#Reborn as a Space Mercenary
darkcloud-kcalifornia · 3 months
Okay, decided to go with a couple of random manga for my next readings. First off, isekai that is just about "Protag is OP" can be frustrating, but nonetheless I've decided to give another one a try. Specifically, "Reborn as a Space Mercenary" by Ryuto and Shunichi Matsui. Maybe things will be more interesting if its a sci-fi plot instead of fantasy. If nothing else it should hopefully avoid the "OP because they know about soap" thing.
Second... you can't spend much time on the internet without being exposed to Touhou in some form. Now I've never gotten into it, bullet-hell games are about as far from my thing as you can get. I do not do the twitch reflexes. But apparently there's a manga. No idea if it's any good. No idea if it makes for a decent introduction to the setting and its dozens of characters or if this is going to be a long cascade of brief cameos that only make sense/are funny if you are already neck-deep in lore. But whichever it is, I'm trying out "Forbidden Scrollery" by ZUN and Moe Harukawa to see if I can make any sense of this.
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showblog · 2 months
Obscure crossover idea of the day:
Captain Hiro of "Reborn as a Space Mercenary" lands on the world of the Clear Flow Lake Strata.
He encounters one sentient vending machine, Boxxo.
He buys enough Coke to satiate his immediate, long-starved cola desires.
He bookmarks the planet on his starmaps and returns to restock often. His purchases give Boxxo enough points to last a thousand years.
(Obviously there would be a lot more hijinx if I were to write this.)
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ahb-writes · 4 months
Book Review: 'Reborn as a Space Mercenary' #6
Reborn as a Space Mercenary #6 by Ryuto, Tetsuhiro Nabeshima, Benjamin Daugherty
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science fiction
space adventure
My Rating: 4 of 5 stars
If not for the publisher's poor quality assurance and proofing work on this particular volume, REBORN AS A SPACE MERC v6 is another entertaining notch in the vaunted exploits of a mercenary with too much skill, too much power, and too many pretty ladies on his ship. Captain Hiro's much-anticipated (and comically loathed) reunion with Lieutenant Commander Serena Holz crisscrosses with a delivery mission for the Krisha as well as a conflict between the Imperial Fleet and crystal life-forms in a frontier star system.
This is a busy novel, which is a big improvement over the previous installment. REBORN AS A SPACE MERC v6 has lots of dogfighting with an array of clever tactical shenanigans across the Izulux System. The book also dedicates time to additional narrative hooks for future chapters and a few scenes that stabilize the awkward companionship/rivalry between Hiro and Serena. The oscillating nature of combat on the frontiers of space exploration suits this novel series extraordinarily well — fight, rest, fight, retreat, fight, rest — and one feels equally excited and relieved to see the author has discerned as much.
The Krishna earns its cash this time around through combat with crystal life-forms, the semi-sentient, mass-replication entities to which readers were introduced much earlier in the series. Hiro is recruited to help eradicate the crystal foes, and as anticipated, he goes above and beyond expectations to the point when other mercenaries are jealous, Imperial officers quickly turn into fanboys, and Lieutenant Commander Holz' blood pressure rises to a boil. Now, is it sci-fi nonsense for Hiro to navigate a maelstrom of life-forms at breakneck speed, pilot his ship backward and firing his flak cannon at random? Absolutely. But it works. And it's this crazy trick that earns him such high marks that a few spiffy awards are in the offing, too.
Hiro and Serena's awkward allyship takes center stage in this volume, and the author does a much better job exploring precisely how and why these two characters get on each other's nerves.
Serena hates that Hiro is talented, reckless, and only exercises his commendable skills during heinous and unforgivably dangerous, glory-hogging exploits. She admires his fortitude, but can't stand that he can't fall in line. Hiro, meanwhile, finds Serena patently "annoying" and codependent. He acknowledges her mastery of her military post and admires her noble beauty, but he can't stand that she can't view the world/universe beyond these two parochial lenses.
Surprisingly (and quite effectively), the author dedicates a whole chapter plus a bonus epilogue to deciphering the friendly rivalry between these two characters. Notably, Hiro earns a pair of piloting awards for his contract work (the silver-winged sword assault badge; the first-magnitude star's cross of brilliance). One wonders whether Hiro's success will nudge him closer to the grasping hands of the nobility, including Marquess Holz, who is, apparently, constantly braying that her daughter should settle down and marry.
REBORN AS A SPACE MERC v6 has a few other highlights as well. Hiro's piloting skills still gives his crewmates the jitters, but only when he plunges his customized starship into the heat of a nigh unwinnable battle, pulls a half-dozen combat stunts, and emerges unscathed (Hiro: "That was a thrill, eh?" page 124). Secondly, readers catch another tiny glimpse into the window of Mimi's possible extended family when Lieutenant Robertson, one of Serena's subordinates, mistakes the young comms officer for someone else (likely her grandmother, rumored to be a notorious mercenary herself). And third, Hiro shows some love for his perfectly imperfect maidroid, Mei, who expresses worry, doubt, and uncertainty at various points in the novel. One can only hope that Mei's role expands further, such that she is more than "the machine intelligence piloting the chunky mothership.")
On the downside, this book clearly lacked the quality assurance and proofreading of other titles in the publisher's library.
Errors throughout the novel include duplicated words/phrases or additional words (e.g., "I think you're as an ill-mannered and clingy..." page 83; "...the Imperial Fleet and a portions of the mercenaries continued," page 219), as well as words that are missing entirely (e.g., "It's all so specific that not sure how I'm going to..." page 188; "Unconcerned with collateral damage their comrades, the..." page 210).
One particularly egregious error occurs in a reflective epilogue, when the narrator refers to Serena as a "general" (page 255), despite acknowledging one paragraph earlier that the woman achieves the rank of admiral in the future, but at the time of the Crystal War was, indeed, a mere lieutenant commander. Whether as a result of managerial oversight, the post-pandemic employee time crunch, or lackluster work ethic altogether, the end result is obvious, and it dampens the overall reading experience.
