#Electrical Current Detector
mpcomagnetics · 5 months
Electromagnets in Robotics and Automation
Electromagnets in Robotics and Automation In the rapidly evolving world of robotics and automation, electromagnets have emerged as a cornerstone technology, enabling significant advancements and innovations. These devices, which can be switched on and off to control magnetic force, play a critical role in various aspects of robotic systems, from actuation and manipulation to sensing and safety.…
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hitech-automations · 2 years
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Sensors used in the manufacturing industry monitor the performance of various processes and aspects of machine operation, collecting data to determine normal baseline levels of operation while also detecting even the most minuscule fluctuations in that performance.
Sensor/Detectors/Transducers are electronic or electrical devices. These special electronic sensitive materials sense, measure, and detect changes in the position, temperature, displacement, electrical current, and multiple parameters of industrial equipment.
different types include hygrometers and moisture meters (for measuring moisture), gyroscopes (for measuring rotation), current or voltage sensors, pressure sensors, position sensors, level sensors and flow sensors (for fluid management).
role of a sensor in a control and automation system is to detect and measure some physical effect, providing this information to the control system
main performance criteria for industrial sensors are sensitivity, resolution, compactness, long-term stability, thermal drift and power efficiency
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writing-yarn-goblin · 8 months
I saw a few months ago someone posted a headcannon about Kid being able to hear metal. And I loved it.
So here is a little something inspired on that.
This was a gift I made to @swampstew but it’s just too funny to not share.
If there was something Captain Kid was good at, it was guessing who makes that noise.
There were days where he could be the first one up and locked himself in his workshop where he propped himself up in his work bench and just plowed in a few hours cutting, grinding or making things that he wanted or got commissioned to do so.
His hobby as of late was making as less noise as he possibly could and just feel/hear the metal in people’s bodies.
A tooth with a crown? sounds like a wet coin to him. Someone is trying to put on an earring? He heard it- loud and clear. Assembling and disassembling a gun? He thought the person was VERY slow at it.
One particular morning, he was just setting up to work on making drafts for a custom gun and that’s when he heard a faint buzz deep within his ship. More like he could hear something vibrating frenetically.
He didn’t anything in the ship that buzzed.
He ignored it and kept to his work.
But there it was an again.
The soft buzzing was now a little more erratic and he got curious.
What could be in the ship that made that noise?
He tucked it away and when he knew Killer was in the kitchen: he went there to demand breakfast from the blonde first-mate.
A few days later the buzzing was on full blast. He heard it cling against other metal parts and the buzzing pattern changed.
From a nice soft buzz to a loud buzz buzz buuuuuuuuzz buzz buzz buuuuuuuuuuzz. He connected one thing with the other and smirked to himself.
“Must be one hell of a morning.” He mumbled, sipping from a mug of coffee as he just relaxed for a moment. The piercings he was hearing were rattling faster than usual and the intermittent buzzing changed to a long aggressive buzz.
“Shit, I gotta know who’s doing that.”
And check he did. He was a walking metal detector and he wanted to know who was buzzing their bean so early in the morning.
A few days of searching down and he found them. He didn’t have to look for too long on his 3rd day quest since the culprit was currently in a room, using said object, early in the morning.
To his surprise- it was the bathroom.
The women’s showers. He was glad that it was 5 in the morning, any other woman would’ve flipped.
Once inside, he tiptoed his giant self. Maneuvering his frame through the dainty shower room and enjoyed how nice it smelled in here.
A few more steps forward and there was the culprit-(Y/N).
She was part of the night crew and he seemed to be catching her in her private time…shaving with an electric shaver.
When she turned around, she wanted to scream.
There she saw her Captain, Eustass Kid, looking at the wall in order to give her privacy.
“(L/N)…it’s not what you think.”
“I should hope so! You have a minute to get out of the bathroom before I scream for Heat.”
If she did that, captain or not, he’d be in one hell of a pickle. Heat didn’t take these invasions of privacy lightly.
“Got it. My Workspace. When you’re done.”
Never had she seen a man as big and intimidating to run and scramble fast out of the bathroom.
It didn’t take long for (Y/N) to appear with her battery powered shaver and reproducing the sounds that Kid had been hearing.
After a few apologies in the style of Eustass Kid, she scampered off to her quarters. Once inside, she sighed to herself and quietly checked her things, just to find a long, silver bullet…that went buzz when you twist the bottom.
She’d have to start being more careful.
Unless her captain wants to give her a helping hand. She won’t say no to that.
For now, let him be gloriously confused.
