#Red Hot {Grim Matchstick}
gemwing1988 · 10 months
Eira Gemwing
Name: Gwyneira “Eira” Ocean Rose Gemwing
Alias(es): Snowfire (by Katie and Validor), Snowdrop (by Katie), snow crystal (by Validor), frostbite (by King Dice), sweetie pie and my little princess (by the Devil), Miss Eira (by Henchman) and snowflake.
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Hair Colour: Blueish-black
Eye Colour: Bright blue
Skin Tone: Fair
Species: Human; half-dragon blood
Date of Birth: February 19th 2024
Nationality: English-American
Personality: Cheerful, kind, caring, playful, mildly shy, protective, sisterly, polite, cold towards bullies or people who are mean to her friends and loved ones, has her snarky moments, determined, mildly emotional, adventurous and creative.
Favourite Colours: Crystal and icy blue, white, silver, midnight blue, pink, purple and silver.
Favourite Food: Chocolate, red velvet cake, pizza nachos, steak or chicken pies, cheddar and tuna baguettes, cookies (chocolate chip and Oreos), plain cheese, pepperoni or barbecue chicken pizzas, cheese topped meatball lasagna with, fried hunter’s chicken, cheese or fried chicken burgers, toffee popcorn, waffles, pancakes, Sunday roasts and ice cream (mainly between chocolate vanilla, mint chocolate chip, coconut and cookie dough).
Favourite Drink(s): Hot chocolate, sparkling water, chocolate, vanilla and Oreo milkshakes, red velvet and cookies & crème frappes, Diet Dr. Pepper, Coke Zero (normal or vanilla flavoured) and Pepsi Max (normal or cherry flavoured).
Likes: Reading, cross stitching and embroidery, playing video games, watching TV and going to the movies with friends and family, visiting other worlds, exploring, hanging out with her friends, listening to music, flying free and going on adventures.
Dislikes: The Devil flirting with her mum, King Dice calling her frostbite, the Devil kidnapping and trying to marry her mum, the Devil trying to kidnap her and calling her sweetie pie, any form of abuse, child abuse/neglect, animal cruelty, salad cream, mushrooms, extra mature cheese, cauliflower, anything too spicy, sour or bitter, poachers, jerks, bullies, the Devil insulting her dad and people who are mean towards her family and friends.
Parents: Katie Gemwing and Validor (OC)
Family: Lexie and Natty (honorary/surrogate aunts), Liam and Andrew (honorary/surrogate uncles) and Matt (honorary/surrogate cousin.
Friends: Rebecca “Becky” Luthor, Issac Poke, Cuphead, Mugman, Ms. Chalice, Elder Kettle, Henchman (when he’s not involved in the Devil’s schemes), Kaichi (OC), Sally Stageplay, Captain Brineybeard, Grim Matchstick, Spyro, Cynder, Hunter, Sparx and the Dragon Guardians.
Enemies: Both versions of the Devil, both versions of King Dice, Anubis and Leviathathus (OC).
Powers/MagicL Abilities: Transforms into a dragon, breathes fire, ice, wind, electricity and Light Aether. She also inherits her father’s shadow element, breath flame-like shadows, dives in and out her own shadow, and empowers her claws with shadows.
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demons-mind · 3 years
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I love and hated making this one. On one hand I liked making cause I love Baronesses Von Bon Bon and Grim Matchstick's daughter, but I hated drawing the stupid candy Castle.
Hope you guys it!
Also their daughter's name is Red Hot, like the candy!!!
Not the hot sauce
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willywonderfan · 2 years
Cuphead bosses and thier favorite drinks
Goopy Le Grande: Slime
The Root pack: Rain water
Cagney Carnation: Hose water
Hildaberg: Pink lemonade
Ribby and Croaks: Brandy
Baroness Von Bon Bon: Cocca-Cola
Beppi: Oreo milkshake
Djimmi the great: Fiji water
Wally Warbles: Espresso
Grim Matchstick: Hot chocolate
The Phantom express: Cyanide(don't drink it)
Captain Brineybeard: Redrum
Rumor Honeybottoms: Nectar
Werner Werman: Killepitsch
Cala Maria: Ocean water cocktail
Sally Stageplay: Iced tea
Dr.Kahl: Green tea
King Dice: Red wine
The Devil: Moonshine
Glumstone: Chocolate milk
Esther Winchester: Whiskey
Walter: Black coffee
Lucy: Rose champagne
Sheldon: Tequila
Anthony: Vodka
Mortimer Freeze: Iced coffee
Penelope: Pumpkin spice latte
Bernard: Beer
Saltbaker: Sangria
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addyarts · 7 years
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Cuphead, Sally Stageplay, Grim Matchstick, Porkrind, Werner Werman, Hilda Berg and Ribby & Croaks so far! Seven down, 23 to go!