❯ ❯ Light-Novel Reviews || ahb writes on Good Reads
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simon-newman · 1 year
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There is no escaping the Military Waifu.
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theotakufiles · 1 year
Reborn as a Space Mercenary I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship! Manga
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In "Reborn as a Space Mercenary: I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship!" follow the thrilling journey of Hiroshi Takayama, a talented astrophysicist who wakes up one day in an unfamiliar and technologically advanced world. Discovering that his consciousness has been transferred into the body of a renowned space mercenary, Hiroshi must adapt to this new life and navigate through dangerous interstellar missions.
With his newfound abilities and knowledge of astronomy, Hiroshi quickly learns that he is piloting the most powerful starship in existence. Equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry, advanced AI assistance, and capable crew members from across the galaxies, Hiroshi becomes determined to leave his mark on this vast universe while unraveling the mystery behind his reincarnation.
From clashes with formidable extraterrestrial empires to encounters with enigmatic alien species, each episode brings intense battles alongside breathtaking cosmic exploration. As he explores uncharted territories and uncovers secrets shrouded by lightyears of distance, Hiroshi must use his intellect and combat skills to protect innocent lives while searching for clues about how he ended up in this futuristic world.
But as alliances shift and morally ambiguous choices arise along his path, Hiroshi faces not only external enemies but also internal strife as he questions the purpose behind his extraordinary fate. Ultimately aiming to become humanity's greatest space hero while battling personal demons from Earthly life, our protagonist defies all odds on an epic quest towards redemption fueled by justice and pursuit of universal harmony.
Join Hiroshi Takayama in "Reborn as a Space Mercenary: I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship!" – an adrenaline-pumping space opera filled with cutting-edge technology, captivating characters, mind-bending conspiracies, and awe-inspiring galactic backdrops that will transport audiences beyond their imaginations.
Support the incredible talent behind 'Reborn as a Space Mercenary I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship!' manga by purchasing your own copy at gekimanga.com. Immerse yourself in this captivating story filled with thrilling space battles and unforgettable characters. Don't miss out on the opportunity to experience this epic adventure – grab your copy now!
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yandereunsolved · 3 months
Blood & Cheese Reborn - ,, yandere Aegon w/ an assassin reader
cw(s): yandere themes, child murder, mentions of sa, mention of miscarriage, descriptive gore, sadistic aegon & reader, degredation, suggestive themes (mild nsfw)
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𓍢ִ໋🀦 An assassin, the assassin as some would call you. No one was truly aware of your backstory. Some said you were a disgraced general turned mercenary. Others whispered that you used to be an executioner for the kingdom and went mad, turning you into a lunatic who maims and dismembers for money. There was debate on whether you were a man or a woman—perhaps a third gender. Were you tall or short, common or noble, handsome or pretty? You were a tale that was told to children at night to scare them into behaving.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 That is exactly why Daemon Targaryen hired you. He needed you to kill Aemond Targaryen, the one-eyed prince and kinslayer. It was simply a son for a son. You were paid handsomely for this killing—over six thousand gold padded your pockets. 
You knew a thing or two about these sorts of tiffs between nobles. You had to carve some nobles' wannabe rapists eyes out the other night. You weren't being paid for it; you simply felt the need to. A rumor turned into you avenging a young, sweet noblewoman.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 The night of your perfected plans was foiled by a rival of yours. 'King' Aegon was warned about Daemon hiring you, and dozens of guards were posted at each possible entrance and exit. There was only one way to get in, and that happened to be the room in which Helaena and her children occupied. You didn't regret what you did; you relished it. You giggled as the so-called 'queen' cried out for you not to slay her son. 
You didn't just kill him; you cut off all his fingers and toes and neatly lined them up next to his favorite stuffed dragon toy. You cut off Helaena's ring finger and did the same to her daughter. You kept them and later gifted them to Daemon and Rhaenyra. It was safe to say that you soon became Team Black's most sought-after asset. 
You never agreed to work with them, never pledged your loyalty; you simply were willing to work for whoever paid you the most.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 To say Aegon was angry was an understatement. Furious? Livid? Enraged? Irate? No, there was no culmination of words that could express how much Aegon wished to have you tortured, stripped naked, and displayed on a spike at the entrance of the castle for all to see. His fantasies ranged from sadistic to depraved. They were limitless. They took up all the space in his mind that was supposed to be delegated towards comforting his grieving wife and winning the war against the Blacks.
The only thought was to have you pay. It would be you first and then the rest. It had to be you. You committed the sin, so you must pay tenfold.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 He lay awake at night with his anguish and enmity the only ones keeping him company. He refused to look at his wife's face, so he moved himself to a spare bed chamber. He spent his nights downing bottle after bottle of wine. His eyes were teary and red, and the violet within them seemingly paled to a grey. His eyebags rivaled those of any grandfather, and his thirst for revenge was much higher than that of Maegor the Cruel.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 You visited every other night. You'd taunt him gleefully and always escape before any guards arrived. You always had a cloak engulfing your figure and a hood casting shadows over your features. You always sat on the edge of the window with both legs firmly planted on the ledge. Whenever he tried to reach out to touch you, you seemed to vanish. You never even entered the chambers. He could no longer distinguish whether you were a reality or just a visage of all his guilt and wrongdoings coming to seek retribution. 
𓍢ִ໋🀦 As the moons passed, the pressure on Aegon and Helaena to copulate increased. The man who was known to fuck multiple whores a night couldn't stand to touch his wife. It wasn't just the fear of losing another kin of his; it was also a certain repulsion. Her body no longer seemed like a viable option. Her curves and supple skin seemed so unappetizing. There was no urge to lick and bite to claim; he simply wanted her to stay as she was.
Helaena acted as if she were distressed at her husband's lack of motivation, but she was internally relieved. She doesn't know if she'll ever be able to carry a child again. She is already so much more protective over Jaehaera after Jaehaerys's brutal assassination.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 His cock ached, and the fog within his mind only thickened after each drop of alcohol he consumed. He had piles of parchment ranging from displeased smallfolk to plans of war. You hadn't visited him that night, and his entire thought process was only about you. He aimlessly palmed himself through his trousers and slipped into a dreamless sleep after. 