The end
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Let me elaborate just a tiny bit on what I mean by using chat AIs as tools because I'm already seeing some alarm in the tags. To be clear, Chat AIs in their current form... Suck, basically. They've improved a lot, but they still suck, which is why you should not use them to replace research or work. You don't know if the AI is giving you accurate information. The AI doesn't know if it's giving you accurate information, because that's not what it's designed to do.
However! It's still filled with some exciting possibilities and will greatly aid in a lot of tasks in the future. I'm not against using Chat AI to augment doing schoolwork or assisting in creative projects. They can be used to fix up grammar, better structure your paragraphs, and work out plot points. You do need to be aware that chatbots take the information you give it and keep it to use in the future, so be very careful about using personal material or identifying information. Don't feed it your whole novel or anything.
You also need to be wary in how you use it to assist with doing schoolwork. Like online proctoring programs, education chatbot detectors are designed to assume the worst when it comes to plagiarism, but you can also use them for your benefit. Some detectors, like Grammarly, offer a free tool for students to check their own work to make sure it sounds original, and you can also talk to your instructors on how they would prefer these tools to be used.
And let me stress, a chatbot is merely a tool! If you use them to write computer code, for example, you still need to check that code to be sure it is correct. If a physical therapist asks a chatbot to create a therapy plan based on certain symptoms, they will still need to verify that plan is the best path forward based on their own education and experience. A mechanic or an electrical engineer using AI as a diagnosis tool still needs to verify that diagnosis actually fits the situation. If you use a chatbot to work out a thorny writing problem, you will still need to be sure it works with your own instincts for what's good with your story.
We are absolutely going to see some shitty usage of AI and automation because, you know, capitalist hellscape and all that. For good reason people who work in the field are pushing for regulation and oversight. But a chat AI is like a calculator, not Astro Boy. Remembering it's merely a tool, not a replacement for thought and creativity, and using it as such can be for your benefit.
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mysticstronomy · 5 months
Saturday, May 11th, 2024.
Welcome back,
Primordial black holes are hypothetical objects formed during the earliest moments of the universe. According to the models, they formed from micro-fluctuations in matter density and spacetime to become sand grain-sized mountain-massed black holes.
Although we've never detected primordial black holes, they have all the necessary properties of dark matter, such as not emitting light and the ability to cluster around galaxies. If they exist, they could explain most of dark matter.
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The downside is that most primordial black hole candidates have been ruled out by observation. For example, to account for dark matter there would have to be so many of these gravitational pipsqueaks that they would often pass in front of a star from our vantage point. This would create a microlensing flare we should regularly observe. Several sky surveys have looked for such an event to no avail, so PBH dark matter is not a popular idea these days.
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A new work, posted to the arXiv preprint server, takes a slightly different approach. Rather than looking at typical primordial black holes, it considers ultralight black holes. These are on the small end of possible masses and are so tiny that Hawking radiation would come into play.
The rate of Hawking decay is inversely proportional to the size of a black hole, so these ultralight black holes should radiate to their end of life on a short cosmic timescale.
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Since we don't have a full model of quantum gravity, we don't know what would happen to ultralight black holes at the end, which is where this paper comes in.
As the author notes, basically there are three possible outcomes. The first is that the black hole radiates away completely. The black hole would end as a brief flash of high-energy particles. The second is that some mechanism prevents complete evaporation and the black hole reaches some kind of equilibrium state. The third option is similar to the second, but in this case, the equilibrium state causes the event horizon to disappear, leaving an exposed dense mass known as a naked singularity.
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The author also notes that for the latter two outcomes, the objects might have a net electric charge.
For the evaporating case, the biggest unknown would be the timescale of evaporation. If PBHs are initially tiny they would evaporate quickly and add to the reheating effect of the early cosmos. If they evaporate slowly, we should be able to see their deaths as a flash of gamma rays. Neither of these effects has been observed, but it is possible that detectors such as Fermi's Large Area Telescope might catch one in the act.
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For the latter two options, the author argues that equilibrium would be reached around the Planck scale. The remnants would be proton-sized but with much higher masses. Unfortunately, if these remnants are electrically neutral they would be impossible to detect. They wouldn't decay into other particles, nor would they be large enough to detect directly. This would match observation, but isn't a satisfying result.
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The model is essentially unprovable. If the particles do have a charge, then we might detect their presence in the next generation of neutrino detectors.
The main thing about this work is that primordial black holes aren't entirely ruled out by current observations. Until we have better data, this model joins the theoretical pile of many other possibilities.
Originally published on https://phys-org.
