#Regional Real Estate Knowledge
lua-magic · 10 months
Mars and your courage .
Mars is your courage, agression, fighting spirit, body,blood, immunity, brother, land, property and in female l's chart it also shows their husband.
Bad and debilitated Mars could brings fight with your brother, land related issues and fight with your husband.
It could give skin problems, low energy, low immunity, fear and low confidence.
Mars in first house
You will always work on your body and in your personality.
You love your house, your mother, and your country land.
Mars in second house.
You will always work for your family, or with your family.
Natives are Frank and outspoken and tell people what they think on their face.
You love to gain knowledge and you are quite creative person.
Mars in third house
Mars here is exalted. You are courageous, outspoken, leader, and take initiative.
Good placement for entrepreneurs.
You love to fight for yourself, and don't get easily defeated by eniemies or any kind of debt.
Mars in fourth house.
Mars is debilitated, it makes you emotional and quick to react.
You can't stay at home for long time.
There are some exceptions here, native with such placement could either get into real estate or something related to home or natives could work from home.
Natives could also have interest in cars.
Mother could be strict.
You will make lot of buisness partners or work in partnership.
Mars in fifth house.
You are extremely logical, mathematical and analytical person, could get into engineering field easily.
In women's chart it could pose problems in childbirth. You love reading, and enjoying your life to the fullest.
You are courageous, passionate, leader, and love discipline and routine.
You could be spiritual and love to learn occult as well.
You have fighting spirit within you and could not be defeated easily by any circumstances.
You should be careful about your gut health, piles and haemorrhoids.
Mars in sixth house.
Love people with such placement, as Mars is exalted and it is free to do what it is best at, i,e fighting.
Native with this placement are strict about their routine, have lot of energy to fight eniemies.
But, this could give land or property related issues as well.
This placement makes people religious and spiritual as well.
Mars in seventh house.
Here, Mars is debilitated as Mars is in Venus sign. Venus is soft and faminine whereas Mars has agression and anger.
These two energies causes native often fight with their partners and buisness as well.
Natives loves their work and always perform their duty on time.
Mars in eighth house.
Mars is again exalted here, and gives a lot of fighting spirit and never defeated attitude.
Be careful about health issues especially about your anal region.
It could give natives accidents and operations as well.
Natives love to work on their gain part and has good network.
Mars in ninth house .
I have observed natives with such placements are usually atheists and don't believe in god easily.
In certain cases I have also observed they love praying to ferocious gods and goddesses.
They love travel, and their work involves traveling as well.
They love isolation, and has quite bad and disturbed sleep, this placement could create problems in sexual pleasure as well and cause fight with their partners.
Mars in tenth house .
Mars is exalted as Mars can perform it's duty, as it is in Saturn sign which sign of karma.
It could create problems with collegues and bosses.
Natives are quick to do their work and are quite efficient in whatever they do.
Such, natives are workaholic and multitasker as well.
Such natives have great personality and always look younger than their actual age
Mars in eleventh house.
Native will not have many friends but natives love to work for their gains.
They have lot of energy and passion, and they get benefitted by land, property and real-estate.
Natives with such placements love to save for their family and could also involve in some sort of family business.
Mars in twelfth.
Mars is debilitated here, as now soldier is sent to deep ocean where he can't fight.
So, natives will have lethargic and low energy, sometimes lazy and problem in their sleep.
This placement is bad for bed pleaure as native could have fight with their partners alot
Native would good in cooking, or any job or skill that involves your hands like stitching, painting etc.
Such natives have special quality, whenever they are assigned any task they would finish it quickly and pour all their attention and energy into it .
If your Mars is afflicted by South node, north node or present in fourth and twelfth house, then you can wear red colour crystal on your hands
Mars is also your south direction in your house, make sure you have either red light, or red painting, paper or sticker placed there.
Respect your husband don't abuse and shout at them.
You can also meditate facing south direction in your house or pray for material wealth at south corner of your house.
For skin problems detox your blood.
Drink detox juices and could take Neem tablets
Include foods like red colour food like jaggery and poemgranate.
If number nine is missing in your chart write it on your hands or include number nine in your daily routine.
Wear red colour, and do donations on Tuesday.
Get up early morning and do some yoga or exercise daily to activate your Mars.
Maintain good relationship with your brother and friends.
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growingstories · 1 year
Joshua Goldman grew up in a rich family. His parents have always invested in real estate. They were hardworking though and gave him the values of integrity and determination.
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From a young age, Joshua knew he was different. He had a keen eye for fashion and design, and his creativity set him apart from his peers. However, growing up in a conservative community, he faced adversity and discrimination. It was during his teenage years that he discovered his sexual orientation, and he struggled to find acceptance and support.
But despite the challenges he faced, Joshua never let his circumstances define him. He worked hard in school and graduated to a prestigious university. It was during his time in college that he discovered his innate business acumen. He excelled in his studies, focusing on finance and real estate, and his professors saw something special in him.
After graduating at the top of his class, Joshua set out to make his mark on the world. Armed with his knowledge and ambition, he dove headfirst into the real estate industry. He started small, flipping houses and investing in properties, slowly building his empire. At a very young age he took over his parents company.
It wasn't long before Joshua's savvy business sense caught the attention of wealthy investors. With their financial backing, he expanded his operations, diving into commercial real estate and luxury properties. His ventures took him to every corner of the globe, from the bustling streets of Dubai to the serene beaches of Bali.
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As his wealth and influence grew, Joshua found himself longing for something more. The business world was exhilarating, but he yearned for a sense of fulfillment that money couldn't buy. It was during a trip to the Mediterranean that he had a life-changing experience. 
The shimmering blue waters of the Mediterranean called to Joshua like a siren's song. The luxurious yachts that dotted the coastline captured his imagination, and he knew he had found the missing piece of his puzzle. He wanted to live a life of freedom, surrounded by beauty and opulence. And so, he set his sights on acquiring a yacht of his own.
Joshua spared no expense when selecting his vessel. He enlisted the help of the most talented yacht designers and naval architects in the world. Together, they created a floating palace that would become his home away from home. The yacht was a sight to behold, boasting state-of-the-art amenities and luxurious accommodations.
Joshua's summer routine became the stuff dreams were made of. From May to September, he would embark on a journey across the Mediterranean, his yacht docking in a new harbor every morning. As the sun rose, he would lace up his sneakers and set off on a run through the picturesque streets of each city or village, guided by his dedicated personal trainer.
After an invigorating run, Joshua would indulge in an hour of fitness at the most exclusive hotels and resorts that he owned in the region. Sweating it out in luxurious surroundings became his morning ritual, a way maintain to his physique and recharge his for energy the day ahead.
By lunchtime, Joshua would return to his yacht, already tackled the to business side of his empire. Meetings with clients and investors filled his mornings, as he strategized and negotiated deals from the comfort of his floating palace. The yacht provided the perfect backdrop for his high-stakes discussions, its opulent interiors exuding an air of sophistication.
Despite his high-powered lifestyle, Joshua never forgot the value of companionship. He surrounded himself with a carefully selected entourage, a tight-knit group of individuals who became like family. Two hospitality managers attended to his every need, ensuring that his logistics were flawlessly arranged. His personal trainer, chef, and assistant chef also had their designated spaces on the yacht, their expertise enhancing the experience for Joshua and his guests.
And guests there were aplenty. Joshua's generosity knew no bounds, and he would often invite his friends and family to join him on his summer escapades. He would fly them in from around the world, ensuring that they were treated like royalty from the moment they stepped onboard. Lavish breakfasts were served, either in the privacy of their rooms or on the sun-drenched deck. Joshua prided himself as the perfect host, ensuring that his guests were always entertained and pampered.
Joshua's yacht became a hub of excitement and joy. He organized breathtaking excursions, taking his guests to secluded beaches and enchanting Mediterranean islands. The days were filled with laughter, sun-soaked adventures, and endless opportunities for relaxation and indulgence.
As the sun set, the yacht transformed into a vibrant party scene. Joshua's guests would gather on deck, clinking champagne glasses, and dancing into the wee hours of the morning. And yet, amidst the revelry, Joshua remained the picture of composure. He knew how to pace himself, rarely imbibing in excess and always encompassing himself with responsible behavior.
As the summer months drew to a close, Joshua reluctantly bid farewell to the Mediterranean and returned to his beloved New York City for the fall. The concrete jungle provided a stark contrast to the azure waters he had become accustomed to, but he found solace in the vibrancy and energy of the city.
The winter months were divided between two paradises that Joshua held dear. From November to January, he would retreat to his Tulum jungle villa, immersing himself in nature's embrace. The serenity of the jungle served as a respite from the stresses of his business, allowing him to find inner peace and clarity. Or go to his beach house in St Barth’s.
