazy! Why are you even doing this?!" She asked him, wanting to laugh and wanting to cry on how fucking mental it is.
"Why do I even- why do you even want me there?!"
"THATS NOT A PROPER REASON, IDIOT!" she yelled before groaning, throwing her hands up. "FINE! FINE! IM GOING! GOD!"
He then grinned, big, wide and bright that she had to squint. She hates the part of her brain that told her that suffering on the party is all worth it if she could see him like this for a second , smiling just for her. Its crazy how he can make everything more livable just by existing.
"I know ya would come around"
She scoffed "like you just didn't threaten me"
"Had to do it" he shrugged, still smiling, still joyous. It makes her heart melt.
"Whatever" she looked away when he met her eyes, blush slithering on her cheeks. "Im going only because of you, you hear?"
It was his turn to blush, dimple deep on his cheek and eyes glimmering. "Yes ma'am" he looked down, suddenly shy. "And I'm only goin cause of ya' either"
She gave him a sideways glance, suspicious. "You sure its not for the beer?"
"Nah, just for ya" she suddenly had a sick sick disgusting urge to giggle. "Ya make everythin' better, not the booze"
God she's so inlove with him she would carved a pumpkin right now if he ask.
She went as ghostface.
Tight black shirt and a sweatpants with fake blood (ketchup) splattered on her white shoes and arms. Its a simple costume that required a little amount of effort and money. And she had to admit, she look hot as fuck, she just wished the security guard up front had let her kept the kitchen knife but no matter how many pleading and yelling of 'its not real!' The man wouldn't budge.
She stood next to Rebecca whose dress could send any man with eyes falling on the floor. She went as maleficent, with horns, high cheek bones and everything that made her almost fall inlove with her.
"Hows the drink?" She had asked, smiling at her so pleasantly ever since she had got there.
"Oh?" She blinked, confused. Blood red lips almost scowling. "Was it too strong?"
"Not strong enough" she replied with a teasing smile that made her boss rolled her eyes.
"Of course you would say that, the one person here that wants to go home"
"Thats not true" she laughed, putting her glass down before leaning on the wall. Watching as the other dance on the floor, some giggling and some stumbling.
"Im actually enjoying myself"
"I doubt it" Rebecca raised her perfectly drawn brow before a slow teasing grin slithered its way on her red lips. "Ted isn't here yet"
She ignored the heat on her ears
"Are you implying i can only enjoy this party if Ted is here? That he's the sunlight on my dark days? Because if so then you're are one hundred percent corre- holy fucking shit, get out of the way" she quickly, as fast can blink, lightly push Rebecca off the view of the entrance door.
"Jesus, Mary and Joseph is that Ted fucking Lasso dressed up as a cowboy?" Keeley -dressed as katniss everdeen - strolled in like a ghost in the night, suddenly popping up, a cola on her hand.
"I think I'm about to faint" y/n confessed with a heavy breath while clutching her heart. Rebecca giggled next to her, gently holding her arm.
"Look at him walking around like he doesn't have half of the woman's eyes on him, he's killing me, he's fucking killing me"
"Look at that ass, oh that is criminal" keeley stated with a whistled, watching as Ted walked around, greeting people with a laugh and a smile.
"Is that a whip?" Y/n squinted her eyes and oh  fuck it is, it is a whip, right on the holster on his hips - she swallowed thickly, the familiar heat of desperation drawing a line on her stomach.
"I have to say, im impres-"
"Im going to ride him"
Keeley choked on her drink
"excuse you?" Rebecca's head whipped around to look at y/n's face, eyes blown wide.
"Forget about the horse, im going to ride Ted Lasso tonight"
"Y-youre going to hook up with him?" Keleey asked her carefully a grin on her lips. "Tonight? Like actually tonight?"
"If he let's me" she answered though her eyes still hangs heavy on Ted Lasso who is currently standing across the room with Beard beside him dressed as Alan from the hangover.
"So you're going to confessed?" Rebecca then asked "Because this is your opportunity to tell him what you really feel, this is your time"
Ted's eyes suddenly met hers and suddenly - everything stops.
The chatter, the song, even the loud flash of cameras and the yells of the drunk. As if one look from him can make the whole world stop turning, made the time crumbles and lay dust beneath his foot.
She could hear her breathing, slow and full and deep. As if he's taking it away, feeding from her own soul. For a minute she would let him, let him take it all, place her heart on his palm and make him promise to keep it close, pour her soul onto his mouth and kiss it to seal its lock, reduce herself into nothing but atoms and dust and particles on the air and be kept in a jar, forever still, forever there, forever on him.
Ted grinned so beautifully she could cry, he gave her a wave, almost shy, almost adoring before he took his first step towards her. Every foot the same rhythm as her heart, for a second she believed in soul mate and for a second she had hoped it was him.
"Hes coming this way!" Keeley squealed lowly, turning away from him and walked towards the bar. "Im going to pretend I dont know you so you can jump on him, okay?"
"Im going to, uh, going over there! Right there to Higgins" she scrambled to lift off her gown and run lightly towards her assistance who's currently dressed as a Frankenstein.
Ted walked towards her, apologizing to the people he had bumped on his way. She doesnt think she can love anyone like this dork..
He wore a flannel, blue and black and rolled over his thick forearms. It was tucked inside his jeans, scandalously tight on his muscled thighs. There's a leather belt slithered between it, thick with a silver buckled on its front. A whip and a fake gun hang on each side.
There's a red bandana hanging on his neck and brown cowboy hat place upon his head.
Ted lasso looks sinful underneath the beating lights and shadows, like a proper seduction on a night, dress in pure temptation with a smile that held thousand of promise.
"Howdy, ma'am" he tipped his hat on her, winking. "Never have i thought I would see a lady as fine as you are"
She pray to get she wouldn't get a nosebleed. "Why thank you, cowboy" she push her mask down, hiding the grin and the blush on her cheek.
"I must say, you look good enough to eat-" she approached him a little, standing close. "-ya wouldn't mind a little bite would ya', sweetheart?"
Ted swallowed "n-not at all"
"What got you stuttering now, little lamb?" She went up to his face, titling her head a little, as if taunting him. "Youre not scared are you?"
Thank fuck for the mask, if it wasn't for it she would be on the floor right now, confidence and determination gone and replaced by the undying need to have him and never let go.
"you're really into your character arent ya?" Ted grinned at you.
"Was i?" She peered up to him with smirk, removing the mask off her face. "What are you going to do about it, cowboy? Lasso me away?"
Ted's dimple become apparent "Might have to if ya keep this up" he titled his head "Whisk you away out'a 'ere and show you what happens to a pretty little naughty thing like ya'"
Her breath hitched, body hot and guts swirlin. Her fingers itched to yank his collar and kiss him stupid.
"Yeah?" She uttered breathlessly
Ted nod his head, gaze stuck on her mouth. "Mhm, but ya would like that wouldn't ya? Have ya with me, bound and tied. Bet you would love it, a minx like ya'"
"Oh I would love it alright" she looked up to him with half lided eyes, almost drank on the words spouting of his mouth.
"Specially so because its you"
Ted had blushed then, red and harsh even under the thousand beating lights. He chuckled, the magic that reside between them now gone, replaced by the silence that you could only get when everything is light and adoring and filled with colors of love and feelings too big for your own heart.
"I uh," he looked down "im glad ya' came, thought ya wouldn't"
She chuckled and took a step back, away from his space.
"I told you I would didn't I?"
"Yeah I know but I thought you're just foolin' me, get me to shut up"
"Ted i would literally pay you my entire savings just to NEVER shut up" she smiled when he shyly looked away. "You know how much I enjoy you talk, even about things I do not understand like a 100 years old pop culture reference from an ancient movie"
"Im not that old" he grumbled rather adorably and it took everything on her not to pinch his cheeks.
"Yeah? Bet your hips would pop if I took you to the dance floor right now"
He stared at her for a couple of seconds before a grin erupted on his lips. "Is this your way of asking me to dance?"
She sighed "depends, are you going to say yes?"
"You gosh darn right I will!" He had replied with a big smile before interrupting it with a pointed finger " 'n not cause of your allegations about my perfectly fine hips, its cause I want to dance with ya'"
"I know that ted" she laughed, grabbing his hand suddenly, warm and big and rough. She likes it. "Now show me what you got, cowboy. You're too fine not to show off on the dance floor"
They stumbled around the flat, kissing heatedly - all teeth and tounge and the pain of desperation to consume.
"Fuck, you're killing me" she grumbled, eyes half lided and lips red and wet. Her fingers worked in frenzy to take off every clothing he wore, buttons flying and his hat somewhere on the floor.
"Did I mention how good you look tonight?" She nose his neck, licking a stripe that had him shivering. "Did I, darling?"
"N-no, oh god" he moaned when her palm squeezed the outline of his cock on his tight jeans.
She smirked and bit him lightly on the skin between his shoulder.
"Well you are, my love." She whispered, not even bothering to give a flying fuck on the nickname she had accidently slip out. "Absolutely handsome, couldn't keep my fucking eyes off you you know that?"
Ted looked half drunk across you, hair a mess and neck covered with bites. "I-i didnt know ya find, ngh- I didnt know ya find me t-that attractive, sweetheart"
"All the flirting wasn't enough then?" She questioned, pushing him to fall on the couch and he did, easily, with a grunt and a look of anticipation and dark lust.
"Looks like you're more of a visual learner eh?" She sat on his lap, grinding her heated core on his hard cock - wet with slick and thick between her thighs. "What do you say, cowboy? Gonna let me ride you till sunrise?"
Ted moaned loudly, hands gripping her waist and nails digging on the flesh. "Y-yes please"
She smiled, hands slithering on his hair before pulling it to bare his throat to her like a submissive prey would. "Dont worry, darling. I'll take good care of you"
In one move his cock was inside her, thick and splitting her open. A gush of slick drip down her thighs and Ted moaned loudly, not a care in the world. "God.." he groaned, throwing his head back. "Feels good, fuck, ya feel so fuckin' good baby doll"
The nickname send shiver down her spine, a tingling of heat and cold.
"Squeezin' my damn cock so fuckin' tight" he licked his lips before grinning up to her, eyes lazy, dark and blown wide. "Ya sure this cunt ain't made f'me, dollface? You takin' my cock like champ"
She moaned on his filthy words, tounge frozen and chest tight. She could feel him inside her, deep on her guts, moving and rearranging anything it can reach.
"Yeah-fuck, look at ya'" he strike a palm on her ass, loud. "Beautiful thing sat on my cock, s'yours yeah?" He took her mouth, gifting her a wet kiss, pulling her bottom lip. "How ya feelin', bunny? Feels good?"
"Y-yes, feels-fuck, feel so full" she arched her back as Ted's hand went to her waist, big palm squeezing it thigh with his thumb caressing the skin he can reach.
"Cock's too big, ain't it?" He questioned, a lazy smirk on his lips. "Fitting into your tiny cunt just right though yeah? Look at it" his other hand went to her soaking pussy, caressing her folds before sucking it clean with a hummed. "Swallowing me whole easily, what a good fuckin' girl ya are. Makes me wonder if ya can take my cock on the back, fill ya up even more what'd ya say?"
He pulled her close and she gasped as his dick pierced her impossibly more deeper. "Talk to me, darlin'" he nose her neck, breathing warmth on her throat. "Gonna let your man tear ya' up from behind? Shoot my cum inside ya till you're a drippy mess hm?"
Goodness his fucking mouth..' she had thought, shivering.
"Bet ya would huh?" He bit a skin on her neck before sucking it harshly, drawing a bruise and a shiver on her spine. She moaned when his hands went to her ribs, big they were and rough, a hands of a man who could toss her around. "Bet ya would even beg for it, ya naughty thing"
His fingers went to her shoulder, brushing it gently with heavy breath and heated eyes. Tracing the collar bone and the line between her breast before his fingers reach her perked up nipple - making her shudder. "Beautiful" he whispered lowly, as if it was a secret meant only for himself. His hand envelop her whole breast, playing with it as his cock speared her in a pace that had her toes curling. She could feel every vein inside her, every thrust had her cunt quivering and gushing, painting his pelvis with her own slick.
His mouth went to her nipple, hot and smooth and soaking. His tounge swirled and his lashes flutter as he closed his eyes, the hand on her ribs pulled her much closer than before and Ted sucked at her nipple like a man starve, groaning.
She bounce on his cock, moaning wantonly from the fullness between her thighs, she swore she could feel his dick on her throat, so deep and so thick it was splitting her open, making a room inside her just for his cock and his alone.
"Thats it" he remove his mouth off her nipple with a pop before throwing his head back. "Thats it, dollface. Take my cock like ya own it" he clenched his jaw, the litte hair dangling on his forehead moving at every movement she makes, long eyelashes closed and mouth slightly agape.
She moaned when his hips started moving, meeting her thrust halfway through, it hit the hidden spot inside her that made her want to scream and sob and stop at the same time. "T-ted, Ted, Ted!" She repeated his name like a mantra, like a broken prayer of a desperate man, filled with adoration and lust and yearning for something she doesnt even know what.
He groaned loudly, almost like a growl of a feral man before he sat up more straighter, grabbing her closely, impossibly close, pushing her head on his neck and hugging her tight on his own sweaty body that it render immovable and writhing in pleasure. "Gonna fuck your pretty little pussy just like this yeah?" He stated in her ear before his hips started moving much faster, more harder, hitting her spot over and over again that every thrust had her gushing and moaning.
"Yeah, fuck yeah, t-take it, take it, take it" he repeated in her ear, thick thick cock spearing her mercilessly until she was sobbing and drawing her nails on his shoulder.
"S'too m-much!" She complained and yet she widen her thighs further more, savoring the feeling of his wet cock. "T-teddyy" she whined, pushing her face into his neck as tears fell from her eyes.
"What got ya cryin' now, sweetheart?" He chuckled breathlessly, hips still moving, dick still splitting her open. His hand went to her nape, grabbing it with his whole palm before pulling it to glimpse at her fucked out face. "Even with tears drippin' on your cheeks you're fuckin' beautiful" he pecked her lips sweetly before drawing back, a grin on his lips. "'S my cock too much for ya' dolly? Daddy hurtin' your cunt hm? Do-dont worry.." his hand tighten. "Gonna give ya my cum to make it all better"
That was the last straw of it all, snapping everything in place, cogs turning and limbs rigid.
She came on his cock with a cry and a thousand tears on her cheeks, back arching and quivering that Ted had to hold him more tighter. She could feel her cum dripping down his cock, soaking him wet. Ted moaned in return, loving the filth of it all, basking on it even - he watched her face relax and brows furrowed, letting herself be used even when her cunt throbs.
"T-teddy" she whined lowly, biting her lip. Her hand went to his arm, gripping it tight. "C-cant, m'too, im too s-sensitive!"
"Just a lil' mo-more" he groaned, holding her waist now, lifting her up and bringing her down, completely using her like she was only a hole for him, a cum dump. "Ya can take it, d-darlin'. M'sure ya could yeah? Jus-just a little, be good f'me"
She squealed and she sob, soaping cunt loud at every thrust. He was breathing heavily then, sweating like a dog in heat as he split her. Thighs sticky and cunt still dripping.
