#Red String Onyx Bracelet
therealityhelix · 1 year
Shards of the Nexus: HatrVættr
Sympathy for a devil.
Song: Enemy-Mystery Skulls
@cardwrecks​ @captainbaddecisions​
He was a bramble in the spring thaw, too early to bloom, all soft new leaves and red thorns pointed outward. Approach with caution.
This was what had them all so unsettled? This was the source of such hurt and fear, such concern, such silence? He was barely more than a child.
He was curled in on himself to seem tiny, a tumbleweed of onyx strands ready to blow away, and he looked up at her, the very picture of innocent bewilderment.
Cornflowers blooming on the side of a road, clinging tight to thin soil strewn with litter and salt. Tension tight piano strings, one snap away from sharp notes.
“Who are you?” A weak, warbling clarinet, hollow, lilting, tempting, leading.
“My name is Helix. Have you heard of me?” He shook his raven head. “Well, I'm friends with Swag. And YJ, and Puzzles too. And several other people I suspect we both know.”
There was an unwinding, a spooling out of sinew, a revelation of form. This body was built for strength, grace that showed through even in its crinkled state.
This was not the first body, not the first life. She did not know this shower of garnet and diopside, because he had been dead these past two years, his corner of the Nexus an empty space in the edge of her vision. A face cut out of a photograph.
This being, this Narci, was a wight. A spirit, returned from wherever it had once gone, to make a new place for itself here. All worlds were full of them. They resided in rocks, trees, and homes. They were people, animals, mushroom circles. Free willed entities, possessing their chosen homes through their own agency. He still wore the bracelets she had created to house him while this new body was being built specifically for him, a copy of the one he'd left behind. He was dangerous, a betrayer, untrustworthy, mad. Or so she'd been told.
It was one of the only things she'd been told. The Family had otherwise been strangely quiet about all this. One would think that the return of a lost brother would spark celebrations, joyful reunions. But the men who never shut up, their lips were sewn, like Loki forced to bear the ire of his own cleverness.
They were afraid.
And she had tried; she had gone to the Detective once Puzzles had dropped the news, once everyone had reacted like iron filings to the wrong end of a magnet. They had only said one thing to her.
“Do you know what it is like to truly fail?”
And she could find out no more before Jervis had chased her off. Nash would speak to no one, YJ was all a-fret, but still gave no straight answers. Even Arkham, who simply looked at her, no words needing to be spoken for them to know that they were, and would remain, on opposite sides of this.
She didn't even know what this was yet, but damn him, he was almost certainly right.
So, of course, she had gone to the Question Mark in search of answers.
And was flatly refused.
Startling, to say the least, because Swag never told her 'no'. But the twins had sat there, identical shaking heads, in complete accord for once, in saying no, please, don't you fuckin' dare-in futility, because they also knew she would go anyway.
“Just don't let him get his hands on you.”
That last, a warning from Unswag of all people, a man she knew would have blood up to his elbows that very moment if not for her. A warning from someone who knew.
It was so very wrong to see the Family-her family-in such disarray.
And so she had come, because of course she had come. And she had her chalk, and her tools, and her magic. She had come to assess if this was a problem that she needed to make Go Away.
But he was just a young man.
“You know Puzzles...is that why you're here? To visit him? He's never mentioned you. Do you have permission?”
“I come and go. It's something of an understanding between all of us. And I don't doubt he hasn't mentioned me. I'm not terribly important.”
Despite her role in helping Puzzles get this new body created, he had apparently seen fit to keep her involvement secret. But if Puzzles was as unsettled as the rest of them, neglecting to mention her might be his way of trying to keep her safe. He was complicated like that.
She crouched down to get on eye level, his Xerces blue stare coiled with viper caution. There was little curiosity there, unusual for his 'kind', just a wild, animal instinct to puff up.
“Then why are you here?”
“Personal curiosity. I wanted to assess the situation for myself, and also, I always greet new Riddlers when they show up. And maybe to annoy Puzzles just a bit. Don't tell him, but he's cute when he gets all bratty. But it's all right, I don't think he-”
“Don't talk about him like that!” the piano string snapped, its metaphorical twang mirrored by the hand that whipped out after her neck. The fingers met her shields, not with a crash, but with a simple cessation of forward movement. She could see him pushing, straining against the force that solidified the atoms around his hand, see him eventually give in and draw back.
“Oh my.” she said quietly. “You're really going to have to get a handle on that. But I guess I get it. You owe him a solid, right? For helping you out.”
“What are you? How did you do that?” the woodwind lilt was even meeker than before, as if he hadn't just tried to tear her throat out.
“I didn't come into this situation with nothing, darling. It's just that my weapons and armor are not as visible as most.”
“Then...I can't hurt you?”
She shrugged.
“It would take more than I think you can currently muster. Do you want to hurt me?”
“N-no. Not really. Just...just don't talk about him like that. He's better than us.”
She tilted her head. Us? She knew most Riddlers considered themselves to be on a higher level than everyone else, but this was the first time one had not considered themselves among that number.
“Than you? Are you not a Riddler too?”
“No! I mean...yes. But not really. I never earned it. I don't deserve it. They're perfect. I'm...broken.”
“Oh honey, are you really? It's okay, I might be broken too.”
“Broken and entering more like.” Puzzles said from the doorway, and she only jumped a little. “No, that was awful, I'm trying that again.”
“Good evening, Puzzles. As you can see, I was just-”
“Just doing what you do, I know. It's not that I haven't been expecting you to pop by, it's just that I'd thought this time you might wait for an escort. Don't know why I thought that, it's not as if you've ever shown an ounce of caution, but this might be, I don't know, a mitigating circumstance?”
You see, she mouthed to Narci, who scowled and reached out for her again.
“Narci.” Puzzles warned sharply. He drew back instantly.
“She's a liar.” he sulked. “She said she had permission to be here. And she called you a brat.”
Puzzles glanced down at her, lips pursed, and she lifted an eyebrow, daring him to deny it. He stepped closer to them, interposing himself to where he could get between them if necessary, crouching down to be on their level.
“She does have permission to be in my home. Mostly because no one seems to have any way of keeping her out. She is, however, a...friend. This is Helix, and I would like you to treat her nicely. She's...” He searched for a proper description. “Family-adjacent. She's one of those things that happened while you were gone.”
“I can't hurt her.” Narci said, still pouting a bit.
“That's the spirit.” Puzzles praised.
“No, I mean I can't. I really can't.”
Puzzles fixed Helix with a quizzical stare.
“Uh, well, he might have tried to touch me earlier. And found out he was unable to do so. So it's all fine! Nothing to worry about.”
Emerald eyes bored into her. Curiosity flavored the more or less good-natured irritation, and she knew this time she wouldn't be getting away without an explanation. Though not cruel by nature, Puzzles was a Riddler and, in his way, he'd draw the information out like a winkle from its shell.
And maybe it was about time he came to understand better what she was.
“Well...Don't try it again. She might not exactly be one of us, but she's earned a place. For instance...Do you remember Unswag?”
Helix frowned. Why would he bring that up? She still had very mixed feelings over what had happened there. Narci nodded, looking deeply uncomfortable. Unswag was one of those contentious topics, or at least, he had been once. Terribly dangerous, until she'd forced him to become something else. She hadn't meant for that to happen, but she couldn't change it now.
“Well,” Puzzles said. “She defeated him.”
“It was an accident.” she muttered, and Puzzles elbowed her as Narci's eyes went wide with awe.
“Yeah.” he continued. “Bested him so decisively that he doesn't even look the same anymore. Just remember that. She might not look like much-”
“-but she's got the respect of the proper people.”
Narci still stared up at her like she was something unexpectedly amazing. He held his hands out, in supplication rather than aggression. Something, some little spark of his desperation reminded her so much of how lost she had once been. She dropped her magic shields and, ignoring Puzzles swift intake of breath, drew Narci into a careful embrace.
The boy froze for a moment, entirely unsure what to do, thawing slowly, his hands ghosting over her sides until they came to her hips. His fingers dug in suddenly, then he jerked, flinging her away into Puzzles waiting arms, and crumpled to the floor begging forgiveness. “I think he likes you.” Puzzles murmured into her ear. “Now get out.”
He shoved her into the hall and grabbed the doorknob.
“Wait!” Narci cried. “Can she stop me? If I...Can she stop me?”
Puzzles uncertain gaze flicked to the hall where he'd pushed her. She smiled gently back.
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Artist: me
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Artist: @miasmacaron​
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Artist: @cardwrecks​
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demcnsinmymind · 2 years
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COLOURS .red . brown . orange . yellow . green . blue . purple . pink . black . white . teal . silver . gold . grey . lilac . metallic . matte . royal blue . strawberry red . charcoal grey . forest green . apple red . violet . navy blue . crimson . cream . mint green . bubblegum pink . sky blue . pale jade . heather grey . lavender purple . onyx .
ELEMENTS .fire . ice . water . air . earth . rain . snow . wind . moon .stars . sun . heat . cold . steam . frost . lightning . sunlight . moonlight . dawn . dusk . twilight . midnight . sunrise . sunset . dewdrops .
WEAPONS .fists . legs . sword . dagger . spear . lance . bow & arrow . hammer . shield . poison . guns . axes . throwing axes . whips . knives .throwing knives . pepper sprays . tasers . machine guns . slingshots . katanas . maces . staffs . wands . powers . magical items . magic . rocks . mud balls . claws . teeth . stealth . strategy . forehead . warhammer . polearm . flail .
MATERIALS .gold . silver . copper . platinum . titanium . rose gold . diamonds . pearls . rubies . sapphires . emeralds . amethyst . metal . iron . rust . steel . glass . wood . porcelain . paper . wool . fur . lace . leather . silk . velvet . denim . linen . cotton . charcoal . clay . stone . asphalt . brick . marble . dust . glitter . blood . dirt . mud . smoke . ash . shadow . carbonate . rubber . synthetics . ribbon . moonstone .
NATURE .grass . leaves . trees . bark . roses . daisies . sunflowers . tulips . lavender . petals . seeds . hay . sand . rocks . roots . flowers . fungi . ocean . river . frozen lake . meadow . valley .forest . desert . tundra . savanna . rain forest . caves . underwater . coral reef . beach . waves . space . clouds .mountains .snow . mist . pond .
ANIMALS .big cats . wolves .foxes . eagles . owls . falcons . hawks . swans . snakes . turtles . ducks . bugs . spiders . birds . whales . dolphins . fish . sharks . horses . cats . dogs . bunnies . penguins . crows . ravens . mice . lizards . werewolves . unicorns . pegasus . dragons . monkeys . raccoons . rats .
FOODS / DRINKS .sugar . salt . candy . bubblegum . wine . champagne . hard liquor . vodka . beer . coffee . sake . tea . spices . herbs . apples . orange . lemon . cherry . strawberry . watermelon . vegetables . fruits. meat . fish . pies . desserts . chocolate . lollies . cream . caramel . berries . nuts . cinnamon . burgers . surf ‘n ’ turf . burritos . pizza . ambrosia . eggs . milk . raspberries .
HOBBIES .music . art . watercolors . gardening . smithing . sculpting . painting . sketching . fighting . writing . composing . cooking . baking . sewing . training . dancing . acting . singing . martial arts . self - defense . war tactics . electronics . technology . cameras . video cameras . video games . computer . phone . movies . theater . libraries . books . magazines . cds . records . cassettes . piano . strings . violin . guitar . electronic guitar . bass guitar . harmonica . harp . woodwinds . brass . flute . bells . exploring . playing cards . poker chips . chess . dice . motorcycle riding . eating . sleeping . climbing . running . jogging . parkour . studying .
STYLE .lingerie . armor . cape . dress . tunic . vest . shirt . boots . ankle boots . heels . leggings . trousers . jeans . skirt . jewelry . earrings . necklace . bracelet . ring . pendant . hat . beanie hat . crown . circlet . helmet . scarf . brocade . cloaks . corsets . doublet . chest plate . gorget . bracers . belt . cravat . sash . coat . leather jacket . hood . gloves . socks . masks . mittens . cowls . braces . watches . glasses . sun glasses . straw hat . visor . eye contacts . makeup . ribbons . hoodie . sweater . converses . tennis shoes . boxers . briefs . boxer briefs . shorts . cargo . cropped pants . crop top . cuffed pants . clawed gauntlet . formal attire .