(Wednesday, May 15th, 2024)
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Unveiling the power of hot carriers in plasmonic nanostructures
A new scientific review explores the exciting potential of hot carriers, energetic electrons generated by light in plasmonic nanostructures. These tiny structures hold immense promise for future technologies due to their unique way of interacting with light and creating hot carriers. The study is published in the journal eLight. Hot carriers are electrons with a surplus of energy. When light strikes a plasmonic nanostructure, it can excite these electrons, pushing them out of equilibrium. This non-equilibrium state unlocks a range of fascinating phenomena. Hot carriers can be used to control light itself, potentially leading to novel applications in light-based technologies. They can also drive chemical reactions at the surface of the nanostructure, paving the way for advanced photocatalysis. Also, hot carriers can generate electrical currents, opening doors for new ultrafast detectors and optoelectronic devices.
Read more.
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planet-dusk · 3 months
I haven't gone through fics from tags in ages, usually I just read from people I already follow, now I'm worried I'm not gonna notice if a fic is AI😭
Surely people could just try being actually creative instead of being lazy about it?? Isn't the great part of writing the fact that it's something you've made yourself?
you'd think so ;-; and 9 out of 10 times the fic is a mix of ppls own writing and ai (chat gpt won't write smut). n sometimes their own writing isn't even that bad so idk why they don't write the whole story themselves ??
but if you know what to look for it becomes more n more obvious. a dead giveaway of ai use in smuts is a big contrast in style & quality between the smut and the rest of the story. ai writing is too consistent in tone and style, paragraphs and sentences don't vary much in length,, it's monotonous and repetitive. it doesn't sound natural.
there's ai detector tools like originality.ai but they aren't foolproof n make mistakes,, so please don't rely only on them! as much as i despise ai i'd hate for a writer to be wrongfully accused :((
here's a snippet from one of the ai fics i found in the tags. the intro is written by ai (i'm basing this on the style n prose, the contrast w the smut and it gets a 100% ai score when ran through an ai detector tool):
In a secluded and desolate village, an inexplicable prosperity has taken root, defying all logic and expectations. The villagers attribute this miraculous transformation to the blessing of a mysterious deity, whose influence has brought life back to the barren land.
However, this prosperity comes at a grim cost - the sacrifice of an 18-year-old virgin every hundred years. The purity and sincerity of the sacrifice are believed to prolong the village’s prosperity, as decreed by the deity worshipped by the villagers.
For unmarried women like you, reaching the age of eighteen brings a looming nightmare rather than the promise of adulthood. From a young age, you’ve witnessed your younger brother bask in the favor and attention of your family, while you remained in the shadows, neglected and unappreciated.
To your parents, you are merely a pawn in their pursuit of wealth. If you marry into a prosperous family before turning eighteen, it’s deemed a success; but if you remain unmarried, you are destined to be the sacrificial offering.
the prose is too verbose,, the sentences and paragraphs are consistent in length and style and there is no soul in it. now look at the smut from that same fic:
“Baby, I want you cum, cum for my cock. I need you.” His words and thrusting made you dizzy. Everything was overwhelming. You totally lost in the pleasure as he kept sinking down to hit your g spot.
“Hmmmm…Ahhh…please.” There was one more step to reach your climax. [Name] knew it as he slid down his hand to your clit. He continued to thrust while stroking, pushing you to climax.
The stimulation all over your body was like an electric current, which not only sent shivers down your spine, but also made the flame of desire in your body bursted out.
the style is completely different,, there are lots of grammar mistakes, the soulless verbose writing has changed to something more human. idk who these ppl think they're trying to fool 😭
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astronomia-nova · 1 year
The different Mars Rovers and what we learned
Sojourner (1997)
First rover to successfully land on Mars. Defined by NASA as a "micro-rover" due to its small size, Sojourner had a speed of maximum of 0.4 meters pr. minute. It was active for about 80 days on the surface of Mars.
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Sojourner carried three cameras, an Atmospheric Structure Instrument (Meteorology Package) and an Alpha Proton X-ray Spectrometer. There instruments.
From Sojourner, NASA learned about the surface and weather conditions of Mars.
Sojourner found rounded rocks at the landing site, which suggests that running water could have been on Mars. The radio-tracking of Pathfinder (mission name) also gave an estimate of Mars' metal core's size (1300 kilometers to 2000 kilometers). It also discovered that the dust that is in the air on Mars is magnetic and possibly made up of mahemite. Sojourner also observed dust devils, ice clouds in the lower atmosphere and temperature fluctuations on the surface of Mars.
Spirit (2004-2010) and Opportunity (2004-2018)
Spirit was one of two Mars rovers launched in 2003 (mission started in 2004). The wheels on Spirit and Opportunity were about double the size of Sojourners. The weight of both rovers was about 17 times Sojourners, and more than double the size. Their goal on Mars was to search the surface for traces of past water. In 2009, Spirit got stuck in soil (in the area called Troy). In 2010, Spirit stopped communications, and the mission ended in 2011.