"Fu-fuck, bunny" he groaned, grinding her on his throbbing cock. "M' close, f-fuck, so fuckin' close" he whined, head thumping on her chest, breath warming her breast. "G-gonna cum, can-can i, can I fill ya' up? Pleas-please please, oh god.." the sound he had made was between a sob and a moan, it made her guts coil, made her cheeks hot.
"Mhm hm" she nod her head quickly, pulling him close to him. "P-please cum inside me, t-ted pl-please" tears drip down her cheeks, cunt swollen and clit throbbing with need. Hes stretching her wide, touching every corner of her inside.
"Y-yeah, thank you dolly, fu-fuck thank you" he groaned and push his hips much faster, fucking her silly with his cock. "Gonna fill your pretty pussy up nice and good yeah?" He was breathing heavily, heaving chest and throbbing cock. She can feel it more on her guts, a dull bump on her tummy at every movement he makes."G-gonna have ya drippin' f'me, use ya' like a fuckin hole and dump my spunk into your pussy yeah? Fuck!" He gave a harsh thrust "Oh god, sweetheart oh fuck i love you"
Her eyes widen.
"Love ya' so fuckin' much" he growled, pulling her onto his lap before he lift his hips up and gave her a single harsh thrust. "Fucking take it, take it, take it" he repeated in her ear as his cum came flooding in, hot and so so many.
"Yeah, s-shit look'a that. 'S too much its dripping out'a ya'" he groaned, thrusting slower then, riding his high.
"Ya did such a good job" he sighed as he had stopped, pulling out of her with a low moan and a shudder.
He kissed her forehead with a lazy grin.  "Lets get ya clean-"
"You said you love me" she interrupted him with a wide eyes and a blushing cheeks.
"You told me you love me" she repeated, as if in trance. "You said you love me so much earlier, you repeated it twice, Ted"
Ted sat frozen underneath her before looking away, suddenly so so sad.
"I-yeah, okay, no point in-in denying i supposed" his brows furrowed and his eyes had turned into that softer gentler look that had her heart always aching. "I love ya..for, for a long time. Don't know how it started and I'm quiet upset im confessing to ya' like this but what do I do" he chuckled but the humour on it was gone. He met her eyes, earnest, adoring, the same gaze he had used to looked at her for as long as she can remember, a gaze she couldn't put a finger on back then but could finally see it as clearly as day now.
"I love you, im inlove with you, stu-stupidly so and I get it if ya don't feel the same, its okay and I can do whatever ya like me too after this, I can walk away or I can pretend to never know ya at-"
She kissed him.
She kissed him like he would loose him.
Like any second he would turn into ashes, flew in the air and never to be return again. Tasted him like It would be her last to see him for a very long time, as if he's off to war with death hanging like a noose on his head, ready to pull and ready to kill.
"I love you too, you fucking idiot" she grinned up to him, eyes wet and cheeks hurting.
"I love you, Ted. I fucking love you"
Ted smiled, big and bright despite the darkness of the night. He looks beautiful with happiness lingering on his eyes.
"Can I kiss you?"
"Yes, fuck yes"
Their lips met and yeah..yeah maybe Halloween wasn't too bad.
Ted smiled on her lips and it tasted sickeningly sweet as a melted sugar.
Yep, it definitely wasn't bad at all.
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nekrosdolly · 6 months
albert wesker hcs pt.3
guys... i'm sorry i'm so obsessed with re1 wesker... but these are for re1 wesker...
cw; cigarettes, lighters, william birkin mentions, alcohol mentions, s.t.a.r.s AND umbrella mentions WHOAAAA, debunking rebesker, rebecca chambers mention, kissing!, a peak into wesker's backstory, if you don't know his backstory please read his wiki page im begging you.
a/n; reader's job is unspecified so how y'all meet is really up to you!
✰ albert smokes. that's no surprise, really. he likes menthols- his preference is marlboro blue 100's, but he keeps a pack of marlboro black reds around too. doesn't like bic lighters, only uses the zippo lighter he was given (thanks Umbrella.)
✰ he meal preps for the week, cleans as he cooks so there's less of a mess after. he tries to clean every few days as his apartment can get disorganized just as quickly as it's cleaned.
✰ speaking of his apartment…
✰ mahogany cabinets, dark granite countertops, with typical white paint on the walls. nothing too expensive, he still has to keep up the appearance of being a normal citizen and not an Umbrella employee. The floors are cheap linoleum in the kitchen and bathroom wood everywhere else. he has minimal furniture- a couch, a bookshelf, a television on a boring black coffee table. his bed is a full, the sheets black and made of inexpensive material.
✰ he's hardly home except to grab food and sleep, so what more does he need than what he already has? zero pictures hanging up, nothing to make it feel like a real home except for the occasional hint of life.
✰ drinks semi-regularly. he likes wines and whiskeys, not so much frothy or carbonated drinks i.e. beers or seltzers. if he's offered a cocktail, he'll take it.
✰ he does try to maintain a relativley okay relationship with the s.t.a.r.s alpha team so he doesn't come off as suspicious, even if he seriously dislikes group outings. once a month, they go out for drinks. he doesn't stay long, just enough to get by without revealing too much about himself.
✰ contrary to popular belief, he doesn't have a thing for rebecca. they had a similar educational experience. he graduated highschool and went to college at an early age, just like she did. they share similarities and he finds that he can talk to her with ease, but he doesn't find himself attracted to her. not to mention that she's eighteen- he has morals.
✰ when you come into his life, he's not expecting it in the slightest. hardly anything catches him off guard, but you, you do something to him. you're not a match on the intellectual level and that's fine, he likes being the one to educate you on certain topics. he likes talking to you because you make him feel good without trying. the ease at which you offer your attention to him is something he should expect, but it's different with you. he's not giving you orders or lecturing you- you're just talking, and you like it, no less.
✰ it's a slow burn despite his clear affection for you, which he wasn't hoping to gain initially. it's not his fault that you're so pretty- just his type, no less- and so nice to him. you always smell good and you're put-together in your appearance. he loves that he can simply say whatever around you and how you nod along, giving him your full attention. he drinks it, gets drunk on it, and saves it for later.
✰ maybe he imagines you in the dead of night to help him sleep. wonders what pajamas you wear, if any, to sleep and how you'd feel pressed firmly against him while snuggling. he dreams of coming home to you after a long day, resting his head in your lap as you talk to him about what happened at work. your fingers thread through his hair, bringing a sense of calm to him.
✰ sometimes he wakes up and thinks you're there. he'll pat the mattress blindly until he realizes that no, he's not living the dream because if he were, you'd be lying next to him.
✰ at umbrella, he's just as determined as he is with his s.t.a.r.s team. he's a brilliant virologist- there's a reason he was employed when he was 17. he's the head researcher for the t-virus project and for the tyrant project, the latter being his own work. he helped william with developing the g-virus as well. he tells william about you. after all, william is the closest friend he has, so why would they not confide in each other?
✰ it's william who tells albert to go for it, to tell you how he feels.
✰ albert listens to classical for the most part. given he grew up when nu-wave was picking up, he listens to some of that, too. think depeche mode. not a big fan of the cure. enjoys the smiths (just like me fr.) he likes piano-centric music and some "dad" rock (as you call it.)
✰ he likes kissing you anywhere and everywhere. in his office, in the car (parked! no unsafe driving for him), taking a walk, while he's smoking, drinking, what have you.
✰ he doesn't let his feelings for you get in the way of work, however tempting it may be. sure, he thinks about you on his lunches and texts you when he can, but out of sight, out of mind. he's committed to his career(s) and though you're important to him, his work is more important. he's married to his work, but so is everyone who works at umbrella. he was manufactured for this, which is why he's there so much. why you two grow apart faster than he'd expected, and even while your relationship crumbles, he's working as much as ever.
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hauntthenarrative · 11 months
Here's how this is going to work: we'll be making a proper structured bracket starting round 2. For round 1, you won't know who anyone will go up against next!
We tried our best with the match-ups based on what we know about each character's popularity and the type of media it is, and the idea starting round 2 is to use round 1's results to make the brackets.
As before, here is the list of media in the tournament, in case you want to avoid spoilers for any of the media involved!
Polls will start tomorrow on July 8th at 1PM EST!! They will be in a randomized order, and 8 polls will be posted per day, every other day!
Edit after the polls have ended: Winners are now bolded and italicized!
Day 1
Andrey Nikolayevich Bolkonsky (Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812) vs. Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen)
Carmen (Lobotomy Corporation) vs. The Pale King (Hollow Knight)
Chara/The Fallen Human (Undertale) vs. December “Dess” Holiday (Deltarune)
Doug Rattmann (Portal) vs. Professor Sada/Professor Turo (Pokémon Scarlet & Violet)
Falin Touden (Dungeon Meshi) vs. Mami Tomoe (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Jackie Taylor (Yellowjackets) vs. Shannon Masters (Warrior Nun)
Kasumi Yoshizawa (Persona 5: Royal) vs. Lacie Baskerville (Pandora Hearts)
Shen Jiu/Original Shen Qingqiu (The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System) vs. The Oldest Dream (Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint)
Day 2
Alice (Alice Isn’t Dead) vs. Leelathae/Lilyth (Cursed Princess Club)
Ava Ferin (Just Roll With It: Riptide) vs. Cassandra “Andi” Brand (Glass Onion)
Beatrice Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events) vs. Jordie Rietveld (Six of Crows Duology by Leigh Bardugo)
Dr. Casper Darling (Control) vs. Hinawa (Mother 3)
Godot (Waiting for Godot) vs. Rebecca de Winter (Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier)
Goto’s girlfriend (Samurai Flamenco) vs. Hikaru Indou (The Summer Hikaru Died)
Iphigenia (The Iliad) vs. Laura Palmer (Twin Peaks)
Saki Momose (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid) vs. White Lily Cookie (Cookie Run: Kingdom)
Day 3
August (A3! Act! Addict! Actors!) vs. Himeko Murata (Honkai Impact 3rd)
Avatar Roku (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs. Caleb Wittebane (The Owl House)
Ayano Tateyama (Kagerou Project) vs. Klint van Zieks (The Great Ace Attorney)
Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa 2/V3) vs. The Snail (Zero Escape)
Maes Hughes (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs. Trisha Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Maria Robotnik (Sonic) vs. Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond (Steven Universe)
Maric Theirin (Dragon Age) vs. Zack Fair (Final Fantasy VII)
Martel Yggdrasil (Tales of Symphonia) vs. Sliver of Straw (Rain World)
Day 4
Ai Hoshino (Oshi no Ko) vs. Mari (Omori)
Altan Trengsin (The Poppy War Trilogy by R. F. Kuang) vs. Rose Thorburn Sr. (Pact: Devils and Details, by J. C. McCrae)
Gertrude Robinson (The Magnus Archives) vs. Lup (The Adventure Zone: Balance)
Gregory Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) vs. Jason Todd/Red Hood (Batman)
Joe Tazuna (Your Turn to Die) vs. Ted Kord/Blue Beetle (Booster Gold)
Kite (Hunter x Hunter) vs. Red-Haired Shanks (One Piece)
Mara (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs. Summer Rose (RWBY)
Renju Okiura (AI: The Somnium Files) vs. Tadashi Hamada (Big Hero 6)
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mara-xx217 · 1 year
Dead by Daylight Commission: Party Shenanigans (Albert Wesker x Reader)
Commissioned by @homine I hope you enjoy~ Happy Holidays Everyone!
Warnings: Mild Drug Use, Possessiveness, Slight Force, Brat Taming, Rough In General, Smut
Well, this was a first. The Entity provided weird festive shit all the time, throughout the year. Or… was it through the year? Time was messed up in Her realms, but they went off like clockwork, so everyone, survivor and killer, used it as a means to tell time. A chill had set in the air- well, something colder than usual, that is- frost turned into snow and now all the tacky lights, snowmen and stupid party poppers had begun appearing all over the place. Winter was upon you and, more specifically, Christmas was close at hand. 
You never cared for it. You didn’t dislike it or anything it was just… Ehh… Another holiday? More like just another day, really. Other survivors were buzzed about the holiday, the change in scenery, wondering if they would receive any gifts from each other or the Entity, and some thought something different was afoot. You just shrugged and shoved your hands in the pockets of your jacket in an attempt to stave off the cold from setting into your fingers. 
To your surprise, there was something going on. Something very different that actually managed to peak your interest for once! A party? Here? Okay, okay, Entity… She has your attention, and she would maintain your presence now that you know, for a fact, there will be alcohol and weed there too! How do you know? Well… 
You watch the shitshow that is this little get together from behind the cup of beer you were currently downing. You didn’t know what kind of beer it was, but it was like every single beer you’ve ever drank- not good, not bad, just alcohol which is fine by you. Some of the… others were here and man that pissed your friends off. Killers and survivors have never coexisted before and now wasn’t exactly a great time to start. Especially since there was alcohol and drugs present. 
There was probably a rule against killing or something, you assume. Even killers that don’t know how to behave themselves aren’t engaging in mindless slaughter, though they definitely weren’t happy to do so. Laurie and Michael were having a staring contest, the Wraith was cloaked and bumping into people on purpose, the Trapper was angrily standing away from the crowd and huffing to himself, the Demogorgon was on a table eating food- It’s a mess but it was overall pretty entertaining. A tap on your shoulder nearly made you choke on your drink. 
“Damn, Becky! Don’t do that! I thought you were that creep Ghostie or something!” A joke, mostly. If she was Ghostface, well… she would be covered in barely chilled beer. Rebecca laughed and tugged you along as she said “C’mon!” 
Oh shit- There’s weed?! You wanted to know where it came from but then decided against asking. Don’t look a gift blunt in the mouth or whatever the saying was. Now this was a party! The Entity knew what She was doing. You could respect that. And you sure as shit could respect how perfectly Rebecca rolled your joint! Damn… you need to ask for some pointers… Any nervousness you felt about being here, in a crowd and around killers began to evaporate as the alcohol and weed started to kick it. Nicely buzzed, you don’t really notice the daggers being glared into you and Rebecca, who was sitting beside you on the ground. 
You noticed that your friend became… uncomfortable. Her cues were subtle, but her usual, bubbly self became more quiet and she looked around more frequently. You asked her if she wanted to step outside with you and she agreed. Maybe she needed some fresh air? 
It was cold but not to the extent it was too bad. You needed a jacket to be comfortable but that was how it usually was in the Entity’s realms. Snow was falling and overall it was dead quiet, save for the soft wind and the murmur of the crowd inside. The air was refreshing for you, but Rebecca seemed even more uncomfortable, somehow.
“Rebecca? What’s wrong? Is it not mixing well for you or-?” You wiped off the rail of the little patio… thingy before you rested your elbow on it. She shrugged and picked at her nails awkwardly. 
“I-I think… I might go back in. F-For a bit! You, uh, can do whatever you want…” You quirked a brow but ended up shrugging. She was a big girl and she could do whatever she wanted. You asked again if she was okay but Rebecca flashed her trademark grin and waved off your concern. 
“Yep! I’m f-fine! Just… come find me when you go back in, I guess.” And with that, she threw open the doors and quickly closed them behind her. O-kay… 
The glass was frosted fogged, so you couldn’t see very well back inside. Was someone getting her attention? Rebecca was acting weird but then again… she is weird. You shrugged it off one last time, and went back to looking out over the railing. A whole lot of nothing… Fog, to be exact. You were all just stranded in the void. You already knew that but it was still weird to see it so plainly. Just as you were getting lost in thought, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up and you knew you were being watched. 