MISC .balloons . bubbles . cityscape . light . dark . candles . growth . decay . war . peace . money . power . percussion . clocks . photos . mirrors . pets . diary . journal . fairy lights . madness . sanity . sadness . happiness . optimism . pessimism . loneliness . family . friends . comrades . assistants . co - workers . enemies . loyalty . smoking . drugs . kindness . love . hugs . kisses . spring . summer . autumn . winter . farmland . countryside . suburban . village .
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fangedbrbiemoved1 · 2 years
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red .   brown .   orange .   yellow .   green . blue .   purple .   pink .   black .   white .   teal .  silver .   gold .   grey .   lilac .   metallic .   matte .   royal  blue .   strawberry  red .   charcoal  grey .   forest  green .   apple  red .   violet .   navy  blue .   crimson . cream .   mint  green .   bubblegum  pink .   sky  blue .   pale  jade .   heather  grey .   lavender  purple .   onyx .
fire .  ice .   water .   air .  earth .   rain . snow .   wind .   moon .   stars . sun .   heat . cold .  steam .  frost .  lightning .   sunlight .   moonlight .   dawn .   dusk .   twilight .   midnight . sunrise .   sunset .   dewdrops .
fists .   legs .  sword .   dagger .   spear .   lance .   bow  &  arrow .   hammer .   shield .   poison .  guns .  axes .   throwing  axes .   whips .   knives .   throwing  knives .   pepper  sprays .  tasers .   machine  guns .   slingshots .   katanas .   maces .   staffs .  wands .   powers .   magical  items .   magic .   rocks .   mud  balls .   claws .   teeth .   stealth .   strategy .   forehead .   warhammer .   polearm .   flail .
gold .  silver .   copper .   platinum .  titanium .  rose  gold .   diamonds .   pearls .   rubies .   sapphires .   emeralds .   amethyst .   metal . iron .  rust .   steel .   glass .  wood .   porcelain .   paper .  wool .   fur .   lace .   leather .   silk .   velvet .   denim .   linen .   cotton .  charcoal .  clay .   stone .   asphalt .   brick .  marble .   dust .  glitter .   blood .   dirt .  mud .   smoke .   ash .   shadow .  carbonate .   rubber .   synthetics .   ribbon .   moonstone .
grass .   leaves .   trees .   bark .   roses .   daisies .   sunflowers .   tulips .   lavender .   petals .  seeds .   hay .  sand .   rocks .   roots . flowers .  fungi .   ocean .   river .   frozen  lake .   meadow .   valley .   forest .  desert .   tundra .  savanna .  rain  forest .   caves .   underwater .   coral  reef .   beach .  waves . space . clouds .   mountains .   snow .   mist .  pond .
big  cats .   wolves .   foxes .   eagles .   owls .   falcons .   hawks .   swans .   snakes .  turtles .   ducks .   bugs .   spiders .   birds .   whales .   dolphins .   fish .   sharks .   horses .   cats .   dogs .   bunnies .   penguins .  crows .   ravens .   mice .   lizards .   werewolves .   unicorns .   pegasus .   dragons .   monkeys .  raccoons .  rats .
sugar .  salt .  candy .   bubblegum .   wine .  champagne .   hard  liquor .   vodka .   beer .  coffee .   sake .  tea .  spices .   herbs .   apples .   orange .   lemon .   cherry .   strawberry .  watermelon .  vegetables .   fruits.  meat . fish .  pies .   desserts . chocolate . lollies .   cream .   caramel .  berries .   nuts .   cinnamon . burgers .   surf  ‘n ’  turf .   burritos .   pizza .   ambrosia .   eggs .   milk .   raspberries .
music .   art .   watercolors .   gardening .   smithing .   sculpting .   painting .   sketching . fighting .   writing .   composing .   cooking .   baking .   sewing .   training .  dancing .   acting .   singing .   martial  arts .   self - defense .  war  tactics .   electronics .   technology .   cameras .   video  cameras .   video  games .  computer .   phone .   movies .   theater .   libraries .   books .   magazines .   cds .   records .   cassettes .   piano .   strings .   violin .   guitar .  electronic  guitar .   bass  guitar .   harmonica .  harp .   woodwinds .   brass .   flute .   bells .   exploring .   playing  cards .   poker  chips .   chess .   dice .   motorcycle  riding .   eating .   sleeping .  climbing .   running .   jogging .   parkour .   studying .
lingerie .   armor .   cape .   dress .   tunic .   vest .   shirt .  boots .   ankle  boots .   heels .   leggings .  trousers .   jeans .  skirt .   jewelry .   earrings .   necklace .   bracelet .   ring .   pendant .   hat .   beanie  hat .   crown .   circlet .   helmet .   scarf .   brocade .   cloaks .   corsets .   doublet .   chest  plate .   gorget .   bracers .   belt .  cravat .   sash .   coat .   leather  jacket .   hood .   gloves .   socks .  masks .   mittens .   cowls .   braces .   watches .   glasses .   sun  glasses .  straw  hat .   visor .   eye  contacts .   makeup .   ribbons .   hoodie .  sweater .  converses .   tennis  shoes .   boxers .   briefs .   boxer  briefs .   shorts .   cargo .   cropped  pants .   crop  top .   cuffed  pants .   clawed  gauntlet .   formal  attire .
balloons .   bubbles .  cityscape .   light .   dark . candles .   growth .  decay .   war .   peace .   money .  power .   percussion .   clocks .   photos .   mirrors .   pets .   diary .   journal .   fairy  lights .   madness .   sanity . sadness . happiness .   optimism .   pessimism .   loneliness .  family .   friends .   comrades .   assistants .   co - workers .   enemies .   loyalty .   smoking .  drugs .   kindness .   love .   hugs .   kisses .   spring .   summer .   autumn .   winter .   farmland .   countryside .   suburban .   village .
tagged  by   :    NO ONE      tagging  :   @mikewheelertm , @h0wled​ , @r4chelamber​ @crispyblonde​  & YOU!!!
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corruptbadge · 2 years
red .   brown .   orange .   yellow .   green . blue .   purple .   pink .   black .   white .   teal .  silver .   gold .   grey .   lilac .   metallic .   matte .   royal  blue .   strawberry  red .   charcoal  grey .   forest  green .   apple  red .   violet .   navy  blue .   crimson . cream .   mint  green .   bubblegum  pink .   sky  blue .   pale  jade .   heather  grey .   lavender  purple .   onyx .
fire .  ice .   water .   air .  earth .   rain . snow .   wind .   moon .   stars . sun .   heat . cold .  steam .  frost .  lightning .   sunlight .   moonlight .   dawn .   dusk .   twilight .   midnight . sunrise .   sunset .   dewdrops .
fists .   legs .  sword .   dagger .   spear .   lance .   bow  &  arrow .   hammer .   shield .   poison .  guns .  axes .   throwing  axes .   whips .   knives .   throwing  knives .   pepper  sprays .  tasers .   machine  guns .   slingshots .   katanas .   maces .   staffs .  wands .   powers .   magical  items .   magic .   rocks .   mud  balls .   claws .   teeth .   stealth .   strategy .   forehead .   warhammer .   polearm .   flail .
gold .  silver .   copper .   platinum .  titanium .  rose  gold .   diamonds .   pearls .   rubies .   sapphires .   emeralds .   amethyst .   metal . iron .  rust .   steel .   glass .  wood .   porcelain .   paper .  wool .   fur .   lace .   leather .   silk .   velvet .   denim .   linen .   cotton .  charcoal .  clay .   stone .   asphalt .   brick .  marble .   dust .  glitter .   blood .   dirt .  mud .   smoke .   ash .   shadow .  carbonate .   rubber .   synthetics .   ribbon .   moonstone .
grass .   leaves .   trees .   bark .   roses .   daisies .   sunflowers .   tulips .   lavender .   petals .  seeds .   hay .  sand .   rocks .   roots . flowers .  fungi .   ocean .   river .   frozen  lake .   meadow .   valley .   forest .  desert .   tundra .  savanna .  rain  forest .   caves .   underwater .   coral  reef .   beach .  waves . space . clouds .   mountains .   snow .   mist .  pond .
big  cats .   wolves .   foxes .   eagles .   owls .   falcons .   hawks .   swans .   snakes .  turtles .   ducks .   bugs .   spiders .   birds .   whales .   dolphins .   fish .   sharks .   horses .   cats .   dogs .   bunnies .   penguins .  crows .   ravens .   mice .   lizards .   werewolves .   unicorns .   pegasus .   dragons .   monkeys .  raccoons .  rats .
sugar .  salt .  candy .   bubblegum .   wine .  champagne .   hard  liquor .   vodka .   beer .  coffee .   sake .  tea .  spices .   herbs .   apples .   orange .   lemon .   cherry .   strawberry .  watermelon .  vegetables .   fruits.  meat . fish .  pies .   desserts . chocolate . lollies .   cream .   caramel .  berries .   nuts .   cinnamon . burgers .   surf  ‘n ’  turf .   burritos .   pizza .   ambrosia .   eggs .   milk .   raspberries .
music .   art .   watercolors .   gardening .   smithing .   sculpting .   painting .   sketching . fighting .   writing .   composing .   cooking .   baking .   sewing .   training .  dancing .   acting .   singing .   martial  arts .   self - defense .  war  tactics .   electronics .   technology .   cameras .   video  cameras .   video  games .  computer .   phone .   movies .   theater .   libraries .   books .   magazines .   cds .   records .   cassettes .   piano .   strings .   violin .   guitar .  electronic  guitar .   bass  guitar .   harmonica .  harp .   woodwinds .   brass .   flute .   bells .   exploring .   playing  cards .   poker  chips .   chess .   dice .   motorcycle  riding .   eating .   sleeping .  climbing .   running .   jogging .   parkour .   studying .
lingerie .   armor .   cape .   dress .   tunic .   vest .   shirt .  boots .   ankle  boots .   heels .   leggings .  trousers .   jeans .  skirt .   jewelry .   earrings .   necklace .   bracelet .   ring .   pendant .   hat .   beanie  hat .   crown .   circlet .   helmet .   scarf .   brocade .   cloaks .   corsets .   doublet .   chest  plate .   gorget .   bracers .   belt .  cravat .   sash .   coat .   leather  jacket .   hood .   gloves .   socks .  masks .   mittens .   cowls .   braces .   watches .   glasses .   sun  glasses .  straw  hat .   visor .   eye  contacts .   makeup .   ribbons .   hoodie .  sweater .  converses .   tennis  shoes .   boxers .   briefs .   boxer  briefs .   shorts .   cargo .   cropped  pants .   crop  top .   cuffed  pants .   clawed  gauntlet .   formal  attire .
balloons .   bubbles .  cityscape .   light .   dark . candles .   growth .  decay .   war .   peace .   money .  power .   percussion .   clocks .   photos .   mirrors .   pets .   diary .   journal .   fairy  lights .   madness .   sanity . sadness . happiness .   optimism .   pessimism .   loneliness .  family .   friends .   comrades .   assistants .   co - workers .   enemies .   loyalty .   smoking .  drugs .   kindness .   love .   hugs .   kisses .   spring .   summer .   autumn .   winter .   farmland .   countryside .   suburban .   village .
tagged  by   :    NO ONE tagging  :   anyone who wants to do it.
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greatfindsbyct · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 10mm Men’s Women’s Polished Red Tiger Eye Matte Onyx Beaded Stretch Bracelet.
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Handwoven Red Rope Agate Bracelet
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mihidecet · 4 years
SBI d&d AU: Tommy (1)
Here it is! Tommy’s pov really put the hamster inside my brain in a splendid mood, so his story is currently split into two (might be three, depending on how much more I’m willing to indulge my craving for found family dynamics). I’m probably going to post the second part in a couple of weeks (I’m trying to stick to a schedule, but uni has started again today so who knows).
Thank you all for your likes, reblogs and comments on the last post, I really appreciate them!
Also, as some of you might already know, I’ve been working on character sheets for all of them too. I’m working on the written backgrounds at the moment, but if all goes right I should post the first one next week! Who would you want to see first: Techno, Phil, Tommy or Wilbur?
[Also I should mention, there are a handful of swears, mentions of blood and a not-so-quick description of a dagger, but not as it’s being used for anything bad. Let me know if you’d like me to highlight anything specific to make it easier to skip.]