Opportunity was launched in 2004 along with Spirit but lasted much longer than their twin. Setting the record for the longest-lasting Mars rover, Opportunity stopped communications in 2018. Opportunity also set the record for the longest distance traveled by a rover, around 45 kilometers.
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Like Sojourner, Spirit provided data about Mars' weather conditions, especially the wind. Both Spirit and Opportunity found evidence of possible conditions on Mars that could allow microbial life.
Spirit and Opportunity both had panoramic cameras, a thermal emission spectrometer, a Moessbauer spectrometer, an alpha particle X-ray spectrometer, and a microscopic imager.
Curiosity (2012-present)
Curiosity is currently the oldest active Mars rover (as of 21/07/2023) The main purpose of Curiosity is to figure out if Mars has the right environment for microbial lifeforms. Curiosity is currently exploring Gale Crater and had the most advanced instruments at the time. Curiosity has found evidence of water having been on Mars in the past, found old organic material, and discovered that Mars has had a thicker atmosphere in the past.
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Curiosity can climb over knee-high obstacles and can go up to 30 meters per hour.
Curiosity carries a radioisotope power system to generate electricity, which gives the rover a steady electricity flow. Curiosity also carries 17 cameras, a laser, a drill, and 10 different instruments.
Perseverance (2021-present)
Perseverance is the newest Mars rover from NASA. The main goal for Perseverance is to research habitable conditions on Mars, but also for signs of past microbial life. The mission also tests possible options for future human expeditions on Mars (ex. improved landing techniques, producing oxygen from the atmosphere and environmental conditions).
The drill Perseverance used can collect samples and then set them aside for collection on the surface.
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Zhurong (2021-2022)
Launched by the CNSA, Zhurong is the first Chinese Mars rover. In 2022 it became inactive due to sandstorms and the winter, which prevented it from waking at an appropriate temperature and good sunlight conditions.
Zhurong's mission was to study the topography, examine the surface (soil and elements), and take samples of the atmosphere. To do this it had a RoPeR (Mars Rover Penetrating Radar), RoMAG (Mars Rover Magnetometer), MCS (Mars Climate Station), MarSCoDE (Mars Surface Compound Detector), a multispectral camera and navigation and topography cameras. It also had a remote camera on board.
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a-detraque-barista · 2 years
Sweet Dreams
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Yandere Denki x Reader
Genre: Yandere, Angst
Word Count: 828
Warnings: yandere themes, nightmares, denkis underrated power
Your skin tingled and twitched from the electrical currents continuously being sent through your body. It felt relieving and made you numb at the same time. Your brain was going into overdrive from the overstimulation of your nerves. You could faintly hear the muffled voices of your friends calling out to you. Their words couldn’t be made out and your vision was getting more and more blurry.
Before you had the chance to even sit up, you were pinned down by your shoulder. The hand holding you sent more electricity through you, causing your body to become static. It was beginning to make you breathless. Your whole body wanted to shut down but the so-called hero above you wouldn’t let sleep overcome you. Not before you saw and accepted what he was capable of.
You needed to see how strong he could be. How heroic he truly was. You did help him and encouraged him. It was only a matter of time before you realized he wanted more than your companionship and friendship. He wanted everything you had to give, and more.
“Don’t sleep now, Babe,” he smiled down at you as his grip on your shoulder became tighter.
“You shouldn’t be doing this, Denki,” you gasped out as he sent more currents through your skin.
“Why not? Everyone was trying to keep us apart, and you were letting them,” his eyes downcasted and the hurt in his voice was clear, even to your static-filled mind. “So, I needed to...be dramatic? Even if you didn’t want me to.”
Denki used his quirk one last time on you before straightening his body. His love-struck smile to his features before he turned back to the ones he used to call friends. This was for the best, he told himself before preparing for the fight he started and the fight he was going to end.
“Denki, come on! It’s time to go!” you yelled for your roommate as you stood by the front door to your guys’ apartment. Today you two were going to meet up with your old classmates from 1A. Everyone decided to head to the beach.
You couldn’t remember the last time you went to the beach. Given your water-based quirk, it should practically be your home away from home. But Denki and hero work takes up almost all of your time.
“I’m comin’!” He rushed down the hallway to almost run into you with a sideways grin. “I’m ready~”
You chuckled before leading the way to your car. The two of you sang along with the blasting music while you made your way to the beach. You couldn’t help but feel like you’ve been through this day before but you decided to ignore it.