Damn, who’s got such a hard on for you today?! Night- whatever! The Wraith? Possible… but Rebecca isn’t bothered by him. Doctor? Nah, same as the first- Wait- Maybe it’s Wesk-
“What do you think you’re doing with the likes of her?”
You aren’t proud to admit it, but he scared the shit out of you! You actually shouted in surprise as you jumped hard enough for you to lose your footing on the slightly slick ground beneath you. Even though you recognized the voice- you would any time, any day- it took you a moment to compose yourself enough to even think of a reply. All that came out was-
“Huh- Uh- Wha-?” Wesker scoffs and folds his arms as he leans his back against the doors inside. He’s blocking your escape. Greeaaat… 
“Rebecca? Really? You would involve yourself with the likes of her?” His tone greatly annoyed you. ‘Likes of her’- Who the hell does he think he is?! Your dad? You roll your eyes and decide to not dignify him with a response. Bad move. He’s the type to hate being ignored. You knew this all too well, so you weren’t surprised when he stood, walked towards you and leaned down so he was nose-to-nose with you as he spoke. 
“You are better than that.” You rolled your eyes. 
This wasn’t the first time he’s shown a weird interest in you. You were pretty sure he had a crush on you. Like… Who goes around saying shit like that? He was a control freak that also refused to acknowledge whatever it was he was feeling, so Wesker opted to make you both miserable, instead. Which was a damn shame, since he wasn’t too hard on the eyes and you certainly had moments where you thought about him using those Uroboros tentacles of his in… other way… 
The corners of your mouth began to twitch upwards. Wesker frowned behind his sunglasses. 
“What? You think I’m joking? Chambers is a no good-” It was too late. Annoyance turned into something weirdly giddy, and now you can’t help but to giggle to yourself. If Becky could see you now… Her old boss is reaming you out because she’s a bad influence… Like you weren’t the one getting her into trouble all the time! You burst out laughing when Wesker recoiled, looking genuinely taken aback and maybe even hurt that you weren’t taking him seriously. You only laugh harder when he starts to shake with anger, and when a familiar, sticky feeling wraps around your torso, your laugh morphs into something completely different. 
“Y-You’re so f-fuckin- MHPH!” A strained moan was squeezed out of you as Wesker nearly picked you up off the ground with his Uroboros. 
Well… that was unexpected. He didn’t let you go, nor did he immediately move to capitalize on the situation. He might have been just as surprised as you were… at least at first. Wesker, of course, quickly regained control of the situation and squeezed you a little tighter. Not enough to hurt, but more than enough to be uncomfortable. Unfortunately for him you were into that shit.
“You are an insufferable brat.” His voice was level but you could feel his Uroboros trembling and kneading against your skin. 
“Always involving yourself with the lowest common denominator… How many times must I admonish you before you understand your actions have consequences?” There was a dark undertone to ‘consequences’ that made your skin crawl pleasantly. 
Wesker clearly had something of an infatuation for you. Something twisted and possessive. He didn’t like to see you share yourself with anyone or anything other than him. You were wondering when he would finally show his hand and take you for his own. Really… you were wondering if you would be the one to make the first move! With Uroboros wrapped firmly around your torso, you knew you’d be getting more or less what you wanted from the very beginning. 
You rub your thighs together and twist in his grasp as your knees collide with the ground. It kinda hurt, but you were quickly distracted by your hair being grabbed and the bridge of your nose was rubbed against his clothed erection. As much as you wanted to reach out and touch him, Wesker had pinned your arms to your sides with the slimy tendrils of Uroboros. Not that you could complain much. It was… well… 
“I have grown impatient with you. I am so incredibly-” He emphasized the pause in his words with the buck of his hips against your face. “-frustrated with your antics and foolish games!” Your face heated up as he struggled with his belt. 
“You will open your mouth- Now!” Wesker cut himself short. Looks like he can’t control himself any longer… You comply, of course, but you can’t help but to see how far over the edge you can push him. 
His cock was pressed against your lips, but you didn’t immediately open your mouth. You parted your lips, but not your teeth. A swift yank to your hair and a growl accompanied by a squeeze to your ribs made you gasp enough for Wesker to shove more than half of his length into your mouth. 
It’s been a while since you last sucked a dick… you’re more than a little rusty but Wesker seemed content with just fucking your mouth, himself. You choked a little when the tip of his member slammed into the back of your throat. Gagging didn’t really seem to bother him all that much. Good. You had the intention to be a tease but it would seem that he had decided to not give you the option to even try. 
Damn… You really pissed him off. Every time he thrusts into your mouth, you gag. The wriggling mass that had enveloped your torso has thinned and spread up and down your body. Pressure was applied to your nipples, as was a familiar kneading motion that you had felt earlier. It inched its way down your abdomen and slipped past the waistband of both your pants and your underwear. Fuck… When you weren’t recoiling from having your gag reflex triggered, you peered behind him, towards the foggy glass door. 
All it would take would be for someone to simply walk past that door or for them to hang out around it and you would be found in such a compromising position. It wasn’t like you wanted that to happen, of course! …but you couldn’t exactly lie and say it didn’t turn you on immensely. The Uroboros stopped just short of your pubic area, low enough to make you cringe and twitch but not low enough for you to really feel anything. And he said that you were the tease? What an asshole… 
Wesker growls as your teeth grazes against his shaft. Your jaw burns and strains from being forced open so wide for so long. You know better than to try and pull away or to bite down. Not that you would do either on purpose. Or that Wesker would allow you to do either regardless of the reason behind it. Tears stream down your face and you gag as he grabs the back of your head and buries your nose into his pubic bone. 
“I-If you even DARE t-to-!” He can’t even finish his sentence before he groans. His cock twitches in your mouth and your eyes roll skywards.
Oh FUCK it’s so deep-! FUCK- You squirm and kick as you choke on dick and your own saliva. Again, you’re barely able to take a single breath in before he’s pounding into your mouth again. In. Out. In. Out. In- You choke and it starts over again. It hit a point to where you could stand it. That or you were about to pass out. Either way, when he finally yanks you off his cock by your hair you cough and splutter, relieved to finally be able to breathe and close your mouth. 
If you thought he would allow you to catch your breath, you thought wrong. What little breath you inhaled was quickly knocked out of you as the railing behind you collided with your mid-back. It hurt like hell but you didn’t have time to really concentrate on anything other than the cold blade that nicked your inner thigh. Wesker, while using Uroboros to hold you in place and off the ground, has unsheathed his knife and used it to cut a line through both your pants and your boxers. You hiss and flinched as you felt the sting of the topmost layer of your skin being sliced open. 
Some blood was likely beading on the thin line that ran along the length of your inner thigh. You weren’t able to move much, given the Uroboros held you at an awkward angle. You blushed and whimpered a little as a gloved hand grabbed the inside of the tear in your clothing and tore the crotch of your pants and underwear open wide. J-Jesus CHRIST-! Your body trembled and you clench at nothing as he likely stares at how aroused you already were. 
Oh, you were wet. You could feel the cold in the air clinging to you, as you could feel the slickness against the very gloved hand that tore your pants open as it rubbed up and down the length of your sex. Oh God- Oh FUCK- Two fingers in with no build up. It’s been- It doesn’t matter how long it’s been, you’re so wet it doesn’t even matter. And you guess that Wesker has become totally impatient, since just as you were starting to moan and roll your hips against his fingers, he pulled them away. Before you could whine in protest, you heard the clanking of his belt and the unzipping of his pants. 
“You’ll take me rather nicely now, won’t you?” Oh… fuck yes you will… You can’t vocalize it exactly, but you moan as you feel him press and rub the head of his member against your entrance. 
You’re thankful he didn’t make you beg or wait for it too much, since you couldn’t really do either. You squeaked and kicked your legs out when he pushed into you, not stopping until his hips were flush with yours. Fuck… it was uncomfortable to have it in all at once but damn if you didn’t moan and whine when he started to pull out. 
Wesker had in mind to make you beg for him, but seeing as you were already so ready for him, how could he resist immediately taking advantage of the situation. Going slow? Out of the question. He didn’t wait for you to adjust before he grabbed your hips and started fucking you and damn if you didn’t take him in perfectly… 
You had been such a fucking tease… Since the first time he saw you in a trial, you were a brat among brats. A pain in the ass that always caught his attention and distracted him from his work and other priority targets. You wanted his attention? You got it. And you even had the audacity to ignore him after acquiring it! If you think you were just going to walk away from him after all that you have another thing coming! 
Wesker’s earlier attempts to belittle you and humiliate you swiftly turned into praises of how fucking good you felt around him. How tightly you squeezed him, how warm you were, how wet and soft you were and how damn good you took him inside of you… It made your toes curl every time his hips snapped against yours. 
Things were stretched and rubbed inside of you that you had nearly forgotten existed in the first place. Between his pace, the Uroboros still massaging your chest and the quite real possibility that someone would actually find you being fucked by a killer- FUCK! You didn’t try to stop yourself from crying out or squeezing down onto him. It felt too good! And even if you were caught- 
Eh… okay, maybe it would be better to not think about that right now. 
It wasn’t like you could really think with how hard he was fucking you. Your cries of pleasure were quite literally being knocked out of you. The tension inside of your core was on the precipice of snapping at any moment, all you needed was a little push- 
Wesker throbbed inside of you as he pulled you down further onto his cock. Hot, wet warmth gushed inside of you and it was exactly what you needed to be pushed over the edge into your own climax. You were so fucking buzzed it wasn’t even funny. Someone could walk out right then and there and you wouldn’t give a single fuck. You clench around him and Wesker was posed to start again when he suddenly says.
“Do you mind, Chambers?” You furrow your brows. Wha-?
A door hastily closes. Loudly. Your face heats up.
“Oh shi-” 
That’s a problem for future you to deal with. 
@prettycutebunny, @infinitewhore, @kennbb, @slutwithadegree, @dead-bxxxtch-walking, @space-arsonist, @pink-soft-shadow, @sinlessdesire, @hoemine
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chenziee · 6 months
World Economic Journal: Grand Line Edition
Dressrosa Destroyed, Doflamingo Dethroned!!
DRESSROSA, New World | by @/truffyfest
It has been ten years since the infamous Warlord of the Sea Donquixote Doflamingo stepped up as the king of the country of Dressrosa. At the time, it had seemed as if he had saved the country from the tyranny of King Riku Doldo, who had gone mad as he set his own, peaceful country on fire, as well as hurting innocent citizens.
To no one’s surprise—if you have been following President Morgans’ articles and commentaries—nothing was as it seemed!
Just yesterday, the world was shocked by Doflamingo’s sudden abdication and then renouncement of it (“False report my ass! The Government is covering something up, I know it!” President Morgans famously said,) and now, the man himself is in Admiral Fujitora’s custody and waiting to be taken to Impel Down.
So what exactly happened within the past 24 hours?
If you have read yesterday’s issue (and we are sure you have!), you no doubt know about the new alliance between Straw Hat Luffy and Trafalgar Law. Well, now we know what the purpose of their alliance was!
Indeed, it was these two high-profile pirates who had caused the coup in Dressrosa and dethroned its king, bringing king Riku to power once more—as well as uncovering the conspiracy that had been brewing underneath Dressrosa’s brilliant appearance for the past ten years, and destroying most of the country as the result.
Does that make them villains? Or heroes?
We have asked the Dressrosans themselves to bring you their opinions!
The first people we interviewed looked conflicted, obviously still shaken from the sudden chain of events that had turned their lives upside down. “Well, at first I was pi**ed because if they didn’t come, we would keep living in peace! But, well… I guess not being ruled by a pirate is a good thing…” one of the men said before turning to his friend, who looked even more conflicted—dare we say, on the verge of a mental breakdown. “I mean, yeah it’s great we’re not unknowingly under tyranny but you know what I found out three hours ago after I just married my girlfriend last week? I was already married! And my first wife is now threatening to stab my second wife, who obviously isn’t about to sit back and take it, so now I have two wives who are out to kill each other and I might just have to move to another country just to get away from all this.”
(Dear Dressrosans, if you are facing a similar situation, let us recommend the South Blue! It’s a gorgeous sea with wonderful weather, all but asking for a day spent basking in the Sun on the beach! And if lazing about is not your thing, South Blue also has many historical and modern sights to behold! - sponsored by South Blue Tourism Association)
Next, we moved to one of the last remaining intact houses, where we asked the lucky owner about her own impressions. She was much more decisive in her statement, saying, “I’ve been a toy for the past seven years, I owe them everything! They’re Dressrosa’s greatest heroes!” How touching!
Unfortunately, we then made our way to the island’s outskirts, where not a single building was left standing. There, we made the mistake of approaching one of the unfortunate inhabitants, who angrily snapped at us, “My f**king house and everything in it was completely destroyed, what the f**k do you think?!”
Quickly leaving the outer towns, we headed back towards the Flower Hill—the new King’s Plateau—where we got a few very interesting answers!
“Alliance? You mean they’re not dating? I thought—” a young girl said to the enthusiastic agreement of her friends.
“I know! I saw the Warlord picking some sunflowers… I heard from Rebe— Lady Rebecca that Lucy is still recovering so I thought for sure those were for him…” One of her friends hurried with her own observations.
“You know,” a boy added in a hushed whisper. “I sneaked around the house where they’re staying earlier today to take a peak and the Warlord was sitting on Lucy’s bed, touching him all over!! And the green-haired swordsman just watched, it was super weird!”
What scandalous information! But as we all know, despite being a pirate, Trafalgar Law is also a skilled doctor and Straw Hat Luffy is seriously injured right now. So, was he simply performing a check up? Or letting his curious hands wander by themselves? Or something else?
Are there romantic feelings truly involved?! We will keep our ears to the ground and provide you with the newest, best sourced information on this blossoming couple on the pages of this World Economic Journal . 
Don’t miss anything in the next issue!
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cerenemuxse · 3 months
So i finally watched BWBA (Season 24)
My very useless review of BWBA Season 24
Please make your own opinions. Don't be like me (way before this) and base yours off of everyone's else. That's why I put useless, because it is if you hadn't made your own.
Surprisingly, this season was in plain sight, as well as other T&F seasons.
Emily's Best Friend
I hated it. I still hate. Sorry, but the 2-12 interaction could not save it. I still love that moment though. To me, Emily is OOC.
Thomas' Fuzzy Friend
Wholesome filler episode with a ref to Thomas the Babysitter, which is one of my all-time favorites. I love it.
The Great Little Engine Show
Eh- i like the mention of the model engines. Don't have anything against it but it doesn't stick out. .3.
Thomas and the Forest Engines
I like it. :D I like the storyline about why certain engines are allocated to certain places.
Emily to the Rescue
Peak Emily moment. I love it but why did it take so long for her to get her number??? 😭 Oh, well. I still love it.
I love that bring out her caring aspect. It's like her intro episode. (I finally watched it and MAN, i wish I got that Emily growing up 😭 she just came off as a bossy big sister /neg)
Shankar's Makeover
Shankar's like me. /srs I like this episode for addressing situations like this. Stage fright, not wanting attention, and being someone who keeps to themself. Nice episode.
Nia and the Unfriendly Elephant
The references are nice. I love Nia's love for animals and her assignment to the park. Before, her job wasn't permanent. Also, Belle is here. I love her. I love them. I like it. :]
Until I watch all of Nia's episodes, I won't be commenting on how she supposedly repeats learning things from Kenya all the damn time.