𓍢ִ໋🀦 His revenge was only able to fuel him for so long, and now his body is spent. He hadn't seen you in his window for almost a full moon, and he had begun to think that you had moved on. His heart broke more at the thought. He would never be able to avenge the death of his beloved son. He would never be able to carry the crown on his head without it weighing his head down to the ground. The war would be won by The Blacks, and Rhaenyra would sit on the throne. His family would die, and it would all be because he was too weak.
Like a dragon, he needed warmth, and it seemed as if he had been deprived of it for far too long.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 After two moons, you finally returned with that dreadfully melodic voice of yours. One leg was thrown over the side into his bedroom, and the other perched upon the ledge. His lifeless eyes barely opened until you ignited the flame within his belly once again.
"Did the little King miss me?"
No, he did not. He was simply worried that he had missed the chance for revenge. 
"I heard you can't get your dick up for your wife. You're even more pathetic than I thought you were. You'll never have another son to replace the one I killed at this rate. Such a shame. I was looking forward to murdering that one to!"
He shot out of bed and tried to grab a hold of your cloak. He merely stumbled and fell flat on his face.
"Stupid boy, you never learn."
Like the winds you moved. One moment within his reach, and the next, halfway down the castle wall, to only the gods know where.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 He's slightly ashamed to say that's the first time he's been able to relieve himself since his son's death. He imagined how you appeared and how you would look standing over him. That smug smirk on your features, the one so evident in your voice. Cock or breasts—both, neither, either—he didn't care. He was simply too willing to be looked down upon—just so he could titter and then slaughter you.
Filled with such conflicting emotions, two beasts fought over what course of action was needed. He would have to keep you for questioning, surely. If he killed you outright, then he wouldn't have a chance to know about his opposition.
He couldn't stop biting down on his lips to suppress his noises. He couldn't help the few tears that escaped the eyes that were temporarily a vibrant violet. He whined in a manner undignified and unbecoming of a king. Your title simply falls past his swollen lips with heavy breaths. 
"Stupid fucking assassin."
"Just an insignificant assassin."
𓍢ִ໋🀦 He felt invigorated for the first time since your appearance. His thoughts became more violent, twice as lewd. No one knew what happened with him that night. No one could know. His mother interrogated him, and he simply said that he made a change. Alicent did not buy that excuse for one moment but didn't press further. As long as he got his act together and ruled like a king, she was satisfied.
She did send Ser Criston to investigate, and he came back with a gash in his chest and a wound right above his navel, courtesy of you.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 She couldn't help but rush him to the maester. She doted on him after behind closed doors. He deserved it after everything he had been through. Alicent couldn't help but feel as if it were some slight towards her. As if this assassin knew her secret, her love.
"Ser Criston, it was that damned assassin that harmed you, wasn't it?"
"Yes, my queen."
She wished to blame Aegon. The assassin never seemed to take notice of anyone else in the family after the horrific tragedy of Jaehaerys's untimely death. You only seemed to harass her eldest son. She suspected it to be Aemond, who was your original target. Why not kill him now? 
She should chastise her son for not being more vigilant. He was the second most grief striken; he pledged revenge over and over, yet the one who committed the action always escaped him without so much as a scratch. She only lectured Aegon further and spoke about how he should rekindle his relationship with Helaena.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 Aegon could barely find it in himself to bed his wife. He was nearly being forced to do so by his court and mother, but he could only look at Helaena and see your hooded figure. He had never felt more fulfilled than imagining your body was the one beneath him instead of hers.
Helaena was absent as always, her mind drifting off into thoughts of the future. She did not mind Aegon's method, but she wasn't entirely enthusiastic about being put through it.
Something felt off to her—a foreboding sensation that crept from her stomach into her soul. It made her spine tingle. Her chest would tighten to the point where she was barely able to take a breath.
It was because of a dream she recently had—a reoccurring one. Someone else was cradling the dragon egg she promised for her next child, as it seemed that she would have to perform her duty and bear another. She could tell by their hands that it was not her holding the egg. The hands had many more callouses and a multitude of scars.
She only verbalized it to a single person.
They were a kind traveler simply passing through. She knows she shouldn't have burdened a stranger; they could have been a spy, but it just felt right to do so.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 It was the first time he had slept in the same bed as his wife since the incident. So, like a predator, you struck when he was vulnerable and spent once again. He can't lie; his heart palpitated and his violet pupils dilated due to more than just the darkness. He could feel his body flushing once again after being graced with the outline of your figure standing at the edge of his room. He dared not to speak first. For a moment, he wanted to drag you into this bed instead of tying you down and beating the answers out of you.
You could see the need in his violet irises. The draconic king was ravenous and wanted to devour you. It was so endearing. You were only here for answers, as always. Daemon eagerly shoved gold into your hands so he could receive the information you collected. It was a win-win. You got to play with the king and then go undercover for answers. You even caught a kingsguard the other day, the queens plaything. Now you get to see a mama's boy with a confused libido, all because of little old you.
"Is your precious wifey full of another of your kin yet? Did you enjoy it? Did you think of me? Oh, mommy~. You're just a love-starved boy, aren't you?"
How did you know that one word escaped his lips over seven nights ago? God's damn it. He meant nothing by it. It wasn't even directed toward the assassin. It wasn't directed toward anyone! He was so drunk out of his mind that he could have said something asinine, and you would have taken it as purely sexual.
He was stunned for a moment and then refused to speak. He wouldn't give you the pleasure.
"Baby boy is mad at his mommy, or would you prefer to call me daddy? You can call me that since you don't have one of those either."
You were gone, hurriedly this time. He just barely got a glimpse of your features being shone in the moonlight. He now had another problem to take care of, all thanks to you—stupid... person.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 It had been over eleven moons since your first appearance. Many people had fallen in war and illness; there were talks of King's Landing being taken over. Helaena was with child and then miscarried due to the stress she was under. His wife is now in a deep depression, and Aegon himself is struggling to keep the crumbling greens together. 
