#Rectangular Electromagnets
mpcomagnetics · 5 months
Electromagnets in Robotics and Automation
Electromagnets in Robotics and Automation In the rapidly evolving world of robotics and automation, electromagnets have emerged as a cornerstone technology, enabling significant advancements and innovations. These devices, which can be switched on and off to control magnetic force, play a critical role in various aspects of robotic systems, from actuation and manipulation to sensing and safety.…
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junewild · 1 year
"It's aliens."
“It’s not aliens, Mulder.” Scully retorted, sweeping the beam of her flashlight across the deserted park. Someone had called in suspicious activity--something about heavy wind and lights in the sky. "It's never aliens."
"Lights in the sky are one of the most classic tells," Mulder argued, angling his own light into the grass. "If there's smoke, there's fire. Plus a heavy wind? In the middle of San Francisco? Localized to the Golden Gate Park?"
She rolled her eyes. "Not all fires come from little alien engines."
"No, look at this," he insisted. "This indentation in the grass over there. It's weird." He began to walk toward it, his long legs eating up the ground.
Scully glanced his way, unimpressed. "That could be anything. Someone set up a volleyball court too hard." She resumed her casual study of the trees, off to the left.
Mulder didn't reply. Uncharacteristic. Scully looked over again, and--
He was lying crumpled on the ground.
Scully was an expert at running in heels. She was by his side in no time. She knelt down, training the flashlight on his face. A cut was dripping blood down the side of his forehead.
"Mulder," he murmured. "It's Mulder."
He was awake, at least. Scully swallowed her initial distress and put on a business-like air. "What happened?"
He waved a hand vaguely. "Air's solid."
"Air isn't solid."
"This air is." This time his hand moved further before stopping abruptly. Scully heard a thud.
"I don't understand," she said, reaching out one hand tentatively herself. "Are you talking about some kind of electromagnetic field?"
"It's a wall," he replied, sounding drowsy. "An invisible wall."
Scully's searching fingers found--solid. She stroked along it. It was cold and had the distinct texture of metal.
"I don't understand," she said again, mostly to herself. "It's a trick of the light. It has to be."
She found herself reaching for her sidearm.
Bright light spilled over her from above, and her arm jerked upward to shield her eyes. "What?!"
A door was taking shape a few feet up and to the right. She squinted at it, uncomprehending.
"A wall," Mulder repeated happily. "'S got a door and everything."
Three figures resolved in the doorway. They began to float--or, no, to walk?--down. Scully had dropped her flashlight, but she fumbled for it with one hand and unholstered her pistol with the other.
"There's no need for that," one of the figures said. They were at the bottom of the invisible ramp now. As the three of them turned toward Scully, she swept her flashlight across their faces. Three men, one of them a little shorter than the others. They were wearing some kind of uniform, though in two different colors. One of them, in blue, had some kind of square device in his hand.
But it was the other one dressed in blue that Scully had a hard time taking her eyes off of. His face was wrong. Human-like, but different. Dark eyebrows swept dramatically up above his eyes. Pointed ears curved up along his temples. His face was emotionless.
The yellow-shirted one was smiling. He was the one who had initially spoken. "It looks like your friend is a little out of it. Can my doctor take a look at him?"
"I--I suppose so," Scully said, finding herself at a loss for words.
"Bones," the man who seemed to be the leader of the group said, "go ahead and patch him up. I don't want to leave anyone worse off than they were when we leave."
Bones (what an odd name for a man) strode forward briskly, holding his rectangular object. Scully put out a hand. "Don't bring that thing near him."
He ignored her. "This is a tricorder. I can see from here that he's bleeding, but he's probably concussed."
"An alien," Mulder said, wonderingly.
"I'm a doctor, not an alien," Bones retorted acerbically. "Now, Spock over there is as alien as they come." He moved Scully to the side, not ungently, and knelt over Mulder's prone body.
"Half alien," the other blue-shirted man corrected. His tone was as emotionless as his face. "My mother was a human. My father was a Vulcan. Admiral, a concussion is far from fatal. There is no reason to compromise our camouflage."
"Nonsense, Spock." The admiral smiled at Scully. "You heard them. They were looking for us. Why, they found us. We might as well have a chat."
Spock tilted his head. "Jim."
"Perhaps they'll know something about whales," the admiral--Jim?--added.
Scully was not keeping up with this discussion. "Whales? Like the mammal?"
"Ah! I see you're educated. Many people of this time seem to consider them fish."
"Illogical, as they are warm-blooded and nurse their young," Spock murmured. "They are clearly not fish."
"Yes, well." Jim extended a hand to Scully, and she realized that she was still kneeling on the ground. Defiantly, she rose by herself.
He retracted the hand, still smiling. "How is the patient, Bones?"