However, I do have a problem with the argument being made. It feels like it dimisses that different cultures interact like this most of the time, bringing up the ways they handle certain situations. From my expierence, i hear where these differences come from all the time, even if I know the person well enough.
I just don't see the problem with Nia bringing up how things different are between her old home and Sodor. It feels relatable, despite the fact that I'm Hispanic (Mexican), and it makes sense.
James the Super Engine
I ADORE THIS EPISODE. I've talked about it before but in short, I love how James is portrayed. Could've EASILY written him as a hero who gave up and didn't bother checking up on Rebecca when she yelled for help. But no, they went the right way. James IS caring but considering the environment he's had to work in for so many years, you can see why he doesn't show it. But here, HE DOES.
And when he realizes that Rebecca is in trouble? Its his normal voice, whereas before, it was his superhero voice.
My honest reaction whenever i watch it:
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Thomas' Not-So-Lucky Day
Eh- I think the lesson is pretty good about getting those good things by thinking positively and working towards them instead of letting luck be the decision maker.
Ace's Brave Jump
I dont care.
Nia's Bright Idea
W Nia for being resourceful and bringing things together. I like it.
Cleo's First Snow
I like it.
Sonny's Second Chance
I like it.
Thomas and the Inventor's Workshop
I dont care for Ruth but I like it. Its decent.
The Inventor's Bridge
That bridge is going to fall over but there's probably physics that I don't understand that makes it make sense. At the end though, i could care less.
Yong Bao and the Tiger
I've seen it before.
I initially didn't like it due to the dynamics of the story. Like why is a massive engine like Yong Bao shunting in the yard?
However, i like it more now. I can dismiss the dynamic.
Gordon and Rebecca, Coming Through!
I've talked about it before. Its confusing, especially with its placement. Would've worked better as the episode following 'Confusion Without Delay".
Despite this, i like their dynamic.
Gordon's behavior is tiresome. I usually ignore it but i've seen enough of CGI TTTE that im getting sick and tired out of it. I've heard that his character growth was forgotten but i havent seen enough to have a say.
Kenji on the Rails
Mixed feelings on this one because Hiro's leaving. :( Stop writing off my favorite characters.
In my second, I noticed Hiro's "konnichiwa" and got thrown off completely. Odd how they're JUST now bringing out Hiro's first language. I don't remember seeing this brought out before BWBA.
Not really a review because of that. I'm sour about it.
Cleo the Road Engine
Ah, the intro episode. I thought it was in season 23. Its just Thomas and Bertie rewritten but Cleo is avoiding her jobs. No, it somehow didn't destroy my liking to her.
Thomas' Animal Friends
I think its cute but Thomas would've straight up ignored Gordon.
Overall impression: Not as shitty as its made to be. It has its good moments and bad moments.
I'm so glad that I wasn't bombarded with fantasy sequences with this one. Those are just plain ridiculous, for the most part. In some episodes, it fits like James the Super Engine and Thomas' Animal Friends. The one in Emily's Best Friend made me cringe but I enjoyed it because its Edwad and Emily.
Listen, I'm desperate for 2-12 content, man, and I've been ignoring model era for a good while because I just dont want to.
Uh, that's it.
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muse-write · 11 months
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
There are so many fic concepts in my notes, it’s almost overwhelming. I may be able to find ways of incorporating elements of them into larger stories somehow, hopefully, but I’ll list out a few ideas here.
First: back when I was really into the Scarlet Pimpernel and Georgette Heyer, I came up with the seemingly brilliant idea of: Feanorian family drama but as a Georgian-era comedy of manners. I wrote a few scenes for fun but it wasn’t something I was seriously working on and I can’t see myself actually writing multiple chapters of it, so I’ll post some bullet points from the brainstorming:
Sons of an English Duke, Feanor and Fingolfin get into a duel at a party, enmity sparked by the machinations of Morgoth; afterward, Feanor and his sons retreat to France for years afterward.
Elrond and Elros were actually going to be refugees of the French Revolution—I couldn’t quite figure out how to include the oath or kinslayings
Morgoth haunts the narrative, inticing Maedhros into returning to England and getting involved in yet another duel, in which he’s disfigured. His estranged cousin Fingon takes him in and looks after him as he heals.
It was fun, if not very well thought through!
Another really fun AU that I kind of want to return to one day is my Gothic Romance/Rebecca-inspired Nerdanel and Feanor retelling. Set in the early 1900s, Nerdanel marries the haunted genius inventor Feanor, but upon moving to his lonely mansion, learns that his house really is haunted by the ghosts of his mother and Morgoth, whose role (a demon? A ghost? A former enemy?) was never quite decided. Nerdanel teams up with Feanor’s brothers, who work as paranormal investigators, to find a way of saving her husband as he descends further into hubris and insanity.
Nerdanel’s story would be paralleled with Indis’, who decades earlier came to live in the same house with her widowed husband, Finwe—whose late wife she could swear she hears laughing in the hallways and in empty rooms—and his glowering, brilliant child, who hates the very sight of his new stepmother.
I had only vague plans for this one; really all of my ideas were more about atmosphere and the vibes and inspos (Rebecca, Crimson Peak, etc.). It’s still something I can see potential in if I could ever figure out the themes.
Thank you for asking! This was so much fun!
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monsoonxskies · 1 year
Please please tell me more about this werewolf au! I love renfield and werewolf. I want to know what will happen if you put them together.
I’m so glad you asked! And I hope you’re ready for a MAJOR infodump here~
This is going to be a pretty lengthy post, so I’m going to do a full rundown of the backstory and such under the cut! There are some spoilers for the Dracula novel intermixed in there, so fair warning there if you haven’t read that. Also some Renfield 2023 spoilers towards the end. I’m assuming most people interacting with this have seen it, but it’s still worth warning for.
This AU primarily plays off of the Renfield movie and a little bit of the 1931 Dracula and the original novel itself. Ren still takes on the role of the real estate agent going to make a deal with Dracula. However, instead of just becoming Drac’s familiar (like in the Renfield movie), he gets turned into a werewolf. However, he doesn’t know this right off the bat.
Fast forward a bit, and Ren has been in the asylum for quite some time. Again, no sign of being a werewolf up to this point. But he’s pretty mentally deteriorated. When he would have died in the novel, he instead transforms for the very first time. This introduces an important plot point: His transformations are often controlled by Dracula. In this case, Drac knew he was in some deep shit with everyone on their way to kill him, and so he forced Ren to come to his rescue. And without much of a choice in the matter, Renfield has to comply.
After a killing spree in the asylum, he comes across Mina Harker. The one person who treated him as a human being through his madness. Something about that fear in her eyes, yet that unmistakable bravery as she locked gazes with him, snapped him out of all that terrifying rage he had. (To clarify here, everyone was kinda stationed at the asylum in the book. Hence why Mina is here to begin with.)
But, in that moment of vulnerability, he hears a click of a gun. None other than Quincy Morris is staring down the barrel of a rifle, not seeing Ren as human but rather one of the enemy- A wolf was akin to Dracula, and thus Quincy saw Ren as a threat. Renfield gets past Quincy, but not before taking a shot to the ear. This never healed and he still has a hole near the tip of his right ear, even in human form.
He escapes the asylum. He saves Dracula. They do their whole song and dance between these events and the events of the 2023 movie.
Modern Day:
Renfield has chilled out over the years. His arrangement with Dracula is merely a job. He’s grown a bit bitter over time. What’s the fun of being a werewolf if it’s just an infinite game of fetch?
The only saving grace he has is the time around a full moon. You see, Dracula’s control directly relates to the phases of the moon. A full moon is a werewolf’s time, and thus Ren has time to be free. To be himself. To run free, enjoying the perks of being a werewolf. He truly does enjoy it! He just hates the stupid fetch game Dracula is constantly forcing him to play. All it does is put the blood of innocent people on his hands and leave him with more shredded clothes.
As you can probably guess, the time around a new moon is when Drac’s influence over Ren is at its peak. If Dracula wants something, he’s going to get it, and Renfield does not get a say in it. In many cases, he’s still fully aware when this happens. So he’s been forced to do some horrible things with no way of stopping himself.
Eventually, he finds the therapy group. And everything is going great. He meets Rebecca in the restaurant scene, just like in the movie (no, he doesn’t wolf out here because I think it’s better to save that for a later discovery). He starts taking care of himself more. He figures out that oversized sweaters are great for having something to wear in werewolf form. He figures out just how much life he’s been missing. He has hope for the first time in years.
But the full moon slowly wanes away. Dracula’s demands start coming through again. At first, he tries to ignore it. But the closer it gets to the new moon, the worse things get. And things start looking darker than they’ve ever looked before.
What about the bugs?
Yes! Well, he still does get a bit of power from their life force, but! It’s not just bugs he can gain power from! Pretty much anything that isn’t human will give him power, and the larger it is, the more power he gets. However, given that it has to be alive for him to get anything out of it, he doesn’t like consuming anything much larger than a rat or bird.
Notably, during the night, eating enough bugs or whatnot can give him a power surge needed to change forms. It’s oftentimes how he manages to do such on short notice, when he can’t take the time to mentally prepare himself for it. I love Renfield, but I’m sorry, he doesn’t escape the pain of shifting forms. Nobody does. That’s a rule across the board for many of my AUs haha- On that note, he also can’t transform during the day.
I think that’s a good starting point! I’ve got a lot of random fun facts and other random ideas for differences in scenes that were in the movie, but I think this is enough information for the time being! Feel free to ask more if you’d like! I’m thrilled that I received this ask, and it was a wonderful thing to wake up to!
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breesays · 1 year
Move - or be moved
Movement - that's the precursor to writing now. Sometimes running, sometimes walking, sometimes hiking. No music, just breath. And thoughts, so many thoughts.  Flowers, wind, sweat. It's a warm up. A lot of ideas pop up when there's no tools to jot them down - that's fine, this is warm up for ALL your muscles, brain included. Do something with that nervous energy buzzing inside of you. Let it leak out. Heat it up and melt it. 
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Do I write about Desmond turning 4?
Do I write about feeling like I've lived a thousand lives?
Do I write about a Ted Lasso episode that made me wonder if not coming out to certain people hurt their feelings?
Do I write about just how wonderful and thoughtful Ted Lasso episodes make me feel?
Do I write about how I can't exist at a party without "helping"?
Do I write about how Pride month feels for the most invisible orientation?
Do I write about what incredible emotional support animals my cats are?
Do I write about the prospect of soon having both an amazing intern and a friend as a full-time writer? (No, don't jinx it)
Do I write about my travel anxiety?
Do I write about my bestie band retiring the year I got married and re-emerging the year I'm getting divorced?
Do I write about how mostly I don't want to be a boss, but if I could be a Rebecca Welton boss, OK?
Do I write about how friends save you, and they don't know they save you, in the tiniest but most important ways?
Do I write about how so many people lie about liking hiking, but I really, really do?
Do I write about how nostalgia is important?
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I went to a Superhero birthday party today - and gave and received more hugs than I had anticipated. It was actually nice. The day before I spent the day hiking with two friends, lugging a cake up (and down) a mountain with an insufficient backpack. I hope the birthday girl remembers it for being weird but awesome. I love a creative challenge. I also feel like, as moms, our birthdays get diminished. Shrunk. I was a HUGE birthday person before Desmond was born - granted, the pandemi had some effect on this as well.  The last good one I had before he was born was a pajama brunch. It was still not up to par. I didn't have the energy or resources post-partum to throw a themed party more than once a year. One year I went to a comedy show with a friend. One year my book club took me out. Last year my best friend took me to the movies. My mother hikers asked, what peak should we get on your birthday?
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itsjustcargo · 11 months
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Character Info —
Name: Sgt. Max Greyson
Age: Mid 30's to early 40's
Family: Dorothy Holland (mother, deceased), John Greyson (father, deceased), Anthony Greyson (twin-brother, deceased), Sarah Holland (step-sister, deceased)
Relationships: Rebecca Campbell (ex-girlfriend, unknown)
Occupation pre-apocalypse: Construction worker
Characteristics, skills, and Personalities: Hot-headed, practical, trustworthy, reliable, adaptable, values freedom, risk-taker, confident, hard-headed, and hard to love but easy to hate, calm, smart, takes the rational approach to life, dependable, more of a follower than a leader, experienced in military tactics and strategies, hunting
Bio —
Max Greyson was born and raised in Dallas, Texas to Dorothy Holland and John Greyson. His mother was a Registered Nurse, father served in the military and was killed in combat. All family members are to be presumed deceased at the start of the outbreak.
Pre-apocalypse, Max Greyson was a construction worker and served two tours in Afghanistan soon earning the title of Sergeant. At the peak of the outbreak, Max Greyson was stationed in Atlanta in attempts to contain the spread of the virus. The military chain of command failed military units and were forced to kill those who weren't infected and burn down cities and towns. Max and among others in his unit, abandoned their posts after being overrun and went rogue.
He and his unit fled to the outskirts of Atlanta in hopes to finding a boat to get to the coast. During this time, his unit encountered a horde of the dead (aka: walkers), leaving Max to be the last known survivor. Max traveled on foot to find shelter wherever he could. As years passed, he had encountered groups and communities, none of which lasted and had fallen.
A few days after the fall of the last community he was with, he was fighting against the dead when strangers in black military like suites aided to help kill off the walkers. He was later then captured and held against his will as they transported him via chopper to their base. It was unknown of his whereabouts until he was further questioned and detained. Given that he had skills in military tactics and strategies, he was given the opportunity to become a member of their group.
They called themselves the Civic Republic Military which consisted of military and police force operatives. He was placed on guard to keep eyes on a newcomer and current prisoner named Rick Grimes. Max and Rick had soon developed a friendship which led Max to be convinced of aiding Rick to escape with him. Max became familiarized with breaks that each guard took at their posts guarding the walls. The community was greatly fortified. Nobody got in and nobody got out.
Max was able to convince one of the guards to allow he and Rick outside the walls. The two were able to steal cargo and supplies as well as a truck after Max killed one of the guards. The body was soon found but neither were Max or Rick. Soon, CRM would be hunting them down which meant the two had to flee and keep going.
Rick had told Max that he was a leader of a community called Alexandria based in Virginia. It was assumed that Rick had died after the explosion of the bridge to help save the communities from the horde making its way through. Rick promised Max salvation in Alexandria in exchange for his skills and tactics for a new life.
Alexandria —
Once Max approached the gates of Alexandria, he parked the truck further away. Exiting the truck, hands raised with holster in one hand to show that he was no threat, he was immediately approached by both Michonne, Gabriel, and Aaron. He was questioned as to why he was there and how he found the community. A hesitant expression swept across his face before he finally spoke, "I have something for you."
Once Max gave the signal for Rick to come out, the leader appears from the back of the truck. What was once a tragedy was now a miracle that their leader was alive and the communities could now join forces again.
Max was given duties especially those of becoming the team lead of supply runs, wildcatter for trade (bullet maker), and gunsmith. He also assisted with helping rebuild Alexandria since he had experience in construction. Max would soon become a valuable member of the group, leading their way of a hopeful future for all.