He could no longer say that he despised you, for he found solace in your mocking words. He needed to keep you in his presence. He needed to cage you. He needed to show you who you belonged to.
What if you left him? What if you decided that he had become too much of a bore? What if you chose to—what is he thinking?
This is all part of your plan.
You won't win.
You'll end up bent over the war room table, begging to be forgiven by him.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 That's what he thinks. It's what words he may dare to spill from his lips. He had to move to a separate chamber if he was to get back at you. It was the only thing that kept him sane. The thought of finally kneading your flesh and claiming it as his. To think of whispering tantalizing words into your ear, for you to whine and come undone as he has because of you.
His goblet is almost empty as the hour of ghosts arrives. You always appear at this time, until you don't. You turn up during the hour of the wolf, weakened. You have a hand clutching your side, and your breathing is ragged. There's a trail of blood marking the edge of the window. Your gloved hand was a deep crimson, leaving the prints of your agony behind on whatever you clung to.
He's half-clothed. He feels the urge to shed the rest of the layers as soon as he lays his eyes on you. His eyes were semi-lidded, and now they are greedily taking in such a precious sight. A gift from the gods.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 You collapsed on the stone floor before him. Your features are easily accessible for his consumption. His nimble fingers slipped the hood of the cloak off your face, and he felt as if he had won the war right then and there. 
"The blacks most valuable asset laying right beneath me. Do you regret your words now, ñuha sentys₍₁₎?"
Even your voice was hoarse, so soft and unconfident, unlike the tone you used to spit vitriolic words at him for so many moons. 
His hands were vigorously shaking. His mind began outpacing his ability to comprehend.
He had you within his grasp. What was he now going to do?
Lua ao, zȳhon byka ruarilaksa.₍₂₎
𓍢ִ໋🀦 He would later learn that there were rumors of you getting ambushed. You had come back to kill off his younger brother, and you were jumped by a group of mercenaries. He was unable to scavenge any further details of the fight, except for the fact that you became injured and still tried to follow through with your plan. Aemond stated that he saw your figure briefly. Aemond was speaking with another kingsguard at that time. Then you must have retreated to his room for some unknown reason. 
The story is strange, but considering the scarcity of true tales about you and your elusiveness, it isn't unbelievable.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 You would later be forced into some hastily thrown-together room in a secluded part of the dungeons. You awoke to the long gash in your side cleaned and bandaged, your limbs shackled, and your fine fabrics used to conceal yourself replaced with some useless, dainty nightgown. 
The dungeon room was mostly bare. There wasn't a guard to be seen, but you could hear the faint voices of at least two down the corridor. It had a cot with a blanket and a feather-filled pillow. An old rug was placed on the grimey stones. It left you with a bit of padding. The entire cell stinks of rotten flesh and broken spirits. 
You loved it.
It was the perfect place to escape from.
You just needed to heal and find some way to slip out of these chains. You could then steal a guard's uniform and get out of this horrid sleepwear.
It's so thin you can nearly your skin through the translucent cloth.
Damn king.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 You would not see him until the morrow. You broke your fast with a bowl of porridge and two slices of bread. You were given a glass of dry Arbor red wine. All the while, Aegon was staring at you with an expression you couldn't quite decipher. You weren't shy about scarfing down the food. You were irritated that he now knows of your features and perhaps others, but it wasn't the end of your career.
You have been known by many names in your years of assassinry. You have had to erase your past on numerous occasions.
It wouldn't be the first time you had to kill a king. It certainly won't be the last.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 This became a monotonous routine. Aegon would bring you your meals and you would eat them in silence. He never said a word to you. He simply stared at you, seemingly appraising you. You were still unable to tell his thoughts. You knew that he was wrapped around your finger. That much was made clear to you.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 Aegon kept every guard's mouth shut and didn't allow any of his family members to know you were down in the dungeons. They may try to kill you! Only he is allowed to decide your fate. After all, he is the true ruler of the Iron Throne.
He does suspect that Daemon and Rhaenyra will eventually notice your absence. He doesn't know the inner workings of your relationship with the Blacks, but you must be close enough to where they would become concerned.
He'd lie awake at night and think about it once again. There were so many things he could do to you that he became paralyzed by the opportunity before him.
He simply kissed his wife's head and made his way down to the dungeons once again.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 Aegon decided to do what you had been depriving him of for so long. He gives into that need for you, and you so willingly reciprocate. He gets lost in it. He almost loses his mind entirely. He can't decide whether he enjoys degrading you or being degraded by you more. 
It becomes a daily thing for him. An addiction that he doesn't wish to acknowledge or stop.
He never takes off your chains or gives you moon tea. If you miraculously bore his child, then perhaps he would let you.
Oh, it becomes a regularly occurring fantasy for him.
You bearing a male heir for him. The male heir that would replace the son you took. He would never allow you to have your child. He would raise it as if it was Helaena's. The look of anguish and the hurt in your voice to be denied the thing you created. It fills him with a crazed glee.
Perhaps you can't have kids at all, but it doesn't stop his dream of giving himself pleasure and making you suffer to the cruelest extent.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 He dresses you up in the skimpiest and frilliest things he can find. It's partially for his viewing pleasure and partially so you won't have anything to escape in. It's safe to say that it never stays on you for very long. 
Anything to remind you that you're beneath him.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 He uses you as a release for all his pent up emotions. He shares random things about himself and his day. He asks you questions about yourself and hangs onto every word you say. He no longer sees your jabs at him as hate filled; no, they've been playful and loving all along. You just wanted his attention. That's why you've done all these unforgivable things.
You're insecure.
He understands that. He needs to pay more attention to you.
So he carves his name into you with his precious dagger. He marks you in any way that pleases him; he loves to keep them fresh. He just needs to make sure that you know who you belong to. 
He doesn't want to see you getting into a tizzy and attacking him again, even if it excites him.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 Since capturing you, the progress of the opposition has slowed. He has been winning numerous battles. The Greens have gained significant ground.
Who are you, truly?
How big of a part have you really played in this civil war?
He has to know. So he goes back down to the dungeon with an even more urgent need for information. 
You're gone.
