#Regis is more done tho
irritablepoe · 5 months
you guys don't understand how obsessed with this man i was, like you look at him and see Just A Guy but he's actually a vampire who's addicted to blood but has been abstaining it for like a few hundred years, lives in the woods, alone, making booze (i'm not even joking), then first chance he gets invites a WITCHER who's supposed to KILL HIM into his house, and spontaneously decides to go with the group bc... nobody actually knows why (it's for gay reasons tho, trust me), then helps the group on multiple occasions, fucks and SATISFIES a succubus while not being very subtle with his vamperism and fskjdfhjhjksdhjf the reaction to geralt finding out?????????? their conversation??????????????? OMG i'm hyped.
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nsb-rkive · 2 years
If it’s possible two nsb reactions? Nsb reaction to you being a baddie and nsb reaction to you being a gamer god/godess/royalty. love your writing btw 💕
(sorry if I took a lot, hope you like anyways<3)
𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙨/𝙤 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙧🎮
PAIRING(S):: nsb x reader
GENRE(S):: soft/fluff, reaction, req
W.C:: 0.9k
WARNING(S):: none
AU:: hi everyone im back!! Sorry for being dry, but i was on vacation and I’ve also done a few things so I didn't have so much time to post, sorry:// Anyways hope you enjoy! <3
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🎮 | Oliver
So, Oliver doesn't play video games that much as the other ones do, but I don't think that would be a big deal if his s/o was a gamer. Of course he’d rather spend time with you as much as possible, so he might interrupt and distract you from your games, but I don’t think he’d turn it into a big problem, yk. “Babe can we go out?” “Babe i want your attention, you’ve been playing for 2 hours straight now” and ofc, as a good simp, you would stop playing and start giving attention to your boyfriend. He’s a really sweet guy, he would do anything for you, so when you’d ask him to play valorant with him, he’d hesitate at first but accept it. He looks so cute while sitting between your legs, with you behind him explaining and helping him with the game I'M SOBBING.
🎮 | Kane
Kane doesn't really mind, tbh. I think he’d just lay on his bed and watch anime till you’re done playing. Otherwise, he’d watch you playing and try to learn more from you. “OMG HOW DID U DO THAT” “Damn my girl is a pro AHAHA” bet he would say things like this. I think he’d also try to challenge you “We all know i am going to win, come on” then lose IM LAUGHING SO HARD PLS- as we all know, he hates losing even tho he always do LMAO so i think he’d get “mad” at you for laughing and making fun of the words the said earlier. Just know that everything has a consequence, so be ready for a revenge cuz this boy ain't letting you rest
🎮 | Justin
Oh lord, Justin won't leave you alone, especially after you started playing valorant. He’d ask you to play with him whenever you both are free, it’s so cute of him😭 “Fuck y/n did you train or something? How come you are beating me at killing??” He’d start bragging about how good you are at playing and this shit. Probably you would go to one of those computer cafeterias for some gaming date or to relax after watching a movie or sum. Just go play with him when u can, he loves to see your concentrate face while u play HE IS SO CUTE PLEASE
🎮 | Regie
He wouldn't believe you at first, but after you showed him your skills at playing valo, he immediately changed his mind. I dont think he plays valo that much, but Dota, so he’d probably ask you to play with him. If you dont know how to play it, he’ll teach you how to do it. Same as Oliver, but this time you are sitting on his legs while he leads your hands on the mouse and keyboard. You’d get excited because you are slowly learning and he cant help but giggle and smile while thinking about how cute you are. The urge to punch him for being so pretty and adorable damn it
🎮 | Ryan
So, as we know way too damn well, Ryan is a gamer, so bet he’d be more than happy to have a partner who’s too. He would ask you to join him to play valorant together. Ofc you’d play other games too, like Fall Guys or League of Legends, but he just finds it so cute how competitive you become while playing. You two would yell so loud that even the neighbors would come to your place to complain abt it LMAOAOAOAO DEF ME. It seems all cute but man don't be fooled by his rbf, ryan could get pissed if u win the game PLS💀💀 “Babe what’s wrong?” “Nothing sigh” you can clearly tell he is pissed so let him win the game so mf doesn't complain that much😭😭😭 He’d probably download and buy more games just for you to play together AWWW MY BABY
🎮 | Darren
As much as he likes playing video games, I don't think Darren plays that much tbh, but still he thinks it’s really cool that his s/o is a gamer. Like Justin, he’d probably go around and brag abt u being a gamer. Sometimes he’d look at you while playing, but usually he prefers lying down and putting his head on your tights while looking at his phone. BIG ASS HEAD BEING SO CUTE HELP After you are done playing he’d probably take you out for an ice cream or something. Make sure to give him a lot of attention tho, or mf will interrupt you in the middle of the game to kiss your lips fight me darren🤺
🎮 | Sebastian
Like Oliver and Darren, Seb doesnt play that much, maybe less than Darren, but still it doesnt bother him if you were a gamer. He’d let you play as much as you want, and while you do so, he’d work or watch Netflix. “What game is this? Oh I've never played it before, can I try?” such a cUTIEEEEE CRYING He can be annoying as HELL sometimes, but he just loves you a lot, and he wants to keep you as close as possible because you are his first partner (cap), or at least he considers you as it. He be trying to interrupt your game but fails miserably, like many Kane’s pranks😭😭😭 Sometimes you are too focused on your game, that you dont even notice that he went for a motorcycle ride like 2 hours ago 😭 PLEASE THIS IS SO ME💀💀
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papakhan · 1 year
8, 9, 18, 23, and 24 for Sun/Manny?
thank youu hehe
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
Manny loves how down-to-earth and practical Sun is. He really appreciates the fact that even tho Sun is Papa Khan's heir and future leader, Sun still gets his hands dirty with jobs like butchering animals and mucking out horses. He's still just a family-orientated, hard-working guy just like Manny. Sun can put on a more regal flair if he needs to and Manny likes that too, his natural charisma. Basically everything he hated about Carla is because Sun was the opposite.
Sun loves how passionate Manny is, both about his skills but he's also very passionate about people and Sun really likes that. Manny is loyal to people more than he's loyal to organisations and he's unafraid to kick up a stink about something if he doesn't agree with it. Sun cares a lot about what other people think of him but Manny's "fuck them and what they think of me" attitude gave him a lot of confidence when they were teens.
9. What do they dislike most about the other? Why?
Manny dislikes that Sun is so stubborn, which is kinda similar to Regis and Papa (Sun takes after his dad a lot lol). Sun is more frustrating to Manny though because he can socially roll with the punches and seem like you've changed his mind about something when really he hasn't
What Sun loves about Manny also cycles into what he hates about Manny, which is how argumentative he can be. As with Carla, Manny has a bit of a habit of getting obsessively hateful towards people who hadn't really done anything wrong. Sun actually liked Carla the few times that they met and thinks the way Manny treated her was unjustified.
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick?
Neither of them are really medical-minded, though Manny is a lot more used to looking after sick family members than Sun is. Like, Manny would give Sun a bed and cook him some broth or something hearty, whereas Sun would take Manny to the Khan's like 'village wise woman' who can make healing powder or something medicinal. They'd both take the other in and play nurse to them, but Sun is more likely to defer to an expert while Manny would try to take the job on himself.
23. What are the defining characteristics of their relationship?
Sun and Manny's relationship is like a teenage sweetheart. They weren't just a fling, but were never really meant to be. They both sort of matured out of each other in different ways. They'd be defined by childish fun and memories of better times :')
24. How do their personalities affect their relationship? Do their characteristics compliment each other, or clash often?
I think they complimented eachother pretty well. They were both charming and cool and fun, hard-working earthy working-class type boys. Their only clashes really is just how boldly Manny can put his foot in it and how much Sun stresses out about that type of thing lol
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90363462 · 2 years
At this point if you white folks keep dressing up in blackface you might as well take your whipping and the foot in your butthole because I’m super done talking. Get your whipping you disobedient cracker you
Spooky Soup Cookies: A Ghastly Gallery Of Ghoulish Celebrities And Politicians Who Dressed Up In Blackface
Bossip Video��
Source: James Andanson / Getty
Welp, it’s that time of year again. While most people are dressing up and going to Halloween parties to have fun, we’re sitting here waiting to see which ignorant, tone-deaf, non-room-reading white person will don Blackface for clout points and feel the 280-character backlash.
This train is never late and the tradition of mocking Black skin is something that a great many elite whites have practiced over the years. The list is long but we took the liberty to point of some of the “standouts” if you will.
Source: Randy Holmes / Getty
Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel had a longstanding sketch where he performed as ex-NBA baller Karl Malone.
Apparently, people like *peers through spectacles* @clockdiesel think this type of thing is pure comedy…
Source: Christopher Polk/NBC / Getty
Speaking of Jimmy, the other Jimmy, Fallon, was also a big fan of painting his face to mock melanated skin. He once performed a Chris Rock impression on Regis Philbin’s show in full Blackface complete with racist jokes. Jamie Foxx ain’t trippin’ tho. #NeverForget
Source: BLAIR GABLE / Getty
But its not just actors and comedians who have enjoyed the white privilege of consequence-free Black skin, Canada’s gun-banning Prime Minister Justin Trudeau once painted his skin to appear ethnic while wearing an “Arabian Nights” “costume” at the big age of 29-years-old. Hard to believe he didn’t know better…
Again, certain people see this as hilarious. We’re not laughing…
Source: Lou Rocco / Getty
We also have wince-worthy woke white Joh Behar from The View who outed herself as a proud Blackface participant saying, “It was a Halloween party. I went as a beautiful African woman,” she told her cohosts. “That’s my hair… I had makeup that was a little bit darker than my skin.”
