#Reblogging for daytime followers!
c-o-t-o · 4 months
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Veiled Whispers - Xavier (Part 1)
(Part 2 here)
Author: c-o-t-o
Character: Xavier x fem reader
CW: 18+ only, sexual content/smut, explicit language, drunkenness, dubcon, teasing, light bdsm (some CWs apply to other parts)
Misc: ~1k words, Part 1. This fic is supposed to take off where the 5 star memory ends with Xavier
About: After Xavier tends to your injury and sees you're still drunk, you start feeling him up. Realizing what it is you want, Xavier decides to indulge in you, finally showing you how he feels.
*Do not remove info or credit from posts when reblogging or sharing!*
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“We can't delay the sunrise, but… we can make the night a little darker.” Xavier's lips whisper into the skin of your bare shoulder.
You had been up so late to begin with, that going back to his place, the sun was already starting to rise. Xavier closes the blinds, plummeting the room back into near darkness, save for a few very dim lights. Xavier made sure he could make his room very dark for when he was exhausted and needed to sleep in the daytime. It really did feel like it was still the middle of the night.
By now you've sobered up just enough to make sense of everything going on. You were still tipsy though, how could you not be? After all of those drinks you shared with Xavier outside while watching the Valentine's Day lights, it's only natural for you to still be pretty drunk. But at least you're not blacking out anymore. You're… in a good place.
Still sitting on the edge of Xavier's bed, your eyes follow him from the windows as he walks around to the other side of his bed. He pulls the untied tie off his neck and lets it fall to the floor. Slowly crawling onto his bed on his hands and knees, he pulls you back to lay down. The sudden movement makes you a little dizzy, but it quickly subsides. When your eyes refocus, Xavier is kneeling above you, hands pressed into the bed on both sides of your head. His shirt is still completely open.
“Xavier… what-” is all you manage to say before he puts a finger to your mouth to shush you. With his face just above yours, you see his eyes so clearly, even in the dimness. His gaze, normally soft and sleepy, is now filled with determination and hazy lust. And although it almost hurts to be looked at so deeply by him, you can't bring yourself to look away. With your limited view you notice, however, blush spreading beneath his eyes and across the bridge of his nose. Seeing him blush makes your heart start racing in your chest because you begin to wonder, ‘why is he blushing?’
Your hand grazes his cheek, thumb rubbing the blush on his skin.
“You're drunk too, aren't you, Xavier? Your face is so red…” your voice trails off when you take notice of how soft, yet hot, his face has become.
“I'm not drunk…” he softly whispers, eyes averting your gaze. He slowly looks back at you, sighing, and cupping his hand over yours on his face. "Hmm. I might be, a little bit.”
Xavier closes his eyes and turns his face to kiss the inside of your hand. He pulls your arm up and begins leaving a trail of kisses from your hand, down your wrist, to your arm. You can hear his short, breathy exhales between each kiss.
Before you know it, Xavier has turned you over onto your stomach, face buried into his pillow. He kneels above you, hands gently resting on your back to keep you from turning back around.
“What are you doing?" You turn your face out of the pillow to ask. At the same time you notice just how soft and plush his pillow is. You can smell his hair and gentle cologne on it, and it gives you goosebumps.
“I've asked you many times if you were worried about me getting back at you one day.” he whispers calmly, seductively. “You're always the one touching me, so why…” his voice trails off almost sadly while he drags the back of his fingers down your cheek. “Why is it that only you get to touch me? To tease me…” his blush reddens after mentioning that. "Aren't you worried I'll get you back? When you're not looking… when your back is turned… just like you've always done to me.”
You feel Xavier gently move your hair away from your shoulder, then suddenly, his warm lips on the back of your neck. He exhales on your skin, raising goosebumps in its path. His kisses are soft and plush against your skin, slowly going from the back of your neck down towards your shoulder. Taking his time with each and every kiss as if he's trying to memorize the feeling every time. The sensation makes your head cringe with pleasure, and you can't help but to moan out loud into his pillow. The sound is muffled, but loud enough to let him know that it feels good to you.
“All I want is to be able to touch you," he murmurs quietly into your ear. “To kiss you," he says as he kisses behind your ear. “To make you feel good." Xavier lets out a low moan in your ear as he exhales on it.
All the while, unbeknownst to you since your head was spinning with pleasure, Xavier slipped the straps of your dress off your shoulders, exposing your back. He already unhooked your bra, and was tracing shapes lightly with his fingertips on your skin. You feel your skin raise at the feeling. Noticing that, Xavier presses his warm hands into your back, almost massaging your shoulders.
As gently as he can, he helps you sit up on your knees. Xavier is still behind you, kneeling, chin resting in the crook of your neck.
“You're so beautiful." He exhales as his hands glide around to your front. The top of your dress has already fallen down to your waist, breasts exposed. Xavier’s big, warm hands move around to the front of you and cups them. You glance down and see his strong hands ever so gently fondling your breasts. Every time his hands glide up to the top of them, you see the veins in his hands from his muscles tensing underneath. He handled you so delicately as if you were something to be cherished. Xavier waited so long to be able to express his love for you, and by god, he was going to do it tonight.
“I hope you're ready for what's next, my love.” Xavier nuzzles your cheek with his face while still holding your chest. “I'll make you feel so good that you'll see stars."
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Winter's King 25
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, cheating, violence, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are a maid to the Duke of Debray, a lord of the Summer Kingdom. That is, until the king of Winter appears with his particular air of coldness. (Medieval AU)
Characters: Geralt of Rivia
Note: 😁.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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The queen snores in her bed. At last, peaceful. You leave her as she is, piled in bedclothes amid the glow of the low-burning fire. You emerge into the corridor, silent, and the door drags closed with a scrape at your cautious pull. The shadow by the pillar shifts.  
You glance over at the guard. Gilles has been relieved of his watch and another man stands in his place. You think you recognise him. He must’ve been one of those which helped the queen seize your cart. The road feels so very long ago and yet there is still much ahead of you. 
“Hold,” the guard warns and gives a whistle, the noise echoing along the high ceilings.  
There’s scuffling further down and you turn to face another silhouette, this one slender and lithe like a wraith. Ezme steps into the light of a lamp and stare at you placidly. She beckons with a hand. 
“Come, maid, I will show you your quarters,” she says. 
You bow your head and go to her. It is unusual you wouldn’t be left to find your way to the servants wing yourself, likely near the kitchens, and yet you are much too weary to question any of it. She turns and you walk at her side. The promise of sleep, even if only a little, has you aching to recline. 
The corridors are quiet but for the soft pad of your footsteps. Fewer lamps light the way than in the daytime and the path grows black. You follow the stirring of the women next to you as she carries on. She touches your arm to stop you, nudging you to the right. You wait and listen as she lifts a latch, the metallic noise cutting through the din, and hinges creak loudly. 
She guides you into the dark chamber by your wrist. It is lit only by moonlight and a brazier burning at the foot of a broad bed. The door clanks shut and you shiver. Ezme moves around you, her skirts brushing your own, and she goes to the low mattress. You squint, these are not servants’ rooms. The bed frame, the brazier, the space swathed in darkness; more often, bodies crowded over bags of hay or on the scant tatters of blankets. 
“You will sleep here,” she says softly, “with me. You will be safe.” 
“Safe? From what?” You croak and rub your cheeks as they burn with fatigue. 
“Need you ask,” she replies knowingly, “it is much too late for those questions. Come, lay, the morning will be upon us swiftly.” 
You don’t argue. She is right. You go to bed and remove your apron and cap. You fold them and put them to the foot of the mattress. She moves a dark square over the blankets towards you. You pause and reach to touch the obscured shape as the dim light offers only vague outline. It’s soft, furry. You feel around and find the familiar rough patch sewn into the lining. It’s the king’s cloak. 
“You will want to keep that close,” she says, “the soldier made certain to leave it for you.” 
“Bryce?” You wonder aloud, “is he your friend?” 
“He is a familiar face,” she shrugs and pulls her dress over her head. “The Lord of the Castle likes him well enough.” 
You shift the cloak over your apron and strip off your outer layer, standing only in your shift. You mirror the maid across from you and slip beneath the thick blankets. A sigh escapes you as your muscles finally release the tension of the day. She is still on her back as you lay upon your side, staring at the low flicker of the brazier against the wall. 
Curiosity nips at your exhaustion. How does a servant come upon a room like this? Is it simply at your expense? For whatever reason Bryce has bid her to keep you close. Certainly, the old soldier is overly cautious. 
Your eyes close before you can think very much on the unexpected resting spot. The day has been turbulent and full of many surprises. You only dread those that await you on the morrow. 
Ezme wakes you from a heavy slumber. You both dress in the morning hue, rinsing from a basin before you face another day. You leave the cloak on the assurance it will be waiting for you. A thought glimmers of what the king might think should it go missing. Would he blame you? 
You emerge and part from your nocturnal companion. You procede to the queen’s chambers to find them open and the corridor a titter. A pair of servants, themselves dozy, carry one of her chests through as her shrill cry careens through. You approach as the steadfast guard with the fiery hair watches you with narrow eyes.  
You peer within and find the Queen Jazlene digging through the contents, tossing fabrics without a care, in a desperate search. You are stunned to find her awake with the sunrise but not disheartened. It might be a good omen. 
"Where is it?" She throws her hands up and scowls as her eyes skim around, "you," she points in your direction, "where is my blue dress? The one with the silver lace? It must be here!" 
"Your highness, perhaps another chest," you step inside. 
"You did remember to pack it, didn't you?" She accuses as she stands, "I did bid it." 
"Yes, your highness," you affirm, though it was Merinda who would've taken the order. "Shall I go look in the luggage?" 
"Oh, yes, you shall," she struts toward you, "I will not be dressed as some northern wench for the banquet." 
Banquet? You withhold your curiosity and bow your head. You have a task and it is always better to tend to it without question. 
You spin and hurry from the room. You nearly collide with another servant, a tray in their hands. Another chore you needn't attend. You press on and find your way through the kitchens to the rear of the castle.  
The luggage remains mostly in the stables which entails a venture into the wintry without. You mourn the cloak upon the foot of the bed but it would be worse to flaunt the king's patch so heedlessly. You tuck your hands into your sleeves and put your chin down before you push through, the door resisting your strength as the wind blows against it. 
You stagger through and the heavy wood slams just as quickly as you clear its breadth. The gales are strong but the snow has relented. You see dark bodies speckled amid the white as powder dusts up in heaps. The servants work to clear away the thick piles and make pathways around the castle's yard. 
You cross to the stables and delve into the stink of horses and hay. The beast nicker and neigh as you pass as others doze without notice. You find the luggage, chests still upon carts as others litter the unswept floor. If you find the dress, it might just reek of horse. 
You recognise the crest of Debray upon a chest and the painted sides of a few others. You unstrap several lids and raise them, the cold nipping but sweat rising nonetheless. The longer you sift through the contents, the number your hands and fingers become, the clumsier you are. 
A patch of blue, so pale and shiny it's almost white, gleams from beneath the heaps of cloth. You yank upon it, bringing out several other gowns with the effort, and claim victory. You do not neglect to suss out a pair of slippers and a hair net you think might go with it. You set it aside and pack away the mess you've made, breathless from the expense. 
You hug your lot and curl around the next row of horses, searching out Daisy as she leans her head against Chestnut's dark neck. Their eyes widen at your approach and they huff almost in time. You pat their noses before you apologise that you must leave them. 
Once more, the violent gusts greet you in the open, sending a spiral of snow around you and dusting you with the chill. Your teeth chatter as the wind pushes you from behind and fill your skirts. You can hardly aim your steps as you end up against the castle wall, sidling along until you're at the door. 
Within, the cold follows and lingers in your bones. You flit through the kitchens, pots steam as the large ovens blaze and bodies cluster and clash. You barely avoid a collision as you pass into the corridor. As you step around one figure, another appears. 
“Aye, there the mouse is,” Bryce greets as he folds a leaf around his finger, readying it to pop in his mouth, “I see she’s got you at work already.” 
“Sir,” you stop before the soldier, “how was your night?” 
“Eh, dark,” he shrugs, “and you? The other maid saw to ya?” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Very good. If ye can, stay close to that one at the feast,” he girds, “she’s wise. She knows well how to bide the shadows.” 
You nod and hug the fabric, another shiver flowing through you. He tilts his head as he continues to play with the leaf between his fingers. 
“Don’t tell me you were outside without a cloak,” he accuses, “where’s yours, then?” 
“Sir, it was only for a moment--” 
“This cold does not soften for summer maids,” he tuts and shakes his head, “you will make yerself sick and who should have to deal with it, hm? Who should have to hear the king rant of it?” 
“Apologies, I was only in a rush,” you pout. 
“Don’t be sorry,” he steps closer and touches the dress in your arms, “in a rush for flimsy gown. These halls are too cold for satin.” 
“The queen bids it--” 
“Oh, I would expect,” he chortles. 
You purse your lips, slanting them one way then the next, as you recall your task. You watch him pinch the silk before he rescinds his reach. He puts the leaf in his mouth and chews. 
“You said feast and the queen said banquet? Is that this evening?” You wonder. 
“Certainly, is,” he sucks on the sweet leaves, “Lord Vesemir would celebrate our departure most fervently but as any good winter lord, he would not send his guests out in the cold without full bellies.” 
“Oh,” you utter thoughtfully. 
“And I suppose, it will appease the queen,” he adds, “for a time before she is once more miserable in the wildlands.” 
“And we are to leave on the morrow?” 
“Aye, by the nightfall,” he crosses his arms. “They must clear the pass and ready the horses and carts. It will be a labour but best we move on.” 
“I believe so too, sir,” you teethe your lip. 
“Aye, you are prudent, as ever,” he lowers his gaze to the floor, “mouse.” 
You shift on your soles and exhale solemnly, “I must...” 
“Yes, very well, go on to your queen,” he steps aside, “I must find our king. I suspect he might be hounding the lord of this castle, if not sparring with him.” 
There is a reluctance between you as you carry on your way; Bryce to one wing and you to the other, as if to mark the divide of king and queen. You come up the stairs and hurry along, the queen’s doors still ajar. Her voice carries still and servant scuttles out as a plate is hurled after them, crashing onto the floor as it narrowly avoids their foot. 
You slow and cautiously peek into the room. The queen shakes her head and pinches a morsel of brown meat on her plate, eyeing it with scrutiny. For a moment, her face twists, then she forces herself to shove it in her mouth. She chews as a battle rages across her features. 
Her gaze is drawn by your movement and she gulps down her mouthful. She stands, nearly overturning the stool upon which the tray rests. She brings her hands up as she storms over to snatch your armful. You back away as she lets the dress unfurl and you bend to gather up the slippers and hairnet as they fall. 
“Ah, wonderful, a proper attire for my first proper appearance as queen,” she beams and dances around with the dress, “oh, my hair, my hair. You must braid it for me.” 
She lays the gown on the bed and gives it a longing touch before she retreats. She clammers to the plain wooden table upon which she’s had a looking glass propped up. She leans forward as you stand behind her. Her hair remains in the braids she’s worn for some time, looking wilted and ratty from neglect. 
“Yes, your highness.” 
“I suppose the king feels horrid for his display yesterday,” she preens at herself. “He must realise he cannot keep a lady like me cooped up.” 
You think to mention that it is more send-off than anything. That is on Lord Vesemir’s whim, rather than King Geralt’s. At least that’s how you have it. Yet, you know well not to argue. Let Jazlene believe as she well and the world is always a bit more pleasant. 
You set to undoing her hair, gently as you notice how dry it is, whether from the cold or the air. She snaps her fingers and demands another servant bring her the tray off food. She picks at it as you unwind her hair and let it free. 
She looks at herself one way then the other. She smiles and wipes her mouth with her sleeve.  
“I am still pretty, aren’t I?” She asks, “I will be after the child comes, won’t I?” 
You swallow and nod, “yes, your highness.” 
“Gilles, Gilles,” she chimes and waves a hand, “come, come,” she turns in her seat and you pull away from her, not wanting to tug on her locks. “Tell me, how pretty am I?” 
The man steps into the doorway and clears his throat. He looks as sheepish as you’ve ever seen. You glance back at Jazlene as she poses and bats her lashes. 
“You are beautiful, my queen, as the summer sunsets,” he avows. 
There’s a click in your head, a wriggle in your chest, and a churning in your stomach. No. No, it can’t be. She wouldn’t betray her marriage. 
Yet you thought the very same of her husband. That’s different. The king rules all, even the queen. And that she so garishly flaunts her fleeting affections. But how can you judge, when your own folly looms over you like a cloud? 
You think of the king’s story; Cerrill and Wynifred and their forbidden romance. It tints in a different effect now, it aligns more evenly, for you do not see this ending well for either queen or guard should they stray. Just as you don’t see yourself faring any better. 
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jackhues · 7 months
it's november first - quinn hughes
notes: i hope you guys like this, fourth fic for 'it's the most wonderful time of the year' celly :))
likes are good, reblogs are better <3
part of naqia's end of the year celly!
gif not mine
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"is there a reason you're inside the closet?"
you looked up at quinn's voice, seeing him standing outside the walk-in closet, brow raised as he tried to determine what it was you were trying to do.
you were buried knee-deep in all of the different things you and quinn stored in this extra closet, trying, but failing, to find what you were looking for.
"i need to find the christmas decorations," you told him.
"why?" he asked you. "it's only november first."
"exactly!" you told him. "it's november first, which means it's time for christmas."
"mhm, and thanksgiving is just not important, i suppose," he muttered, a fond grin on his face.
"quinn, i'm canadian," you reminded him. "we're in canada right now. turkey's gone. that happens during october, remember? now that halloween is done, there's nothing left to stop me from christmas."
"oh yeah," quinn muttered. he shook his head to himself, "the decorations are on the higher shelf. let me help you."
you moved to the side, letting him walk through the mess you made, and pull out the boxes of christmas decorations. you moved like a train, taking the boxes from him and dropping them outside the closet. quinn left the box of hanukkah decorations, including the menorah, inside. you'd be decorating a little for hanukkah closer to the days.
"alright, that's the last one," quinn said, carrying one of the larger boxes outside. "what now?"
"now we decorate!" you grinned happily.
"see, that's a wonderful idea... but what are we decorating?" quinn asked. "we didn't get our tree yet."
"oh yeah," you remembered.
overexcited to decorate for christmas, you'd forgotten about the process of buying a tree to decorate.
"it's okay," you shrugged it off. "we'll start putting the lights up. and we can get the christmas tree... later this week?"
"works with me," quinn smiled.
the two of you carried the box of christmas lights outside, ready to decorate the front lawn. you pulled the wreath out of the box while quinn untangled the lights. together, the two of you wrapped them around the wreath, creating a cute design.