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coldshrugs · 3 years
vacation, had to get away
featuring: rook and rebecca greene + baby alma word count: 2k note: a @wayhavensummer entry for the 7/11 prompt vacation. warnings for suspense/dark tones and imagery/the feeling of being watched. this isn't what i usually write, but it was a lot of fun!
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When Rebecca tells Rook she doesn't want to go on this vacation, she doesn't tell him why. The car is mostly packed. The beachfront hotel has been booked for months. They bought the baby a swimsuit, for god's sake.
No, she doesn't tell him why. It isn't tangible enough to be convincing.
"Let's call it off. There are so many things I could get done at work this week."
"Becks, I say this with love: you're a workaholic. We're going to the beach for the week." He punctuates it with a kiss. Rebecca doesn't miss the unmarked beige envelope Rook slips into one of the last minute bags; she's not the only one with work in mind.
The following morning, they pile into the car with a few more duffles and that horribly itchy feeling on the back of Rebecca's neck.
She asks Rook to wait while she double (triple) checks the front door is locked. Of course it is.
The itch lingers as they pull out of the driveway. It sticks with her all the way to the edge of town.
"Tell me something I don't know about you," she beams once they're on the highway, once she can breathe.
Bare feet on the dashboard and sunglasses covering her eyes. The sun hasn't even peaked, but it's scorching already. They roll the windows down, and her hair, free from the usual oppressive bun, whips around her face. She feels like Becks for once. Not Rebecca.
"You know everything about me, B."
"C'mon, there's gotta be something." Her mind spins to the envelope in his bag. "One single thing."
"Okay," Rook begins. Full lips part into a hypnotic smile as he chews on the story. "I had a friend in college, Zack, that taught this contemporary dance class a couple weekends each month. It was a few extra bucks in his pocket and he got a couple dates out of it; a pretty sweet gig, right? One weekend he overdid it the night before his class. He shows up at my dorm, looking like death and practically begging me—" his voice rises— "'Otis, please man. I can't lose this job, can you just go down to the rec center and sub for me?'"
"You?" Rebecca recoils, silent laughter shaking her shoulders. "You can't dance to save your life."
"I know this. You know this. Zack should've known this, but apparently he didn't."
"What did you do?"
"I went down to the rec center, put on some Grandmaster Flash, and did the worst interpretive dance you can imagine."
Rebecca shoves the sunglasses into her hair, helplessly wiping at the tears running down her cheeks.
"Zack still owes me," Rook sighs. "Wonder what he's up to now."
Rebecca forgets, for a moment, the nagging in her gut that tells her this is a terrible idea. This is what they need; a week away from Wayhaven, from the Agency, from whatever is... watching.
A week to be normal.
Yeah, this is good.
They stop for gas about halfway to the coast. Rook fills the tank, while Rebecca throws Alma on her hip and heads into the store.
She and the baby jabber back and forth about snacks, and she holds up packages of fruit gummies and crackers for Alma to choose with tiny hands. It's then that her stomach lurches. The unwelcome fingers of dread, cold and sick, squirm against her scalp. She drops both packages, almost drops Alma too. The doorbell chimes, and her grip tightens around her daughter as she turns toward the entrance.
It's only Rook.
And a man in the corner.
She didn't notice him before. He wears a dark suit, and his face is like a knife, and he rushes toward Rook. His sharp features are unsettling even in his haste. He knocks against Rook's shoulder with a rough thud. Rook, transfixed by the sudden touch, watches the man leave. As soon as he's out of the store, the knot of Rebecca's anxiety untangles.
"Rook?" She calls across the store. He doesn't budge. She picks up the small mess she made and calls for him again. "Rook."
Only when she touches his arm does he snap out of the trance with a heaving gasp. And then... he's back to normal.
"What are we munching?"
"What the hell was that, Rook? Do you know that guy?" Her voice is a harsh whisper as she tries to keep Alma from hearing her fear.
His gaze pans slowly, vacantly, from the door to Rebecca. "What guy?"
Like a thick, dry pill, apprehension sits heavy in her throat. She swallows it, along with her growing list of questions. She pays for their snacks and leads Rook outside. Every muscle in her body is tense, prepared for a fight until they're in the car again.
--- ☀ --- ☀ --- ☀ --- ☀ --- ☀ ---
The week rips past them like a tornado through a small town. Their hotel room (a ground floor double-bed setup complete with the usual washed out pastel textiles and white wicker furniture) looks the part. Alma's scattered collection of shells too beautiful to part with, tacky airbrushed t-shirts draped over the chairs, and a healthy sprinkling of sand being ground into the carpet are evidence of that.
They spend the days exploring the aquarium, strolling the worn and salty boardwalk for unusual shops, dipping into local eateries for fresh seafood. Every other moment is spent on the beach; building sandcastles or running into waves with the baby between them and swinging her up at the last second. Salt spray in her bouncing mass of curls and her squealing laugh stolen by the wind.
Between the clutter and sightseeing, even under the blazing coastal sun, there's always something dark shifting just at the edge of Rebecca's vision. Faint shadows twisting out of view at the last second. The wound-wet itch of unease prickling her skin.
Someone is watching—of that, she's certain.
And then there's the envelope.
Rook's made an excuse or two to be alone. Just running out to grab more sunscreen, or picking up takeout because Alma's too fussy for a restaurant tonight. Innocuous things, but each time he goes, the envelope seems to follow.
Rebecca is sure it holds an answer, or at least a lead.
On the last night of their vacation, he leaves again. But this time, it's a trip for ice-cream with Alma in tow.
Rebecca watches them through the blinds, and once she's sure they're not turning back, she goes for his luggage.
It's not well-hidden. It's nestled under his dirty clothes, sealed with twisted thread that takes a few seconds to unwind. God, he's so unorganized, and for once she's thankful for it.
Carefully, she empties the contents onto the bed: hastily folded, handwritten notes; a few polaroids; and Agency documents? The documents are completely uncensored, not one black bar, not a single covered word. That tells Rebecca everything she needs to know—whatever Rook's doing, it's beyond either of their clearance levels. This is dangerous.
That knowledge only nudges her curiosity over the edge. She skims over the pages, drinking in the information as quickly as possible. ...modern supernaturals seek reparations... inhumane treatment... would lose valuable specimens... Agency officials refuse to negotiate.
His notes list locations all over the east coast, some underlined, including the beach they're visiting. The photos show imprisoned supernaturals, each noxious gas cloud above them and their faces distorted in silent, exhausted screams. She recognizes some of them, though she's never been allowed to view them outside a transport situation.
But what's he doing with this? How on earth did he get all this?
A pounding knock shakes the door. Rebecca, torn away from this unplanned investigation, loses hold of the papers in her hands. They flutter to the floor.
"Shit, shit, shit." She scrambles to collect the documents and put them in order.
The knock booms through the room again, more impatiently this time.
Rebecca stalks to the door, dipping into her handbag for the Agency-standard volt gun as she goes. No one's there when she presses her eye to the peephole, but a third thunderous knock sends her stumbling backward with a choked scream.
"Agent Rebecca Greene." The voice is icy, hollow, and this isn't a question. They know her. "I would like to speak with you. Now."
The words are more instruction than threat. Rebecca expects any inaction on her part to change that, so she scampers to the door and twists it open.
It's him.
The man from the gas station. She knew it would be, but knowing and seeing—feeling, because every cell in her body tells her that being so close to this man... this creature... is unsafe—are very different things.
His skin (pale, and tight, and plastic-smooth) lacks definition, as if he's bloodless, and his blue irises are just a little too small, mouth a little too wide. He doesn't look real, and she's grateful the shadow of his hat obscures some of his face.
It doesn't hide the jagged line of his pointed teeth when he speaks though.
"That's better. May I come in?"
Against her instinct, she steps aside to let him pass. Careful not to touch her, he strolls across the room as if he's been here before. She wonders if he has, while they've been out.
His eyes fall to the half-opened envelope.
"What do you want?" Rebecca backs up until her legs bump against the bed.
He sucks in a breath and looks toward the ceiling. "I want to know why your husband is meddling . I want to know why he is watching a Watcher, badly. And—" he points to the documents Rook seems to keep with him at all times— "I have been waiting for this."
Without saying another word, he picks them up and starts reading.
Rebecca's presence is inconsequential. She waits in silence, the volt gun half raised. She tries to keep an eye out for sudden movements from the Watcher (and what the hell is a Watcher? Her mind swings through random bits of mythology and something between angel-but-not and urban legend seems to stick), but it's tough to look at him.
Finally, he exhales and, in a whisper Rebecca is sure isn't meant for her, says, "Friend and not foe, then." Louder, to her this time, "You read this. You witnessed."
"Y-yes," she croaks.
"And what did you make of it? What do you think?" His voice is cold, even, judging.
She doesn't know how to answer. A couple minutes is hardly enough time to sort out the ethics of this situation, much less her own standing. She's done no research, but she's never had reason to doubt the Agency. The only truth she knows right now is this man feels like death walking.
"I don't know what to think. I need to speak to my husband. If he's in trouble, I can help. The Agency can help—"
"If you so readily walk the line between advocate and adversary after witnessing an injustice, then you have made a decision, Rebecca. We cannot use you."
He pulls a pen from his pocket and gives it a sharp click (the movement and sound almost make her pull the trigger of her volt gun, almost) and scribbles something on the back of Rook's notes. Then, he neatly returns the contents to the envelope and tucks everything back into the luggage.
He turns to Rebecca, and his mouth, his smile is wide enough that the corners of her own throb. Phantom cracks that make her wince. Impossibly sharp. "I mean you no harm, and you will not remember."
In a blurred rush, he squeezes her shoulder. Her knees buckle as the door slams.
--- ☀ --- ☀ --- ☀ --- ☀ --- ☀ ---
"Becks? Hey. Hey, Rebecca, are you okay?"
It's Rook. An echo of him, anyway.
His voice is caught between the song she's humming and another unnamed voice that floods her mind like ice water. She doesn't want to touch that, so she focuses on the song.
And on Rook's warmth.
Dappled morning light across his rich brown skin. Rook softly snoring, softly singing, softly whispering the ways he loves her. She could stretch those small undeserved moments into infinity, the ones in which Rook smooths the roughest of her edges, turns her in his hands and makes her soft too.
He is the quiet thrill of crawling into already warm blankets, the taste of strawberry pie, the sun and the wind on her skin on a long car ride.
He is endless joy, and he is hers.
Then the warmth is a real pressure against her cheek.
Her eyes are already open but she sees him, both of them, for what feels like the first time. Rook, chaotically charming even through a cloud of worry. Alma, plump and curious, their brightest star.
"How was the ice-cream? Did you guys bring one back for me?" She leans up for a kiss.
Rook meets her lips, brows knitting in confusion. "You okay? You were really zoned-out for a second—and why is the volt gun out?"
She shakes her head. Not a thing in the world could be wrong. They're on their first family vacation. It's been a wonderful trip.
She doesn't understand why he looks so concerned.
"I'm not sure," Rebecca smiles, "but this vacation was exactly what we needed."
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mercurysstars · 3 years
All That Glitters Is Not Gold (part 3)
Summary: Y/n gets hired to be the avengers chief physician and also happens to be an ex assassin.
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: blood
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𝘛𝘰𝘰 𝘴𝘩𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘢𝘺,
𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺.
Peter nods his head along to the beats of his music. He moves his hands around pretending to play the air drums. The ding of the elevator signals him to get off. He pulls out his headphones and stuffs them in his pocket. The moment his headphones are off he hears two muffled voices.
"Tony you know why I can't, we've gone over this." A feminine-sounding voice said.
"It's doesn't make sense! You're the best combat fighter I know!" A voice that sounded like Tony's exclaimed.
That sparked Peter's interest, he tiptoed closer to the med bay trying to stay quiet. He peaked only his head into the room. He watched as Tony and some girl argue.
"If you won't join will you at least move in? I just want to know that you're safe and I can't do that when you're in Hell's Kitchen." Tony pinches the bridge of his nose.
"I'll think about it." The woman says as she organized papers on the desk in front of her.
Peter clears his throat and walks into the room. Tony and the woman both looked at him and she smiled.
"Hey, Mr. Stark you asked me to come?." Peter stammers nervously.
"Oh yeah come here kid, Peter this is Y/n our new doctor, Y/n this is Peter Parker." Tony introduced them.
Y/n stands up and straightens out her pants. She walked over to Peter "Nice to meet you, Mr. Parker." She gives a friendly smile.
"It's nice to meet you too Dr. Y/n."
Peter wiped his hand on his shirt and stuck it out, Y/n grabbed his hand and shook it.
"If you ever need anything or have any questions, come talk to me anytime." She grinned.
Peter felt his phone vibrate, he grabbed it out and checked it.
"Thank you I will, I have to go tho there's a store getting robbed and people that need saving." Peter turned while waving.
Y/n waved back and chuckled. She turned back over to Tony "He's a sweet kid."
"Yeah, he is." Tony breathed.
Y/n twirls her pen between her fingers, she was bored out of her mind filling out paperwork. After Tony left earlier she decided to tackle the piles of forms left in the closet in her office. Bouncing her leg up and down, checking yes and no, she was sure she was going to go crazy.
Being a doctor for the Avengers was not was what she expected. Y/n expected to be running all over the place with no moment of rest, but in reality, she did PT, gave a couple of people refills for painkillers, and filled out paperwork like an underpaid secretary. Sure this was her first real physician position unless you could count stitching up your own gun wounds, or other shady people as a job.
A knock at the door startled Y/n out of her thoughts. She looked up to see Bucky leaning against the door, arms crossed with a light friendly expression on his face. Her face lit up and she dropped her pen.
"Hey doc you look busy there, we can always cancel for the day," Bucky remarked.
"We wouldn't want to do that Buck, who else would work you out?" Y/n grinned while she wiggled her eyebrows suggesting.
"I have an idea or two," Bucky smirked back.
"I don't know if Sam or Steve would particularly enjoy that."
Bucky scrunched up his face in distaste and immediately shook his head to get rid of the thought. Y/n chuckled and got up from where she once sat.
Y/n grabbed a plastic container off the shelf full of equipment labeled 'shoulder'. She also grabbed the athletic tape and her iPad. She nodded toward Bucky and they walked to the training room.
They walked into a room that was filled with treadmills, weights, mirrors, and other training equipment. Sunlight from the window bounced off the white walls that weren't filled with posters. She gestured Bucky over to a bench and pressed down on his left shoulder.
"Sit." She demanded and he was obligated.
Y/n rolled up his sleeve and began to tape his shoulder. "Why are you doing that?" He questioned.
"Since today is your last day, we are going to work with weights, and taping your shoulder should help with the pressure." Bucky gave an understanding look and she fixed his sleeve.
"Alright, we're going to start off light." She grabbed a 20lb weight and handed it to Bucky.
His eyebrow arched and he looked at Y/n  "That's starting off light?"
"Oh come on, with all the chemicals running through those veins you won't even break a sweat." She teased.
"I don't know why I come to these sessions if you're just going to bully me." Bucky huffed.
Y/n threw her hands up in mock surrender "Sorry."
She grabbed her iPad and began to type, Y/n looked up to see Bucky eyeing her. "What are you looking at big boy, start lifting."
She lifted her hand to her chest and back down as an example. He rolled his eyes but then did what he was told.
"I had a sister Rebecca, you would have liked her sweet girl, fiery spirit. I'm pretty sure she had a crush on Stevie at one point. She used to say we were the most intolerable boys on the planet." Bucky had a faraway look in his eyes.