"Mittys, mittys, mittys! Eminna zirȳ arlī. Nyke'll emagon se guard's bartos bona ivestragī zirȳ henujagon!"₍₃₎
You only left a hastily scribbled note with a few barely legible words on it.
"𝘜𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨."
— 𝘈ō𝘩𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺𝘴₍₄₎
ᝰ translation(s) ᝰ.ᐟ
1. ñuha sentys = my killer
2. Lua ao, zȳhon byka ruarilaksa. = Keep you, his little secret.
3. Mittys, mittys, mittys! Eminna zirȳ arlī. Nyke'll emagon se guard's bartos bona ivestragī zirȳ henujagon! = Idiot, idiot, idiot! I will have them back. I'll have the guard's head that let them leave/escape.
4. Aōha sentys = Your killer
𖹭 tag: ( @eexphoria ) 𖹭
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catragemiau · 9 months
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Update 01/14: changing his name to not connect the OC to a name that will eventually bring more controversy. I named the OC after a necklace chain pattern name, I did not intend to name the character after a battleship and didn't know the full history behind the name when I picked it.
Starting the year with a big redesign for one of my older (and unfinished lmao) OCs, Uralian the cat! Chaotic teammate of Cathy, victim of a life-long Groundhog day syndrome meaning he's reborn on same exact moment in time-space with some of his memories from previous lives.
Name: Uralian
Nicknames: Urah, catboy, bandit (by Master)
Species: cat
Age: 21
Gender: male
Height: 100 cm
Alignment: True Neutral
Ability type: speed
Occupation: mercenary
Affiliation: Team Solemn
Theme song: Raignwolf - Wanna Don’t Wanna
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satoshi-mochida · 11 months
Some games on the PlayStation Indies sale. Full list here, ends November 29th.
2064: Read Only Memories
A Light in the Dark A Little Lily Princess
A Space For The Unbound
Alchemic Cutie
ALTDEUS: Beyond Chronos
Battle Princess Madelyn
Caffeine: Victoria’s Legacy
Coffee Talk Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly
Cotton Fantasy
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus
Fault -Milestone One-
Giga Wrecker Alt.
Idol Manager
Kaze and The Wild Masks
Mercenaries Wings: The False Phoenix
METAL MAX Xeno Reborn
Metal Wolf Chaos XD
Mighty Switch Force! Collection
Monochrome Order
Mothmen 1966
No Straight Roads No Time To Explain
Oddworld: Soulstorm
Panorama Cotton
Project LUX
River City Girls Zero
Shadows of Adam Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse Shantae: Risky’s Revenge – Director’s Cut
The Wild at Heart
Touhou Double Focus Touhou Genso Rondo: Bullet Ballet Touhou Genso Wanderer Touhou Genso Wanderer Reloaded Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle
Umihara Kawase BaZooKa! Undead Darlings
Virgo Versus the Zodiac
When the Past was Around
White Day
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akronus-writes · 5 months
Part 3 of my character lore celebratory post.
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Retribution, the tortured souls.
the 8 souls of queer teens who were brutally murdered by bigoted killers, the 8 teens who had already both known, dated, and fucked each other, coalesced into a being of pure retribution. able to use many different powers, and wielding an incredibly lethal scythe as they hunt down those who share the bigoted beliefs of their killers.
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Dream eater and static, twin fears.
a pair of twins whose natural inclination to fear caused them to brutally butcher both their parents and therapis. Dream eater and static were sent to a mental asylum, before breaking out when after maiming a priest and killing two guards the authorities decided to send the two to a prison. so the two broke out of the transport and escaped into the world to further bring fear to the masses.
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Cosmia, queen of the galaxy (not the planets, just the stars and the vacuum). master of space magic.
left at the steps of a monastery while a baby, Cosmia was taken in by a space-revering monastery of monks who daughter her their ways. so when she discovered her innate mastery of space magic, she was quickly promoted to learn the monasteries greatest secrets, which lead her to leave the monastery so that she may protect the galaxy from those who may weaponize it against others.
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Magmus, burning revolutionary. master of fire magic.
having lost his family to poverty in Britain when he was young, Magmus grew up in a society that would rather worship those whose power was given to them by a stone their ancestors found, then care for the poor. Magmus would discover his fire magic powers when protecting himself at a protest, leading him to become a symbol of violent revolution across the globe.
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Valence the electric mercenary. master of electricity magic.
born to a conservative family that was very much against those with powers, upon discovering his electricity powers, Valence would cause an electric fire to kill his entire family during a family get-together before running off to become a mercenary using his powers over electricity, technology, and ability to manifest his own set of armor.
@gobodegoblin @tales-of-the-caves @a-secret-rpblog @a-scientist-reborn @f4y3w00d5 @aelin-the-soft @monsterfucker-research-wizard @the-bound-demon @the-blood-mage @good-wizard @mynaemsophie
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alexissero · 1 year
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Alexis Sero
My first time in FF14's tumblr and Rp space, like or reblog if you're interested in interacting and writing with Alexis! Mildly Selective!
Like or Reblog if you wanna interact or follow (I'll follow back too)
3+ years of rping on Tumblr, just came back from Hiatus and been playing FFXIV the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV has a free trial, and includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn AND the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 with no restrictions on playtime?
FFXIV-verse, multi-ship, mildly selective
I have formats for planning at my carrd link below
NSFW and 18+ themes are to be expected depending on the RP
Mun and Muse is 21+ Freaks only
Inclusive of any AU, canon and separate timelines
Please state if you are post-endwalker msq or even before!!
I do not rp in-game, I have anxiety whenever I even think about it HAHA
We can rp on either discord or tumblr!
also I sketch if I like the rp
About. Rules. Lore. Carrd.
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cosleia · 1 year
I want to talk about Morgan Elsbeth.
Spoilers for the Ahsoka season 1 finale below.
I didn't think much about Morgan Elsbeth in The Mandalorian. I assumed she was one of many lackeys of Thrawn's, not super consequential, and I didn't expect to see her again. So it was a surprise when she wound up being one of the main antagonists of Ahsoka.