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princess-josie-riki · 6 years
Werner: “Red, you’ffe tracked mud all over zee carpet!”
Red: “Now that right there is a mess.”
Werner: “I just had it cleaned yesterday, Red!”
Red: “I’m not responsible for this, I’ve been jamming on the saxophone all morning.”
Werner: (pointing at the footprints) “Zose are clearly your footprints, Red!”
Red: “Then there’s an imposter on the loose!”
Werner: “Zey lead directly to you!”
Red: “Clue number one, the imposter’s a phantom!”
Werner: “Red, stop avoid-”
Without warning, Werner’s house blows up to a million pieces, a nuke goes off and thousands of people explode.
This made Werner both shocked and horrified.
Werner: “REEEED!”
Red: “Happy Birthday!”
Werner: “It’s not...please tell me you had nothing to do vith zis?!”
Red: “Why don’t you blow out your candle?”
Werner: “You’ffe gone too far zis time, Red!”
Red: “What’s that? It’s hard to hear you over the sound of a melting city.”
Werner: (to himself) “Blue vas right. Zis guy’s insane.” (to Red) “How did you effen do zis?!”
Red: “A dollop of fairy dust!”
Werner: “RED!”
Red: “I ripped a tag off a mattress...”
Werner: “Zis isn’t funny, Red!”
Red: “Who’s laughing? Clearly not all the people who just exploded.”
Werner: “I’m leaving...I’ffe had enough of zis!”
Red: “But think of all the perfectly hot souls we get to bang now!”
Werner: “But vy?!”
Red: “Because we’re friends, and friendship is two pals banging dead chicks together.”
Werner: (angry) “Zat isn’t friendschip, Red, zat’s sick!”
Red: “Well then you’re probably not going to like your birthday decoration.”
Werner: “It’s not effen mein...” (suddenly horrified) “Oh mein gosh!”
The ghosts of King Dice, Dr. Kahl, Goopy Le Grande, Cagney Carnation, Grim Matchstick, Wally Warbles and Ribby and Croaks, all looking pale with bloody wounds and scars all over their spectral bodies, glowing eyes that are missing pupils and a bleeding broken on each chest, are seen around Werner and Red.
Werner: “AH! OH! UH! NEIN! AH! UH!”
Red: “I’m sorry! I thought you liked souls! Obviously, there was a miscommunication.”
Werner: “Zis is awful, Red!”
Red: “You’re right. It’s clearly not as sexy as I pictured it in my head.”
Werner: “I zink I’m going to zrow...”
Dr. Kahl’s ghost touches Werner's arm.
Werner: “Oh Gott! Kahl’s ghost touched me!”
Red: “This is clearly the wrong way to go.”
Werner: (angry) “Ya zink?!”
Red: “What can I say? I expected them to be women. Gay sex is just gross.”
Werner: “But zat isn’t zee problem, Red! Vy vould you zink any of zis is ein good idea?!”
Red: “Probably because I’m a dangerous, sex-crazed, alcoholic pervert with a long history of violence!”
Werner: (concerned) “Oh...”
Red: “I don’t understand you Blue never told you that.”
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silyabeeodess · 6 years
What do you think of Beppi the Clown,Djimmi the Great, Baroness von bon bon, Wally Warbles and Grim Matchstick?
As far as favorites go, there’s hardly a boss I don’t like to begin with–particularly when it comes to the first two isles–but Grim’s probably at the top of the list with Cagney and Weepy.  As far the other ones mentioned go, Bon Bon and Djimmi are close seconds, then Beppi, and then Wally Warbles.