Then, from February to March, Joshua would trade the tranquility of Tulum for the exhilaration of the European Alps. Gstaad became his seasonal home, a playground for the elite and a winter wonderland for adrenaline enthusiasts. He would carve his way down the snow-covered slopes, letting the crisp mountain air invigorate his spirit.
And so, the seasons changed, and Joshua followed suit, always seeking out the next adventure. With spring came the promise of discovery in a new city, a chance to explore trendy bars and restaurants and mingle with sexy, like-minded individuals. He reveled in the nightlife, surrounded by beauty and opportunity.
As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into years, Joshua's routine remained steadfast. He had found a life that brought him joy, fulfillment, and success. His multi-billion-dollar empire continued to flourish, and he became a role model for those who dared to dream.
And so, as the sun set on Joshua's yacht, signaling the end of another perfect day, he retired to his luxurious chamber. He knew that tomorrow would bring new adventures, new challenges, and new opportunities. He lay his head on the soft pillows, his mind at ease, and drifted off to sleep.
The morning would come soon enough, and Joshua would rise the with sun, ready to embrace the world that lay before him.
Part 2, Thibault
During a glamorous party in Paris, a young and handsome man named Thibault had just graduated from university. With his clever mind and social charm, he caught the attention of the city's elite, including the Joshua 
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Joshua, impressed by Thibault's presence, invited him to join him on his private jet, traveling to parties all over Europe in the month of April. Thibault and Joshua quickly became a great match, and their friends adored them as a couple. 
As summer approached, Joshua extended an invitation to Thibault to join him on his luxurious yacht. It was the perfect opportunity for Thibault to travel before starting work, so he eagerly accepted. 
The summer adventure began in Beirut, where Joshua spent his mornings running on the shore with his personal trainer, followed by intense fitness workouts and meetings with investors and other important business associates. Lunchtime was usually spent back on the boat, hosting grand parties with influential people. 
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During the first two weeks, Thibault and Joshua had a wonderful time, enjoying each other's company and indulging in the delicious food onboard. However, Thibault soon realized that the extravagance was taking a toll on his body. Feeling a bit chubbier, he noticed that it actually turned Joshua on, leading to their intimate moments being even more passionate than before. 
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Determined to look his best, Joshua took Thibault on a shopping spree, buying him new Louis Vuitton trunks and tailored suits to enhance his appearance. Thibault also attempted to keep up with Joshua's fitness routine but struggled to find the motivation. Late-night parties and exhaustion from socializing left him feeling tired and slightly hungover. 
After four weeks, Thibault started to notice that his jeans no longer fit him. At first, he assumed it was due to the staff on the boat washing them at too high a temperature. However, during a shopping trip, he realized that he had gained a whole size. Troubled by this discovery, he decided to have a workout session with their personal trainer, but unfortunately, it didn't go well. Thibault discovered that he had gained a shocking six kilograms in just four weeks, which was more than he had ever weighed in his life. 
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Thibault discussed his concerns with Joshua, proposing that they schedule a session with the personal trainer to address the issue. However, Joshua denied the request, explaining that the trainer was too busy with his own online fitness company and would disrupt the guest schedule. Feeling guilty and wanting to show his appreciation, Joshua bought Thibault a Rolex watch. Despite the weight gain, Joshua couldn't resist his attraction to Thibault's new size, and their intimate moments continued to be filled with passion. 
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As the summer went on, Thibault and Joshua traveled to various destinations along the Croatian coast, Venice, Puglia, Capri, Rome, and other glamorous Mediterranean locations. They attended lavish parties with high-end guests, including celebrities and royalties.
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Indulging in more snacks and champagne, Thibault's denial about his weight gain persisted, attributing it to Italian sizes rather than accepting the reality. Meanwhile, Joshua maintained his discipline, going to bed on time, and abstaining from alcohol. 
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Three months had flown by, and Thibault and Joshua had visited every desirable harbor in Europe. Their bond had strengthened, and Joshua couldn't believe that Thibault had made it through the summer without any issues. Other companions had wanted separate rooms or even left after only four weeks. Joshua proposed that Thibault join him in his New York City apartment for the fall, with the potential of spending Christmas and New Year's Eve with his family in Mexico and St. Barths if everything went well. 
In the last harbor before their return, Thibault felt like an entirely different person. He had grown larger, and Joshua decided to them treat to a weekend at a lavish spa resort in the area. Stepping on the scale after three months of not seeing his weight climb, Thibault was shocked to discover that he now weighed 120 kilograms. Conflicted about his new appearance, Thibault wasn't sure if he liked it, but Joshua loved it and had no intention of making him lose weight. 
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areacodefan · 1 year
I am asking/hoping/praying that people who are NOT deeply, historically, and legitimately knowledgeable about
the history of the Middle East, Palestine, Israel, antisemitic terrorism, Gaza, Netanyahu, the Palestinian oppression, the two-state solution, Iran, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israeli resistance & protest, Palestinian resistance & protest, the West Bank settlements, the Kushners real estate interests, the intifada, post WW2 geopolitics, the Hamas covenant (I could go on and on and on and on and on)…
to please stop posting facile takes on how to stop terrorism and violence between Israel and Palestine.
You are, of course, fully entitled to your opinion and emotional reactions are totally understandable. But unless you have committed your life’s work to the study and remedy of these conditions, you are not qualified to offer (comment/share/repost/reblog/etc.) a constructive take on these matters.
These are two generationally traumatized people surrounded by multiple actors (some bad, some good) entrenched in a terrible, inhumane, and ongoing millenial conflict rooted in geographic claims and religious fervor. Some of these actors want to fully annihilate the human beings they oppose.
Your passionate plea for this or that while claiming an understanding of who caused what and when is 100% guaranteed to be oversimplified and misguided. You don’t know what in hell you are talking about if you think what needs to happen next is that obvious — or even the BEGINNING of a solution is that obvious. The history and circumstances involved here are shockingly complex. Seeing these self-righteous, ideological takes on social media only creates anguish in the hearts of those being harmed.
Please direct your energy toward compassion for the millions of innocent human beings, regardless of nationality or identity, who will suffer because of the insanity of corrupt and violent “leaders.” Any solution(s) must begin there anyway.
If you are interested in learning more, you might begin with the book “From Beirut to Jerusalem” by Thomas Friedman. I recommend this book mostly because you will QUICKLY realize that you are ill-qualified to claim an understanding or knowledge about these events from what you think you glean from takes on social media or the news. Even seemingly well-informed parties are not good sources when you lack broad historical context.
I’ve lived with varying degrees of exposure, study, and understanding of this experience my whole life. And I still don’t understand or know how to stop the cycles of violence and terrorism in this region. What I know for sure is that my heart is broken for everyone and people’s ignorant posts and comments are not helping.
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kafkaoftherubble · 7 months
// Some thoughts on Immortality vis-à-vis To Your Eternity
Why is there a (sometimes hidden) assumption that being immortal automatically means the following expectations:
being incredibly intelligent
hella knowledgeable
an expert generalist
"the one with the answer" in the entire group?
It's prevalent in pop culture which, I'm gonna guess, is a product of tons of fiction and myths that "say so."
But I think people take these assumptions for granted way too much and start to impose a universality that I don't think holds up to immortal characters who are human or possess human brains.
The qualifiers "human" and "possessing human brains" (or human cognition) are very important here. If this immortal is non-human, then this critique isn't aimed at them. Read on if you like, though.
The (human) brain is simply not an infinite memory space the way a computer database could theoretically be. Limitations are one of the most important factors that shape the course of a brain's evolution; hell, I once wrote a ramble regarding the difference between an AI's information processing vs. human cognition.
(Yes, it was outfitted with citations. Yes, it was completely unprompted and no one asked for it. At all. You may start to notice a pattern regarding me.)
Children generally get to learn and absorb as much information as they like with minimal cost until they're of a certain age, and then the pruning of neurons starts. The number of neurons we have is reduced because the brain now favors depth instead of breadth of knowledge. You cut off the things you don't actually need in your life to free new neurons for any domain that needs it.
This isn't just about memories. It's about things like your optical sense, your auditory sense, the whole shebang. Every part of your brain is constantly vying for free real estate to bolster its own domain; it's a relentless competition for neurons.
What does that mean?
It means even if you're immortal—so long as you're human or possess a human brain—you'll always be limited in your knowledge and skills. You can try to learn as many things as you want, but you're doing it at a cost, all the time.
Think about it. How well do you remember everything you've ever learned in school?
Do you remember the details of, say, the differing carbon pathways for C3 and C4 plants? Do you remember there are two kinds of mechanisms?