Once you two got there, almost everyone had already arrived. Denki went over to greet the Baku Squad and you went over to your friend group; Izuku, Iida, Ochako, Tsuyu, and Todoroki.
Todoroki was the first to come up and hug which surprised all of you but you hugged him back nonetheless. Then the others came to form a group hug causing you all to laugh.
Then the whole world began to fizz out like an old film getting jammed in the machine.
You woke up lying in the bed you shared with Denki. You let a shaky breath. Your dream felt so real, like you were truly back with your closest friends.
Looking around the room, everything seemed normal except for Denki not being in the room. Denki was never out of bed before you. Shaking your head you realized you were getting off topic. You needed to find out if you were just dreaming Denki fighting your friends and his.
You quietly sneak out of the room and down the hall. The first thing you noticed was the smell of something burning. You peak around the corner to see Denki panicking in front of the stove. Muttered curses could be heard as he pulled one of the many pans cluttering the stove and its burners to the sink. Smoke rose to the ceiling and Denki quickly waved his arms back and forth so the smoke detectors wouldn't wake you up.
You couldn’t help but laugh, giving away your hidden spot. Denki jumped and turned around to see you. “Babe! I didn’t hear you,” he grinned before hopping towards you.
You flinched and backed away. Shock was written all over Denki’s face before he realized why you did, “Was it the nightmare you were having? I woke up to you struggling to breath and when I woke you up you just stared at me before falling back asleep.”
So it was a dream…
“Come here, lemme smother the bad dreams away,” Denki embraced you tightly and you can feel the little sparks he lets off whenever he’s excited about something. Reminding you of the feeling of electricity running through your body.
It was a dream...right?
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vladco-tech-official · 11 months
Good morning, cherished staff!
As you enter the building today, you may have notice a sudden increase of security devices- such as a device that looks like a metal detector past the receptionist desk.
This is no metal detector, instead it is made to detect ghostly energy, such as ectoplasm. Of course, this means that any outside samples will require approval before they may pass security.
This...also has the unintended caveat of making my job harder.
I was told we would get that sorted out, however. Perhaps they'll find a way to allow me to pass without setting off the alarm- or find an alternate way to enter and exit the building. Surely it is unfortunate that I am currently the only undead employee here- but alas, I understand why these new restrictions are put in place and trust that my human peers are trying their best to remedy the situation.
We haven't been told exactly why theres a sudden increase in anti-ghost security, but I assume it must have something to do with previous ghost reports- plus a theory that our electricity malfunctions were indeed caused by a ghost, though I have yet to see hard evidence of that.
Nonetheless, we apologize for the inconvenience- living or otherwise.
There will be free donuts in the breakroom. Have a good day.
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mit · 1 year
Sensing and controlling microscopic spin density in materials
By fine-tuning the spin density in some materials, researchers may be able to develop new quantum sensors or quantum simulations.
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David L. Chandler | MIT News
Electronic devices typically use the charge of electrons, but spin — their other degree of freedom — is starting to be exploited. Spin defects make crystalline materials highly useful for quantum-based devices such as ultrasensitive quantum sensors, quantum memory devices, or systems for simulating the physics of quantum effects. Varying the spin density in semiconductors can lead to new properties in a material — something researchers have long wanted to explore — but this density is usually fleeting and elusive, thus hard to measure and control locally.
Now, a team of researchers at MIT and elsewhere has found a way to tune the spin density in diamond, changing it by a factor of two, by applying an external laser or microwave beam. The finding, reported this week in the journal PNAS, could open up many new possibilities for advanced quantum devices, the authors say. The paper is a collaboration between current and former students of professors Paola Cappellaro and Ju Li at MIT, and collaborators at Politecnico of Milano. The first author of the paper, Guoqing Wang PhD ’23, worked on his PhD thesis in Cappellaro’s lab and is now a postdoc at MIT.
A specific type of spin defect known as a nitrogen vacancy (NV) center in diamond is one of the most widely studied systems for its potential use in a wide variety of quantum applications. The spin of NV centers is sensitive to any physical, electrical, or optical disturbance, making them potentially highly sensitive detectors. “Solid-state spin defects are one of the most promising quantum platforms,” Wang says, partly because they can work under ambient, room-temperature conditions. Many other quantum systems require ultracold or other specialized environments.
“The nanoscale sensing capabilities of NV centers makes them promising for probing the dynamics in their spin environment, manifesting rich quantum many body physics yet to be understood”, Wang adds. “A major spin defect in the environment, called P1 center, can usually be 10 to 100 times more populous than the NV center and thus can have stronger interactions, making them ideal for studying many-body physics.”
But to tune their interactions, scientists need to be able to change the spin density, something that had previously seldom been achieved. With this new approach, Wang says, “We can tune the spin density so it provides a potential knob to actually tune such a system. That’s the key novelty of our work.”