"ready to hang it up?" you asked.
quinn nodded, the two of you reaching up to hang it over the door. you grinned, admiring your work. it was still daytime, so you'd be lighting it up later.
"time for the arches?" quinn asked.
you nodded, causing him to grin widely.
he loved putting the arches over your door for some reason. they were simple, made like the wreath, but there was a mistletoe that hung from the center of it.
the two of you sat on the porch, wrapping the arch with the christmas lights.
"no, no, you need to wrap it looser," quinn said. "otherwise we won't have enough lights. remember last year?"
"oh yeah," you muttered sheepishly.
last year you'd gotten a little excited with the christmas lights, tying them so tightly that they were bunched up at the bottom of the arch, and that there was nothing left towards the top end.
quinn helped you untie the christmas lights, and you wrapped them looser this time, grinning as you finished towards the top of the arch.
"done!" you showed quinn your half of the arch.
quinn finished tying the mistletoe in the center, getting up as he finished. "all right, now it's time to put it up."
he grabbed a ladder, hooking the arch up as he went. you stood below, making sure it was levelled and proper.
"perfect!" you smiled as quinn finished, climbing off the ladder.
he looked up, grinning mischieviously.
you followed his gaze to the mistletoe, rolling your eyes. he did this every year, and you never got tired of it.
"mistletoe," he pointed.
"i know," you muttered.
"it's christmas law to kiss," he added seriously.
"i said i know you goof," you grinned, pulling him in for a kiss.
quinn smiled against your lips, knowing he'd never get tired of this. he'd put the christmas decorations up on november first every year if it meant he could kiss you like that.
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osaemu · 8 months
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with songs featuring gojo, geto, dazai, chuuya, and childe !
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careful, there's gonna be some pretty mature themes headin' in . . . sex, cheating, overthinking, y'know, the usual. it's hard being hot !
well, i heard some guys from jujutsu kaisen, bungo stray dogs, and genshin impact are involved in the drama, maybe you know them !
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TRACK 9: NONSENSE "baby i'm in too deep, here's a lil' song i wrote, it's about you and me"
꒰ pop star!reader x secret lover!gojo
being a pop star is tough, and maintaining a relationship alongside it is even harder. good thing you have a boyfriend to share the nights with, but what happens when those night-time specials start seeping into your daytime routine?
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TRACK 10: FAST TIMES "tiptoeing past so many stages, but what the fuck is patience?"
꒰ coworkers with benefits ft. pm boss!chuuya
being a mafia boss is hard, and the stress that comes with it could kill. so, your boss's solution is to take it out on his pretty little secretary — you. one thing leads to another, and soon it becomes a regular thing. it's okay, it's not like he's gonna fuck you during work hours, right?
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TRACK 11: SKINNY DIPPING "if we could take it all off and just exist, and skinny dip in water under the bridge"
꒰ break up –> make up ft. criminal!geto
when you found out he wasn't who he said he was, you dumped him on the spot, and after that you didn't see him for nineteen days. so what happens on the twentieth day when you run into him at your local coffee shop, and how did it end with his dick in your mouth?
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TRACK 13: DECODE "you're good at impersonating someone who cares, and you had me for a minute there"
꒰ actor!reader x actor!dazai
your co-star is known for his acting prowess, and maybe he's just a little too good, because even when the lights are down and no cameras in sight, you can never seem to figure out if he means what he says. even when he's drunk in your sheets, every word seems carefully calculated to get something out of you — who knows what he wants?
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TRACK 15: FEATHER "your signals are mixed, you act like a bitch, you fit every stereotype, send a pic"
꒰ it girl!reader x fuckboy!gojo
you're everything, and he's just another fuckboy. but even though he's the biggest dickhead you've ever met, you can't deny that he's very, very attractive. so what happens when you have one too many drinks and end up moaning his name all night long?
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TRACK 16: LONESOME "did you think about her face with your hands around my waist? did you even give a fuck?"
꒰ exes with benefits ft. fuckboy!childe
you probably shouldn't still sleep with the boy who ruined your life, but hey, he's the only one who knows how to fuck you just right. even if he made you cry for a week straight, you'd rather be crying out his name than wallowing in self-pity at home. and it's not like you're gonna get back together with him, are you?
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TRACK 17: THINGS I WISH YOU SAID "i saw you met somebody and i'm jealous as hell, that i can't even stomach loving somebody else"
꒰ cheating ft. ex boyfriend!dazai
maybe it's wrong to cheat on your current boyfriend with your ex, but you never moved on and apparently, neither did he. and shit, he's just as skillful with his words as ever, so just one night wouldn't hurt, right?
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well, hannah'll tell you whenever she feels like it, but who knows what order she's whisper them to you in ? it'll be a surprise ~
there's no taglist or anythin', but you can check back here to see if anything's leaked yet ! ++ maybe follow hannah and her tag, 'cause she said she'll post updates there . . . #✧ — emails i can't send
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have fun listening! reblogs very appreciated xoxo –> signed, hannah
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mooishbeam · 5 months
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『♡』 The Remarkable Machine Who Learned How to Love
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♡ featuring: toji x f!reader
♡ cw/tw: none, a little angst but a whole lot of fluff! wc: 1.6k+
notes: i was thinking about this all day and decided to whip up somethin in a couple hours. hope u like :P art by manuel_juju on twitter! comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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In a kill-or-be-killed world, Toji reached the top of the food chain—unfortunately, staying at the top is a thousand times harder than the climb. And when he looked down, there was no one to catch his fall.  
Before Toji met you, he was as aimless as a speck of dust, carried endlessly by an unpredictable tide of winds. He followed the cracked and crumbled path bespoken for lost souls like himself. Destined to be nothing but a vessel, a hollow man of sturdy muscle who worked himself to the bone, filthy jobs common men wouldn’t dare consider, because who was there to stop him anyway? Was there anything left for men birthed from hopeless circumstances, raised by broken homes to turn to lives of criminality? He couldn’t find an answer. He wasn’t equipped with the empathy to understand why guilt gnawed at his conscious; why whenever he ate takeout in his dimly lit apartment, it spilled out the chasm in his chest.  
It was much easier to complete the task, to trudge to a check cashing facility to retrieve money he couldn’t care less about. Perhaps he’d walk this earth alone forever, constantly watching over his back from a fear of daggers shooting from every direction, waiting to strike at his most vulnerable. It was only a matter of time.  
Or maybe he’d allow his sins to surpass him. Accept the peaceful release of death and pay the price of a vacant funeral service.  
It was all but irreparable, until he walked into his usual convenience store and encountered the new clerk at the register. It was past midnight, and Toji placed the quick meal on the counter. When his tired eyes panned up from those frozen noodles, his heart reset, a part he thought died amidst the torment. It skipped across his ribcage, stopped until a fleeting breath pulled him back to reality, to the intense fluorescent lights and your warm welcoming smile. There wasn’t a single altercation that stole the air from his lungs the way you did.  
Life hadn’t torn you apart yet.  
Your eyes didn’t break away, unexpected, as Toji was used to people hanging their heads near him. He’s aware of his threatening stare and intimidating stature; it’s what keeps him alive. And you were unbothered. You scanned his item, and flashed those pearly whites that sent a nosedive straight to his stomach, “I’m a big fan of this brand!”  
Toji remained tight lipped, unwilling to sift through difficult emotions and experience a feeling he believed himself to be undeserving of. He nodded, and somehow you continued, “Shouldn’t eat so late, though. Messes with your stomach.” A puff of wind pushed from his nose before he could stifle it. “Are you a doctor in the daytime?” You chuckled and bagged, “Sorry, slow day.”  
He arrives the same week, searching for a couple of beers to bring back to his apartment. You were in an obviously dangerous position, with one foot off the step ladder as you attempted to push a bottle of cleaner onto the highest shelf. It was a fight between gravity, and the opponent nearly won before his hand grabbed the handle. “Oh! Thank you” you smiled. It was sunnier than the last and reopened the stitches he’d been struggling to sew since that moment.  
Toji suddenly had countless excuses to go to the convenience store. Sometimes he’d enter for a snack, and you’d discuss your favorite chips, other times he pretended to need items just to hear your voice ramble about a niche topic you knew too much about. When his heart thrummed off kilter, and his mind became consumed with thoughts of the pretty night-shift cashier, a piece of him demeaned. How embarrassing it was, to be attracted to the scripted kindness of a service worker. Toji barely recognized he had favorites, let alone desires. So why did he have such an unwavering desire to see you?  
He’d snatch a pack of noodles one day, a subconscious grin at the joining of your eyes. It didn’t matter if the twinkle in your gaze wasn’t exclusive to him; for a second, it felt like someone cared, and it was fulfillment he couldn’t shake.  
You leaned over the counter on your elbows, “Did you know there’s over 35,000 ramen noodles restaurants in Japan?”  
“I didn’t, but that sounds like a lot of options.”  
“Mhm, you should try one. The real thing is way better.”  
“I’m sure. I don’t really go out to restaurants often, so…”  
“Me neither”, there’s a lengthy pause, and you finally blurted, “maybe we could go together!”  
He was stunned. Lost for words, really. It wasn’t possible, a girl as beautiful as you who wants to be seen with a stone-cold machine in public. It had to be a prank, a fabrication by fate to taunt him. You grew an anxious smile, “Hah, sorry, I overstep-“  
“I want to.” You stiffened, and he found solace in your shared nervousness. “O-oh! Great!” 
Toji’s first date with you had been a disaster, though. He’s heavy handed by design, and it’s no different in his daily life. His strength leads to instances of clumsy behavior. He expected you to be appalled, disgusted, or at least judgmental.  
You never shunned him. When he held your hand too tight, you slightly unclasped it. He wanted to retreat, to stuff them in his pockets and remain at a safe distance. But you interlocked hands and spoke soft, “It's okay, just try not to hold so tight.”  
He swung the door open for your entry and almost shattered the glass door on the opposite wall. “I appreciate your enthusiasm” you giggled.  
He was afraid to even hug you—he might underestimate his strength and crush your sternum. Toji walked you back to your place and turned to leave. “I’ll see ya around.” Despite that, you guided his calloused hands around your waist, slinked into his broad body, and embraced him.  Every aspect of you, foreign but comforting—little breaths fanning his shirt, fingers brushing along his back, sugary perfume wafting in his nose.  
It was heaven on Earth.  
Now years have gone by, and instead of bleached walls and silence greeting him as his eyes crack open in the morning, he smells the familiar scent of pancakes, pans clattering on the stove. He waltzes into the kitchen in a hazy state and admires the aching back of his very pregnant wife. You have a hand assisting your lower back and another on the wooden spatula scrambling eggs. 
Toji dropped his past for you after the engagement.  He cashed his last check and disappeared from the underground circle without a trace. He was aware if he continued the path he was heading, the result awaiting him was six feet under. The outcome was unimportant, however, you—the image of tears streaming down your face at his poor volition, your figure keeled over his gravesite under dewy grass and wailing for his return to no avail. He couldn’t stomach it. He had to protect you and commit to the next stage of his life. He’d never tell you about his previous work. It was for the best. He’d be selfish, just this once. 
One sock is different from the other, wearing loose shorts and a random shirt sitting above your massive belly. It’s his preferred version of you. Your stomach and thighs adorned in stretch marks, shaped like tiger stripes that declare your strength through each dip and curve; It's his greatest honor. You’d take on the complications, unending exhaustion, and hormone imbalances to bless him with a child. Toji hasn’t let you lift a finger since you got pregnant, opting to handle all the household tasks, borderline subservient to the mother of his child. So, his mouth twists when he sees you up so early.  
He stands behind you, hands trailing from your upper thighs to your stomach, then the small of your back. You lean into him while he massages circles and whisper a tiny “Good morning.” 
“Ya could’ve woke me up” Toji mumbles, kissing your temple. He wraps around to the underside of your belly, mindful of his muscle, and lifts it carefully. His respect for you increases tenfold with the heavy weight on his palms. You hum a pleased noise, sudden relief from your back. He carries it and smooths his thumbs over the taut skin. 
“You’re a late sleeper, and I haven’t made breakfast in a long time.” 
“Ya don’t have to do a thing, y’know.” 
“I know. But I wanna do this for you”, and he grins. It’s quiet, standing in the warmth of your bodies, sunshine glowing through the window to cast an angelic gleam on your face.  
Then he feels an imbalance of pressure along his fingers and mild wriggling within your tummy. Toji traces the movements, seeking to play a game with his unborn child. Sometimes it scares him, to bring new life into a world that almost smothered his light.  He worries that he’ll end up on the same road as him or he won’t be a good enough father. The journey of parenthood is a long, laborious one. You’re always learning, and Toji’s still processing the basics. It’s complicated, he trips and falters; yet you’re there to support him, through thick and thin, sickness and in health.  
What was he if not for you—his pillar, his source of happiness and comfort. You’d given him everything to wish for and infinite reasons to stick around. An iron criminal, bested by no mortal, chipped away by compassion and gentle hands. 
“You can let go if it’s too heavy.” 
I can stay here forever. 
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toruro · 1 year
— ✧ red (k)nights
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pairing. xu minghao x reader
description. minghao is your knight in shining armor. literally.
tags. smut (18+), so much fluff, royal au, princess!reader, knight!minghao, secret relationship (kind of?!), minghao’s finger pieces from the super mv …
outfit inspo. minhgao's armor is as shown in the pics, his robes are similar to the light brown ones worn in their inkigayo performance, & reader's robes are of similar design to their 2nd outfits in the super mv!
fic playlist.
w/c. 6.7k
a/n. i'm usually not into royal aus or any au in general that isn't modern, but i had so much fun writing this and i think my mind has changed ... so i hope u enjoy! comments/reblogs are always appreciated c:
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“You’re upset,” Eunji notes, walking into your room as sunlight peeks through your silk blinds.
Grumbling, you slowly push yourself off the mattress and lean against the headboard as you rub your eyes. The soft browns and golds of your room are starting to sink into your vision as you adjust to the light, murmuring, “You didn’t knock.”
Eunji sighs, patting her hands down on her apron after setting down your black robe. “Your father doesn’t have any rules about walking in without knocking. And besides, you always lock the door if it’s necessary—if it isn’t locked, I assume it’s alright for me to walk in.”
“What about my rules?” you huff, finally slipping out of bed so Eunji can help you slip into your daytime robes.
“I don’t suppose you’re the king?” she responds as you groggily make your way up to her, your nightgown wrinkling at the ends.
“Eunji,” you whine, throwing yourself onto one of your plush lounge chairs in front of her. “I’m too tired,” you grumble when she points at the robe, again, signaling you to put it on.
“You’re upset,” she corrects, lifting the clothes and unwinding them for you as you begrudgingly stand up and slip off the dress, leaving you only in your undergarments.
“He’s still gone,” you whisper quietly, lifting your arms so Eunji can slip in the sleeves from behind you, moving in front to help tie up the flat, golden drawstrings on the front into bows.
“Away. He is away, not gone,” Eunji says with a pat on your shoulders, adjusting the edges and collar of your velvet robe.
“What’s the difference?” you mutter once she’s done.
“The difference is he will be back,” she explains simply, taking a step back to admire her work. “Now, let’s get you down for breakfast? I wouldn’t want to be caught making you late for your meal by gossiping about your—” she pauses. Eunji is among three of maybe your only friends in the entire kingdom, yet she still bites her tongue, still holds back. You used to resent her for it, but now you understand it’s only natural—after all, it is her job to take care of you, and being careful is just what she has to do. But right now, Eunji is your friend, not your maid, and what she follows with only confirms that fact—“your boy.”
Your lips break into a bright grin at the mere name—your boy. You should feel childish—Minghao is so much more than a boy. He’s a gentleman, he’s strong, he’s confident—he is so much. But after all of that, after his sword is yielded, after all his armor is stripped, Minghao is yours—your boy.
“Will you let me do your hair?” Eunji interrupts your thoughts, holding up a few hair ribbons from your large vanity across the room. You grimace, shaking your head.
“I feel like I might go bald every time you do,” you tell her. Eunji gives you a stern look and you let your shoulders sag. “Fine, but please be gentle. I’m already under so much stress, I can’t have any more pressure on my head.”
You shrug, a small smirk poking at your cheeks. “Oh you know. Just my boy.”
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Eunji escorts you down to the dining hall after raking all your hair into some tight updo. Wincing as you pick at the ribbons, she scurries off when you sit down to order the chefs to present you breakfast.
“Good morning, Princess,” a familiar voice greets, Mingyu placing down a steel plate littered with an array of fruits. “What would you like this morning?”
You watch Eunji who re-enters as you formulate your response. “I’m not really hungry right now, if I’m being honest…” you sigh.
“Don’t let her get away with that!” Eunji calls out from the other end of the room, and you cross your hands over your chest as she walks over. Mingyu gives you a concerned look, and Eunji continues. “She’s saving her appetite for when she plans to sneak out in the evening!” she says in a half whisper, half yell sort of voice.
Mingyu’s eyes widen when he looks down on you. “You actually snuck out that time? I thought you were just bluffing so you wouldn’t have to have breakfast with your cousins!”
“It was both,” you grumble as you roll your eyes. “I’m sorry, but they’re insufferable—the both of them! And then…” your voice trails off, “Mingyu you know your food is great and I love it but there’s this fruit stall down in the civil grounds and—”
“You snuck out for fruit?” Mingyu gasps, stepping back. Pointing at the platter in front of you, he says, “I should have you know these are harvested from the finest farm in the kingdom.” You stick your tongue out at him, glancing at Eunji who is giving you a funny look. Mingyu catches on, and his eyes narrow. “Are you keeping a secret from me? Oh my god—you know I hate being left out of things.”
“You have a big mouth,” Eunji murmurs and you laugh along in agreement.
Mingyu frowns, swiping the platter away from you as you reach for a grape. “Hey! This is no way to treat a princess,” you pout.
“Tell me what’s going on then?” he pleads, and you glance at Eunji who seems to take it upon herself to spill the beans for you. Leaning in, she motions for Mingyu to come closer so you can all lower your voices.
“She went to see her boy,” she whispers.
Once again, you can’t help but let the grin break out onto your face. Your boy.
Fuck, you really miss him.
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Him, being the man who followed you many nights ago as you tried to sneak out of the castle grounds. It’d been a boring few weeks and you overheard Eunji gushing to one of the other maids about a festival that took place in the civil grounds.
You’d heard of it before, and even showed up to the festival occasionally over the years, but it was only ever for a sparring moment—to sit and look pretty, wave hellos and goodbyes before you were being dragged back to the castle.
So when you heard that Eunji was planning on using one of her few, sacred days off, you just had to know what was so exciting about it—your temptation exceeded your ability to follow the rules.