Do you remember how to calculate a region's longitude and latitude using their timezone via employing the Greenwich Meridian Line as a reference point, or a region of a known timezone?
Do you remember how to exchange inch to centimeter, or pound to kilogram, or Celsius to Fahrenheit, without using a converter?
How about recalling the detailed history of all four ancient civilizations and their ways of life: the Mesopotamian, the Egyptian, the Indus, and the Chinese?
So on, so forth. I don't know what everyone studied in their respective education system, but chances are, there is a lot of shit we have all "forgotten" even if we spent an inordinate amount of time committing them to memory back then. If you know the answer to any of these^ questions, then chances are you either just read/learn about them, or you regularly engage in this domain. Knowledge is never permanently stored in an individual's brain... because it can't. That's right; even skills and knowledge are not permanent in one's head. Impermanence, baby!
And that's my problem with the assumption of The All-Knowing Immortal.
While it's true that an immortal human has all the time in the world to study every knowledge humanity has accumulated as a whole, they can never have all knowledge at their fingertips, because at every acquisition of something new, they disregard what is judged to be unimportant and unnecessary by the brain to free up new neurons. There is always something the Immortal doesn't know—not because they have never heard of it, but because they have forgotten about it.
But surely immortality shapes someone such that they are different from a mortal being, right?
Correct! It does, and I think in at least two major ways:
(1) Expertise
Even a mortal being could gradually become an expert in one or—in the case of a polymath—various domains. Again, a mature brain favors depth instead of breadth. The more you practice, the more your neurons refine and develop, and the more skilled you become. That's how experts are created.
Since an Immortal has a lot more time (and with time comes resources and opportunities) to hone their skills in several domains, it stands that they will be incredibly expert in these domains over a long period.
The catch, though, is that they are only an expert in the domains they frequently engage in. It doesn't translate to being an expert in literally every other trade under the sun. It doesn't even mean they will become an instant expert after some light-reading about those trades because expertise ≠ genius. Some domains' knowledge may afford the Immortal an easier path to understanding related domains, but it still doesn't mean the Immortal is gonna be a pro and galaxy-brain at it without effort and cost.
(2) Experience
Experience is gained from how long one experiences life, so naturally, an Immortal is gonna have a lot of that. This is why I do agree that an Immortal should likely be one of the wisest in the group... but I don't think this rule should be universal to all immortal beings either.
What if an Immortal spent 40 years of their life in isolation, as a hermit, whose only occasional companion was a phantom-like observer who called them out anytime he felt like the Immortal was underwhelming?
The human brain's growth and learning depend on sociality. An isolated Immortal loses its most important source of learning, so of course, they would now be even less experienced than a poison-tasting woman who traveled around and recorded her adventures and knowledge in a book.
That's right. This post has always been about Fushi... because To Your Eternity was in the title of this ramble. Ha! Read the signpost before you enter next time, you dorks! I gotcha good!
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While some criticisms against Fushi's suboptimal intelligence and knowledge are warranted (and even those that aren't warranted are still interesting arguments to think about), I think people's expectation of what an Immortal being should be has gotten in the way of them seeing/appreciating Fushi as a "different kind of Immortal."
Fushi's default form is a 14-year-old boy who, for the longest time, has been living alone. That's a boy who's been deprived of social learning for a long enough time that it might have caused some brain damage (technical). That's not counting the fact that a 14-year-old brain simply isn't mature and is easily overtaken by impulses. I'm of the hypothesis that Fushi's beholden to the form they take; the proof is in how, whenever they change into one, they begin to exhibit their attributes.
Fushi's saddled with quite a lot of trauma—in fact, their trauma starts almost immediately and constantly after they are active beyond being a piece of rock or moss. What's the second word they learn after "Arigatou?" Wasn't it 痛い ("it hurts")? All of that stuff can indirectly hamper their social learning.
Fushi's base Nameless Boy form may also just be... well, not good at social learning. Or, Fushi themself isn't good at it. In other words, Fushi might just be... autistic. Bit of a headcanon there, though.
That's not all. While Fushi might have chosen to read a ton of books and whatnot, what do you think their interest will be? I don't think it's science, or politics, or philosophy, or looksmaxxing—the point is, they choose their own domains to engage in.
And even if they had read things like, I don't know, Trigonometry and Beauty or The Philosophy of Algebra or Sun Tzu's Art of War—my previous point about how knowledge can still be forgotten when those neurons fall into disuse still apply. And that's if Fushi was paying attention to what they were reading in the first place, because if you're not attentive, then good luck encoding things into your long-term memory effectively.
So what does all of this amount to?
Well, it means one may think Fushi is a dull-witted Immortal,...
...or think Fushi is a different kind of Immortal.
An Immortal that isn't as common a depiction as most others we knew in pop culture, to boot. Stil, they exhibit the two things Immortals should possess in abundance compared to a mortal being.
Firstly, they display expertise in wielding their powers (they are actually a very competent fighter come the Modern Arc and the Future Arc when they want to be). They are skilled at cooking and are generally the best at remembering the quirks, characteristics, and inclinations of every person they know well enough.
Why? Because these are the domains they engage in all the time.
Secondly, they exhibit an abundance of experience accumulated through their long lives. But here's the twist that I adore To Your Eternity for:
While the experience of an Immortal is usually depicted as a net benefit that shapes that Immortal into becoming wise, Fushi's abundance of experience as an Immortal is sometimes detrimental to them.
I'm talking, of course, about trauma as one of the main components of their experience.
We've discussed previously that Fushi's growth might have been hampered by the sheer trauma they had undergone at the start of the story. But here's the thing: their experience since then didn't exactly improve all the time. The grueling trial that was The Assault on Renril? Their previous attempts at fighting back Nokkers with varying results? Being stuck in a molten iron Prison Gate oh wow it's like Gojo ohmygod cube? Kahaku? You can list them yourself.
Even as normal human beings with limited timespan, we often find our own less-than-savory experience—including trauma—debilitating or even unbearable. Now imagine being an Immortal who keeps collecting experiences like these. Imagine yourself saddled with the suffering you've already gone through and beholden to more trauma and suffering as part of your experience living forever.
These are your experiences.
Have they made you exceptionally wise?
Not really?
Aye, that's the point.
If I have to give a TL;DR for this, I guess it's:
"Guys, I think we should give Fushi a wee bit of break, doncha think, lads?"
I know they are an Immortal. And people expect an Immortal various things in a story. But they are also a lot more than what common depictions of eternal beings are like.
Fushi is, to me, a very interesting exploration of being an immortal, and one I appreciate for
deconstructing the assumptions people make about Immortals in general
and deconstructing the "shouldn't an Immortal be wise because of their experience" understanding most of us might have.
Thank you for reading my ramble. Check your eyesight when you have the chance just in case reading all of this gave you a myopia. Don't say I didn't warn ya!
I'm... gonna pretend this is my "Happy Fumetsu Tuesday/Wednesday" post of the week—which I haven't been doing for a while now. I might as well retroactively pretend this ramble was part of a tradition-that-is-never-really-observed-for-real, too.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Hi, I grew up in a UK working class background and have just started working in academia which is predominantly middle class. I recently went to a conference and during the day when it was all work talk I had no issues fitting in and have a number of people who wish to collaborate with me due to my unusual skill set.
However in the evenings when we went for dinners/drinks I felt out of place as conversation topics were more general. I know that I need to become more well versed in politics and history, but I was wondering if you could recommend any other topics I should start learning about to make conversations at these events easier?
Hi love. I'm not from the U.K. but have some friends from university/clients/special friends who live or have lived in London, and it seems like these hobbies & subject matters tend to be of interest:
The art market & general art knowledge/art history
Tennis/Football/Rugby/Polo/Cricket/Equestrian sports
Knowledge of social clubs, restaurants, museums, where to shop, etc.
Significant or trending books, social media trends
Best places for traveling during different times of the year, hot spots in these destinations, general cultural knowledge of these areas
Buzzy television shows, movies, celebrities, media events, etc.
General understanding of the real estate market/social climates of different regions and their social scene groups
Anyone from the U.K. in this community, please feel free to add anything or correct any of my outsider observations.
Hope this helps xx
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sarahivi · 1 year
@oakzap425 @cantstayawaycani @observers-journal @cutelatinagirl @soledadmiranda @luzsp9-1981 @talokanda-forever @too-many-atoms @love-too-believe
#LastHour #Find out
⚠️ More crimes of the Rios Ortiz Family continue to appear ⚠️
After the saxophonist Maria Elena Rios made public her complaints against the actor Tenoch Huerta, a lot of information was also made public about the criminal life of the Rios Ortiz family, referring first of all to Carlos Rios Ortíz, brother of Maria Elena to whom they returned to open investigative files against him for the murder of a young man in the community of Santo Domingo Tonalá named Carlos Duran, a crime that, due to the political influence of the Rios family, remained in total impunity.