Learning she was a Nightsister, a survivor of Dathomir, made her far more interesting to me, as did the fact that she ran ship factories on Corellia. Her claim that Thrawn called to her through time and space from another galaxy was strange; did this mean Thrawn was somehow communicating through the Force? But in any case, Morgan wasn't just some random henchperson who'd managed to scrape out a living as a city magistrate after losing her master. She had power and knowledge beyond what I'd imagined.
After joining Thrawn on Peridea, though, Morgan seemed relegated to the position of "person who asks dumb questions so Thrawn can explain how brilliant he is." This was disappointing. I had thought she would be more important than that. It made me rethink everything else that happened, wonder if she was just a lackey after all, a pawn that could now be discarded.
This turned out to be almost correct. But there was another dimension to her character all along.
After all, it wasn't Thrawn calling to Morgan through the Force. It was the Great Mothers.
When Shin called her a witch, Morgan told her she was a survivor.
When the Great Mothers cast their magicks, Morgan chanted along with them.
And in the finale, when Thrawn sent her to her death with the words "For the Empire," Morgan said to herself, "For Dathomir."
Morgan worked with whoever she had to work with in order to reach her true goal. She hired mercenaries to aid her in building and protecting the Eye of Sion and then getting to Peridea. She did all her work under Thrawn's name so that those who were loyal to him would assist her, including the workers at the factories she "formerly" ran. Using Thrawn's influence (and perhaps knowledge), she was able to develop and build technology capable of traveling between galaxies.
She didn't do it to save Thrawn. She did it to save Dathomir.
Morgan and the Great Mothers needed Thrawn, and Thrawn also needed them. Without each other, escape from Peridea would not have been possible. It was never about Morgan being loyal to Thrawn, or Thrawn being Morgan's master.
But there was a price to this subterfuge, and I believe Morgan knew it going in. She knew there was a chance her loyalties would be tested. She knew there was a chance she wouldn't make it back from Peridea.
She knew, when Thrawn heavily implied that she should go fight the Jedi herself, that he was telling her to die to stall them.
The Great Mothers also knew, and they rewarded her before it happened, gave her as much help as they could, imbuing her with power and a mystical sword. This may unfortunately have been the moment Thrawn decided to dispose of her. She was a wildcard; she had many connections to his other forces, but she was not loyal to him or the Empire first and foremost. He may have already perceived this, but it was never so evident as it was during the ceremony, during which Morgan pledged her loyalty and her life.
They could not have rewarded Morgan secretly, because they could not be perceived by Thrawn to be conspiring without him. This was the least bad of two bad choices.
Thrawn implied Morgan should go fight the intruders without actually ordering her to do so, because he knew that if he told her to do it and she refused, it would not only hurt morale among his troops but potentially break his tenuous alliance with the Great Mothers. In that moment, Morgan could have ignored Thrawn's implication. She could have saved herself.
But she didn't. She went to her death, because it furthered her goal to do so.
Her sacrifice meant Dathomir would be reborn.
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darkcloud-kcalifornia · 3 months
Well, even just reading during my commute and breaks it only took a day to read through the first volume of “Reborn as a Space Mercenary”. And… meh. Basic setup is pretty basic, really. Dude wakes up one day to find himself in a setting mostly like his favorite MMO, only this time it’s a sci-fi rather than a fantasy. He’s got a powerful ship and a cargo hold full of rare metals, but no crew or paperwork. Blows up some pirates, heads to a station to sell his stuff, meets an arrogant space elf, who is actually called an elf, who offers to show him around. Then… then things get…
Look, the initial set up of the situation is fine. The dude, now calling himself Hiro after his MMO character, sees a girl in an alley about to get raped. So, he starts blasting. I can respect that. He learns the girl, Mimi, inherited a bunch of debt from when her parents had a workplace accident that was blamed them and thus the station charged their next of kin, causing her to lose her home. But he got enough from the pirates and what he had in his hold to pay the debt, and told her she could learn how to do ops on the ship and work it off at a reasonable rate. Fair enough. But then. THEN. Space elf girl whispers something in her ear to give her ideas. So Mimi heads to Hiro’s room that night.
I believe Shepherd Book once warned Mal about the Special Hell.
No, I don’t care that she approached him. She outright said she was scared about the possibility of being abandoned and alone again, and wanted assurance. That ain’t consent, that’s desperation under immense emotional distress.
Special Hell, Hiro. Special Hell.
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mangabookshelf · 3 months
Manga the Week of 7/17/24
SEAN: All English manga will be in French for this week only. After that, your copies will return to English. MICHELLE: Does that mean that manga I own in French will be in English this week? *hurries off to read some Mitsuru Adachi* ANNA: Sacre bleu! ASH: Ah, if only! SEAN: We start with Airship. In print, they give us The Case Files of Jeweler Richard 8 and Reborn as a Space Mercenary: I Woke…
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marcmarcmomarc · 1 month
Super Smash Bros. Fighter Presentation
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MASTER HAND: The second game in the series is “Super Smash Bros. Melee” for Nintendo GameCube! For the game’s newcomers, we have the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom. Often kidnapped for her powerful magic, and has been saved by Mario more times than you can count. “The Princess of Toadstools”, number 13, Princess Peach!
Theme: Victory! Peach by GB6
(Peach steps to center stage and twirls her parasol.)
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PEACH: Sweet!
CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “Super Mario Bros.” for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
MASTER HAND: Also from this game is the “King of the Koopas”, arch-enemy of the Mario Bros., and the biggest threat of the Mushroom Kingdom, number 14, Bowser!
Theme: Victory! Bowser by GB6
(Bowser stomps to center stage, throws his head back and swivels it in a circle, roaring.)
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MASTER HAND: The next fighter number goes to a young duo that climb icy summits in their spare time. “The Bone-Chilling Duo”, number 15, the Ice Climbers!
Theme: Victory! Ice Climbers by GB6
(The Ice Climbers step to center stage and point their hammers diagonally and upward.)
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CRAZY HAND: First appearance, "Ice Climber" for Arcade.