Slipping into some old brown robes you used to wear for your dance training, you wrapped a shawl over your head and over the bottom half of your face in hopes to conceal as much of your identity as possible.
You couldn’t believe you were doing this. Or, well, maybe you could. You’d fantasized about this moment for ages, never really having the drive to go through with it though. That is, not until now. Still, you’d played this chain of events too many times for anything to go wrong. You had thought about every possible chance of something going wrong, and right now you were certain that you had planned against it.
Foolproof. Your plan just had to be foolproof.
So when you snuck off that night, when the deep oranges of the sunset turned to red and soon to black, there wasn’t a doubt in your mind that things would go perfectly fine. That you’d be able to run through the gardens, through the militia grounds, and into the civil grounds, slip in and out of the festival, and back into your bed before anyone could even realize that the princess wasn’t in her bed.
Silly you for not accounting for him.
Him, being the man who was out in the militia courtyards, donned in his training robes as he read a book under the dim light of a flickering, yellow lantern. Him, being the man you thought wouldn’t recognize your figure as you scurried through the pathway and towards the exit to the civil grounds.
You were foolish, and Minghao was perceptive.
You hardly were in the crowd at the festival for more than half an hour before a strong hand tugged at your wrist. Considering yelling for help, you opened your mouth to scream, but not before a large, warm hand clasped over your mouth, trapping in any noises you made. He was gentle with the way he pulled you to a quiet place behind the wall, and even under the dim, crimson glow from the festival, you’re able to make out his face when he finally releases you.
His face was no stranger to your eyes, as his duties as a performance knight had him on and off palace grounds consistently. Xu Minghao. You remembered the name, and watching the scarlet hues fall on his skin, you were reminded of just why his face has not left your mind—why you recall him, and not any other knights.
The redness casted a sharp shadow over him, sharp jawline seeming further whetted under this new glow. Minghao’s dark and shiny hair hung perfectly to shield his gorgeous eyes from the bright lights from around you, and you find yourself growing mesmerized by the way he gazes down at you so … passionately.
Finally breaking the silence that stuffed the space between you, he spoke, “What are you doing here, Princess?” Unexpected of the concern that laces his tone, you were taken aback, mouth falling slightly agape as you wondered why he chose not to scold or reprimand you.
“I wanted to see the festival,” you finally managed to whisper, tearing your eyes away from the handsome man in front of you to look behind at the celebrations taking place all around you. Minghao studied your face for a few pensive moments before sighing and nodding.
He surprised you again with his next, quiet words, “I can show you.”
Looking up at him with bright eyes, you beamed.
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Sneaking out to your “fruit stall” doesn’t work, not when Eunji is on your tail. You huff and puff when she sits you down in your room that night, but then she’s whispering into your ear about how his team will be arriving the next morning.
That night, your stomach churns with the anticipation of seeing him, touching him, holding him. It’s been too long, and all you’ve been left with for the past weeks is the ghost of his touch against yours, imagining it’s Minghao when you hug your pillow every night.
You don't get an ounce of sleep, of course, but when you wake up after dozing off to the bright, morning sky, you feel nothing but excitement bubble up in your stomach. You ask Eunji to dress you in your robe of finest silk, and she grins, feigning ignorance as to the reason behind your request.
“This would look nice, don’t you think?” you murmur, holding up a silver dangling hair pin.
Eunji walks over, inspecting the little accessory you’ve picked out. “I don’t understand why you’re putting so much thought into this…he’s seen you in much less,” she mutters and you gasp loudly, nudging her shoulder.
“Y-you said you would never bring that up!” you stutter out, placing the pin back down. The that in question being the time you had snuck Minghao into your room one night and forgot to lock your door. That morning, Eunji was met with the side of a bare chested knight and the princess rolling around together under the sheets, the first person to be introduced to your little secret.
Eunji only hums, looking over your array of jewelry. “The gold would look nicer,” she tells you, ignoring your previous exclamation. She lifts a nearly identical hair pin, except this one is coated in gold, matching the shimmering designs on your robes.
You smile and nod, turning around in response so she can put the pin in your updo. As you continue to go about your morning, there’s an extra jump to your step when you make your way to the militia office. Inside is your father’s head officer, Seungcheol, sitting at his desk as he goes through the papers.
“The demo team comes back today, right Officer?” you ask curiously, stepping in.
Cheol looks up at you, eyebrows quirked. “They came back this morning, yes,” he replies, standing up as he organizes some of the papers in a neat stack. “Excited?”
“No, why would I be?” you say, letting your shoulders deflate a little to hide your very real and very true excitement. Seungcheol gives you a cheeky smile as he adjusts his coat.
“You’re not great at lying.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you reply, crossing your arms over your chest nonchalantly as Seungcheol walks out of the room, letting you follow behind.
“Really? Your father is picking up on it too. Tell me to tell him how the demo team is doing. Asks me to let him know if there’s anyone that seems … suspicious.”
You scoff, letting your hands fall to your side, “Well he hasn’t said anything to me about it … yet at least.” You sigh, figuring that if Seungcheol already has an idea of what’s going on, there’s no point in feigning ignorance. “Was I being too obvious when I asked for a whole unit to be moved from the battle team to the demo team?”
Seungcheol laughs. “Yes. Your father is definitely—”
“No, that’s not the right word. I think he seems more open to the idea than you might think. I was just going to say he has a feeling you and one of the demo team’s members are … are involved.”
You hum in response, skipping besides Seungcheol as you make your way to the militia courtyard. “That’s good to hear.”
“I guess. Whether your father approves so far or not, tell your boy—” Your heart flutters when Seungcheol says it like that. “—whichever one he is, to keep in line. I’m sure you wouldn’t want me to report any bad news back to the King.”
You roll your eyes but don’t respond, walking outside into the field of grass where some soldiers are lined up in neat rows in front of a black, raised platform where you and Seungcheol are supposed to stand. As you near the group of soldiers, your stomach ties up in a tight knot when you catch sight of the familiar face.
Walking timidly up to the platform next to Seungcheol, you place your hands in front of you, playing with your fingers as you struggle to break your eyes away from Minghao. He isn’t looking at you right now—he isn’t allowed to you.
With his helmet drawn by his side, sword sheathed at his back, crimson armor with gold intricacies glistening under the sun, it’s all too much for you—Minghao in his armor is a force of beauty, and one to be reckoned with.
And he’s standing so straight, so tall, his well built figure being accentuated by the sharp curves of the metal that plates his skin and you start to lose track of Seungcheol’s words. It isn’t until he nudges you in your side when you jump up and out of your reverie, only to see him looking down at you with concerned eyes.
“Princess,” he says loudly, and then much quieter, “Are you alright?”
“I—yes, sorry. It’s just the sun, it’s in my face and I lost track of things for a moment,” you lie, looking back at the knights standing in uniform in front of you.
“Do you want to head back inside? You don’t really have to be—”
“I’ll stay,” you say quickly. “What was it I needed to do?”
“Some last words for them. It’s been a long few weeks, so just say something and formally release them for this week.”
Right. That’s why you’re here. Clearing your throat, you straighten your back, causing the men to all turn their attention to you. Finally, both you and Minghao think. Finally he can look at you.
And fuck, you look so beautiful with your hair pinned back and loose ribbons strewn in, your black and gold royal robes hanging effortlessly off your body with the little bows decorating your waist. Gentle fingers clasped in front of you and Minghao can almost feel your gentle touch on him when you speak.
“Thank you for your excellent performances over the past weeks,” you begin to speak, your eyes doing their best to not linger on Minghao too long. “Your efforts are greatly appreciated, and to express my gratitude, you are relieved of your duties from now until the end of this weekend. Report to your duties the following morning as you would on any regular schedule. Thank you again.” You close with a bow, stepping back and motioning your hand out front as to signal.
“You are dismissed,” Seungcheol calls out loudly, and you see the way the soldier’s immediately drop their shoulders, their gazes averting to each others’ as they break out into loose conversation. Well, all but one. Minghao’s eyes are locked in on yours and you’re finding it impossibly hard to look away.
Looking up at Seungcheol, “Can I go now?”
“Of course. Thank you for showing up. Do you need one of us to escort you back to the castle grounds or—”
You shake your head quickly, eyes flickering to Minghao who is making conversation with one of his platoon members casually. “N-no, that won’t be necessary.”
“Are you sure? You aren’t looking too well. I think it’d be safest if you had one of them help you.”
“I—” you pause, “Okay, I’ll take him,” you say before Seungcheol can make his own decision, pointing at Minghao. Hearing your raised voice, he turns to see your finger in his direction, both you and Seungcheol looking straight at him. Seungcheol looks at you as Minghao walks over, but eventually shrugs.
“Minghao, take the princess to castle grounds,” Seungcheol instructs, throwing you a knowing look. He nods without a word, bowing to you and then his leader as the captain walks away to talk to some other soldiers, leaving just the two of you.
The air is thicker now—it’s filled with all the words you want to say, all the things you want to do, all the thoughts you’ve been thinking and fuck—you really missed him. You need to remind yourself that you’re still out in the open, still in the militia courtyard, still not alone, and you don’t even allow Minghao to do the formal, custom bow and greeting before you turn on your heel and rush away.
Your strides are long but his are longer and he keeps up with your discerningly fast pace, following you out of the courtyard, through the rows of decorated barracks, and off the militia grounds without a word. It’s only when you’re both alone in the small pathway that connects the militia grounds to the castle that you finally allow your pace to rest.
Minghao is the first to speak after glancing around to ensure that the coast is clear, “You seem to have forgotten that you’re the only one who isn’t lugging around 40 pounds worth of armor.” His voice comes out in soft pants, and it’s slightly gruff, but then he’s dropping his helmet to the ground and grabbing your face so he can smash your face into his.
His lips are chapped, moving roughly against yours hungrily, his tongue licking into your mouth as you struggle to place your hands—his armor isn’t the best for clinging onto—so you settle for placing them on his neck. Minghao’s own hands are cradling the back of your head, angling you better as his tongue delves deeper, exploring every inch of your mouth with a passion that threatens to consume you. He tastes of salt and sweat, your own lips sweet with the scent of royal gardens, and it all has you dizzy.
When Minghao breaks the kiss, you feel at a loss as you grapple for him, his skin, his touch against you. “Y-you need to get this off,” you say hastily, knocking on the steel armor that dons his body. You let your fingers trace down the hard material, finally letting them fall down to grasp one of the few exposed parts of his body left—his hands.
“Eager already?” his eyes flicker up at you and it seems to light a flame beneath you. You squeeze his fingers lightly, looking around you to make sure no one has stepped into this pathway yet.
“Whatever.” You pause. “I missed you,” you add quietly, as Minghao leans forward and adjusts the collar of your robes for you, the small gesture making your heart tender. His gaze softens, and he uses one hand to gently stroke your cheek.
“I missed you too. It was so long—I thought I was going crazy,” he confesses, and the admission has your lips pulling into a smile.
“Do you want to go to the gardens?” you ask excitedly, holding his hand up to your chest as you clutch it tightly. “The enclosed one? I’ll ask Eunji to make sure it stays private for the rest of the morning and—” Minghao’s lips pursed into a tight line causes disappointment to well up inside your belly. “What? You don’t want to?”
“No—no, of course I want to, it’s just…” his voice trails off and you look up at him dejectedly. “I need to go to the barracks. I know we have the week off but I still have things to do.”
“Oh,” you murmur, stepping back a little. Minghao frowns, squeezing your cheek lightly with the calloused pads of his fingers.
“You know I want to. I just need to unpack and get this—” he looks down at himself and clanks the metal armor, “—get this shit off and take care of some stuff with Jun.” You nod understandingly, but he notices the ways your eyes droop down just a little. Pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, he continues. “I’ll make it up to you tonight.”
Your eyes sparkle at the suggestion. “Tonight?” Minghao nods with a smile, his hand still resting by your cheek, gently stroking your jawline. “The gardens? My room? Where?”
“I actually have a different place in mind. It’s in the civil grounds. It’ll be better if you can come before sunset…” As he speaks, his fingers trail down your neck, running over your collarbone right where the two ends of your robe meet just above your chest. His touch lingers for a few moments, burning trails of fire into your skin as you struggle to keep your heartbeat steady.
“The civil grounds? We’ve never gone there before,” you murmur, voice dripping with curiosity. “At least not since … well you know.” Since the night we met.
“Trust me?” The way he looks down at you with pure adoration makes you feel like he can hear your heartbeat from your chest, shaking the earth under you.
“Before sunset, right here,” you promise.
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You can’t quite hide your enthusiasm from Eunji but you also can’t quite care. Nearly jumping off the walls from excitement, it feels like an eternity before the hour strikes seven and you’re whispering to her to cover for you as you slip off the castle grounds and to the little pathway that leads to the militia grounds.
And there he is, your boy, clad in no longer his armor but brown robes which hug his built figure. There is no sword drawn in his back nor is there a helmet clinging by his side, and you grin when you approach him with a smile, wrapping your arms around his torso.
Patting your back gently, Mingao places a soft kiss on your forehead, giving you a warning look as your eyes ask for more. “Not now … not here,” he clarifies, running his hand over your head once, admiring the updo it’s in as he slots his other hand into yours. “Don’t you want to see where I’m taking you?”
You grip his hand tighter and nod as he pulls out a brown fabric from the crevice in his robe. “What’s this for?” you ask as he drapes it over your head gingerly, finally tying the loose ends under your chin.
“Just so you don’t get noticed. We are going to the civil grounds, after all,” Mingaho explains, patting your cheek lightly once he’s done and pulling you to follow after him as he leads the way. You’re both quiet as he leads you carefully through the paths of the militia grounds, finally sneaking you out through a side gate.
Minghao quietly pulls you through the winding streets of the civil grounds where the atmosphere is bustling, with vibrant colors, loud voices, and an endless amount of people flooding the pathways. It’s new, of course, but with the sun hanging low above you, Minghao’s warm hand encased around yours, and the promise of a good night in your mind, you feel oddly comforted.
You’re led through the crowds, Minghao holding you close to his side until he stops at the base of one, tall building, leading you through an alleyway and to the back where there’s a narrow staircase leading to the roof. With a hand on your back, he guides you up the stairs, still keeping close as he follows carefully behind you.
“This is Jun’s family’s old shop,” he explains as the distant sounds of laughter and music grow fainter. “They’ve moved buildings now, but me and Jun come here sometimes with friends because this one is really tall and … and well you’ll see,” he murmurs as you finally reach the top.
He pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around your waist as you both walk onto the rooftop which is lined with a fence style barrier. The ground is covered in old rugs and there are some sacks and boxes strewn around. Walking over to the edge with Minghao, you gasp softly at the sight around you. The civil ground sprawls beneath you, and as you look up, you can see the castle against the blooming oranges and reds of the sky—it’s beautiful.
“This is … wow … this is really pretty, Hao,” you say, and his hold on you tightens for a second before letting go so he can turn around. He walks over to one of the boxes, rummaging through its contents before pulling out a few linen sheets and a lantern, setting it down on the rugs.
“Come, sit,” he instructs as he lays out the sheets, placing the light on top. You follow, smoothing your robes before sitting next to him and leaning into his shoulder so he can wrap an arm around you. Looking up, you watch the sky turn into a hue of orange so deep and vibrant that it’s nearly red.
“You really can’t get a view like this from the castle,” you say with a sigh as Minghao uses one hand to light up the lantern.
He hums in response, pressing a kiss to the temple of your head. “Yeah, I know. I’ve been meaning to bring you here for a while.” You turn to look up at him with a big grin, finally pressing a soft kiss to his lips. It’s short and sweet, and although you really are aching for more, you suppose you’ll settle for this right now. After all, you do have all night.
“This is beautiful,” Minghao tells you when you pull away, fingers brushing over the golden hairpin you stuck into your updo early in the morning.
“Eunji picked it out for me…”
He smiles at you gently, hands disappearing into the folds of his robe. “I love it. I actually wanted to show you something,” he says, pulling out a small object clasped in his hands.
Opening it up in front of you, on his palm sits a shiny, finger shaped accessory, gleaming with a hue that perfectly matches your hairpin. It vaguely resembles the figure of Minghao’s own fingers, and you run your fingers over the cool metal, tracing over the delicate patterns carved in.
“What’s this?”
“A prize. The kingdom was holding a competition for the different demonstration units, and as the leader of the unit that won, I was made this,” he explains, rubbing his own fingers over the accessory. Wordlessly, he slips it onto his middle finger and holds it up in front of you to see it more closely. As your vision zones in on the golden piece, you notice a shift in Minghao's eyes—a darkening intensity.
“Hao,” you whisper quietly, and then he’s bringing the decorated finger up to your face and pressing the cool metal against your lips. Gasping, you lean forward instinctively, your mouth wrapping around the piece instinctively. His hand in your mouth, you can smell him, although the taste of iron against your tongue is unfamiliar. New, but not unpleasant.
“You have no idea,” Minghao begins to say, pressing his fingers down on your tongue firmly, “how long I’ve been thinking about this.” You can’t respond, not with the way your mouth is stuffed, but you honestly don’t need to. The way your tongue swirls over his digits and teeths at the accessory is enough to tell Minghao that you’ve been aching for this just as long as he has. “Do you want to…try something?” he asks tentatively, slipping his slick fingers out carefully.
You don’t need to think about your answer, not with Minghao. You’d trust him no matter what, follow him anywhere, let him do anything to you. Your fingers toy with the ribbons of your robes as you nod eagerly, and he helps you untie them from your side. The cloth hangs loose from your shoulders now, the gap at your chest spreading now and leaving you bare.
The golden piece is still on his fingers, and as he trails his hands down the curve of your tits, pressing against your stomach and dipping in between your legs, Minghao watches your face contort into pleasure. The cool metal pressing against your warm cunt has your soft breaths turning into harsh pants as you grab his firm bicep, legs spreading instinctively.
Quickly, you glance around you, but Minghao quells your worries when he presses his lips against your neck and murmurs, “Don’t worry angel, we’re too high up for anyone to see.” His fingers are gliding between your folds as he sucks against your neck, and you know he wants to be sweet with you, wants to take his time, wants to be the patient gentleman he is, but it’s been far too long.
“Minghao,” you moan when his thumb brushes against your clit. “Wanna feel you,” your murmur, nudging his face in the crook of your neck with your own. He chuckles into your skin, licking a hot stripe over your skin before nodding. It hardly takes him a second before he’s circling your slick hole and pressing in.
The hard accessory is a new feeling—this isn’t the same as the familiar pads of Minghao’s long fingers rubbing against your plush walls, but you can’t say you don’t like it. Whining into his mouth as he kisses you, your hands roam Minghao’s body, tugging at the ropes of his robe around his torso.