Due to the complaints and the commotion that this news has generated on social networks; The victim's family seeks support to resume the case and obtain justice for the crime that the Rios family intended to leave forgotten. It should be noted that Maria Elena and her family fled the community after the population was fed up, who with sticks , torches and machetes ran them from the place.
However, it is not the only case of violence of which they are accused, since during these days photographs of Silvia Rios, her sister, were released with one of the leaders of a criminal group that operates in the Mixteca region, especially in the city of Huajuapan de León where he leads the famous Colombian collectors Gota a Gota. According to reports, the two women work in coordination, on the one hand Silvia Rios is dedicated to loans and real estate, something that is public knowledge since she herself clarified it when it was revealed that she was an aviator on the payrolls of the previous state administration. On the other hand, the famous "Mouse" has been linked to kidnapping and murder, as well as being a close friend and associate of Silvia Rios Ortíz.
What do you think?
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creature-wizard · 2 years
K so basically, one reason why "Christians stole everything from pagans" is hyperreductive is, early Christianity developed in a world with a lot going on.
First you gotta understand, for a lot of people the world functionally revolved around the Mediterranean. And you had a lot of fuckers in this region making empires. And since ancient Palestine bordered the east side of the Mediterranean, you had a number of empires looking at it and going, "It's free real estate~" Here's a place you can put port cities or whatever. Sometimes their imperial rulers let them do whatever. Sometimes you have people like Antiochus IV, who tried to forcibly assimilate Jews into Greek culture.
Meanwhile a few towns over from Jerusalem you have Alexandria, a bustling metropolis where locals are making a point of collecting all the knowledge. Everybody from all over goes to Alexandria to learn and share knowledge. Jews also make up a sizeable portion of the city's population. Initiatory mystery religions are also in vogue. You have Greeks and Romans making mystery religions out of deities like Isis, Mithras, and Cybele. You also have this developing notion that the world as we know it is a kind of prison to be escaped. (This relates to beliefs we would now classify as 'gnostic.') And then of course you have messianic beliefs emerging and developing within Judaism. This is a world in which people are being formally and casually exposed to all kinds of ideas and internalizing them. Even people who aren't really all that well-educated or well-traveled are going to be coming across some of this. And then many of these people are going to become part of all kinds of fascinating spiritual movements. Some of them look very much like Christianity as we know it; others less so. And even early Christianity was highly diverse, with people fitting Jesus into a number of different frameworks and worldviews they already accepted as true, and interpreting his life and mission in ways that made sense to them.
Think of it as being a little like trying to write a story. No matter what you write, your work is going to resemble the work of your contemporaries if only because you all live in a world where where you've picked up many similar ideas. You will share many fundamental assumptions about the way the world works. You'll be aware of many of the same pop culture tropes, the same recent scientific discoveries, the same recent political conflicts, etc. etc. And if you say to yourself, "Well, what if I subvert all that?" I promise you, there is someone out there also subverting it the exact same way you are, because contrarians also think alike.
If you're interested in a very grounded, non-religious, non-conspiratorial look at how early Christianity developed, I recommend Bart D. Ehrman's How Jesus Became God.
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'If activists are hiding books from you, the best thing you can do is seek them out and read them!'
One of the strangest developments of the culture war has been the rise of authoritarian librarians. It sounds ridiculous doesn't it? Surely librarians are there to support education and to enable the dissemination of literature and knowledge.
But this week it was reported that the library service in Calderdale Council has been hiding books by feminists such as Helen Joyce and Kathleen Stock. The Labor-run council confirmed that although these books would still be in the catalog and they could be requested, they were quote, "not visible on the library shelves." This is very odd.
Now, I've read the books in question by both Helen Joyce and Kathleen Stock, and they are rigorous, intelligent and important studies concerning one of the key issues of our time. And yet these librarians are treating them as though they are toxic, as if members of the public who happen upon them while browsing might somehow be instantly corrupted.
And yet we shouldn't really be surprised at all. The rise of Woke Librarians, however ludicrous that sounds, is a real thing. Now, I should say from the outset that I've nothing against librarians. Some of my best friends are librarians. But there is something about the profession that seems to attract the kind of paternalistic pharisee who believes that it's their job to protect others from wrongthink.
Let me give you some other examples. So a few years ago, it was reported that the former poet laureate Ted Hughes was included on a watch list created by the British Library because of a family connection with a slave owner. Turns out the connection was false and the Library issued an apology. But why was the foremost library in the UK creating this kind of watch list in the first place? Well, it was because in the wake of the killing of George Floyd, the library had commissioned what they called a "decolonizing working group" which decided that they should review the collections and draw up a list of any authors with problematic pasts. This same group also claimed that the library's main building was a monument to imperialism, because it looked a bit like a battleship. I'm not even joking.
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And in 2021 the Waterloo Region District School Board in Canada identified and removed books that were considered quote, "harmful to staff and students."
At the same time, other school libraries in Canada were disposing of copies of Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird and Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale following complaints about quote, "racist, homophobic or misogynistic language and themes."
And then there was the Ottawa Carlton District School Board which removed copies of William Golding's Lord of the Flies on the grounds that the themes of the book were quote, "outdated and too focused on white male power structures." Had they even read the book? If Lord of the Flies really is a comment on white male power structures, it can hardly be said to be an advertisement.
And then of course there's the whole trigger warning phenomenon. When archivists at Homerton College in Cambridge were engaged in a project to upload their collection of children's literature to the internet, they decided to flag a number of books with trigger warnings. Books such as Little House on the Prairie, and The Water Babies, and various books by Dr Seuss. And the archivists said they wanted to make their digital collection quote, "less harmful in the context of a canonical literary heritage that is shaped by, and continues a history of, oppression."
But books by Dr Seuss aren't oppressive or harmful, even if they do contain outdated racial stereotypes. They were written a long time ago, and readers understand that. Of course, that hasn't stopped the estate of Dr Seuss from withdrawing a number of titles from sale altogether. You can't even buy them anymore.
But the most revealing aspect of this story from Cambridge is a statement that the archivists at Homerton College put out. They said it would be a quote, "dereliction of our duty as gatekeepers to allow such casual racism to go unchecked." Gatekeepers. Now I thought they were meant to be custodians not gatekeepers.
And this is what is known as saying the quiet part out loud. Because really all of this behavior is edging towards censorship. For librarians and archivists to apply warnings to books or to hide them from the public, it's for them to say, "we don't think these books are good for you, we don't trust you to read these books and not to pick up some bad ideas, we must protect you from their influence." In other words, they're treating the public like a parent treats a small child.
And we shouldn't stand for it. Even the application of trigger warnings is a problem in and of itself. True, the books aren't being censored, but a trigger warning buys into the false belief that words and violence are the same thing. It implies that these books are dangerous, and in the wrong hands could cause trouble.
And it's not just libraries. Increasingly we're seeing museum staff attempting to protect the public from artifacts that they're meant to display. So last November, the Wellcome Collection in London shut down its key exhibit, one which dated from the 17th century, because it perpetuated quote, "a version of medical history that is based on racist, sexist and ableist theories and language."
Now we all know that ethical standards change over time and that people from the past held different views from us. Often views that we would consider objectionable. So why don't museum curators understand this too? Why is a museum preventing us from seeing artifacts from the past, when they should be facilitating access? Why is it that so many art galleries now insist on adding little labels next to paintings by great masters to say how much they disapprove of their values, as though the writers of these little sermons would have thought any differently if they had been born hundreds of years ago?
I don't care whether you disapprove of Hogarth's attitudes towards minorities, I just want to appreciate his work without having these soft-witted puritans breathing down my neck.
What we're seeing here is ideological capture. it's the same reason why the Catholic Church created an index of forbidden books which it had kept updated for 400 years right up until 1948. it's the same reason why Mary Whitehouse wanted certain TV shows banned back in the 1960s. It's the same reason why the BBC has censored scenes of old comedy shows such as Faulty Towers on the BBC streaming service. It's the same reason why staff at publishing houses revolt when there's a new book coming out by Jordan Peterson or JK Rowling or some other problematic author. And when the authors aren't as well known as Peterson or Rowling, the staff often get their way.
And if you don't think any of this is authoritarian, what about the time when the body in charge of elementary and secondary schools in Southwestern Ontario authorized the ritualistic burning of books if they contained outdated stereotypes, in what they described as a "flame purification ceremony." Almost 5000 books, including copies of Tintin and Asterix, were removed from shelves and were destroyed or recycled because of course, only the most [rogressive people in history have ever burned books.