We’d be remiss if we left someone as A-list as Howard Stern off the list. He was outed during an ironic case of white-on-white crime AND the pot calling the kettle black at the same damn time!
Cool, Donnie Jr., now do yourself, we have no doubt whatsoever that there are photos of you somewhere in blackface or using the n-word to degrade Black people. It’s practically part of your DNA.
Source: Orlando Sentinel / Getty
In lesser known political circles, Florida Secretary of State Michael Ertel resign from office back in 2019 after he was outed for dressing up like a “Hurricane Katrina victim” in Blackface. Which is doubly interesting because it is an acknowledgement that the Hurricane affected Black people the most as did the subsequent lack of aid and resources.
Source: Gotham / Getty
Multi-hyphenate do-nothing socialite jawn Gigi Hadid took heavy fire after appearing on the cover of VOGUE Italia looking…not like this above photo in the slightest…
Stop it, 5.
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Source: Icon Sportswire / Getty
Back in the 60s when Ivey was in college, she admittedly wore blackface to act in a skit. According to INSIDER: “I fully acknowledge — with genuine remorse — my participation in a skit like that back when I was a senior in college,” she said.
Sure, Jan.
The list goes on and on and on and we suspect that by the end of this spooky day, there will be more names to add to list.
Happy Halloween.
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Regis for blorbo bleebus?
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SO glad u asked<3, he's literally the guy I was hoping someone would ask me abt when I reblogged this lmaoo!!
He tied 1st place in "Most Blorbo" to me along with Geralt. Ur talking to a guy who when he: 1. got shot with the arrow on the barge, 2. temporarily left the hansa, and 3. melted, had to tearfully put the book down and mourn his (perceived) loss for several minutes lmaoo. I got sooo attached so fast.
In terms of justifications for some of the things I marked him as:
- Among everything else in the 1st bar(?) he's most definitely an "aspirational character" for me. I love how he's reflected on his actions in his youth and determined to make up for it/do better for those around him, he realizes he can never undo the things he's done but he still actively chooses to wake up and do good in his life and the lives of those he meets around him. He's the embodiment of humanity. Hes dedicated his immortal life to the benefit of mortals around him, I WISH I had half the drive and kindness he does. He reflected on his life and realized he needed to change. AND THEN HE DID. It's lowkey embarrassing to admit this, but I do legitimately want to be more like him in that regard.
- He IS just some guy, and that's what makes him so great. U look at him (not so much the CDPR design of him lol) and u think "oh that's just some guy" and he is!! but he's also the most complex, fruity guy ull ever meet.
- Everyone is the hansa would argue that he's "awful company" but to ME at least, he's an absolute ray of sunshine. Every time someone in the hansa would tell him to shut up I'd get so offended on his behalf. Who cares if he's annoying or wrong, the shit he's talking abt is genuinely fascinating and fun, u guys r just mean. Like yass king, monolog to me abt ur topic of the week, take as many pages of this book as u need to get ur point across, I don't mind<3 lmao.
- He's straight up universally beloved by all, characters and fans (barring vilgefortz but he doesn't get an opinion).
- I was tempted to mark him as more "untouched by history" than "traumatized" bc after that one excerpt in, I think LotL, where the robbers in the future burn Dandelions manuscripts of the hansa I figured not too many people would know abt him traveling with Geralt (as he'd prolly prefer seeing how he'd most likely still be around, what with being immortal and having regenerated from Styyga by that time) but his trauma and youth plays a bigger part in who he is.
-in terms of feelings he evokes,, as we can see, I've literally spent the entire post gushing abt him<3 lmaoo. Any chance to talk abt him and how great he is, I'll take.
- If twn even looks at him I'm going to act on those "powerful violent urges"
- He deserves FAR better treatment from both canon and fanon (I'll never get over how dirty cdpr did him with his character design and character choices. Plus a lot of the fandom has this really weird take on him being extremely sexual and domineering, esp in fanfic, which I'm not the biggest fan of)
- Not so much anymore, but back when the witcher really had a grip on me I had pages worth of crappy doodles on him and Geralt lmaoo. He's fun to draw and thinking back on it I should prolly start drawing him more again.
- I think everything in the "you want them to have" section kind of speaks for itself. I would like to see him deal with a bit more trauma in regards to Styyga and feelings for Geralt, but I'm just a sucker for gay angst lmaoo
- He found a family with the hansa, I just wish they could've stayed a family </3
- A "satisfying ending" for me would be taking the CDPR canon and having him come back to Geralt at corvo bianco after fucking of with Detlaff for a bit. I have sadly made my peace with the books melancholy ending, so mine and his happiness rests on the shoulders of headcanons I make abt the game (tho I do wish they had him show up again at the end of BaW after the main ending </3)
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ahh thanks for finding the photos quote !!
really appreciate your response and i agree with you that i don’t think john was necessarily out here playing 5d chess as an elaborate scheme but that he was looking for a change tho perhaps did not have a fully formed map of what that might look like or rather how that would inevitably alter the band dynamics long term.
and tbh, i kinda understand that, seeing as george and ringo weren’t too affected by his decision at the onset. they continued to talk and work together subsequently after johns i want a divorce comment. it didn’t seem to change much in terms of their relationship and speaking terms.
that said, on the other hand, i understand paul taking that comment at face value, seeing as john was explicitly directing that comment to him as a response to his suggestion (i think your daft, etc.)
just jumping to another similar related point, but this incident and reaction to it actually makes me think of the story paul has told countless times about him and john having very heated rows where it would reach a tipping point, then John would slowly pull down his glasses and say to paul “its only me.” and it makes me think of something pete shotton once mentioned about john, that as friends the moment you took what john said serious, you were done for. and so maybe there’s a variation of that somewhere inasmuch as john wanting to separate himself from the entity that has enveloped his whole teen/adult life to that point (the beatles) but not entirely forgo his relationship with paul (or george and ringo for that matter). and he probably thought it wouldn’t change things (by that i mean their overall friendship and love for each other) too much, and that inevitably paul would come around just like they always did after a fight and not take his divorce words as the end all be all that Paul did take it as. For that i think of his comments in the st. regis interview from 1971 where he’s told the reason paul took things to court to end the partnership is because john had said he wanted a divorce, to which john replied that’s a stupid reason to go to court lol.
and in the end, i do agree with one of your subpoints that perhaps if paul had offered another possible alternative to the then current setup of the beatles, john would have been open to reconsider. derek taylor says as much in an interview shortly after paul “announces”the breakup “if paul were to approach john and say, ‘let’s do it together again’, he probably would; with no more words, he probably would do it.”
Sorry for all the word salad, if it’s bothersome i won’t send anymore long asks, just had a lot of thoughts !
Agree with most of this, tbh, although I think probably John did foresee some sort of change in his relationships with the band quitting, I just doubt he fully saw all that entailed. My kind of General Take on John and Paul is they were sort of living this post-nuclear lifestyle with how great a role their intra-band relationships played alongside their family life but they kind of.... idk decided on not pursuing that. Sorry for talking about my Nuclear Family take again but not elaborating much lol.
Anyways John is such a difficult guy to read at times cause he legit doesn't seem to have Had A Plan most of the time lol.
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onceuponaprime · 6 years
Prompt: Drautos and Cor at guard duty during a nocturnal event at the citadel (inside or outside).
I won’t lie writing this super fluff made me more sad than writing my usual angst. They deserve a little happiness somewhere. And I maybe definitely used this prompt as an excuse to write a dance, because damn ballroom dancing I’m weak. 
So a while back I mentioned a “what if Titus hadn’t joined the Empire AU” and uh yeah I’m finally writing something for that. So Titus joined the Lucian Army after he lost his home at fifteen and joined with the Accordo group soon after. They took his grumpy ass back to Insomnia with them and the rest is history that I definitely need to write at some point. Hope you feel better soon friend!
If there was one thing Titus hated more than Niflheim it was these damn political functions and all the grandstanding that came with them. He stands stiffly at his post, watching over the room at perfect attention while nobles dressed in gaudy clothes dance and drift across the room. Almost twenty years in Insomnia had done nothing to acclimate him to such customs as this, and even after all this time Titus found it overwhelming. It didn’t help that his new armor was just that and he hadn’t quite broken it in, the leather was stiff and stifling and he was quite sure it creaked whenever he moved his arms. There was no way he could be more uncomfortable in such heavy formal garb unless they added lace to the high collar and he had to fight the urge to fidget. How Regis managed to stand holding these functions year after year was beyond him, but it didn’t seem like the king had any intention of stopping soon, much to his dismay. Speaking of Regis, Titus couldn’t see his head in the crowd even when he leaned on his toes to get a somewhat taller view. Just as he’s about to go looking Clarus breaks through the throngs of people and heads straight for him.
“Is everything alright, Clarus?”
“What? Of course! Regis wanted to speak with you, it’s nothing serious.” Titus falls into step with the man easily, lets him guide them through the crowds with the sort of awkward grace of someone well practiced in balance but not so much in the more frivolous entertainments of the upper class.
“You’re sure everything’s alright?” He nearly collides with a nearby couple spinning across the dance floor and the man carrying a large tray of champagne across the room while he follows Clarus and the Shield’s miraculously easy strides.