"He's concussed, Jim," the doctor replied. "It's not brain surgery, but I'd like to keep him under observation for the next day or so."
Jim seemed delighted by the news. "Then I will invite you to accompany me into the ship, Miss--"
Scully realized that she had not introduced herself. "Special Agent Scully," she replied. "And this is Special Agent Mulder. I'm with the FBI."
"The FBI," Jim said, sounding thoughtful. "Weren't they something to do with food inspection?"
"You are thinking of the FDA, Jim," Spock corrected. "The FBI were one of the American government's primary security and law enforcement agencies."
Jim's smile fell slightly, but then it brightened again and he clapped his hands together. "Well then, I'll have to introduce you to Pavel. You can share security tips."
"I haven't said I would come aboard," Scully said, feeling the need to exert some agency. "If Mulder is concussed, I should take him to a hospital."
Bones made an extremely rude sound from where he now stood, having gotten up. "A hospital? In the 20th century? They'll butcher him. Absolutely not. No patient of mine would be caught dead in a hospital."
Scully dug in her (metaphorical, seeing as her literal heels were already quite well dug into the grass) heels. "I don't know you from Adam," she insisted. "Why should I trust you with Mulder?"
"Jim," Bones said, with a meaningful glance at Jim.
"Doctor McCoy," Spock began, with a meaningful glance at Bones.
Jim ignored them both. "He will be in the best hands here," he assured Scully. "I would trust Bones with my life. Indeed, on many occasions, he has saved many of my crew, including myself and Captain Spock."
Spock's meaningful glance was now directed at Jim, but it was a different flavor. These men are very important to each other, Scully decided.
But it was time to start putting the puzzle pieces together. "Captain?" she asked. "Admiral?"
Jim beamed. "Yes! Welcome to the--well, this isn't the Enterprise." The smile faded again. "Welcome to this Klingon warbird. I am Admiral James T. Kirk, and this is, er, Captain Spock. We are Starfleet officers."
"Starfleet," Scully repeated. "And you're from--where, exactly?"
"Earth," Jim replied, at the same time as Spock said "Vulcan."
"Earth doesn't have a Starfleet," she protested.
Jim held up a finger. "Earth of today doesn't have a Starfleet. Earth of the twenty-third century?"
If it weren't for the door open in the sky, Scully would have laughed in his face. "Time travel? And aliens?"
"Alien," Jim said. "Singular. Half, really, on his father's side. Shall we?" He gestured in the direction of what, if Scully remembered correctly, was an invisible ramp.
Mulder would never forgive me if I said no, she thought, with a sigh. "Might as well, if the truth is in there."
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revenant-coining · 1 year
[pt: Electromagneticlexic /end pt]
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 7 equally-sized horizontal stripes. colors are in this order from top to bottom: dark blue, darkish blue, blue, light blue, blue, darkish blue, dark blue. in the middle of the flag is a symbol. the base shape is a square with a vertical line through the middle. the symbol is the color light blue. End ID]
for kami
Electromagneticlexic: a gender connected to or best described by the word ‘electromagnetic’
Etymology: electromagnetic, lexic
@radiomogai , @imawanokiwaaa , @lexegender-archival
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[ID: a red line divider outlined in yellow. in the center is a red feather outlined in yellow. End ID]
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Topics to study for Quantum Physics
Taylor Series
Sequences of Functions
Transcendental Equations
Differential Equations
Linear Algebra
Separation of Variables
Vector Operators
Inner Products
Identity Matrix
Unitary Matrix
Unitary Operators
Evolution Operator
Rotational Matrix
Eigen Values
Linear Combinations
Matrix Elements
Delta Sequences
Polar Coordinates
Generalized Coordinate Systems
Components of Equations
Versions of the equation
Time Dependent
Time Independent
Position Dependent
Complex Waves
Standing Waves
Traveling Waves
Plane Waves
Boundary Conditions
Probability Densities
Statistical Interpretation
Discrete Variables
Continuous Variables
Probability Distribution
Conservation of Probability
Continuum Limit
Classical Mechanics
Center of Mass
Reduce Mass
Action Principle
Elastic and Inelastic Collisions
Physical State
Waves vs Particles
Probability Waves
Quantum Physics
Schroedinger Equation
Uncertainty Principle
Complex Conjugates
Continuity Equation
Quantization Rules
Heisenburg's Uncertianty Principle
Schroedinger Equation