As you aimlessly try to shuffle his robe off of him, Minghao starts to plunge his fingers in and out. Shrugging his robe off his shoulders, you’re finally able to press your palms against his hard chest, breaking away from the kiss so you can admire him. “You like it?” he asks amusedly as your mouth hangs wide open when he presses his fingers in extra deep with one thrust. Your head lolls back heavily, the finger piece adding an extra layer of thickness that you aren’t used to.
“Feels s’good,” you say softly, the moans getting caught in your throat when he speeds up his movements. “Love your fingers …” You take a deep breath before continuing. “Love y—you!” you whimper unexpectedly when you feel your orgasm creep up on you unexpectedly quickly.
“Are you gonna cum, princess?” Something about the way Minghao calls you princess is different from others. Maybe it’s the way he isn’t calling you that because you are the princess, but because you are his princess. His sweet girl, falling apart at the palm of his hand as he rubs your sensitive nub and continues to finger fuck you until you moan his name. His name falls from your lips like honey, sweet and thick as he kisses you passionately and doesn’t stop working you through your orgasm until you’re squirming in his hold and pawing at his pants.
Slipping out his fingers, Minghao holds the shiny accessory up, and it seems to shimmer even more now, coated in your wetness and reflecting the pretty red tint of the sky. Gently pulling the piece off his finger, he sets it to the side. “How was it?”
You smile hazily, still recovering from your much awaited orgasm. “I loved it … felt different but I loved it,” you tell him honestly, shuffling over on his lap as your robe falls completely off your body, leaving you in nothing but panties. Minghao’s breath hitches at the sight, and you grin as your fingers make their way to the firm waistband of his brown pants.
He’s quick to catch on, enveloping your lips in a kiss as he pulls his pants and boxers off in one go, hard cock springing free and hitting your thigh lightly. You feel the warm precum leak against your skin as you shift closer, your stomach pressing against his now that you’re both completely bare and more desperate than ever.
Minghao's arms wrap around your torso, one hand going down to line his thick tip up with your folds, letting himself get coated in your wetness. "You ready, angel?" he asks when your mouths break apart from each other, his pretty lips red and swollen. Your eyebrows pinch together when you feel his cock prodding at your entrance and you nod vigorously. “Words, princess, use your words.”
“Yes, Hao, ‘m ready,” you moan when you feel him press against you, letting your head fall to his shoulder. “So ready, so, so ready,” you continue, not being able to control yourself when you press your own hips down. Minghao gasps at the feeling of you sinking on him, warm walls hugging his cock and fuck, he realizes how much he missed you.
Realizes just how much his fist falls short of your perfect pussy—long nights of being without you so he to resort to jerking himself off to the thought of you but none of that compared to the feeling of you whining his name on top of him, hands clutching at his arms as you try to adjust to his size.
You’re also having your own moment of epiphany now too—realization that your fingers were not enough, and will never be enough. At least, not after you’ve felt Hao’s cock inside of you—one thrust in and he’s already hitting all the right spots and having you writhe on top of him.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” Minghao groans when your ass settles fully on his lap, his cock pressed into you, balls deep, as your fingers lace into his hair and grab at his soft locks.
“Oh—oh m-my god, Hao,” you whimper when he shifts inside of you. The pain that once came from his size is now morphing into a white, hot pleasure that ripples through your spine as you lift your hips up halfway before letting them fall back down. “So—s’big,” you gasp out when his fat tip nudges against your cervix.
Minghao feels his cock twitch inside of you at your words, using his hands to guide your body so you can move and bounce on top of him with less effort. Your cunt is so tight around him and his eyes press shut tightly when he hears you call out his name. “Doin’ so good for me princess,” he praises when you roll your hips against his.
Both of your movements aren’t fast nor extravagant but it’s the way he’s so close to you, skin melting into one other as you share your breath and exchange moans. Bodies moving in sync as you drink in the velvety moans, your nose nuzzles into his when your thighs start to cramp up. “Hao …” you call out as his cock punches the air out of your lungs. “…’m tired,” you mewl, your hips stuttering into his.
His hand cradles your neck as you both still, murmuring, “I got you angel.” Swiftly, Minghao flips you over so your back is pressed against the sheets and he’s on top of you, arms on either side of your head to hold himself up. One hand comes up to hold your cheek as he starts to move again, taking control of the thrusts now.
Stroking your cheekbone with his thumb, he ruts his hips into yours, cock and pussy jamming together in a sloppy mess as you feel that knot in your tummy start to tie up again. “Missed you s’much,” you confess as heat flourishes through your body.
“Missed you too angel,” Minghao returns almost immediately, letting the snap of his hips become more sharp and forceful, your body jerking back and forth with each movement. Your eyes flicker between Hao’s pretty face, coated in a sheen layer of sweat, and the night sky that begins to loom into a dark purple, revealing the stars. “Gonna have to fuck you every single night now that I’m back,” he grunts when you squeeze around him extra tight, letting himself drop down onto his elbows.
You shudder at the idea of having Hao’s cock inside of you every night, and you aren’t sure if your pussy can handle the pleasure. “I’ll—fuck—” you gasp between the words, “—I’ll sneak you in e-every night.”
“Yeah? Eunji’s not gonna get mad when she sees your door locked every morning?” he chuckles, bringing a hand down to rub at your clit.
“Don’t care,” you mutter, biting down on your lip as your feel the knot being pulled and tugged inside you. “Fuck—Hao, ‘m so close, so, so close … Are you close?” you ask dazedly, lips puffy and eyes wide as you look up at him. And looks so sexy with the way his brown eyes watch you intently, his muscles flexing with every movement and Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he tries to hold off his own orgasm.
“Yeah, ‘m close angel, your pussy so good,” he slurs as he meets your lips for a tongue tying kiss. And slowly and carefully, you both start to unwind, your orgasm hitting you first from the overstimulation of your first that never quite ebbed away, Minghao’s following suit as you let out whimpers moans of his name into his mouth, cock twitching before filling you to the brim with his thick ropes of cum.
Your ears ring of white noise for the next few moments as thrash against Minghao, your bodies melting into one until he finally breaks away from your lips, leaving you both as a tangled mess of limbs. You’re breathing heavily into each other and you can’t quite comprehend what’s going on until he whispers your name into your ear, eyes shooting back to life.
“I love you,” he murmurs, kissing your earlobe before lifting his head so he can look at you intently.
“I love you,” you say, without a second of hesitation. He’s still inside of you, and now you’re hyper-aware of the growing mess that sits between your legs. Minghao kisses your nose as you look down when he finally slips out of you, a small noise of complaint leaving your lips. Inhaling deeply, you sit up. “You’re going to live up to that promise, you know,” you say shyly when he looks at you, sitting up as well to grab his robe. “You know … every single night.”
Minghao grins. “Of course I will.”
“Can I hold you to that?” you ask slyly, intertwining your fingers with his.
Minghao rolls his eyes, palm pressing against yours. “Guess we’ll just have to try ‘n’ find out.”
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treeembrace · 11 months
I'm shocked, flabbergasted, and flattered by the reception on my refrigerator post. I've been on the big blue hellsite for about 3 weeks now and I've somehow amassed over 80 followers and over 900 reblogs. I have over the last 3 days received more positive messages and warm welcomes and all sorts of feel good stuff then ever before. Thank you, everyone who has reblogged, liked, or just read any of my posts.
Unfortunately, with 85 adopted children at the time of writing this, I'm no long able to afford to feed all of you and will henceforth be appearing on a daytime talkshow before abandoning you all in the woods. Good luck.
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chasedbyatlantic · 4 months
opening night, joel miller
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summary: IN WHICH — the famous joel miller, who happens to be your husband, decides to have some fun with you on the opening night of his tour.
warnings: no outbreak!joel, famous!joel, current day!joel, using characters for other roles, female!reader, established relationship, dom!joel, anxious(ish)!joel, total fluff, hints to smut, lots of swearing, super cute joel moments, ellie making a grand appearance (as per usual). lmk if i missed anything!
wordcount: 4.7k
a/n: i had to cook with this one chat. no but i had a dream abt this and was like, omg???? i hope you love it as much as i do. AND THANK U SM FOR THE NOTES AND FOLLOWS ILY. remember to reblog, comment, like, and follow for more! xoxo
Joel Miller was as famous as they came. Within the last twenty years, he had been one of the most known artists (or you liked to call it, 'cowboys') in the world- most known for his country music and lifestyle. His debut album "Havana and Heartbreak" was released in the early ninetys, and had gone Diamond in the music industry. He won tons of awards (and still does) for his music, such as a grammy award for best album the year he released his debut album, a few AMAs, and a couple PCAs. The most important thing he had won, though, was you.
Joel had met you in a bar in the early 2000s, as he was at his complete high in fame. It started with him buying you a couple of drinks and a few hookups, but eventually turned into you two tying the knot in 2004. You had gone from a quiet, kept-to-yourself, suburbs girl to a centre-of-attention, hollywood, city girl. You weren't a fan of being in the spotlight, but you made sacrifices to be together with your husband outside, in public.
A few years into your marriage, Joel had (somehow) convinced you to be his manager in the industry. You were extremely hesitant at the start, this had meant you had to leave your daytime job and be in charge of so much, the burden was heavy but you definitely didn't want to disappoint him. You had agreed, and it was the second best decision you made in your life (the first marrying him, of course). Now, if anyone has anything to do with Joel, they have to come to you about it first.
Every couple of years, Joel dropped a new album. Times like this were so stressful for you, you had so much planning to do for him. Studio sessions, producer meetups, promos, you name it. Joel was the (pretty, at that) face of his business, and you were the brains. He knew this, so he would try anything and everything to get you to have breaks from the stress whenever he could. From sex in the studio bathrooms, to short trips to the Bahamas, he would treat his girl however she wanted.
Although, that had stopped about a month ago. You had stopped it, despite Joel's pleads not to. All he wanted was for you to be happy and stress-free, but you couldn't control it (unfortunately). Joel's newest album, "Rendezvous on the Riverbanks", had been released. This had meant a tour was upcoming- well, it was upcoming; tonight was the opening night. So much time and effort had gone into this tour, it had just completely drained you.
It had been around ten in the morning now, and you were already at the stadium where Joel was to perform tonight. He had wanted to open in his hometown of Arlington, Texas, and it ended up working itself out. Thankfully, the Dallas Cowboys were playing an away game the night Joel wanted, so you were successfully able to book it for him. You were standing backstage with a headset on, talking to someone apart of the lights team. Joel was standing in the middle of the stage, strumming his guitar to himself, almost silently.
"Alright, uh- dim four, but raise seven by about half." You rose your eyes from your clipboard to look at Joel on stage. The lights changed and he was now illuminated perfectly. A small 'perfect' escaped your lips as you pushed one side of the headset off your ears. "We're gonna keep this lighting, Joel." You called out to him.
He had turned his head over, almost snapping out of a trance. "Fine with me, baby." He had replied with a small smile upon his face. You couldn't help but mimic the smile. Even if Joel was blinded by the light, he would agree with you and say it was fine. If you were happy, so was he. As much as you had wanted to stand here all day and admire your beautiful man, many things had to get done before tonight.
For the next hour or so, you had played around with the microphone. Joel had absolutely hated the microphone attached to his earpiece, so he opted to use a good ol' fashion microphone and stand. One of the microphone tech's, Riley (you thought her name was), was helping fix Joel's microphone. "Just a little lower, darlin'." He had told the girl, standing with his back slouched.
You still stood from the sidelines, headset and board now down and off to the side. "You're slouched, Joel. Stand up!" You (jokingly) scolded him. A small laugh had escaped his lips as he flicks his hand at you, standing up completely straight. Now, Riley was properly able to adjust his stand to the correct length. Once she did this, he stepped forward and muttered a 'one, two, three, check' into the microphone. He and Riley had glanced over to you, getting your final opinion on it. "Sounds great to me, definitely the right height."
Riley's job was done, so this caused her to exit the stage to the opposite side of you. This had left just you and Joel out now (and of course the tens of others of workers scattered around the building). You had walked out to where your husband stood, leaving every piece of equipment you had out to the side for a moment. He had turned to face you just before you pulled him in for a kiss, followed by a tight hug.
"I’m proud o' ya'." Joel had muttered to you, barely loud enough for you to hear. He had stroked the back of your head as your head was tucked into the crook of his neck. "When all o' this is done, we'll take a long trip to wherever ya' wanna go." He had reminded you, still stroking your head.
You had brought your head up for a minute, bringing your hand to cup his right cheek. You met his bright eyes, he was yearning for you. "Anywhere you wanna go, I'll follow you." This had sent Joel smashing his lips to yours, practically off in his pants from just hearing you say that. His free hand had snaked its way around your waist to keep you in place. You did not back away, in fact, you brought your tongue eagerly to the entrance of Joel's mouth. He fought back for dominance, but before either one of you won, your name was being called on the speaker system. This caused a sigh from you, as you had (sadly) pulled back from your husband's lips.
"We can never get a moment of fuckin' silence, can we?" You tucked a piece of hair behind your ear as you shake your head and tsk. This earned a chuckle to escape from Joel’s lips, “Later we will, don’t ya’ worry, sweetheart.”
You brought your lips to his cheek in a quick fashion, pecking the soft skin before turning to walk away. As always, Joel had rose his hand and slapped the bottom of your ass as you walked away. If it were in any other circumstance, you would get pissed at Joel and would've told him to act professional. But, right now, who were you to mind? All you wanted was your husband's hands on you one last time right now, and he just granted that wish.
A golf cart had already been down the steps and waiting for you. You had quickly gotten your clipboard and headset before wasting no more time and getting onto the back, allowing the driver to move. You had found out that the opening act, Abby and the Outlaws, had arrived. Since Joel wasn't able to leave his set prep just yet, you had to go and greet the guests.
After a few minutes, the golf cart had rolled up and stopped in front of the suites. You got out of the back and panned the driver a small 'thank you' before knocking on the second door. You clutched your clipboard in hand, the headset finding its way back to around your neck. After longer than you had hoped, the door had finally opened after what felt like hours. A smile rose to your face a bit quicker than anticipated, with your hand pushed out for a handshake. "Abby and the Outlaws?"
The tall man smiled and nodded his head, "God'damn right we are." He brought his rough hand into yours, shaking it up and down two or three times. He had called the rest of his group over, a tall and blonde girl followed by an even taller and brunette man. The person who had opened the door introduced himself as Owen, the girl as Abby (if it weren't quite obvious), and the brunette by Manny.
"It's great to meet you guys, your music is great!" You had shaken each of their hands, of course still beaming from this encounter (it wasn't fake like before, these people seemed genuine). "I'm sure someone has already gone over everything- this isn't everyone's first rodeo I'm assuming?" You eyed around at the three, the blonde sitting on a nearby chair.
"It definitely ain't." Manny had told you, which had earned a nod from your end. "Figured as much-" You paused, reaching into your back pocket."-Here. This is a map of the entire place, we've reserved you this area for you from three upwards until six. Everything'o yours is already set up, ya' just gotta show up." A small laugh had escaped your lips after pointing to the map. They followed suit with a small chuckle, understanding what you had said.
"Got it. We'll head up in a bit- thank you." The woman, Abby, had stated. With one last smile, and a 'radio me if there's any issues' comment, you were off again. They seemed to have settled right in, plus, people would be coming to assist them shortly, so you were pleased everything was under control. Now, it was time to go find your husband once again.
You had called him about three times before he had answered. Usually, you wouldn't do that because you knew he was busy, but you had to find him. You had answered with many quickened apologizes, but he hadn't minded (he loved to hear your voice, even on the phone). You two chatted for a minute or two before deciding on a place to meet. As soon as you hung up you heard the faint music (you were far away from the open arena) pick up again and finish whatever song the man had been playing.
It took you around ten minutes to trail to the complete other side of the arena in a quick fashion. You were extremely out of breath when you had arrived, this hadn't to have been attractive you thought to yourself. After the weaving in and out of hallways, you had finally landed on the door your husband stood behind of. There was a man you hadn't recognized standing in front, definitely security from the venue- of some sort.
You passed him a small smile, an 'excuse me.' leaving your mouth as you tried to swerve past him. He followed your swerve, shaking his head. "Nobody's allowed in, manager's rules." He had stated to you, which just made you stare blankly at him. You were Joel's manager. You brought your hand up, showing the guard your (extremely) flashy engagement and wedding bands. "I'd like to see my husband, is that such a big deal?"
His face had dropped as he realized who you were. This had only caused you to laugh, it was almost ridiculous. The boy had almost fallen over as he moved to the side. "Sorry, Mrs. Miller." He looked down in shame as you just patted your shoulders, moving past him and into the room. Your husband turned over, a coors in hand. He smiled once he realized who was standing in front of him. You could only smile back as you approached the man you had loved. He brought you into his embrace with an immediate arm over your shoulders, and a peck to the forehead.
"You're good to leave, Tommy." He had stated, to his personal body guard- and his brother. Yes, that was right. Tommy Miller, Joel's younger brother, was Joel Miller's bodyguard. Tommy was always rough, and getting into trouble when the two were young. When Joel had rose to fame, he figured why not give his brother the chance to rough someone up every once and awhile- while getting paid to do so.
Tommy had nodded his head, a small 'hello' to you as he slipped our of the room and waited outside for Joel. "Took ya' a while to make your way up here, darlin'." Joel had said as he maneuvered the two of you over to the extremely uncomfortable couch in the corner of the room. As he sat first, he brought you over his lap. "Hey, I can only run so fast- and it doesn't help when you've lost your all entrance pass." You slightly chuckle as you wrap your arms around his neck. "We'll get ya' another before tonight, don'tcha worry."
Joel's hands had moved from your waist, slowly up your shirt. His lips were now latched onto your neck, which caused a small moan to escape your lips. "Not in here, baby." You had brought your hands up to his hair, your hands running through. Joel had only hummed in response, not really caring if anyone had heard the two of you. Everyone knew you were his- but, maybe they needed a reminder.
Remember earlier, it was said that Joel Miller would do anything and everything for you to lower your stress levels- including having sex with you wherever the two of you were? Well, this was one of those cases. He wanted everyone to know who you were - You were Mrs. Miller.
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It was a while later, about an hour until Joel had to go on stage. Right now, fans were going absolutely feral for Abby and the Outlaws. You and Joel were waiting backstage together, having a few drinks. Being with you had helped Joel a great deal, he was able to let loose and stay calm before he went on stage. Even though he had been doing this for years and years, the anxious vibes were radiating off of the man for the last while.
You had changed into a nice, black minidress from your basic tee and jeans. You liked getting dressed up for the occasion once in a while. Unlike Joel, who always seemed to be in his nice pair of jeans and a flannel (his signature look), you didn't mind it at all. Joel sure as hell didn't mind you getting dressed up every once in a while, he wanted you to wear short dresses more often- but it was just too uncomfortable for you, unfortunately.