Come to think of it, there seems to be kind of a lack of Wally in the fandom in general…
Anyway, going down the list for them individually–including a few headcanons of mine mixed with personal feelings for each–let’s start with Beppi: Definitely a more out there, crazy kind of personality, which I can respect, but I absolutely can’t stand that he has a rollercoaster run over his own penguins in the boss fight.  I just… I love the penguins, ok?  They’re so cute!  It’s not right!  I want to protect them!That in mind, while he’s likely the fun-loving sort, I doubt he’s all that responsible.  Probably likes kids since he acts like a big kid himself half the time, even if some of them are scared of him, but can’t really be trusted to look after any seriously.  Probably well-meaning, but can also overstep his bounds.  Fun guy to hang around, but don’t put any heavy weights on his shoulders. Both figuratively and literally; he is a balloon man, after all…
Djimmi strikes me as probably being the chillest and most mature of the three of the carnival trio, but has his own mischievous streak every now and then.  Can have kind of a dark humor and when he does get mad you know you’ve done goofed. Possibly a bit of a collector/antiquary, and someone who doesn’t like having his stuff messed with as a result. Scares nosy kids away and slaps at visitors hands when they try to touch his stuff.  Pretty proud of his abilities as a genie, kind of showy, but knows how to reign himself in unless he’s angry–then it’s no mercy.  I like him, he’s cool.
Baroness Von Bon Bon, who I call BB for short, seems to me like someone with a bit of a “Red Queen,” stern, outwardly hostile persona, but inside she’s a lot–and yes, pun intended–sweeter than that: A hard piece of candy to crack, with a soft center.  The reason why I think this is because, while in her boss fight she’s obviously shown as hostile and enraged, there’s the matter of her subjects to consider, because not all of them are soldiers, but they’re all racing out to defend her in her boss battle.  She is forcibly dragged away from the cup brothers at the start of the fight and into the castle for her own safety: She didn’t run. And some of the soldiers, like the little jelly bean guys, obviously have no chance of winning, but they’re fighting anyway for her sake.  For her subjects to care about her that much, she has to be a kinder ruler than most people would believe, but she likely carries a front of hostility in order to be taken seriously.  They are a candy/dessert people, so how often would others treat them like a real force to be reckoned with? Not that she isn’t cunning, dangerous, or hot-headed in her own right, but she has to pose herself as being that way more often than when those traits actually take over her. It would take a lot to gain her trust and get on her good side, but she’ll likely open up around the those she sees as true friends.    
Wally Warbles… Have to be honest here and say that I don’t have any overly strong opinions about him.  I think he’s clearly protective of his son and a good father, but I think he also likely has a bit of an arrogant personality that can get him into trouble.  The father and son are clearly proud of themselves and each other, but I get the feeling that causes some rift between them and their other winged friends.  Other birds might respect Wally for his power, but as shown at the end of the boss battle, they’re not all that slow to betray him either.  Might be a little too quick to show off or prove himself.  Probably brags a lot, about himself and his son and vice versa, which would annoy other people.  Guy needs help knowing when to tune it down.  
And finally Grim Matchstick!  My sweet, sweet boy who I love!  I think he’s got a few self-esteem issues and struggles a bit trying to find himself, meaning that there are times when he wants to pose as the fierce dragon that others expect him to be, but inside he’s not really that way at all: It’s just that when he doesn’t act that way, people are usually scared of him anyway.  It’s like Casper trying to make human friends, but also trying to be a scary ghost.  Grim’s probably a bit accident prone–as in he could potentially start a fire by sneezing, doesn’t want to say much and gets a little timid by more out there, booming personalities, but is happy when he gets to be included in stuff.  Might have a small habit of talking to himself–or his other two heads–when he is more isolated or trying to figure out who he is/should be.  I love him though!  I’d hug him!       
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imperialotakubot · 7 years
This crossover will get red hot!