Seperation from Time
Stationary States
Infinite Square Well
Harmonic Oscillator
Free Particle
Kronecker Delta Functions
Delta Function Potentials
Bound States
Finite Square Well
Scattering States
Incident Particles
Reflected Particles
Transmitted Particles
Quantum States
Group Velocity
Phase Velocity
Probabilities from Inner Products
Born Interpretation
Hilbert Space
Hermitian Operators
Determinate States
Degenerate States
Non-Degenerate States
n-Fold Degenerate States
Symetric States
State Function
State of the System
Eigen States
Eigen States of Position
Eigen States of Momentum
Eigen States of Zero Uncertainty
Eigen Energies
Eigen Energy Values
Eigen Energy States
Eigen Functions
Required properties
Eigen Energy States
Negative Energy
Eigen Value Equations
Energy Gaps
Band Gaps
Atomic Spectra
Discrete Spectra
Continuous Spectra
Generalized Statistical Interpretation
Atomic Energy States
Sommerfels Model
The correspondence Principle
Wave Packet
Minimum Uncertainty
Energy Time Uncertainty
Bases of Hilbert Space
Fermi Dirac Notation
Changing Bases
Coordinate Systems
Spherical - radii, azmithal, angle
Angular Equation
Radial Equation
Hydrogen Atom
Radial Wave Equation
Spectrum of Hydrogen
Angular Momentum
Total Angular Momentum
Orbital Angular Momentum
Angular Momentum Cones
Spin 1/2
Spin Orbital Interaction Energy
Electron in a Magnetic Field
ElectroMagnetic Interactions
Minimal Coupling
Orbital magnetic dipole moments
Two particle systems
Exchange Forces
Periodic Table
Free Electron Gas
Band Structure
Transformation in Space
Translation Operator
Translational Symmetry
Conservation Laws
Conservation of Probability
Parity In 1D
Parity In 2D
Parity In 3D
Even Parity
Odd Parity
Parity selection rules
Rotational Symmetry
Rotations about the z-axis
Rotations in 3D
Selection rules for Scalars
Translations in time
Time Dependent Equations
Time Translation Invariance
Reflection Symmetry
Stern Gerlach experiment
Dynamic Variables
Kets, Bras and Operators
Simultaneous measurements
Compatible Observable
Incompatible Observable
Transformation Matrix
Unitary Equivalent Observable
Position and Momentum Measurements
Wave Functions in Position and Momentum Space
Position space wave functions
momentum operator in position basis
Momentum Space wave functions
Wave Packets
Localized Wave Packets
Gaussian Wave Packets
Motion of Wave Packets
Zero Potential
Potential Wells
Potentials in 1D
Potentials in 2D
Potentials in 3D
Linear Potential
Rectangular Potentials
Step Potentials
Central Potential
Bound States
UnBound States
Scattering States
Double Well
Square Barrier
Infinite Square Well Potential
Simple Harmonic Oscillator Potential
Binding Potentials
Non Binding Potentials
Forbidden domains
Forbidden regions
Quantum corral
Classically Allowed Regions
Classically Forbidden Regions
Landau Levels
Quantum Hall Effect
Molecular Binding
Quantum Numbers
Gauge Transformations
Commuting Operators
Non-Commuting Operators
Commutator Relations of Angular Momentum
Pauli Exclusion Principle
Excited States
Ground State
Spherical Bessel equations
Spherical Bessel Functions
Polarized and UnPolarized Beams
Ladder Operators
Raising and Lowering Operators
Spherical harmonics
Isotropic Harmonic Oscillator
Coulomb Potential
Identical particles
Distinguishable particles
Expectation Values
Ehrenfests Theorem
Simple Harmonic Oscillator
Euler Lagrange Equations
Principle of Least Time
Principle of Least Action
Hamilton's Equation
Hamiltonian Equation
Classical Mechanics
Transition States
Selection Rules
Coherent State
Hydrogen Atom
Electron orbital velocity
principal quantum number
Spectroscopic Notation
Common Equations
Energy (E) .. KE + V
Kinetic Energy (KE) .. KE = 1/2 m v^2
Potential Energy (V)
Momentum (p) is mass times velocity
Force equals mass times acceleration (f = m a)
Newtons' Law of Motion
Wave Length (λ) .. λ = h / p
Wave number (k) ..
k = 2 PI / λ
= p / h-bar
Frequency (f) .. f = 1 / period
Period (T) .. T = 1 / frequency
Density (λ) .. mass / volume
Reduced Mass (m) .. m = (m1 m2) / (m1 + m2)
Angular momentum (L)
Waves (w) ..
w = A sin (kx - wt + o)
w = A exp (i (kx - wt) ) + B exp (-i (kx - wt) )
Angular Frequency (w) ..
w = 2 PI f
= E / h-bar
Schroedinger's Equation
-p^2 [d/dx]^2 w (x, t) + V (x) w (x, t) = i h-bar [d/dt] w(x, t)
-p^2 [d/dx]^2 w (x) T (t) + V (x) w (x) T (t) = i h-bar [d/dt] w(x) T (t)
Time Dependent Schroedinger Equation
[ -p^2 [d/dx]^2 w (x) + V (x) w (x) ] / w (x) = i h-bar [d/dt] T (t) / T (t)
E w (x) = -p^2 [d/dx]^2 w (x) + V (x) w (x)
E i h-bar T (t) = [d/dt] T (t)
TISE - Time Independent
H w = E w
H w = -p^2 [d/dx]^2 w (x) + V (x) w (x)
H = -p^2 [d/dx]^2 + V (x)
-p^2 [d/dx]^2 w (x) + V (x) w (x) = E w (x)
Energy / wave length ..