Such a tunable system could provide more flexible ways of studying the quantum hydrodynamics, Wang says. More immediately, the new process can be applied to some existing nanoscale quantum-sensing devices as a way to improve their sensitivity.
Li, who holds a joint appointment in MIT’s departments of Nuclear Science and Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering, explains that today’s computers and information processing systems are all based on the control and detection of electrical charges, but some innovative devices are beginning to make use of the property called spin. The semiconductor company Intel, for example, has been experimenting with new kinds of transistors that couple spin and charge, potentially opening a path to devices based on spintronics.
“Traditional CMOS transistors use a lot of energy,” Li says, “but if you use spin, as in this Intel design, then you can reduce the energy consumption by a lot.” The company has also developed solid-state spin qubit devices for quantum computing, and “spin is something people want to control in solids because it’s more energy efficient, and it’s also a carrier of quantum information.”
In the study by Li and his colleagues, the newly achieved level of control over spin density allows each NV center to act like a kind of atomic-scale “radar” that can both sense and control the nearby spins. “We basically use a particular NV defect to sense the surrounding electronic and nuclear spins. This quantum sensor reveals the nearby spin environment and how that’s affected dynamically by the charge flow, which in this case is pumped up by the laser,” Li says.
This system makes it possible to dynamically change the spin concentration by a factor of two, he says. This could ultimately lead to devices where a single point defect or a single atom could be the basic computational unit. “In the long run, a single point defect, and the localized spin and the localized charge on that single point defect, can be a computing logic. It can be a qubit, it can be a memory, it can be a sensor,” he says.
He adds that much work remains to develop this newly found phenomenon. “We’re not exactly there yet,” he says, but what they have demonstrated so far shows that they have “really pushed down the measurement and control of the spin and charge state of point defects to an unprecedented level. So, in the long run, I think this would support using individual defect, or a small number of defects, to become the information processing and sensing devices.”
In this work so far, Wang says, “we find this phenomenon and we demonstrate it,” but further work is needed to fully understand the physical mechanism of what is taking place in these systems. “Our next step is to dig more deeply into the physics, so we would like to know better what’s the underlying physical mechanism” behind the effects they see. In the long term, “with better understanding of these systems, we hope to explore more quantum simulation and sensing ideas, such as simulating interesting quantum hydrodynamics, and even transporting quantum information between different spin defects.”
The findings were made possible, in part, by the team’s development of a new wide-field imaging setup that allows them to measure many different spatial locations within the crystalline material simultaneously, using a fast single-photon detector array, combined with a microscope. “We are able to spatially image the density distribution over different spin species like a fingerprint, and the charge transport dynamics,” although that work is still preliminary, Wang says.
Although their work was done using lab-grown diamond, the principles could be applied to other crystalline solid-state defects, he says. NV centers in diamond have been attractive for research because they can be used at room temperature and they have already been well-studied. But silicon vacancy centers, donors in silicon, rare-earth ions in solids, and other crystal materials may have different properties that could turn out to be useful for particular kinds of applications.
“As information science progresses, eventually people will be able to control the positions and the charge of individual atoms and defects. That’s the long-term vision,” Li says. “If you can have every atom storing different information, it’s a much larger information storage and processing capability” compared to existing systems where even a single bit is stored by a magnetic domain of many atoms. “You can say it’s the ultimate limit of Moore’s Law: eventually going down to one defect or one atom.”
While some applications may require much more research to develop to a practical level, for some kinds of quantum sensing systems, the new insights can be quickly translated into real-world uses, Wang says. “We can immediately improve the quantum sensors’ performance based on our results,” he says.
“Overall, this result is very exciting for the field of solid-state spin defects,” says Chong Zu, an assistant professor of physics at Washington University in St. Louis, who specializes in quantum information but was not involved in this work. “In particular, it introduces a powerful approach of using charge ionization dynamics to continuously tune the local spin defect density, which is important in the context of applications of NV centers for quantum simulation and sensing.”
The research team included Changhao Li, Hao Tang, Boning Li, Francesca Madonini, Faisal Alsallom, and Won Kyu Calvin Sun, all at MIT; Pai Peng at Princeton University; and Federica Villa at the Politecnico de Milano, in Italy. The work was partly supported by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
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mpcomagnetics · 5 months
Electromagnets From Healthcare to Transportation
Electromagnets From Healthcare to Transportation In a world where technology and innovation continually redefine the boundaries of possibility, electromagnets play a pivotal yet often underappreciated role. Far from being confined to the realms of high-tech laboratories or industrial applications, electromagnets are integral to many aspects of our daily lives, from the healthcare we receive to…
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sunshades · 1 year
HELLOOO 🍁 for tiare, marcus, and persnaps even rovi if u want :3c can be in terms of actual season and/or eladrin season for funsies
[oc asks]
OMG... babe wake up The Controversial Eladrin Question is here...