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[ Source: The Times, via archive.today ]
It sounds preposterous, but the proliferation of activists in libraries, museums, schools, publishing houses, the arts and the media, makes complete sense when one considers that the devotees of this new woke religion have a vested interest in controlling the limits of acceptable thought. To use their own words, they are the gatekeepers.
But as adults in a civilized and liberal society, we don't need to be coddled, particularly by people whose capacity for critical thinking has been stunted by ideology. They say it's for our own good, but what tyrant in history hasn't made a similar claim?
So enough with the woke librarians. If activists are hiding books from you, the very best thing you can do is seek those books out and read them. These petty little authoritarians will do anything to control your speech and your thoughts. Don't let them get away with it.
We are reliably informed that it's only right-wing conservative Xians who want to ban or burn books. But it isn't true. There is a mirror image of the same Puritan authoritarianism on the woke left.
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Digital Marketing Agency Near Me
Choosing the Best digital marketing agency near you can be hectic for your business. A local agency not only understands the market dynamics but also has the advantage of being easily accessible for those who live near. Here’s a guide on how to find a well reputed digital marketing agency near you, what to look for, and the benefits of working with them.
1. Research and Identify Agencies near you
Start by conducting a simple online search for digital marketing agencies in your area. Use search engines, business directories like Yelp, and platforms like Google My Business to compile a list of agencies. Local community websites, forums, and social media groups can also provide recommendations. Pay attention to the agencies’ reviews and ratings, as these can give you an idea of their reputation and the quality of their services.
2. Analyze the Agency’s Expertise
Once you have a list of all potential agencies, check their websites to understand their offerings. Reach for agencies that specialize in the areas of digital marketing that are most important  to your business, such as SEO, PPC, content marketing, social media management, or web development. Agencies often showcase their previous work and case studies on their websites, which can give you a clear understanding of  their capabilities and the types of clients they served.
3. Look for Industry Experience
It’s necessary to choose the right agency that has experience in your specific field. Whether you are a retailer, or in the healthcare sector, real estate, or any other sector, an agency with relevant industry experience will be able to better understand your business’s challenges and opportunities. They will also have a better grasp of the competitive landscape and the digital strategies that work best within your industry.
4. Access Their Communication and Culture
Effective communication is important when working with a digital marketing agency. During earlier consultations, assess how responsive and honest the agency is. Do they understand your goals and business types? Are they clear about their strategies and expected results? Additionally, evaluate the agency’s culture and whether it aligns with your company’s values and working style. A good cultural fit can lead to a next level of marketing and be productive for you.
5. Evaluate the Wide Range of Services
A full-time digital marketing agency can provide a better solution to your marketing requirements. These agencies offer a wide range of services,such as, Seo, web design to content creation, google analytics. Working with a single agency that offers all these services can give you consistency in your marketing efforts and save you from  the hassle of communicating with multiple agencies.
6. Compare proposals of different agencies
After lessening down your options, request proposals from the evaluated agencies. These proposals give you ideas about their strategies, timing, services, and charges. You should Compare the proposals not just on the basis of cost but also on the outcomes from their services they offer.Best option can not always be a cheapest option and the cheapest option is not always the best; focus on the agency that provides a clear, and great results-driven strategy that aligns with your business goals.
7. Benefits of Working with a nearby Agency
Choosing a nearby digital marketing agency has many benefits. Local agencies are more likely to have a deep knowledge of the regional market and consumer behavior. This can be beneficial for small businesses that target local customers. Additionally, it allows for easier communication and collaboration, with opportunities for face-to-face meetings that can strengthen the partnership. A local agency can also provide ready to fit support, which is beneficial for considering urgent marketing needs or responding to market trends in real-time.
Finding the best digital marketing agency near you involves careful evaluation, assessing expertise and industry experience, and evaluating the agency’s communication and norms. By choosing a nearby agency that aligns with your business needs, you can create a strong, collaborative partnership that drives your business’s digital marketing growth. Whether you’re looking to expand your online business, generate leads, or enhance customer involvement, the right agency can help you achieve your goals effectively. You can read more interesting blogs about marketing by visiting-thegrowingcreator
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verooutdoorliving · 2 months
Transform Your Outdoor Space with Sebastian Pavers in Vero Beach
Transform Your Outdoor Space with Sebastian Pavers in Vero Beach
Vero Beach, a picturesque coastal city in Florida, is known for its beautiful beaches, lush landscapes, and vibrant outdoor living culture. For homeowners looking to enhance their outdoor spaces, Sebastian Pavers offers a perfect solution to create stylish, durable, and functional areas. Whether you want to revamp your driveway, patio, walkway, or pool deck, Sebastian Pavers from Vero Outdoor Living can transform your vision into reality. This comprehensive guide explores everything you need to know about Sebastian Pavers, including their benefits, installation process, design ideas, and how they can elevate your outdoor living experience in Vero Beach.
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What Are Sebastian Pavers?
Sebastian Pavers are high-quality interlocking paving stones designed to provide both beauty and durability for various outdoor applications. Manufactured with advanced technology and premium materials, these pavers are ideal for creating stunning driveways, patios, walkways, and pool decks that can withstand the test of time and the elements.
Benefits of Sebastian Pavers
Exceptional Durability: Made from high-density concrete or stone, Sebastian Pavers are built to endure heavy traffic, extreme weather conditions, and daily wear and tear. Their robust construction prevents cracking, chipping, and fading, ensuring a long-lasting appearance.
Versatile Design Options: With a wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes, Sebastian Pavers offer immense design flexibility. You can choose from classic brick patterns, contemporary styles, or natural stone looks to match your home’s aesthetic and personal preferences.
Low Maintenance: Unlike traditional concrete or asphalt, Sebastian Pavers require minimal upkeep. Routine cleaning with a mild detergent and occasional sealing are usually enough to keep them looking pristine.
Eco-Friendly: Many Sebastian Pavers are designed with environmental sustainability in mind. Their permeable nature allows rainwater to drain through, reducing runoff and promoting groundwater recharge.
Enhanced Property Value: Investing in high-quality pavers can significantly increase the curb appeal and value of your property. A well-designed outdoor space creates a welcoming atmosphere and can make your home stand out in the real estate market.
Why Choose Sebastian Pavers for Your Vero Beach Home?
Vero Beach’s unique climate and coastal charm make Sebastian Pavers an ideal choice for enhancing outdoor spaces. Here’s why these pavers are particularly well-suited for this region:
Climate Resilience
Vero Beach experiences a subtropical climate with high humidity, frequent rain, and intense sun exposure. Sebastian Pavers are designed to withstand these conditions, maintaining their appearance and structural integrity despite the harsh weather. Their resistance to moisture and temperature fluctuations ensures a long-lasting and reliable surface for your outdoor areas.
Coastal Aesthetic
The natural beauty of Vero Beach’s coastal environment calls for materials that complement its charm. Sebastian Pavers come in various textures and colors that can mimic natural stone or enhance seaside themes. Whether you prefer a classic look or a modern design, there’s a paver style to match the coastal elegance of your property.
Professional Installation
Local expertise in installing Sebastian Pavers ensures that your project is completed to the highest standards. Vero Beach professionals understand the specific soil conditions, drainage requirements, and design preferences unique to the area. Their knowledge ensures a flawless installation that enhances the performance and appearance of your pavers.
Choosing the Right Sebastian Pavers for Your Project
Selecting the perfect Sebastian Pavers for your outdoor project involves considering various factors to ensure you achieve the best results. Here’s a detailed guide to help you make an informed decision:
1. Purpose and Function
Determine the primary use of the area you’re paving. Different applications require specific considerations for durability, slip resistance, and aesthetic appeal:
Driveways: Choose thicker, more robust pavers that can handle the weight of vehicles and daily traffic.
Patios: Opt for pavers that balance style and durability, suitable for foot traffic and outdoor elements.
Walkways: Select pavers with slip-resistant surfaces to ensure safety.
Pool Decks: Consider pavers with textured surfaces to prevent slipping and heat absorption.
2. Design and Style
Consider the overall look you want to achieve. Sebastian Pavers offer a range of styles, including traditional brick, modern concrete, and rustic stone. Think about how the pavers will complement your home’s architecture and landscaping.
Traditional: Classic brick or cobblestone patterns create a timeless appeal.
Modern: Sleek, clean lines and geometric shapes provide a contemporary look.
Rustic: Natural stone or weathered finishes evoke an earthy, organic feel.
3. Color and Texture
The color and texture of the pavers should harmonize with your existing outdoor elements. Light colors can brighten up smaller areas, while darker hues add depth. Textured pavers enhance visual interest and provide practical benefits, such as improved traction.