E = h f
E [n] = n h f
= (h-bar k[n])^2 / 2m
= (h-bar n PI)^2 / 2m
= sqr (p^2 c^2 + m^2 c^4)
Kinetic Energy (KE)
KE = 1/2 m v^2
= p^2 / 2m
Momentum (p)
p = h / λ
= sqr (2 m K)
= E / c
= h f / c
Angular momentum ..
p = n h / r, n = [1 .. oo] integers
Wave Length ..
λ = h / p
= h r / n (h / 2 PI)
= 2 PI r / n
= h / sqr (2 m K)
Planks constant (h)
Rydberg's constant (R)
Avogadro's number (Na)
Planks reduced constant (h-bar) .. h-bar = h / 2 PI
Speed of light (c)
electron mass (me)
proton mass (mp)
Boltzmann's constant (K)
Coulomb's constant
Bohr radius
Electron Volts to Jules
Meter Scale
Gravitational Constant is 6.7e-11 m^3 / kg s^2
History of Experiments
Diffraction Gratings
Black body radiation
Planks formula
Compton Effect
Photo Electric Effect
Heisenberg's Microscope
Rutherford Planetary Model
Bohr Atom
de Broglie Waves
Double slit experiment
Casmir Effect
Pair Production
Schroedinger's Cat
EPR Paradox
Tossing a ball into the air
Stability of the Atom
2 Beads on a wire
Plane Pendulum
Wave Like Behavior of Electrons
Constrained movement between two concentric impermeable spheres
Rigid Rod
Rigid Rotator
Spring Oscillator
Balls rolling down Hill
Balls Tossed in Air
Multiple Pullys and Weights
Particle in a Box
Particle in a Circle
Particle in a Tube
Particle in a 2D Box
Particle in a 3D Box
Simple Harmonic Oscillator
Scattering Experiments
Diffraction Experiments
Stern Gerlach Experiment
Rayleigh Scattering
Ramsauer Effect
Davisson–Germer experiment
Cauchy Schwarz inequality
Fourier Transformation
Inverse Fourier Transformation
Integration by Parts
Levi Civita symbol
Laplace Runge Lenz vector
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saltybean03 · 4 months
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Rectangulus Candens is an anomalous object that resembles a long black rectangular prism. It emits a faint glow that is radioactive and presumed a forcefield between the object and its environment. It can fly at mach speeds and hover in place without aid from engines or wings, makes no sound, and is comprised of an alien element that is a strong electromagnetic conductor. The surface of the rectangle is smooth and flat, reflects sunlight, and has angular webbing that doesn't appear man-made.
Candens travels in "flocks" of up to 3 other objects that scatter when disturbed, regrouping further away. Lightning is the only force capable of striking them out of the sky, in which case, they will go inactive and simply vanish.
These objects have the ability to alter time by storing multiple instances of the same event and projecting them unto those who make direct eye contact with them. Because Candens' behavior is not entirely conducive to a sapient organism, it is considered to be a craft. No one actually knows *what* it is or what it's meant for. It shows no interest in people or animals and ignores planes or other aircraft in its vicinity.
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mechanicalmechanism · 2 years
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. ✦ ͡ ݂ ﹫ PSUEDOKELIC ⭔ ٠
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Pseudokelic﹕ A gender relating to a group of color rendering methods used to display images in color 〜 recorded in the visible or non - visible parts of the electromagnetic spectrum . Put simply , this gender feels like somebody has taken a false - color image of your gender&&what is shown is not actually the truth . ( ✦ )
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꒰ This flag was made for Day 10 of @arc4d3-sh0wd0wn ' s 100 follower coining event ! ꒱
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[ START ID :  Three rectangular flags with seventeen horizontal stripes. The first and last stripe are a Lavender Gray and the stripes in between are fifteen equally-sized horizontal stripes and the colors from top to bottom are as follows: Wisteria Purple with a lace border on the outer edge, Rich Lilac, Royal Fuchsia, Deep Rose, Terracotta, Dull Orange, Orange Gold, Dirty Yellow, Yellow Green, Leafy Green, Greenish Blue, Muted Blue, Sapphire, Cobalt, and a Dark Gray Blue with a lace border on the outer edge. 