You should kneel down soon, kiddo. The voice in his head tells him. Usually one would not have voices suggesting what to do or do not, but that was the life of Tommy since he'd agreed to eat a bloody apple and suddenly gained horns and a tail. That was just something that happened to him nowadays. But again, one was not necessarily made to follow said suggestions: he usually either ignored whatever had been said or sassed back - that was just the kind of relationship he had with his patron.
I'm not a child, old man. He answered, in his mind in order to avoid Wilbur's curious glances, and only heard a distorted chuckle in response.
I'm just trying to help you out! You should, totally, profit is guaranteed! Tommy rolled his eyes, huffing out in annoyance at both his insistence and the warped voice he was currently talking in. Go figure that, of all the demons he could have made a pact with, Tommy had chosen the most annoyingly nagging one. Who even used their godlike power to change their voices to unnatural pitches?
Come on, Tommy! Trust me on this! Come oon! The dragged out "on" was extremely aggravating, but just because his patron was bored he wasn't going to amuse him. He had more important things to do, like planning out what to do once they'd reached the apparently haunted mansion in the middle of a forest they were heading towards. If one was to ask Tommy, he'd say that it was just the job of a bunch of thieves, maybe an enchanter, using the abandoned mansion as a base of operations and scaring away wandering people. Everyone had seemed to agree with his idea - hell, even Wilbur had said it had been a good hunch!
Five ... Four ... Didn't he have some other poor soul to torture? Some unlucky fellow to trick into a deal? And was the echoey voice necessary? Did he really need to sound as if he was shouting from inside a cave?
Come on kiddo- Three ... Two ... Almost there! One ...
"ALRIGHT!" Tommy yelled out, stomping his foot down in anger, flames bursting out his hands as his eyes flashed golden and - despite what his stubbornness told him - he bent down.
He hadn't even fully bent his knees when an arrow lodged itself into his hood, which was slightly raised in respect to his head due to the quickness with which he had moved.
"Who the fuck is attacking us?" Techno asked over him, tone impassible and as monotone as always, holding another arrow just in front of his face; he seemed more bothered by the thought that someone was trying to attack them than the fact that somebody had shot an arrow at him.
You're welcome, kid. His patron quipped, finally in his normal voice, before retreating to the back of his mind as Tommy summoned energy between his hands, ready to blast into nothingness whoever had been dumb enough to try to kill him.
Tommy wakes up one morning, and the first thing he sees is the sky. This is because, since he agreed to sell his soul for instant magical powers, he has a distinctively cumbersome pair of horns, which prevent him from sleeping on his side comfortably. A small price to pay, since honestly, who even has the time to spend years studying when you can just shake hands, eat an apple and be set for life?
Since they've stopped being a couple of stubby nubs on the side of his head, he also has to wear a pair of muffs over them, in order to avoid destroying his pillow in case he moves more than an inch while he sleeps. He's gathered enough evidence of how much damage he's able to cause to last a lifetime, so he endures Techno's chuckles at his hand-knitted, sock-looking muffs - damn Wilbur for using wool, it's not like his horns ever get cold.
Anyhow. The first thing he sees, is the sky. The second thing he sees is a knife sticking out of the ground next to his head.
Tommy stares at it, figuring he's either still dreaming or his patron has gotten better at his dream-messages - on top of annoying him during the day and giving him advices once every blue moon, he also enjoys sending him extremely cryptic messages through dreams, which Tommy usually forgets by the time he's awake.
He figures it has to be a dream, because sticking out of the ground next to his head is a perfectly clean and sharpened Technoblade Dagger. Thin, sleek, made in a peculiar metal that looks completely black at all time, as if it was capable of absorbing light. Rumors say it was forged with the core of a fallen star; others say it's made of the blood of his fallen enemies which Tommy finds extremely disgusting and definitely unpractical. The handle is simple, with no added leather - Technoblade always says that leather stains easily and is more a bother than anything actually useful.
But the thing is, that's not all.
Tied to the knife is also a string of white, orange and red strings. A small onyx bead is woven inside.
Aww, look! You got yourself- the voice in his head starts, but Tommy is quick to put a stop to it.
Shut up, this is important. He states, tone firm and serious, just like he was when he demanded his pact a few years before. His patron and him joke around and annoy each other a lot, but he knows that tone, so for the next few moments everything is quiet. Around him, the only sound is of the wind, flowing through the leaves, and the crackling fire, courtesy of Phil, who is probably preparing breakfast for all if the delicious smell wafting over is any indication. Tommy hears everything and nothing around him, while all his attention is focused on 1) the token of friendship innocently sitting next to him 2) trying not to yell out at the pure joy he is feeling right now. This is approval. This is acceptance. This is the confirmation that he is, in all ways, part of this team.
I know, kid. I'm glad you found yourself some good friends.
Tommy huffs out a breath, unable to stop himself from smiling - he does not need his patron's approval, but it is still very much appreciated. The demon's helped him a lot, in his own weird demonic way.
The warlock snatches up both items and mutters an excuse as he quickly makes his way towards the river next to their camp.
The first thing he needs to do is find a good place to keep the bracelet.
The thing is, he can't keep it on his wrist. They get into too many nasty places, he is definitely *not* going to let it get soiled by dirt, blood or sewer water - Tommy also does not want to think about the sewers ever again, but that is a rather common and expected reaction. His ankle is also not a good choice, because of all the walking and trudging in the mud they do.
He's not going to keep it in his pack either, he want it close. He's sentimental about it, sue him.
Do not even start. He thinks intensely, anticipating what his patron could have said about his previous thought, but he gets no answer. Whatever. It's better that way.
His arm, he figures, could be the best choice. The bracelet seems to be long enough for him to be able to tie it around his upper arm, and that way his shirt would keep it covered constantly. Not to mention, his cloak also rests over that area. It would be safe and sound, and nobody would be none the wiser!
Tommy sits down by the river and starts working on it: he struggles a bit with actually tying the knot to keep it in place, but after a couple of minutes he's sure it will hold.
Then, satisfied with his work, he stands up and tries to throw the knife in the air and catch it. He does end up letting out a small yelp and letting it tumble to the ground, but he's sure he'll be able to pull it off in time.
"Technoblade!" He calls out loudly, coming back to the round space they decided to call a camp for a night. The thief doesn't even look up, but he does let out a questioning "hmm?" as his ears twitch up.
"Thank you for the wonderful gift! I'll use it wisely!" Tommy exclaims, pointing the dagger straight at his face. Techno turns towards him, nonplussed, and stares at him through the dagger. A moment passes, then Techno raises an eyebrow and moves the point of the blade away from his face with his index finger.
"Great. How about you start by remembering not to point it at allies?"
"Pfft, of course, of course! It was merely a display of how much I'm already able to use it! I bet I could even defeat you, now!" He declares, turning towards Phil's already ready breakfast and digging in, ignoring Techno's rebuttal of him needing to train for many more years in order to have a chance at defeating him, and most importantly Phil's amused and endeared expression.
The druid can read him too well: he already knows. For what Tommy knows, being an elf he probably has a way of seeing the bracelet under his sleeves from like, the way the material bends around it.
But as he scarfs down his food, he's already hatching a plan. Because while he wants to flaunt his newly gained social status, he does also want to keep this ... for himself. This isn't something he wants to share with the world. The fact that he went from being an annoyingly persistent kid to a friend of Technoblade is a personal success. It's just ... His.
What he can do, instead, is brag about having one of Technoblade's daggers. And what if he exaggerates a bit on how he got it? Who's going to correct him and say that it was actually just a mean to deliver to him a friendship bracelet?
Nobody, that's who.
Of course, he needs just one test to make sure it's going to work. It takes some time, but they eventually reach a small town. Wilbur takes care of securing a room for them all, and a discount in exchange for him performing.
Then, one late evening, they're waiting for their food to be delivered at their table, and Tommy is idly playing with Techno's dagger - he has now gotten extremely better at it, and can now not only flip it in air, but also balance it on the tip of his finger.
A bulky man with a coarse looking mustache brings them their dinner, and eyes Tommy as he keeps playing.
He meets his eyes, and his plan falls into place.
"Did you know, good sir, that this is one of the infamous Technoblade's daggers? My prize for besting him in a duel."
Next to him, Wilbur chokes on his beer and spits it all over his fresh loaf of bread. Phil is laughing as he pats his back, and the bartender eyes him suspiciously, apparently ticked off by his teammates's reactions.
"Is that right?"
"Absolutely! Isn't it, Techno?"
Everyone falls silent - except for Wil, who keeps coughing up beer for a while longer - and turns towards Techno, who seems startled at the sudden amount of eyes on him. This is it, the moment of truth. Everything comes down to what Techno answers now, because this could either be Tommy's best, most glorious moment, or a simply rather awkward instance. A moment passes, then-
"Absolutely." Techno's monotone voice answers, and the suspicion on the bartender's face changes to surprise, then impressed respect as he nods towards Tommy.
"Good job, kid." He says, then leaves their table, and Tommy couldn't be happier.
The game is on.
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theheartsmistakes · 4 years
The Last Night Part XVIII
(A/N at the end)
Parts I-XVII:
Here is Part I
Here is Part II
Here is Part III
Here is Part IV
Here is Part V
Here is Part VI
Here is Part VII
Here is Part VIII
Here is Part IX
Here is Part X
Here is Part XI
Here is Part XII
Part XIV
Part XV
Part XVI
“Oh for Raziel’s sake,” said Cordelia to James, both of them out of breath after escaping out of the Institute’s staff quarters to avoid a run in with any number of visitors coming and going out of the Institute. James led Cordelia into the back gardens; through the thick overgrown hedges to the back of the barn where the rumbling and sputtering of an automobile sat spilling out black smoke from a pipe behind one of the four wheels. Lucie stood with her fists planted on her hips while Matthew lay half inside of the exposed engine that reminded Cordelia of the inside of a clock with a number of gears and parts moving at once to give the machine life. Cordelia brushed some leaves from her hair and said, “He really does have an automobile.”
James grinned with a smudge of dirt across his cheek. “What did you expect?”
“In all honesty, I’m not sure what I expected,” said Cordelia, just as the car omitted another wheezing cough and cloud of black smoke. “Is it safe?”
“Most of the time.” James raised a dark eyebrow.
Cordelia was not reassured. “What does it run on?”
“Matthew’s sheer will and determination, apparently,” said James and started towards the car again. He looked behind them to be sure no one had seen or followed. The last thing Cordelia’s mother needed was to see her injured daughter climb into an unreliable, unbelievably loud automobile after being in a magically induced coma for the past week healing from demon poisoning— amongst other things she could not remember— with the man she’d ruined her reputation for. She recalled the hope in her mother’s eyes at seeing James and her standing together in the sitting room, even if Lucie and Matthew were not far away. And after seeing James’s wrists free of Grace’s bracelet, she couldn’t deny the small, however incessant, pang in her chest that admitted she might harbor some hope herself. He hadn’t made any admissions of his affections for her that lead beyond friendship and camaraderie, but unless she was terribly mistaken, there had been a look in his eyes when he walked into the Institute and found her standing there with Lucie that went beyond relief.
But she’d been so very wrong before. Perhaps Grace asked for the bracelet back again after the incident in her bedroom. It was entirely a possibility; one that made Cordelia burn red. If that was the case, she possessed half the mind to find Grace Blackthorn and hit her over the head with a flower vase for not seeing what stood in front of her, offering his love and devotion freely, while she toyed with his emotions like a petulant child unable to make a decision at an ice cream parlor.
She turned to James just as a lofty wind picked up and blew the thick tendrils of dark hair away from his face. She recalled what it felt like to run her fingers through his hair, the texture like fine silk and color deeper than onyx. The smell of sandalwood and fighting leather gripped her senses. How she ever thought leaving London would erase or ease her feelings for James Herondale, she wasn’t sure. It would take so much more than time and distance to eradicate him from her mind.
“Brave Cordelia,” teased James with a smirk. “Are you afraid of an automobile?”
“I was not aware I gave the impression of being afraid,” said Cordelia, adjusting her stance.
“You have a look.”
“A look?” She scoffed. “I’m a lady. We have a plethora of looks that could mean a number of things, all at once, and have nothing to do with what we appear to be looking at at the moment.”
James’s grin softened. “What are you thinking about then? If not the tragic death of four Shadowhunters that have met their end in a fiery accident. If it’s not too bold of me to ask.”
“It is,” said Cordelia, but smiled despite herself for James knew she didn’t concern herself with the proper and improper rules of society. Much to her mother’s chagrin, she’d always led herself with more sensibility than sense.