"Oh yeah?" Y/n asked with a smile. She liked seeing Bucky like this, happy, playful, she had only known him for a handful of days but they have been spending a lot of time together with PT, and usually, after they spend time laughing and joking around. Tho she liked him dark and brooding nothing compares to his smile.
Nothing compares to his smil- what the hell am I thinking? She asks herself in a reprimanding tone. This is her patient, one that she's supposed to be helping. Not to mention that he's old enough to be her grandfather. Well, mentally he's probably around 29-30. Another voice says in her head.
"Yeah." He grinned fondly.
"Alright now roll your shoulder forward-"
The sound of the window opening caused her to stop mid-sentence. She gripped the metal water bottle in her hand a little tighter, ready to swing it at the intruder.
She whipped her head around to see a bloody Peter Parker swaying back and forth in a Spider-Man suit with his mask in his hand. She rushed over to him, she grabbed him by his shoulders to steady him.
"Peter are you okay? What happened?" She questioned scanning his face for other injuries.
"I'm fine, just a little light-headed." As soon as the words left his mouth he collapsed into her arms. Y/n looked over to Bucky for assistance.
Together they dragged Peter to the main part of the med-bag and laid him on a bed. She began to hook him up to an IV and heart monitor. She glanced over to Bucky to see him looking over at her helplessly.
"Can you tell Tony he's in here with me?" Y/ n asked Bucky while filling the IV with liquid. He looked back at Peter and nodded.
Peter groaned and sat up rubbing his head. He looked over to see Y/n scribbling something on a piece of paper.
"What happened." He asked in a groggy voice.
Y/n's eyes shot over to him, she smiled and fully turned. She clicked her pen, attached it to the clipboard, set it down, and walked over to him.
"Good you're awake, you came in through the window like a couple of hours ago and just passed out. Tony came in not too long ago to see you."
"Oh yeah sorry about that I saw you and Mr. Barnes through the window and thought that I might as well go through there." He breathed.
"Don't worry about it." That was all she said in response.
Y/n looked at his arm to see blood bleeding through the bandages. She took them off and trashed them. She cleaned them off and rewrapped them. Peter watched as she repeated those steps several times for his other cuts.
"You can ask you know." She wrapped the last stitch and rubbed her forehead with her arm.
Peter instantly flushed "ask what?"
She chuckled "I heard you out there, in the hallway." That was the truth. Y/n did hear him in the hallway, she also heard the elevator open and the music he was listening to on the way up.
"I'm sorry?" His statement sounded more as though it was a question.
She once again laughed and shook her head at the boy's antics. He was too young and too pure for this terrible world. He hands hopeful eyes, and there is nothing like a child's hope. Hope is the companion of power, mother of success, hope is seeing the light despite being surrounded by darkness. Hope is the last thing ever lost, and without hope, you can't live.
"What did Tony mean when he said the best fighter he knows." Peter hesitantly asked.
"Oh, he probably meant because I was an assassin." Y/n shrugged nonchalantly.
"WHAT?! ASSASSIN?! Why didn't you tell everyone?" He stammers over his sentence. Who knew? Did Tony know? Is she better than Natasha? Is she better than the Winter Soldier? He had so many questions running through his head.
"Don't ask don't tell." She smiled at Peter getting frustrated at her vague answers.
"That's so cool! How good of a fighter are you? Can you do a flip? Do you have any more cool deadly fighter friends? Can you speak different languages?" Words were shooting out of his mouth like rapid fire.
"Thank, I'm decent, yes, lots of them, a few." She answered his questions as they came, amused to no end. Peter looked at her as though she was a gift from the gods themselves.
Part 4
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hauntthenarrative · 10 months
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At long last, the bracket! This was made after round 1 was completed, partially through taking into account the number of votes each character got in round 1.
As before, here is the list of media in the tournament, just in case! And here were the match-ups from round 1 if you want to see who's unlisted here!
Match-ups for round 2 will be posted 8 polls at a time, with side A on July 29th at 1 pm EST, and side B two days later on July 31st at the same time!
Round 2 match-ups listed under the cut!
Andrey Nikolayevich Bolkonsky (Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812) vs Sliver of Straw (Rain World)
Caleb Wittebane (The Owl House) vs Tadashi Hamada (Big Hero 6)
Doug Rattmann (Portal) vs Zack Fair (Final Fantasy VII)
The Pale King (Hollow Knight) vs The Snail (Zero Escape)
Hikaru Indou (The Summer Hikaru Died) vs Kite (Hunter x Hunter)
Alice (Alice Isn't Dead) vs Saki Momose (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid)
August (A3! Act Addict Actors) vs Lacie Baskerville (Pandora Hearts)
Ayano Tateyama (Kagerou Project) vs Falin Touden (Dungeon Meshi)
Chara/The Fallen Human (Undertale) vs Trisha Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Mari (Omori) vs Shen Jiu/Original Shen Qingqiu (The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System)
Lup (The Adventure Zone: Balance) vs Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond (Steven Universe)
Jason Todd/Red Hood (Batman) vs Summer Rose (RWBY)
Jackie Taylor (Yellowjackets) vs Rose Thorburn Sr. (Pact: Devils and Details, by J.C. McCrae)
Hinawa (Mother 3) vs Joe Tazuna (Your Turn to Die)
Cassandra "Andi" Brand (Glass Onion) vs Laura Palmer (Twin Peaks)
Beatrice Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events) vs Rebecca de Winter (Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier)
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Marinette: A legacy
           I really tried to make this angst but the story had a mind of it’s own by the end. It’s about 6,000 words so... Buckle in.
 Broken; that was what Marinette was. Broken was what the gods had deemed her. She was born wrong. She shouldn’t exist. She shouldn’t be alive. She shouldn’t be anything. But she did exist and she was very much alive… technically.
           How much could anyone like her ever really be considered alive? She had been born to death. Somehow death had created a life.
 It had done it once before with another girl; but that girl had been born right. From the moment she had come crying into the world, it was clear the girl had favored her grandmother’s heritage, and, in time, her mother’s as well. The girl was named Hope.
           Marinette favored her father’s; skin a little too pale, heart beat a little too slow, beauty a little too otherworldly. However, when it was clear that her small body craved blood to survive, only then did they fear the worst.
           By they, she meant her birthmother. A werewolf who had want power and powerful bloodline; a Hope of her own. Suffice to say, she didn’t get what she wanted. Instead of Mother Nature and moon in one being; they got blood and darkness, the moon would come later.
           They feared she’d become her father. A monster in human flesh. A boogieman that all other boogiemen feared. They couldn’t let that happen. They refused to let that happen. So they sent Marinette away. Sent her away before her father could find out; before his family could find out. She was given to a couple with magical knowledge; a man with a wolf’s heritage and a woman who had grown up with vampires; Tom and Sabine.
           Her birthmother died not long after.
           Marinette’s father had been locked away at the time of her birth. She never met him. Most days, she just wondered if he knew she existed. Last she heard him and his brother Elijah had nearly died defeating some great evil. They were alive and well, still ruling New Orleans. Only reason she knew about him was that she had saved a witch’s life, and in return, and a bit of blood, Marinette knew who her birth parents were; the lines she came from. The sister she had.
           Unfortunately the price was stiff. Marinette ten at the time when she came across a vicious looking man attacking a seemingly helpless woman. The man had been a werewolf. To save a life, Marinette accidently ended his in the process; awakening the curse of her mother’s bloodline.
           No longer just a child of death and blood but now of the moon as well.
           For a long time, Marinette had done everything she could to be normal despite her adopted parents assuring her that Normal was overrated. Never seeking out her own kind(s) out of fear. Fear of rejection as she was neither and yet both; alive and dead; werewolf and vampire. Fear that her father’s countless enemies would find her.
But while she could walk in the sunlight, she could also kill a man in the blink of an eye. While she did her absolute best not to hurt anyone, animals still avoided her. They sensed the predator inside her, lurking just beneath the surface. While Marinette loved designing and all things fashion and normal teen girl things, she still drank blood, howled at the moon, and had murdered someone.
           Meeting Tikki when she was twelve had been a blessing and a curse. Tikki help Marinette realize that she could be something; that she didn’t have to be a force of destruction, that she could create, protect. The curse; Tikki told her that her she’d stop aging soon; death would take hold of her. She gave Marinette a four or five year timeframe. At max five years before her ability age would slow decreasing until it stopped altogether. And who knows when exactly that would be.
           Maybe feared that she’d wake up at 30 and realized she still looked like nineteen-year-old.
           And what would that mean for her biologically? Could she still have kids? A life? Would she have to spend the rest of eternity alone?
           Now almost fourteen Marinette, outcasted by her friends over a liar, made guardian now that Fu had sadly passed away, she spent most of her nights with the Kwami. She had just been about to put the box away when… it happened.
           Suddenly, wind started to swirl around her room. She felt a slight tugging at her arms; then it was like her entire body was being sucked throw a tube. Finally a tornado like cloud appeared on ceiling and the next thing Marinette knew was she was being pulled into it.
           Marinette screamed and clutched the kwami box tightly to her chest. Wind and lightning swirled around her. She closed her eyes, and wondered just what type of kwami Hawkmoth had unleased on Paris now.
           Then with a hard thud, she landed on a hard surface. She peaked and saw sunlight peeking through a window; and a forest of trees behind it.
Well, she thought, this is definitely not my room.
“Are you alright?”
           Marinette looked up and saw a group of people; mostly teenagers and one adult looking down at her. The girl who had spoken had big brown eyes and dark, almost black, hair.
“I’m fine,” Marinette said hesitantly. “What’s going on? I was just in my room and now I’m here.”
“Great!” A blond girl snapped. “The ritual was supposed to summon one of your psycho family members. How’d you manage to blow that, Hope?”
“I didn’t!” A girl with long Auburn hair and light blue eyes. “I can’t have. It’s a simple ritual. It was supposed to summon my closest relative.”
           Marinette blinked. Because Crap. “Did you say Hope?” She asked. “As in Hope Mikaelson?” Her sister. Her actual sister. She had always wanted to meet her.
“My name is Alaric,” The adult, a man, said as he stepped forward a curious look on his face. “How do you know Hope?”
           Marinette decided to give them man her best scary vampire face, “I don’t. Not really,” She hissed, fangs bared. The she went wolf mode; not a full transformation. Her clothes ripped a little though. “I was born a vampire.” She answered. “And went werewolf later.”
“You’re hybrid,” Hope gasped. “A natural hybrid.”
“Yes,” Marinette nodded. “Now by closest relative; she did you mean proximity or by blood. Because…” She looked around. “Seeing as I am no longer in Paris. I’m guessing by blood.”
           There was stunned faces as understanding slowly crept in.
“The ritual worked,” The brunette who spoke first said. “Surprisingly well.”
           Marinette smiled, “I’m Marinette,” She introduced herself. “Your sister.”
“Another one!” The blond yelled. She tossed her hands up in the air. “Great. Just great!”  And with that she stomped off.
           Alaric pinched his nose, “Klaus is not going to be happy about this.”
“Oh he’s gonna lose his shit,” Said Kaleb; he’d met the original once and decided that was enough.
“No one is going to happy about this,” Hope yelled. She knew that none of her family knew about Marinette. They couldn’t have. Her father barely let her come to school. He wouldn’t have let her live in another freaking country. “How? Just how?”
Marinette took a quick step back; a dismayed feeling overtook her.
“Hey,” The brunette said softly, giving the younger girl a kind smile, “That’s not what they mean. They’re just a little shocked right now. I’m Josie; a witch. How about I show you around campus while everyone calms down a bit.” She held out her hand to Marinette.
           Marinette clutched the kwami box but nodded and let Josie lead her out of the room.
“We need a plan,” Mg suggested.
“Plan?” Kaleb scoffed. “Bro, we need the Avengers. And Batman. Hell the U.S army and the xmen too. Klaus is going to tear this bitch apart.”
           Alaric took a deep breath, “No, he won’t.” He looked to Hope. “Call Rebecca, Freyja, here. Don’t tell them why. They’re the sane ones. They won’t overreact. Then we deal with Elijah, once he’s handled. We go for the big fish.”
“Shark,” Kaleb corrected. “Great white sharks! Except more bloodthirsty.”
           Hope nodded, “I’ll call them now, and then,” She winced. “Talk to my sister. Kidnapping and freaking out on her probably wasn’t the best first impression.”
“Nah,” Mj shook his head. “You tanked that.”
                       Convincing her aunts to visit her, under the guise of girl talk and girls day was easier than she expected. Talking to her little sister, while not harder, was considerably more awkward. She found the girl drinking a smoothie with Josie, giggling about something.
“Hey,” Hope smiled. “Found you!”
“Kidnapped me!” Marinette corrected.
           Hope winced, “Yeah. I should apologize, right?” Marinette gave her a look. “I’m really sorry. But hey, I got to find out I have a little sister. That’s awesome.”
“I’m going to leave you two alone,” Jose said and gave them a thumbs up.
           After that Hope and Marinette told each other about their lives. Marinette lived in Paris all her life and loved fashion; about the bakery and her parents. She didn’t find out about her birth family until she was ten. Hope told her what their family was like and what it been like growing up in New Orleans; and the best Beignets in the world.
“You’ll dad,” Hope grinned. “He’s artists like you, like me. Uncle Kol’s a bit wild. Uncle Elijah a bit too gentlemanly. Aunt Rebecca and Aunt Freyja are amazing. They’ll be here tomorrow. They will love you. They all will,” she assured.
           Marinette called her parents not long after and assured them she was fine. It was a little magical accident. She was with her sister. And asked if she could please, please stay for a bit of the summer break. Reluctantly, after a long conversation with Headmaster Alaric, they agreed, on the condition that Marinette calls them once a day. They send her stuff as soon as they could.
           The next morning, Hope greeted her Aunts with the biggest, most charming smile that she could. The each pulled her into a hug.
           When Rebecca pulled away, she smirked. “Now what did you do?” Before Hope could protest, her aunt added, “That’s the smile Klaus’ uses whenever he did something wrong.”
“Me?” Hope denied. “No, I didn’t do anything. I merely found out something. Something I should be rewarded for; I should get a raise in my allowance.”
           Freyja crossed her arms, “uh huh, so it’s something good?”
“It’s great,” Hope smiled. “But I’m going to need you to stop Dad from murdering everyone here and… in Paris.”
“Paris?” The blonds chimed together.
           Explaining that she accidently summoned her sister, a child no one ever knew about, had been complicated. Rebecca didn’t believe it at first. Neither did Freyja Until Freyja had Hope repeat the ritual and a little darkhaired girl fell from the ceiling.
“Hope, we talked about this,” Marinette complained. She wore some borrowed clothes; a red top and light blue skinny jeans. “You just can’t summon people. I could’ve been in the shower.”
“Sorry,” Hope quickly helped her sister up. “Aunt Freyja made me.”
“Wow,” Said blond tutted. “Sold me out pretty quick there, kiddo.”
           Marinette eyed the two beautiful blond women. Her aunts. “Hi,” She squeaked, her face red, and leaned closer to Hope.
“You’re adorable!” Rebecca squealed. Then she turned to Freyja, “Klaus is going to lose it.”
           After some insight into Marinette’s life, a shopping trip, some fro-yo, Rebecca sighed when they returned back to the school. “We have to call Elijah.”