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The flag in the middle contains a symbol, a white '∄', the symbol being named 'There Does Not Exist'.
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ethernetmeep · 11 months
went to the thrift store again! once again walked to the place. a nice driver let me cross as i was on my way to the place.. i was awkward because i didn’t realize they were stopping for me. did the raise hand thing people usually do when a car stops to be polite, still don’t know why its a hand up though. also scampered like a little chipmunk.
not much stuck out to me— got a tiny, tiny tea cup with some cute birds on it. also got a trick or treat halloween mug to feel a bit spooky.. along with a necklace! has a blue-green seahorse on it. the glasswork is truly memorable.. wearing it right now.
then crossed the street to the obligatory crystal & hemp store. took longer to cross than i’d like to admit. don’t exactly believe in crystals & chakras, but went anyway! bought two crystals (carnelian and moss agate) and an olive green star.. the star was five bucks. still, it’s very pretty. whoever tumbled these is very talented! i know its rather silly to buy something if you don’t believe in it, but i found them quite beautiful.. there were also very complex crystal displays. should’ve taken pictures..
…speaking of pictures, i took a few as i walked! saw a weird sphere out and about. also saw someones bag of sliced pepperoni on the side of the road.. made me chuckle. reminded me of that one meme my friend edited and showed me in september of misato, which only made me laugh harder. mind kept going back to that image as i walked to and from the two stores and back home.. also took pictures of some wires & electric things. didn’t pass by a radio tower, cause thats a distinct structure— very uncultured on radio & electromagnetic towers and their names.. something which ill most certainly look up now because if i don’t know what to describe what im talking about ill get aggravated. utility poles! makes sense. anyway, yes, passed by a ton of utility poles and a few rectangular circuit um.. things. took a picture of a few of them. why? they made me smile, and made the trek to the thrift store more bearable. looking out for small things which i know my friends find interest in is like playing one of those iSpy books from my childhood.. i treasure it dearly! also looked to see if there was anything my friends would like at the thrift store. there was an odd lookin clown i almost got.. alas, i did not. i have very little space for him..
also passed by a few stray bees pollenating the flowers beside the concrete sidewalks. one flew beside me, even if for only a split second. made me ask myself if i correlate anyone to bees, as its a rather common staple of my mind to correlate my friends with atleast one animal or so— realized i didn’t have anyone fit the bee agenda. as of typing this, maybe im the bee.. who knows.
…anyway, thanks for reading yet another tangent! if you have, i mean. still have a ton of things to do, but i take solace in writing about tiny things i do to then publish them on the internet.
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kakhaev-ivan · 11 months
Real to virtual
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saw this graffiti outside. what is this mouse going off “cold turkey”, i think if you ask him anything he will answer with smth like “yea what? no, i already off that thing, you can tell right, man for sure, do you have any gum here? of 4 cups of espresso? why is so hot here, this guy makes me nervous why is he here? here, here, here such a strange word try to say it for 11 times it will lose its meaning, for sure, so what was the question here?”
it’s will be funny if he will be paranoid and say the everyone is following and spying on him, but being friends with group of sneaky agents that are actually spying on him. but this only helps him to work through his paranoia. he also steals gum from a vending machines i guess.
so mechanics of the game is to help creatures to become happy again. you need to determine what bothers them and give them a proper treatment. like massage, steam room(like ones where only head shows up), pool, bar, tea ceremony, yoga, tanning and so on. but for this dude you need replacement therapy, so maybe tea ceremony and psychotherapy where he just talk for a bit.
so now gameplay looks like you approached by a client/guest he tells you that he wants (to get detox), u put him into analysis machine or smth or just talk to him and try to figure out what to apply for him (like what procedures). and you can go around and see progress of each person around, talk to them and update their status.
what will be status for those creatures?
混亂 (chaos)
地球 (earth)
火災 (fire disaster)
澆灌 (water)
風能 (wind)
秩序 (order)
i think it will be funny to give players ability to check status of each guest, but make it cryptic.
i also think that u can select text or press on a trigger words as a part of a gameplay mechanics.
it feels like i’m not actually designing project part by part but just throwing bunch of incoherent thoughts and random words together hoping that at the end it will resemble something cohesive. i really want to create something new, beautiful and interesting, but i have no idea how to manage everything. ppl say that everything takes time, maybe it’s true and you just need to push forward and hope that at the other end everything is alright.
ok next step make dialogue system working, it’s displaying text and images already, now i need to make it progress and fill with right text and images. also start working on npc, they already walk but only in predetermined path and without any sprites. so 1) dialogue system(whatever it meant) 2) npc interaction with a player and with objects (i guess i need to make sprites into real objects now) 3) draw more objects for npc to detox.
list of possible machines:
Crystal therapy, levitation therapy, music therapy, sleep within a sleep focused sleep, drink all the water, full body sugar/salt/xenotoxins/chromosomes/genes extractor, intravenous antioxedents/prebiotics/postbiotics, all muscle activator, energy field cleaner , oxygen breathing room, social toxins eliminator, electromagnetic pollution remover, psyco toxins destroyer, bedrock recovery, bio energy enhancer , needle piercing therapy (fill holes in ur body with needles)
bio energy enhancer can be a big sphere on 3 legs with 2 antennas like a snail, in which person enters and lay down on a rectangular surface. also it has a big eye on a door which glows red when procedure is active.
detox machine, can be a big fridge-like machine with transparent tube coming from the top, this tube covers persons head and sucks all toxins out of the brain.
art reflecting reality.