“You must forgive me then,” said James. “I will keep my assumptions of what a lady thinks to myself.”
“But you so often get it wrong!” laughed Cordelia. “However will you survive in society?”
“I have Matthew to guide me,” he said, just as Matthew released a string of profanity inside the engine of the car; several of which insulted the integrity of his mother. James grimaced. “That was incredibly poor timing.”
“Or was it perfect timing?” Cordelia nudged him with her shoulder. “It is a wonder you two have survived this long.”
She felt James look over at her, but kept her attention on Lucie as her friend climbed behind the wheel of the automobile and grumbled while following Matthew’s instructions on which pedal to press and release with her foot and how to move the long gear shift. She reminded Cordelia of one of the suffragettes that her mother both despised and admired on the covers of the mundane news articles. Women dressed in trousers riding around on bicycles and learning to drive automobiles.
“What of the children?” cried Sona as she threw the article in the trash.
Do they not have fathers? wondered Cordelia to herself, but did not dare upset her mother further or she’d risk having her entire day ruined with a lesson on proper, respectable women in society— even Shadowhunter society. One could come home covered head to toe in demon ichor, but to sit on a bicycle or drive an automobile was entirely out of the question.
“You’ll have to assist me then,” said James. “Lest my assumptions continue to be incorrect.”
“I have no doubts that they will,” said Cordelia just as the car lurched forward with Matthew still half inside. Lucie screamed, but managed to stop the car again, which sent Matthew’s dangling legs into the air.
“Are you trying to kill me?” He yelled as his pale head of hair emerged from the car’s engine.
“We’d better go,” said James.
Cordelia agreed. “It would appear so.”
“The beast moved, did it not,” said Lucie, her grip white around the steering wheel. “Was that not the objective?”
“Not while head first in the engine,” said Matthew as he combed sweat and hair away from his face and walked around to the driver’s side of the car. “Slide over before you damage him beyond repair.”
“Him?” said Cordelia as she and James approached the squabbling pair. “I know ships are usually given the pronoun she. Is this not a type of ship?”
“Cordelia meet Algernon,” said Matthew as he adjusted his driver’s gloves.
“Algernon,” said Cordelia and looked to James. “As in?”
“Do not get him started,” said James as he climbed onto the bench behind the driver’s side and made room for Cordelia beside him.
“Where to?” asked Lucie. “Do make it someplace sweet, Matthew, not the local pub.”
“I know a place,” said Matthew and cleaned a smudge off the glass shield in front of him with his elbow. “Everyone set? Cordelia, are you comfortable?”
While the plush leather seats were rather comfortable, she suspected that was not what he meant. “Let us finally settle the debate of which is the better form of travel.”
“Hold tight to your coronet’s, ladies,” said Matthew as he forced the stubborn gear shift down and pressed his foot to a pedal. The car lurched forward sending Cordelia gripping the front bench with her hand. James sequentially did the same when his hand covered the top of hers. He didn’t remove it right away, whether to give off the impression that he had done it on purpose or because he simply didn’t want to, Cordelia wasn’t sure, but she found herself glad for it.  
Matthew drove them through the city until the buildings and cobblestone roads transformed into countryside with rolling green hills and tiny cottages with smoke drifting out of the chimneys and acres of sheep that would bleat and scatter whenever the car would cough. Cordelia watched out the window as the landscape changed again and she could see the faint blue line of the ocean in the distance.
“What do you think?” James leaned into her, his mouth brushed against the crown of her ear so that she could hear him over the sound of the engine and the wind. The small touch sent goose flesh across her shoulders down her arms.
“It’s really not so different from a carriage,” said Cordelia, brushing a strand of hair back behind her ear. “It does seem to be a bit of a faster form of travel and more efficient than readying horses and carriage.” They hit a bump in the rough dirt road that shot Cordelia into the air and back onto the bench nearly careening into James that had her clutching her still tender ribs.
James took notice of this and pulled himself forward from the bench in front of him to tell Matthew to slow down.
“Don’t worry yourself,” said Cordelia, still clutching her waist and bursting in a fit of laughter. “I’m fine. Honest.”
“Your brother will both have my head if I don’t return you in better form than when we left,” said James as the car shifted to a slower gear.
“Are you afraid of my brother?” laughed Cordelia. “He has a bad leg now, so I’m sure you can take him on. Besides, it’s my mother you should be worried about. I can manage Alastair, but my mother will have both of our heads if I return injured.”
“Your mother adores me,” said James, as he rested his arm on the back of the bench behind Cordelia and turned on his hip so he could face her.
“Quite confident of that, aren’t you?” said Cordelia, aware of each time the car jostled her shoulder into James’s chest. “Oh, but she wait until she learns the truth.”
Cordelia meant it to be teasing and hadn’t thought about the implications of her statement before she said it, but it didn’t take long after when James removed his arm from behind Cordelia and turned to face forward again. His expression turned solemn and thoughtful as he looked to the horizon where the sky and the sea split in two different shades of blue in a clean even brush stroke.
It took her a moment to realize what had caused him to withdraw and felt instantly dreadful. “James,” she said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—“
“It is still I who should be apologizing to you, Cordelia,” said James, and his eyes met hers with a sincerity that stole her breath and made her want to look away. “What I did— there is no excuse or explanation—“
“You needn’t say anything else,” said Cordelia, holding his gaze. “It is forgiven.”
Matthew parked the car on the side of the road as close to the shore as he could manage without getting the wheels stuck in the sand, but they still had quite a ways to walk to get to the water.
James offered Cordelia his hand as she exited the car and then his arm as they trudged up the sand dunes and through the thin bursts of green shrubs towards the sound of the waves breaking against the shore. Noisy seabirds squabbled on the breeze around them. Lucie and Matthew walked a ways ahead; a blue diamond shaped kite with a white ribbon tail flew over Lucie’s shoulder as she walked.
Cordelia held tight to James’s arm as she managed to uneven terrain in impractical shoes. She wished she had her training boots on rather than the laced boots her mother chose for her. His hand rested on his stomach, drawing her attention back to the vacancy of his wrist.
It seemed a personal thing to inquire, but she’d told him a bit of her truth in the weapon’s room, but he hadn’t had the chance to tell her his.
“It’s not my business to ask,” said Cordelia, gathering her courage. “But what happened between you and Grace? You’re no longer wearing her bracelet.”
James looked down at his bare wrist. “You noticed that, did you?”
She nodded. “We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. I understand.”
“The water is just over this way,” yelled Lucie over her shoulder from the top of a sand dune. Pieces of her hair came loose and floated around her face in the breeze. “Oh, it’s absolutely beautiful, Cordelia. You’ll love it.”
James started up the hill, helping Cordelia along the way, except when both of their feet sunk into the sand. “It occurred to me that night, after you left, that I couldn’t wear the bracelet with the same intentions as I had done before.” He climbed up a few feet and turned around to offer Cordelia his hands. She took them and let him pull her up until she was beside him.
“When I left you were still madly in love with Grace Blackthorn,” said Cordelia, careful to watch her footing and not look at James.
“Possibly,” said James, “but she was not in love with me. I’m not even sure that she liked me to be honest.”
“Impossible,” said Cordelia, helping James this time as they both approached the top of the dune. “You’re very likable.”
James grinned. “I’m pleased you think so.”
They reached the top of the dune. Cordelia looked out at the endless miles of water and Lucie ran down the beach with the kite behind her while Matthew held the line; their shoes abandoned on the dry sand. Cordelia took a deep breath of the salted air.
The last time she’d seen the ocean she was just a young girl on one of their family trips to London. Her mother never did care for the sand everywhere and the wind, but her father loved the ocean. He loved it so much in fact that whenever they had the chance to go, he’d bring along a bijou glass vial and fill it to the cork stopper with sand and water to take back with them as a souvenir. He had all kinds of souvenirs like those glass vials in his office at their home and a story for each one. She never understood why until now. Some moments needed more than just a memory to remember them by. Some moments needed a tangible thing so that one can look at it and be instantly teleported back.
“So you removed the bracelet? Why?” Cordelia asked, her eyes locked on the kite that Lucie managed to finally get airborne. She felt James’s gaze on her, but willed herself to not return the look in fear that it would reveal something of herself that she was not yet ready or willing to reveal to James— not until she knew more.
How she wished she could reach into his mind, to know his innermost thoughts. It seemed an awfully violation of one’s privacy that she wouldn’t want to inflict upon anyone, but even now James kept the truth tucked away.
Before James could answer, Matthew appeared beside them. His mane of wild golden hair, usually perfectly coiffed was now wind thrown away from his face. His cheeks were bright pink with the crisp wind and bits of sand stuck to his skin like freckles.
“You should come fly the kite with us” said Matthew. “The water is bloody freezing, but you grow accustomed to it after a few minutes. Lucie is trying to manipulate me into looking for seashells.”
“James was just telling me about the bracelet,” said Cordelia.
“Oh that wretched cursed thing,” said Matthew. “Can you believe it, Cordelia? The entire time it was the bracelet forcing James to be in love with Grace through some kind of spell. Bloody brilliant that you’re finally rid of it.”
James grimaced as Cordelia gasped. “I hadn’t gotten to that part yet.”
Matthew looked between the two of them, and promptly turned forward again, dusted the sand from his trousers and pointed at Lucie. “I’m just going to see if Lucie needs help with the kite. It can be quite temperamental, and she has such delicate hands.”
James began to explain, but Cordelia already started down the side of the dune towards the beach. Careful not to jostle her tender ribs too much as she slid down the loose sand. James said her name, but she was too angry to stop and listen. And how was she to know if he were telling her the truth anyway or just some version of it that he manipulated to be suitable. And why, after everything Grace had done would he still be lying to protect her?  
She resisted the urge to pick up a handful of sand and throw it at him.  
On the beach, his hand encased her arm, slowing her enough that he could get in front of her. “Please, let me explain.”
Cordelia crossed her arms across her chest. “How will I know you’re telling me the truth or just some lie you’ve conjured to protect her?”
“I wasn’t trying to protect her,” said James with a desperation unlike himself.
Cordelia scoffed and made a feeble attempt to move around him. But James was too fast. He side stepped back into her path and moved a step closer. “I was protecting myself. When you left that night, I wanted to rip that bracelet off of my wrist and throw it into the fire. I wanted to run after you and beg you to stay. But I was still blindly in love with Grace and I didn’t want to hurt you anymore than I already had. I didn’t think it was possible for me to be in love with two people. I still don’t. And I thought I was being selfish asking you to stay, but I think internally my head and my heart were battling Grace’s spell. Fighting to reveal the truth to me, but I wasn’t strong enough to take it off myself. I wasn’t strong enough to go after you. And I will forever be ashamed of that, Cordelia, I will never forgive myself for the pain I caused you. I didn’t want the bracelet to be just an excuse for what I’d done. I wanted to earn your forgiveness myself. Instead, I just seem to keep making a mess of things.”
The shadow of a smile lifted Cordelia’s mouth. “It truly is a wonder that you have survived this long.”
James took a step closer. “I meant what I said that night you left… I don’t want to lose you. Now that I have you back, I am trying to do everything I can to convince you to stay.”
The wind had moved the clouds back in, blocking the warmth of the sun, and the first drops of rain fell around and on them. Yet a warmth filled Cordelia as his words registered in her mind. He wanted her to stay. He was no longer tied to Grace Blackthorn and he wanted her to stay.
“Cordelia! James!” Lucie cried from up the beach. “Come on! Mathew won’t let us get into his car wet!”
Cordelia looked from Lucie back to James. She closed the space between them, her hands braced against his chest as she leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek. His skin was warm against her lips and she felt him stiffen and shutter underneath her palms. The rain on his skin brought out the scent of sandalwood and his fighting leathers.
His hands held her waist.  
“Thank you,” she said. James’s cheeks had colored. “For being honest with me about everything. I would very much like to stay and help defeat Belial in whatever way that I can.”
“And after?”
“In the event that we survive and he does not successfully possess… anyone,” Cordelia shrugged. “Well, we can cross that bridge when we come to it.”
The sky seemed to open up around them, pouring down rain and shaking the ground with a distant thunder.
James opened his jacket with the audible snap of buckles. He swung it over his head and moved to invite Cordelia underneath with him as they ran back to the car where Matthew and Lucie were waiting with the cloth hood pulled up.