🍁 what is their favourite season? why?
(👑) well that's gotta be spring no question! (EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER AND THE LIE DETECTOR GIVES ME AN ELECTRIC SHOCK) okay. actual answer: considering the main real world ref for brasidas maybe they too have a winter that lasts all the way to march... and it'd bother them as a Concept, how it lasts so little and doesn't do nearly enough to change the place. u want it to make the whole place green and warm but it doesn't. symbolically: it was kalan's season and they're trying So Hard to be that kinda person who is unbothered and joyful but they just aren't. NOWWW in season terms. and in eladrin terms. summer is about Action and strong emotions that are sometimes Bad AND it's about the sun being annoying as fuck. and mimi's at a summer point in his life. burning light reflecting off the water and limeade that needs more sugar 🍋 and. he'll learn to like spring again probably. in the eladrin sense of letting themselves be happy bc they feel like it and not because It's The Way I Should Be and also in the literal sense of: they need to go to a big flower field in the middle of spring and see the snow thaw and see that maybe SOMEONE was right and even their home can bloom in its own way and there is something good and worth saving in it. look at it all with brand new eyes. then it'll be spring.
(🍊) oughhh my boy... having barely really met anyone with even a drop of elven blood i def think marcus doesn't really have the... cultural baggage? about seasons that tiare has, which is a little bad and a little good. as we have previously established: he's mostly been autumn all his life literally because he's Like That and hasn't really… been feeling things that deeply, in a sense. not to be always quoting that ask polly post but yk "it's the strongest emotion you've ever felt and you've convinced yourself it's your destiny". actually another: the fucking conan gray song that goes "u don't have to act like all you feel is mild (...) u don't really like the sun it drives u wild" something like that going on. been too long by himself and it's like he's forgotten that he too is... just some guy and can feel angry or attached to someone just like anyone else and there's nothing wrong with it. so that is marcus' lack of eladrin baggage 🧍‍♂️ but similarly to mithra! i think rn he likes spring a lot, all the bright colors that feel so different from him, but he'll probably grow to like autumn as a Thing later on. spring being a symbol of rebirth but autumn too as a sign of a slower change, and a time to value your memories rather than just looking for something different. the backyard covered in brown and orange leaves and his mother's hands red with pomegranate seeds.
(🏞) ROVIIIII ok actually. despite having drawn em wintery to signify that in current times they're not doing well. they actually like winter a lot! they aren't winter a lot because they're just. not pensive and reflective enough, or haven't been most of their lifeSARFDTGHDSF genuinely don't think she has much baggage about it (i'm NOT lying, unlike for the marcus answer) which i guess is the positive point of having grown up in the feywild! they've always been used to change, it doesn't seem to bother them. anyway. i think the season roviere's most aligned with (and probably my favorite color palette for them also DCGHJD) is spring for sunlight til late in the evening and good winds perfect for seafaring. ideal conditions. but if you asked them: summer because they think they're hottest as a blonde. fall is probably nonio's favorite because the red to blue gradient is pretty and to him it means they're not Hyper Spring Mode so maybe they could sit down to relax together. so rovi likes it too by proxy.
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sevendozencounts · 2 years
The Valentine's Day Monopole
There's a story that's sometimes passed around in physics circles, but isn't often heard elsewhere. It speaks to a sense of incompleteness, of missed opportunities, uncomfortable possibilities, and the ultimate limits of our methods of gathering knowledge. This is the true story of the Valentine's Day Monopole.
The story begins over a century ago, when scientists were finally beginning to understand how electricity and magnetism worked. An annoying inconsistency emerged: there seemed to be lots of electric charges for electric fields, but there weren't any "magnetic charges" (formally called "magnetic monopoles") for magnetic fields.
The equations describing electricity and magnetism looked much more beautiful with magnetic monopoles added to them, as the electric and magnetic parts then behaved almost exactly the same.
But nobody could find any such thing in nature. The elegant symmetry we had hoped for was apparently broken.
Adding to the frustration, in 1931, a physicist by the name of Paul Dirac showed that if any magnetic monopoles existed, they would explain why electric charge comes in discrete units. Curiously, this argument only requires that one magnetic monopole exists somewhere in the universe.
This then begs the question:
What if there's exactly one in the entire universe?