MASTER HAND: Popo is in blue, and Nana is in pink. Next is someone’s alter ego. They would help Link by leading him to the temples and teaching him songs to warp to them. Welcome “The Illusive Sheikah”, number 16, Sheik!
Theme: Victory! Sheik by GB6
(Sheik maneuvers to center stage, pulls out the tripwire she uses for Burst Grenade and stretches it out.)
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CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time” for the Nintendo 64.
MASTER HAND: Sheik’s real identity boasts magical attacks. A descendant and incarnation of the Goddess Hylia who is reborn throughout the ages. She is “Hyrule’s Wise Princess”, number 17, Princess Zelda!
Theme: Victory! Zelda by GB6
(Zelda steps to center stage, then creates fire from her fingertip and waves it around.)
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ZELDA: Wisdom is the key.
CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “The Legend of Zelda” for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Her dress and hairstyle are a mix of her designs from “The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past” for the Nintendo Entertainment System, and “The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds” for the Nintendo 3DS.
MASTER HAND: The Mushroom Kingdom’s deadliest medical caretaker is next. When dealing with pesky viruses that cause Fevers or Chills, he loses his hat, dons a coat, a doctor's light, and a stethoscope. He is “The Prescriber”, number 18, Dr. Mario!
Theme: Victory! Dr. Mario by GB6
(Dr. Mario steps to center stage, pulls a pen from his ear, and writes on his clipboard.)
DR. MARIO: I have a diagnosis. All of you have a very big case of Hype-For-Smash-osis. Heavily contagious, and doesn't seem to have a cure.
CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “Dr. Mario” for the Nintendo Entertainment System and Nintendo Game Воу.
MASTER HAND: The next fighter is the Tiny Mouse Pokémon, and the pre-evolved Pikachu. Discovered in the Johto region, it has the same properties as its older counterpart, but has little control over its abilities. Meet “The Mischievous Electric Shock”, number 19, Pichu!
Theme: Victory! Pichu by GB6
(Pichu steps to center stage, then jumps and waves at the audience.)
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PICHU: Pichu!
CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “Pokémon Gold and Silver” for the Nintendo Game Boy Color.
MASTER HAND: The next fighter is the ace pilot of the Star Fox mercenaries and Fox’s wingman and trusted ally. Presenting “The Proud Space Ace”, number 20, Falco Lombardi!
Theme: Victory! Falco by GB6
(Falco leaps out of his Landmaster and lands at center stage.)
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FALCO: Personally, I prefer the air!
CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “Star Fox” for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
MASTER HAND: Now, let’s bring out the prince of Altea, “The Hero-King”, number 21, Marth!
Theme: Victory! Marth - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
(Marth steps to center stage and swings the Falchion around.)
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MARTH: Keep your eyes open!
CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light” for the Nintendo Famicom!
MASTER HAND: Wondered who Link was as a child? Wonder no more. Here is “The Master of the Ocarina”, number 22, Young Link!
Theme: Victory! Young Link by Comet Mystic
(Young Link steps to center stage and holds the Kokiri Sword overhead triumphantly in the air.)
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CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time” for the Nintendo 64.
MASTER HAND: Also from this game is the legendary Gerudo, immortal King of Evil and reincarnation of the Demon King Demise’s hatred for Hylia and her chosen hero, “The King of Darkness”, number 23, Ganondorf Dragmire!
Theme: Victory! Ganondorf by GB6
(Ganondorf steps to center stage, then unsheathes his sword, looks at it while sporting a mocking smirk as the blade’s tip pulses with dark magic, then sheathes it.)
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MASTER HAND: The Genetic Pokémon and one of the original Legendaries, created to be the most powerful Pokémon of all is “The Re-awoken Legend”, number 24, Mewtwo!
Theme: Victory! Mewtwo by GB6
(Mewtwo steps to center stage, then folds its arms as it telekinetically spins around on the spot while laughing ominously.)
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CRAZY HAND: First appearance, “Pokémon Red and Blue” for the Nintendo Game Boy.
MASTER HAND: Next up is the son of Eliwood, who was called in to take his place due to illness. He’s led the armies of Pherae and defeated a corrupted divine dragon at the ripe age of fifteen. Meet “The Young Lion”, number 25, Roy!
Theme: Victory! Roy by GB6
(Roy steps to center stage and triumphantly holds the Binding Blade overhead.)
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ROY: Failure is not an option!
CRAZY HAND: First appearance, well... “Super Smash Bros. Melee”. Why is this the case? Because his planned debut game, “Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade” for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance, was delayed to a release date after “Melee”.
MASTER HAND: Our next fighter is the epitome of old school, but not a distinct previously-existing character, but rather a conglomeration of various different characters that appeared in the myriad "Game & Watch" games. He is “The Master of Two Dimensions”, number 26, Mr. Game & Watch!
Theme: Victory! Mr. Game & Watch - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
(Mr. Game & Watch steps to center stage and rings his bell around.)
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CRAZY HAND: First appearance, on the Nintendo Game & Watch, specifically, “Ball”.
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julymarte · 1 year
I'm newer here so sorry if this has been answered before but what's everyone's role in the story?
Like main protagonists, antagonists, etc
I've very curious because I love your art and characters so much ^^
nono it's fine i don't think this was ever directly addressed here!
sadly i only have vertical pictures so this is gonna be a loooong post i apologize in advance , gonna leave some extra lore on shari for context
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Shari is the protagonist she's the princess of the Kingdom of Sun, when a weird cult started to kill her people and her father decided to not intervene she decides to take action and investigate the matter herself ending up to undercovering a dangerous conspiracy. After a series of events she finds herself as "sacrifice" for a ritual that if completed would bring ruin to the flux(the story's world system) after being rescued by her friends and comrades they manage to stop the ritual halfway through and she'll have to find and attune with an ancient relic( together with the other two who were with her in the ritual) to close back the rift that was left half open. After the victory against the big bad boss and closing the rift she yeets away the palace life leaving the kingdom in her sister's hands ( time to retire old man) and becomes a travelling protector of the relics.