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seradae · 1 year
Tethered To You, Chapter 3 (THE END) [F/NB/TF] [bondage] [space lesbians] [lesbian breeding] [overstim]
Previous Chapter
Jess got Erica's ankle tethers attached back to the wall, rubbing her socked feet for a moment while Lou got water for everyone. Jess put her hand on Lou's arm and said just loud enough to be heard by Erica, "think it's time?"
Erica came out of her post-orgasmic daze enough to ask, "time for what?" The other two grinned and Jess moved in to kiss her deeply, while Lou dug in the duffle bag once again.
"Don't worry about it, my pretty little bun," Jess said as she stroked Erica's hair. "You'll feel it soon enough." Out of the bag, Lou pulled a dildo attached to a rod and a rectangular casing. They slid it into her gently, then affixed the box to the wall with the same electromagnetic flick of a switch.
Jess and Lou teased and kissed and rubbed Erica all over until they couldn't hold their excitement any longer. Jess reached down and pressed a button on the box, causing the dildo to retract and then plunge back into her girlfriend slowly, over and over. "I might have gone overboard with the magnet designs," Jess whispered into her ear as the toy fucked her cum deeper into Erica.
Erica was grinding against it the best she could and mewled, "turn it up!" Lou grinned and held eye contact with Erica as they pushed the 'up' button several times in quick succession. Jess's fingers went to her clit and began to rub it as she was getting fucked senseless by the machine. A long, low moan left Erica's mouth as she tried and failed to form words.
Lou ran their fingers all over Erica's body and whispered, "How's that feeling, my little bun? Are you going to cum for us?" Erica locked eyes with them for a moment before they rolled back into her head again. They grinned and looked to Jess, who was rubbing her girlcock and Erica's clit. "You don't have to use your hand if you want…"
Jess smiled and beckoned them over. Lou grabbed a handhold on the wall and pushed themself over to her, wrapping their legs around her as Jess slid deep into them. They both took turns kissing Erica as they fucked, the machine's relentless fucking and Jess rubbing her clit sending her into a perpetual state of orgasm. Little droplets of drool broke off from her mouth and drifted into the room as every thought was driven out of her little bunny brain.
Seeing their girlfriend in such a state, it didn't take long before both of them were approaching their own orgasms. Lou was squeezing tight around Jess's cock and moaned out, "will you please fill me up?" She said nothing, but her moans said volumes as she was pushed over the edge, Lou's spasms milking every last drop of cum out of her as they came together.
Even in their orgasmic state, Lou could tell that Erica was getting too overstimulated and reached over quickly to slow the machine, their legs still locked tight around Jess. A few moments later, after they caught their breath, they kissed Erica again and said softly, "what do you think, baby? Have you had enough?"
Erica groaned and slowly shook her head, and Lou turned the machine off entirely. They let Jess go and they drifted apart with a moan, then cuddled up to Erica, kissing her all over. "You did such a wonderful job, my love," Lou said to her, stroking her hair.
"The best girl," Jess agreed, detaching the machine from the wall and removing it from her slowly. She let it float in the air and pushed off the wall to collect the water pouches that were drifting around the room, putting one up to Erica's mouth as Lou began to remove her bonds.
Once she was freed, Lou wrapped her up in a big hug and they drifted in front of the window, the Earth now half in darkness below them. Jess brought a blanket over and wrapped it -- and herself -- around the three of them. "I love you so much, bun," she whispered into Erica's ear. "You did such a good job, now you can rest and recover."
Erica said nothing, her brain thoroughly melted at this point, and simply basked in the love of her partners as she drifted off to a contented sleep. Jess and Lou looked at each other and smiled, holding her tighter between them as they pondered the rest of the night.
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midseo · 1 month
Furnace Charger, Vibratory Furnace Charger Manufacturer India
We are Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters of Furnace Charger, Vibratory Furnace Charger, Remote Charging Furnaces, Furnace Charger Price in Navi Mumbai, India.