“Calm down, Titus, if there were any sort of emergency you’d be the first to know.” Clarus almost has to shout to be heard above the music and conversation, but Titus catches the exasperation in his voice and decides to let his baseless concerns fizzle to little more than an itch at the back of his mind.
“Are you at least going to tell me why Regis sent you to drag me across the ballroom to speak?”
“You’ll see soon enough.”
Clarus leads him to a set of the large double doors leading out to one of the ballrooms private balconies, and he hardly has a moment to enjoy the fresh air before he notices his king.
“Your Majesty,” he says with a quick bow, though the man has his back to them.
“Ah, there you are, what took you so long?” Regis turns to greet them with a warm smile, pushing away from the balcony rail to lean on his cane. The movement gives Titus a clear view of the figure beside him and he feels his breath catch in his throat.
“It is a rather crowded ballroom, Regis, that was the point of getting fresh air.” Clarus rolls his eyes and closes the balcony door behind them, blocking most of the clamour save the now faint music, ushering Titus forward though his feet feel suddenly leaden.
“I suppose that’s true,” Regis chuckles. “And how are you enjoying the festivities, Titus? I know you hate these things.”
“It’s,” he trails off, unable to form much of a cohesive thought when Cor looks so stunning in his new regal finery. “It’s… breathtaking, Your Majesty,” he finally gets out. Cor meets his eyes over the king’s shoulder, almost shy, and Titus feels struck dumb for a moment. Clarus clears his throat, and he drags his eyes away, face heating slightly as he turns his attention to the man beside him.
“I’m sure you will be missed at the festivities if you’re gone for much longer, Regis.”
“I suppose you’re right, Clarus, best not keep them waiting. Would hate to repeat the New Years celebration we had two years ago.” The king takes a few steps forward, gait surprisingly steady. He and Cor make to follow in unison but Regis raises a hand before either of them can get very far and shoots them both a stern look over his shoulder. “You two stay here, enjoy the night air,.”
“But-” Before Cor can protest further Regis stops him and Titus dutifully closes his mouth.
“I am quite well protected with or without the two of you in the room. It won’t be all night, please just enjoy yourselves, at least for a few minutes.” It is hard to argue with Regis once he’s set his mind on something, be it as friend or king, and Titus chooses not to argue.
“As you wish,” he bows, somewhat mocking, and Regis makes a pleased hum in his throat.
“Don’t have too much fun without us,” Clarus teases at the open doors, winking at them without subtlety.
“Enjoy the nobility,” Titus replies, the heat in his cheeks forgotten as Clarus’s expression falls into an irritated scowl before he slams the door, shutting them off from the world once again.
“I don’t know if I’ve already said it but you look good in your new armor, Captain, the red suits you.” Titus turns around to look at Cor as he speaks, suddenly closer, close enough to reach out and brush the edge of the weighty cape.
When he finds his voice he says, “It’s been an adjustment. I’m used to more mobility.”
“You’ll break it in with time.” Cor smooths out the length of black beneath his fingers, eyes downcast, something Titus can hardly bear when they’re alone. He reaches out and tilts Cor’s chin up gently, until those blue eyes meet his own.
“You didn’t tell me they’d fitted you with formal Council garb.”
“Figured you would think it’d look ridiculous. No reason for the Marshal of the Crownsguard to be all dressed up.”
“You’re more than that, Cor, and you look…” Once again he loses his words, unable to think of any that would do the man any justice. “Breathtaking,” he settles on after a moment. A flush rises to Cor’s cheeks, and he pulls a hand away to smack his arm lightly.
“Shut up, you sap,” he scolds without heat, and they stand in the relative quiet of the balcony for a long moment laughing softly before Titus composes himself. The muted band from within the ballroom rising into a grand waltz whose beat could almost be felt through the marble beneath his feet.
“Well Regis and Clarus have given us quite the opportunity, I’d be loathe to waste it.” Titus takes a step back and gives a little bow and extends his hand. Cor looks back and forth between his face and his hand rather comically.
“Are you serious?”
“Absolutely.” There was that delightful flush again and Titus felt like they were mere teenagers, awkwardly prancing around each other once more.
“If you step on my feet there will be hell to pay,” Cor mumbles, but takes his extended hand and lets himself be drawn closer. His other hand settles on Cor’s waist and Cor’s lands on his shoulder and he wishes their formal garb didn’t have so many damn layers, but the light pressure is enough.
“Shall we, my Lord Leonis?” Cor gives him a look but says nothing and they fall into the slow movements of the simple dance. One, two, three. One, two, three. A steady rhythm for even he to follow and together they dance, some moonlit waltz beneath the stars. One neither of them would forget.
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ignify-caligo · 3 years
♡ and ✿ for Regis? Only if you’re comfy with that tho
This post is gonna have the same set-up as here. Note: I recommend reading that one first, gonna probs. give you a better inside of my perspective on Regis! So, without further ado, let’s dive into this!
A small warning: I’m not great in these aspects, so I apologize in advance for the cheesiness lol
♡ - romantic headcanon
✿ - sex headcanon
♡ - romantic headcanon
Younger! Regis
His romantic tendencies were flat as a plank. He was the “your child calls me daddy too” with one of the worst egotistical streaks. His romantic relationships were non-existent, you could describe it as an inside job, get in – do the dirty – leave and never come back. Among his fellows, he was known to be the best at peacocking, dressed up to all nines, folks would crowd all around him just to get a piece. Just imagine how his inner (or outside tbh) diva was preening under the attention and quick access to people’s beds.
Older! Regis
This man has done a complete 180-degree turn. From being an egotistical bad boy, he has become a polite gentleman. His idea of well-spent time with his partner is for example. Reading books, cooking, or even simple conversation. Those acts sit superior compared to the basic physicality. He cares more about the needs of his partner/others than his own (both derived from his occupation as a surgeon–barber and self-discovery/self-improvement). He fears that by being more self-concerned, he will fall back into his old habits and manners.
✿ - sex headcanon
Younger! Regis
You wouldn’t consider him a “safe to be around” dom. I imagine this version of Regis, to be more concerned about his own pleasure compare to his partners. So, won’t be surprised if you need to reach your end by yourself, because he would buck it right after being done. He would push his partner to their complete limit, then leave them to pick up the pieces. Ropes, gagging, marking until you bleed, you name it – this man is kinky as hell. But like I said, I wouldn’t give him a token of trust, to be honest. You don’t know if you’re going to leave or just end up his food source.
Older! Regis
Safe, sane, and consensual should be his middle name now. You make a noise on the verge of painful and this man is on you in a minute, checking everything. His preferences when it comes to kink have not changed drastically, but he fills the responsibility for your comfort and respects the boundaries. Marking is still a turn up for him, the only change is in the form. Being true to his decisions, he leaves hickeys instead of deep bite marks. From time to time, he greases/nips his pointy fangs on his partners' sensitive areas but doesn’t step over the line. I imagine him to be more in the dom – switch spectrum now, it’s all based on his partners' role. If a certain Witcher prefers to be bottom, he's happy to oblige with being his dom, etc. Though, I feel he would be happier with a meaningful all-nighter, filled with conversation tacked head to toe with soft blankets, with something warm to drink.
I imagine him to be more of the longer rather than bigger type. You could say he becomes ‘Regis the Impaler’. He loves to see his partner enjoying their time together, bringing them to complete oblivion filled with pleasure. The smell of salt trickling down their face, when they reach the end, brings him total satisfaction and the feeling of achieving his goal.
Headcanon Meme Here
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secret-engima · 4 years
Does Regis ever ask how Titus has papers for the boys? Whats Cor or Clarus' PoV of this? What are some things (fluff or humor) that the boys get up to? Because I can see them getting adopted into the Ulric Clan because of shenanigans and Nyx going 'Yes, these are my people' since LCs just remind me of Ulrics with magic. And how do the Galatians take to the nephew of the Nif Chancellor and clone of the Crown Prince? Since I'm imagining that Titus told some of them and the
rest are guessing anyway. And does everyone assume that Noctis and Nox's magics resonated since they're kinda sorta close to each other/are the same person? How does Regis take the news that the only reason that Noctis got healed is because Nox pretty much felt everything Noctis did? /Both/ of his sons were basically attacked by a daemon and he only knew about one of them at the time and didn't do anything to calm or reassure Nox? (Clarus: Only because you didn't know
About him, Regis. Regis: Thats no excuse, Clarus.) Does Iris get to be a Shield or did Nox latch onto Axis or one of his kids? Does Acastus find Prompting and drop him off with Noct/Cor? Does Nox hang out with Noct, Ignis, Gladiolus and Prom all the time or does the memories act up enough to make him feel weird about it? How does Regis take his brother and son's Sick Days? What about Dissidia? The 3 youngest Royals getting snatched and the group watching on Crystal
Vision? Dad Titus/Regis freaking out over their kids having been summoned to a death match? And how exactly does Titus see the boys? Sons, brothers, cousins? Oooh, more Trauma. Noct, Nox and Acastus w/others playing and end up in the Crystal room. Cue the boys lighting up, maybe passing out because the magic hits their young system really hard (its why Royals aren't supposed to be Presented until 18) and everyone freaks out, and news makes it to Regis and Titus that they
Are in the infirmary and the gist of what happened via panicked guards and rush there immediately and are jumped by panicked kids talking and crying about what happened. I didn't realize I had so many questions. But now I need to know. 👀👀 Please!🙏
Oh! Just remembered a little more! Does anyone pick up on the people/places that he shouldn't know? Do they assume that Nox got some of it from Noct, like with the Marelith? Or are they assuming LC/ Oracle DNA mix?