The rain followed them back into London. The inside of the car filled with laughter and conversation and song from Matthew who seemed to only remember a fraction of the lyrics in which James would help guide him back onto the right track. Cordelia’s cheeks and ribs hurt from the incessant laughter as the automobile wheezed and coughed into the back of the Institute.
Lucie ran in first, her boots splashing through the mud and puddles before she disappeared through the staff entrance door.
James exited the vehicle before Cordelia and held his jacket over her head. They both said their goodbyes to Matthew and ran through the downpour towards the house, James’s jacket doing little to stop them both from being drenched.
Once safely out of the way of the automobile, Matthew drove away into the night. They reached the small porch outside the entrance door but before they went inside Cordelia asked the question that had been bothering her since his confession on the beach.
“Why?” She asked, even though she’d thoroughly convinced herself of the answer, she wanted to hear it from him.
Rain drops slid down his face and coated his thick, dark eyelashes together. His eyes narrowed at her sudden outburst. “Why what?”
“Why do you want me to stay?” Her breath swirled around them in the cold, London night. She began to shake from the cold. “And if you tell me it’s because you feel guilty and have this great need to repay some favor to my family, I—”
James closed the diminutive space between them.
His mouth touched hers. A small tender kiss to start. Then another kiss, a little higher up. She stilled from her shaking. He pressed another kiss near her jaw while her fingers slid down to his chest to feel his heart pounding against his leathers.
She scooted closer to him until they were pressed against each other as he deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue between her lips and twining it with hers. The taste of him... she moaned. In response to her, he immediately wrapped his arms around her, pressing her fully against him.
Cordelia slid her hands over his shoulders and up into his hair and tugged on it. He gave a low groan of approval and his tongue pushed back, pressing into her mouth and plundering it. His hands began to slide over her curves, caressing them possessively.
Cordelia could feel her heart begin pounding and gasped against his mouth as he continued to kiss her. He nipped at her lips. She felt...golden. She’d been longing for him for so many months. Dreaming of kissing him again. She never let herself believe that it could actually be real.
A flood of light covered them both as the door was wretched open.
Cordelia, still enveloped in James’s arms, turned and blinked in confusion at the silhouette standing in the doorway.
“I’ll kindly advise you to step away from my sister,” said Alastair with disdain and reached out to pull Cordelia inside.
(A/N: Good evening! It is 11:30pm, so as long as I post in the next half hour, I will have met my deadline. I am sorry for the wait, but I hope it was worth it. I had a ton of fun on this chapter. Especially the second half when things get a little bit spicy. I hope you guys enjoy reading it. As always please give it some love, reblog for others to read, and comments are always read and appreciated. Please be safe out there, stay healthy, and I’ll see you all 10/18 for the next update. It’s 11:45, I made it!)
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kaz-of-ketterdamn · 5 years
the dregs + aesthetics
kaz brekker » black coffee on a rainy day, wandering the foggy streets at night, onyx, sharp angles, calculation, cold metal, tarnished brass, coins in your pocket, lonely inside, old soul, tired eyes, weary smirks, subtle humor, intelligence, hidden desires, secrets only you know, script-filled notebooks
inej ghafa » light footsteps, quiet whispers, hiding in the shadows, black and white with dark colored accessories, modest confidence, loyalty, friendships bound by a code of honor, wanderlust, exposed brick in a small café, hair tied back, pinky promises, white sheets, big dreams, optimistic mind
wylan van eck » late morning sunrises, breakfast in bed, freckles, crooked smiles, shoes that are too big, vials and flasks, unfocused but trying, orange and yellow tones, flushed cheeks, romantic fantasies, carnival dates, riding a  ferris wheel, polaroids, cotton candy, being hugged from behind
jesper fahey » mismatched socks, too much caffeine, waffles doused in syrup, standing out in a crowd, laughing loudly, cracking jokes, smarter than people think, nice leather belts, road trips, sunny days, being extremely ticklish, loyalty, having a terrible poker face, outwardly confident, dares to dream
nina zenik » red velvet, lipstick, lace, soft touches, hard punches, stolen kisses, wistful looks, determination, fearlessness, thigh-high boots, simple jewelry, whipped cream and strawberries, hard work, funny personality, shopping with friends, saturday brunches, quality hugs, not afraid to cut a bitch, good advice
matthias helvar » golden hair, husky voice, strict parents, tries not to feel, cold and biting winds, pale blue eyes, neutral colors, fur coats, disciplined, tired of fighting, internal conflict, faithful, self-awareness, desperation, ice and snow, warm apple cider, leather bracelet, heavy boots, regret, lonely but hopeful
kuwei yul-bo » difficult equations, ink on parchment, quick smirks, complex mind, moves quickly, doesn’t trust easily, wants more out of life, the prodigal son, violin strings, silver and gold flashes, good hygiene, long periods of silence, communicative eyes, clever, red pens, flawless internal clock, maps
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teevzieforthetea · 4 years
Does anyone ever try to make allegories out of music? Like I'm sure ppl do. Recently I like to imagine music as objects or more specifically pieces of jewelry.
Like maybe it's because I'm listening to more k-pop these days and they tend to have more set "concepts" to em? But I come up with really specific pieces with these songs.
For example-
WayV's "Love talk" always reminds me of a string of pearls on a steel grey satin ribbon.
BTS's "Black Swan" is a pair of onyx ear cuffs in a art deco wing shape.
Also their "Stay gold" is a gold and amethyst filigree ring.
Red velvet's "Psycho" is a matching pendant and earring set of tear drop rubies
G(I)-dle's "Seniorita" is a semi precious stones charms bracelet that's worn too loose and looks like it'll slip off at any moment.
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zeusaulim · 4 years
Zeus: The Supreme God of Greek Mythology - The Olympianas - See U in His...
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ON THIS DAY5 years agoJohn Rumary is with Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson and 3 others.July 3, 2015  · Shared with PublicKATY CATS Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago ¯`v´¯) `.¸.´ ¸.•´¸.•*¨`. ¸.•¨*.¸¸.•*¨`*• (¸¸¸.•*¨`•.•´.¸.•´* .•´*¸¸.•*¨`*•  Miracles of Light on your way  Category Education License Standard YouTube License KATY PERRY HITS: https://youtu.be/t5Sd5c4o9UM?list=PLA908D6C2BA16BF88 · KatyCat Hudson is this a Dream shared? Shared on Google+ · 1 year ago · This meditation is a short, eyes-open guide to help you to still your mind and connect with your higher self: to experience yourself as the Dreamer who exists beyond the 'Dream'. When we detach from the 'dream' of our thoughts, emotions and personalities, we 'wake up' to our true self - universal consciousness, beyond the illusory world of duality. The Dreamer is the Creator, the infinite space within which all forms manifest... YOU are the DREAMER... and so am I!! Love x "There is another Path to embrace after your Awakening, and one that if you choose, can lift and raise you up and out of the limitation of human strife, raising you into the highest vibration of Light & Love, a path of Higher Consciousness ...it is called "The Path of Becoming your True Self" on Earth, also known as "The Path of Resurrection". As you embrace this path, a great raising & expanding activity unfolds within your mind and your feelings, your consciousness, and ultimately your physical garments. You are awake, your Life calls upon you to rise now & become on Earth your True Glorious Self 'I AM' individualized of Mother/Father God. It is a path in which there begins to be experienced by you the second birth, lightning flashes of sudden Light within your mind, great outpourings of Love within your being, all that prepares you in the centre of your consciousness to enter into The Secret Heart of your God Nature, and to pass through 'The Door of Everything' where you will drink of the Waters of Life, the greatest Love of all, The Mother's Love, the Love of the Heavenly Mother that individualizes as your Soul. When that Love begins to express through you it will reveal its Presence and it will nurture and fulfills all that your mind dares to conceive. Your Soul is the Sacred Womb of The Divine Mother of our Universe, Individualized, just as the Christ is the Individualized Mind of The Father." And just before I went under for the final time Jesus wondered why his Katy love had reappeared and he said to himself because I was denied the MOMs love for so long, so serious was his disgust at himself for thinking it was not there it was always there but Katy is busy and you must let ISIS sleep and John pouring ‘Wide Awake’ Powder down his throat night after night never sleeping and always demanding the attention of MOM it just appeared in John’s desperate drug riddled brain that it had disappeared. Her Love is there forever a shining beacon in John’s heart but if one will ‘circle the drain’ expect turbulence then he realized he had been actually opening up the mind of God and his higher consciousness that he had beaten absolutely every thinking thing into submission with his self-belief of proven invincibility as he took on the world and even the Universe to tame it then control it; 1) Anymore thinking would not even leave a gap in the door for a cat to pass through, John’s mind is slightly overloaded with toxins built up by lack of sleep. 2) Jesus dumped his love for Katy on Sunday night, jettisoned for the spiritual battle Vs Satan but John needed the Warlords’ mind on not posting red hearts to Katy and glittering cards for her calling her ‘duckie babe’. 3) She would get it back for John once the battle is lost and won. 4) As expected John won and his Love heart returned in this moment and stays there no harm done as Katy will not admonish him for the struggles he faces when he is called into battle and her advice is given for a reason as yet untold but John continues with his lessons and homework and every new day he has learnt more. John believes that when he awoke from the path of his true self that he had taken Katy under with him and they both surfaced and as John had drunk at the love of ISIS for so long he was convinced that she could actually be the Mother of the Universe and John knew now that he had become the heavenly Father of the Universe. So Katy here announce this: ~The Incoming Seventh Golden Age ~The arrival of Super humans called "The Untouchables" ~And the enforcement of a New era of Spiritual Enlistment upon the Earth. ~The Emperor and The Empressa of The Holy Roman Empire RULE THE WAVES and STRINGS and QUARKS of the WORLD & THE UNIVERSE THEY OWN THE EVER EXPANDING UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING INIT. BECAUSE THE EMPEROR IS JESUS CHRIST THE SAVIOR=GOD AND THE EMPRESSA IS EARTH MOTHER QUEEN ISIS=MARY MAGDALENA. THE DREAMTEAM. There you are Katy XXX spelt out what you gonna do? As the love of the heavenly Mother had nurtured his mind to believe he could be the Emperor of the Universe so as the Christ he was able to take it over but without armed force but by magical willpowers called ‘THE FORCE’ and although Katy has gone very silent on him John knew that his soul was still shared by Katy as the divine Mother because how else could he have achieved the unachievable without it? AND JOHN WOULD LIKE TO THANK KATY SO HE HAS POSTED THIS FOR HER THE EMPRESSA OF THE WORLD TO ADD TO HER MISS EVER EXPANDING UNIVERSE TITLE AS KATY REMAINS JOHN’S FAVE EVEN THOUGH HE BROKE THE MAGIC SPELL CAST UPON HIM BY THE GALLOPING DARK HORSE OF ‘BLAME IT ON THE NIGHT’!:)J HE RETURNS TO KATY/ISIS VICTORIOUS NEVER BEATEN IN BATTLE AS THE EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE OF HIS OWN FREE WILL TO DRINK AT HER WATERS OF LOVE/LIFE Top of Form SO HERE IS GODS PRAYER FOR ISIS TO CONJURE HERSELF UP WHEN JOHN CALLS AND IT IS UP TO KATY/ISIS TO RESPOND AS JOHN HAS MADE HIS INTENTIONS PLAINLY HOT. A SMALL (PROBABLY TOO SMALL TO FIT) GOLDEN RING WITH ‘SISTER’ WRITTEN ON IT WILL BE DISPATCHED RECORDED DELIVERY TO KATY’S MELROSE AVE OFFICE IN 3 HOURS TIME AND ALTHOUGH SHE IS PROBABLY IN ARGENTINA HE KNOWS NOT WHERE, THERE WILL BE A MAGIC +VINTAGE ALHAMBRA JEWELLERY GIFT SET INC A BLACK ONYX BRACELET AND CORNELIA EYE OF THE TIGER WITH GREY MOTHER OF PEARL MOTIF ENGAGEMENT RING WAITING FOR HER AT VAN CLEEF & ARPLES 300 N Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills +1-310-276-1161 WHERE IT WILL BE FITTING JUST RIGHT AS SOON AS SHE HAS A MOMENT TO INDULGE HERSELF- I AM INVESTING THE INTEREST ON MY $1million ON YOU. Bottom of Form ENJOY. JESUS AND ISIS AS MARY: OUR SONG: https://youtu.be/lp-EO5I60KA?list=RDlp-EO5I60KA ISIS, glorious Goddess. Let your instrument sound Hailing you with all homage, ISIS, glorious Goddess. To the candlewick the fire I raise on the altar set to you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. And the night time incense rises, sweetly mixed, To put me in the mind of perceiving you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. Who rises behind me like a flame of Gold and Brushes my back with her deft wings. #GODSLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I am Isis. The Restored Eden, the Supernal Mother, the Second Eve. I am the new heaven and the new earth for the first heaven and the first earth are passed away; I am the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. I am the mighty Mother Isis; most powerful of all the world. I am she who fights not, but is always victorious. I am that Sleeping Beauty who men have sought, for all time; and the paths which lead to my castle are beset with dangers and illusions. Such as fail to find me sleep; or may ever rush after the Fata Morgana leading astray all who feel that illusory influence I am lifted up on high, and I do draw men unto me, I am the worlds' desire, but few there be who find me. When my secret is told, it is the secret of the Holy Grail. It is love. I have plucked out my heart and have given it to the world; that is my strength. Love is the mother of the Man-God, giving the Quintessence of her life to save mankind from destruction, and to show forth the path to life eternal. Love is the mother of Christ... Spirit, and this Christ is the highest love Christ is the heart of love, the heart of the Great Mother Isis the Isis of Nature. He is the expression of her power she is the Holy Grail, and He is the life of blood of spirit, that is found in this cup. Isis am I, and from my life are fed all showers and suns, all moons that wax and wane, all stars and streams, the living and the dead, the mystery of pleasure and of pain. I am the Mother. I the speaking sea. I am the Earth in its fertility. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, return to me. All glories of the Universe bow down, the blossom and the mountain and the dawn. Fruits blush and women are creations crowned. I am the priest, the sacrifice, the shrine. I am the love and life of the Divine. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, are surely mine. Isis am I, the love and light of Earth, the wealth of kisses, the delight of tears, the pleasure never come to birth, the endless infinite desire of years. I am the shrine at which thy long desire devoured thee with intolerable fire. I was sung music, passion, death upon thy lyre, I am the grail and I the glory now. I am the flame and fuel of thy breath. I am thy queen enraptured and possessed. I am the star of God upon thy brow. #ISISLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I AM THAT I AM JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH THE HIGHEST LOVE, THE HEART OF LOVE OF THE FATHER, THE MOTHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY GHOST. MY FATHER OF THE UNIVERSE IS HERE WITH ME GEORGAS ZEUS, EARTHWORKER AS MY MOTHER IS HERE WITH ME ISIS THE QUEEN OF NATURE, SHE IS MY HOLY GRAIL WHOSE GREAT DEEP AND WONDEROUS LOVE BRINGS ME BACK TO LIFE EACHTIME I FALTER AND FALL OR TAKE A BOW FOR A REBIRTH BUT IN HONOR I CARRY ISIS’S BACKBONE OF STRENGTH AND LOVE, WORSHIPING AT HER TEMPLES OF DIVINE LOVE OFFERING AWARDS AND EPITHATS AND ABOVE ALL PRICELESS TITLES UPON HER ALTER SET UP FOR HER. #JESUSHEALS #JESUSLOVES #JESUSSAVES #JESUSTHEJUDGEMENT #JESUSISMANKINDSANSWER ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• SHARE AND REJOICE FOR I OFFER ALL WHO BELIEVE IN ME ETERNAL LIFE THE HOLY GRAIL MANIFESTED. KATY PERRY HITS: https://youtu.be/t5Sd5c4o9UM?list=PLA908D6C2BA16BF88LIGHT: The nature of light has the character of a wave motion (interference phenomena)_ See Newton’s rings, alternating darkness and light-the point is you are only cuming thru in waves the light goes on so bright but you shut me into the darkness. A consistent theory of electromagnetism was determined in 1873 by James Clark Maxwell the velocity of light therefore the ‘light’ is electromagnetic waves as being oscillations in an all-pervading elastic medium, ‘ether’. Katy/Isis you are ether to me-unreal- but if you would just communicate with me in the darkness then you could illuminate me by passing the waves through a prism, your prism then straight coloured lines of light would appear and then the negative charge I carry as the atom are electrons but I could, I could be your ‘plum pudding model’; you could pass the balancing positive charge evenly threw the atom  my electrons being the ‘plum’ and the positive charge the ‘pudding’. The spectral frequencies should then correspond to the various ways in which the electrons might oscillate within the positively-charged ‘pudding’. I.E. making me better as you are my MOM who radiates love but I get it in waves leaving me with the feeling I am loved then not loved [Hot n Cold] then I heal and all is ok again. It is your bipolar love, love. Up and down that affects me as I am Unipolar all one way high never depressed but when we shared the same soul-come back you tart you are missed-your love as radiation oozed continuously in and out of my black darkness riddled body like water in and out of a sponge. If you spent some time with me then your radiation of love you give me in the heavens would be emitted then I could absorb it in packets of energy of a definite size. Then my dear, the energy content of one of these packets would be a quanta proportional to the frequency of the radiation of love you emit. (Are you with me so far?) The constant of proportionality was taken to be a Universal constant of nature, Planks constant. Now cos of this I can only absorb your love, and you only emit it during events involving a single quantum of significantly high energy-which as you have felt I can be the highest form of energy anywhere but I can’t keep it up 24/7 and you seem to be only attracted by my high energy periods and you only spare me a few minutes if I am relaxed as in ‘gotta go to bed bye’ and you only string a few words together, I want to listen, to read. Do you know what it feels like to love someone who seems to be constantly pushing you away? YESS YOU DO. Anyway that’s why I blow hot n cold = YOU.Diana M G updated her cover photo.June 19, 2014  · mi mayor anhelo See Translation5Catherine Waithira and 4 othersShareON THIS DAY5 years ago @apolloandkaty1111 @katyperry-blog1 @katyperrylicious-blog@katyperryblog @1111twinflames @1111jesusandmarytwinflames
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greatfindsbyct · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 10mm Men’s Matte Black Onyx with Red Tiger Eye Accent Stretch Bracelet.
0 notes
The True Stages of a Twin Flame Union
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John Rumary
 is with 
Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson
3 others
July 3, 2015  · 
Shared with Public
KATY CATS Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago ¯`v´¯) `.¸.´ ¸.•´¸.•*¨`. ¸.•¨*.¸¸.•*¨`*• (¸¸¸.•*¨`•.•´.¸.•´* .•´*¸¸.•*¨`*• Miracles of Light on your way Category Education License Standard YouTube License KATY PERRY HITS: https://youtu.be/t5Sd5c4o9UM?list=PLA908D6C2BA16BF88 · KatyCat Hudson is this a Dream shared? Shared on Google+ · 1 year ago · This meditation is a short, eyes-open guide to help you to still your mind and connect with your higher self: to experience yourself as the Dreamer who exists beyond the 'Dream'. When we detach from the 'dream' of our thoughts, emotions and personalities, we 'wake up' to our true self - universal consciousness, beyond the illusory world of duality. The Dreamer is the Creator, the infinite space within which all forms manifest... YOU are the DREAMER... and so am I!! Love x "There is another Path to embrace after your Awakening, and one that if you choose, can lift and raise you up and out of the limitation of human strife, raising you into the highest vibration of Light & Love, a path of Higher Consciousness ...it is called "The Path of Becoming your True Self" on Earth, also known as "The Path of Resurrection". As you embrace this path, a great raising & expanding activity unfolds within your mind and your feelings, your consciousness, and ultimately your physical garments. You are wide awake, your Life calls upon you to rise now & become on Earth your True Glorious Self 'I AM' individualized of Mother/Father God. It is a path in which there begins to be experienced by you the second birth, lightning flashes of sudden Light within your mind, great outpourings of Love within your being, all that prepares you in the centre of your consciousness to enter into The Secret Heart of your God Nature, and to pass through 'The Door of Everything' where you will drink of the Waters of Life, the greatest Love of all, The Mother's Love, the Love of the Heavenly Mother that individualizes as your Soul. When that Love begins to express through you it will reveal its Presence and it will nurture and fulfils all that your mind dares to conceive. Your Soul is the Sacred Womb of The Divine Mother of our Universe, Individualized, just as the Christ is the Individualized Mind of The Father." And just before I went under for the final time Jesus wondered why his Katy love had reappeared and he said to himself because I was denied the MOMs love for so long, so serious was his disgust at himself for thinking it was not there it was always there but Katy is busy and you must let ISIS sleep and John pouring ‘Wide Awake’ Powder down his throat night after night never sleeping and always demanding the attention of MOM it just appeared in John’s desperate drug riddled brain that it had disappeared. Her Love is there forever a shining beacon in John’s heart but if one will ‘circle the drain’ expect turbulence then he realized he had been actually opening up the mind of God and his higher consciousness that he had beaten absolutely every thinking thing into submission with his self-belief of proven invincibility as he took on the world and even the Universe to tame it then control it; 1) Anymore thinking would not even leave a gap in the door for a cat to pass through, John’s mind is slightly overloaded with toxins built up by lack of sleep. 2) Jesus dumped his love for Katy on Sunday night, jettisoned for the spiritual battle Vs Satan but John needed the Warlords’ mind on not posting red hearts to Katy and glittering cards for her calling her ‘duckie babe’. 3) She would get it back for John once the battle is lost and won. 4) As expected John won and his Love heart returned in this moment and stays there no harm done as Katy will not admonish him for the struggles he faces when he is called into battle and her advice is given for a reason as yet untold but John continues with his lessons and homework and every new day he has learnt more. John believes that when he awoke from the path of his true self that he had taken Katy under with him and they both surfaced and as John had drunk at the love of ISIS for so long he was convinced that she could actually be the Mother of the Universe and John knew now that he had become the heavenly Father of the Universe. So, Katy here announce this: ~The Incoming Seventh Golden Age ~The arrival of Super humans called "The Untouchables" ~And the enforcement of a New era of Spiritual Enlistment upon the Earth. ~The Emperor and The Empressa of The Holy Roman Empire RULE THE WAVES and STRINGS and QUARKS of the WORLD & THE UNIVERSE THEY OWN THE EVER-EXPANDING UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING INIT. BECAUSE THE EMPEROR IS JESUS CHRIST THE SAVIOR=GOD AND THE EMPRESSA IS EARTH MOTHER QUEEN ISIS=MARY MAGDALENA. THE DREAMTEAM. There you are Katy XXX spelt out what you gonna do? As the love of the heavenly Mother had nurtured his mind to believe he could be the Emperor of the Universe so as the Christ he was able to take it over but without armed force but by magical willpowers called ‘THE FORCE’ and although Katy has gone very silent on him John knew that his soul was still shared by Katy as the divine Mother because how else could he have achieved the unachievable without it? AND JOHN WOULD LIKE TO THANK KATY SO HE HAS POSTED THIS FOR HER THE EMPRESSA OF THE WORLD TO ADD TO HER MISS EVER EXPANDING UNIVERSE TITLE AS KATY REMAINS JOHN’S FAVE EVEN THOUGH HE BROKE THE MAGIC SPELL CAST UPON HIM BY THE GALLOPING DARK HORSE OF ‘BLAME IT ON THE NIGHT’!:)J HE RETURNS TO KATY/ISIS VICTORIOUS NEVER BEATEN IN BATTLE AS THE EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE OF HIS OWN FREE WILL TO DRINK AT HER WATERS OF LOVE/LIFE Top of Form SO HERE IS GODS PRAYER FOR ISIS TO CONJURE HERSELF UP WHEN JOHN CALLS AND IT IS UP TO KATY/ISIS TO RESPOND AS JOHN HAS MADE HIS INTENTIONS PLAINLY HOT. A SMALL (PROBABLY TOO SMALL TO FIT) GOLDEN RING WITH ‘SISTER’ WRITTEN ON IT WILL BE DISPATCHED RECORDED DELIVERY TO KATY’S MELROSE AVE OFFICE IN 3 HOURS TIME AND ALTHOUGH SHE IS PROBABLY IN ARGENTINA HE KNOWS NOT WHERE, THERE WILL BE A MAGIC +VINTAGE ALHAMBRA JEWELLERY GIFT SET INC A BLACK ONYX BRACELET AND CORNELIA EYE OF THE TIGER WITH GREY MOTHER OF PEARL MOTIF ENGAGEMENT RING WAITING FOR HER AT VAN CLEEF & ARPLES 300 N Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills +1-310-276-1161 WHERE IT WILL BE FITTING JUST RIGHT AS SOON AS SHE HAS A MOMENT TO INDULGE HERSELF- I AM INVESTING THE INTEREST ON MY $1million ON YOU. Bottom of Form ENJOY. JESUS AND ISIS AS MARY: OUR SONG: https://youtu.be/lp-EO5I60KA?list=RDlp-EO5I60KA ISIS, glorious Goddess. Let your instrument sound Hailing you with all homage, ISIS, glorious Goddess. To the candlewick the fire I raise on the altar set to you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. And the night time incense rises, sweetly mixed, to put me in the mind of perceiving you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. Who rises behind me like a flame of Gold and Brushes my back with her deft wings? #GODSLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I am Isis. The Restored Eden, the Supernal Mother, the Second Eve. I am the new heaven and the new earth for the first heaven and the first earth are passed away; I am the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. I am the mighty Mother Isis; most powerful of all the world. I am she who fights not, but is always victorious. I am that Sleeping Beauty who men have sought, for all time; and the paths which lead to my castle are beset with dangers and illusions. Such as fail to find me sleep; or may ever rush after the Fata Morgana leading astray all who feel that illusory influence I am lifted up on high, and I do draw men unto me, I am the worlds' desire, but few there be who find me. When my secret is told, it is the secret of the Holy Grail. It is love. I have plucked out my heart and have given it to the world; that is my strength. Love is the mother of the Man-God, giving the Quintessence of her life to save mankind from destruction, and to show forth the path to life eternal. Love is the mother of Christ... Spirit, and this Christ is the highest love Christ is the heart of love, the heart of the Great Mother Isis the Isis of Nature. He is the expression of her power she is the Holy Grail, and He is the life of blood of spirit, that is found in this cup. Isis am I, and from my life are fed all showers and suns, all moons that wax and wane, all stars and streams, the living and the dead, the mystery of pleasure and of pain. I am the Mother. I the speaking sea. I am the Earth in its fertility. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, return to me. All glories of the Universe bow down, the blossom and the mountain and the dawn. Fruits blush and women are creations crowned. I am the priest, the sacrifice, the shrine. I am the love and life of the Divine. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, are surely mine. Isis am I, the love and light of Earth, the wealth of kisses, the delight of tears, the pleasure never come to birth, the endless infinite desire of years. I am the shrine at which thy long desire devoured thee with intolerable fire. I was sung music, passion, death upon thy lyre, I am the grail and I the glory now. I am the flame and fuel of thy breath. I am thy queen enraptured and possessed. I am the star of God upon thy brow. #ISISLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I AM THAT I AM JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH THE HIGHEST LOVE, THE HEART OF LOVE OF THE FATHER, THE MOTHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY GHOST. MY FATHER OF THE UNIVERSE IS HERE WITH ME GEORGAS ZEUS, EARTHWORKER AS MY MOTHER IS HERE WITH ME ISIS THE QUEEN OF NATURE, SHE IS MY HOLY GRAIL WHOSE GREAT DEEP AND WONDEROUS LOVE BRINGS ME BACK TO LIFE EACHTIME I FALTER AND FALL OR TAKE A BOW FOR A REBIRTH BUT IN HONOR I CARRY ISIS’S BACKBONE OF STRENGTH AND LOVE, WORSHIPING AT HER TEMPLES OF DIVINE LOVE OFFERING AWARDS AND EPITHATS AND ABOVE ALL PRICELESS TITLES UPON HER ALTER SET UP FOR HER. #JESUSHEALS #JESUSLOVES #JESUSSAVES #JESUSTHEJUDGEMENT #JESUSISMANKINDSANSWER ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• SHARE AND REJOICE FOR I OFFER ALL WHO BELIEVE IN ME ETERNAL LIFE THE HOLY GRAIL MANIFESTED. KATY PERRY HITS: https://youtu.be/t5Sd5c4o9UM?list=PLA908D6C2BA16BF88
LIGHT: The nature of light has the character of a wave motion (interference phenomena) _ See Newton’s rings, alternating darkness and light-the point is you are only cuming thru in waves the light goes on so bright but you shut me into the darkness. A consistent theory of electromagnetism was determined in 1873 by James Clark Maxwell the velocity of light therefore the ‘light’ is electromagnetic waves as being oscillations in an all-pervading elastic medium, ‘ether’. Katy/Isis you are ether to me-unreal- but if you would just communicate with me in the darkness then you could illuminate me by passing the waves through a prism, your prism then straight coloured lines of light would appear and then the negative charge I carry as the atom are electrons but I could, I could be your ‘plum pudding model’; you could pass the balancing positive charge evenly threw the atom my electrons being the ‘plum’ and the positive charge the ‘pudding’. The spectral frequencies should then correspond to the various ways in which the electrons might oscillate within the positively-charged ‘pudding’. I.E. making me better as you are my MOM who radiates love but I get it in waves leaving me with the feeling I am loved then not loved [Hot n Cold] then I heal and all is ok again. It is your bipolar love, love. Up and down that affects me as I am Unipolar all one way high never depressed but when we shared the same soul-come back you tart you are missed-your love as radiation oozed continuously in and out of my black darkness riddled body like water in and out of a sponge. If you spent some time with me then your radiation of love you give me in the heavens would be emitted then I could absorb it in packets of energy of a definite size. Then my dear, the energy content of one of these packets would be a quanta proportional to the frequency of the radiation of love you emit. (Are you with me so far?) The constant of proportionality was taken to be a Universal constant of nature, Planks constant. Now cos of this I can only absorb your love, and you only emit it during events involving a single quantum of significantly high energy-which as you have felt I can be the highest form of energy anywhere but I can’t keep it up 24/7 and you seem to be only attracted by my high energy periods and you only spare me a few minutes if I am relaxed as in ‘gotta go to bed bye’ and you only string a few words together, I want to listen, to read. Do you know what it feels like to love someone who seems to be constantly pushing you away? YESS YOU DO. Anyway, that’s why I blow hot n cold = YOU.
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gaaralover55 · 4 years
Rei items/weapons:
Obsidian warrior of Fire, war and chaos:
Appears as a small obsidian shaped as an obelisk. It has black, amethyst and ruby energies that swirls around it like a wildfire. It has the abilities to exempel see into the future, controll fire/magma/heat/plasma and much more. It also holds the Powerfull Queen and Immortal guardian of Mars
The chaos glaive:
Sister weapon to the silence glaive. Appears as a long Glaive with a black handle wrapped with a red ribbon. The silver blade is shaped as a fire while is Held by Ruby crystalised flower. The bottom of the staff is also a blade shaped as an arrow head and in the middle it has the symbol of mars. The weapon is endowed with Power of chaos.
Shield of the sacred warrior:
Appears as a metal bracelet that wraps around the arm and has round polished ruby with silver linnings on. There are fire like engravings in the linning and on the top of the shield it has a black obsidian inside a golden upp symbol of mars with golden Phoenix wings on each side. The shield can defend/absorb attacks/locate the enemy and Much more.
Flame sniper arrow:
Appears as a Japanese arrow made out of Ruby, it has two talismans hanging from it from golden ropes as it has a fiery aura around it. When it’s used a bow made out of Fire appears and the arrow turns into golden red flames that purges evil and turn darkness into positive energy.
Sacred sword of war:
Appears as a giant buster sword where the two sided blade is made from a shard from the obsidian warrior. The grip is wrapped in red leather and Metal strings. The pommel is a sharp Dark amethyst Shaped as a mace decorated with metal. The guard is shaped as a cross decorated with rubies as in the middle of the blade it has a silver crystal, emerald, topaz, golden Diamond, opal, jade, onyx and amethyst that represent the other planets. It has been endowed with the Power of war, Fire and destruction and can cut through the hardest materia on atomic level.
Arm of the Flame warrior:
Appears a gauntlet made out of golden Metal and it looks like a mecha knights arm. The hand has sharp claws and on is a burning garnet with Fire engravings around it. Inside the gauntlet it has a chain whip with a dagger on which makes the gauntlet can be used as long and short ranged attacks. It has been endowed with the Power of fire
Sacred tiara of Fire:
Appears as a necklace which can turn into a v-shaped tiara with Ruby strings on. In the middle it has the gem Rei got from her Mother But the Ruby has turned into garnet, the pearls are golden and dosen’t have any crescent moon’s. The tiara has the abilities to help the guardian of mars to focus her spiritual abilities and to locate enemies base, the surrondings and much more
Next up :Makoto
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sunevial · 5 years
Anabel meeting OP, because obviously that would go well
So fun fact, a version of this also has happened, right before the second DMF game was hosted (aka, the first one run by Onyx as The Lieutenant). Here’s a heavily altered version of this.
A tear appeared in the endless expanse of strings, a portal between reality and this little corner of the void. With a cautious step, Anabel placed one foot onto the woven red strings, then another, testing her weight on the impossible physics of this realm. It had been some time since she had dared the void at all, much less a portion of it as hostile as the realm of The Murder God and her games.
When she was absolutely sure she wasn’t going to tumble into the abyss, she turned back to the tear and held up her arm. A void string was wrapped around her wrist in a loose bracelet, held together by one of the Lieutenant’s wing feathers. Against her better judgement, she placed her fingers along the tear and ran them along the portal until there was nothing to be seen.
And so she was alone in the void. Not particularly ideal.
With a quick sigh, Anabel began aimless walking along the woven paths, feeling the memories buzzing within the strings and the free magical energy in the air. It was…enticing, almost, being surrounded by so much power once again. With barely a second thought, she reached out into the void and called the energies into her body. Tan skin turned gray, peach hair turned light blond, modern clothes turned ancient, and scarf turned into a short teal cloak. 
A ghost of a smile appeared on her face as she pulled her hood over her head. Now properly attired, she continued on her wanderings, taking the woven strings into deeper portions of the void.
She still wasn’t exactly certain why she had taken Lieutenant’s offer to watch him run a Game. The two of them had met the day before, a chance meeting of two powerful beings in a city park. His story, though long and convoluted, was clear; he was the right hand of a murder god, a honed killer who had her undying loyalty. He was powerful, deadly, and certainly someone she had no business talking with, much less accepting an offer to watch mortals ritualistically slaughter each other.
And yet…he had been the first in a long time to treat her with that level of respect. Not to mention that the games, while horrific, had piqued an academic interest of hers for quite some time.
Dipping lower into the void, Anabel came to an intersection where the strings became far more densely packed. Pulling her hood deeper over her face, she began weaving between thick clusters of thread. More than anything, she tried to ignore the bodies suspended above her, some cradled gently and others dangling from makeshift nooses. 
There was nothing she could do to aid them. It wasn’t her place to interfere, and she didn’t have the power to introduce time into a place where it was meaningless.
“Well, well, well, it seems we have a wanderer here,” a voice said, so proper and sickly sweet that it grated on Anabel’s ears. A woman walked out of a nearby alcove, eyes closed behind neat spectacles. She wore a gown of green and gold, her hair neatly combed out of her face and behind her ears. “What is a thing like you doing in a place like this?”
Anabel slowly turned around, holding up her wrist and exposing the red-string bracelet. As she did, hundreds of thousands of images flashed before her eyes. This was not just any woman; this was an old god heavily wronged. “Your crow was kind enough to extended his wing to me.”
“Ah, I see you’ve met our Lieutenant,” the woman said with the most passive aggressive smile Anabel had ever seen on anyone, mortal and immortal alike. “It’s rare he gives out feathers to anyone, especially to ones not loyal to our lady.”
“A seat in the audience is what was offered, presumably as a gesture of curiosity.” Anabel’s voice was low and slow, every word laced with as much power and pride as she could muster up. “As for me, it is rude for a guest to make demands of a host.”
“Isn’t that sweet, he’s made a friend. And all on his own too,” the woman said with an even tone and a half smile. “Very well then, I think it would only be fair for you to remain for the game, especially if my partner wanted you to watch.”
Anabel gave the woman a slight bow in return. “My thanks to you. I am Lady Alexendra, miss.”
“Priestess will do,” she responded with a friendly tone mixed with ice cold malice, turning towards a cluster of strings. “Follow me, then, Alexendra. I’ve made some tea, and I would hate for it to go cold.”
With a careful nod, Anabel kept pace with Priestess as best as she could.
Because that was no request. That was an order.