Furnace Charger, Vibratory Furnace Charger, Furnace Charger Price, Cable Reeling Drums, Spring Operated Cable Reeling Drum, Spring Operated Slipringless Cable Relling Drum, Sprocket / Gear Driven Cable Reeling Drum, Torque Controller Motorised Cable Reeling Drum, Stall Torque Motor Operated Cable Reeling Drum, Hose Reeling Drum, Spring Operated Hose Reeling Drum, Torque Controller Motorised Hose Reeling Drum, Stall Torque Motor Operated Hose Reeling Drum, Cable Drag Chains, Slipring Collector Column, Vibrating Motors, Unbalance Vibrator Motors, Electromagnetic Vibrating Motors, Vibrating Feeder, Electromechanical Vibrating Feeders, Heavy-Duty Vibro Motor Powered Electromechanical Vibrating Feeders, Vibratory Motors, Tubular Vibratory Feeder, Vibrating Screens, Linear Motion Rectangular Vibrating Screens, Vibrating Table, Vibratory Compaction Table, Furnace Charger, Vibrating Furnace Charger, De Watering Vibrating Screen, Tubular Motorized Vibrating Feeder, Motorised Through Vibrating Feeder, Magnetic Vibrating Feeder, Cable Guide, Roller Guides, Turnover Anchors, Resistance Box, Stainless Steel Grid Resistors, Punched Steel Grid Resistors, Reeling Lays, Monospiral Lay, Random Lay, Standard Lay, Parallel Lay, Installing The Reels, Mumbai, India.
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microwave-waveguides · 2 months
Microwave waveguides are crucial components in the field of microwave engineering, facilitating the transmission of high-frequency electromagnetic waves with minimal loss. They are indispensable in a variety of applications, ranging from telecommunications and radar systems to medical equipment and satellite communications. Understanding the intricacies of microwave waveguides can provide valuable insights into their functionality, types, applications, and advantages.
What are Microwave Waveguides?
Microwave waveguides are structures that guide electromagnetic waves, typically in the microwave frequency range, from one point to another. Unlike coaxial cables or transmission lines, which carry both electric and magnetic fields in a dielectric medium, waveguides confine and direct the wave using a hollow metallic or dielectric structure. This confinement leads to higher efficiency and lower loss at microwave frequencies.
Types of Microwave Waveguides
Rectangular Waveguides: The most common type, rectangular waveguides, have a rectangular cross-section. They support the TE (Transverse Electric) and TM (Transverse Magnetic) modes of propagation, with the TE10 mode being the dominant and most efficient one.
Circular Waveguides: These have a circular cross-section and support both TE and TM modes, as well as hybrid modes. Circular waveguides are often used in applications requiring rotational symmetry.
Elliptical Waveguides: Elliptical waveguides are used when the application requires specific polarization characteristics. They are less common than rectangular and circular waveguides but are essential in specialized applications.
Flexible Waveguides: These waveguides are constructed from materials that allow them to bend and flex, making them ideal for applications where rigid waveguides cannot be used due to space constraints.
Ridged Waveguides: Adding ridges inside the waveguide structure can increase the bandwidth and lower the cutoff frequency, making ridged waveguides suitable for wideband applications.
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mpcomagnetics · 5 months
Electromagnets From Healthcare to Transportation
Electromagnets From Healthcare to Transportation In a world where technology and innovation continually redefine the boundaries of possibility, electromagnets play a pivotal yet often underappreciated role. Far from being confined to the realms of high-tech laboratories or industrial applications, electromagnets are integral to many aspects of our daily lives, from the healthcare we receive to…
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eteily4 · 3 months
Understanding RF Antennas: The Backbone of Wireless Communication
Radio frequency (RF) antennas are essential components in the field of wireless communication. They are the unsung heroes who make radio waves possible to send and receive, opening up a wide range of uses from mobile communication to broadcasting. The definition, operation, and wide range of uses of radio frequency antennas are examined in this article.
What is an RF Antenna?
A device used to send and receive radio waves is called an RF antenna. It allows for wireless communication over a range of distances by converting electrical signals into electromagnetic waves and vice versa. Radar systems, mobile phones, satellite communication, Wi-Fi networks, and television and radio broadcasts are just a few of the many uses for RF antennas.
How Do RF Antennas Work?
Electromagnetism's foundational ideas govern how RF antennas function. This is a condensed description of the procedure: Transfer: An alternating current is produced when a radio transmitter transmits an electrical signal to the antenna (AC). The antenna radiates radio waves into the surrounding space as a result of the electromagnetic field this AC creates around it.
When radio waves from a transmitter reach an antenna, they induce an AC in the antenna.
The antenna converts these electromagnetic waves back into electrical signals, which are then processed by the receiver.
Types of RF Antennas
Each size and shape of an RF antenna is intended for a particular use and frequency range. These are a few typical kinds: Dipole antenna: consists of two conducting components, usually with the same length. Use Case: Broadly utilized in wireless communication systems and radio and television transmission.