Since Jenny has appeared in both red and blue and is probably able to shoot bullets out of her fingers, she’s gonna be playing both Cuphead and Mugman  with Nora Wakeman (being her wise guardian) as the Elder Kettle, Vexus is the villain so she’s the Devil and that makes Smytus the one and only King Dice~ other casting additions so far: Vladmir the Rat as Werner Werman, Brit and Tiff as Rumor Honeybottoms and Baroness Von BonBon, Misty as Captain Brinebeard, Vega as Hilda Berg, Phineas Mogg as Dr. Kahl, Kenny as Kahl’s robot, Sheldon as Grim Matchstick, Brad as Djimmi, Glenn (Jenny’s own cousin who showed up in “Never Say Uncle”) as Cagney Carnation, the Mad Hammer Bros are Ribby and Croaks, Gigawatt (the villain of “Mind Over Matter”) is Beppi, Melody is Cala Maria and....well, that’s all for now, I’ll make another post about this AU at some point.
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hedgewitches · 7 years
jon/dany - wwi au :3
Hewas aware of a woman’s hand, soft and warm, on his forehead. A voice in haltingEnglish advising him to be still, be quiet, the Germans will hear, do not makea sound please please please. He was aware of the smell ofyeast, of the cloying perfume of rich wine, of damp wood, of smoke, and asweet, flowery scent that could only belong to a woman. To those soft hands.
“Whatis your name?” the soft, lilting accent of southern France. He’d vacationedthere once with his family, with Robb and Father and—they’reboth dead now. “Can you speak?”
“JonSnow,” he managed to rasp over a throat as raw as dried tinder.
 Whenhe woke up next to it was to woman with honey-warm skin and bright curlssitting at the edge of his cot—a bundle of blankets, he realized, nestledbetween two large caskets of wine–carefully sewing a—German uniform.
Heshot upright and throttled back a scream of pain. The woman turned. “Don’tmove,” she advised, deeper than he remembered, her accent lessprominent. “We pulled out all the shrapnel we could but the woundfestered. You need to rest.”
Hecould feel it now, a fire on his side, and a careful touch revealed a unevenline of stitches.
“You?”he asked voice a throat that felt like sandpaper.
Shehanded him a glass of dark, rich wine and he galloped it downgreedily. “No,” she answered. “The lady of the manor did. She’dalways been better at needlework then me.” She tapped the shined, brass buttonon the officer’s coat.
Hisfingers tied over the wool blanket. He was naked beneath it, and his Webly wasgone, and he knew he’d been clutching his bayonet as he ran, shells singing inthe air, rocking the earth.
“Wehad to hid them,” the woman said, reading his thoughts. “We’re lucky theGermans only send servants down here. They were talking about letting outhounds to hunt British soldiers hiding in the woods.”
Hesqueezed eyes closed. There would be time to mourn, years to mourn and regret and remember. But not now. “Where am I?”
“Justoutside of Lille,” the woman answered. “In the county home of the Targaryenfamily.”
Ittickled a memory. He remembered, he thought, of some of the more seasoned soldiersteasing him and Robb that they should have arrived three years earlier and theywould have seen the Targaryen manse, drink the Targaryen wine stores, flirtedwith the lovely Targaryen women. Silverhair, purple eyes, you Northern gents wouldn’t’ve believe your eyes.
“Ithought they were all…” dead. Dead like Robb.Dead like father.
“No.Not all of them. Daenerys Targaryen remains, at her guest’s pleasure.”
 ThoughMissandei informed him he’d been drifting in and out of a feverish sleep fornigh on three days, Jon could only manage another few hours being succumbing tosleep again. He dreamed of mud and blood, smoke and the sulfuric smell of gas.Robb’s face covered grim and sweat, Father’s face as he shoved Jon out of thewell of the shell.
Itwas the firelight over his eyes that woke him. Despite the lance of pain at hisside his hand shot out and gripped the wrist hovering just above his cheek. Asoft wrist, surprisingly warm to the touch.
Aface in shifting shadows peered down at him. Silver hair. Purple eyes.
“JonSnow,” Daenerys Targaryen said.
 Sheknew how to speak German, she eventually explained. That was the only reasonthey’d kept her, and Jon kept his own thoughts on that—it made his fistsclench, to think of her or Missandei or any of the servants she’d convinced heroccupiers to spare, vulnerable to the men he’d spent the last two yearsfighting while he was weak and useless down in the dark. She mentioned amother, a brother, but never what happened to them—she didn’t need to.