Out of the small silence you two had maintained for a while (the only "words" were Joel's hands resting on top of your thigh), it was completely broken when a loud voice came echoing through the walls. You knew who this was. Before the name could even pop up in your head, the door had bursted open "Joel!"
The familiar brunette head had launched forward at him, this completely took him back and he rose from his seat- just in time to catch her. "Hey, kid." He had only laughed, ruffling her hair. It feels like too long since you've seen Ellie. Life must be hard as a sixteen year old, and your dad an international superstar, you had thought to yourself.
"Hey, Elles." You had beamed at the girl, pulling her into a tight hug once she was done with Joel. Even though the two of you weren't related, you were extremely close (well, when she had decided not to be a moody teenager). You and Joel had decided to take Ellie in when one of your family friend's had passed away, as a newborn. You had adopted Ellie not long after, and had considered her your own daughter.
The three of you had sat down and talked for a while, Ellie going into detail about the book she was creating for her finals project- some joke book of sorts, as per usual. Time had flown when you were spending time with the people you loved. Before you knew it, people were coming up to collect your husband.
"Aw, fuck! Just another five minutes- I'm sure these lovely Texans won't mind, Joel'ly boy-" Joel shook his head, helping you up from the seat. "There's a seat front row reserved for ya', now be a good girl'n go sit." He had told Ellie so casually. All she did was groan, letting a 'fine' escape her lips and exiting the room before any of the rest of you (she knew she wouldn't get far if she fought Joel on this). It was almost like Ellie was complaining on sitting front row at a sold out venue, with eighty thousand other people dying for the seats she got given to her.
You had tsked, followed with a quick laugh. Joel placed one of his hands on the bottom of your back, guiding you out of the room. His hand removed from your back once you were in a nice and big hallway, linking his fingers between yours. You could feel the nervous energy from him more than he thought.
"This ain't your first rodeo, baby. You'll knock their cowboy hats off." You made the remark to Joel, the two of you were getting closer and closer to the crowd of people. He could only squeeze your hand and give you a peck on the forehead. He knew everything would be fine, but the thought was always in the back of his head. "I'll be fine, sweetheart. You, on the other hand- ya'gotta worry 'bout not throwin' yourself all on me out there."
There was the man you recognized, the prideful and charismatic cowboy. "I'll hold myself back until you're done, I suppose." You made the small remark, pulling his arm as you sped up. "The time's cutting close- we're walking too slow." Your arm was almost painfully yanked back (he didn't mean to, Joel was too in the moment right now). "Show ain't startin' without me, now is it?"
You had turned to face your man, your Joel. The paparazzi pictures didn't do him justice, he was so much hotter in person. Your eyes had went from scattering to everything around, to focusing on the big, brown eyes in front of you. You had inched your face just a tad bit closer, enough for Joel to hear the hitch in your breath when you spoke to him. "It ain't."
He could only smirk at your words, wanting to do so much more but there was no time. His hand found its way to the back of your neck as he pulled you into a kiss. You, of course, complied, leaning in and fighting for dominance (just like earlier). This came to an end when you heard Joel's name being called from somewhere behind the two of you - his face fell from in front of yours. "We'll finish this after, yeah?"
You could only nod, a small smile rising to your face. You didn't have to worry about it not happening, Joel would make any and every time slot available for you. Your hands were still connected with one another, so you had continued to walk with Joel as he approached the stage. You two had went into a makeshift cover, so nobody would see him approaching (they would go even more feral).
As the lights in the stadium started to dim, indicating he was about to step out on stage, the crowd went insane. Your hand left his, and moved to cup his cheek. He was staring out into the crowd, but you brought his focus down to you. "Go kill 'em, cowboy."
Joel's expression went from unsure, to confident in a blink of an eye. He had nodded his head, "Ya' got it, princess." Joel's guitar tech, Dina (you think it was), had brought his guitar over. You barely played any instrument, but god this guitar was gorgeous. Joel had scored a nice deal with Fender a year or two ago and made a nice custom guitar with his collab. Joel had slung the guitar strap over his shoulder, strumming the strings to make sure everything was in tune (it was, that's why Dina was here, this was just a superstition he had).
The man in front of you had turned around, facing the stage. He was as ready as he could ever be- so were you. Everyone apart of the Joel Miller team around you seemed to be having a heart attack, just because of the stress and everything leading up to this moment, though. You could hear, clear as day, an inhale and exhale from Joel's mouth, before he walked out on that stage.
Everyone around had went silent, except the crowd. It was even louder than before, which you didn't think was possible. Soon enough, you heard (barely, through the crowd) Joel's voice throughout the stadium. He had started with the first song on his setlist, 'Wyoming' - a definite personal favourite. You were so proud of him, and hoped he knew. He put so much, if not more, work into this than anyone else had, so he deserved to have the best time. Your cowboy deserved the world and more.
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It was near the end of the show, the setlist of forty-something songs had gone by quick. Everyone (especially you, with a few drinks in your system) had let loose, and were having a great time. Joel was definitely having the most fun, almost completely sober too. He finished strumming his guitar to the second last song, before the crowd erupted into cheers and claps. Honestly, other than venues like this, you had never seen so much country folk. If there was one thing country folk could agree on, it was music.
"Alright, now. Before the las' song o' the night-" Joel was cut off by a bunch of disappointed people booing (the only time booing was understandable). He had laughed, swatting his hand around. "I know, I know. But, before it all comes t'an end, I gotta introduce someone to y'all." Gasps and excited screams were heard from all around.
Joel had turned his head to search for you beside the stage, his eyes panning everyone- until he met your gaze. It was hard to determine if it were you for a split second, just because the lights out in the open were extremely blinding. "Now, some'o y'all might just know 'bout this, might just know who this is," He brought his hand up, signalling for you to come out.
You only shook your head, you couldn't believe he was doing this. "Hey, uh-" you turned to some random crew member around, "-can you hold my drink? Thanks." Before a response was given, you handed it over and moved your way over to the stage entrance. You could only brace yourself for what was about to happen to you. "Come on out, little lady."
The lights were very blinding, he was so right. You had also went temporarily deaf from everyone screaming their hearts out at you. You didn't realize you were such a hot commodity around these places. If the screams weren't loud from when you walked out, they sure as hell were loud when Joel pulled you into a kiss. It was actually insane- you couldn't believe it. Your mind was racing, both from the anxiety and the thrill.
You turned now, to face the crowd. Joel's arm fell around your shoulder as you grabbed the microphone stand and adjusted it to your height. "So many beautiful faces 'round this crowd." There were a few girls dead centre in the front who were screaming and crying, waving up to you. Your heart completely melted, you wished you could just jump down and embrace them.
"Now," Joel had started as the crowd hushed, dropping his head to be able to reach the top of the microphone, "Ain't nobody go gawkin' at her, ya' can't have her." This caused an in-sync laugh to escape both yours and Joel's lips. He had found his way to the necklace dangling just above your chest, playing with it between his thumb and index finger (from the arm that was wrapped around your neck).
"Jokes aside, now, this little lady's gonna help with the closer." The nickname, you swore it did something to you. You had brought your head up, mouth right beside Joel's ear. "Ya' know I can't play for the life of me, Joel." He could only smirk at this comment, he was nowhere near trying to embarass you with this- he only wanted you to live it up, just like he was.
Joel ignored your comment and brought his head down to the mic once again, "She said she cannot wait to play!" This was in fact not what you had said, so this earned a slap on Joel's chest from you. He had removed his arm from around you, now standing straight on. He took his guitar off from around him, and slid the strap over your head. You couldn't help but smile at Joel, despite the fake-angry look you tried to maintain.
"Ya' got the rhythm'n chords down, don't worry." Joel had reminded you, his love language most definitely being words of affirmation. Before he had started to adjust the strap so the guitar sit perfectly on you, you slid the hair elastic he had always kept for you off of his wrist, and started to tie your hair back and out of your face. A few people who were close up noticed this, and blew a few whistles over to the two of you.
"I'll count us in, 'kay?" He hummed, and you nodded. Your eyes slid up the neck of the guitar as you stepped up with Joel, beside the microphone now. Joel's 'Cowboy' was the closing song, definitely the fan favourite from all his music throughout the years. You knew this song like the back of your hand, even without practice, you'd be fine.
Whenever he had counted himself in, it was three foot taps. He knew that you knew this. The entire stadium was silent, waiting to hear the last song choice.
One. Your eyes quickly fell down to the man's boots. His Black Jack Caiman Crocodile heels tapped the wooden floor. Joel's hands started to creep up the stand, his grip tightening once it hit the microphone.
Two. Your fingers from your right hand fell over the corresponding spots to be able to play the song. Your left hand found its way down to the middle of the guitar, ready to strum away.
Three. Joel inhaled, you inhaled, you both exhaled in sync. It was now or never, in front of eighty thousand people, streamed for the entire world to hear.
Luckily it wasn't just you playing, the backtrack was also able to be heard in unity with you playing and Joel singing. You were far too concentrated at multitasking (with the chords and the strumming) to hear Joel singing, or the crowd cheering for you, or even your own thoughts. But, before you knew it, you strummed your last beat.
An exhale left your lips rather quickly, as if you were holding it in the entire time. You just looked to Joel, and he looked back at you. Both of you had drowned out the sounds of screaming coming from every single nook and cranny of the arena from around you.
You wanted nothing more then to spend your nights just like this, with Joel, with your cowboy - and in everything he had loved, you were in the centre of it. He didn't want it any other way, he wanted to spend every breathing moment of his life with you, even if it was in front of the entire world to see. You were his partner in crime, you were his cowgirl.
opening night, scowl
46 notes · View notes
Reality Check
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Chapter Eight of the Through the Scope series | Chapter Nine
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 5.2K
Chapter Overview: The morning after & the days that follow your and Frankie's hookup are joyful, but not everyone is joining in on the love
TW: Brief mentions of sexual assault & Brunson (iykyk)
Notes: i got it done by the hair of my chinny chin chin LMAOO ,, honestly i usually ramble in my notes but i dont have a lot to say today (': thank you to everyone who has liked and/or reblogged my story so far ! it means so much !! let me know if you want to be added to the tag list as well !! as usual...my asks are always open & happy reading <3
*no use of y/n & female presenting reader*
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Frankie’s alarm blares earlier than either of you want it too. Maybe it wouldn’t have felt so early if you had gone to bed sooner. You jump a little when you hear it going off and feel the man holding you stir behind you. The arm that he had wrapped around your waist detaches slowly to silence the unwelcome sound. You smile to yourself as you hear him breathe out deeply and snuggle his body closer to yours under the duvet.
“I sent it to snooze.” He yawns. “We only have a few more minutes of this.” 
He is clearly more awake than he sounds as his lips quickly find your shoulder. You stretch your neck out to allow him access and he greedily accepts your invitation. 
“I don’t want to go back to reality.” You can feel your heart rate already accelerating as he continues to adorn your skin. 
“Let’s stay here, in bed, all day. I have vacation hours, remember?”
“But I don’t.” You sigh and shift your body to where you can look at him. “And Benny can’t manage the gym all by himself anymore.” 
As you wait for him to say something, you allow your eyes to wander all over his face. His hair looks so curly and soft against the pillow. His eyes don’t look as sad as they do during the daytime. They appear youthful and doe-like.
“What are you doing?” He smiles.
“I’m trying to memorize what you look like first thing in the morning.” You bring your hand out from under the covers and caress his beard. “Does it always grow like this?” You gingerly brush your thumb over the sparse patch.
“Ever since I can remember. It made shaving easier, but it isn’t the most manly, huh?”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“Oh? What would you say then?” He pokes at your ribs hidden beneath the sheets.
“I would say that any woman would love their very own special spot to kiss you.” 
You lean forward and kiss him softly. Your lips fit perfectly in the patch just like you thought they would. 
“But I don’t want any woman to kiss me. I just want one.”
He swallows your mouth with his and you willingly let him. Before you know it, he has you situated on top of him as the two of you kiss. His scent is huskier in the morning. It hasn’t been tainted by a long day of work. You break apart so you can look at him. He doesn’t fight with you as he has a particularly good view of your breasts from how you are sitting. Since he was laying on the left side of his body before, you weren’t able to see how the red flowers you left on his neck have grown this morning. But now you have a clear view.
“Don’t be mad at me, but I think you’re going to have a hard time covering these up.” You reach your hand down and trace each one with your finger. “I might have gotten a little carried away.” 
“You weren’t the only one.” His own hand comes up and brushes against your collar bone. The slight pain you feel makes you realize that you didn’t end the night blemish free. “Let’s call it even, hmm?” 
You’re leaning down to kiss him when the alarm goes off again. “Guess it’s time to get moving.” Not one to leave a task unfinished, you place your lips sweetly on the edge of his nose before sliding off his torso to land where you slept. You throw your legs over the side of the bed and stretch your arms high above your head. A soreness in your abs and in between your legs demands to be felt as you use your muscles for the first time since last night. That delicious ache serves as a physical reminder that what happened in this bed is real. That the man lying next to you is real. That this moment is so very real.
It also serves as a reminder that he didn’t pull out. While you knew it was safe, he didn’t. You turn your head over your shoulder and falter at what you see. He’s just staring at you. A childish grin on his face as he holds his head up with his hand. The covers have fallen just above his waist to give you a teasing view of that tummy you have grown so fond of. 
“Hey, about last night…” You worry when you see his smile flicker ever so slightly. “I just wanted to let you know that I have the implant. So, we are completely safe since we clearly weren’t safe last night.” 
“God bless modern medicine.” He laughs lightly. 
“I was going to say something before hand, but some guy fucked the thought right out of my head.” You give him a cheeky look.
“He sounds like quite the catch.” 
“Biggest fish I ever saw.” 
A comfortable laughter engulfs the two of you as you each search for the clothes that were discarded the night prior. You realize, a little grossed out, that you hadn’t showered since Saturday morning. 
“Do you mind if I use your shower before we leave? I promise I’ll be quick.” 
He nods and leads you into the bathroom. He shows you where the shampoo and conditioner are and even takes two towels. One for your body and one for your hair. Then he starts the water for you and makes a comment about how other people’s showers are always weirdly difficult to operate. While you were sure you could have managed on your own, you graciously stand back and allow him to take care of you. It’s nice to not have to be in control all the time.
“I think you’re all set. I’ll go get started on some coffee.” He taps the screen of his phone that he set down on the counter. “It’s not even 6:30 yet, you can take some extra time in here if you’d like.” 
He closes the door behind him as he leaves the bathroom. Instead of heading straight for the kitchen like he said he would, he sits down on your side of the bed and buries his head in his hands. When he heard you say Hey, about last night… he was sure you were going to tell him it was a one time thing, a simple fling. Now that you had gotten it out of your system, you didn’t want to be around him anymore. He tried to keep his emotions under lock and key, but he could tell by your hesitation that you had seen something flash across his face. When you revealed that you were only referring to your birth control he was more relieved than he would like to admit. Then the guilt crept in. He scolded himself for acting like a boy fumbling around in the dark and forgetting protection like that. He was always so good with it. He could barely keep himself afloat, but a kid too? How could he have been so careless?
Your playful remark had kept him from totally spinning out. I was going to say something before hand, but some guy fucked the thought right out of my head. He knew that you told him about it because you didn’t want him to worry. He had never had a partner that brought up the events of the night during the day to soothe him. Whenever Rochelle brought it up, it was to criticize something he did or didn’t do. It registered in his brain that he was subconsciously waiting for you to do the same because it is all he has ever known. But, you didn’t. You talked to him without annoyance and without contempt. You made him feel good about himself. He only hoped that he made you feel the exact same way. With a smile on his face, he treks to the kitchen.
You stare at the bruise on your collar bone in the mirror. You don’t think you have ever seen anything so lovely in your entire life. He had given you a small piece of him to carry around. While you knew it would fade, that made you cherish it all the more. The bathroom mirror starts to fog up and you know it's time to get in. You pick up the towels that are on the counter so you can drape them over the shower curtain and find something that peaks your interest. His dog tags lay haphazardly on the countertop. You pick up the cool metal and inspect it. There are random numbers debossed into it, you assume it related to his military group, and his name indented underneath them.
“Francisco Morales.” The name feels like velvet on your tongue. “That’s going to be fun to use.” 
Not wanting to waste anymore time, you lay your towels out, and hop into the embrace of the warm water.
“It’s going to be so nice to change into the extra set of clothes that I keep in my trunk.” You say walking into the kitchen. 
“You keep a change of clothes in your trunk?” He doesn’t turn around to face you as he is pouring coffee, but you can tell by his back shaking that he's laughing to himself. 
“Luck favors the prepared,” You walk up beside him and hop up on the counter. “Francisco.” 
That got his attention. He looks at you, completely shocked, as he sets the coffee pot down. 
“How did you-?”
“You really shouldn’t leave your dog tags lying about.” He moves his body in between your legs and grips your thighs. “Strangers might read them and find out all your secrets.” 
“Or maybe,” His lips brush against yours. “I should tie these strangers to the headboard so they don’t go wandering off.” 
Try as you might to stop it, goosebumps litter your skin at his words. You know he feels them against his palms when he smiles against you and bites at your lower lip. 
“Come on,” He whispers. “As much as I want to stay here with you, we have to get to work.” 
“Tease.” You taunt as you scoot off your ledge. 
You watch patiently as he puts lids on two to-go cups and plucks an orange from his fruit basket. 
“I know you don’t like to eat first thing in the morning, but you should still have something in your stomach.”
“Thank you.” You take the items from him. “Thank you for the whole weekend actually. You really saved me after the bar.”
“You never have to thank me. Anything that I do for you, I do because I want to.”
The two of you pull into Brass Knuckles’ parking lot before Benny. Your tote sat balanced on your right leg the whole car ride. Frankie had claimed the left one for himself the second he started driving. Even though you haven't touched your phone the entire weekend, you still had no desire to with Frankie sitting next to you. 
“When can I see you again?” He says as he puts his truck in park.
“As much as I want to see you tonight, I have to visit my dad. He’s going to be wondering who I have been choosing to spend my nights with over him. What about Tuesday?”
You notice the color drains out of his face when you mention that day.
“I actually have a…a meeting on Tuesday. It's for work. They like to have weekly progress meetings to keep us all on track.” 
“Oh, is that why you had to leave around 5 o’clock on Tuesday when you helped me with my car?” 
“Yeah, exactly.” He sounds like he is trying to convince himself more than you at this point, but you decide not to say anything. “What about Wednesday?”
“Third times the charm. Wednesday sounds perfect.” You smile.
