#Tumblr newbie
treeembrace · 11 months
I'm shocked, flabbergasted, and flattered by the reception on my refrigerator post. I've been on the big blue hellsite for about 3 weeks now and I've somehow amassed over 80 followers and over 900 reblogs. I have over the last 3 days received more positive messages and warm welcomes and all sorts of feel good stuff then ever before. Thank you, everyone who has reblogged, liked, or just read any of my posts.
Unfortunately, with 85 adopted children at the time of writing this, I'm no long able to afford to feed all of you and will henceforth be appearing on a daytime talkshow before abandoning you all in the woods. Good luck.
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1000emotions · 9 months
this is a bit embarrassing but how do people make friends on tumblr? twitter is my main social media and i have been priv for years so idk what im doing on the public internet😭
but! if anyone wants to be mutuals, i mostly post about linked universe, zelda, and death note! those are my most strong interests rn but i also love other game series like final fantasy, resident evil, drakenier, silent hill, minecraft and stuff like that :)
my favorite LU boys are legend and hyrule, and my favorite link is the hero of time🤠
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shinyeclair · 2 months
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Having fun with Esha's portait sprites ! I'm not experimented with shaded pixel art, what do you think...?
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parttimepunner · 1 month
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How high does this go?
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saint-hannibal · 1 year
@petrowriting is holding my hand, guiding me through the rolling fields of tumblr. Look! There’s the wild orgy! Oh, and over there! The Hannibal fandom plotting the Hrab lore! Oh, and to my left is the symbolic dumpster fire that tumblr patrons come visit every day. It’s a shrine, you know, who’s flames never extinguish.
Wow! I love tumblr!
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letstalkshipping · 15 days
How do I Tumblr?
I'm kinda new and IDK what to do with my tabs to see new things... If somebody a bit tumblr-age older could help me understand this, that would be sweet.
Like at the moment, I just randomly click between 'for you' 'following' and 'your tags' and refresh spasmodically lol
What's the go-to method for seeing cool stuff on your dashboard? Also, do we call it a dashboard, feed, or something else?
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sing-you-fools · 3 months
i know everyone likes to complain about tumblr. hellsite. webbed site. no nuance. no reading comprehension. and i get it, but you're also - i'm sorry - wrong.
ever since i joined over here, every time i log on to fb, i am just like: damn the vibes here are fucking rancid.
if tumblr flunked reading comprehension it did so with a 45% on the test. fb got an 11%. tumblr flunked nuance with a 39% but fb got a 2%. tumblr just barely scraped a pass in "don't be a dick" and "admitting you were wrong," at 65% and 62% respectively, while fb completely skipped those tests and is still screaming at the teacher about the 0%s it got. you think tumblr's actual functionality is fucked? lol. LOL i tell you.
and i was on fb because it was better than the other ones i'd tried. now i can barely stay five minutes.
"where are you going now that--" fucking nowhere. this isn’t a "i've been here for so long i can't leave" thing this is a "i finally found a scrap of dry land when i've been stuck at sea for decades and i'm not fucking leaving without a damn good reason" situation. sure, they're letting the ai in. did you know when you go to post on fb, it automatically tries to convince you to have ai help you write your post now? going elsewhere doesn't solve the ai problem in the slightest. this isn’t a reason to dive back into the sea. not yet.
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idontknowreallywhy · 1 year
Jupidad - Analytical Ramblings so far…
This post serves as an index for all the Jupidad bits so far… nothing new, just an easier way to access them
Nothing new to see here, just making myself a kind of contents page so I don’t get RSI by scrolling to figure out if I already mentioned something.
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performing-personhood · 2 months
Trying to explain Tumblr to my partner, who has only ever had a Facebook and doesn't really do tech, went like this:
"Okay imagine a bunch of people just walking around a big open room, and all the people have stuff stuck on them - memes, text posts, pictures whathaveyou, like velcroed to their body.
"Now imagine a guy walking up to someone else and admiring one of their Things, now this guy has two options. He can go 'Oh, I like that!' and like pat the other person on the head, or he can go [grabs an imaginary object][slaps imaginary object onto leg] 'I like this! I'm keeping it!' and add it to his collection of Things. And then he wanders away displaying his new Thing. Rinse, repeat.
"That's Tumblr."
And you know, I think I explained it pretty well.
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tarochibun · 2 months
Hello Everyone!
Hello. I'm TarochiBun, a casual digital artist who dabbles in character design and has a passion for OCs and bios! I also enjoy DnD (Dungeons and Dragons) and am all about chill vibes and good times~. I'm both a SFW and NSFW artist (mostly suggestive than full on tbh), but because I don't wanna get in trouble with Tumblr, this account will only post SFW images! Most I'll go to pushing it is suggestive. Any full NSFW will be cropped and censored in a preview like fashion.