Robb’s legs givingout beneath him, shoving at him. Telling him to go. “Go home, Jon. You have togo home. Take care of Bran and Arya and S—” The sharp whistle of a shellmoments before it landed.
Hetold about home, the old cathedrals in Durham, trips to Edinburgh. Told herabout his half-siblings, Sansa dreaming of London, Arya pinning posters ofwomen with bobbed hair to her walls to her mother’s hair, Rickon growing ganglyand getting into fights, Bran already planning for university. He didn’t tellher about Robb and Father—he didn’t need to.
“Idream sometimes,” Daenerys told him softly, there in the dark, with Germansoldiers sleeping above them, “of trapping them in this house, of burning itdown to matchsticks, watching it. Doesn’t that make me awful?”
“No.”He took her hand, fingers tight around her, and imagined getting up, findinghis gone, and shooting anyone wearing a green and red he can find. There wasrage in him. “Dany, when I leave come with me. Don’t stay here.” They neededher home and her food, but what happened when they didn’t? What would they do?
“Ican’t,” she whispered fiercely. “If I leave, Missandei and the others—I can’tleave them. And we can’t take them all.”
Hewanted to say they could, of course they could, but she was right. He knew shewas right. The household ran on a skeleton crew of servants but it was stilltoo many to guide through the woods, to try to reach the Allied trench line.
Shetugged her hand away.
“Whatdo you dream of, Jon Snow?” Daenerys wanted to home.
“Home,”he said and flushed. It felt almost selfish of him, to dream of home when hershad turned into her nightmare.
Butshe only smiled. “I dream of home to.”
Hisbreath lodged so fast, so hot, in his throat it was as sharp as a blade, abayonet knife in his gullet. I would give you home, Daenerys Targaryen. 
Shecan’t stay with him for long, or often, and Jon found himself yearning for fewstolen hours when she would sit with him, talk to him in her halting English.He grew stronger each day and would need to leave soon. Staying here put her indanger, each moment a step closer to being discovered.
Eachnight she told him she would not go with him, even with Missandei pressuringher to.
She cameto him the last night when all the household was asleep, when she should have beenasleep, with only the smallest flame to guide her way—but it was the only homeshe had ever known, after all, and she was confident and surefooted in it.
“They’rebeing recalled to Belgium,” she told him softly, her face shadowed, perched onthe edge of his cot with all the posture and grace of a duchess hosting asoiree. “I’m to go with them. Only me.”
 Heleaned closer, understanding what she wouldn’t say, and saw it, understood whyshe brought so small a light. In the flickering, warm shadows he saw the hintof it, had to narrow his eyes and bring her closer. But there, a rope of marksaround her neck.
 “Jon.”Daenerys latched onto his arm, pulling him back down beside her. He hadn’t evenbeen aware of climbing to his feet, hands clenched, chest on fire. He nearlyshook her off but she caught his face between her hands and said, “Do you stillwant me to leave with you?”
 “Yes,”he breathed, desperate and needing.
 Shepressed against him and he pressed her onto the bed, undressed her by the guidanceof a sputtering candleflame. Too fast,he thought and he pressed hot, wet kisses her neck and to her breasts, betweenher legs, until she panting and arching for him. Too fast. Her legs came around his waist, cradling him between herthighs, welcoming him with a sigh that sounded like his name.
 Later,bundled up as best they could in his blankets, Daenerys whispered, “One moreday, Jon Snow. Be ready to leave in another day.”
 “Iwon’t let you go up there by yourself,” Jon insisted. “Where is my gun? Myrifle? I’ll—”
Shekissed him, stole his words, and pressed all those lovely, warm curves againsthim. “If you want me to leave with you, you must give me this one last day.They won’t hurt me. I promise.” She stood and crossed over to a wine cask, thefirelight curled lovingly along her spine, and used her, and rolled its lidaway to collect his bayonet, Webly, and cleaned uniform.
 “Onemore day, Jon Snow.”
 Hepaced and waited, and waited and paced, was halfway up the stairs half a dozentimes before he remembered his promise. Onemore day, Jon Snow.
 Itwasn’t Dany who came to him. It was Missandei. His heart lodged in his throat,but before he could speak Missandei motioned him forward.