He leans over the center console to kiss you before you get out. He tells you that he will wait until you’re inside the shop before he leaves, but you encourage him to go anyway. After a bit of coaxing he finally gives in. You wait and wave by your car as he drives off into the early morning air. You could feel it in your heart that you were in way deeper than you anticipated.
“Okay,” You dig the gym keys out of your tote. “First things first: time to change.” 
You unlock the door to the gym and find your house keys right where you left them so many days ago. Who knew that one simple mistake would lead to the events of this past weekend. After retrieving them, you jog out to your car, pop the trunk, and grab your spare clothes. Finally, you lock your car and head back inside to the safety of the gym. You opt to lock it just in case, plus Benny has a key so he can let himself in. 
As you make your way to the locker room, you pull out your phone to see what you missed. There was one text from your dad. He knew that you had plans Saturday night, so there weren't any messages from that day. However, the text you did receive from him was late Sunday evening, presumably after his group poker tournament, that asked about your next visit.
Dad: Coming to see your old man on Monday?
You heart the message and tell him that you are going to swing by after work like usual so he better be prepared to show you all the work he has been doing. Next, you check on Robbie.
“Oh God, I’m so fucking dead.”
There were 30 unread messages and 6 missed calls from your best friend. You never told her that you were going out that night. The texts weren’t about your absence at first though. The earlier ones ranged from updates on tests she took, her saying she would have to miss your usual Sunday evening call so she could study, and her conferming dates for when she was going to drive down to see you. As the evening went on, they started to get a little more specific. She asked where you were because you weren’t answering, then she said that she knew because she tracked your location. When you still didn’t respond, most likely due to inebriation, she said she was getting worried. Guilt racked your body to know she was concerned and you weren’t there to reassure her. She texted again after you made it to Frankie’s house and correctly guessed where you were. Robbie said that she hopped that you finally grew some balls and fucked him. God, you can’t wait to tell her. The last text she sent was very late Sunday night, or technically early Monday morning, saying that if she didn’t hear from you by the end of the day she was going to call the Florida police and file a missing persons report.
You decide that the best plan of action is to call her. She is more than likely awake at this time anyway. Texas was only an hour behind Florida and it was already 7:15 am. Setting your fresh clothes on a shelf in the locker room you press ‘call’ and select speaker mode while you start to undress. She answers on the third ring.
“You better have a really fucking good explanation as to why you went completely ghost on me this weekend! I was so worried! You never do that!”
“Robbie, I’m so so sorry that I didn’t call or text you back.” You toss your old shirt into your tote. “Truth be told, I didn’t get on my phone at all this weekend. You could say I was a bit preoccupied.”
“You didn’t…”
“I did!” You yell into the speaker.
You’re sure that all of the dogs in the surrounding area can hear both you and Robbie’s high pitched celebratory shrieks. She sounds even happier than you do if you’re being honest.
“I want to know everything! Don’t you dare skimp on the details! Oh my God I’m so glad this finally fucking happened!”
You try your best to recount everything that went down while you continue changing. She sounds like she’s going to go into cardiac arrest when you tell her about the saved bottle cap and sticky note. When you finally get to the part where you had sex she is having a full blown conniption on the other end of the phone. 
“Robbie, I’ve never been with a man that was so eager to eat me out like that. He was, holy shit, he was relentless like…”
Her loud and incoherent rambling through the speaker cuts you off and sends you into a fit of laughter. 
“I had no idea it could feel that amazing! Oh God and when he fucked me? I didn’t think it was possible for me to feel …safe.” You take a shaky breath and push down memories that threaten to bubble to the surface. “I really didn’t think I could feel safe doing that again after what happened.”
She’s quiet, for the first time in the conversation, while she processes what you said. 
“I’m so happy that he was able to provide that for you, babe. And I’m sorry that you had that feeling of safety stolen from you regarding sex. That wasn’t fair and it wasn’t your fault.”
“I guess I just kinda closed myself off from the possibilities of letting another man in like that again.” You clear your throat to chase away the feeling of being choked up. “I’m sorry again for disappearing on you.”
“It better not happen again!” She says with false seriousness. “Ugh, I need a man that will fuck me like that. I’m in a serious drought right now.”
“Well,” You say in a sing-songy manner. “Like I said a while back, I have a guy here that could treat you the way you deserve.”
“I’ll be the judge of that. What was his name again? Will?” 
You hear the faint sound of keys jingling and a lock opening and are shocked at how time has gotten away from you.
“Hey, I hear Benny coming into the gym so that means I’m gonna have to help him prep for the day. Call you later?”
“Yes, please!”
You hang up and toss the rest of your discarded clothes into your tote. Before you leave you look at your face in the mirror. Honestly, with the lack of sleep coupled with the absence of makeup, you don’t look half bad today. 
“Morning, Benny!” You shout as you exit the locker room. 
“Ahh! What the fuck?” You have to stifle laughter after seeing him jump nearly a foot in the air. “I didn’t know you were here?!”
“I was back there changing.” You swing your very full bag over your shoulder in confirmation. “I figured it would be weird if I was still wearing Saturday’s clothes on Monday.”
“I thought Fish was goin’ to take you to pick up your car after we left?”
All you can do is stand there and try to suppress a devious smile that you feel forming on your lips.
“No fucking way! You two never left that house did you?!”
“In my defense,” You say, walking to the lobby. “He made a very compelling argument not to leave.”
“I knew he had it in him to seal the deal! Come on,” He wraps his arm around your shoulder and walks with you. “Tell me everything while we open up. I need to make sure he treated you well.”
“Everything.” You raise one of your eyebrows.
“Well skip the sex stuff.”
You’re blown away with how far your dad has come in his physical therapy in only a little over a month. He can actually walk on his own now. Technically, it's only short distances and with a cane for support, but he’s walking by himself nonetheless. You watch peacefully as Miss. Maggie walks next to him and sweetly utters quiet encouragement. When he finally makes it back to his chair, Miss. Maggie lets the two of you know that she’s going to take her break and will be back in about 20 minutes.
“So,” He props his cane up against the arm of the chair. “What did you get up to this weekend? I was a little shocked that you texted me saying that you had plans.”
“What? I can’t have plans now?” You joke.
“No, no. I just didn’t know you had made any friends that you cared enough about to make plans with.”
“Remember that guy who hired me? Benny? I’ve gotten pretty close with him and his group of friends. They actually surprised me on Saturday by taking me to a bar they frequent to celebrate my ‘one month anniversary’ working at the gym.” 
“That’s mighty kind of them, sweet pea. I’m proud you have stuck it out this long. Did you have fun?”
“I did! It was nice to get out and do something.”
“Because spending your weekends with your dad is such a drag, right?”
“You know that's not what I mean.” You cock your head to the side.
“I know it wasn’t, but I hope it made you realize that. I don’t want you to spend the short time that you have here tethered to me. I want you to still have a life.”
“I’m literally here for you.” You counter.
“And I’m grateful for that, but you worry about everyone else around you before you worry about yourself. You can’t fully help people until you help yourself. Plus, you ditching me on Saturday gave me an opportunity.” He winks.
“I asked Maggie to coffee on Wednesday after her shift. It will be here in the cafeteria we have, so it won’t be in a fancy place or even particularly good coffee, but that won’t matter. The location is irrelevant as long as you’re with the right person. Remember that.” 
“I’m really happy for you, dad.” You reach out your hand and squeeze his. “I’ll remember. I promise.”
Ever since Frankie dropped you off Monday morning, the two of you have been texting like two middle school girls who have just gotten phones. Granted it's only Tuesday now, but you didn’t even text Robbie this much. They weren’t anything particularly deep, yet it was sweet to know that he wanted to share what he was doing during the day with you. He sent you a picture of the sun when he got to work yesterday, then a photo of the sandwich he picked up for lunch with a ‘6/10’ texted below it, and later on during the evening he sent you a picture of the moon and said ‘I thought you would like this’. Today you were a little bit surprised to see his name pop up with ‘good morning!’ next to it. Surely this meant y’all were more than just a one night stand. You spin yourself around in your desk chair as you let hundreds of ‘what if’ scenarios play out in your head. You didn’t want to assume anything, but this felt special to you. It felt really, really good. Your spinning comes to a halt when you hear your phone chime.
Frankie: I’m sorry that I can’t see you tonight because of my stupid meeting, but maybe I can make it up to you?
You: How do you plan on doing that?
Frankie: Since I can’t be there in person to make it up to you the way I really want too…I have something else up my sleeve.
You: You’re not going to tell me what it is, are you?
Frankie: Where’s the fun in that? Trust me, you’ll know it when you see it.
Before you have a chance to respond, the doorbell announces that a customer has walked in. A little part of you hoped it was the man behind the screen, but you were sorely mistaken. 
“Good afternoon to my favorite receptionist in the whole gym!”
“I’m the only receptionist in the whole gym, Brunson.” Your fingers are itching to text Frankie back, but instead you direct them to your computer keys.
“That doesn’t matter, darlin’. You’d still be my favorite even if you weren’t.” 
You could tell he thought that was a real winner of a line by the smug grin on his face.
“Oh, wow. Lucky me.” You yawn as you shift your gaze to the computer screen.
“So, are you going to come see me fight this Friday? I’m sure you’ve seen me in here training for it.”
“Well, since I work here I’ll be there by default.” You say without looking up at him. “And believe it or not, I’m not actually the one training you so I have no idea what goes on behind that brick wall.”
“I need a sweet little thing like you in my corner.” He either doesn’t pick up on your annoyance or chooses to ignore it. “Waiting on me with a fresh towel to wipe my face and some water for me to drink in between rounds.”
“Would you look at that? You’re all checked in for your session! I’m sure Benny would be more than happy to see you now.” You smile sickeningly sweet. “Enjoy your workout.”
“See you soon, darlin’.” He says as he heads back.
“Not if I can help it.” You mutter under your breath.
The doorbell’s cheery jingle rings out again as soon as Brunson has thankfully left your line of sight. When you turn to face the guest, you recognize her. It’s the woman who unfortunately walked in on you telling Benny that you would kick his ass last Thursday. Her hair is a golden color and is as straight as an arrow while her eyebrows were as dark as the night sky. She was about your height and dawned what looked like very expensive workout gear. 
“Good afternoon, Ma’am! How may I help you today?”
She looks a little uncomfortable as she approaches your desk. “I’m just here to sign up for a membership actually. My friend originally recommended that I come to this gym and I liked it so much the last time I was here that I figured I would make it official.”
“That’s wonderful to hear!” You chalk her awkwardness up to this being a male dominated gym. “Let me get the paperwork for you to fill out.” You grab a pen out of your holder and then the membership document out of your desk’s filing basket and hand it to her. “Once you finish this, your physical copy of the membership card should be mailed to you in about a week's time. If you decide to pay us a visit before then, I can just check you in manually through our computer system.” 
You gesture to a few chairs placed against the front glass wall of the building for her to sit in while she works on the form. Movement from out in the parking lot catches your eye and you see a delivery man approaching the gym with an enormous vase of flowers. You watch, confused, as he walks inside. 
“I have a delivery for uhhh…” He looks down at his work tablet and looks back up as he says your name.
“That’s me. You can set them down right here if you’d like.” You wave your hand to the open left corner of your desk.
He tips his hat to you and walks out the door before you even get a chance to ask who sent them. Lucky for you, you already had a feeling who the culprit is. You stand up so you can inspect them closer. The flowers were massive lilies, but not at all like the ones you used to have on your kitchen table. These had petals that were a striking deep pink in the center that were encircled by a lighter shade of pink that eventually faded into white at the edges. Each petal also had a beautiful freckled pattern on them that was an almost mauve in color. Their scent was intoxicating. Within only a few seconds, the entire lobby smelled like a field of them. You see a small note attached to the neck of the vase by some string. 
Stargazer lilies for my estrella -Frankie
“Wow, someone must really like you.” 
“Do you really think so?” You poke your head around the bouquet to look at the woman seated across from you. “It’s still the early stage, the very early stage, for me and this guy.” Your cheeks already hurt from how hard you’re smiling. 
“By the looks of that arrangement I would definitely say so. What’s the occasion? Anniversary? Birthday?”
“Nothing like that.” You feel a mix of bashfulness and pride talking about Frankie. “We weren’t able to see each other this evening because of a work meeting he has to go to every Tuesday. He sent these to make up for it.”
“That’s so sweet! Who’s the lucky guy?”
Before you have a chance to answer, Benny walks into the lobby, but is stopped in his tracks by the newest addition to your desk.
“Did Fish send those?!”
“Yeah, he did.” You blush under his surprise. 
“I’ve never seen him act like this over someone before and I’ve known him for a long time.” Benny looks at you with genuine gratefulness in his eyes as he comes around to grab a water bottle from the mini fridge. “I fully support whatever is going on between the two of you.” He gives the top of your head a quick kiss before he rounds the brick wall again. 
“Fish?” The woman has a strange look on her face.
“Oh! It’s just a nickname of sorts that his friends have for him.”
“Interesting.” She beams as she comes up to hand you her finished paperwork.
“It was nice to talk with you,” You glance down at what she wrote. “Georgina!”
“I enjoyed it too! I’m sure I’ll see you around!”
You sit back down in your chair and, unfortunately, you miss her pulling out her phone and dialing a number because you’re busy sending Frankie a thank you text for sending you flowers that look like he plucked them out of the night sky. 
“You will never guess what just happened!” Georgina squeals into her speaker.
“Spit it out, George!” A woman barks on the other end.
“I was just at Brass Knuckles, right? Getting a membership like you asked to do? When I was signing up this delivery guy came in holding this gigantic vase of flowers for the new receptionist.” 
“Why the fuck would that concern me?”
“It should concern you because they were from Frankie, Rochelle.” 
“Did she say that explicitly?” Her tone has gone from mild annoyance to full blown anger.
“That guy Benny did. The one that runs the gym? He called him ‘fish’. That’s Frankie, right?” When Rochelle doesn’t answer right away, she presses on. “I thought the two of you were going to rekindle the relationship or something?”
“He never gave me a straightforward answer.” She grumbles. “Now I know why. George, I think it’s time that I had a little heart-to-heart with Frankie.”
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
{tag list: @cutesyscreenname @rsquared31 @smol-beb @bitchwitch1981 @avastrasposts @hoeslingz @saltybutteredtoast @javicstories @c-justhere @pimosworld @modernperplexity @beboldbebravethings @mxtokko @moonliqhtszn @tanzthompson @megcads @myloveistoolittle @casa-boiardi @jitterbugs927 @partyofone3413 @pedrit0-pascalit0 @golden-library @pati-et-vivere @mashomasho @lilmizmoz @angstylittlepascal @sofiparallel @selflcontrol @adriennemichelle98 @painitemoondust @pedritosgirl2000 @tpwkmera }
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Let's Answer Some Questions~~
Hiya! So, I have gotten some good questions in my asks recently, and I will just hit them all at once instead of answering each person individually.
Is English your first language? Do you have an editor?
Yes, English is my first language! No, I do not have an editor. I have a speech impediment and dyslexia, so my writing can look a bit rough at times. I can speak pretty quickly and sound quite 'normal' (remember everyone, the term normal is a societal construct) in person; however, in terms of text, due to my dyslexia and speech issues, I struggle a lot and kinda sound like a terrible high school rough draft in my writing. I have used Grammarly Premium since college to help with my writing. Personally, I feel that if I let my disorders and issues prevent me from doing something I love, I would be a lot sadder of a person. My partner has offered to be my editor, but he doesn't know how consistently he could keep up with me. So please bear with me if you see any spelling or grammatical errors. I am trying my best!
2. When will you get to my request?
I promise I am working on them! To be candid with everyone, I am working on at least one request daily. However, as I stated above, I do have dyslexia; for me personally, focusing on words/letters for extended periods really hurts my head and can cause some migraines. Some days are significantly better than others. I know all disorders/ illnesses/issues look differently for every person, but for me, I tend to get terrible migraines, blurry vision, and dizziness when I make myself look at words too long. I do have glasses, though, and sometimes they help extend my time without the migraines, which is nice.
3. Do you do smut?
Yes, I do; if you notice, I am an 18+ account. HOWEVER, smut will not be written for Anons or for anyone who doesn't have an age in their blogs. I will also only follow people who include their age in their blogs. I hope that you who enjoy my content will respect my boundaries.
4. Why do you post only in the middle of the night?
Well, folks, for my North American followers, I am posting in the middle of the night because, well, I am, in fact, doing that. Like I said in my pinned post on my blog, I work nights at an office during the week. Due to this, my sleep schedule is the opposite of most people's. I post consistently for my followers outside North America during your daytime. So, to you guys, I look like a diligent, creative writer. All jokes aside, if my posting late at night is inconvenient, I recently learned the Queue feature and can begin to use that.
5. Will you add more to your writing list?
Yes, I would like to do so in the future. I am keeping it to just the fandoms I am hyper-fixated on. Once I have a new fixation, I will update the pinned post and ensure everyone knows I am writing for something else. Currently, I am big into League and Magic the Gathering. I am also waiting for the new season of Helluva Boss before I add those characters to my list. Thank you for being patient and waiting! If you have a suggestion for something I would hyper-fixate on and enjoy, please message me and let me know! I would love to get into some more things you guys enjoy!
This is a clarifier about my blog and person. I appreciate all the reblogs, hearts, and requests I have gotten. All of you are unique and sweet individuals. I plan to continue to produce stories good enough for the masses. Thank you! <3
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msweebyness · 6 months
MiracOlympus- The Science Deities
Here's the next round of MiracOlympus Deities, the science kiddies! Enjoy, and as always, @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27!
God of flowers and the Spring
Very close to his older sister, Mylene
Has the power to restore life
Fell in love with Nath instantly, and went to the Underworld by choice (Mylene ships them)
Soft, sweet boi
Goddess of the moon
Considerably more humble than her sister
Frequently exchanges gossip with Chloe. (She sees everything during the night, like Chloe does during daytime)
Watches over mortal children during the night to keep them from harm
Trying to figure out how to make a lunar rainbow for Cosette
Godex of the Earth
The most Zen of all the deities, great at mediating conflicts
Sees literally everything that happens on Earth, gossips with the sun/moon sisters
Is considerably grumpier during the Winter months
Helps Simon to keep his cool
God of Space and the Cosmos
A FAR more benevolent version, obvi
Has a bit of an issue with needing routine and anxiety
Another member of the gossip squad
Fascinated by human technology
Deity of the rainbow
Everything it wears is an explosion of color
Official Olympus makeup artist
Rides between Earth and Olympus on a rainbow
Helps Alix with messenger duties
Goddess of the West Wind and warm months
Can actually kick up a hell of a storm when mad
Creates warm winds with her parasol
Still a bit of a perfectionist
Has wings like a dove's
Goddess of the North Wind and the cold
Temperature drops 20 degrees when she arrives
Only shows emotion around people they trust, like Aurore
All the snow-themed accessories
Has wings like a snowy owl's
God of mischief and the wildlands
Alix's brother in prankster supremacy
Really enjoys freaking out mortals in the woods
VERY protective of nature, like Mylene and Juleka
Is a boss on the reed flute
Also, he has the legs of a goat
Goddess of the dark
ROCKING that cloak of stars
Mortals fear her, though she wishes this weren't the case
Besties with Ismael, helps with a lot of his pranks
Can talk to shadows
Muse of Theater, specifically comedy
Gets along well with his eight siblings, but loves their sister, Evie (Erato), and twin, Jesse (Melpomene), the most. (Don't tell the others)
The most dramatic deity you will ever meet, lives for the theater
Has a ton of superstitions that they follow to the letter
Is writing a romantic play for his boyfriend, Austin T.