Me: Yes, Regis asks about the papers and Titus doesn’t OUTRIGHT admit he did an illegal but he does grudgingly explain that he needed papers in case the NIfs came looking and he ... knows ... a few people who can help ... “recreate” papers for refugees who lost theirs in whatever fire or tragedy drove them from their homes.
Regis mulls over that for ten long seconds then blatantly pretends he never heard it in the first place. Those “people” likely saved the life of his son and half-brother, he can let it slide this once.
I need Nyx Ulric to adopt these two now JUST so Nyx can tease that he’s related to Captain (then later when he learns that they’re Lucis Caelums he can quietly die in a corner because OH NO HE’S RELATED TO THE KING). Not sure how or when Nyx adopts them, but he absolutely does.
It probably happens when he's just a wee bit sloshed. Not enough to be incoherent or insincere, but enough that he doesn’t feel any fear offering to adopt the pair while babysitting them because Captain had to work late and Nyx is off the combat roster until his ankle heals. Once he’s sober he is a Panic™, but Captain takes it surprisingly well and Nox loves his new braid. Acastus just looks Amused™.
Lib slaps Nyx over the head because IDIOT THINK THIS STUFF THROUGH then gives him another drink because TWO MORE ULRICS. It’s a good thing Nyx is an Ulric Keeper in this AU, because he can teach them most of the Ulric Clan stories and dances and make them proper Ulrics.
Acastus loves introducing himself as Acastus Ulric Drautos, both because it’s fancy like “Lucis Caelum” is and also because it made both Titus and Nyx spit their coffee the first time they hear it.
The Galahdians ... have mixed feelings at first. But the predominant one is that it doesn’t matter that this kid is clearly related to the Chancellor (at first they all think the Chancellor bedded Captain’s Aunt, since they don’t know about the LC blood, and that’s why he looks like Ardyn) because Captain has clearly staked a claim on him. Galahd (in my HCs) is a Very Adoption Heavy culture and big on judging people by their current family rather than any previous blood ties, so ... mostly the Chancellor thing gets intensely ignored. Acastus isn’t an Izunia, he’s a Drautos (and then later an Ulric). So they will treat him as such.
But in private there is some debate on exactly what happened, for the Chancellor to vanish around the time his ... relation (son? They mostly assume son), shows up in Drautos’s care.
No few number of them think Titus stumbled on Ardyn with the two kids and killed the Chancellor to save them.
For Nox ... the Lucis Caelum blood is basically impossible to hide. This boy LOOKS like a literal carbon copy of the Prince but younger and he’s young so his control over his magic is ... not. Not that good. Especially not when there’s so mUCH of it.
All of Galahd listened to the Glaive who was on babysitting duty when Nox had a rare tantrum and skewered the wall with ghostly blades and all privately, immediately agree to Never Tell Anyone. Ever.
Well. To be fair, they do debate whether they have a duty to tell Regis, but again the Adoption Culture comes into play and they decide it’s up to Titus to spill that secret. A few Glaives do ask Titus about it (Titus nearly has a heart attack because SINCE WHEN DID THEY KNOW) and when they ask if they know who the mother was, Titus looks very grim and very, very quiet for a long time, then admits:
There is no mother. There never was.
They stare at him in confusion until Acastus, lurking nearby with too-sharp eyes, gives a smile that could cut and says brittlely that “amazing things that can be done with science these days you know. Truly amazing. Why, get a blood sample and a tank of the right solutions and you could probably grow anything you wanted”.
The Glaives are Horrified™. So is the rest of Little Galahd when it gets around and then is made a Clan Secret by all the Clans unanimously. The secret never leaves the borders of their little slum.
Also yes, people assume that Noctis’s and Nox’s magic resonated because Nox is a clone and it freaks them out.
Regis is Such A Guilt when he finds out how Acastus knew about Noctis’s injury. No it doesn’t matter that he DIDN’T KNOW NOX EXISTED. One of his son’s (his FIVE YEAR OLD son) was suffering. Was screaming in agony and terror and Regis didn’t do a THING about it and no amount of logic can make that better.
Nox latches onto Axis’s triplets in this AU so while Iris will be best friends with him, his Shield, Hand, and Sword are actually all made up of Axis’s three kids. Axis is a BIT of an internal Scream when Nox is at the age people start making noises about him building a Retinue and taking Iris as his Shield and Nox goes, “NO. I have a Shield already! A Hand and Sword too!” And stuff spirals out to reveal Axis as Clarus’s kid (Clarus takes it much better than Axis thought he would, tho Axis didn’t expect to see Lord Amicitia go deathly pale and sit down hard in the nearest chair).
Honestly Iris might be the future love interest in this AU you never know. It would be hilarious if nothing else.
Bold of you to assume Acastus didn’t find Prompto early and bring him home to NOX because “Look Beloved Nibling I Found You A Friend!”. Prompto is a confusion because Nox is like- 4 at the time. But Prompto likes babysitting and playing with Nox and hearing Acastus’s stories and Titus just kinda- sighs his way through the playdates until he realizes that Prompto has been staying in his house for about two weeks with no sign of the parents.
Titus, after much snooping later, sitting at the kitchen table of Grandma Ostium quietly pulling his hair out: HOW DO YOU ADOPT A THIRD CHILD. DOES IT COUNT AS KIDNAPPING IF THEY COME OVER AND STAY WITH YOU FOREVER AND THE LEGAL PARENTS NEVER NOTICE. ACASTUS WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME.
Acastus: I regret nothing. Do you want me to fake Prompto’s death? I’m sure there’s enough Prompto’s out there that nobody will notice if you gain a nephew called Prompto Drautos.
Titus, holding his face in his hands while Grandma Ostium laughs at him in the corner: NO, ACASTUS. DO NOT FAKE THE DEATH OF THE CHILD. How do you even know how to do that? Nevermind I don’t want to know.
Roughly a year later when Everything Gets Revealed, Titus and Cor: *intense staring contest over Smol Blond Child*
Cor: You don’t know where he-
Titus, growling like a cranky Behemoth that might very well bite off someone’s head: He’s a Niflheim created clone. I know.
Cor: ....
Titus: He's been living in my house for a year. I’ve seen the barcode. It’s not like I wasn’t raising one already.
Cor: His legal parents-
Titus: Is me. The Argentums were emotionally neglectful and didn’t even notice when he hadn’t come home for a week and a half.
Cor: *guilty angry silence*
Titus: ...Kid could use an uncle. If you want to man up and be part of his life.
(hgfhg this is post is getting long Imma try to speed through the last questions a bit)
Yes, Nox hangs out with the Chocobros when he can because he adores them (especially Brother Prompto and Team Mom Iggy) but he also has his own friend group in the Little Galahd community so it doesn’t strike anyone as odd really. Nox is a naturally loving child for all he’s shy and Iggy and Gladio are Noctis’s friends and Prompto is his adopted brother (and later Noctis’s best friend).
Regis does Not take the Sick Days well. It makes him alarmed and angry because Lucis Caelums aren’t supposed to get sick days from their own magic and it speaks of BAD THINGS that both of the presumably experimented on and tortured LCs have them.
I’m going to have to come back to Dissidia another time (someone remind me) because this post is too long to ramble here but it would be- it would be Great. Honestly. It would either be the 3 littlest, just Acastus, or just Acastus and REGIS for some brotherly bonding and any of them would be Great and Chaotic. Crystal-o-vision absolutely happens.
The Crystal Room is under 24 hour guard so I don’t think the kids could wander in by accident, plus Acastus would actively avoid the area because of his Trauma.
Now Acastus being presented when he turns 18 on the other hand... >:))))))
Short Version: Much shouting, much alarm, much angst from Regis and Titus and everyone and also the first Sick Day Acastus has had since he turned 17 and by far one of the worst he’s ever had in his (second) life.
I might to a longer version later but not right now.
For Nox’s oddities and odd knowledge they kind of assume both? At first they think it’s just him resonating with Noctis so deeply that there’s a transfer (cue angst from Regis because what is going to happen to Nox when Noctis fulfills his destiny as Chosen King???) but then when Nox starts knowing stuff Noctis doesn’t/can’t know, they start to wonder if the scientists ... Tampered with his DNA. If they got their hands on Noctis’s, which should have been impossible, then it’s not all that out there they got their hands on Oracle DNA.
Sylva is ... very alarmed and very confused when Regis secretly contacts her on a secure encrypted line to ask if there were any ... symptoms to look for in an Oracle child. Because- yes there were but WHY DO YOU NEED TO KNOW?
Regis: they wouldn’t happen to be *lists very specific things*
Sylva: ....Have you seen any Messengers nearby lately.
Regis: Carbuncle, a black puppy that disappears into thin air, and a bird woman who can summon wind storms. She calls herself Garuda.
Sylva, having a minor crisis behind her Queenly Facade: I am Very Sure I only have two children so please explain this. Right Now.
Regis: Well............. NiflheimclonedmysonandIthinkmixeditwiththednaofyouoryourdaughterandhehasseerpowersandImayormaynotbepanickingrightnowpleasehelpme.
Sylva, slowly running that over in her mind and figuring out what Regis just said:...
W H A T.
XD Honestly Niflheim might invade Tenebrae only to find the royal family gone because Sylva coincidentally packed her backs and took her and her children on a secret trip to Lucis to have a look at Nox, then since they’re there when Niflheim invades and a spy gets word on what just happened Sylva and Co just- stay there. Oracle Mom Death averted.