4. Budget
Establish a realistic budget for your project. While Sebastian Pavers offer excellent value, costs can vary based on the type, size, and complexity of the design. Include additional expenses such as installation, base materials, and maintenance in your budget.
The Installation Process
Proper installation is crucial for the performance and longevity of your Sebastian Pavers. Here’s a step-by-step overview of the typical installation process:
1. Planning and Design
Site Assessment: Evaluate the area where the pavers will be installed. Consider factors such as drainage, grading, and soil type.
Design Layout: Create a detailed design plan, including the pattern, color scheme, and border options. Professional designers can help you make the best choices based on your preferences and site conditions.
2. Preparation
Excavation: Remove existing surface materials and excavate to the required depth. This ensures a stable base for the pavers.
Base Installation: Lay a compacted base layer of gravel or crushed stone. This provides drainage and stability for the pavers.
Edge Restraints: Install edge restraints to keep the pavers in place and prevent shifting.
3. Paver Installation
Laying Pavers: Begin laying the pavers according to the design plan. Use a string line or laser level to ensure straight rows and proper alignment.
Cutting and Fitting: Cut pavers as needed to fit around edges and corners, ensuring a seamless appearance.
4. Finishing Touches
Joint Sand: Fill the joints between the pavers with sand to lock them in place and prevent weed growth.
Compaction: Use a plate compactor to press the pavers into the base and settle the joint sand.
Sealing: Apply a sealant to protect the pavers from stains, moisture, and UV damage.
Design Ideas for Sebastian Pavers
Sebastian Pavers offer endless design possibilities. Here are some creative ideas to inspire your next outdoor project:
1. Elegant Driveways
Create a grand entrance with a stylish paver driveway. Consider using a combination of colors and patterns to add visual interest and enhance the curb appeal of your home.
2. Charming Patios
Design a cozy outdoor living space with a paver patio. Add comfortable seating, outdoor lighting, and landscaping to create a perfect spot for entertaining and relaxation.
3. Inviting Walkways
Enhance the beauty of your garden or yard with a charming paver walkway. Use curves and borders to create a visually appealing path that guides visitors through your outdoor space.
4. Sophisticated Pool Decks
Transform your pool area with elegant paver decking. Choose slip-resistant pavers in light colors to keep the surface cool and safe for swimmers.
5. Unique Fire Pits
Incorporate a custom paver fire pit into your patio or garden design. This focal point provides warmth and ambiance for outdoor gatherings and adds a touch of sophistication.
Maintenance and Care
To keep your Sebastian Pavers looking their best, regular maintenance is essential. Follow these tips for optimal care:
1. Cleaning
Routine Cleaning: Sweep the surface regularly to remove debris and prevent staining.
Deep Cleaning: Use a mild detergent and a pressure washer to clean stubborn stains and dirt. Avoid harsh chemicals that could damage the pavers.
2. Sealing
Periodic Sealing: Apply a sealant every 1-3 years to protect the pavers from stains and weathering. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for application.
3. Repairs
Repairing Cracks: Replace any damaged or cracked pavers promptly to prevent further issues. Remove the damaged paver, replace the base if necessary, and install a new paver.
4. Weed Control
Preventing Weeds: Use a weed barrier fabric under the base layer to reduce weed growth. Regularly remove any weeds that appear between the pavers.
Vero Outdoor Living: The Best Resource for Sebastian Pavers in Vero Beach
For homeowners in Vero Beach, Vero Outdoor Living is the premier resource for Sebastian Pavers and other outdoor living solutions. Here’s why Vero Outdoor Living stands out:
Expertise and Experience
Vero Outdoor Living specializes in transforming outdoor spaces with high-quality pavers and expert installation. Their team of professionals has extensive experience working with Sebastian Pavers and understands the specific needs of Vero Beach homeowners.
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Customized Solutions
Vero Outdoor Living offers personalized design solutions to match your vision and lifestyle. From selecting the perfect pavers to creating detailed design plans, their team works closely with
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bargold12 · 2 months
The Growing Popularity of Gold Bar Investments in the UAE
Investing in pamp gold has long been considered a haven for investors worldwide, offering stability and security during uncertain economic times. In the UAE, the allure of gold is particularly strong due to the region’s rich history with the precious metal and its status as a global trading hub. This blog explores why gold bar investment in the UAE is gaining traction and how investors can make informed decisions.
Why Invest in Gold Bars? 1. Stability and Security Gold is known for its ability to maintain value over time, making it a popular choice for preserving wealth. Unlike stocks or real estate, which can be subject to market volatility, buy gold bullion a stable investment that can protect against inflation and currency fluctuations.
2. Tangible Asset valcambi gold bars are a tangible asset that investors can physically hold, providing a sense of security that digital investments cannot match. This tangibility is particularly appealing in a world of unpredictable financial markets.
3. Portfolio Diversification Investing in gold bars can diversify an investment portfolio, reducing risk by offsetting potential losses in other asset classes. Gold often performs well when other markets struggle, providing a balancing effect.
The UAE Advantage 1. Tax-Free Investment One of the key benefits of investing in gold bullion bar price in the UAE is the tax-free environment. Investors can purchase gold without worrying about capital gains taxes, which can significantly impact overall returns.
2. Access to High-Quality Gold The UAE is renowned for its high-quality gold, with Dubai often referred to as the “City of Gold.” Investors can access a wide range of gold bars from reputable dealers, ensuring the authenticity and purity of their investments.
3. Strong Market Infrastructure The UAE’s robust market infrastructure supports gold trading, with numerous exchanges and platforms facilitating the buying and selling of gold bars. This accessibility makes it easier for investors to enter and exit the market as needed.
Factors to Consider Before Investing 1. Purity and Weight When purchasing gold bars, it’s essential to consider their purity and weight. Look for bars that are at least 99.5% pure, commonly known as 24-karat gold, to ensure you are getting the highest quality.
2. Reputable Dealers Choose reputable dealers with a proven track record in the gold market. Conduct thorough research and verify their credentials to avoid potential scams or counterfeit products.
3. Storage and Insurance Consider the storage and insurance of your gold bars. Secure storage is crucial to protect your investment, and insurance can provide additional peace of mind against theft or loss.
4. Market Trends Stay informed about market trends and factors influencing gold prices, such as geopolitical events, economic data, and currency fluctuations. Understanding these trends can help you make informed investment decisions.
Steps to Invest in Gold Bars in the UAE Research and Education Educate yourself about the gold market, investment strategies, and the factors influencing gold prices. Knowledge is key to making informed decisions.
Set Investment Goals Define your investment goals, whether long-term wealth preservation, short-term gains, or portfolio diversification. Clear objectives will guide your investment strategy.
Choose a Reputable Dealer Select a reputable gold dealer in the UAE with a strong market presence and positive customer reviews. Verify their credentials and ensure they offer high-quality gold bars.
Monitor Market Trends Keep an eye on market trends and economic indicators that could impact gold prices. Stay informed to make timely investment decisions.
Secure Storage and Insurance Arrange for secure storage of your gold bars and consider insurance to protect against potential risks. Proper storage is essential to safeguard your investment.
Conclusion Gold bullion price investment in the UAE offers numerous advantages, from tax-free benefits to access to high-quality gold. By considering factors such as purity, reputable dealers, and market trends, investors can make informed decisions that align with their financial goals. As the UAE continues to be a global leader in the gold market, investing in gold bars remains a viable and attractive option for preserving wealth and securing a stable financial future.
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josefavomjaaga · 1 year
Hi! Can I ask you some silly questions? (it's very long so I'm sorry in advance🥲):
I just started reading about the Napoleonic era, and one thing bothers me is how did the marshals, or generals, or whoever under Napoleon's court, got their titles. Every books I read they just said "...and he was made the Duke of [insert land]" and move on. I'm aware that they earned it through military achievements, but is there any specific requirements to be met here? Why some got even Prince titles and did they have any distinctions from Dukes? Also, did they have to do anything with the land they got their titles from?
Thank you for the question! I will try to answer to the best of my knowledge but I cannot stress enough that this knowledge will not go far. I’m not a historian, and when it comes to the details of politics and administration, it does not take long for me to be out of my depths. But maybe somebody else can add more information. Because I think the question is rather interesting, with Napoleon installing a new aristocracy so soon after the Revolution had taken care to abolish the old.
In general, the new nobility received their titles the same way the old nobility had: it was granted by the monarch, in Napoleon’s case through an imperial decree. So, the main requirement if you wanted a nobility title was to be in Napoleon’s good graces, or to be friends with somebody who was and could put in a good word for you. The marshals, generals, politicians, surgeons, bankers and whoever else was added to the bunch all received their »lettres patentes«, basically their certificate that stated they now were a duke, count or baron, and that was that.