Fast-forward to a fateful Valentine's Day, 1982, in Stanford, California. An experimental group monitoring a magnetic monopole detector notices a signal that looks pretty much exactly like what they're looking for. It doesn't correspond with any kind of contamination or other background. And it has basically as much magnetic charge as Dirac predicted it would.
They never saw that signal again. And every other group searching for it since then has found nothing.
To this day, this is the only example of something that looks like a magnetic monopole in nature.
So what do we make of this? The only thing we can really say for certain is that magnetic monopoles, if they exist, are really really rare. We can statistically say how rare they must be, based on the single possible detection and the many, many times we've found nothing.
But this isn't a very satisfying answer; it's not too far from where we started over a century ago. So there are two main opinions:
Magnetic monopoles don't exist, and that one signal is flawed in ways that we don't currently understand. Ultimately, nature isn't always as elegant as we'd like it to be, and future experiments will confirm this.
Magnetic monopoles exist, but they're just really rare for some reason. There's likely some mechanism we don't understand that makes them really rare. Future experiments will get a better handle on their rarity as we see more examples.
But there's another option, one that isn't as scientifically viable as the other two, but not impossible:
What if there's really only one magnetic monopole in the universe? What if, on Valentine's Day 1982, that single, unique object passed through a detector in California and continued on its lonely way, never to be seen again?
What if that was our only chance to complete our understanding of the universe? Any future experiments will see nothing, since the one and only monopole in the whole universe has already left our Solar System, never to return.
Ultimately, we don't know if this is true. Unless we see another possible monopole, we cannot know if this is true. As long as there are no other detections, the scientific method cannot distinguish between "there were never any monopoles" and "there is exactly one monopole and it's gone now."
What do we do in these cases, where something that seems possible leads to results that are, by definition, un-repeatable? I genuinely don't know. We can say that "there is exactly one monopole" is an unscientific statement, since we can't verify it through repeated experiments. But it seems uncomfortable to entirely discard the possibility.
And so we're left with a cosmic cliffhanger, one which may endure for the rest of time.
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rainydayscore · 2 years
i’d like to get a fire suppression component in barotrauma
now, you can do this by just wriing a smoke detector to a pump so if a fire starts it floods the room with water, and then possibly drains the room after the fire is gone, but most fires that will occur in the game are electrical fires, so doing this will treat the symptom but make the cause much worse and may just reignite the fire as soon as the room is drained, and filling a room with water tends to be much more lethal than the fire is anyway.
we need like an automated fire extinguisher, like a roof sprinkler but with foam instead
really the simplist way to handle this in game currently is just make the two rooms most prone to fires, the reactor and junction rooms, not have their own air supply, so if a fire starts it’ll quickly use up all the oxygen in the room and smother itself
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sunmafiber · 2 years
Know About the Advanced Optical Power meter functions
Lab equipment must be ever more powerful, with more functions crammed into a single box, as well as inexpensive, to accommodate increasingly complicated experiments, safety, and environmental regulations, and push for greater performance at lower costs. Modern, state-of-the-art meters can handle much more than merely measuring optical power, and optical power meter is no exception. These meters may be used for a variety of tasks, including frequency measurement, multiple display and charting choices, statistical data, data gathering, easy mathematical operations, and decreased energy use.
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With the use of detectors like photodiodes, thermopiles, or pyroelectric detectors, optical power meters may measure photon energy as current or voltage. The (detector) interface, the analog board, and the digital board are the three main parts that can be taken into account.
The overall functioning of power meters has undergone several significant changes. If the filtering function is accessible, it may be one of the most frequently utilized functions. To eliminate any undesired variations from the readings, users frequently prefer to apply a filter to the output reading. Some items come with a digital averaging feature or an analog low-pass filter circuit. The cutting-edge optical power meters include four levels of analog and digital filters, offering 256 potential filtering configurations. The optical light source is of great use.
The use of software approaches to compensate for the sluggish thermopile detector rise time is also noteworthy. Depending on the design and the heat absorption materials, the rise and fall periods of thermopile detectors range from 1 to 10 seconds. The traditional architecture physically accelerates the detector's reaction time via electronics. A trimming potentiometer, often known as a trim-pot, is typically set to obtain the signal's fastest rising time without producing a substantial overshoot or oscillation. Each type of thermal detector has a unique optimum value.
Finally, it's important to pay attention to the competition to cut manufacturing's use of electricity. The use of "green" manufacturing techniques is widely acknowledged across many industries.
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The most recent optical power meters are now offered with a sleep mode, akin to that on a laptop, for power savings when the instrument is not in use and to save the warm-up period before first usage at the beginning of the day. You can buy fiber identifier online.
Main source: https://sunmafiber.mystrikingly.com/
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