Also they absolutely think that it’s Luna’s DNA they used to make Nox because of how instantly Nox gloms onto Luna like a limpet- JUST like he did with Noctis and Regis, and how Luna gets this dazed look in her eyes as their magic tangles and she whispers, “I ... I know you. I know you, don’t I Little Prince? I met you in a dream.” Luna starts crying softly as she pets Nox’s hair and when Sylva asks in alarm why she’s crying, Luna blinks and whispers, “Because he was crying in the dream, and I couldn’t comfort him.”
Acastus lurks in the shadows, watching it all with ... very mixed feelings.
Oracles. He could have gone his entire second life without meeting anymore Oracles. Aera she looks so much like you is that what our daughter would have looked like and oh astrals I KILLED her. I killed the girl with your eyes and your smile and laughed about it later.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
God I'm so glad to talk about the game lmao. I also finished it! It was fine Ig I think the start of the game was so fantastic so my expectations were a bit much but it was fun! I loved playing as Ciri and just zapping all over the place, wish we could do that more.
But yeah I completely agree with you on basically everything that you said lmaooo, Yen is just unbareable the more I learn about her and the things shes done/the way she treats ppl, I just don't see what I'm meant to like, even if Geralt wasn't the Best person, he deserves so so much better, Idk how I'm gonna read the books if this romance is canon there too, hopefully it won't bother me too much. She so far doesn't really have any redeeming qualities, even her small moments of humour and wit are sort of "yeah okay but it's not fun when you do it cause you just spent the past few moments berating someone for daring to try and help you so like" I actually ended up sort of liking triss the more I talked with her and Yen, she at least apologises for her wrongs (which are still massive holy shit) and doesn't rly treat geralt like shit (same with Kiera, I think thats how her name is spelt, shes cool), they both kinda fuck over geralt but they own up to it which I can at least respect, still not a fan but they're okay, at times. God the women in this game are either really fucking cool or just a bitch, usually in a not fun way The game came with both dlcs! havent really touched them cause the ending was a bitttt of a let down, I thought I wasn't near finishing cause I put it off for so long lol so my bad, probably will get into them tho! And im on ps4 so no mods :( the exp shit would be so good, the last boss fights were really easy though? I think I was level 34 (I wanted to wear my good armour lol) and the quests are level 28 so maybe I was a bit over leveled but some random mobs in world beat my ass just before the main quests so idk lol. Do you get to hang with Ciri at all post game? They're so damn cute together
Out of curiosity which ending did you get? I was pretty satisfied overall (witcher!Ciri ending for me) but I remember thinking that the last couple of plot points were pretty rushed. Though tbh, looking back I’m not sure if that’s actually the case, or if things just felt fast to me because I missed so much buildup trying to keep track of the basics. Now that I know the characters, world, conflicts, etc. I keep coming across lines and details that make me go, “Oh, THAT’S what we were referring to!” for plot points that previously felt like they came out of nowhere.
Playing Ciri is so much fun though. I enjoy zapping around as well...even when I accidentally zap myself into some guy's sword XD
I’m constantly told Yen gets better in the books (something, something major character development) and I’d be lying if I said that “The Last Wish” didn’t turn me off, but I personally stopped reading due to more than just Yen. The epic just didn’t grab me. The short stories absolutely, but I didn’t like the writing as much in novel form, heard a lot about future plot points I had no interest in/made me very uncomfortable, didn’t want to read a bunch of Yen being Yen prior just to getting a development I may or may not like… there was a lot that made me drop the books, so I’m not exactly in the best position to be recommending them, or even warning against them from an unbiased perspective lol. I might give them another shot sometime, but for now I’m happy with the games and fandom content.
I’m liking Triss a lot more on my second playthrough too (especially how selfless she is regarding the other mages) and I always liked Keira. I think the game did a good job of making her kinda selfish and manipulative (as sorceresses are wont to be in this world), but not to such an extent that you’re utterly repulsed by her actions. Her conflict is “I want to not live in squalor the rest of my days and am willing to mislead a friend to achieve that. Also foolishly trust a mad king that, if I go through with it, ends in my horrific death.” With the resolution being like, “Oh, someone else will give me a place of safety with something as basic as clean bedding? Sweet! Yeah, now that I have some security, company, and comfort I’ll use this research to cure a plague, nbd.” Keira is a great example of TW3’s argument that if you choose to help and nurture people, good things will happen for everyone, and it doesn’t ask you to ignore anything really awful to get there. I can very much stomach “You kept some info from me and put me to sleep for the night” in a way that’s far harder to do with, “You actively misled me for months while I had amnesia, cultivating this fantasy relationship” or “You callously disregard another’s culture and torture our daughter’s friend through necromancy.”
Depending on the choices you’ve already made, you can hang out with Ciri for like, one cut scene in the DLCs lol. But it’s indeed a cute one! Basically, if you didn’t romance either Triss or Yen and Ciri is still alive, you should see her again. I’m absolutely that fan that if CDPR decided, after this many years, to randomly add more TW3 content, I would in no way be opposed. I want more time with Ciri, with Regis, there’s a character from the second game named Iorveth who was supposed to reappear in TW3 but had to be cut and that tragedy will forever haunt me. Forget the mess that is Cyberpunk, just keep making more Witcher content!
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bittybattybunny · 3 years
Enter tumblr and notice you had lots of ask and now there is a new list of aus... I love your blog. You have all kind of diverse content! That monster under the bed AU sounds awesome, the familiar AU make we smile like an idiot, more mermaid aus?! Yes pleas! That Frankenstein au was so dark and cool! And umm that chimera design looks so incredible! Are does stitches om his torso? Has Regis replaced some of his organs?! My boi no! But yes, I love your content and art!
Ahhhhh Yeah yeasterday and today seemed to be a “pick bun’s brian”
the funnt think is these aren’t even NEW aus! I’ve had most of these for MONTHS I just don’t talk about them cuz I’m just never sure how to go about chatting about AUs if I haven’t drawn art for them yet??? if that makes sense..
Thank you!!! I’m always worried I seem to samey with my stuff cuz I write so much and I keep certain things across aus I personally love (I also just used to be a tvtropes gremlin so I have a weird info base on that)
The mosnter under the bed is a light hearted fun one for sure!
Ahhh I’m glad the famialr one did tho I don’t think I talked too much on it but I can if people wanna hear about that one-- I even have a snippet
Yessss I have I think 3 mermaid ones I haven’t talked about yet!!! (Siren and the Clams I think I’ve posted a snippet before?) little sea wolf and sunken ship are also fun!!!!
I’m really glad that au came off as dark and I’m really glad people seem to enjoy the concept!!! I really should do some art for it someday hahaaa
YES! He has had a lot of his body messed with and replaced and switched; his father basically removed his entire lower half to attach it to an artificial tail to give him a serpentine look, stretched his arms out so they are long and thin, same with his neck, he’s been poisoned with a lot of magic and is a very tired and in pain boyo
I’m so glad to hear it’s enjoyed !!! I sometimes feel bad when I like go off on asks cuz I know I was a lil long winded but I just love making stories and stuff weep and Ruclipse is my VICE (tbh the main reason most of these seem ‘new’ and I don’t talk is 1. idk how to bring us up when I haven’t done art for them 2. most of them are ruclispe centric and I just get iffy spamming too much of them cuz of past experiences with ocxcanon type ships and I know a few folks love the ship but I still worry I'm too much about it but it just brings me happy brain chemicals)
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givemequeen · 4 years
come with me ; john x reader
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request: Rough, hot and heavy 70s john smut // Could you maybe make a full one shot of the John learning you how to mastubade one?? // Older john x younger reader 😳 a/n: fuck im starting to love John more. also i searched at he moved to NY in 1971. first to “to St. Regis Hotel before they transitioned to Greenwich Village and eventually, the Dakota,” but YOLO lets make them live in the Dakota because i feel like it L. that gif tho, got a bit carried away with this one 😳 (SCROLL DOWN FOR CREDITS!) pairing: 70s!john x reader summary: John’s leaving tonight and you’re not seeing him for another week. after a bit of teasing in the balcony that leads to sex you ask John how you will survive without him which leads to him finding out you have never masturbated. warnings: sex!! masturbating (fingering), hand job year: 1971 word count: 1939
You’d met John when you were just starting out as a music photographer in 1969 right before The Beatles broke up. He had gotten your number after you photographed them for a magazine and you two hit it off from there. The two of you had been dating for a little over a year by now and you loved him very much. At first, it had been hard, the pressure of the press was hard dating a Beatle but it was even harder dating a Beatle at your age, you were 19 now but John was 30. You didn’t mind, not at all, but the press called you nasty stuff.
Things like “gold digger” and they insulted you daily. You told John not to get into a fight with the press but he had had enough. When the two of you were invited to the Dick Cavett show John used the time to call out the press and make sure it was known that the two of you loved each other and you weren’t with him for the money. 
Today after midnight, John was to leave for a tour and you would have to join him later since you had a couple of things to take care of before that. You were naked, laying on your shared bed with the balcony door’s wide open. A soft breeze was coming in, lifting the white curtains as they danced around in the wind. The white sheets were covering your bum, you had your legs kicking up and down, hand supporting your head’s weight and eyes trained on John.
Your boyfriend/husband was naked too, a cigarette in his hand. He was leaning against the railing of the balcony. John stamped out the cig once he finished smoking it and turned around to looked at you. He caught you staring but you didn’t bother turning around. Instead, you momentarily raised your eyebrows and so did he. “That’s a nasty habit John,” you told him in a matter-of-fact tone.