 “Wemust be fast,” she said softly.
 Sheled him up into the mansion and in the darkness Jon only had an impression ofmarble floors and thick, deep woods, everything gilded in a soft gold. Somefurniture had been upended, others covered in white sheets. A ripe, tangy scentflipped his nose as Missandei led on, said nothing, motioned for his silenceevery time he made a sound.
 Theyleft through the servant’s exit, crossed quickly through the thick, knee-highgrasses toward the dense copse of trees.
 Hesaw her there, standing at the edge of the forest, torch in hand, the palespecters of her other servants just behind, bundled up in boots and jackets andtrembled. It was like he could breath against.
 Shewent into his arms willingly, clutched at him with her free hand, pressed hot,opened mouth kisses to his mouth.
 “It’sready?” she asked Missandei.
 “Everyone’sout, my lady, and all the doors are locked now.”
Herealized what she meant to do and wondered what it said about him that he didn’tstop her as she crossed the grass, stood before her childhood home, a lonefigure draped in moonlight, and set it ablaze. It caught quickly, because ofthe wine.
Whenshe came back to him, her face was pale but her eyes were dry, and she watchedhim to see what he would do. Behind her, the fire glowed in brilliant, snappingreds and oranges, plumes of black smoke dancing toward the stars. Somewhere inthe distance, someone screamed. Someone in that house, Jon knew, must now berealizing that the doors were locked. They’d forced the servants to board upthe windows long ago, unwittingly creating their own casket.
Jonreached out for her and brought her into his embrace, tucking her against hisside, his arm around her shoulders, saying nothing as she shook and shuddered.
Together,with Daenerys Targaryen and all her people, Jon Snow started the long trekhome.
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noirandchocolate · 7 years
hurdygurdygirl replied to your post “Dear Grim Matchstick,ENJOY NOT HAVING A SOUL, FUCKER.Love,Me”
Guess he got you a little…..hot under the collar?
I swear, every time the announcer at the beginning said ‘This match will get RED HOT’ I was internally like ‘haha because he’s a DRAGON, get it?’ 
Then I sent him to a very hot place, ie hell.
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gemwing1988 · 1 year
Katie Gemwing Profile
Name: Katie “Katharos” Estelaria Gemwing
Alias(es): Kate (by friends and family), Starlight (by her older sister), Oceanfire (by Validor), Moonbeam (by Hilda Berg), Sparkles, Blue Eyes and Glitter Wings (by TCS Ms. Chalice), Miss Katie (by Mugman), little dragonfly (by both versions of Cuphead the Devil), my little one (both versions of the Devil), Ms. Gemwing (both versions of King Dice), blueberry (by Porkrind).
Age: 34-35
Gender: Female
Hair Colour: Dark brown
Eye Colour: Bright blue
Skin Tone: Fair
Species: Human; dragon half-blood
Date of Birth: June 19th, 1988
Nationality: English
Personality: Kind, cheerful, caring, playful, mildly shy, anxious, mildly emotional, protective, sisterly, polite, somewhat clumsy, adventurous and creative.
Favourite Colour(s): Crystal blue, white, purple, midnight blue, red, black, teal, pink and silver.
Favourite Food: Chocolate, Red velvet cake, ice cream, pizza nachos, steak pie, southern fried BBQ chicken pizza, toffee popcorn, cookies, and a Sunday roast.
Favourite Drink(s): Coke Zero (normal or vanilla flavoured), Pepsi Max (normal, cherry or vanilla flavoured), chocolate and Oreo milkshakes, hot chocolate, cookies & crème and red velvet frappes, and sparkling water.
Likes: Reading, writing, drawing, cross stitching/embroidery, watching cartoons and movies, playing video games, her friends, cats, dogs, cute animals(especially baby ones), going on adventures, living out her dreams of interacting with her favourite fictional characters, her boyfriend and flying free.