           Elijah had been curious about why his sisters summoned him to Hope’s school with the clear request of: Do not tell Klaus. He knew it must be serious, and something Klaus would not like.
           His sisters and niece greeted him in entry way of the school, and promptly led him back outside to the courtyard.
“What is the meaning of this,” He asked. “What purpose did I need to rush here a moment’s notice?”    
           His sisters looked at Hope who glared back. It was Freyja who broke first, “Klaus has another child; a girl. Her name’s Marinette, and she’s thirteen-years-old. And before you say; she is most definitely Klaus’ daughter. We checked. Six times. Two times a blood inheritance spell.”
“Yeah,” Hope drawled. “We have got to stop randomly summoning Marinette. She’s getting testy.”
           He looked at the three women. Rage soared through him. “Excuse me,” Elijah said before promptly walking into the forest and ripping apart a tree. Multiple trees, in fact. When he returned, he straighten out his tie, and gave them a nod, “Where is she? Where’s Marinette? And while we locate her, you will explain to me how this occurred.”
           They found Marinette, sitting on a window seal, sketching; lost in her newest design, as a means to stop her worrying.
“She’s look like him,” Elijah murmured. “The eyes, the nose, the concentration when creating new artwork.” This was his brother’s daughter, of that there was no doubt.
           Marinette suddenly looked up at them, her blues eyes examining her newfound family. She chuckled, “At least you didn’t summon me this time.”
“I am your Uncle Elijah,” He prompted introduced himself with a small bow.
           Marinette stood up and gave a small curtesy, “Marinette.” She said quietly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
           Elijah fought urge to coo. His sisters did not. Hope laughed, went to Marinette, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and pulled her into a hug causing Mariette to laugh as well.
The resemblance was there for all to see. The blue eyes, the devilish smiles, the same noses, cheekbones; clearly sisters. Clearly Klaus’ daughters; his little girls.
Marinette turned out to be wonderful; a shy thing with impeccable manners and a softness to her that no one else in the family had.
“I can prevent half from being killed,” Elijah told his sisters when they brought up Klaus. “But this place will still be a blood bath.”
           Marinette looked confused, “But why. I just got here. Harming anyone wouldn’t be rational.”
“Rational,” Rebecca laughed. “Yes because that’s the first thing that comes to mind when people talk about Niklaus; that he’s rational.”
“Rebecca!” Elijah hissed. He shook his head, “We need Kol.”
“Oh fuck no!” Kol yelled upon meeting Marinette, thus confirming his siblings were pulling some sort of prank. “I shouldn’t be here. I don’t want to be. You shouldn’t be here!” He yelled at his older siblings. “Klaus should’ve been the first one told.” He looked at Marinette. “I’m sure your great, love. I’ll love you in no time. However, right we have to prevent Klaus from committing mass murder… again.”
The plan was supposed to be really simple. They’d all go to New Orleans, where less of Alaric’s students could be harmed. Davina and Marcellus would distract Klaus long enough to lead him into a trap; a room where chains would wrap around the hybrid’s arms securing in place; only then would they tell him the truth.
           When the Originals, Hope and Marinette arrived to the house they found Marcellus and Davina waiting.
“What the hell is about,” Marcellus asked. “Klaus is going to rip my head off, you know that right.”
“This had better be good,” Davina nodded. “He’s already threatening to wipe out my entire blood line.”
“Trying to prevent the massacre of Paris,” Freyja nodded, “You two girls,” She looked at her nieces. “Stay here. Davina wait with them please.” She looked at the vampires. “Elijah take lead. Let’s do this.”
           Marinette watched in wonder as her aunts and uncles went inside. They didn’t smell afraid. They smelled concerned; like her mom did when she thought she left the iron on when she left the house.
Davina asked the smaller girl with Hope. “Can I ask…?”
           Hope quickly shook her head. ‘Not now’, she mouthed and pointed inside.
           Davina nodded.
           Elijah kept his calm façade as he approached his furious brother.
“Brothers; sisters, my family,” Klaus drawled, fury in his eyes. “I thought we’ve grown past this. May I ask what I could’ve possible done to deserve? And what Paris have to do with anything?”
“You’ve done nothing,” Elijah assured.
“I wouldn’t say nothing,” Kol smirked. “It took two to tangle after all.”
“Release me!” Klaus demanded. “Now!”
           Rebecca took a breath, “You need to calm. We have to tell you something; something important. And we need you to listen because we are telling you truth.”
“I’m in chains!” Klaus growled. “And you expect me to listen to you?”
“It is a precaution should you overreact,” Elijah stated. “We are your family. We need you to trust us.”
“Honestly, just don’t go batshit crazy,” Kol shrugged. “And kill half of New Orleans.”
           Klaus bared his teeth, “I’ve changed. I’ve grown. I will not go back to that.”
           Freyja steeled herself, “It’s about your daughter.”
           Klaus’ entire body stiffened, “What?” Fear and anger coursed through him. Was Hope alright? Did someone harm her? Where was she?
“Klaus, you have another child,” Elijah said bluntly. “A girl named Marinette. She’s thirteen and a born vampire; a hybrid since the age of ten. She is yours.”  
           Klaus froze in shook. His mind processing his brother’s words. He had another child; another daughter.
“Hope called us,” Rebecca said. “All of us to her school. She informed us of Marinette then, brother. And we needed to secure you because we were worried about your reaction when you found out.” Marcellus scoffed. She turned to look at him, “Did we do the right thing?”
           The black man shook his head, “No.”
“What did we do wrong?” Rebecca glanced at him and then back at Klaus.
“Well, you used chains,” Marcellus explained.
“What should we have used?”
           Marcellus crossed his arms, “Ahh, it wouldn’t matter.”
           Klaus roared and with all his strength he ripped the chains from the ground, destroying the hardwood in the process. He calmly removed them from his wrists and walked past his siblings. He could hear Hope’s heartbeat, and Davina’s as well. But there was another with them.
           The siblings followed after.
           Once Klaus was outside, his eyes went automatically to his beloved Daughter, “Hope,” He greeted slowly. Hope gave him a weary smile. Then to Davina. And then finally to a girl younger than Hope but had the same blue eyes, nose, and cheek bones. All which both girls got from him.
“Marinette,” Klaus whispered.
           The girl gave him a shy smile.
           Marinette couldn’t believe she was finally meeting her birthfather.  It would definitely.
           The girl, his daughter, was smaller than he expected; smaller than Hope had been at that age. Her presence wasn’t as confident either. There was a look in her eyes that she tried to hide but he knew well; fear. She didn’t smell afraid, just worried and a little sad. She was afraid of rejection.
“I have been blessed with two beautiful daughters,” Klaus said soothingly. “You live in France, yes. I will started my revenge there.”       And there went the good mood.
           Everything was chaos after that.
           Klaus insisted that his daughter was stolen. Marinette insisted she had been adopted. Her mother had given her up.
“And the father has no rights?” Klaus asked. He tried his best to remain maintain his false calmness. He never liked to get angry in front of his children.
“Well, in her defense, technically you are dead, brother,” Kol smirked when Klaus hissed at him. “It would be rather complicated to prove otherwise.”
“My parents,” Marinette said. Klaus growled. She continued on. “My parents are wonderful. They’re bakers with a successful shop. They love me very much.”
“Bakers!” Klaus grumbled. “My daughter was raised by bakers!”
           Marinette was rather surprised just how long it took to convince her father that mass murder wasn’t a suitable response for missing out on his daughter’s formative years. Then again, he was Klaus Mikaelson.
           After her father did calm down, it was pleasant. She was formally introduced to Marcellus, Rebecca’s husband, and Davina, Kol’s wife. She learned more about her family’s story and became content. Marinette was given a room next to Hope, and they laughed as they immediately left to decorate; chaperoned by Klaus, who was more than happy to pay for his girls’ shopping spree.
           Marinette was able to get paints for her new room, different cloths for makings clothes, more sketchbooks, paintings, and posters. Klaus bought her whatever she wanted, it was a wonder Hope wasn’t spoiled.
           First week living with her family she cooked with Freyja, played Poker with Kol, painted with her father (which led to a paint war where Hope and Marinette ganged up on him). Elijah taught her to waltz and told her all the things history forgot. She designed dressed for Rebecca, and tended to follow her free spirited Aunt around whenever she could. The only difficult part was sneaking away whenever there was an Akuma alert. But luckily Freyja magic’d her room to be soundproof so Marinette could privacy. Trixx had no problem pretended to be her, should anyone knock.
           Everything was good. Everyone was happy. Except for two times. The first came when Hope mentioned during dinner about returning to school.
“Oh, I’ll go with you,” Marinette said brightly to her sister who sat next to her, not noticing how her words caused the room’s occupants to stiffened. “I can give Lizzie the dress I made her. She’ll love it.”
“I still don’t get why she likes you and not me,” Hope asked incredulously.
           Marinette stuck her tongue out, “Josie likes you well enough. And Raphael. And Landon. And…”
“Oh shut up,” Hope blushed.
           Klaus sat his cup down slowly, “You will not being anywhere. You will remain here where you are safe.
           Hope and Marinette shared a look. Marinette had learned quickly that Klaus was overprotected. Marinette wasn’t allowed to go anywhere without an escort; usually a member of the family. Hope raised an eyebrow ask to ask if Marinette wanted her to handle. Marinette tilted her head the side, with both eyebrows raised; a team up, maybe. Hope smirked; that was a yes.
“No,” Klaus chastised. “No silent conversation at the dinner table. Or at all.” As much as he loved that his daughters got along so well, they tended to unite against him to get what they wanted.
           Hope smiled sweetly, “We won’t gone long. School’s letting out. We’ll be gone A day or two at most.”
“I really like Hope’s school,” Marinette said earnestly. “I’ve never met so many kids like me before.”
Elijah decided to aid his brother. “A school full of barely trained vampires, witches, and werewolves. It is dangerous.”
“Oh come on,” Hope crossed hers. “I’m there most of the year.”
“That’s different,” Freyja said. “You’re older; more mature.”
“Well that’s hardly fair,” Kol narrowed his eyes. He used to get told the same thing when he was a child and still human. “Marinette is plenty mature. Age shouldn’t be a factor.”
           Klaus glared at his brother, “And yet it is. You will remain here with me. Hope will give Lizzie the dress you designed.”
           Hope and Marinette shared another look and then turned to their father with their ultimate weapon in full force; puppy-dog eyes sat to ultimate cuteness. “Please!” They chimed together.
           Klaus’ mouth dropped slightly. The adorableness of his daughter was nearly crippling. “No,” he said again. “I will not budge on my decision.”
           The girls frowned, and increased their puppy eyes to death level. Their lips wobbled, their eyes glistened with presence of potential tears.
“Stay strong, brother,” Elijah told him.
“Say the man who is doing his best to avoid looking directly at them,” Rebecca giggled.
           Klaus’ face softened. No, he told himself, we will not give in. “Never!”
“Pretty, pretty please,” The teenage girls pleaded.
           The next not so good time came a month later; when Marinette got an Akuma alert late at night. She had been getting a midnight snack when her phone beeped. Marinette had no choice but to rush upstairs, transform, and leave. Unfortunately for her, she hadn’t shut the door all the way, meaning that the silencing spell didn’t go into effect.
           It had been multiple Akumas; terrible ones that led to Marinette calling in Kagami, Chloe, and Luka to help her and Chat. It had taken a long time, a lot more than Marinette realized. When Marinette finally asked someone the time, she realized half the day had passed. She hoped Trixx had been able to keep up the illusion.
           Marinette portaled back to her room feeling more tired than she ever had before. Only to find Freyja waiting on her bed with the kwami box on her lap.
“Do you have any idea how much your trouble you’re in?” Her aunt asked.
           Turned out, her father had come to check on her after he returned home for the night only to find the room empty. However, it was only when his family confirmed they had no idea where his youngest daughter was, that he got angry. They all got angry; fear that someone had taken Marinette. They broke out in different search parties; trying to locate a scent to follow.
           Freyja, however, went to Marinette’s room, and to her surprise as soon as she touched the door, Marinette’s voice said she was busy. The blond woman opened the door to find a little fox creature looking frightened.
           The kwami had decided to explain a few things about themselves before the angry looking blond decided to try to smite them.
“Oops?” Marinette offered.
           Freyja raised an eyebrow, “Oops?” She shook her head. She handed Marinette the box. “Come on, guardian. You have some explaining to do.” Freyja opened the door for Marinette.
           Marinette, with the box in her hand, reluctantly followed her aunt to the living room where her family waited.
“Marinette!” Her father yelled, and before she knew it she was in a hug. “Where were you? Do you have any idea how worried I was? Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” She promised, and pulled away. “I’m fine,” She said again to her worried looking family.
“What happened?” Hope asked; beyond emotionally exhausted and physically, from the nights events. “You just disappeared.”
           Freyja nodded, “It’s turned out our darling little Marinette is more magical than she led us to believe.”
           Marinette nodded and opened the box. The kwami flew out of it; setting everyone on guard. The kwami flew around the room introducing themselves. “So… Did I ever tell you I was a superhero?”
“No,” Marcellus chuckled, reaching out slowly for the floating Ox type creature.  “No. You didn’t. I’d remember that conversation.”
“Yeah… well it’s like this…”
           The Ladybug, magical guardian of little gods, and fighting a supernatural terrorist didn’t go over well. To close out her story, and to prove it, Marinette transformed into Ladybug, and transformed back.
           The room was silent.
“You are a child,” Elijah finally said, rage slowly growing inside him. “Children do not go to war. They are not sent to war!”
           Marinette winced, “It’s not really a war. More like a Batman versus the Joker.”
“But people have died,” Rebecca said, petting Pollen. “Sure, they’re brought back but they still died; you’re partner, Chat Noir died a few times.”
“What happens if you die, kiddo,” Davina asked. She played with Ziggy in her lap. “Only Ladybug can reverse what the akuma’s done. What happens if Ladybug dies before that happens? Who brings you back?”
           Marinette looked down, and remained silent because they all knew the answer to that. No one. If ladybug died, she died.
“So this dude’s possessing school children,” Marcellus said. “And everyone else is so much as feel a lick negative emotion. The only people trying to stop the psychopath is a thirteen-year-old who can do a magical girl transformation leading a bunch of other teenagers who can do the same trick? Really.”
“We’ve been hunting him,” Marinette sighed. “Hawkmoth is possible to find.”
“I’ll help!” Hope said.  Roaar was on her shoulder. “You have other Kwami. I can use Roaar. I’ll fight with you.” Her sister was a superhero. It was the coolest thing ever. Everyone knew who Ladybug was. Her posters covered a lot of her fellow students’ walls.
“No!” Half the room shouted.
           Klaus glared, “No more fighting. This ends.” Someone had been trying to kill his little girl since she first adorned her hero name. “I’ll find Hawkmoth. And I’ll rip him to pieces.”
“No, brother,” Kol stated. “We’ll rip him to pieces.”
           There were nods.
“How? I can’t find him,” Marinette asked. “I can’t even scent him.”
“Fear not, little one,” Elijah had a dark smile on his face. “No one can hide from The Originals.”
           Ziggy flew up and whispered in Davina’s ear. A dark look appeared on her lovely face, the room crackled with her power, “What’s this about you being bullied?”