Goddess of Victory
Very competitive, but her friends reign her in
Often attends mortal sporting events
Enjoys doing parkour on the peaks of Olympus
Laurel wreaths are her signature accessory
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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my girl 2
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as possible age gap, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your brother’s friend from work starts hanging out a lot more often. (short!reader)
Characters: Captain Syverson
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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After dinner, you volunteer to do the dishes. It’s an easy way out of the awkward social cues and you find, it keeps your mom off your back so you can get a chapter in. You finish up, drying each and placing them neatly in the cupboards. Having defeated the dirty plates, you grab your book and head out to the porch. 
As the sun sets, the daytime heat dissipates into a mellow coolness. The smell of dew laces the fresh air. You lay back on the porch swing, feet up on the armrest as you read, the glow of the outside light giving just enough to make out the font. 
You plunge into the fictional realm head first. The buzz of crickets gives way to the eerie atmosphere of the underworld caverns and the night shifts in time with imaginary shadows. You are there with the party, trekking through the treacherous, waiting for a beast to surprise you. 
The front door swings open and hits the end of the swing. You squeak as the book slips free of your grasp and falls to the ground. You sit up as you crane to see over your shoulder, an orc-like silhouette adding to your fright. It isn’t real.  
Your vision clears and you return to reality. It’s only Sy. His eyes look just as startled as he looks down at you then his eyes skitter over to the ground. 
Before you can reach over the edge of the bench, Sy moves to grab the book. He lifts it and smooths the pages, dusting off the cover. He examines it before he hands it over. 
“Sorry, I’m a big lug sometimes,” he says as you accept the book and search for your place. 
“It’s fine,” you smile and keep your thumb between the pages. 
He reaches to rub the back of his neck then drags his hand over his beard. You noticed the same gesture several times during dinner and before that. It seems a habit that betrays a thoughtful mind. 
“Good book?” He gestures towards the novel. 
You look down and tilt your head, “it’s alright. Typical fantasy, you know?” 
“Ah,” he nods as the porch light leaves his features in darkness. 
“Mmhmm,” you smile and sit straight on the swing, your legs dangling over the edge. 
He steps closer and puts his hand on the post that holds the bench aloft, “erm, dinner was good.” 
“Oh? Yeah, it was.” 
“I know ya made some of it so... wanted to say so.” 
“Uh, right,” you laugh nervously, “yeah, guess I did.” 
He’s quiet and you’re just as speechless. The night breeze does little to cool the scald of tension all around you. Why is he talking to you? He should be grunting at Isaac’s dumb jokes. 
“Anyway, gotta head out,” he shifts on his feet, “you have a good night.” 
“Er, sure, you too,” you cheep. 
“Mmm, sure will,” he answers and lets go of the swing, turning to continue to the stairs. He stops at the top and looks back, “don’t stay out here too late. Thunderstorm coming.” 
“Is there?” You wonder as you look up at the sky, the moon clear. 
“So I heard,” he shrugs and sets off down the stairs with clomping steps. 
You stare after him as he stalks off, following the path down to the long driveway and to his large truck. The street light illuminates his silhouette as you feel the dampness woven into the wind. You sit back and let out a ‘huh’. You hadn’t noticed it until he said something, then again, you hadn’t been living in that world. 
“Peanut!” Your mom calls to you from down the hall. “Little help!” 
You sigh and finish the sentence. You roll your eyes up and mark your page. You sit up, frustrated as each page seems to be interrupted by one thing or another. You roll of the bed and leave the book on your pillow. 
You open your door and a roiling wall of heat blasts you in the face. You head down the hall and find your mother a humid mess as she works in her apron, her forehead sticky, and a pan in her hands. She drops it with a clang on the stove top and puffs. 
“Ugh, these things are never going to cook,” she tuts and shakes her head. 
“Mom?” You cross your arms and lean in the doorway. Even with central air, her broil has the house as hot as Mordor. “What’s up?” 
“Well, I was hoping you’d make your apple blossoms for dessert but I just got a call from Isaac,” she shakes her head and wipes her sweaty brow. “He forgot his lunch.” 
“Oh,” you purse your lips and nod. 
“So, peanut, you wanna go for a ride? I’d take it myself but I’m in the middle of something,” she smiles and fans herself. “And I’m an absolute mess!” 
“Yeah, I guess I could,” you shrug, trying not to let your disappointment burn through. Considering she isn’t pressuring you to get a summer job like everyone else’s parents, you won’t push it.  
“You’re amazing, pea,” she trills and goes to the fridge. She pulls out a container of yesterday’s leftovers and shoves them into your hands, “and tell your brother not to be late.” 
“Sure,” you utter. 
“Ah, and if you run into Sy, you tell him he’s more than welcome to come by. Should be all sorts of extras tonight.” 
“Right,” you take the container and find a cloth bag to put it in. You head back to your room and swipe up your book and your phone. Just in case. 
You pluck your mom’s keys off the hook by the door as you slip into your sandals, the straps braided leather. You chose them because the little daisies reminded you of a woodland elf. You take your brother’s lunch and grumble as you cross the lawn. 
Your mother’s car is nicer than your dad’s truck. More manageable for you. You don’t need to adjust the seat very much and you can see the road, mostly.  
You take the drive slowly, enjoying the greenery of the neighbourhood. Your brother can suffer his own negligence. He’s an adult and he’s still forgetting his lunch at home. As always, someone else is cleaning up after him. 
You pull up to the shop. You’ve been there once or twice but never inside. As you get out of the car, you hesitate. Should you knock? You approach the heavy metal door and peer around.  
A whistle comes from your left and you turn as Sy appears from around the side of the building. His face is darkened above his beard and around his hairline with the residue of his work. The faint outline of safety glasses leaves a lighter patch in the middle of his face. 
“Hey,” his voice is sonorous as he holds a pair of gauntlets. “Everything okay?” 
“Um,” you blink at him then look back at the car. “Yeah, uh, my brother forgot his lunch.” 
You hold up the bag in your hand. He nods, his face placid. Impossible to read. In his leather apron and with his thick arms bulging under his sweaty tea, he reminds you of a dwarf in a Tolkien tale. You gulp and fidget. 
“Real nice of you to drop that off,” he says as he comes closer, “you’re real sweet like that.” 
“Uh, yeah, I guess,” you clasp your wrist and sway nervously. 
“Want me to take it into him? Wouldn’t want ya ruining your clothes with all the fire.” 
“Er, I... if you don’t mind.” 
“If you’re askin’, I don’t mind,” he holds out a large hand, “I’ll get him that.” 
“Right, thanks,” you put it in his hand as he stares down at you, his gaze as hot as the torch he works with. 
“It’s nothing at all,” he assures. 
You smile nervously and back up as he towers over you. You rub your throat and look around again. You feel bad not offering now. 
“Mom said if you wanna come for dinner, we’ll have extra,” you say. 
He hums and puts his gauntlets against the bottom of the container as he holds it in both hands, making it seem tiny. 
“Won’t say no to dinner with a pretty girl,” he intones. 
Your eyes flick up and meet his. No, your mom invited him. He’s just being nice, right? The way he always is, at least when he bothers to speak up. Maybe he's even talking about her.
“I should... go,” you point with your thumb. 
“If you say so,” he agrees, “drive safe.” 
“Will do,” you spin and scurry off. Oof, you are so friggin awkward you could just-- 
You trip and stagger, keeping yourself on your feet. You cringe and turn back, giving a wave to assure him you’re not a total loss, then open the door. You keep your head down, refusing to look at him as you buckle in. 
Maybe you can convince your mom to let you eat in your room. 
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nekoannie-chan · 27 days
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Title: Museum.
Fandom: Marvel, Captain America.
Ship: Steve Rogers X Reader.
Word count: 375 words.
Square: 2 “Locked in an abandoned museum.”
Rating: Teen.
Summary: A mission in a particular museum.
Major Tags: Abandoned and enchanted museum.
Additional tags: This is my entry to @seasonaldelightsbingo Language of flowers bingo. 63.
Links: Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @Smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @Harrysthiccthighss @Marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @Here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard @rogersbarber
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You had met Steve during a recent mission and immediately started talking and spending a lot of time together. So, when you went on a mission to an abandoned museum in the nearby town, Steve offered to accompany you without hesitation.
At dusk, the two of you slipped through a broken window in the back wing of the museum. The light from Steve's torch illuminated the dusty corridors. You had decided to go at that hour as you knew no one would be watching, but for some strange reason, in the daytime, people were watching.
“This place used to be amazing," you said, your voice echoing in the void.
“I can imagine," Steve replied. “It's a shame they left it like this."
You walked together for a few minutes until, as you rounded a corner, you heard a loud creak followed by a crash. The entrance through which you had entered was blocked by debris.
“It looks like we're trapped," Steve said, trying to remain calm, though he now feared it was an ambush. "Let's find another way out."
You spent hours looking for a way out, but the building seemed like an endless maze. Finally, you found a large room with a glass roof, where the moonlight came in faintly, and you told him about the rumors about the place and about the strange things that were said to happen.
“Let's rest here for a while," suggested Steve. You both sat on the floor, staring at the faded pictures that adorned the walls.
“Steve, how do you manage to stay calm in situations like this? “you asked, breaking the silence.
“I guess I've been through worse," he replied with a tired smile.
There was a moment of silence before Steve spoke again. "You know, there's something about this place that reminds me of the old days. Before the war, I used to visit museums. It was my escape."
“Your escape?" you asked, surprised.
“Yes," he said, looking at a painting. "The art and the history made me feel part of something bigger. It gave me hope."
“I'm glad you're here with me, Steve."
“And so am I, Y/N."
A few minutes later, you lay there asleep, while strange things kept happening in the place.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 3 months
Why Kris Jenner followed megain &amp; Kims finding Kate post.(all is allegedly). by u/deedee50
Why Kris Jenner followed megain & Kims finding Kate post.(all is allegedly). A friend who works in proximity to h&m (who i've mentioned here before for giving titbits to Mr V.L has given me some gossip amongst staff in montishitshow. THIS IS ALLEDGELY A private meeting was set up between h&m and Kris & Kim, it was discussing how they could get them on their show, (as the ratings are less than what they used to be, a lot less). The options discussed included a charity event hosted by Kim for prison reform, (this was considered too political). A fundraiser to fund sending 10, low income, black young men and women wishing to study law to school on a scolarship. and no3, safest option kim's birthday party in Oct, which will actually be filmed in august. Discussions are on going about it being a daytime event with ALL the Kardshian kids there,9 or 10 now? so h&m will bring arch and lil, this offers a much larger fee than just h&m at an A* list evening event, where they'd be honoured guests for Archwell.It gives megain access to the A list (finally), boosts the numbers for the show, gaining world wide media attention and shows the Kardashians as supporting black women (or ones who use too much bronzer). Get this bit, it started with Doria suggesting an appearance after the pic of them together proved so popular.I can see them attending the glitzy A list event, but not including the kids, your thoughts?​ post link: https://ift.tt/PnfKa6A author: deedee50 submitted: March 21, 2024 at 01:51PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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pennylanefics · 2 years
Captured - Pirate!Jake Kiszka
a/n: okay…super nervous posting this bc i haven’t posted smut in a year or so, but here we are :) i really wanted to share this, so why not?
warnings: smut, 18+, NO MINORS (please do not interact, like, comment, reblog, if you are under 18. i will block you if you don’t have your age/indication that you are not a minor in your bio or on your blog)
word count: ~ 5.2k
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You were woken up by loud bangs and shoes clambering on the nice wooden floors of your home. Sitting up in bed, the covers fall onto your lap and you scramble into the corner of the wall where your bed sits.
Voices echo through the halls, doors being slammed open, until finally, yours swings open and a couple men stumble in. One was very grimy looking, dirt covering his face and hair, ratty and torn clothing adorning his body.
The other man was…quite beautiful. He had long hair, but it appeared to be managed very well. His clothes, although slightly torn, were much more taken care of than the other guys. And he had this beautiful silver necklace resting against his exposed chest. A small, fuzzy mustache sits above his lip, accentuating them even more.
“You’re coming with us, sweetheart!” Grimy man says, grabbing your arm and picking you up. The beautiful man digs through your closet and grabs a couple clothing items, shoving them in a bag. They whisk you out of the room and out of your house, but not before putting a blindfold around your eyes.
“Where are you taking me?” You ask no one in particular. But no one answers. You can clearly hear the waves surrounding you and the sounds of wooden planks beneath your feet. They continued dragging you until you come to a stop.
The blindfold is ripped off and you are shoved into a room with a bed and a candle on the bedside table. Nothing else. The bag your clothes were shoved into is also thrusted into the room, and then, you are left alone as the man shuts the door very loudly.
You cry yourself to sleep that night, trying to cover yourself with the thin blanket provided. But it wasn’t enough. You wanted your actual bed and not this junk of a jail cell.
The following morning, your breakfast was dropped off by the same scummy man from last night. An apple and a piece of bread. However, you ate the entirety of both, despite wanting whatever breakfast your mother was cooking, if she was still at home.
Around midday, the beautiful man from last night comes into your room, with a rope in his hands.
“Turn around,” he says, speaking to you for the first time. You can’t help the way your heart swoons at his sweet sounding voice. It perfectly fit his appearance, but you do as he says.
He, somewhat roughly, ties the rope around your wrists behind your back. You feel the cool metal of his rings brush against your skin, and it sends your heart into a frenzy for some reason.
He takes ahold of your forearm and drags you out of the room and through the halls of the ship. He reaches a door that reads “Captain’s Quarters” and steps inside with you, closing the door behind him.
“Ah, Miss (Y/L/N). So nice to finally see you in the daylight,” a man with a thick beard says, sitting behind a desk maps covering the top. He looks at your nightgown and sighs. “Where are her actual daytime clothes, gentlemen?”
The grimy guy, standing in the corner, stutters a response.
“J-Jake was the one to get her, ask him,” he pushes off onto the man you now know as Jake.
“You told me to bring her here as quick as possible. This is what she was dressed in, Captain.”
“Well allow her some fuckin’ modesty! Take her back and let her get dressed.” Jake sighs and grabs your arm once more and walks back out of the room.
He undoes the tie and lets you walk back into your room, standing guard at the door so no one decides to make a little trip and walk in. Once you dress in your favorite pale blue dress, you knock on the other side of the door to let Jake know you were ready.
He opens the door and he stops in his tracks. You had also brushed your hair with a random comb you found in the drawer of the bedside table, probably not a good idea, but who cares at this point?
Jake gulps as he gets a good look at all of you, his eyes softening as he sees your gentle smile.
“Go ahead,” you say, turning around with your wrists behind your back. Jake’s fingers dance along the red marks that were already present from the previous tie, sending a shiver up your spine.
“It’s alright. I won’t tie your hands. Just keep them behind your back and I’ll stay close so they don’t see,” he replies. You turn back around and smirk.
“Too bad because I’m quite into people tying me up,” you whisper, shoving past Jake and in the direction of the office again. Jake stands there, stunned, for a moment, but eventually gets back and comes up right behind you.
“Ah, good,” the Captain says when you arrive back. “Now, you have something we want, Miss (Y/L/N). Your father is a rich merchant, isn’t he?”
“Yes,” you say firmly, trying to hide your fear.
“He has a hoard of wealth stored somewhere and we want that hoard. Now, taking him would be no fun, he wouldn’t tell us. But his daughter? Oh, we know some ways to get information out of people.”
You gulp and step back just a little, your back colliding with Jake’s firm chest.
“We won’t be too mean, darling. But we want you to help us. And if you don’t, well, then we may have to resort to harsher techniques.” You nod, your heart pounding in his chest.
“What do you want to know?” The captain looks around at his men, before picking up his quill and writing something down.
“I will talk with my crew, make a list, and then come get you tomorrow. I’ll let you settle in today, explore the ship, get used to this.” Internally, you are rolling your eyes, thanking him for being so thoughtful.
But on the outside, you just nod and cast your eyes down. Jake gently grabs your arm and brings you out of the room, backwards, and guides you back to your room.
“Lunch will be in two hours,” he says, looking at his pocketwatch. “I’ll bring it to you.”
“Thank you, Jake,” you quickly get out before he can leave the room. He just offers a small smile before walking out and shutting the door. You fall onto your bed, leaning up to look out the porthole.
The clear blue skyline mixed with the dark blue of the distant ocean, a sight you would have usually found beautiful, but in this moment, you despised it.
Just as promised, two hours later, Jake returned with both yours and his lunches.
“What are you-” you are cut off as he takes a seat on the floor in front of your bed.
“I wanted to have my lunch with you. Keep you company.” He takes a bite of what appeared to be ham and looks to you. You are dumbfounded, but look down at your plate.
“Why’s that? Thought you were supposed to be a tough, weathered pirate, eh?” He chuckles, taking a sip of his water.
“I am most of the time. But when my Captain tells us to capture a beauty of a woman, I find it hard to be punishable to her.”
“Oh, how often does that happen?” You question. Jake shakes his head and casts his eyes down, almost in…embarassment? Disappointment?
“Never before. It’s the first capturing I’ve been apart of, and to be fair, I’m not a huge fan. It really hurt hearing your screams and pleas for us to not take you. I wanted to call it off, but it wasn’t my position to do so.”
“Well, you should maybe tell your captain that I’m not that fond of being here either. And how considerate was that of him to allow me the day to myself?” Jake laughs at your sarcasm and rips a piece of bread off.
“I was the one to do that, actually. Before I brought you in, I mentioned how you may not be so easy to give up information this quick. Let you settle in and calm down before we get to that.”
“Oh, so it was you who was considerate?” Jake shrugs and gazes into your eyes. An emotion hides behind them, one you can’t read.
“Like I said, I saw how distraught you were, I know you just needed some time.” He reaches over to grab your hand, which catches your attention. “Everyone deserves care and respect, even if your father is a selfish wealth-hoarder.”