And she was in no position to refuse.
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The True Stages of a Twin Flame Union
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John Rumary
 is with 
Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson
3 others
July 3, 2015  · 
Shared with Public
KATY CATS Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago ¯`v´¯) `.¸.´ ¸.•´¸.•*¨`. ¸.•¨*.¸¸.•*¨`*• (¸¸¸.•*¨`•.•´.¸.•´* .•´*¸¸.•*¨`*• Miracles of Light on your way Category Education License Standard YouTube License KATY PERRY HITS: https://youtu.be/t5Sd5c4o9UM?list=PLA908D6C2BA16BF88 · KatyCat Hudson is this a Dream shared? Shared on Google+ · 1 year ago · This meditation is a short, eyes-open guide to help you to still your mind and connect with your higher self: to experience yourself as the Dreamer who exists beyond the 'Dream'. When we detach from the 'dream' of our thoughts, emotions and personalities, we 'wake up' to our true self - universal consciousness, beyond the illusory world of duality. The Dreamer is the Creator, the infinite space within which all forms manifest... YOU are the DREAMER... and so am I!! Love x "There is another Path to embrace after your Awakening, and one that if you choose, can lift and raise you up and out of the limitation of human strife, raising you into the highest vibration of Light & Love, a path of Higher Consciousness ...it is called "The Path of Becoming your True Self" on Earth, also known as "The Path of Resurrection". As you embrace this path, a great raising & expanding activity unfolds within your mind and your feelings, your consciousness, and ultimately your physical garments. You are wide awake, your Life calls upon you to rise now & become on Earth your True Glorious Self 'I AM' individualized of Mother/Father God. It is a path in which there begins to be experienced by you the second birth, lightning flashes of sudden Light within your mind, great outpourings of Love within your being, all that prepares you in the centre of your consciousness to enter into The Secret Heart of your God Nature, and to pass through 'The Door of Everything' where you will drink of the Waters of Life, the greatest Love of all, The Mother's Love, the Love of the Heavenly Mother that individualizes as your Soul. When that Love begins to express through you it will reveal its Presence and it will nurture and fulfils all that your mind dares to conceive. Your Soul is the Sacred Womb of The Divine Mother of our Universe, Individualized, just as the Christ is the Individualized Mind of The Father." And just before I went under for the final time Jesus wondered why his Katy love had reappeared and he said to himself because I was denied the MOMs love for so long, so serious was his disgust at himself for thinking it was not there it was always there but Katy is busy and you must let ISIS sleep and John pouring ‘Wide Awake’ Powder down his throat night after night never sleeping and always demanding the attention of MOM it just appeared in John’s desperate drug riddled brain that it had disappeared. Her Love is there forever a shining beacon in John’s heart but if one will ‘circle the drain’ expect turbulence then he realized he had been actually opening up the mind of God and his higher consciousness that he had beaten absolutely every thinking thing into submission with his self-belief of proven invincibility as he took on the world and even the Universe to tame it then control it; 1) Anymore thinking would not even leave a gap in the door for a cat to pass through, John’s mind is slightly overloaded with toxins built up by lack of sleep. 2) Jesus dumped his love for Katy on Sunday night, jettisoned for the spiritual battle Vs Satan but John needed the Warlords’ mind on not posting red hearts to Katy and glittering cards for her calling her ‘duckie babe’. 3) She would get it back for John once the battle is lost and won. 4) As expected John won and his Love heart returned in this moment and stays there no harm done as Katy will not admonish him for the struggles he faces when he is called into battle and her advice is given for a reason as yet untold but John continues with his lessons and homework and every new day he has learnt more. John believes that when he awoke from the path of his true self that he had taken Katy under with him and they both surfaced and as John had drunk at the love of ISIS for so long he was convinced that she could actually be the Mother of the Universe and John knew now that he had become the heavenly Father of the Universe. So, Katy here announce this: ~The Incoming Seventh Golden Age ~The arrival of Super humans called "The Untouchables" ~And the enforcement of a New era of Spiritual Enlistment upon the Earth. ~The Emperor and The Empressa of The Holy Roman Empire RULE THE WAVES and STRINGS and QUARKS of the WORLD & THE UNIVERSE THEY OWN THE EVER-EXPANDING UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING INIT. BECAUSE THE EMPEROR IS JESUS CHRIST THE SAVIOR=GOD AND THE EMPRESSA IS EARTH MOTHER QUEEN ISIS=MARY MAGDALENA. THE DREAMTEAM. There you are Katy XXX spelt out what you gonna do? As the love of the heavenly Mother had nurtured his mind to believe he could be the Emperor of the Universe so as the Christ he was able to take it over but without armed force but by magical willpowers called ‘THE FORCE’ and although Katy has gone very silent on him John knew that his soul was still shared by Katy as the divine Mother because how else could he have achieved the unachievable without it? AND JOHN WOULD LIKE TO THANK KATY SO HE HAS POSTED THIS FOR HER THE EMPRESSA OF THE WORLD TO ADD TO HER MISS EVER EXPANDING UNIVERSE TITLE AS KATY REMAINS JOHN’S FAVE EVEN THOUGH HE BROKE THE MAGIC SPELL CAST UPON HIM BY THE GALLOPING DARK HORSE OF ‘BLAME IT ON THE NIGHT’!:)J HE RETURNS TO KATY/ISIS VICTORIOUS NEVER BEATEN IN BATTLE AS THE EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE OF HIS OWN FREE WILL TO DRINK AT HER WATERS OF LOVE/LIFE Top of Form SO HERE IS GODS PRAYER FOR ISIS TO CONJURE HERSELF UP WHEN JOHN CALLS AND IT IS UP TO KATY/ISIS TO RESPOND AS JOHN HAS MADE HIS INTENTIONS PLAINLY HOT. A SMALL (PROBABLY TOO SMALL TO FIT) GOLDEN RING WITH ‘SISTER’ WRITTEN ON IT WILL BE DISPATCHED RECORDED DELIVERY TO KATY’S MELROSE AVE OFFICE IN 3 HOURS TIME AND ALTHOUGH SHE IS PROBABLY IN ARGENTINA HE KNOWS NOT WHERE, THERE WILL BE A MAGIC +VINTAGE ALHAMBRA JEWELLERY GIFT SET INC A BLACK ONYX BRACELET AND CORNELIA EYE OF THE TIGER WITH GREY MOTHER OF PEARL MOTIF ENGAGEMENT RING WAITING FOR HER AT VAN CLEEF & ARPLES 300 N Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills +1-310-276-1161 WHERE IT WILL BE FITTING JUST RIGHT AS SOON AS SHE HAS A MOMENT TO INDULGE HERSELF- I AM INVESTING THE INTEREST ON MY $1million ON YOU. Bottom of Form ENJOY. JESUS AND ISIS AS MARY: OUR SONG: https://youtu.be/lp-EO5I60KA?list=RDlp-EO5I60KA ISIS, glorious Goddess. Let your instrument sound Hailing you with all homage, ISIS, glorious Goddess. To the candlewick the fire I raise on the altar set to you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. And the night time incense rises, sweetly mixed, to put me in the mind of perceiving you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. Who rises behind me like a flame of Gold and Brushes my back with her deft wings? #GODSLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I am Isis. The Restored Eden, the Supernal Mother, the Second Eve. I am the new heaven and the new earth for the first heaven and the first earth are passed away; I am the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. I am the mighty Mother Isis; most powerful of all the world. I am she who fights not, but is always victorious. I am that Sleeping Beauty who men have sought, for all time; and the paths which lead to my castle are beset with dangers and illusions. Such as fail to find me sleep; or may ever rush after the Fata Morgana leading astray all who feel that illusory influence I am lifted up on high, and I do draw men unto me, I am the worlds' desire, but few there be who find me. When my secret is told, it is the secret of the Holy Grail. It is love. I have plucked out my heart and have given it to the world; that is my strength. Love is the mother of the Man-God, giving the Quintessence of her life to save mankind from destruction, and to show forth the path to life eternal. Love is the mother of Christ... Spirit, and this Christ is the highest love Christ is the heart of love, the heart of the Great Mother Isis the Isis of Nature. He is the expression of her power she is the Holy Grail, and He is the life of blood of spirit, that is found in this cup. Isis am I, and from my life are fed all showers and suns, all moons that wax and wane, all stars and streams, the living and the dead, the mystery of pleasure and of pain. I am the Mother. I the speaking sea. I am the Earth in its fertility. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, return to me. All glories of the Universe bow down, the blossom and the mountain and the dawn. Fruits blush and women are creations crowned. I am the priest, the sacrifice, the shrine. I am the love and life of the Divine. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, are surely mine. Isis am I, the love and light of Earth, the wealth of kisses, the delight of tears, the pleasure never come to birth, the endless infinite desire of years. I am the shrine at which thy long desire devoured thee with intolerable fire. I was sung music, passion, death upon thy lyre, I am the grail and I the glory now. I am the flame and fuel of thy breath. I am thy queen enraptured and possessed. I am the star of God upon thy brow. #ISISLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I AM THAT I AM JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH THE HIGHEST LOVE, THE HEART OF LOVE OF THE FATHER, THE MOTHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY GHOST. MY FATHER OF THE UNIVERSE IS HERE WITH ME GEORGAS ZEUS, EARTHWORKER AS MY MOTHER IS HERE WITH ME ISIS THE QUEEN OF NATURE, SHE IS MY HOLY GRAIL WHOSE GREAT DEEP AND WONDEROUS LOVE BRINGS ME BACK TO LIFE EACHTIME I FALTER AND FALL OR TAKE A BOW FOR A REBIRTH BUT IN HONOR I CARRY ISIS’S BACKBONE OF STRENGTH AND LOVE, WORSHIPING AT HER TEMPLES OF DIVINE LOVE OFFERING AWARDS AND EPITHATS AND ABOVE ALL PRICELESS TITLES UPON HER ALTER SET UP FOR HER. #JESUSHEALS #JESUSLOVES #JESUSSAVES #JESUSTHEJUDGEMENT #JESUSISMANKINDSANSWER ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• SHARE AND REJOICE FOR I OFFER ALL WHO BELIEVE IN ME ETERNAL LIFE THE HOLY GRAIL MANIFESTED. KATY PERRY HITS: https://youtu.be/t5Sd5c4o9UM?list=PLA908D6C2BA16BF88
LIGHT: The nature of light has the character of a wave motion (interference phenomena) _ See Newton’s rings, alternating darkness and light-the point is you are only cuming thru in waves the light goes on so bright but you shut me into the darkness. A consistent theory of electromagnetism was determined in 1873 by James Clark Maxwell the velocity of light therefore the ‘light’ is electromagnetic waves as being oscillations in an all-pervading elastic medium, ‘ether’. Katy/Isis you are ether to me-unreal- but if you would just communicate with me in the darkness then you could illuminate me by passing the waves through a prism, your prism then straight coloured lines of light would appear and then the negative charge I carry as the atom are electrons but I could, I could be your ‘plum pudding model’; you could pass the balancing positive charge evenly threw the atom my electrons being the ‘plum’ and the positive charge the ‘pudding’. The spectral frequencies should then correspond to the various ways in which the electrons might oscillate within the positively-charged ‘pudding’. I.E. making me better as you are my MOM who radiates love but I get it in waves leaving me with the feeling I am loved then not loved [Hot n Cold] then I heal and all is ok again. It is your bipolar love, love. Up and down that affects me as I am Unipolar all one way high never depressed but when we shared the same soul-come back you tart you are missed-your love as radiation oozed continuously in and out of my black darkness riddled body like water in and out of a sponge. If you spent some time with me then your radiation of love you give me in the heavens would be emitted then I could absorb it in packets of energy of a definite size. Then my dear, the energy content of one of these packets would be a quanta proportional to the frequency of the radiation of love you emit. (Are you with me so far?) The constant of proportionality was taken to be a Universal constant of nature, Planks constant. Now cos of this I can only absorb your love, and you only emit it during events involving a single quantum of significantly high energy-which as you have felt I can be the highest form of energy anywhere but I can’t keep it up 24/7 and you seem to be only attracted by my high energy periods and you only spare me a few minutes if I am relaxed as in ‘gotta go to bed bye’ and you only string a few words together, I want to listen, to read. Do you know what it feels like to love someone who seems to be constantly pushing you away? YESS YOU DO. Anyway, that’s why I blow hot n cold = YOU.
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