“Just one more,” he said as he lit yet another cig. You sighed and shook your head. John turned back around, smoke emerging from both his cigarette and his mouth. You rolled out of bed and pulled the covers with you to protect your body from prying eyes and the unfriendly wind. Lazily you wrapped your arms around John, covering him as well with the cover. You laid your head against his back, naked bodies pressing together.
“You shouldn’t be naked out here Johnny, you don’t know who’s watching,” you warned hugging him tightly.
“Sorry love.” he apologized.
“Give me a puff,” you asked peering from the side of his arm. He laughed and held out his cigarette.
“Isn’t it a nasty habit?” John teased.
“Oh shush, we’ve had worse habits.” you took a long puff and blew out the smoke. A dirty idea popped into your mind, your hand was currently resting on the middle of his stomach, both of the looped together to keep your hands from falling down. Your hand slithered lower until they found his cock, he jumped at your touch.
“What are ya doing?” he asked laughing slightly.
“Hmh? Me? Nothing...” you said as you stroked his length. John chuckled and tried pulling away but a moan stopped him. 
“Fuck,” John grunted moving his hips forward to please himself. The cigarette in his hand was forgotten, his other hand was holding the covers around him to prevent anyone from catching on to what was happening between the two lovers. You continued with your soft, teasing pace. Your fingers going over the tip and spreading his pre-cum all over his cock. Your other hand went to play with his balls making his legs buckle.
“Come on, cum for me baby.” you urged as you sped up. John stiffened and twitched as you pulled away. 
“What the fuck?” he asked turning around and dropping the cover.
“Come inside love and cum inside me,” you said walking backwards, your hand on his chest. John chuckled and closed the space between you. He picked you up, you wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck while his hands went to your bare bum to support your weight. You squealed as he dropped you on the bed and propped yourself up on your elbows as you watched him slip inside of you. A happy sigh left your lips and you fell back down.
John hovered above of you examining your face before he came to a conclusion. “You’re beautiful,” he announced. “And intelligent too.” he added before you could say “don’t compliment my face, compliment my brain”. You smiled and pulled him down for a kiss, he knew you so well.
“Fuck me, Lennon,” you said digging your heels into his lower back.
“All you had to do was ask.” he cockily said pulling out of you and slamming right back in. You moaned loudly, your fingers pulling on his hair. John kept at it, he set a brutally fast pace fucking you. The whole bed was shaking and you were honestly scared it would collapse. 
“Fuck John!” you screamed holding onto him for dear life.
“Ye like that? Huh, babe? Like it when I fuck ye hard? I’m going to fuck ye so hard ye won’t be able to walk for a week.” he grunted going even faster and harder. “Yer so tight love.” you were getting close to your end and his talking only made you cum faster. Your whole body shook as you cummed all over his cock. His movements got sloppier and he was ready to cum.
“Where do yer want me?” he asked.
“Inside, I’m on the pill John.” you chuckled kissing him softly. He smiled and kissed you back. His head fell to your shoulder as he filled you with his cum. Once he was done he slipped out and fell to your side pulling you closely.
“What will I do without you this week?” you asked him as you traced patterns on his chest.
“Masturbate?” John answered as though it was obvious. You blushed deeply and sat up reaching for your clothes. John reached for you, touching your lower back. “What’s wrong love?” he asked scared he had somehow fucked something up.
“I- I just... I’ve never masturbated before...” you admitted rubbing your arm and looking down. John sat immediately and turned to look at you but you were looking the other way. He reached for your cheek and gently redirected your view so you were looking at him.
“Never?” he asked in shock.
“Yeah...” you mumbled quietly.
“Do you want me to teach you?” his hand went from your cheek to your hip. His comment made you blush, forming a cheeky smirk on his face. You didn’t even have control of your body, your head just nodded. He raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Let’s do this.” he stood up and took your hand. “Sit down in front of the mirror.” you eyed him but followed his order.
He sat behind you, your bodies pressed tightly together. John opened your legs and placed his feet in front of yours to keep your legs open. You gulped and looked at John’s face, it was right next to your ear. He kissed your cheek, his mouth hanging open, and turned to you. “Look at yourself love.” you stared at him and did not change your line of sight. “If you want to do this you are going to have to follow my rules,” he warned. You nodded and turned to look at yourself. “Look at all of yourself,” he added. Your eyes fell to the area between your wide opened legs.
“Good girl, now touch yourself.” you placed your fingers there and silently gasped. “Here let me guide you.” his hand travelled from your knees, down your thigh and on top of yours. You shivered at his touch and tried to remain focused. John aligned his fingers with yours and started rubbing your clit. You moaned, your head falling back and John stopped as he tutted. “Look at yourself love, or I stop,” he warned. You gulped and nodded.
“Sorry sir,” you said knowing the effect it had on him and you sure felt it against your lower back. He kissed your neck before continuing with his lesson. 
“There’s time for that later, first I have to teach you, love.” John began rubbing your clit faster. “See, over here is the best spot to start off, just rubbing it.” you nodded and watched his fingers do the work. “You try.” he loosened his grip and let you try out. You rubbed circles the same way he did and moaned slightly. “Next, you have to slip a finger inside.” he lined his fingers once more and slipped a finger of your and his inside of you.
“Fuck John.” you moaned as he pumped the fingers in and out of you.
“You pump them, see? And then you add another.” he pushed two more fingers, one of his and one of yours, inside of you making you gasp loudly. You swore his name and felt yourself tensing. “Now, you explore with your fingers, curling them and moving them.” he demonstrated the technique inside of you. “And when you find the spot...” John had your fingers deep inside of you, he touched the one spot that made your whole body shake. “There it is.” he chuckled. “Now you keep going at it there and rubbing your clit until you cum.”
You nodded showing you understood and maintained your line of sight, your eyes nailed on your entrance. Even though it was blocked more view by two hands you did not want to risk John pulling away. His mouth went to your neck leaving sloppy kisses everywhere until you came with a loud cry of his name. He pulled his hands and yours away once you were done. “Lick,” he said sticking his fingers by your mouth. You looked at him through the mirror and licked your fingers and his clean.
“Fucking shit yn, come with me tonight. Fuck everything else, you’re dating me, no one can touch you,” he said spinning you around. You went on your knees, your arms going around his neck. With a chuckle you reached down to kiss him and moved to straddle him, his hands went to your lower back pulling you close.
“That’s the issue, I want to build a name for myself and be known as more than just John Lennon’s girlfriend/wife,” you said pushing his hair back, your hands falling behind his neck.
“I take it back then but please come with me? I dunno what I’m going to do without you for a whole week. Without your smile, your laugh, your everything.” he complained.
“I’ve got you wrapped around my finger, don’t I?” you teased. “Completely whipped for me,” you added opping the p’s. John blushed and looked down, burying his head between your breasts. 
You felt his boner pressing on your thigh and raised your body so he could slip in. “Fuck, thanks.” John raised his head and gave you his best puppy eyes. You circled your hips and thought about it as you stared out the window into space, you could, after all, push the meetings for when you came back. Plus photographing John Lennon’s first solo tour would be a huge opportunity. 
“If you’re still thinking about work, I’m doing something wrong.” chuckled John pulling your attention back to him.
“Sorry love,” you said as you kissed him. “Fuck it, I’ll go.” you agreed making him cheer. 
i cannot find the original link but it was on @casafrass​ ‘s blog. i did post it on pinterest tho: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/723179652650180739/
tag list;
@thebeatleswritings​  @beatlevmania​  @i-love-queen-3000​  @brians-metaphor26​ @honimello​  @julessworldd​  @storiesfrommirkwood​  @beatles-babee​ @geostarr​ @thiccjelly17​  @crab-king-69​  @in-the-frap-of-the-gods​  @psychosupernatural​ @fiesta-freddie​  
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shima-draws · 4 years
Shima please tell me about your galaxy brain human Lucario AU I wanna know how it all pans out
NDASKMADMLASMKSA OMG ANON I am more than happy to share :'D This got really REALLY long, I hope you enjoy a good read lmao
So we have. Lucario. As a human. Possibly named after an actual Pokemon Lucario, idk. He's still Aaron's apprentice—trains under him at the castle to become an aura user. However, human Lucario is like. 15, making his connection to Aaron that much more powerful bc he's pretty much baby and Aaron's in his mid twenties practically raising this kid by himself. Lucario views Aaron as kind of a father/guardian figure? He's still so uptight at this point tho;; and he views Lady Rin as a mother (which. Is. SOFT). Rin and Aaron might be in love, it's hard for Lucario to tell, he doesn't Romance. He just focuses on his aura training. Pssh.
Fast forward to the time of the Big Pokemon War. Aaron realizes the only way to stop the fighting is to go find Mew at the Tree of Beginning. However he knows that this is a huge sacrifice—and knowing how loyal Lucario is to him, Aaron knows he'll follow him and be subjected to the same fate. And Aaron's like—Lucario is just a kid, you know? He still has so much more to experience and live for. So while it fucking breaks his heart to shatter Lucario's trust in him (for the time being) and totally ruin his father figure status, Aaron "betrays" Lucario and traps him inside the staff. It's some crazy magic aura crystal thing that seals something inside of it, whether it be a Pokemon, human, spirit, or whatever else. At this point it's also for Lucario's safety—bc nothing can really touch him while he's in there, and they're in the middle of a war, so yeah it's just really good timing and planning to protect his kid. However Aaron, being the adorable himbo dumbass he is, kinda forgets that this is an aura crystal, and therefore needs aura to "unseal" it essentially, which would set Lucario free. Unfortunately after Aaron goes to the Tree and gives up his life to stop the war (cue Titanic music) there's not really any other aura user around. They're pretty rare, even way back then;; so Lucario falls into a deep slumber, being sealed, and is kept there for about 1000 years.