Dislikes: People accusing her of using her autism as an excuse, mushrooms, getting reprimanded by her stepfather, getting into fights and having a fallout with her family, King Dice and Anubis flirting with Lexie and Natty, bullies, child and animal abuse, being put in the wrong over the most trivial and smallest of things, neglectful or abusive parents, people who are a toxic influence on others,being accused of being a horrible person, people playing with her emotions, poachers, domestic abuse, the Cup Brothers’ fighting and bickering, racism, the worst people getting off Scott-free, people threatening and picking on her friends and the Devil’s flirting and attempting to kidnap and marry her.
Friends: Lexie Luthor, Natty Poke, Liam and Matt Jones, Andrew, Kaichi (OC), the Cup Brothers, Elder Kettle, Ms. Chalice, Misterie and Aren (OCs), Henchman (when he’s not involved with the Devil’s schemes), Alicia Powell, Daisy, Aya, Captain Brineybeard and Grim Matchstick.
Love Interest: Validor (The Legend of Spyro OC)
Enemies: The Devil, King Dice, Anubis (shared OC with Lexie and Natty), Severus (another shared OC), Hector Wolfe (Lexie’s OC) and Leviathius (OC).
Weapons: Keyblade able to transform into a bow and ethereal arrows. Her dragon form wears a necklace that can summon dragon armour.
Powers/Magical Abilities: Transform into a Crystal Dragon, breathes fire, ice, earth, wind, electricity and the Light Aether. Can also charge and jab with her horns, slap at enemies with her wings, smack them with her tail, scratch with her claws and bite.
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gemwing1988 · 9 months
Raina Rivera-Náttúra Profile
Name: Raina Iduna Rivera-Náttúra
Alias(es): Mi pequeña sirena (my little mermaid in Spanish) by her dad, my shining star(by her grandmother, Yelana), Rain (by her friends, most of her family and the Cup Brothers), Dewdrop (by TCS Ms. Chalice), Moonlight (by Hilda Berg) and Rainy (mostly by TCS Cuphead)
Age: 10-11
Gender: Female
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair: Colour: Dark brown
Skin Tone: Tanned
Species: Human
Date of Birth: February 22nd.
Nationality: Spanish and Norwegian
Personality: Kind, sweet, caring, curious, adventurous, optimistic, confident, polite, feisty, bold, sometimes shy around strangers, isn’t afraid to speak her mind, cold towards those who are irredeemable jerks, loyal, honest, generous, cheerful, thoughtful, mildly snarky, mature, tomboyish with a feminine streak, independent, imaginative and creative.
Favourite Colours: icy blue, purple, black, white, teal, pink, midnight blue, gold, crocus purple, midnight blue, silver and rose gold.
Favourite Food: Pizza nachos, tacos, Spanish omelettes, cheddar and tuna baguettes, pepperoni or barbecue pizza with extra cheese, cookie dough ice cream, raspeball potato dumplings, krumkake, churros, pollo alajillo, cookies (especially chocolate chip, short bread, and red velvet), muffins (either chocolate chip or blueberry) and chocolate.
Favourite Drink(s): Hot chocolate, vanilla, chocolate and Oreo milkshakes, Pepsi Max (either normal, vanilla or cherry flavoured), Coke Zero (normal or vanilla flavoured), Dr. Pepper, white chocolate milk, sparkling water, blueberry and coconut smoothies.
Likes: Swimming, reading, embroidery, playing video games, her pet kitten, Coco, watching TV, listening to music, singing, going to the cinema with her family, stargazing, the ocean, hanging out with her best friends, going on adventures, and exploring the Inkwell Isles.
Dislikes: Bullies, racism, getting homework, mushrooms, anything too sour, animal abuse, people picking on her friends, the Cup Brothers’ fighting and arguing, getting blamed for things she didn’t do, the Devil trying to steal her grandmother’s necklace, King Dice, Ludwig trying to exploit her singing for his selfish benefits, being taken advantage of, Ms. Chalice lying and bailing out on her and the Cups.
Parents: Tulio Rivera and Ada Rivera-Náttúra (OC’s)
Friends: Jayden Emberson (OC), Zoe Rosedale (OC), Cuphead, Mugman, Ms. Chalice, Elder Kettle, Henchman (whenever he’s not involved in the Devil’s schemes), Sally Stageplay, Captain Brineybeard, and Grim Matchstick.
Enemies: Both versions of the Devil, both versions of King Dice, Ludwig,
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