A single-pole antenna A solitary conductive component positioned above a ground plane is described. Use Case: Frequently found in walkie-talkies, cell phones, and antennae installed on vehicles.
The Yagi-Uda antenna consists of several parallel elements, such as a reflector, a driving element, and a number of directors. Use Case: Common for point-to-point communication, amateur radio, and television reception.
Antenna Patch: Describe: Usually placed on a level surface, this antenna is rectangular and flat. Use Case: Frequently utilized in satellite communication, cell phones, and GPS equipment.
Antenna Parabolic: Has a parabolic reflector that concentrates radio waves into a slender beam. Use Case: In radar systems, satellite dishes, and long-distance communications.
The Antenna Performance Factors
The following variables affect how well RF antennas work: Frequently: Various frequency ranges are intended for use with particular types of antennas. The antenna's resonance frequency is determined by its dimensions and form.
Gain: An antenna's ability to concentrate energy in a certain direction is measured by its gain. Longer signal transmission and reception ranges are possible with higher gain antennas.
polarization The electromagnetic waves' orientation is referred to as polarization. The polarization of antennas—vertical, horizontal, or circular—affects how they interact with transmitted signals.
Volume of bandwidth: The range of frequencies that an antenna can function well over is called its bandwidth. A wider range of frequencies may be handled by wideband antennas.
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precisestudy · 3 months
An a.c Generator
The ac generator will produce electric current in the coil when the coil rotates through magnetic field using the principle of electromagnetic induction.
An Alternating current (a.c) Generator is also known as the alternator. An a.c generator is a device or machine that converts mechanical energy energy into electrical energy by rotating conductors through magnetic fields. Figure below illustrates a simple generator made of curved permanent rectangular magnetic poles, slip rings, conductor made into a loop and carbon brushes. The poles of…
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312705 · 4 months
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erikabsworld · 5 months
Beyond the Basics: Unraveling the Mysteries of Matrix Algebra in Your Academic Life
Welcome to the realm of matrix algebra! As a student navigating through the intricacies of university academics, you're likely encountering various mathematical concepts, with matrix algebra being one of them. While matrices might seem daunting at first glance, fear not! In this blog, we'll delve into the world of matrix algebra, exploring its significance in your academic journey and shedding light on how mastering this subject can elevate your understanding of complex systems and enhance your problem-solving skills.
Understanding the Fundamentals:
Let's start by revisiting the basics of matrix algebra. At its core, a matrix is a rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expressions arranged in rows and columns. Each element in a matrix is identified by its row and column position, making it a fundamental tool in various fields such as mathematics, physics, computer science, and engineering. In your academic pursuits, you'll encounter matrices in topics ranging from linear algebra to statistics, highlighting their versatility and importance.
Applications Across Disciplines:
One of the fascinating aspects of matrix algebra is its wide range of applications across different disciplines. In mathematics, matrices serve as a fundamental tool for solving systems of linear equations, representing transformations, and studying vector spaces. In physics, matrices play a crucial role in quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, and mechanics, aiding in the analysis of complex phenomena and the formulation of mathematical models. Similarly, in computer science and engineering, matrices are utilized in image processing, cryptography, optimization, and machine learning, showcasing their practical significance in real-world scenarios.
Navigating University Assignments:
As you delve deeper into your academic journey, you'll encounter various assignments and projects that require proficiency in matrix algebra. Whether you're tasked with solving a system of linear equations, analyzing data using matrix operations, or implementing algorithms for computational tasks, having a solid understanding of matrix algebra is indispensable. However, we understand that academic workload can be overwhelming at times, which is why seeking assistance from reputable matrix algebra assignment help services can be beneficial. These services provide expert guidance and support, enabling you to tackle complex assignments with confidence while ensuring academic integrity and quality.
Mastering Complex Concepts:
Beyond the classroom lectures and textbook readings, mastering matrix algebra requires practice, perseverance, and a curious mindset. As you unravel the mysteries of matrix operations, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, determinants, and more, don't hesitate to seek clarification from your professors, engage in peer discussions, and explore additional resources such as online tutorials and academic forums. Remember, the journey to mastery is a continuous process, and every challenge you overcome contributes to your growth and development as a student and a problem solver.
In conclusion, matrix algebra is not just another mathematical concept you encounter in university; it's a powerful tool that shapes your understanding of complex systems, enhances your analytical skills, and opens doors to diverse opportunities across various fields. By embracing the challenge of unraveling the mysteries of matrix algebra and seeking support when needed, you're not only enriching your academic experience but also laying a strong foundation for future success in your chosen field. So, embrace the journey, explore the depths of matrix algebra, and unlock the doors to endless possibilities in your academic life.
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