And then!! Ash fucking Ketchum enters the picture!!
Lucario is suddenly woken because he senses Aaron's aura nearby. Absolutely pissed at Dad for leaving him behind, Lucario escapes from the staff and goes to attack, but stops when he realizes Dad is actually not Dad, it is adorable 14 year-old boy who has a similar aura to Aaron. Cue a very disgruntled teenager running through the palace, totally out of place and confused. Eventually he's stopped by Lady Ilene, who explains what's going on. Naturally Lucario's heartbroken—not only is his master/dad/guardian dead, but so is his mother figure, and everybody else he'd once known in the castle. Bc Ilene looks so similar to Rin, Lucario takes comfort from her. Ilene does her best to console him and asks if he'll do her a favor. He leaps at the chance to make her happy—apparently he's a sucker for getting good Parent Figures to like him—and agrees to go help Ash and co. find Pikachu at the Tree of Beginning.
Instead of Lucario doing the Naruto run ahead of the group (which like. How the fuck is he so fast...) he actually sits in the car in the passenger's seat with Kidd doing the driving for him, bc hell if a human can run for that long and not be totally wiped out afterward (also he just woke up from a 1000 year nap. Yeahhh. Not gonna happen.) Also baby has no idea what the fuck a car even is so he's a bit nervous around it, and Kidd's like "Um yeah no I'm not letting you drive. Just tell me where to go" so Lucario uses his aura to lead her. Things progress p much the same way, with Lucario getting strangely attached to Ash despite not wanting to, at all, but it's hard because Ash is just Perfect and a Good Boy and pretty much gives Lucario the sort of attention he craves. Eventually tho that all comes to a head when Ash brings up his friendship with Pikachu. Lucario's still bitter about Aaron and honestly can't bring himself to trust any of them—and is pissed at himself for having taken a liking to Ash despite that—so that leads into their giant fight in the first step of their enemies to lovers trope. Ha. Even so, he still gets consoled by Max (and is given CHOCOLATE!! Which is the most fucking heavenly thing he's ever tasted), and witnesses Ash unable to sleep bc of his honest worry for Pikachu. Lucario does some Deep Thinking to himself about his relations to the group.
The next day, the group activates the Time Flower that recorded Aaron's entire abandonment of Lucario. Believe it or not being a young kid in training for a war tends to give you a bit of trauma, so Lucario freaks out a little and starts attacking the hollow projections of the enemy Pokemon. Ash manages to calm him down. Lucario collapses and asks why Aaron had abandoned him. What did he do wrong? Why would Aaron turn against the kingdom? Why did Aaron trap him in the staff? He doesn't know shit and it's frustrating. Ash comes up to him and apologizes, and as soon as the waterworks turn on Lucario's like oh nooo. Oh NOOOO. Here's this boy laying his heart out on his sleeve and is so honest and open and sincere that he can't help but feel awful for how he treated him. Lucario immediately forgives Ash and is like "I will now protect you with my life" bc Ash is baby and Lucario realizes for the first time!! He's made an actual friend with somebody that isn't his dad or the queen! And if he's friends with Ash that means he can be friends with Brock and May and Max and Kidd too. The prospect is EXCITING. He can trust these people now, he knows, because they saw what happened and they believed him about Aaron. They're choosing to side with him over the "kingdom's hero" and that honestly means a lot—it's a huge commitment and Lucario's just. Super grateful that he has a group of people backing him up. Lucario promises himself that he'll reunite Ash and Pikachu, bc if he were given the chance he'd reunite with the people he once held dear too. Ash and Pikachu really care about each other and Lucario admires and respects that a lot and he wants to make Ash happy so!! He's like. It is my personal mission to see that we find Pikachu successfully. And Ash is just like :'D !!! And it's that moment when Lucario realizes that he might like Ash a biiit more than he originally thought he did. Huh.
Literally not even 30 seconds after that revelation Regirock attacks and Lucario almost has a fucking aneurysm because he JUST made friends with these people!! And now they're going to get killed if he's not careful! Story of his life. He immediately shifts into Protect Ash Mode™ and hurries everyone to safety. Things are crazy. Lucario has too much of a burden on his shoulders. He's stressed. But Ash is with him and that makes things a little bit better so he focuses on getting them to where they need to go and protecting them along the way. Big job for such a young kid. Whew!!
Traveling through the Tree of Beginning, weird antibodies keep voring people, and it's not fun. At one point Lucario takes the bullet for Kidd, but is mysteriously released (probably bc of his aura and his connection to Aaron, who gave up his life, which gave energy to the tree and to Mew. So there's a connection there. The tree kinda sees Lucario as one of its own.) Finally, finally! Ash and Pikachu are reunited! Lucario can immediately sense how close they are and how much of a bond they have. Seeing someone with so much history with Ash makes Lucario a bit shy around Pikachu, but it’s cool, they warm up to each other eventually!
Right after this, Ash and the others find out that May, Brock and Max were devoured by the antibodies. Lucario barely has any time to grieve for them before the Regis burst in and essentially trap him as Ash and Kidd are attacked by the cells next. Lucario watches in absolute horror as Ash is swallowed up. It’s like Aaron all over again—and this time it’s worse because Ash hadn’t done anything wrong, and Lucario had really come to trust him and admire him as a person. It’s absolutely fucking heartbreaking. He watches in hollow-eyed despair as Pikachu and Ash’s other Pokemon cry over him. Everything sucks. The world is a nightmare. Lucario almost wishes he’d gotten swallowed too. Why is it always him that’s the last one standing, the only one left, the remainder to deal with the carnage and the loss by himself? Then Mew performs its voodoo magic and lo and behold!! Ash and the others are miraculously revived! Lucario is absolutely overjoyed and relieved. It’s then that he realizes he’d be absolutely devastated if he lost Ash for good—even more so than Aaron. At this point he’s kinda come to terms about Aaron’s death, though it still hurts because there’s so many questions left unanswered.
Of course right after this Mew collapses and everything goes to shit again. Great. (Can he get like five seconds to maybe just breathe?? Idk.) At the center of the Tree of Beginning, Lucario finds Aaron’s gloves and things start to click into place. Maybe...the stories were true? Lucario activates the Time Flower there and realizes what Aaron had done, his noble sacrifice, and why he couldn’t bear to get Lucario involved. Lucario breaks down in tears bc he’s so relieved and yet so unbearably sad. Aaron was like his father. Someone who cared for him so immensely and deeply. Aaron urged Lucario to continue on and live his life to the fullest—that’s what he wanted for him, after all. But at this point Lucario isn’t sure if he can. Mew needs saving, after all.
Lucario decides he’ll follow in Aaron’s footsteps and save Mew, no matter how sad it makes him to have to leave his new friends so early. Ash immediately protests, along with Kidd, and Lucario tells them that it’s a risk he has to take, just like Aaron. Mew and the Tree need his power more than ever now, and he can’t just abandon them. He starts to pour all of his aura into Mew, but it’s not enough. Ash puts on Aaron’s gloves and jumps in, deciding to help out. Lucario is grateful but also very panicked because Ash literally just came back to life—he couldn’t bear losing him a second time, especially since he already lost Aaron. Lucario tries to bump him out of the way but Ash absolutely won’t let him!! If they’re going down they’re going down together. Ash tells him that he can’t watch Lucario take on the burden by himself over and over—that he wants to split the weight and make things even. Cue a very emotional tense moment between two boys about to sacrifice their lives together. Neither of them want the other to die, but they don’t really have a choice. Mew absorbs their power and then…
Lucario wakes up.
And he’s alive. Holy fuck!! (There’s no fucking way I’d kill him nope not happening not this time bitches)
Apparently splitting the burden of giving one’s life energy to another with a second person eases the consequences—leaving both Ash and Lucario alive (which makes him realize that if he’d gone with Aaron all those years ago and split the burden, both of them would have lived. But strangely Lucario wouldn’t trade that opportunity for what he has now.) Ash literally jumps on him and hugs him so tight he nearly dies a second time, but it’s fine. It’s a good way to go.
The tree is safe, and so is Mew. Ash rejoins the others, bringing Lucario with him. They all have a merry little reunion, and then head back to the castle together.
At this point, Ilene thanks Lucario for all he’d done—for Ash and co. and for the tree and Mew. She then sets Lucario free—saying he can do whatever he wishes, he can follow any path in life he wants to now! Suddenly there’s a whole world full of possibilities, and that world is there for him to explore. He can practically hear Aaron encouraging him to take a step into the unknown, journey to his heart’s content, make tons of friends, and master his aura. Except Lucario isn’t really sure he wants to take the trip by himself. He bashfully asks Ash if they’d be alright with him joining them. Ash is absolutely fucking ecstatic, of course. He asks Lucario to teach him how to properly use his aura, and Lucario has a big self revelation moment like “The student has become the master” and it’s magical. So we hit off a brand new adventure with Lucario traveling with Ash, Brock, May, and Max, and teaching Ash how to hone his aura! Which gives us more aura Ash moments, which everybody craves! And it’s kinda gay and lovely!!
And that is my rewrite happy ending for Lucario and the Mystery of Mew thank you goodnight ✌️
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papakhan · 3 years
10, 11, 12, 15, and 34 for whoever!!