I mainly have girls, but I do wanna try and make guys as well. I need variety after all. It's hard to find inspiration, but Tumblr was always a good place for aesthetics and such. So who knows? I hope people will like my OCs here. While I can't post every single drawing I've done, their refs are all in my OC bios, which is linked over on my Linktree! So please do go over and check them out~! I've had a Tumblr account years ago before under a different alias, but abandoned ship since they banned certain things ;v;... Twitter was my main area, but I'm pretty sure everyone knows just how much that place sucks ass, especially for artists. It's an extremely toxic environment that has admittedly hindered my art style, so I'm hoping being in a more peaceful environment will help me develop my art style more! I don't really care for popularity or big followings/followers and shit like that, art has always been a hobby for me. However, it wouldn't hurt to get some validation, eh heh... After all, I work hard on my OCs! I hope to find others that are just as enthusiastic and motivated about OCs, and I can't wait to explore and find new artists that don't just consist of the same ole NSFW I constantly see on Twitter.
🧋My Socials🧋
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treeembrace · 11 months
So after making one successful post I have a bunch of people following me, but they've followed for stuff unrelated to my actual interests, and now I'm psyching myself out evert time I want to hit reblog on a post. "Oh no, I can't reblog this. What would the internet strangers think? They followed me for..." Actually right now I'm not sure why y'all followed me. Pity maybe? And why do I even care? The numbers don't actually mean anything. I shouldn't care if people unfollow me because they don't want to see whatever weird stuff I'm into.
But I do.
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shinyeclair · 4 months
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In love with your new ref @mothiepixie ♥
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nyannoodles · 11 months
I kinda need some help after jumping ship from Twitter/X to Tumblr. I heard this is the land of gods and holy grails. How the one gets themself started, as someone who came from Elon Musk's musky site?
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thedramanotes · 2 years
Last week I started using tumblr again after years and it's like I'm rediscovering what fandom feels like.
So from the perspective of a writer in a fandom, here are 6 things I noticed that sets this space apart and why it feels like homecoming to me.
(Keep in mind my fandom is relatively small and that may be heavily influencing my positive experience.)
[Okay serious caveat: They only work when ya'll aren't using hashtags to write entire essays 😅 but just to put in searchable key phrases (though I LOVE the tag essays and more on that later).]
I think the hashtags work because the user base is small and there isn't a ton of spamming of tags happening. So when I look up something like "Seo Inguk" tumblr gives me every post actually about Seo Inguk and not 900 things that have nothing to do with the actor but where he's tagged anyway to increase the reach of the post (as happens on instagram and twitter where hashtags are a strategy not a real search tool).
This is probably the reason tag spamming is at a minimum here, searchability of content is high, and it's easy to find people who are thinking/pondering/dissecting the same things in your niche fandom as you are.
But what's notable is that tumblr kept sending me notifications about badges I won by liking other people's posts. The analytics for my own account gives me bare bones data for how the posts are performing. And it's clear that while tumblr wants me to write more, it's not interested in having me obsess over post performance or reach.
I know the site has lost something like 80% of its users in the last few years, but it seems to have improved the space. One of the major reasons I left about 4 years back was because I couldn't find much original content in a sea of passive reblogs of pretty things on my feed. At the time it felt like people didn't want to post their thoughts here any more. That definitely seems to have changed for the better.
We're in the middle of a massive fan wave of feelings for dramas like Extraordinary Attorney Woo and Alchemy of Souls, so my posts were quickly found and read by other fans and I got to chat with a lot of people in just the last week.
Tumblr doesn't seem interested in pushing people to become creators (with all the obsessing over stats and influence that entails). It's far more concerned with whether I'm engaging with the content in my space.
We all have writers and artists we love to follow (and I've found quite a few whose works make my heart bleed already) but despite some tumblr accounts having massive follows, there is a kind of equality within the fandom.
People are willing to build on each other's posts by reblogging and adding their takes and by writing essays in hashtags 😆, which creates new transformative content that's original and keeps my feed fresh.
This is a big one. I haven't fully figured out why tumblr feels like a safer space to think out loud than twitter, instagram, or even my blog yet.
It may be because of the smaller user base, the demographic that uses the site, or it may be because there's no character limit to text posts and that allows people to explain their thoughts fully with as much context as possible.
It may have something to do with the reblogging format. Just having that option available makes every post feel like a whole community's work.
The problem with just the post and comment structure is that the OP's opinion is on a pedestal, while everyone else sounds out under it. But reblogs with no character limits lets people properly sound out their reservations or agreement on equal footing.
And like I said at the start, I'm back on tumblr after years away with a completely new account, yet my posts are reaching a lot more people interested in exactly what I want to talk about than on other platforms which ask me to make their sites my second career if I want similar reach.
But, I just want to talk about kdramas and write my feelings.
So, this fits me exactly. 👌
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valeriacommitsarson · 10 months
literally help
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idaneus · 2 years
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I'm trying to branch out with my social media and as Twitter is now dying out I'm giving Tumblr a chance. I'm going to post my older art first (which can be found in ig and artfol) and then just post whatever I want as my ig is supposed to be more like a portfolio. Maybe I will find friends and community from here, I'm terrible at socializing on the internet. <3
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