The dig at your father pains your heart and makes you drop his hand.
“So you’re okay with the whole thing then? After you just told me you feel bad for capturing me and wanted to call it off?”
“I mean, I know there are other ways to get your father’s money and taking his daughter isn’t the best way, but yes, I do think your father hoards wealth from the public!” Jake suddenly gets defensive, and you want to be mad, but you sigh softly and lean against your bed, staring into your lap.
“It is true,” you whisper. Jake’s head whips towards you in surprise. “As much as I hate to think about it and admit it, he does hoard it.”
“So, you are going to cooperate with us?” With a moment of thinking, you nod, still not meeting his eyes.
“I will. If you guys don’t torture me. I’ll give you any information you want, but please, don’t harm myself, my dad, or my family.”
“I will let Captain Farkley know.” You can’t help the giggle that escapes your throat.
“Farkley?” You repeat. Jake laughs along, knowing that was going to be your reaction.
“Yeah, not very much of a hardcore name is it.”
“Not really. But neither is Jake.” Jake’s eyes soften and you finish up your food.
“Would you want to take a walk around the deck?” He asks, grabbing both of your plates.
“I would love to.”
Jake shows you around the ship, showing you his duties of hoisting the back sails and looking out the right side of the ship for any others incoming. One thing you noticed about him was the way he brushed his hair out of his face from the wind.
It was a simple gesture that you found adorable. Plus, the way his unbuttoned, ratty shirt blew open from the wind, you were finding it hard to not stare at his chest.
When dinner comes around, Jake brings you your plate, but seeing as dinners are usually spent as a crew, he is unable to sit with you. However, after everyone has gone to sleep and the ship has settled for the night, anchored down for the time being, he appears in front of your door.
You were having trouble falling asleep, but a soft knock catches your attention. Getting up, you carefully open it and find Jake standing there. You let him in, a little confused, but when he smiles at you, all worry washes away.
“Sorry I couldn’t eat dinner with you. They would’ve thought it was strange I was missing.”
“Thats alright. You’re not obligated to spend time with me.” You take a seat on the edge of your bed, and Jake follows suit.
“I’m not obligated to, but I want to. I enjoy your company.”
“You do?” Jake nods and grabs your hand.
“What are you still doing up? Can’t sleep?” He wonders.
“Yeah. I’m still not used to the rocking of the ship yet, so it’s hard for me to fall asleep.”
“Why don’t I help you?” He offers. You stand and crawl into bed, Jake following after he removes his shirt, to lay on the left side, so that you don’t fall off the bed.
He pulls you into his chest, your heart racing as you feel his soft skin against your hand and cheek. His fingertips trail up and down your back, and suddenly, you are much more awake. Focusing on his touch wasn’t helping you get to sleep at all.
“Get some rest, okay? I know Captain is wanting to interrogate you tomorrow, so be prepared.” You nod against him and close your eyes, but alas, you find sleep much harder with a handsome man laying bare-chested beside you.
Just as predicted, the next day, Captain Farkley brought you into his quarters, with just you and Jake, and asked you questions regarding your father’s wealth. As much as you loved your father, you knew he had a huge vault somewhere that held precious items that could be sold to give people money and even food.
And that’s exactly what they were after. Although you didn’t exactly know where it was, you were willing to help them gain information. Farkley presented you with papers that his men stole from your father’s office in your home as well, so you promised to take them back and study them, then bring him a list of information that could possibly help.
As your weeks on the ship go by, you were getting used to this life. Sure, it wasn’t luxurious, most of the days you smelled so bad you weren’t sure how Jake managed to be around you, but you were coming to be okay with all of this.
You and Jake spent most of your days together. He was the only one who was not creepy towards you, and he even knocked some sense into others for disrespecting you. And every night, Jake promised to be by your side, cuddled up with you, helping you fall asleep.
However, one night, you couldn’t sleep for another reason.
Jake, as usual, walks into your room, finding you sitting up, staring out the window, waiting for him to show up.
“Everything okay?” Jake asks, worry evident in his voice.
“I’m fine. But uh…I think I need to be alone tonight,” you tell him.
“Oh,” his expression falls, thinking he did something wrong. “May I ask if you are okay?” His voice is filled with concern and care, and it sends shivers up your spine, not helping your mood.
“I’m feeling a little…horny tonight and just need to…you know…” your voice trails off. Jake’s eyebrows raise in curiosity and he smirks.
“Or…I could help you?” He offers. You swallow nervously, scared to tell him that you would love for him to do that, but also wanting to protect your ego.
You couldn’t help the naughty thoughts that ran through your mind when he pressed his front to your backside in the middle of the night. Or the way he licked his lips, you couldn’t get the image of him doing so after going down on you.
Because of this, during the days when Jake was busy taking care of his duties and whatnot, you rubbed one out to the thought of him. But now, with him sitting mere inches from you, you had no idea what to do or say.
“Um, I-I mean, you-”
“I’m sorry if that was forward, but to be fair, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. Someone so beautiful in a simple blue dress has to be beautiful underneath it all, right?” His words send your mind into a frenzy, and you clench your thighs together.
He notices this immediately and smirks.
“I’d say you’ve also thought about me in this way?” Sighing, you finally nod in agreement. He hums happily and reaches up to brush a strand of hair away from your face. “Tell me what you’ve thought about.”
You gasp in surprise when he leans forward and attaches his lips to your neck, not prepared for that whatsoever.
“I’ve-I’ve thought of, um, you…”
“It’s alright, honey. Don’t be embarrassed,” he whispers against your skin. Gulping, you continue.
“I’ve thought about your head between my thighs, eating me out like it’s your last meal,” you say through short breaths. Jake chuckles against your skin as he continues kissing it.
“Oh yeah? You bet I could eat you out the best you’ve ever had?”
“Try the only,” you mention. Jake pauses and pulls away in shock.
“Well yeah. Living a somewhat sheltered life doesn’t allow me to go out and have the fun I want,” you tell him. “But, that only means you have no one else to compete with.” This puts a smile back on his lips and he finally presses his to yours in a needy yet sweet kiss.
“Then I’ll give you the best orgasm you’ve ever had, darling.” His facial hair scratches against your face as he moves to kiss along your cheek and back down to your neck. “But we have to be quiet. You can hear fuckin’ everything through this ship.” You nod and let out a soft sigh, thinking that would be fine.
Jake’s hands tug at the buttons on the front of your nightgown, and you help him undo them before slipping it off your arms and throwing it to the floor.
“Wow,” Jake pauses, his eyes roaming all over your naked body. You want to hide, but the look in his shining brown eyes says otherwise. “Just as beautiful as I imagined. Maybe even more.”
Heat rises to your cheeks and you pull him back in for another steamy kiss.
“Take your pants off, Jake. I wanna see you too.” He laughs and fumbles with the button for a bit, but he is finally able to get it undone. He slides them down his legs and kicks them off, but does one thing before laying with you.
He quickly locks the door and turns back around. Your eyes fall to his hardening cock, twitching with excitement. You bite your lip and wave him over. However, he drops to his knees in front of your bed and guides you to sit on the edge.
He throws your legs over his shoulders, face to face with your pussy. He teases you by placing a few open-mouthed kisses along your inner thighs.
“You are so wet, pretty girl. Is this all because of me?”
“Yes Jakey. All because of you and all for you.” He groans at both the nickname and your response to his question, wanting to devour you already.
“I bet you taste so good,” he whispers to himself, finally lowering his head and placing his tongue flat against you.
A loud gasp leaves your lungs, and you throw a hand over your mouth, remembering his rule to be quiet.
“Mmm, I was right,” he mumbles into your dripping cunt, eyes closing as he savors you.
His arms wrap around your legs to keep you against him, and one of your hands tangles in his hair to keep him pressed against you.
“That feels so good, Jakey,” you continue with the nickname, realizing the reaction it gets out of him.
“Yeah?” He moans, swallowing you before pulling back some to spread your lips with his fingers. He kitten licks your clit with his tongue, your back arching off the bed because of the feeling.
“God yes!” You quietly whimper, pushing your hips onto Jake’s face, needing more friction.
“Doing so good at staying quiet for me, baby,” he praises. You tug at his hair to egg him on and continue, which he does.
His tongue switches between lapping at your hole and circling your clit. He also sucks your clit into his mouth, and each time, you find it harder and harder to keep your moans in. Your free hand comes up to play with your breast, your fingers tweaking your nipple, loving the feeling flowing through you in this moment.
“Jake please,” you beg.
“Please what?” He asks, not stopping his actions.
“Need more,” you breathe out. He shakes his head against you.
“Wanna make you cum with just my mouth. I know you can, honey. Just focus on my tongue.” So, you do as he says and try to clear your mind except for the part that was telling you your fantasies were coming true.
Jake was here, between your legs, eating you like there was no tomorrow. He’s groaning and moaning against you, he’s enjoy this just as much as you are. Sucking your clit into his mouth again, he rubs his tongue against it, and you are done for.
“Jake, I’m so close,” you whisper, grasping his hair hard. He does’t mind one bit.
“Cum for me, darlin’. I want you to cum in my mouth,” he mumbles, moving down to your hole, waiting for you to release even more for him.
“Fuck, Jake, keep doing that!” He continues to fuck his tongue into your hole, humming while doing so, creating vibrations through your body. Soon enough, your orgasm crashes over you, your back arching off the bed and your hips grinding into Jake’s face, who happily laps up every single drop he’s able to.
He’s moaning himself, extremely turned on by everything, as he removes his mouth and gazes up at you through your legs. Your chest was still heaving up and down, and Jake takes the sight of your tits in.
He takes this opportunity to stand up and wrap his lips around your nipple. He pauses and stares up at you, and you groan at the sight of him.
His hair was a disheveled mess and his entire mouth and chin was covered in your arousal. But he wore a proud smile on his face.
“You are so damn beautiful,” he whispers, kissing you. Tasting yourself, you shove your tongue into his mouth to deepen the kiss. Your hand slithers down between your bodies and you grab his cock, a shocked gasp escaping his mouth.
“Wanna make you feel good too, Jakey,” you smile, gaining some energy to push him to lay down on your bed. You crawl onto his body and sit with your legs straddling his hips. You stroke him a few times, giving him a nice show of running your other hand up and down your body, teasing your breast and down to your clit.
You move once more to kneel next to him. You grasp the base of his cock and lean down, wrapping your lips around his tip. He sucks in a breath and closes his eyes for a moment, trying hard to remember his own rule.
He watches you work him for a few seconds, your mouth taking almost all of him, before he pushes you away.
“I’m not gonna last long and honestly I wanna cum in you instead of your mouth,” he says, eyes beginning to drop closed. You smirk and kiss him once more, straddling his hips while not breaking the heated kiss.
He reaches to grab his throbbing cock and guides it through your folds, collecting your wetness for a second or two.
“Tell me if it gets too much, okay honey?” He says, his other hand cupping your chin to make you look in his eyes. You nod, but that’s not enough for him. “I’m serious, (Y/N).”
He hasn’t used your first name before, only referring to you as Miss (Y/L/N), or the pet names he’s given you, and now, with this very intimate moment being the time he does, it made your heart swell.
“I will tell you if it does, Jake.” He hums and finally pushes his cock into you. Your mouth drops open and your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“Oh my god,” you moan, lowering yourself fully onto him, his thick cock twitching inside of you already. “Don’t wanna move just yet.”
“You’re so tight, holy shit,” he breathes out, trying to calm himself. You clench around him involuntarily and he whimpers, a shiver running through his body.
Jake’s hands fall to your hips and he stares up at you.
“You okay?” He asks.
“Yeah. I just want to feel you for a moment.”
“It’s alright, darling. It, fuck,” he pauses as you clench him again, but this time on purpose, “it feels good.”
After a few more seconds, you finally start to move, bouncing up and down on him, your hands steadying yourself on his chest. Your soft moans and breaths fill the room, Jake watching your tits bounce with every movement.
“You-you’re so beautiful,” he breathes out, mouth agape in awe of you. “The sounds you make, the faces you make, fuck, the way you feel around me.” You giggle and lean down to capture his lips.
Jake’s hips start to pick up a similar rhythm, snapping up into yours. This causes you to fall into his chest, allowing him to take control. His arms wrap around your body as you take all of him.
“Fuck, Jakey,” you whimper, nuzzling your face in his sweaty neck. His hair starts to stick to his face due to the temperature of the room, and your activities.
“I love when you call me that.” A smirk crosses your lips and you sit up just a little. Your hands brush the hair from his face and you lean above him.
“Jakey,” you purr, leaning forward so your tits meet his face. Immediately, his lips attach to the swell of your breast, sucking a hickey into your skin. “You make me feel so fucking good, Jakey.”
“Fucking shit!” He tries to keep quiet, but it’s no use, so you slap your hand over his mouth, going back to your previous position with your face in his shoulder.
“You close, baby?” You whisper, biting the shell of his ear, feeling his silver earring brush against your lip.
“Y-yes, honey, god, keep doing that!” You bring his hand to toy with your clit, feeling your second orgasm approach.
You bite into his shoulder to muffle your noises, Jake’s speed starting to falter as he nears his own high.
“Cum in me, Jakey,” you whimper the exact moment you reach your orgasm, your voice wavering because of it. His face scrunches up in pleasure, mouth slightly agape as he stills inside of you, his cock twitching as he releases his load.
You crash into him, all of your weight falling on him, though not that he cared. Both of you attempt to catch your breath, bliss running through your bodies, and basking in the glow of sex.
You raise your head slowly, still coming down from your intense orgasm, and find Jake in the same state. His eyes were half-lidded, breaths leaving his mouth. His tongue darts out to wet his lips, and once more taste you, as it was still prominent on his face.
“How many women have you bedded like that?” You ask, in half curiosity and half seriousness.
“One,” he replies. “Years ago, the only woman I loved.”
“Is that where you learned…what you did first?” You continue, heat creeping up your neck. Jake chuckles and nods, pinning a stray piece of sweaty hair behind your ear.
“Why are you getting shy on me, honey?” He teases. Your giggle causes you to once again clench around him, but with Jake being so sensitive from everything, his body jolts in response. You slowly lift yourself off of his length, whimpering at the lost feeling from him inside of you.
He watches a mixture of your cum and his drop onto his leg. Smirking, he swipes his finger through it, collecting it all, and raises his hand to your face. Gladly, you take his digit into your mouth, sucking every last drop from his skin.
You moan around his finger and Jake can feel himself become turned on again. Releasing his finger with a pop, you fall back beside him, curling into his side as he moves lower so that he can lay down with you.
“So, what happens when you and everyone else finds my father’s vault and everything is over?” You ask him after a few minutes of nothing. The feeling of his fingertips running up and down your bare back was enough to put you to sleep, but you had one thing on your mind.
“Either you go back home and explain to your father why you had to rat him out, or you find a new life somewhere else.”
“He’ll most likely disown me for this.”
“Maybe not, if you tell him you did it for his and everyone else’s safety.” Nodding against his shoulder, you trail your finger around his bare chest.
“You could always run away with me,” he whispers. This shocks you, so much that you don’t say a word or move for a minute or so. But when you do, you sit up and stare down at him.
“What?” He smiles and caresses your cheek.
“I don’t want to live without you, (Y/N). These past few weeks have been the best time I have spent on this ship. I have really fallen for you and I don’t want you to leave.”
Unfortunately for Jake, once his captain and crew had found your father’s vault, they had no use for you anymore, and returned you back, unharmed, to your family. The days following your return were very emotional, and you were happy to be safe with them, and the only damage was your father’s wealth, which he had enough of.
About a week after your return, you are walking along the shoreline of the port, watching as merchant ships come and go, when a shadow appears over you.
“What’s a beautiful lady like you doing out here by herself?” A familiar voice rings in your ears. Immediately, you perk up and stand, finding Jake, his usual black outfit, a brimmed hat sitting atop his head and his hair that cascaded around his shoulders, and his sword in his belt.
“Jakey,” you cheer, jumping into his arms. He laughs happily and holds you tight against him. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, honey. But I’m here to stay.” Pulling back, you look at him confused.
“What do you mean?”
“I left Farkely and the Meridian. I realized I wanted nothing more than to be with you.”
“Wh-what? Are you serious? Jake why would you-”
“I love you, (Y/N). I wasn’t kidding when I said I fell for you. When you left, I was broken. And I couldn’t let the others know how I was feeling. I came to the conclusion that I wanted to be with you way more than I wanted to be on that ship. So, with your father’s money, I bought a house in the town so I could be close to you. And I got a job helping unload ships that come through the docs.”
“Oh my god, really?” He nods. “Holy shit.” You fall into his arms again, tears pooling in your eyes.
“So, you’re happy, I assume?”
“I am. And I love you too, Jake. I just can’t believe you left the pirate’s life for me.”
“Well, a pirate’s life is not for me,” he says, playing on the well-known song that all pirates know and sing.
The both of you share a laugh before you cup his cheeks and kiss him, reslishing in the feeling that you missed for the past week.
“You want to come back to my new place? Break it in a little?” He asks, his eyebrows wiggling in a teasing and suggestive manner.
“Hell yeah. I missed your mouth on my pussy,” you whisper against his lips.
“Oh, you naughty thing.”
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osachiyo · 9 months
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ʚ you can call me chiyo or any other cute nicknames :D intp + 19 yrs + desi + gemini ! prns r she/her ɞ
sometimes i follow back if you interact with my stuff a lot, and i see you liking and reblogging or commenting on my stuff :3
ps. don't be afraid to ask to be moots ! i always love makin' new mooties :D
# yes yes yes !
spicy food, sour candy, grapes, ice-cream cake, cats, animals in general, animanga, sleeping, writing, singing, nature, rain, cuddles, winter, physical affection, chuuyachuuyschuuya, my lovely moots <3
# no no no !
bugs (yes even butterflies), summer, school, sukuna, unnecessary drama, bad endings, cramps, mean old ladies, peanut butter, hershey's, slow walkers, loud chewers, loud noises, smoking, vaping, alcohol + etc.
# anime + mangas !
bsd, jjk, csm, ds, maid-sama, tokyo mew mew, snow white with the red hair, akatsuki no yona, ohshc, hxh, naruto, bnha, haikyuu, kiss him not me, tokyo revengers, tbhk, black butler, bleach, moriarty the patriot + more !
# webtoons !
lookism, windbreaker, your throne, get schooled, manger kim, wished you were dead, I'm the max level newbie, serena, my in-laws are obsessed with me, men of the harem, maybe meant to be, unordinary, daytime star, marry my husband, the tyrant wants to be good, nocturne, distant sky, for my derelict favourite, go away, romeo, I'm the queen in this life + more !
# watchlist !
aot, bllk, jojo's, berserk + more !
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