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The ranking, from highest to lowest, was: prince – duke – count – baron – chevalier.
I understand that at least some of the higher titles did come with some requirements. The family had to have a »majorat«, a set of properties, usually a castle, real estate and a certain amount of values, that had to be passed on in its entirety to the next title holder. As the marshals usually did not have the required amount of wealth, many castles and much money actually came from Napoleon.
In general, the titles »Duc de Frioul«, »Duc de Montebello« etc. were honorary titles, i.e., really only names. They did not give their owners any special rights in the city or region they were named after – except in some cases for the princes.
Berthier, prince de Neuchâtel (also prince de Wagram)
Bernadotte, prince de Ponte Corvo
Talleyrand, prince de Benevent
Unlike in the domains of the former HRE, in France the term »prince« could designate the sovereign head of a country (in the HRE, »Herzog«, = duke was the lowest title for a sovereign, with prince merely designating somebody who belonged to a ruling house, afaik). So, the princes above actually owned a (usually rather small but technically to some degree independent) principality in the places they were named after, that they could administer, give laws in etc.
I’m not sure if it was the same for the later princely titles:
Davout, prince d’Eckmühl
Masséna, prince d’Essling
Ney, prince de la Moskowa
As the places they are named after did not belong to Napoleon’s empire, I presume their principalities were formed elsewhere. In a similar way Napoleon in early 1810 briefly planned to scrap together a »principality of Raab« for his stepson Eugène that surely would not have been in Hungary.
And then there’s Lannes, who is always special 😊. I understand he actually was gifted with a principality in Poland, but somehow never bothered to go through the stupid paperwork to also receive the title of »prince de Sievers«.
In addition, there are also the imperial princes (members of the imperial family) and the grand dignitaries of the empire who also held a – non-hereditary! – title of prince while they were in office. But I’ll leave those aside. I find this all complicated enough.
Back to the marshals: Originally, only two of them were princes, Berthier and Bernadotte. As to the duke titles, they fall in two categories: some are named after a specific military feat of the title holder, and some are just generic.
Davout: Duc d’Auerstädt (needs no explanation, I guess)
Kellermann: Duc de Valmy (battle of Valmy 1792)
Lannes: Duc de Montebello (battle of Montebello 1800)
Lefebvre: Duc de Dantzig (siege of Danzig in 1807)
Masséna: Duc de Rivoli (battle of Rivoli 1796)
Ney: Duc d’Elchingen (battle of Elchingen 1805)
You could add to that number Marmont’s title of Duc de Raguse, because while Marmont did not win any specific battle, he resided in that city and governed the region, so it did have something to do with him.
Whereas, to my knowledge, most other marshals had no particular relation to the place they were named after. I’m not sure how the names were assigned to the newly declared dukes, maybe Napoleon just opened an Atlas or dropped a pencil onto a map. In the case of Soult (Duc de Dalmatie), that duke never as much as set a foot into Dalmatia. And he was highly disappointed not to have been named »Duc d’Austerlitz« or at least »Duc de Pratzen«, after his corps had contributed so much to the victory there.
Speaking of disappointments: Masséna in turn wanted to be named »Duc de Zurich«, as he rightfully saw that battle as his greatest military feat. But it seems Napoleon only handed out titles for battles that had some relation to him. When Masséna won Zurich, Napoleon unfortunately had been in Egypt, so … sorry, André.
That’s all I can come up with as of now – if you have more questions, please ask away! If I cannot answer, I’m pretty sure the marshalate fandom can. 😊
Thanks once more!
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wedesignyouny · 6 months
Atlas NYC Property Management, LLC: A Guide to Brooklyn Real Estate Management Company
Choosing the Best Management Company with Atlas NYC: A Guide to Brooklyn's Real Estate Landscape
Brooklyn, a borough known for its rich cultural diversity, has a real estate market that is just as dynamic as its districts. The search for the ideal partner can be intimidating for property owners looking for first-rate management services. Here's Atlas NYC, your go-to resource for first-rate Brooklyn real estate management.
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Comprehending the Real Estate Dynamics of Brooklyn
Brooklyn's real estate landscape is diverse and rich, ranging from the brownstone-lined streets of Park Slope to the industrial-chic lofts of Williamsburg. Every area has a distinct personality and draws a particular set of people. Navigating this terrain as a property owner demands skill and a sophisticated awareness of regional patterns.
A Premier Real Estate Management Company's Function
At Atlas NYC, we understand that Brooklyn property management necessitates a customized strategy. Our all-inclusive service package is designed to satisfy the various requirements of landlords:
1. Acquiring and Maintaining Tenants
Using smart marketing to get in desirable tenants
comprehensive procedures for tenant screening
Tenant interactions that are proactive for long-term satisfaction
2. Upkeep and Improvement of Property
routine maintenance and inspections
prompt handling of maintenance requests
Plans for improvements and renovations to raise the value of a property
3. Monitoring and Optimization of Finances
prompt payment of rent and timely financial reporting
Planning a budget and handling expenses
Using smart financial planning to maximize ROI
Why Pick Atlas NYC for Brooklyn Real Estate Management?
At Atlas NYC, we pride ourselves on providing individualized care and a strong dedication to the success of our clients. Since every property is different, we have customized our techniques to suit each one. Whether you are the owner of a single property or a portfolio of properties, our team puts a lot of effort into matching our services to your objectives.
Our web portals, which make use of state-of-the-art technology, give property owners clear access to maintenance records, financial information, and direct communication with our team. You may be sure that you're always in charge of your money and informed thanks to this transparency.
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Thriving in the real estate market of Brooklyn 
Having a trustworthy and knowledgeable real estate management partner is essential in a market as competitive as Brooklyn. Atlas NYC ensures that your properties not only endure but also prosper by fusing decades of knowledge with innovative tactics.
Whether you're an experienced investor or looking into Brooklyn real estate for the first time, our team at Atlas NYC is here to provide knowledge, encouragement, and a customized strategy to improve your real estate investing experience.
Are you prepared to learn more about the top Brooklyn property management services available? Come see how we can maximize and improve your real estate holdings by visiting Atlas NYC.
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sgkinterioo · 8 months
Is Interior Design a Good Business?
the demand for professional interior designers has witnessed significant growth. This raises the question: Is interior design a good business? In this comprehensive analysis, we will delve into various aspects of the interior design industry to evaluate its potential as a lucrative and sustainable business venture.
Several key factors contribute to the sustained demand for interior design services, making it a potentially lucrative business.
a. Lifestyle Changes:
As societal norms evolve, individuals are placing a greater emphasis on personal expression and unique living spaces. The desire for customized and aesthetically pleasing interiors has become a driving force in the interior design industry.
Opportunities in Specialized Segments:
Interior design is a broad field that offers numerous specialized segments, each presenting unique business opportunities.
a. Residential Interior Design:
Designing homes is a primary focus for many interior designers. From small apartment makeovers to luxury home designs, catering to the residential market offers a steady stream of projects.
Staying abreast of design trends and incorporating them into projects is vital. Designers who fail to adapt to changing preferences may find it challenging to attract and retain clients.
Education and Skill Requirements:
To succeed in the interior design business, individuals need a combination of education, skills, and creativity.
a. Education:
While formal education is not a strict requirement, many successful interior designers hold degrees in interior design or related fields. Specialized education provides a foundation in design principles, spatial planning, and industry knowledge.
b. Creativity and Vision:
Creativity is at the core of interior design. Successful designers possess a keen eye for aesthetics and the ability to envision unique and innovative design concepts.
c. Technical Proficiency:
Proficiency in design software, knowledge of construction principles, and an understanding of building codes are essential technical skills for an interior designer.
d. Networking and Marketing:
Building a successful interior design business requires effective networking and marketing. Establishing connections with suppliers, contractors, and real estate professionals can lead to valuable collaborations and client referrals.
Licensing and Regulations:
In many regions, interior designers are subject to licensing requirements and regulations. Understanding and complying with these regulations is crucial for operating a legitimate and successful interior design business.
a. Licensing:
Some jurisdictions require interior designers to obtain a license to practice professionally. Licensing often involves meeting educational and experience requirements and passing a standardized exam.
b. Building Codes and Regulations:
Interior designers must be knowledgeable about local building codes and regulations. Ensuring that designs comply with safety and accessibility standards is imperative.
c. Professional Memberships:
Joining professional organizations such as the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) or the International Interior Design Association (IIDA) can provide credibility, networking opportunities, and access to resources.