10. If they were a dog breed, which one would they be?
I don’t really know enough about dog breeds to answer this so I’ll just give you animal crossing species. Jessup is a chicken, McMurphy is a horse, Regis is a sheep, Papa is a wolf, Sasha is a magpie (I know its not a species in the game I don't care that’s how i think of him), Nix is a kangaroo. 
11. What’s their biggest pet peeve?
Nix doesn’t mind people using her stuff (dyes, pots for the dyes, her horse, ect) but she doesn’t like it when a. they don’t ask (unless it’s an emergency ie the horse. horse emergency. horsmergency) and b. when they don’t put it away right >:(
12. How do they act when they have a crush?
McMurphy shows off a bit, which he doesn’t tend to do at all, but also trips up a bit more. Me and @gardedvoir have a hc going that McMurphy is the eldest Khan who was actually Born a Great Khan (he’s like 36) so he got a lot of skills just kinda poured into him by everyone else. A jack of all trades master of none type deal, though his skills in tracking edge ahead of the rest. Not really sure how you’d show off that one to your crush tho lmao
In contrast to Sasha, McMurphy wants to take whoever it is as far away from his fucked up little family as possible. Taking his crush back to the Khans is a literal last resort unless they’re a Khan already. 
15. How are they like when they cook?
Jessup cries while cutting onions
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34. A random fact?
UHHHH Papa’s tattoos were done by himself or by Nix, Nix’s tattoos were done by herself, Sasha’s tattoos were done by Nix, Papa, and one by Manny Vargas.
Casual Character Asks
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somxus · 4 years
OKAY SO. This is another repost, but also heacanons I have created with my friend a while ago about fan-children for Noctis. Regis is someone that can fit with any couple really. Benjamin and Elizabeth tho is exclusive with Ignis because they were created in a verse where he got with Noctis. This headcanon is opened ended cause I am open to created specific verse children with certain muses. I just never had the chance/opportunity to do so. In any case. Just wanted this posted here so it can be referenced to ~
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Appearance &  Personality
Regis is casual when it comes to his look. His hairstyle is like his father’s when he was a child. As for his clothing, he can be found wearing the same old black pants or jeans. His tops consist of T-shirts most of the time, but sometimes he tries to look more royal by wearing a lot of dress shirts and pants.
Regis is known to be a shy, quite little boy, but he does have an iron will, especially with how much he has gone through and he remains to stand tall. More so when he was younger, Reigs always carried around a stuffed plushie of the star Luma that was passed down from his father. Now, it just stays in the room, but sometimes he still carries it with him. It is obvious that Regis is a huge daddy’s boy, just like Noctis was. Regis can also never, ever lie. Not just to his daddy, but to people in general, he would have too much guilt if he did so.
His background can go two ways. If he gets with a female, his significant other will get pregnant near the time Noctis gets encased in the crystal. So Noctis misses the first ten years of his life. If he gets with a male,(or perhaps a female who can’t conceive) Regis will be a gift from Bahamut, also given to his lover during the time he is in the crystal. Upon Noctis’ death, Bahamut praised him for his worthy sacrifice and all he had done for Eos. So, he offered a gift for him and his loved one, a child. He is made from the light combined with parts of his lover and Noctis intertwined. Noctis overjoyed, held the baby in his arms, knowing it could only be for but a moment. He thanked the Gods and the baby was brought over to his lover. Though he grow up without Noctis, he felt his presence all the time when he was young and spoke with him often and because of his attachment to him, when Noctis comes back to life(AU of course), a few years after his sacrifice, Regis is a real daddy’s boy/really clingy to him.
Appearance &  Personality
Benjamin takes pride in his kempt appearance. He wears vests or dress shirts, to appear proper, same as his Ignis. Big green eyes accompanied with short black hair. Nothing too special about his appearance. The only other feature is his glasses and he has a British accent.
Ben is a total sweetheart and a big chatterbox. He loves sharing his ideas and thoughts with others, talking nonstop is what he is known for, he is unware that he does it a bit, too much. Always showing kindness to others, he gets along with everyone rather well. Though he seems to push a few buttons with his oblivious nature, he is adored by many. He is also quite intelligent and is proficient in many things, such as cooking, just as his Ignis. When he is older he wishes to open his own bakery, and sell his sweets to the whole world. Benjamin is also really sensitive, if someone raises their voice even slightly to him, he gets choked up. He hates to disappoint others and just wishes to spread smiles on people’s faces.
Appearance &  Personality
Elizabeth’s beauty is breathtaking without a doubt. She had a similar presence to that of a Japanese Geisha. Skin was fair, lips red and plump, and her eyes shined like emeralds. Most of the time she worth outfits like Japanese style. Whether it be a kimono or just a simple dress. She loved to accessorize. She also wears glasses and has a British accent as well.
Elizabeth is reserved person much like Ignis. She speaks bluntly of the truth, but never about herself. She is quite intelligent as well and loves to strategize. You could find her reading in her room or sowing. She loves to design. Her biggest passion though is helping people. She dreams of being a doctor, and her solemn vow was to become one so that she could help Noctis.
Elizabeth and Benjamin are fraternal twins and grew up as orphans. Noctis and Ignis adopt them. During the time Noctis is in the crystal, Ignis knows Noctis’ loves for kids and his dream of having a big family, so he adopts these twins at the age of two and raises them along with Regis. Despite not growing up with Noctis, they love him dearly and get attached to him quickly when meeting him when he returns to Eos for a short period. Of course when he is gone Ignis continues to tell stories of Noctis to his children so they never forget him. These kids are specifically for a ignoct verse because these children were created more based on Ignis/for Ignis.
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trashforazriel · 4 years
#ProdigalSon reaction thingy, expect that kind of articulation throughout
I should preface this by saying the sound cut out on Fox Providence at 9:40, came back at 9:55, then switched to live NH election results.  I saw what happened prior, but I have literally no context-- so this should be fun.
*Young Malcolm meeeeeow.  I like his boy meets world hair cut.
*Malcolm, he can and will hurt you.  
*So he did go on vacation where he stayed in his room reading books.  As a person who shuns the sun, I approve.
*Jessica meeting a stranger on her own, OMG, she gives a random chick a blank check after speaking to her for 5 minutes.  She agrees to meet complete strangers at random carousels.  You need help girl.
*I never liked Carousels.  I was convinced my parents would ditch me there like Punky Brewster in a supermarket.
*THAT LOOK, Edrisa, do you, she’s all bite.  Very pretty bite.
*Awe, Malcolm telling Edrisa he missed her too.  So sweet.
*Ainsley cut her hair off, not a conspiracy.  Fact.
*The Carousel killer is so the masked killer from scream.
*Carpet at the DMV, re Ainsley's blazer..Jessica is a delights 
*Jessica did mess up tho Malcolm, she done brought the crazies out.
*Martin sculping a human head is freaking me out.  Ooo tv time.
*Awe, Gil whispering to Malcolm.  He is the best dad/boss ever.
*I didn’t even get excited when Gil paired Dani with Bright...I just knew last week’s Brightwell feast would result in a famine this week.  Probably 4 more episodes if the pattern sticks lol.  I’m just.  I need a life.  Sigh.
*Gil is the criminal whisperer
*Nervous Malcolm, among the hottest Malcolms.
*LOL Martin calling in
*LMAO, Martin’s photo critique.
*Dani/Malcolm look..i’m making such a big gif of that.  That’s what she said.
*His clay creation is so impressive.  If only he focused on art instead of being evil.
*That thumbs up, getting giffed.  I don’t know who I am threatening gifs with.  
*Jessica NO.  Malcolm has so much stress and you being dumb is a big part of that.  She could have taken Gil.  Sexy danger team?  Yes please.
*Dani’s individual curls though.  I could write a poem.  That might be the last time we see her.  I need her to have a centric episode soon.
*Gil protecting Jessica, YES.  So gifs.  thems  threats.
*Oh Gil, you are so wise.  
*When Jessica uses her deep voice I’m shook.
*Craven Muckraker ..what in the actual F.  
*OMG I should have put closed captioning on last night.  Yesterday’s me, so dumb right?
*There’s a picture in your purse.  I hoped beyond hope that was George Costanza in his sexy underwear pic.  It was not.
*Why did they let Jessica leave alone.  Like..come on guys.
*Michael Sheen’s hair is incredible, I just noticed
*I’m no Regis..you are so much more bro.
*Jessica’s ALONE, badass.
*yup. this is all new to me lol.  honestly, much better with sound.
*Conjugal visit joke, Martin no lol
*Too bad Fox said it had a twist ending, I saw this coming even in silence.
*OMG, I know what’s coming and it’s making me anxious.
*Martin is being too helpful.  It’s weird.
*OMFEELS RIGHT NOW.  With Jessica learning he tried to kill Malcolm.  He admits to it.  AHHH.  I missed this?  wtf
*I can’t believe he went through with it.  I’m like..my body temperature is off.  From this stupid stupid stupid dumb show that I love.
*OOoo, this is when I lost picture and sound.  How exciting.
*Malcolm looks so depressed I want to cry.  
*Please Sir, would you kindly yield to the man with the gun.  Maybe they have to ask nicely first.  I like to think he’s just very polite.
*OMG this killer is so whiny I want him to be stunned unconscious.  Awe, Dani reacting when he pushes Malcolm.  Giffing, I mean, duh.
*So, Malcolm is gonna go down for this or?  This drama really takes the wind out of my hopes for happy Brightwell.  
I’m gonna go gif every single Brightwell anything, ta
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