“Bullied?” Hope shouted. “Who’s bullying you? I swear.”
           Klaus closed his eyes. On top of everything Marinette was going through, she was being bullied as well. “Explain.”
           And so Marinette did. She told about her Lila came to class; lied, turned everyone against her, and pretty much left her friendless in class apart from Adrien and Chloe. How her things were ripped up, the mean texts she got, all the dirty looks. She missed Alya, or rather she missed the Alya that had been her bestie. She missed hanging out with Kim and Alix. But she knew, even if the truth came out, they’d never be friends again. By the end of her story, Marinette had shed a few tears and looked very much like the thirteen-year-old she was.
“So Lila’s dead, right?” Kol said. “No objections? Good. I get dips.”
“You can’t kill her.” Marinette stated.
“Pretty sure I can,” Kol drawled.
           Hope narrowed her eyes, “Not kill her. We’re going to do something worse.” She promised. No one messed with her family and got away with it. “We’re going to make her tell the truth.”
“Compel her,” Rebecca nodded. “Make the little shrew learn a lesson or two.”
“Why haven’t you compelled her?” Freyja asked. “I would’ve had the little bitch take a long walk off a short ledge by now.”
“It’s not nice,” Marinette shrugged.
           Kol pinched his nose, “Oh we have so much to teach you.” He smirked. “Mikaelsons’ are not nice.”
“We’re not mean,” Hope added. “But we’re not nice.”
“And most importantly,” Klaus broke in. “If you mess with one us, you mess with all of us. We are family.”
“Always and forever,” Hope said.
           Marinette nodded. “Always and forever.”
           For the next few days, her family watched her like a hawk. Marinette didn’t know if Hawkmoth had been drained from the multiple akumas or what, but it took a week before another alert appeared.
           Luckily for her, Hope was on guard duty while the rest of the family either in town taking care of business or was in the woods, close by, perfecting their hunting skills. Marinette had been sketching with Hope in the living room when her phone chimed. She glanced at it and saw the Akuma Alert.
           She glanced at the stairs. Could she do it, she wondered. Could she make it up the stairs to her room and portal out before anyone caught her.
“Don’t even think about,” Hope said putting down her paint brush. She held up her own phone, and gave Marinette a look. “You’re not the only one who gets notified now. If you’re going, I’m going.”
           Marinette sighed, “Fine but if you’re going to fight; you’re suiting up.”
“Just one thing…” Hope trailed off. “It’s another multi-akuma alert. I think we’re going to need more help.”
“What are you thinking?”
           Hope grinned.
           Lizzie, Josie, Raphael, Landon, and MJ stood in front of Marinette and Hope looking stunned. After a few vows of secrecy, Marinette had transformed into Ladybug in front of them.
“You’re Ladybug,” Lizzie grinned. “And you want me, us, to do a superhero team up. I knew I liked you.”
“And you don’t like me,” Hope added. “What the hell?”
“That’s what’s up,” Kaleb said and gave MJ a low-five. “Free trip to Paris and I get to be superman for the day.  Let’s do this.”
“This is incredible,” Josie looked like her mind was processing a thousand thoughts a second, “I’ve heard of the Kwami and the guardian. But I just thought they were legends. Or that they’d died out. Dad’s going to flip.
           Landon looked concerned, “it’s safe, right. The transformation. Not fighting an evil terrorists. Because that’s obviously not safe.”
           Hope looked at Marinette who nodded. The older girl grinned, “Roaar, strips on!” And just like that, Hope was transformed into a tiger-themed hero; her hair was intricately braid back, she had ear and a tail; her custom was mostly black with orange stripes. She had long claws, and staff. “Easy as pie.”
“Oh I’m in,” Raphael said. “Try and stop me. Wait do who I get?”
           That started the request and arguments.
           In the end, Lizzie got Trixx. Kaleb got Stompp. Josie got Fluff. MJ got Barrk. Raphael got Wayzz. And Landon received Mullo.
           Marinette briefly briefed them about their powers and what to expect. She opened a portal.
           Hope ran to the window, “Hey, we’re going to fight an evil megalomaniac in Paris be home soon.” And then the kids were gone.
           Elijah and Kol who had been in the woods when they heard Hope yell raced back. However, by the time they arrived, the kids were gone.
“Ok, Marinette is just not making this easy on us,” Kol huffed. “She’s not even pretending to.”
  ��        Hawkmoth didn’t see the new team of heroes coming. The akumas were quickly dismantled. The older teenagers had the time of their lives running around Paris, using superpowers in public, something they always had to avoid before; and just being their full awesome selves.
           When the battle was over, and the kids had transformed and retuned all phone call they’d missed. Alaric wasn’t happy about their spontaneous superhero trip. Klaus wasn’t happy they left without informing him, or taking him with them. He also wasn’t happy about Caroline calling just to yell at him for her daughters running off to Paris to become an Avenger.
           The kids promised they’d be home soon; said the kwami to transport had to recharge. Technically that was true. However, the kids took their sweet time roaming around Paris. Marinette introduced Hope to her parents, who easily took a shine to their daughter’s sister.
           Lizzie spent most of the time; spamming the online student website with pictures of herself in Paris.
           When the kids ran into Lila and Alya on the way out of a boutique. The girls had been nasty as soon as they saw Marinette, causing the older teens to glare. They had heard from Hope about Marinette’s bullying situation, and they were ready to raise hell. However before Marinette or even Hope could get involved, Lizzie Saltzman. She knew a bully when she saw one.
“You bad hair and awful clothes,” Lizzie pointed at Lila. “What’s your name?”
“Lila Rossi,” Alya snapped. Lila pretended to cry. “The Lila Rossi. The Nicest girl on the planet.
“Yeah whatever,” Lizzie pulled out her phone. She showed her phone screen. “Look at the type Lila Rossi in google, and nothing. Google doesn’t care. Don’t see why I should.”
           Alya blinked, “That’s not right,” She murmured and pulled out her phone. And sure enough, “Nothing. Just what I put on the Ladyblog.”
“You mean the blog Ladybug herself discredited?” Josie asked, with a raised eyebrow. “Because of lies. Maybe Lila’s why stopped trusting you.”
           Mj stepped forward and looked Lila in the eyes, “You are going to tell everyone in your class just how much a liar you really are,” He compelled her. “And for the next month, you are only going to tell the truth. You will not bother Marinette again.” He looked at Alya. “Both of you leave. Now.”
           With blank stares the girls departed.
           By the time Marinette got back to New Orleans and to her family, her phone had been flooded messages of apologies. She didn’t respond to a single one. Instead, she helped her family prepare for their trip to Paris.
           Hawkmoth wouldn’t know what hit him.
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 4 years
Betrayal part 2 (Wesker x F!Reader)
Warning: heavy smut
24 July 1998
Y/N was in her cell, waiting for Chris to come and safe her. She didn’t know how many hours passed since the last time she met him. Could’ve been days. Wesker didn’t come either. She peeked through the small windows of the cell’s door. The only thing she could see were some computers and test tubes. Besides the computer’s beeps and lights she couldn’t distinguish any other sounds or forms. These only sounds were the only proof that there was life in that damned mansion. Human life.
After what she thought were more hours, the computers stopped working. There was silence, complete silence. Not a single sound to be heard. The only proof that there was life in that house was gone. She thought they abandoned her. It was the rational thing to do in this situation. The only life that matters is your own at the end of the day. She sit back on her bed hopeless and started to cry again.
The silence that drove her crazy was broken by some gunshots. She raised and went to the tiny window. Only a dim red light could be seen. A loud, monstrous growl followed the gunshots shortly after, making her to back up. She couldn’t remember any creatures to sound like that. It must’ve been a new BOW.
Gunshots, screams and growls were all that she heard in the past minutes. She could distinguish her teammates voices, Jill’s, Barry’s, Rebecca’s and Chris’. And none of them were approaching her cell.
“Self destruction sequence activated. Please leave the facility immediately.”
She couldn’t believe it. They activated the destruction sequence. What did they fight off? She heard some quick and steady steps approaching her cell. A key was inserted and the door opened.
She saw a bloody Wesker standing in front of her. His clothes were ripped in the abdomen’s portion and the confidence from his face was replaced with pure anger.
“Close baby doll. Pack your stuffs, we’re leaving”
“Not a chance psycho”
Before she could protest, she felt a sharp object perforating her skin. Wesker gave her a sedative, which made her black out second time in that night.
She woke up occasionally, with blurry vision she could distinguish some BOW. She felt back asleep shortly. There was an interesting one, a hunched lady with ripped clothes , very long cuffed arms who had many faces. She felt asleep again. In her dizzy state she could feel the wind of the night blowing and heard an explosion in the distance. That was a sign they escaped the house.
26 July 1998
She woke up in a small bedroom, wearing her bloody and dirty uniform. The room was poorly illuminated, the only source of light coming from a small window. In the faded light she could distinguish a closet, a desk and two doors. She got up and tried to open the door in front of her but with no results. She went to the second one who lead to a bathroom. The room wasn’t fancy, it looked more like a safe house. It was decent.
Without a second thought she rushed to the closet and searched for some clean clothes. She found an oversized t-shirt and some pants and then she went in the bathroom. She locked the door behind her, not wanting any company, and she begin to remover her clothes. As she was standing in front of the mirror, it was impossible not to notice Albert’s semen that left on her body. It was a shameful reminder of her careless. She quickly took a shower and got dressed, then she exit the room only to find the other door open. She peaked through the crack, and in the dim light she could see a person sitting on the couch. Only by his blond hair she was immediately able to tell who he was.
“My clothes fit you well” he said.
“Why did you save me?”
“Why not? It was a shame to let you die in that mansion. I enjoyed stretching your hole.”
She couldn’t see his expression but she felt he was smiling.
“What happened to them? What happened to you?”
“Your precious teammates survived don’t worry. And as for my condition, you should worry about it either. The only thing that should concern you is that you’re in a strange house with the man who betrayed you, don’t you think?” He turned to see her face. He wasn’t wearing his sunglasses and she could swear something is different with his eyes, but it was impossible in the damn light.
“Come closer” his grin grew wider, tapping on the couch.
“Im leaving” she headed towards the door.
“Good luck finding the keys doll” he crossed his arms around his chest amd watched her in amusement.
“Why didn’t you kill me?”
“I told you, you’re my precious cock warmer.You wanna know about your teammates so bad? Come here”
She didn’t have any choice, so she approached him. The closer she got to him she could notice that his eyes were changing color, turning slowly into a bright red. She didn’t had any weapons and she was sure as hell he would kill her instantly just by rolling her eyes or giving him slightly some attitude.
She was about to sit when he stopped her. He grabbed the elastic bend of her pants and pulled it towards him.
“Take them off”
“You wanna know what happened right? Do as I tell”
His voice was deeper and more threatening. It’s was no point to lie to herself anymore, the way sitting with his legs spread and his face resting on his arm was turning her on. After all that happened she still wanted him.
She did as instructed. He looked at her like a predator at its prey.
“Now what?”
He removed his pants, exposing his half errect member.
“This is a job I can’t do it alone.”
She got the hint and dropped down on her knees. He grabbed his cock and began to stroke it, precum leaking already. He was getting hard with every move of her hand. She brought her lips to his tip, kissing it gently, precum dripping on her mouth. She pulled out her tongue and began to lick his length, while making eye contact with him. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up.
“That’s enough” he lifted her leg up and put it on the sofa, while the other remained on the ground. His face was so close to her pussy. He pulled out his tongue and gave her lips a lazy lick while looking in her eyes.
“Finally you’re not tasting like death anymore” she wanted to slap him so hard, but she remembered he could snap her neck within a second without breaking a sweat.
He gave her another lazy lick, and another, and another, until a mixture of his saliva and her cum started to drip on his chin.
“You want me to go faster?” She didn’t respond
With two fingers he spread her lips and exposed her bud. He started to firmly press on it with his tongue, causing her to roll her eyes.
He removed his mouth and grabbed her wrist, guiding her on his cock. She lowered herself on his full length letting out a whimper.
His grin got wider and she was afraid of what was coming next.
“Now, let’s talk about your teammates” she froze.
She tried to get up but his grip on her wrist was to strongs. How could he still remain hard.
“I told you you’re my little cock warmer. Now stop moving around im trying to remember”
She wasn’t sure if she moved to free herself, or to cause some friction.
“After I had my way with you I went in the lab where we had the tyrant. I waited there for your teammates to come.” He moved his big thumb to her bud and stroked it gently. “The doors of the elevator finally opened, and Chris Barry Jill and Rebecca busted in the lab. They were so shocked seeing me at the computer” he was starting to stroke faster. “I still remember Chris’ face when i told him about our little adventure, how you succumbed to me so easily knowing i was a traitor.” He stopped stroking her and moved his hand underneath her shirt, grabbing her breast. “Judging by the mess you’re making I don’t think you care about your friends at all”.
She looked down to see the base of his cock soaked with her cum. Unconsciously she started to move her hips a little on his length. He placed a hand on her lower abdomen and stopped her.
“I didn’t finish my story” he was still rubbing her breast. “If you don’t wanna hear anymore, you can get up and leave.”
She was panting under his touch, and the feeling of him inside of her made her legs weak. Even if she wanted to get up she couldn’t. Not to mention the breast stimulation she received made her head spin.
“So you wanna hear the rest.” He smirked. “After i took Jill and pointed my gun at her head, I unleashed the tyrant” He moved his other hand and began to massage her asshole. “However, things degenerate quickly”. The thought of the tyrant made his shaft soft so he removed her shirt and tossed it on the floor. The chill air made her nipples hard.
“I don’t wanna continue the story” he grabbed her breast and rubbed them properly. This caused him to be hard again and her to jerk her hips.
“Did i say you could move?”
“You finished the story. Please..”
“Seems fair.” He made her a sign with his hand to continue. She moved her hips up and down while supporting herself on his shoulders. Through the fabric of the shirt she could feel his muscles tense. She wanted to see him fully naked and he slid her hands underneath the shirt, tracing with her fingers the outline of his abs. She removed his shirt and tossed it next to hers.
As she started to go faster, he cupped her cheeks and brought his mouth to her nipples, making circles with the tip of his tongue around the hardened skin. She grabbed a hand full of his hair and led him to her mouth, both engaging in a hot and messy kiss. When she felt she couldn’t take it anymore, Wesker began to massage her asshole, adding more pressure on her lower abdomen. He inserted one finger , pulling it in and out.
Wesker was throbbing inside of her as he felt her walls contracting around his member. They were both close. The second finger inserted in her asshole was enough to make her cum. He rolled her on her back, one leg on his shoulder, the other on the ground and he pounded in her hard and fast. This overstimulation cause her some discomfort, but arguing with him right now wasn’t the best idea. He achieved his orgasm after a few thrusts and collapsed on her.
He stayed there with his face buried in her neck, while she started to caress the back of his neck with her fingers. He inhaled her scent, which was a constant remider of the humanity he had lost. Propped on his elbows, he raised to look at her, his red eyes met her y/c ones. She pulled him closer to kiss him, but he withdrew and raised from the couch.
He was looking down at her. “Pathetic”, he whispered and left the room, leaving her alone with her thoughts. She wanted to follow him, but the man seemed he needs some time alone too. After all, Wesker was not her priority, but contacting Chris was. She decided to make use of this moment and search for a way to contact Alpha team.
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