Business Models in Interior Design:
Interior designers can adopt various business models based on their preferences, expertise, and target market.
a. Freelance/Independent Designers:
Many interior designers opt for a freelance or independent model, working on a project-by-project basis. This offers flexibility but requires self-promotion and business management skills.
b. Design Studios:
Establishing a design studio allows designers to collaborate with a team and take on larger projects. Design studios may focus on specific niches, such as residential or commercial design.
c. Virtual Design Platforms:
Online platforms that connect designers with clients have become increasingly popular. These platforms provide a virtual marketplace for designers to showcase their work and offer design services to clients globally.
d. Retail and E-Commerce:
Some interior designers venture into retail, selling furniture, decor, or custom-designed products. E-commerce platforms provide opportunities to reach a broader audience.
Marketing and Branding:
Effective marketing and branding are essential for success in the interior design business. Building a strong brand and marketing strategy can help designers stand out in a competitive market.
a. Portfolio Development:
Creating a compelling portfolio showcasing past projects is a powerful marketing tool. High-quality photographs, detailed project descriptions, and client testimonials can significantly influence potential clients.
b. Online Presence:
Establishing a strong online presence through a professional website and social media platforms is crucial. Regularly updating these channels with new projects and engaging content helps attract and retain a loyal audience.
c. Networking:
Building a network within the industry, including real estate professionals, contractors, and suppliers, can lead to collaborative opportunities and client referrals.
d. Client Testimonials:
Positive client testimonials and reviews contribute to a designer’s credibility and can influence potential clients’ decision-making.
Financial Considerations:
Starting and running an interior design business involves various financial considerations, including startup costs, pricing strategies, and revenue streams.
a. Startup Costs:
Initial expenses may include education and certification fees, design software, marketing materials, and a workspace. Designers should carefully budget for these costs to ensure a smooth start.
b. Pricing Strategies:
Determining pricing strategies is crucial for profitability. Designers may charge hourly rates, flat fees, or a percentage of the project cost. Clear communication with clients about pricing structures is essential.
c. Multiple Revenue Streams:
Diversifying revenue streams can enhance the stability of an interior design business. In addition to design services, designers may generate income through partnerships, product sales, or online courses.
d. Financial Management:
Effective financial management, including budgeting, invoicing, and tracking expenses, is critical for the long-term success of an interior design business.
Future Trends and Innovation:
Staying abreast of emerging trends and embracing innovation is vital for the sustained success of an interior design business.
a. Technology Integration:
Incorporating technology, such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), into the design process allows clients to experience spaces before implementation. This enhances the design collaboration and visualization process.
b. Sustainable and Wellness Design:
The focus on sustainability and wellness in design is expected to intensify. Designers who prioritize eco-friendly materials and create spaces that promote well-being may have a competitive edge.
c. Globalization of Design:
Advancements in communication and collaboration tools facilitate global design projects. Designers can leverage online platforms to work with clients from different parts of the world.
Ultimately, the interior design business can be a fulfilling career for those passionate about creating visually appealing and functional spaces. As the industry continues to evolve, staying innovative and embracing new trends will be key to staying competitive and thriving in this dynamic field.
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westmeadrealestate · 9 months
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As we step into 2024, the real estate market continues to evolve, presenting investors with unique opportunities. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a first-time homebuyer, considering the advantages of purchasing property this year is crucial. In this blog, we'll explore the top reasons why investing in real estate in 2024 is a prudent decision.
Historically Low-Interest Rates One of the primary reasons to consider buying property in 2024 is the continuation of historically low-interest rates. The global economic landscape has led central banks to maintain accommodative monetary policies, resulting in low mortgage rates. Locking in a low-interest rate mortgage can significantly reduce the overall cost of homeownership, making it an opportune time to invest.
Potential for Appreciation While real estate markets can be cyclical, many experts predict a steady increase in property values in the coming years. Economic growth, population expansion, and increased demand for housing can contribute to the appreciation of real estate assets.Investing in a property in 2024 may position you to benefit from future value appreciation, building equity over time.
Tax Advantages Owning real estate comes with various tax advantages. Mortgage interest deductions, property tax deductions, and depreciation allowances are among the perks that can significantly reduce your tax liability. Consulting with a tax professional can help you maximise these benefits and make the most of your real estate investment.
Diversification of Investment Portfolio Real estate provides an excellent means of diversifying an investment portfolio. Unlike traditional financial assets, such as stocks and bonds, real estate tends to have a low correlation with the stock market. Including real estate in your investment portfolio can help spread risk and enhance portfolio stability.
Rising Rental Demand The demand for rental properties is expected to continue rising in 2024. Economic factors, demographic trends, and lifestyle changes contribute to a growing population of renters. Investing in rental properties can provide a steady stream of income, offering financial stability and long-term investment potential.
Remote Work Trends The rise of remote work has reshaped how people approach their professional lives. As more individuals have the flexibility to work from anywhere, suburban and rural real estate markets are gaining popularity. Investing in properties outside major urban centres can offer potential buyers affordable options with the added benefit of a quieter, more spacious living environment.
Infrastructure Developments Government investments in infrastructure projects can significantly impact real estate values. Areas undergoing infrastructure developments, such as new transportation hubs, roads, or public amenities, often experience an increase in property values. Keeping an eye on regions with planned infrastructure projects can guide your investment decisions in 2024.
In Conclusion Investing in real estate in 2024 presents a myriad of opportunities, from historically low-interest rates and the potential for property appreciation to tax advantages and the changing dynamics of remote work. As with any investment, thorough research and careful consideration of your financial goals are essential. By leveraging the current market conditions and understanding the factors influencing real estate trends, you can make informed decisions that align with your long-term objectives.
If the blog has inspired you to consider purchasing properties in Sydney and its surrounding suburbs, reaching out to Westmead Real Estate is your next logical step. As a distinguished real estate firm in Sydney, we bring years of valuable experience to the table. Our extensive knowledge of the real estate landscape enables us to guide you effectively, ensuring that you not only find the best properties but also that they align perfectly with your budget and specific needs. Trust us to be your partner in navigating the real estate market and making informed decisions.
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rameshvermasblog · 11 months
How to Find a Top Realtor in Calgary | Ramesh Verma
Looking to buy or sell a property in Calgary NE? Finding the right realtor is key to a successful and seamless real estate experience. In this guide, we've compiled a list of the finest Calgary NE Realtors to assist you in your property endeavors.
Why Choose Realtors in Calgary NE?
Calgary NE, an area known for its diverse neighborhoods and thriving communities, demands realtors with a deep understanding of the local market. Here's why selecting a realtor from this region is crucial:
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Local Expertise: rRealtors in Calgary possess extensive knowledge of the area, allowing them to guide you to the best neighborhoods and properties that align with your needs.
Market Insights: With a finger on the pulse of the market, these realtors can provide valuable insights, ensuring you make informed decisions.
Negotiation Skills: Seasoned Realtors in Calgary NE excel in negotiation, ensuring you get the best deals whether you're buying or selling a property.
Top Realtors in Calgary NE Worth Considering
1. John Smith - Your Neighborhood Specialist
John Smith is a highly regarded realtor in Calgary NE, renowned for his unmatched dedication and commitment to client satisfaction. With years of experience, he can navigate the complex real estate landscape effortlessly.
2. Sarah Johnson - Your Trusted Advisor
Sarah Johnson is an expert realtor known for her exceptional advisory services. She believes in building strong relationships with her clients and strives to understand their unique requirements to find their dream home.
3. Michael Davis - The Negotiation Pro
Michael Davis is a skilled negotiator, ensuring you get the best possible deal in any transaction. His strategic approach and market knowledge make him a top choice for those seeking value in their real estate ventures.
How to Choose the Right Realtor for You
Selecting the perfect realtor in Calgary NE involves considering various factors. Here's a brief guide to help you make an informed decision:
Research: Conduct thorough research on potential realtors, reviewing their experience, client testimonials, and track record.
Interviews: Arrange interviews with shortlisted realtors to gauge their understanding of your requirements and their overall approach.
Communication Skills: Ensure the realtor communicates effectively and is attentive to your needs, answering your queries promptly and clearly.
Fees and Services: Discuss their fees and the services they provide, ensuring they align with your budget and expectations.
Final Thoughts
In the vast real estate market of Calgary NE, having the right realtor by your side can make all the difference. Take the time to choose a realtor who not only understands the market but also values your needs and goals. With the guidance of a top-notch realtor, your real estate journey in Calgary NE is bound to be a success.
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Looking to buy or sell a property in Calgary NE? Look no further than Ramesh Verma, your trusted local realtor. Our expertise and dedication ensure a smooth real estate experience. Contact us today to start your journey towards your dream home or a successful sale in Calgary NE. Don't miss out—reach out now and let's make your real estate goals a reality!
More Further Details - Business Number- 403-903-7879, Business Mail id - [email protected]
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