-i'm gonna be super short here just the basic roles tgyhjuk
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Ajmal's Shari's childhood friend and her personal guard, he insisted on accompanying her on her journey, mom friend.
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Nakir, a mercenary, met shari when they were teens, they had a nice time together in secret but soon had to part ways... he was her only contact out of the palace so she seeked for him once she started her journey, yes he's the love interest, himbo boy
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Taru's Nakir's best friend(also a mercenary), she ended up tagging along the group as extra help, Nakir's single braincell other half,witty tomboy she's the only one of the main 4 with proper field experience
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Uri's Nakir's twin brother he will be completely irrelevant to the plot until he gets kidnapped for the ritual, he died when retrieving his relic but was reborn as a big chicken(Uri'el) which will lead to bigger responsibilities that he can imagine
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Ameera is also a princess but unlike Shari she is all about court life and politics , she surrenders herself to the cult that wanted to use her child for the ritual instead, if ajmal was the mom frien she is THE mom
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Pravaal(i don't have him in the same format) is another mercenary that will join the team to save the kidnapped ones, he doesn't care much about rules, chaotic shark boy... will also teach swordmanship to Uri'el( his ex lover/future husband)
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Mukhtar is thefirst villainous face the characters will meet, he's an high rank member of the sect/cult and handled the kidnappings, he cowardly fled the ritual place and later shook hands with the big bad guy ( ending up physically and mentally warped)
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Vali was formerly a sun noble named Suneel...too bad he had to die to leave his body as vessel for the spirit of a super bad emperor, was the body frail was the eperor reputation overhyped? who knows but he will surprisigly go down pretty soon, but that doesn't mean that he wasn't a dangerous threat
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Rashida's an exile from the sand fortress, she's moven by spite and revenge and will join the big bad guy with no hesitation, she is....a little unhinged (will also get phisically and mentally warped...well she already kinda is a bit on the psycho side)
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Halvor aka the big bad guy, he's a general from the gruesome war that took place in the flux 3000 years ago, he got sealed away from space and time together with his kingdom world (that Vali ruled over) with the original ritual but once the rift got half open he managed to wake up and squeeze through menacing to turn all the marked (the people with the black sclera) into the new army of padra (the sealed bad place)
-Lil note on the marked
the marked are people who have 1 of their scleras black, that is an hereditary trait and is badly seen by the common folk, Shari herself is one of them and that's why she covers her right eye (her father publicly gauged his eye out during the coronation ceremony)
There's many urban legends sorrounding them, some say they are cursed, some that they are evil, some say they sided with the padoor during the war some even say they were the spawn of the innatural union of a human and a padoor when they were originally just magical markings applied to slaves and war prisoners.... things really can get lost through historyu in 3000 years and with raging pregiudice and fear, while Rashida's completely internalized and believed firmly that those prejudices were true part of Shari's goal is to dissipate those pregiudices and find and spread the truth
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psychobind · 10 months
The Legend of the Seven Heroes
A millennia ago, the world was threatened by the Dread Queen and her relentless army of Termites. In the face of certain doom, Wagnas, a devout priest, and Noel, a formidable and skilled fighter, summoned the finest warriors from across the lands to battle.
To combat the overwhelming army of the Dread Queen, the Seven Heroes resorted to forbidden magic, a power which allowed them to merge with the souls of other creatures, absorbing their strength. Owed to this magic, the Seven Heroes emerged victorious, securing the salvation of the world.
However, the very power that had saved the world soon became a source of apprehension among the other ancients. Fearful of the assimilation abilities wielded by the Seven Heroes, they soon became convinced that the Seven would someday turn their potent abilities against those they once saved. They sealed the Seven Heroes away in another dimension, condemning them to an existence beyond the realms of time and space. The heroes, betrayed by the very people they had saved, vowed to one day return and exact vengeance upon the world that had shunned them.
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One thousand years later, the Seven Heroes rose again, more powerful than before. Defeat was meaningless-- their true bodies remained concealed in the dimensional rift. Until their genuine forms were vanquished, they would persist in their cycle of reincarnation*.
Bound by a blood oath, the last remaining hero among them would fiercely guard their true bodies to the bitter end.
individual heroes under the cut
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The leader of the Seven heroes. A former priest, he lead the Seven Heroes into battle against the Dread Queen, only to be framed for the murder of the king and banished upon return. When he and the other heroes were sealed, he convinced them to take vengeance.
His goal is to become a God watching from the heavens.
He absorbs anything which flies.
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The one who came up with the idea to band the seven heroes together. A talented swordsman with a thirst for knowledge, a typical knight of chivalry. His best friend, Sazgaar and love interest, Orieve, were opposed to the Heroes being Banished.
His goal is to acquire all knowledge in the universe.
He absorbs masters of their trade/skills
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Wagnas' cousin and a laid back carpenter. He wields a spear and has a great affinity for the ocean. Likes to surf. Has a sweet fling with a narwhal at one point.
His goal is to assist Wagnas in his revenge
He absorbs any creatures of the sea.
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Noel's younger sister. In love with Wagnas, she longs to impress him and to prove herself as a competent warrior to her older brother. She can charm most any man to her will.
Her goal is to be adored by all men.
She absorbs beautiful women.
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A cunning lord who is a master manipulator and strategist. He had a significant following before joining the Seven Heroes. Wields puppets.
His goal is to shape life to his wishes.
He absorbs puppet masters**
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A strong mercenary whose goal is to get stronger. He joined the Seven Heroes to fight strong opponents. Likes meat.
His goal is to be the strongest.
He absorbs large monsters and beasts.
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Turned up uninvited to join the seven heroes. The other heroes deem him annoying, but Noel takes pity on him and allows him to join their ranks.
His goal is to take leadership of the Seven Heroes
He absorbs shinigami of another world***
* The stage show implies that even after their true forms are defeated, they will again be reborn after another 1000 years. Given that a lot of their later interpretations are based on this show, I'm taking this as canon.
**Im interpreting this as master manipulators and not... literal puppeteers. But I could be wrong.
***Idk what this means I may be translating it wrong but I would presume the shinigami are from the void they were sent to...
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